586251 800095 5 Erik P. Kraft Haiku-A-Day 2011

Haiku-A-Day 2011

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In 2011, Erik P. Kraft wrote a haiku every day. These are those haikus.

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  • Introduction

    I had always wanted to do a haiku-a-day

    project, but for some reason never got

    around to it. I even started once, but only

    kept to it for about a week. I finally realized

    that I needed public shaming to keep me

    going, so once I decided to post them on my

    Tumblr, I stuck with it, though only three

    people were watching.

    Looking back at them all together, it seems

    some of them arent so great, some could

    actually pass for real haiku, and some are

    pretty funny. As a document of this

    experiment, I think this collection is pretty

    interesting. If nothing else, I learned that I

    had a lot of sinus infections in 2011. Now

    you know too.

    -Erik P. Kraft, April 2013

  • 2

    1/1/11 Unseasonably

    warm. Still managed to waste most

    of the day. Good nap!

    1/2/11 Felix In Jelly

    Brought all the way from Iceland

    Many years ago

    1/3/11 Harvard Square bargains

    Are nowhere to be had, sir

    Cram your need to save

  • 3

    1/4/11 Linux on MacBook?

    Why would you do that, hoser?

    I hope its dual-boot

    1/5/11 And so the cold sneaks up

    Ill be fine, I say. Ha!

    Need some potions now

    1/6/11 Craigslist car listings

    How you make me want to kill

    Need a hoopty, stat

  • 4

    1/7/11 Had a few cocktails

    Also on the internet

    Seemed like a good move

    1/8/11 Reverend Awdry

    One day vengeance will be mine

    Some day soon, I hope

    1/9/11 When your casting call

    Is in a Fitchburg sub shop

    Outlook not so good

  • 5

    1/10/11 Have you been eating

    hot dog buns? she says to me

    Relish melt city (I wrote this down first thing this morning, but have no

    recollection of doing so)

    1/11/11 Snow day tomorrow?

    I certainly hope so, friends

    Day off for the kid!

    1/12/11 Haiku in the news!

    NPR does not ask me

    Cram it, Tom Ashbrook

  • 6

    1/13/11 Cooking wife meatballs

    Vegetarian remorse

    I did not give in

    1/14/11 Eating pizza, snap!

    I think I chipped my front tooth

    Thats right, from pizza

    1/15/11 My favorite joke ends

    Holy shit, a talking dog!

    Forgot the setup

  • 7

    1/16/11 Dear Mr. Tolkien

    Where does one park a fell beast?

    They seem rather large

    1/17/11 I am horrible

    I deserve an Arbor Mist!

    Urg durg flurgle burg

    1/18/11 The last Thylacine

    Paces the cage, neurotic

    But only on film

  • 8

    1/19/11 Preschool open house

    Graham finds the only Thomas,

    Proceeds to flip out

    1/20/11 What is this nonsense?

    Mid-season replacement crap

    Die, die, TV, die

    1/21/11 Called in snow to work

    Got no emails from users

    Get bent, 9 to 5

  • 9

    1/22/11 Note on the windshield

    I would like to buy your car!

    Car is not for sale?

    1/23/11 Wife is mortified

    In the Ape Dude mask I dance

    All about the yard

    1/24/11 Expectations down!

    Today has eaten it, kid

    Hope Tuesday sucks less

  • 10

    1/25/11 Put the garbage out

    It snows every single time

    Snow banks topped with cans

    1/26/11 Train is late again

    Its not even snowing yet!


    1/27/11 Hard drive still kaput

    Some emails still are missing

    Magnum P.I., help

  • 11

    1/28/11 No heat on the train

    Juggalos need the bathroom

    At least its on time

    1/29/11 Shoveling the roof

    My mother is convinced that

    Collapse is our doom

    1/30/11 Surface of the moon

    Craters, crags, faux lunar-y

    My backyard snowscape

  • 12

    1/31/11 Fifteen to twenty

    We are in the twenty range

    Snow, that is. White Gold.

    2/1/11 Stupid jerk email

    Sent myself todays drawing

    Inbox remains blank

    2/2/11 Reach into the snow

    Pull a log from the darkness

    Birthin log babies

  • 13

    2/3/11 AARP mail

    On my birthday - well timed!

    Not quite that old yet

    2/4/11 Slept almost all day

    My parents call me too much

    Im sick, hold my calls

    2/5/11 Wet paint has a smell

    My sons diaper also smells

    Guess which one won out?

