h s a H J U ovIittr rlirnttntrcRan 7 L 15 Y ii1 NGIN bUSfRIIiS uL l I i4lJtv 1 n LO1q reds 1rr xfTANDY OASnn t I CITY BANK t ctCArrrAL 360000 Surplus and undivided profits 65000 I A General Banking Business un COAL WQOLDIUDGE COMPANY Phone No 40 Feed of all Kiuda vx Your Patronage Sob Icited USE Acme Mills CUSS i Eagle PatentFlour Sold by all Grocers ° STABLES 0 H LAYNE I J Phone 82 As to who has the most elegant rigs in this toVDwe wont soy youjuatlookaroundt connection I Florida Oranges Coffee Cakes and Lunch Milk Biscuits Fruit Cakes Ginger Wafers Call at the Candy Kitchen 9lh Street PJ Breslin I McKEE THE GROCEH Leads In Price and Quoltyond Carries the Most Complete Line in Town t p A J MEADOR General Hardware House Furnish ¬ ings General Repairs I Bicycles Guns and Sporting Goods r x of All Kinds ° LEE sO Tnd onuA sTi irr tfacturereoh ° 4 n IRubber of All Kinds Best Tires in the World Quickly Done FIRST NATIONAL BANK GEO 0 LONG Proeldeut J r 0 Jt JABKETT V Pre a Tuog W LONO Cashier Cnpltal u1dSr lp 60OOOO Aca of Q 1n8t firmaant- ndivldilnik a solicit d I the us unl Banking facilities extended PERKINS WILLIAMSON I Deniers 5q Crdbtreo und Williams Coal Phone 66 Headquarter of Trans Company- BRACKROGGE f BROS 7TI1 ST NEAH MAIN The Best Saloon In the City with ¬ out Exception ° you Are Always Welcome LIVERY I I t 0 T MoINTIKISO- OR VIRGINIA AND BTu STREETS tElgt 91a ivrp + Elegant rigpjpt alliHtues and Jfor all l ocoa Iu1ns 73 J METCApFE ARMSTRO GeuoralHc6iaent Phone lSB 2 Rings Brass and Iron Fillings Jets Pumps Hose Pipea Valves EnginesBought v GROCERIES SA I f VVEST Hopkinsvillo kl Finest open Kettle Molases At J B Hawkins Also New Evapdrted Fruits C A JACKSON General Blacksmithing Main Street Your Patronage Solicited VEHICLES J 1qTEDERS Manuirclref JIi ° Ofint3 Carriages Buggies and Wagons r Repairing a Specialty 4rl I N T I J JIjI r t y t A e of t I > t Weh 4 tie purclmsed the 0 J HJ egg Planing Mill i d Building Plant and rf c 0 respeotilully solicit your r1 dbusiness on building ma 1 i terialof all kinds or to ji < build you a home The very best work t prompt a iwyiee guaranteed w rt 11 to loahj pr8ninr Mm jJ- S i 0v r t i 1 J BuiIdIo cotbc1 I o NEW GROCERY J 11 g i i j 1 New GoodsLowest Prices a i nextt0 dux I v J Highest Market Price I Paid for Country Produ eI rpree and prompt delivery to aiL parts of the cityI 0 f Respectfully H SHADOIN CURTIS Forinetjy with E B CLARK I kt l Docts4ay 1 111 ad1Xirnitt v winch pr vatl1n miasma C41 tricts are invariablyd np h ied by derangement Or h- Stomach e Ltiverpndat I3pwils 1Jh S ret The liver is thereat driving wheel in the mechanism of Man and when it is out oforder the whole system becomes de- ranged ¬ and disease is the result Tugs Liver Pills Cure all Liver Troubles Most women woule rather burn up heir husbands library than a bunch of old letters from other men Uout lie penny It does not pay If you have a- Dont good thing tell it right out use means to attract attention We say right out and menu it too that Dr Caldwells Syrup Pepsin will cure any case of stomach trouble It- will caused hoadachkbyattackjug aids you to digest your food no mat- ter ¬ what you eat Sold by 0 K Wyly If men hod to wear women s clothes in the witer they would die of pneaumonia Stick to It George L Heard of High Tower Georgia writes Eczema br kooul on my baby covering his entire body Under the treatment of the family physician he got so bad he could not ItchingWe him and by the time it was gone he wos yell The doctor seeing it was doing him good said Stick to it for it nnything ¬ gists A man can always tell when a girl tries to look at him with Hdull unseeing eyes upto Die With Croup MauuingtanKy had a severe caseof