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Hans Boodt Magazine - SMART edition

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EDITIONSmart Women




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2. Hans Boodt #2


10.CITY TRIP.City report Salone Internazionale del Mobile

12.NEW COLLECTION. Introduction Smart female


NEWS. 4.Hans Boodt review euro-shop 2011 in Dusseldorf

6.INTERVIEW.An interview with Smart woman

9.NEVER OUT OF STYLE.What Smart woman wears

Copyright by Hans Boodt Mannequins 2011




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During Euroshop 2011 we launched our first magazine. And we were over-whelmed by all the enthusiastic reactions! So it’s with great pride that we now present you our second magazine.

The magazine consists of two parts; in one part we feature Smart women, the other part puts Smart men in the limelight. Through interviews with them you will be shown a glimpse into their hectic and diverse lives as a designer and a marketing director. They will take you along an inspirational tour of Milan and New York, they will share their fa-vorite fashion items with you, and more than that, Smart male will tell you about a guerilla action in Amsterdam which he considered for Hans Boodt.

Oh... and of course we are looking back to Euroshop 2011 where our presence generated the necessary positive attention for Hans Boodt.

We hope you will enjoy reading the magazine and definitely wish you lots of inspiration and who knows….. we might see each other in Berlin at Bread & Butter.

Become a friend on facebook

[email protected]

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Hans Boodt is proud to share the news of their success during the Euroshop 2011 fair with all their new collec-tions. The new collections consisted of the Casuals, the Smarts, the Dorothys and of course, the attention grabbers: the Uglys and the Beat Union.

The Hans Boodt team cleverly set up their booth in a way that was too irresistible to not steal a peek inside and see what was going on. Every inch of the area was un-doubtedly a reflection of the brand’s identity; from the accessories inside the booth to the walls themselves. Black and white was the main style recipe and the recog-nizable sleek and clean look of the Hans Boodt showrooms. The new catalogs and news-paper were also available at the Hans Boodt stand; visitors could pick them for free

and get the inside scoop on the mannequins, Hans Boodt’s inspirations, and of course a look inside the headquar-ters. Special features such as intimate interviews between the mannequins and the company’s philosophy were also shared.

Moreover, highlight of the event was the attention the mannequins received- from random and the industry’s people- and pictures they took of themselves and the mannequins. Overall, the impressions were very positive and the atmosphere was composed and relaxed. Ultimately, the Hans Boodt team accredits the success to the booth’s accessibility and openness, the perfectly styled mannequins, and the memorabilia offered to guests for a lasting experience.

>> for more pictures go toWWW.HANSBOODT.COM

‘I’ve turned many a fair, but the atmosphere and number of visitors what we could meet was really huge!’-Cor Monteban, International business-


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“First of all, thank you for having us! You must run a busy schedule!”“My pleasure! It’s always exciting to get the op-portunity to share my story with the rest of the world.”

“Well, let me start off by ask-ing you about your ‘early’ years and how your fascina-tion with fashion began. When did you first realize designing is what you want to do?”“Ouf, I have to go way back on that one! I think I was infatuated with fashion ever since I can remember! I’ve always loved putting outfits to-gether for myself, but also for my friends. I think at some point, this wasn’t enough anymore and I started customizing al-most all my clothes. This was how I created the ide-al outfits I had in mind. I remember – according to current trends of course - cutting my jeans or tight-ening my T-shirts. Soon, sewing and even coloring became a piece of cake for me!”

“That’s interesting! Most youngsters settle for styling… you however, took it to the next level! I suppose the frus-tration of not finding the exact items you had in mind let you to pursue a career in Design.”“Absolutely! I started

designing and styl-ing while I was still in school, and my love for design grew further and further during that period. It has been a long and difficult road, but I never had doubts about what I wanted with my life. Creating innova-tive concepts and designs for people who love wear-ing fashionable clothes is absolutely worth it.”

