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"Y.t!IIIHi cu .. :t. .hi !to 11'111 ciuc · 1 11·: ·1. ·:, e rr 1 ••·:•J · .• 1:1 ·Jen·3 (II'.''. I! .tot I .• · '.l ;• •. :11"!1.• l' 'lllll11 €'.:0.::1 t' a. n d ·tu• t. ""{ltl t'fH it-? n l. t · .• y- ,_ 0 II ! Oi::J< i'llr. ""'' IIIII '( C.". .. , .. •:r:·t: u. ItT I til ''Hi llf lP;> • j l it \'!' ., .... t ··. II• ·Ill!:· t 1\C. •. t.• ., re. or l (! I'PtiJI";! Ill .J :'JIU-?'.,. ;! .ll:wtl ')I l. •. ;' · L!· dt 1 \·! t. 'J·:·n .'\"1•'.':·:'. 11"1\. J'!ll1'!.!.:1% ( ."!11 "l: ..... t •). • :- ' 1 :._ l • ( • ( • .., l f •\'l-_!1 ;( 1 .. 1 l ... , .... 1 ,, n, "; :•rl HoniU• ' ••·• ·': t ·,-.._'!" '1\ tl t 'J vr . . !' ... ; '- •, Hit l (' ' i t:l ·.: Jl .. ·( 4' ; 11 t t ' ' ·d't j>.' ; + . .... : .... !. "' .• i Pt !\ . ..... 11! t II\ .ik l !1.- , .. f..=·l ! ...:!· !Hll".t !t.' bl Hth\ nr ttUt•;r l.t\ :'\1 l.ft•' ::.... 1. lll"l!;'J! t.' "l'k4it H 1\l! l'lll..l .ltl"I'Vl "•111 1m :t·ua;;atied F en r.1 '>lUlU il•t!1 m:n 1:'·!'. 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H l .• - Greenbelt News Reviewgreenbeltnewsreview.com/issues/coop19470815.pdf · .II' JUJ• II'J t.•t ll'!Pl\1 1111 ... ""'·¢ mtn.·t·MJHJ H>r nu· t·' ••"Mt. IJur

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Page 1: H l .• - Greenbelt News Reviewgreenbeltnewsreview.com/issues/coop19470815.pdf · .II' JUJ• II'J t.•t ll'!Pl\1 1111 ... ""'·¢ mtn.·t·MJHJ H>r nu· t·' ••"Mt. IJur


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Page 2: H l .• - Greenbelt News Reviewgreenbeltnewsreview.com/issues/coop19470815.pdf · .II' JUJ• II'J t.•t ll'!Pl\1 1111 ... ""'·¢ mtn.·t·MJHJ H>r nu· t·' ••"Mt. IJur

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GREENnELTCOOPERATOR bNs of the \\"omen's Club exe<:U­t i \"f' board.

AN INDEPENDE:h"T NEWSPAPER 8 Parkway, Greenbelt, Maryland

. $1.50 per year by mail Published weekly since November 24, 1937 by a volunteer staff.

Owned and operated by the Greenbelt Cooperative Publishing Association, Inc.,

a non-profit organization dedicated to 1. Serving the best interests of the cooperative movement. 2. Covering Greenbelt news as fully, fairly, and accurately as possible.

Phone Gteenbelt 4853 to submit news. Phone Gre3nbelt 3131 on Monday and Tuesday nights

to submit advertising. Editorial ·;>fftce open Monday and Tuesday nights f.-om C:30 p. m. News Items may be aubmitted either through the mail, via the box

In the tobacco store, or through the slot In the omce door.

8 La&t pick-up of news items and ads from the tobacco store box made lt p. m. Monday .!lnd Tuesday.

Editor-in-Chief --------------------------- Anne Huil Assistant Editor ---------------------- Eleanor Ritchie liews Editor ------------------------ Barbara McClary )( akeup Editor -------------------------- I. J. Parker 8 onday Night Editor ------------------ Edith Nicholas sf0:p Editot' ---------------------------- John Costa

a hotographer ------------------- Beverley Fonda STAFF

Geraldine Backstrom, Margaret Brown, EllS& East, Dee Fairchlh~. J.tuclle Fonda, Wens Harringto!IJ Anne Mazlen, Dorothy McGee, Melita Roeyer, Carolyn and Ralph G. rolller, Eileen Mudd, June Ringel, Donna

mer, Frances Rosenthal, Ethel Rosenzweig Eve Russ Aimee Slye Bobble Solet, LU Stutz, Bess Vogel, June Wilbur Peggy ·Winegarden. ' B · M BUSINESS STAFF · c:~Ts Manager ---------------------- Ruth Watson

a on &Jl(lger -·--·······-·-··-···········-·-····--···-············-··-·--- Charlotte Wal.sh VoJ. 11

_To·The Editor: Council Candidate Makes Statement

I would like to tnke this oppor­tunity to announce that I have today, filed a completed nomina~ tion petition as a candidate for the Town Council in the coming alectlons.

The times demand alert, positive, and progressive leadersh!p In the Town Council, and the future of Greenbelt and the welfare of Its residents are· of great concern to me. I will appreciate the actlve support of all public-minded citi­zens, and If elected, will do my nttr.ost to sateguard and enrich the life Of Greenbelt and the Interests ot all ot its residents.

If opportunity Is presented, I will be glad to dl~;cu!'<f< puhlidv tiH' problems which we must fa~e as a united community In order to protect our future and Insure our prosperity.

Sincerely yours, BETTY HARR!~GTON

4-C Plateau Place -------------------

Neighbor Praiaea Northend Regiatration To the Editor:

We had a parade In our court last Saturday which I found far more exciting than any planned affair. You see, Saturday was registration day In the North End, and from 9 o'clock until 1, people came, singly, ln groups, afoot, and In cars, to assure theh part in that old American custom, popular elec­tions. I am confident that believ­ers in a democratic form of govern­ment would have been cheered by the sight.

Thanks should go to those Green­belt citizens Who issued the flyers and arranged other attendant pub­licity, to Mrs. Winfield McCany Town Clerk, and to all those wh~ took ·time from the alw&ys busy weekend hours to demonstrate their Interest In the eJections of their town.

