HACCP Analysis for the Pineapple Jam Freshtz Products Page 1 1.0 Introduction 1.1 About the establishment “Freshtz” which is located in Industrial Zone, Ja-ela, Sri lanka, is an establishment that produce Pineapple jam in order to serve nutritive, good quality and safe fruit products to the nation. It was established in year 2000 with the collaboration of few people. The establishment is now a large scale plant which is functioning with 400 employees including to management. Though the company is in its initial stage, it has a considerable acceptance by the local customers and now it has been extended to overseas customers. Since the company has developed a good trade name among customers, the management of the establishment wants to implement HACCP plan and get the certification to assure the safety of the product and for further improvement of the market share. Currently, “Freshtz” is targeting specially the adult and younger population of all around the country. The products are available in almost all retail shops and super markets, which are easily accessible to the target population. The company is planning to introduce a wide range of modified products such as sugar free Jam products targeting the other population groups, in near future. Raw materials are received from selected, qualified suppliers in North Western province. The company has its own standards in purchasing process and especially the most important raw material; pineapple is purchased from reputed suppliers. The process flow and the plant are designed according to the international standards to avoid cross contamination and assure the maximum quality of the end product. The establishment is currently following Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs) and written Sanitation Standard Operation Procedures (SSOPs) as pre-requisites for implementing HACCP. The final products are distributed throughout the country, via a distribution company which is qualified with required standards. 1.2 Vision To be a pioneer nutritive, safe and high quality, Jam producer in Sri Lanka. 1.3 Mission Serve the local suppliers and our customers through engaging in reasonable business and providing high quality product.

HACCP Manual for jam industry

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HACCP Analysis for the Pineapple Jam

Freshtz Products Page 1

1.0 Introduction

1.1 About the establishment

“Freshtz” which is located in Industrial Zone, Ja-ela, Sri lanka, is an establishment that produce Pineapple jam in order to serve nutritive, good quality and safe fruit products to the nation. It was established in year 2000 with the collaboration of few people. The establishment is now a large scale plant which is functioning with 400 employees including to management. Though the company is in its initial stage, it has a considerable acceptance by the local customers and now it has been extended to overseas customers. Since the company has developed a good trade name among customers, the management of the establishment wants to implement HACCP plan and get the certification to assure the safety of the product and for further improvement of the market share.

Currently, “Freshtz” is targeting specially the adult and younger population of all around the country. The products are available in almost all retail shops and super markets, which are easily accessible to the target population. The company is planning to introduce a wide range of modified products such as sugar free Jam products targeting the other population groups, in near future.

Raw materials are received from selected, qualified suppliers in North Western province. The company has its own standards in purchasing process and especially the most important raw material; pineapple is purchased from reputed suppliers. The process flow and the plant are designed according to the international standards to avoid cross contamination and assure the maximum quality of the end product. The establishment is currently following Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs) and written Sanitation Standard Operation Procedures (SSOPs) as pre-requisites for implementing HACCP. The final products are distributed throughout the country, via a distribution company which is qualified with required standards.

1.2 Vision

To be a pioneer nutritive, safe and high quality, Jam producer in Sri Lanka.

1.3 Mission

Serve the local suppliers and our customers through engaging in reasonable business and providing high quality product.

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2.0 Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP)

Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) is an internationally recognized system for reducing the risk of safety hazards in food.Implementing a HACCP System requires that both Prerequisite Programs and HACCP Plans are implemented. Prerequisite programs are programs that are put in place in the facility to control hazards in the environment, preventing contamination of the product. Prerequisite programs ensure a hygienic environment and good manufacturing processes for personnel that reduce the risk of contamination of the food product.

HACCP Plans are prepared for each process or product, and identify possible hazards and controls in place to make sure the hazards are eliminated or controlled to ensure acceptable levels in the food. Awareness of food-borne illness is increasing and concern throughout the industry is driving the use of HACCP and HACCP based certification programs.

Global market place Increasing incidents of food-borne pathogens New pathogens emerging Need to protect Brands, control risks A typical approach to implementing the 7 basic principles would be:

A risk assessment should be done during which risk and hazard categories should be established. And then elimination of hazards should be done by design if possible. Then it should be controlled of hazards that cannot be eliminated by an associated Critical Control Point Definition of the control, monitoring, reporting and action procedures for each CCP. Revision of manufacturing process flow diagrams should be done and finished product quality specifications to encompass HACCP. Then a formal review of HACCP whenever processes are done or product specifications are modified. When determine the critical control point a decision table has been used to determine when a Critical Control Point (CCP) is necessary. A ‘Yes’ answer to two key questions defines a process step as a CCP.

