Aimmif. AibU tky iflMrt Www*. •Tk t a t OTTMt to 4««B. ^«rtai« fclltof Umtn, AlMif tta mmm* akiM. Ttatr gtoriia Mlt ki taata} Aa4 Uta Ita tkiagp v fe»4l7 priM, Sm« IvvBikr w «k*7 Aiepeniwtawwiwwk tta 4ytae k«F*4wlweL Aa MMWMBptWa vMtof atata. •MU Umm tta r«». OrtaatayUtaaayt OriUr ata aarty UM UiBga. Tm az^iaita ta atoy. OTjaya tta t aMM aMM| or l aM Wtata Maas Ha M : wapt apaa tta atara. r^^oSTST SSr offa^ba” TtoBA oorkf Mfl alao WOCBMIHJ kUlMljata Haaraa^hta the fourth watfebed kia • wbilot the rrighleaad W9k» raafol eounteaanee, tha leg. lying on the uUo. ei fbl. hallow Toien t •0am olTmyheoa.* Tfftangi the mao*a head a h a k ia ^ itarinopena ehimnay | out o'the room I'aod alta afaira, he ran n»4Iyoboa iTiofirfiod out of kia aaa ncjifcn woajuno i FtiartHaff^Ukp Ita taa iaU indanUNa e r w i« p ||^ dan iaihaeoaditioa at h« aoHpjTMi haaUita naan dale tberawillk did te^aalhialoaaa.d^ wUeoeAnBi^ MataaJtai Kiefer the a a«»iaaa^ lo l|b belie and aeegee fcaarer all that ear-: nm4m§ m Ftai—All tta aaantkl priaaiflM oTal liaa, aa aitUabllaa. irreat eeuiua to work exbraaaot ly aad a- ^owedy for hire, wf*— * ------ or hint^ by that 9 OftJ taia| houatoa Ota okiak wa gsaa and a^tk. LOAFERING—A Sebtcb. It waa a bright nooniight night, a warm night, a night when the muaquitoea weia taoubkeoroe, and they bit a poor loafer, who had crept on the oallar door of a waie hooae, ao that be could not aleep M|t !• wery wezaliooa that tboae ere peitiferoua things eaii*t let a man sleep baoeath tL i gorgeous eanopy. 1. ednder if they would tale any lev under ■A aaniing. it ic wery strange that a mao ahooM wish himaelf limited in circumstan- eaa, hot I reailly arish 1 had a smaller bed chamber. 1 never shall ka able to ilaep tilll getone. I guess H would not be any harder to walk about than it ia to brush off these ’ere masquitoes, so I think I’U iaal stroll up Market street” Up Market street he went The moon ghimt down besmtifuily on the Market wagone strung akng by the enrh 1 Boom oovered, aad some uaeoversd, af which the owners had vacated, aod in ■ome of which they were quietly aJoeping, sptla of muaquitooa. ‘‘It » astooiahing what a sight of provisions is consuided hsrs ia the course of a year,” said the lotCfer. “ Here now are twenty-five wag- oos and I ’spoae as many on vothcr side, all only to keep us in eatables taro days. TlMre is a great deal of extravagance in thia 'ere world. Worry few men prac- tice as much abstemiousnesa as I do, and I do not think many can do it Dother. That man’s head in that are wagon roust lay arerry hard with his hat down over bia eyes. 1 wonder if a feller couW’nt iiA h op without waking on him. Yea, he don’t stir. He must no worry tired.— But that are hat ain’t ao taul a bat—it is a tamal sight better nor mine, for mine haint got but a piece of a rim. They say exchange is no robbery, and I gueaa I’ll p and not ask any boot So hero I go. 1 ia another man liea in the aaroe m'wake I I’ll take this Now bore la way, and as 111 try if taking ■imeots are all the go, ’ his hat will wake him up. N o t good. I gueaa IMl take this along, it nioy be worth aomething—and if I don’t take it somebody else will. Well, thin we'have many kznmplta in the hialory of litaraturet andl if tha largain is strictlv that ao much psta for so mueh done;' if the work is loihe pai J by ^ piece, and measured by m yar I , it is im- possible it should bs “* ^ '* comes unpleasant 10 ei erasure msy be tbe loaa true, this or thafrodui rwisd. It be- *; for lias! r sixp neat H ia I t lie or tbnt bo scared with _Jvmntages but then it s i^ e s H> swell the bulk, aod that is every ihingf Though they would never he m isM by I be reader, might ta a guinaa M of he pocket of tbo writer. Wo re m a i^ r h tiag aawch efltsrtaiaed loan tinw flM hr tD tMC' dote related of Robert H^L II will aerve to illusfrate this s u l^ ,js n d k show bis views and feelings with rega d to this sort of contract writing tleman wejit to Loiooaiei HsTi for a volume o?i ed him a thousand moos. Not had pa^ hia charactoriatic lor, that if ho were lo . for such a quantity of fiad that be bad _ himaelf. Hia visitor be had generally been ble khrewd man of might be safely own interests. He 1 fer, upon which Mr. were no other obotacl laid pMia ar paraM af land aitaale, Ijhtf aodtai^iaUw Iowa af Houoi Harris, fjliiiflwee eeaety aad auls el NawTark nndki iha Mount Morris trtat, via / hsfia- akta at the aorth aast aoraar af a lot af l^ d a a d te l.