Guide to written expression

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  • 7/29/2019 Guide to written expression




    The Middle School Writing Mission is to solidify and expand on the foundation provided at the

    elementary level in order to foster writings use as a tool for expression and persuasion.

  • 7/29/2019 Guide to written expression




    Conventions: Eight parts of SpeechQuotations in dialog and source passagesCommasApostrophesAgreement subject/verb and number

    Composition/Style: Complete SentenceParagraphOutliningEssay 5-paragraph form with emphasis on introductions, transitions,conclusionsWrite with audience in mindWrite with purposeUtilize varied sentence structure

    Process: Pre-writing






    Use of available writing support resources

    Final Copy

    Instill use of entire writing process as an ethic

  • 7/29/2019 Guide to written expression







    CONVENTIONS Eight parts of Speech definition,concept and identification focus onnoun, verb, adjective and adverb

    Proper use of comparative versus

    superlative adjectivesQuotations as supporting details inresearch

    Subject/PredicateAgreement subject/verb, number andtense

    Commas in appositives and to set offdirect address

    Apostrophes to show quotation within aquotation in dialog

    ParenthesisSemi-colons between independentclauses connected by a conjunctiveadverb (e.g., I studied late intothe night; consequently, I passedthe test.)

    Capitalization of races, languages,

    nationalities, religionsSpelling using strategies such asvisual patterns, homophones,affixes, Greek and Latin roots

    Usage consistent person, agreementbetween pronoun and its referent(e.g., A person needs his or her ownspace.), parallel construction

    Using resources to correctconventions, usage and grammar

    Citing sources according to prescribedformat





    Writing aboutliterature


    PoetryWriting to aprompt

    5-paragraphessay format



    Punctuation rules fromprevious grades

    Usage rules fromprevious grades

    Defines and identifiesnouns, verbs andadjectives

    Identifies simplesubject and predicate

    Simple subject/verbagreement

    Capitalizations usesrules from previousgrades, capitalizeslanguages, races,nationalities,religions

    Uses spelling strategiesfrom current andprevious grades

    Maintains consistent

    size, spacing,formation andappropriate case inhandwriting

    Uses consistent person,agreement betweenpronoun and itsreferent (e.g., Aperson needs his orher own space.),parallel construction

    Spelling usesstrategies such asvisual patterns,homophones, affixes,Greek and Latin roots

    Uses resources to

    correct conventions,usage and grammar

    Cites sources accordingto prescribed format

  • 7/29/2019 Guide to written expression







    Complete sentencesWriting unified, cohesive paragraphsOrganizing writing based upon form,genre and purpose

    Selecting and synthesizing informationfrom documents for inclusion inwriting

    Selecting relevant details to extend

    ideas and elaborateUsing personal experiences,observations and research to supportopinions and ideas

    Using detailed labeling, captions,headings and subheadings whenappropriate

    Audience identify audience, includeinformation audience needs to know,determining emphasis based oninterest in and knowledge of topic,anticipate information needed byaudience, consistently using voiceappropriate to audience

    Writing for different purposes andincluding different forms/genres ina single piece

    Using more than one mode within apiece to address purposeWriting in forms associated withspecific tasks

    Word Choice using precise andspecialized language in contentwriting, using persuasivetechniques, using literary devices(e.g., simile, metaphor,personification), using poeticdevices (e.g., repetition, rhythm,rhyme), searching for alternativesto commonly used words

    Explaining accuracy of content andvocabulary for specific purposes andaudiences

    Sentence Fluency writing sentences of

    various length with differentstructure, using rhythm and cadencein sentences to influence meaning inprose and poetry

    Identifying styles and techniques ofprofessional authors

    Identifying and critiquing elements ofpersuasion in a peers writing

    Essay 5 paragraph formThesis statement that narrows topicwith controlling idea

    Introductions using variousapproaches (e.g., question,statistic, interesting fact, briefhistory)

    Transitions obvious and subtletransitions to link ideas, events,

    reasons within and betweenparagraphsConclusions that go beyond repetitionof the introduction

    Narrative varying methods fordeveloping character and setting,varying leads, ending and types ofconflict

    Writing in a characters voiceUsing first and third person inexpository and persuasive writing







    PoetryWriting to aprompt

    5-paragraphessay format



    Five-paragraph essayform (minimum length,2 pages)

    Organizes writing basedupon form, genre andpurpose

    Applies understanding ofmultiple and varied

    audiences affectwriters voiceDemonstratesunderstanding ofdifferent purposes forwriting

    Uses appropriatelanguage for specificaudiences and purposes

    Uses a variety ofsentences

    Uses a variety offorms/genres

    Writes in formsassociated withspecific tasks

    Produces documents used

    in a career settingEvaluates own andothers writing usingestablished criteria

    Essay 5 paragraph formThesis statement thatnarrows topic withcontrolling idea

    Uses various approachesto the introduction

    Links ideas, events,reasons within andbetween paragraphsusing transitions

    Conclusions go beyondrepetition of theintroduction

  • 7/29/2019 Guide to written expression






    PROCESS Research gathering information froma range of resources and analyzing,synthesizing and evaluatinginformation for use in writing