It is important to consider about the process of jam production. It consists with these main steps. Also it is important to pay attention to the input used in the particular step, possible hazards and there are several questions which are involved in CCP determination. Q1. Do preventive measures exist at this step for the identified hazard? If the answer is yes, should move to the next question and if the answer is no there is another question which is referred is control at this step necessary for safety? If the answer is yes for this question, modify step, process or product and return to the Q1. If the answer is no, there is no CCP. Q2. Does this step eliminate the hazard or reduce the likelihood of its occurrence to an acceptable level? If the answer is no should move to the next question and if the answer is yes, this is a CCP. Q3. Could contamination with the identified hazard occur in excess of acceptable levels or increase to unacceptable levels? If the answer is no this is not a CCP. But if the answer is yes, should move to the next question. Q4.will a subsequent step eliminates the hazard or reduces the likelihood of its occurrence to an acceptable level? If the answer is no this is a CCP. If the answer is yes, this is not a CCP. After that can determine the CCP number the processes have.

In our establishment different posts have different tasks which are support to maintain the production and quality of the products. There are several sections in the company known

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as receiving area, processing and production area, packaging area, distribution section. The members of the staff including executive manager, quality assurance manager, production managers, supervisors, team leaders, workers etc, are having different roles throughout the process.

There are number of major benefits to be gained from implementing an HACCP approach in “Freshtz”. They include, HACCP is a management tool that provides a more structured approach to the control of identified hazards than traditional inspection and quality control procedures. HACCP can identify potential problems where failure has not yet been experienced. Control of process and product quality is transferred from detection of failure to prevention. In some circumstances this can bring about a significant improvement in profitability by reducing product losses and reworks and exposure to liability. Also HACCP is especially useful when designing new products and processes. HACCP can be useful in obtaining existing quality standards (e.g. ISO9000) and covers all aspects of product safety. It is also an internationally accepted approach to quality assurance and an important aspect of the defense of due diligence. It provides a cost-effective control of hazards and properly implemented focuses the attention of all involved in a process on critical areas. 3.0 Pre requisite programs

There are some basic practices that should be applied before implementing the HACCP program in “Freshtz” and these are applied in following areas 3.1 Receiving and storage

Raw materials can be considered as major source of contamination. It is essential that critical evaluation of procedures for raw material receiving and handling. For storage re-evaluate the requirements and effectiveness of rooms and equipment for temperature control and other environmental requirements (e.g. humidity) as appropriate. Check the potential for overhead contamination and contamination from outside the facility, and effectiveness of preventative measures.

3.2 Sanitation of premises and surrounding environment

Every attempt should be made to minimize contamination sources in the exterior surroundings of the facility.

Sanitary facilities, wash rooms, and toilets should be separated from process areas and should be clean and maintained. Employee hand washing sinks with water should be provided and accessible to work areas.

Since Cleaning and sanitization procedures are the most important tasks in a food processing/handling operation. Standard chemical supply for sanitation in company is useful for effective cleaning and sanitizing program. Inspection and documentation can increase the effectiveness of cleaning and sanitizing at regular intervals & selection and identify reliable persons to be responsible for such operations. 3.3 Personal hygiene of employees

Evaluate the effectiveness of employee training programs with regard to personal hygiene and sanitary practices. An increasingly common source of contamination in food processing and handling is poor hygiene practices by employees. All employees should be

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instructed as to the importance of proper hygiene reminders or signs can help. Assess employee working patterns Control access to critical areas for both visitors and employees. 3.4 Water supply

A food processing and handling facility should be provided with potable water. Water from private wells should be sampled and examined for safety through microbiological analysis on a regular frequency. 3.5 Lighting and ventilation

Evaluate the adequacy of lighting in the facility. If employees do not have adequate lighting, they cannot effectively operate, maintain, and clean equipment. A poorly ventilated plant will have condensation problems which increase the risk of overhead contamination. 3.6 Equipment handling and maintenance

Evaluate all for general sanitary design and construction. Cleanable grade stainless steel surfaces are recommended wherever possible. Generally, wood surfaces are not considered cleanable in design. Care should also be used in evaluating aluminum surfaces. Aluminum can become corroded, cracked, and pitted with long term exposure to chemicals or corrosive food materials. Corroded aluminum is not cleanable. 3.7 Waste management

Waste facilities should be separated from processing/handling areas and be cleaned and maintained on a regular basis so as not to attract pests. Keep garbage and trash containers or bags covered and sealed. 3.8 Pest control

Consult with a reputable pest control company to assist in pest elimination in the processing environment. A designated, reliable employee should be charged with responsibility to monitor and document the effectiveness of such a program.

