Guide for Preparing for Projection Use of projection must be booked and discussed in advance and will have an associated recharge. There are various screen options available in-house as per the Venue Technical Specification. We always advise the use of your own device to play back your video(s) / media files for projection as you are able to fully test it with your media content in advance to ensure it plays properly. Your device can still be operated by venue technicians if required. When bringing in your own device the best output to connect to our in house projector is VGA or HDMI, if you have any other types of connection please flag it up well in advance of your arrival day. This guide explains some of the preparation required for projection in a show. There are also instructions should you need the venue to project your files from venue devices. If the venue staff will be operating your projection there is information that must be provided so they know when projections need to be started etc. In no circumstances should online content be relied on for a show in case of dropout etc. All files should exist on the projection source device. If you are planning on using PowerPoint please also ensure you read the “Guide on Preparing a PowerPoint Presentation” Should you need further guidance please contact the Technical department well in advance of your show.

Guide for Preparing for Projection

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Guide for Preparing for Projection

Use of projection must be booked and discussed in advance and will have an associated recharge. There are various screen options available in-house as per the Venue Technical Specification.

We always advise the use of your own device to play back your video(s) / media files for projection as you are able to fully test it with your media content in advance to ensure it plays properly. Your device can still be operated by venue technicians if required.

When bringing in your own device the best output to connect to our in house projector is VGA or HDMI, if you have any other types of connection please flag it up well in advance of your arrival day.

This guide explains some of the preparation required for projection in a show.

There are also instructions should you need the venue to project your files from venue devices.

If the venue staff will be operating your projection there is information that must be provided so they know when projections need to be started etc.

In no circumstances should online content be relied on for a show in case of dropout etc. All files should exist on the projection source device.

If you are planning on using PowerPoint please also ensure you read the “Guide on Preparing a PowerPoint Presentation”

Should you need further guidance please contact the Technical department well in advance of your show.

Computer Preparation for Projection

1 – Turn off Screensaver, this is usually found within the display settings.

2 – Change power setting to “Always on”. You may need to alter individual setting here too to ensure all have “Never” selected to ensure nothing shuts down / goes off / goes to sleep etc whilst in a show.

2 – Turn off Wi-Fi, this is usually done by clicking on the WIFI symbol at the bottom right hand side in the system tray at the bottom of the screen.

3 – Turn off all notifications.

4 – Log out and shut down any applications that are no longer needed.

5 – Make sure your laptop is well charged and you have your charger with you.

6 – Change your audio output to HDMI if using the HDMI for projection of files that have sound.

7 – Make sure you have something to play your projection seamlessly on / with (Qlab, PowerPoint etc.).

8 – If using PowerPoint ensure you are familiar with the use of Presenter mode and use this during the show.

Setting your resolution for projection The route for accessing these settings varies quite a bit from one version of Windows to another and again on Macs. The following is intended as signposting of what to look for.

• Go to your “Control Panel”.

• Click on “Appearance and Personalization”.

• Click “Display”.

• Click “Adjust resolution” on the top left.

• Select the secondary display if you are plugged in to the projector.

• Click the box next to resolution to bring down the dropdown list.

Please Note:

If your Video has audio please use the following screen resolutions -

1280 x 720 With Audio (or without) 1366 x 768 With Audio (or without) 1620 x 1080 With Audio (or without) 1080i With Audio (or without)

If your Video does not has audio please use the following screen resolutions -

1920 x 1080 Without Audio

Preparing projection files for the venue to play back on venue equipment.

If you are wanting the venue to play back your video(s) / media files / stills from the venues devices this needs to be arranged well in advance of your show day to ensure capability of your video / media.

The venue uses QLAB to playback files for projection; if you have QLAB and are familiar with the proper setup of a cue stack for a professional event then preparing a full (integrated with any audio tracks) cue stack and bringing to the venue is preferable. Please bundle as versions 3 and 4.

If you are not bringing as a QLAB bundle and the venue devices are to be used as your projection source then all files should be sent well in advance on USB stick / drive. QLAB is capable of playing back a range of file types but the venue makes no promises that your files will work unless tested and seen to do so.

When you have all your files organised work out the order they will appear in the running order of the show and then rename your files by adding a number to the start of the name in the numerical order that they will be played in the show starting from 01 in a 2-digit format (for up to 99 files) or starting with 001 in a 3-digit format (for up to 999 files). If you have files that are used more than once in the show please duplicate them, altering the number at the start. If the venue equipment is also being used to playback your audio tracks then the numbers should be continuous across both projection files and audio files rather than a separate set for each. For example if you have 2 audio tracks starting off the show followed by a projection the audio tracks would be “01 name of track” “02 name of track” followed by “03 name of projection”

Information for the Operation of any Projection by Venue Staff Preparing this information for venue staff is critical in ensuring the smooth running of your rehearsals and show and will save valuable time when in the venue. If you wish to check though this in advance of your booking please contact the Technical dept.

If you are using a script for your show (plays, musicals etc) please ALSO refer to the “Guide for Producing Technical Show Books”

If your show is not of a type for which there is a script (dance show etc) then please provide the following information for the operation of any projection, integrated with any audio track cues, by venue staff. If for any reason something is not edited to length and would require manually stopping on cue from yourselves (eg a dance doesn’t always run the same length) then add a cue line in for a “fade and stop”. PLAYBACK (PB) Cue number will match the number at the start of your file names. Use “.5” cue number for any fade and stops etc.

If your Projection playback is from a separate device (e.g. your own laptop) than audio playback then use “PROJ xx” for your cue numbers or “PPP xx” if a PowerPoint Presentation

The below is an example of how to present this information (with some examples filled in)

Programme item / Page number (for scripted show)

PLAYBACK Cue number

Description Cue (what triggers this to happen)

Show intro PB 01 Voice over in blackout Houselights go off Dance 1 (name of dance group /

piece) PB 02 Video with music “Name of track / video” Tabs open- complete

Playoff 1 PB 03 Playoff music In blackout after Dance 1 end Dance 2 (name of dance group /

piece) PB 04 Music “Name of track” “All set” from stage manager

over comms Dance 2 (name of dance group /

piece) PB 05 Static picture backdrop – description of

image With above

Dance 2 ends PB 05.5 Fade and stop Static picture and PB 04 music

At End position -cued by stage manager over comms

Playoff 2 PB 06 Playoff music In blackout after Dance 2 end Dance 3 (name of dance group /

piece) PB 07 Music “Name of track” “All set” from stage manager

over comms