  • 14

    2/6/11 Snow from on the roof

    Now reaches up to the roof

    Soon we have igloo

    2/7/11 Damn snoring kitty

    Oftentimes its cute and fun

    Not at 3am

    2/8/11 Forgetting something

    Have thought and thought and thought but

    Still cant remember

  • 15

    2/9/11 Everything I need

    All together in one place

    Except what I need

    2/10/11 Grunts across the room

    Every breath a burst of snurr

    Kitty sinus woes

    2/11/11 Craigslist want ad guy

    Pie to face ads for months now

    No one takes the bait

  • 16

    2/12/11 Damn Dan Fogelberg

    I have not heard you for years

    Yet youre in my head

    2/13/11 When it gets colder

    Do people in Tibet dress

    In Himalayers?

    2/14/11 Only 8 oclock

    Is it bedtime yet, my love?

    Happy Valentines (By bedtime I legit mean go to sleep, perverts)

  • 17

    2/15/11 Got the jimmy legs

    No stretching can help me now

    No choice but to dance

    2/16/11 The cake is no more

    I will miss you, birthday cake

    Eat you in my dreams

    2/17/11 Diet Coke is like

    Liquid Poison Bologna

    It kills you slowly

  • 18

    2/18/11 Teflon mellow cat

    He can harsh, but not be harshed

    Multitudes, contained

    2/19/11 House is finally clean

    Graham will mess it up for sure

    Before our guests come

    2/20/11 Someday, I know that

    The cats will eat my legs off

    Canned food tonight, though

  • 19

    2/21/11 When healing the sick

    Hope they dont cough in your face

    Thats how they get you

    2/22/11 A wrong cheese/salad

    Dear sir/madam, I ate this

    Which one is correct?

    2/23/11 Heartburn is constant

    Why is food the enemy?

    Tapeworms, help me now

  • 20

    2/24/11 I used to work with

    a girl with a long mole, son

    It was like a stem

    2/25/11 Student is struggling

    Umbrella bag? Say what now?

    Confusion consumes

    2/26/11 Have a punk rock stroke

    Psycho Killer, bof fri fleu

    fa fa fa fa faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

  • 21

    2/27/11 The film Pearl Harbor

    Is as bad as I was told

    Possibly much worse

    2/28/11 Snow, sleet, rain, snow, sleet

    Speedo weather so far off

    Speedo comes off too

    3/1/11 Ginger, turmeric

    Give me it, Ill eat it all

    So done being sick

  • 22

    3/2/11 In like a lion

    I didnt expect lions

    In my sinuses

    3/3/11 Still on the damn train

    Pushed down the track by the 6:00

    Two stops every stop

    3/4/11 Half and half perhaps

    Unsweetened soy drink, yum!

    So many liquids

  • 23

    3/5/11 Homeless guy tells me

    They took the skin off my feet

    Not sure who they are

    3/6/11 Sunday in the car

    Teaching son rototom fills

    (in the air) to Rush

    3/7/11 Am I awake now?

    Or am I dreaming again

    Of Cyndi Lauper?

  • 24

    3/8/11 March drags on and on

    I guess its only the 8th

    But Ive had enough

    3/9/11 Strange things are afoot

    Mugs missing, hair on my fork

    My desk, a crime scene

    3/10/11 Favorite Irish Saint?

    Thomas OSinus, of course

    Patron of my pain

  • 25

    3/11/11 Minding my own bs

    Dude hit me right in the face

    With his rhythm stick

    3/12/11 The aroma wafts

    Cloud of doom beneath the sink

    Leaky ball faucet

    3/13/11 Snoring fat kitty

    Did you say something? I ask

    for the hundredth time

  • 26

    3/14/11 Money comes and goes

    Insurance bill always comes

    When money has gone

    3/15/11 Burned lips on water

    Then burned hand on hot handle

    This is my year, right?

    3/16/11 Revenge served up cold

    We have found the kitty poops

    In my sons bedroom

  • 27

    3/17/11 Please stop boiling meats

    I dont eat them anyway

    But that is real gross

    3/18/11 Did the pants just shrink?

    Or could they be the tiny

    pants of shame? (THEYRE REAL)

    3/19/11 Glad I chose to write

    haikus every day and not

    making porno films

  • 28

    3/20/11 Horseshoe crabs: ancient

    Blue blood like the Kennedys

    Much smaller teeth, though

    3/21/11 The road to Hell is

    in fact paved with stuffed monkeys

    That was a surprise.

