Autumn 2012 • builds skills and improves job prospects. • harnesses a positive change in community pride. • motivates and develops our young people. • promotes greener and more sustainable ways of living. • leads the field in community landscape design. Bolton and Bury We aim to create real change. That means carrying out work locally that; HELPING YOUNG PEOPLE GET INVOLVED The Youth Contract was launched in August and Groundwork is at the heart of the delivery. Aimed at 16 and 17 year olds who have not achieved a level C in their GCSEs, the programme gets young people involved in projects and activities that will increase their potential to get into work or further education. Each young person will be given bespoke provision through identifying their interests and capabilities and matching those to the providers who can help them to reach their goals. Since the launch Groundwork has been working hard to strengthen existing partnerships with Bury and Bolton Councils, Connexions, and Job Centre Plus and to develop new ones with the likes of Barnardos, Bolton Lads and Girls Club, and Rathbone. This is vital because everyone agrees that all organisations working with our young people have a role to play to make sure there are no gaps in the provision of services.

Groundwork Newsletter Autumn 2012

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Autumn 2012

• builds skills and improves job prospects.• harnesses a positive change in community pride.• motivates and develops our young people.

• promotes greener and more sustainable ways of living.• leads the field in community landscape design.

Bolton and BuryWe aim to create real change. That means carrying out work locally that;

Helping youngpeople get involvedThe Youth Contract was launched in August and Groundwork is at the heart of the delivery. Aimed at 16 and 17 year olds who have not achieved a level C in their GCSEs, the programme gets young people involved in projects and activities that will increase their potential to get into work or further education.

Each young person will be given bespoke provision through identifying their interests and capabilities and matching those to the providers who can help them to reach their goals.

Since the launch Groundwork has been working hard to strengthen existing partnerships with Bury and Bolton Councils, Connexions, and Job Centre Plus and to develop new ones with the likes of Barnardos, Bolton Lads and Girls Club, and Rathbone. This is vital because everyone agrees that all organisations working with our young people have a role to play to make sure there are no gaps in the provision of services.

Celebrating suCCessSince Groundwork’s launch of the Prince’s Trust Team programme we have had a number of final presentations where we celebrate the success of the young people who have completed the course.

The young people have taken part in a 5 day outdoor residential in Wales to encourage teamwork. This prepares them to carry out a Community Project giving them the opportunity to use their teamwork skills prior to completing a two week work placement. For many young people this is their first real experience of work. They follow this up by improving their employability skills, developing a CV and taking part in mock interviews. Their Team Challengethen requires that they fundraise to help fund activities with another group of people within their community.

The programme concludes with the final presentation which gives the young people the opportunity to share their experience on the course. The powerful impact of the personal statements on the audience strengthens the driveand enthusiasm of the team leaders to deliver this highly intensive team programme to as many young people in the borough as possible, changing their lives as they start to believe in themselves and their future.

Why not join us at one of our final presentations? Please contact Marium at Groundwork, on 0161 724 3770, forfurther information.

suCCess storyAiden Farrell joined Groundwork Prince’s Trust Team 3 in May 2012. Aiden would be the first to admit that his confidence and self-belief were at an all-time low due to a medical condition which forced him to leave a job he really enjoyed in a high street bank, where he was going through training and felt he was progressing well.

Aiden was quite shy at first but he soon became a proactive member of the team adding value to discussions and participating in all activities offered.

Aiden did have a few setbacks due to his condition, but his determination to complete the course was a credit to him and his personal development, enabling him to regain his confidence and belief in himself. Aiden admits it was a challenging time on the programme and this has made him rethink his future. Aiden aims to go back to college to study business and hopes to get a job back in a high street bank in the future.

