MAJELIS ULAMA INDONESIA WADAH MUSYAWARAH PARA ULAMA ZU'AMA DAN CENDEKIAWAN MUSLIM Jalan Proklamasi No. 5 1 Menteng Jakarta Pusat 10320 Telp. 31902666-3917853, Fax. 31905266 Website : http//www.mui.or.id E-mail : mui-onlineQmui.or.id DECREE O F THE INDONESIAN COUNCIL OF ULAMA (ICU) Regarding LIST OF APPROVED FOREIGN HALAL CERTIFICATION BODY Number : D-4 1 O/MUI/X/2009 BOARD OF CHAIRMEN OF MAJELIS ULAMA INDONESIA (MUI) Considering : a. That one of MU1 duty is to protect Indonesian Moslems consumer from unlawful (non-halal) food, drinks, medicines, and cosmetics; b. That to implement the duty of point a, technically MU1 delegates to The Assessment Institute for Food, Drags, and Cosmetics-ICU (LPPOM MUI) do together with Fatwa Commission-ICU (Komisi Fatwa-MUI); c. That to streamline and support duty of LP POM MU1 and Komisi Fatwa-MU1 for conducting of point a and b, it is necessary to stipulate the list of approved foreign halal certification body; In view o f : 1. Basic rule and internal regulation of MUI; 2. Decree of-National Coordinating Meeting between MU1 and related departments of halal products dated 22-23 May 2003 concerning seven criteria and requirements for foreign halal certification body; 3. Decree of Minister of Agriculture No. 6 1IPermentanlOT. 140/8/2007 article 13 paragraph 1 point e and f that make a list of halal certification body recognized by LPPOM MU1 as a reference for import permit of agriculture products. Observing : 1. Directive concerning MU1 procedure and stipulation of fatwa for halal certification; 2. Directive concerning function and role of LPPOM MU1 as halal product assessor related to imported products certified by foreign halal certifying body. 3. Minutes of Special Meeting for Board of MU1 Chairmen and Executive Board of Directors of LPPOM MUI, and Komisi Fatwa MU1 dated 29 September and 14 October 2009 on evaluation for foreign certification body. DECIDE Stipulated : First Second : List of approved foreign certification body (Attachment 1); : Every foreign halal certification body shall have to fulfill and to conduct the criteria and requirements of MU1 (Attachment 2) and operational procedure for foreign approved halal certification body (Attachment 3); Third : This decree shall be effective for 2 (two) years as of the date it is stipulated; Fourth : This decree shall be distributed to related parties to know and to implement properly; Fifth : Should there be any mistake, this decree will be amended. Stipulated : in Jakarta Date : 15 October 2009 CC.: Chairman of the Board, 1. Minister of Foreign Affairs of The Republic of ~nddnesia, in Jakarta; 2. Minister of Religious Affairs of The Republic of Indonesia in Jakarta; 3. Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia in Jakarta; 4. Director General of Islamic Affairs, Ministry of Religious Affairs of Republic of Indonesia, in Jakarta; 5. Director General of Livestock of Department ofAgriculture of The Republic of Indonesia, in Jakarta; 6. The Approved Foreign Halal Certifiers in Foreign countries;

Halal Certifier Body Approuved by MUI 26 May 2011

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Page 1: Halal Certifier Body Approuved by MUI 26 May 2011


Jalan Proklamasi No. 5 1 Menteng Jakarta Pusat 10320 Telp. 31902666-3917853, Fax. 31905266 Website : http//www.mui.or.id E-mail : mui-onlineQmui.or.id



Number : D-4 1 O/MUI/X/2009


Considering : a. That one of MU1 duty is to protect Indonesian Moslems consumer from unlawful (non-halal) food, drinks, medicines, and cosmetics;

b. That to implement the duty of point a, technically MU1 delegates to The Assessment Institute for Food, Drags, and Cosmetics-ICU (LPPOM MUI) do together with Fatwa Commission-ICU (Komisi Fatwa-MUI);

c. That to streamline and support duty of LP POM MU1 and Komisi Fatwa-MU1 for conducting of point a and b, it is necessary to stipulate the list of approved foreign halal certification body;

In view o f : 1. Basic rule and internal regulation of MUI; 2. Decree of-National Coordinating Meeting between MU1 and related departments of halal products

dated 22-23 May 2003 concerning seven criteria and requirements for foreign halal certification body;

3. Decree of Minister of Agriculture No. 6 1IPermentanlOT. 140/8/2007 article 13 paragraph 1 point e and f that make a list of halal certification body recognized by LPPOM MU1 as a reference for import permit of agriculture products.

Observing : 1. Directive concerning MU1 procedure and stipulation of fatwa for halal certification; 2. Directive concerning function and role of LPPOM MU1 as halal product assessor related to

imported products certified by foreign halal certifying body. 3. Minutes of Special Meeting for Board of MU1 Chairmen and Executive Board of Directors of

LPPOM MUI, and Komisi Fatwa MU1 dated 29 September and 14 October 2009 on evaluation for foreign certification body.

