C-SAPs Standard Administrative Procedures (SAPs): For the Quality Handbook, Section C: Course Approval and Periodic Review of Teesside University Provision Document Owner: Academic Registry Version number: 3.0 Effective date: September 2018 (Academic Year 2018-19) Date of next review: July 2019 This document is part of the University Quality Handbook, which governs

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Standard Administrative Procedures (SAPs):

For the Quality Handbook, Section C: Course Approval and Periodic Review of

Teesside University Provision

Document Owner: Academic Registry Version number: 2.0Effective date: November 2017 (Academic Year 2017-18)Date of next review: July 2018

This document is part of the University Quality Handbook which governs the University’s academic provision.

Document Owner: Academic Registry Version number: 3.0Effective date: September 2018 (Academic Year 2018-19)Date of next review: July 2019

This document is part of the University Quality Handbook, which governs the University’s academic provision.

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1. INTRODUCTION..............................................................................................1Figure 1 Course Approval/Periodic Review Event Flowchart (Administered

by Schools)......................................................................................22. TITLE APPROVAL (PD) PROCESS ARRANGEMENTS................................33. SCHEDULING ARRANGEMENTS FOR THE UNIVERSITY COURSE

APPROVAL (CA)/PERIODIC REVIEW (PR) EVENTS....................................44. CRITICAL READ AND MODULE ARRANGEMENTS..................................105. MODULE EVENT ARRANGEMENTS...........................................................116. UNIVERSITY COURSE APPROVAL (CA)/PERIODIC REVIEW (PR)


MEMBERS.....................................................................................................158. EVENT DOCUMENTATION..........................................................................169. BRIEFING NOTE FOR COURSE APPROVAL AND PERIODIC REVIEW...2010. GOOD PRACTICE DURING THE EVENT.....................................................2211. CONCLUSIONS.............................................................................................2312. POST EVENT – COMPLETING VALIDATION REPORTS...........................2413. CONCLUSION AND SIGN-OFF PROCESS..................................................2514. INTERIM REVIEW EVENT............................................................................26

14.1 Constitution of Interim Review Panels............................................2614.2 Interim Review Documentation Requirements................................2614.3 Interim Review Briefing Note..........................................................2714.4 Meeting with Students.....................................................................2714.5 Post Interim Review Event..............................................................2814.6 Event Report...................................................................................28

15. ADDITIONAL PATHWAY(S)/PGCERT/HDA/UC APPROVAL.....................2915.1 Constitution of Additional Pathway(s)/PgCert/HDA/UC Panels......2915.2 Additional Pathway(s)/PgCert/HDA Documentation

Requirements.................................................................................2915.3 Additional Pathway(s)/PgCert/HDA/UC Briefing Note.....................3015.4 Post Event.......................................................................................3115.5 Event Report...................................................................................31

16. MODIFICATIONS/CHANGES BETWEEN SCHEDULED REVIEWS............3216.1 Process for Administrative Updates – Level 1................................3216.2 Process for Minor Modification (Level 2a & 2b) – C-Annex 3.........32

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16.3 Decision and Process for Minor Modification (Level 2a) – C-Annex 3-Form.............................................................................33

16.4 Decision and Process for Minor Modification (Level 2b) – C-Annex 4 Form.............................................................................33

16.5 Decision and Process for Major Modification(s) Level 3 – C-Annex 4......................................................................................34

17. APPROVAL/PERIODIC REVIEW OF UNIVERSITY CERTIFICATE AWARDS.......................................................................................................3517.1 Process for Course Approval/Periodic Review of a Named UC

Award.............................................................................................3517.2 Process for Untitled Awards (60 credits and under)........................36

18. QUALITY LINKS TO OTHER ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESSES.................3718.1 Admissions......................................................................................3718.2 Timetabling and Student Records (Modularity)...............................3818.3 Assessments...................................................................................40

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C-SAPs-Annex 1 Example Event Planner Course Approval/Periodic Review

C-SAPs-Annex 2 Email to Panel Member/Chair Invited to the Event

C-SAPs-Annex 3 Email/Letter to External Academic Invited to Attend the Event

C-SAPs-Annex 4a Email to External Academic Panel Members

C-SAPs-Annex 4b Email to External Employer/Practitioner/Specialist Panel Members

C-SAPs-Annex 5 Email/Appointment Request for Internal University Panel Members

C-SAPs-Annex 6 Email to Course Team Leader

C-SAPs-Annex 7 Outline Agenda (Single Event)

C-SAPs-Annex 8 Outline Agenda (PSRB Involvement)

C-SAPs-Annex 9a Outline Agenda (Complex Event 1)

C-SAPs-Annex 9b Outline Agenda (Complex Event 2)

C-SAPs-Annex 10 Panel Membership

C-SAPs-Annex 11 Example Briefing Note(s) General

C-SAPs-Annex 12 General Briefing Note for All External Members

C-SAPs-Annex 13 General Briefing Note for all External Practitioner(s)/Employer(s)/Specialists

C-SAPs-Annex 14a General Briefing Note for all Student Panel Members

C-SAPs-Annex 14b General Briefing Note for Students/Alumni Meeting with Periodic Review Panel Members

C-SAPs-Annex 14c Themes for Discussion and Conclusion Pages

C-SAPs-Annex 15 Example Email to Panel Member Regarding Event Conditions/Recommendations

C-SAPs-Annex 16 Period of Approval Table

C-SAPs-Annex 17a New Course(s)/Pathway(s), Pg Certificate, HDA, UC, Report

C-SAPs-Annex 17b Interim Review Event: Summary of Requirements Form

C-SAPs-Annex 18 Periodic Review Report

C-SAPs-Annex 19 Interim Review Report

C-SAPs-Annex 20 Finance and Commercial Development (FCD) Course Data Collection Form for Non-Accredited, Certificate of Credit, Research and Untitled Awards

C-SAPs-Annex 21 Licensed HEIs Guide to Mapping Pearson Core Content – Higher Nationals (HNs)

C-SAPs-Annex 22 External Panel Members Selection Criteria

C-SAPs-Annex 23 Recording, Tracking and Monitoring Modifications

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C-SAPs-Annex 24a Pro-forma Additional Pathway, Pg Certificate/UC/Foundation Year

C-SAPs-Annex 24b Pro-forma Higher/Degree Apprenticeships

C-SAPs-Annex 24c Apprenticeship Mapping Template

C-SAPs-Annex 25 Course Notification Form (SLEC 2)

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AR (QS) Academic Registry (Quality & Standards)

AR (SERA) Academic Registry (Secretariat, External Review & Audit)

CA Course Approval

CAD Course Approval Document

CED Course Evaluation Document

CME Continuous Monitoring and Enhancement

CTLs Course Team Leaders

DBS Disclosure and Barring Service

DLHE Destination of Leavers of HE

EBE Enterprise and Business Engagement

EPA End Point Assessment

ESFA Education and Skills Funding Agency

ETA Exceptional Third Attempt

FCD Finance & Commercial Development

FHEQ Framework for Higher Education Qualifications

HE Higher Education

HEI Higher Education Institute

HN’s Higher Nationals

IMR In-Module Retake

KSBs Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours

LTS Learning and Teaching Strategy

MVF Module Verification Form

ODL Online Distance Learning

PASS Peer Assisted Study Scheme

PR Periodic Review

PSRB Professional, Statutory and Regulatory Body

RPL Recognition of Prior Learning

SA Senior Administrator

SAPs Standard Administrative Procedures

SLEC Student Learning & Experience Committee

SLS Student and Library Services

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SPM Student Panel Members

SRM Student Recruitment and Marketing

SSLESC School Student Learning & Experience Sub-Committee

TEL Technology Enhanced Learning

TU Teesside University

TUCP Teesside University Collaborative Partnership

UAB University Academic Board

UKVI UK Visa & Immigration

USP Unique Selling Point

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1.1 It is intended that these Standard Administrative Procedures (SAPs) for new Course Approval and Periodic Review be read in conjunction with Section C: Course Approval and Periodic Review of Teesside University Provision of the Quality Handbook. Also refer to Figure 1 Course Approval/Periodic Review Event Flowchart (Administered by Schools).

