DEAR PARENTS, CARERS AND STUDENTS, During my time at the Australian Primary Principal’s Association conference in Perth this week I have had the opportunity to speak with many principals from across the country. I was fortunate to be invited to the conference as a guest to represent Aboriginal Principals from across Australia. The BIG ideas which have consistently come up during conversations and in presentations are of no surprise. In saying this, I’m confident that Guildford is in a great position, offering students a broad spectrum of learning through collaborative and creative learning experiences which are preparing students for a world which is constantly being disrupted and changed through the advent of technology, connectedness and more frequently, artificial intelligence (AI). I believe the BIG 4 ideas which resonate loudly are: The importance of strong reading communities Future focused learning NOW Solution fluency, agility, creativity and fore- sight Mental health approaches to school leadership See ‘What Kids Want in Books’ and ‘Read Aloud: Start Early and Keep Going’ information sheets from the ‘Australian Kids and Family Reading Report’ undertaken by Scholastics in 2015. Go to http://www.scholastic.com.au/schools/ ReadingLeaders/KFRR/data.asp for more information. GUILDFORD PUBLIC SCHOOL APIA STREET GUILDFORD NSW 2161 Phone: 9632 9675 fax: 9892 1325 [email protected] 21st September NEWS UPDATE

GUILDFORD PUBLIC SCHOOL - guildford-p.schools.nsw.gov.au · Principal, Parramatta Public School from the beginning of Term 4. We thank Miss Corso for her valuable input, perseverance

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  • DEAR PARENTS, CARERS AND STUDENTS, During my time at the Australian Primary Principal’s Association conference in Perth this week I have had the opportunity to speak with many principals from across the country. I was fortunate to be invited to the conference as a guest to represent Aboriginal Principals from across Australia. The BIG ideas which have consistently come up during conversations and in presentations are of no surprise. In saying this, I’m confident that Guildford is in a great position, offering students a broad spectrum of learning through collaborative and creative learning experiences which are preparing students for a world which is constantly being disrupted and changed through the advent of technology, connectedness and more frequently, artificial intelligence (AI). I believe the BIG 4 ideas which resonate loudly are: The importance of strong reading communities Future focused learning NOW Solution fluency, agility, creativity and fore-

    sight Mental health approaches to school leadership See ‘What Kids Want in Books’ and ‘Read Aloud: Start Early and Keep Going’ information sheets from the ‘Australian Kids and Family Reading Report’ undertaken by Scholastics in 2015. Go to http://www.scholastic.com.au/schools/ReadingLeaders/KFRR/data.asp for more information.        


    APIA STREET GUILDFORD NSW 2161 Phone: 9632 9675 fax: 9892 1325

    [email protected]

    21st September NEWS UPDATE

  • STAFFING Miss Corso will finish her time at Guildford next Tuesday in preparation for her start as Assistant Principal, Parramatta Public School from the beginning of Term 4. We thank Miss Corso for her valuable input, perseverance and courage during her time at Guildford as she has had an impact on hundreds of students and dozens of staff members. We wish her the best for her leadership career ahead.

    PARENT CLASSES Parent English classes on a Thursday morning are proving to be highly successful, with classes at capacity and even overflowing on to the veran-dah of the multipurpose room. Thank you to Mrs Soryal for volunteering her classroom as a more appropriate space for parents to learn and prac-tice their English speaking skills. Often I am asked by parents and carers ques-tions about the Australian education system as the schooling they had was very different. As such we are offering a new parent course begin-ning next term for parents and carers who want to learn more about Australian Education sys-tem, school culture, the expectations of school, school discipline among other topics. Rita Gangi, Community Advisor, Western Sydney Community Centre, will run parent classes for 4 weeks each Tuesday from 23rd October.

    SCHOOL HOLIDAYS In case I don’t speak to you in person, have a ter-rific holiday with your children. Please make a point of getting to the library, reading with your children or have them read to you, make up some funny stories yourself, paint a picture, play a board game, organise a picnic in a park with friends, visit a museum or art gallery which are mostly free. If going in to the City, use public transport as it’s quicker and cheaper.

    Thank you to all the boys and girls for your hard work this term. You may not have achieved your learning goals and you’ve probably made a few mistakes along the way, which is OK!