^ David A. Millar la Iha ZjCharlas W. King aadoatha aaalraaf a cfOM road leading ftam * a State Ktiad first soaih road, aad raaniot thanes ' Id lot sooth asvomy. • ekaia aad fiftj.Sve twenty-four dagrssi ^Z3 h sisstasfsoWu. will------- ------ smws. ■ssUss tsrviaf as taste afihs tagras sMsotItai sad totsW lfsossi. with whisk Ihs sskf- llsttaaadsfslsadiaf W iaihs gsassalhy of rsi M tsassOsu wlh sm^ gsflsarasss,thsa A oeitaia gen- or fdr ten ler- Hall, with ity, 4id his visi- ij an^ ’ such sum ly defrauded him that r id a tolera- Iind that be to loo t aAer bis . pres led hia of* s ^ , hat if there in the^way of his ; lhraachaina,Uiirty*lhraa and cat third ka, thsace aurth ssvonty sight dagrsss t ana ehaia aad fifty five linhs to the tpdng the proposals, the bm^ buaiaeaa like character of the trabaoctio u the bare naked form ia which pMuniai y remuoe* ration was inixed up w|th it, 1 rould form an objection ouite inabparabl i; that it would render the compt^itioo i usupportn- ble, and transform an loccupitioo which ought to be spootaoeoiba, anc therefore delightAil. into i n lo t e n ^ dudgery.— “ A thousand guineas, 4^-” • ^ Robert gin i£ here’s another ono. l^U take this, and if I don’t pawn ’em I shall bare hats enough to hst me as long as 1 live. They may get out ’o Tsshion to be sore ; but wl cares for fashion now-a-days t Cbesp- nesa U the only thing looked at, and I’m sure 1 get ’em cheap ooough. Now 1 may as well walk oo---but s ^ { here’s a wagon what haint nobody in Mly a box, and 1 guess that’s got batter in it I’m a- mazin fond of butter. I wonder whether this is good. Every ono ^ught to be a judge of butter them d ^ s. Tor taint all so good aa it might be. There is nothing I hate like rancid butter, aod but- ter that has lard and hairs in it, and aich kind of truck. It is a loog time since I tried any butter, cause ye see, these hard times, when tbe banks don’t discount, a feller must live cheap, and 1 baa txdien to livia on gingerbread, and drinking a great deal of water to swell it. I guess, ss loog es Christmas is cotmn. I’ll take this box of butter along, for fear somebody might steal it.” Off trudged the loafer with his butter under one arm, and his two tats under the other. *’Now,” said he, **1 might aall this here butler, and it is not uopoeei- bla it would bring five or six doUare,— that would pay for giogorbread a long time, and perbape a pint o’ whiskey or twoi.” Where tta loafer went to is un- certaia, but be made hia appearance at tta alderman’s elBce, butter, bate and all, nnder tta charge of aa officer. He waa eoannittod, and last week sent by the eowt to the paoileotiary. Femr fommf PkitmM Theodore Cih- har, ia company with three otbera, made aa azeorsioa. Theodora had a false sot of teeth ; a second a glaaa eye ; a third a eork lag I bat tka fourth had nothing in azoapt a funny way of shifting They travelled ia a poet eoaoh, aad wlula on tta fiiat stage, aAar each had BMda aterry with kis aeighbor’s infirmity, ttay agreed at erary baiting piaoe, to af- foc* tka same wngularity. whea they came to breakfast, they wereall to aquinl - and iaoguaga cannot axpreaa how ad- minkly tW suinled>->for they went a do- gma b « 7 ^ tta suparlalive. At diaoer mar aO appeared to have aoork leg, and ttab sftanpmg about made more di- taariM thaa ttay tad dona at breakfaaL Jtaksathey teeie all deaf i butat supper, tiUeli'tmaai the •Ship’ at Dover, each SMB rie wnsfi bis aWametar, the hefter. to play his part In a fares they had niwiBStt- ad aoMM Itaot. When they vert ready to go to tad, Cibtar cried out to tta waft* er,—*Baie, yen fellow, take oat my tosth.