    Pre-writing generating ideas prior toorganization and adjustingstrategies

    Maintaining a journal to collect

    ideas, record observations, dialogor description for later use as abasis for writing

    Organizing using a variety of pre-writing strategies (e.g., storymapping, lists, webs, jotting,outlining, free writing,brainstorming)

    Drafting referring to a prewritingplan to handwrite or type a draft,rereading text and drafting overtime, returning to text later

    Revision rereading work several timesfor different reasons with differentfoci, seeking, recording, evaluatingand using feedback from adults andpeers, using resources (e.g.,

    writing guide, rubric, checklists)to identify needed changesEditing identifying and correctingerrors in conventions usingresources (e.g., dictionary, peers,adults, writing/style guide,textbook), proofreading final draftfor errors

    Final Copy selecting from a varietyof publishing options, using a rangeof graphics and illustrations,publishing in appropriate form

    Creating a management timeline,flowchart or action plan for writtenprojects

    Adapting time spent drafting inresponse to an on-demand prompt

    Adjusting number of drafts tocompensate for allotted timeIncreasing time for prewriting,drafting, revising and editing whileworking for clarity and effectivepresentation

    Meeting deadlinesUsing available technology as a partof publication

    Revising/editing at any stage ofprocess as needed

    Collaborating in writing process tocreate a group product

    Identifying and explaining strengthsand weaknesses of own writing citingcriteria

    Rereading own work for the craft of

    writing (e.g., sentence opening andvariety) and for content (e.g.,clear accurate information)

    Critiquing peers writing usingrubrics and supporting opinions

    Setting and maintaining a log of goalsbased on own writing and writingcriteria, providing evidence thatgoals have been met in a portfolio,reflecting about growth in writingskill

    Instill use of entire writing processas an ethic

    Use of Six Traits process andvocabulary




    Writing aboutliterature

    CreativewritingPoetryWriting to aprompt

    On-demand andextendedwriting

    Uses writing process asdirected by teacher

    Can describe writingprocess verbally andin writing

    Uses writing process asdirected

    Applies more than one

    strategy forgenerating ideas andplanning writing

    Analyzes ideas, selectsa narrow topic, andelaborates usingspecific detailsand/or examples

    Uses an effectiveorganizationalstructure

    Produces multiple draftsRevises text, includingchanges in words andsentences, paragraphsand ideas

    Applies understanding of

    editing appropriatefor grade levelApplies understanding ofthe recursive natureof writing process

    Analyzes own writing andwriting of othersusing establishedcriteria

    Uses knowledge of timeconstraints to adjustwriting process

    Describes writingprocess verbally andin writing

    Uses available resourcesto edit writing

    Uses CUPS editingstrategyUses criteria to assessown writing

    Uses Six Traits processand vocabulary

  • 7/29/2019 Guide to written expression






    CONVENTIONS Review eight parts of focus onadverb, conjunction, and preposition

    Parallel construction in a listSimple subject and predicateCompound subject and predicate

    Agreement subject/verb, number andtense

    Quotations in dialog and sourcepassages

    Using fragments intentionally foreffect or to emulate speech

    Commas in phrases, clauses, dialog,and to separate and interrupter(e.g., The teacher, however, was notimpressed.)

    Semicolons to separate lists groupsthat contain commas (e.g., TheSeahawks traveled to Washington, DC;Foxburough, MA; and Denver, CO.)

    ApostrophesUsing hyphens to prevent confusion(e.g., re-election)

    Using bullets in lists and othertextual markers (e.g., table ofcontents, title and subtitle)

    Capitalization rules from previousgrades, capitalizing correctly in anoutline or list

    Spelling rules from previous grades,homophones (e.g., principal,principle), affixes, roots,frequently misspelled words (e.g.,occasion, recommendation,sincerely), using resources tocorrect own spelling

    Using resources to check punctuation,spelling, conventions, and usage

    Citing sources according to prescribedformat

    Direct skillsinstruction



    writingPersonal writingWriting aboutliterature


    Writing to aprompt


    Book review

    Punctuation rulesfrom previousgrades

    Usage rules fromprevious grades

    Define and identifyadverbs andconjunctions

    Identification andcorrection of run-on sentences

    Spells accurately infinal draft

    Appliescapitalization,punctuation, andusage rulesintroduced/practiced during the year

    Applies paragraphconventions

    Maintains consistent

    size, spacing,formation andappropriate case inhandwriting

    Applies conventionalforms for citations

  • 7/29/2019 Guide to written expression






    Simple and compound sentencesWriting unified, cohesive paragraphsOrganizing writing based upon form,genre and purpose

    Selecting and synthesizing informationfrom technical documents forinclusion in writing

    Selecting relevant details to extend

    ideas and elaborateUsing personal experiences,observations and research to supportopinions and ideas

    Audience identify audience andconsistently use audience-appropriate voice in narrative,informational and persuasive writing

    Writing to pursue personal interestand for self expression, to explain,to persuade, to inform and toentertain

    Writing for different purposes andincluding different forms/genres ina single piece