Aiden Farrell Groundwork Prince’s Trust Team 3

team CommentsConner Seddon: “My work placement allowed me to try bricklaying and pointing and feel part of a team while working”. Bolton Team 5

Daniel Ellis: “I used to stand back and not get involved in anything, but now I have done the Prince’s Trust I push myself forward and feel far more confident in my own abilities”. Bolton Team 5

Kieran Elliott: “Before I did the Team programme I used to stay in bed most of the day now I get up early and have more routine to my day”. Bolton Team 5

Ben Wood: “When I started Team I thought at least it is something to do, now we have finished I really miss it because it was a fantastic experience and I have made new friends who all support each other”. Bolton Team 5

Vicky More: “When I started the Team I was really bitchy and didn’t really care what people thought but now I know I have changed and have become far more caring and supportive about others”. Bury Team 4

Ian Johnson: “I was given the opportunity to do my work placement at the residential we went to in Wales. Dave Orange the owner was really supportive and gave me a good reference and now I feel I will be able to use this experience to help me find a full time job”. Bury Team 7

new year brings new opportunities for young people Our next phase of Prince’s Trust Teams across Bury and Bolton funded by Bolton and Hopwood Hall Colleges will commence in January 2013.

The Prince’s Trust Team Programme is a 12-week personal development course for 16-25 year olds. It is designed to give young people the opportunities to develop confidence, motivation, communication and life skills by getting them to work as a team and complete projects in the local community.

Main Programme Content: •Spendaweekawayataresidentialactivitycentre (free)•Undertakeaprojectbasedintheirlocalcommunity•Completea2weekWorkPlacement•ParticipateinaTeamChallenge,involvingcaringfor others•Stageafinalpresentationtoaninvitedaudienceof family,friend’sandlocaldignitaries.

TeamStartJanuary2013 Location14th January Bolton14th January Bolton21st January Bolton21st January Bury28th January Bury

partnersHip witH bolton College Continues to develop Recent months have seen collaborative working between Groundwork and Bolton College continue to develop. Following the initial two programmes the college have confirmed their support to continue running Prince’s Trust programmes into the new academic year.

An additional programme currently under discussion is an accredited horticulture programme for young people not in education, employment or training. It is hoped, subject to further discussions, this programme could commence in the current or following academic year.

A more recent development involves a possible joint funding bid for developing a site in Bolton for land based education programmes and possibly a wider agenda involving links to alternative energy, recycling and a wide range of traditional skills.

Sharon Marriot Director of Learning and Higher Education said, “Through our partnership with Groundwork we are developing innovative and exciting new curricula offering new ways to learn”.

going for gold The Streets of Community Spirit (SOCS) Project working within eight streets across Bury and funded by the Big Lottery, got into the Olympic Spirit and delivered a series of Mini-Olympics across Bury during the summer months.

Families across the Borough joined in relay races, football, rounders and a grand finale of ‘tug of war’.

Bury Sports Development Team set up the games and Bloco Ashê Bury Samba Band performed and then offered workshops for the children to join in.

Mrs Diamanti, who brought her children to the games said, “The kids absolutely enjoyed themselves. The combination of music and sport is brilliant. Thanks”.

The SOCS team plans to keep the theme going and will be delivering afternoon ‘fun and games’ sessions in community spaces across the eight streets in which they are working.

If you would like to know more about the SOCS project, please contact Deborah,KatyorRachael on0161 724 3770 or follow us on Twitter or Facebook.

tHe tool library Clubis open for businessSix Town Housing recently teamed up with Groundwork to provide a Tool Library service to their tenants, loaning out gardening equipment free of charge, for residents to maintain their gardens.

Groundwork has recruited and trained a team of volunteers to deliver this service. Providing the volunteers with detailed schedules, the volunteers load up the Groundwork van with the tools, drive to the correct locations, and deliver the tools to the clients. The volunteering team are doing a fantastic job providing a much-needed service to people who don’t have their own tools.

The team deliver the tools twice weekly to Six Town Housing residents across the borough. The most popular items have been shears to tackle long grass and hedges, lawnmowers, and rakes.

If you are a Six Town Housing resident and interested in borrowing some tools please contact JulieThornton on 01617243771.

growing into HortiCulture?Many young people who did not get their qualifications at school are looking for different ways of improving their employment opportunities.

At Groundwork we can offer a range of accredited qualifications that can help, and we are now looking at adding a specialist course in horticulture to the options. Bolton College are one of our partners who are interested in working with us to develop a course that looks at the practical horticultural skills that young people need to enter a career in gardening or landscaping.