    3/22/11 Rat head puppet show

    The teens will not learn a thing

    But think class is fun

  • 29

    3/23/11 Turns out it is not

    Living in a fish island

    Please forgive me, Rush

    3/24/11 The snow will not stop

    Snowbanks recede, new storms come

    Spring, summer cancelled

    3/25/11 I would like to draw

    Bank error in your favor

    In real life just once

  • 30

    3/26/11 Rotten log fire

    Spongy, mushy, not that great

    Found them in the yard

    3/27/11 A plague of titmice

    Descends upon the back yard

    Let my feeder go

    3/28/11 Dont be an asshole

    She says, as I fill out forms

    His job is not child.

  • 31

    3/29/11 He wants bedtime cheese

    A stalling technique, perhaps

    Weird and gross, for sure

    3/30/11 The lonely goatherd

    Actually not so lonely

    Just misanthropic

    3/31/11 Lets go on a spree

    Shooting at pools from the train

    (Above-ground only)

  • 32

    4/1/11 Hey its that lady

    You know, the one from that thing

    That thing she was in

    4/2/11 Centralia, PA

    Underground coal fires burn

    Powering nothing

    4/3/11 There are types of apes

    That eat your skin, sexily

    Skin-eating sex apes

  • 33

    4/4/11 Herr Kartoffelkopf

    Stab eyes into his spud face

    Can also use fruit

    4/5/11 Needs more derring-do

    I have made do in the past

    Not this kind, I fear

    4/6/11 I need to branch out

    Can you still be a swineherd?

    Swine seem pretty cool

  • 34

    4/7/11 Forgot my haiku

    I thought of it at lunchtime

    Senility now

    4/8/11 Angry Conductor

    But the Red Sox won, buddy

    Still, he hates Lackey

    4/9/11 Im all itchy now

    Bed bugs? Deer ticks? Yard work rash?

    Calamine bath time

  • 35

    4/10/11 Exploring the woods

    Snake vine, car seats, gin bottles

    Natures full glory

    4/11/11 I said to myself

    The train has sucked less lately

    Then it stepped it up

    4/12/11 Full moon, crowded train

    Misanthropic werewolf guy

    has some work to do

  • 36

    4/13/11 Getting worms by mail

    I considered doing this

    Balance is zero

    4/14/11 Turmeric by mail

    Open the mailbox - yellow!

    Did not have to pay

    4/15/11 Has Atlas shrugged yet?

    His arms must be so tired

    He is such a stud

  • 37

    4/16/11 Oh, that new car smell?

    Kind of makes me want to barf.

    That will mask the scent

    4/17/11 Picked up my taxes

    Taken for all I am worth

    GE pays nothing

    4/18/11 Alton Browns tangent

    His bowel theories now told


  • 38

    4/19/11 Feline locavores

    Turn up their noses at food

    from a can. How gauche!

    4/20/11 Interesting thing, this

    Read book about amnesia

    Remember nothing

    4/21/11 Where is my pizza?

    Donde esta mi pizza?

    Oh, here it is now.

  • 39

    4/22/11 Sugared up baby

    Culprit on her way back home

    You win this time, Mom

    4/23/11 Its Easter eve, yo

    Santa rides a bunny down

    Your chimney tonight

    4/24/11 Hidden mole family

    Baby moles are on the loose

    Surprise in the weeds

  • 40

    4/25/11 Passing whiff of squid

    Wifes leftovers, microwaved

    Tofu lacks a scent

    4/26/11 There are ebbs and flows

    One minute its rage, then calm

    (Mostly just at work)

    4/27/11 Turn left - click click click

    Turn right - click click click as well

    Ball joint fairy - HELP

  • 41

    4/28/11 The odor wafts past

    Manure or stagnant water?

    Nobody wins here

    4/29/11 Chaos rules the hall

    Alone stands a Chihuahua

    Finding twitchy peace

    4/30/11 April showers bring

    May flowers, but it didnt

    Rain that much this time

  • 42

    5/1/11 The ralph stays inside

    Trouble me no more, I say

    It lingers, mocking

    5/2/11 Glaring man on train

    In love, or just real angry?

    Freaking us all out

    5/3/11 Country life has perks

    Cool manure breezes blowing

    Fertilize my nose

  • 43

    5/4/11 Allergies or cold?

    May arrives, questions are asked

    Pollen coats the world

    5/5/11 Honey and borax

    The ants gorge towards their doom

    Suspecting nothing

    5/6/11 Friday night routine

    Cleaning the cats grody ears

    This is living, yes?

  • 44

    5/7/11 Was away til now

    Will catch up on this stuff soon

    You will deal with it

    5/8/11 Toddler sugar high

    Birthday cake causes meltdown

    Happy mothers day

    5/9/11 Week ends, week begins

    I seem to remember a

    thing called the weekend

  • 45

    5/10/11 Who would have known that

    prescription deodorant

    could be cool? Ad men!