    Using more than one mode within apiece to address purpose

    Word Choice using precise language inpoetic and narrative writing, usingprecise and specialized language topersuade or inform, using persuasivetechniques (e.g., direct audienceappeal, rhetorical questions), usingliterary devices (e.g., simile,metaphor, personification), usingpoetic devices (e.g., repetition,rhythm, rhyme), using vernacularappropriately

    Explaining accuracy of content andvocabulary for specific purposes andaudiences

    Sentence Fluency writing sentences ofvarious length for effect, sentenceswith different structure, using a

    variety of line lengths andstructures in poetry for effectIdentifying styles/techniques ofprofessional authors

    Identifying and critiquing elements ofpersuasion in a peers writing

    Narrative varying methods fordeveloping character and setting,varying leads, ending and types ofconflict, writing in charactersvoice

    Using more than one perspective/pointof view

    Using first and third person inexpository and persuasive writing

    Integrating more than one form/genrein a single piece (e.g., a research

    paper with charts/graphs)Essay 5 paragraph formIntroductions present a centralidea, theme, or thesis whilemaintaining consistent focus

    Body selecting specific, relevantdetails to extend and supportthesis, using personal experiencesand research to support ideas andopinions

    Transitions obvious and subtleConclusion that is more than arepetition of introduction

    Writing in forms associated withspecific tasks



    Personal writingWriting aboutliterature

    Creative writing

    PoetryWriting to aprompt


    Book reviewAnalyzinginformationaland literarytexts

    Story mapsOral historiesFictional journalentries

    Film and dramareviews

    Letters to the


    Compound sentencesWrites unified,cohesive paragraphs

    Parallel constructionDemonstratesunderstanding ofdifferent purposesfor writing

    5 paragraph essaystructureExpository andpersuasive as per7th grade WASL

    Analyzes andevaluates own andothers writingusing establishedcriteria

    Writes in formsassociated withspecific tasks

    Produces documentsused in a careersetting

    Evaluates own and

    others writingusing establishedcriteria

    Essay 5 paragraphform

    Thesis statement thatnarrows topic withcontrolling idea

    Uses variousapproaches to theintroduction

    Links ideas, events,reasons within andbetween paragraphsusing transitions

    Conclusions go beyondrepetition of the


  • 7/29/2019 Guide to written expression





    PROCESS Research gathering and paraphrasinginformation from resources andanalyzing, synthesizing andevaluating information for use inwriting

    Pre-writing generating ideas prior toorganization and adjustingprewriting strategies, explaining

    purpose and selecting effective formMaintaining a journal to collectideas, record observations, dialogor description for later use as abasis for informational or literarywriting

    Organizing using a variety of pre-writing strategies (e.g., storymapping, lists, webs, jotting,outlining, free writing,brainstorming)

    Drafting referring to a prewritingplan to handwrite or type a draft,rereading text and deciding tocontinue draft or start a new draft

    Revision using effective revisiontools (e.g., reading draft out

    loud), rereading work several timesfor different reasons with differentfoci, seeking, recording, evaluatingand using feedback from adults andpeers, using resources (e.g.,writing guide, checklists) toidentify needed changes

    Editing identifying and correctingerrors in conventions usingresources (e.g., dictionary, peers,adults, writing/style guide,textbook), proofreading final draftfor errors

    Final Copy selecting from a varietyof publishing options includingavailable technologies to produce,design and publish a finished

    product, using a range of graphicsand illustrations, publishing inappropriate form

    Use of writing support resources toidentify needed changes (e.g.,writing guide, checklist, criteria,adult, peer)

    Creating a management timeline,flowchart or action plan for writtenprojects

    Adapting time spent drafting inresponse to an on-demand prompt

    Adjusting number of drafts tocompensate for allotted time

    Increasing time for prewriting,drafting, revising and editing whileworking for clarity and effective

    presentationUsing available technology as a partof publication

    Revising/editing at any stage ofprocess as needed

    Collaborating to create a groupproduct

    Identifying and explaining strengthsand weaknesses of own writing citingcriteria

    Critiquing peers writing usingrubrics and supporting opinions

    Setting and maintaining a log of long-range goals based on own writing andwriting criteria, providing evidencethat goals have been met in aportfolio, reflecting about growth

    in writingInstill use of entire writing processas an ethic

    Use of Six Traits process and



    Personal writingWriting aboutliterature


    writing/poetryWriting to aprompt

    Uses writing processon own and asdirected by teacher

    Selects effectivestrategies forgenerating ideasand planningwriting

    Analyzes ideas,selects amanageable topicand elaboratesusing specificrelevant details

    Chooses an effectiveorganizationalstructure

    Analyzes tasks andcomposes multipledrafts whenappropriate

    Writes with differentvoice depending onaudience andpurpose

    Revises text,including changesin words,sentences,paragraphs andideas

    Edits for conventionsSpells accurately infinal draft

    Appliescapitalization,punctuation, andusage rules

    Publishes in formatsthat areappropriate forspecific audiences

    and purposesEvaluates and adjustswriting goals usingcriteria

    Creates a managementtimeline and adaptsthe writing processto complete writtenprojects ondeadline

    Uses available,appropriatetechnology as partof publication

  • 7/29/2019 Guide to written expression



  • 7/29/2019 Guide to written expression






    CONVENTIONS Review eight parts of speech focuson articles, prepositions andprepositional phrases,interjections, and subordinate andcorrelative conjunctions

    Quotation marks in dialog and source

    passagesPeriods and commas inside quotationmarks

    Ellipses pointsCommas to set off phrases, clausesand interjections, to enclosetitles, for clarity (e.g., What thecook does, does matter.)