“So here you are! Who can you say has been an inspira-tion for your design?”“I get inspired when I least expect it. At a funky concert for example, but also from any inter-esting stranger walking down the street. Fashionhas been around for so long, some people just don’t follow trends any-more. Instead, they devel-oped their own style and stick with that until they suddenly change their minds about what looks good and what doesn’t. I can honestly say I get my inspiration mostly from daily stuff like music, theater or art. And of course, there are peo-ple that I admire professionally such as Karl Lagerfeld. I love how he always manages to do the unexpected, sometimes almost subtly provoca-tive.”


In late april, Hans Boodt had the unique opportunity to interview Smart Woman, the famous French fashion designer who takes her ability to bring the smart, yet trendy casual look to a whole new level. The designs are stunning, almost surreal. Interviewing Smart Woman, I attain a designer’s view of her hard work and her hopeful pursuit in creating innovative designs.


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“How have these inspirations been transferred to your cat-walk designs and your designs for everyday life?”“For me, this is where it gets interesting! On the catwalk I can expose all my extravagant ideas that dwell in my imagina-tion, knowing that nobody can actually wear them on the street. Later on, I translate these ideas to fabulous pieces that people can wear any time of the day. You might have noticed the classic, but edgy style that comes back in all my designs. Transparent fabrics, el-egant cuffs, tight fit-tings, glossy finishes and smooth materials are an important part of my sig-nature.”

“So we’ve noticed! In the end: who wears your designs? Who is the ideal Smart woman?“I would like to think the person wearing my de-signs is someone who’s comfortable in her own skin. This woman doesn’t need my designs inorder to become ‘some-one’. She has already developed a strong per-sonality and wears my de-signs just to reflect her character. My designs are an accessory for them and not the recipe. The ideal Smart woman loves to go out, loves her career and is extroverted and inde-pendent. She loves flirt-ing and feeling sexy but she also appreciates a good book or going to the theater.”

“Someone in particular you have in mind? A celebrity or maybe even a fashion house?”“I would be truly honored to dress Blake Lively, Evan Rachel Wood or Natalie Portman! These are the women I keep in mind when I grab my pencil and start sketching for a new line. As for designing for a fashion house, I would be thrilled to work with Olivier Rousteing on the new diffusion line for Balmain, but a haute couture line for H&M is also high on my wish-list.”

“As we all know, you’re sta-tioned in Paris. How does this city relate to any other fash-ion capital of the world?”“Well, besides the fact that Paris is one of the most influential fashion capitals of the world, it’s the whole city vibe that inspires me! The intense individualistic culture allows people to express themselves freely and that’s why almost all the latest trends emerge in Paris. I absolutely love it here!”

“I would be truly honored to dress Blake Lively, Evan Rachel Wood or Natalie Portman!”

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NEVER OUT OF STYLESmart woman wears

High heel pumps are a must –have in a wardrobe of a Smart woman. It’s time-less yet trendy, clean, classic, safe, stunning and sexy... how true; these pumps are ideal for many different occasions. A warm summer evening on a patio or a drink with colleagues and through the perfect accessories gives your outfit always the right twist.


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Salone Internazionale del Mo-bile, a source of inspiration!Report from Smart woman.

April is my favorite month! Not only because spring really starts blossoming, but even more because of the yearly interior design fair in Milan. For me, as a de-signer, it is an abso-lute must to be there and let me tell you, it’s no hardship!

During the week of the Sa-lone Internazionale del Mo-bile Milan is dedicated to interior design, design and innovation. People come to Italy from all over the world to be


inspired by the latesttrends in living and lifestyle.

This year marked the 50th edition of this trendset-ting international furniture fair. All manufacturers and designers are gathered to-gether in an area of over 200.000m2 to show their latest designs.

Dutch Design is strongly represented as always and it’s pure enjoyment to visit the beautiful and inter-esting stands of Design Academy, Niels van Eijk & Miriam van der Lubbe, Moooi, Aldo Bakker, Phil-lips and many more.

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However, the real place to be are the outdoor lo-cations. For the last ten years Zona Tortona has been known for being the creative solution for the saloni, but this year, for the second time in a row, the “absolute place to be” has to be district Ventura.

The Royal College of Art and the Scuola Politecni-ca are real eye-catchers, but here too the Dutch designers attract, right-ly so, a lot of interna-tional attention.