    5/11/11 Baby yard bunny

    Lurks at the edge of the bush

    Indoor cats notice

    5/12/11 He stands before the

    Cafeteria cheese pump

    Thats good cheese, huh Dave?

  • 46

    5/13/11 Napping on the clock

    Some day I will get found out

    No boss on Facebook

    5/14/11 Streaking the neighbors

    America sure hates fun

    Cookouts need streakers

    5/15/11 Rain for the next week

    Just in time for my grass seed

    Boring grownup thrills

  • 47

    5/16/11 Hot tube goldfish pond

    I got this thing on Craigslist

    Eleven feet long

    5/17/11 Second rainy day

    Only like a week more left

    Promise I wont freak

    5/18/11 A jar of marbles

    Spread out all over the house

    Toddler booby trap

  • 48

    5/19/11 Thought it was Friday

    Will have to wait one more day

    To not get Raptured

    5/20/11 Lovely day outside

    Mosquitoes the size of birds

    Easier to swat

    5/21/11 Smell of wet forest

    Sun breaks through the pine tree tops

    Littleton morning

  • 49

    5/22/11 Productive Sunday

    Three and a half hour nap

    Ignore the first line

    5/23/11 One nice day a month

    I guess Saturday was it

    See you in June, folks!

    5/24/11 Cheerio Dinner

    Stale and unsatisfying

    I make bad choices

  • 50

    5/25/11 Adults on the train

    Groping and frenching like mad

    Leave it to the teens!

    5/26/11 Hummingbird feeder

    Some big bug on it today

    Is not for you, jerk

    5/27/11 A free pile of bricks!

    Tempting, to be like Danzig

    But not quite enough (You should Google Danzig pile of bricks)

  • 51

    5/28/11 Cant stand The Wiggles

    Take it down a notch, you creeps

    Terrifying men

    5/29/11 The Phantom Menace

    So many years have passed but

    The anger stays fresh

    5/30/11 Green whale of summer:

    Watermelon! My cat:

    Gray whale of all time

  • 52

    5/31/11 The backs of the knees

    The filet mignon for the

    damn common skeeter

    6/1/11 Six months into this

    Losing followers like mad

    Project is success?

    6/2/11 Fill the bird feeder

    Squirrel comes and shakes out the food

    Free market rodent

  • 53

    6/3/11 Red wiggler jailbreak

    Kitchen floor covered with worms

    Wife will not be psyched

    6/4/11 Seven layer dip

    Eating all of the layers

    Results in bloating

    6/5/11 Hey I found a tick

    Say it once, its a just a fluke

    I keep saying it

  • 54

    6/6/11 Send weiner pictures

    As though you will not get caught


    6/7/11 Lovely greenery

    Thick and lush, it lines the road

    Such poison ivy!

    6/8/11 Small, black, and wingless

    Carpenter ants invade the

    hummingbird feeder

  • 55

    6/9/11 A tick, or spider?

    Oh nature, you are so great

    But ticks wicked suck

    6/10/11 Mowy Mowerson

    He mows his lawn as much as

    George Jones gets haircuts

    6/11/11 Rain, rain, and more rain

    Making all the plants grow large

    Mosquitoes as well

  • 56

    6/12/11 Made my own yogurt

    My hippie transformation

    May now be complete

    6/13/11 Six million dollars

    Not all that much nowadays

    Steve Austin, cheap chump

    6/14/11 Stop, Kardashians

    No really, Kardashians

    Kardashians, stop

  • 57

    6/15/11 Slept for two whole days

    Whats the diagnosis, sir?

    Chronic lazy ass

    6/16/11 Shopping for Dads Day?

    Try buying it its real name


    6/17/11 Oops, I over-tipped

    Pizza guy, please remember

    (Was my wifes money)

  • 58

    6/18/11 Pinata whackage

    Break that sucker open, kids

    Forgot to fill it

    6/19/11 Lawnmower is broken

    Impulsively got new one

    Happy Fathers Day

    6/20/11 Bought some cotton balls

    Cleaned the cats ears with a few

    All downhill from here

  • 59

    6/21/11 Robots on TV

    Three-year-olds description of

    R2-D2s film

    6/22/11 Dudes on Sasquatch show

    Assume existence of squatch

    Are squatches themselves

    6/23/11 Package in the mail

    Wife was sure it was more worms

    Left it on the steps

  • 60

    6/24/11 Sleeping on the train

    Coffee, what is wrong with you?

    Murky placebo

    6/25/11 Mushrooms everywhere

    Who knew that constant raining

    led to fungal growth?

