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Page 1: gunn.pausd.orggunn.pausd.org/sites/default/files/profdev/CSTP #1... · Web viewtrust with students and foster relationships so that students can thrive academically? adapt my teaching

California Standards for the Teaching Profession

Standard 1 Engaging and Supporting All Students in LearningTeachers know and care about their students in order to engage them in learning. They connect learning to students’ prior knowledge, backgrounds, life experiences, and interests. They connect subject matter to meaningful, real-life contexts. Teachers use a variety of instructional strategies, resources, and technologies to meet the diverse learning needs of students. They promote critical thinking through inquiry, problem solving, and reflection. They monitor student learning and adjust instruction while teaching.

Key Element1.1 Using knowledge of students to engage them in learning

What does this look like at Gunn and in your classroom? These prompts/questions may help. Simply pick one and answer it!

“How do I...” or “Why do I...”

know my students as people and as learners? understand reasons for behavior? recognize atypical behavior in students? build trust with students and foster relationships so that students can thrive academically? adapt my teaching to reflect knowledge of my students? differentiate instruction based on what I know about my students’ strengths, interests, and needs? get to know parents and connect with the community where I teach?

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EOI Skill Relationship to Teaching Standard What to look for ExampleFormulating Objective Teacher formulates an objective that

will make knowledge accessible to all students recognizing individual differences within a diverse group

Does teacher create objective that makes knowledge accessible to all students within a diverse group? Does the teacher have an objective formulated so that it is differentiated enough so that objective can be achieved in different ways?

Make sure objective also meets standards

Teach to different learning styles Know students’ needs without

pointing out differences Take into account a variety of

academic and personal backgrounds

Incorporate cultural/language diversity into the curriculum

Take into account 504 accommodations

Teaching to the Objective Teacher uses a variety of ways of presenting (IQAR).

Does the teacher present IQAR to accommodate a variety of learning styles?

Teacher demonstrates they can differentiate when a student asks a question and the teacher can answer it in a variety of ways

Teachers teach to different learning styles as much as possible (visual/auditory)

Able to answer a wide array of questions

Organization of material (matrices, etc.)

Scaffolding in terms of organizational skills

Transitions (into, through, and beyond)

Structured notes Assignment sheets Posting or copying notes Variety of presentation skills

(lectures, video discussion, overheads, notes on board)

Active Participation, Set, Closure Teacher varies active participation (by keeping content the same but varying level of cognition, form of active participation, conditions of activity, level of performance) in order to accommodate individual differences

Has teacher planned lesson to take into account individual difference in learning style and ability?

Extension activities built into an assignment provides for differentiation

Allow student to master objective over time

Projects: students make children’s books, artistic posters, go do-volunteer, interview someone in field, make a game

Group projects Labs

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Powerpoint Advanced warning for

participation Give questions ahead of time to

allow processingMonitor and Adjust Teacher monitors learning and adjusts

teaching (by keeping content the same but varying level of cognition, form of active participation, conditions of activity, level of performance) to different levels of learning and achievement. (Monitoring is not about differentiating, but rather diagnosing learning problems and reteaching. Formulating the objective is more relevant here.)

Does teacher check for understanding, re-teach as necessary using approaches that make the objective and content clear to a diverse student population?

Do we as teacher provide several ways to achieve a certain objective? (Math) allow students to do test/quiz corrections orally to show they know the material – very time-consuming

Teacher allows different ways t o complete a project

Have a student who understands concept teach it

Ask students to voice what questions they still have and build next unit or activities

Give options for completing projects or assessments

Posting solutions, not just answers, student can check own work

One-on-one appointments for extra help

Warm-up question or activity Depending unit lesson—various instructional activities Student information sheet (at start of year) Homework project late pass Checking in with students during passing period Email communication of past events Back to School Night

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California Standards for the Teaching Profession

Standard 1 Engaging and Supporting All Students in LearningTeachers know and care about their students in order to engage them in learning. They connect learning to students’ prior knowledge, backgrounds, life experiences, and interests. They connect subject matter to meaningful, real-life contexts. Teachers use a variety of instructional strategies, resources, and technologies to meet the diverse learning needs of students. They promote critical thinking through inquiry, problem solving, and reflection. They monitor student learning and adjust instruction while teaching.