* ^aeth,* said tta man. *Ay, toadh air. Uoacrew that wire, aad ttaynl nB aoan out togsttar.’ AfWr soma kae* tedop, the nsu dU aa ta waa ordered.— Thia WM BO sooaer porfonsed thaa n ao> ibqse whuarc '«, some of id almnk tell what ;h stre ko of a pen gu' Hall, “ I should soon how much it was for I should got down to a gea to paragraphs aod last to wordv aod sylb every word clear gaic patient to erasure aod IS impossible that I coal a more minate cnlculal entered into, except techoicaily called peat whom, wc believe, fraction of a farthins < brings them.— EkeUe (T7*Soni« very of the whig party bav< aued a proapeciua for ny a weekly pap<^' ^ •‘T ta Jefiersonian” w ^ h Uv y propose to furoisb to the public w the 1mre coal of tbe paper 00 which it is to le printed, and to thoao who dool feet <isp o ^ to pay oven that much, tncj will rumish the paper “ free gratis for pothing ” and for aught we know will be| willing to pay the p o ^ g e to boot I Thejl motive 1 of these philanthropic gentlemei^ are no doubt very good : They desire to <|irculatfl uooag the people “correct inforirBitioo” 1 M ^ N the tbirty-first day of October, om ^ ibouaand eight kuoidred aod thirty :re ofsaid crom read, ilieaoe akmg the ee^re ofsaki cross rood thrsa ehaius and th ^ y (brea and ono third linha to the piaoe af Iwginniof. cuoiaioiBg aae half of ao sem af Ufld i which ss»d inJsoiaro of mortfap wt|s recorded ia the oSaa af tta Clark af the eoonty of Liviogoses ou the 84th d ^ of Augtwt A. D. IS8«, at 4 o’clock P. M. ia Iihor 8 of mortgages at pxge 8ft, aad which said iodeature of amrtaaga waa a^ tetwarda (to w itte the tSd tay ofSrpteai* tag IBHiduly ataftad by ita MidChMiM W. Kmc le John Terry by hie smic"wss< btaring data of Saptsmtar fifid 1617 and recorded io tta said Clerks office oa ita 89ih day ofBeptemtar 1887 at • o’elook P. M. in libtr 8 of mortfigat hi page lit . And whereas dcfoult has beea made ia tta payowot of ita prineipnl aod into secured by said mortgage according to tta CQoditiOQ ttareoi; oa wtwch there iaolaimad to be due and unpaid at the tisM of the fi«s( publioatioa of this nouee the aum of gl8T. 7fi. Now therelbre the subacriher hereby givae notice that by virtue of a power of aaU cooUioad io the asid indenture of ffi gege, the above deaeribed premiers with the eppurtenancee will ta sold at Public aacboQ to tta bighasl bidder at tha hriok Tavern m the viMege oTMouet Morris in ttaeoonly ofLivingsloo oa tta aeaoad .Monday in June next at ISo’clork eoen of that day aod the aaid mortgage then sod there Ibrecl.wed by said sale eocordiag the form of tbe statute in such eaaj m sod provtded. — r>sted the 16(h day of No> yember A. D. 1887. JOHN TERRY. Aas^nce. Isaac N. Stoodabd, Auorory. [10.34w Mortgage Sale. people “correct inforntetiofi” 1nd correct political principles,” ata to ai me extent (in counties where them are oc local whig paper) they nmy be abk to do 1o. But in moat parts of tta statel“ corre41 political prioaples” can more ^BsetoaJ y be mulaaled amoni calculalo :h seinivm; tben Igo, ai td from 1 ^i^InTiiiil i •”« ihoueend dolUr; a'ta the m ,rrecti .n. Sir. it executed to the maJ Jootm do iL ’ This w >Wadsworth a mortgage bearing dale las ' tract or parcel of land stiuale and being in tho town of Avon in tbe county of Livn^- ston, bemg parts of lote nambers one boo. dred aod eighty-five, one huodrad and seveoiy-au, aod o « hundred aod mveoty. asvso, sod boundsd aad deaeribed as foi. lows, to w it: oe the north by lot nuaibcr ooe hundred aod seveoijr five; on the east, partly bv lot oumbar oas hundred and aigb- ty, and partly by land leased to Reuben Waldo and Ueo. S. Babcock ; 00 tta south partly by the north Ime of let oumber One hnndrsd and sifhty «ix, aod partly by tha FowlerviJls roa^ and on tha wast bv a liod parallel with the east line oflot number hundred and eighty five, coouioing hundred seres, including the roads ruaoiof througli the sente, ar>d no more; which ere the aaroe praroiaas which the said Hall Qul- bv bolds under a lease from tbe said Jaroas Wadsworth for the temi oflweotyooeyears On I geotlemen I p« bblishii g at Alba< mulgaied among tta ageacT of prudently o pars tM through the ilasouglW agency any new Albany R e g e ^ . 