TTTE DAILY INDEPENDENT: HELENA. TUESDAY MOliNlN FEBRUARY 1 1800. OF F SS R. S. H A L E cS: C O . , \\ lioli'Bttle and Retail DRUGGISTS. An Old Circus Man Talks of the Peculiarities of the Famous Showman. The Famous Sacred White(washed) Elephant Which Deceived the Wise Men. The Image of MamV Prlilr. Imt l .u r\ Hay M Ri-irivcil > Ton. hlnc I P with HIP Hrtmli. Old ehowniiii who traveled with the lute , Adam FurepanKh or were iiitiniatc-ly nc- J qnainted with him f«r many yi-ars, have countless HturieH to M l al>out the veteran cirrus man and his lone carei r under the canvas says ***• 1'biladflphin Kecord. | IVrhnps one o! the moat interest til", tales is that which RBW MM real history ol the fsiuous white elephant, which is now an 1 historic allium I, Imt whoso artiticial color has long been well known to IkOM who were attached to the iBBpMRl show. All old circus man. who was in Adam Kore- paiiKh's employ lor many successive sea- sons, tells the story thus: " When Barnuui announced that In- had piocured a sacred white elephant. Adam J'orepaiuih made up nis mind that he must have one at once. Not lout: afterward tie proclaimed that he hud secured a genuine white elephant from hiaui with extrtuie difficulty and at a cost of RMyOMl This so- called sncrixl white elephant was merely a small elephant worth about VM that had been painted with a preparation devised by a niau who used to work for Itanium at Bridgeport. Conn. Of course, the elephant was not pure white, bnt a dull gray. a U ( j m a manner that can hardly be accounted for: evi eminent scnuitinc men who examined the animal were deceived into the belief that the color was really natural, notwithstanding the < \|iendi ture of an ilMMM sum of iimm-v by Ha mum's tienple in then taWsMtWl to prove the elephant lingua. The elephant was touched up with the preparation about everv other day. and on huiulav it was lived op for the coining week. On ifondav nn inl- ine the elephant always appt and surpris- iniilv lirighl. but aloagj toward the end of the week the color became so dinify that visitor* often asked which was the white elephant. "In 1*S4. when Korrpannh had the white elephant in his show, an embassy troin Siam visited this country for a tour through the states. The Siamese and the show chaiicd to he in Chicago at the same time, and Korepaiiuh's agents saw a chance to work the foreigners for a big card. The sch-me was to mH the Siamese visitors to nttend the show. take a look at the sacred Siamese white elephant, and thereby eet a bin advert is, ment out of it. Afttr four days of hard work the aK' iits succeeded in prtttag the embassy t<i visit the show. I hey passed the white ele- ! pliant without comment, watched part ol the performance ami then went ont. pius- hi" in tli' M U M H tent to lake another look at the elephants. Adam Forepannh. in his shirt-sleeves, stood at the pate. mid. aeeinu the HiMMM gentlemen, he rushed up to them, pive the Siaujes' prince who led the party a rousing slap on ti e back and said; "There now. prince. ain*t that he kind of elephants you have in MM country?" The- foreii;n ( . r s. mine of whom under-.iood Ktn/lish except their interpreter, looked at Mr. I'ureivin di in iiina/eniiiit at his fUtUitrity, and theu ipiickly d, parted. The BfJMtl who had worked so hard to get KM Siamese visitors into the show nearly tainted at what Mr. PofaSBMffk did. "The w hite elephant ipninn *1 on the bills and in the show until interest in the ani- mal be^an to Ha.', aud then it was siMdcnly announced that the sacred erenture had died, hiiviliv IMI li Unable to stand the eh mate. Mr. KorcpaiiKU tiled his loss at f '.At,. •90, and an adniiriny public gave him its sv'iipatby. Tin truth ot the matter was that tin elepl ani had la en washid oil ami turned in with the herd. It has been with tlie show ever since, being billed of late years as.lohn I.. Sullivan, and dotag a hoc* hf act in the ring, I he once famous white ehphnnt is now in the winter quarters a'. FlMM street and t*ftgd|rg av< nue. H.ii- nnni's white eleplmnt was no more eenuiue than t his one. I hey merely sandpapered oil the rough outside hide until it MfJU to show pink." From all the accounts of those who know him well Adam I onpaiioh wag a tremeiid ous worker. "He was up earlv and late." said one ol Ins aid apents yistirday. "and hi Mcontent any time with lour or live hours of si, ep. He cave his |M-rson.il at- tenl ion to every di tall of the business, and never a bill was paid without first being c irefullv examined bv him. In his tarl] days he was a butcher, and up to the very IMI season be cut up with his own hands all the n.cat that WHS fe d to the annuals or ntcn bv the unployes. He would leave anything to (jo to the cook tent, even if be lo.-i a hund ed dollars by it. Although he had RM to IM) li'irsi s. he knew every one by name, could tell its age without hesitation and when he botcM it and how much he paid, evt n down to saying whether he got a halter with the horse or not. Aud hektpt all of these things in Ins head. In buying a horse he would walk once around the animal, say how much he would give and walkaway. That was all there was to it, aud he would never change his oiler a pi-nnv, "When ha got KM btB of n bargain he would whistle all the timeun.il tie- uevt stand was made. If he lost anything he would be sola-rand <,nnt for an equal nod. It was not often that begot taken in, br.t be did occasionally. When we were going into Cincinnati some years ago he saw a load of hny and bargained lor it at 11'.' atou. We w, re paving $l-"i a ton un- der a contracl, and the pr< <p cl of saving (11 pleased t he (tuv'nor—< M-rybody aliout the show called him (iuv'nor. 1 he load weighed 2.t'A»t ponnds. and for some reason the farmer n.ade out a bill for *!'•!. Ml. K uepaugh O. K. d it hurriedly and sent the man to the treasurer for bis money. The bill was paid and the farmer disappeared. Only a few moments Inter Mr. Forep.mgh discovered that he had lieen swindled and shouted for somebody to stop the farmer, but of course he had got out of the wav . It biok the (tuv'iinr a week to get over that experience. I never suw Adam Forepaugh in a cor- ner that he could not wriggle out of. and I have seen him in some pretty tight places. He was the greatest emergency man 1 ever saw. and you never could catch him at a dis- advantage. Some years ago we had the show out in Ohio, and we opened the men- agerie on Sundays, giving no performance, but men ly showing the animals for a quar- ter admission. In several places that we struck thenuthorities were very strict on tha Sunday question, and at last Mr. Forepaugh was arrested for Sabbath breaking. He said to the indignant town authorities that the proceeds of the Sunday shows weie turned into u chanty fund for sick and disabled employes, and instead of fining him the authorities c-omimndi d hit generosity and let bim go on with the show. Hut nobody evir heard ol that charity tuud before or after that occasion. "Adam ForepaiiL'h always appeared to be bap|.ie»t when he was losing money. We did business at a loss for a week ru ining in Hoatou, and he had a laugh and a joke for every man about the show, but whtn M wns making iimm v as fas' as he could rake it in hi was ve. v hard to approach, although for a man who knew his buainess it was al- ways s pleasure to work for him. Many times he had heavy lo--.es to make good, but they never dUstaJMd him. He seemed to lie pursued by good