GWL Spring 2013 Programme

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  • 7/29/2019 GWL Spring 2013 Programme


    Whats OnGlasgow Womens LibraryFebruary to May 2013

    We are moving to our permanent home at

    23 Landressy Street in 2013. Come and celebrate

    with us around International Womens Day

  • 7/29/2019 GWL Spring 2013 Programme


    International Womens Day

    Womens Words

    GWL Events Calendar at a Glance

    Women Make History

    Festivals, Launches & Screenings

    Out & About

    Getting Involved

    We Are Moving!We are excited to say that the move

    to our beautiul permanent premises

    Bridgeton is imminent. A massivehank you to Clyde Gateway or their

    ontinued support towards making thisappen and or unding the printing o

    his International Womens Day edition the GWL Whats On Guide.

    s there are internal reurbishment

    orks needed to create the library o ourreams, the move will be a phased one.

    vents will be taking place in our newome at 23 Landressy Street, Bridgeton,

    lasgow, G40 1BP rom February 2013,here we will initially be open one day a


    eep an eye on our website and socialmedia or all the latest news and


    We urgently need your support to helpus raise the money needed or the

    reurbishment and to help us to sustainour work in the longer term.

    There are two ways you can help:

    The Women on the Shel


    Its simple. A one-o donation willsponsor a Womens Library shel, book

    or an entire section or you to dedicateto an inspiring woman o your choice,

    whether an historic heroine, a womanmaking an impact today; a pioneer

    or an extraordinary aunt. This makesa great present as unique as the

    Womens Library itsel! Every sponsorwill be acknowledged in the abric o

    the new Womens Library building andevery penny raised will go towards the

    renovation und. Sponsor a Woman on

    the Shel now!

    Become a Friend o

    Glasgow Womens Library

    For as little as 5 per month you canhelp us to prooundly change the

    lives o women by providing learningopportunities through our dedicated

    programmes. Being a Friend oGlasgow Womens Library oers a

    great opportunity to support our lie-changing work, become more involved

    with GWL and meet like-mindedpeople.

    Contact us or more details on themove and how you can help on0141 248 9969 or email us [email protected] or visitus online at ollow us on Twitter @gwlkettle

  • 7/29/2019 GWL Spring 2013 Programme


    International Womens DayCelebrating women and equality around the globe

    We are thrilled to be working with

    Gallery o Modern Art again in 2013.

    Illuminated Letters

    GoMA has recently been gited ahuge collection o works by theremarkable artist Niki de Saint-

    Phalle. Although renown or herhuge nanas, colourul, joyul

    representations o women, it is Nikisbeautiul illuminated or decorated

    letters that we are ocussing onas a starting point or our learning


    We are inviting women and girlslocally, nationally and internationally

    to create their own illuminatedletters to lost heroines, women

    who are no longer alive but whosehistories and achievements are

    secreted saely in the shelves and

    boxes o the womens library. Whatwould you write to your heroine?

    Through inspiring, hands-on

    workshops, online and on the spotletter writing and in related learning

    activities, illuminated letters andmessages o love and honour will be

    created and delivered to us at ournew home. These will be exhibited

    in Summer 2013.

    More inormation can be oundonline at

    You can send your Illuminated Letters

    to the heroine o your choice romInternational Womens Day, Friday 8th

    March, to:

    Glasgow Womens Library23 Landressy Street

    Glasgow G40 1BP

    A list o inspirational women you can

    write to rom within our collectioncan be ound on our website rom

    International Womens Day onwards.

    International WomensDay with GWL at GoMAFriday 8th March,

    12.30pm to 3.30pm

    Join us in the Studio at the Gallery oModern Art to celebrate International

    Womens Day where we will launchour Illuminated Letters Programme.

    At this event there will be

    opportunities to explore the lie andworks o Niki de Saint-Phalle.

    Niki incorporated art into manyaspects o her lie, including her

    letter writing. Whether thesewere addressed to collectors and

    directors o museums, concerningthe acquisition o her works by the

    Gallery, or to her amily and riendsImageoNikideSaint-PhalleletterNIKICHARITABLEARTFOUNDATION,Allrightsreser




  • 7/29/2019 GWL Spring 2013 Programme


    International Womens DayCelebrating women and equality around the globe

    21 Revolutions

    Artworks Showcasedat Bar GandolMonday 4th February to

    Monday 4th March9am to 11.30pm

    In the lead up to InternationalWomens Day, and beore heading

    on tour beyond Glasgow, some othe gems o 21 Revolutions, our

    knockout exhibition, launched atCentre or Contemporary Arts last

    year, will be available to view in thelush surroundings o Bar Gandol

    or a special limited period.

