Haddonfield - 0518

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  • 8/17/2019 Haddonfield - 0518


    www.haddonfieldsun.com MAY 18–24, 2016 FREE

    Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8Classified . . . . . . . . . . . 22–25Editorials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6


    Golf tournament will benefitteacher grants. PAGE 2


    Haddonfield Memorial HighSchool senior Jonathan Baxterhad quite an exciting two days

    last week.Last Sunday, Baxter was

    named an Eagle Scout duringhis Court of Honor ceremony.

    The next day, Baxter was rec-ognized again during a ceremo-

    ny. This time, he was honoredfor being one of 20 high schoolstudents from across the coun-try named a finalist for the 2016


    Haddonfield Memorial High School senior Jonathan Baxter stands proudly with Pro Football Hall ofFamer Jack Youngblood last Monday during a ceremony honoring Baxter as a finalist for the 2016U.S. Army–Pro Football Hall of Fame Award for Excellence.

    HMHS’ Jonathan Baxter is just one of 20 high school students named a finalistfor the 2016 U.S. Army-Pro Football Hall of Fame Award for Excellence

    A prestigious football honor

     please see BAXTER, page 17

    Commissioners unanimously approveordinance on first reading concerning

    game equipment and objects left in streets

    Safer streets


    The borough is working tomake sure kids can still have funplaying on their neighborhoodstreets, but in a safer way.

    Haddonfield commissionersunanimously approved an ordi-nance on first reading at theirmeeting on Tuesday, May 10 aboutgame equipment and other ob-

     jects being prohibited in thestreets. The commissioners want-ed to be clear the ordinance is notbanning play in the streets, butobjects of play being left in thestreets.

    “We want the kids to be outsideplaying, but we want to do it safe-ly,” Commissioner Neal Rochfordsaid.

    This ordinance amending theborough code came about be-cause of people leaving itemssuch as sports nets and trashcansin the street. According toRochford, this is a safety concernfor cars, sweepers and snow-plows.

    “It has come to our attentionthat people are putting out bas-ketball courts on the road. We areOK playing with them on the

    road, as long as the base remainson the park strip. What has beenhappening is that people are put-ting the base out in the street, andwe are concerned about cars,sweepers and snowplows,”Rochford said.

    According to the ordinance:• A basketball pole, basket and

    backboard assembly, whether sta-tionary or moveable, is prohibit-ed at any time from being placedin a public street or public thor-oughfare utilized by motor vehi-cles.

    • Game equipment, such ashockey goals or soccer goals, uti-lized to play games in the publicstreet or public thoroughfaremust be removed after the gamehas ended, and in no event maythis type of equipment remain in

    a public street or public thor-oughfare overnight.

    • Other objects such as trash re-ceptacles, storage containers, re-cyclable containers, constructionmaterials, demolition materials,tools, equipment, non-registeredvehicles, landscape materials,toys, shrubs, branches, vegetationand other such objects are prohib-

     please see FIREWORKS, page 10

  • 8/17/2019 Haddonfield - 0518


  • 8/17/2019 Haddonfield - 0518



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    Learn howto address fear,anxiety in youth

    at talk May 23The Haddonfield Human Rela-tions Commission will host aCommunity Conversation onMonday, May 23 at 6 p.m. in Had-donfield Borough Hall.

    Join Psychology Fellows LaraAunio and Jennifer Petrongolofrom LaSalle University andCooper University Hospital asthey provide information and an-swer questions on how to handleand discuss any feelings of fear

    and uncertainty young peoplemay experience from the un-precedented level of conflict andvituperative language bombard-ing their world from manysources. These sources rangefrom issues that occur in the com-munity with bullying or discordin school, through the more na-tional/global issues of divisivepolitical discourse, mass shoot-ings and racial violence and dis-crimination. Learn how to keepopen lines of communication and

    ensure your children are engag-ing in critical thinking as theystruggle to process these topics inhome, school and community.

  • 8/17/2019 Haddonfield - 0518


  • 8/17/2019 Haddonfield - 0518


    6 THE HADDONFIELD SUN — MAY 18–24, 2016

    108 Kings Highway East

    Haddonfield, NJ 08033


    The Sun is published weekly by ElauwitMedia LLC, 108 Kings Highway East, 3rdFloor, Haddonfield, NJ 08033. It is mailed weekly to select addresses in the 08033 ZIPcode. If you are not on the mailing list, six-month subscriptions are available for$39.99.

    PDFs of the publication are online, free of charge. For information, call 856-427-0933.

    To submit a news release, please [email protected].

    For advertising information, call 856-427-0933 or email [email protected].

    The Sun welcomes suggestions and com-ments from readers – including any infor-mation about errors that may call for a cor-

    rection to be printed.

    SPEAK UPThe Sun welcomes letters from readers.Brief and to the point is best, so we look forletters that are 300 words or fewer. Include your name, address and phone number. Wedo not print anonymous letters. Send lettersto [email protected], via fax at856-427-0934, or via the mail. You can dropthem off at our office, too.