Very truly yours, DOROTHY H. THOMASON

4-R Laur~J Hill

Herbert Evans Lauds Greenbelt

Herbert Evans, personnel direc­tor of the Ohio Farm Bureau Fed­eration, said at the evening pro­gram marking Greenbelt's tenth birthday, that he would have to leave immediately after the pro­gram, because if he stayed, he'd he the only man In town not running for the council.

In more serious vein, he said that the world needed more com­munities like Greenbelt "where people have learned to lin• to~ gether." He quot.e.d his friend, Harold Urey, atomic scientist, as saying the only solution for the atam bomb problem wns "more decent people." - Mr. Evans drew many laughs

with his humorous remarks about the town's early history. He was here when the cooperath·e was be­Ing formed, as administrator of the Consumer Distribution Corpor­ation which set up the enterprise.

Murray D. Lincoln, president of the Cooperative LeagtJe of the USA, was the scheduled speaker, but was called to Coumbus, Ohio, by an emergency, an(j had to leave In the m~ddle of the afterna;on ..

No. 51


By DOROTHY McGEE Phone 3667

Aren't we the lucky one to ha\'e a swimming pool? It's a good place to be these i1ot days.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. DovE.' 6-M Hillside Road and their sons' Billy and Bobby are motoring t~ Las Vegas, Nevarla where Mr·. Dove will attend the Disabled American Veterans convention as a delegate. Fram Las Vegas, the Doves will drive to CaJifornla And other plaees of· interest, returning home the first week of SeptembE.'r.

Mr. and Mrs. Norma.n Slater of 5-K Ridge Road spf'nt the wee keno in l':P\\" York City •·r>l<•hrat in1~ 1 l11•i ,. nin11l \\·,·ddin;..:, arlldvt•f :.;u , ..

Mrs. Rose and Miss Anna 'JoJck­hausen of 6-K Hillside Road have gone to the Berkshires in Mass.a­chusetts for the month of August.

Cynthia Stiffler retur·ned to IH•r· home in Bethesda last weekend after a WCE.'k's visit with hf'r· cousin, Babs Colliver c>C 26-B Ridge Road. '

Dr. and Mr·s. E. LE.'land Love and their son, Bob, of 10 Forestway are on· a trip to Missouri to visit Dr. Love's parents.

Mr. and Mrs .• Jerome Lachman of 12-A Plateau welcomE.'d their second daught('r, Linda Ruth. on August 9 at Prince Georges Hos­pital In Cheverly.

Mrs. Meyer Volk has returnf>d from the hospital to hE.'r hom!" at 8-B Hillside Road and is recover­ing nicely.

Mr. and Ma·s. DaniPl Neff spent last weekend In _qnJtimor('.

M':". Frank P. Thurston, 5.3-N Ridge Roa!J, left Wednesday for Wisconsin whE.'re he will be em­poyed. His wifE.' and daught('r· will follow when he securE.'s a house for them.

Twins are JOining the GE.'ne Nance housf.'hold at R-A Hill!'lirll" Road. A boy anti a girl wen• born three minutes apar·t on August 10 at Leland Memorial Hospital.

Mrs. Henll."Y M. Gc¥Jde. 2.3-P Ridge Road is on a motor trip to California with friends and former Greenbelt residents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fitch and son, Charle·s. Jr.

Bud Cor·mack: son of i'>fr. and Mrs. Charles Cor·mack, 6-B Ridge Road, arrived In town a W('('k ago from Duke University, Durham, N. C. He will rPturn to school in the fall as n S<'nior.

Nance Ra(' Kurth tap :tanc<t•d to "Chi Bnba Chi Baba." and a non•l ballet with ttl(' quart('l in thP back­ground singing "Pt•g U' !\fy Heart," was very well cionf.'.

Mrs. Carl Mf'Us(', 3-B CrC'scPnt Road has as a house guest. hf'r sist('r·-ln-law. Mrs. Allan Carter· of Boston, Mass.. who an·l\'er:l on Tuesday with hPr t·wo daughtl'rs and baby son. Tlwy will stay fur two weeks. ·

Mr. and Mrs. BiB .T('nklns nf 4-1-D CrescPnt Road announces the hirtll of th('ir first child, a 7 lb .. U oz. daughter. Mary Ann. on July 26 at Columbia Hospital. Mrs. .;~nklns Is the former Mary JP.ne Craig.

Mr. and Mrs. George Clark moved on Wednesday to Oklahoma City where Mr. Clark he~.s been transferred. A farewt>ll party at Mn. Daniel Ne :'s was given last Friday evening by seventeen mem-

Ct. a riPs O'Leary and two rhil­rlr·•·n. Cull••,·n and Buteh of 2-B :";ortllwH:'<" han• gonl" on a trip to :";ia.:ara Fall<; and Canada.

T-.id~>r·., l!••ul><•n of ·1-D CrPscPnt H":HI !dt 11lis mornln~: for a WE.'ek's var·ation in :"PW York City.

:\Ir.'-. T. H. Graham of Clarks­htll'V. \\'.,o;t \"ir,ginia Is hl"rt' for a wP•· k ·" \·is; I with her son-In-law nnr! daught<>r·. :\lr. ami !1-Jrs. Al~rt Sf'hnff•·r·. 2:>-G Ridgt• Rond.

'rr·. and :-.rr~. A•·thur Gr·f'enl". ·3-K E:1~tway had 11s housl" guests re­('~'rlll~·. l\fr". Annt> GJaubt>rman and lwr two boy~. whoSO(' home- In now in ;'\;'(•w York. Thp Glaubermans lf'ft (;rN•nl><·lt many months ago to lixP in 0:r>w :\texico an!J Arizona. :-.rr·. c;]nuh.,rman is at th(' Gr·and Ciln;\·on nmJ will soon join his family in ;-,;, .. ,\. York.

!\fr·s. L:1wn•nN" FE.'rn of 3-E RidgP Rnnr!, nnd h('r twr:-. daugh­tPrs ar·p ririving to \Visconsin to ,.i.,it n·lati\'es. They will be gone t hl"f'(' WPPks.