For pest controlling, keep all entrances closed, remove stagnant water, control weeds in the surroundings, check the perimeter of the facility for cracks or holes, be sure all food products and packaging materials are stored on pallets off the floor, dispose of trash and waste at the end of every work day, and monitor any other appropriate activities to control pests.

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4.0 Introduction about HACCP forms

When a HACCP plan is developed for a product, it has a procedure to continue consequently. According to that, there are eight forms to fulfill in HACCP plan development process. Those forms are very important to fill correctly to develop a good quality HACCP plan for a product as well as to get standard good quality product finally. The HACCP forms are, product description form, ingredients & incoming material list form, indented use and consumers form, plant schematic form, hazard analysis & preventive measures form, CCP determination form, critical limits, monitoring & corrective action form and verification & record keeping form.

First form is used to describe about the jam product. Mainly, this form includes product name, important product characteristics (like pH, water activity), about product usage, packaging, shelf life, labeling instruction and special distribution control (store under 10oC).

Second form provides a list of ingredients and incoming materials which are needed to produce final product.

Third form is important to get idea about the target people of the product. That mean, provide details about who are the people this product is buy mainly or who are the main consumers of the product.

Forth form is displayed mainly jam production flow chart and specific condition of some steps. All processing steps and their specific condition and as well as all ingredients & incoming materials are included in the processing flow chart of jam and they are connected with each other steps. In addition, the flow diagram can include steps in the food chain which are before and after the processing that occurs in the establishment. The flow diagram need not be as complex as engineering drawings. The purpose of a flow diagram is to provide a clear, simple outline of the steps involved in the process.

The fifth form is used to analyze the hazard and apply to preventive measures for that hazard condition of jam production. The purpose of the hazard analysis is to develop a list of hazards which are of such significance that they are reasonably likely to cause injury or illness, if not effectively controlled. All the ingredients and processing steps should be included for that analysis procedure. The hazard analysis is the key to preparing an effective HACCP plan. If the hazard analysis is not done correctly and the hazards warranting control within the HACCP system are not identified, the plan will not be effective regardless of how well it is followed. A hazard is defined as a biological, chemical and physical agent that is reasonably likely to cause illness or injury in the absence of its control. In this form, if an ingredient or processing step is become a hazard, check whether there is a preventive method or control method for that and if there is preventive method, it can be applied to control it to acceptable level.

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The sixth form is used to determine the critical control point from the all ingredients and processing steps. Complete and accurate identification of CCPs is fundamental to controlling food safety hazards. Although application of the CCP decision tree can be useful in determining if a particular step is a CCP for a previously identified hazard.CCPs must be carefully developed and documented. In addition, they must be used only for purposes of product safety. For example, a specified heat process, at a given time and temperature designed to destroy a specific microbiological pathogen, could be a CCP.

The seventh form is used to identify critical limits, monitoring procedure and corrective action of CCPs. All CCPs are used in this form to maintain desired level. A critical limit is a maximum and/or minimum value to which a biological, chemical or physical parameter must be controlled at a CCP to prevent, eliminate or reduce to an acceptable level the occurrence of a food safety hazard. Critical limits may be based upon factors such as: temperature, time, moisture level, water activity (aw), pH, sensory information such as aroma and visual appearance. Monitoring is a planned sequence of observations or measurements to assess whether a CCP is under control and to produce an accurate record for future use in verification. An important purpose of corrective actions is to prevent foods which may be hazardous from reaching consumers. Where there is a deviation from established critical limits, corrective actions are necessary.

The last form is used to verification and record keeping. Verification is defined as those activities, other than monitoring, that determine the validity of the HACCP plan and that the system is operating according to the plan. These processes should take place during the development and implementation of the HACCP plans and maintenance of the HACCP system. All forms should be approved by relevant person to check whether that procedure is done correctly.

5.0 Preliminary steps

It is important to ensure that a HACCP plan has a solid foundation and that safe food is produced, certain initial steps must be carefully followed. It is extremely important to have full commitment to the HACCP initiative from management at all levels. Without a firm commitment, it may be difficult or impossible to implement the HACCP plan. Before the study is begun, management should inform all staff of the intention to implement HACCP. Both the company and the personnel involved in the development of the HACCP plan must be totally committed to its implementation.

Preliminary steps are designed to produce safe product through the well established HACCP procedure. There are five preliminary steps should be followed initiating the HACCP plan for pineapple jam production.