    Why not join us or a glass o wine at

    the launch?

    Launch Event,

    Sunday 3rd February, 5pm

    to 7pm upstairs in BarGandol, 64 Albion Street,

    Glasgow, G1 1NY

    The exhibition is ree and open to all.

    For more inormation on 21Revolutions visit our website at to see all theartworks and nd out more about

    the artists and writers. Look or our21 Revolutions podcasts on iTunes

    and at

    about her traumatic experiences,

    her letters are concise, enchantingand, most importantly, beautiully


    Come along to explore thesecaptivating letters and get involved

    in an exciting program o workshops,including illustration, graphics,

    doodling, poetry or prose.

    GWLs Epistolary BookGroup SpecialGallery o Modern ArtThursday 28th February,

    6pm to 7.30pm (ree)

    Join this one-o, Glasgow WomensLibrary book group special at the

    GoMA. Our book group is welcomingand inspiring, connecting women

    who like reading with each other andto a host o amazing and surprising

    new reads.

    Inspired by the Illuminated Letterso Niki de Saint-Phalle we will be

    reading an epistolary book writtenas a series o letters and discussing

    this beore a guided tour o herexhibition. Come along to celebrate

    International Womens Day and thewonderul world o Niki de Saint-

    Phalle with us.

    The book group is one o the

    Librarys longest running and mostpopular regular groups. This special

    meeting is open to non-membersbut places are limited so please

    contact us to book on and nd outdetails o the book we are reading.

    Unwind with a BookGallery o Modern Art

    Thursday 14th March,

    12pm to 2pm (ree)

    The popular GWL group Unwindwith a Book is hosting a one-o

    special at GoMA to tie in with theNiki de Saint Phalle Illuminated

    Letters project. Bring your packedlunch along to this special group to

    share your avourite extracts rombooks and poems in the orm o

    letters. Whether youre a reader, a

    non-reader, or simply would likesome time and space to relax overlunch-time, all ages are welcome.

    Read aloud i you are in the mood,or just sit back, relax and enjoy the


    The Illuminated Letters eventshave been made possible through

    partnership with the Gallery oModern Art and support rom

    Glasgow Museums.



  • 7/29/2019 GWL Spring 2013 Programme


    To celebrate National LibrariesDay, come in any time between

    1pm and 4pm to browse ourantastic selection o books. Why

    not reresh your reading habitswith our Reader in Residence Magi

    Gibson and Librarian Wendy Kirk,or just take time out to sit and

    read. Lots o coee, tea and cake.Oh, and i you dont have a library

    card? No problem, this is a perectopportunity to sign up! Booking not

    required, just drop in.

    World Book NightWomens Library PartyTuesday 23rd April,

    6.30pm to 8pm atGWL Landressy Street

    A celebration o reading and books

    in our brand new space. Books, un,laughter and, yes, more books! Join

    us or an evening o readings andbook-talk and pick up or give away

    your ree World Book Night booksby women

    Womens WordsA world o womens words , written, spoken, sung and heard


    21 Revolutions

    Writers PodcastsTo mark the Librarys 21stanniversary, and with the support o

    unding rom Creative Scotland andMuseums Galleries Scotland, GWL

    commissioned 21 women writers and21 women artists to create new work

    inspired by items and arteacts in ourcollections.

    In the 21 Revolutions Writers Podcast

    series, the writers read their workand talk about the inspiration behind

    each new piece. From campaignbadges, knitting patterns, Suragette

    memorabilia, album covers, recipebooks, eminist newsletters to other

    gems ound within GWLs thousandso archive boxes or amongst the

    hundreds o Library shelves.

    It couldnt be easier to listen, you cansubscribe to the podcasts via iTunes

    to received a resh new work eachmonth automatically, or download

    them directly rom our website

    Already available to download are

    podcasts by Kirsty Logan, HelenFitzgerald, Laura Marney and

    Elizabeth Reeder.

    Coming soon in 2013: amazing andinspirational podcasts by Muriel Gray,

    Leela Soma, Denise Mina, AlisonMiller and Zoe Wicomb.

    Read, Relax, RechargeThursdays, 12pm to 2pm

    rom 24th January (2/ree)

    Building on the success o our

    Unwind with a Book group, were

    delighted to introduce our newgroup, Read, Relax, Recharge, ledby our Reader in Residence, Magi

    Gibson, and Librarian, Wendy Kirk.Whether youre an avid reader or

    youre just starting out on yourreading journey, our read-aloud

    group oers the perect chance torelax and recharge over lunchtime.