I left Milan with loads of inspiration as well as a couple of beautiful new outfits.

>> for more pictures go toWWW.HANSBOODT.COM


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SOPHISTICATED LADIESThe SMART collection is a group of so-phisticated, well mannered, educated and sharply dressed females. The ladies are in their late twenties & beginning thir-ties, they defi nitely know their place in society and know exactly where they are heading in life. They always wear cutting edge fashion and have a refi ned taste for quality in food & drinks and designer interiors and work hard to end up with a quality retirement when they get older.They are aware of the fact that they are fortunate enough to be able to indulge in the good life and

will therefore never forget the less fortunate in this world. They donate to good causes or volunteer from time to time. They live a well balanced and am-bitious life in lively cities like Par-is, Milan or Antwerp.

The mannequins are all designed with our new slimmer measurement for a better fi t.Above you can see an image of the poses available. It goes without saying that the color can always be customized upon request.


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“First of all, thanks for inviting us to your home. We love what you’ve done to the place!”“Thank you, always nice to hear! And of course, you are more than welcome. I hope, by sharing my story, I can inspire people to be all they can be.”

“Your life seems well organised. Do things always work out the way you want to?“Not in the least. I studied Marketing at the University of Antwerp, but after my graduation, the Job Market completely collapsed.

As a successful Marketing Director, Smart man (35) is living the good life in Antwerp. Not too surprising to us, for this unique city seems to really have it all; high end fusion restaurants, funky clubs, cool little vintage shopping streets and the most amazing art and interi-or shops. He definitely knows his way around this bub-bly city and moreover appreciates the life he’s living. Hans Boodt had a frank talk with him about his successful career and the effect fashion has on his life.”

Like everyone else, I had to start at the bottom and work my way up from there. But along the way I learned a lot from the people around me, who moreover gave me the chance to further develop my creativity.”

“Exactly how important is success for you?”“To be honest, I don’t believe money is the most im-portant thing in life and I also don’t really care about prestige. What I do care about is being able to constantly explore the best things in life. I have the luxury to discover other countries and their cultures, but I also enjoy all the good things Belgium has tooffer. That’s where I get my inspiration from.”

“I can inspire people to be all they can be.”


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“That almost sounds too easy. Travelling around and living the good life helps you create your famous campaigns? Don’t we just all want your job!”“Unfortunately, it’s not that simple. First of all; I don’t really think you can learn how to be creative. You have to be born with certain skills and develop them by working really hard. And yes, I get inspired by lots of things. Fashion is definitely one of them. But you can-not go looking for inspiration, it happens when you least expect it.”

“By the looks of it, fashion is very important to you. How does that relate to your job as a Marketing Director?”“Well, it’s part of who I am. I love to see how – in a world that’s always changing – new trends arise daily. Take the Dutch design duo Victor & Rolf for example. They manage to turn the classical rules of luxury and beauty upside down by setting their own new rules. That takes courage, massive imagination and a large dose of humour. By doing what they believe in, they making a huge dif-ference in the international fashion scene. How much more inspired can you get?”

“Well, if you put it like that… So if you were a fashion designer; who would be wearing your designs?”“Hmmm, tricky question. I’d like to think my designs would appeal to outgoing people with strong personali-ties. The ideal smart man is sophisticated, knows what he wants and most important of all: he dares to be himself in every occasion. He doesn’t need my designs to express himself, he just wears them because he wants to.”

“Anyone in particular? Someone we all know please!”“Hmm, another tricky question. George Clooney? Oh no wait, David Beckham maybe? Not very original, but by do-ing exactly what he feels like doing, he successfully leaves his mark on the international fashion scene. He’s extroverted and still sophisticated and I respect him deeply for that. Although the fact that he’s England’s most famous soccer player helps too...”

“Aaah, is that the little boy in you talking about his idol? But going back to your previous answer: don’t you think all people wear what they want to wear?”“Unfortunately not. Most people try to be someone they’re not. They live the life people expect from them and wear clothes fulfilling the picture perfect. But there is no picture perfect. You must set your own rules, because in the end, it’s that edgy touch that makes people unique.”