1\1 i~s Marilyn Stutz of 14-Z Ri!Jge Hnad hns hP••n in Ne\'1-' York for t h rPP Wf'Pk' visiting rf'lativPs. She r·pt unwd a Wf'Pk ago Summy ac­rnmpani~·d hy hf>r aunt. Miss Ger­trude Cn>.'<S nf Br.-x>klvn an!J her rousin. Ridwrci Kobakoss of Elm­hurst. Long Island. Th('y rf.'malned ns guesls fnr n week.

Via pn~t('aJ·d from Ankara, tw{'nty mih•s from Istanbul comes nr-ws nf Phil :\TorrE.'II, former resl-. rl1•nt who IPft town ahout a year ago. H.., is );J>{"nding two months in n b1•nutiful spot along the ~ach of t !w ~{'ll of Marmara. He savs ltH! climat .. i); ideal. That's a long way to 1.:0 for nn id~aJ climate but I think it's worth it.

\Vork Camp Roundup Twt>ln• stur!Pnts from 10 states

c•omprising t !11• studPn•s in coopera­t i \'Ps JH·ojp('f spent the afternoon ancl Pn'ning last Sunday in a \Vork Cam]") Hounclup at the lake which hl"OUght thPm tO'l:('ther With Offi­ria)s of GC~. Tht> student mem­her!' J.:a\·e a panel re\'it:'W Of their ~urr mer·'s nrt i\'ities. Th('n fol­low••d a ball ~o:ame. picnic supper, "nmatt>ur··~ r!Piight," And dosing monwnts of appreciation and fel­lowship arouncl the C'amptlr£>.

Tlw '-l11rl••n! '' disrlJ);<;pr) t h•• \'lllllf' ' • . t 1 . · , 1 • , r ' • . ~ •. , . . 1 1 •. ~ , 1 , r 1 • • • •

wh:ch look IIH•m to \'isit somE.' l5 <"<>np~~ra t i n·s ami rE.'Iatf.'ci agf'n<"if>s in thf• \\':t;.hin.:ton ar('a. Thev re­' it>WPr! thP lP<Hiing and r·('~arch which t lwy hart cinnP. tour hi ng the i~ppm-tnnt il~l•Pr·ts of tlw historv of <'O!>J•Prnti'·" business or·gani7A,ti~n anrl tlrP plan• of co-ops in building a JH"n);p<•r·ous Anwr·!ra 11nrl pe11ceful in t "•·na t i• •TEd <'Plllm('rC€'.

Tt~<.• Din·ctor of the cnmp re­J><>r·l•.·rl !hat thr> C'amJ)('I'S had pro­Yided on•r :?.:>no hours of labor on·r· t lwi r· four day. .16 hour W(•••kly ""ht•dul" of f.'mploymPnt in (;.c.s. strJ!·,.s. The C'amp. initintf'd hy t hr• Bn·l l! r••n &>r\"irro Commis­si•·n nJ lhp BrPthren C'hurC'h and its n·~:i,.nal c"mmittPf.' wns sp-on­'-'!l!'l•rl in f;n•r>nbelt by a spedal cnmmitt••p induding Ruth RinPhart ,f \\"<>strninstt•r·. Rach('l (;nrn<'r and .Tohn Brown of Gr('('nbf>lt. The •·amp dn,.:ps on August 17 whpn the sturh•nts l!';l\·,. for C'Oilf.'l!£' C'lllllpUs('S and local r·••nHnuniti('s to use the knnwlt•rf~,. <•f c·r>OJl("rati\'f.' IPnder­"hip ~.:ain .. d in thf'ir studi<'s hl."r'!.

Scout Campers Ret>ort On Trip

Tw'-'nty h<•ppy, sun-tannt•d Scouts "f c;,-,.t:>nh('lt Tt·oop 229 rNurnE.'d Sat unlav from a two "A"l'('k stav at f"amp Ttll'•>durt• HOOSE.'\'f'lt nt Wil­i""'· :\fnryl:wrl. on the ~hore of Ch•·~apPnk" Bily. '

Til•·· Scout' •·njoyed ~wimming, lt~•a1in". snilinJ;. and fishing during t h"~•· I wo Wt•Pk;.:.

At th .. award-< campttn• on the final night in ··amp, thl" Tr·oop was r•·wnrci•·ct 1 ht• Clronn rnmrwn• rom­blt·m wint two qnr!l, for PXrPIIPnce in kt·Ppin~-: t twir· camp ~itp dean.

Th" h<>~·;.: nnw look fnnnnd to n s•·a ... nn of kwal camping nnd '-''outing al'liYit~· und('r th(• dirf'c­t i>~n of s, .. utmastpr Ern('st To\\ n-fwnrl. who was with tiH• hovs during llwir· ,·amp p('!"iorl. H•·gulna· Tro< •p lll<·PI 'n ~~' will re;.:umf' t hi!! Tu''·"tay a! th .. meeting plow~ in f}lf' r\ftJ)pfj,• ('llliJ.

Binsro Party At Drop-Inn

Th .. L>r"J.o·Il'n will hold a bin.:o party at thr> ··~lntf'Pn <'" S(•ptPnl­Lo•r· :> witt1 t hi' first £:1m{• sr·hpd­uh•!l !nr H::~n I' rn. ~J••mh••rs of t hf' r·nr.te•·n "" W('IJ as un adult r·omnlitt"" hr·adP.-1 by ~~r~. L('on n.,n,.fll"' and \fr. JamP!I \\'nlfe

· will ~:><> ranva;.~ing the town wit'l tkkPt!'.

Anyon(' intpr·.,s!ed In donating mnnt•v or an nrtlde for a priu for the affair mnv rio so by contacting !\1r!<. Hoi-(' San~one.

Community Church Sunday, August 17-

9:30 a. m.-Church Schoo I. Thomas P. Berry, superintendent.

10:00 a. m.-Men's Bible Class. James T. Gobbel, teacher.

lO:!iO a.m.-Church Nursery. 11:00 a. m.-Church Worship.