The great thing about a Groundwork horticultural course is that the work done by the students is part of our community delivery so they are improving community open spaces while getting their qualifications.

Alex shows a Six Town Housing resident in Bury how to use the tools.

Volunteer driver Tony and volunteer ‘driver’s mate’ Alex prepare to deliver tools.

now you’re talkingThe Streets of Community Spirit (SOCS) Project successfully ran a number of ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) at local Children’s Centres in Bury.

Community members living in Bury, but originating from far and wide, were invited to take part in the sessions to learn basic oral and written skills.

The relaxed, intimate settings were able to give a forum to those people who perhaps lacked in confidence or did not have the opportunity to practice their English often.

If you would like to know more about the SOCS project, please contact Deborah, Rachael or Katy on 0161 724 3770 or follow us on Twitter or Facebook.

new partnersHipfor boltonGroundwork and the University of Bolton have signed up to work together for the benefit of Bolton residents.

In a Memorandum of Understanding drawn up by both organisations a number of commitments means that both organisations will support each other to benefit academic and environmental improvements across the town.

This new partnership with the University has a common goal to share knowledge and collaborate on Regeneration and Sustainable Communities research and provision. It will link people in communities with learning opportunities delivered here in Bolton and Groundwork will share its environmental expertise and knowledge with the university staff and students.

Tony Taylor Executive Director for Groundwork said: “This is a unique arrangement where we hope to integrate academic achievement with regeneration improvements here in Bolton, we see the talents of both organisations combining to create some innovative projects across the town and the partnership will help us to bring into Bolton much needed external funding. We are delighted to be working with the University and its professional staff”.

Dr Margaret Nelson, Reader in the Built Environment at the University, said: “Joining forces in partnership means finding common areas of interest, sharing intelligence and developing innovations for Bolton residents including our students. Through this collaboration we will build on each other’s strength to support each other’s efforts for the wider benefit of regeneration and sustainable communities – we look forward to a long and fruitful relationship with the Groundwork Trust”.

The University’s Pro Vice Chancellor, Professor Rob Campbell, added: “The University of Bolton is delighted to have the opportunity to work in partnership with Groundwork to what, I am sure, will be our mutual benefit in difficult and uncertain times”.

groundwork enCourages loCal Community to ‘don tHeir sports soCs’The Streets of Community Spirit (SOCS) Project is successfully running a series of ad-hoc sports days delivered in local community spaces throughout the summer months.

Parents and children have been invited to don their sports socks and enjoy the free fun and games, which the team has delivered at varied times during the day.

The events have been well attended with parents and children asking for more.

Local mum of four commented, “I love that someone is actually doing something. I definitely think we need to do more in the community, even in the winter”.

The SOCS team will continue to build on their success by delivering further community activities over the course of the project.

If you would like to know more about the SOCS project, please contact Deborah,RachaelorKaty on0161 724 3770 or follow us on Twitter or Facebook.

busy year aHead for streets of Community spiritThe Streets of Community Spirit (SOCS) Team has been working within eight street clusters across Bury. The team has been actively engaging with residents and other organisations and agencies to deliver a series of activities and events and plans a further programme to engage local communities.

Some of the activities planned for the coming months are: •BasicFirstAidsessionsforyear5and6inlocal primaryschools•AccreditedPaediatricFirstAidforyoungmums•ITtrainingtoinclude:BasicITSkillsandshopping safelyontheinternet•CommunityGardeningProjectsforfamilies•CommunityActionProjects(engaginglocal volunteers)i.e.Paintingovergraffiti,installationof playboardsinlocalparks•Communityclean-ups(engaginglocalvolunteers)to includelitterpicksandskips•Intergenerationalworkwithschoolsandtheolder community•FreeFamilyFunactivitiesinlocalcommunityopen spaces•VisitstoOffshootsandalocalfarm

If you would like to know more about the SOCS project, please contact Deborah,RachaelorKaty on0161 724 3770 or follow us on Twitter or Facebook.

putting volunteering at tHe Heart of groundworkThis year has seen our volunteering programme expand and develop in new ways. Groundwork has supported volunteers to work independently, carry-out their own fundraising activities, and form their own community groups.