1.2 Prior to the commencement arrangements for the new Course Approval or Periodic Review (validation) process, it is expected that the Senior Administrator (SA) or nominee will be responsible for co-ordinating these events. For Teesside University Collaborative Partnership (TUCP) provision, the administrative co-ordination responsibilities rest with Academic Registry (Quality & Standards) (AR (QS)).

1.3 Following a discussion between AR (QS) and Schools, a draft Schedule for New Course Approval (CA) and Periodic Review (PR) events for the Academic Year is drawn up by AR (QS). The Schedule forms the basis for planning validation events for the following academic year. The schedule is reviewed regularly at the deliberative University committee meetings and individual monthly meetings with Schools.

1.4 At this stage, AR (QS) will advise the SA/nominee on the constitution of the validation Panel membership through the use of the Course Pre-Approval/Periodic Review Agreement (C-Annex 1). AR (QS) will prepare a Course Pre-approval/Periodic Review Agreement.

1.5 Any new or revised titles (including the addition of a new location(s) and/or mode(s) of delivery, pathway(s) etc.), will require Schools to obtain formal Title Approval (PD) prior to the validation Event. See Section B: Portfolio Development of the Quality Handbook. Further guidance on the title approval process can be obtained from AR (QS).

1.6 Prior to the University validation Event the School will undertake both a Critical Read and Module Event Stage. The purpose of these stages are to ensure both Course Teams and course documentation are sufficiently prepared for the formal Teesside University (TU) validation event.

1.7 The School SA/nominee will be required to review the validation to ensure that is of an acceptable standard prior to the University event.

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Figure 1 Course Approval/Periodic Review Event Flowchart (Administered by Schools)

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The amended/new title approved by title approval is added to the Course Approval & Periodic Review schedule along with all courses that have been identified as requiring a Periodic Review (PR).

Title not approved by title approval and form returned to the School for review/amendment.

Schools to seek advice from AR (QS) on the format of the event.

In the case of a formal event, the School must negotiate a suitable date with AR (QS).

AR (QS) prepare the Course Pre-Approval/Periodic Review agreement for circulation to the


Schools organise and administer the following prior to the formal Course Approval/Periodic Review Event:

Circulate the deadline for documentation submission prior to the event.

Arrange Critical Read and Module Event Stages.

The Course Team produce and submit the required documentation for the formal Approval/Periodic Review


Course Approval/Periodic Review Event takes place. The Panel identify and agree their conclusions and

feedback the following to the Course Team:Approval Period, mode, intake, delivery location.Conclusions – Quality and Standards. Conclusions – CommendationsConclusions – Transferable Good PracticeConclusions – Conditions and


Panel Secretary produces the set of conclusions, which are authorised by the event Chair and circulated to the Panel Members for comments. A deadline for comments should be included.

Following the Course Approval/Periodic Review Event

Panel Secretary completes the appropriate report template (see SAPs for specific templates) for the event, and forwards, in the first instance to the Chair, followed by circulation to Panel members for their consideration.

Course Team must address the conclusions and recommendations, produce the team response and submit the revised documentation to the School Quality Administrative Team by the agreed deadline.

Final Sign-Off Stages

School Registrar (or nominee) approves and signs the validation event report, as the 2nd signatory on behalf of the School confirming the Conditions of the Panel have been met to the satisfaction of the School, and the

report is fit for purpose.

School Quality Administrative Team forwards the completed event report, team response and revised documentation to the Event Chair, who approves and signs the report as the 1st signatory, ensuring that Conditions, Recommendation and School

actions set by the Panel have been considered and met, and relevant modules have been approved by the School. The event Chair is also responsible for confirming the Programme Specification is fit or publication.

School Registrar (or nominee) forwards the signed electronic validation event report to AR (QS) for consideration. AR Officers review the report(s) and recommends final approval through SLEC.

Academic Registry (Secretariat, External Review & Audit (AR (SERA)) forwards confirmation of approval to the School, Finance & Commercial Development (FCD) and Student Recruitment & Marketing (SRM). Subject to Approval (STA) flag


Title Approval (PD) process considers new and/or amended title(s)

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Tasks Course Approval (CA)

Periodic Review (PR)

2.1 The SA/nominee will be responsible for:

Identifying where new or changes to existing title requires approval via the Title Approval (PD) process ensuring that approval is sought prior to the Course Approval/Periodic Review Event taking place (separate arrangements exist for UC awards, see Section 17 of the SAPs for further details).

Identifying if an award title has not recruited students, has been suspended, has not been taken forward to an Approval Event and signed off by the University Approval Committee and is not within 3 years of its initial title approval. See Section B: Portfolio Development of the Quality Handbook for information on how to proceed.

As required

2.2 During a validation Event, the Course Team could be asked to change a course title. In this case the SA/nominee is responsible for ensuring the:

Change of title is recorded as a Condition in the validation Event Report.

Course Team must include a response in the Event Report.

Title change must receive Title Approval before the course is submitted to Student Learning & Experience Committee (SLEC) for formal University sign off.

Further guidance on the Title Approval (PD) Process can be obtained from AR (QS).

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Tasks CA PR3.1 Following receipt of the Course Pre-

Approval /Periodic Review Event Agreement from AR (QS), the SA/nominee will be responsible for:

Consulting with the Associate Dean (Learning & Teaching) or nominee, identify a suitable Chair for the validation Panel Event and discuss a realistic timeline, taking into consideration the Course Teams ability to complete appropriate consultation and submit relevant documentation. See C-SAPs-Annex 1 Example Event Planner Course Approval/Periodic Review.

Discuss with the Course Team Leader (CTL) the potential dates and agreed submission deadlines for documentation. (NB: It is the Course Team Leader’s (CTL’s) responsibility to liaise with the members of the Course Team regarding their availability for the Event.).

Determine if a tour of resources is required For events requiring an external Chair to

the hosting School, please refer to the Quality Handbook Section C – para. 2.2.8.

Top Tips: You may find it useful to identify the date

for the validation event and work backwards on the timeline to identify suitable dates for the Critical Read and Module Event(s).

The standard lead in time to submit documentation is usually 14 weeks prior to the formal event, see C-SAPs-Annex 1 for example of a planning tool.

3.2 Following the agreement of the schedule with AR (QS) the SA/nominee is required to select Panel Members, as appropriate, from the Academic Registry database – Panel Members and Chairs.

