GUIDE...home through Central India Christian Mission. Children of the Nations is raising children out of poverty to become leaders and transform their nation. 14 UNSTOPPABLE MOVEMENT

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Page 1: GUIDE...home through Central India Christian Mission. Children of the Nations is raising children out of poverty to become leaders and transform their nation. 14 UNSTOPPABLE MOVEMENT


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For His sake I have suffered the loss of all things and

count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ

and be found in Him, not having a righteousness of my

own that comes from the law, but that which comes

through faith in Christ, the righteousness from God

that depends on faith – that I may know Him and the

power of His resurrection, and may share His sufferings,

becoming like Him in His death, that by any means

possible I may attain the resurrection from the dead.

– Philippians 3:8b-11 –

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Letter from Lead Pastor Drew Sherman ..................................................... 7

Primary + Secondary Goals .................................................................... 8-9

Unstoppable Engagement ............................................................. 10

Unstoppable Reach ......................................................................... 12

Unstoppable Movement ................................................................ 14

Next Steps ..................................................................................................... 16

One Fund Initiative .................................................................................... 18

Giving Journey ............................................................................................ 20

Commitment Card Example / Gift Chart ..................................... 22-23

Discussion Guide ........................................................................................ 24

Week 1 ............................................................................................. 26

Week 2 ............................................................................................. 30

Week 3 ............................................................................................. 34

Week 4 ............................................................................................. 38

Week 5 ............................................................................................. 42

Week 6 ............................................................................................. 46

FAQ ................................................................................................................ 50

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This season has been like none other in the history of our church -

and probably like none other in the history of our lives. To say it has

been “uncertain,” “unprecedented,” and any other “un” words you

can come up with would be accurate understatements in many ways.

That being said, we believe it is time for us as a church and as

a people to be UNSTOPPABLE. Why? Because we serve an

UNSTOPPABLE God. We are on an UNSTOPPABLE mission. Our

God seeks to do UNSTOPPABLE things IN us and THROUGH us

in this next season as a church, and we want to be the conduits that

allow Him to move more powerfully than ever before.

We invite you to join us on this journey. Our hope is that everyone

at Compass will join together, push back the resistance of this world

that says “now isn’t the time” and confidently press in and “press

play” to the next adventure God has for us as we navigate more

people to Him.

Let’s do this, Church!

Yours on mission,

Drew ShermanLead Pastor


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100% ENGAGEMENT We invite and challenge everyone who calls Compass home to

take a personal journey with us and learn what God might have

for you as it relates to generosity.

INFLUENCEHow am I influencing the people around me in generosity?

How might God be calling me to grow in this area?

LIFESTYLEDoes my lifestyle represent that I am on an unstoppable

mission to bring more people to Jesus?

GENEROSITYHow is God inviting me to grow in generosity as an expression

of trust, gratitude, surrender, and putting Him first?

LEGACYHow am I investing in the things of eternity rather than the

things of earth? Would others say I have pointed to Christ or

myself in my life?

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As we all take a personal journey in generosity, we believe God will continue

to advance the mission through us. We are praying and believing God for $50M

in generosity over the next two years to resource these three kingdom-building



Engagement is all about connecting with others, being fully present in our

communities and serving our neighbors. We will continue to invest in local

ministry at each of our campuses through our regular annual budget as well as

investing in the next generation.


Compass has never been about focusing solely on ourselves. We believe God has

blessed us to be a blessing and to continue reaching others both locally & globally.


We are FOR DFW, and we will continue growing in our outreach to DFW

and beyond. Investing in our local campuses (current + future) impacts those

communities for generations to come.


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$23MInstead of backing down in this season, we are gearing up to

continue reaching people right here in our neighborhoods. This is

our continuing mission to navigate people to God everyday through

the work we already do as a church.

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1,800First-Time Guests

in 2020

USERSCompass Students create

an authentic environment

to connect with God

develop Christ-centered

difference makers.

8,500+ Average Weekend

Attendance Across

5 Campuses

2,500+ Have Been Through

the Rooted Discipleship

Experience Since 2015

190Took a Next Step in

Baptism in 2020

CHILDHundreds of kids

experience Jesus

on their level while

having fun!