1f our well meaning friends at heaq quarto e doaire to see the whig cause p ro ^ ro o a they will at once put a stop to anh meas irea which are celcuUted to diroin4h the p itronege— limitod enough now io ill cooi ;ieoco--«f the whig papers in the 4»verml pounrioe.— Beth ComstitotiommUtL I! TansscsT RsvoaT.-|-Tta < boner and Enquirer makes tta roUoeris | ramarks upon the Report of l 4 of the Treaaury. “ It is aa long aa ed, and as lucid as paoled. Tta bury only sar v k i ^ of his »»Atee Mr. Woodbury the pre-omptioo law |ps alret dy passed; ^ tta I xecative m fm Afal, a ^ ■gieaa, *rta grai oalad oa a ahos 1888,000,- tlat Ita from the dele of said learn. On the said mortfagu there is claimed to be due at tbe ____ S S . I .--A ■■■.Abie LttaSf uTtTSirieUlptasU^^ata M - teeaae eftsa test wltht la tMs J,fia4 «ta F l ^ bdtae levelvad whaataMtlBf wpas beak. The lawesaawta bf taeMshwMiha A H ,l, -»wrAi.. aam m.mim. vsoa. AlSta Oatag ianfes hista gas, sssej o thsst ItaKf IflaU s, tv Me^aei^^ tWemmtey hanha, bm lass isaalvedin ^ affisMa8M4 taetbtesaJMy^ seisrtaelwi^JI lateUlgMe ar ■BliiiiesHa g -----------. tlaely » Sy tog»«tog • hahft mauta* igalisHfoa sad veasl tesaateay. fhsrtA— Tharela amre thaa erdhmry asr*(f M th s^ tosUeea. Thte la iagar4a4 as a pteatefmash "U Is sprefisisas laths art ef I the ahility le read well all the _____ ______ aamperttise. thass amrt sf ee- aesaity. ha a mrtasgaadant vartely la the ebar. aelar ef Ihs readieg laaaaas. Heuaa the tapre- prtely ef eaiaf far that sargaaa, hMertes, Uea* uaaa epea say atofta aebjaet, er a—. i—. ef any see aatW. It ie atmaa a heavy, aaaeetaeeea atyU ef hard to he eerraetad Oflhie hahU tha beat ear. reeUva ie, gleeee marked with aamimeet, aad auresuee by tolereat. wbleh. seltatlu| IMIef. aed aaeeeieg atteettee. eaa aeatealy AM eCbe* lead^ eetH/afty ata liBgraad^y. fVkA— heaad ia gseaafSs sf a s l ^ eaaaaa. iSieira>ry adapted le Uw gergeea ef tea* pnasannt imaleeattea. In whet la aelled rher. ertsa/dtetaea, Bsisftieaa aaa aa wtassstahs fcead at all aeaaparaUa. Tha Aarremvie ie deeigeed fhr the meet ad. vaassd paptls b sasdsaita aad n basatsksalr. It Sees net attempt te aamteee meetel artthme tte with the aae ef the aUte. aer te eiUte le omm werk a tieaUeefor ekildreeefateuead foryeeths • f alAteae yeem eld. le ■aatil arUkaartia. ev- ery thlag that eeeM he dsatred, hae kasa dans ky Cabero. wkasa admlrakte Httle work Is new ^Mheullstedetetel^ ' The aether has slswd si Isigrsvb f sa tbs aatehmetlee eeW ia aae, hy the as alaaiea efaae- >aaa ■attar hy greeter brerity, alteraaaa aad preeialaa ia tha dsdaitieas, rata, sad esplaas* C r M U A w T 'i •i.’ S K ii4 I-. tienat aad by ^ha iatradeetieu ef aavrral aew aaetheda ef aperatlaaa, aei le ha faaad ta ether aystems. ievaral new aad aaavaqlsat eeaSrae- tieaa ara lattadaaad; aad aeteug tham, the Praaalaa aaathed ef eaaceUiag ead balaaelag aamhsra. as teaght la aar aiteas ky asrtsia Oar. prapaKiau. very ■ etirytag tha etatemeat, aad famlitolbig Uea ef (leeteleee, eeaeeielly la the Daahia Rale ef rWee. will ks foaad U this I deee aet allew a eyMiSeeUee ef pelBte, is whisk this tiealias dORics fiats sther * Mkeag toaahws. sad ether ■swslifie aihide a meat gfatHyiag aarMat. teed late the tier ef that they will ■uadaid seheel heeks. aisle wW ihew tkaeatlmaUea. la which they ara heM bv gaallamae meet «■»a« wat U jadba ef their amrtte t— Freai tU lev. I. 8. Speaeer. Praleaser af Bihi* eal Rislary ia tha flaw York Thaalagieal Bamiaary. Braehlya. M«y It. IkJ c. Mr. bleraa Sir. 1 hava vary aaraSmy aaam- iaed “Tha Aamneaa Clam Readar,” by Gaergs WUIsoa. aad hava ao kesiutwa ia axprsmiag my epietea of its •zeefteaee. I eaw idrr it the beet work, for tho parpoeo C»r wbioh it U do. aigaed, Ihst 1 hare erar rasa. 1 am aanfidaat it will be Caaad hrerSciaJ both te tMihrra ead ^f*l#i aad caaarH bel daeire iu immedtale a- deptrea ia ear aeedsmim aad mheele. I. 8. 