    6/26/11 Dear America,

    Please consume, consume, consume

    With love, your sponsors

  • 61

    6/27/11 The sun, it came out

    The humidity, it rises

    Recipe for stink

    6/28/11 Feeling somewhat gross

    A full-body dessicant?

    Dont mind if I do

    6/29/11 Ran out of bug spray

    The dinner bell is ringing

    At the Skeeter home

  • 62

    6/30/11 Pita, tortilla

    These things are not the same, dudes

    No substitutions

    7/1/11 Its a Balrog, dudes

    Demon of the ancient world

    Gandalfs in the house

    7/2/11 A lone rooster crows

    Its actually 1pm

    And he wont shut up

  • 63

    7/3/11 Vegan cassoulet

    Aint no sausage in this thing

    Not that I can tell

    7/4/11 Dog feeling better

    Hes done with soft-serve nightmares

    Rambunctious, cheery

    7/5/11 Ernie Boch, Jr.

    Naked at the liquor store!

    Much better slogan

  • 64

    7/6/11 Calamine lotion

    I may buy some stock in you

    Summers just begun

    7/7/11 The Jo-Ann Fabrics

    Good name for a band, maybe

    Scrapbook rockers ho!

    7/8/11 Vacation over

    Accomplished almost nothing

    Time to call in sick

  • 65

    7/9/11 Another new job

    Another set of things to

    never remember

    7/10/11 Visit to sheep farm

    There were some chickens, also

    And poop aplenty

    7/11/11 Hazy, hot, humid

    No one would have suspected

    That all weather sucks

  • 66

    7/12/11 It would be awesome

    If I could actually see

    The notes on my posts

    7/12/11 Many grody foods

    Are you serious, Wendy?

    Withered and brown spuds

    7/14/11 I have yet to meet

    A dog that I cant annoy

    with The Puppethand

  • 67

    7/15/11 Boston comedy

    Train all the way home and then

    Drive back in for yuks

    7/16/11 Live action Thomas

    Expect the unexpected

    Also, expect trains

    7/17/11 Stupid-ass hiccups

    Not to be confused with the

    Stupid ass hiccups

  • 68

    7/18/11 Chatty train rider

    Doesnt notice the smell of

    Hard boiled egg man

    7/19/11 Dear resident hawk,

    Did you eat those baby birds?

    Where did they all go?

    7/21/11 News channels look out!

    I was not the sweatiest

    one at work today

  • 69

    7/22/11 Toddler farts of rage

    Suddenly, it turns around

    Toddler farts of joy

    7/23/11 Fans on high all day

    Toddler drinks, then spits water

    Last day of heat wave?

    7/24/11 Daddy longlegses

    In the yard, on my leg

    Legses on legses

  • 70

    7/25/11 Dear America

    Your cultural bankruptcy

    is Jerseylicious

    7/26/11 Humidity, smells

    Both linger, and both sure suck

    Feeling real negi

    7/27/11 Our home fills with smoke

    Keep trying to rough it, jerks

    Campfire n00b dudes

  • 71

    7/28/11 My son loves balloons

    My dog actively hates them

    Good times in the home

    7/29/11 Gotta love showbiz

    Be there at 8 to prepare

    No one else til 9

    7/30/11 Hassled by The Man

    Dashboard lights come on at start

    The headlights do not.

  • 72

    7/31/11 Change is in the air

    Did I say change? I think I

    Meant goddamn pollen

    8/1/11 Told a Dutch lady

    Penis Breath was a flavor

    of mouthwash. Tasty!

    8/2/11 Old kale to bunnies

    New kale into the crisper

    Circle of life, greens

  • 73

    8/3/11 My lips: novacained

    Drink a drink in public place

    Dribble on my crotch

    8/4/11 Slept most of the day

    Dreams of me as movie star

    Woke, still a loser

    8/5/11 I may be a snob

    But I cannot resist a

    Good yo mama joke

  • 74

    8/6/11 Hey When Fish Attack

    The marlin that got that dude?

    Dude had it coming

    8/7/11 One hundred percent

    Humidity making me

    Danky and stanky

    8/8/11 Mocked Vista online

    Then had Italian Windows

    Problem attack me

  • 75

    8/9/11 Film: Dirty Dancing

    Hollywood plans to remake

    Die die die pigs, die

    8/10/11 A Fright Night remake?

    Really, this is a joke, right?

