GroupDiscussion PreRequisite

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  • 8/13/2019 GroupDiscussion PreRequisite


    Institute of Technology Banaras Hindu UniversityDepartment of Chemical Engineering

    Group Discussion pre-requisite material for Batch of Chemical 09

    What is the AIM/OBJECTIVE of a group discussion?

    GROUP DISCUSSION is basically an exercise that helps the company people to observeand form an opinion about a number of candidates in a short period of time.GROUP DISCUSSIONS in job interviews are a method of evaluation to assess the

    personality of the candidate and determine his suitability to enter the company. It alsogives the panel an instance to assess the candidates on traits like leadership, analytical,problem solving and oral communication skill. (Important to note: communication skill does not only mean good English, But rathermeans good expression of your opinion)

    Thus while the GROUP DISCUSSION is going on, the organizer watches each studenton the basis of several criteria like content, style, behavior etc . The company takes keeninterest in your participation and evaluates you on the basis of your performance.

    What is required from YOU?

    1. In depth Knowledge: Newspaper padho! Newspapers allow you to be well versedand prepared to discuss any given topic.

    2. Logical Thinking: Seedhi baat no bakwaas! A balanced outlook is what is actually

    expected out of a candidate. A thorough knowledge of the topic and the logicalexposition of the argument is the essentiality.

    3. Team Spirit: Maintaining a cordial relationship with the other members of the group,diplomatic outlook and charismatic personality are of utmost importance.

    What do companies LOOK OUT for?

    1. Assertiveness (Communicating strongly and confidently)2. Logical relevance3. Communication skill

    4. Quality of thought5. Positive attitude6. Problem solving capability7. Meaningful contribution

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    What are the different types of Group Discussion topics?

    1. Controversial GROUP DISCUSSION: The topic would be controversial and willforce the participants to defend his views.


    Abstract GROUP DISCUSSION topic: Make you think laterally and come upwith an original outlook.3. Case study: A problem is written out, where one has to find a solution and justify

    the taken stand.

    How do you analyze a topic/case study?

    An analytical mode of thinking and examining the pros and cons is important.

    Analytical Process:

    1. Samajh samajh kar padho! Read again and again till you understandEXACTLY what is being talked about.

    2. Definition : Defining the key terms of the topic is important.3. Classification : Further sub- division of the topic for better analysis of the topic.4. Examples : Give instances to support your arguments.5. Compare and Contrast with other similar situations.6. Reason and Result : One can analyze the basis of its cause and effect.7. Process Analysis: A structural analysis of the series of actions that inherent in the

    problem and present a solution.

    How do you start a GROUP DISCUSSION?

    Your initiative to open a discussion can go a long way in making an impact and boostingyour confidence levels. But it is a tricky situation. If you've thoroughly analyzed thesubject and are well-versed with it, only then should you begin to speak. Himmat hai tabhi chaalu karo, Faaltu ki bhokaali mat maro! It will also be appreciable if one tries tointerject during the discussion. This only goes to show how involved and knowledgeableyou are about the subject being discussed. But when interjecting it is advisable to look fortrough interject after a person has made his point by saying "I agree". Increase yourvolume and use aggressive body language.

    Interjecting: to say something while another person is speaking; to interrupt

  • 8/13/2019 GroupDiscussion PreRequisite


    How can you contribute positively?

    How you can go about making a significant contribution to the discussion and therebyattaining mutual understanding / unanimity?

    Your performance in the GROUP DISCUSSION is NOT ONLY gauged by the amountof information and knowledge you contribute as an individual.-Your clarity of thought can be seen in your clarity of speech.-So speak audibly and clearly.-Attract supporters by the power of listening and agreement leading to a consensus.-Try and make a summary of the whole. Give everyone their due.

    -Be assertive, not aggressive . Handling aggressive participants (chulla karne waalelog :P) is a trick of the trade . It not only portrays your inner calm and leadershipqualities but also your mental alertness and problem solving capability.