8PENCBR. Trey Feamle nawlairy. Mareh SS. 18X7. Uaviag aiaaaaed. aad Sar the two paet leram asad, WUIoea's Praetieal sad Thssrsticsl Anbh* ■eue ia ilimea. I roeemMoaS k. aa daesrviag a hirti rteadlag ameag beeka af adaratiaa. 1 hare fheed H, as a gnida aad aaatetaat te teaehera, te werb areU ia pcarUee. betb they aad the leara- ora hatag belter pleeaad with it ae a werk le aae. osed Celtarn’s nrat I wwet, than say ether a ■sag ssveral which we kava asad. It w net a pat^ work, amde ap ef ether ama** Uhere. bet edeel ef aa erigi- with inmarka* ael eomprakeateve miaA jadglnf * ble aeeeraey ef ebat theyeeagla a ef their pregreee ia a eielhemalieel ceataa, aaa aad whet they uaaot eewprahead; thee wastiag ae edhru ie amleaa eadeererr te tsplaia what, after all. meet ba aaiaSeUifible; aad aalag eftbe. tael meeaa by apt werda aad ptoia drawiaga,na __ ______ _ rirw eiear idaae where esplaealiaae are gtvee.— otto thouenod nod eerwly-oioe dollnre ^ ..Beteer it an eieallenl sekeM keek, aad weN adapted le ite ehaoet. RMMA WILLARD, Arhwpel. From the Prieeipei aad Aeatataala of the Ca HARD-WARKySit. S .F . MOMTM, A F F B B B a Uiga aad gam nl amort V msatnf U«r& Wavs ft CatlevT, AUo,t Aill MWrtaMM orXcwia »U tad new nftWa Iron, Swndesflat ftodsqoftra 8o EogfisklftLrotMMl ftftdsfOftfw ta Amnrtftftft flntftod rotwfi , ta Band, ncrol1,Wif fix koras shon ta Nail, epfkft and Was. Rota. Cast, ^ l i e h bUsInr, Swndea, Garmam aad •rvnto mrmmi. Real Mousn hole aod common AavUn, Suporler Sledfue and kmmd UnSMMlft, Hitl’a key’d end common Vieoa^ Bollowi hftaCftMMdftl AtafiCrow tara, Ondgoota nnd hoMS, Raf Inms aad 8ftf- nmofts. Cast aad wroaghtMiU «raali^Drt. ash hettina.cu( and wroafU ftoils. Bfftds. m : s s c MeehtaR. Bavaa MMdIatawB Iferwich New Hevca New Undea Phtenix itooiaftea Pkwtaetat hanks M BCetaamraial bank Kotytt Baahaage, Newpi Uaiea da AXI a KTABB ABUS, Ctroalnr aawa,plangk ■wftMs.wagi aa, Aftwg* taopsta ftaiipfttaaraMftnro aad t a p Cscfca. (komn rogm, Asm 11* l i kwk) BaOnw waro,k(aafc itaW itareedelw et load, load pipsfitasi | loR ia.} RosiiRt Ei^ltak mud AaMrican •beet iron, tim plate, iron, brasa nnd copper wire, aliect dk aheet- iof copper, copper bolt, abeet, braaa, ateel, plated and east fileifb fboes, fim e re ’joiRera* A cooper* toola,’ mill, X cat and tenon aawa.riflea and guns, braaa andiron*, bra** joint tong^ and aboveIn, fire fenders, dkc. dkc. Togsttar with to txtamiv* aroortnest ol oos^van. xnr ANi> bbkkt xmoH 'WARS Alwaj* OB bond. ^^R Ai«a,a|rroat variatj of Clteteliiiay, IPmmhiem, UctH, 10 plate, Oreo, Box, and 7 plate STOVES, of supcrioi^ castings and mounting. COOKJjyC STO VES Farniahed with furwihHa in the hast and nsoel estenm've manner. Russian aadEog. lisb fitoT* Pipe, and avarj tbmg eiae U mI appertaios to the buaiaam. mairafhetured A aimoat always on band, (exoapt Sttlln aod Worms, which are not mnda or repaired) and ae cheep ea the eheepeot ia the litate. Qsa mes, Sept. 2887. al yr Naatnatat haahs Warshamhank Metttamptoa hank New RadCmd ^ 0|M p corrsat 1 ^ £ tim fM A 1 tJ Psta^teak” li WiitanM^ Olhmcamaii^ I 14 susvxmne Alalltoerohataifi Paramsir - - de MiaerdI hank dsRknrMdBehtaam , A Ottaf snn snt nsta 81 Newport haak A , nataos.^ ■Mtaeta. i BkTitf AAms OAaraatmntaaUa laJ V ba oro- •«* fiAy.lhree coote. SasJ morlgsga ia rh eeMi^v of W. And whoraas defoult m Uw ean* tM.wocjror •« ox^md, k, which Ita p o i^ to aetl has baeoiaa tipera. live - Notiea ia barahy given thal, hy vir* tfe of the power oootaioed ia said mort. gage, the said Jamm WaAworth will, pur- soaol to the provision of tta sutute ia sock case made aad provided oa Ita fiAeeatk day of Juoe next at taro o’clock in the aAerwoen at the Owrt Hoosa io Qsnaseo, in mid eouoty. Sell Uw pretaiaea above dcaoribad mt public auetioo, subject lo Uw lease above e q u ^ the eatiro “extrmvagaat, prodiga, nunistrabon