I'm writing this as a brief summary of the guild meeting and I'll preface this with a personal note to you Glauc. This guild is not Outcry, NTC, nor any other large size guild with a handbook full of rules that you can point to and say "See this person didn't follow the rules!". It's also not going to have a handbook for people to play some gray area shenanigans or have their balls cut off over doing something that also landed squarely in a gray area with unique circumstances. We are not a country with laws and a court system to enforce them, that is not the point of a small guild nor would it actually keep one alive. This means things written here are not some sort of catch all to point and wave fingers at, nor is this some sort of binding document on how the guild functions. This instead is a favor being done for your personal situation as I have been made aware that for whatever the reasons does not allow you to participate in the audible discussions about the guild. I'd also like to point out that it is not the job nor responsibility of the guild to contact the FBI or any other justice departments over something typed by some one in the guild. You wish to open that can of worms and try to explain to the FBI/CIA/*Insert Law Enforcement here* about some one saying something in an online enviornment be my guest, but expect you will likely have some back lash off it as well. No one is going to begin a witch hunt in the guild over such things, nor over the accusation with out proof that a person is cheating in the guild. No matter how certain you are, it's not gonna fly with out actual proof that can be brought to the guild and shown. The last personal note I will touch on is the opinion that people who "make the decisions" are waffling all the time and changing their minds. The shortest way to put this is, people are making decisions off a dynamic game with dynamic people in it to the best of their ability. As a specific example for you, there was a point in time where you flipped pirate (to which no one is concerned about and 100% ok to do). However during that time you were increasingly absent to anything the guild was doing, especially the Kraken in which happened to be one of the more trying and tiring few weeks of Kraken and not even bothering to show up due to what we can only assume was boredem and a decreased desire to play due to being a pirate. Regardless you weren't there, and never gave any sort of explanation as to why, while isolating yourself further and feeling betrayed for some reason. I personally have been to kraken for an insane amount of time pre-dating release and was nearly last in line of alpha players to recieve any loot, I personally run a huge amount of the guild operations and day to day tasks needed to keep things functioning, and yet was still ok (till you vanished) with rolling for the loot with you and other alpha members. This is not waffling on decisions, this is making a choice and dealing with it not being able to be set in stone due to being a very dynamic game combined with people being people and making choices as well.

Guild Stuff

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Page 1: Guild Stuff

I'm writing this as a brief summary of the guild meeting and I'll preface this with a personal note to you Glauc. This guild is not Outcry, NTC, nor any otherlarge size guild with a handbook full of rules that you can point to and say "See this person didn't follow the rules!". It's also not going to have a handbook for people to play some gray area shenanigans or have their balls cut off over doing something that also landed squarely in a gray area with unique circumstances. We are not a country with laws and a court system to enforce them, that is not the point of a small guild nor would it actually keep one alive. This means things written here are not some sort of catch all to point and wave fingers at, nor is this some sort of binding document on how the guild functions. This instead is a favor being done for your personal situation as I have been made aware that for whatever the reasons does not allow you to participate in the audible discussions about the guild.

I'd also like to point out that it is not the job nor responsibility of the guild to contact the FBI or any other justice departments over something typed by some one in the guild. You wish to open that can of worms and try to explain to the FBI/CIA/*Insert Law Enforcement here* about some one saying something in an online enviornment be my guest, but expect you will likely have some back lash off it as well. No one is going to begin a witch hunt in the guild over such things, nor over the accusation with out proof that a person is cheating in the guild. No matter how certain you are, it's not gonna fly with out actual proof that can be brought to the guild and shown.

The last personal note I will touch on is the opinion that people who "make the decisions" are waffling all the time and changing their minds. The shortest way to put this is, people are making decisions off a dynamic game with dynamic people in it to the best of their ability. As a specific example for you, there was a point in time where you flipped pirate (to which no one is concerned about and 100% ok to do). However during that time you were increasingly absent to anything the guild was doing, especially the Kraken in which happened to be one of the more trying and tiring few weeks of Kraken and not even bothering to show up due to what we can only assume was boredem and a decreased desire to play due to being a pirate. Regardless you weren't there, and never gave any sort of explanation as to why, while isolating yourself further and feeling betrayed for some reason. I personally have been to kraken for an insane amount of time pre-dating release and wasnearly last in line of alpha players to recieve any loot, I personally run a huge amount of the guild operations and day to day tasks needed to keep things functioning, and yet was still ok (till you vanished) with rolling for the loot with you and other alpha members. This is not waffling on decisions, this is making a choice and dealing with it not being able to be set in stone due to being a very dynamic game combined with people being people and making choices as well.