    Finally, Science Week is just around the corner – I can’t wait to be involved in those activities!

    MULTICULTURAL DAY Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock, you would be well aware that Multicultural Day is coming. Multicultural Day is essentially about celebrating each family’s story, their journey, struggles and accomplishments. Multicultural Day is a day to recognise the diversity and richness of the Guildford community and to share how we can all contribute to further improvement. I encourage parents, carers and elders to make a time the time to attend Multicultural Day to eat an assortment of c ultural foods, soak up the concert items and of course connect with other people and community services. SCHOOL ADMINISTRATIVE AND SUPPORT STAFF (SASS) WEEK We recently celebrated SASS staff week with a lovely morning tea with all plates of food cooked and provided by our very supportive P&C and some other parents. On this note, I extend a huge ‘Thank you’ to the P&C for graciously supporting our SASS staff who play a central part in the education of children at GPS.

    PERFORMING ARTS On Monday 10th September our dance troupe and choir members had the privilege of performing on the stage of the Sydney Opera House Concert Hall. Guildford students performed beautifully in both our dance and choir items. The 2018 theme of ‘Fun in the Sun’ provided the audience an authentically energetic atmosphere as students showcased their combined talents. Congratulations to all students on their exceptional conduct and of course their creative spirit in bringing alive song and dance. Thank you to Mrs Hemming, Mrs Morey, Miss Krasinski, Miss Jones, Miss Toth and Miss Moussa for your guidance and investment of time over the entire year to prepare students for this BIG occasion. Still on the topic of performing arts, below is a link to ‘Count us In 2018’ which takes you to the song titled ‘One Song’, which on the 1st November, students from across Australia will simultaneously sing together. https://youtu.be/oIc-meOU-7U

    Kind Regards Mr Chris


  • Stage 3 Excursion

    On Monday September 3, 2018, Stage 3 students went on an excursion to the Riverside Theatre, in Parramatta. We watched a performance that was called “Water, Water Everywhere”. The musicians were incredibly talented and delightful. Their names were; Leigh Harrold, Luke Carbon and Thea Rossen. The outstanding trio have a deep knowledge about music and were able to answer all of our questions. The show went on for about an hour and was a very interesting and fascinating presentation! This amazing performance originated from a Chinese man named Tan Dun. He was born on the 18th of August, 1957 which makes him 61 years old. Tan Dun created this beautiful piece of music because he was captivated by the way water was used in his little village. He based this music on the river that the people in his village used to wash their clothes and the rocks they banged the garments on to dry. He is an interesting man with many talents. Firstly, Thea started playing the waterphone and then Luke joined and played the bass clarinet. Then, Leigh joined in and he played the piano. Thea is a percussionist, which means she plays anything that you can hit. She plays things like the waterphone and the vibraphone. Alternatively, Luke is a woodwind player, who plays the clarinet and saxophone and Leigh is a pianist. They met each other at university, studying music. They decided to create a trio and share their love for Tan Dun’s music with students all across the country. As an audience member, I was very engaged because of the way they spoke to us. They had a very funny and energetic presentation. Muhadesa, Bassem and Kristina had the opportunity to go onto the stage and participate in the act with Luke, Thea and Leigh. Throughout the performance, our questions were answered relating to the types of instruments and their different characteristics. Although we couldn’t complete the second part of our excursion, due to the poor weather conditions, it was a very captivating experience. All students in Stage 3 were extremely dazzled and enjoyed this significant performance! Even the teachers learnt something new! I definitely think that all students from across the country should have an experience like this! By Keziah Gyan 6K

    SILVER SUPERSTARS KF Amira Barbar, Mustafa El Kassab, Braxton O’Neill, Michelle Chen, Sabah Taleb KJ Crizella Shrestha, Arshiyan Asad, Minerva Gardoll, Salma Zakout 1G Murtaza Rostami, Yu Chen Huang, Amir Hamad, Anthony Camilleri 1G Omer Kowaider, Naveya Cogger 4E Hohamed Hafez, Manaia Tipu, Moimoi Latu Danial Rahim, Christian Benja-min, Heba Minhas 3/4M Rahilla Moosawi