    Bring along your lunch and join us aswe enjoy sharing wonderul stories

    and poems, all washed down withlots o tea and riendly chat.

    Browsing HourWednesday 6th

    February, 1pm to 4pm

    GWL Berkeley St

  • 7/29/2019 GWL Spring 2013 Programme


    Womens WordsA world o womens words , written, spoken, sung and heard

    Books That ChangedOur Lives (3/ree)Thursday 14th March

    6pm to 7.30pm at

    GWL Landressy Street

    Join Alison Miller, author oDemo, and Magi Gibson, Reader

    in Residence with GWL, as theydiscuss the books that shaped

    them as women and as writers.Alison is a graduate o the CreativeWriting Course at Glasgow

    University. As well as beingpublished by Penguin she has had

    stories broadcast on BBC Radio 4.Currently she is Scottish Book Trust

    Reader in Residence in OrkneyLibrary and is working on a novel

    set in Orkney, The Making o VeniIsbister.

    Contact us to book a place at this

    event on 0141 248 9969.

    Reading Group orMuslim Women (ree)Monday 28th January,

    10am to 12pm or

    Wednesday 30th January,

    5.30pm to 7.30pm

    The book group aims to promote

    education, sel-esteem andwellbeing or women in a un,

    relaxed and sure environment. So iyou have a passion or books, or nd

    it a challenge to get into the habit oreading, or you just wants to make

    riends then this group o you.

    The group will meet during the lastweek o every month. Two meetings

    will be organised, one during the day(10am to 12pm) and the other in the

    evening (5.30pm to 7.30pm).

    At the January meeting we will be

    discussing Reclaim your Heart byYasmin Mogahed

    Many o us live our lives entrapped

    by the same repeated patterns oheartbreak and disappointment.

    Oten, we have no idea why thishappens. Reclaim Your Heart is

    about reeing the heart rom thisslavery. It is about the journey in

    and out o lies most deceptivetraps.

    This book was written to awaken theheart and provide a new perspectiveon love, loss, happiness, and pain. A

    manual o sorts, Reclaim Your Heartwill teach readers how to live in this

    lie without allowing lie to own you.It is a manual o how to protect your

    most prized possession- the heart.

    Contact Syma at the library i youare interested in joining the group

    Call 0141 248 9969 or [email protected]

    Reader in ResidenceWriter Magi Gibson joined the GWLteam in September 2012 as our new

    Reader in Residence. Funded by theScottish Book Trust, Magi is putting a

    lietime o reading to use helping toguide others towards books - ction,

    act, poetry - that might excite andnourish. And the shelves o GWL

    are heaving with plenty o the mostantastic and inspiring books.

    In Spring, through reader surgeries,

    book recommendations, reading orwellbeing sessions, and outreach

    work around Bridgeton, Magi willbe encouraging you to use our

    collection o books in a way thatsuits you.

    Magi writes a wonderul blog that

    you can ollow on our website or you can

    contact her at the library on0141 248 9969 or email her at

    [email protected]

  • 7/29/2019 GWL Spring 2013 Programme


    Women Make HistoryWorkshops & activities exploring the hidden histories o Glasgows women

    Badges o HonourWednesday 1st May,

    10am to 4pm (ree)at GWL Landressy StJoin us or the launch o our exciting

    new Heritage Lottery undedproject, Badges o Honour.

    This project will show howwomen wearing badges

    have changed the world!Pop in and explore our

    antastic badge collection,marking the campaigns women

    have been involved with, rom Peaceactivism to baths closures, childcare

    and domestic violence. Show andtell us about your badge history (we

    want to see your ballroom dancingor bowling medals too!) and meet

    an artist who was inspired by ourcollection. You will also have

    the chance to create your ownbadges inspired by current events

    or recreate lost loved badges romyour past.

    This event will be ollowed with

    a series o group visits to othercollections in Glasgow where

    you can learn more aboutsuragette medals, womens

    liberation badges, and hearmore about the amazing

    women who owned them.You can sign up or this inspiring

    programme at the launch.

    Whether you have a passion ormusic, politics or sport, come

    along wearing your own badgewith pride.


    Routes inBridgeton

    GWL are excited to be part o theRamblers Scotlands Medal Routes

    project. The aim is to encouragepeople to take regular short walks

    as part o their daily lives. Medalroutes have at their centre a

    walking hub with circular routeso dierent lengths - Bronze, Silver

    and Gold (15, 30 and 60 minutes).

    Over the next ew months therewill be plenty o opportunities to

    come and have a wander with usand help us to develop short walks

    that include a cup o tea at GWLsnew home in Landressy Street. I

    you are interested, give us a ring toget involved.