Soloist, Mrs. Janet Neff Walker, with Emmett Griggs as organist. Guest preacher wiJI be the Rev­erend C. R. Strasburg, whose sub­ject will be "The Faith That Con­quers" ltext: I John 5:4>. Through­out August anyone needing a min· ister for special services of any kind are invited to can the Rev­erend Mr. Strasburg who is a re­tired Methodist minister of full standing withthe Peninsula confer­encE.' ol the Methodist church. He is living with his daughter, Mrs. Frank Comploler, 38-F Ridge Road, phone 3683.

Mowatt Memorial MethodiSt Church Pastor, Rev. Raymond V. Cook

6-X Plateau Place Sunday, August 17-9:45 a. m.-Church Schoo I.

<Classes for all ages) 11:00 a. m.--Mornlng worship.

"Saviour, where'er Thy steps I see, Dauntless, untired, I follow Thee."

Ashelman Speaks At Co-op Institute

A warning to fellow cooperators to stop "rainbow chasing" was sounded by Sam Ashelman, general managE.'r of Greenbelt's largest co­operative, Wednesday at the 18th Annual Co-op Institute held this y('ar at Haverford, Pennsylvania.

Mr. Ashelman's address was based on the expressed interest of cooperath·e groups in getting into businesses with wider margins than food stores. He pointed out that while other types of enterprise may ha\"E.' a greater margin, expenses of cpernt ion are greater, problems morE.' complicated and the risk pro­portionately larger.

Based on Greenbelt's operations he said that out of the $38,000 net mnrgin Pnr·n,.fi h~· nll thf' sf<>l"f'S l:t t _\~·;tr, tiJ,. food .-->t,~t·f_• accoJ.!':ted for $14,000. This, he said, is be­cause more consumer dollars are spent on food than on any other tyJl(" of merchandise.

Full-time delegates to the icon­f('!'('nce from GreenbE•It this week are Ed Burgoon, service station m&nager; Mrs. Ruth Taylor, Mr. Trust's assistailt: Board member Thomas B. Riichie and Mrs. Ritchie. RE.'presentin~~ the Green­belt Ht'alth Association is Mrs. Ruth \Vatson. Part-time visitors from GCS include Basset FE.'rgu­son, Hnr·ry Palmer, John Coleman Bob l\tnrrow, James Cashman and Hem y !1-lyer.

St.Hugh,s Catholic Church

Daily Mass; 7 a. m. 1 t St: }iugh's Chapel, 53-A . Cr !Scanl: Road. .

Sunday Mass: 7:30 and 9 30 e.. m. in the theater. .

9:30 a. m .. Mass: Specud com" munion Sunday for &11 child ·.!n of~ the Parish. The Mass will 1e ot .. .fered for their special in tel tionf! .· Choir practice immediate!~ foJ .. lowing the Mass.

1:00 p. m.-Baptisms. . Confessions: 4-5 p. m. Sat trday.i

expressly for the children. 7:30··1 9:30 p. ,m. !or adults.

st. Hugh's Catholic C.hurcJ con· gregation met with FathE'r Dow .. : gaiio to plan the new year': · prO·< gram for the town's r ·~wes1:1 parish. The meeting was . cl . airet~ by Guy Moore with GP.rry 3a.;:k·i strom ns acting secreta ':Y·

Nominations and elections wern held to form a Parish com1 titte•~ to we>rk on all church a:ffah ~ un· der the leadership of Father Dow· galio .for the coming year. rhose elected to that committee are Thomas Canning, Mrs. ~rvitl Dietzel, Joseph Loftus, An .bony Madden, Chestf;!r MacDonald. Mrs. John McCollum, Guy 1\ oore, Cyrila O'C:-nnor, Charles T :well. Mrs. Charles Wright, and Mrs. Oscar Zoellner.

Hebrew Services Sabbath services will be c-or duct··

ed by Rabbi Sandhaus F'rida~ eve~' ning, August 15 at 8:30 p. m. n tho social room of the Center S :hool. All persons are Invited to att• nd.

Co-op Nursery Opens Next Monti1

The foJlowing children ar• en .. roled in the Greenb~lt Codpe1 alive Nursery Schopl and will stb 7t tc school September 15. The J, :upils have been divided tentativel) into morning and afternoon grou} '. ac~ cording to birth dates. It 1~ ·pos· sible that adjustments rna · bl:! made by Miss. Dorothy Broac bent, 1

the Nursery School teacher, .vhen she returns to Greenbelt next month.

The morning session includes Sandra Johnson, John Olsen, 1 . .eslle Ann· Thomas, Elien East, Mat 'hew . Citron, James V/alsh, Paul B>oo~n, 1

l\li•·hael Ho~enzweig. Rict nrd foss, Martin Zeldon, Alan R.ussl K:off, Susan Borsky,, Winifred .. B• Etlor, Michael Melton, Saay J•> Kr ,use, and Donna Lee Kern.

In the afternoon se:;sion are . Janet MilJer, Joan Martin, ."im Col· lins, Martha Levsky, Jeffrey :'itev• ens, Janet Hertz, Barbara M :GeE>, : P11tti Mesner, Beverly Ann B •tker, I

.Katherine Winegarden, David ';olo· i mon, Charles Backstrom,· Sl aron , Ann Ringel, .Keith Markfield, Ste• phan Mintz, and D~nnis R&jal '·

Bible Study Group The customary meeting for 3ible

~tudy- will be held at. 10-B Hi !side Thursday at 8:30 p. m. The G :>spel of St. John is still under discu >sion

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Page 3: H l .• - Greenbelt News Reviewgreenbeltnewsreview.com/issues/coop19470815.pdf · .II' JUJ• II'J t.•t ll'!Pl\1 1111 ... ""'·¢ mtn.·t·MJHJ H>r nu· t·' ••"Mt. IJur


81 Pass Tests In Swim Course

The first set of swimming classes offered by the Recreation Depart­ment came to a close August 1 with a total of 165 adults and chil­dren, out of the original enroll­ment of 376, quaJifylng for the Rec:! Cross tests. Of this number 81 passed the test and will receive Red Cross cards to certify that they satisfactorily completed the course.

Thooee who did not qualify for the tests included those who drop­ped from class for one reason or another, or were absent !rom class during the Week the tests Were given, or did not progress far enough In the work to reach the final stage of their class schedule

Each class was divided Into sev~ eral sections according to the ability ol the person enrolled, as determined by u screening test given the first d&y of cJass. Each section was then assigned an Indi­vidual teacher with a specific skill to teach. Students were ad­vanced to the group just ahead of them when they had successfuliy mastered the skill assigned to their group.