    The Haddonfield Sun reserves the right to

    reprint your letter in any medium – includ-ing electronically.

    Dan McDonough Jr.chairman of elauwit media

    manaGinG editor Kristen Dowd

    senior associate editor Mike Monostra

    haddonfield editor Brigit Bauma

    art director Stephanie Lippincott

    advertisinG director  Arlene Reyes

    elauwit media Group

    publisher emeritus Steve Miller

    editor emeritus  Alan Bauer

    Tim Ronaldsonexecutive editor

    Joe Eiselepublisher


    Jeffrey Eker Jr. began his life’s journeyin the small borough of Haddonfield. Hegraduated from Haddonfield MemorialHigh School in 2012 and went to RowanUniversity. Though starting off small, hehas grown since going away to college. His

    ambition has led him around the world,made him a founder of a new app and al-lowed him to be selected the commence-ment speaker for his graduating class.

    Eker graduated from the Henry M.Rowan College of Engineering in the Hon-

    ors Concentration atRowan University onMay 13 as an electricaland computer engineerwith a minor in Ger-man studies. He washonored and excited tobe selected by the uni-versity to represent his

    peers as the studentcommencement speak-er.

    According to his mother Kathaleen,Eker has always been interested in engi-neering, since his dad is a mechanical engi-

    neer. Ever since he was young, he’d say, “Ican fix that.”

    Both Eker and his mom credit theOdyssey of the Mind competitions as oneof the real jumping off points for him. Heand his team went to the world finals forsix consecutive years. Eker also said an ap-prenticeship at the Naval Surface WarfareCenter solidified his like for engineering,

    but specifically electrical and computer en-gineering.

    “In high school, I applied for an intern-ship, but the Naval Center rejected me. I

    HMHS alumnus gives Rowan commencement speech

    In just a few short weeks, high

    school seniors throughout New

    Jersey will be wrapping up their

    final days of class, taking their final

    high school tests and walking onto

    their high school field one more time

    for graduation.

    It’s an exciting time in the life of ayoung man or young woman. The final

    weeks of high school, the graduation

    ceremony, the hugs and congratula-

    tions following, the celebrations that

    will last throughout the summer and

    the packing for, the drive to and the ar-

    rival at college are memories gradu-

    ates will remember fondly.

    To all the grads out there, while you

    may want to rush these last days so

    school can be out for summer, and so

    high school can be out forever, remem-

    ber to savor every remaining moment.

    This may not mean much to you

    right now, but there are experiences

    you will have in these final days, these

    next few months, that you will neverreplicate again. There are people you

    will graduate with – some friends,

    some acquaintances, some whom you

    grew up with – whom you may never

    see again.

    There are some whom you are close

    with now who you will grow apart

    from over the years, and there are

    some whom you will grow closer to as

    your lives change.

    Those wistful days of no responsi-

    bility will be behind you. Soon, you

    will be on your own. You will have the

    freedom to eat pizza for breakfast, stay

    up until 4 a.m., take a nap in the mid-

    dle of the day, go berzerk at a sporting

    event wearing your college’s colors

    and skip a class if you want to – note:

    we don’t recommend that last one.

    The label “high school student”

    came with a lot of restrictions on your

    freedom, but it also gave you a get-out-

    of-jail-free card, or cards. Once gradua-

    tion is over, that label goes away. Allfreedoms given to an American adult

    will be yours.

    But so, too, will all the consequences

    of your actions. The decisions you

    make – from as serious as “do I study

    for this test?” to “should I eat another

    burrito?” – will all have results that

    will affect your life. It’s a lot of respon-

    sibility. It’s a good thing, for sure, but

    it can also be a scary thing, becoming

    an adult.

    So, while you still have the option,

    live life as a “kid” one last time. Savor

    these last days of high school. And be

    confident that you will do just fine.

    Good luck and congratulations!

    in our opinion

    The last few weeksGrads: Savor the final da  ys of y our high school career

    Your thoughts

    What are your memories about highschool graduation? Share your thoughtson this, and other topics, through a letterto the editor.

    Jeffrey Eker Jr. graduated from Henry M. Rowan College of Engineering at Rowan University on May 13

     please see EKER, page 11


  • 8/17/2019 Haddonfield - 0518


    The Haddonfield Council of Churches, in observance of theNational Day of Prayer, embracedthe Jewish community by includ-ing the Mourner's Kaddish, readby Rabbi Jerome David.

    Pastor Michael Feicht of TheFirst Baptist Church of Haddon-field, on behalf of the Haddon-field Council of Churches, wel-comed the visit by Rabbi David of Cherry Hill for breakfast on theNational Day of Prayer, which

    was also Yom Hashoah, the inter-national day of remembrance forthe Holocaust and mourning forgenocide on Thursday, May 5.

    Following the singing of allfour stanzas of “America theBeautiful” led by Marlea Gruveron piano, the assembly enjoyedbreakfast for the National Day of Prayer, declared by PresidentObama, Gov. Christie and Had-donfield Mayor Jeff Kasko. TheUrban Promise Children's Choir,

    directed by Joel Krott sang gospelsongs.