    Fess up, Hollywood

    8/11/11 Granola is made

    Granola is not so great

    Stove is on notice

  • 76

    8/12/11 Ate some raw garlic

    Tangy, tasty, and stingy

    Not really dinner

    8/13/11 Hippie road pizza

    Made by actual hippies

    Grilling by the road

    8/14/11 Shut up, GPS

    You are not without merit

    But your voice annoys

  • 77

    8/15/11 Stinky butt kitties

    So cute and so friendly, but

    Get away from me

    8/16/11 The mice in our house

    Ate my whole bag of pine nuts

    Those were expensive

    8/17/11 A letter to pears

    A bigger ripeness window

    Quells my pear anger

  • 78

    8/18/11 Mosquitoes make me

    Itchy itchy Ichabod

    (Thats not my real name)

    8/19/11 Beetles in bread crumbs

    There are no great tastes in here

    Just bugs and toppings

    8/20/11 A disco cookout

    A three year old cuts a rug

    Travolta be damned.

  • 79

    8/21/11 I am exhausted

    Spent the day with my parents

    The Mass Pike is shit

    8/22/11 Mutant corn kernels

    Swollen and asymmetric

    Still tasted ok

    8/23/11 Pickled zucchini

    I undertake one more

    Jarred vegetable feat

  • 80

    8/24/11 My pets, being jerks

    The fattest and laziest

    Going straight-up house

    8/25/11 If we lose power

    How will I say hurricane!

    On the internet?

    8/26/11 Fisher cat noises

    Was that one outside just now?

    Earthquakes, and now this

  • 81

    8/27/11 A canceled cookout

    A day spent grading papers

    A mind of pudding

    8/28/11 A storm, abated

    Young boy, in a tiger suit

    Ventures out with dog

    8/29/11 Hurricane or not

    The commuter rail always

    Finds ways to be late

  • 82

    8/30/11 Snack, lunch, lunch, and snack

    Im on the hobbit diet

    Stupid Lembas bread

    8/31/11 Faculty are back

    Faculty not tech-savvy

    I will save them all

    9/1/11 Fridays can be dead

    That makes Thursdays exciting

    But not this week, pal

  • 83

    9/2/11 Crab rangoon puzzle

    Real crab inside, or just cheese?

    And, do crabs have souls?

    9/3/11 Saturday is here

    Saturday is escaping

    What day is today?

    9/4/11 Tepid sea water

    Not refreshing, kind of gross

    Should I be in this?

  • 84

    9/5/11 My sweaty toilet

    Everything about me sweats

    Even porcelain

    9/6/11 Dear my finances

    Y u no make me all rich?

    Poverty sucketh

    9/7/11 Applied to art show

    Excited to see your work!

    Feeling will not last

  • 85

    9/8/11 Election Looming

    I mean, its a year away

    Just like Christmas creep

    9/9/11 Black metal futon

    Scotch-garded against corpse paint

    Free if you pick up

    9/10/11 Town fair cover band

    Many songs played, all mangled

    Still great, in their way

  • 86

    9/11/11 Spider attacks wasp

    Wasp flees with spider on back

    I paint the front door

    9/12/11 On a water binge

    Almost 200 ounces

    Pee me a river

    9/13/11 Someone liked my post!

    Oh, some kind of porn bot

    Im still counting it

  • 87

    9/14/11 Sporadic hair tufts

    The dog walker is obsessed

    Tugged fluff lines the street

    9/15/11 Remote connection

    Tech guy saw my resume


    9/16/11 Caterpillar scene

    Woolly bears line the back yard

    Red, black, and prickly

  • 88

    9/17/11 Minivan clown car

    Doors open, children spill out

    and into my house

    9/18/11 Ostrich populace

    Lets pretend its all o.k.

    As they bleed us dry

    9/19/11 Windows are now closed

    Allergens are trapped inside

    Nostrils are now closed

  • 89

    9/20/11 Coworkers all sick

    I alone remain healthy

    This had better last

    9/21/11 Cookout is long gone

    The burgery things remain

    Leftovers, day 6

    9/22/11 Deranged hobo guy

    Collects apples and rolls them

    at his angry friend

  • 90

    9/23/11 Paid all of my bills

    Also spent all my money

    Then, more bills appear

    9/24/11 Animal skirmish

    An unprovoked kitty swipe

    Quickly gets ugly

    9/25/11 Little snakes afoot

    Are they babies, or just dwarfs?

    Biting like big dudes

  • 91

    9/26/11 The blimplike feline

    He is heavier than air

    Leap unsuccessful

    9/27/11 Wacky conductor

    Zany announcements, loudly

    Commuters, amused

    9/28/11 Everyones a mooch

    Enter the room with some food

    Pets swarm like locusts

  • 92

    9/29/11 Slow-ass Impala

    Beanie babies fill windshield

    Gonna make me late

    9/30/11 RIP dead road chipmunk

    He died doing what he loved

    A corn-strewn crime scene

    10/1/11 October arrives

    A crowd gathers in Salem

    Giles says More weight.