croup the doctors gaveha a lottleof Foleyp Honey and < Tar be first dose gave quick relief and saved her life All druggists The dimple in a pretty girls shoulder ten years after is only a crease in a fat place Nearly every person needs a tor io medicine at this time of the y nr to brace up and invigorate the near ous system to cleanse the bonela liver and Herbiuo is th best and safeit remedyljto do thia a it will cure constipation regulat the liver and enrich the biuud Price 50 cents A woman has thesame confidence that she will know how to take care of a baby that a man has that he understands all about politics The Mosl Stubborn Coughs resulting from ac attack of la grippe or heavy cold must yield to the won ¬ FoleysHaney lungs Bud makes ahem strong All druggists Hfter a woman has been married six mouths she would just as lief kiss her husband with her mouth full as any other way Y M Most womdn wlthenXe ¬ ness suffer dreBdfullywiinpiifm in- ddditiou to elr rr mablrsBuckeye ia bottles irSenisr1 SR C Sard wick l 53 Ia e Women get edgedeged from ° lc I tice and marfie dlirom pnjacljglbf with mtn its tlje6ther wayi I i > BProsBon iPreBSouville Kim writes Nuthi Jfolt H neJ and Tart is the univrenlopinion of- all used it t has coughsaccccoinrnuvlug ed to give toleif All druggists If an umberella were mode jf I zJHidould q y ift e1uwvini GctWhaYouAskForr CandyCathartic Genuine tilblcitWstamped C C C Never n A is a fraud Bewatel All druggistsioc There are two miles ot wall in the royal gardens devoted to 250 sorts of wall fruit Au onnce of prevention fa worth a BltlJanilf time Is worth as ntaff of physicians includedPrice e- Wtok a i QJ ll AJt 1 A F ivntas 1 tWIi iII the thtYork V t raiHop c The old Opera sentiment of Cin ¬ cinnati and vicinity tenure to be revived this yclt tf1signs fail On the evening of If rid ay April the 18th tied afternoon and evening of April 20th three per formances are announced in Cin ¬ cinnati Music Hall in which will be presented the entire force of the Metropolitan Opera House of New York Maurice Grau Director some 250 people in all with the ochestra conducted by Walter Damrosch the scenery from New York and the balletThe great Jean DeReszke who is paid 2400 for each performance the incomparable Melba with Lil ¬ lian Nordica Milka Ternina Madame SchumannHeink Madame Louise Homer Address Dippel Mr Cremoumi David Blspham Pol Plancon Robert Blass Edward DeKeszke etc etc will all be heard In their best parts The opera for the opening night will be decided by popular vote of season subscribers The voting Which will close Saturday night March 30th indicates that the pop ¬ ular cdoice will be Wagners Wal kurie with Ternina Schumann Heink Susan Strong Mr Dippel Mr Blass and Mr Bertram The opera will be given with the per ¬ fection which has made it one of the great successes this year in New YorkThe matinee opera is Tristan and Insolde with Jean DeResake Lillian Nordica David Bispham Edward DeReszke and Madame Schumann Heink such a group of artists as cannot be equaled at any Opera House in the world Walter Damrosch will con ¬ duct both these performances Saturday evening April 20th Madame Melba makes her only ap ¬ pearance in the familiar opera oCII Lucia Di Lammermoor with her will bS heard MrTCremoni niand Mr Catnpairtiri ami the great French bass Mr Journet It isa double bill for Saturday evening as CavalleriaRusticana with Miss McIntyre Madame Hom ¬ er Mr Scotti and Mr Salignac will also be given All the railroads centering in Cincinnati will make a reduced rate of a fare and a third tickets notti later than the 21st and all the roads will hold their late trains Season ticket orders can be sent by mail this week only to