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$6MWe are committed to reach those who have not yet heard about

Jesus, not only here in our backyard but across the world.

We can see within our lifetime the real possibility that we might

help finish the task of telling every nation and tribe about Jesus.

Because of this, we are going to give our largest gifts ever

in our history to help ensure that will happen.

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BIBLEPioneer Bible Translators has a goal to translate Scripture

for the remaining 900 language groups without any

Scripture by 2050.

Through partnerships with local care networks SOS

develops local solutions to local problems. SOS helps meet

the needs that make children at-risk.

GRACE is a relief agency providing food, clothing,

financial assistance, and other vital necessities to those struggling with a limited

income or recent emergency.

The Gatehouse gives a hand up to women and

their children overcoming crisis by empowering them

to become permanently self-sustainable.

Blind, Deaf, Mute Children are cared for and

supported at the Raigarh home through Central India

Christian Mission.

Children of the Nations is raising children out of

poverty to become leaders and transform their nation.

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$21MWe’ve seen that amazing things can happen to a community when

we put a healthy, passionate campus in place. We want to put down

real roots in North Fort Worth and North Richland Hills so that we

can navigate people to God there for generations. We also want to

focus on the Roanoke and Colleyville campuses and enhance their

ability to reach the next generations for Jesus. Students and kids

are the present and future of our church and we’re committed to

reaching them in the safest, best way possible.

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HEAD-VRWe’re dreaming of the

possibilities of what ministry may look like in

digital spaces.

HAMMERRenovation of Compass Colleyville to allow for

updated Kids areas and open spaces for people to


EXPAND-WIDEExpanded space for Kids at

Compass Roanoke

CROSSFuture Campuses

SHOVELCompass North Fort Worth

broke ground in August 2020 with plans to open a brand new

facility off of Hwy 287 in late 2021.

MAP-MARKER-ALTCompass NRH is positioned

with property at the corner of Davis Blvd and Bursey Rd

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SHOW UP Make plans to worship with Compass every week during the


USERS GET IN A GROUP USERSIf you’re not yet part of a Community Group at Compass, join an

UNSTOPPABLE Group at compass.church/unstoppable/groups.

SPARKLES CELEBRATE SPARKLESShare your story of how God is using this season to help you grow

in your faith. Share your UNSTOPPABLE story at compass.church/


HANDS-HEART GIVE FEARLESSLY HANDS-HEARTMake a plan that stretches your faith. Join us with an

UNSTOPPABLE commitment. Invest in our church as a beacon of

hope to our communities and beyond.

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You may have been part of church campaigns in the past where you were asked to

give a second gift ‘above and beyond’ your usual gifts to complete special projects.

At Compass these have been used to make new buildings and ministries possible.

Normally, you gave that gift to the “Building Fund” and you also continued to give

to the “General Fund.” This type of giving is potentially confusing to people who

either don’t have a baseline for their “usual giving” or who aren’t able to really

celebrate the total giving at Compass in one single number. We believe we’re all

on ONE MISSION - the mission of navigating people to God.

The UNSTOPPABLE initiative will last two years. In those two years, every gift

given to Compass Christian Church will go to the UNSTOPPABLE initiative for

mission advancement.

We’ve included a sample commitment card so you can see how a “one fund

initiative” works. Please take the time to fill this out, but don’t worry, you’ll get a

shiny new one on Commitment Weekend - March 4-7.

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THE GIVINGJOURNEYGROWING IN GENEROSITYWe pray God would help each of us grow in our faith and generosity for the sake

of Jesus and his mission. Where do you find yourself on this giving journey?


2 Corinthians 8:7-15

An Initial Giver is

someone who decides to

give for the first time in

response to God’s Word

about giving. This is

someone who decides to

give something and trusts

both God and church

leaders with their gift.


2 Corinthians 9:6-8

A Consistent Giver is

someone who decides to

give something and gives it

consistently to exercise the

discipline of regular giving.

Often, this is someone

who determines to give

a recurring gift online at

compass.church/give. Those

who do not give online can

become consistent givers,

also, but doing so requires

more discipline.


Luke 14:28-35

An Intentional Giver starts

to make their giving an

intentional choice that

reflects how they prioritize

and spend their money.