    Ramblers Scotlands Medal Routes

    project is unded by Paths or All,Scottish Natural Heritage and

    Ramblers Holidays Charitable Trust.Medal routes are open to all and

    are ree.

    Dates and times or the MedalRoutes programme are still to be

    nalised, so contact Donna at theLibrary to register your interest on

    0141 248 9969 or email us [email protected]

    Hens Tae Watch OotFur Launch (ree)Saturday 16th February,

    2pm to 4pm at

    GWL Berkeley Street

    In February 2012 GWL and theRainbow Sisters, a group run

    by LGBT Youth Scotland, cametogether to celebrate LGBT History

    Month. They became inspired bythe rich anzine collection held by

    GWLs archive and decided to maketheir own zine. Hens Tae Watch

    Oot Fur will launch their second

    issue at this event to celebrateLGBT History Month.

    Come along to meet the teambehind the zine and get your

    hands on the latest issue hot othe press! Items rom the Lesbian

    Archive will also be on display toamaze and inspire.

    This event is aimed at lesbian and

    bi women, zine makers, writers,and budding comic artists. Call

    us on 0141 248 9969 or to book.

  • 7/29/2019 GWL Spring 2013 Programme


    Women Make HistoryWorkshops & activities exploring the hidden histories o Glasgows women

    Women Make HistoryHeritage WalksJoin us on one o our pioneeringwomens heritage walks this Spring.

    Each walk has been researchedby GWL learners, volunteers and

    sessional sta and are designed toenhance lie, health and learning.

    Contact us to book: 0141 248 9969

    Hidden Gems oGarnethill (7.50)Saturday 9th March, 2pmGarnethill is at the heart o Glasgows

    city centre but remains an unknownquarter or many. This walk takes

    in its grand tenements, paintedgables, miniature park, synagogue

    and world acclaimed architecturaltriumphs. These and other ascinating

    landmarks help us to tell the storieso some o the most remarkable

    achievements o women in Glasgowshistory. Within Garnethills conned

    boundaries we spotlight the womenwho pioneered European art

    movements, designed the bannersor suragette processions, created

    the rst womens Library in Scotlandand made Garnethill into the most

    exciting cultural and multiculturalhotspot in Glasgow.

    Women o theMerchant City (7.50)Saturday 23rd March, 2pmUncover the Merchant Citys hidden

    history during this walk aroundGlasgows cosmopolitan hub.

    Join Glasgow Womens Librarytour guides in the Merchant City

    to discover the emale stars thatstud the abric o this amous

    quarter. Scandal, vice, radicalism,regeneration and revival are topics

    highlighted by this original tour.

    Women o theNecropolis (7.50)Sunday 7th April, 1pm

    & Sunday 19th May, 1pmExperience this antastic womenshistory walking tour that digs the

    dirt on Victorian society, unearthswomens achievements and

    exhumes the history o some othe women buried in the Glasgow

    Necropolis. Our tour guides will tellthe stories o both the notorious and

    the orgotten women who are buriedin these atmospheric and ethereal

    surroundings, one o Glasgowsmost ascinating Victorian garden


    East End WomensHeritage Walk (7.50)Sunday 21st April, 2pmJoin Glasgow Womens Librarys

    Women Make History tour guideson our newest Womens Heritage

    Walk, grant-aided by GlasgowCity Heritage Trust and Historic


    Researched by learners andvolunteers at the Library, this

    womens heritage walk uncoversthe hidden heroines o Glasgows

    East End. I you are interested innding out more about the women

    who worked in the Templetonactory, Suragettes who were

    held in Duke Street Prison, or thewoman who set up the Barras (and

    many more) then this is the perectway to spend your aternoon.

    West End WomensHeritage Walk (7.50)Saturday 4th May, 2pmThis pioneering womens heritage

    walk reveals a hidden history othe West End o Glasgow: pipe-

    smoking orewomen, revoltingschoolmistresses, and the unique car

    made by and or women. A uniqueand inspiring insight into the hitherto

    unsung women who made the WestEnd.

    Why not visit the antastic An

    Clachan Cae in Kelvingrove Park,the perect rereshment stop or

    beore or ater your West End Walk?

    Start points or each o the walkswill be given at time o booking.

    Booking in advance is essential asguides cannot take payment on

    the day. Visit our website to or call us on

    0141 248 9969

  • 7/29/2019 GWL Spring 2013 Programme


    Festivals, Launches and ScreeningsA packed programme o exciting and inspiring events

    Glasgow InternationalComedy Festival:

    Comedy Writing or

    WomenSaturday 23rd March, 2pm

    at GWL Landressy St

    Ever wanted to write a witty

    monologue or sitcom? Or maybe arom-com? But dont know where

    to start? Come along and learn thebasics with writer Magi Gibson.