    SemicolonColon between title and subtitleUsing a slash (/) correctly in afraction and to show choice

    Apostrophes to form plurals ofletters and numbers (e.g., Know yourABCs.), in possessive compound noun(e.g., mother-in-laws birthday)

    Agreement subject/verb, number and

    tenseCapitalization of the title of aspecific course

    Spelling rules from previous grades,homophones (e.g., capitol, capital),affixes, Greek and Latin roots,words from other languages,frequently misspelled words (e.g.,accommodation, cemetery, receive),using resources to correct ownspelling

    Usage application of usage rulesfrom previous grades, identificationand correction of past grammaticaland usage issues, using fewer versus less correctly, usingparallel construction when listing

    infinitive phrasesUsing resources to check punctuation,spelling, conventions, and usage

    Citing sources according toprescribed format

    Direct skillsinstruction



    Personal writingWriting aboutliterature

    Creative writingPoetryWriting to aprompt

    Punctuation rules fromprevious grades

    Usage rules fromprevious grades

    ArticlesQuotation marks in

    dialog and sourcepassages

    Periods and commasinside quotationmarks

    Ellipses pointsCommas to set offphrases, clauses andinterjections, toenclose titles, forclarity (e.g., Whatthe cook does, doesmatter.)

    SemicolonColon between titleand subtitle

    Using a slash (/)

    correctly in afraction and to showchoice

    Apostrophes to formplurals of lettersand numbers (e.g.,Know your ABCs.),in possessivecompound noun (e.g.,mother-in-lawsbirthday)

    Agreement subject/verb, numberand tense

    Capitalization of thetitle of a specificcourse

    Capitalization fromprevious grades

    Prepositions andprepositionalphrases

    InterjectionsQuotation marks indialog and sourcepassages

    ApostrophesMaintains consistentsize, spacing,formation andappropriate case inhandwriting

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    Simple, compound, complex andcompound-complex sentences, usingfragments intentionally for effect

    Use and concept dependent andindependent phrases and clauses

    Identify and correct sentencefragments

    Writing unified, cohesive paragraphsAudience identify and properly

    address audience, analyze its needs,anticipate and address readersquestions, respect culturalbackgrounds, describe how aparticular audience may interpret atext, write from more than one pointof view or perspective

    Writing to pursue personal interestand for self expression, to explain,persuade, entertain, inform, toexamine opposing perspectives

    Writing for different purposes andincluding different forms/genres ina single piece

    Using more than one mode within apiece to address purpose

    Analyzing informational and literary

    textsProducing technical and non-technicaldocuments for career audiences inappropriate format

    Outlining to provide supportingdetails and to organize thinking asdetermined by purpose

    Essay expand the 5 paragraph formIntroductions writing compellingintroduction presenting a centralidea, theme, or manageable thesiswhile maintaining consistent focus

    Body selecting specific, relevantdetails to extend and supportthesis, using personal experiences,observations and research to supportideas and opinions

    Transitions obvious and subtle thatshow logical relationships amongideas

    Conclusion more than a repetition ofintro

    Emphasizing key ideas throughappropriate use of text features(e.g., headings, diagrams, bullets)

    Explaining accuracy of content andvocabulary for specific purposes andaudiences

    Word Choice using precise languagein poetic, narrative and persuasivewriting, using precise andspecialized language to persuade orinform, using persuasive techniques,using literary devices, using poetic

    devices, considering connotationversus denotation, using vernacularappropriately

    Sentence Fluency writing sentencesof various length and with differentstructure to create a cadenceappropriate for audience, purposeand form, using a variety of linelengths and structures in narrativepoetry for effect

    Limiting use of pronounsAppropriate use of active and passivevoice

    Developing convincing characters andsettings within a range of narrativeplots



    Personal writingWriting aboutliterature


    Writing to apromptPoetryReviewsEditorialcartoons


    JournalsFictional storiesScriptsEssaysSpeeches


    Writes a 3-page essayEssay expands the 5paragraph formIntroductions writes compellingintroductionpresenting a centralidea, theme, ormanageable thesis

    while maintainingconsistent focusBody selectsspecific, relevantdetails to extendand support thesis,uses personalexperiences,observations andresearch to supportideas and opinionsTransitions obviousand subtle that showlogicalrelationships amongideasConclusion is more

    than a repetition ofintroductionComplex sentencesApplies understandingof multiple andvaried audiences towrite effectively