The point of intentionality

may occur when someone

begins to tithe (10% of

your gross income).


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1 Timothy 6:6-19

An Eternal Giver is someone who is

thinking about the longer tail of

generosity rather than just the

shorter term of month-to-month

generosity or even year-to-year.

An Eternal Giver makes decisions

in the short term that have longer

term effects as it relates to their

generosity capacity. They think of

what home they buy, what car they

purchase, how much savings they

choose to keep, all in relation to their

generosity capacity. An Eternal Giver

is driven by the things of eternity,

putting their hope in God and not in

the things of this earth.


Colossians 1:15-18, 22-23

A Surrendered Giver is

someone who recognizes the

price Christ paid for them on

the cross and is surrendered

to honoring God with 100%

of their resources as a result.

Their giving governs their

spending and saving rather

than their spending and saving

governing their giving.


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What I/we normally give in a year

(General Giving + Other Special Gifts)

My/Our expanded annual generosity as part of

the Unstoppable initiative

X 2 years

Gifts from my/ourstored resources


March 2021 - March 2023

Name: _____________________________________________________________________

Address: ___________________________________________________________________

City: _______________________________________________ St: _____ Zip: ___________

Phone: (______) ______ - __________

Email: _____________________________________________________________________










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TWO-YEAR GIFT CHARTAs you pray how God would ask you to give during this time,

use this gift chart as a tool. Allow it to inspire and challenge you

towards greater generosity as we embark on the UNSTOPPABLE

initiative together.

Gifts Needed

Two-Year Gift Level

Annual Gift of

Monthly Gift of

Gift Level Total

1 $5,000,000 $2,500,000 $208,333 $5,000,000

1 $2,500,000 $1,250,000 $104,167 $2,500,000

2 $1,500,000 $750,000 $62,500 $3,000,000

3 $1,000,000 $500,000 $41,667 $3,000,000

5 $ 500,000 $250,000 $20,833 $2,500,000

10 $250,000 $125,000 $10,417 $2,500,000

15 $150,000 $75,000 $6,250 $2,250,000

20 $100,000 $50,000 $4,167 $2,000,000

45 $75,000 $37,500 $3,125 $3,375,000

55 $65,000 $32,500 $2,708 $3,575,000

75 $50,000 $25,000 $2,083 $3,750,000

95 $35,000 $17,500 $1,458 $3,325,000

105 $25,000 $12,500 $1,042 $2,625,000

140 $15,000 $7,500 $625 $2,100,000

210 $10,000 $5,000 $417 $2,100,000

300 $7,500 $3,750 $313 $2,250,000

450 $5,000 $2,500 $208 $2,250,000

MANY $2,500 $1,250 $104 $1,900,000


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WEEK 1Unstoppable Mission

WEEK 2Unstoppable Community

WEEK 3Unstoppable Boldness

WEEK 4Unstoppable Surrender

WEEK 5Unstoppable Legacy

WEEK 6Unstoppable Generosity

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WEEK 1 | MESSAGE NOTESUnstoppable Mission



















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COMMUNITY GROUP GUIDEWeek 1 - Unstoppable Mission

Teaching and Testimony Video:

Play Week 1 Video, which contains teaching and a testimony and share reflections

from the video afterwards.

* To access videos, go to compass.church/unstoppable/communitygroups

Post-Video Reflection Questions:

1. What stuck out to you from either the teaching or the testimony?

2. As you enter into this Unstoppable series, what are some things on your heart

right now and how can your community group be praying for you?


Pray as a group for what God will do in each one of us through this Unstoppable

series and what He will do in our church.


Read Acts 1:1-11. Focus on Acts 1:8 and seek to memorize it.

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Discussion Questions:

1. Jesus is asking His followers to be patient, have a persevering faith, and wait

for the gift of the Holy Spirit, which would empower them to be His witnesses

throughout Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and the ends of the earth. Being a person

of unstoppable faith requires both patience and perseverance. Do you wrestle

personally with either of these traits? How does this impact your faith?

2. Jesus casts vision for His followers to spread His message to all types of places,

even those in which they weren’t personally comfortable. When you think about

your Jerusalem, your Judea, your Samaria, what is uncomfortable for you as you

seek to share your faith in an unstoppable way?