    In a un atmosphere well explore

    the basics o comedy and sitcomwriting. What makes a comedy

    character? How do you createa storyline? How do you get the

    most comedy possible out o anidea? Whether you simply want to

    write about unny things that havehappened in your lie, or you ancy

    being a stand-up or trying your handat a sitcom, this workshop will get

    you started. No previous experiencerequired. Just a willingness to come

    along and give it a try. Go on, it willbe a laugh!

    Contact us on 0141 248 9969 to

    book your place or email us [email protected] or visit

    Glasgow Film Festival:Margaret Tait, Film PoetFriday 15th February,

    1.30pm at Glasgow FilmTheatre, Rose Street

    A poet, lmmaker, and artist o unique

    and extraordinary vision, MargaretTait died in 1999, aged eighty. Inspired

    by her, Glasgow Film Festival sentemerging moving image artist, Sarah

    Forrest, to Margarets native Orkneyor 6 weeks on a Creative Futures

    Residency. Join us or the estivalsexclusive screening o the resulting


    Alongside this we will show the GWLDocumentary Margaret Tait, Film

    Poet, by Marissa Keating and MichaelThomas Jones about thie intensely

    private, enigmatic lmmaker toldthrough her riends, amily and peers.

    Free but ticketed, tickets available

    rom GFT box oce on the day only.


  • 7/29/2019 GWL Spring 2013 Programme


    GWL Pop-Up Libraryat Glasgow Short FilmFestivalFriday 8th to Sunday

    10th February at the CCA

    Glasgow Womens Library will bepopping up at the Glasgow Short

    Film Festival this year. Two o our21 Revolutions Writers, Denise

    Mina and Helen Fitzgerald, willbe involved in the Women and

    Authorship discussion on Friday8th and Saturday 9th February, and

    there will be a GWL book-lendingoutpost at the CCA throughout

    the estival. We will be displayinga selection o our books including

    a range that celebrate the diverseand pioneering achievements o

    women in lm. I youre planningto go to the estival, why not come

    along and have a browse?

    Your PaintingsThursday 7th to Saturday

    9th February at GWL

    Berkeley Street (ree)The BBC and the Public

    Cataloguing Foundation havebeen working together to create a

    unique online resource eaturingoil paintings rom museums

    and galleries across the UnitedKingdom. Glasgow Womens

    Library were delighted to be parto this project which showcases

    our collection o Clare Gallowayartworks. These inspiring artworks

    will be on show to the public orthe rst time at the Library.

    Orkney Book FestivalFriday 12th to Sunday

    14th April 2013.

    We are really excited to be taking

    part in the Orkney Book Festivalthis year. Check out our events

    with Magi Gibson, our Readerin Residence, and a screening

    o our documentary, MargaretTait, Film Poet, on our website at

    Festivals, Launches and ScreeningsA packed programme o exciting and inspiring events

    Museums at Night:

    Witches & WickedWomen (3/ree)

    Saturday 18th May,6pm to 9pm at GWL

    Landressy Street

    Do you love things that go bumpin the night and staying up late

    watching scary movies? Jointhe GWL team or our rst ever

    Museums at Night event which issure to be spine-tingling! Come

    or a behind-the-scenes tour o themuseum with a spooky twist.

    Let us scare you with tales o

    witches and ghosts, then huddleup to share and listen to some

    spine-tingling stories and have thechance to create your own tales

    to scare your amily and riends.Revolting rereshments will be


    Suitable or women andchildren 8+ (all children must be

    accompanied by an adult)

    We are asking or a minimumdonation o 3 towards

    rereshments or this event i youcan aord it.

    For more inormation on any oour events & activities contactus on 0141 248 9969 or [email protected]

    You can also visit our website us on Facebook andollow @gwlkettle on Twitter

  • 7/29/2019 GWL Spring 2013 Programme


    Out & AboutBringing GWL learning to a location near you

    Country Tales:Stories o Health and

    Wellbeing (ree)Continuing our series o themedevents rolled out over the seasons

    which involve visiting local outdoorspaces and woodlands to increase

    physical activity. Each sessionincludes using plants and herbs to

    make exciting products (such asace creams, healing massage oils,

    sweet ruit vinegars), tea tastings,

    sharing stories o traditional olklore/country tales and learning how toutilise and preserve the local outdoor


    The project is unded by ForestryCommissions Scotland (through

    the Community Seedcorn Fund)who are keen to connect diverse

    communities with the outdoorenvironment. Thereore we are keen

    or BME women to take part in thisascinating project.