DECIDE Stipulated :

First Second

: List of approved foreign certification body (Attachment 1); : Every foreign halal certification body shall have to fulfill and to conduct the criteria and requirements

of MU1 (Attachment 2) and operational procedure for foreign approved halal certification body (Attachment 3);

Third : This decree shall be effective for 2 (two) years as of the date it is stipulated; Fourth : This decree shall be distributed to related parties to know and to implement properly; Fifth : Should there be any mistake, this decree will be amended.

Stipulated : in Jakarta Date : 15 October 2009


Chairman of the Board,

1. Minister of Foreign Affairs of The Republic of ~nddnesia, in Jakarta; 2. Minister of Religious Affairs of The Republic of Indonesia in Jakarta; 3. Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia in Jakarta; 4. Director General of Islamic Affairs, Ministry of Religious Affairs of Republic of Indonesia, in Jakarta; 5 . Director General of Livestock of Department ofAgriculture of The Republic of Indonesia, in Jakarta; 6 . The Approved Foreign Halal Certifiers in Foreign countries;

Page 2: Halal Certifier Body Approuved by MUI 26 May 2011


Name of Halal Certification Bodies

(Alphabetical Sequence)

Address Stipulated Notes Logo


1 Association for the Inspection, Certification of Food and Supplies (GIMDES) – Turkey

Tekstilkent, B5 Blok No. 76 Ensenler/Istanbul, Turkey T : '+90 212 438 33 18-19 F : '+90 212 438 33 19 email: [email protected]/ [email protected]

15 October 2009

2 Bahagian Kawalan Makanan Halal Jabatan Hal Ehwal Syariah Kementerian Hal Ehwal Ugama Negara Brunei Darussalam – Brunei Darussalam

Tingkat II, Bangunan Kementerian Hal Ehwal Ugama (LAMA), Jalan Elizabeth, Bandar Seri Begawan BS 3510 Negara Brunei Darussalam T : ‘+673 2242565 F : ‘+673 2223106

15 October 2009

3 Islamic Da’wah Council of Philipines, Inc (IDCP) - Philipines

Suite 400 FUBC Building, Escolta, Manila, Philippines T : '+245 84 56 / 245 93 94 email: [email protected]/[email protected]

15 October 2009

4 Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (JAKIM) - Malaysia

Aras 1, Blok D7, Parcel D, Pusat PentadbiranKerajaan Persekutuan W.P. Putrajaya, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia T : '+603 8315 0200 F: '+603 8889 4951 email: [email protected]

15 October 2009

5 Majlis Ugama Islam Singapore (MUIS) – Singapore

Singapore Islamic Hub, 273 Braddell Road, Singapore 579702 T : '+ 6563591199 F : '+ 65 6253 7572 email: [email protected]

15 October 2009

Page 3: Halal Certifier Body Approuved by MUI 26 May 2011


Name of Halal Certification Bodies

(Alphabetical Sequence)

Address Stipulated Notes Logo


1 Association for the Inspection, Certification of Food and Supplies (GIMDES) – Turkey

Tekstilkent, B5 Blok No. 76 Ensenler/Istanbul, Turkey T : '+90 212 438 33 18-19 F : '+90 212 438 33 19 email: [email protected]/ [email protected]

15 October 2009

2 Bahagian Kawalan Makanan Halal Jabatan Hal Ehwal Syariah Kementerian Hal Ehwal Ugama Negara Brunei Darussalam – Brunei Darussalam

Tingkat II, Bangunan Kementerian Hal Ehwal Ugama (LAMA), Jalan Elizabeth, Bandar Seri Begawan BS 3510 Negara Brunei Darussalam T : ‘+673 2242565 F : ‘+673 2223106

15 October 2009

3 Islamic Da’wah Council of Philipines, Inc (IDCP) - Philipines

Suite 400 FUBC Building, Escolta, Manila, Philippines T : '+245 84 56 / 245 93 94 email: [email protected]/[email protected]

15 October 2009

4 Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (JAKIM) - Malaysia

Aras 1, Blok D7, Parcel D, Pusat PentadbiranKerajaan Persekutuan W.P. Putrajaya, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia T : '+603 8315 0200 F: '+603 8889 4951 email: [email protected]

15 October 2009

5 Majlis Ugama Islam Singapore (MUIS) – Singapore

Singapore Islamic Hub, 273 Braddell Road, Singapore 579702 T : '+ 6563591199 F : '+ 65 6253 7572 email: [email protected]

15 October 2009

Page 4: Halal Certifier Body Approuved by MUI 26 May 2011

6 Office Muslim Affair (OMA) – Philipines

Unit 3rd Floor Jocfer (annex) Building, Commonwealth Ave, Quezon City, Philippines T : '+9526420 F : '+63 2 952 4875 / 9526419 Email: [email protected]