of Mr. Aa a taal military ezpeaffil* * fiar 1 w m aeat year am ow tiag to OH 1,488,11 9 88 eaom -mxesatailky iAy piroaall Bo Back for tta Haaainfsof eta ip aMsg rsirnnsatT We have ta pay sov-a-days, than w * * ^ to n Mr. Wendhiury wmdd t nR of tta wtata af a*r Wo aommnad tta santo ta iw r m i^va.” seSaigus Asadsmy. Csaaadslges Asadsmy. May 8, ItM . Mr. C. Mwrm ; Sir—Havhig < Mwrm ; Sir—Ha^ si psrtisee af Mr. Willaea's Arkhawtis is rithmstia is hsrs trsatad aasAiary So aiedee. A- bsrs trsatad ass ■swass,and aet as mrti an smlsw meUAr n WMsteds: yrtMbaw. sad mrrvpassim, ass mI j sreidsdi sad ealy s das are wf prscUesI vi us mMsisaUy diRsalt M Dated Dacamhar 18.1887. JAM PS WADSWORTH. Mortgagee. O. M. W m ar, Atterogy. g4wI4 »|S>^ y forwtat •8T ^ NOTICE. M N parsoaneaoraa order of Ssqiasiia JB. E. AageL, Sorrofala of tke county of Livmgrtoo, all pamoaa having claims a. ggiM tta Estate of Qnoa** figirosTT late ofKalamasoo, Michigao,daosasad. arora- qoirod to axkiba tta maw with tta vo*ak- oro io support UwraoC loSraraaji B. Ban- n*TT. MW of tta sahseribon,ni his dwallwg hoosa ia tha town af QrovMaad aod eonaly of Liviapton, oa or hafore Ute foot Moo* dgki Bay aaxU-Dated Noagti^r 88th, BARTHA BENNETT, ItafotefrafiuL STEPHEN B. BENNETT, 8mll NOTICB. ^ PPLICATfON wai ta mata la dm /m . Lagitataraof tkiartatealite goat •4tae*,tera1aw aatboristeg tta beasd af soparvaero efLiviftgmee eooafy lo rata ta taaaaddiifanolaam of five taa^ fiM - ^ tew^ tta axpM ofh*ad- ly a Fire grot/ CLrta (jfba Ae aaid DHwinaromhirll,l887. e«i4 saUv diRmlt M eati d u Ihs i vsativs powers ef Uw staAaL Msay sparalisai f.neorly tedlses. srs amch ■tetdpd ■el Ihs Doehte Beta ef TVee, la elhsr bmhs the meet ksaadersSmd,tetathte Cabo Rests srs mors iagsnieosly s a ftelly U. lastrtted, la this werk, Utaa la say arkkwstis with whlak «e ate seqoalated—aad tksir prek* I ^ I - ^ s..-— ^ * —— -A -^s—..e ■It ef all rulm te I msA clear aad The anther has eieUiaod Urn rates eZertAam tte ia sskilseepkiesi msaaar, sad grsally alAd ths teaAat ia w amshsadlag tha rsmea ef am. aet aieetrated te ether werks ia ass. We very ehesrtetly thewerfc le Iha aettee sad srsmiaeltea af tea- ihers, aader the ten eeerletien that thsy will llavenvsteahtesddMeotethekoakde- w the loeUaeUee ef yeeth to ear eeheete ReAer^midelr Ths‘ highly pteaaed Wkh the work.- ly clear maaaer, tke sriaatelm e f goad leadteg. Tke mteettens e f Ike werh we Ihlak very kapny. The peeeUaillim e f this raedinf keek, vis. tesssns willwal ■naotealtea, pamsgm mlmtedfiniB vatteas wvliws, vsteakle m mscims, caassed ^awiureT^ta litessi. eataam Ms votes. Ws vary ehesrlUly leeammend the wash m dsaldOdly one efUw hsal medtef keeks arapasod ter o A mhaafaw B I M R T ^ W R , Priaalpsl. H. ROBINSON. Tmeher e f Medkatato THOMAS M. LANA PRANKLUf A H O in , Oaterte fhmete I smiaaty, Aag. 1888. B sviaf asad Mr. WRIsoo^ Clros 1 ^ . sad ArMhmstls. te this lastitntte*mw term, nutel- treonaar wMb Ow akavatasamoaiolsla fkrtr' ivar. HANNAH UfHAM. I 4RARCLLA tHITH, |FHt-»P^ ¥HsliioDHb\R TaWfnriiig B S T A B u s a a a s v T > /m tie ViBag* qf Meant Morris. ______ A.KST1FBUI, WjljE^OULD reapsetfullj give notice to w w kis former eustomero aod tbe pub- lic gaiwrally, that taeooliauoeat hk old eland near Thoomoo’e tavern, wtara ta will he reedy at ell tinwe to exeeote ell or- dero io tta tmlae^ Bnefasos iaa fiwhioo. ebie and sobetaotiarmenoer. Perticular ettoolioa paid lo Cuttiag. MtMorria.S<^ 1887. Uf LOOK H E R E !!.!!! 