    To read more about this event, visit


    MAY 18–24, 2016 –THE HADDONFIELD SUN 7

    Clean water a priority atthe CCMUA

    We have all heardabout the water

    crisis in FlintMichigan that en-dangered 100,000people, including9,000 children. Inaddition to exces-sively high levelsof lead in thedrinking waterthat occurredwhen the city switched from Detroitwater to Flint River water withoutadequate controls in place, the cityalso experienced elevated levels of 

    Legionella bacteria that led to 87cases of Legionellosis and 10 deaths.

    Like Flint, Camden City has age-ing infrastructure. But unlike Flint,we have the Camden County Munic-ipal Utilities Authority (CCMUA)that has made clean water a priority,and are dedicated stewards of theenvironment.

    Last month, officials from theCCMUA were invited to speak at theWater and Wastewater EquipmentManufacturers Association(WWEMA) annual form in Washing-

    ton, D.C. on the accomplishmentsthey have made in Camden City.

    The CCMUA has placed great im-portance on optimizing water qual-ity, minimizing odors and achievingcost efficiencies to reduce rates.They did this while reducing theircarbon footprint and implementinggreen energy initiatives and in-stalling green infrastructure.

    Through collaborations with thestate, city and neighborhood organ-izations, the CCMUA addressedflooding problems, remediated con-

    taminated sites, reduced air emis-sions, expanded recycling andprovided environmental education.

    The CCMUA's projects in CamdenCity included the construction of Phoenix Park, a 5.3 acre site in theWaterfront South neighborhood.Not only was this an important steptoward improving the quality of lifein the Waterfront South community,it also captured storm water runoff 

    and prevented it fromentering Camden’s

    combined sewer sys-tem. The park trans-formed an area whichwas inaccessible to thecommunity throughprior industrializationby reconnecting resi-dents back to one of the region’s greatestassets, the Delaware

    River.To alleviate flooding in Cramer

    Hill, the CCMUA made improve-ments to separate the storm and

    sanitary pipe infrastructure in andaround Von Nieda Park. This proj-ect also included the Baldwin’s RunDaylighting Project, which restored16,718 square feet of the historicBaldwin’s Run tributary to helpchannel storm water from VonNieda Park out to the back channelof the Delaware River.

    The CCMUA has also overseen theconstruction of rain gardensthroughout Camden City to reducestorm water from entering Cam-den's overburdened sewer system

    and reduce flooding. As an addedbonus, the landscaping in the raingardens - the grading and plants se-lected - have not only worked to cap-ture storm water, they havecontributed to the beautification of Camden in the process.

    The thousands of trees and plantsinstalled in the gardens capture andinfiltrate millions of gallons of storm water each year that wouldotherwise contributed to overflowthe combined sewer system intoCamden’s streets, parks, homes and

    waterways.For more information, please visit

    www.camdencounty.com. If youhave any other questions aboutCounty services, please call me at(856) 225-5466, or email me at [email protected]. Also,you can like us on Facebook atwww.Facebook.com/camdencoun-tynj and follow us on Twitter @cam-dencountynj.

     By Freeholder Jeffrey Nash


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    National Day of Prayer observed

    Members of HaddonfieldAmerican Legion Post 38 inviteveterans, service members andresidents to join them in observ-ing Memorial Day on Monday,May 30.

    The post will conduct its Annu-al Memorial Day Parade steppingoff promptly at 10 a.m. The pa-rade will form up with its for-ward position at Kings Highway

    and Chestnut Street facing to-ward Haddonfield Memorial HighSchool. The parade will end at thehigh school where a memorialservice will be conducted.

    After the parade, a memorialservice will be held at the WarMemorial in front of the HighSchool. The memorial servicewill honor the fallen men andwomen of nine wars, from theAmerican Revolution to the pres-ent-day conflict in Afghanistan.

    The service will include normalmilitary honors; chaplain’sprayers; remarks by Post 38 Com-mander, Jeff Bowman; remarksby Mayor Jeff Kasko; placementof flags for each war; a reading of “In Flanders Fields” by theHMHS Honor Society and musicby the Pick-Up Band. Hot dogsand sodas and Mr. Softee icecream, donated anonymously,will be provided after the service.

    If the parade is cancelled dueto inclement weather, the memo-

    rial service will be conducted inthe high school auditorium at11a.m. Questions concerning theparade and memorial serviceshould be directed to Tom Baird,parade director at (609) 923-1442.


    The Sun will print obituaries,free of charge.

    Veterans soughtfor Memorial Dayparade, ceremony

  • 8/17/2019 Haddonfield - 0518


    WE NES Y MAY 18Afternoon Adventures: Ages 3 to 6.

    3:30 p.m. at Borough Hall. Hostedby the Haddonfield Public

    Library.Computer Club: 10 a.m. at Mabel

    Kay Senior Center. Call (856)354-8789 for more information.

