GSC Platform White Paper ERP 3.0 Innovate, Buy Better! www.gscplatform.io

GSC Platform White Paper · 2019-04-19 · The first blockchain appeared in 2008 with bitcoin cryptocurrency, developed by one person known as Satoshi Nakamoto. Every public blockchain

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Page 2: GSC Platform White Paper · 2019-04-19 · The first blockchain appeared in 2008 with bitcoin cryptocurrency, developed by one person known as Satoshi Nakamoto. Every public blockchain


Founder’s vision 3


1.1 The Blockchain 9

1.1.1 How will Blockchain improve purchase management for companies ? 9

1.1.2 What is a Smart Contract? 12

1.2 IT Platform: Data analysis tools for the buyer 14

1.2.1 System of alerts 14

1.2.2 Supplier's ID index cards 15

1.2.3 Supplier's follow-up 15

1.2.4 Buyer's dashboard for a secured supply chain 15

1.3 Smart Purchases: Securing Automation of orders 16 &

1.4 Parts Traceability: Parts origin tracking is the main objective for companies and institutions 18

1.5 GSC ERP 3.0 for contractors, suppliers and freight forwarders 19

1.5.1 Utilization of GSCP token 20


2.1 The company 22

2.2 The team 23


Page 3: GSC Platform White Paper · 2019-04-19 · The first blockchain appeared in 2008 with bitcoin cryptocurrency, developed by one person known as Satoshi Nakamoto. Every public blockchain


Provided with more than 7 years of experience as a purchaser in the aviation industry, Maxime Legros has noticed that tools and communication channels available do not fit, leading to a deadweight loss for their company. After discovering blockchain technology in 2016, studying technologies such as Ethereum, Maxime sees, via blockchain, the ideal solution to improve purchasing processes.

Since its inception, I have envisioned GSC Platform, as a way to create a virtuous circle in the relationship between suppliers and buyers, by improving trust, avoiding time consuming tasks for the purchaser. The buyer is the engine of every company, and by using GSC Platform, he spares time in favour of added value missions, such as negotiating or searching for new suppliers

"GSC ERP 3.0 will adapt to any company, regardless of its activity area or its size and substantially improve purchaser's efficiency. The company will increase its mark-up without a need for weighty contribution nor modifying its intern processes.

My wish is to make GSC Platform the ultimate solution for every stakeholder of the industry, and to be pioneers in terms of purchase process improvement among cutting edge technologies such as Hyperloop, drones or IA.

The industry we are building together today will belong to our children tomorrow! "

Maxime LEGROSFondateur de GSC Platform


Page 4: GSC Platform White Paper · 2019-04-19 · The first blockchain appeared in 2008 with bitcoin cryptocurrency, developed by one person known as Satoshi Nakamoto. Every public blockchain


Blockchain: Blockchain is a technology that appeared in 2008, aiming to secure exchanges, data storage as well as transactions via algorithms.

Smart Contract: A Smart contrat is a second generation blockchain. Smart Contract allows to digitalize a contract between two people or entities in order to make it automatic, auto-feasible and secure.

Token: Token is the right to use of blockchain. GSCP token will permit the use of GSC product (cf. section 1.5.1). The more token the user owns, the more he can use the platform, creating a Smart Contract with Smart Purchases or control a part's compliance with Parts Traceability.

ERC20 compatible wallet: The GSCP token is an ERC20 (nature of the token). In order to store, it is necessary to create a compatible wallet. This wallet acts as a digital bank account for GSCP tokens.

ERP: The Enterprise resource planning is the management of all the information and resources involved in a company's operations by means of an integrated computer system.

Purchase process: This is the protocol in any company followed by buyers in order to purchase in the best conditions. Time needed may vary (average 30 days) according to the purchase. (heavy purchase, investment, emergency, recurring purchase).

RFI: Request For Information or supplier's discovery. This is the first step of purchasing process, allowing the buyer to discover new suppliers able to deliver his needs to meet his client's requirements. It can be a long stage (2 - 3 weeks), very tedious and time consuming in the daily schedule of the buyer, as he needs to recover an important load of data regarding the suppliers.