    All sessions include tea tastings and

    making simple herbal remedies totake home.

    Winter Stories o the

    Seasons.Thursday 24th January,

    11am to 2pm at Pollok ParkStable Courtyard

    Winter, the wood at rest... but what

    is going on behind the scenes?Preparing the ground and sewing

    the seeds.

    Springtime PlantingThursday 14th February,11am to 2pm at Pollok Park

    Stable Courtyard

    Preparing or the new season:planning a healthy body, planting

    or a healthy environment.

    The importance o the naturalenvironment or our health and


    Stories o Spring: Natural

    HealthThursday 14th March,11am to 2pm.

    As with previous sessions, wewill explore the meanings given

    by dierent cultures to thecountryside, woodlands and orests

    especially. What traditional stories,olklore, and religious tales tell

    us about the importance o thenatural environment and how they

    help orm our relationship with thecountryside.

    Spring Stories o the

    SeasonsThursday 18th April,11am to 2pm.

    Includes tea tastings and making

    simple herbal remedies to takehome. This session will review the

    ground covered over the last 6months

    Locations or the above Country

    Tales sessions will be passed onwhen booking. To nd out more

    or to book a space, please call theLibrary on 0141 248 9969 or email

    [email protected]

    Lie BooksGAMH, St Andrews by the

    Green, 33 Turnbull Street

    8 sessions, starting inFebruary

    Glasgow Womens Library are

    pleased to be working with theBME recovery group at Glasgow

    Association or Mental Health tocreate individual lie books! Use a

    abulous range o creative paper,gems and embellishments to create

    scrapbook to capture your specialmoments.

    I you are rom the BME community,

    interested in mental wellbeing andrecovery, and want to get creative

    then this workshop is or you!

    Please contact Syma at the library

    or more details including start dateon 0141 248 9969, email us [email protected] or visit

    us online at

  • 7/29/2019 GWL Spring 2013 Programme


    Out & AboutBringing GWL learning to a location near you

    Personal HistoryTours: Ibrox andGovan (ree)Ater the success o the Personal

    History Tours in Pollokshields,Govanhill, Gorbals and Castlemilk,

    we are pleased to organise asimilar programme or women in

    Ibrox and Govan.

    I you live in the Govan or Ibrox

    area and are interested in healthyliving then this programmes oryou. You will have a chance to

    explore your own area as neverbeore and create your very own

    Personal History Tour. A greatopportunity or you to refect and

    also to encourage physical activity.

    For more inormation or to sign upor the programme, please contact

    Syma at the library on 0141 2489969.

    Dumbarton WomensHistory group (ree)Fridays, 10am to 12pm,

    at the Concorde Centre.

    Starts Friday 15th

    February or 6 weeks

    This ongoing course will develop

    your skills in researching localwomens history and is suitable or

    beginners and experienced alike.Come along, nd out about the

    local women who have shapedDumbarton, share your own stories

    and memories and start to createyour own womens history project.

    The course will also oer a hal-day introduction to oral history

    techniques, which is ree o chargeto course participants and open to

    others or a small charge.

    Introductory OralHistory TrainingFriday 1st March, 10am

    to 1pm at the ConcordeCentre, Dumbarton

    10.00 per person, tea/coeeincluded. Free o charge

    or womens history courseparticipants. Concession places

    available ree o charge, contact usto book.

    Find out more about recording

    and preserving precious storiesand memories o riends, amily

    and other local people. This isa un inormal introduction to

    oral history what it is, why itsimportant and how to do it.

    Clydebank WomensHistory group (ree)Wednesdays, 1pm

    to 3pm at Centre 81.

    Starts Wednesday 13th

    February or 8 weeks

    This ongoing course will develop

    your skills in researching localwomens history and is suitable or

    beginners and experienced alike.

    Come along, nd out about the

    local women who have shapedClydebank and share your own

    stories and memories.

    To book a place on any Dumbarton

    or Clydebank events or courses,contact us on 0141 248 9969 or

    email [email protected]

    Dundee WomensFestival: She Settles inthe Shields (ree)18th to 23rd March,

    at Central Library, The

    Wellgate Centre, Dundee

    This vibrant exhibition rom

    Glasgow Womens Library records

    and illustrates the colourulhistories o women migrantsto the Pollokshields area o

    Glasgow rom the 1950s on. Itprovides an insight into amily,

    intergenerational dierences, ood,ashion, relaxation and celebration,

    as well as charting the womensencounters with work, study and

    the local community.