These who worked up to the No. 1 section of their class were then eligible for the Red Cross test wblch was glven at the end of the co.urse. This method of conduct­Ing class permitted those with more water experience to progress at a faster rate, and also enabled

' those having difficulty with a par­ticular stroke or sklll to have more time to correct that weakness.

· The classes were offered under the direct supervision of Helena DeGourse and Eileen Mudd who held Red Crosn Instructor's Ratings from the National Red Cross Aqua­tic School and were assisted by Ora Donoghue, Dom1le Wolfe and Joe Lt>wis of the summer re'crea­tion staff and Mrs. Ethel White, Mrs. Russell Brown, Mrs. Wiliam Andrusic and Mrs. Wllliam Rupert who volunteered their time.

Below is a tabulation ol classes for the children:

Enrolled-beginners, 201; inter­mediates, 89; swimmers, 48.

Quallfled for test·--beginneJ·s, 71; Intermediates, 48; svvi;nmers, 27.

Passed test-beginners, 31; In­termediates, 16; swimmers, 22.

Below is a tabulation of classes for adults:

Enrolled-beginner!;, 21; Inter­mediates, 13; swimmers, 4.

Quaified for test-beginers, 9; Jnt•~rmediates, 6; swimmers, 4.

r·assed test-beginners, 6. inter­merliates, 4; swimmers, 2. '

This showed a little higher en­rollment !or the July 1947 classes over the July 1946 classes, and a proportionate increase in number who took the Red Cross tests and the number who passed.

Passengers Note! The co-op bus is dinplaylng a

new sign asking passengers to co­operate by not asking the bus driver to stop at other than scheduled bus stops.

Elwin \Vintrlngham, bus mana­ger, explained to the Cooperator that while the drivtrs want to be as helpful as possible, t;o many are requesting special stops that a situation has developed which is unfair to other passengers.

He also pointed out thRt the police department has requested him to conform to. the original plans as stops at undesignated points often present a trafllc prob­lem.

Subscribe to The Cooperator for friends and relati?)es who· are away from home. $1.50 per 'JI(Xtr. r-.. -.. 4;·;-~~o~~SOM-~-.~-·r I Three for $2.00 J

Yates Dameron ! Bob McClary I



rrA·xil I ~!~t:r!~ .!~~ ~I

SUBURBAN CAB. CO. 3407 Perry St.,

Mt. Rainier, Md. Operating under official

county rate•

Jr. Legion Team

TakeH Saxons 9-1 The Greenbt:•lt Legion Jr. base·

ball team defeated the Cissl•l­Saxon Po.,t .Jr. team Sunclay, August 10, 9 to 1: The Cissel­Saxon Po!.t J1·. team was the ~font­gomery County Champion in thP. Le~ion League.

Goodall, pitching for the lo< als, turned in a beautiful job. He eli<! not walk a man. struck out (•ight and allowed only five hit~. B••n~:-­fiel and Goodall each hi~. a triple and Hause hit a double for the extra base hits for· the gam••. Hause with his dnublf! did t.he mo~t damage a!! there wen! thn•e m•·n on base who scored. Gre(•nh,.lt started their second 1;coring In th•! second inning, added one mon! in each the third and firth, then •·x­ploded for three each in the s•·v­enth and eighth to melu~ tlwir· total nine. Cissei-Saxon ;...·as shut out until the ninth when tlwy sc<:>red their lone run and prev•!nt­ed a shutout. Shira of the visitcrs was the only one who seE"med tu fathom the pitching or GQodnll. ll.S

he got three of the live ·hits re­ceived by his team. Cissel Saxon AB R H Ray, 3b 4 0 0 Marrlnan, 2b 4 0 0 Waldron, cf 4 1 1 Shira, rf 4 0 :J Norwitz, ss 3 U 1 Clark, c 4 0 o Taylor, 1b 4 0 0 Daly, If 3 0 f)

Johnson, p 3 0 0 ----·-·-------·~

33 l !j, Greenbelt AB R H Benefiel, If 5 0 2 Hause, ss 4 l 2 Ohmany, c 2 0 fl H. RandoJph, lb 3 0 I) Goodall, p 3 2 ] E. Randoph, 2b 3 ) 0 Bauer, ct 4 l 1 Hammond, rf 4 2 :! Longaneck•.•r, 3b :1 2 1

:11 9 ~ Beginners Hold Tennia Tov:-nament

A tennis tournament fo1· t h•• boys and girls who took pw·t in the beginners cla,,;ses held during the summer· months will begin on WPrlnP><rln.v. Auguq 20, nl ~f) n. rn. Anyone r·t.'gi>-l•·n·d fnr· IIi•• • J;, _, .. wlli be eligible to enter the tounm­ment whether or not he cornpl!!lerl the two months' <'OUrse. The tour­nament \Viii he extemJed to in­clude F•·iday, August 22, also if enough entriPs m·e made. Tl.o~p inlerestt.•d m·e to report to the cou1·ts Wednesday mor·ninJ! at 9.

Women's Bowling Attention, women bowJpr·~·.!

Bowling mf'et ing will he hPld Thursday, Se;Jtembf:or 4, at Gl'f'Pn­belt Athletir Clubhouse nt 8::10. Due to the lateness of meNir>g, p]ease try to have teams c••m-

('fpfl and franrhiSE> monl'v r••rv!~·

:J Softball Games

()pen City Series Tlw Jirst round of the city series

st>!tball championships got under­wuy with a thrilling triple header at BrndNl 1-"ield last Wednesday nidtt.

Tlw Ifnt team clashed with Tinws HPrald in the opening game, coming out the \iCt<U' in a tight gam(• by n score of 3-2. Mt. Rain­ipr· d<>fl.':ttecl Southwest Harbor's Linne; hy a score of •1-1 in the !--P('und ganw. The flrral game of th•• f'\Pnin~ was won by Annadcle ancl Co. who O\'t.•rc&me Naval Com­municatwn Annex by a score of :!11-1(

Th••r•· will be thre"' more games tunight and two games are sched­llh'd for· t umorrow night. Friday's ganws will bE-: 7 p. m., Marine Barrnd<s .\·s. Johnny's Tavern; H: 1;'>, f ;n;-pn b{'lt \'S. \Vebb Aircraft; ~t::w. :\'orman Paints vs. Hedin Constru!·tion. S11turday at 8: !Javis l'nintl•rs \'S. Annadale and C<1.; ~1:1:;, Th1·1fty Liquurs vs. IBM.