luck, although of late years the show was wrecked many times on the railroad, hut he alwavs got square with the railroad companies."' NW Humanity' The common lot is one of sorrow any—at least—the pessimist*, they who look at the worst side. Carta nlv what would other- wise be a bright existence, is often shad- gwed bv some ailment that overhangs it like a pall, obscuring per|stuallv the ance that else would litht the path, an ailment, and a very common one. is m rvousneaa. or in other words, weakness ot the nervous system, a condition onlv irre- id. able w In re metlieit nt or impto|sr means are taken to relieve it. The concur- rent experience of nervous people who have pcrsiateiitlv used Hosteller's Stomach Hit ters is, that it conquers entirely supersensi- tivcliess of thellerves. as well as dlsc-lls s s,, called—which are invited and sustained by ! their chronic weakness. As the in rves gain i stamina from the great tonic the trouble disappcais, I - the Hitters for malaria, rheumatism, biliousness and kldtl'V trou- bles. A continual coughing is very annoying to persons sitting in ar you in any kind of a gathering: besides. It is of great damage to the throat and ltlllga, ami is exceedingly dang •row at this season of the year. One. naif bottle • f Hcggs' Cherry Cough Syrup will relieve any ordinary couch, and this remedy costs no more than the iufeiior grades that are thrown oil the market to sell at enormous profits, it. S. Hale A' Co., druggists. m i When you m 0 a mild laxative y a should have a medicine that will act on the i liver and kidney i as well as the Isiwels. Heggs' Vegetable l.iver Fills IN prepared •>xpre«slv for this MfW, Insist on get- ting them, as they have no superior and few i quals. 11. 8. Hale i Co., druggists. | * M M to MiipiH -rs. A through refrigerator ear on the .Mani- toba and Montana Central railways leaves bit. I'anl every Thursday. Shippers of per- ishable freights should notice this fact and govern themselves accordingly. It. 11. LAKGLET, 0—tral Freight Agent. l 'nsur|iasse<t in the World. The veatibuled trains of the Chicago, Milwaukee A St. Paul railway, running daily between St. Haul and Minneapolis and Milwaukee and ' hicago, are the per fection of modern railway equipment, and are unsurpassed in the world. Thev con- sist of elegant day coaches, Fullinan 's lat- est aud best sleeping cars und the finest dining oars in the country. These trains are lighted by electricity and heated by ateam, and aflord to the traveler every com- fort and convenience to be had at the very best hotels. All classes of tickets are hon- ored on these trams and the rates ar« no higher tbau bv other lines. It it for this reason that discriminating travelers pat- ronize thiscompaiiy und insist that their tickets read over its line, as they naturally want the Iwst service for their money. Dyspepsia Makes M lives of many penpltv miserable, causlu); tlistu ss after eating, sour Moinactj, Hsfe headache, hrarthiirn, loss of .api*'titi% » faint, "all gone •'feeling, hau tasfe, < ,,.iti d tongue, and Irregularity ot the bowels. l)vsiM>psia does After 11,1 » : ' 1 <••* " eit. it P t i requirti eanM aiieiitlon. tUTItlg ^,,,1 r e, IM.,iy n k n Hold's Parsaparllla. whleli acts ".ciitly, yet efflciently. it tunes the stomach, regulates the dlges* M% creates a good ap- fiif.L pel lie, haill-h'S hejd.e he, j . and refresiies HM maai. Headache "I kWSj been troiUjIed with clysis-psta. I Bad hut HMtl appetlto, a:ul what I did cat Heart* {,[ ^" ° r ''a' " ib little gtssl. Alter ealuiR I UUrn SMtMkaT* a fiint or tired, all-gone feeling, as though i had not eaten in) thru;:. My trouble Was aggravated by hy baalMM, paintlif. Uwl « I l to.lioi-u's .s.ii- s >our Uparilla, wbleh ,lal me aa StOITiaCh SBJBJSJM HMHl of jroo.l. If ga-.e mo an Appetite, and my fiaid relished and satisfied Hie craving 1 liad previoii-ly rxperieuci!cL H tiroRiiE A. P>~K, Wall rtOWa, Mas<. A. M. Holter Hardware Co. Headquarters THE FOR Pipe Covering, Hair Felt, Asbestos Cement, ami BhetthingforBoilers, Si cam and Hot Air Pipes. MECHANICAL TOOLS Of Every Description BELTING & PACKING. Iron Pipeand Fittings. OF HELENA. Ini urpontoil iiinler t lit^ laws of Montana Paid In Capital,$ 100,000 THOMAS OM SK. Tllll*ljl TIKIS. II CAHTKH. IM VieePim WM. J. SWKENHV.Sd \ i. \i 11.MAM J. t Kl SK. Ne..rot.,>. I HAS. I.. DAIII.I.Ii. lifwurer. Allows il per cent, interest on savines De[m*iis, isiiiiiHii ;ud«st .1 n 1 inrtrv mid .lal\. Siss'i.l TeiIIM nisi lie nuule on depositf left for a siteeiritst tone on e,-rtitieates. TiHnsiiet.s (ieueod Itaukina Itusiness. Draw* Km hince on il,e I'riia nsd t iij.s« nf ihq I idled MUtr* nud broMh Haul- iu OssMttf and * ny Honds, and ni.kea I . o eou Ko.l Kstaie HaitsjasaSk FIBST NATIONAL BAM" OF HELENA, Pioneer National Bank of Montana. Organized it. 1S66. Designated Depository of U.S. Distress Hood's Sarsaparilla twld by allririigjiitit. f I; >lx for ft, Prei'sreil only »> ('. I. HOOD A CO., Apotbec.no.,Lowell, M^a. IOO Doses One Dolla/ A Wnti'i Face Is Her Mm IMMS ARSENIC Dealeni in IVent MMieine.. Kanev ,ol !et BaMS, UkJStsrsjt Um|» and Lsasp II'SKI. t-laiw, I'.ints. Oil., ete.. Saririrol lu«trnuieut..t 'r cli -v. Hraetsi, ete. \\ i ..lasaia agents for t'n * tor t'ounh. and folds. Kirk's Pile Ointment, W chea ^w>l><alii,ni.HoMnko£.M«iieiiie«. l»r. Kiln er'a Kerned^, Danileliou luuie, Orenon Kidney lea. UntarcT. Hpecitir. j DHKRIKF'tl sAI K—BY VIBTUKOV AN BXK- t ut i< 11 in ni) hauda. laMSaloat of the dlatoW] eonrt of il,,, I IraQudirtsddiatrirt of lltastataof j Montana,in and for tie riaantyof L#wlaaiM Clarke, Iu lha mil of Taa Hral laatloaial ItanW m Hel .naaaaJnst Mekwasnaai h>«Mt atw WrtJ" ma PoMtaUW, Heletaa Power ami Lkclu nuuiy. Anton M. Holler HNI| d. , i aienen. loraina lisle lilieinoM II Klein- i •ehmiilt and Kiiward W. Knlicht.dol) tf»teilttie | IfMii daj of JanaaO', A. 1). IMfU, I hare I \ i>«l not all tl,e n^lit. title I u I ino n-i ol II' >a d UalM « St-.uu lower ami I islili 'uc i«mMIT< BfJ eua Tower and Ij.lit eoia|SUijr, Alton M. Holler. Iteurv M. Hireh—. Herman iians. i Kheiaolil H. KMnarhmkM ami lid vard W. K- .*t \ in and i i it.e luUowlw 'I ttetik A umsi rrty, rituatad n lewis nwHlva.' eoeu.j. Aio o> tana. Hsa Psn of Iota t'H.v-sli fai) ami lft|*PJM (H in tlloek tllirl) of tlie IUIglaal t iwie lle of j Hell na id -. r!li,^t as le^innim; at tlie IM rates I tmii of te-eaat line m Iwkaivsaoa at nn iron •4B9I tlienre soutli J <l"_\ si.d mm. east laBBaj I tlieaiastside 1 nenl lark straaine VSi s-Wfeet to an iron pite at the eormr of naotrle Ulis'k: tin naa aorta Ml dag, aad alia, < a t Ml laH t i an | iron inw: thsajea Bafta I aaj%'-' ada. li --tu . feet Uiaa liaa ainaoa »lie soutliaesi aal. of i'srk . afaaaav thraaa wrth daa, aaat IM t -MI I<< *«•, tlie aaajiaiBjBBj, Uajathar wiiliall and aiajralaf the iuil r in inputs, attajrea, heriditaments and aja*l p irtajaMSoaa tJatn atota I. leaadna;, or in any w iae t aMawtafnlnff, Inelnduia all mneliinery fiaaa to the I,ml liBa .s wail a- bnueffa, ena'u a t.-. NiHiie IsTiereliv aiven tint on v\',slii-,la lha tilth das of rahraarv, A. U. law, at lha In in at fi o'eloek DIM f •al't 'la> II' tlie fren' door ol tlie noart house. Helena, l-ewa- ami < larke enuiitv, Montana. I wi'l nil all U a rtaht. title .-id uiter- elul Iheaald Helaaai ^11*111 Power and Uaatiaaj eoiii| an>, llehna Pewar an I Lurl't eoaipaay, Aatoa M. Hollar, Hear, si. I'TI mm. Henuan fiaaa. Rha aoU It. Klauwehn d ami t l.isnl W. Kabilil, in ami in theaafclabut* uWI aaribaa pruaVctt/, to tat MaaaM laavaar tat aaM ie hand, liiven miller my ham I this, ihe'.'