the John Church Company Cincinnati with cheque made to G H Wilson and the scats will be selected as orders are received 4 The following low scale of prices for season seats has been adopted 4 5 750 and 10 Beginning Monday March 31st the single seat sale will open at these prices 150 2 3 and 4 Orders with cheque will be recognized and seats reserved Certainly with this indorsement theentire musical public of this part of the country will be present in Cincinnati on April 19th and 20th Dow Are Your Kidney I uePlllecoreellkldaerllleSamplotreoAdd Clardy Tobacco Seed thelargest tobacco raised and has taken more premiums than any other variety in the Clarksyillo district A limited supply of qeed raised by R F Rives Casky KyolTered for sale at 1 per ounce of from h oz up This tobacco suits the mar ¬ ket both for shippers and stemmera One planter in the county claims to Kara made 1600 to the acre last year Cull on or address HOPKINS VILE KENTDOKIAN Hopkinsville Ky i nJJIDIII THE NHVV YORK WORLD ThrlceaWeek EditionAlmost a Dally at the Price of n Weekly The presidential campaign is over but the world goes on just the same and it is full Of news To learn this news just us it is promptly and im ¬ partiallyall that you to do is to look art the columns of The Thrice YorkWorld yearThe Week Worlds dill tfeucoasa publisher of first news whercvertbehaglish you want it Worldsregulac per year We offer this unequaled newspaper and tho to ono year for 9276 The rogularaubBorfp t lon price of thetwQ papers t > 1111 6 S jJtDi WA f Atgcable Preparationror As ¬ similating UicFoodandRcguIa aglheStoinacitsondBowelsofPromotes ness and RestConlalns neither OpiumMorpliine nor1fincralI Nor NAn C OTIC euJJrStlNlELPITCIIEIl Abut wart R4ItdSdar4nuewi JIII Ape ecl Remedy forConslipa Worms Convulsions Feverish- ness and Loss OF SLEEP Facsimile Signature or f NEW YORK L EXACT coPy OP WRAPPER r J ± Then we have them of many makes the Best in the market We handle the Celebrated Improved Bissel Chilled Plow The Chattanooga Plow The Evansville Steel Plow Hardxlck S Becker The Kentucky Plow The Avery Plow Also Best Disc Plows Horse Shoe Fertilizers I 1 It ASTORIA For Infants and Children The Kind You Nave Always Bought Bears the I Signature of In- Use i e For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THC CCNTAUR COMPANY NEW YORK CITY ril3 1 ± iii Is it Plows you Want different We can supply you not onlyf with Plows but with anything else you need in Farming Implements Machinery Barbed Wire- Wagons Buggies Hardware Guns Pistols and Cuttery We are prepared to save you money From last years prices GUS YOUNG 9 Sixth Street HOPKINSVILLE KY > H u N > P aror Cafe car- FSVtfRoute IA to Texas f ii In going to Texas via ndeL lAVmiMttMrf KMI r 1 Car for I if L Jrllyflftyceritreftra wwww car large easy chairs has an jsV observation smoking room a ladies lounging roomjind a Cafe r served on the European plan at reasonable prices P < m fc Besides a Parlor Of Car Cotton Belt t trains carry Pullman Sleepers a < night and- S Free Chair Cars both day and night Write end tell us where you are going tand when you win leave and we will tell ll the exact cost of a ticket and send 6u i complete schedulofortttetrip We will also send oji an interesting Wile book A Trip to Texas II t d 3J A rR > i5LWUBUUIIEOPaodTASbtadzifanS 1 U t u I u r 1IrWr l IY To tie Publico Haviiiff moved my tinning and plumbing shop to larger and more commodious quarters on Virginia Street opposite Hotel Latham also my 1 stock of Stoves Tinware l tcII am now in a posi ¬ tion to give you a better service at the lowest prices Trading Stamps given with all cash work and purchases G G Greer Photic xoa 3 Successor to Greer Bros r