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5.1 Steps 01 - Assemble HACCP team

The purpose of the HACCP Team is to ensure safe products for our customers and their consumers. The HACCP Team will evaluate raw materials and processes to determine Critical Control Points those points will be monitored as will other points and processes.

The HACCP team will provide documented training for the members of firm & HACCP Plan will be re-assessed at least annually.

HACCP TEAM Factory Name:- “Freshtz” Product (pvt) Ltd.

Team Member Name Position HACCP Team Role

E.M.P.P. Ekanayaka Production Executive


T.S.M Thilakarathne Quality Executive Member

N.R Nanayakkara Marketing & Finance Executive


T.Gawshiga Engineer Member

W.M.K.I.Bandara Fruit reception manager


Barathy Muddiyappu Shift leader of cutting, washing & peeling


Chageethana Shift leader of production & packaging


Shashindhi Samarakoon Cleaning supervisor Member

Thadshayani SLSI consultant Advisor

Pabodha Kodagoda Labour Member

Approved by:-…………………………. Date:-…………………………

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5. 2 Step 02 –Product details & its distribution Full descriptions of the pineapple jam including ingredients, processing methods &

safety information is mentioned in second preliminary step.

Form #01Product Description 1. Product name Pineapple jam

2. Important product characteristics aw= 0.85 pH = 3.2~3.4 color = yellow sugar = 60% jam = 68% brix fruit pulp = 25% brix Ingredients Pineapple Sugar Pectin Citric acid Sunset yellow Water

3. How is product used With bakery products as spread

4.Packaging In sterilized glass jars with air tight, non corrosive lids

1 dozen of jam jars are packed in compartmentalized corrugated boxes.

5. Shelf life Unopened (room temp) = 8 months

Opened (in refrigerator ) = 8 months

6. Where will product be sold Super markets Retail shops

7. Labeling instructions 1. Name of the product 2. Manufacturer’s name 3. Manufacturer’s registration number 4. Manufacturer’s address 5. Batch number 6. Ingredients 7. Storage conditions 8. Manufactured date 9. Expiry date 10. Nutritional composition 11. Price 12. Company logo

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8. Special distribution control Store under ambient conditions Handle with care Maximum No of 6 boxes can be stored

on top of each other Date:-.……………. Approved By: - …………

Form# 02List Ingredients & Incoming Material

Process/Product Name(s): Pineapple jam

Pineapple (Fresh, Ripened) Chlorine

Sugar Glass bottles

Pectin Popup lids

Sunset yellow (E110) Ink

Citric acid Labels

Well Water Glue

Corrugated boxes

Date:.……………. Approved By: ….. …………

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5.3 Step 03 – Intended use & consumers

The consumer target group was identified for HACCP study.By identifying the target group; it will help the HACCP team to determine hazards that may become significant for vulnerable consumers.

Form #03 Indented use & consumers

Product Name(s): Pineapple jam

General consumer – All age groups except children less than 5 years Food industry – Hotels, Fast food outlets Not recommended for the people with diabetics Date:-……………. Approved By:-….. …………

5.4 Step 04 – Flow diagram for pineapple jams production

Flow diagram with clear simple outline was developed describing all steps of pineapple jam production

5.5 Step 05 – Verification of flow diagram Form # 4

Upon completion of the process flow diagram, members of the HACCP team visited the manufacturing area to compare what information is present on the process flow diagram compared to what actually happens during production.

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Receiving Receiving Pumping & Sand filtering Receiving Receiving Receiving Receiving Receiving Receiving Receiving Receiving Receiving Receiving

Weighing Weighing Weighing Weighing Weighing Washing & Sorting

Peeling Cutting Crushing




Heating & Mixing

Pasteurization ( 720C/20 sec )

Filling & Sealing


Labeling & label printing



Visual Observation

Storage 01 Storage 02 Storage 03 Storage 04 Storage Storage Storage 07 Storage 08 Storage 09 Storage 10 Storage 11 Storage 12 Storage 13

Fruit processor

Pulp Storage

Cl2Mixture Micro Filter

Storage 14

Ingredient Mixture

Jam Mixture

Pineapple Jam

Storage 15

Bottle Sterilizer

Bottle Filler & Sealer

Pineapple Jam Bottles

Bottle labeler & Printer

Labeled Jam Bottles

Pineapple Well water Chlorine Pectin Sugar Citric acid E 110 Glass Bottles Popup lids Ink Labels Glue Corrugated boxes

Two dozen jam cartons Storage 16


Municipal Waste Management System

Date:-.……………. Approved By:-….. …………

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6.0 Hazards Analysis and Preventive Measures (Form #5)

Ingredient/ Process step

Potential Hazards Introduced, Controlled or Enhanced at this Step B = Biological; C = Chemical; P =Physical

Is Hazard Likely to Occur & Sever Enough to Warrant Control (Yes/No)

Justification for Decision What control Measures Can Be Applied Prevent , Eliminate, or Reduce to Acceptable Levels

Receiving fresh pineapple

B- Salmonella spp.