The SA/nominee will contact the External (to the School) Panel Members at an early stage to confirm date(s) and time(s) in diaries.

Top Tip:For an example of a standard email/memo

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Tasks CA PRsee C-SAPs-Annex 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6.In the event where an external Chair is required, (please see Chairs and Panel Members list on the AR (QS) database accessed via Approval and Review SharePoint site), agree a suitable date with School Associate Dean (Learning & Teaching)/nominee, the identified external Chair and the Course Team Leader.

Confirm the agreed date with relevant parties.

An example email/memo to the Panel Chair is available in C-SAPs-Annex 2.

3.3 The SA/nominee is responsible for circulating confirmation of the arrangements for the validation Event:

Confirm the date/time/venue of the event to all Panel members and CTL.

Co-ordinating the domestic arrangements as soon as possible, e.g. booking of rooms, catering/refreshments, car parking, etc.

Keeping the Course Team Leader/Associate Dean (Learning & Teaching) or nominee informed of the arrangements.

The SA/nominee may also find it useful to liaise with the Reprographics Department to give them an approximate date to ‘book in’ the photocopying of any documentation.

Top Tips: Circulate both a hard and electronic copy

of course approval/review documents. Evidence File can be circulated


3.4 The SA/nominee is responsible for liaising with the CTL with regards to any scheduling of a meeting with students in the event of a Periodic Review or Interim Review.

CTL to identify number of students/students/alumni to be involved in meeting.

Make sure the students/graduated represent a mix of levels (and modes/delivery/location, if applicable) ).

Clarify dates students are timetabled to be on campus so that the event date can be co-ordinated.

Agree suitable times within the agenda

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Tasks CA PRwhen students can meet the panel.

3.5 It is the responsibility of the CTL to determine whether a separate room is required for the Course Team to meet prior to the commencement of the event, during any private meetings of the Panel, whilst awaiting a conclusion to the event and, if necessary, to book the room.

3.6 Consult Section C of the Quality Handbook, para. 2.2.9, and the Course Pre-Approval/Periodic Review Event Agreement for advice on the Constitution of the Panel.

Memberships will normally comprise:

Chair. Secretary, normally from the

proposing/host School. Representative from Academic Registry. At least one member of Academic Staff

from the School under review, independent of the course(s) under consideration.

External Academic subject expert from a Higher Education Institute (HEI) (as agreed by Academic Registry).*

This Panel may be supplemented with other colleagues, please refer to the Course Pre-Approval/Periodic Review Event Agreement completed by Academic Registry.

*Where the Panel Members are unable to attend the event at short notice, please refer to the administrative process outlined in the SAPs Section 7 below.

3.7 A minimum of 3 months prior to the event the CTL will provide details to the SA/nominee of prospective External Academic/User/Carer/Employer/Practitioner/ Specialist (to the University) including:

Names (including any titles, e.g. Professor) and job role/title.

Preferred contact address for receipt of documentation.

Preferred contact telephone number and/or email address.

The SA/nominee is responsible for contacting the External Academic/Employer/ Practitioner/

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Tasks CA PRSpecialist Panel Members at an early stage, minimum of 3 months prior to the event, to determine their availability and enter date(s) and time(s) in diaries whilst obtaining an up to date CV. For an example of a standard letter/email, see C-SAPs-Annex 3.

CV’s for the External Panel Member nominations should be submitted or the web link to their page to AR (QS) as soon as possible, but prior to the event for confirmation of their suitability.

NB: It is useful when the CTL has consulted with the External Academic/Employer/Practitioner/Specialist prior to the SA/nominee contacting them regarding their availability.

When identifying nominations for the selection of the external colleague(s) from academic, practice or industry, consideration must be made with full regard to impartiality, and Schools will ensure that the nominees have sufficient expertise to cover the breadth of provision under consideration. External Panel Members Selection Criteria – C-SAPs- Annex 22.

Academic Panel Member nominees will hold appropriate qualifications and experience to enable them to comment on the national standards of the award(s) under consideration.

Academic colleagues will be expected to have appropriate Higher Education (HE) qualifications and normally at least five years’ relevant experience within HE.

If possible, Academic Panel members should also be able to comment on the area of specialism, e.g. Foundation Degrees, collaborative provision, ODL.

Practice/specialist colleagues will normally be qualified to an appropriate level (professionally and/or academically) and have a minimum of three years relevant experience.

External Panel members must not have had a paid or unpaid connection with TU within the last 5 years (including research collaborated).

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Tasks CA PRNB: For large/complex events i.e. Approval/Periodic Review of frameworks, additional External Academic members may be required.

Top Tip:If you are encountering problems identifying an External Panel Member, please refer to the External Panel Member Academic Registry Events – Running Record of Attendance spreadsheet available on SharePoint for possible nominations.

3.8 Once your External Panel Member(s) has agreed to participate in the event the SA/nominee is responsible for ensuring all External Panel Members complete the appropriate documentation to ensure smooth processing of payments following the Panel event.

UKVI check:In addition, to ensuring the suitability of the External Academic/specialist Panel Member by forwarding their CV to AR (QS) for approval. The proposed External Panel Members must also be eligible to work in the UK in accordance with UK Visa and Immigration (UKVI) Agency requirements, and must provide their passport to confirm such eligibility.

The UKVI requires Institutions/Employers to undertake employment checks on all paid staff, temporary or otherwise, which extends to External Panel Members. This includes all UK and EU citizens.

In order for TU to comply with this requirement, External Panel members must:

Provide their passport, either on the day of the event, before or after.

SA to check the passport hasn’t expired (except UK passports, which can be used for identify purposes).

Photograph looks like the external panel member.

Date of Birth seems consistent with the external panel member.

If the external panel member has a different foreman/surname make sure there is an explanation and supporting

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Tasks CA PRevidence e.g. marriage certificate, other official documentation.

SA/nominee to copy the passport (front and picture ID pages) in colour and any other supporting evidence.

Clearly write the following on the copy: Certified to be a true copy seen, by: state your Employer Number (U number) and Job Title, Date and signature Send/email copy to Human Resources at [email protected]

In situations where the External Panel member does not have a passport, you must ask them to contact you at the earliest opportunity and seek further guidance from Human Resources. The contact in Human Resources is Ms Claire Sawyer on (01642) 342207 or via email [email protected]

3.9 Once the composition of the validation Panel has been determined, it is advisable that the SA/nominee checks dietary requirements of all Panel Members (and the Course Team, students, if applicable) and confirms travel and accommodation arrangements for external representatives, refer to example email/letter to External Academic/Employer/Practitioner/ Specialist, C-SAPs-Annex 4a-4b.

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Tasks CA PR4.1 Critical Read Arrangements.

It is the Schools responsibility to make appropriate arrangements for the Course Critical Read.

For the Critical Read Panel constitution refer to the Quality Handbook: Section C: Course Approval and Periodic Review of Teesside University Provision, para. 2.2.15a for details.

4.2 Critical Read Documenation requirements:

The documentation submitted for the Critical should mirror that for the formal validation event, plese refer to ection C: Course Approval and Periodic Review of Teesside University Provision, para. Section 2.2.16 for details.

4.3 As the minimum evidence/documentary

requirements we advise the following:

As an output of the critical read, action points and outcomes should be produced to enable tracking and monitoring of the actions progressed.

4.4 It is the Course Teams responsibility to ensure that all appropriate amendments/actions to the documents have been made prior to the formal Course Approval/Periodic Review Event.

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Tasks CA PR5.1 It is Schools responsibility to make

appropriate arrangements for the Course Module Event.

Consideration of modules (UTREG/module template/MVFs) (refer to the Quality Handbook: Section C: Course Approval and Periodic Review of Teesside University Provision, para.2.2.15b).

5.2 The SA/nominee will be responsible for:

Confirming the date and time of the Module Event and making the domestic arrangements as soon as possible, e.g. booking of rooms, catering/refreshments, etc.

Ensure Module Leaders are available to attend the discussion.

Arranging for copies to be made of appropriate documentation from the Module Catalogue and other sources e.g. in case of HNs the mapping exercise.

Keep the CTL informed of the arrangements.

Make sure a record (notes) of the module approval stage are available to both the Chair, Panel and Course Team.

The SA/nominee may find it useful to liaise with the Reprographics Department to give them an approximate date to ‘book in’ the photocopying of any documentation, if required.

It is the CTL’s responsibility to liaise with the members of the Course Team regarding their availability for the Event.

Top Tips: Ensure that the Course Leader is available

to attend the full Module Event(s) relevant to their course to enable them to update and oversee any issues, which may impact on the programme specification or the course delivery, and respond to any potential general course theme questions.

Note Taking – write/track the identified amends using a copy of the Module Specifications to support you when writing the formal written notes following the Module Event.

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Tasks CA PR It is useful to keep a separate note of any

generic actions, which may be relevant to all modules.

5.3 It is normal practice for the modules to be provisionally approved prior to the Course Approval/Periodic Review Event.

5.4 Official ratification of modules takes place at the formal Course Approval/Periodic Review Event

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Tasks CA PR6.1 The SA/nominee will meet with the Chair of

the Course Approval/Periodic Review Event prior to the circulation of the event documentation to:

Clarify any issues. Confirm content and timing of the agenda

and how this will be prepared.

Agree whether the CTL will have a short presentation at the start of the meeting. If this is agreed, the SA/nominee is responsible for ensuring there is sufficient time on the agenda and the appropriate facilities are available for the presentation (which should be no longer than 15 minutes).

Top Tip:Examples of CA/PR Agenda can be found in C-SAPs-Annex 7-9b. Further guidance can be obtained from AR (QS) on request.

When scheduling periodic review activity, it is advisable to hold the event when students are timetabled to be on campus. Refer to Section 3.4 above.

In addition:If a meeting with students is not possible at the event, a meeting should be organised with at least two Members of the Panel before the event and fed into the Conclusions via the Chair. Where students on the course(s) are based off-campus, your School may have developed a guidance note and questionnaire to obtain student views and this will be fed into the final event report.

6.2 When assembling the validation event documentation, the SA/nominee must include all relevant documents as outlined in Section 8 (Event Documentation) and Section 9 Briefing Note below.

6.3 Documentation for the Panel and CTL will be sent out by the SA/nominee a minimum of 14 days (2 weeks) prior to the event (see C-SAPs-Annex 2–6 for examples of covering letters and email/memos).

This allows the Panel Members adequate time to read the documentation thoroughly and to complete the Themes for Discussion and Conclusion pages included in the Guidance for Panel Members for the Approval of New Courses and Periodic Review of Existing University Courses including Partnership Provision.

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It is the responsibility of the CTL and SA/nominee to circulate appropriate documentation to the Course Team.

NB: In exceptional circumstances when the documentation has not been circulated to the Panel 14 days prior to the event, SA/nominee is responsible for ensuring all Panel Members (internal and external) are made aware of the delay, identifying the anticipated date the documentation will be available/delivered.

Top-Tip:The SA/nominee will find it useful to block-out time in their diaries to:

Familiarise themselves with the documentation prior to the event.

Write-up the Conditions and Recommendations.

Write-up the full Event Report.

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Tasks CA PR7.1 Where the External Academic is unable to

attend the event at short notice they should be advised to:

Provide written comments and submit these to the Chair and Panel Secretary at least three working days before the event.

Where the External Academic is unable to attend the event or provide written comments the following process should be followed:

AR (QS) will require the Chair of the validation Panel to consult with the External Academic after the event to ensure externality.

OR consider the use of virtual or electronic

communication to ensure externality e.g. written comments, Skype, where appropriate.

Following the validation event:

The draft validation report will form the basis of this discussion and any subject specific issues for discussion/clarification should be circulated to the Course Team.

Course Team responses to the External Academic areas for discussion/clarification should be incorporated within the final validation Event Report.

7.2 UK Visa and Immigration (UKVI) Requirements for External Panel Members:

All External Panels must send by recorded delivery their passport to check eligibility to work in the UK – refer to Section 3 above.

7.3 Where any other Panel member is unable to attend the event at short notice they should:

Provide written comments and submit these to the Chair and Panel Secretary at least 3 working days before the event.

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Tasks CA PR8.1 This normally includes:

a) Guidance for Panel Members for the Approval of New and Periodic Review of University Courses including Collaborative Provision, including Themes for Discussion and Conclusion pages, which is to be completed by Panel Members before the event (C-Annex 6).

b) Outline Agenda

Top Tip:See C-SAPs-Annex 7-9b for examples of Course Approval/Review Agendas for a single, Professional, Statutory and Regulatory Body (PSRB) involvement and complex events.

c) Briefing Note (further guidance is available, see Section 9).

Top Tip:See C-SAPs-Annex 11 Briefing Notes – General.

d) Panel Membership List (C-SAPs-Annex 10).

e) Title Approval (PD) Form. f) Academic Staff CVs

CVs should be provided in hard copy to the Chair and External Panel Members only and available for reference at the event. CV’s should not be circulated to Panel Members.

Top Tip:For Franchise, TNE and Employer Provision, it is good practice for partnership delivery to match teaching staff against modules they will be delivering e.g. staff/module matrix.

Updated staff CVs should be provided if there have been significant changes to the Course Team.

g) Course Approval Document (CAD) (available in C-Annex 7), including:

Key Design Issues. Stage Outcomes (Undergraduate

Awards only). Map of Course Outcomes to

Modules. Assessment Chart.


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Tasks CA PR Statement from Student and Library

Services (SLS).h) Course Evaluation Document (CED)

(available in C-Annex 7), including:

Key Design Issues. Action Plan. Forward Looking Actions. Stage Outcomes (Undergraduate

Awards only). Map of Course Outcomes to

Modules. Assessment Chart. Statement from Student and Library

Services (SLS).


i) Programme Specification (preferably from the Catalogue).

j) Module Document [UTREG]. k) Module Verification Forms (MVFs)

l) Student Handbook or provide electronic link and supporting School Handbook if relevant.

m) Workplace/related learning/Placement Handbook and Mentor Handbook, where appropriate or electronic link.

n) Mapping exercise, for HDA’s, centre devised HNs

o) Collaborative Partner Operations Manual, where applicable (franchise/Dual and Joint Awards

p) Supporting Evidence File for CAD, provided to the Panel electronically or in hard copy if brief. A hard copy will be made available at the event.

q) Supporting Evidence File for CED, provided to the Panel electronically. An additional hard copy will be made available at the event. This will consist of:

Last three academic years Continuous Monitoring & Enhancement (CME) Reports.

Last three academic years Relevant External Examiner Reports.

Notes relating to the CA/PR of consultation with stakeholders (meetings, forums).

Last three academic years NSS data.


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Tasks CA PR Last three academic years

Destination of Leavers of HE (DLHE) data.

PSRB reports, if appropriate. Last three academic years Course

Board minutes. Last three academic years

Progression statistics (by protected characteristics).

Programme Specification prior to the Review.

Previous Approval/Periodic Review Event Report.

If there have been any minor/ intermediate modifications to your course please provide the latest completed version of the modification form.

NB: All modifications should be recorded and monitored by each School to ensure oversight. AR (QS) will also retain oversight to monitor and track modifications to approved modules/courses to ensure limited curriculum drift.

Top Tip:Insert page numbers in the CAD/CED, Module Document, Student Handbook and other associated course documents.

Inserting number pages in the Module Document/Catalogue can be completed applying Adobe Acrobat Pro DC, which can help support Schools produce professional and consistent module catalogue for approval and review activity.

Further advantages of the software are:

This enables them to create one continuous PDF document directly from separate UTREG web pages.

It is also possible to insert pages numbers (by editing the footer) and insert other documents (using Organise pages, insert file), i.e., a front cover and contents page compiled in Word.

No longer have to hand write page numbers on module documents.

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Tasks CA PR You can upload documents for the

print room without having to scan them in.

8.2 The above list of documentation forms the basis of the CA/PR Event and is required by:

All Panel Members. The SA/nominee attending the event. The CTL.

It is the responsibility of the SA/nominee to produce/locate items a) to f) above. The CTL is responsible for producing/locate the remainder.

It is the responsibility of the CTL and SA/nominee to circulate appropriate documentation to the Team.

Top Tip:For External Panel members, it may be necessary to include expense forms, maps/directions and Guide for External Panel Members’ (C-SAPs-Annex 12) and ‘Student Panel Members’ (SPM) (C-SAP-Annex 14a), Alumni C-SAP-Annex 14b), where appropriate, the Guide for External Practitioners’ (see C-SAPs-Annex 13).

8.3 Where the event involves Collaborative Partners, there will be requirements for additional documentation. Further details can be found in Section E: Institutional Approval and Review of a Collaborative Partner, and associated Course(s) of the Quality Handbook.

8.4 Course Teams should make available the following in relation to courses delivered by ODL:

a detailed development plan for the proposed provision,

clarify alignment with the TU ODL Development Roadmap, and

the resource implications for development of the ODL provision (both within the School and Central Departments should also be clarified.

The Course Team may demonstrate relevant ODL learning materials within the appropriate platform.

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Task CA PR9.1 The purpose of the Briefing Note is to inform

the Panel about the event, and provide some background on the School and the proposal before they read the full documentation. This is prepared by the SA/nominee.

9.2 The SA/nominee is required to:

Include the type, Collaborative Institution (where applicable), date, time and location of the event at the top of the Briefing Note.

Clearly detail the titles of the course(s) under consideration. Ensure the title of the course(s) being considered is correct, including fall-back/intermediate awards, modes of delivery e.g. full-time, part-time, any pathways and delivery sites (if applicable). This must be confirmed from the title approval record.

Include a statement outlining the process for reviewing/updating modules and their current status (e.g. approved or not approved) and external involvement in this process (e.g. through current External Examiners).

Use the standard headings as outlined below as a template:o Introduction.o Context of the University.o Context of the School.o Context of the Proposed Course.o Scope and Purpose of the Course

Approval/Periodic Review Event.o Conduct of the Approval.o Evidence Base of the Approval.

Top Tip:See C-SAP- Annex 11-14b for examples of Briefing Notes.

9.3 The Scope and Purpose section should give the background to the proposal. This information will normally be provided by the Course Team.

9.4 If the event involves a Collaborative Institution, the Course Team is required to provide brief details of the Collaborative Partner and their relationship to the University. This should be referred to in the Briefing Note, indicating their relationship with the Course Team and School. Further guidance on such Briefing Notes is available from AR (QS).

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Task CA PR9.5 The Conduct of the CA/PR must include

details of how the Panel is comprised and what they will consider. The composition of the Panel will be determined by the nature of the Course Approval/Periodic Review Event. Further guidance is available from AR (QS).

9.6 Evidence Base of the Course Approval /Periodic Review Event: details the list of course documentation available to the Panel, see C-SAPs-Annex 11.

In addition:Meetings with students, graduates, users/carers and/or employers

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Top Tips:The SA/nominee is advised to:10.1 Sit next to the Chair during the event, to facilitate effective communication.10.2 Encourage, via the Chair if necessary, the use of and reference to the document

Guidance for Panel Members for the Approval of New and Periodic Review of University Courses including Collaborative Provision, including the completion of Themes for Discussion and Conclusion pages. Ensure that the discussion and conclusion document is used as the basis for the outline agenda.

10.3 Circulate an attendance list (including a space for name, title/role and organisation) to people to complete during the meeting. This is especially important for large meetings when introductions can be rapid.

10.4 Ensure the Chair checks that everyone has the correct paperwork and confirms the outline agenda and purpose of the event.

10.5 Remind the Chair, if necessary, to ask the Panel to introduce themselves. Better still include nameplates for all Panel Members and the Course Team.

10.6 Ensure, when the Course Team joins the Panel, the seating arrangements allow for a collegiate discussion, i.e. try to avoid having the Panel on one side of the table and the Course Team on the other e.g. U-shaped or round table is best.

10.7 Take a spare copy of all relevant documentation to the event.10.8 Keep a list of possible:

Commendations, Conditions, Recommendations and Good practice as the meeting proceeds. It may be useful to either note these on a separate piece of paper, so that they are easily identifiable for use in the Conclusions Meeting.

10.9 Ensure where student/employer meetings are involved that the Panel keeps to time, if at all possible, and that the background to the meeting is fully explained to students, along with how the meeting will be conducted (informally, small groups, round table, etc.).

10.10 At the end of the discussion with the Course Team, the Team must leave the event to allow the Panel to consider the outcome. Before the Team leaves the room the SA, in conjunction with the Chair of the Panel, must confirm the approximate time when the Team should report back to the Panel for the conclusions.

It is good practice to obtain a contact number or identify an appropriate collection point for the Team so they can be contacted as appropriate.

10.11 Checks and copying of external passports should take place either prior to the start of the event or at some point before the conclusion and closure of the event.

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Top Tips: The SA/nominee is advised to:11.1 Ensure through the Chair, that the Panel clearly determines and agrees:

the outcome of the event; the duration of approval; and/or the number of cohorts to be recruited; delivery mode and location.

11.2 Where an Interim Review is identified as part of a Course Approval/Periodic Review Event, ensure that an Interim Review Event: Summary of Requirements Form (C-SAP’s-Annex 17b) is completed. This will capture the scope, rationale, format and timing of the event (form available from Guidance for Panel Members for the Approval and New and Periodic Review of University Courses including Collaborative Provision.

11.3 Ensure, if necessary, that conclusions only refer to items discussed with the Course Team in the event. If additional issues of significance are raised whilst determining the conclusions, then the Team should be brought back to discuss them.

11.4 Ensure they have a correct record of the outcome. If necessary, ask the Chair and/or validation Panel to clarify issues or wording.

11.5 Clarify, with the Chair, who will be responsible for giving the feedback to the Course Team. Some Chairs may wish the SA/nominee to give the feedback, particularly if they cannot read their own or the SA’s handwritten notes.

11.6 Remind the Chair, if necessary, to agree a manageable deadline for addressing the Conditions, which must take into account the sign-off procedure (identify the date of SLEC) and the date for the enrolment of the first cohort of students.

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Tasks:12.1 The SA/nominee is responsible for issuing the Conditions and

Recommendations, normally within two days, for Chair’s approval.12.2 Once the Conditions and Recommendations have been confirmed and approved

by the Chair, the SA/nominee is required to circulate these to the Panel and CTL, including an acknowledgement of thanks for their input to the event.

NOTE: The Panel can comment fully on the Conditions and Recommendations but the Course Team Leader can only comment on factual accuracy (C-SAPs-Annex 15 is an example email).

12.3 The SA/nominee will set a deadline for any comments or amendments to the Conditions and Recommendations (normally seven days).

12.4 The SA/nominee is required to complete the FULL Event Report using the standard report templates as soon as possible after the event (within 14 days of the event is the norm) (report templates can be found at C-SAPs-Annex 17-19).

12.5 Following completion of the full Event Report, the SA/nominee will send it to the Chair for approval and then circulate the report to the Panel for general comment, and CTL for comment on factual accuracy.

12.6 The SA/nominee will set a reasonable deadline for responses for amendments to the full Event Report (normally 14 days of the issue of the draft full report, this may need to be extended for External Panel Members).

12.7 Once all comments have been received and incorporated, the SA must list the full report as Confirmed and re-issue to the Panel and CTL.

12.8 The SA/nominee will confirm that the CTL will need to produce a formal response as part of the Event Report which outlines how and where the conditions have been met, and actions taken in relation to any Recommendations. The response must be detailed and should include reference to document titles and page numbers.

Post Validation Event Report Process – Illustration

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Event Report13.1 The SA/nominee is advised to remind the CTL of the necessity of keeping to the

deadline for addressing the Conditions and Recommendations set by the Panel.13.2 The CTL is responsible for providing the SA/nominee with the Course Team’s

response, for inclusion in the Event Report.13.3 The Chair of the Event will approve the documentation, and confirm that the

Programme Specification is accurate, complete and fit for publication by signing the Event Report as 1st signatory. The Event Report and revised documentation should be returned to the SA.

13.4 The SA/nominee is responsible for presenting the Event Report and any amended documentation to the School Registrar (or nominee) who will approve the documentation by signing the Event Report as 2nd signatory. If the Event was Chaired by the School Registrar, a nominee (an Associate Dean or Senior Manager) must sign on behalf of the School Student Learning & Experience Sub-Committee (SSLESC).

13.5 The SA is then responsible for sending the Event Report (electronic copy) to AR (QS), to be presented for final approval at the next SLEC Committee.

13.6 AR officer will check the report for completeness and will identify any omissions and suggest amendments for the event secretary to consider. AR Officer will retain correspondence relating to changes to the event report in the AR (QS) course document repository.

On completion of amendments, the AR Officer will progress the report via completing the SLEC 2 Course Notification Form (C-SAPs-Annex 25) for formal SLEC sign-off.

13.7 Once approval is given by SLEC, AR (SERA) will send confirmation to the Chair of the SSLESC, FCD and SRM. However, SLEC may require additional information and/or amendments.

13.8 AR (QS) will retain a copy of the final sign-off confirmation from the SLEC secretary in the course/award repository e.g. correspondence folder for audit purposes.

13.9 After confirmation of approval from SLEC, School Senior Administrator/Administrative Team circulate an email to all Panel members, confirming that the course has been approved, whilst thanking them for their support.

13.10 SLEC will share the transferable good practice identified, as appropriate, and note any University and/or recurrent issues which may need wider debate or consideration.

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As noted in Section 11.2 above, where an Interim Review is identified as part of a Course Approval/Periodic Review Event, the SA/nominee must:

Ensure that an Interim Review Event: Summary of Requirements form is completed to capture the scope, rationale, format and timing of the event (see C-Annex 6 – Guidance for Panel Members for the Approval of New and Periodic Review of University Courses including Collaborative Provision document, C-SAPs- Annex 17b). The completed form should be emailed to AR (QS).

Liaise with AR (QS) to ensure that the event is added to the Course Approval and Periodic Review Schedule for the following/relevant academic year.

14.1 Constitution of Interim Review Panels

Wherever possible, the Interim Review Panel will be based on the members of the original Panel. If this is not possible the requirements detail in Section 7.1, Section C of the Quality Handbook should be followed, with the exception of a Student Panel Member.

14.2 Interim Review Documentation Requirements

The operation, organisation and documentation of the Interim Review should follow that outlined in the Interim Review Event: Summary of Requirements form, C-SAPs-Annex 17b.

Documents Interim Review

1 Minimum documentation requirements for an Interim Review are:a) Agenda and Panel Membership. b) Briefing Note outlining the purpose and scope of the Interim

Review. c) Copy of the Interim Review: Summary of Requirements

form. d) Copy of the original event report. e) Programme Specification including, map of modules to

outcomes and assessment chart. f) Supplemented by additional documentation, as outlined on

the Summary of Requirements form, if applicable.

14.3 Interim Review Briefing Note

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Task Interim Review

1 The purpose of the Briefing Note is to inform the Panel about the scope, reasons and format for the Interim Review. This is prepared by the SA/nominee with reference to the Interim Review Event: Summary of Requirements form.

2 The SA/nominee is required to:

Clearly detail the title of the courses under consideration. Ensure the title of the course being considered is correct, including any pathways and delivery sites (if applicable). This must be confirmed by the title approval record.

Use the standard headings as outlined below as a template:o Scope and Objectives of the Interim Review.o Reasons for the Interim Review.o Format of the Interim Review, including the key headings

for discussion.o Conduct of the Interim Review.o Evidence Base of the Interim Review.

3 The Scope and Objectives section should give the background to the proposal as defined in the Interim Review Event: Summary of Requirements form.

4 The Reasons for the Interim Review as defined in the Interim Review Event: Summary of Requirements form.

5 Format of the Interim Review, including the key headings for discussion as defined in the Interim Review Event: Summary of Requirements form.

6 Evidence Base of the Interim Review as defined in the Interim Review Event: Summary of Requirements form.

14.4 Meeting with Students

Task Interim Review

1 The SA/nominee will meet with the Chair of the Interim Review Event prior to the circulation of the event documentation to discuss arrangements for meeting students.

The SA/nominee is required to:

Clearly indicate where in the agenda the student meeting is to be scheduled, ensuring that any meeting should take place when students are timetabled to be on campus

In the event students are unable to meet the Interim Panel on the scheduled meeting date, arrangements are to be made to collect information by questionnaire or arranging a separate meeting with the Chair, please refer 6.1 above.