Key Element1.2 Connecting learning to students’ prior knowledge, backgrounds, life experiences, and


What does this look like at Gunn and in your classroom? These prompts/questions may help. Simply pick one and answer it!

“How do I...” or “Why do I...”

help students see the connections between what they already know and the new material? connect classroom learning to students’ life experiences and cultural backgrounds? support all students to use first and second language skills to achieve learning goals? open a lesson or unit to capture student attention and interest? build on students’ comments and questions during a lesson to extend their understanding?

Page 5: gunn.pausd.orggunn.pausd.org/sites/default/files/profdev/CSTP #1... · Web viewtrust with students and foster relationships so that students can thrive academically? adapt my teaching

EOI Skill Relationship to Teaching Standard What to look for ExampleFormulating Objective Teacher formulates an objective that

will make knowledge accessible to all students recognizing individual differences within a diverse group

Does teacher create objective that makes knowledge accessible to all students within a diverse group? Does the teacher have an objective formulated so that it is differentiated enough so that objective can be achieved in different ways?

Make sure objective also meets standards

Teach to different learning styles Know students’ needs without

pointing out differences Take into account a variety of

academic and personal backgrounds

Incorporate cultural/language diversity into the curriculum

Take into account 504 accommodations

Teaching to the Objective Teacher uses a variety of ways of presenting (IQAR).

Does the teacher present IQAR to accommodate a variety of learning styles?

Teacher demonstrates they can differentiate when a student asks a question and the teacher can answer it in a variety of ways

Teachers teach to different learning styles as much as possible (visual/auditory)

Able to answer a wide array of questions

Organization of material (matrices, etc.)

Scaffolding in terms of organizational skills

Transitions (into, through, and beyond)

Structured notes Assignment sheets Posting or copying notes Variety of presentation skills

(lectures, video discussion, overheads, notes on board)

Active Participation, Set, Closure Teacher varies active participation (by keeping content the same but varying level of cognition, form of active participation, conditions of activity, level of performance) in order to accommodate individual differences

Has teacher planned lesson to take into account individual difference in learning style and ability?

Extension activities built into an assignment provides for differentiation

Allow student to master objective over time

Projects: students make children’s books, artistic posters, go do-volunteer, interview someone in field, make a game

Group projects Labs

Page 6: gunn.pausd.orggunn.pausd.org/sites/default/files/profdev/CSTP #1... · Web viewtrust with students and foster relationships so that students can thrive academically? adapt my teaching

Powerpoint Advanced warning for

participation Give questions ahead of time to

allow processingMonitor and Adjust Teacher monitors learning and adjusts

teaching (by keeping content the same but varying level of cognition, form of active participation, conditions of activity, level of performance) to different levels of learning and achievement. (Monitoring is not about differentiating, but rather diagnosing learning problems and reteaching. Formulating the objective is more relevant here.)

Does teacher check for understanding, re-teach as necessary using approaches that make the objective and content clear to a diverse student population?

Do we as teacher provide several ways to achieve a certain objective? (Math) allow students to do test/quiz corrections orally to show they know the material – very time-consuming

Teacher allows different ways t o complete a project

Have a student who understands concept teach it

Ask students to voice what questions they still have and build next unit or activities

Give options for completing projects or assessments

Posting solutions, not just answers, student can check own work

One-on-one appointments for extra help

Write-think piece Group work problem Food incentive Pre- and post-tests with curriculum Journal writing with prompts that correct the curriculum to them Bell ringer warm up Personal learning style inventory

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California Standards for the Teaching Profession

Standard 1 Engaging and Supporting All Students in LearningTeachers know and care about their students in order to engage them in learning. They connect learning to students’ prior knowledge, backgrounds, life experiences, and interests. They connect subject matter to meaningful, real-life contexts. Teachers use a variety of instructional strategies, resources, and technologies to meet the diverse learning needs of students. They promote critical thinking through inquiry, problem solving, and reflection. They monitor student learning and adjust instruction while teaching.

Key Element1.3 Connecting subject matter to meaningful, real-life contexts

What does this look like at Gunn and in your classroom? These prompts/questions may help. Simply pick one and answer it!

“How do I...” or “Why do I...”

establish a connection between subject matter and purpose for learning? make connections between the subject matter and real-life contexts? seek feedback from students regarding relevance of subject matter to their lives? engage all students in a variety of learning experiences that accommodate the different ways they learn? provide opportunities for all students to acquire and practice skills in meaningful contexts?