    Alcoholics Anonymous Young Peo-ple's meeting: 8 p.m. at UnitedMethodist Church, Grand Ball-room. Questions, call (856) 486-4444.

    Quaker Worship: 9:15 a.m. at Had-donfield Friends Meeting, 45Friends Ave. Visitors welcome.Childcare available. Call (856)428-6242 or visit www.haddon-fieldfriendsmeeting.org.

    Overeaters Anonymous: 10 a.m. atFirst Presbyterian Church. Visitwww.oa.org for information.

    Grace Church Worship Service: 7to 7:30 a.m. 19 Kings HighwayEast, Haddonfield. [email protected] forinformation.

    Line Dancing: 1 p.m. at Mabel KaySenior Center. Call (856) 354-8789 for more information.

    THURS Y MAY 19Toddler Time: Ages 2 to 3. 10:30

    a.m. at Borough Hall. Hosted bythe Haddonfield Public Library.

    Read to a Dog: 3:30 p.m. to 4:30p.m. p.m. at Borough Hall. Hostedby the Haddonfield PublicLibrary.

    Be Well, Be Promise Event: 6:30p.m. at Double Nickel Brewery,1585 Route 73 in Pennsauken.The Wellness Center at Urban-

    Promise will celebrate its fourthyear of serving children andyouth in Camden. The night willfeature flights of Double Nickel’scraft beers, delicious food, atombola auction, live music bythe local band Breaking Curfewand lots of opportunity to hearabout the good work going on inCamden. Tickets are $75. Forinformation, call (856) 986-8594or www.urbanpromiseusa/well-nessevent.

    Human Relations Commission

    meeting: 7:30 p.m. at BoroughHall. Visit www.haddonfieldnj.orgfor more information.

    Grace Church Worship Service:9:30 to 10 a.m. with healing serv-ice. 19 Kings Highway East, Had-

    donfield. Email [email protected] for information.

    Art Workplace: 9 a.m. to noon and 1to 4 p.m. at Mabel Kay SeniorCenter. Call (856) 354-8789 for

    more information.Senior Cardio Fun: Noon at Mabel

    Kay Senior Center, Upper Level.Call (856) 354-8789 for moreinformation.

    Al-Anon meeting: 1 and 6 p.m. atFirst Presbyterian Church, floor2R in the youth lounge. Supportgroup for family and friends ofalcoholics.

    FRI Y MAY 20Annual Luncheon of General Club

    of Haddon Fortnightly: 11:30 a.m.at Tavistock Country Club.Accomplishments and achieve-ments of the club will be celebrat-ed and officers and chairmen forthe various committees of theclub will be appointed. Guestsmay purchase tickets for $25 bycalling Nabila at (856) 810-8448.

    Friday Program: Noon at Mabel KaySenior Center. Call (856) 354-8789 for more information.

    Kiwanis Club of the Haddons

    meeting: 12:15 p.m. at TavistockCountry Club. For more informa-tion, call (856) 559-2009, [email protected] or visit www.njkiwanis.org.

    S TUR Y MAY 21Farmers Market: 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.

    at Kings Court in the center oftown, Kings Highway. Fresh fruitsand vegetables, artisan breadsand treats, organic flowers, hotcoffee and other delicious foods

    to eat there or take home.Through Oct. 28. Free parking.Rain or shine. Visit www.haddon-fieldfarmersmarket.org for moreinformation.

    Grace Church Worship Service:5:30 to 6:30 p.m. 19 Kings High-way East, Haddonfield. [email protected] forinformation.

    Haddonfield United MethodistChurch Worship: Casual servicewith weekly communion at 5 p.m.in Brown Chapel.

    SUN Y MAY 22Veterans Haven 5k Run and 1 Mile

    Walk: 9 a.m. at Cooper RiverPark, North Drive in Pennsauken.

    Haddonfield American LegionPost 38 is sponsoring the SecondAnnual Veterans Haven 5K Runand 1 Mile Walk. The proceeds ofthe event will give financial sup-port for Veterans Haven, a transi-

    tional facility in Winslow forhomeless/unemployed veterans.Questions email Tom Baird [email protected] or callRace Director Jon Batchelor(856) 428-1476.

    Dance Haddonfield: 6 p.m. at GraceChurch, 19 Kings Highway. Danceand socialize. Intermediate lesson6 p.m. and beginner lesson 7 p.m.with dancing from 8 to 10:30 p.m.$20 for intermediate lessons and$15 for beginner. For more infor-mation, visit www.haddonfield-dance.org.

    Quaker Worship: 10 a.m. at Haddon-field Friends Meeting, 45 FriendsAve. (at Lake Street), Haddon-field. Food and fellowship from11:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. Visitorswelcome. Call (856) 428-6242 orvisit www.haddonfield-friendsmeeting.org.

    Lutheran Church of Our Savior:Traditional/classic worship serv-ices with Holy Communion at 8and 10:30 a.m. Sunday school

    10:30 a.m. for children age 3through sixth grade. Reflectionsworship at 9:15 a.m. 204 WayneAve., Haddonfield.