    Demonstratesunderstanding ofdifferent purposesfor writing

    Uses a variety offorms/genres

    Utilizes variedsentence structureconsistent withaudience, purpose

    and form

  • 7/29/2019 Guide to written expression





    PROCESS Research gathering and paraphrasinginformation from a range ofresources and analyzing,synthesizing and evaluatinginformation for use in writing

    Pre-writing generating ideas priorto organization, adjustingprewriting strategies

    Maintaining a journal to collect

    ideas, record observations, ordescription for later use as a basisfor informational or literarywriting

    Organizing determining purpose,analyze audience, select form,formulate theme or thesis toorganize text

    Drafting referring to a prewritingplan to handwrite or type a draftaccording to audience purpose andtime, assessing draft and/orfeedback to decide if multipledrafts are necessary

    Revision selecting and usingeffective revision tools, rereadingwork several times for different

    reasons with different foci,seeking, recording, evaluating andusing feedback from adults andpeers, using resources (e.g.,writing guide, rubric, checklists)to identify needed changes, decidingif revision is warranted, revisingtypographic devices to clarify text

    Editing identifying and correctingerrors in conventions usingresources (e.g., dictionary, peers,adults, writing/style guide,textbook), editing with a criticaleye using a self-initiated checklistor editing guide, proofreading finaldraft for errors

    Final Copy publishing in appropriate

    form, selecting from a variety ofpublishing options includingavailable technologies to produce,design and publish a finishedproduct, using a range of graphicsand illustrations, using visual anddramatic presentations

    Collaborating in to create a groupproduct

    Use of writing support resources toidentify needed changes (e.g.,writing guide, peer)

    Creating a management timeline,flowchart or action plan for writtenprojects

    Revising/editing at any stage ofprocess as needed

    Identifying and explaining strengthsand weaknesses of own writing citingcriteria

    Critiquing work, independently and ingroups, according to detailedscoring guide

    Identifying persuasive elements inpeers writing and critiques theeffectiveness

    Rereading own work for the craft ofwriting (e.g., sentence opening andvariety) and for content

    Setting, evaluating and adjustinggoals

    Instill use of entire writing processas an ethic

    Use of Six Traits process and




    Personal writingWriting aboutliterature


    Writing to apromptReflectivejournals

    Fictional storiesScriptsEssaysSpeechesReportsPoetry

    Uses writing processindependently and asdirected by teacher

    Analyzes and selectseffective strategiesfor generating ideasand planning writing

    Analyzes ideas,selects a manageable

    topic and elaboratesusing specificrelevant details

    Analyzes and selectsan effectiveorganizationalstructure

    Analyzes tasks andcomposes multipledrafts whenappropriate

    Writes with differentvoice depending onaudience and purpose

    Revises text,including changes inwords, sentences,

    paragraphs and ideasEdits for conventionsSpells accurately infinal draft

    Appliescapitalization,punctuation, andusage rules

    Publishes in formatsthat are appropriatefor specificaudiences andpurposes

    Evaluates and adjustswriting goals usingcriteria

    Uses Six Traits

    process andvocabularyUses available,appropriatetechnology as partof publication

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  • 7/29/2019 Guide to written expression







  • 7/29/2019 Guide to written expression





    P-K through Grade 5: Instructor designed thematic units

    Grades 1 through 5: Rebecca Sittons Sourcebook for Teaching Spelling and Word Skills, Egger


    Grade 1: Read Well Comprehension and Skills Sheets, Sopris West (penmanship, word families,


    Grade 5: Language for Daily Use, Harcourt Brace; Write Source, Great Source Education Group


    Instructor designed activities

    Write Source 2000, Great Source Education Group (Resource only)

    Elements of Writing, Holt Rinehart and Winston (Resource only)


    Instructor designed activities

    Writers Inc. (2006), Great Source Education Group

  • 7/29/2019 Guide to written expression




    Academic writing: Writing based on formal study and conforming to traditional rules ofcomposition

    Adjective: A word that describes a person, place, thing or idea

    Adverb: Can give more information about a verb, adjective or other adverb, typically answers thequestion how or to what extent. Examples: quickly, very

    Alliteration: The repetition of initial consonant sounds at the beginning of two or more words

    of a sentence or line of poetry; used to draw attention to words or ideas or to create musicwith the language

    Anchor paper: A student paper that is an example of a score point described on a rubric

    Anecdote: A short narrative account of an interesting or humorous incident or a short narrativeused as an example in expository or persuasive writing

    Apostrophe: Punctuation mark that shows missing letters in a contraction or possession whenaccompanied by the letter s. Examples: didnt, dogs bone

    Article: A word used with a noun to limit or give definiteness for the use of the word,examples: a, and, the

    Assonance: A repetition of vowel sounds without the repetition of consonant sounds (e.g., dance,clap)

    Audience: The expected readers of a writing piece

    Authors chair: One student shares his or her writing orally with the entire class. This studentthen asks other students to either share a comment on what they thought or ask a question aboutthe writing. Use of an author's chair gives children feedback on their writing, modelsconferencing, and develops a sense of community for writing.