-'h day of lan- aan, A. U, law, t uvs. II. JarrrHis, Sl.enll. Hvlscc, UoLaacMHt, llapot, Hlieriff* UUKRIVKH SAM' UV Vllll'l \ OV AN Mb. ' d'-r of sal'- in in> aaada, Uaotd out of the .lis- triet court of the Drat nida ial distriei of thua'ato of Montana, iu and for the eoiu.iy of Iz-wis a"d ! tlarba. i n the *aH of J , Moletota ana I.Bt b- le lir iikiiiusi \V:it» HI M. toi.uy aud his »i> Snu.i l.in'lla Vnana dab atlastaa Ihe IJtli day of Jen- 1 nar... A. IX, iMtQ, I haw Ufiad UHin all the riiila, . Ihiaaad iiit'iost id tha Mid Watauo u.,loaMI and lila wife, Anna Utalla loaaar. la and to tba following ile-i riUil riroperty, situated la l»"» is and t'!ar! eeoanty. Montana, via: 1st sii *i laUaek HTS nuadred »nl rilty thne [MSI of tneoriciaal towns,ti' ol Helena. Maataria Mtdlataad noeh la uWerllaal apnml tin' plat of tie orbrieal lowwdtaof sai .i ekrof Halaaa, oa tile in iliaoflieaof lha reeutdar off i said rnaat] "f I is aad Cfarba* Noti.-e is htreby attrea that aa Tuesday, th" nth ,la\ of Vehraary, A. D. l-'.'i. at Iba hour of . I] o'elis'k aid day, al the rnaat door of the; ooiirt hoii-e. Ilrj"iu. l^ wi- r.*-I i la'-ke eo'inl'. Montana. I will sell a'l il •• i it!,', title ami inter- *.si irf 11". said wataoa Yawai aaxl hh a anna Lai'llii lourur, in and to thaaaklabuvi ila* iriiuau proja^ti.to tlafbatiaad abbltr foreaaa in handf liiven under my hand 'his (h. ait day o f Ian- nari A. 11. ts'.i. I'tvs. \l. Jt*rrKBla,tt)herhf. Isco' lllll nusa. |1 r •'. ! STOUT OF A YEAH, CABINET AM) IH ll.DHKS' HARDWARE Dealers in Nitro Glycerine, Dynamite and all High Explosives. 113 NORTH MAIN STREET. Paid Up Capital Surplus and Profits, S. T. IKi ata HWIS Y.. \\. KMUBT 1'. II. Kl UNSi UMlDT. . t 'H '.:n. iiiu $500,000. - 5500,00a I *re«i'«»nt NiiK rresirtent ' i.i i"i Asa't. 1 'ashler .Mecond Asa 'tlfaaliiar toil COST! II WHITE GILTS 10 C E N T S PEK ROLL. GILTS. 15c. PER ROLL. FORMER PRICE, 40c. 60c. IKtAlil) OF DIKECTOIW. 8. r.Ulanwr. John l\rnrlln. A.M. loiter. It, ». Hamilton. V. r .r. - "art. T. F. Iliaain.. 1..II. Kleiuaehinnlt, Henry M. IVrhan. T. P. Power.; d"ni-iItankina Imsineaa IrauaaeteiL Internal pant on time deposits. jonal 20c. 25c. 75c. PAPER HUNG AT LOWEST PRICES. J. R. SANFORD, 112. n 1 I 14 Broadway. H. W. N1^:ILL, Miniufiicturor ami DMhf m ttQUlvSi a ' I 1 ' ' I 1 I Bite, Spurs, Qui .-tR, W1I |IH, IJHSIIOH. BluiJnVs, Slieetc, I >unt«*rH. Slickora, Nose IIIIUR.Sweat (Villurs, llorwo Boota,Mid nil rfthtf IjawdtMlutUy Uopt in a lirbt c'laaa liiirneiw alure. Iluiul bMfaWMfkbS IktHMaTI HiMH-ialty. Opposite Grand Central,Hotcl .'Main Street, - HELENA, MONT BACH, CORY & CO., WHOLESALE :-: GROCERS. The only ExcltwiYelj Jobbing Grocery BOOM in Kontaaa HELENA. PAIU IN CAPITAL - $350,000 SURPLUS AND PROFITS - 75,000 II. IIER8HFIELD, PmaitaA A..I. DAVIDSON, Vuo rriajilfail A.AKO.N HER8HFIBLD, OmMm. BOARD OF DIRECTORS THOM AI CKUBK, M. SANDS, a. ». lU KTi .r .v, w. D. KicMoiaa, A. J. HAVII.SON, MOSEh MORRIS, U H. IIKUSIIK1KI .I), AA RON IIKRSHrifUn, J. SW1TZKR. rVllVjatieM Koicivo IVonipt Attention. I'lirclinso f ;,,!,| H ,„l , S ,hor Hullion, Gold Dust and County Securities. Interest Allowml on Derawila IWt for 11 IpMaffW HaTbH A (ianeral HHnknii; HiisineaB Trunsacted. KxchHn({e Sold ,, n the Principal Citiaa ! ^ of BMOM WAKKIIOLSK: On N. P. und Mnntiiiiii Central Trucks. OFFICE: Mum Stroot uiul Sixth Avenue. Montana National Bank OK Helena, Ivlont. UNITED STATES DEPOSITOHY. JOHN KINNA ^ SON CAI'I'I AIOPAID Qf) wonuM, l-VXl.OOO #100,000 r < 1 Aft»<- »fi>w I'II'"' n«» will r*>rm. prnOv rr'» all Rlntchaa, ffolaa, Pbatilaa ami Knvkiop prn- iltieinir an RntraBrta#ly Itiwitlfu' f 'omnlPTlon that Baatat. tli^i BM> of taiwilora anil er-.^r*i«. Warranter! |H»rfwtly harnilesa. Hel,l hy ,|]] \^ nf \. iia 'lriij:icisl« at ft ji.r Imi of lOflwif^ra. f)r. Hinima' Safe IVrliallraJ Waffera Bia «nri> aaal rallanltfat all famut irroKnlaritii^. Prtet %'i per box. honl H mail taaaHVl on rw»int of prien. W.rrantnl to contain nn Tan.)" or ' I'enns ro>al." 'I nrwi.cn A t o.. K3 f lianili»r" St.. New York. II. M. Pan-lieu .V. ( .... Hula km«ta, ll' lena. PHOTOGRAPH FROM LIFE TAKEN ONI YEAR AGO. GLOVE-FITTING CORSETS S T I L L A H E A D PH0 FROM LIFE Thompson's Improved «SHE iu Corsets "" An^now.niailn with Dor XO. M MAIN ST 1 !K IT II 1.1. I.N A, MONT. Wluilosalc mill KHHII Doiilcrs in HARDWARE AND TINWARE, Stoves, Mine and Mill Supplies. Agents for Charter Oak and Garland Stoves HELENA. BOZEM AN A.J. DAVIDSON kCO., DcnliTs in BAIN WAGONS, SLEIGHS, AND BOB SLEDS. A General Line of DIRECTORS: AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. APPEARS. Smooth Flat Seam T *»1 'iTnid* HiKromfnrt rniiMNi by tlif Ijai>|jt«ij beam l"i ini-r ,\ ABB MOBS roi'ULAK THAN KVKIt AlVrfo.v Kit, with RV Milut^l (oiufurt now KUKI'tUtOt^L Tlirw Lon^ih** Short, M^iinnt, Kstr» Ijonif. TWr .LVKtilUDKS. Goml-i. M'i«' <'«iTiifortal»ln tm ,'thn WMHT . iSclMApMl far Qiltty. Pot Sale by RBUMKLLA fa, anH NKW VOHK DHY *i(MHW STOltK LANGDON, UATCHLLLtFt'A C O , (Bacc«»on» to TlH*nip w t>n, Ijanffdon 4 Co./ NPW York. M&DQfavrturert' " l/>*)k H thi« plclurt- ami HI-MI mi tlttit." Tim ali<iT»' incvH «it» f-xat t re|iro(lui'tioufl < f |>hoto- LTaph-s t .ikfit from life of 5Jr* Morton l>. llnr- (ii whu r»'si.lr< at No. H Wi st -J.Mh Street, HM v > rk ( itv. Thf AM f>no u«s taken In Novem* :*r. whilf in HM Iftfl KtAffH <>t QOWmwp 1 ' MM. .1 I I .II I 1 i- I t.r |ih\ M< iJin.4 .iixl iiionrin-<| I , -•..N TIM r4la#f tflki'ti in DsMTMb^r. ' *he'i fi .iiiplWflv rMPOf#rBkl, BT«t *-iiiii» ' "i. - oii|rh tlie MB ol' f 'r. AH IT'* rngllA Hi H for OMMHnptiori Th<* h^*^^'• irit iurf's at>- »•» -it*, but ihey Are trnt- to life nn<l thf nritfliin "('•emph 1 -. takiMi fr. in life ran lie MPH «' •• JriiL* slurr*. IfntlniiK ronsuin |*tioii »/an a* fonomintiou UJ u.illv ilo»-s. aitli •;i*rh in IIM i Mnrnlitjr, rnii-ih^ < f phlrfrtti, lir«- . t|#-i»r»"-«*fM| f'»-liiir-. li lfl< k of aipprtltr, 'hi «-f (V»li Mid (MO'IH Il.rnii^h'Mit tin* bttd* •, tll 't 1101 n*Hliz" li«*r ex'ii»ih»» IIHIIPT urtll i' mtTlmil t«Mi uw MM *I<- is m prrf*H^ «Mk to lHV I)p. Ael;er"H K'tfli-h r <\iTt^fiiuption MiM I'V ntl reputJitrlt' V*»i ' i f f o n ' in t r With$0k I :t. Hay and Grain in Car Lots a Specialty. mwmwmw-mmmmmmrnmmwmmmmmmmwmmwmmmmwwmmmmm»**m^m *mmmmmmmw*m*mmummwm™m aaaiaiaaai BBIII « aaii > a a aa aBBBaBmaaBaaBaaaaaaaaaaa . A R T H U R P. CURTIN, Furniture, Carpets, House Furnishing Goods, b.1. A I M .SSi IN, . . AMAielant f 'aatilar A. «. I '1. VKht. IURMAN liVNH, H.r .(Uuui, Paraa I.VHH-.N.: Ii. w. « CVMIN. it. i. WAUAOB, aCaVMN I). A. roar. SECOND NATIONAL BANK —Of— PAID Ur CAIMTAI., - f75,UUO •VBPLVI AMI IMtorrtx, 20,000 ,\ Gcwil lliiikiii!,' Iiiisincss hwwM. | M X hWIWIi I'rc-siilivDt. C. K. OObB, VifM I 'nticlent. OMNWI B. Oatut, - Cuahiar. Joi. N. Kr.Ni.K, AaBiatiinl Caahiar. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. | J . II. HVNKIIIIII, II il, KvANa, II. W. ( nn n. H. J. JUNES, ' ii. ('. Ku M i oa i i,us. <o«, > K. II. BaMMOM, •« K. OoU, ; liacninill.rHii.il. WE ARC MKIA -T\ tUCTilt til TfcSU 1 PtaSORT 0KLV JJ" am vumivti. a.i<. ii.- R GOLD SEAL U B B E R OOOIDS. D- H: I ittfl tkrV l»4Urr*t|naj« Mr '•i t it .'• i t ' •.. Oil Clothing & Horse Covers. Snag-Proof Rubber Boots. MANCKAl TUHKD Rl n iltM IIAIIVI. WHIM 1 .