Page 2: Guild Stuff

Guild Meeting Summary:

Aisoko's gear: No one attempted to steal it, the screenshot certainly could be looked at from many different angles that may give that appearance, but no one is going to risk the whole guild over 27k in gear if people think that then they clearly don't know our stance on scamming people.

Yasuohs gear: No one even contacted this kid about his gear, the only thing even remotely involving his gear was waiting to boot him in an attempt to make sure Aisoko was paid in full before he potentially lost his stuff.

Max Gquitting: No one expected it, no words were said by him in the meeting involving the gear discussions the weeks prior to it nor the 15 min meeting the day of the kraken loot. A misunderstanding happened and every effort since then has been made to try and rectify that he would not lose his gear that he personally invested in, still he feels more comfortable outside the guild so it is at rest.

Inori Gquitting: He left to follow Aisoko and Yasuoh due to being friendsand not wanting to be a part of a scammer guild trying to steal gear. Problem is we're not scammers nor had any interest in said gear, but he wished to follow his friend(s) rather then verify facts and as such left guild.

Fishing OP: Will resume asap, but the plate is full for things the guild is doing involving Kraken, Serp, Castle Siege last weekend, lack of leadership displayed by the person in charge of it, and of course the "Drama" that blew up in the guild this week. It was placed on the backburner in hopes of being revived this weekend or following week with a few tweaks.

Secret Meetings: There is no such thing, there are people making very mundane and boring choices involving things like how much to spend on siege preps, how the fishing op has failed, how yasuoh was attempting to sabotage the guild from inside, and what time kraken / serp / etc... is happening. No one is hiding things, they are however trying to get day to day shit done with out trying to shout over how bullshit an arena match was, or how gay some one is in pvp, if people need us poke us and they can be dragged in.Private rooms also function so we dont have to air out potential dirty laundry infront of the whole damn guild while trying to sort it out, but if

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people would like to have their private rage/tear/drama inducing moments blasted in full public forum we could always arrange for that.

Decisions are not made by guild: There are some that can be, and many that can't because the guild as a whole will waffle on it for weekswhen you have seconds/minutes/hours to make a choice. It's also a viscious cycle of people wanting the hard choices to be made for them while being able to simultainiously have the loudest voice in the easier ones. You cannot have both, and we can't have a bunch of "Ideas guys"while no one to actually act upon them, if people legitimately want the role of making decisions then they are most welcome to step up and do so.

CTA's / Calls for Help: People are getting really tired of bringing 10-15 guys to handle the overreaction to 1 or 2 people posing a threat to an under-prepped group trying to yolo into freedich. They're also equally tired of doing so when it's clearly way too late to save things (like the packs were lost right at the turn in), or when we have 10 online playersand you have 40+ attacking you. They're also absolutely right since most of the time a few steps can go a long ways to making sure folks get to freedich in one piece and turn in just fine.

1)Make sure people in guild have a heads up that you're doing this andyou have at least a reasonable group to handle some heat.2)Make sure you cover all channels possible if you think there will be more heat then usual (outcry/ntc/fs usually can assist if not engaged insomething else).3)Use scouts to check for island status and make sure they actually know where to look, also keep some one on the public house till that is no longer an issue.4)Have enough vehicle power to unload in 1 run, an idle half emptied ship is a giant pain in the ass to defend while also trying to keep tractors safe.5)If shit does start to go wrong, have escape plans and immediately assess the situation. Can we get packs to safety, or if not what can be done to buy time till help can arrive. At the very least alert people via voice comms that shit is starting to go south right away, and if you need further help people should be informed of what they're getting into.

This pretty much sums up the majority of the meeting, at least as far as I can recall what was discussed so more could be there but this should suffice. Thisis not something I intend to do every time, but made an exception for now since folks some how feel we've "wronged" them by spending immense

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amounts of personal time trying to provide content that they'd more then likely never have had access to in the game in a small guild. We do our best and operate on a try something and see if it works type of methodology, correcting mistakes as we find them.

I'll end it on the final note of, we're people too and when pushed enough we too will also find other things to do than spend the immense amount of time every day that is involved with trying to keep things functioning in the guild, if people are geniunely unhappy with having a grand total of like 25 people tocycle loot through with no break neck DKP system that puts you over a monthbehind for missing 1 kraken, a castle to participate in sieges and have a nice bank to fund activities with, and the option to join a very exclusive nation that holds one of the strongest alliances on the server.

They are welcome to either step up and provide something better, or walk... because at the end of the day if the goal of people is to be given even more then we're already putting in it's essentially asking us to make it our Job to which we're not paid to make everyone happy. This cannot nor will ever be the case and any one who legitimately thinks that should take a step back and think about what they really need in life.