·--···· --··-·····-------'5ports Stuff

By JOHN COSTA Th•• Dnmon Runyon Cancer

Funrl was swelled quite a few cents on August 9, as GreenbE-lt played ho:;t to nbout 3,0!Xl softball fans, who cam•• from Alexandria, Wash­ingt•m, nnd surrounding vicinities to wateh three scht-duled games. A~ it turm•d out, the weather de­pal'! rnent come tt;rough with a thundf'r· sto;-m that dampened the ~pir·it.s and t>oclie-s too, and ex­tinguisht>d •he arc lighL'i. There was quit(' a bad momE'nt as the nrPa wa>< thrown into ('()Jllplete (i<Hkrw~s. nnd people st~u·tpd to !t·avP. Although a Je·N persons Wl•r·,. !-.tf•pJwrl on arddentally, no •111t- wa>< really frightent-d or hurt. The lights came baek nt n dim glow, and then the water works, putting a r!pflnlte end to festivi­t iPS.

In 1t1f' Jlr><t gam(', tht~ FBI Gals hattl"d till' (;arvin Gr·ill Gals in an .. -.;citing fr·,.,. hitting gume that ''''PI t lw "I>PI'tators agog at the pbying ahillt.r of the fair S('X.

In till' ~p,·ond game, thE' GrE>Cn­h<'lt HPp-: 'Y"re h•ndlng \'\.'ebb Air­,.,.,. ft of Ah•-.;andrin, 6 to 2, in the ;,th lllfl!lll~ \\·h,.n ~tH• hr•fot·p

lllf'llt itllll 1! r 1 •I 111 blt•h•·. ·1 ~~·· f~··t·., '·'~Pnwcl as if they wen• ps-lmec' for thi.'< gnmP, showin;z plenty of the old !'''1>>'1'. It might hll\'f' hf:oen the milit:u ~· mu~ic of t/w Cn"E'nbPit Band. \\ hid1 W81' stationPd r·ight lu•t.inri th•• hnc•k stop. In al!, we •·an lu• J•l nucl of thl' pffo•·t put 111nh for" this worthy enusl•.

''' turn in. An~· utHi~ t a•·hed girl>< intet·ested

in bo'' l1n~. pleas•• <:nlJ Grnee I lanPk, ·31~1. Attentlnnr•e or all J~ir)o;, a! I h" nlE'f'ting i~ llf'l'f'S-"Ill'Y .-.o that <trTangeoments n111y I><' made J,r· tiH• ~tan of a :.ucct'!<~ful bowl­inr: '"f•n .... nn.

ONE DAY ONLY! Sunday, August 17

READI-PACKEI> FU.OZEN CUSTARI> (Va"illa or Chocolate l

25c a pint- 50c a quart tUsually 35c and 65cl



$3.00 allowance on your old BATTERY



* Gasoline at D. C. prices



Shamrocks Lose Bowling l~eagtte

2-1 To Potomac To Meet i\.ugu:~;t 21 The Greenbelt Shan.rocks drop­

ped their first game In the second half of the League playoffs when the Potomac nine nosed them out last Sunday afternoon by a 2~1 score in a closely fo.t .• ght contest.

Crouthamel lost n tough game, allowing five scatter·ed hJts, while his own team colleded nine safe­ties off Lefty Bridenbaker, but left ten men to die on the base paths. Lou Tierne:· again was the out­standing slugger, getting three hits out of four trips. Lou also had the only extra base blow when he slammed a triple to right center and scort>d Greenbelt's only run after Bill Eckhardt's long fly to lPft.

Box Score GREENBELT AB R H LaValley, cf 5 0 1 Wolfe, ss 2 0 0 Cleveland, If 4 0 0 Labukas, If 1 0 0 Butkas, 1b 4 0 0 Tiern«!y, c 4 1 3 Eckhardt, rf 2 0 0 Crouthamel, p 4 0 2 Lynch, 2b 4 0 1 Mothershead, 3b 3 0 1 Enzor 1 0 1

34 1 9 POTOMAC AB R H Giegrich, cf 3 0 1 Mlller, 2b 4 0 0 Vallentl, lb 3 0 0 Horan, 1£ 3 1 0 Schwab, c 4 0 2 DeJohn, ss 4 0 0 Day, 3b 4 0 1 Lyons, rf 4 1 1 Briden baker, p 3 0 0

32 2 5 Umpire-Busctter

The 1947-4R 3reenbelt Bowling League lll'ill sta~ season Thul'ilday, AugUst 8;30 p. m. at thE· Gteeiibe!t letJc Clubhouse, bert J. Schaffer, Ieague n•·D<Zll.t~~>n

Interested bowlers a1: d year's team captains will meii!t i the clubhouse, to make iilr!'ali~~ ments for the coming sessIon, IUl·!!il to settle problems such m· aver-'. ages and foul line judges: . • .