15 October 2009

7 Taipei Grand Mosque – Taiwan No. 62 Hsin Sheng S. Road, Sec. 2, Taipei, Taiwan R.O.C T : '+886 2 2321 9445 F : '+886 2 2393 5283 email:[email protected]; [email protected],

15 October 2009

8 The Central Islamic Comitte of Thailand (CICOT) – Thailand

45 Moo 3 Klongkao Rd., Klongsib, Nongchok, Bangkok 10530 T: '+662 949 4114 F : '+662 949 5904 email : [email protected]

15 October 2009


1 Australian Federation of Islamic Council Inc. (AFIC Inc.)

932 Bourke Street, Zetland Sydney NSW 2017 PO. Box. 7185 SSBH, alexandria NSW 2015 Australia T: '+61 2 9319 6733 F: '+61 2 9319 0159 email: [email protected]

25 May 2010 Restrictive in New South Wales

2 Australian Halal Authority and Advisers (AHAA)

Level 9, Room 9.05, 365 Little Collins St., VICTORIA 3000, Australia. Telpon +61-3-96060786, Fax +61-3-96060786 email: [email protected]

27 May 2010 Restrictive in Western Australia

3 Australian Halal Food Services

(AHFS) PO Box 6009, Logan Central QLD 4114 Australia T: '+61 7 3427 2920 F: '+61

7 3200 7620 email: [email protected]

15 October 2009 Restrictive in Queensland

4 Global halal Trade Center Pty Ltd

(GHTC Pty.Ltd) 51-53 Chiefly Drive Preston Victoria, 3072 P.O. Box. 8453 Australia T: '+61 3

17 May 2010 Restrictive in Victoria State

Page 5: Halal Certifier Body Approuved by MUI 26 May 2011

94898944 F: '+61 3 94842736

5 Halal Sadiq Services 4A Virgil Avenue Yokine WA 6060 T: '+61 8 9444 0223 F: '+61 8 9444 0236

15 October 2009 Restrictive in Western Australia

6 Islamic Association of Katanning P.O. Box 270 Katanning, Western

Australia 6317, Australia. 15 October 2009 Restrictive

in Western Australia

7 Islamic Council of Western

Australia 7 Malvern Road, Rivervale, W.A. 6103 Australia PO. Box. 70, Burswood, W.A. 6100 Australia T: '+61 8 9362 2210 F: '+61 8 9362 2210 email: [email protected]

15 October 2009 Restrictive in Western Australia

8 Perth Mosque Incorporated

28 Carnarvon Crescent, Mount Lawley, Western Australia 6050 T: '+61 8 9444 3648 F: '+61 8 9443 1157 email: [email protected]

15 October 2009 Restrictive in Western Australia

9 Supreme Islamic Council of Halal

Meat in Australia Inc. (SICHMA) Unit No. 1/35/37 Harrow Road, Auburn New South Wales - Australia 2144 T: '+61 2 96437775 F: '+61 2 96437776 email: [email protected]

23 August 2010 Restrictive in New South Wales

10 The Adelaide Mosque Islamic Society of South Australian Inc.

20-28 Little Gilbert Street Adelaide 5000, South Australia T: '+61 8 8231 6443 F:'+61882316443 email: [email protected]

15 October 2009 Restrictive in South Australia

Page 6: Halal Certifier Body Approuved by MUI 26 May 2011

11 The Islamic Coordinating Council of Victoria (ICCV)

155 Lygon Street, East Brunswick Victoria 3057 Australia T: '+61 39380 5467 F: '+61 39380 6143 email: [email protected]

15 October 2009 Restrictive in Victoria and Tazmania

12 Western Australian Halal Authority (WAHA)

Unit 7/2684 Albany Hwy, Kelmscott, Western Australia T: '+61 8 9390 4629 F:+ 61-8-94954872 email:[email protected]

23 October 2010 Restrictive in Western Australia and Northern Territory

New Zealand

1 Al Kautsar Halal Food and Inspection (AL KAHFI)

16a/203 Kirbride Road, Airport Oaks, Auckland, New Zealand T: '+09 257 2436 F: '+09 257 2436 email: [email protected]

15 February 2010


1 Halal Feed and Food Inspection Authority (HFFIA) – Netherlands

Fijnjekade 225/ 2521 DT P.O. Box 16786 / 2500 BT / The Hague / The Netherlands T: '+31 70 364 9191 F: '+31 70 364 5460 email: [email protected] / [email protected]

15 October 2010

2 Halal Food Authority – Englands 109 Fulham Palace Rd, London W6 8JA T: '+20 8563 1994 F: '+20 8563 1993 email: [email protected]

15 October 2010

3 Halal Quality Control –

Netherlands Laan van Meerdervoort 53d, 2517 AE the Hague, The Netherlands T: '+31 703469795 F: '+31 703450033 email: [email protected]