H U I Y NGIN bUSfRIIiS Docts4ay uL ad1Xirnitt 1rr …nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15ns15/data/0231.pdfh s a H J U ovIittr rlirnttntrcRan 7 L 15Y ii1 NGIN bUSfRIIiS uL l I i4lJtv 1 n LO1q

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Page 1: H U I Y NGIN bUSfRIIiS Docts4ay uL ad1Xirnitt 1rr …nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15ns15/data/0231.pdfh s a H J U ovIittr rlirnttntrcRan 7 L 15Y ii1 NGIN bUSfRIIiS uL l I i4lJtv 1 n LO1q



H J U ovIittr rlirnttntrcRan 7 L15Y ii1NGIN bUSfRIIiS

uL lI i4lJtv

1 n LO1q reds 1rr xfTANDY OASnnt


t ctCArrrAL 360000

Surplus and undivided profits 65000


A General Banking Businessun


Phone No 40

Feed of all Kiuda

vx Your Patronage Sob


Acme Mills CUSSi Eagle PatentFlour

Sold by all Grocers°


0 H LAYNEIJ Phone 82

As to who has the most elegant rigsin this toVDwe wont soy

youjuatlookaroundt connection

I Florida Oranges Coffee Cakes andLunch Milk Biscuits Fruit

Cakes Ginger WafersCall at the Candy Kitchen 9lh Street

PJ BreslinI


Leads In Price and QuoltyondCarries the Most Complete

Line in Townt p


General Hardware House Furnish ¬

ings General RepairsI Bicycles Guns and Sporting Goods

rx of All Kinds

° LEEsOTnd onuA sTi irr

tfacturereoh ° 4n

IRubber of All Kinds BestTires in the World

Quickly Done


r 0 Jt JABKETT V Pre a

Tuog W LONO CashierCnpltal u1dSr lp 60OOOO

Aca of Q 1n8t firmaant-ndivldilnik

asolicit d I the us

unl Banking facilities extended


Deniers 5q

Crdbtreo und Williams CoalPhone 66

Headquarter of TransCompany-



The Best Saloon In the City with ¬

out Exception° you Are Always Welcome





tElgt 91a ivrp +

Elegant rigpjpt alliHtues and Jfor alll ocoa Iu1ns

73 J


Phone lSB 2 RingsBrass and Iron Fillings JetsPumps Hose Pipea Valves

EnginesBoughtv GROCERIESSA I





Finest open KettleMolases

At J B Hawkins Also New

Evapdrted Fruits


General Blacksmithing

Main StreetYour Patronage Solicited


Manuirclref JIi


Ofint3 Carriages Buggies andWagons

r Repairing a Specialty



r t


A e of

t I

> t Weh4

tie purclmsed the0

J HJ egg Planing Milli d Building Plant and rf


0 respeotilully solicit yourr1 dbusiness on building ma 1

i terialof all kinds or toji < build you a home The

very best work t prompta iwyiee guaranteed

w rt


loahj pr8ninr Mm jJ-


i 0v rt



BuiIdIo cotbc1 I



gi i j

1 New GoodsLowest Pricesa i nextt0dux I



Highest Market PriceI Paid for Country Produ eIrpree and prompt delivery to aiL parts of the cityI

0 f Respectfully


Forinetjy with E B CLARK I

kt l

Docts4ay 1111

ad1Xirnitt vwinch pr vatl1n miasma C41

tricts are invariablyd np hied by derangement Or h-



Ltiverpndat I3pwils

1Jh S retThe liver is thereat drivingwheel in the mechanism ofMan and when it is out oforderthe whole system becomes de-


and disease is the result

Tugs Liver PillsCure all Liver Troubles

Most women woule rather burnup heir husbands library than a

bunch of old letters from other menUout lie penny

It does not pay If you have a-

Dontgood thing tell it right outuse means to attract attentionWe say right out and menu it toothat Dr Caldwells Syrup Pepsin willcure any case of stomach trouble It-will caused

hoadachkbyattackjugaids you to digest your food no mat-ter


what you eat Sold by 0 KWyly

If men hod to wear women sclothes in the witer they would dieof pneaumonia

Stick to It

George L Heard of High TowerGeorgia writes Eczema br kooulon my baby covering his entire bodyUnder the treatment of the familyphysician he got so bad he could notItchingWehim and by the time it was gone hewos yell The doctor seeing it wasdoing him good said Stick to it for itnnything ¬