< n'lnt ra ^ii^^^T^y^^^" '• M^'tMi^i., i laSaaMaf i •fwaaa aienrl^* *'lr\* , ! T i'rwllr llirft, ,bail |«rit,r^,l*r IngUm* ^U-t i" Hr»lili,^ 1 l,ur» H , Mrroili. I.I.eiril 1'urr.Bt '. ,|I |I,-I„IITIII» lorf. II %'..IWO !• cwh. at i.i M<I *,M,p^*Mi *r i on, i'i»i. a&. »r. w«r,ir„,,|«f. BorrBII, o,r«4 II. llilPP l.Kt ,!b«. H*ftl ^4 f «iapilrt ia.*t*R>|k nun: incTms GO., tiiaafi stocr. turn*. CM, I prHcrib* tea raur •« dnn* Hit U ti Iki »arf ,r>». iflr foriaa .crt^locait of no*<l!A»*i*. U. II.IlSiiKAIIAlf.U. -">•, Amataraarn, N 7. Wo bara solt Bit ti 'c maor ruar,. aad II »a ri»»n ib* t MI at jailt amioa. D K DTCHEftCO . Chleata. •'>• III •aU br l>rt«'ata A Perfect Face Powdec. F 'R EC WAN'S"; AGE POWDER,»' lariilUi. PM l ijb*t. o«.ill,jlr«| Hsriag iMfMad the Ko uiituT tl««>rH of ll .d Davulniii lilm-lt anil i;<uinec:U»(| theBwnt with ciur niiPiuly iiiinionse nilesnmii H, we now caii upy four entire Hoon, eit «smling thrciii ^h tlu< wliole hlcx-k from JarltHcm In Main itreet, Ktm-kixl thorouirlily witF pobdl of every gnule ami at prii en that clt'fy roni|«-tili<in. Kvery purchaae luada strictly for cush,directly from tin.t l.ainlh, ami ihiMad in car'loiidb only.'f AD ex- aruinulioo of Koods HLC! comparison of pricen aolicited. Music Department: Pianos, Organs and Musical Merchandise, Etc Helena Lumber Co., iKucreasoni to V. H. looiuba.) Rough and Finishing Lumber and UTactor^ "Woxl^z. Orders by Mad will receive Prompt uttentioii. Correpponcleoue solicited. Yard and Factory near Northern Pucilic UepoU i lBUMBO l»*7. JAS. McM I LLAN & CO., rruprtelorit of tlm MINNEAPOLIS SHEEPSKIN TANNERY, anil Dcali rn In Hides, Sheep Pelts, Wool, Tallow, Ginsenc and Seneca Root : Sheep Pelts and Furs a Specialty. rnl -i »v i,,'k/ LirifliiM. 8t. I'aal Brandi. Ul Kaat 'fhinl S'r«,»t. J vMt* bftUAa, Agent. Minrj«p»li» nranrh.ail Sii'olct Avnrino. JOHN J. TvLi -aApot. A«*rit. For «al« b> all ilealor,. Ask for tticm ami taka Do ctbrra. W. V. KKANKLIN. Ilraidcut baJwniau, IIHIMDJA. H'.M.Parchen &, Co. 101. 103'& 105 Second St North. Shipments Solicited. Minneapolis, Minn. Write for Circulars. RUPTTTPk | J i.i k |»ni1 Vpnn j *^ijiiapi.»»h.ri»i. i k *^PH . iFiuiavb rviK.sf MACWTICBJ9TICTI S LATC81 PERFUME EXPUIS.TC cha.ta FREEMAN'S HIAWATHA <lOK> UN ARCHITECTURE! BUILDING J PAINTING! I>. r>r»!in:'. ata Mr lOO -pmrr I llil«l ratnl I Hlal .tKuii »rnl lr «*r. Aitdri-aH: W >l. T. j I lIvlsrill 'K. Utirrrn »l.. NaW Vork. 8 <• %\%r\r 9Xrunt l'*rf««t )-.* r. *~ w*,*r. Tn».«nv r rtllf mrvrj icur»x!thou«ndt. E«tBt, Is warranted, is because It ia tba best blood Preparation know/a. It will poti. | UvelT cure all Blood Disesaes, purines the j wbofe system,and thoroughly builds up the ! co&atilutiua. Beiaembtr, we cuarimloe ik H. TONN, M0NEYJ0 LOAN! Norlh HaiB Street, Helena. Meiit 1 In euiiiN to suit on from Six Months to Five Yearn Tune on Ileal Katate Security. Money on hand. No Delay. Cash paid for J{eal Kmate MortKHffee by W. H. CLARK &. SON, Gen. Agents. FOR Northwesiern linarantv im Owp.ny SPECIAL SALES: During THIS WEEK Only! Kronen Ml SaU7tc. *JMMHll| Jl.'id. WIMII l". li Mat-, Jv, WimmMb 1 1. <"i. Kid Cllovaa, a-Battaa, 6'ic*. nffatatu >1.'»'. tlaVasM'saraalaaas,ttHi Fnnm rh .<ii. Trimmed Hals and Bonnets Btduvn Cost I Ap^nt for r.uft»Ti<\' rnttfrn* nipt 11*11-B»- tar l oi in*, MINNEAPOLIS, MINN., Board ot TraiieRoom.PIIKbura Bio K, Haltnt. I No. 'MtiO. | M'I'I.II ATION K M A PATCH t). s. LAaaOrr* a, { Hta rvi, MoaL, Daeaaabaf N, IKI*.| Nut lap i- Uattlaj KU*H III»I K. nsssB V, .1. HI nifur MIII T. W. wellar, whan paaaaaasa Mfalrmn it ll'*li 'UM. I^'wii* mill I'lark,'riiiinty, -liil** nt Mnnlaaa, aata itiin iln> lilncl thalr apt4loaf£aj fur II palpal lor IJM llaaar fii-t ol tba I aim iviro locia, JlW llaear fin »l ilm Kvnim u-t. an-l tain llaaar ti^-i nt Iba lieeVaafaUati alias at vtE aatli hwetiafl Kokl, Nuvat aail ulher nn'iaU, with -m fH.• icriiiiiul, r,,H|w^ tivrly iMm. Mm ami limi fi^M ID WHIIII, aitnalatl in Koea Baeeaaiiltnil wlalaaitla tiii-t.eoaatyol I A - aiul rimrki', aai| ..f Moalaaa. aocl itaaliiBattii l.> tin* ln'j.l MIUI laBrlal plat nn Hiela tWa otli,-,. a-. Inti* DnnitMr iki,fl aanin towaealp II aotUi, n.' » i aaal -•I i.i ni' ti'iii im-•• lin" mul rii,'riili.-in ,,f Montana II-IHI,-I , Kii'i li.t-. Ni . '*i. .mil i*-\ In in:; de- M rilmi ii-. loUowe, in-wil Hi' Dmii nailii aaat, !<>t w. aaj|a< : alaa ill Ihe nnrtliraot etrtaat No. 1. from wtiieli rl/N'k ioltial polal Nn. I l«'«r- N. ">4 ifea. 17 iiiin. it.nil.i frat,and raaalag ii" •> s. ii.iin. r. mm. K iii'i (rati thaooa ti. H aatTll 1 inin. W. frali theara N . II !>«. I'imln. w. unofnKi tnaaea N. naVa. n 111111- K. 1 '**t frat 10 11 j plara ni oattaalni eoatalalaa NJU aaata. Taa Rvana IIMII*. hit * ' <">• Inuiunina at corutf N<>. I. from whii h lUn k luiiial Miial Nn. I liMiir* N. il"K. 'M mill. E. f 1,1,1 faat, aad raaalag lhaaea s. lailaa. B min. I . N0.I faati tlwara H.71 d>». B min. K >H f.« i; thaara N. Hi dea. ;:l miu. K. JTI.I fuel: thaaeii N. 'O iti-v. 'M min. w. t'7 f> rt: tin m n H. ,H ikvg. In mm. VA. In frat: Ihcora N. II il«if. I'< min. W. neti iVara M. 11 dag. min. W. IB frat iu th" plaoa m bagiBBIBg, rotttalaiag *- u arrra. Ami lha MeoVniDllon lml». lot IW. Inwin- alikg Ht rorticr No. J. from wliii-h II" k nnm) petal No. I baara N.Hdag.fl miu. E <r,|.l li^-i. mul raftaiag thaara S. 11 di a. inin. KSUO(rat; thaara N. 17dag. SI min. V. WO (am; tlicun N II ilag. I'I min. W. B0 (am; > H. a; dag, :l 'inn. W. wm fii*t t,» 1 'n- plnr* nf U'tfiuuiug, oiMrtalalag li*Batfaa, Bagaatin rariallnn 'J* dag. 11 min. wist, ooo- tainiiuc a lutal IITMH ,,f II,SI ii,-r»"-. '1\M loostloe «if ibfanilarala iaeut«Jad iathara- mrdar'a oMue of Lewis aad C'lariw poaaay, »tata i.f Mniitiitia. ! Tin' adjuioiag 1 l-iini- I,, ill,, Kvaaa Imla nri>. on tha aaal tlm Aliiliulinlf.ini IU; on tlm arum tha Hadgar Iml**. In' B, auit nn itn* aaal ul ilia 11A- . il, mptloa loda lha Q. V. lilpa bait, lot f/t. K W. LaJiUMoaag, lUvlatar. Fir^t rmHHttHt, Pic, tt, I No. Htl!| kffUi AI M *N VOR TKVBKt V. S. I.wti On II L. I lln i:>\. Musi.. .Inn. I*. I"*'.' Notice ii* lii n II; i.'iwn Unit IU»iituuiiiiI'. lir*o.U*". wlioiw. prai^dnoa •antata i-, HtatauL 1^'wi* aaa I i.irka rounty. Montana, hai* iliih,la> lil**il appllagi liou fur pati'iit, nuitnr lli<* niminir law** of tpagftat fur 1^00 Ibtaar (at) •>( tba ttalniki* looa Ix'arlnir tola, ilvi'r .in I ntliHr min* rai«. with MirTnim groead Sal in Mam* wHaaiad in BnaMt 11111111 uanlsail) mialng diatrlot. lywn* ami rUrko nn,. \i ,,inii;iii. in amtioa al, UiWBaMp 1;' N.. mmmii \V.. wlm-li tnba la itMtoVd In lli«* orti,'# of ilmrlcrk ami Mearaar of l^waj . . 11 . •. r A* - - , minlv mill ilr~i riluil ,. folli'Wl, H<*Klllllill|{ at * or. No. I. (mm aliirli Hie HW. tot. Sf ;I4. I'. IIM., E* W.Jaara H. I'i ib-tr. W min. W. r...« faat, taanoa N. 'i'i <tfn. W. I.Wl d*m to earaar No. Hi, m a S 'j lien. N inin-. R* VI* (ral to MB, No. 1. Ihanra H. V, dag. I_ l.rn«l (i«>t to ii .r Nn. 4. thaara N. - ii«*ir. Baua», W. *n) feet to sat* No. 1. ilia plara of haglnnlag Willi inafii 'iii' variatimi »' Jll it*x. I.i min. >>a*.t. , einiinu iiiK IM 8 "'''*"• » , l | "'l | an an-a of .tr.' m r,~, I- aieladad, lieiinr in ooafliel with lot MM. nnil not 1 1,111 1 •' 1 leaviiiK net area i laiunil nf HUM wliieh a notice of -..1.1 aaogNHM wa*. noeieil ll ,e Intli day of January. 1 >>'.«I. TI* 1 wljo'ning i-laimanla to theat i>remna*» art on rlia north tin* liloiti r. lot Nn. II A., .in Ihe "T.t. I lot 74 aad lot No V S. \V. I.AM ill OHN K. RaiUBa iirxt riiblicatioB Jau. IV. UA > 1