  • 93

    10/2/11 Rainy day bike ride

    Moist, smelly toddler in back

    Bike path is empty

    10/3/11 Abdominal swell

    It seems too many lentils

    Gives a dude the bloat

    10/4/11 My tranquil moment

    Rent by a squeaking dog toy

    Canine spaz attack

  • 94

    10/5/11 Where is my food, sir?

    A watched pot never boils

    Awaiting pizza

    10/6/11 Weather neuroses

    From freezing to hot again

    Long weekend looks nice

    10/7/11 Your ears are burning

    Someones talking about you

    My eyes are burning

  • 95

    10/8/11 I have lung complaints

    Campground ding-dong campfires

    Blanket house with smoke

    10/9/11 Warm day bike ride friends

    Critters line the path - big snakes!

    Nobody got squished

    10/10/11 Itchy eye evening

    Jalapeos have been chopped

    Crap damn son of bitch

  • 96

    10/11/11 Sudden itchiness

    Could it be a flea attack?

    Reality bites

    10/12/11 Computer slows down

    Hard drive crash is imminent?

    Back up or crack up

    10/13/11 Dark in the morning

    Swedes are Bjorning. Dark at

    night, Swedes are alright.

  • 97

    10/14/11 Frozen burritos

    Tasty, yet maybe poisoned

    Death by Trader Joe

    10/15/11 Pile of drainpipes

    Pizza boxes strewn on top

    Road crew pizza time

    10/16/11 Indian food lunch

    Middle of a long bike ride

    Soporific eats

  • 98

    10/17/11 Strange shape in the yard

    Possum waddles, seems to float?

    5am visions

    10/18/11 Train meditation

    Perhaps a little too deep

    Accidental nap

    10/19/11 The cold comes again

    The cat is now friendlier

    Until warmth returns

  • 99

    10/20/11 We have smelly heat

    Warmth brings a wafting odor

    Should have kept our cool

    10/21/11 Wore different sneakers

    Saw reflection in window

    Look just like clown shoes

    10/22/11 Pumpkin festival

    A Mexican restaurant!

    Spooky burritos

  • 100

    10/23/11 85 pound dog

    Somehow got through the cat flap

    Magic in our home

    10/24/11 Printer prints all pink!

    Several inks are not loaded

    Theres your problem, dinks

    10/25/11 Office gathering

    Unintentional poop joke

    This is how I roll

  • 101

    10/26/11 Home printer broken

    I dont want to fix it now

    I am off the clock

    10/27/11 Is it snowing yet?

    Angry dog barks at skylight

    Signifies nothing

    10/28/11 At last a day off

    Did I sleep? Did I relax?

    Worked the whole damn time

  • 102

    10/29/11 Was that thundersnow?

    A noise, a flash, the dog barks

    Then a white silence

    10/30/11 Internet outage

    Sitting peacefully at home

    Strangely unannoyed

    10/31/11 Open enrollment!

    Models on the brochure are

    Far too psyched for this

  • 103

    11/1/11 Tiny candy bags

    Waiting up there on the fridge

    Siren song of sweets

    11/2/11 Things to eat for lunch

    Sweet potato, and some soup

    All of it orange

    11/3/11 Snow is on the ground

    Leaves still on some of the trees


  • 104

    11/4/11 No trick-or-treaters

    Even with some small restraint

    A chocolate headache

    11/5/11 Ladder and a saw

    Gravity in full effect

    Ladder steps aside

    11/6/11 Attempting to code

    Mind shut down hours ago

    Results not so good

  • 105

    11/7/11 Ate a roasted beet

    I did not die of disgust

    Things are looking up

    11/8/11 Electric chicken

    Lies there silent, motionless

    Needs new batteries

    11/9/11 Neighbors bonfire

    Loud chatter, and some yeehaws


  • 106

    11/10/11 Friday holiday

    Still have to get up at five

    No commuter rail

    11/11/11 Ones all in a row

    Driving to the big city

    To show The Ape Dude

    11/12/11 Potatoes and kale

    Rolled into enchiladas


  • 107

    11/13/11 Productive Sunday

    But not productive enough

    Please extend the day

    11/14/11 Bedbug discussion

    Open sores are no problem

    compared to The Bugs

    11/15/11 Music in the cloud

    Cloud isnt quite big enough

    Atmosphere, perhaps

  • 108

    11/16/11 Was far too hungry

    Soup was far too hot (but good)

    Need a mouth medic

    11/17/11 Itching the dogs neck

    Pull out a piece of debris

    Is a giant tick

    11/18/11 Hey! Free wine from work!