“Wise words from a wise man. Any last words for our readers?”“Aim high, work hard and enjoy life. If you want to achieve something, you have to really go for it, but nev-er take yourself too serious. It sounds a bit dull, but just look at the successful people around you. They’re extroverted in their own way and they always know exactly who they are. An absolute must if you want to succeed! Oh.. and don’t forget to go out and have a drink every once and a while. It might change your perspective com-pletely!”

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“The ideal Smart man is sophisticated, knows what he

wants and most important of all: he dares to be himself

in every occasion.”


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One of the perks of my job is taking regular trips to various cities around the world so that I stay in touch with the latest trends and devel-opments.

I was in New York City, for many THE place to shop, for a couple of days in April. This time I was merely window shop-ping, getting lots of inspiration in Chelsea for instance. All the ex-pensive brands have their stores there. I saw a lot of great things, but this time the show cases of Ermenegildo Zegna defi-nitely impressed me the most.

In spring of 2011 Smart man went window shopping in New York.





>> for more pictures go toWWW.HANSBOODT.COM


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The SMART collection is a group of so-phisticated, well mannered, educated and sharply dressed males. The men are in their late twenties & beginning thir-ties, they defi nitely know their place in society and know exactly where they are heading in life. They always wear cutting edge fashion and have a refi ned taste for quality in food & drinks and designer interiors and work hard to end up with a quality retirement when they get older. They are aware of the fact that they are

fortunate enough to be able to indulge in the good life and will therefore never forget the less fortunate in this world. They donate to good causes or volunteer from time to time. They live a well balanced and ambitious life in lively cities like Paris, Milan or Antwerp.

The mannequins are all designed with our new slimmer measurement for a better fi t. Above you can see an image of the poses available. It goes without saying that the color can always be customized upon request.


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GET YOUR CATALOG ONWWW.HANSBOODT.COM / [email protected] CALL + 31 (0) 78 786231100


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AT THE OFFICESmart men wearsThe perfect office outfit also consists of a number of basic fashion items. Besides the inevitable white shirt, the trousers and indispensable; the suit. A good leather bag, a stylish calendar and a few fine walkers make you a handsome appearance at work.

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UGLY GOES AMSTERDAM.The real eye-catchers at the stand of Hans Boodt at Euroshop 2011 were the men from the UGLY collection. They might not be mothers finest, but they sure have character!

On a normal week day we took the small-est of the three on a tour of Amster-dam. UGLY acting as a genuine tourist made his debut at the Central Station and the famous “Dam”. We followed at a distance, armed with a video camera and filmed the reactions of the passers-by. Curious? Have a look at the shots which we took of this guerilla action on facebook.

And of course UGLY just had to try our “Hollandse Nieuwe” (raw herring) during his visit to The Netherlands!

Greetings From Amsterdam!!

Scan the code tosee the movie

>> for more pictures go toWWW.HANSBOODT.COM

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8.NEW COLLECTION.Smart male collection by Hans Boodt mannequins


6.AT THE OFFICEWhat Smart man wears

With the Smart man

10.CITY REPORTWindow shopping report from New York


4.UGLY GOES AMSTERDAMAdvertising campain made by Smart men

Copyright by Hans Boodt Mannequins 2011





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During Euroshop 2011 we launched our first magazine. And we were over-whelmed by all the enthusiastic reactions! So it’s with great pride that we now present you our second magazine.

The magazine consists of two parts; in one part we feature Smart women, the other part puts Smart men in the limelight. Through interviews with them you will be shown a glimpse into their hectic and diverse lives as a designer and a marketing director. They will take you along an inspirational tour of Milan and New York, they will share their fa-vorite fashion items with you, and more than that, Smart male will tell you about a guerilla action in Amsterdam which he considered for Hans Boodt.

Oh... and of course we are looking back to Euroshop 2011 where our presence generated the necessary positive attention for Hans Boodt.

We hope you will enjoy reading the magazine and definitely wish you lots of inspiration and who knows….. we might see each other in Berlin at Bread & Butter.


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[email protected]

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