RFQ: Request For Quotation. This is where the supplier gets selected by the company. Methodology and time are required for this stage. Offers assessment dashboard will allow the buyer to winnow to 2 or 3 of the best suppliers according to their RFQ's. Executive committee will make the final decision

Supplier performance follow-up: This is a critical step for a company. It is done after delivery of the product or after service is performed by the supplier. The buyer rates its suppliers in order to analyze in which area they become less efficient. This way, the buyer implements corrective actions to improve the business with the concerned supplier.


Page 5: GSC Platform White Paper · 2019-04-19 · The first blockchain appeared in 2008 with bitcoin cryptocurrency, developed by one person known as Satoshi Nakamoto. Every public blockchain


Wide and complex supplier's clusters constantly appear and produce connected objects (I o T) which are rapidly innovating, having an impact on traditional approaches for the supply chain industry. A company might have to deal with thousands of suppliers and partners through various industries to fulfill its client's needs.

In Deloitte's article* regarding risks impacting the supply chain, companies highlight their difficulty to manage sudden demand changes as well as the mark-up erosion, mainly due to globalization and worldwide connectivity. Indeed, companies have no other choice than trusting their stakeholders – internal and external to control the various flows of their business activity. Even by using outsourcing as a lever, numerous companies fail when they attempt finding a reliable visibility on their whole supply chain and remain dependent on their stakeholders.

In any efficient supply chain system, partners share data, financial information or even intellectual property. Beyond contracts, audits and insurance, trust in integrity and performance of everyone is a priceless asset. However, in wide and fluid systems, constructors lack visibility regarding data and activities of each stakeholder, implying trust must be built another way. In these situations, where a high volume of transactions between actors which most often do not know each other, quickness, trust and efficiency become vital. An automated and outsourced blockchain solution based on sharing and data management appears as logical. Please see below some cases of blockchain utilization among various industries:

Moog is developing a blockchain platform to share in complete safety details of computer assisted design aircraft parts with its suppliers.

Maersk and IBM are working on cross-border and crossed transactions using blockchain technology to improve process efficiency.

* https://www2.deloitte.com/ch/fr/pages/operations/articles/the-ripple-effect.html


Page 6: GSC Platform White Paper · 2019-04-19 · The first blockchain appeared in 2008 with bitcoin cryptocurrency, developed by one person known as Satoshi Nakamoto. Every public blockchain

Blockchain is a wide outsourced network of computers, recording every transaction made by a member of the chain in a shared register (blockchain) which is continuously and collectively updated live. In addition, a consensual algorithm working in each of the computers ensure the validity of each transaction and prevents fraud, malware attacks as well as data forging.

In any industry, whichever sector, holding data regarding the product quality and being able to locate the supplier of a faulty component is essential for the main actors of the sector. Moreover, reliable and verifiable characteristics of blockchain technology shape a quick and efficient answer to fraud detection processes. blockchain technology will improve safety, speed, and make those ecosystems more reactive.

Today, supply chain industry represents two third of the global GDP (around 54 thousand billion dollars worldwide). However, the increasing segmentation of economics, safety and fluidity brought by blockchain technology to financial operation, will drastically reduce risks linked to loans.

Thus, those loans will make the SME activity soar, being billion dollars opportunities for the global supply chain market.

Purchasing services play an essential part in companies' organization. With a portfolio representing 40-80 % of the global revenue, the buyer is at the center as he is the link between all services (internal clients such as production, commercial, financial), with clients but also and mainly with suppliers.

Please see below a simplified process of production among the industry:

Purchasing department is at the center of each company, in any industrial sector. Its efficiency is essential for the good development of the company.




CustomerGoods orServicesdelivery



Production /Technical


Production /Technical



PurchasingDepartment /

Sourcing / RFI / RFQ / Order

Supply ChainManagement

Page 7: GSC Platform White Paper · 2019-04-19 · The first blockchain appeared in 2008 with bitcoin cryptocurrency, developed by one person known as Satoshi Nakamoto. Every public blockchain

The relationship Buyer - Supplier:

ź Suppliers bring y ou a wider business network.

ź A good partner (buyer or supplier) becomes an efficient shield to face competition

ź He strongly develops the company's growth.

ź He increases the ROI.

It is clear that choosing a partner shall not only be made regarding its price offer. In this case, you might make some quick savings but on the longer term, if your supplier is not efficient, your ROI will be minimal.

Numerous factors will sway the choice of your supplier. Its prices obviously, but we should also assess the quality-price ratio, quality of service, its reliability, speed in terms of execution and other criterion which are all to be borne in mind to make the good choice.