    Bhaad main jaane do saale ko! You could ignore the person and think henever existed. But its not as easy as it seems. A big bully won't budgefrom his stand.

    Pakkad kar pel do! (Par koi fayda nahi :/) Next option would be 'tit for tat'.You in turn be aggressive with him. But as time never stops, it could leadto wastage of precious time and resulting in a fish market scenario.

    A better strategy would be to shift the discussion from the aggressive person. This could be done by avoiding eye contact with him and sidelining him. Also other participants could be encouraged to speak out what

    they have to say.

    Sense and Sensibility can be made use of to make the discussion more enriching.

    Lay out the structure which facilitates a smooth discussion By your analysis, throw more light on the issue. Introduce new points, add in examples, statistics and other relevant information End by the summary of the whole discussion.

    Dhyaan se suno! Power of listening

    1. Prevents you from repeating something already said.2. Open up new areas of thought and views which you haven't thought of3. And if you haven't understood the topic, it'll help you get a grasp of it.

  • 8/13/2019 GroupDiscussion PreRequisite


    How do you summarise a GROUP DISCUSSION?

    Most of the times, the company waale do not give time for summaries. But if they domention that there is little time for summarising the discussion held; take the step toinclude it. But keep one thing in mind, never reach a consensus in your summary if it

    hadn't been reached before . Just make a brief sketch about what everyone includingyou has said. It is just a gist of what was discussed during the GROUP DISCUSSION.

    Importance of Body Language in a GROUP DISCUSSION ?

    Chill Maaaro! If you're nervous it's bound to show in your body language. Sokeep calm and concentrate on the topic.

    Don't fidget, or show your irritation and move about a lot. Sit in a comfortable posture and listen carefully.

    Ankhon main ankhen daal kar! :P Always make eye-contact with the other

    participants while speaking and while listening to look at the speaker. Don't make eye-contact with the evaluator. Your dress must be decent and formal.

    TIPS FOR GDs DOs Be determined to do well Listen carefully to the instructions of the panel. Do accordingly. Lend ears to others who make genuine contribution. Keep it short and simple. Always add value to discussion. Intervene positively to put GD on track. Conclude periodically. Adhere to principles of politeness. Substantiate and give reasons for your contentions. Give facts and figures but dont overdo it. Have a clear- cut view. Be deliberate and slow in delivering your points. Be assertive not aggressive. Make eye contact with your group members while you speak. Avoid any irritating gestures. Be sincere.


    Interrupt unnecessarily. Try to monopolize GD. Adopt a negative stance. Speak loudly (if not required)

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    Address the panel. Flay your hands. Speak in turns. Talk too fast. Be too conscious of your body language. Over praise people. Adopt a casual look. Get excited.

    How to ruin GROUP DISCUSSION? (Khudka katwa karne ke tareeke)

    If you are hell bent upon ruining your GD we provide with some useful tips:

    Start shouting right from the beginning. This way you can make sure thatno one gets a chance to speak anything. Also, you should make sure thatif someone else also shouts, you should make aggressive and threateninggestures. A fist can be useful.

    Keep changing your stand continuously. Always contradict what others have to say.

    Zaada bhokali dikhao! Maintain a sardonic smile on your face throughoutthe GD. This way you will be able to tell the examiners that you are muchsuperior to the other members of the group.

    Ask some other members of the group to shut up. Use your pet words like Yaar, Magar, Matlab etc. This will lend a touch

    of ethnic elegance to the whole affair. Laugh loudly and heartily. This shows that you are jolly person. Point out the errors of others and make fun of them. Keep yawning from time to time. Maintain a blank look on your face.

    Kindly note that on adopting these strategies you and only you shall be responsiblefor the consequences. WE BEAR NO RESPONSIBILITY.

    P.S This article is just to get us started up and inform everybody what aGROUP DISCUSSION all about is! More can only be learnt by actuallypracticing GROUP DISCUSSIONS.