grey a black and white photobook June 2010 #7

grey || a black and white photobook | Issue 7

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grey is an online bimonthly black and white photography magazine. Its purpose lies in presenting portfolios of artists who express themselves through black and white photography. grey is free for anyone to download

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grey a black and white photobook

June 2010 #7

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Σχεδιασμός /Design: Κωνσταντίνος Ανδρώνης [www.c-andronis.gr]

www.greymagazine.gr |[email protected]

Τα πνευματικά δικαιώματα των φωτογραφίων ανήκουν εξ’ ολοκλήρου στους καλλιτέχνες.Απαγορέυεται η αναπαραγωγή των φωτογραφιών που δημοσιεύονται στο grey με οποιοδήποτε μέσο χωρίς την εκ των προτέρων γραπτή συγκατάθεση των κατόχων των δικαιωμάτων πνευματικής ιδιοκτησίας.

All rights lie with the artists. No part of the material published in grey may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording or any other information storage and retrieval system, without prior permission in writing from the artists.


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Το grey, με την έκδοση του τεύχους 7, κλείνει ένα χρόνο ενεργής παρουσίας στα φωτογραφικά

πράγματα. Διαβάζω ξανά την εισαγωγή του δεύτερου τεύχους και νιώθω ότι, μέσα απο αυτά τα 7

τεύχη, τελικά, έχει πετύχει τον σκοπό του: να προωθήσει την οπτική διαλεκτική μεταξύ καλλιτεχνών.

Σε αυτά τα 7 τεύχη, 42 καλλιτέχνες, κυρίως απο την Ευρώπη, μας κατέθεσαν τη δική τους θεώρηση

για τον κόσμο γύρω τους, απο τον κόσμο μέσα τους. Κοινώνησαν το έργο τους θαρραλέα και μας

υπενθύμησαν τον δρόμο που διαλέγει κανείς ξεφεύγοντας αλλά τελικά μη γνωρίζοντας αν είναι

σίγουρο ότι θα τον γυρίσει «πίσω» - ή απλά αν θέλει και ο ίδιος να επιστρέψει. Το βέβαιο είναι ότι τις

ολοκληρωμένες στιγμές θα τις ακολουθησουν και άλλοι.

Το grey μας παραδίδει σε κάθε τεύχος του την προσφορά της “άλλης” πραγματικότητας του

καλλιτέχνη προς όλους.

Εγώ, θα ευχηθώ καλή συνέχεια.

Γιάννης Κόκκινος,


[email protected]

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grey has now reached 7 issues and thus is celebrating its first year of active presence as a photography

magazine. I go back and read the introduction of the second issue again and feel that, after 7 issues,

grey has accomplished its goal: to promote optical dialectic between artists.

In these 7 issues, 42 artists, mainly from Europe, have shared their conception of the world out there

from their world within. They, bravely, communicated their portfolios and reminded us of the path

one takes, leaving everything aside, not knowing whether it is sure this will lead him “back” - or,

simply put, whether he himself wishes to return. What is certain is that these solid moments will be

followed by others, as well.

And here lies the contribution of grey ; in presenting the alternative reality of the artist to everyone


I wish grey all the best for the future.

Giannis Kokkinos


[email protected]

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Ρυθμίστε την οθόνη σας, έτσι ώστε να βλέπετε όλες τις διαβαθμίσεις του γκρι Adjust your screen settings, so that you can see all shades of grey

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DAVID DUNNICO Reality TV: CCTV Photographed by David Dunnico


BARTOSZ KOZAK Waiting for you



GYULA SOPRONYITurkish Bath Party. Cinetrip

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When no one was looking, Britain became the most watched country on Earth. There are over 4 million closed circuit television cameras in the United Kingdom, one for every 14 people. Cameras are everywhere – on the street, in shops, banks, schools, and homes – they are being driven about in vans and even stuck on traffic wardens’ hats.

My recording this aspect of the so-called ‘surveillance state’ coincided with the 60th anniversary of George Orwell’s book ‘1984’ and was done against a backdrop of paranoia, where the police identified photographers as would-be terrorists and the public saw them as may-be paedophiles.The result is a timely polemic in which I have tried to mix graphic images with humor and ridicule. I reached the surprising conclusion that Big Brother probably isn’t watching you, but your supermarket definitely is.