    Grace Church: Holy Eucharist (RiteI) from 8 to 9 a.m. Choral andFamily Eucharist (Rite II) from9:30 to 10:30 a.m. Fellowship at 9and 10:30 a.m. Christian educa-tion (adults) from 10:30 to 11:30a.m. Christian education (chil-dren) from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m.Nursery available. 19 Kings High-way East, Haddonfield.

    Haddonfield United MethodistChurch: Traditional service at 8a.m. in Brown Chapel. Contempo-rary service at 9 a.m. in Fellow-ship Hall. Traditional service10:30 a.m. in the sanctuary. Con-templative service at 6 p.m. inBrown Chapel. 29 Warwick Road,Haddonfield.

    Mount Olivet Baptist Church: Sun-day school at 8:30 a.m. Morningworship at 9:30 a.m. 202 Dou-glass Ave., Haddonfield.

    First Baptist Church: Adult Biblestudy at 9:30 a.m. Prayer &Praise Music at 10 a.m. Children’sSunday school at 11:15 a.m. Wor-ship service at 11 a.m.; childcare

    CALENDARPAGE 8 MAY 18–24, 2016  


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     please see CALENDAR, page 12

  • 8/17/2019 Haddonfield - 0518


    MAY 18–24, 2016 –THE HADDONFIELD SUN 9

    The Haddonfield Crew Club

    rowed to great success at the CityChampionship Regatta on theSchuylkill River on May 1. Morethan 71 crew clubs comprising 545boats competed at this annualevent, and Haddonfield took tophonors with a third place finishin the Boys Varsity 4+ category(represented by Luke Small, MaxLevin, Lachlan Mersky, Blaze Gi-anguilio and coxswain OwenHart) and two fifth place finishesby the Varsity Girls 8+ boat and

    the Varsity Girls 2nd 8+ boat.With these impressive finishes,all three of these boats also quali-fied to go to SRAA NationalChampionships in Ohio at theend of May.

    The City Championships Re-gatta also served as the New Jer-sey State Championships for 2016because the Garden State Regattawas cancelled this year due to the

    closure of the Cooper River for

    the dredging project. The BoysVarsity 4+ boat's impressive re-sults placed it as the fastest boatin New Jersey, and crowned itNew Jersey State Champions.They received the traditional firetruck ride on Wednesday night,May 4 through downtown Had-donfield.

    In a similar fashion, the Varsi-ty Girls 8+ boat took an impres-sive third place for the New Jer-sey State Championships in its

    category. The boat consisted of Elena Kommedal, Abby Bentley,Carolyne Bollentino, ChristieCastorino, Annelise Rowling,Kate Donohue, Kiernan Loue,Mia Ippolito, and coxswainEmma Tranfalia.

    Additionally, the Varsity Girlssecond 8+ boat took second placein its category for the New JerseyState Championships. The boat

    consisted of Kathleen Hohweiler,

    Shannon Murphy, Maggie Clapp,Carlee Riordan, Regan McDon-nell, Hannah Roche, ElizabethKnox, Gabrielle Owens, andcoxswain Abigail Griffith.

    Please see the HaddonfieldCrew Club website at www.had-donfieldcrewclub.org for more in-formation on the team, and regis-tration for the annual Learn toRow program in June for interest-ed 7th and 8th graders.

    Haddonfield Crew Club wins statechampionship, qualifies for nationals

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  • 8/17/2019 Haddonfield - 0518


    10 THE HADDONFIELD SUN — MAY 18–24, 2016








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    ited at any time from being placedin a street or public thoroughfareutilized by motor vehicles.

    Police Chief Ted Stuessy saidthis ordinance is consistent withother communities’ ordinances.

    Rochford wanted it to be veryclear that play is not prohibited; itis just the objects being left in thestreets.

    “We really don’t want anything

    left in the street, so we are pro-hibiting any type of items; butstill, at the same time, allow thekids to play in the street. Theycan do that, but they have to re-

    move the equipment immediately.We are just trying to make it saferfor everyone,” Rochford said.

    The public hearing and secondreading of this ordinance will beat the next commissioners meet-ing on Tuesday, May 24 at 7:30p.m. in Borough Hall.

    In other news:• Commissioners approved the

    Partnership for Haddonfield 2016

    budget on second reading. Thebudget is $381,350. Last year’s was$372,300. This increase would befunded by budgeting of the high-er Craft & Fine Arts Festival re-

    sults seen in 2015 at $49,000 and acarryover of unspent marketingand administration money.Copies of the budget can bepicked up at Borough Hall.

    • The annual Haddonfield fire-works display for the borough’sIndependence Day Celebrationwas approved by commissioners.A permit was granted to the Had-donfield Celebrations Associationfor the display to be set on July 3with a rain date of July 9.

    • The borough will be auction-ing its 1990 Fire Pump Apparatusat www.govdeals.com.