1 July 2010

Page 7: Halal Certifier Body Approuved by MUI 26 May 2011

4 Total Quality Halal Correct (TQHC) – Netherlands

PO. BOX. 179, 2300 AD Leiden, Nederland T: '+31 71 5235 770 F: '+31 71 5235 771 email: [email protected]

15 October 2010

5 Halal Certification Service

Bahnhofstr. 15, 4310 Rheinfelden, Switzerland. Phone: +41618133064 F : +41618133065, email: [email protected] or www.swisshalal.ch CP: Farhan Tufail

23 May 2011 Restrictive in Europe

6 European Institute of Halal Certification

Bockman Strabe 51D-20099 Hamburg, Germany. Phone : +49(0)4041542253 Fax:+49(0)4041542253 email: [email protected] , www.eurohalal.eu CP : Yusuf Calkara (General Manager)

23 May 2011 Restrictive in Europe

7 The Muslim Religious Association of Poland (MRAP)

15-207 Bialystok, ul. Piastowska 13F, Poland or mailing address : skr.pocz.nr2,ul. Mieszka 114. 15-050 Bialystok 8. Telp/ Fax +0048856643516 email: [email protected], web www.mzr.pl, CP: Tomasz Miskiewics (Mufti Poland)

23 May 2011 Restrictive in Europe

United State of America (USA)

1 American Halal Foundation (AHF)

125 N. Vincent Drive Bolingbrook, IL-60490 (USA) T: '+1 630 759 4981 F : '+1 630 759 4981 email: [email protected]

15 October 2009

2 Halal Food Council USA 132 E, Main Street, Suite 302 Salisbury, MD 21801 USA. T: '+1 410 548 1728 F: '+1 410 548 2217 email: [email protected]

15 October 2009 Modification Name from Halal Food Council S.E.A. on 10 October 2010

Page 8: Halal Certifier Body Approuved by MUI 26 May 2011

3 Halal Transaction of Omaha P.O. Box. 4546, Omaha, NE 68104 USA T: '+1 402 572 6120 F: '+1 402 572 4020 email: [email protected]

15 October 2009

4 Islamic Information Center of

America (IICA) P.O. Box. 4052 Des Plaines, IL 60016 USA T: '+1 847 541 8141 F: '+1 847 824 8436 Email: [email protected] / [email protected]

15 October 2009

5 Islamic Service of America (ISA) 1105-60th Avenue S.W. PO. Box. 521 Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52406 USA T: '+1 319 362 0408 F: '+1 319 366 4369 email: [email protected]

15 October 2009

6 The Islamic Food and Nutrition Council of America (IFANCA)

5901 N Cicero Ave., Suite 309 Chicago, IL 60646 T: '+1 773 283 3708 F: '+1 773 283 3973 email: [email protected]

15 October 2009

Latin America

1 Central Islamica Brasileira de Alimentos Halal (CIBAL) – Brazil

Rua Tejupa 188 - Jabaquara CEP 04350-020, Sao Paulo – Brasil. T: '+55 11 5035 0820 F: '+55 11 5031 6586 email: [email protected]

15 October 2009

2 Islamic Dissemination Centre

for Latin America (CDIAL) – Brazil

Marechal Deodoro, Street 1960, Centro Sao Bernardo do Compo / Sp – Cep 09710 201 – CNPJ 03.243.138/0001-00. T: +11 4338 8456 F: +11 4338 8456 email: [email protected]

15 October 2009

Page 9: Halal Certifier Body Approuved by MUI 26 May 2011


1 Halal Monitoring Authority (HMA)

1562 Danforth Avenue, P.O. Box 72031, Toronto, M4J 1P0, Canada. T: '+416 731-2247 F: '+416 981-3247 email: [email protected]

15 October 2009

2 Islamic Society North of

America (ISNA) 2200 South Sheridan Way, Mississauga, Ontario, L5J 2M4, Canada. T: '+905 403 8406 F: '+905 403 8152

15 October 2009


1 South African National Halal Authority (SANHA)

2nd floor, 63 Dolly Rathebe Road, Fordsbur 2092, Johannesburg, Republic of South Africa. T: '+27 31 207 5768 F: '+27 31 207 5793 email: [email protected], [email protected]/[email protected]

15 October 2009

Page 10: Halal Certifier Body Approuved by MUI 26 May 2011



No Name of Halal Certification Bodies

(Alphabetical Sequence)

Address Stipulated Notes


1 Association for the Inspection, Certification of Food and Supplies (GIMDES) – Turkey

Tekstilkent, B5 Blok No. 76 Ensenler/Istanbul, Turkey T : '+90 212 438 33 18-19 F : '+90 212 438 33 19 email: [email protected]/ [email protected]

15 February 2010

Witness Audit

2 Islamic Da’wah Council of Philipines, Inc (IDCP) - Philipines

Suite 400 FUBC Building, Escolta, Manila, Philippines T : '+245 84 56 / 245 93 94 email: [email protected]/[email protected]

