GTD Getting things done Raphael Monteiro - 06/2015 Bankfacil

GTD Getting things done presentation 06-2015

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Page 1: GTD Getting things done presentation 06-2015

GTDGetting things doneRaphael Monteiro - 06/2015Bankfacil

Page 2: GTD Getting things done presentation 06-2015
Page 3: GTD Getting things done presentation 06-2015

“Getting things done in a much better way than just letting things happen, which often turns out not to be very cool at all”

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●In●Next actions ●Waiting for●Projects●Some day/maybe

You will need a calendar as well! ;)

The backbone of the GTD system: Lists

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The IN list●Capture ideas and tasks●“what is the next action?”● < 2 minutes to do it?

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The NEXT ACTIONS list●“as-soon-as-possible actions”

More stuff…●Contexts(tags)●Agenda Contexts

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The WAITING FOR list●Are you waiting for someone else to do something?●Marked with the current date

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The PROJECTS list●Requires more than one action●Title and/maybe descriptions●One action in the NEXT ACTIONS

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The SOME DAY/MAYBE list●Ideas and projects that some day will be touched!

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Weekly review!●“critical factor for success”●Be honest with yourself!●Trigger list - key words

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Have hard edges between your lists!!!

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Some tools!●Read/Review Folder

Only the things you actually want to read

●Tickler file a collection of 43 file folders

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More information? ●GTD in 15 minutes> https://hamberg.no/gtd/●Wikipedia>