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EOI Skill Relationship to Teaching Standard What to look for ExampleFormulating Objective Teacher formulates an objective and

plans the lesson indicating teaching methods that will be used to achieve the objective while balancing directed and discovery learning.

Does the teacher balance direct instruction and discovery methods as appropriate for the objective?

Teacher balances both directed and discovery teaching in the classroom.

Content lends itself to either one or the other.

Teaching to the Objective Teacher provides appropriate balance of direct instruction and opportunities to discover and experience, emphasizing direct experience whenever possible using information, questions, activities and responses (Focus should be on use of congruent IQAR in both teacher directed learning and independent learning.)

Do teacher responses and activities show evidence of balance of direct instruction and use of IQAR techniques that are congruent to the objective?

Teacher uses questioning techniques that lead into either direct or discovery learning.

Teacher builds in time for hands-on learning parallel with direct instruction

Active Participation, Set, Closure Teacher articulates questions that both check for understanding of direct instruction and provide opportunity for discovery learning. (Activities? Set? Closure?)

Does teacher ask multi-level questions?

Does teacher give students the opportunity to discuss questions before bigger discussion?

Tighter curriculum constraints may limit discovery learning opportunities because it takes a larger time commitment

Inquiry-based labs Think pair Share Gallery walk Group problem solving Draw Peer checking and reasoning White boards Inside/outside partners Line-up

Monitor and Adjust Teacher monitors learning looking especially for misconceptions of any kind and makes necessary adjustments, leading students to accurate understanding

Is teacher mobile in the classroom, engaging students in discussion to check for understanding?

Does teacher provide guidance when necessary?

Journals, teacher interactions, rough drafts that are checked by teacher

Class discussion Use of In-Class Check for understanding while

asking open-ended questions Teacher walks around classroom,

group discussions, checking in with students

Closure Teacher reaches closure by requiring students to reflect and summarize learning.

Does teacher require reflection on objectives stated and content communicated during lesson?

Must be built into the larger lesson plan.

Must make time for it. Review, journal writing, have

students create questions for themselves.

Page 9: gunn.pausd.orggunn.pausd.org/sites/default/files/profdev/CSTP #1... · Web viewtrust with students and foster relationships so that students can thrive academically? adapt my teaching

Students state day’s objectives in own words on back of homework, etc.

Using real world examples, HSS—current topics, school community examples Visuals—video, etc. (YouTube)

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California Standards for the Teaching Profession

Standard 1 Engaging and Supporting All Students in LearningTeachers know and care about their students in order to engage them in learning. They connect learning to students’ prior knowledge, backgrounds, life experiences, and interests. They connect subject matter to meaningful, real-life contexts. Teachers use a variety of instructional strategies, resources, and technologies to meet the diverse learning needs of students. They promote critical thinking through inquiry, problem solving, and reflection. They monitor student learning and adjust instruction while teaching.

Key Element

1.4 Using a variety of instructional strategies, resources, and technologies to meet students’ diverse learning needs

What does this look like at Gunn and in your classroom? These prompts/questions may help. Simply pick one and answer it!

“How do I...” or “Why do I...” select and utilize a range of instructional approaches to engage students in learning? use a variety of strategies to introduce, explain, and restate subject matter concepts and processes so all

students understand? help all students learn, practice, internalize, and apply subject-specific learning strategies and

procedures? use differentiated instruction to meet the assessed learning needs of students and increase active

participation in learning? adapt materials and resources, make accommodations, and use appropriate assistive equipment and other

technologies to support students’ diverse learning needs? utilize multiple types of technology to facilitate learning? examine and use resources that minimize bias?

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EOI Skill Relationship to Teaching Standard What to look for ExampleTeaching to the Objective Teacher gives information, asks

questions, implements activities, and responds to student effort in a way that helps students learn subject matter/content.

Does teacher give information, ask questions, provide activities, and respond using a variety of materials, resources and instructional settings in order to accommodate a variety of learning styles?

Powerpoint, hands-on, varying activities

Active Participation, Set, Closure Teacher uses these principles of learning to effectively teaching subject matter/content.

Does teacher use a variety of instructional strategies and material to accommodate a variety of different learning styles during set, closure, and active participation?