15 October 2009

3 Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (JAKIM) - Malaysia

Aras 1, Blok D7, Parcel D, Pusat PentadbiranKerajaan Persekutuan W.P. Putrajaya, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia T : '+603 8315 0200 F: '+603 8889 4951 email: [email protected]

15 October 2009

4 Japan Muslim Association (JMA) – Japan

Valore Yoyogi 1004, 2-26-5, Yoyogi, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 151-0053, Japan. T: '+81 3394 79406 F: '+81 3394 79416 email: [email protected]

15 October 2009

5 Majlis Ugama Islam Singapore

(MUIS) – Singapore Singapore Islamic Hub, 273 Braddell Road, Singapore 579702 T : '+ 6563591199 F : '+ 65 6253 7572 email: [email protected]

15 October 2009

Page 11: Halal Certifier Body Approuved by MUI 26 May 2011

6 Taipei Cultural Mosque (TPCM) - Taiwan

No. 3 Lane 25, Xinhai Road, Sec. I Taipei City. T: '+886 2 2369 5421 F: '+886 2 2365 2094 email: [email protected]

28 October 2010

Witness Audit

7 The Central Islamic Comitte of Thailand (CICOT) – Thailand

45 Moo 3 Klongkao Rd., Klongsib, Nongchok, Bangkok 10530 T: '+662 949 4114 F : '+662 949 5904 email : [email protected]

15 October 2009

Witness Audit


1 Australian Halal Food Services (AHFS)

PO Box 6009, Logan Central QLD 4114 Australia T: '+61 7 3427 2920 F: '+61 7

3200 7620 email: [email protected]

15 October 2009

Witness Audit

2 Global Halal Trade Center Pty.

Ltd (GHTC Pty. Ltd) 51-53 Chiefly Drive Preston Victoria, 3072 P.O. Box. 8453 Australia T: '+61 3 94898944 F: '+61 3 94842736

17 May 2010 Witness Audit

3 Supreme Islamic Council of Halal Meat in Australia Inc. (SICHMA)

Unit No. 1/35/37 Harrow Road, Auburn New South Wales - Australia 2144 T: '+61 2 96437775 F: '+61 2 96437776 email: [email protected]

23 August 2010

Witness Audit

4 The Islamic Coordinating

Council of Victoria (ICCV) 155 Lygon Street, East Brunswick Victoria 3057 Australia T: '+61 39380 5467 F: '+61 39380 6143 email: [email protected]

15 October 2009

Witness Audit

5 Western Australian Halal

Authority (WAHA) Unit 7/2684 Albany Hwy, Kelmscott, Western Australia T: '+61 8 9390 4629 F: '+61 8 9390 4629 email: [email protected]

23 October 2010

Restrictive in Western Australia and Northern Territory

Page 12: Halal Certifier Body Approuved by MUI 26 May 2011

New Zealand

1 Asia Pacific Halal Services – New Zealand Pty. Ltd (APHS-NZ)

72 John Sims Drive Broadmeadows Wellington 6035 New Zealand. T: '+64 4 478 6644 Email: [email protected]

17 May 2010 Witness Audit


1 Halal Control e.k. – Germany Eisenstr 51 D-85428 Russelshelm (Germany). T: '+49 6142 171283 F: '+49 6142 171284 Email: [email protected] / [email protected]

15 October 2009

2 Halal Feed and Food Inspection Authority (HFFIA) – Netherlands

Fijnjekade 225/ 2521 DT P.O. Box 16786 / 2500 BT / The Hague / The Netherlands T: '+31 70 364 9191 F: '+31 70 364 5460 email: [email protected] / [email protected]

15 October 2009

3 Halal Food Council 0f Europe (HFCE) – Belgium

Rue de la Presse 4 B-1000 Brussel, Belgium. T: '+32 2 227 11 14 F: '+32 2 218 31 41 Email: [email protected] /[email protected]

5 October 2010

4 Halal Quality Control – Netherlands

Laan van Meerdervoort 53d, 2517 AE the Hague, The Netherlands T: '+31 703469795 F: '+31 703450033 email: [email protected]

1 July 2010

5 Total Quality Halal Correct

(TQHC) – Netherlands PO. BOX. 179, 2300 AD Leiden, Nederland T: '+31 71 5235 770 F: '+31 71 5235 771 email: [email protected]

15 October 2009

6 Halal Certification Service

Bahnhofstr. 15, 4310 Rheinfelden, Switzerland. Phone: +41618133064 F : +41618133065, email:

23 May 2011 Restrictive in Europe

Page 13: Halal Certifier Body Approuved by MUI 26 May 2011

[email protected] or www.swisshalal.ch CP: Farhan Tufail

7 European Institute of Halal Certification

Bockman Strabe 51D-20099 Hamburg, Germany. Phone : +49(0)4041542253 Fax:+49(0)4041542253 email: [email protected] , www.eurohalal.eu CP : Yusuf Calkara (General Manager)

23 May 2011 Restrictive in Europe

8 The Muslim Religious Association of Poland (MRAP)

15-207 Bialystok, ul. Piastowska 13F, Poland or mailing address : skr.pocz.nr2,ul. Mieszka 114. 15-050 Bialystok 8. Telp/ Fax +0048856643516 email: [email protected], web www.mzr.pl, CP: Tomasz Miskiewics (Mufti Poland)

23 May 2011 Restrictive in Europe

United State of America

1 American Halal Foundation (AHF)

125 N. Vincent Drive Bolingbrook, IL-60490 (USA) T: '+1 630 759 4981 F : '+1 630 759 4981 email: [email protected]

15 October 2009

2 Halal Food Council USA 132 E, Main Street, Suite 302 Salisbury, MD 21801 USA. T: '+1 410 548 1728 F: '+1 410 548 2217 email: [email protected]

15 October 2009

Modification Name from Halal Food Council S.E.A. on 10 October 2010

3 Islamic Information Center of America (IICA)

P.O. Box. 4052 Des Plaines, IL 60016 USA T: '+1 847 541 8141 F: '+1 847 824 8436 Email: [email protected] / [email protected]

15 October 2009

Witness Audit

4 Islamic Service of America (ISA) 1105-60th Avenue S.W. PO. Box. 521

Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52406 USA T: '+1 319 362 0408 F: '+1 319 366 4369 email: [email protected]

15 October 2009

Witness Audit

Page 14: Halal Certifier Body Approuved by MUI 26 May 2011

5 The Islamic Food and Nutrition Council of America (IFANCA)

5901 N Cicero Ave., Suite 309 Chicago, IL 60646 T: '+1 773 283 3708 F: '+1 773 283 3973 email: [email protected]

15 October 2009

Page 15: Halal Certifier Body Approuved by MUI 26 May 2011



No Name of Halal Certification Bodies

(Alphabetical Sequence)

Address Stipulated Notes


1 Islamic Da’wah Council of Philipines, Inc (IDCP) – Philipines

Suite 400 FUBC Building, Escolta, Manila, Philippines T : '+245 84 56 / 245 93 94 email: [email protected]/[email protected]

15 October 2009

Witness Audit

2 Japan Muslim Association (JMA) – Japan

Valore Yoyogi 1004, 2-26-5, Yoyogi, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 151-0053, Japan. T: '+81 3394 79406 F: '+81 3394 79416 email: [email protected]

15 October 2009

Witness Audit


1 Australian Halal Food Services (AHFS)

PO Box 6009, Logan Central QLD 4114 Australia T: '+61 7 3427 2920 F: '+61 7

3200 7620 email: [email protected]

15 October 2009

Witness Audit

2 The Islamic Coordinating

Council of Victoria (ICCV) 155 Lygon Street, East Brunswick Victoria 3057 Australia T: '+61 39380 5467 F: '+61 39380 6143 email: [email protected]

15 October 2009

Witness Audit

Page 16: Halal Certifier Body Approuved by MUI 26 May 2011


1 Halal Control e.k. – Germany Eisenstr 51 D-85428 Russelshelm (Germany). T: '+49 6142 171283 F: '+49 6142 171284 Email: [email protected] / [email protected]

15 October 2009

Witness Audit

2 Halal Feed and Food Inspection Authority (HFFIA) – Netherlands

Fijnjekade 225/ 2521 DT P.O. Box 16786 / 2500 BT / The Hague / The Netherlands T: '+31 70 364 9191 F: '+31 70 364 5460 email: [email protected] / [email protected]

15 October 2009

Witness Audit

3 Halal Food Council 0f Europe (HFCE) – Belgium

Rue de la Presse 4 B-1000 Brussel, Belgium. T: '+32 2 227 11 14 F: '+32 2 218 31 41 Email: [email protected] /[email protected]

5 October 2010

4 Halal Quality Control – Netherlands

Laan van Meerdervoort 53d, 2517 AE the Hague, The Netherlands T: '+31 703469795 F: '+31 703450033 email: [email protected]

28 January 2011

United State of America (USA)

1 American Halal Foundation (AHF)

125 N. Vincent Drive Bolingbrook, IL-60490 (USA) T: '+1 630 759 4981 F : '+1 630 759 4981 email: [email protected]

15 October 2009

Witness Audit

2 Halal Food Council USA 132 E, Main Street, Suite 302 Salisbury,

MD 21801 USA. T: '+1 410 548 1728 F: '+1 410 548 2217 email: [email protected]

15 October 2009

-Witness Audit -Modification Name from Halal Food Council S.E.A. on 10 October 2010

Page 17: Halal Certifier Body Approuved by MUI 26 May 2011

3 The Islamic Food and Nutrition Council of America (IFANCA)

5901 N Cicero Ave., Suite 309 Chicago, IL 60646 T: '+1 773 283 3708 F: '+1 773 283 3973 email: [email protected]

15 October 2009

Witness Audit

4 Islamic Service of America (ISA) 1105-60th Avenue S.W. PO. Box. 521

Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52406 USA T: '+1 319 362 0408 F: '+1 319 366 4369 email: [email protected]

15 October 2009

Witness Audit

Page 18: Halal Certifier Body Approuved by MUI 26 May 2011



No Name of Halal Certification Bodies

(Alphabetical Sequence)

Address Stipulated Notes

United States of America (USA)

1 Halal Food Council USA 132 E, Main Street, Suite 302 Salisbury, MD 21801 USA. T: '+1 410 548 1728 F: '+1 410 548 2217 email: [email protected]

28 January 2011

-Modification Name from Halal Food Council S.E.A. on 10 October 2010

2 Halal Transaction of Omaha P.O. Box. 4546, Omaha, NE 68104 USA T: '+1 402 572 6120 F: '+1 402 572 4020 email: [email protected]

28 January 2011

3 Islamic Service of America (ISA) 1105-60th Avenue S.W. PO. Box. 521

Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52406 USA T: '+1 319 362 0408 F: '+1 319 366 4369 email: [email protected]

28 January 2011

4 Islamic Society of Washington

(ISWA) 1712 Eye Street NW#062, Washington DC. 20006. T:#(202) 457 1910/ 240 6909 F:#(202) 223 2916/301 384 2975 Email: [email protected]/[email protected]

28 January 2011

Page 19: Halal Certifier Body Approuved by MUI 26 May 2011

Notes :

1. LPPOM MUI recognize halal certificates issued by approved halal certification body only for product produced in the country where the halal certification body located, except for product produced in Europe can be used halal certificate by any approved halal certification body located in Europe.

2. There are still possibilities for LPPOM MUI to ask supporting document to clarify the critical points of certain certified products.

3. The MUI decree regarding list of approved foreign halal certification body is effective for 2 (two) years as of the date it is stipulated and it will be monitored and evaluated once a year.

4. There are 45 Halal Certifier Bodies approved by LPPOM MUI, contain 39 bodies approved for (cattle) slaughtering category, 26 bodies approved for food processing category, 12 bodies approved for flavor category and 4 bodies approved for plants of poultry category.

5. Up dated 26 May 2011

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Jalan Proklamasi No. 5 1 Menteng Jakarta Pusat 10320 Telp. 31902666-3917853, Fax. 31905266 Website : http//www.mui.or.id E-mail : mui-onlineQmui.or.id

Attachments 2



(The Decree of the National Coordination Meeting between the Indonesian Council

of Ulama (MUI) Concerning Halal Products,Year 2003)

1. The certification agency conducting assessment of food halal , medicine, and

cosmetics shall be established by and /or under a legal Islamic organization /Islamic

Center which bears the main duty to educate Muslims conforming to Islamic rules

and provides facilities for prayers and Islamic education. The Islamic organization is

supported by the Muslims in an region or specific area abroad which population shall

be at least 40 people.

2. This Islamic Organization shall have a permanent office managed appropriately under

the support of qualified and credible Human Resource.

3. The Islamic Organization shall have a Fatwa /Iftat Commission which function shall

be to stipulate the halal status and a group of scientists which will become halal

auditors. The said Fatwa Commission shall comprise of a minimum of 3 (three)

Ulamas /Muslim scientists who have experience in Islamic Law and have a

competency to issue a fatwa (decision). Out of the scientist group, a minimum of 2

(two) scientists shall have the capability to conduct examination at slaughter houses

(RPH), restaurants, industries (factories), and additive processing and industries.

4. The Certification Agency shall have a standard operating procedure for certification

process. (SOP). The SOP shall contain at least a registration, administration, and

examination of factory production. audit result, and meeting of the fatwa commission.

5. All administrative files (registration form, report, company data and other files) from

the Islamic organization shall be arranged in a good system which will ease tracing to

certified companies.

6. The agency shall have a wide networking, in particular with the World Halal Council.

7. Capable of collaborating with MU1 to arrange nursing and monitoring activities of

halal products in Indonesia. - #- - -""

i . , r'4 # , ..

,Jakarta, 15 October 2009 i

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Jalan Proklarnasi No. 5 1 Menteng Jakarta Pusat 10320 Telp. 31902666-3917853, Fax. 31905266 Website : http//www.mui.or.id E-mail : [email protected]



Every foreign halal certification body is subjected to procedure and regulation, as below:

1. Implementation of evaluation for foreign halal certification body conducted by one team that stipulated b! central body of MU1 based on seven criteria and requirements for halal certification body in foreign countries;

2. Evaluation to foreign halal certification body based on performance appraisal of fatwa MU1 o n halal products. technical audit. administration. social responsibility, and acceptability aspects.

3. Recognition of foreign halal certification body is categorized into 3 groups based on capacity and capability of the halal certification body, namely: a. Slaughtering b. Processing Food c. Flavor Industry

4. Each category of new list approved foreign halal certification body is one of references for halal standard certification process in Indonesia.