'MUST received and for eele at tta Oen- eeeo Bookalore. Coopefc Virgil, Otm slad’s Phikmophy, (new editieft,) Livy. Nov. 14th, 1887. IMPORTANT Ts tho$e w k9 kmte h u iu u f io tremsaef aoUhUte SAVIINN STOSCa, FT kllB eabeeriber taviag roeeoUy he* X eome on ageat fer Ita Potent Ofifoe, hostakeo poioe loproewueopwapf opeei. fieatioasA ita e riptioae afall ’— MrtiTwe vkieh were pateatad ia tta Uaited Statee prior to tta aoaflagtatiea of Deoemhei *88; aad alee of tbon emoa Itat period up to the preeani tiow, and will mntione to m. oeive retaros from Urn Offiee evmy awnth, which wUl enable him to give nich iefor* mehea totkoea teiakieg le ohieia Leltero Poteot. as vai enable ttam la proeead with leas ttaa half the et pease ef tta ueeel way. T ta law DOW reqeiree that aU opplwa- tiooeetall eadvrgea tkoroi^ esommatioo aod Umi ae each exoawmiiea taell tam eta oBtfl tta aem ntef OMney nseasmry te otaainaPateettaaN hove taeo -depoM mttaTranaefj. Bheeld Ita ^ w a^ targ eted, tta apptaaAweeld loae one t ^ e f t t a money Apetasd tegrther vM Ita espaeee ef tta eeeeroery drowiagte feer It h t t a r ^ e f f i e t tapertw n loitaee ^eroistermmefeeenrii^ie themeelvm ItabeM it ef Itair kwetaioae le kaew wkactar Letlen Pkteet eon ta gnurtad be. feet Itay ridt fee lem efitae eSd meipy. IpeeiinelieiMar detaiipfeac efeay ma- Itaf appear oa tta roeotdeJitaOfifon fer a rearonabis eotaiieBNiliDa, hv ■itdroiiia| feeeebeerltar at lloaBC M o i ^ Ltvismrooa aeaAy,N.T. *•7] LW.WBBB. r Mestaata deketai ; __________________ J Otkws isl Lt^ Adems ee ksnk A OttareamataelM feCrewfebroMfim •tale kkAhrsm' retthtaheeka * SenthRemtekhk A Aagates beak A dtole kk A lysaalim * Other eam nl eotae A Clwrtesten keahs Other eaneat Psrtsmsntk ksahs A OrsAea Wak A Mstekk AWaaebm 7 Gena. River hank A BkmfAogmmn 7 Ceamrdfcaak A Plaatsnhmk I Merrimeek ee ksak d,. 8aok efOsrien T Other earteot aetes di e«w. 8kefChdieo(he 8 hsak 4 8k ef Cebnakas ____ . I kk I l.t 8k of Mmietts Wladmrkaak d. Beak of Measytea Bntttekereafh hk dc 8k ef Ctevalead 8 Eseescebeek dc Bkef Hssdusky * sUsad bsak A Uiatea beak f eeelagtee beak A Com bk of Lake Cite 8 Other e em at aotey IsS West’s Rmorvefe §] new MssBV. ttofHsaiilten 8 f State kks aader f i 3-4 , L Onackkeak A rarm AMoobsnios 1 l.S Newark lesarssee A n Broaswick beak 1 Wkshtee t w aa nls Priemtoe bssk 8 1-S Bk ef Pontiso IS Uaiea bk M Dover A4 Bk of Miebigsn '8 N Hope A Del Br Ce 1 Bk of Meome ae ode • >m rswrma bsaft 84 Sum ksak 1* ' W CoJLisisIbsak S-4 ri WsahuigteB Ce krokea Sesesx seAr f 10 J.9 d Bslom ksak broken Mt Holley Beak 1 ^ kteKiagslea Relvidsra bsak Iff ? Csa^Tereato per Other eerreat aetee kk t a 18 Fancy COVERLET WEAVING. wliBcriber would lolbnn the pob« JL lie Uwt be contiDoee ttie above buti« nets at Tuscarora, in the souUi part of Mt Morris, Nhere he will at all tiroes be ready to execute lo order alt kindt of Fancy oov- erict wearing, ia a style diet will give saL isloction to thoae who may feror biai witb work. Persons from a distanoe are infomwd that they ean aara tbe troublo of twa jetfroire / i by sending their namca,aiid the kied ufwotk tb ^ wish done. For all kinda of coverlet work it rrquiroa > eottoo varn no. 7 two threaded or no. f - Cbm Uireoded. For doublu carpet it rc- qniree 7 raiw of cotton end wollcn each.- For single e a ^ 7 rana of cotton and 8 ®f ^Mten, wotghiiig oiw pound to tta ran, N. B. All perooaa wiabiiig to porcliaao rights lor Mtaot weaving io tbe towns of York, Calodooia, Avon, Lima, Livonia and Sprintwatar.areioformed that the rights for those towns are fer aale, dr ttaaobacri- bor will Airoiab tta mackinee and aqt them op aad give a fiur proportioo of the profits acentiof from tbeir aaa. ^ JOSIAH SHERMAN. Tnacarora, Jnly A 1887. 8ml •“S?* 2£S 3^ 31^ f f l OOOA AND PARLOU SV«V]18« ARB AoansBAL sa*ORniis,r or BARDWArtE, For aaie on tta north side of tho canal, Bxehaiig* HraeLeily df Roebeater. 75 Parlor Stoves, ^*Wmoe^ Unloa oeok stoves, OOQrai^r'keoaieal do do *8 Of*Qger*s elevated rotary, do •10 Qraugar*a unproved do do 40 Parker’s propbecy cook do fiffParker’dpremhim d* do 80 Wnaofi’s do do 50 Dr. Nott^a patent'wood do Prouktln, Oven. Hell aftd Box do 4000 Ibi. old Sabi* Buaria iroo, 40.000 •• fiat and souare Swedes do 10.000 •• fiat P . « ^ iron, p V rte^ * ‘^■•ovtod bond in» and noil 4000 lbs. borsanailand apik* rado, ' 40M « rauod Iron, from fm R ^ b , 100 aette fiiUSta axle lo M ioe^. Itt iiH^l I u la arms, (nm Ifi ^OOoaakaofTroyoatoaitafrom 8d.to 50 boxss tin plate. ' ^ iOaiAHSHBLOOff. R*ebsaler,Jaa*, 1887. 4ml