    FIREWORKSContinued from page 1



    Fireworks approved by commissioners

    The following Haddonfield Me-morial High School girls’ lacrossescores were submitted by varsityhead coach Jessica Blake.

    Haddonfield defeated Bishop Eu-stace, 9-8, on May 5

    Katarina Ostbye lead the Bull-

    dawgs with three goals. AshleyCampo scored two goals andadded an assist. Meghan Smartscored twice.

    Haddonfield defeatedMoorestown Friends, 18-6, on May 7

    Katie Pileggi and Campo eachscored three goals for Haddon-field in the win. Ten differentBulldawgs scored goals in thegame.

    Haddonfield defeatedCollingswood, 16-1, on May 9

    Ostbye, Pileggi and Gabi Con-nor each scored four goals to leadthe Bulldawgs. Campo led theteam with four assists. Smart hadtwo goals and one assist.

    lacrosse scores

  • 8/17/2019 Haddonfield - 0518


  • 8/17/2019 Haddonfield - 0518




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    provided. 124 Kings Highway East,Haddonfield.

    Haddonfield Bible Church: Morningprayer at 9:30 a.m. Sundayschool at 10 a.m. Sunday worshipat 11 a.m. Evening worship at 6:30p.m. 324 Belmont Ave., Haddon-field.

    First Presbyterian Church: Tradi-tional worship at 8:15 a.m. in thechapel. Family service at 9:30a.m. in the sanctuary. Traditionalworship at 11 a.m. in the sanctu-

    ary. 20 Kings Highway East, Had-donfield.

    First Church of Christ, Scientist:Service at 10 a.m. Sunday schoolfor children at 10 a.m. 355 KingsHighway East, Haddonfield.

    MON Y MAY 23Community Conversation: 6 p.m. at

    Borough Hall. The HaddonfieldHuman Relations Commissioninvites the public to a conversa-

    tion with physiologists as theyprovide information and answerquestions on how to handle anddiscuss any feelings of fear anduncertainty young people mayexperience. Learn how to keepopen lines of communication andensure your children are engag-ing in critical thinking.

    Adult Book Group: 7 p.m. at Bor-ough Hall. Hosted by the Haddon-field Public Library.

    Monday Morning Prayer: 8 a.m. atMount Olivet Baptist Church, 202

    Douglass Ave., Haddonfield.Senior Cardio Fun: 11:30 a.m. at


    CALENDARContinued from page 8

     please see CALENDAR, page 13

  • 8/17/2019 Haddonfield - 0518


    MAY 18–24, 2016 –THE HADDONFIELD SUN 13

    Mabel Kay Senior Center, UpperLevel. Call (856) 354-8789 formore information.

    TUES Y MAY 24Little Listeners: Ages 3 to 6. 10:30

    a.m. at Borough Hall. Hosted bythe Haddonfield Public Library.

    Senior Game Day: 12:30 p.m. atLutheran Church of Our Savior.Seniors are invited to attend toplay bingo, bridge, pinochle andother games in the Parish Hall.Lunch is available for an annualone-time donation of $15. Thoseplanning to attend are asked tocontact the church office at(856) 429-5122 or Laurie Easonat (856) 429-8914.

    Haddonfield Commissioners Meet-ing: 7:30 p.m. at Borough Hall.

    Bingo: 1 p.m. at Mabel Kay Senior

    Center. Call (856) 354-8789 formore information.

    Haddonfield Library Board ofTrustees meeting: 8 a.m. at the

    Haddonfield Library. For moreinformation visit www.haddon-fieldlibrary.org.

    Alzheimer’s Association CaregiverSupport Group meeting: 6 to7:30 p.m. at Price & Price ElderLaw, 35 Kings Highway East, Suite110, Haddonfield. Provides emo-tional, educational and social sup-port for caregivers of the elderly.To attend, call (856) 429-5522.

    Zumba Dance Fitness: 7 to 8 p.m.at Grace Church, 19 Kings High-way. For more information, visitwww.haddonfieldarts.org.

    Lite Aerobics for Seniors: 1 p.m. atMabel Kay Senior Center, UpperLevel. Call (856) 354-8789 formore information.

    Al-Anon meeting: 7 p.m. at FirstPresbyterian Church, floor 2R inthe youth lounge. Support groupfor family and friends of alco-holics.


    Continued from page 12

  • 8/17/2019 Haddonfield - 0518


    14 THE HADDONFIELD SUN — MAY 18–24, 2016




    The following Haddonfield Me-morial High School boys’ tennisscore was submitted by varsityhead coach Jeff Holman.

    Haddonfield defeated Sterling,5-0, on May 5

    First singles: Sam Oberholtzer,Haddonfield, defeated Joe Korn 6-0 6-0. Second singles: Sean Wilkin-son, Haddonfield, defeated RyanWilliams 6-0 6-0. Third singles:Nick Dante, Haddonfield, defeat-ed Pat Sims 6-1 6-0.