    GOLD SUPERSTARS KF Nathan Xin 4E Karrar Hassan, Iftikhar Mirzai, Brianna Maisema, Souhaib Debsawi 4J Kelly Wong

    Term 3, Weeks 7,8 & 9 BRONZE SUPERSTARS KJ Samira Hagi, Abdulrazak Ahmed, Ashtami Aji 1C Stefan Ampevski, Haidar Bakrou 1L Tyson Luu, Jennen Hasna, Harley Sakyi, Briana Piu 3/4E Sivi Tara 4C Maryam Hersi, Angelina Sok, Amele Saukuru Shannell Djan 4E Hassan Alzadan, Lebron White, Saida Kakimi 4J Shahed Taleb, Hassan Khazama, Nerman El Kassab, Meme Sivo, Parker Flood, Maywond Sahebi

  • Stage 3 Owls 1st Zaynab El Ramlawi (6K) 2nd Norah Ayouch (6K) 3rd Exodus Rees (6M) Stage 2 Owls 1st Tristen Estephan (4E) 2nd Dima Daoudi, Habiba Ziky & Medina Dunia (3E) 3rd Meleka Begi (3E) Stage 2 Ideal Garden 1st Rami Ajaj (4J) 2nd Sahibjot Singh (4J) =3rd Amir Hamidian (4J) & Kokoda Mahony (3B) Stage 2 Pet Awareness Posters. 1st Kelly Vuong (4J) 2nd Nermen El Kassab (4J) 3rd Darius Djan (3E). Stage 1 Treasure Map 1st Adryan Estephan (1L) 2nd Sammar Ayouch (2T) 3rd Amira Taleb (2S) Stage 3 Treasure Map 1st Kimmy Chung (6M) 2nd Norah Ayouch (6K) 3rd Neyfa Taleb (5Y) Stage 2 Treasure Map 1st Parker Flood (4J) 2nd AJ Floyd (4C) 3rd Tristian Estephan (4E) Stage 1 Baby Hanging Mobile 1st Sammar Ayouch (2T) 2nd Adryan Estephan (1L) 3rd Anthony Camelleri (1G) Stage 1 Family Background 1st Adryan Estephan (1L) 2nd Sammar Ayouch (2T) 3rd No third place. Kindergarten Baby Hanging Mobile 1st Izaan Quraishi (KM) 2nd Alizah Haider (KK) 3rd Arushi Dey (KM) Kindergarten Emotion Hat 1st Aliza Haider (KK) 2nd Ayman Hallak (KK)> 3rd no third place. Kindergarten Treasure Map 1st Aliza Haider (KK) 2nd Kiyan Patel (KC) 3rd Kai Mahony (KM)

    Kindergarten Best Dressed 1st Alizah Haider 2nd Hashim Zreika 3rd Saad Hawilo Kindergarten Best Hair and Make-up 1st Arlandria O’Neill 2nd Lasaro Ratubulli 3rd Braxton O’Neill Year 1 Best Hair and Make-up 1st Finlay Veloso 2nd Sharon Chen 3rd Briana Piu Year 1 Best Dressed 1st Anthony Camilleri 2nd Adryan Estephan 3rd Rayane Ajaj Year 2 Best Hair and Make-up 1st Zeynep Tatlielma 2nd Celine Mahmoud 3rd Aisha Alkozey Year 2 Best Dressed 1st Addyson-Rose Krupowicz 2nd Suana Basnet 3rd Benjamin Mulalic Year 3 Best Hair and Make-up 1st Kokoda Mahony 2nd Amani El-Ramlawi = 3rd Noah Awick and Alexander Piu Year 3 Best Dressed 1st Ahmed Alameddine 2nd Neev Doshi 3rd Quella Fogarty Year 4 Best Hair and Make-up 1st Bailey Waddington 2nd Kelly Vuong 3rd Rami Ajaj Year 4 Best Dressed =1st Tristian Estephan and AJ Floyd 2nd Waleed Alameddine 3rd Ali Ebrahimi Year 5 & 6 Best Hair and Make-up 1st Jack Waddington 2nd Ayse Anderson 3rd Muhadesa Ebrahimi Year 5 & 6 Best Hair and Make-up 1st Yasmin Ebrahimi 2nd Norah Ayouch 3rd Zaynab El-Ramlawi

  • My son is very likeable and inquisitive. He think outside the box and has lots of knowledge to share. Anyone who is quick to judge is missing out on

    getting to know him. He has a very soft caring and emotional side.