Small group activities, manipulatives, discussion lecture, technology components, kinesthetic (interpretive dance).

Monitor and Adjust Teacher checks to see if students have understood subject matter/content and reteaches if necessary.

Does teacher use a variety of strategies to monitor and adjust instruction?

Questioning strategies, walking around, listening to small group discussion, using specific examples to check for understanding.

Poll everywhere Challenge problems for groups and individuals with prize incentives (candy, homework pass, etc.) Group and individual white boards Reading zones Heart rate monitors Documents cameras Smart boards Sound systems Quick writes Individual and group work Lab work Field trips Student-directed instruction Laptops – Excel and Google Docs Project-based learning Anticipatory Sets iPad for typing notes Technology: heart rate monitors. How long in healthy zone? Instant feedback of results in today’s activity Timed runs over 2 laps – improving times. Bimonthly run with instant feedbacks of progress

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California Standards for the Teaching Profession

Standard 1 Engaging and Supporting All Students in LearningTeachers know and care about their students in order to engage them in learning. They connect learning to students’ prior knowledge, backgrounds, life experiences, and interests. They connect subject matter to meaningful, real-life contexts. Teachers use a variety of instructional strategies, resources, and technologies to meet the diverse learning needs of students. They promote critical thinking through inquiry, problem solving, and reflection. They monitor student learning and adjust instruction while teaching.

Key Element

1.5 Promoting critical thinking through inquiry, problem solving, and reflection

What does this look like at Gunn and in your classroom? These prompts/questions may help. Simply pick one and answer it!

“How do I...” or “Why do I...”

encourage students to use multiple approaches and solutions to solve problems? encourage students to ask critical questions and consider diverse perspectives about subject matter? provide opportunities for students to think about, discuss, and evaluate content? ask questions to facilitate discussion, clarify, and extend students’ thinking? support students to think and communicate with clarity and precision? help students apply previous learning to new situations? encourage students to create, imagine, and innovate? help students to develop and use strategies and technologies for accessing knowledge and information?

Page 13: gunn.pausd.orggunn.pausd.org/sites/default/files/profdev/CSTP #1... · Web viewtrust with students and foster relationships so that students can thrive academically? adapt my teaching

EOI Skill Relationship to Teaching Standard What to look for ExampleFormulating Objective Teacher formulates an objective and

plans the lesson indicating teaching methods that will be used to achieve the objective while balancing directed and discovery learning.

Does the teacher balance direct instruction and discovery methods as appropriate for the objective?

Teacher balances both directed and discovery teaching in the classroom.

Content lends itself to either one or the other.

Teaching to the Objective Teacher provides appropriate balance of direct instruction and opportunities to discover and experience, emphasizing direct experience whenever possible using information, questions, activities and responses (Focus should be on use of congruent IQAR in both teacher directed learning and independent learning.)

Teacher gives information, asks questions, implements activities, and responds to student effort in a way that helps students learn subject matter/content.

Do teacher responses and activities show evidence of balance of direct instruction and use of KQAR techniques that are congruent to the objective?

Does teacher give information, ask questions, provide activities, and respond using a variety of materials, resources and instructional settings in order to accommodate a variety of learning styles?

Teacher uses questioning techniques that lead into either direct or discovery learning.

Teacher builds in time for hands-on learning parallel with direct instruction

Powerpoint, hands-on, varying activities

Active Participation, Set, Closure Teacher articulates questions that both check for understanding of direct instruction and provide opportunity for discovery learning. (Activities? Set? Closure?)

Teacher uses these principles of learning to effectively teaching subject matter/content.

Does teacher ask multi-level questions?

Does teacher give students the opportunity to discuss questions before bigger discussion?

Does teacher use a variety of instructional strategies and material to accommodate a variety of different learning styles during set, closure, and active participation?

Tighter curriculum constraints may limit discovery learning opportunities because it takes a larger time commitment

Inquiry-based labs Think pair Share Gallery walk Group problem solving Draw Peer checking and reasoning White boards Inside/outside partners Line-up Small group activities,

manipulatives, discussion lecture, technology components, kinesthetic (interpretive dance).

Monitor and Adjust Teacher monitors learning looking especially for misconceptions of any kind and makes necessary adjustments, leading students to accurate understanding

Is teacher mobile in the classroom, engaging students in discussion to check for understanding?