Damage fruits can also be come together with fresh fruits.

When the fruit is sorted, damaged and spoiled fruit are removed and the selected fruit also cleaned. This Microorganism cannot survive in final products ph range of 3.2~3.4

E. coli


Damage fruits can also be come together with fresh fruits.

When the fruit is sorted, damaged and spoiled fruit are removed and the selected fruit also cleaned. This Microorganism cannot survive in final products ph range of 3.2~3.4

Clostridium perfringens,


Damage fruits can also be come together with fresh fruits.

When the fruit is sorted, damaged and spoiled fruit are removed and the selected fruit also cleaned.

Staphylococcus aureus,


Damage fruits can also be come together with fresh fruits

When the fruit is sorted, damaged and spoiled fruit are removed and the selected fruit also cleaned This Microorganism cannot survive in final products ph range of 3.2~3.4

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Vibrio cholerae Yes

Damage fruits can also be come together with fresh fruits

When the fruit is sorted, damaged and spoiled fruit are removed and the selected fruit also cleaned

Yeast & Mold


In case of overdose herbicidal usage

C: Herbicide


In case of overdose fertilizer usage Fruit is obtained from trusted (recorded)


Yes In case of overdose fertilizer usage Fruit is obtained from trusted (recorded) When the fruit is washed nitrates will washed away with water.

P- Wood No Not available in cleared commercial pineapple cultivation lands


Yes Normally pineapple is grown closer to the ground layer.

When the fruit is washed wood and sand will washed away with water.

Pineapple temporally storage

B-No No C-No No P-No No

Receiving citric acid

B- No No Citric acid is obtained from trusted supplier.

C- No

No Citric acid is obtained from trusted supplier.

P- No No Citric acid is obtained from trusted supplier.

Citric acid storage

B- No No P- No No C- No No

Receiving sugar

B- No No

Sugar is obtained from trusted supplier.

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C- No


Sugar is obtained from trusted supplier.

P- No

No Sugar is obtained from trusted supplier.

Sugar storage B- No No P- No No C- No No

Receiving pectin

B- No No Pectin is obtained from trusted supplier.

C-No No Pectin is obtained from trusted supplier.


No Pectin is obtained from trusted supplier.

Pectin storage B- No No C- No No P- No No

Receiving Sunset yellow(E110)

B-No No E110 is obtained from trusted supplier.

C-No No E110 is obtained from trusted supplier.

P-No No E110 is obtained from trusted supplier.

Sunset yellow(E110) storage

B- No No C- No No P- No No

Receiving glass bottle

B-No No Glass bottles are obtained from trusted supplier.

C- No


Glass bottles are obtained from trusted supplier.

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P- Airborne dust

No It would be removed in washing step

Glass bottle storage

B- No No C- No No P-Broken glass particles Yes Will be damaged during storage Removed from visual observation

Sterilization of glass bottles

B-No No C-No No P- Glass particles yes Bottle broken down during

handling Through visual observation

Receiving Non corrosive popup lid



Lids are obtained from trusted supplier.



Lids are obtained from trusted supplier.

P- Airborne dust


It would be removed in washing step

Non corrosive popup lid storage

B-No No P-No No C-No No

Receiving Ink B-No


C-Heavy metals Hg, Cr

Yes Ink contains heavy metals which are toxic.

Jam filling and bottle labeling are done separately.



Ink storage B- No No

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P- No No C- No No

Receiving Glue

B-No No C- polyurethane resin No Jam filling and bottle labeling are

done separately.

P-No No

Glue storage B- No No C- No No P- No No

Receiving labels





P-No No

Label storage B- No No C- No No P- No No

Receiving corrugated boxes

B- No No C- No No P- No No

Corrugated boxes storage

B- No No C- No No P- No No


B- Salmonella sp Yes Salmonella spp cannot filter out though 1mm mesh

Eliminated by chlorination and micro filtration steps. This Microorganism cannot

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survive in final products ph range of 3.2~3.4

Vibrio cholerae Yes Vibrio cholera cannot filter out though 1mm mesh

Eliminated by chlorination and micro filtration steps. This Microorganism cannot survive in final products ph range of 3.2~3.4

C-No No P-Sand, Stones. Leaves Yes Processing machines can be

damaged 1mm pore sized mesh filter is used.