14.5 Post Interim Review Event

Please refer to the guidance in Section 12 above.

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14.6 Event Report

The Interim Event Report can be found in C-SAPs-Annex 19.

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Where an Additional Pathway(s)/PgCert/HDA/UC is identified as part of a Course Approval/Periodic Review Event, or to fulfil University strategic priorities, the SA/nominee must:

Liaise with AR (QS) to ensure that the event is added to the Approval and Periodic Review Schedule for the following/relevant academic year, and a pre-approval event agreement is in place.

The Title Approval (PD) form has been submitted for approval, please contact AR (QS) for advice on completion of appropriate form.

15.1 Constitution of Additional Pathway(s)/PgCert/HDA/UC Panels

Also refer to Quality Handbook Section C para. 4.1-5.4.

In the instance of an approval of an Additional Pathway(s), for example, the addition of a 2-year Master course(s), the introduction of a 40/60 credit internship module/work related module, or inclusion of pathway title into the existing award title, the panel membership will normally be drawn from SSLESC. There is no requirement for a Student Panel Member, but it would be preferable.

Under such circumstances, the requirement for the External Academic/ Employer Practitioner attendance may be undertaken via written communication or via Skype.

15.2 Additional Pathway(s)/PgCert/HDA Documentation Requirements

The operation, organisation and documentation of the additional pathways(s) should follow the process outlined:


Additional Pathway(s)

/PgCert/HDA/UC Approval

1 Minimum documentation requirements for an Additional Pathway(s)/PgCert/HDA/UC are:a) Agenda and Panel Membership. b) Additional Pathway(s)/PgCert/HDA/UC Title Approval (PD)

Form. c) Briefing Note outlining the purpose and scope of the

approval. d) Programme Specification for additional Pathway/HDA/UC:

revised map of modules to outcomes, assessment chart and Library Statement.Programme Specification

e) Copy of any original CA/PR report, for instance in the case of additional pathway, HDA provision.

f) Pro-forma, refer to C-SAP-Annex 24a, detailing the

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Additional Pathway(s)

/PgCert/HDA/UC Approval

following: Rationale Market research/competition Entry Requirements Changes to course aims and outcomes to reflect the

additional pathway(s)/PgCert/HDA/UC,where applicable Details on revised course structure and new module(s),

transition arrangements, Variance, In-Module Retake (IMR) and Exceptional Third Attempt (ETA)

Specific revisions to learning, teaching and assessment resulting from the additional/new module(s)

Learning resource requirements Additional Student Support arrangements, if applicable

g) Module Specifications and associated MVFs. h) Amended Student Handbook. i) Workplace/Work Related/Placement Learning and/or Mentor

Handbook, if appropriate. j) Additional mapping exercise, e.g. PSRB, Higher Nationals

(HNs), HDAs, if applicable (for HN mapping, refer to C-SAP – Annex 24c).

k) Staff CVs. l) Progression arrangements documenting advanced standing,

if applicable. m) Written comments from External Academic, if not in


15.3 Additional Pathway(s)/PgCert/HDA/UC Briefing Note



Approval1 The purpose of the Briefing Note is to tell the Panel about the

scope, reasons and format for the Additional Pathway(s)/PgCert/HDA/UC validation. This is prepared by the SA/nominee.

2 The SA/nominee is required to:

Clearly detail the title of the courses(s) under consideration. Ensure the title of the course(s) being considered is correct, including delivery sites (if applicable) and mode. This must be confirmed by the title approval record.

Use the standard headings as outlined below as a template:

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Approvalo Scope and Objectives of the Additional

Pathway(s)/PgCert/HDA/UC.o Reasons for the Additional

Pathway(s)/PgCert/HDA/UC.o Format of the Additional Pathway(s) /PgCert/HDA/UC

validation including the key headings for discussion.o Conduct of the Additional Pathway(s) /PgCert/HDA/UC

validation.o Evidence Base of the Additional Pathway(s)

/PgCert/HDA/UC validation.3 The Scope and Objectives section should give the background

to the proposal. 4 The Reasons for the Additional Pathway(s)/PgCert//HDA/UC. 5 Format of the Additional Pathway(s) approval/PgCert/HDA/UC,

including the key headings for discussion. 6 Evidence Base of the Additional Pathway(s) Approval/PgCert/


15.4 Post Event

Please refer to the guidance in Section 12 above.

15.5 Event Report

The Course/Pathway(s)/PgCert/HDA/UC Approval Report Template can be found in C-SAPs- Annex 17a.

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The definitions of what constitutes an Administrative, Minor and Major modification to an approved module/course(s) is detailed in Section C-Annex 2, Module/Course Modification of the Quality Handbook.

The process for dealing with modifications is described below, you should also consult C-Annex 2 Figure 1 & 2 as outlined within the modification process:

16.1 Process for Administrative Updates – Level 1

Task Responsibility1 Module/Course Leader confirms that the proposed amendment

is an Administrative Update (guidance can be sought from C-Annex 2, Module/Course Modification).

Chair of SSLESC

2 There is no requirement to complete any formal documentation to confirm the changes to AR (QS), although confirmation and approval should be sought from the Chair of SSLESC prior to any updates to documentation being completed.

School Quality Team

3 Module/Course Leader must update the relevant documentation and submit to the School Quality Team.

Module/Course Leader

4 School Quality Team are responsible for recording and tracking of ALL administrative updates to modules, and should be included/attached within SSLESC Minutes (for example recording, tracking and monitoring of modifications, see C-SAPs-Annex 23).

School Quality Team

16.2 Process for Minor Modification (Level 2a & 2b) – C-Annex 3

Task Responsibility1 Module/Course Leader confirms that the proposed modification

is minor 2a or 2b (guidance can be sought from C-Annex 2, Module/Course Modification).

Chair of SSLESC

2 In consultation with the Chair of SSLESC confirm whether the volume of modification/change would be described as Level 2a or Level 2b and complete the appropriate documentation: Level 2a – Complete Notification of Minor Modification to an

Existing Module/Course (Level 2a) Form, C-Annex 3 – refer to 16.3 below.

Level 2b – Complete Modification to Course(s)/Modules between Scheduled Reviews (Level 2b & Level 3) Form, C-Annex 4 – refer to 16.4 below.

Course Leader

16.3 Decision and Process for Minor Modification (Level 2a) – C-Annex 3-Form

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Task Responsibility1) Complete the Notification of Minor Change to Existing

Approved Module/Course (Level 2a) Form (C-Annex 3). School

2) Consideration and approval of Minor Change of Module/Course by School SSLESC or Sub-group with delegated authority.


3) Following approval, the module and/or programme specifications must be updated. School

4) Send the C-Annex 3 Form, which will be required to include details of the minute reference and discussion/decision of SSLESC or Sub-group approval, along with the completed form including the signature of Chair of SSLESC to AR (QS) (for example recording, tracking and monitoring of modifications, see C-SAPs Annex 23).


5) Details of the modification are retained by both the School and AR (QS).

School/Academic Registry

6) There is no requirement for minor modifications to be reported to SLEC.