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Page 1: H S BACH, CORY & CO.,


OF F SS R. S. H A L E cS: CO., \ \ l i o l i 'B t t l e and Re ta i l

DRUGGISTS. An Old Circus Man Talks of the

Peculiarities of the Famous


The Famous Sacred White(washed) Elephant Which Deceived

the Wise Men.

T h e I m a g e o f M a m V P r l i l r . Imt l . u r \ H a y

M R i - i r i v c i l > T o n . h l n c I P w i t h HIP H r t m l i .

Old ehowniiii who traveled with t h e lute , Adam FurepanKh or were iiitiniatc-ly nc- J qnainted with him f« r many yi-ars, have countless HturieH to M l al>out the veteran cirrus man and his lone carei r under the canvas says ***• 1'biladflphin Kecord. | IVrhnps one o! the moat interest til", tales is that which RBW MM real history ol the fsiuous white elephant, which i s now a n 1

historic allium I, Imt whoso artiticial color has long been well known to IkOM who were attached to the iBBpMRl show. Al l old circus man. who was in Adam Kore-paiiKh's employ lor many successive sea­sons, tells the story thus:

" When Barnuui announced that In- had piocured a sacred white elephant. Adam J'orepaiuih made up nis mind that he must have one at once. Not lout: afterward tie proclaimed that he hud secured a genuine white elephant from hiaui with extrtuie difficulty and at a cost of RMyOMl This so-called sncrixl white elephant was merely a small elephant worth about VM that had been painted with a preparation devised by a niau who used to work for Itanium at Bridgeport. Conn. O f course, the elephant was not pure white, bnt a dul l gray. a U ( j m a manner that can hardly be accounted for: evi • eminent scnuitinc men who examined the animal were deceived into the belief that the color was really natural, notwithstanding the < \ | iendi ture of a n i l M M M sum of iimm-v by Ha mum's tienple in then taWsMtWl to prove the elephant lingua. The elephant was touched up with the preparation about everv other day. and on huiulav it was lived op for the coining week. O n i fondav nn in l ­ine the elephant always appt a n d surpris-

iniilv l i r ighl . but aloagj toward the end of the week the color became so dinify that visitor* often asked which was the white elephant.

" In 1*S4. when Korrpannh had the white elephant i n his show, an embassy troin Siam visited this country for a tour through the states. The Siamese and the show c h a i i c d to he in Chicago at the same time, and Korepaiiuh's agents saw a chance to work the foreigners for a big card. The sch-me was to mH the Siamese visitors to nttend the show. take a look at the sacred Siamese white elephant, and thereby eet a bin advert is, ment out of it. Af t t r four days of hard work the aK' iits succeeded in prtttag the embassy t<i visit the show. I hey passed the white ele- ! pliant without comment, watched part ol the performance ami then went ont. pius-h i " i n t l i ' M U M H tent to lake another look at the elephants. Adam Forepannh. in his shirt-sleeves, stood at the pate. mid. aeeinu the H i M M M gentlemen, he rushed up to them, pive the Siaujes ' prince who led the party a rousing slap on ti e back and said; "There now. prince. ain*t that he kind of elephants you have in M M

country?" The- foreii;n ( . r s. mine of whom under-.iood Ktn/lish except their interpreter, looked at M r . I'ureivin di in i i ina/enii i i t at his f U t U i t r i t y , and theu ipi ickly d, parted. The BfJMtl who had worked so hard to get

K M Siamese visitors into the show nearly tainted at what M r . PofaSBMffk d id .

"The w hite elephant ipninn *1 on the bi l ls and in the show unt i l interest in the ani­mal be^an to Ha.', aud then it was siMdcnly announced that the sacred erenture had died, hiiviliv I M I li Unable to stand the eh mate. Mr . KorcpaiiKU tiled his loss at f '.At,. •90, and an adniiriny public gave him its sv'iipatby. Tin truth ot the matter was that tin elepl ani had la en washid oil ami turned in with the herd. It has been with tlie show ever since, being bil led of late years as.lohn I.. Sul l ivan, and dotag a hoc* h f act in the ring, I he once famous white ehphnnt is now in the winter quarters a'. F lMM street and t*ftgd|rg av< nue. H. i i -nnni's white eleplmnt was no more eenuiue than t his one. I hey merely sandpapered o i l the rough outside hide unti l it M f J U to show pink."

From all the accounts of those who know him well Adam I onpai ioh wag a tremeiid ous worker. "He was up earlv and late." said one ol Ins aid apents y i s t i rday . "and hi M c o n t e n t any time with lour or live hours of si, ep. He cave his |M-rson.il at-tenl ion to every di tal l of the business, and never a bil l was paid without first being c irefullv examined bv h im. In his tarl] days he was a butcher, and up to the very IMI season be cut up with his own hands all the n.cat that WHS fe d to the annuals or • ntcn bv the unployes. He would leave anything to (jo to the cook tent, even if be lo.-i a hund ed dollars by i t . Although he had RM to IM) li'irsi s. he knew every one by name, could tell i t s age without hesitation and when he botcM it and how much he paid, evt n down to saying whether he got a halter with the horse or not. Aud hektpt all of these things in Ins head. In buying a horse he would walk once around the animal, say how much he would give and walkaway. That was all there was to i t , aud he would never change his oiler a pi-nnv,

"When ha got K M b t B of n bargain he would whistle all the t i m e u n . i l tie- uevt stand was made. If he lost anything he would be sola-rand <,nnt for an equal M» nod. It was not often that begot taken in, br.t be d i d occasionally. When we were going into Cincinnat i some years ago he saw a load of hny and bargained lor it at 11'.' a tou . We w, re paving $l-"i a ton un­der a contracl, and the pr< <p cl of saving (11 pleased t he (tuv'nor—< M-rybody aliout the show called him (iuv'nor. 1 he load weighed 2.t'A»t ponnds. a n d for some reason the farmer n.ade out a b i l l for *!'•!. M l . K uepaugh O. K. d it hurriedly and sent the man to the treasurer for bis money. The bi l l was paid and the farmer disappeared. Only a few moments Inter M r . Forep.mgh discovered that he had lieen swindled and shouted for somebody to stop the farmer, but of course he had got out of the wav . It biok the (tuv'iinr a week to get over that experience.

I never suw Adam Forepaugh in a cor­ner that he could not wriggle out of. and I have seen him in some pretty tight places. He was the greatest emergency man 1 ever saw. and you never could catch him at a dis­advantage. Some years ago we had the show out in Ohio, and we opened the men­agerie on Sundays, giving no performance, but men ly showing the animals for a quar­ter admission. In several places that we struck thenuthorities were very strict on tha Sunday question, and at last M r . Forepaugh was arrested for Sabbath breaking. He said to the indignant town authorities that the proceeds of the Sunday shows weie turned into u chanty fund for sick and disabled employes, and instead of f ining him the authorities c-omimndi d hit generosity and let bim go on with the show. Hut nobody evir heard o l that charity tuud before or after that occasion.

"Adam ForepaiiL'h always appeared to be bap|.ie»t when he was losing money. We d i d business at a loss for a week ru ining in Hoatou, and he had a laugh and a joke for every man about the show, but whtn M wns making i i m m v as fas' as he could rake it in hi was ve. v hard to approach, although for a man who knew his buainess it was al­ways s pleasure t o work for h im. Many times he had heavy lo--.es to make good, but they never dUstaJMd him. He seemed to lie pursued by good luck, although of late years the show was wrecked many times o n the railroad, hut he alwavs got square with the railroad companies."'

NW Humanity' The common lot is one of sorrow any—at

least—the pessimist*, they who look at the worst side. Carta nlv what would other­wise be a bright existence, is often shad-gwed bv some ailment that overhangs it

like a pall , obscuring per|stuallv the ance that else would litht the path, an ailment, and a very common o n e . is m rvousneaa. or in other words, weakness ot the nervous system, a condition onlv irre-• i d . able w In re metlieit nt or impto | s r means are taken t o relieve it. The concur­rent experience of nervous people who have pcrsiateiitlv used Hosteller's Stomach Hit ters is, that it conquers entirely supersensi-tivcliess of thellerves. as well as dlsc-lls s s,, called—which are invited and sustained by ! their chronic weakness. As the in rves gain i stamina f rom the great tonic the trouble disappcais, I - the Hitters for malaria, rheumatism, biliousness and k l d t l ' V trou­bles.

A continual coughing is very annoying t o persons sitt ing in ar you in any kind o f a gathering: besides. It is o f great damage to the throat and ltlllga, ami is exceedingly dang •row at this season o f the year. One. naif bottle • f Hcggs' Cherry Cough Syrup wil l relieve any ordinary couch, and this remedy costs n o more than the iu fe i io r grades that are thrown oil the market to sell at enormous profits, it . S. Hale A' Co., druggists.

m i When you m • 0 a mi ld laxative y a

should have a medicine that wi l l act on the i liver and kidney i as well as the Isiwels. Heggs' Vegetable l.iver F i l l s I N prepared •>xpre«slv for this M f W , Insist on get­ting them, as they have no superior and few i quals. 11. 8. Hale i Co., druggists. |

* M M to M i i p i H - r s .

A through refrigerator ear o n the .Mani­toba and Montana Central railways leaves bit. I 'anl every Thursday. Shippers of per­ishable freights should notice this fact and govern themselves accordingly.

It. 11. L A K G L E T , 0—tral Freight Agent.

l'nsur|iasse<t in the World. The veatibuled trains of the Chicago,

Milwaukee A St. Paul railway, running daily between St. Haul and Minneapolis a n d Milwaukee a n d ' hicago, are the per fection of modern railway equipment, and are unsurpassed in the world. Thev con­sist of elegant day coaches, Full inan 's l a t ­est a u d best sleeping cars und the finest d ining oars in the country. These trains a r e lighted by electricity and heated by ateam, and aflord to the traveler every com­fort a n d convenience to be had at the very best hotels. A l l classes of tickets are hon­o r e d o n these trams and the rates ar« n o higher tbau bv other lines. It i t for this reason that discriminating travelers pat­ronize thiscompaiiy und insist that their tickets read over its line, as they naturally want the Iwst service for their money.