Water primary storage

B- Salmonella spp Yes Salmonella spp can multiply during primary storage due to favorable conditions

Eliminated by chlorination and micro filtration steps. This Microorganism cannot survive in final products ph range of 3.2~3.4

Vibrio cholerae Yes Vibrio cholera cannot filter out though 1mm mesh

Eliminated by chlorination and micro filtration steps. This Microorganism cannot survive in final products ph range of 3.2~3.4

C- No No P-No No

Receiving chlorine powder

B-No No Chlorine powder is obtained from trusted supplier.

C- No No Chlorine powder is obtained from trusted supplier.

P-No No Chlorine powder is obtained from trusted supplier.

Chlorine storage

B-No No P- No No C- No No

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B-No No



C-Excess chlorine No No use in jam processing steps.

Chlorinated water storage

B-No No C-No No P-No No

Micro Filtration

B- Salmonella Yes Can cause salmonellosis and diarrhea

Use pore sizes range from 0.0001 µm to 0.001 µm

Vibrio cholerae Yes Can cause cholera and diarrhea Use pore sizes range from 0.0001 µm to 0.001 µm



C-No No

Washing B-No No C-Herbicides No Remaining herbicides are washed

away with water

Nitrates No Nitrates washed away with water P-Sand No Sand particles are washed away

with water

Sorting B-No No C-No No P- Rotten fruits No All rotten fruits are rejected away

by visual observation


B- No No C- Lubricant Yes Contaminations can be occurring

from automated peeler used. Preventive Maintenance, Use Food Grade Lubricant

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P- Metal fragments contamination

Yes Contaminations can be occurring from automated peeler used.

Preventive Maintenance, Run the product through a filter

Cutting B- No No C- Lubricant contamination Yes Contaminations can be occurring

from automated trimmer used. Preventive Maintenance, Use Food Grade Lubricant

P- Metal fragments contamination

Yes Contaminations can be occurring from automated trimmer used.

Preventive Maintenance, Run the product through a filter


B- No No C- Lubricant contamination Yes Contaminations can be occurring

from automated crusher used. Preventive Maintenance, Use Food Grade Lubricant

P- Metal fragments contamination

Yes Contaminations can be occurring from automated crusher used.

Preventive Maintenance, Run the product through a filter

Weighing B-No No P- No No C- Over weighing ingredients No Continuously monitoring by staff

Heating B-No No P- No No C- No No


B-No No C- Lubricant contamination

Yes Contaminations can be occurring from automated crusher used.

Preventive Maintenance, Check Lubricant Contamination

P- Metal fragments contamination

Yes Contaminations can be occurring from automated crusher used.

Preventive Maintenance, Run the product through a filter

Bottle filling B-No No C-No No P-Glass particles Yes Bottles can be damaged on Removed from visual observation

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conveyors Sealing B- No No

C-No No P- No No

Pasteurization B- Clostridium perfringens, Yes Due to improper time temperature combinations of pasteurizer.

Continually monitoring the pasteurizer meter readings.

C-No No P-No No

Cooling B-No No C-No No

P-No No

Labeling B-No No C-No No P-No No

Printing B-No No C-Heavy metals in ink Hg, Cr Yes Ink contains heavy metals which

are toxic. Jam filling and bottle labeling are done separately.

P-No No Packaging B- No No

C- No No P- No No

Final Storage B- No No C- No No P- No No

Date: ___________ Approved by:_________________

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7.0 CCP Determination Form # 6

Ingredients /process step

Hazard Q1. Do preventive measures exist at this step for the identified hazard?

Q2. Does this step eliminate the hazard or reduce the likelihood of its occurrence to an acceptable level?

Q3. Could contamination with the identified hazard occur in excess of acceptable level or increased to unacceptable level?

Q4. Will a subsequent step eliminate the hazard or reduce the likelihood of its occurrence to an acceptable level?