A man can always tell when agirl tries to look at him with Hdullunseeing eyes

upto Die With Croup

MauuingtanKyhad a severe caseof croup the doctorsgavehaa lottleof Foleyp Honey and <Tarbe first dose gave quick relief and

saved her life All druggists

The dimple in a pretty girlsshoulder ten years after is only acrease in a fat place

Nearly every person needs a torio medicine at this time of the y nrto brace up and invigorate the nearous system to cleanse the bonelaliver and Herbiuo is thbest and safeit remedyljto do thia ait will cure constipation regulatthe liver and enrich the biuudPrice 50 cents

A woman has thesame confidencethat she will know how to takecare of a baby that a man has thathe understands all about politics

The Mosl Stubborn Coughs

resulting from ac attack of la grippeor heavy cold must yield to the won ¬

FoleysHaneylungs Bud makes ahem strong Alldruggists

Hfter a woman has been marriedsix mouths she would just as liefkiss her husband with her mouthfull as any other way Y

MMost womdn wlthenXe ¬

ness suffer dreBdfullywiinpiifm in-

ddditiou to elr rr

mablrsBuckeyeia bottles irSenisr1 SR CSard wick l 53Ia e

Women get edgedeged from °

lc I

tice and marfie dlirom pnjacljglbfwith mtn its tlje6ther wayi

I i >BProsBon iPreBSouville Kimwrites Nuthi Jfolt H neJand Tart is the univrenlopinion of-

all used it t has

coughsaccccoinrnuvluged to give toleif All druggists

If an umberella were mode jfIzJHidouldq y ift e1uwvini

GctWhaYouAskForrCandyCatharticGenuine tilblcitWstamped C C CNever n A is

a fraud BewatelAll druggistsioc

There are two miles ot wall inthe royal gardens devoted to 250sorts of wall fruit

Au onnce of prevention fa worth a

BltlJanilftime Is worth as ntaff of physicians

includedPrice e-


a i QJ ll AJt1

A F ivntas 1 tWIi iII the

thtYork V

traiHop c

The old Opera sentiment of Cin ¬

cinnati and vicinity tenure to berevived this yclt tf1signsfail On the evening of If rid ayApril the 18th tied afternoon andevening of April 20th three performances are announced in Cin ¬

cinnati Music Hall in which will bepresented the entire force of theMetropolitan Opera House of NewYork Maurice Grau Director some250 people in all with the ochestraconducted by Walter Damrosch thescenery from New York and the

balletThegreat Jean DeReszke who is

paid 2400 for each performancethe incomparable Melba with Lil ¬

lian Nordica Milka TerninaMadame SchumannHeink MadameLouise Homer Address Dippel MrCremoumi David Blspham PolPlancon Robert Blass EdwardDeKeszke etc etc will all be heardIn their best parts

The opera for the opening nightwill be decided by popular vote ofseason subscribers The votingWhich will close Saturday nightMarch 30th indicates that the pop ¬

ular cdoice will be Wagners Walkurie with Ternina SchumannHeink Susan Strong Mr DippelMr Blass and Mr Bertram Theopera will be given with the per¬

fection which has made it one of thegreat successes this year in New

YorkThematinee opera is Tristan

and Insolde with Jean DeResakeLillian Nordica David BisphamEdward DeReszke and MadameSchumann Heink such a group ofartists as cannot be equaled at anyOpera House in the worldWalter Damrosch will con ¬

duct both these performancesSaturday evening April 20th

Madame Melba makes her only ap ¬

pearance in the familiar opera oCII

Lucia Di Lammermoorwith her will bS heard MrTCremoniniand Mr Catnpairtiri ami thegreat French bass Mr JournetIt isa double bill for Saturdayevening as CavalleriaRusticanawith Miss McIntyre Madame Hom ¬

er Mr Scotti and Mr Salignacwill also be given

All the railroads centering inCincinnati will make a reducedrate of a fare and a third ticketsnottilater than the 21st and all theroads will hold their late trainsSeason ticket orders can be sentby mail this week only to the JohnChurch Company Cincinnati withcheque made to G H Wilson andthe scats will be selected as ordersare received 4

