GVI Monthly Achievements Report Jalova 2013.06

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  • 7/28/2019 GVI Monthly Achievements Report Jalova 2013.06



    Jalova hub, May 2013

    Jaguar Cubs Caught on Film

    Figure 1- One of the cubs next to the turtle carcass

    The jaguar is the largest cat in the Americas and the third largest cat in the world. They are classified

    by the IUCN as Near Threatened and in Costa Rica they are considered to be highly threatened. The

    main threats facing jaguars today are habitat loss and fragmentation, decreases in prey numbers and

    hunting of individuals that prey on livestock. In Tortuguero National Park there is a perceived conflict

    with the jaguar population predating marine turtles, and the population here has come under

    scrutiny because of this.

    GVI have been running a camera trapping program in the Jalova region of TNP (Tortuguero National

    Park) since 2011, during which time 18 individual jaguars have been identified. The main aims of the

    project are to establish population estimates and to study the behaviour of the jaguars, particularly

    in relation to predation on marine turtles, in order to better understand this unusual situation and to

    analyse what, if any, management actions should be taken. Along with permanent stations along the

    forest trail adjacent to the beach, camera traps are often set on freshly predated turtle carcasses in

    order to capture jaguars when they return to feed. We have caught some extraordinary behaviour

    on film this year, from two adult males feeding together at a Leatherback carcass to a fight between

    an adult female and a young male at a green carcass.

    The most recent success was possibly the most exciting footage so far. The cameras were set on the

    fresh carcass of a green turtle, just over two miles from Jalova base. The footage showed one of our

    female jaguars, Eliana, feeding with two small cubs. There are several minutes of footage of the

    cubs; not only feeding but also playing, calling and practicing their hunting skills on an unfortunate

    marine toad.

  • 7/28/2019 GVI Monthly Achievements Report Jalova 2013.06


    Whilst the footage of the cubs is adorable to watch, it is also very significant in terms of the studies

    being carried out here in Tortuguero. The more that can be learnt about the behaviour of the jaguars

    and their reliance on marine turtles as a food source the better it will be for taking any management

    decisions regarding the local jaguar population. There has been a slightly sensationalist attitude

    towards the perceived threat of the jaguars towards the marine turtle population, and to some, thenews of more jaguars in the park may not be welcome, but the cubs represent a new generation of

    jaguars and, for a species classified as near threatened, any new additions to the population can only

    be a good thing.

    Figure 2- One of the cubs standing on the carcass whilst the mother is feeding from it.

    Rachel Keating- Jalova Field Staff