    Authors craft: Choices an author/poet makes regarding elements such as organizational patterns,vocabulary, images, symbols, and point of view to produce a desired effect

    Composition/Style: Composition refers to the act of putting thoughts and information on paper.Style describes the sum of choices made in composition from word choice to sentence structure

    Conventions: The rules that govern the English language including grammar, spelling andpunctuation

    Claim: Thesis or main point, especially in persuasive writing

    Class anthology: Collection of writing submitted by individual class members

    Cluster or word web: A prewriting strategy where the writer maps thoughts about a topic usinglines or arrows to show how ideas are related -- intended to suggest an organizational patternfor main ideas and supporting details

    Cohesion (cohesive adj.): Logical connectedness that holds parts of text together

    Colloquial: Conversational, informal language

    Conjunction: A word that joins two words, phrases, clauses or sentences. Examples include:either, or, but, while

    Consonance: Repetition of consonant sounds particularly at the ends of words (e.g., to kick theblack rock).

    Consonant Blends: when two letters with unique sounds are grouped in a word and gain a new sound ch in chin

    Content-specific writing: Using writing as a tool for learning or writing within the commonlanguage of a discipline (e.g., writing in history or science, using the conventions appropriateto the discipline) writing within the common language of a discipline (e.g., writing in historyor science, using the conventions appropriate to the discipline)

    Conventions: Rules of Standard English usage, capitalization, punctuation, paragraphing, andspelling; common features that have become traditional or expected within a specific form ordiscipline

    CUPS Editing: Acronym for a directed set of editing foci. Capitalization, Usage, Punctuation,Spelling

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    Decoding: Reading. The skills required to interpret written expression to gain meaning

    Descriptive: Writing whose primary goal is to richly describe a place or event

    Dialectical discourse: Writing focusing on systematic reasoning, exposition, or argument thatseeks to resolve conflict between opposed or contradictory ideas

    Digraph: A group of two letters that make one sound. Examples: Vowel Digraph the ea inbread. Consonant Digraph ng in sing

    Direct instruction: A lesson where a grammatical element or other skill is defined and its useis modeled and practiced in a very specific way

    Directionality: Understanding that print progresses from left to right and top to bottom

    Double-entry log: A form of learning log or journal in which a student keeps notes on the leftside of a double column and then responds, asks questions, analyzes the topic, or relates theinformation to other ideas on the right side

    Draft: Verb compose, Noun preliminary version of a piece of writing

    Editing: The step in the writing process when writers ensure neatness, legibility properspelling, usage, capitalization, paragraph indentation and punctuation. This step includes useof available resources such as a dictionary, thesaurus, or writing textbook as well as teacherfeedback and peer conferencing. Use of a computers spell-check program is of limitedusefulness.

    Ellipses points: marks indicating an omission of words from a quote or a pause

    Encoding: Writing. Putting thoughts, ideas or sound into written form

    Environmental print: The print of everyday life (e.g., the symbols, signs, numbers, and colorsfound in McDonald's, Wal-Mart, Exxon, Pizza Hut, 7-Up, and on websites) offering excellent entrypoints for young children to begin to learn to read, write, and do math

    Essay: an analytic or interpretative literary composition usually dealing with its subject froma limited or personal point of view

    Extended metaphor: A metaphor continuing throughout an entire text; often used to create unityor rhetorical effect

    Expository: Writing to explain

    Figurative language: Word images and figures of speech not meant to be taken literally; used toenrich language (e.g., simile, metaphor, personification)

    Final Copy: The most perfected piece of writing the student can produce, typically the result ofseveral drafts.

    Flashback: Interruption in the chronological sequence of a narrative to tell about a relatedevent from an earlier time

    Foreshadowing: A literary technique where the author gives hints or clues about an event beforeit happens

    Form or genre: Organization of specific types of writing within a general category ofpurpose/mode (e.g., if the form is editorial, then purpose/mode is persuasive or possiblyexpository; or if the form is a tall tale, then purpose/mode is narrative)

    Format: Most often used to refer to layout or visual presentation of text

    Free writing: A prewriting technique in which the writer drafts quickly, without stopping,without editing or self-correcting, to discover what he or she knows, thinks, or feels

    Graphic organizer: A visual representation of knowledge, concepts, and ideas and theirrelationships within an organized frame (e.g., concept maps, word webs, story boards)

    Imagery: Figurative language used to produce mental pictures and appeal to the senses

    Interjection: A word used to show emotion. Example: Wow!

    Informational or expository writing: Writing that has as its primary purpose explanation or thecommunication of details, facts, and information

    Introduced/ Practiced during Year: Introduced skills are those taught for the first time. Onceskills are introduced, they are practiced both in that year and subsequent years, to providestudents with an opportunity to become proficient at the skills.

  • 7/29/2019 Guide to written expression



    I-Search paper: Student poses a question to guide his or her personally motivated inquiry,develops a search plan that identifies how information will be gathered, follows search plan andgathers information (often through interviews) to construct knowledge, drafts, revises, edits,and publishes report. The I-Search report includes: My Search Questions, My Search Process, WhatI Learned, What This Means To Me, and References.