There is a web site to go with this project at: www.ddcc.tv where you can see videos and download a magazine giving background to the subject.

There will be an exhibition alongside a new theatre production of George Orwell’s 1984.

24 Feb to 27 March 2010 - Royal Exchange Theatre, St Ann’s Square, Manchester, United Kingdom

Reality TV: CCTV Photographed by David Dunnico


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fig: 1 [58°28’52”N 2°14’89”W] 2005 14:07:00 Manchester City Council camera and a hoarding advertising the mobile phone network ‘3”. The photograph that began my interest in CCTV and lead to a series about advertising photography.

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fig: 08 [53°29’50”N 2°14’15”W] 05/07/2008 14:07:00 Abandoned cctv cameras in a garage in Cheetham Hill, Manchester. Do the cages protect the cameras from us, or us from the cameras? This image was used by Olympus in a magazine advertisement.

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fig: 04 [53°28’39”N 2°14’40”W] 09/03/2007 14:11:00 Flags and Manchester Council operated camera, Manchester City Centre. Taken when the government was trying to start a public debate about ‘Britishness’. CCTV seemed as much a symbol of modern Britain as any other.

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fig: 03 [53°28’39”N 2°14’40”W] 26/04/2007 12:32:00 Camera operated by Metrolink (tram) company overlooked by a Manchester City Council camera, shows the proliferation of CCTV in the modern city.

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fig 20 [53°28’56”N 2°14’01”W] 28/02/2007 11:36:00 Image taken from the screen. Domestic security camera that can cover a 360° angle of view in a shop that sells the equipment.The photographer can be seen at the top of the screen.

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fig: 11 [53°28’52”N 2°14’08”W] 09/05/2008 14:24:00 Camera operated by Metrolink (tram) company. The power lines for Manchester’s tram system suggested networks to me. There are calls to link CCTV systems together to maximise surveillance.

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fig: 14 [53°28’38”N 2°14’15”W] 26/05/2008 11:49:00 Bunting, council and private camera. Taken in Manchester’s gay village on a bank holiday. The camera on the right hand wall watches a club entrance.

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fig: 15 [53°27’55”N 2°37’16”W] 28/07/2008 10:14:00 Highways Agency Northwest Regional Control Centre. This is where the cameras on the motorways in the North West are controlled from.

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fig: 17 [53°30’1”N 2°13’37”W] 08/08/2008 13:30:00 Metrolink (tram) CCTV control centre. A lot of the CCTV cameras I photographed were controlled from this room.

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fig: 24 [51°31”N 0°08’07”W] 17/10/2008 12:03:00 Banksy mural in London shows protests against survellance

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Η φωτογραφία πάντα ερωτοτροπούσε με τα μικρά και ασήμαντα, καθιστώντας τα μεγάλα και σημαντικά. Σε αυτή την φωτογραφική σειρά λειτουργώ σαν αρχαιολόγος που βρίσκει σπαράγματα ενός άλλου κόσμου και ξεκινά την ανασκαφή του. Το ελάχιστο γίνεται πρωταγωνιστής γίνεται άξιο να φωτογραφηθεί. Αναζητώ τα πράγματα εκείνα που συχνά το βλέμμα προσπερνά για να τους δώσω την πρέπουσα σημασία. Τα πάντα έχουν υπόσταση.

Photography has always been in interaction with the small and unimportant things. In this photographic series I work as an archaeologist who finds fragments of another world and gives them structure and meaning. Small things become notably and worthy to be photographed. I try to find those things that we usually pass over and give them the meaning that they own.