Receiving fresh pineapple

Salmonella spp Yes

No Yes Yes No

E. coli

Yes No Yes Yes No

Clostridium perfringens,

Yes No Yes Yes No

Staphylococcus aureus,

Yes No Yes Yes No

Vibrio cholerae Yes No Yes Yes No


No No No No No

Nitrate Yes No Yes Yes No

Receiving Glass bottle

Beads Yes Yes No No No

Glass bottle storage

Broken glass particles

Yes Yes Yes No No

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Heavy metals Hg, Cr

Yes Yes No No No

Sterilization of glass bottles

Glass particles Yes Yes Yes No CCP # 1 (P)

Well water B- E.coli

Yes No No No No

Filtration Sand, Stones. Leaves

Yes Yes No No No

Micro filtration

Salmonella Yes Yes Yes No No Vibrio cholerae

Yes Yes Yes No No


Lubricant No No No No No Metal fragments contamination

Yes Yes No No No


Lubricant contamination

No No No No No

Metal fragments contamination

Yes Yes No No No


Lubricant contamination

No No No No No

Metal fragments contamination

Yes Yes No No No


Lubricant contamination

Yes Yes No No No

Metal fragments contamination

Yes Yes No No No

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Clostridium perfringens

Yes Yes Yes No CCP # 2 (B)

Filtering Metal fragments contamination

Yes No No No No

Printing Heavy metals in ink Hg, Cr

No No No No No

Bottle filling Glass particles Yes No No No No

Date:___________ Approved by:_________________

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8.0 Critical Limits, Monitoring & Corrective Actions Form # 7

Process/Step CCP

Hazard(s) Critical Limit

Monitoring Procedure Corrective Actions What How Frequency Who

CCP # 1 Sterilization of glass bottles (P)

Broken Glass particles

No damaged bottles

Damaged bottles

Visual observation

Every bottle

Worker at Sterilization machine

Remove the damaged bottle and send to the glass recycling

CCP # 2 Pasteurization (B)

Clostridium perfringens

0cfu/ml Clostridium perfringens

Pasteurization time and temperature

Visual observation

Once the alarm of the machine sounds

Worker at Pasteurization machine

Hold the pasteurization. Call the quality assurance executive.

Date:-___________ Approved by:_________________

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9.0 Verification and Record Keeping Form # 8

Process Step/CCP Verification Procedure Records

CCP# 1 Sterilization of glass bottles (P)

Check the machine operation log every day

comments on log book

CCP # 2 Pasteurization (B)

Check the machine operation log every day

comments on log book

Date:-………………….. Approved by:-………………..

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Appendix Appendix 1

Hand washing Proper hand washing must be done by all employees in following situations.

When starting work

After break time

After lunch

After using the washroom

After blowing nose

After handling garbage, after touching a pallet, skid, floor mat or picking up product

from the floor

Whenever hands have become contaminated

At all time, food employees must be used the following cleaning procedure in the order stated to

clean their hands and exposed portions of their arms.

First, hands are rinsed under clean, running warm water, which in about 100 0F for 20


Then, the hands are washed using soap for a 10 seconds and nail brush is used to remove dirt

from nails.

Then, fingers are washed thoroughly.

Finally, hands are dried from separate towels or a mechanical hot dryer.

For this purpose should be used only the area which design to the hand washing purpose two

minimize the contaminations.

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Standard operation Procedure (SOP)

Item/Description Object/Area: Pineapple Location- Receiving area Pre operational sanitation

Responsible party Receiving Supervisor Name(s) of chemical(s), cleaning products used and condition (specification for) use


Procedure Check the color, size and required maturity condition of pineapples.

Frequency/Timing Every Batch Operational sanitation Responsible party Worker Name(s) of chemical(s), cleaning products used and condition (specification for) use


Procedure Check all pineapple and remove damaged and rotten ones.

Frequency/Timing Every pineapple SOP creation date: Approved by: Last update: Updated by:

Item/Description Object/Area: well water Location Pre operational sanitation Filtration1

Responsible party Responsible person for water filtration Name(s) of chemical(s), cleaning products used and condition (specification for) use


Procedure Filter water using 1mm pore size filter Removing the physical hazards like sand ,stone, leaves

Frequency/Timing Operational sanitation Responsible party Name(s) of chemical(s), cleaning products used and condition (specification for) use


Procedure Filter water using filter(pore size rang from0.0001µm-0.001µm)


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SOP creation date: Approved by: Last update: Updated by:

Item/Description Object/Area: Citric acid Location: Receiving area Pre operational sanitation Responsible party Store keeper Name(s) of chemical(s), cleaning products used and condition (specification for) use

Procedure Confirm vendor name ,date and time of delivery Check the integrity of food packaging Check the expiry date Check the compliance of supplier’s specification with company’s specification

Frequency/Timing Every batch Operational sanitation Responsible party Name(s) of chemical(s), cleaning products used and condition (specification for) use

Procedure Frequency/Timing SOP creation date: Approved by: Last update: Updated by:

Item/Description Object/Area: Popup lids Location: Receiving area Pre operational sanitation Responsible party Name(s) of chemical(s), cleaning products used and condition (specification for) use


Procedure Visual observation check the compliance of supplier’s specification with the company specification