    Learning log: A journal or notebook in which a student records questions, problems, and thoughtsabout a particular subject, idea, or concept as it is studied or learned

    Listening trio: Group of three students, one reading his or her paper while the other two offerfeedback during peer revision

    Literary analysis: Discussion and writing about the literary devices used by an author in aparticular work

    Literary devices: Techniques used to convey or enhance an authors message or voice (e.g.,idiom, figurative language, exaggeration, dialogue, and imagery)

    Literary writing: Creating original writing rather than analyzing or synthesizing the writing ofothers (e.g., poetry, short stories, novels, plays, scripts)

    Mentor text: Text models that exemplify elements of the writers craft that students can exploreand practice

    Metaphor: A figure of speech indirectly comparing two essentially dissimilar things; used tocreate new connections for the reader (e.g., The fog creeps in on little cat feet.)

    Methods of Delivery: This column provides examples of potential writing tasks assigned to buildskills listed in the Introduced/Practiced During Year column.

    Mode: A type of writing determined by the writers purpose often used interchangeably withpurpose (e.g., If the writers purpose is to explain, then the mode is expository.)

    Modeling: An instructional technique where the teacher shows a skill being used

    Mood: Emotional atmosphere (e.g., suspenseful, peaceful, mysterious, terrifying) created by thewriters purposeful choice of vocabulary, pacing, and details

    Narrate: To tell a story in detail

    Narrative: Presentation of a series of events in a purposeful sequence to tell a story, eitherfictional or factual

    Noun: Person, place, thing or idea

    On-demand writing: Timed writing, often a first draft with minor revisions that demonstrates

    students ability to apply writing strategies and skills independently on a single task in alimited time. Often the purpose, audience, topic, and form are specified in a common prompt.

    Onomatopoeia: Words that imitate the sounds of movement, animals, or objects (e.g., buzz, hiss,clicketyclack) where the words pronunciation suggests its meaning

    Onset and rime: Onset is the part of a word that precedes the vowel; rime is the part of theword after the initial consonants. It includes the vowels and final consonants (e.g., bat, cat,fat).

    Organize: The activities undertaken to structure ideas for a piece of writing. These can includemind-maps, note cards and outlines

    Paragraph: A unit of meaning signaled by indenting the first word or by inserting a line spacebetween sections of writing

    Parallel structure: The repetition of phrases and sentences that are syntactically similar

    (e.g., phrases all starting with verbs in the same tense)

    Paraphrase: Restating the meaning in own words, retaining all of the ideas without making aninterpretation or evaluation

    Patterned poetry: Poetry based on a prescribed syllable count, parts of speech, or shape (e.g.,diamond or diamante poem)

    Patterned sentences: A construction used as a base to create new sentences or when young writerssubstitute a word while keeping the rest of the sentence the same (e.g., I likepizza. I likesnowflakes. I like whales.)

    Person: Point of view; the perspective from which the author writes (e.g., first person, thirdperson)

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    Persuasion: Writing that convinces the designated audience to support a point of view, make adecision, or take an action

    Persuasive devices: Logical and/or emotional appeals in order to move an audience to action(e.g., imagery, rhetorical questions, parallelism, emotive language)

    Phoneme: The smallest unit of sound in a spoken word that makes a difference in the wordsmeaning

    Phonemic writing: A form of proto-writing characterized by attempts to spell words using astudents knowledge of sound/symbol relations.

    Phonetic spelling: Spelling according to the sequence of sounds instead of according to spellingrules (e.g., fon instead ofphone)

    Point-by-point comparison: A structure that discusses two subjects together, within the sameparagraph, around one criterion of comparison

    Portfolio: A purposeful collection of student work that exhibits to the student (and/or others)the students efforts, progress, or achievement

    Preposition: Provides information about the relationship of an object to a noun. Examplesinclude beneath, behind, through

    Prewriting: (noun) The thinking and planning the writer does before drafting includingconsidering the topic, audience, and purpose, gathering information, choosing a form,determining the role of the writer, and making a plan

    Pre-writing: (adjective) In the context of encoding (writing composition), pre-writing is an

    activity characterized by those behaviors engaged in by students in pursuit of learning towrite, including drawing, scribbles, letter/line combinations, etc.

    Process: used in the development of a piece of writing and refers to the steps that writers useto create a finished piece of writing. Not all steps are used in all writing applications. Thedistricts ultimate goal concerning process is to instill use of the writing system as an ethic,that is, that students will habitually use the appropriate aspects of this system whenever theywrite for any reason regardless of whether it is a school assignment or not.

    Prompt: A specific topic or mode that defines a writing exercise

    Proto-Writing: Any of a number of attempts at written communication that do not perfectly followaccepted conventions

    Publishing: A final draft shared with an audience, large or small; displayed publicly; sent to anewspaper, contest, or magazine; posted on a website

    Quatrain: A poem or a stanza within a poem that consists of four lines, often with alternatinglines rhyming (abab)

    Read-around group: During peer revision, a small group of students take turns reading theirpieces and receiving feedback from the rest of the group.

    Reading response journals: Booklets where students keep personal reflections about their reading Response journals can include lists of words to learn, goals for reading (e.g., number ofbooks or pages read), things they do well as readers, predictions made prior to and duringreading, thoughts, pictures, feelings, questions, or connections to other texts. Responses canbe made before, during, and after reading.