In the current supply chain, purchaser must go through tedious, manual and time consuming tasks. Moreover, companies work on centralized database, prone to industrial espionage and not connected with clients and supplier's systems. In addition, spare parts market is threatened by counterfeiting and documents forging, which are at the origin of dead weight loss as well as risky in terms of human lives (plane accident, train derailing).

In this context, GSC Platform, thanks to the blockchain technology, brings:

ź An outsourced ecosystem.

ź A higher data safety.

ź A process automation.

ź A digital link between every actor's databases.

ź A mark-up save for companies and a higher safety for consumers among sensitive industries.


Page 8: GSC Platform White Paper · 2019-04-19 · The first blockchain appeared in 2008 with bitcoin cryptocurrency, developed by one person known as Satoshi Nakamoto. Every public blockchain




Page 9: GSC Platform White Paper · 2019-04-19 · The first blockchain appeared in 2008 with bitcoin cryptocurrency, developed by one person known as Satoshi Nakamoto. Every public blockchain


1.1.1 How will blockchain improve purchase management for companies?

Blockchain is a storage and information transmission technology, unforgeable, secure and working without a central control organ for data treatment.

It is a database owning the history of every exchange made by its users since its creation. This database is secured and distributed: it is shared by its different users, without intermediary, allowing each stakeholder to check the validity of the chain.

The first blockchain appeared in 2008 with bitcoin cryptocurrency, developed by one person known as Satoshi Nakamoto. Every public blockchain necessarily works with a currency or token that is programmable. Bitcoin is one example of programmable currency. Transactions made between users of the network are regrouped by blocks. Each block is validated by knots of the network called "miners", via technics depending on the type of blockchain. For the bitcoin blockchain, this technique is called "Proof-of-Work", consisting of solving algorithmic problems. Once a block is validated, it is stamped with date and time, then added to the blockchain. The transaction (encrypted data) is then visible for the receiver as well as for the whole network of users.

There are 4 types of blockchain: Federated, Public, Permissioned/Private or Hybrid. GSC Platform develops its product GSC ERP 3.0 on a hybrid blockchain.


Page 10: GSC Platform White Paper · 2019-04-19 · The first blockchain appeared in 2008 with bitcoin cryptocurrency, developed by one person known as Satoshi Nakamoto. Every public blockchain


Federatedź Access is limited by those given permission by the


ź Due to limited membership, they are faster, can scale higher and offer more transaction privacy.

ź Distant cousin to intranets of the 1990s.

Permissionless / Public ź Transactions are transparent to anyone on the network

with a block viewer, but anonymous.

ź The ultimate democracy - this fully distributed ledger disrupts current business models by removing the middleman.

ź Minimal costs involved, no need to maintain servers or system admins.

Permissioned / Private ź Ideal for database management or auditing services,

where data privacy is an issue.

ź Data handling is simplified as there are fewer gatekeepers.

ź Compliance can be automated as the as the organization has control over the code.

Hybridź The private network generates blocks of hashed data

stored on public blockchain, but without sacrificing the privacy.

ź Flexible control over what data is kept private and what is shared on the public ledger.

ź H y b r i d b l o c k c h a i n s o f f e r t h e b e n e fi t s of decentralization and scalability, without requiring consensus from every single node on the network.

Page 11: GSC Platform White Paper · 2019-04-19 · The first blockchain appeared in 2008 with bitcoin cryptocurrency, developed by one person known as Satoshi Nakamoto. Every public blockchain

GSC ERP 3.0 is composed of:

IT Platform: User interface filled with analysis tools provides automated analysis thanks to algorithms.

Smart Purchases: Smart Contracts coming along with purchase order integrated to public blockchain. Smart Purchases, a public blockchain technology based on Ethereum (definition in section 1.1.2) and private purchase based on a blockchain authorized by HyperLedger Fabric, with access granted to selected users with GSCP tokens. Hence, a buyer or supplier authorizes his usual supplier/customers on his network to use GSC Platform.

Parts Traceability: based on public blockchain, it guarantees an accurate traceability of any equipment, serialized part from its production to its final destination. GSC Platform resorts to outsourced public storage based on a smart contract supplied by IFPS* (Inter Planetary File System), generating hashing (encrypted data integrated into the blockchain), immutable and chronological of files. IPFS then embed them into public blockchain Ethereum or private blockchain Hyperledger.