Most significantly our established gardening group, with our support and the help of B3SDA, became a constituted group called Allotments Are Us. The group have developed an allotment site at St Peter’s Church, Bury, and have grown and harvested crops of fruit and vegetables. They are selling the produce and proceeds are helping sustain other community projects at Groundwork.

We have encouraged our volunteers to organise fundraising activities to support their projects. On a busy Saturday morning they held a successful tombola and produce sale inside Barclays on The Rock, Bury. This was a great opportunity to promote our work as well as raise funds.

Groundwork would like to thank all of our volunteers for their excellent work.

Groundwork volunteers hold a Tombola on The Rock.

Groundwork volunteer Patrick presents a certificate of thanks to the Horwich Children’s Centre to acknowledge their support.

a first for first aidThe Streets of Community Spirit (SOCS) Team has been delivering Basic First Aid sessions to children in primary schools across the Borough. 9 to 11 year olds have learned how to make an emergency call, put a casualty in the recovery position and administer CPR.

First Aid Trainer and SOCS Senior Project Manager said, “The children were a pleasure to work with, very enthusiastic to learn and showed confidence when performing their new skills”.

Further schools have signed up for the SOCS team to deliver Basic First Aid sessions within the coming year.

The SOCS team has also delivered a number of accredited Paediatric First Aid sessions to parents in the Borough, the feedback from parents has been very positive and further sessions have been booked for the coming months.

If you would like to know more about the SOCS project, please contact Deborah,RachaelorKaty on 0161 724 3770 or follow us on Twitter or Facebook.

Clean sweep foryoung volunteersVolunteers aged 9-13 willingly gave their time to help clean up litter at Victoria Park, Whitefield.

The SOCS team were taken by surprise when the youths, who were taking part in free fun activities, asked if they could do a litter-pick on the park. Using specially designed litter-picks, they set to work on clearing the park of unsightly rubbish.

SOCS team member Rachael Bamaber said, “Katy and I were quite surprised when we were asked if the group could do a litter pick, we were very pleased to oblige!”

A big ‘thumbs-up’ from the SOCS team!

If you would like to know more about the SOCS project, please contact Deborah,RachaelorKatyon 0161 724 3770 or follow us on Twitter

or Facebook.

businesses save money witH groundwork’s gbaThe Groundwork Business Association (GBA) provides Safety, Health and Environmental business support. This annual membership scheme provides companies with a basic level of support, including: an initial SHE review and prioritised action plan; a dedicated account manager; monthly newsletters; a confidential helpdesk; member seminars and substantial discounts off our other services and training.

Case study 1Axiom Displays Ltd located in Failsworth, joined the Groundwork Business Association in 2007, and the company has fully utilised the member benefits since then.

The impact and benefits of GBA membership for Axiom can be felt throughout the organisation. Substantial savings have been made on over 45 course bookings. Cost savings of around £50k per annum have been achieved through improving energy efficiency. Staff feel more enaged through the training and events provided by Groundwork. The organisation also has a greater understanding of health and safety, tender writing and corporate social responsibility.

“As a company we have really benefitted from the discounted training available through the GBA – the training has always been first class, and we more than make the membership fee back through the discounted prices. I have also found the seminars really useful – a great selection of topics, and it has been really beneficial sharing experiences with other companies.

As a result of the continued support provided by Groundwork, Axiom Displays Ltd reached the finals of the Oldham Business Awards 2012.

All in all, GBA membership is fantastic value for money.” Phil Barton, Works Manager.

Case study 2As an SME manufacturer located in Radcliffe, BEP Surface Technologies received free support from Environmental Business Advisors at Groundwork, to reduce costs and improve its environmental performance. The free support was provided through the regional ENWORKS programme which helps companies to become more profitable by using resources such as energy, water and materials more efficiently.

Following a review of the BEP’s energy bills and an audit of the company’s operations, the Advisors made a list of recommendations and provided a detailed report that included a breakdown of the investment needed with the likely payback time.