Frequency/Timing Every batch Operational sanitation Responsible party Store keeper Name(s) of chemical(s), cleaning products used and condition (specification for) use


Procedure Washing with sterilized water

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Item/Description Object/Area: Pop up lids Location: cleaning area Pre operational sanitation Responsible party Responsible person for cleaning Name(s) of chemical(s), cleaning products used and condition (specification for) use


Procedure Visual observation Checking whether there is any damage in lids Adding and mixing chlorine with water Adding chlorine in to sanitizer machine Putting the pop up lids in to sanitizer machine and washing them well

Frequency/Timing Whenever cleaning and for 5 minutes Operational sanitation Responsible party Person responsible for washing and lid

sterilization Name(s) of chemical(s), cleaning products used and condition (specification for) use


Procedure Washing with water Frequency/Timing 5 minutes SOP creation date: Approved by: Last update: Updated by:

Frequency/Timing Each and every lid when comes to packing SOP creation date: Approved by: Last update: Updated by:

Item/Description Object/Area: glass bottles Location: Receiving area Pre operational sanitation Responsible party labour Name(s) of chemical(s), cleaning products used and condition (specification for) use


Procedure visual observation checking whether there is any

breakages in bottles reject the broken glass bottles

Frequency/Timing Every batch Operational sanitation Responsible party Store keeper Name(s) of chemical(s), cleaning products used and condition (specification for) use


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Procedure Washing with sterilized water Frequency/Timing after receiving and until jam is ready to be

filled SOP creation date: Approved by: Last update: Updated by:

Item/Description Object/Area: glass bottles Location: cleaning area Pre operational sanitation Responsible party labour Name(s) of chemical(s), cleaning products used and condition (specification for) use

chlorine(5-10ppm) bottle sanitizer

Procedure visual observation checking whether there is any

breakages in bottles reject the broken glass bottles adding and mixing of chlorine with

water adding chlorine into bottle sterilizer

machine putting the bottles into bottle sterilizer

and washing them well Frequency/Timing whenever cleaning and for 10 minutes Operational sanitation Responsible party labour responsible for washing and bottle

sterilizer Name(s) of chemical(s), cleaning products used and condition (specification for) use


Procedure Washing with sterilized water Frequency/Timing 10 minutes SOP creation date: Approved by: Last update: Updated by:

Item/Description Object/Area: Ink Location: Receiving area Pre operational sanitation Responsible party Stockeeper Name(s) of chemical(s), cleaning products used and condition (specification for) use


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Procedure visual observation checking the certification of supplier rejecting the bottles with leakage

Frequency/Timing Every batch Operational sanitation Responsible party whenever receiving Name(s) of chemical(s), cleaning products used and condition (specification for) use


Procedure storing in protected area without leakage of bottles

Frequency/Timing after receiving and until label is ready to printed

SOP creation date: Approved by: Last update: Updated by:

Item/Description Object/Area: Pine apple Location: processing area Pre operational sanitation Responsible party Technician or machine operator, and staff Name(s) of chemical(s), cleaning products used and condition (specification for) use

Chlorine water under hot water condition (72o C, 10minutes)

Procedure Wash the machine using normal water,

Then wash the machine with chlorinated hot water for 10 minutes thoroughly.

Frequency/Timing Every day, prior to the start the processing. Operational sanitation Responsible party Name(s) of chemical(s), cleaning products used and condition (specification for) use


Procedure Put the pine apple is to be process into the machine for peeling, cutting and crushing processing

Frequency/Timing Always when processing at once. SOP creation date: Approved by: Last update: Updated by:

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Item/Description Object/Area: Pulp Location: processing area Pre operational sanitation Responsible party Worker Name(s) of chemical(s), cleaning products used and condition (specification for) use


Procedure Wash the container which is used to weigh the pulp using normal water,

Then wash with chlorinated hot water thoroughly.

Frequency/Timing Every day, prior to weigh. Operational sanitation Responsible party Worker Name(s) of chemical(s), cleaning products used and condition (specification for) use


Procedure Measure the pulp weight using scale. Frequency/Timing Whenever weighing. SOP creation date: Approved by: Last update: Updated by:

Item/Description Object/Area: E110 Location: Receiving area Pre operational sanitation Responsible party Store keeper Name(s) of chemical(s), cleaning products used and condition (specification for) use


Procedure Check the compliance of supplier’s specification list with company’s specification

Frequency/Timing Every batch Operational sanitation Responsible party Name(s) of chemical(s), cleaning products used and condition (specification for) use

Procedure Frequency/Timing SOP creation date: Approved by: Last update: Updated by:

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