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3. 2020 was an unprecedented year without question. However, none of that

surprised God, and we are full of hope and expectation as we begin 2021 and

beyond. As Pastor Drew has said, “When the world pressed pause, the Church

pressed play.” As you think about the generosity challenge of the Unstoppable

initiative, how does this inspire you personally? How specifically can your group

be praying for you as you take steps in your generosity in this season?


Reflect on answers from #3 above and pray together as a group to close.

Encourage everyone to come back next week for Unstoppable Community!

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WEEK 2 | MESSAGE NOTESUnstoppable Community



















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COMMUNITY GROUP GUIDEWeek 2 - Unstoppable Community

Teaching and Testimony Video:

Play Week 2 Video, which contains teaching and a testimony and share reflections

from the video afterwards.

* To access videos, go to compass.church/unstoppable/communitygroups

** Video Note: The video will involve your group partaking in communion and a

liturgy together. Your leader will be providing your communion elements; if you are

doing this study on your own or with your family, please be ready with communion

elements while watching the video.

Post-Video Reflection Questions:

1. What stuck out to you from either the teaching or the testimony?

2. What is one thing you can feel God challenging you in already through this

series, either from this week or from last?


Pray as a group for what God will continue to do in each one of us through this

Unstoppable series and what He will do in our church.


Read Acts 2:42-47

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Discussion Questions:

1. Acts 2 is about the Holy Spirit coming at Pentecost and the affect this had on

the early believers. Not only were thousands of believers added on that day but

the power of community in those believers increased immensely. What are the

benefits of living our faith in community?

2. What does it mean that the apostles were devoted to the apostles’ teaching?

Do you feel that you are devoted to the teachings of your leaders? Where do you

fall short in this, and how could you be more deeply devoted?

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3. The communal living of these apostles is inspiring. Contrary to some

interpretations, this type of living shouldn’t be interpreted as socialism; rather,

it was a deep care for one another through a love and devotion that comes only

from Jesus. Do you feel you live in this type of way with other believers? How has

the pandemic and other recent challenges you may be experiencing in your life

prevented you from living more communally with others, and what might God be

asking you to do about it?

4. Verse 45 tells us these early believers sold property and possessions to anyone

who had need. Part of our Unstoppable generosity challenge involves praying

about what stored resources God has given us that could be given for the benefit

of others. Everyone has some type of a stored resource, whether it’s a teenager

who sells an iPad or an adult who sells a piece of property or other items of value.

Is there something God is bringing to mind that you might be praying about to

give as part of the Unstoppable initiative? How can your group be praying for you

in this?


Reflect on answers from #4 above and pray together as a group to close.

Encourage everyone to come back next week for Unstoppable Boldness!

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WEEK 3 | MESSAGE NOTESUnstoppable Boldness



















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COMMUNITY GROUP GUIDEWeek 3 - Unstoppable Boldness

Teaching and Testimony Video:

Play Week 3 Video, which contains teaching and a testimony and share reflections

from the video afterwards.

* To access videos, go to compass.church/unstoppable/communitygroups

Post-Video Reflection Questions:

1. What stuck out to you from either the teaching or the testimony?

2. What has God been speaking to you or taught you through the all-church fast

this week?


Pray as a group for what God will continue to do in each one of us through

this Unstoppable series and what He will do in our church. Reference gratitude

for God’s movement during the fast specifically, and also pray for the Advance

Commitment Night coming up this Friday, February 19 at the Glass Cactus.

*Remember that ALL are invited and ALL are welcome and encouraged to be a part

of this historic event for Compass!


Read Acts 4:1-13; 23-37

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Discussion Questions:

1. Peter and John faced a similar fate as Jesus did when being questioned by the

Jewish Council. Their lives were literally at stake when they did what they did

and said what they said about it. From where did their boldness come?

2. Would people say that about you? Would people say of your actions and your

words, “Wow, he/she must have been with Jesus in order to have done that.”

3. a. After Peter and John’s encounter with the Jewish Council, they

could’ve gone back and told the other believers they needed to hunker down and

keep their faith a little closer to the vest. Instead, what did they do?

b. When faced with opposition to your faith, possibly to what you have

faced in 2020, do you exhibit the same boldness? How have recent events in our

world or in your life challenged your bold faith for Jesus?