    First glass: not so great. But hey -

    Glass 2 - ah who cares?

  • 109

    11/19/11 Where chemicals fail

    White vinegar gets results

    Go vinegar, go!

    11/20/11 Two day week ahead

    Five days worth of dumb nonsense

    In a fun-size week

    11/21/11 Disabled train fun

    The snow has not yet started

    But the delays have

  • 110

    11/22/11 Vegetable medley

    Acorn squash, mashed potatoes

    Brussels freakin sprouts

    11/23/11 Carrot ginger soup

    You could have used more ginger

    Carrot levels good

    11/24/11 Thanksgiving dinner

    Radio: Christmas music

    Eat shit, you DJs.

  • 111

    11/25/11 Fall evening weirdness

    Warm spot, cold spot, warm spot, cold

    Temperature pockets

    11/26/11 Installing new lamps

    No swearing or throwing things

    Am doing it wrong?

    11/27/11 Itchy, scratchy throat

    Unspeakable sinus things

    The cooties have us

  • 112

    11/28/11 Headache lingering

    Neti potting like a champ

    Relief, a pipe dream

    11/29/11 Best misheard lyric:

    Scuse me, while I kiss this guy!

    Three year olds love it

    11/30/11 Ate a squash for lunch

    Yes, I said a whole damn squash

    Was hungry later

  • 113

    12/1/11 Wrong turn in Lowell

    People drive like ding-dongs here

    Oh, Massachusetts

    12/2/11 Vacuuming the dog

    His hair is like shag carpet

    Housework, AMIRITE?

    12/3/11 Chinese food buffet

    Dessert sweets are not so sweet

    Buffet trickery

  • 114

    12/4/11 While walking the dog

    A flock of turkeys appears

    Crossing one by one

    12/5/11 Old people asking

    Did you have a bowel movement?

    Question old as time

    12/6/11 Is it December?

    50 degrees and quite nice


  • 115

    12/7/11 Morning breath feeling

    Its 3 in the afternoon

    Dump coffee on it

    12/8/11 Alien spaceships?

    Manufactured objects? Yes!

    Tell the internet

    12/9/11 Holiday Party

    Toddlers run in wide circles

    Crashes imminent

  • 116

    12/10/11 Some geese overhead

    Honking, swooping noisily

    Please, no crapping, please

    12/11/11 A long-ass weekend

    Normally, my ass is short

    The cold elongates

    12/12/11 Formatting a drive

    An hour passed - still not done

    Zeros, ones, and time

  • 117

    12/13/11 Dog constantly spooked

    Are there coyotes afoot?

    Please sir, kindly chill

    12/14/11 Rustling in the dark

    I want to take out the trash

    Coyotes lurking

    12/15/11 How does it get there?

    Mouse crap in the microwave

    Baffling. Also, gross.

  • 118

    12/16/11 Finally time to rest

    Goddamn dog will not shut up

    Flipping out at ghosts

    12/17/11 Can I see ID?

    License presented, oh my!

    Am older than clerk.

    12/18/11 A blueberry pie

    I alone shall eat this thing

    Stand back - DIGESTION!

  • 119

    12/19/11 Christmas is looming

    Post office lines grow longer

    Mail becomes ordeal

    12/20/11 Getting sick again

    Santa bringing me the crud


    12/21/11 Sinuses again?

    Brain eating amoeba time!

    Neti pot monster

  • 120

    12/22/11 Christmas at preschool

    Keep the kids up late! Cupcakes!

    Daddy needs to sleep.

    12/23/11 Preschool donutfest

    Children and teachers, sugared

    Leftovers for dad

    12/24/11 The Canada Geese

    Swarm the nearby farmers field

    Terrify the dog

  • 121

    12/25/11 Damn Christmas headache

    Ate my weight in agey cheese

    Santa, bring me sleep!

    12/26/11 Dog having visions

    Watches the skies, will not walk

    Bathroom time is rough

    12/27/11 Thats some stinky paint

    Martha Stewart - she made it!

    Killing my brain cells

  • 122

    12/28/11 Volatile compounds

    They are organic, also!

    Somehow not healthy

    12/29/11 The children swarm me

    Sneezing and coughing, they strike

    Preschool disease farm

    12/30/11 Oh hey, sinuses

    You dominated the year

    I hope youre real proud

  • 123

    12/31/11 Oh great, The Wiggles

    Some children really love them!

    Some eat boogers, too

    BONUS HAIKU Using speakerphone?

    You are on a quiet train

    Next level dickhead


    Haiku a day cover.pdfhaiku_a_day_interior.pdf