Dyspepsia Makes M lives of many penpltv miserable, causlu); tlistu ss after eating, sour Moinactj, Hsfe headache, hrarthiirn, loss of .api*'titi% » faint, " a l l gone •'feeling, hau tasfe, < ,,.iti d

tongue, and Irregularity ot the bowels. l)vsiM>psia does

A f t e r 1 1 , 1 » : ' 1 <••* " eit. it P t i requirti eanM aiieiitlon. t U T I t l g ,̂,,1 r e, I M . , iy n k n Hold's

Parsaparllla. whleli acts ".ciitly, yet efflciently. it tunes the stomach, regulates the dlges* M % creates a good ap- fiif.L pel lie, haill-h'S hejd.e he, j .

and refresiies H M maai. Headache " I kWSj been troiUjIed with clysis-psta. I

Bad hut HMtl appetlto, a:ul what I did cat

Heart* {,[^" ° r ' ' a ' " i b

little gtssl. Alter ealuiR I U U r n SMtMkaT* a f i int or tired,

all-gone feeling, as though i had not eaten in) thru;:. My trouble Was aggravated b y hy baa lMM, paintlif. Uwl «

I l to.lioi-u's .s.ii- s>our Uparilla, wbleh ,lal me aa StOITiaCh SBJBJSJM H M H l of jroo.l. If ga-.e mo an Appetite, and my fiaid relished and satisfied Hie craving 1 liad previoii-ly rxperieuci!cLH

t i r o R i i E A . P>~K, Wall rtOWa, Mas<.

A. M. Holter Hardware Co. Headquarters



Pipe Covering, Hair Felt, Asbestos Cement, ami Bhetthing for Boilers,

Si cam and Hot A i r Pipes.

M E C H A N I C A L TOOLS Of Every Description

BELTING & PACKING. Iron Pipeand Fittings.

OF HELENA. Ini u r p o n t o i l i i in ler t lit^ laws of Montana

Paid In Capital,$ 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 THOMAS O M SK. T l l l l * l j l


\ i 11.MAM J . t K l SK. Ne..rot.,>. I HAS. I.. DAIII.I.Ii. l ifwurer.

Allows il per cent, interest on savines De[m*iis, isi i i i iHii ;ud«st .1 n 1 inrtrv mid . la l \ .

Siss ' i . l TeiIIM nisi lie nuule on depositf left for a siteeiritst tone on e,-rtitieates.

TiHnsiiet.s (ieueod Itaukina Itusiness. Draw* Km hince on il,e I'riia nsd t iij.s« nf ihq

I idled MUtr* nud b r o M h Haul- iu OssMttf and * ny Honds, and ni.kea

I . o eou Ko.l Kstaie HaitsjasaSk


Pioneer Nat ional Bank of Montana . O r g a n i z e d i t . 1 S6 6 .

Designated Deposi tory o f U . S .


Hood's Sarsaparilla twld by allriri igji it it . f I; >lx for ft, Prei'sreil only »> ('. I. H O O D A C O . , A p o t b e c . n o . , L o w e l l , M^a.

IOO Doses One Dol la /

A Wnti'i Face Is Her Mm



Dealeni in I V e n t MMieine.. Kanev ,ol!et BaMS, UkJStsrsjt U m | » and Lsasp I I ' S K I . t-laiw, I'.ints. O i l . , ete.. Saririrol lu«trnuieut..t'r cli-v. Hraetsi, ete. \\ i ..lasaia agents for t'n * tor t'ounh. and folds. Kirk's Pile Ointment, W chea ^w>l><alii,ni.HoMnko£.M«iieiiie«. l»r. Kiln er'a Kerned^, Danileliou luuie, Orenon Kidney lea. UntarcT. Hpecitir. j

DHKRIKF'tl s A I K—BY VIBTUKOV A N BXK-t ut i< 11 i n ni) hauda. laMSaloat o f t h e dlatoW]

eonrt of i l , , , I IraQudirtsddiatrirt of lltastataof j Montana,in and for t i e riaantyof L#wlaaiM Clarke, Iu lha mil o f Taa Hral laatloaial ItanW m Hel.naaaaJnstMekwasnaai h > « M t atw W r t J " ma PoMtaUW, Heletaa Power a m i Lkclu

nuuiy. A n t o n M. Holler H N I | d. , i aienen. loraina l i s l e lilieinoM II Klein- i •ehmiilt a n d Kiiward W. Knlicht.dol) t f» te i l t t ie | IfMii daj of JanaaO', A. 1). IMfU, I hare I \ i>«l n o t a l l tl,e n^lit. title I u I ino n - i ol I I ' >a d UalM « St-.uu lower ami I islili 'uc i«mMIT< BfJ eua Tower and I j . l i t eoia|SUijr, Alton M . Holler. Iteurv M . Hireh—. Herman iians. i Kheiaolil H. KMnarhmkM ami l i d v a r d W. K- .*t \ in and i i it.e luUowlw 'I ttetik A umsi rrty, rituatad n lewis n w H l v a . ' eoeu.j. A i o o> tana. Hsa

Psn of Iota t 'H .v-s l i fai) ami l f t | * P J M (H in tlloek tllirl) of tlie IUIglaal t iwie lle of j Hell na id -. r!li,^t as le^innim; at tlie IM rates I tmii of te-eaat l inem Iwkaivsaoa at nn iron •4B9I tlienre soutli J <l"_\ si.d m m . east laBBaj I tlieaiastside 1 n e n l lark straaine VSi s-Wfeet to an iron pite at the eormr of naotrle Ulis'k: tin naa aorta Ml dag, aad alia, < a t Ml laH t i an | iron inw: thsajea Bafta I aaj%'-' ada. l i --tu . feet Uiaa liaa ainaoa »lie soutliaesi aal. of i 'srk . afaaaav thraaa w r t h 4» daa, aaat IM t-MI I<< *«•, tlie aaajiaiBjBBj, Uajathar wiiliall and aiajralaf the iuil r i n inputs, attajrea, heriditaments and aja*l p irtajaMSoaa tJatn atota I. leaadna;, or in any w iae t

aMawtafnlnff, Inelnduia all mneliinery fiaaa to the I,ml liBa .s wail a- bnueffa, ena'u a • t.-.

NiHiie IsTiereliv aiven tint on v\',slii-,la lha tilth das of rahraarv, A . U. law, at lha In in at fi o'eloek DIM f •al't 'la> II' tlie fren' d o o r ol tlie noart house. Helena, l-ewa- ami < larke enuiitv, Montana. I wi ' l ni l a l l U a rtaht. title .-id uiter-e l u l Iheaald Helaaai ^11*111 Power and Uaatiaaj eoiii| an>, llehna Pewar • an I Lurl't eoaipaay, Aatoa M. Hollar, Hear, si. I'TImm. Henuan fiaaa. Rha aoU It. Klauwehn d ami t l . isnl W. Kabilil , in ami in theaafclabut* uWI aaribaa pruaVctt/, to tat MaaaM laavaar tat aaM ie hand,

liiven miller my ham I this, ihe'.'-'h day of lan-aan, A. U , law, t uvs. II. JarrrHis,

Sl.enll. Hvlscc, UoLaacMHt, llapot, Hlieriff*

U U K R I V K H S A M ' UV V l l l l ' l \ OV A N M b . ' d'-r of sal'- in in> aaada, Uaotd out of the .lis-triet court of the Drat nida ial distriei of thua'ato of Montana, iu and for the eoiu.iy of Iz-wis a"d ! tlarba. in the *aH of J , Moletota ana I . B t b-le lir iikiiiusi \V:it» H I M. toi.uy aud his » i > Snu.i l.in'lla Vnana dab atlastaa Ihe IJtli day of Jen- 1

nar... A . IX, iMtQ, I haw Ufiad UHin all the riiila, . Ihiaaad iiit'iost id tha Mid Watauo u.,loaMI and lila wife, Anna Utalla loaaar. la and to tba following ile-i r i U i l riroperty, situated la l»"» is and t'!ar! eeoanty. Montana, via:

1st s i i * i laUaek HTS nuadred »nl rilty thne [MSI o f tneoriciaal towns,ti' ol H e l e n a . Maataria M t d l a t a a d noeh la uWerllaal apnml tin' plat of tie orbrieal lowwdtaof s a i . i ek ro f Halaaa, oa tile i n iliaoflieaof lha reeutdar off i s a i d rnaat] " f I is aad Cfarba*

Noti.-e is htreby attrea that aa Tuesday, th" nth ,la\ of Vehraary, A. D. l- ' . ' i . at Iba hour of . I] o'elis'k aid day, al the rnaat door of the; ooiirt hoii-e. I l r j" iu. l ^ wi- r.*-I i l a ' - ke e o ' i n l ' . Montana. I will sell a'l i l •• i i t ! , ' , t i t l e ami i n t e r -*.si irf 11". s a i d wataoa Yawai aaxl hh a anna Lai'llii l o u r u r , i n and t o thaaaklabuvi ila* iriiuau proja^ti.to tlafbatiaad abbltr foreaaa in handf

liiven under my hand ' h i s ( h . ait day o f Ian- • nari A. 11. ts'.i. I'tvs. \ l . Jt*rrKBla,tt)herhf.

B« Isco' l l l l l n u s a . |1 • • r •'.



Nitro Glycerine, Dynamite and all High Explosives.

113 N O R T H MAIN S T R E E T .

Paid Up Capital Surplus and Profits,

S. T. I K i ata H W I S

Y.. \ \ . K M U B T 1'. I I . Kl U N S i U M l D T . . t ' H ' . : n . i i i u

$500,000. - • 5500,00a

I*re«i'«»nt N i iK rresirtent

' i . i i"i Asa't. 1 ' a sh l e r

.Mecond Asa ' t l faa l i iar

toil COST! II

W H I T E G I L T S 10 C E N T S P E K R O L L . G I L T S . 15c. P E R R O L L . F O R M E R P R I C E , 40c.


IKtAlil) OF DIKECTOIW. 8. r.Ulanwr. John l \ r n r l l n . A . M . loiter. It, ». Hamilton. V . r . r . - "art. T. F . Iliaain.. 1..II. Kleiuaehinnlt, Henry M. IVrhan.

T. P. Power.; d " n i - i I t a n k i n a Imsineaa IrauaaeteiL Internal

pant on time d e p o s i t s .

jonal 2 0 c . 2 5 c . 75c.

P A P E R H U N G A T L O W E S T P R I C E S .