Σημειώσεις περιθωρίουMarginalia

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Καρφί / Nail

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Φωτογραφία /Photograph

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Kρεμαστάρι /Hanger

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Τοίχος και εικόνα /Wall and image

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Ρωγμή /Rift

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Βήματα/ Steps

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Πρωταγωνιστής / Protagonist

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Γραμμή και πουλί / Line and bird

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Kέντρο / Center

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Κόσμος / Cosmos

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Te fotografie... wykonałem podczas bardzo dziwnego momentu w moim życiu. Podczas emocjonalnego deszczu. Podczas najmocniejszego ataku mojej choroby. Wykonywałem je by móc zapomnieć o własnych emocjach, które były wtedy tak silne, że nie pozwalały mi oddychać. Tak mocne że chciałem by słońce przestało już świecić. Czekałem aż wrócę sam do siebie. Aż będę w stanie zrozumieć. Aż będę w stanie na nowo kochać ...

Wszystkie zdjęcia wykonane na filmie czarno białym, ręcznie wywołane i dobite w ciemni.

This photographs... I’ve made them in the very weird moment of my life. During emotional rain. During my most powerful attack of the disease. I’ve made them to be able to forget about my own emotions, which were then so strong that they did not let me breathe. So strong that I wanted the sun to stop shining. I’ve been waiting until I come back to myself. Until I can understand. Until I will be able to love again ...

All of those photos were made on black and white film, which I developed myself and I printed all of them in darkroom.

Czekajac na CiebieWaiting for you

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Αυθόρμητα πρόσωπα, συναισθήματα, εντυπώσεις και εκφράσεις παιδιών σε μια παιδική χαρά.


Spontaneous faces, feelings, impressions & expressions of children in a playground.


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Prezentowane fotografie są subiektywnym spojrzeniem na moje rodzinne miasto Kraków. Widok „miasta odpoczywającego” - w którym człowiek poszukuje tego jedynego, spokojnego miejsca dla siebie - wydaje się tylko pozornie nudny. W odpoczynku tym próbuję doszukać się nietypowych gestów, absurdów oraz anegdoty.

The photographs are my subjective look at Kraków, my home town. The view of the “City at Rest”, where people seek for that one, quiet place just for themeselves, is only seemingly boring. In this resting I try to find unusual gestures, absurdities, and anecdotes.


Miasto OdpoczywaCity at Rest

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Budapest is capital of Hungary. It’s a taking place in a bath from Turkish-ages, call Rudas- thermal bath, and the name of event is Cinetrip. The most important feature of this happening is the following: young people occupy historical territories for themselves, lots of dj-s mix transcendent-music during the night, while the mass is dancing in swimming dresses, under colourful, lightened arches. Those who get slow in the stream are fascinated by Turkish music and dancers. Taking photos of faces and figures getting long in lights of Cinetrip - which is mentioned as a hungaricum in party culture nowadays - a special, local subculture, an underground community gathering together strictly for one night. The twilight ashes together all externals - conquering, and making similar to his face the space remaining from past.

Egy törökkori fürdőben, a Rudasban rendezett partisorozat, az úgynevezett Cinetrip. Az összejöveteleken történelmi környezetet foglalnak el maguknak a fiatalok, a részben termálvizes medencékben zajló fürdőruhás szeánszhoz egész éjjel dj-k keverik a transzba ejtő ritmust, a boltíveken vetített színkavalkád, a gőzben lelassuló fürdőzőket török zenére tekergő, lefátyolozott hastáncosok varázsolják el. A Cinetrip arcait, fényekben megnyúló figuráit fényképezve a szemem láttára rajzolódott ki egy sajátos szubkultúra, a szigorúan egy-egy éjszakára összeálló underground közösség. Ahol a félhomály összemossa a külsőségeket – a múltból ránk maradt teret pedig meghódítja, belakja, és ezzel mintegy saját képére formálja a jelen.

GYULA SOPRONYITurkish bath party. Cinetrip

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David [email protected]

Stelios Kallinikou [email protected]://stelioskallinikou.blogspot.com/ http://www.wix.com/stelioskallinikou/sigma-kappa 00306992211923 0035799824520

Bartosz Kozak [email protected] sztukahermetyczna.blogspot.com

Anastasia Papadouliwww.facebook.com/anastasia.papadouliwww.myspace.com/[email protected]

Pawel [email protected] www.repetowski.art.pl

Gyula [email protected]

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grey is an online bimonthly black and white photography magazine. Its purpose lies in presenting portfolios of artists who express themselves through black and white photography. grey is free for anyone to download.


Consider donating to grey through PayPal