The following low scale of pricesfor season seats has been adopted4 5 750 and 10 BeginningMonday March 31st the singleseat sale will open at these prices150 2 3 and 4 Orders with

cheque will be recognized and seatsreserved

Certainly with this indorsementtheentire musical public of thispart of the country will be presentin Cincinnati on April 19th and20th

Dow Are Your Kidney I


Clardy Tobacco Seed

thelargesttobacco raised and has taken morepremiums than any other variety inthe Clarksyillo district A limitedsupply of qeed raised by R FRives Casky KyolTered for sale at

1 per ounce of from hoz up This tobacco suits the mar ¬

ket both for shippers and stemmeraOne planter in the county claims toKara made 1600 to the acre lastyear Cull on or address HOPKINS



ThrlceaWeek EditionAlmost aDally at the Price of n Weekly

The presidential campaign is overbut the world goes on just the sameand it is full Of news To learn thisnews just us it is promptly and im ¬

partiallyall that you to do isto look art the columns of The Thrice

YorkWorldyearThe Week Worlds dill

tfeucoasa publisher of first news

whercvertbehaglishyou want it

Worldsregulacper year We offer this unequalednewspaper and tho to

ono year for 9276The rogularaubBorfp t lon price of

thetwQ papers t >




Atgcable Preparationror As ¬

similating UicFoodandRcguIa


ness and RestConlalns neitherOpiumMorpliine nor1fincralINor NAn C OTIC


Abut wart


JIIIApeecl Remedy forConslipa

Worms Convulsions Feverish-ness and Loss OF SLEEP

Facsimile Signature or





Then we have them of manymakes the Best in

the market We handlethe Celebrated Improved

Bissel Chilled PlowThe Chattanooga PlowThe Evansville Steel Plow

Hardxlck S Becker

The Kentucky PlowThe Avery PlowAlso Best Disc PlowsHorse Shoe Fertilizers


1 It

ASTORIAFor Infants and Children

The Kind You Nave

Always Bought

Bears theI






For Over

Thirty Years


ril31 ± iiiIs it Plows you Want

differentWe can supply you not onlyf

with Plows but with anythingelse you need in

Farming ImplementsMachineryBarbed Wire-

Wagons BuggiesHardware GunsPistols and CutteryWe are prepared to save

you moneyFrom last years prices



N>Paror Cafe car-

FSVtfRouteIA to Texasf ii In going to Texas viandeLlAVmiMttMrf KMI r

1 Car forI

if L Jrllyflftyceritreftrawwww car

large easy chairs has anjsV observation smoking room

a ladies lounging roomjinda Cafer

served on the European planat reasonable prices

P <mfc Besides a Parlor Of Car Cotton Belt

t trains carry Pullman Sleepers a< night and-

S Free Chair Cars both day and night

Write end tell us where you are going

tand when you win leave and we will tell llthe exact cost of a ticket and send6u i complete schedulofortttetrip We will also send

oji an interesting Wile book A Trip to Texas II

t d3J

A rR >

i5LWUBUUIIEOPaodTASbtadzifanS1 U tu

I u

r1IrWr l IY

To tie PublicoHaviiiff moved my tinning and plumbing

shop to larger and more commodious quarters onVirginia Street opposite Hotel Latham also my 1

stock of Stoves Tinware l tcII am now in a posi ¬

tion to give you a better service at the lowestprices Trading Stamps given with all cash workand purchases

G G GreerPhotic xoa 3 Successor to Greer Bros