  • 7/29/2019 GWL Spring 2013 Programme


    Out & AboutBringing GWL learning to a location near you

    Mapping Memorialsto Women in

    Scotland TrainingWho are the women who helpedto build Scotland? How are they


    These training sessions will

    introduce you to the Women oScotland website which has nowlogged the stories o over 300

    memorials to women. The sessionswill introduce you to some o the

    women already eatured on thewebsite and also get you started in

    logging any memorials you knowo in your own local area.

    For any dates not listed pleasecontact Glasgow Womens Library.


    St Andrews CommunityLearning Centre, St AndrewsHigh School Campus


    Central Library, George IVBridge on Monday 22nd

    April, 1.30pm to 3.30pm &Wednesday 15th May, 1.30pm

    to 3.30pmTo book on the Edinburgh events visit


    Central Library Media Centre,

    Rosemount Viaduct, Aberdeen.Wednesday 13th February,

    6pm to 8pmThis event is in partnership with

    Aberdeen City Council LibraryServices and Aberdeen Womens

    Alliance. Please phone to book aplace on 01224 652500 or email

    [email protected]


    Inverness: Monday 25th

    February, 1.30pm to 3.30pm atMerkinch Community Centre

    Alness: Monday 25thFebruary, 7.30pm to 9pm atAlness Heritage Centre

    Brora: Tuesday 26th

    February, 2pm to 4pmBrora Learning Centre

    Lunch rom 1.30pm at workshops

    in Inverness and Brora.

    Mixing the ColoursHow does sectarianism aect

    womens lives in Scotland todayand what do women think should

    be done about it?

    As part o our new project, Mixingthe Colours, Glasgow Womens

    Library is developing a newresource or women o inormation

    on accessible books (ction and

    non-ction), stories, poems andlms which look at sectarianismand how it aects diverse womens

    lives in Scotland and elsewhere.

    We will also be running a rangeo book and lm discussions

    and creative writing workshops,which will help womens groups

    and organisations explore howsectarianism aects their lives.

    Reading or Wellbeing:Womens ReadingCirclesWould you like to meet with other

    women and develop a supportivereading circle in your local area?

    Maybe you have a avourite bookor poem which has inspired you or

    helped you through dicult timesand would like to share it with


    Our womens reading circles ocuson ction and poetry by women

    which oers inspiration and positivesupport. We support a reading circle

    at Cornton Vale prison and theRead, Relax, Recharge group meets

    at our Glasgow base. Wherever youare in Scotland, we can advise and

    support you in developing a readingcircle or women in your area.

    For more inormation on Mixing the Colour, Reading Circles or any

    other Scotland-wide events contact Morag at the library on 0141248 9969 or email her at [email protected] orvisit our website at

  • 7/29/2019 GWL Spring 2013 Programme


    Getting InvolvedHow you can take part and contribute

    Volunteer with GWLVolunteering can help you gainnew skills and experience while

    meeting new people and making adierence.

    Glasgow Womens Library works

    towards developing excitingand innovative volunteering

    programmes which benetvolunteers as well as the work o the


    The volunteering opportunities areadded to regularly and can include:

    reception duties, helping with

    Friends, Champions,Volunteers: be part othe GWL story!

    Saturday 9th March,11am to 1pm at the

    Library, 15 Berkeley Street

    Founded by volunteers in 1991,Glasgow Womens Library continues

    to be powered by peoples voluntarycontributions and We Need You!

    This Spring the Library is recruitingBoard Members, Champions, and

    Friends, and would like to encourage

    you to get involved.

    Come and hear about the Libraryin all its glory; meet some o the

    current board, champions andriends in an open and inormal

    setting; and help us reach and

    recruit more supporters. Bigopportunities are opening upand were looking or dynamic

    women who want to become parto the GWL story. What do you

    want to contribute to our uniqueorganisation?

    Contact us on 0141 248 9969 to

    book a place or email us [email protected]

    You can also nd more inormationonline at

    research, guiding womens heritage

    walks, providing literacy andnumeracy support and much more!

    We will also be looking or help

    packing or our big move, so please

    get in touch. Training and travelexpenses are available.

    Contact Gabrielle at the Library or

    more inormation on 0141 248 9969or email [email protected]

    or download a volunteer applicationorm rom our website at

  • 7/29/2019 GWL Spring 2013 Programme


    Getting InvolvedHow you can take part and contribute

    Help with Reading,Writing and NumbersIn the Library we provide one toone support or women to improve

    their reading, writing and numberskills. We also have a groupwork

    programme running alongsideto support this work, including

    creative writing, communicationskills, a young womens project

    and working with numbers. Pleasecontact our ALN team or more

    inormation or to arrange support.

    Learning EnglishEnglish as a Second or OtherLanguage (ESOL) classes take

    place every week in the Library inpartnership with Langside College.