    First doubles: Noah Kamerlingand Jon Skiba, Haddonfield, de-feated Matt Meehan and JoshKim 6-2 6-1. Second doubles: WillBond and Dylan Feldscher, Had-donfield, defeated Corey Pierceand Frank Baldino 6-1 6-0.

    Haddonfield defeated Overbrook,5-0, on May 9

    First singles: Noah Kamerling,Haddonfield, defeated Kevin Daw-son 6-0 6-0. Second singles: WillBond, Haddonfield, defeatedJacob Gameron 6-0 6-0. Third sin-gles: Jon Skiba, Haddonfield, de-

    feated Jason Morlock 6-0 6-0First doubles: Dylan Feldscher

    and Nico Cohen, Haddonfield, de-feated Tri Nguyen and ShivamParohit 6-0 6-1. Second doubles:

    Mo Jishi and Alex Dante, Had-donfield, defeated Eugene Asareand Joe Hartley 6-0 6-1.

    Haddonfield defeatedCollingswood, 5-0, on May 9

    First singles: Sam Oberholtzer,Haddonfield, defeated DavidGongora 6-0 6-0. Second singles:Sean Wilkinson, Haddonfield, de-feated Warren Dodd 6-3 6-1. Thirdsingles: Nick Dante, Haddonfield,defeated Mike Daly 6-0 6-0

    First doubles: Mason Cohenand Teo Lupinetti, Haddonfield,defeated Nick Draper and RyanO’Donnell 6-0 6-0. Second doubles:Nick DeNinno and DannyRagone, Haddonfield, defeatedPierre Joseph and Andy Lu 6-0 6-0.

    Moorestown defeated Haddon-field, 4-1, on May 10

    First singles: Sam Oberholtzer,Haddonfield, defeated ConnorDickerson 6-2 6-0. Second singles:

    Marc Mounzer, Moorestown, de-feated Sean Wilkinson 6-1 6-4.Third singles: Akshay Bhalodia,Moorestown, defeated Nick Dante6-3 6-0

    First doubles: Adi Bulusu andDylan Paul, Moorestown, defeat-ed noah Kamerling and Jon Skiba6-2 7-5. Second doubles: DavidBlatcher and Noah Michaud,Moorestown, defeated Dylan Feld-scher and Will Bond 6-3 7-5.

    Haddonfield defeated Delran, 5-0, on May 11

    First singles: Sam Oberholtzer,Haddonfield, defeated HaydenSnyder 6-1 6-1. Second singles:Sean Wilkinson, Haddonfield, de-feated Paulo Claure 6-4 6-1. Thirdsingles: Nick Dante, Haddonfield,defeated Dorian Koldnicki 6-0 6-2

    First doubles: Noah Kamerlingand Jon Skiba, Haddonfield, de-feated Nicholas Hackimer andTyler Heffernen 6-1 6-0. Seconddoubles: Dan Moramarco and TeoLupinetti, Haddonfield, defeatedFred Marcell and Jack Taylor 6-06-0.

    tennis scores

  • 8/17/2019 Haddonfield - 0518


  • 8/17/2019 Haddonfield - 0518


    16 THE HADDONFIELD SUN — MAY 18–24, 2016





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    When he was selected to do thecommencement speech, Eker saidhe was in shock and felt honoredto be the speaker.

    “I honestly couldn’t believe it. Ifelt like I was doing what I shouldbe doing … I feel super privilegedto have this opportunity,” Ekersaid.

    Eker wanted to focus hisspeech on the past of Rowan Uni-versity, as well as the future of thestudents graduating.

    In July 1992, Henry Rowan and

    his wife donated $100 million tothe institution; the Rowans’ onlyrequest was that a College of En-gineering be created. For theirgenerosity, the school changed itsname to include the Rowan name.

    Last year, the commencementspeaker was able to turn andthank Rowan personally for help-ing to bring the college’s engi-neering program to what it istoday. Unfortunately, Rowanpassed away on Dec. 9, 2015.

    Eker said his speech thankedRowan, but also focused on the fu-ture.

    “For my speech, I wanted tofocus around maintaining his vi-sion. We were able to meet andtalk to him; moving forward wewon’t be able to see him. It’s ourresponsibility to continue andspread what we’ve learned,” Ekersaid.

    According to Kathaleen, Eker

    will be graduating with no debt.His freshman year, he did have totake out a student loan, but sincethen he has applied to and wonscholarships to cover his tuition.As a graduation present,Kathaleen said the family is pay-ing off his freshman year loan.

    “It’s astounding, everythingthat he has accomplished. You

     just want something more thanwhat you had for your children,and he has far surpassed any-thing we could have imagined forhim,” Kathaleen said.

    Eker has accepted a full-timeposition as a business technologyanalyst at Deloitte Consulting,LLP. He will begin working inSeptember, but before then hewill be traveling around the worldto make new connections and tooffer international perspectivethrough CultureCloud.

    MOMContinued from page 11

    Mom: ‘He has far surpassed anything we could have imagined for him’

  • 8/17/2019 Haddonfield - 0518


    U.S. Army–Pro Football Hall of Fame Award for Excellence.