Academic Registry

16.4 Decision and Process for Minor Modification (Level 2b) – C-Annex 4 Form

Task Responsibility1) Complete Parts 1-8 of the Modification to Approved

Course(s)/Modules between Scheduled Reviews (Level 2b & Level 3), C-Annex 4 form and send to AR (QS) for confirmation of status and level of modification.


2) Minor modification (Level 2b) agreed by AR (QS) and School notified of the decision.

Academic Registry

3) Consideration and approval of Minor Change of Module/ Programme Specification at SSLESC or nominated sub-group.


4) Following approval, the module and/or programme specifications must be updated. School

5) An electronic copy of the approved SSLESC-Led report or minute reference(s) (or signed extract) and completed Modification to Courses(s)/Modules between Scheduled Reviews (Level 2b & Level 3, C-Annex 4 Form), including the signature of Chair of SSLESC is forwarded to AR (QS) (for example recording, tracking and monitoring of modifications, see C-SAPs-Annex 23).


6) Details of the modification are retained by both the School and AR (QS).

School/Academic Registry

7) School reports the Minor 2b modification via the Standing Report to SLEC for information purposes.

School/Academic Registry

16.5 Decision and Process for Major Modification(s) Level 3 – C-Annex 4

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Task Responsibility1) Confirmation that the proposed modification is Major. Chair of SSLESC2) Complete Parts 1-8 of the Modification to

Course(s)/Modules between Scheduled Reviews (Level 2b & Level 3), C-Annex 4 form and send to AR (QS) for confirmation of status and level of modification.


3) Section B of the form is completed by AR (QS) agreeing the modification is Major (Level 3) and School notified of the decision, date and Officer.

Academic Registry

4) Consideration and approval of the Major Modification of Module/Programme Specification, as outlined within Section B of the form is arranged by the School.


5) Following approval the Module and/or Programme Specifications and any associated documentation, must be updated.


6) An electronic copy of the approved SSLESC minutes (or signed extract) and completed Modification to Approved Course(s)/Modules between Scheduled Reviews (Level 2b & Level 3) form, including the signature of Chair of SSLESC is forwarded to AR (QS) (for example recording, tracking and monitoring of modifications, see C-SAPs- Annex 23).


7) Details of the modification are retained by both the School and AR (QS), and notification of the completed modification is reported via the Standing Report to SLEC for information purposes.

School/Academic Registry

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Further reference to the approval process for UC awards is detailed in Section C, 5.1 of the Quality Handbook.

17.1 Process for Course Approval/Periodic Review of a Named UC Award

Task Approval PR1) Named awards are normally

considered alongside the relevant parent course(s). However, when not aligned to a specific course they can be considered at SSLESC or via a separate SSLESC-Led event.

2) Documentation requirements are:

Title Approval (PD) form. C-SAPs-Annex 24 (for awards

of 60 credits and above). Student Handbook/Module

Guide. Staff CVs. Library Statement. Module Document/Module

Specification. Programme Specification, if


In addition:An agenda, Panel Membership and Briefing note may be required if considered at a separate event

In addition:An agenda, Panel Membership and Briefing note may be required if considered at a separate event

3) Named University Certificate Awards are subject to title approval. Submit form PD3 to AR (QS) following approval of the award via SSLESC or Course Approval Event.

4) Where the event involves a Collaborative/Employer Institution there will be requirements for additional documentation. Further details can be found in Section E of the Quality Handbook.

5) Post event approval, an electronic copy of the documentation below should be sent to AR (QS):

Minutes detailing the approval discussion and decision.

Programme Specification, if relevant.

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Task Approval PR6) AR (QS) provide notification to the

next available SLEC meeting for University information.

7) The School will receive notification of formal University approval following the SLEC meeting.

8) All modules in a self-contained award should be reviewed every 6 years in line with the standard review period.


17.2 Process for Untitled Awards (60 credits and under)

Task Approval1) Untitled Awards are not approved

through a formal University level Committee process.

2) Schools should submit form CRSSU01 (Course Set Up Data Collection Form for Untitled Awards) to Finance & Commercial Development, refer to C-SAPs-Annex 20.

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18.1 Admissions

The Course Approval and Periodic Review process links to the Admissions Cycle as detailed (in brief) below:

Process CA PR1) Title Approval (PD) Process

Approval of new course title. Following Title Approval Process for a new course, details can be added to the University website as ‘*subject to approval’.


2) Title Approval (PD) Process Change of existing titles process.


Existing courses can continue to be advertised on the University website. However, changes to existing titles will not be amended until the Title Approval Process has given its approval.

Guidance on the impact of title changes mid-cycle is included the SAPs for Portfolio Development Section B of the Quality Handbook.

Change of titles are normally added to the website as ‘*subject to approval’.

3) Coding of awards by FCDFollowing SLEC ‘Apply Online’ link can be added to the website.

NB: UCAS codes can take some time to be allocated which may extend this process beyond the normal timeframes.

If the title change has resulted in a new code being allocated the ‘apply online’ link will need to be updated.

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Process CA PR4) Critical Read and Module Event

With guidance from Course Leaders, provisional course and module information can be added to the University website.

5) University EventA decision made by the Event Panel to Approve or Not Approve the course.

The Course Team will be given a deadline to work to, to submit revised documentation for SLEC approval.

6) SLEC ApprovalNormally takes place approximately 2 months after the University event date. It is at this point that the ‘*Subject to Approval’ flag can be removed.

18.2 Timetabling and Student Records (Modularity)

The Approval and Periodic Review process links to the Timetabling and Student Records (Modularity) Cycle as detailed (in brief) below:

Process CA PR1) Critical Read Event

A draft programme specification and course structure will be available from School Quality Team.

2) Module Event PreparationAcademic colleagues or nominee should be given a deadline by which modules must be created on the UTREG site. Module codes need to be in place so that an electronic Module Verification Form (MVF) can be created for timetabling purposes. Suggested deadline for this stage is the end of November.

It is important that Course Teams consider their learning and teaching strategies early so that the modules can be timetabled in line with University deadlines in

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December/January for delivery in the following academic year September starts), and option choice information is available to students in February, if relevant.

Note: Please also refer to the Academic Workload Management Framework for Activities, allowances and tariffs.

3) Module EventCreation of Module Specifications on the UTREG site creates a module record in SITS. Draft programme specifications will be available from School Quality Team.

4) University EventA decision made by the Event Panel to Approve or Not Approve the course.

The Course Team will be given a deadline to work to, to submit revised documentation and have modules approved for final SLEC approval.

5) SLEC ApprovalNormally takes place approximately two months after the University event date. It is at this point that the ‘*subject to approval’ flag can be removed.

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18.3 Assessments

The Approval and Periodic Review process links to the Assessment Cycle as detailed (in brief) below:

Process CA PR1) Critical Read

A draft programme specification and course structure should be available from School Quality Team.

2) Module EventCreation of Module Specifications on the UTREG site creates a module record in SITS.

3) University EventA decision made by the Event Panel to Approve or Not Approve the course.

The Course Team will be given a deadline to work to, to submit revised documentation and have modules approved for SLEC approval.

Assessment Patterns for modules are not available in SITS until the module has been approved.

4) SLEC ApprovalNormally takes place approximately two months after the University event date. It is at this point that the ‘*subject to approval’ flag can be removed.

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