    I you would like more inormationplease contact us.

    For more inormation on any o

    our projects or services pleasecontact us on 0141 248 9969, or

    email [email protected]

    For more inormation on anything in the programme contact us

    on 0141 248 9969 or [email protected], visit the Libraryonline at, nd us on Facebook or ollow

    @gwlkettle on Twitter

    Joining and Booking

    How do I book an event?To attend an event or course we

    ask you to join the Library: this isreally easy to do and is completely

    FREE! Just complete a orm toreceive your borrowers card and

    we will post this out to you. Formscan be completed online, or you

    can call in & see us to ll one out.Joining gives you a unique GWL

    number that you can then use toregister on events.

    Do I need to pay?While a lot o our events are ree,

    we do ask or a small contributiontowards some o our learning

    events. Where you see prices listedagainst an event these generally

    all under two categories:

    Full Price or people who eel thatthey can aord to pay a smallamount to attend events and want

    to contribute to the librarys work,and Subsidised Rates (usually ree)

    or students, people on a lowincome, unemployed or in receipt

    o benets. We do not ask orproo o this: it is done on a trust

    basis and you sel-evaluate yoursituation.

    GWL Friends can access all ourlearning programmes or ree.

    All the money we receive helps

    us to keep providing events and

    courses, and directly supports thework o Glasgow Womens Library.

    Why is it important to

    book rst?It is important or us to know how

    many people to expect at all eventsas this aects the spaces we use

    and how many sta and biscuitsand teabags we need! It is also

    important so that we can ensureyou have all the details you need

    about an event, especially i thereare any last minute changes. It is

    also just as important or you tocancel a place in advance i you

    cant attend as we oten havewaiting lists. So dont let someone

    miss out on an event they wouldhave loved to attend, give us a call.

    I you have any questions about

    this or anything else you have readin the programme please contact

    us on 0141 248 9969 or [email protected]

  • 7/29/2019 GWL Spring 2013 Programme


    GWL Events Calendar at a GlanceFull details listed throughout the programme

    FebruaryMon Tues Wed Thur Fri Sat Sun

    1 2 3 21 RevsBarGandolf


    4 21 Revs atBar Gandolf

    to 4th March

    5 6Browsing


    7 RRR 8 9 10

    11 12 13 WMHClydebank/

    MM Aberdeen

    14 RRR/ Country


    15 GFF TaitDoc/WMH


    16 HensZine



    18 19 20 WMHClydebank

    21 RRR /Podcast


    22 WMHDumbarton

    23 24

    25 MappingMemorials


    26 MappingMemorials


    27 WMHClydebank

    28 RRRBook Grp

    @ GoMA

    MarchMon Tues Wed Thur Fri Sat Sun

    1 Oral HistoryDumbarton

    2 3

    4 5 6 WMHClydebank

    7 RRR 8IWD atGoMA/WMHDumbarton

    9 WMHWalk/

    Friends Event


    11 12 13 WMHClydebank

    14GoMA / 15 WMHDumbarton

    16 17

    18 DundeeExhibition

    till 23rd

    19 20 WMHClydebank

    21RRR /Podcast


    22 WMHDumbarton


    WMH Walk


    25 26 27 WMHClydebank

    28 RRR

    Book Grp



    30 31

    AprilMon Tues Wed Thur Fri Sat Sun



    2 3 WMHClydebank

    4 5 on 6 7 WMHHeritage


    8 9 10 11 12 WMHDumbarton

    13 14

    15 16 17 WMHClydebank

    18 RRR /Country


    19 WMHDumbarton

    20 21 PodcastRelease /

    WMH Walk

    22 MappingMemorials


    23 WorldBook Night

    24 WMHClydebank

    25 RRRBook Grp

    26 WMHDumbarton

    27 28

    29 30

    MayMon Tues Wed Thur Fri Sat Sun

    1 Badgeso Honour


    2 RRR 3 4 WMHHeritage





    7 8 9 RRR 10 11 12

    13 14 15 MappingMemorials


    16RRR 17 18 WikedWomen &


    19 WMHHeritage


    20 21 PodcastRelease

    22 23RRR 24 25 26



    28 29 30 RRR /Book Grp


    Pop-Up Library at GSFF 2013

    Your Paintings

    Orkney Book Festival

    Book Event/

    Country Tales

  • 7/29/2019 GWL Spring 2013 Programme


    Glasgow Womens Library

    5 Berkeley Street, Glasgow G3 7BW

    0141 248 9969 [email protected]

    Registered Company No: 178507 Charity No: SC029881

    Programme supported by:











