Ultimate Hair Secrets A Guide to Stopping Hair Loss Dead In Its Tracks and Regrowing a Full Head of Hair Hairsecrets.org by Dr. Richard Armitage, Trichologist 1st Edition Buyer: jos serrano ([email protected]) Transaction ID: 4KT337664K6957533

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Ultimate Hair Secrets A Guide to Stopping Hair Loss Dead In Its Tracks and Regrowing a Full Head of Hair

Hairsecrets.orgby Dr. Richard Armitage, Trichologist

1st Edition

Buyer: jos serrano ([email protected])Transaction ID: 4KT337664K6957533

Copyright © 2013 by Hairsecrets.org

All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means

including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author.

The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.

Printed in the United States of America

First Printing: March 2013

Guarantee: Not a single product, brand, entity, or otherwise, has endorsed nor paid for placement

nor recommendations outlined in this book. All products recommended are solely for your benefit

based on the results of Hairsecrets.org’s research and testing.

Disclaimer: This book is for research purposes only, and should not be considered medical advice.

Always consult your physician before undertaking any radically new changes to your existing health


Buyer: jos serrano ([email protected])Transaction ID: 4KT337664K6957533

Buyer: jos serrano ([email protected])Transaction ID: 4KT337664K6957533

DEDICATIONTo all of you out there concerned about your hair, fear not. Your hair is your strength; your identity. You can and will have the full, strong, beautiful head of hair you desire. It is only a matter of two things: carefully reading this book, and patience.

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.................................................................................Introduction 7

......................................................................................................Getting Started 7

....................................................................Sources of Hair Loss 9

...........................................A Primer on Hair Loss, Medicine, and Supplements 9

..................................................................................................Threshold Issues 13

.....................................................................DHT: The Main Culprit, Or Is It? 15

....................................................................Prostaglandins, The Miracle Cure? 17

.....................................................................Male and Female Pattern Baldness 18

.......................................................................................Seborrhoeic Dermatitis 18

...........Medical, Environmental, Nutritional, and Prescription-Related Causes 19

....................................................................Dealing With Stress 23

............................................................................................Stress Is The Enemy 23

..............................................................................................Catalysts For Stress 24

....................................................................................Focusing On The Present 24

.................................................................................Reprogramming Thoughts 25

..............................................................Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind 25

.........................................................The Final Word On Stress / Good Habits 25

.....................................................................................Nutrition 27

.................................................................................An Overview Of Nutrition 27

.................................................................................................Synergistic Foods 27

.........................................................................Products Review 31

........................................................................................................Supplements 31

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....................................................................................Prescription Medications 32

................................................................................Hair Loss-Specific Products 33

..............................................................................................Vitamins In Depth 34

..........................................................................Exercise Secrets 35

..........................................................................Androgenic Impact of Exercise 35

..............................................................................................Anaerobic Exercise 36

..................................................................................................Aerobic Exercise 37

....................Putting It All Together: The HairSecrets Program 39

........................................................................Time To Get Down To Business 39

..........................................................................................................Preparation 39

........................................................................................The HairSecrets Stack 40

..................................................The Ultimate Scalp Exercise For Hair Growth 43

................................................................The HairSecrets Daily Routine: 1-2-3 45

.........................................................................................................Styling Tips 47

...................................................................................................When In Doubt 48

Buyer: jos serrano ([email protected])Transaction ID: 4KT337664K6957533

IntroductionI have had quite a long, strange, personal history with hair. I was born with a full head of

bright, straight red hair. As a child, my hair turned bright blonde, and then when I became a teenager, my hair suddenly became dark brown and turned into giant curly ringlets. It was quite an evolution. It was this stage that really made me start paying attention to my hair. People with curly hair have to pay attention to their hair; it won’t just fix itself–you have to fix it. Otherwise, it will take on a mind of its own.

Fast forward to my college years. As stress ran high, I began to noticed a lot of hair shedding, and then experienced alopecia areata, a condition in which bald spots form on the scalp, usually in small circular patches. Having had my hair for all of my life as such a large part of my identity, I naturally freaked out. But let’s fast forward again (I will come back and fill in the details; just wait). Now in my late 30s, I have a full head of hair, a lower hairline than I did as a teenager, not a sign in sight of a thinning hair or a nanometer of a bald spot. I have a massive head of hair that is the envy of my friends at school reunions and, frankly, a crowning asset to my career. As unfortunate as it is, Harvard Business School studies still show that people doing the hiring tend to hire the more attractive candidate over a less attractive one when all other things are equal. Not to mention, outward appearance is generally accepted in all fields of medicine as an indicator of overall health.

So, are you starting to lose your hair? Afraid you might? Already lost a bucketload down the shower drain and had to unclog it a few times? Does hair loss run in the family? Do you hear stories about your mother’s grandfather’s hair and this-and-that? Have you rubbed minoxidil into your head every day, straining your eyeballs up into the mirror, counting the follicles, unsure day-to-day whether you’re gaining or losing hair, and constantly stressing out about it? Are you so stressed out about losing your hair, that you’re starting to worry that the worrying itself is causing you to lose hair?

Fear not. Regardless of the cause of your hair loss, you can rest at ease. This book is your friend. It is going to be your guide to stopping hair loss and getting your full head of hair back. I wrote this book as a medical researcher second, and as someone who lost their hair, and fully regained it, first. I am here to help.

GETTING STARTEDBefore you get started, I want you to do just two things:

• Stop everything you are doing to deal with your hair loss right now.

• Put your hair completely out of your mind for now. Stop thinking about your hair, products, the mirror, checking your scalp, so on and so forth. There will be time for that later. For right now, put it all out of your mind, focus on the present, and know that hope is now.

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Buyer: jos serrano ([email protected])Transaction ID: 4KT337664K6957533

Chapter 1


Hair loss is a little bit like the beginning of the universe; we have a decent idea about how and approximately when it began, but we aren’t quite sure why it happened; exactly what the reasons were. There are many books written on the topic of how humans became mostly hairless (as compared to our primate counterparts and other animals), and why despite this we retained the long hair on our heads, but that is a topic for another book. Suffice it to say, research in the field has yielded decent results in the past century, and in the past decade, our understanding has exponentially increased (along with the overall progression of science and technology in the civilized world in general1).

Andre Agassi

Photo by Chris Josefy

1 Eliezer Yudkowsky, 1996 "Staring at the Singularity”

Buyer: jos serrano ([email protected])Transaction ID: 4KT337664K6957533

In a study by Muscarella and Cunningham2, males and females viewed six male models with differing levels of cranial hair (full head of hair, receding, and bald). The participants rated each combination on 32 adjectives related to social perceptions. Males with bald or receding hair were rated as being older than those who had a full head of hair. Baldness was also associated with more social maturity. So, big surprise... Having less hair is a sign of age. But a lot has changed since man first walked the Earth. Think about it; by the time some men start losing their hair now, they would have already lived a full life several thousand years ago (when the median lifespan was around age 30). The Japanese, whom I will return to later in this book, were forced to wear their hair in certain styles during historical periods to match given social ranks, and this largely accounts for the wild and novel hairstyles they pride themselves upon today. In short, people are living longer, and it’s now possible to be middle-aged and even well into one’s golden years, with a full head of hair. It merely takes following the steps outlined in this book, and patience.

This having been said, it is important to understand that there are many factors in play when it comes to treating and understanding hair loss. The one I want to focus on before beginning our survey of reasons for hair loss is the process by which medical treatments become allowable to the mainstream public. In the United States, Congress has abdicated the responsibility for medical and drug testing and allowance to the FDA, the Food and Drug Administration.

At any given time, there is an astounding number of chemical compounds in existence, many being studied and/or tested in closed studies, which may yield incredible benefits and therapeutic values for given health problems. The problem, however, is that in order for these compounds to ever reach your hands as a commercial product (whether prescription or over-the-counter), the drug must undergo many, many studies and trials, and then must undergo more trials, and even then, a highly complex playing field must be navigated before a drug can reach the market. According to a recent Forbes article3, a single clinical trial can cost $100 million at the high end, and the combined cost of manufacturing and clinical testing for some drugs has added up to $1 billion dollars. Furthermore, fewer than 1 in 10 medicines that start being tested in human clinical trials succeed in making it to the market. But perhaps most importantly, in the United States, it takes an average of 12 years for an experimental drug to travel from the laboratory to your medicine cabinet. And don’t even get me started on the USPTO and the US patent laws as they apply to new medicines; they are increasingly problematic and in serious need of an overhaul.

So what is my point here? My point is that, 1) the state of what is available in the market is never in sync with what we actually know in the science/research world, and 2) if you’ve heard of

2 Muscarella, F. & Cunningham, M.R. (1996). "The evolutionary significance and social perception of male pattern baldness and facial hair.". Ethology and Sociobiology 17 (2): 99–117. doi:10.1016/0162-3095(95)00130-1

3 http://www.forbes.com/sites/matthewherper/2012/02/10/the-truly-staggering-cost-of-inventing-new-drugs/, retrieved 2-28-13

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some hot new miracle drug that’s been discovered, don’t hold your breath. The best thing that can happen is that it makes it to the market in 10 years instead of 12, and that’s if the company holding the patent decides its worth pursuing, and if it achieves FDA approval. Do you really want the fate of your hair left in the hands of this industrial-governmental complex?

Thankfully, in the United States (and to similar degrees, in the United Kingdom and other countries around the world), laws are in effect that allow supplements to be sold without undergoing the same process that pharmaceutical drugs go through4. However, this is a double-edged sword. Because these products are subject to next-to-no regulation, any claims their respective manufacturers make are not verified by any authority, legal or otherwise. Basically, anyone can say just about anything about a supplement and sell it to anyone willing to believe the claims. As a result, it’s safe to say that there is a tremendous amount of junk products in the supplements world, and that’s true of hair growth/hair loss products, too.

“All Natural”

Let me get straight to the point: in the world of food, supplements, and hair products, “all natural” means nothing. It has no legal definition, nowhere in the US legal code, nor in the FDA. Anything can be called “all natural”; it has nothing to do with “organic” (which does require certification and analysis), or even quality, at all. It is purely a marketing term. So ignore it whenever you see it.

Another problem with the hands-off nature of supplements, perhaps the one most important to take away from this book, is that while a bottle may indeed contain what it claims to contain (e.g., a certain herb or chemical compound), unless the bottle states that the thing in question (typically an extract) is standardized, there is no way to know the strength or potency of what you are getting. This can be dangerous in the case of herbal supplements, for example, that affect blood pressure, or are used in the treatment of cancer or other terminal diseases. Without standardizing an extract, the actual available amount of the usable form of the supplement could be zero, or it could be extremely high, and almost certainly, it will vary from bottle to bottle, and even from pill-to-pill. This is not an effective way to treat ailments.

4 "US Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994". Fda.gov. 2008-10-15. Retrieved 2012-12-05.

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Checking for Standardization in Supplements

To make sure a standard is standardized, first check the label. In fact, always check the label of anything you consume; it’s just a smart practice. Look beside the ingredients (especially those labeled “extract”), and if you see something like “standardized for 5%”, perhaps with another word after it, this is a good sign. The aforementioned caveats apply; though–it’s still a claim that’s unverified. To follow up, a really great product will not only be standardized, but will have a seal of approval from an independent verification authority, meaning another company has tested and verified the product(s) to meet the claims made as to standardization.

Before we leave the topic of supplements and hair products in general, I will mention that the FDA has followed up in recent years by implementing a good manufacturing practices (GMP) policy which assures better labeling, and the Dietary Supplement and Nonprescription Drug Consumer Protection Act, which requires manufacturers to submit to the FDA reports of serious adverse events involving their products. However, based on audits completed by the FDAs compliance division in 2011 and 2012, it was estimated that nearly 70% of dietary supplement manufacturers are currently not compliant with GMP. Suffice it to say, use caution when purchasing supplements, and that very much includes any and all products that claim to regrow your hair which are not pharmaceutical drugs subject to the FDA testing process. We will discuss in detail which products do and don’t work later in this book, but I recommend that for now, you drop your latest miracle hair-grow product of the month and continue reading.

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Before you go any farther, there are a few things worth mentioning right now. Some activities, products, etc., are so bad for your hair, that they should be stopped immediately.

Inflammation is The Enemy

As a general matter, inflammation in the body is a bad thing. A very bad thing. It’s caused by injuries and physical activity that is high-impact (hard on the joints and connective tissues), but it’s also caused internally by eating the wrong foods, by certain nutritional deficiencies, and by stress, among other things. There’s often a golden rule in many areas of medicine: “If you kill the inflammation, you kill the problem.”

So, right now, if you are doing or using any of the following, STOP:

• Braiding, dreadlocks, and other styles that pull the hair – These styles put pressure right on the follicle, causing damage and inflammation (leading to traction alopecia). A sure fire way to damage your scalp and lose your hair. If you must pull your hair back in a pony tail for employment or other reasons, do so as loosely as possible.

• Ironing, straightening products, bleaching, other strong chemicals – while more damaging to the hair itself (causing it to appear thinner), some products, especially those applied directly to the scalp (for example, to straighten African-American hair) are highly damaging to the dermis (the skin) and should not be used.

• SDS, SLS, and SLES - Sodium dodecyl sulfate, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, and Sodium laureth sulfate, as well as some derivatives, are commonly found in cosmetic products and shampoos. Many people are sensitive to these products, and they have been shown to cause irritation of the skin. In addition, when found in leave-in products, they can possess an oily property, exacerbating seborrhoeic dermatitis and generally causing the hair to appear thinner. We will discuss which styling products and techniques should be used to maximize hair health and appearance later in this book. Tip: somewhat paradoxically, most commercial preparations of Minoxidil (brand name: Rogaine) contain SLS. As we will discuss later on, Minoxidil, despite its fact-spinning claims, is not among Hairsecrets’ recommended treatments for hair loss.

• Stress – while there is no quick fix for stress, I want to emphasize that numerous recent studies have shown that stress not only increases inflammation throughout the body, but the link between emotional/mental pain, and physical pain, is now stronger than ever. Simply put, studies show that if you take Tylenol shortly after someone says something that hurts your feelings, you will actually feel better. The body’s pain system is highly integrated. The more quickly you can remove stress from your life, the more quickly you can get at the underlying cause of inflammation and hair loss. I will reiterate now

Buyer: jos serrano ([email protected])Transaction ID: 4KT337664K6957533

what I said in the introduction: whether you fold your hair back to check your scalp every morning in the mirror, or sit in front of the computer for hours every night reading about hair loss on hair loss forums, now is the time to stop. Trichotillomania is an actual condition of hair loss caused by compulsive pulling and bending of the hairs. Sometimes the answers to complex problems are the most simple ones. Take your partner out on a nice date, go play with your children, or go practice your favorite hobby. “Hair time” should now be devoted to this book and its exercises and advice, as they are the most researched, most tested, most effective advice you will receive, and second-guessing yourself can only contribute to stress.

Buyer: jos serrano ([email protected])Transaction ID: 4KT337664K6957533


By now you’ve most certainly heard much about DHT. It is the most-mentioned, most-talked about, most-advertised buzzword in all of the hair loss world. It is an androgen, meaning it binds to androgen receptors in the body, and it causes the development of body hair, facial hair, deepened voice, and is a contributing factor to male pattern baldness and BPH (benign prostate hyperplasia). And while DHT may be all these things, it has proven time and time again to be far too complex to isolate and treat in a logical way that would stop hair loss and regrow hair. As all the medical literature on DHT prepends: “While the entire genetic process of male pattern baldness is not completely understood...” Case in point: 5α-reductase inhibitors such as Dutasteride and Finasteride (Propecia), along with a host of so-called “DHT Blocker” supplements, act to effectively inhibit the production of the enzyme that produces DHT. Yet, Propecia has shown only weak efficiency overall, on average. In a select few individuals, it has worked very well, yet in most people, it has worked poorly, working out to a below-average overall effectiveness. And, as will be discussed in detail later, these drugs have a host of side-effects, many of which have proven to be permanent, leading some countries to issue black-label warnings against their use, or even ban them outright.

So why then, if DHT is known to be responsible for causing baldness, does simply blocking it not cure baldness? Because chemistry is complex, and the human body is complex. And hair science is complex, too! And most importantly, everyone is different. We all have different genes. Our ancestors evolved in many different ways, in many different parts of the world, for many different reasons. What I’m getting at here, may call for an illustration. Have you ever noticed how some professional bodybuilders are bald, and others have full heads of hair? I’m talking about the guys who compete in Mr. Olympia. The reason I mention these guys specifically is that it’s no secret that they don’t get that big naturally; they use a massive cocktail regimen of muscle-growth-inducing drugs, not least of which is Testosterone and many potent

Buyer: jos serrano ([email protected])Transaction ID: 4KT337664K6957533

derivatives of it, which of course convert to DHT. Thus, they make a perfect example for why there is more to the overall equation of hair loss than just DHT. Without a doubt, their bodies are jacked full of hormones, converting this way and that, and plenty of DHT is in the mix; and it’s there for good reason. It’s actually required for them to grow larger, not to mention DHT interacts with estrogen in a way that keeps mens’ estrogen levels in check (were you aware of that)?

So one school of thought is that, through evolution and genetics, the hair follicles themselves actually possess different interactions and sensitivities to DHT and other chemicals. This is why some guys can have tons of DHT and have a full head of hair, and others can have only small amounts and still lose their hair. Furthermore, the full, complex, biochemical state our bodies are in at any given time, attempting to attain homeostasis, modulates and affects how, when, and where the follicles react to DHT and other chemicals in the body. And we haven’t even gotten to environmental factors yet; if you live in a big city with lots of pollution, consider how many thousands of other chemical reactions are occurring in your body at any given moment!

Another factor is the blood plasma level of DHT over time. As we will discuss in the Exercise section, not all exercise is created equal when it comes to hair loss. Certain things that we do (or don’t do) may create rises in DHT levels that last a very short time or a very long time. Furthermore, certain activities may also raise levels of other chemical compounds, such as SHBG (sex hormone-binding globulin), a chemical which protects against the effects of DHT, or 3AAG, a marker of DHT metabolism rate. As you can see, a discussion of DHT quickly becomes more complex than what the average site on the internet wants to sell you.

Regardless, DHT may be a problem, but it is not the be-all, end-all of hair loss, and the search for the holy grail, some novel way to “block DHT”, is not the answer, at least not in and of itself. Rather, we must first attack the fundamental, underlying problems that are causing the hair follicles to be responsive to DHT, treat those issues, and then treat a host of other issues that impact hair health which go far beyond DHT, all of which will be discussed in this book.

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Prostaglandins are lipid compounds derived enzymatically from fatty acids. They have a variety of biochemical and physiological effects in general, including hormonal effects. It was recently discovered that a particular prostaglandin, prostaglandin D(2) (PGD2) was highly elevated in the scalps of bald people5. Furthermore, during normal follicle cycling in mice, PGD2 levels increase immediately preceding the regression phase of the follicle, suggesting an inhibitory effect on hair growth. The study showed that PGD2 inhibited hair growth in explanted human hair follicles.

So you might be thinking, if we’ve isolated a new compound whose inhibition would be more effective in preventing hair loss than simply blocking DHT, isn’t it simply a matter of blocking the production of this compound? In fact, PGD2 inhibitors (or “blockers”) exist today. The problem is that they are formulated (and approved) for the treatment of allergic rhinitis, asthma, and other inflammatory disorders. Thus, the drugs are neither approved for, nor produced in a form applicable for, hair loss treatment. In other words, an asthma inhaler won’t help your hair; it’s not a topical treatment with a dermal delivery system. Even more unfortunate is that as of today, there are zero FDA clinical trials ongoing for PGD2 inhibitors as hair loss treatments. Thus, a pharmaceutical PGD2 hair loss product is at minimum, 10+ years away from the market; probably 15 years or more. However, there is hope!

Three readily available food products are available which have great influence on inhibition of prostaglandins. They are:

• Curcumin – an extract from Turmeric.

• Mangosteen – a fruit; it’s extract is sold as a dietary supplement.

• Pomegranate juice – fresh juice is ideal; but extract will work as well.

Continue reading; in the nutrition section, we will list the specific products we reviewed for standardization and explain how and why they work to inhibit PGD2 and promote hair growth!

5 Garza LA, Liu Y, Yang Z, Alagesan B, Lawson JA, Norberg SM, Loy DE, Zhao T, Blatt HB, Stanton DC, Carrasco L, Ahluwalia G, Fischer SM, FitzGerald GA, Cotsarelis G. “Prostaglandin D2 inhibits hair growth and is elevated in bald scalp of men with androgenetic alopecia.” Sci Transl Med. 2012 Mar 21;4(126):126ra34

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Androgenic alopecia, or male pattern baldness (MPB)/female pattern baldness (FPB) is responsible for hair loss in many people. While many websites define MPB as responsible for the “vast majority” of hair loss in men, recent research has indicated otherwise. Yes, when men lose their hair, it is most likely going to be in the male pattern, but the MPB definition and theory alone simply point to DHT, which was discussed in the previous section.


Senorrheic dermatitis, often responsible for dandruff, is actually a cause of baldness that is often overlooked and not often covered on hair loss sites. It causes reddening of the skin and flaking, and is caused by excessive sebum from the oil glands of the scalp. It is particularly common in people with oily skin or hair, acne, or psoriasis. If you think you may have an advanced case of seborrhoeic dermatitis, see your dermatologist, as the most effective treatment is usually a cocktail of prescription treatments that are beyond the scope of this book. However, it is worth nothing that if this condition is present, it is imperative that you get it cleared up first and foremost, so that your skin can heal. It is for this very reason that topical treatments for hair regrowth cannot reach the follicle. Once you have knocked out seborrhoeic dermatitis, your scalp will become responsive to hair regrowth treatments in general, so this is a threshold issue.

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Other factors may contribute to hair loss, and we will explore them here. In some cases (e.g., antidepressants), the alternatives may be complex, so we will make recommendations to reach a happy medium. However, before changing any prescription regimen, always consult your physician first.

• Pollution – Research has shown that living in polluted areas increases ones risk of going bald6. Contributing factors include increased pollution itself, as well as increased stress associated with living in areas that contain more pollution (that is, polluted areas tend to be more populated, and living in more highly populated areas correlates with higher stress in general). In the Stress, Nutrition, and Hair Secrets Plan sections, we will address ways to combat this issue.

• Menopause – hormonal changes during menopause may cause increase hair loss or hair thinning, though this does not happen to all women as a rule.

• Low testosterone / high testosterone - referring again to the DHT section, while testosterone fluctuates greatly over a single day in men, factors that affect testosterone, bringing it far outside of normal baseline levels over a prolonged period of time (e.g., steroid usage, or a medical issue causing a deficiency), may cause hair loss as an issue independent of DHT.

• Pregnancy – hair loss is common after pregnancy, due to hormonal changes. Usually, the hair will grow back, but not in all cases. The techniques outlined in this book will encourage regrowth.

• Smoking – smoking causes a restriction in blood vessels throughout the body, including at the surface of the skin. Over time, this chokes off blood flow to the hair follicle. However, this damage can be undone. The first and most important step is to quit smoking. Science has shown that tobacco smoke itself, independent of the compound nicotine, is far more harmful than nicotine alone, in its standalone form. So the first thing to do is to quit smoking. Use aids like nicotine gum if you have to, but don’t become addicted; use a plan. Nicotine itself is much safer, but it still causes some constriction and modulates the neurotransmitter dopamine; it is best in the long run to be free of this drug. Once one has quit smoking, the constant damage to the blood vessels will cease, and through proper nutrition, exercise, and the hair regrowth plan outlined in this book, hair regrowth can be achieved. Just keep in mind that if you continue to smoke, you are severely limiting your

6 http://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/science-news/3341490/Pollution-sends-men-bald.html

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chances at hair regrowth, as you are preventing blood flow to the follicle on a daily (even hourly) basis.

• Iron deficiency – while rare, some individuals may be deficient in iron, and this can cause hair loss. To increase levels of iron, eat dark green leafy vegetables like baby leaf spinach and kale. Manganese and copper are two other minerals whose deficiency may cause hair loss, though their absence in the western diet is extremely rare, and it is not recommended that you supplement these minerals without first having a blood screen test, as overconsumption of these minerals can be toxic, and cause even more hair loss.

• Hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism – in individuals with these conditions, hair loss is not uncommon. However, it is not recommended to self-assess these conditions, nor to treat them using over-the-counter supplements (these are not sufficiently standardized to treat such a condition). If you are concerned about these conditions, consult your physician for a blood test, and if there is a problem, prescription thyroid medicine will be prescribed.

• Low folate levels – an increasingly common condition that may be responsible for hair loss as well as mood issues (depression, anxiety, etc) is low folate levels. Folate is a precursor to neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine, among others. This too requires a blood test, and is easy to overlook, so have your doctor double check the results for trace indicators. If a low level is found, a new class of prescription is available known as a medical food. While prescription only, L-methylfolate offers a relatively inexpensive way to effectively combat low folate levels and is generally safe, as any excess is simply excreted in the urine.

• Masturbation – there is some scientific evidence to suggest that hormonal changes occur during masturbation that are actually different than those that occur during “real” sexual activity or abstinence. Moreover, it has been shown in the world of prostate health that masturbation does not cure prostate woes as sexual activity with a partner does. Science doesn’t understand why, but the activity of DHT and other hormones is different, possibly over time. Since hair health and prostate health are generally linked to the same set of hormones, it is generally recommended to either abstain from masturbation, or engage in sexual activity with a long-term partner, but to avoid prolonged masturbation, as this may, in the long run, be bad for both the prostate and hair loss.

• Sodium lauryl sulfate – Sodium lauryl sulfate, also called SLS, is a chemical called a surfactant, or more commonly, a detergent. In addition, SLS has emulsifying properties that allow it to bind with dirt and oil in your hair and foaming properties that create lather. Shampoo manufacturers commonly use SLS as the detergent ingredient in shampoo because it is inexpensive, lathers well, and with added salt can become thick.

Improper use of shampoos containing SLS can lead to hair loss, according to the National Toxic Encephalopathy Foundation. According to the NTEF, hair loss can be the result of poor rinsing that leaves SLS deposits in your hair follicles. These deposits penetrate your scalp and corrode the hair follicle, causing hair loss. Studies report that SLS also affects the

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rate of new hair growth, which occurs at a rate about eight times slower than normal. In addition, Personal Health Facts reports that NaCL, the salt used as a thickening agent is drying to your hair and, by increasing the potential for breakage, also contributes to hair loss.

• Beta blockers – prescription beta blockers are used for various reasons, generally related to blood pressure and heart-related issues. They are known to cause hair loss as a side effect. If stopping their use is not possible, consult your physician about lowering your dose, perhaps along with increased exercise and improved diet.

• Opiates – pain medicines, also known as opiates, may cause hair loss. Opiates have a well-known side effect of greatly altering systemic hormones in the body7. In addition to a chain of events that results in raised estrogen levels and decreased testosterone, growth hormones, cortisol, and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) are reduced. The end result is often fatigue, reduced sex drive, hair loss, and other unwanted side effects. This is one case where an outside factor is lowering testosterone over prolonged time, causing hair loss, and testosterone supplementation may actually be a necessity. Consult your physician, consider reducing opiate intake, and work with your physician to get hormone levels in check. Having this fundamental issue out of the way will make hair regrowth strategies much more effective.

• Antidepressants – a double-edged sword. One of the biggest causes of hair loss is stress. Antidepressants may help with stress, though they often serve more as a band-aid than a true antidote for the underlying problem. Some, but not all, antidepressants, may also cause hair loss. This becomes a complex issue, because it is a balancing act between managing stress and managing prescription(s) that may cause hair loss. First, check to see whether hair loss is even a reported possible symptom of your antidepressant. Next, check with your doctor to see if their is a substitute antidepressant that is of the same class but without this side effect. Finally, seek therapy and follow the advice in the Stress section of this book to deal with the underlying causes of stress.

• Other Drugs – acne medications containing vitamin A (retinoids), antibiotics and antifungal drugs, birth control pills, anticlotting drugs, cholesterol-lowering drugs, drugs that suppress the immune system, drugs that treat breast cancer, epilepsy drugs (anticonvulsants), high blood pressure drugs, mood stabilizers, NSAIDs, Parkinson’s Disease drugs, chemotherapy drugs, and weight loss drugs can all cause hair loss.

• Overcombing – can you believe it? Many of our mothers told us when we were young, “brush your hair often every day, it stimulates the scalp and makes your hair grow!”. In reality, this couldn’t be farther from the truth. Overcombing pulls at the roots and can even scar the scalp itself. Go easy on the combing, and definitely don’t use a comb on the scalp directly; use it for styling only, if you must. We will talk about the right way to stimulate the scalp later in this book.

7 http://www.jaoa.org/content/109/1/20.long

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• Exercise – lastly but not least, exercise can actually cause hair loss. We will explore this fully in the exercise section. Suffice it to say, there is a right way and a wrong way to exercise when it comes to hair loss; the right way minimizes DHT levels over time and increases blood flow to the scalp. Continue on for the answers.

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Chapter 2

Dealing With StressSTRESS IS THE ENEMY

Make no mistake about it, stress is a fundamental, root cause of hair loss8. Not only does stress cause inflammation, a primary cause of hair loss, but it is, in and of itself, a direct cause of hair loss. Keep in mind, though, that we are talking about chronic stress. Having a stressful day at the office doesn’t mean you are going to go bald. That’s mythical. What we are talking about is leading a stress-filled life, where elevated stress hormones are constantly out-of-whack, leading to constant inflammation, hormonal imbalance, and even DNA damage.

A normal human head contains about 120,000-150,000 strands of hair. Usually, at any given time, about 90% of those hairs are in a growing phase. They grow at about 1/2 inch per month. This phase lasts for 2-3 years. After that point, a hair will go into a resting stage, after which it will “rest” for 3-4 months before falling out and being replaced by a new one. As you’ve probably read, people normally shed about 100 hairs per day.

8 http://consults.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/08/26/can-stress-cause-the-hair-loss-of-alopecia/

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When stress wreaks havoc on the body, this cycle can become disrupted, causing a disproportionate number of hairs to go into the resting phase at the same time. Then 3-4 months later, sometimes longer, all those resting hairs are shed. This is when many of us experience quite a bit of shock.


Some things that can kick the body into stress mode include:

• A strict or “crash” diet

• lower estrogen levels after childbirth

• severe illness

• high fever

• major surgery

• infections

The Physiological and emotional connection is what we want to focus on here, though. It is important to identify sources of chronic stress in your life, and deal with those sources immediately. Reasons for chronic stress vary from person to person; a stressful career, an ongoing divorce, a bad relationship with one’s parents, or even simply learned helplessness. Fear not, though, there is always hope.


The single most effective treatment for all ailments known to mankind is to learn to train the mind to focus on the present moment. While this may sound like “hippie talk” or “eastern philosophy” to you, modern western neuroscience has, in recent decades, fully embraced eastern mind practices for their solid, absolute, scientifically proven abilities to cure most psychiatric and psychological ailments. To this end, I highly recommend the book, The Mindful Way Through Depression: Freeing Yourself From Chronic Unhappiness. In the book, four highly respected American doctors with specializations in neuroscience combine western science with eastern medicine and meditational science. This easy-to-read book will help you break free of the cognitive loops we all find ourselves stuck in, and move forward, while greatly reducing stress and improving overall health of both your mind and your body.

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Another way to “reprogram” bad thoughts and rewrite old habits is through hypnosis. No, not the kind of magical hypnosis you’ve seen in movies; this is something much more tame. Andrew Johnson is a Relaxation Coach, Clinical Hypnotherapist, EFT therapist and Reiki Teacher, with over 15 years of experience. He has helped many thousands of clients quit smoking, overcome anxiety, break bad eating habits, and more. He has partnered with an iPhone app company, and his Relaxation Apps are now available for download in the iTunes store. Use these apps during the day or at night just before falling asleep (they feature sleep timers and can be configured to fade in or out according to the time of day they are being used). Over time, the mantras and good thoughts repeated to your conscious mind will seep into your subconscious mind, and before you know it, you will “know” the thoughts in the lessons to be true during daily life.


Memories are very powerful. In a recent Wired article9, the subject of just how powerful stored and repressed memories are was explored. Post traumatic stress disorder, in a sense, the reliving of painful memories over and over, could be “cured” if only we could take a pill and forget the memories we don’t want anymore. I mention memories because as humans we tend to spend a lot of time living in the past. That is why the previously mentioned solutions are so important; living in the past, and replaying painful memories over and over, causes immunoresponse and other internal physical processes that are identical to those we experienced during the actual event. Thus, every time we relive painful memories, we are damaging our bodies and minds. Always learn from your mistakes, but learn to live in the present and move forward. Do not let the past control you, and do not let the past ruin your health, nor your hair.


There is nothing wrong with you. No, really, there is nothing wrong with you. This is perhaps the greatest environmental programming issue of the western world, and it is greatly overlooked. At some point in our lives, many of us are told, in some form of fashion, about what is “wrong” with us. And those who tell us, were told by those who came before them. We will experience things outside of our control that cause us to believe something we did is our fault, when it wasn’t, or that we were sick, when we weren’t, or that we failed, when we didn’t. I want you to remember those words: there is nothing wrong with you; it was all just an illusion, a

9 http://www.wired.com/magazine/2012/02/ff_forgettingpill/all/

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misunderstanding. This topic and much other helpful advice is covered in the best-selling book, “I Could Do Anything If I Only Knew What It Was: How to Discover What You Really Want and How to Get It”, by Barbara Sher. I highly recommend this book to anyone with even the slightest doubt about where their life is headed or how their life is turning out. It is never too late to achieve your wildest dreams, and even make a career of them. This book is packed full of more wisdom than all the other career and self-help oriented books I have read combined, and I have read quite a few. Another source for good daily “simple wisdom for complex lives” is Tiny Buddha. It features quick, easy-to-read articles that are potently full of helpful wisdom.

And remember: don’t pick at it! As I said earlier in this book, leave your hair alone. We often don’t realize that we have become so obsessive over our hair loss that we are actually pulling our hair out, and/or stressing so much about hair loss itself that it is causing hair loss. A good analogy is weighing on a scale too often–a person can gain or lose up to 5-10lbs of water weight in a day, so weighing on a scale daily is not a good indicator of weight loss progress. Rather, one should weigh weekly. Similarly, dentists often have patients with thinning gums who can’t figure out why their gums are receding. It turns out that many of us, as we age, cease to realize the force and pressure with which we take care of our hygiene. In the case of the receding gumlines, patients were actually brushing their teeth too hard. They just didn’t realize it, because they’d been doing it for so long that they had become desensitized. While there is no pressure-sensing comb, there is a special Oral-B toothbrush that will detect if you are using too much pressure, and this can be a good feedback mechanism to remind you to also check the force you’re using on your hair, daily. You’ve had your hair a long time. It’s easy to become desensitized. Be gentle with your hair. The next time you are in the shower, pay close attention to how you wash and rinse your hair; don’t scrub hard; do so gently. The same goes for styling; don’t pull at the roots; be gentle with your hair. Treat it well, and it will do the same to you.

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Chapter 3

NutritionCover Your Bases


First, let me cut to a threshold issue. If you are engaging in fad diets, also known as crash diets, STOP NOW. Any extreme change to your diet can cause hair loss. The main components of this issue are metabolic disfunction, and reduced bioavailability of vitamins and minerals. As an example, while a low-carb, high-fat diet may induce rapid weight loss, it also has the side effect of confusing the body’s metabolism, and inhibiting the body’s absorption of essential vitamins and minerals required for hair growth. Even Dr. Atkins’s book on the Atkins diet covers this issue in depth, and recommends upping vitamin intake throughout the diet.

The best approach, if you must “diet”, is to look at things a different way. First, develop a plan to lose weight gradually (no more than 2 pounds per week, maximum). Then, when at your ideal BMI (body mass index), simply eat right. Stop looking at eating as “dieting”, and view it as a lifestyle. Being healthy is a lifestyle, and eating healthy is a lifestyle as well. Consuming fast food all day long may not be an atomic bomb relative to hair loss, but it definitely isn’t going to help. Do all things in moderation when it comes to health changes, and science shows that these changes will be more permanent (e.g., you won’t gain the weight back within six months as with most extreme diets), and more healthful.


The following is a list of foods that are known to be synergistically both anti-inflammatory and pro-hair health:

• Curcumin – As mentioned earlier in the discussion of PGD2 inhibitors, curcumin is derived from turmeric and works to block PGD2, a major contributor to hair loss. Its efficacy appears to be related to induction of glutathione S-transferase enzymes, inhibition of prostaglandin E(2) (PGE(2)) production, or suppression of oxidative DNA adduct (M(1)G) formation.

• Mangosteen – A thai medicinal plant that inhibits PGD2. It has been used as a Thai indigenous medicine for many years. Results suggest that the 40% ethanol extract of

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mangosteen has potent inhibitory activities of both histamine release and prostaglandin E2 synthesis.

• Pomegranate Juice – another inhibitor of PGD2, studied have shown pomegranate seed oil and fermented juice polyphenols to retard oxidation and prostaglandin synthesis, to inhibit breast cancer cell proliferation and invasion, and to promote breast cancer cell apoptosis.

• Salmon – rich in protein, high in vitamin D, and high in omega-3 fatty acids, this is a sure winner. The hair shaft is made up of approximately 3% of these fatty acids. Tip: you must check the package to ensure you are buying wild caught Salmon, usually Alaskan salmon, or at least Pacific Salmon. Atlantic Salmon is an entirely different breed, and under US law, is by definition, farm-raised salmon. Farm-raised salmon are raised in terrible conditions, and are nearly completely devoid of the rich healthy fatty acids found in Pacific Salmon; not to mention they often contain high levels of toxins. This is why Atlantic Salmon is so much cheaper and is what you find pawned off as unspecified “salmon” on restaurant menus, including sushi restaurants.

• Salmon alternatives – if salmon isn’t your thing, you can also get your essential fatty acids from fish like herring, sardines, trout, and mackerel, as well as avocado, and pumpkin seeds.

• Walnuts – Walnuts are the only type of nut to have a significant amount of omega-3 fatty acids, and are also rich in biotin and vitamin E, helping your hair and protecting against DNA damage. Walnuts also have copper, which can help with any mineral deficiency in that area.

• Oysters – Oysters are rich in zinc, another mineral whose deficiency can lead to hair loss. They’re also known as an aphrodisiac, as an added bonus.

• Sweet potatoes – these are a great source of beta carotene, which the body converts into Vitamin A. It also helps protect and produce the good oils that sustain the scalp; and low vitamin A can contribute to dandruff and inflammation of the scalp. Carrots, cantaloupe, mangoes, pumpkin, and apricots are also good sources of beta carotene.

• Eggs – not only a great source of protein, they are loaded with zinc, selenium, sulfur, and iron. Iron helps carry oxygen to hair follicles. Tip: there is some conjecture about eggs binding to biotin, which could lead to deficiency. If in doubt, moderate egg intake, and make sure to not eat eggs that are severely undercooked (as properly cooked whites should not exhibit this behavior).

• Spinich – iron, beta carotene, folate, and vitamin C keep hair follicles healthy and scalp oils circulating. Broccoli, kale, and swiss chard are also great options.

• Lentils – the legumes are full of protein, iron, zinc, and biotin; all great for your hair. Toss them in a salad; they’re great cold or in soups.

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• Greek Yogurt – high in protein, vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid), and vitamin D, which is linked to hair health. Look for real greek yogurt, though. Brands like Fage are real; mainstream brads like Yoplait skipped out on purchasing the expensive machines and processes required to make real greek yogurt, and manufacture an imitation product instead10.

• Blueberries – super fruits contain vitamin C and it’s hard to beat. Vitamin C is critical for circulation to the scalp and supports blood vessels, even repairing damage done to them by smoking and poor diet habits. Alternatives include: kiwis, tomatoes, and strawberries.

• Poultry – Yeap, you guessed it. Lean protein is great; low in fat, high in zinc, iron, and B vitamins; poultry is the way to go if you’re going to eat meat.

• Caffeine – A tricky one. Systemically (that is, when you drink it): not so good. Topically? Great! We will return to this one later. Suffice it to say, consider reducing your coffee intake as much as possible, but caffeine extract on the scalp itself is an excellent way to regrow hair. We will discuss this in more depth in the Hairsecrets plan Section. Consider replacing your morning coffee with:

• Cocoa – yes, chocolate. Not candy, mind you. We’re talking bitter, dark, real, unsweetened, unprocessed cocoa. You want to buy cocoa that is NOT alkali or “Dutch” processed. The alkali processing removes most of the powerful antioxidants found in cocoa. Hershey’s cocoa is a great place to start. Mix heaping tablespoons with hot milk and some cinnamon in the morning. You’ll not only feel awake and alert and clear-minded, but without jitters or anxiety. Cocoa contains massive amounts of precursors to the “happy” neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine, meaning that in addition to the anti-aging antioxidant properties, it actually helps strengthen the foundation for reducing stress. All in all, a mighty powerful punch when it comes to hair regrowth nutrition.

• Soy – Writing in the journal Biology of Reproduction, researchers found that Japanese men, who eat more soy, rarely have prostate cancer. They said a molecule found in soy could be used as a treatment for cancer and hair loss. The team found that the molecule, an isoflavone called equol, "handcuffs" the male hormone DHT. Equol is a metabolic product of the flavonoid daidzein11.

• Omega Fatty Acids – though we’ve covered this before, this particular compound deserves special attention. Note that it is Omega-3 fatty acids that we want; generally omega-6 and 9 are not what we want. In fact, a diet high in omega-6 and low in omega-3 is associated with increasing levels of cytokines–proteins released from cells that trigger

10 http://www.npr.org/blogs/thesalt/2012/07/19/156997600/high-tech-shortcut-to-greek-yogurt-leaves-purists-fuming

11 Lund, TD; Munson, DJ, Haldy, ME, Setchell, KD, Lephart, ED, Handa, RJ (Apr 2004). "Equol is a novel anti-androgen that inhibits prostate growth and hormone feedback.". Biology of Reproduction 70 (4): 1188–95. PMID 14681200

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inflammation, according to a study published in Psychosomatic Medicine. Furthermore, we can further isolate Omega-3s down into EPA and DHA. High EPA Omega-3, while slightly more difficult to find, is far more effective at treating inflammation, stress, mood, and health problems in general. We recommend the Nordic Naturals EPA Xtra brand.

• The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly – avoid trans-fats at all costs. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables; avoid refined foods and processed foods. Try to limit carbohydrates containing gluten to a minimum. Sugar itself is inflammatory. Spices are good, so spice it up; ginger, curry, salsa, and other spices can have an anti-inflammatory affect. When in doubt, follow the Mediterranean Diet, as well as the Japanese diet (pre-fast food).

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Chapter 4

Products ReviewSUPPLEMENTS

Let’s take a look at supplements on the market today that have an impact on hair loss, inflammation, stress, and overall well being.

• Saw Palmetto Extract – a popularly mentioned herbal remedy when it comes to both hair loss, prostate problems, and all things DHT, Saw Palmetto has long been rumored to “block” DHT, and it has logically been assumed that this would stop baldness and regrow hair. The exact mechanisms by which it was theorized this would occur was inhibition of 5-alpha reductase, and/or interference with DHT receptor binding to the androgen receptor, as well as acting as a phytoestrogen (not to be confused with estrogen, the female sex hormone, as it often is). Unfortunately, trial after trial, including those conducted by the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, found the extract to be no more effective than placebo12. However, like Caffeine, topical Saw Palmetto has been shown in limited studies to have some DHT inhibitory effect, though very few products effectively provide a stable compounded form of Saw Palmetto Extract in a hair/scalp product. We will reveal these products shortly. Note: as mentioned earlier in the book, this is one of those supplements where standardization becomes extremely important.

• Stinging Nettle – Nettle root extract has been extensively studied in human trials as a treatment for symptoms of BPH, and did show improvement of symptoms compared to placebo. While we recommend small amounts as a daily augmentation to a vitamin regimen, due to its general effectiveness in reducing inflammation and increasing free testosterone, intake of larger amounts are not likely to cause significant hair regrowth. Some experimentation has been done with rubbing the oil into the scalp prior to sleep, but this takes a long period of time to see results, and the solutions outlined in this guide are overall superior to this approach.

• Pygeum Africanum – this herb, while having no human clinical trials to date, has shown positive results in vitro studies and in mouse models of BPH and prostate cancer, thus there may be a link between it and DHT inhibition. However, it is too early to say whether it truly holds any promise as beneficial towards hair loss treatment.

12 Tacklind, J; MacDonald, R; Rutks, I; Wilt, TJ (2009). Tacklind, James. ed. "Serenoa repens for benign prostatic hyperplasia". Cochrane database of systematic reviews (Online) (2): CD001423. doi:10.1002/14651858.CD001423.pub2. PMC 3090655. PMID 19370565.

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Lucid Visiorati
Sticky Note


Always consult your physician before beginning, changing, or ceasing prescription medications.

• Finasteride – also known as Proscar and Propecia, are synthetic drugs approved by the FDA for treatment of BPH and male pattern baldness. It functions by inhibiting 5α-reductase, an enzyme responsible for converting testosterone to DHT. In short, while this drug is effective via its specific route of action, as discussed in the earlier section on DHT, DHT-blocking approaches simply are not a one-size-fits-all approach. While Finasteride may be a worthwhile augmentation in your hair regrowth therapy, it is worth noting that serious side effects may commonly occur, including: impotence, abnormal ejaculation, decreased ejaculatory volume, abnormal sexual function, gynecomastia (breast growth), erectile dysfunction, ejaculation disorder, and testicular pain. Depression was later added as a possible side effect as well. Later, the FDA added a warning concerning an increased risk of high-grade prostate cancer. Perhaps most importantly, in December, 2008, the Swedish Medical Products Agency concluded a safety investigation of Finasteride and advised that Finasteride may cause irreversible sexual dysfunction. In April 2012, the FDA updated warnings to include similar language. Thus, we consider this a relatively high-risk drug considering the potential benefits, which seem to be below average for many.

• Dutasteride – Similar to Finasteride, but working on two enzyme inhibitors rather than one, the side effect profile of this drug is similar, as are its beneficial effects.

• Alfatradiol – in some ways a topical version of the preceding two drugs, alfatradiol was found in a study to be overall less effective than minoxidil.

• Minoxidil – also known as Rogaine. A popular drug that has been around for quite some time. Many formulations contain SLS, a major downside. Despite bold claims from the manufacturer, what they don’t tell you (at least not outside the fine print) is that minoxidil is a rather frustrating drug in its ability to work relative to time and overall impact on hair appearance. Namely, for the first 3-6 months of daily use, the user will actually experience accelerated hair shedding (hair loss), causing hair to appear even thinner/balder. Then, over the next 6-12 months, new hair may begin to grow in. Ultimately, however, the benefits of minoxidil are not realized until a full year after beginning its use, and this is contingent upon using it twice daily without missing doses.

• Ketoconozole – officially an antifungal drug, it is used off-label to promote hair growth, and has been shown to be at least as effective as minoxidil, but without the shedding effects, and with a much quicker onset of positive effects. A winner all around, so far.

• Spironolactone – a powerful anti-androgenic drug capable of chemical castration, often used as a component of hormone replacement therapy in male-to-female transexuals

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undergoing sex reassignment therapy, usually in augmentation of an estrogen. While capable of blocking DHT effects, unless you have other goals in mind, this probably isn’t an option for you.


• Caffeine – as mentioned earlier, while systemic (ingested) caffeine may be problematic for stress levels and generally unhelpful for hair loss, topical caffeine is shown to be extremely effective in helping to cure hair loss. Shampoos and conditioners containing pure forms of caffeine are worthwhile and can be massaged directly into the scalp, but watch for problem ingredients like SLS and alcohol.

• Emu Oil – not only high in omega fatty acids, emu oil is often a very non-toxic, pure oil that has oleic acid and linoleic acid (both good for the skin), as well as topical anti-inflammatory properties. It also may promote wound healing13. Note: standardization is important.

• L-Carnitine – a nonessential amino acid, Carnitine is a quaternary ammonium compound biosynthesized from the amino acids lysine and methionine. It exerts a substantial antioxidant action, and provides a protective effect against lipid peroxidation of phospholipid membranes and against oxidative stress induced at the myocardial and endothelial cell level14.   Dr. Thomas Whitfield, of Oxford University and Oxford BioLabs found that “L-carnitine stimulates energy production and cardiolipin synthesis within the cell membranes of hair follicles. It transports nutrients to dysfunctional potassium channels and helps to restore functionality.” Also, in a recent experiment with balding human hair at the University of Lubeck in Germany, Carnitine was shown to promote hair growth, stimulate hair shaft elongation and reduce hair cell death.

• Pumpkin Seed Oil – The phytosterol beta-sitosterol is found in significant concentrations in pumpkin seed oil and helps block the damaging effects of DHT by inhibiting its conversion from testosterone. Pumpkin seed oil also contains the compound delta-7-sterine that specifically competes with DHT in the prostate and seems to help prevent prostate cell multiplication. Alongside these two DHT blockers, pumpkin seed oil contains high levels of antioxidant carotenoids, omega-6 and omega 9 fatty acids and zinc, all of which may help reduce a man’s risk of developing BPH. The same beta-sitosterol, delta-7-sterine (and

13 Yoganathan S, Nicolosi R, Wilson T, et al. (June 2003). "Antagonism of croton oil inflammation by topical emu oil in CD-1 mice". Lipids 38 (6): 603–7. doi:10.1007/s11745-003-1104-y. PMID 12934669

14 Claudio Cavazza, Composition for the Prevention and Treatment of Osteoporosis due to Menopause Syndrome (2002), US Patent 6,335,038, column 3

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perhaps yet unidentified compounds) in pumpkin seed oil that reduces DHT’s affect on the prostate cells, may also help prevent it having a negative affect on our hair follicles.

• “DHT Blocking” Shampoos and other hair regrowth products on the internet – in our comprehensive review spanning over ten years, we have found the vast majority of internet hair regrowth products to be, simply put, junk. These range from shampoos claiming to block DHT and regrow hair, to mixtures of CLA, azeleic acid, valprozic acid, and other oils to be rubbed on the scalp. Most of these products are loosely based on laboratory studies rather than large-scale human trials, and even then, standardization and delivery methodology generally prohibit them from being useful. In the Hair Secrets Plan section, we will recommend the appropriate product “stack” for regrowing hair and cutting through the noise.


There’s a bit more to vitamins than the average bottle of store-brand vitamins will tell you.

• A/G Pro + – A/G Pro vitamins are a special vitamin known to increase hair size and strength, while also improving skin and nail quality. Dermatologists often recommend it as a first line of defense against thinning hair. They contain a special protein complex, as well as a special amino acid called L-Lysine Monohydrochloride. They can be purchased online from the manufacturer, here.

• Vitamin E – Not all Vitamin E is created equal! Do not forget this! 99% of store-bought multivitamins and even standalone vitamin E comes from a source known as tocopherol. After countless studies, all concluded that tocopherol vitamin E is scarcely bioavailable to the body, contains little nutritional benefit, and does not reverse the aging process through antioxidation properties, much less save your hair. However, more recent discoveries have led to tocotrienol-based vitamin E. Tocotrienols are isolated into alpha through gamma, with delta and gamma being the most potent, and gamma having signifantly more cardioprotective properties than delta. Thus, tocotrienol gamma is the vitamin E to get. It has also been shown to have powerful hair regrowth properties. Two varieties we recommend are Source Naturals and Healthy Origins. In addition, tocotrienols are shown to work synergistically with omega-3s and fish oils.

• Multivitamins – I’ll cut to the chase. There is only one multivitamin I have found that incorporates the aforementioned properties into one vitamin (e.g., tocotrienol-based vitamin E) is Source Naturals Life Force brand vitamins. They are the only vitamin I have ever tried, out of a great many, where I could truly feel the difference, and a great many health books and vitamin reviews have echoed this same sentiment.

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Chapter 5


Exercise can impact androgenic hair loss by affecting hormone levels, including DHT and estrogen. The quantification of androgen responses to exercise can be classified in four categories: short versus long term, and anaerobic versus aerobic. In cross-sectional analyses, aerobic exercisers have lower basal total and free testosterone compared to the sedentary151617. Anaerobic exercisers also have lower testosterone compared to the sedentary18. Testosterone acutely increases, briefly, when comparing aerobic, anaerobic, and mixed forms of exercise19. A study assessed men who were resistance trained, endurance trained, or sedentary in which they either rested, ran or did a resistance session. Androgens increased in response to exercise, particularly resistance, while cortisol only increased with resistance. DHEA increased with resistance exercise and remained elevated during recovery in resistance-trained subjects. After initial post-exercise increase, there was decline in free and total testosterone during resistance recovery, particularly in resistance-trained subjects. Endurance-trained subjects showed less

15 Arce, J. C.; De Souza, M. J.; Pescatello, L. S.; Luciano, A. A. (1993). "Subclinical alterations in hormone and semen profile in athletes". Fertility and sterility 59 (2): 398–404. PMID 8425638

16 Hackney, A. C.; Sinning, W. E.; Bruot, B. C. (1988). "Reproductive hormonal profiles of endurance-trained and untrained males". Medicine and science in sports and exercise 20 (1): 60–65. PMID 3343919

17 Wheeler, G. D.; Wall, S. R.; Belcastro, A. N.; Cumming, D. C. (1984). "Reduced serum testosterone and prolactin levels in male distance runners". JAMA : the journal of the American Medical Association 252 (4): 514–516. PMID 6429357

18 Arce, J. C.; De Souza, M. J.; Pescatello, L. S.; Luciano, A. A. (1993). "Subclinical alterations in hormone and semen profile in athletes". Fertility and sterility 59 (2): 398–404. PMID 8425638

19 Kraemer, W. J.; Häkkinen, K.; Newton, R. U.; McCormick, M.; Nindl, B. C.; Volek, J. S.; Gotshalk, L. A.; Fleck, S. J. et al. (1998). "Acute hormonal responses to heavy resistance exercise in younger and older men". European journal of applied physiology and occupational physiology 77 (3): 206–211. PMID 9535580

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change in hormone levels in response to exercise than resistance-trained subjects 20. So what does this all mean for you?


Anaerobic exercise is exercise intense enough to trigger anaerobic metabolism. In general, this means heavy weight lifting and other exercise designed to “get big” by exerting a lot of power in short bursts. It is used by athletes in non-endurance sports to promote strength, speed and power and by body builders to build muscle mass. Muscle energy systems trained using anaerobic exercise develop differently compared to aerobic exercise, leading to greater performance in short duration, high intensity activities, which last from mere seconds up to about 2 minutes.

The ratios of testosterone and cortisol (the stress hormone), as well as progesterone, androstendione, and DHEA, can both increase and decrease during resistance training, depending on the intensity of the exercise, and ones age. A study comparing young and old subjects showed acute increases in GH and testosterone for both, although the latter increased less in older men21. Studies have shown that extreme intensity of strength training may trigger the stress response, resulting in lower testosterone levels22. Furthermore, men aged 30 and older tended to show increased cortisol levels after strength training workouts. Another study of a larger group of weight trainers showed that while total testosterone stayed the same, there were decreases in free testosterone, progesterone, androstendione, DHEA, and increases in cortisol, suggesting increased androgenic activity correlated with training intensity23.

In short, if one is predisposed to hair loss and/or sensitivity to DHT, and has a genetic profile consistent with conversion of free testosterone to follicle-bindable DHT, high-intensity exercise may actually be detrimental to your hair. This is because the massive “spikes” in hormone

20 Tremblay, M. S.; Copeland, J. L.; Van Helder, W. (2004). "Effect of training status and exercise mode on endogenous steroid hormones in men". Journal of Applied Physiology 96 (2): 531–539. doi:10.1152/japplphysiol.00656.2003. PMID 14514704

21 Häkkinen, K.; Pakarinen, A.; Newton, R. U.; Kraemer, W. J. (1998). "Acute hormone responses to heavy resistance lower and upper extremity exercise in young versus old men". European journal of applied physiology and occupational physiology 77 (4): 312–319. PMID 9562359

22 Raastad, T.; Glomsheller, T.; BjøRo, T.; Hallén, J. (2001). "Changes in human skeletal muscle contractility and hormone status during 2 weeks of heavy strength training". European Journal of Applied Physiology 84 (1–2): 54–63. doi:10.1007/s004210000328

23 Alén, M.; Pakarinen, A.; Häkkinen, K.; Komi, P. V. (1988). "Responses of serum androgenic-anabolic and catabolic hormones to prolonged strength training". International journal of sports medicine 9 (3): 229–233. PMID 3410630

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changes, while potentially beneficial for muscle hypertrophy, are creating chemical cascades that amass loads of DHT into your system, which are picked up in the bloodstream and make their way into the hair follicle, causing it to shrink. Thus, while any form of exercise is recommended over a sedentary lifestyle, it is highly recommended that you adopt aerobic exercise as your primary routine, as it produces a hormone response much more in line with hair health than anaerobic exercise and weight lifting.


In long term aerobic exercisers, basal levels of testosterone and other hormones are either unchanged or decreased (particularly, cortisol is often decreased, which is a good thing)24. While some studies show hormones including DHT to temporarily increase in aerobic exercisers, unlike anaerobic exercisers, the hormone SHBG also increase in accordance with DHT. As mentioned previously, SHBG is protective against DHT as it binds to the androgen and prevents it from binding elsewhere in the body, such as hair follicle sites 25. Furthermore, hormone levels that increase from aerobic exercise are shown to decrease much more rapidly after exercise has ceased, returning to baseline only 45 minutes after rest26.

Thus, aerobic exercise is not only the superior form of exercise for your overall health, both in terms of cardiovascular health and sexual health, but it is the superior form of exercise for hair health and hormonal response as well. Aerobic exercise includes walking, running, and any other endurance exercise that is steady for a prolonged period of time. The recommended period of time, daily, for maintenance of heart health and weight maintenance is 30 minutes of aerobic exercise; 45-60 minutes is acceptable as well if you are trying to improve your health or get in better shape.

A final word on exercise: studies have shown that a mere single instance of exercise, even daily, is insufficient for health maintenance. This is due to the way the body builds resistance (or “tolerance”) to anticipated stressors. So, while 30-60 minutes on the treadmill per day is excellent, it won’t help if you sit motionless in a chair for the remaining 23 hours of the day.

24 Hackney, A. C.; Premo, M. C.; McMurray, R. G. (1995). "Influence of aerobic versus anaerobic exercise on the relationship between reproductive hormones in men". Journal of Sports Sciences 13 (4): 305–311. doi:10.1080/02640419508732244

25 Hawkins, V. N.; Foster-Schubert, K.; Chubak, J.; Sorensen, B.; Ulrich, C. M.; Stancyzk, F. Z.; Plymate, S.; Stanford, J. et al. (2008). "Effect of Exercise on Serum Sex Hormones in Men". Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 40 (2): 223–233. doi:10.1249/mss.0b013e31815bbba9. PMC 3040039. PMID 18202581

26 Lupo, C.; Baldi, L.; Bonifazi, M.; Lodi, L.; Martelli, G.; Viti, A.; Carli, G. (1985). "Androgen levels following a football match". European journal of applied physiology and occupational physiology 54 (5): 494–496. PMID 4085477

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Make an effort to change up your routine every week, even if in a small way; take the stairs at work, walk a different route one day, carry groceries instead of using a cart. These are small things but they are random to your body, and they will make a difference.

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Chapter 6

Putting It All Together: The


Now for the part you have been waiting for, the HairSecrets Program. This simple program will guide you through the daily routine required to stop hair loss now and begin regrowing your hair. Before you begin, there is just one thing I want you to remember: Rome was not built in a day. This will take time. Just as it takes time to gradually lose weight and keep it off, it will take time and diligence (and not picking at it) to regrow your hair. But if you stay calm, follow these instructions to the letter, and go about your daily life, focusing on eliminating stress and returning to your hobbies and other things in life that make you happy, you will wake up months from now and realize, “Hey... My hair looks amazing!!!”. That’s a promise.

The HairSecrets program consists of three things: 1) a proprietary “stack”, a set of nutrients and supplements designed to stabilize your DHT/hormonal system and encourage hair growth while reducing inflammation, and topical products designed to stimulate bloodflow to the follicles while removing toxins and DHT and encouraging hair growth through multiple biochemical pathways; 2) the HairSecrets Scalp Exercise: a secret scalp exercise that radically increases blood flow directly under the scalp, dramatically improving blood flow to the follicles, bringing fresh blood, oxygen, and nutrients to the hair, while rushing away DHT and other toxins, and 3) a daily routine that ties everything together.


Before starting the HairSecrets Program, be sure you’ve identified any and all threshold issues as outlined earlier in this book. While the program will help in any situation, serious diseases of the scalp and body may severely limit the hair’s ability to receive help. It’s imperative to knock out these issues first and foremost so you can fully focus on your hair’s recovery.

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The HairSecrets Stack is a daily stack of nutrients, extracts, phytonutrients, and other supplements designed to stabilize hormonal, DHT, inflammatory, and other hair-loss related issues systemically. This isn’t your average set of vitamins or hair loss pills; it’s a highly targeted system that’s proven to work, based on standardized, tested, proper, sources, and should be followed to the letter. Let’s get started:

Systemic Stack

The Systemic Stack is designed to get your body in check and create an ideal environment to stop hair loss, stop harmful DHT and hormonal responses, and encourage hair growth and overall hair health. In addition, it promotes decreased stress, a direct affecter of hair health.

• Broccoli Extract, Standardized – This miracle superfood is not only massively beneficial to your overall health and brain health, but incredible complex of phytonutrients acts to combat DHT, stabilize hormone problems in the body, and is a powerful, powerful antioxidant. Brands Tested: Source Naturals Broccoli Sprouts, Jarrow Formulas BroccoMax

• Apple Polyphenols Extract – Japanese researchers found that an extract of the skins of apples had a tremendous effect on regrowing hair; the study was deemed a complete success. This will also be recommended in the topical stack, but we recommend it daily as part of a systemic approach as well. Brands Tested: Life Extension Applewise Polyphenol Extract, Swanson Ultra Maximum Strength Apple Polyphenols

• Curcumin Extract – as discussed earlier, this potent PGD2 inhibitor will protect the scalp from PGD2 damage in lieu of a pharmaceutical solution which is at least 10+ years away. Brand tested: Jarrow Formulas Curcumin Extract, Life Extension Super Bio-Curcumin

• Mangosteen Extract – Another powerful PGD2 inhibitor. Brand tested: MangosteenRX Extract

• Pomegranate Juice – A powerful PGD2 inhibitor, anti-inflammatory agent, and potent antioxidant. Drinking fresh pomegranate juice daily is recommended, but if this is unavailable or you do not have time, the extract form will also work. Brand tested: Source Naturals Pomegranate Extract

• A/G Pro Hair Complex – Covered in the Products section. Available from the manufacturer, here.

• Tocotrienol Complex – A powerful, anti-aging, plant-based form of vitamin E shown to have a powerful effect in reversing hair loss due to its antioxidant and isoflavone/hormone-balancing properties. Brands Tested: Source Naturals and Healthy Origins.

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• Multivitamin – mentioned earlier in the Products section, this vitamin is the only one with highly absorbable vitamins from high quality vitamin sources, so any vitamin/mineral deficiencies will be covered. Source Naturals Life Force

• High-EPA Fish Oil – High EPA Omega-3 is the only Omega scientifically shown to reduce inflammation, reduce stress response, and increase hair, skin, and nail health. Avoid Omega-3 products with equal EPA:DHA ratios and Omega 6 and 9 products. Brand Tested: Nordic Naturals EPA Xtra.

• Cocoa – As mentioned earlier, the potent antioxidant properties of this compound are simply too powerful to miss. In addition, its precursors to the neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine greatly increase the brain’s ability to deal with stress, and elevate mood. Mix 2-3 heaping tablespoons with hot milk, add sugar/honey and cinnamon to taste. Consider replacing your morning coffee with this drink; you will feel better and look younger. Brand tested: Hershey’s cocoa.

• L-Arginine and L-Lysine – This powerful amino acid combination has been shown to combat high levels of mental stress and anxiety, and reduces cortisol. In addition, L-Arginine improves blood flow which can aid in delivery of nutrients to the scalp as well as removal of DHT and other toxins from the follicles. Brands Tested: NOW Foods L-Arginine, Source Naturals L-Lysine, Free Form

• Pumpkin Seed Oil – Don’t take this by itself, or rub it on your head :) Rather, replace your standard cooking oil with this. It’s excellent for hair health, and it tastes great, too.

Topical Stack

The topical stack is a set of two shampoos, one conditioner, and one leave-in “base” styling product that keep your scalp in maximum health and regrow hair quickly, eliminating inflammation almost instantly and keeping it away as time goes on.

• DS Laboratories Revita Hair Growth Stimulating Shampoo – Of all the hair growth shampoos on the market, Revita is the only one that has stood the test of time. It has by far the most complex, researched, well-sourced, successful ingredient profile. It does not contain SLS or derivatives, first of all. Revita includes the following top level ingredients at high concentrations chosen exclusively for their properties and obtained using a “chemical free” extraction process to preserve maximum efficacy of the final components: Caffeine, Copper Peptides, Spin Traps, Ketoconazole, Rooibos, MSM, Apple Polyphenol (procyanidin B2 and C1), Carnitine Tartrate, Ornitine, Taurine, Cysteine, Emu Oil, and Biotin. By combining an antioxidant effect, anti-DHT properties, powerful hydrating molecules, hair growth stimulants, and structural amino acids, Revita promotes a healthy scalp and hair growth like no other shampoo available. As you can see, many of the topical solutions we touched on earlier as being the right options are actually contained in Revita.

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• DS Laboratories Revita.cor High Performance Hair Growth Stimulating Conditioner – As an adjunct to the Revita Shampoo, the Revita.cor conditioner ovvers many of the same ingredients with a couple of differences. Firstly, it has less of a detergent effect, which is actually important, because despite Revita’s default instructions to double-shampoo daily, overshampooing can dry the scalp and damage the follicles. Thus, is it recommended to shampoo once (not twice) every two days, and on in-between days, use the conditioner. Furthermore, the conditioner contains a higher concentration of caffeine. This is important due to it’s great effects as a topical blood vessel stimulant. We will talk further about how to use the topical stack in the Daily Routine section.

• Nizoral Shampoo – Nizoral and its prescription counterpart are Ketoconazole shampoos. This is an important component of the stack, because Revita is actually lacking sufficient solvent potency of the Ketoconazole element; therefore, we recommend, when shampooing, mixing a 50/50 mix of Revita with Nizoral, and will explain further in the Daily Routine section.

• Min New York Styling Products – This incredibly novel line of styling products has a full stack of anti-DHT compounds, including Saw Palmetto Extract and Azelaic Acid, in a stable solution compounded within the products themselves. An outstanding way to not only style your hair, but to provide UV, anti-DHT, and anti-inflammation support all day long via a leave-in styling product. The product we have extensively tested and used with great results is the Min New York “Secure” Firm Gel. This particular gel is a non-oil based product (which, as we will explain in the Styling section, is a good thing, making your hair appear fuller). It also possesses compounds that expand the hair shaft, making hair appear thicker and fuller, and reducing the amount of light that reaches the scalp through the hair.

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While you’ve probably read about manually massaging your scalp (using your fingertips), that process can only help so much. There is a much better way, but it will require patience and a bit of effort. If you take a look at the diagram below, you’ll see that the occipitalis muscles are the muscles on the back/base of the skull, and the frontalis muscles are those in your forehead. The galea muscle extends the length of the scalp, and is the magical muscle we want to access every day for optimum hair growth. The exercise I am about to tell you about will not only stop hair loss and regrow hair, but has the unintended side effect of strengthening the forehead muscles, causing an often dramatic reduction in the appearance of age.

To begin, I recommend trying this exercise the first time while sitting down. Once you’ve got it down, you can begin doing it throughout the day, and absolutely while in the shower, while waiting for your topical treatments to absorb (it helps absorption of those treatments as well).

1) What we are wanting to do is to first pull and stretch the galea backwards, towards the base of the skull, by contracting the occipitalis muscles. If you are having trouble with this, try the following two things: if you are able to “wiggle your ears”, start there; the same muscle groups will come into use. Additionally, towards the end of the movement, you may find that the muscles towards the front base of the throat become engaged. At first it may be difficult, but keep trying. Even if you’re only able to get a little bit of backwards movement, this is still enormous progress! Keep it up. You have to remember that these muscles often have become atrophied over the years of nonuse, and as we age and stress levels go up, blood flow to the muscles in the region becomes cut off. Ultimately we want the entire scalp to move backwards,

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including as much movement in the MPB areas as possible. The ears may move in tandem backwards as well.

2) Next, after sliding the scalp backwards, we want to then slide it forwards, by contracting the frontalis muscles upward. Imagine an arrow pointing upwards diagonally from your forehead towards the sky. You want to raise the eyebrows, while also pushing the galea forward as firmly as possible, while feeling like you are moving your entire face and head diagonally upwards along that arrow. Your ears should eventually move upwards and forwards with this movement as well.

3) Repeat this movement, backwards and forwards. At first, go for as long as you are able, before your muscles give out. Eventually, try to hit sets of 10-20 movements, doing at least 3 sets a session, with a minimum of one session a day, ideally hitting up to five or more. In the beginning, the more sessions, the more bloodflow you will re-establish to the scalp, and the faster you will see results. Later on, once your hair has become fuller, you can dial it back to more of a maintenance routine, focusing on a session or two a day.

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Note: There’s one last recommendation before getting started. If you’ve been eating unhealthy for a while, have been around toxins, or have generally been lazy, it may be worth performing a liver cleanse before beginning the daily routine. One of the many vital functions of the multifaceted liver is hormone production and regulation, according to the National Digestive Disease Information Clearinghouse. We feel as though many of the prolonged, “crash” cleanse plans on the internet are overkill, and may actually do your body more harm than good. Thus, we recommend limiting a cleanse to 5 days, and when in doubt, go easy on yourself. A product we have tested that walks you through the entire process, and provides adaptogenic herbal support throughout, is the Nature’s Secret 5-Day Fast and Cleanse Kit.

So, let’s put it all together. Here’s the daily routine:

1) Take the systemic stack in the morning, or if your stomach is sensitive, split the stack up into morning/afternoon doses. It’s generally recommended to space the fish oil supplement out over the day, as well, to maximize anti-inflammatory benefit over time. You might also consider one anti-DHT extract (e.g., broccoli) in the morning, and another (e.g., apple) in the early evening, to coincide with hormonal changes during the day.

• Take the bottle-recommended amounts of all items listed in the stack, except it is typically recommended to double the apple extract dose and broccoli extract dose, as the amounts utilized in the studies were higher than that found in supplements available.

2) Use the topical stack: Every other day (meaning, Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, and so on, or on days that you exercise, if you exercise every other day), use a 50/50 mixture of Nizoral/Ketoconazole shampoo and Revita shampoo. Leave it in for at least 5 minutes; 10 minutes is okay. Do not follow Revita’s instructions to shampoo once and shampoo again; this is wasteful and overly dries the hair and scalp. On every day (both shampoo and non-shampoo days), use the Revita condition, and leave in for at least two minutes. With both shampooing and conditioning, work the product gently but deeply into your scalp (check your pressure! don’t overdo it!). Try to actually get more of the product into the scalp than into your hair. Your hair is dead. Hair is not alive; it’s dead. You’ll fare best not to over cleanse it; leave it alone. The scalp (and its dermis), and the hair follicles, are what you want to worry about.

Styling: After showering, use a Min New York product (ideally, the Secure Gel linked to above) as a base styling product. Work it well into the hair, and lightly into the scalp. If you have other products you want to use, you can apply them on top of this base styling, now.

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• Note: If you have excessively oily hair, you may need to alter the instruction about shampooing every other day, and shampoo as needed to prevent oil buildup.

3) Do the Secret Scalp Exercise daily. Start out going until you can do it continuously for a minute, then work your way up to five minutes. Once you can routinely hit 5+ minute sessions multiple times a day, you are a master, and will see significant changes along with the rest of the program. Keep it up! Don’t be discouraged if your scalp only moves a little bit at first! It will move and can move freely and fully, it just takes time. You need to re-establish the musculature and blood flow to the area. This may be tiring and difficult at first, requiring lots of concentration, but I assure you, it will be worth it, and it is absolutely essential to the success of this program.

• Tip: It is recommended that for at least one of your scalp exercises, you do this while in the shower, after applying the Revita/Nizoral shampoo or Revita conditioner to the scalp. While waiting, do the exercise; this will offer a dual benefit of improving blood flow, removing DHT, and assisting the topical treatments in the products to more easily penetrate the follicles and blood vessels surrounding them.

In addition, it is recommended that you practice an anti-stress routine: whatever it may be; yoga, aerobic exercise, etc.; put it into effect in the morning or later in the day.

And that’s it! That wasn’t so bad, was it? In this short time, you have:

• Learned about the root causes of hair loss

• Learned about myths related to DHT and other hair loss concerns

• Learned about stress, its role in health and hair loss, and how to deal with it

• Learned about nutrition, and how to maximize your nutritional profile to stop hair loss and promote hair growth

• Learned about the ultimate hair regrowth stack, both systemic and topical

• Learned about the ultimate hair regrowth scalp exercise

• Learned the daily plan tying it all together

Note: Why no Minoxidil? – As mentioned in our earlier assessment of Minoxidil, this product tends to cause more problems than it solves. The intense shedding period of 3-6 months, followed by a waiting period of another six months, only to be followed by varied, inconsistent results, tends to cause psychological distress when more hair is lost. Ketoconazole is the superior solution, requiring no shedding period, and with equal or better efficacy in hair thickness and regrowth potential. In short, don’t waste time and money on Minoxidil; it’s not part of a good plan for hair regrowth (it’s been around so long, that if it were, nobody would be bald anymore!)

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You’re just about ready to go. But before you do, there are just a few additional tips in regard to styling:


1) If your hair loss has become very advanced, keep in mind the golden rule of thumb: cutting your hair shorter actually makes it look fuller. The exception, in some cases, is curly hair; if you have hair that grows in multiple directions, you may be able to pull off a pseudo-combover effect without anyone noticing. In general, though, cut shorter while rehabilitating your hair; grow longer later.

2) Comb less – don’t overcomb your hair! Not only does it make hair frizzy, it can damage the scalp, and it pulls hair out at the root, often causing damage, and making hair appear thinner/less full.

3) Check yourself – style lightly, use the TIPS of your fingers. Don’t grab your hair and pull on the roots; you very well may be pulling your hair out and not realizing it.

4) Don’t use oil-based products or go for the “greasy” look – the greasy look is out, and that also means the highly gelled, “spiked” look. These stylings cause the hair to clump together, directly exposing the scalp and making you appear even more bald than you are. It’s a nightmare scenario for anyone whose hair has become thin or less full. Instead, use non-oil products that expand the hair and add volume to the hair. This will cause the hair to expand and look thicker, covering up more of the scalp.

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Last but no least, when in doubt, remember... Do as the Japanese do. Think about it... When’s the last time you saw a Japanese person who didn’t have beautiful hair, much less was bald? The incidence of baldness in Japan is among the lowest in the world. They eat very little meat, and eat meals consisting primarily of vegetables (non-genetically modified, mind you), including soy. They also get a lot of water through their cooking methods (e.g., boiling), so if you aren’t boiling your food (as we often don’t in the west), be sure to drink a lot of water every day–it really makes a visible difference to hair, skin, and nails.

As mentioned earlier, the Japanese were in many ways oppressed when it came to their hair throughout history. When laws restricting hair style were dropped in modern times, people went wild and invented the myriad of crazy hair styles the Japanese are known for. But they wouldn’t be able to do it if they had the incidence of balding that exists in the west. Why the difference? Surely genetics play a role; but there must be something more. The nutritional and supplemental guide this book has provided actually in many ways mirrors the eastern diet, and seeks to “correct” the western diet toward it. If you follow this guide, to the letter, and make a commitment to the lifestyle changes mentioned herein, you’ll not only stop your hair loss, regrow hair, and probably take a few wrinkles off of your face, you’ll also be able to wear your hair as crazy as you’d like again, too :)

Best of luck to you in your new adventure! I hope this has helped. Feel free to contact us at hairsecrets.org and follow our blog for updates concerning new products and research regarding hair loss and hair regrowth.

Kindest regards,

Dr. Richard Armitage, Trichologist


Buyer: jos serrano ([email protected])Transaction ID: 4KT337664K6957533

Copyright 2013 Hairsecrets.org

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