GSC ERP 3.0 is composed of:

IT Platform: User interface filled with analysis tools provides automated analysis thanks to algorithms.

Smart Purchases: Smart Contracts coming along with purchase order integrated to public blockchain. Smart Purchases, a public blockchain technology based on Ethereum (definition in section 1.1.2) and private purchase based on a blockchain authorized by HyperLedger Fabric, with access granted to selected users with GSCP tokens. Hence, a buyer or supplier authorizes his usual supplier/customers on his network to use GSC Platform.

Parts Traceability: based on public blockchain, it guarantees an accurate traceability of any equipment, serialized part from its production to its final destination. GSC Platform resorts to outsourced public storage based on a smart contract supplied by IFPS* (Inter Planetary File System), generating hashing (encrypted data integrated into the blockchain), immutable and chronological of files. IPFS then embed them into public blockchain Ethereum or private blockchain Hyperledger.





ź High level data securityź Real time and unlimited tamper proof business historyź Perfect trust between users


ź Full traceability


ź Users’ autonomyź Disintermediation




Counterfeited parts in the spare market

Full transaction /parts

origin history

Archiving /Accountability

Immutable records

Lack of trust with other supply chain participants

Interoperability –current ERPs


Manual and repetitive tasks

Smart contractautomation



Page 12: GSC Platform White Paper · 2019-04-19 · The first blockchain appeared in 2008 with bitcoin cryptocurrency, developed by one person known as Satoshi Nakamoto. Every public blockchain

GSC Platform implements GSC ERP 3.0 blockchain technology to allow any company in the world to use a purchase management software, based on blockchain to handle its purchase as well as commercial relations. This ready-to-use technology, easy to set up, allows savings in terms of time and money through the purchasing process, securing and improving relationships between stakeholders. .

Public blockchain data are integrate in a transparent and irreversible way, making it accessible for a user at any time. However, company A cannot have access to company B data, and so on.

In addition, the recent announcement* stating that nearly 30 American companies, among which Amazon and Apple, had their supply chain jeopardized due to a fraudulent component, calls to mind regarding the critical and urgent need to have a way of control for the supply chain.

The blockchain technology used by GSC Platform for its GSC ERP 3.0 product offers an efficient way to fight against authentication problems, counterfeiting as well as industrial espionage. For more details, please read:

Continuous interconnected supply chain Using Blockchain & Internet-of-Things in supply chain traceability

*The Big Hack: How China Used a Tiny Chip to Infiltrate U.S. Companies

1.1.2 What is a Smart Contract?

«Smart Contracts are computer protocols easing, verifying and executing the negotiation of a contract, or making a contractual clause pointless (since it is linked directly to the smart contract)

The name of Smart Contracts blockchain is Ethereum, with its associated crypto currency ETH. Its creator is Vitalik Buterin.

Smart Contracts aim is to offer an element of trust (between 2 people/companies). Smart Contracts are the digital version of traditional contracts.

They are programs which only goal is to legally link those implied in it. They are lines of code written in the language Solidity. This code is compiled in « bytecode » and deployed in the blockchain as a smart contract.


Page 13: GSC Platform White Paper · 2019-04-19 · The first blockchain appeared in 2008 with bitcoin cryptocurrency, developed by one person known as Satoshi Nakamoto. Every public blockchain

Operation of a Smart Contract

It is executed following simple logic, IF-WHEN-THEN in an autonomous and automatic way once entered in the blockchain, for instance:

IF/WHEN the supplier sends the part/order X, THEN amount of money will be wired by the buyer.

IF/WHEN the buyer transfers a certain amount of money matching his order value, THEN parts/order X will be sent by the supplier (in case of advance down payment).

There is no limit for how many IF or THEN can be included in a smart contract. Each contract has its own address in the blockchain. Once a contract is diffused in the network, we can interact with it via its cryptographic address. (available on both buyer and supplier's dashboard).

Perks of a smart contract are various:

ź Simplicity, quick execution and real time update.

ź IT is in charge of the contract: minimal fees. (for contract or order payment, done in GSCP tokens)

ź Automatic execution of the contract means that all stages are made through the blockchain, no intervention is required from the parties.

ź Trust is ensured between stakeholders, certainty, safety and legitimacy of the process.