    Officials from the United StatesArmy and former Los AngelesRams defensive lineman and ProFootball Hall of Famer JackYoungblood presented Baxterwith a plaque during a specialceremony last Monday in thehigh school’s library.

    Baxter found out he was goingto be a finalist in March after ap-plying for the award earlier in theschool year. He remembers themoment being one of the mostamazing of his life.

    “It was just a yell, a shout,everything,” Baxter said. “Atfirst, I couldn’t even believe ithonestly. It’s such a great honor.”

    This is the fourth year the U.S.Army and Pro Football Hall of Fame have partnered to presentthe Award of Excellence pro-gram. It is open to all sophomore,

     junior and senior high school ath-

    letes in the United States and rec-ognizes those who excel in aca-demics, athletics and communityservice.

    Baxter excelled in all threeareas. On the soccer field, Baxterwas twice named to the all-Colo-nial Conference second team. In2015, Baxter was one of South Jer-sey’s top goalies with 14 shutoutsand 98 saves. He was named to theall-Colonial Conference first teamat the end of his final season.Baxter also played basketball at

    Haddonfield.Baxter performed well in the

    classroom and is a member of thehigh school’s National Honor So-ciety. Community service is also abig part of Baxter’s life. He hasbeen a Scout for many years, andhis Scouting career culminatedwith this Eagle Scout Court of Honor last week.

    “The big thing for me was hisservice and the honor society,”Youngblood said when talking

    about Baxter. “Those two thingsand the academics. I like kidswho can be really good in schooland athletics.”

    Baxter said community servicewas just as important to him as

    athletics. He also felt participat-ing in Scouting made him a morewell-rounded person.

    “The soccer team is entirely

    different from Eagle Scout andthe crowd there,” Baxter said. “Ithink that being able to be a partof so many programs and beingfriends with so many guys is en-

     joyable.”Character was a word brought

    up multiple times during the cer-emony. Youngblood said high

    character is something both theU.S. Army and pro football teamspreach every day. He felt Baxterwas the perfect example of some-

    one with high character.“Because you’ve got character,

    you’re going to keep moving for-ward,” Youngblood said to Baxterduring the ceremony.

    Ryan Nixon, head coach forHaddonfield’s boys’ soccer team,

    MAY 18–24, 2016 –THE HADDONFIELD SUN 17


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    BAXTERContinued from page 1

     please see FINALISTS, page 20

    Baxter excels in community service, too

  • 8/17/2019 Haddonfield - 0518


    18 THE HADDONFIELD SUN — MAY 18–24, 2016

    Special to The Sun

    Haddonfield varsity baseball beat Timber Creek 5-4 in the Camden County baseball tournament. SeanIlves, top left, Tom Kadar, Nick Frontino, Nick Shea, Frank Meeter, John Tedeschi, bottom left, MattWilliams, Jack Malady and Brian McGrory make up part of the winning team.

    Baseball seniors

  • 8/17/2019 Haddonfield - 0518


  • 8/17/2019 Haddonfield - 0518


    felt Baxter was the perfect fit forthe award because of the way heconducted himself on and off thefield.

    “He was a lead-by-example typeof kid, whether that was in gamesor in practice,” Nixon said. “Jonwas always very driven, but hewas also the type of guy who did-n’t take days off.”

    Baxter and the 19 other final-ists from across the country willbe honored in August in Canton,Ohio, during the Pro Football

    Hall of Fame’s EnshrinementWeekend. As part of the trip, thefinalists get to attend the Hall of Fame Enshrinement Ceremonyon Aug. 6, where the winner of the award will be announced. Thenext day, all of the finalists willget to attend the Hall of FameGame between the Green BayPackers and Indianapolis Colts.

    “I am more than excited,” Bax-

    ter said about the upcoming trip.“I’m shaking right now thinkingabout it.”

    Next year, Baxter plans to at-tend The College of New Jersey,where he plans to continue par-

    ticipating in various extracurric-ular activities. Baxter said hehopes to play on the men’s soccerteam and also participate in a Re-serve Officers' Training Corpsprogram.

    20 THE HADDONFIELD SUN — MAY 18–24, 2016

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    Haddonfield Memorial High School senior Jonathan Baxter (thirdfrom left) stands with his brother Luke, father Jason, Pro FootballHall of Famer Jack Youngblood, his mother Heather and his sisterAllison.

    Finalists take part in Enshrinement Ceremony 

    FINALISTSContinued from page 17 

  • 8/17/2019 Haddonfield - 0518



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  • 8/17/2019 Haddonfield - 0518



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  • 8/17/2019 Haddonfield - 0518


    Visit www.lvlrealtors.com or text LVL to 64842 to tour our Haddonfield Properties.




    GARYVERMAAT Broker of Record, Owner 

    MARK LENNY Broker/Owner 

    Come Home to Haddonfield  

    856-428-5150 Ninety Tanner Street • Haddonfield, NJ

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