Does teacher provide guidance when

Journals, teacher interactions, rough drafts that are checked by teacher

Class discussion Use of In-Class

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Teacher checks to see if students have understood subject matter/content and reteaches if necessary.


Does teacher use a variety of strategies to monitor and adjust instruction?

Check for understanding while asking open-ended questions

Teacher walks around classroom, group discussions, checking in with students

Questioning strategies, walking around, listening to small group discussion, using specific examples to check for understanding.

Closure Teacher reaches closure by requiring students to reflect and summarize learning.

Does teacher require reflection on objectives stated and content communicated during lesson?

Must be built into the larger lesson plan.

Must make time for it. Review, journal writing, have

students create questions for themselves.

Students state day’s objectives in own words on back of homework, etc.

Key question whether for anticipatory set, comprehension, and closure Modified rules to emphasize certain areas of lesson Demonstrate how previous lesson can apply to new situation Open-ended questions Wait time Start with real-life connection Personalize whenever possible (reflection moments)

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California Standards for the Teaching Profession

Standard 1 Engaging and Supporting All Students in LearningTeachers know and care about their students in order to engage them in learning. They connect learning to students’ prior knowledge, backgrounds, life experiences, and interests. They connect subject matter to meaningful, real-life contexts. Teachers use a variety of instructional strategies, resources, and technologies to meet the diverse learning needs of students. They promote critical thinking through inquiry, problem solving, and reflection. They monitor student learning and adjust instruction while teaching.

Key Element

1.6 Monitoring student learning and adjusting instruction while teaching

What does this look like at Gunn and in your classroom? These prompts/questions may help. Simply pick one and answer it!

“How do I...” or “Why do I...”

systematically check for student understanding and revise plans accordingly? incorporate a variety of strategies in a lesson to check for student understanding? monitor the learning of students with limited English proficiency or of students with special needs? adjust the lesson plan to accelerate instruction when I determine that the pace of the lesson is too slow? make "on the spot" changes in my lesson based on students' interests and questions? provide additional support and opportunities for students to learn when some students have mastered the

lesson objective(s) and others have not? adjust my lesson when I don't have enough time to complete everything I planned to do?

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EOI Skill Relationship to Teaching Standard What to look for ExampleFormulating the Objective Teacher uses monitoring to formulate

new/progressive objectives for instruction.

Does teacher continually monitor student progress and use these assessments to adjust objective?

Write in journal Log Monitor sheets

Teaching to the Objective Teacher uses questions, responses and activities to assess student progress.

Does teacher use a variety of IQAR that are congruent to the objective consistently to check student progress?

Vocal polling to see if students understand concept

Adjust level of questions/scaffolding (factual recall, evaluative, analysis)

Warm-up exercises done together (guided instruction)

Teacher rephrasing Vocab, act out word Ask questions of each

person/groupActive Participation Teacher provides covert and overt

activities for students to evaluate their own learning.

Teacher provides covert and overt opportunities to receive peer feedback.

Does teacher use covert and overt activities to provide students the opportunity to evaluate themselves or peers?

Small group discussion Pair-share (everyone talking) Wait time Daily oral language Review questions on the board Visualize

Monitor and Adjust Teacher gives congruent, immediate, specific feedback.

Does teacher continually monitor student progress and use the assessments to adjust instruction?

Does teacher provide feedback to students and report feedback to parents as needed?

Does teacher make adjustments during a lesson and in short- and long-term planning?

Listen and correct Validate thinking but redirect

factual information Send student back into the text

(English) How many agree? Disagree?

Return to original do they agree still – disagree

Post-It, ask question, student writes first step, second step, and pass on

Literary evidence of agree/disagree Formal assessment tools, review

after conferences

Reinforce “old” material throughout the school year Provide students a chance to teach each other Adjust sequence, speed, focus of lesson Quizzes, discussion, check HW, exit quiz Weekly performance evaluation (peer and teacher) Direct, immediate feedback Formal assessment and frequency Informal assessment and frequency

Walk-around Monitored class discussion Differentiation of each assignment/lesson plan Use of individual white boards to check for understanding Use of pair-share Use of discrete/obvious hand gestures “Repeat back” instructions (share instructions with peer) Alternative means of output (skit, essay, video)