GSC is building with the industry-leading ETH (Ethereum) platform which is the premiere pioneer in smart contracts technology. The Ethereum platform offers the best development tools and the highest level of security in a smart contract platform. Ethereum is the future of smart contracts and blockchain technology and we are proud to build on such a cutting edge platform.

GSC main aim is to give its users the most efficient technology with tools adapted to their daily work, and last but not least, user-friendly.


Page 14: GSC Platform White Paper · 2019-04-19 · The first blockchain appeared in 2008 with bitcoin cryptocurrency, developed by one person known as Satoshi Nakamoto. Every public blockchain


GSC Platform: IT Platform regroups the whole data cluster needed by the buyer and supplier to manage the entirety of the supply chain process:

ź System of alert.

ź Data analysis and supplier performance follow-up.

ź Transactions, administrative data and accountancy storage.

1.2.1 System of alerts

Whether it is about tracking performance or guiding a buyer/ supplier step by step through Smart Purchases process steps, GSC warns in advance about tasks to be completed (delivery, payment, follow-up. In the same way, this system of alert is designed in a way to remind the buyer to supply its account with GSCP tokens before payment deadline as per the smart contract. Shall payment not be made in time, an amicable settlement period will start

(as agreed between parties in their contract).

GSC is conscious that using crypto-currency as a payment requires some experience. In this aim, both buyer and supplier interface have been simplified to make payment accessible to anyone, in just a few clicks. This should be seen as early 2000 when Internet emerged. This new technology seemed incomprehensible and complex, while today, no background knowledge is required to use it. It is the same for GSC Platform blockchain technology: users enjoy this technology without any technical pre-requisite needed.


Page 15: GSC Platform White Paper · 2019-04-19 · The first blockchain appeared in 2008 with bitcoin cryptocurrency, developed by one person known as Satoshi Nakamoto. Every public blockchain

1.2.2 Supplier's ID index cards

Discovering suppliers is the longest and most tedious work for the buyer, in terms of research, data compiling and sorting. It is how-ever a critical stage since it allows integrating new suppliers, deemed more innovative, faster, offering better quotes compared to the rest of the competitors. Those ID index cards show all necessary details to the buyer so that he has a global vision of each supplier. They can be found on the user's dashboard (IT Platform). The aim of this process is

to significantly reduce the discovery time so that a buyer can focus on integrating new suppliers.

1.2.3 Supplier's follow-up

Being able to track suppliers is critical for the buyer. In this objective, GSC Platform adapts an easy to use tool in IT Platform, offering numerous charts for a deeper analysis. This way, it is made easy to compare any KPI's the buyer wishes to analyze. This tool allows the buyer to get a whole set of data regarding his suppliers in just a few clicks. Thanks to IT Platform tools, follow-up is done live and updated. Any relevant gap in terms of performance is signaled to the buyer

via the system of alerts.

1.2.4 Buyer's dashboard for a secured Supply Chain

Each user has his own private space on IT Platform, regrouping every detail about the platform tools:

ź Ongoing orders status.

ź Previous orders, commercial data and accounting.

ź Recently added suppliers.

ź Suppliers below set objectives.

ź Favorite suppliers.

ź Supplier's revenue, divided by purchasing segment.


Page 16: GSC Platform White Paper · 2019-04-19 · The first blockchain appeared in 2008 with bitcoin cryptocurrency, developed by one person known as Satoshi Nakamoto. Every public blockchain


Smart Purchases will be the way, for buyers, to save time on their orders by keying, on their customized dashboard, the necessary details in just a few clicks:

ź Selecting the type of smart contract the most adapted for his purchase.

ź Keying the required values to implement the smart contract inside the blockchain.

ź Follow-up and optimum data storage for both the buyer and supplier in order to ease data connection for commercial or finance department



Carrier - Freight



PURCHASING PROCESS The certificate(s) of origin are integrated by

suppliers through Parts Traceability. Full and precise traceability of each part

is available and searchable with a reference and a serial or batch number.

• Alerts are sent in real time. • The business follow-up is archived on the private space

of the supplier and the archives of the transactions are stored in the blockchain and available at any time.

The purchase order is coded by "Smart Contract" and integrated in the form of Smart Purchase in the blockchain:

Archiving of all transactions made is available and searchable by the three partners.

• Every step of the process is tracked with the IT Platform.