    My name is Marwa Hussein and I have 4 children; 3 daughters and 1 son. I have been in Australia for 1 year and 9 months and since I came I have been living here in Guildford. Q: Where do you live here in Sydney? If Guildford, what do you like about Guildford? Yes I live in Guildford. My house is 2 minutes away from school. I love everything about Guildford. It is because everything is available here in Guildford. I do not even need to travel long distance to get my grocery. I only travel to Merrylands for the shopping centre which is also only 5 minutes away. I like Guildford because everything is close to me like my vegetables, my food, meat everything a vailable. The people are very nice. Everyone just deals with their own business not putting their nose in other people’s business and not troubling others. Just like Australia give right to every individual to live freely, we are free here in Guildford. I love this area because it is also close to my kids’ school and I only know my English teacher here in Guildford public school, Miss Zainab Ashrafi and Ms Judy who help me learn English. Q: Do all your kids come to Guildford public school? I have 3 daughters who come to this school. They love this school and they love their Teachers. Q: Would you consider sending your son to same school, or do you wish to send him elsewhere? I would love my son to come to the same school Guildford Public School. It is because all my girls are happy here and they all love the school. My kids they love the school principal Mr Habrecht. All the staff at this school is very friendly, good and helpful. My daughters love education here in comparison to Lebanon. This school is also very good for parents with no English, because the staff is very helpful to all the new arrivals. The school always had a direct contact with me and are very prompt, whenever my kids are not feeling well.

    Q: All your kids except your son comes to this school. What are your views about Guildford Public School? I like this School. I like different events at the school. I loved the book week festival because these festivals freshens these kids and all the excursions my kids has, they love it. I love how this school runs and the morning assembly and the stage assembly. These assemblies are helping my kids to become confident. I was extremely happy to see my little girl talk on the assembly even one sentence. This is all because of the helpful staff and supportive teachers. Q: Have you been to any parents workshops here at the school and which one is your favourite? I have not been to many workshops here at Guildford Public School but I have been coming to the English classes here for parents. I love these English classes. When I heard about the English classes, I was very happy and excited. Such classes help parents like me to learn and also find friends especially when you are new to Australia. The most beautiful thing for me was the English language classes and I enjoy it the most. The most I enjoy is communication, dialogues, and mutual respect between parents and teachers. Q; What would be your inspirational statement for other parents? What message do you want to share to other parents? My message to all the parents out there is to be a friend to their kids. I guess mothers are the most important one in the family to care for their kids, because the child is made by his/her family. If he has been provided good educations in a good environment and society, and parents give attention and listen to him. He will be very successful. The respect and understanding is the basis of the success of a child in everything. Q: What message do you want to give to parents about this school? How are you going to motivate or encourage other parents to be more involved in the school and join the workshops? I would like to inform all the parents out there to be very comfortable and have no fear about their kids while they send them to this school. This school is like their second home and is more safe and they pay more attention and gives more interest in our Children’s education more than us at some points. This school and the staff has an interest towards educating our kids and they give life lasting good advices to parents. They make you feel very comfortable in sharing what you have to share and they always listen to it and follow it around. They give you good advices that are very beneficial to your kids and to yourself in making your child a successful young adult. I would love all the parents to join all these workshops provided by the school with the hard work of the two Staff Miss Zainab and Miss Asenati mareko. These workshops are very beneficial and helps you and your child’s future.

  • Mindfulness Room


    A time to re ect on your actions & develop skills for the future. 1) How are you feeling? 2) Can you tell me why

    you are here? 3) Which rule did you not

    follow? 4) Why do you think? 5) What would you do

    next time?

    If your child is placed in the Mindfulness Room as a conse-

    quence for negative behaviour it is a time

    for them to reflect and to talk

    about different strate-gies which we hope

    will allow them to make better choices in the future. While this is a

    consequence for inappropriate actions,

    it is designed as a positive approach

    which supports students as they learn to deal with

    conflict and their own emotions.