5. Halal certificate of approved foreign halal certification body is recognized only for raw materials which are produced in the country where the halal certification body located, except for European countries.

6. Halal certificate of approved foreign halal certification body cannot be used to get permission to put halal logo on retail products.

7. The approved foreign certification body not allowed delivering its authority to another person or organization in another state.

8. In the issuance of the approved foreign halal certification body is to support good management, networlting. cooperation. ethical competition, and enhance of moslem consumer protection.

9. The activities of approved foreign halal certification body will be monitored and evaluated once a year.

Stipulated : in Jakarta Date : 15 October 2009


General Chairman. Secretary General,

DR. K.

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| ^,r/3



raran prokramasi No. s1 il;ll';;;t"i" i,'.t to1t1t-:,'l'i,1,ll^t,lll^ti,,.",.,o

, DBCRRB oF rHBrN3f-,3-1i1xri?viffijk,3t ULAMA (ICU)




considering: That to stucly the report.o{',site visit of I-P POM-MLJI to location of IFCE in lJrussels

ar\d audit some industri.v"orr]puno, ,"tot.a to II;CE in Europe during half-ycar of

2010andtoevaluatetlrcirrrplcmentoflFCi:onMUI'sDecreeofNurnber:D-410 twioog which lpCE it ;;;;i company on the lidt of approved foreign halal

certification body in Europc r"gion, *. ni.t rhat IFCE had issued difl-erent lorms and

dilt'.r;; ,i;;.;.; or..riin*T.r iiot it made confttsing 1o

tlalnesian importer and

quarantine body. Accorciing to these things we concfude that certain issues had

liupp"n"a witrrin IFCE becausc of internal disputc in its management.

observing:I]aseontheMinutesofSpecialM-"."1i']9.'ib1l]oarctol'ChairnrcnofMUlandExecutive Board of DirectorJof LPPOM-MUI dated 9 August 2010 we consider that

IFCE had not fulfiilecj certain critcria and lcquilements of halal certification of MUI

that it is to bc a goocl artd qualificd tllanagcnlcllt'

illl;,i"' I;fii)';T:",'",..' o E - m a i I : m u i - o n I i n e@ m ui'o r' i d


: To dismiss Islamic lrood council of Europe (lFC11) as a certiher of MUI and shall be

cleleted on the list of approved forcign certification bocly of MUI in Europe Region

r.vithin Degree of Nu,ofr*, D'410/X/t00g ctatea 15 October 2009 regarding the list 0f

. approved ioreign halal oertificatiorr body'

: 'fhis decree shall be effoctive as of tire datc it is stipulated;

: This decree shali be distributed to rclatecl parlies to know and to implement properly;

: Should therc be any mistake, tiris decree will bc amencled'

Stipulated ; in Jakarta

Date :9August2010

Stipulated :






Cliairtnan of thc B


Hr M,,:IpHwaN sAM

Page 32: Halal Certifier Body Approuved by MUI 26 May 2011

CC.:1. Minister of Foreign Affairs of The Republic of Indonesia, in Jakarta;2. Minister of Religious Affairs of The Republic of Indonesia in Jakarta;3. Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of lndonesia in Jakarta;4. Director General of Islamic Affairs, Ministry of Religious Affairs of Republic of

Indonesia, in Jakarta;5. Director Gerteral of Livestock of Department ofAgriculture of The Republic of

Indonesia, in Jakarta;6. Indonesian Embassy in Brussels;7. Belgium Embassy in Jakarta;8. The Approved Foreign Halal Certifiers in Foreign countries;

Page 33: Halal Certifier Body Approuved by MUI 26 May 2011

ffi The Assessment Institute for Foods, Drugs and Cosmetics

INDONESIAN COUNCIL OF ULAMAMajelis Ulama Indonesia Building 3'd floor, Jl. Proklamasi No. 51, Menteng - Jakarta Pusat. Telp. 62.21 3918890 Fax,62.213918915

Kampus IPB Baranangsiang Jl. Raya Pajajaran Bogos Telp. 62-251 8358748 (Hunting); Fax.62-251'E358747


Subject: Explanation


About Decree MUI Number D-4I7|MUI/VIII/2010

Dismissal of Islamic Food Council of Europe (IFCE)

1. Condition of IFCE Halal Certificate that was approved by MUI are:

a. IFCE Halai Cerlificate signed by Prof. Dr. Hj. Mohamed Sadek. Other

than his signature either his chopped signature was not accepted.

b. IFCE Halal Certificate format without flowery frame.

Due to Decree MUI regarding Dismissal of IFCE, MUI certified companies

which had used raw material(s) cerlified by IFCE can continue using the

raw material(s) until the certihcate is expired. After that critical raw

material(s) should be cerlified by approved cefiification body or changed to

other halal certi fied manufacturer.


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