BEP Surface Technologies has so far achieved annual savings of £21,600, which are now accruing year-on-year, with £72,300 saved to date. With the assistance from Groundwork, BEP has also achieved:


David Fox, Environmental Manager at BEP, added: “The support we have received from Groundwork has been very beneficial to our organisation. We would be very happy to recommend Groundwork and their services to other companies.”

For more information on Groundwork’s full range of Business Services or to book a free Resource Efficiency Review please contact ClaireIgoe on 0161 624 1444 [email protected]

towpatH repairs smootH tHe wayThe walk from Radcliffe town centre along the canal towpath towards Little Lever is very popular with local people (and Groundwork staff) so a project to improve the quality of the path is of particular interest.

The Canal and River Trust, formerly British Waterways, are planning the works and have asked Groundwork to help deliver the programme. While some of the work will require specialist teams, there are sections where young people can come into the programme to learn skills and gain employment experience working alongside them.

This is not the first time Groundwork has worked on the canals, our Green Team worked extensively around Prestolee Locks area, but it is the first time we have been asked to be part of a restoration programme on this scale.

Cleaner and greener tHanks to marks and spenCerOver the last year Groundwork has delivered a variety of projects and held a number of events under the Marks and Spencer Living Spaces banner.

These have included working with Lancashire Wildlife Trust to encourage local residents to use ‘Our Back Field’ in Bolton, setting up a blog and twitter account encouraging people to use their local green space and updating on the projects that we have worked on.

We have also been working with some young people from Streetwise 2000 to make the garden at the New Kershaw centre, Deal Street, Bury, a useable area for the community. When the project started the garden hadn’t been touched for over 12 years so everything had to be cleared before the group could start to plan the new garden. The results of the all the hard work are clear to see and the young people are really pleased with the outcome.

pooling tHe benefitsof gardeningGroundwork is working with Six Town Housing to plan a programme of activities for young people who are not in education, employment or training. The aim is to engage the young people on a gardening project which will support the elderly and vulnerable by maintaining their gardens.

Six Town Housing are keen to provide opportunities for young people who live in their housing, and this project is one that gives benefits to tenants and participants in equal measure. Groundwork is experienced in running supported gardening projects and in delivering youth projects, combining the two is an interesting new initiative. All the work will be supervised by Groundwork staff, and there will be time built in for the participants to complete a relevant qualification.

Groundwork hopes that, subject to agreement with Six Town Housing, to begin delivery in the Autumn.

For further information on Groundwork please do not hesitate to contact us at:

Groundwork48 Blackburn Street,Radcliffe, M26 1NQ

Tel: 0161 724 3770 Fax: 0161 724 1703

Email: [email protected]: www.groundwork.org.uk/bury


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groundwork trustees:Dennis Taylor MBE Chair – Groundwork UK Geoff Higginbottom Vice Chair – Groundwork UKCllr Peter Bury Bury CouncilCllr Joanne Columbine Bury CouncilCllr Elaine Sherrington Bolton CouncilCllr Paul Wild Bolton CouncilLesley Jones Bolton NHSStefan Taylor Bury NHSGordon Whitaker Environment AgencyElaine Shirt Bury CommunityMirza Hamie Bury CommunityIan Whittaker Bury CommunityAlan Brown Bolton CommunityEmma Sewell Bolton Community

are you looking for loCal ConferenCe / meeting room faCilities?

Hello & goodbyeMick is leaving us – but it’s not goodbye! Long standing member of the Groundwork Team Mick Mann has left his role as Senior Environmental Business Advisor to work as a self-employed trainer. He will however continue to offer training through Groundwork in Health, Safety and Environmental subjects and 1st Aid.

Mick first joined Groundwork in 1999 and has worked in the Bury and Bolton area ever since with a short break to work with a training organisation in the oil and gas industry.“It has been a privilege to meet and work with so many people in the businesses and organisations that Groundwork works with. Many clients have become friends and I would like to thank them for their support and for the opportunity to be part of their activities. I would like to think that we can keep in touch and I will watch activities in the area with great interest. I have seen members of the GBA grow, develop new products and win awards. I am constantly amazed by the skill and expertise of our members and prod to have been part of their success. My very best wishes to all of you!”

We wish Mick all the very best in the future.