All team captains or theit alter-i nates are request1~d by thf!. l~aftu~ . to have their team!J lined I}IP fb1L presentation in order to. f,,~ly .~e;j velop th~ coming program , at thl ~· meeting. ~ , • i ·

President Schaifer sal~ 1 hat ~·l sponses from almost all 1as t year' ,j team captains indicate tl.e · par·i ticipation of at least a ~~-team .I two shift league, but he ho ~ed tlk! league could be expanded to ln ~ elude. 32 teams. This, he stated~ would provide for a mor(' equftj able scheduling 0 r !!tames 'Vlth al. teams on an. equ!ll basis i r. pref erence to a 24 te.1m leagu.:· whicl~ . cans for two ro·mcJs of JowlfilJl with on~ half of the leag,Je, ari• one ro.und o'f bc·wUng w .th th•! other half of the league. '' :

1 It a 32 team league gel!! undei'

way each tll!!lm will bow . ev~. , other team, and the progr ~m wU run for 31 consecutive we• fks, be·+ ginning about September ~. 194~:; through April 6, 1948. Ir 1 elthe1~ event, a 24 or 32 tearn leal fUe will call for. a two-shift. arrar l!r€'m~n1~ for bowhng, on on·e mght. : ·

(Editor'~; note: For the benefl~ of new resident~, the G"'eenbelt~ Athletic Clubhouse .is the l'uildln,lr ~ :: the end of the athlet lc fieltll across the foot bJ·idge). ·

2029 Rhode Island Avenue on Branchville carline ENROLL NOW ;

Acrobetic, Ballet.. Baton, Hawaiian, Tap, Toe, Tne O::~ap, Styli I I : Ages 4 and up



Fall cl .. sses start October 4 . · For i"formation and enrollm-ent call FRanklin 0578 · :'~J 1

1 .,.. ... .,. ............ .,..,. ...................... .,. .. .,..,. .................. -................. {".•-···----. . ...........,..,1, I •· I •:

··i .. , SAVE THE DATE! *

Wednesday, August 27

* (;.c.s. Membership Meeting

* Election of 4 members to the board. * Top speaker

* * *

Progress report on the new store· Other business and reports Door prizes

* GREENBELT(+Jl'onNomer Serfic.;::~

:· •'' •'I •:' :· ~· l II • •• •,I •• i


~I ~~ ••• ~~ 'i!/' ~I •' ·: ' I .



Page 4: H l .• - Greenbelt News Reviewgreenbeltnewsreview.com/issues/coop19470815.pdf · .II' JUJ• II'J t.•t ll'!Pl\1 1111 ... ""'·¢ mtn.·t·MJHJ H>r nu· t·' ••"Mt. IJur

Four GREENBELT COOPERATOR Saturday Morning Scene ________ _

August 15, 1947


The program of special matinees which ha;; been inaugurated b~- t lie Greenbelt Theatre has been well received by Greenbelt ehildlren. Tli1s picture shows a capacity crowd that saw the Goolihah T1·ee. Tlw nw\ ie sho.wn last week was "Alice in Wonderland."

Q- I ha\-e been drawing $57.50 f'~ach month from my $10,000 war f'i~k in~urance policy since my dis­r·harge from the Army after \Vorld \\'ar· I. Are such payments dis­,.,,nrinu••d when the SlO,OQO is ex­!·::~,,~, •·rl?

..\ ·- ~n. Payments may be eon­' 1 n u<>rl for the remainder of your lif•' J!l'll\'ided your t<•:al disability rr:r::ains unchanged.

Q How nfte•1 can I get on the ndls to recei\·e unempoyrnent al­lowanc-e?

A -You may be placed on the rolls to receive unemployment al­lr.~wanc(• as many times as neces­-~ar·y until you ha\·e exhausted your p<>r·inrt of entitlement.

Q -- \\"hy do I ha\·e to pay two nwnthly premiums instead of one when I reinstate my lapsed Na­tional Sen·ice Life Insurance polic-y?

A- One premium is for the 31-day grace period following the date nf lapse. during which the insur­ance \\as continued in force with­out )'ayment of premium; the "t hf.•J· i." for the cun·ent month of t h<.• n·in .... t~tement.

Q- T f I use part of my Armed , .. .,, ,.,." J,.av£> bono to pay my in-u r n tH·c·. can I 1·£>eei \·e the balance

in t·;-::--h?

.\ s,. The remainder of your [1, •tl'l i_.; :>laced to Your· tTt>dit until stt·h ti:~:· .. as it be~omes payable in < .lcir. "' ~·ou authorize further pay­r:>·nt:' fr• •m the ha~anc0 of YOU I' >'I •-·ri it.

r~ :.!\· ,em. a ',',',.rJrJ \\'<n· II ,.f't­': ""· i,: in a \'"\ h~>s::itnl and I "''".Ilri like 1o know if I c-an Yisit

··1 ,.,,,, y da"·· .\ i>s. All \'ett•rans Arlminis­

''afi"" h""Pital ha\·e ,pecial hou1·s ,._,., u--idc• P\·er\· da\' fr•1· Yisitors the '11~1•.' <IS r·iyi)ian h~S]'ita)s.

-- -·--··----

2\lorrison Proposes Town Bandstand

"\ r e~olution to build a bandstand fr q· tlw Greenbelt band and other r·ommunity p1·oject~ wr.s introduced for tir·st reading :!\fonday by Coun­.:ilrnan Allen D. :\!on-bon.

r GRE-ENBELT -r ··cLAss IF 1 •j I RATES-for classi;ied ad I Theatre Program ; ing: 3 cents per WQ1,:l, mit

• 50 cent8, payabZ.~ in tll 't•ance. j Phone 2222 J to basement' of tl Parkway Tt ~ 1 night. . For informat on I SATURDAY AUG. 16 j on TUesday evEnings fJetwee •1 • and 11 p. m. -Double Feature- ! --L--

j Buster Crabbe - Fuzzy St. John WASHING MACHIN ~S & • d I UUM CLEANERS -sales I Lightning Rai ers r service. Pick-up a ld de). j Buzzy Henry - Ralph Lewis 1 James T. Chenault, 4'~ Ed I Danny Boy r' tonAve., Hyat :sville, Md. w ·,' Plus 2 Cartoons 1 SEWING MACHINES - B< r Continuous 1 p. m. I sold and rep.:rlred. Call

Last show 8:30 ,J be-~ 6399. Pick up thd de.·

·I :·,

r service.

r SUN MON AUG. 17, 18 f L 0 CAL WASHING MA.Cj £llfE • ., • • SERVICE-At tomati I! and con-! Van Johnson - June Allyson I ventional mo-:lels · E xpertll i · re-I High Barbaree !' paired. Reruonable. Gu:!Xan-1 teed. Water conections for auto-1 Sunday feature at: 1:15, 3:20, · · t 11 i f e t"n ate~~ r•l M 5 :25, 7 :30, 9 :35

40 ~~~~~7~~-s a e• , re. ! s 1 ;~·., , •

on day 7:30 and 9:

BROOKS WATCH i'ND ~· W-j ELRY REPAJR - Engra ing, • TUES., WED. AUG. 19, 20 pearls restruni:'. Qui,~k and efll-

!1 -Double Foatur~ dent, servloo. Phono Gree ['''" = Robert Young - Barbara Hale 6622. 12-A Hi~lside. ! Lady Luck PIANO TUNING AND REPA !(_: I Morg2n Conway - Anne Jeffreys by an expert. Recon !mender by i ·Dick Tracy Versus Greenbelt teachers ar d resid .nts. • All work guar:mte(.d. Free -~sti-1 Cueball mates. TOwH· 5918. ~

I 7:00 and 8:30 ---------1 WANTED-Riders to 'IZ,:aiter r~eed ~------ Hospital. Leave Gr enblt 7:00 j THURS., FRI. AUG. 21, 22 a. m. Leave Walter Reed l~ 1 p. m. Call Greenblt • 371. 1 Frank Sinatra

j Kathryn Grayson : ARTISTIC PICTURE F 'tAM!l' G-.1 It Happened In Brooklyn ! E\'erything in framin1 . Mir: ors,, 1 7:00 and 9:00 1 watercolors, oils, etch ngs, w:od-1 f cuts. Beauti 'ul, h<J ~d- to-· get +---~-~---"-·-~---·-•+ m o u 1 d i n g s. Arth :s fra; :tes.

The earth produces a shine, as Diplomas and iocume tts exr;:!rt-does the moon. According to the ly mounted. ·wood :tnd m·!tal Encyclopaedia Britannica, the :rhotog:::aphic .1:rames. Pers•·nal

co!Iection of prints a: Ld original earth is a luminary to the moo.n oil paintings. No job too sn'all .. as the moon is to the earth. Con- Highest quali :y-faiJ·est :pr:~e5. sequently, the portion of the The American Way. Savings moon's disc which is not illumi- and satisfaction pJa:rant· ~-·

--------· ---- ----

On the program with the movie last Saturday was the "Cay Nineties" quartet. They created quite a sensation with th~ir able I'Pn­dering of "Ain't We Crazy," an<l "Poor Old Slave.'" The O.:.ys in the quartet were Kenneth Miller, Michael Juliano, Robert Kosisky anrl Frank Jones. Nance Rae Kurth tap danced to "Chi Buba Chi Baha." and a novel ballet with t.t.e quartet in che background singing "P('g 0' My Heart," was very well done.

------ ·--·------Shop in Greenbelt stores and

;-;n\ ~· yoursPlf monPy.

Tlw bandstand, :'lfr. Monis:m pointeo out, could be used in such acti\·itiPs as the Fourth of July t·elebration and the recent 10-y~ar fest i \'a].

Lahnr Day is the last day to 1·eg;bter·. Be sure ~·ou're eligible to'"'"' fpr· trn-.·n t"~ttlnf·il (•n SP}'­

Teen-agers Needed

For Track Meet l•::J .LH'J' lti.

• ' il, J,;;,r~t:illfl:,,;·,,,,:ll' I, 'iilUn/1:111 :: ~:l\11inlillr h:J,\,IJilll; ··~i·r!~f:l,!~,;•ll, ':l~!liUd~;tJ:tiimiO.i::~ ••• UJ!.IL.., ·~•illlil.lh"'fltjWW,~Jil'liJlW ; __ , II!, .~ilfJIUITrn1illl"f, •• ~: "lll,:i:l'll'i'l'lllll•l •flilll!lllll,r:U,fillil·.mmllloW '"'"'''"''''III:tnrl'WI ·: .. :.urrnuiW!lllilll:lmmmnmll:..;.i.,lllll!lllilitiii!W;:!OI;~mii.rl!lllll!Wii'lllill!l~ll • ~ ,;"

nated by the sun is illuminated by Henry G. Mazllm, 2-D North'·'ay earthshine analogous to moonJight. Road, Greenbelt 5628. r--virnrr---·1. I J'oilet Water and Cologne il Bond Street

Playground Track Meet .At Braden Field Aug. 19

Greenbelt entries for the Prince Georges County Playground Track Meet to be held on Braden Field on August 19 have been practicing for the past week.

Greenbelt has won the Track Meet for the past four years a ~d. with the cooperation of the boys and girls of the town, hopes to add a fifth victory.

Anyone 8 years old throug·l 17 still interested in taking part should report to Braden Field 'Monday at 10. More entries are neeaed in all age groups, but ~specially in the 16 and 17 year classification.

The Baby Playgrounds will be closed next Tuesday morning to enable the children to watc:, and participate in the track meet. The playgrounds wm be opened again at 2 for the regular afternoon shift, however.

Advertise in the

Cooperator -· -~ .-


IIIEDIATE DELIVERY BENDIX Deluxe Automatic lJ' asher



You see it in the theatre lobby-you buy it at the Radio Shop betw'!!en Barber Shop and Police Station. Let us inspect your old washer and make you the top trade-in offer.

Easy to carry- at $19.95 Phoenix All Electric Phonograph

C~HieS like a portable typewriter Plays on house current anywhere

Radio - Television - Appliances SALES- SERVICE- PARTS (Between Barbers and Police)


II// ,,


Hofstetter Cleaners For Fast Service and Quality lVork ull





Before 9 a. m. After 6 p. m.

GR. 5558

Rugs Cleaned

TO·wer 9669 9 a. m. - 6 p. m.

No toll charge from Greenbelt

,,,, 11/1111

/Ill IIU

~ ~ "

I Lotus I Old English Lavender iiiii .

i 1.50 i Subject to Federal Tax '

~~~~GR~~~~~E~;N~~~-~B~"·!~~~~:r~·~ s:!·~~,....~ifl~il~'ll~~=~:~~~'r~:..~~~~::.: ••• = ------~.


t::O.OPEIIATJON MAKES IT BAS~-That's why so many good neighbors make a habit of WQfking together. One place where co-operation pays is on a telephone party line. , • • Whenever you we a party line, please keep converaations brief' ••• allow time between calls ••• answe!' as promptly as poqi ~le.. : The Chesapeake & :Potomac Telephone Companyoi Baltimore( ity.