J. R. SANFORD, 112. n 1 I 14 Broadway.

H . W . N 1 ^ : I L L , Miniufiicturor ami DMhf m

ttQUlvSi a ' I 1' ' I 1 I Bite, Spurs, Qui . - tR, W 1 I | I H , I JHSIIOH. BluiJnVs, Slieetc, I>unt«*rH. S l i ckora , Nose IIIIUR.Sweat (Villurs, llorwo Boota,Mid nil r f th t f IjawdtMlutUy Uopt in a lirbt c'laaa liiirneiw alure. Iluiul bMfaWMfkbS IktHMaTI • HiMH-ialty.

Opposite Grand Central,Hotcl . 'Main Street, • - HELENA, M O N T

BACH, CORY & CO., W H O L E S A L E :-: GROCERS. The only ExcltwiYelj Jobbing Grocery BOOM in Kontaaa

HELENA. PAIU IN CAPITAL • - $ 3 5 0 , 0 0 0


II. IIER8HFIELD, PmaitaA A..I. D A V I D S O N , Vuo rriajilfail A . A K O . N HER8HFIBLD, OmMm.



a. ». l U KTi . r .v , w . D. K i c M o i a a ,

A . J . H A V I I . S O N , M O S E h M O R R I S ,

U H . I I K U S I I K 1 K I . I ) , AA RON I IKRSHri fUn ,

J . S W 1 T Z K R .

rVllVjatieM Koicivo IVonipt Attention. I'lirclinso f ;,,!,| H ,„l ,S,hor Hullion, Gold

Dust and County Securities.

Interest Allowml on Derawila IWt for 11 IpMaffW HaTbH

A (ianeral HHnknii; HiisineaB Trunsacted.

KxchHn({e Sold , , n the Principal Citiaa !^ of B M O M

WAKKIIOLSK: On N. P. und Mnntiiiiii Central Trucks.

O F F I C E : Mum Stroot uiul Sixth Avenue.

Montana National Bank OK

Helena, Ivlont. U N I T E D S T A T E S D E P O S I T O H Y .


wonuM, l-VXl.OOO #100,000

• r < 1

Aft»<- »fi>w I'II'"' n«» will r*>rm. prnOv r r ' » all Rlntchaa, ffolaa, Pbatilaa ami Knvkiop prn-iltieinir an RntraBrta#ly Itiwitlfu' f ' omnlPTlon that Baa tat. tli^i BM> of taiwilora anil er-.^r*i«. Warranter! |H»rfwtly harnilesa. Hel,l hy ,|]] \ ^ n f \ . i i a 'lriij:icisl« at ft j i . r Imi of lOflwif^ra.

f)r. Hinima' Safe IVrliallraJ Waffera Bia «nri> aaal rallanltfat a l l famut i r r o K n l a r i t i i ^ . Prtet %'i per box. honl H mail taaaHVl on rw»int of prien. W.rrantnl to contain nn Tan.)" or ' I'enns ro>al."

'I nrwi.cn A t o.. K3 f lianili»r" St.. New York. II. M. Pan-lieu .V. ( .... Hula km«ta, l l ' lena.







Thompson's Improved « S H E

i u Corsets "" An^now.niailn with Dor

XO. M M A I N ST 1!K I T II 1.1. I.N A , M O N T . Wluilosalc mill K H H I I Doiilcrs in

H A R D W A R E A N D T I N W A R E , Stoves, Mine and Mill Supplies.

Agents for Charter Oak and Garland Stoves HELENA. BOZEM AN

A.J . DAVIDSON kCO., Dcnl iTs in


D I R E C T O R S :

A G R I C U L T U R A L I M P L E M E N T S .

A P P E A R S .

Smooth Flat Seam

T*»1 ' i T n i d * H i K r o m f n r t r n i i M N i by tlif Ijai>|jt«ij b e a m l " i ini-r ,\


AlVrfo.v Kit, with R V M i l u t ^ l (oiufurt now KUKI ' tUtOt^L

Tlirw Lon^ih** Short, M^iinnt, Kstr» Ijonif.

TWr .LVKt i lUDKS. Goml-i. M'i«' <'«iTiifortal»ln tm ,'thn

W M H T . i S c l M A p M l far Qiltty. Pot Sale by R B U M K L L A fa, anH


(Bacc«»on» to TlH*nipwt>n, Ijanffdon 4 Co./ NPW York. M&DQfavrturert'

" l/>*)k H t h i « plclurt- ami HI-MI mi t l t t i t . " Tim ali<iT»' incvH «it» f-xat t re|iro(lui'tioufl < f |>hoto-LTaph-s t.ikfit from life of 5Jr* Morton l>. llnr-

(ii whu r»'si.lr< at No. H Wi st -J.Mh Street, H M v> rk ( itv. Thf A M f>no u«s taken In N o v e m * :*r. w h i l f in H M Iftfl K t A f f H <>t QOWmwp 1

' M M . .1 II . I II 1 • i- I t.r | i h \ M < iJin.4 .iixl iiionrin-<| I , - • . .N T I M r4la#f tflki'ti in D s M T M b ^ r .

' * h e ' i fi . i i iplWflv rMPOf#rBkl, BT«t *-iiiii» ' "i.-oii|rh t l i e MB ol' f ' r . AH IT'* rngllA Hi H for OMMHnptiori Th<* h^*^^'• irit iurf's at>- »•» -it*, but ihey A r e trnt- to l i f e nn<l thf n r i t f l i i n

"('•emph1-. t a k i M i fr . in life r a n lie MPH « ' • •• JriiL* slurr*. I f n t l n i i K ronsuin |* t io i i

»/an a* fonomintiou UJ u.illv ilo»-s. aitli • •;i*rh i n I I M i M n r n l i t j r , rnii-ih^ < f p h l r f r t t i , lir«-

. t|#-i»r»"-«*fM| f ' » - l i i i r - . li lfl< k of aipprtltr, ' h i «-f (V»li M i d (MO'IH I l . rn i i ^h 'Mi t tin* b t t d *

•, tll't 1101 n*Hl iz" li«*r ex'ii»ih»» IIHIIPT urtll i ' m t T l m i l t«Mi uw M M *I<- is m p r r f * H ^

«Mk to lHV I)p. Ael;er"H K ' t f l i - h • r <\iTt^fiiuption MiM I'V ntl reputJ i t r l t ' -» V*»i ' i f f o n ' in t r With$0k I :t.

Hay and Grain in Car Lots a Specialty. mwmwmw-mmmmmmrnmmwmmmmmmmwmmwmmmmwwmmmmm»**m^m *mmmmmmmw*m*mmummwm™m aaaiaiaaai BBIII « aaii • > a a aa aBBBaBmaaBaaBaaaaaaaaaaa .

A R T H U R P. C U R T I N , Furniture, Carpets, House Furnishing Goods,

b.1. A I M . S S i IN, . . A M A i e l a n t f 'aatilar A. « . I '1. V K h t . I U R M A N l iVNH, H.r.(Uuui, Paraa I . V H H - . N . : I i . w. « C V M I N . it. i . WAUAOB, aCaVMN I). A. roar .


P A I D Ur C A I M T A I . , - f 7 5 , U U O

• V B P L V I A M I I M t o r r t x , 2 0 , 0 0 0

,\ Gcwil lliiikiii!,' Iiiisincss hwwM. | M X h W I W I i I'rc-siilivDt.

C. K. OObB, VifM I ' n t i c l e n t . O M N W I B . Oatut, - Cuahiar. Joi. N. Kr .Ni .K, AaBiatiinl Caahiar.


II. W . ( n n n . H. J . JUNES, ' i i . ('. K u M i oa i i , u s . <o«, > K . II. BaMMOM, • « K . OoU, ; l i a c n i n i l l . r H i i . i l .

WE ARC MKIA - T \ tUCTilt t i l T f c S U 1 PtaSORT

0 K L V J J " a m v u m i v t i . a.i<. i i . -



O O O I D S .

D - H: I ittfl tkrV l»4Urr*t|naj« Mr

' • i t it .'• i t ' •..

Oil Clothing & Horse Covers. Snag-Proof Rubber Boots.



i l t M IIAIIVI. W H I M 1 .< n ' l n t r a ^ i i ^ ^ ^ T ^ y ^ ^ ^ " '• M^'tMi^i . , i laSaaMaf i •fwaaa aienrl^* *'lr\* , ! T i ' r w l l r llirft, , b a i l | « r i t , r ^ , l * r I n g U m * ^U-t i " H r » l i l i , ^ 1 l , u r » H , M r r o i l i . I . I . e i r i l 1 'urr .Bt ' . , | I | I , - I „ I I T I I I » l o r f . II % '..IWO !• c w h . at i.i M<I * , M , p ^ * M i * r i on, i'i»i. a&. »r . w«r , i r „ , , | « f . B o r r B I I , o,r«4 II. l l i lPP l.Kt ,!b«. H*ftl̂ 4 f « i a p i l r t ia.*t*R>|k

n u n : i n c T m s GO., t i i a a f i stocr. turn*.CM, I p r H c r i b * t e a r a u r • «

d n n * Hit U t i I k i » a r f ,r>». iflr f o r i a a . c r t ^ l o c a i t of no*<l!A»*i*. U . I I . I l S i i K A I I A l f . U . -">•,

Amataraarn, N 7. W o b a r a so l t B i t ti 'c •

m a o r r u a r , . aad II » a r i » » n i b * t M I at j a i l t a m i o a .

D K D T C H E f t C O . C h l e a t a . •'>•

III 0 « •aU b r l > r t « ' a t a

A Perfect Face Powdec.

F' R E C W A N ' S " ; AGE P O W D E R , » '

lari i lUi . P M l i j b * t . o « . i l l , j l r « |

Hsriag iMfMad the K o uii tuT tl««>rH of ll.d Davu ln i i i lilm-lt ani l i;<uinec:U»(| t heBwnt wi th ciur niiPiuly i i i inionse n i lesnmi i H , we now caii upy fou r ent i re Hoon, eit«smling thrciii^h tlu< wliole hlcx-k f r o m JarltHcm In M a i n i t ree t , Ktm-kixl thorouirlily witF pobdl of every gnule ami at pri i en that clt'fy roni |«-t i l i<in. K v e r y purchaae luada strictly for cush ,d i rec t ly f rom tin.t l.ainlh, a m i i h i M a d in car'loiidb only.'fAD e x -aruinulioo of Koods HLC! comparison of pricen aolici ted.