• Alerts are sent in real time. Purchaser • Documentation (quality), administrative and accounting

follow - up is archived on the private buyer portal and a copy is encrypted and inserted into the blockchain.

• Alerts are sent in real time. • The business follow-up is archived on the private space

of the supplier and the archives of the transactions are stored in the blockchain and available at any time.

Part of the process managed on the Blockchain via a simplified interface

Part of the process managed on GSC IT Platform

Page 17: GSC Platform White Paper · 2019-04-19 · The first blockchain appeared in 2008 with bitcoin cryptocurrency, developed by one person known as Satoshi Nakamoto. Every public blockchain

Benefits of the blockchain solution from GSC Platform:

ź Immutability and relevance of information.

ź Tool safety – tamper-proof data

ź Relationships between partners improved over the long term through trust.

Benefits for the buyer

ź Development of a multi-sourcing.

ź Increased reliability and trust (certified documents / automated process).

ź Significant reduction in ordering, administrative and accounting costs related to purchases.

ź Significant reduction in the time required to complete a purchase order.

ź Simplified monitoring of your supplier portfolio thanks to the personalized dashboard.

Benefits for the supplier

ź Better business visibility.

ź Improvement of reputation (accreditation by buyers / ratings)

ź Global sales follow-up on the performance tracking scoreboard with the customer action plans to implement.

ź Reduction of prospecting expenses.

ź Increase sales security (control of customer creditworthiness and accounting follow-up).

Benefits for the carrier / freight forwarder:

ź Better business visibility.

ź Improvement of reputation (accreditation by buyers / ratings)

ź Global sales follow-up on the performance tracking scoreboard with the customer action plans to implement.

ź Reduction of prospecting expenses.

ź Increase sales security (control of customer creditworthiness and accounting follow-up).


Page 18: GSC Platform White Paper · 2019-04-19 · The first blockchain appeared in 2008 with bitcoin cryptocurrency, developed by one person known as Satoshi Nakamoto. Every public blockchain


Parts tracing is critical for several sectors such as aviation, railway, automobile, nuclear or pharmaceutics, given the significant losses for companies in the event of repair or refund for damages.

A forged electronic part on an aircraft engine can lead to a failure and will need for the aircraft to be recalled, generating a tremendous financial loss for the airline. But above all, errors in traceability follow-up for parts can cost human lives: airplane crash, train derailment.

Pinpointed problems are various: ź Critical parts are not traced accurately. ź Logistics and quality departments from companies can sometimes miss non-compliant parts,

lacking compliance documents regarding the rules in force in the area of activity. ź An employee / worker can omit the fact that documents/part are not compliant, in the event

of over activity or fatigue. ź Counterfeiting is also a widely spread plague, especially in aviation where Federal Aviation

Administration assesses that more than 80% of spare parts are forge. Falsification of compliance / origin certificate for a product.

Thanks to Parts Traceability blockchain technology, GSC Platform solves this loop hole by supplying a total traceability of parts and storing technical plans from manufacturers. Data input in the blockchain by GSC Platform users will see them rewarded with GSCP tokens.

Secured, unforgettable and directly available information will bring a COMPLETE SAFETY WARRANTY for every company, by decreasing risks of accident, victims and financial costs induced by lack of traceability. Furthermore, analysis of the data stored into the blockchain permits to GSC Platform users' to know the scheduled obsolescence / shelf life of a part and they can proceed to a predictive purchase. .


Page 19: GSC Platform White Paper · 2019-04-19 · The first blockchain appeared in 2008 with bitcoin cryptocurrency, developed by one person known as Satoshi Nakamoto. Every public blockchain


GSC ERP 3.0 is a new generation of ERP, based on the blockchain technology, via smart contracts as well as tools offering high end analysis opportunities: the whole purchase process, parts research or order delivery are entirely automated and auto executed as per the buyer's needs.

ź The whole supply chain follow-up is made by the tool IT Platform: process stages are chronologically listed on the user's personal dashboard and alerts can be sent.

ź The buyer, supplier and transporter are ensured to be delivered or paid on time, in accordance with the smart contract managed inside the blockchain.

ź This blockchain ERP is compatible with any standard ERP (Oracle, SAGE, EBP Gescom, SAP, etc) and creates interoperability between them.

ź An optimum parts traceability as well as user's legitimacy are ensured.

ź Data of serialized parts and technical plans stored in the blockchain provide a possibility to do predictive purchasing.