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4. Similar to the passage in Acts 2 from last week about the believers’ generosity,

these early believers in Acts 4 were boldly generous as well (vs. 32-37). Knowing

what these believers had just encountered regarding the opposition from the

religious leaders, their boldness in generosity certainly contains an “unstoppable”

quality to it. As you think about your own generosity and specifically your

commitment for Unstoppable, would you consider it bold? How so, or how might

you need to ask for God’s power in making it so?


Reflect on answers from #4 above and pray together as a group to close.

Encourage everyone to be a part of the Advance Commitment Night at the Glass

Cactus on February 19 and to come back next week for Unstoppable Surrender!

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WEEK 4 | MESSAGE NOTESUnstoppable Surrender



















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COMMUNITY GROUP GUIDEWeek 4 - Unstoppable Surrender

Teaching and Testimony Video:

Play Week 4 Video, which contains teaching and a testimony and share reflections

from the video afterwards.

* To access videos, go to compass.church/unstoppable/communitygroups

Post-Video Reflection Questions:

1. What stuck out to you from either the teaching or the testimony?

2. If you were a part of the Advance Commitment Night this past Friday at the

Glass Cactus, share your experience and how God is moving through our church’s

unstoppable faith in this season.


Pray as a group for what God will continue to do in each one of us through this

Unstoppable series and what He will do in our church. Reference gratitude for

God’s movement during the Advance Commitment Night service recently and

pray for the upcoming all-church Commitment Weekend, March 4-7.


Read Acts 9:1-19

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Discussion Questions:

1. It’s quite remarkable that someone who was seeking to do such damage

to God’s plan and to Jesus and His disciples would make such an incredible

turnaround to be one of the most powerful voices for God and write the majority

of the New Testament. Do you know someone like this in your life who has made

such a remarkable turnaround for God? Or possibly is that YOUR story?

2. What role did the act of surrender play in the story you shared above?

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3. To surrender means “to abandon oneself entirely to; to give up, abandon, or

relinquish; to give oneself up, as into the power of another; submit or yield.”

Besides your salvation and surrendering your life to Jesus (if you are someone

who has done that*), what else in your life have you surrendered?

*Note: If you are someone who has not yet surrendered your life to Jesus, we pray

that this testimony of Saul’s conversion to Paul is moving for you and your faith

journey. We would love to walk alongside you in your journey with Christ and

help you take next steps in following Jesus and living your faith in community.

Please share this with your group leader; or if you aren’t in a group, please

contact Brooks Talbott at [email protected].

4. As you think about your Unstoppable generosity commitment, consider your

commitment in light of surrender and specifically in light of this drastic surrender

we see in Acts 9. Does your generosity commitment represent a relinquishment

into God’s power and leading? How so, or how might it better be so?


Reflect on answers from #4 above and pray together as a group to close.

Encourage everyone to continue praying through their commitment and that the

all-church Commitment Weekend is March 4-7 at all locations and online. Come

back next week for Unstoppable Legacy!

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WEEK 5 | MESSAGE NOTESUnstoppable Legacy



















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COMMUNITY GROUP GUIDEWeek 5 - Unstoppable Legacy

Teaching and Testimony Video:

Play Week 5 Video, which contains teaching and a testimony and share reflections

from the video afterwards.

* To access videos, go to compass.church/unstoppable/communitygroups

Post-Video Reflection Questions:

1. What stuck out to you from either the teaching or the testimony?

2. What is one thing you have learned thus far during this Unstoppable series

that you pray lasts far beyond this series?


Pray as a group for what God will continue to do in each one of us through this

Unstoppable series and what He will do in our church. Pray for the upcoming all-

church Commitment Weekend THIS weekend, March 4-7.


Read Acts 10:1-8; 24-48

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Discussion Questions:

1. What significant characteristics of Cornelius led to why he was chosen as

someone to receive this message from Peter?

2. If God were to commend you for something you have done that is creating a

legacy and being noticed by God, what would that be? Or what would you like for

it to be?

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3. Cornelius’s commitment to generosity and to prayer ultimately led to his

relatives and close friends understanding who Jesus is and becoming baptized.