Music Department: Pianos, Organs and Musical Merchandise, Etc

H e l e n a L u m b e r C o . , iKucreasoni to V. H . looiuba.)

Rough and Finishing Lumber a n d UTactor^ "Woxl^z.

Orders by Mad w i l l receive P r o m p t ut tent io i i . Correpponcleoue solicited. Yard and Fac tory near N o r t h e r n Puci l ic UepoU

i l B U M B O l » * 7 .

J A S . M c M I L L A N & C O . , r r u p r t e l o r i t of t l m


Hides, Sheep Pelts, W o o l , Ta l low, G i n s e n c and S e n e c a Root :

Sheep Pelts and Furs a Specialty. rnl - i»v

i,,'k/ L i r i f l i i M .

8t. I'aal Brandi. U l Kaat ' fhinl S'r«,»t. J vMt* b f t U A a , Agent.

Minrj«p»li» nranrh.ail Sii'olct Avnrino. J O H N J . TvLi -aApot. A«*rit.

For «al« b> all ilealor,. Ask for tticm ami taka Do ctbrra.

W. V. K K A N K L I N . Ilraidcut baJwniau, I IHIMDJA.

H'.M.Parchen &, Co.

101. 103'& 105 Second St North. Shipments Solicited.

Minneapolis, Minn. Write for Circulars.

R U P T T T P k | J i . i k | » n i 1 Vpnn • j *^ijiiapi.»»h.ri»i. i

k * ^ P H . iFiuiavb r v i K . s f MACWTICBJ9TICTI S




PAINTING! I>. r>r»! in : ' . ata Mr l O O - p m r r I l l i l « l r a t n l I H l a l . t K u i i » r n l l r « * r . Aitdri-aH: W >l. T. j I l I v l s r i l l ' K . U t i r r r n » l . . NaW V o r k . •


<• %\%r\r 9Xrunt l'*rf««t )-.* • r. *~ w*,*r. Tn».«nv r r t l l f mrvrj

i c u r » x ! t h o u « n d t . E«tBt,

Is warranted, i s because It i a tba best blood Preparation know/a. It will poti.

| U v e l T cure all Blood Disesaes, purines the j wbofe system,and thoroughly builds up the ! co&atilutiua. Beiaembtr, we cuarimloe ik


Norlh HaiB Street, Helena. Meiit 1 In e u i i i N t o suit on from Six Months to

Five Yearn Tune on Ileal Katate Security.

Money o n hand. No Delay. Cash paid for J{eal Kmate MortKHffee by

W . H. C L A R K &. S O N , G e n . Agents . F O R

Northwesiern linarantv im Owp.ny

S P E C I A L S A L E S :

During THIS W E E K Only! K r o n e n M l SaU7tc. * J M M H l l | Jl. 'id. WIMII l". li Mat-, J v , WimmMb 11.<"i. Kid Cllovaa, a-Battaa, 6'ic*. nffatatu >1.'»'. tlaVasM'saraalaaas,ttHi F n n m rh .<ii.

Trimmed Hals and Bonnets Btduvn Cost I

Ap^nt for r.uft»Ti<\' rnttfrn* nipt 11*11-B»-tar l o i i n * ,

MINNEAPOLIS, MINN., B o a r d ot T r a i i e R o o m . P I I K b u r a B i o K, H a l t n t .

I No. ' M t i O . |

M'I'I.II ATION K M A P A T C H t). s. L A a a O r r * a, {

Hta r v i , MoaL, Daeaaabaf N, I K I * . | Nut lap i - Uattlaj K U * H III»I • K. n s s s B

V, .1. HI nifur M I I I T. W. wellar, whan paaaaaasa Mfalrmn it ll'*li'UM. I^'wii* mill I'lark,'riiiinty, -liil** nt Mnnlaaa, aata itiin iln> lilncl thalr apt4loaf£aj fur II palpal lor IJM llaaar fii-t ol tba I aim iviro locia, JlW llaear fin »l ilm Kvnim u-t. an-l tain llaaar ti^-i nt I b a lieeVaafaUati alias at v tE aatli hwetiafl Kokl, Nuvat aail ulher nn'iaU, with -m fH.• • icriiiiiul, r,,H|w^ tivrly iMm. Mm ami limi f i ^ M ID W H I I I I , aitnalatl in Koea Baeeaaiiltnil wlalaaitla tiii-t.eoaatyol I A - aiul rimrki', aai| ..f Moalaaa. aocl itaaliiBattii l.> tin* ln'j.l MIUI laBrlal plat nn Hiela tWa otli,-,. a-. Inti* DnnitMr i k i , f l a a n i n towaealp II aotUi, n.' » i aaal -•I i . i ni' ti'iii im-•• l in" mul rii,'riili.-in ,,f Montana II-IHI,-I , K i i ' i li.t-. N i . ' * i . .mil i*-\ In in:; de-M rilmi ii-. loUowe, in-wil

H i ' Dmii nai l i i aaat, !<>t w. aaj|a< : alaa ill Ihe nnrtliraot etrtaat No. 1.

from wtiieli rl/N'k ioltial polal Nn. I l«'«r- N. ">4 ifea. 17 iiiin. it.nil.i frat,and raaalag i i " •> s. i i . i i n . r . mm. K iii 'i (rati thaooa ti. H aa tTl l

1 inin. W. frali theara N. II !>«. I ' imln. w. unofnKi tnaaea N. naVa. n 111111- K. 1 '**t frat 10 11 j plara ni oattaalni eoatalalaa NJU aaata.

Taa Rvana IIMII*. hit *'<">• Inuiunina at corutf N<>. I. from whii h lUn k luiiial M i i a l Nn. I l i M i i r * N. i l " K . 'M mi l l . E.

f 1,1,1 faat, aad r a a a l a g l h a a e a s. lailaa. B min. I . N0.I faati tlwara H.71 d>». B m i n . K >H f.« i ; thaara N. Hi dea. ; : l miu. K. JTI.I fuel: thaaeii N. 'O iti-v. 'M min. w. t'7 f> rt: tin m n H. ,H ikvg. In mm. VA. I n frat: Ihcora N. II i l«if . I'< min. W. neti i V a r a M. 11 dag. • min. W. I B frat iu t h " p l a o a m b a g i B B I B g , rotttalaiag *- u arrra.

Ami lha MeoVniDllon l m l » . lot IW. Inwin-alikg Ht rorticr No. J. from wliii-h II" k nnm) petal No. I baara N . H d a g . f l m i u . E <r,|.l li^-i. mul r a f t a i a g thaara S . 11 di a. inin.

KSUO(rat; thaara N. 17dag . SI min. V. WO (am; tlicun N II ilag. I'I min. W. B0 (am; > H. a; dag, :l ' i n n . W. wm fii*t t,» 1 'n- plnr* nf U'tfiuuiug, oiMrtalalag li*Batfaa,

Bagaatin r a r i a l l n n 'J* dag. 11 min. wist, ooo-tainiiuc a lutal IITMH ,,f II,SI ii,-r»"-.

'1\M l o o s t l o e «if ibfani larala iaeut«Jad iathara-m r d a r ' a oMue of Lewis aad C'lariw p o a a a y , »tata i . f Mniitiitia.

! Tin' a d j u i o i a g 1 l-iini- I,, i l l , , Kvaaa Imla nri>. on t h a aaal tlm Ali i l iul inlf . ini IU; on tlm arum tha Hadgar Iml**. In' B , auit nn itn* aaal ul ilia 11A-

. il, mptloa loda l h a Q. V. lilpa bait, lot f/t. K W. LaJiUMoaag, lUvlatar.

Fir^t rmHHttHt , Pic, tt,

I No. H t l ! | k f f U i AI M *N VOR TKVBKt

V. S . I .wt i O n II L. I l l n i:>\. Mus i . . .Inn. I*. I"*'.'

Notice ii* lii n II; i.'iwn Unit IU»iituuiiiiI'. lir*o.U*". wlioiw. p r a i ^ d n o a • a n t a t a i-, H t a t a u L 1 '̂wi* aaa I i . i r k a rounty. Montana, hai* iliih,la> lil**il a p p l l a g i liou fur pati'iit, nuitnr lli<* niminir law** of t p a g f t a t fur 1^00 Ibtaar (a t ) •>( tba ttalniki* l o o a Ix'arlnir tola, ilvi'r .in I n t l i H r min* rai«. with MirTnim groead Sal in Mam* wHaaiad in BnaMt 11111111 uanlsail) mialng diatrlot. lywn* ami rUrko

nn,. \i , ,inii;iii. in amtioa al, UiWBaMp 1;' N.. mmmii \V.. wlm-li tnba la i t M t o V d In lli«* orti,'# of ilmrlcrk ami M e a r a a r of l^waj . . • 11 . •. r A* - -, minlv mill ilr~i riluil ,. folli'Wl, H<*Klllllill|{ at * or. No. I. ( m m aliirli Hie HW. tot. Sf ;I4. I'. I I M . , E * W . J a a r a H. I'i ib-tr. W min . W. r . . .« faat, taanoa N . 'i'i <tfn. W. I.Wl d*m to earaar No. Hi, m a S 'j lien. N inin-. R* VI* (ral to MB, No. 1. I h a n r a H. V, d a g . I_ l.rn«l (i«>t to i i . r Nn. 4. thaara N. - ii«*ir. Baua», W. *n) feet to sat* No. 1. ilia plara of haglnnlag

Willi inafi i ' i i i ' variatimi »' Jll it*x. I.i min. >>a*.t. , einiinu iiiK IM 8 "'''*"• » , l | " ' l | an an-a of .tr.'

m r,~, I - aieladad, lieiinr in ooafliel with lot M M . nnil not 11,1111 •' 1 leaviiiK net area i laiunil nf HUM

wliieh a notice of -..1.1 a a o g N H M wa*. noeieil ll,e Intli day of January. 1>>'.«I. T I *

1 wljo'ning i-laimanla to theat i>remna*» art on rlia north tin* l i loi t i r. lot N n . II A., .in Ihe "T.t.

I lot 74 aad lot No V S. \V. I . A M i l l OHN K. RaiUBa

i irxt riiblicatioB Jau. IV. UA

> 1