Users are serene as their purchases are automatically managed by the blockchain. In just a few clicks, they can add or change details on their dashboard. This aims to reduce their spending, securing their internal process and protect them from industrial espionage. They look for autonomy and anonymity via using blockchain and IT Platform tools.

GSC Platform produces GSC ERP 3.0 in the form of a container, i.e a ready to use application filled with blockchain technologies (Smart Purchases, Parts Traceability and IT Platform). Those users have the full possession of GSC technology, fully autonomous and secure.


Page 20: GSC Platform White Paper · 2019-04-19 · The first blockchain appeared in 2008 with bitcoin cryptocurrency, developed by one person known as Satoshi Nakamoto. Every public blockchain

1.5.1 Utilization of GSCP token

GSCP token is the gas of blockchain technology GSC ERP 3.0: it gives access to innovation and services offered by GSC Platform to its users. GSC Platform offers user interface as clear and easy as possible, meaning the use of blockchain is only limited to a few click: every advantage of the blockchain accessible to everyone.

ź GSCP tokensGSC platform gives an immediate payment via .

ź Thanks to Parts Traceability service, users can follow up the complete traceability of a part life cycle by using . GSCP tokens

ź GSCP tokensUsers supplying data (traceability) are rewarded with by GSC Platform.


Page 21: GSC Platform White Paper · 2019-04-19 · The first blockchain appeared in 2008 with bitcoin cryptocurrency, developed by one person known as Satoshi Nakamoto. Every public blockchain



Page 22: GSC Platform White Paper · 2019-04-19 · The first blockchain appeared in 2008 with bitcoin cryptocurrency, developed by one person known as Satoshi Nakamoto. Every public blockchain


Being of an open nature to the world and different cultures, Maxime Legros wishes his company to reflect these qualities. Open to the world, passionate and ambitious, he has recruited people from different countries and different cultures who all share with him the will to succeed in an ambitious project that requires the sustained and flawless actions of all.

The company is based in the South-West of France, the land of gastronomy, viniculture and a festival atmosphere. The salary development plan is focused on recruiting students in Purchasing/Supply Chain and IT Development to train them in the industry challenges of tomorrow. Maxime will continue to recruit strategically abroad to strengthen his teams and always better meet the expectations of its customers, partners and the GSC community.


Page 23: GSC Platform White Paper · 2019-04-19 · The first blockchain appeared in 2008 with bitcoin cryptocurrency, developed by one person known as Satoshi Nakamoto. Every public blockchain



Maxime LegrosCEO & Founder of GSC Platform

Cyril VuaroqueauxCTO & Co-founder of GSC Platform

Rachel IquiCFO and Co-founder

of GSC Platform

IT / Blockchain Development

Jonathan ZerbibInfrastructure & IT Platform


Prajan PradhanBlockchain Developer


Anuja SinghQA Engineering


Achyut ShresthaBlockchain Lab


Dave LeeBlockchain Developer


Page 24: GSC Platform White Paper · 2019-04-19 · The first blockchain appeared in 2008 with bitcoin cryptocurrency, developed by one person known as Satoshi Nakamoto. Every public blockchain


Saen MoekeCMO

Juan Pablo Fernandez AgüeroOutreach and Marketing


Junyou ChenMarketing Manager

for Asia

Vlad VistacOutreach and Marketing


Communication & Community Care

Lief Eric MaloneCCO

Michael VadalCommunity Manager

& Posts Writer


Page 25: GSC Platform White Paper · 2019-04-19 · The first blockchain appeared in 2008 with bitcoin cryptocurrency, developed by one person known as Satoshi Nakamoto. Every public blockchain

Oladayo OladipupoContent Writer

and Blog Manager

Claudio CaniniMCommunity anager


Business Development


Joshua CampbellBusiness Developer


Heinrich BergBusiness Developer


GaëlleBusiness Developer

France / Africa

Aravinda Babu DeveloperERC20

Computer Systems Security

Renato P. Dos SantosBlockchain Researcher

at the Lutheran University of Brazil.

GSC Mentor

Alex NaegeleGSC Platform Legal Advisor

Savio GomezMarketing, Business Strategy,

Investors Relationship

Jorge RodriguezEthical hacker - IT / Blockchain

Security Specialist.Security Audit Manager for GSC

Robert SchwertnerGSC Platform

Communication Advisor