Hamsters A Bundle Of Fluffiness Most of us will have grown up with hamsters as pets, and I'm sure that like my children the next generation in your family are also fascinated by them too. There are many breeds of hamster for example you get dwarf, Syrian, Russian and Chinese hamsters. All hamsters are burrowers and will need to have lots of bedding to hide under as well as lots of tubes to create little nests in. Telling whether your hamster is male or female is a difficult task, and unfortunately lots of us have been wrong. I can remember when my Mum brought us two 'boy' hamsters to find that a couple of weeks later we had eight hamsters. My brother and sister found this quite funny, my mum on the other hand was not quite so pleased. Hamsters are fairly easy to take care of. Their bedding should be changed once or twice week and they are very easy to feed with hamster food and vegetables. The downside to having hamsters as pets is they do only have a short life, with most hamsters only living a year or two. There are lots of fun accessories you can buy for your pet, such as tubes and wheels. Hamsters enjoy exercise and will have great fun having a

Hamsters Balls of Fluffiness

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Advice on caring for your hamster

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Hamsters A Bundle Of Fluffiness

Most of us will have grown up with hamsters as pets, and I'm sure that like my children the next generation in your family are also fascinated by them too. There are many breeds of hamster for example you get dwarf, Syrian, Russian and Chinese hamsters. All hamsters are burrowers and will need to have lots of bedding to hide under as well as lots of tubes to create little nests in. Telling whether your hamster is male or female is a difficult task, and unfortunately lots of us have been wrong. I can remember when my Mum brought us two 'boy' hamsters to find that a couple of weeks later we had eight hamsters. My brother and sister found this quite funny, my mum on the other hand was not quite so pleased. Hamsters are fairly easy to take care of. Their bedding should be changed once or twice week and they are very easy to feed with hamster food and vegetables. The downside to having hamsters as pets is they do only have a short life, with most hamsters only living a year or two. There are lots of fun accessories you can buy for your pet, such as tubes and wheels. Hamsters enjoy exercise and will have great fun having a

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wheel to run around or a hamster ball to run round the house in. The tubes and cages come in various shapes, sizes and colours and you will be able to make them pathways to other parts of their home or make them into a curve. Handling hamster can be tricky as they do tend to bite, but if you handle them at least once a day they should get used to you and not become to scared when you handling. Hamsters are great fun and will be an easy pet for your children to look after. You should however monitor their feeding to ensure your children are not overfeeding them.