Have you ever thought of your faithfulness to generosity and prayer being

something that God would recognize so clearly that he would use it as a means of

bringing other people to Him? Have you seen this in your own life? In the lives of


4. As you pray about the generosity commitment you’re planning to make for

Unstoppable this upcoming weekend, could it be said of you that you are leaving

an Unstoppable legacy for God through this commitment? In other words, what

does this Unstoppable commitment mean for you (and your family if applicable)?


Reflect on answers from #4 above and pray together as a group to close.

Encourage everyone to continue praying through their commitment and that

the all-church Commitment Weekend is THIS WEEKEND, March 4-7 at all

locations and online. Come back next week for Unstoppable Generosity!

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WEEK 6 | MESSAGE NOTESUnstoppable Generosity



















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COMMUNITY GROUP GUIDEWeek 6 - Unstoppable Generosity


Pray as a group in gratitude for what God has done and is doing through the

all-church Commitment Weekend for Unstoppable, which was last weekend on

March 4-7. Pray for anyone who has yet to make their commitment, and pray for

God to strengthen us as a church and as individuals over these next two years.

*Note: If you are someone who has not yet made your Unstoppable generosity

commitment, you can do so by going to compass.church/unstoppable or by

texting COMMIT to 817-799-8617.


Read Acts 20:17-24; 32-35

Discussion Questions:

1. Paul is giving his final discourse to the Ephesian elders in this passage. What

things is he reminding them of as he prepares to leave them for the last time?

2. Paul’s last statement is about generosity, and it’s one of the more well-known

statements Paul ever gave – “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” What is

the significance of this being the very last thing he says? What do you think he

was trying to impress upon them as he departed?

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3. What are some things you have learned about generosity and your faith during

this Unstoppable series?

4. Prayerfully, many of us have already made our Unstoppable commitments

this past weekend. (If you haven’t, you can do so by going to compass.church/

unstoppable or by texting COMMIT to 817-799-8617.)

As those of us who have already made our commitments think about the next two

years of living out this commitment. What are some encouragements we can give

to one another about staying the course?


Reflect on answers from #4 above and pray together as a group to close.

Thank God for all He has done through this Unstoppable series and pray for

perseverance and continued growth in generosity over these next two years of the

Unstoppable journey.

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First and foremost, we are asking that you pray and seek God’s leading on what

He is asking of you. Prepare your heart to hear Him, and then listen to what He

says. Engage in a Community Group during this season if you haven’t already

engaged in one. Engage in personal reflection with God in the Unstoppable Guide

you will be receiving as you track along with the Unstoppable message series.

Talk with your group, your spouse, your family, friends, or others about what

this commitment will mean for this next exciting season of your life. We are

asking that you make a commitment to gospel-driven, Jesus-centered generosity –

generosity that has an unwavering, unstoppable spirit. Follow His leading.

Finally, prepare to be amazed. It is an awesome God we serve, and we anticipate

He will move in huge ways as we seek an unprecedented result from our

collective Unstoppable commitments – something only God can do. Please mark

your calendar for Commitment Weekend, March 4-7, 2021, and prepare to

experience a worship service that will be a defining moment for our church and

for our own faith.


During this two-year period, every contribution to God through Compass is

a contribution to our Unstoppable generosity initiative. Every aspect of the

vision God is calling us towards for the next two years will be funded through

Unstoppable. There will not be separate funds for the general fund, building fund,

or other special projects.

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Every gift made will go into the same fund and will go towards our Unstoppable

initiative priorities. All of our campus locations have ministry priorities, and as a

church we together have ministry priorities for this next season. And all of these

will be funded, God willing, through our Unstoppable giving.


Be creative as you explore ways you and your family can give towards

Unstoppable. You might have some stocks, real estate, or other items of personal

property that you wish to give. Or you may have other types of stored resources

that God has blessed you with in the past that He might be calling you to give

out of during this time. If you have questions regarding how to make these types

of gifts, please contact Maureen Hilt at [email protected] or

817.906.1478 and she would be honored to help.


We are asking that everyone make a two-year commitment. The fulfillment period

for your commitment will begin with our First Big Give on the weekend of March

25-28, 2021 and will culminate in March of 2023.

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