    You will be notified by your child’s teacher

    if they need to attend

    Follow us on Twit-ter @Guildford PS #gps2018 Guildford Public School is now connecting on Twitter to up-date and connect with other schools and educators about the wonderful learning experiences and opportunities pro-vided to our students. Please note that students will not be

    Tell Them From Me

    Survey From Monday 17 September (Week 9) Guild-ford P.S staff, students and parents will be un-dertaking the Tell Them From Me survey. Students and teachers will complete their sur-vey at school and parents can complete their survey in their own time at home. The website for the parent survey is:

    https://nsw.tellthemfromme.com/z4vt2 This will take you straight to the survey which is completely anonymous. If you have any questions or need any help regarding this, please see Ms Levis at the school office.

    Thank you

  • Message From the Office

    Dear Parent/ Carer, Just a friendly reminder that school starts at 9am sharp. Please be advised that if your child/ children arrive at school any later than 9:05am they will need to come to the office and get a late note. For the families of students that have a medical condition. Could you please en-sure that an up-to-date Action Plan and any Medication that your child/children may require be brought in as soon as pos-sible as. These need to be on file in case your child requires medication. This is mandatory and an urgent matter that needs actioned. If your child/children no longer have a health condition, can you please provide the school with a clearance letter.

    Thank you

    Guildford Public School is dedicated in providing our students with a positive, safe and supportive school environment to promote all students’ learning and wellbeing.

    Week 7 I Am Responsible For My Own Belongings Being responsible for our own belongings: Helps to prepare us for school and learning each

    day Teaches us to take care of the things we have so

    that we don’t lose them or break them Saves us time because when we remember to put

    our things back where they belong, we can easily find them when we need them

    Saves our parents money because they don’t have to replace things that we have lost or broken

    Week 8 I Listen Respectfully To Others Always listening to others respectfully: Build and maintain our friendships Show others how we would like to be treated -

    with respect! Make other students feel welcome in our school

    community Week 9 I Keep My Hands & Feet To Myself Keeping my hands and feet to myself helps me to: Build and maintain my friendships Show others how I would like to be treated - with

    respect! Make other students feel welcome in our school

    community Be safe, respectful, responsible and a learner Week 10 I Am Responsible For My Own Rubbish, I Put My Rubbish In The Bin Putting rubbish in the bin is important because: It keeps our school clean Shows we respect our school Can harm the environment and animals such as

    birds Creates a positive environment

  • A BIG




    For the  amazing SASS morning tea spread! We  

    Appreciate the effect that was put in, it was absolutely  delicious!  

    The English Classes ran from 23rd & 30th August, & 6th, 13th & 20th September @ 9:30am to 10:30am, & will

    continue, every Thursday from 18th October to 29th November, Morning Tea provided.


    MUSIC BUS Information

    The program is open for all students from Kindy/Prep to 6. Running weekdays at school. The Music Bus have limited availability in Sing‐ing, Keyboard, Guitar, Drum and Ukulele and so it is advised to enrol asap.    The Music Bus is a wonderful music program that many of our stu‐dents are already enjoying – a brilliant and cost‐effective way for students to get fun and specialist music lessons without parents having to travel all over the area after school. Cost of lessons is only $16 per week (Drums $18).   If you’re interested in your child having music lessons through The Music Bus, check out their website at www.themusicbus.com.au or call 1300 168 742 



    WEEK 10

    25th September TUESDAY Stewart House Clothing Appeal Collection


    SCHOOL FINISHES Friday, 28th September LAST DAY OF TERM 3

    RETURN TO SCHOOL Monday, 15th October FIRST DAY OF TERM 4



    TEEBALL & SOFTBALL Training - Mondays


    THURSDAY 18th October to 29th November PARENT WORKSHOP & ENGLISH CLASSES 9:10am - 11am

    1st, 8th & 15th November KINDERGARTEN 2019 Transition Days



    WEEK 2

    23rd October - 2nd November LIFE EDUCATION ‘HEALTHY HAROLD’

    24th October WEDNESDAY


    25th October THURSDAY




    WEEK 4 9th November FRIDAY P&C MOVIE NIGHT

    WEEK 6 21st November WEDNESDAY Year 6 SAUSAGE SIZZLE

    WEEK 9




    WEEK 10 19th December WEDNESDAY LAST DAY OF TERM 4

    11th December TUESDAY