    Recursive: The writing process is not a linear one (Emig, 1971; Flower and Hayes, 1981). The actof composing involves: prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing. Writers oftenperform these acts many times in a different order as a piece is completed. As authors write,they think a little, write a little, go back and cross out something already written or addsomething. They also may re-read and think some more. In this recursive process writers do NOT

    have to start at the beginning they can start with the easiest or most difficult part whateveris conceptually ready.

    Research: Finding information needed to present ideas well and fully. This activity can beaccomplished through various means including interviews, reading books and magazines orsearching the internet

    Research report: An expository account of an event or findings about a topic that a student hasresearched

    Resolution: The ending of a story where the conflicts are resolved and loose ends are tiedtogether

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    Revise/revision: The process of reworking or re-seeingwriting, which includes: consideringchanges in audience, purpose, focus, organization, style; elaborating, emphasizing, clarifying,or simplifying text (adding, deleting, reordering, or substituting)

    Rhetorical question: A question where an answer is not expected; often used in persuasivewriting to involve the audience and create interest

    Rubric: Criteria for evaluation and descriptions of evidence for meeting that criteria -- Arubric allows for standardized evaluation according to specified criteria.

    Run-together sentence: A sentence in which two independent clauses are written together withoutany punctuation to separate them as if they were a single sentence.

    Shared writing: Teacher leads class or group to compose a text with teacher scribing for thestudents so they can focus on composing the text. The teacher may lead the class to explorevarious text types, construct more complex sentences, edit and proofread. The class isencouraged to contribute to the construction of the text.

    Simile: A figure of speech directly comparing two essentially dissimilar things; the comparisonis signaled with like or as; used to make writing more vivid, fresh, or interesting (e.g., like ancient trees, we die from the top)

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    Six Traits of Writing: A model of writing instruction and assessment that focuses on six traitscommonly found in exemplary writing. These traits, defined below, are ideas, organization,sentence fluency, voice, word choice, and conventions.

    Ideas: The main components of a piece of writing, its point

    Organization: The internal structure of a piece of writing, the sequence that ideas arepresented

    Sentence fluency: Refers both to the use of varied sentence structure and to the flow orrhythm between sentences in a piece of writing

    Voice: Writing that gives the reader the sense that a real person composed a piece. Voicealso embodies the stylistic and other choices that a writer uses to convey apurpose, communicate an idea or position, or that makes the writing come alive

    Word Choice: The use of precise, richly descriptive and powerful words to communicate

    Conventions: The proper application of the rules of writing including spelling,punctuation, usage and grammar

    Sound devices: Use of assonance, consonance, alliteration, rhyme, and rhythm to produce themusical cadence in poetry

    Sound/symbol association: A students ability to connect a sound to its language symbol (letter)

    Spatial organization: Pattern for ordering descriptive writing where items are arrangedaccording to their physical position or relationships (e.g., front to back, left to right)

    Story frame: Graphic organizer used to plan the development of a story or visual/multi-mediapresentation

    Summarize: Determine what is important in the text, condense this information, and put it intoones own words

    Symbol/sound association: Knowing that a given letter represents a sound

    Syntax: The way words, phrases, and clauses are combined to form sentence order (e.g., InEnglish, subject-verb-object is a common pattern.)

    Synthesize: Pulling together ideas or information to create a new idea or to develop a commonframework for understanding

    T-chart: A graphic organizer composed of two columns with a heading for each column across thetop and a dividing line between the columns

    Technical: Content or vocabulary directly related to specific knowledge or information in acareer or interest area

    Technical writing: Type of expository writing most often used to convey information and givedirections for technical or business purposes

    Transitions: Words, phrases, or full sentences that establish logical connections betweensentences, paragraphs, and sections of a piece of writing often used to signal relationshipsbetween ideas

    Two-syllable rhyme (also called double or feminine rhyme): Rhyme that happens in two syllablesof a word rather than in one (e.g., yellow, fellow)

    Verb: A word that shows action or a state of being

    Vernacular: Language of a particular dialect or region

    Voice: The sense of the person behind the writing (e.g., serious, honest, compassionate, orangry); writing that captures the correct level of distance, formality, or personality for thepurpose of the writing and the audience

    Word bank: Storage place for learners to keep written words that they have learned. Students canrefer to the word bank as they are writing or editing to find out how to spell a word.

    Word wall: A systematically organized collection of words (usually alphabetically and sometimesby topic) displayed in large letters on a wall or other large display place in the classroom Itis a tool to use, not just a display. Word walls are designed to promote group learning and beshared by a group of students.

    Writing continuum: An articulation of developmental stages of written language growth as well asa source of information about the competencies that students are expected to learn. Thedescriptors list specific behaviors that are typical of development at particular ages or

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    Writing guide: Expectations and guidelines for writing in general or for writing particulartypes of papers or assignments

    Year-end proficiencies: This column lists skills that students will use properly andconsistently in their writing by the end of a given school year. These proficiencies will beconfirmed by targeted assessments at each grade level.