HARD-WARKySit.nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031327/1837-12-26/ed... · 2018-12-20 · Aimmif. AibU tky iflMrt Www*. •Tk tat OTTMt to 4««B. ^«rtai« fclltof Umtn, AlMif tta

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A im m if .

AibU tky iflMrt Www*.•Tk ta t OTTMt to 4««B.

^«rtai« fclltof U m tn ,

AlMif tta mmm* akiM.Ttatr gtoriia M lt ki taata}

Aa4 Uta Ita tkiagp v fe»4l7 priM,Sm« IvvBikr w «k*7

A iepen iw taw w iw w k t t a 4ytae k«F*4wlweL

Aa MMWMBptWa vM tof atata.•MU Um m tta r«».

OrtaatayU taaaytOriUr a ta aarty U M UiBga.

Tm az^iaita ta atoy.OTjaya tta t aMM aMM|

o r l a M Wtata Maas Ha M :wapt apaa tta atara.

r ^ ^ o S T S T S S ro f f a ^ b a ” T t o B A

oorkf Mfl alao WOCBMIHJ kU lM ljata Haaraa^hta the fourth watfebed kia • wbilot the rrighleaad W9k» raafol eounteaanee, tha leg. lying on the uU o. ei fbl. hallow Toien t •0am olTmyheoa.* T ffta n g i the mao*a head a h a k ia ^ ita rin o p en a ehimnay | out o 'th e room I 'ao d alta afaira, he ran n»4Iyoboa iTiofirfiod out of kia aaa

ncjifcn woajuno i F t ia r tH a f f^ U k p

Ita taa iaU indanUNa e r w i « p | | ^ dan iaihaeoaditioa at h« a o H p j T M i haaUita naan dale tberawillk did t e ^ a a l h i a l o a a a . d ^ w U e o e A n B i^ M ataaJtai

K ie fe r the a a « » i a a a ^ lo l |b belie and aeegee fcaarer all that e a r-: nm4m§ m

F ta i—All tta aaantkl priaaiflM oTal liaa, aa aitUabllaa.

irreat eeuiua to work exbraaaot ly aad a- ^owedy for hire, wf*— * ------or h in t^ by that 9 OftJ

ta ia | houatoa

Ota okiak wa gsaa and a^tk.

LOAFERING— A Sebtcb.It waa a bright nooniight night, a warm

night, a night when the muaquitoea weia taoubkeoroe, and they bit a poor loafer, who had crept on the oallar door of a waie hooae, ao that be could not aleep

M|t !• wery wezaliooa that tboae ere peitiferoua things eaii*t let a man sleep

baoeath tL i gorgeous eanopy. 1. ednder if they would tale any le v under ■A aaniing. it ic wery strange that a mao ahooM wish himaelf limited in circumstan- eaa, hot I reailly arish 1 had a smaller bed chamber. 1 never shall ka able to ilaep til ll getone. I guess H would not be any harder to walk about than it ia to brush off these ’ere masquitoes, so I think I’U iaal stroll up Market s tree t”

Up Market street he went The moon ghimt down besmtifuily on the Market wagone strung ak n g by the enrh 1 Boom oovered, aad some uaeoversd, a f which the owners had vacated, aod in ■ome of which they were quietly aJoeping, sptla of muaquitooa. ‘‘It » astooiahing what a sight of provisions is consuided hsrs ia the course o f a year,” said the lotCfer. “ Here now are twenty-five wag- oos and I ’spoae as many on vothcr side, all only to keep us in eatables taro days. TlMre is a great deal of extravagance in thia 'ere world. W orry few men prac­tice as much abstemiousnesa as I do, and I do n o t th in k m a n y c a n do it Dother.That man’s head in that are wagon roust lay arerry hard with his hat down over bia eyes. 1 w onder if a fe ller couW’ntiiA h op without waking on him. Yea, he don’t stir. He must no worry tired.— But that are hat ain’t ao taul a bat—it is a tam al sight better nor mine, for mine haint got but a piece of a rim. They say exchange is no robbery, and I gueaa I’ll

p and not ask any boot So hero I go. 1 ia another man liea in the aaroe

m'wake I I’ll take this

Now bore la way, and as 111 try if taking

■imeots a re all the go,’ his hat will wake him

up. N o t good. I gueaa IMl take this along, it nioy be worth aomething—and if I don’t take it somebody else will. Well,

thin we'have many kznmplta in the hialory of litaraturet andl if tha largain is strictlv that ao much psta for so mueh done;' if the work is loihe pai J by ^ piece, and measured by m y a r I , it is im­possible it should bs “* '*comes unpleasant 10 ei erasure msy be tbe loaa true, this or thafrodui

rwisd. I t be- *; for lias! r sixp neat H ia

I t lie or tbnt bo scared with

_Jvmntages but then it s i^ e s H > swell the bulk, aod that is every ihingf Though they would never he m isM by I be reader,

might ta a guinaa M of he pocket of tbo writer. Wo r e m a i^ r h tiag aawchefltsrtaiaed lo an tinw flM hr tD tMC'dote related of Robert H^L II will aerve to illusfrate this s u l ^ , j s n d k show bis views and feelings with rega d to this sort of contract writing ‘tleman wejit to Loiooaiei

HsTi for a volume o ? i ed him a thousandmoos. Not had pa hia charactoriatic lor, that if ho were lo . for such a quantity of fiad that be bad _ himaelf. Hia visitor be had generally been ble khrewd man of might be safely own interests. He 1 fer, upon which Mr. were no other obotacl

laid pMia ar paraM a f land aitaale, I jh tf a o d ta i^ ia U w Iowa a f Houoi Harris, f jliiiflwee eeaety aad au ls el N aw Tark nndki iha Mount Morris trtat, via / hsfia- akta at the aorth aast aoraar a f a lot a f l ^ d a a d t e l .^ David A. Millar la Iha Z jC h a r la s W. King aad o ath a aaalraaf a cfOM road leading ftam * a State Ktiad

‘ first soaih road, aad raanio t thanes ' Id lot sooth asvomy.

• ekaia aad fiftj.Svetwenty-four dagrssi

^Z 3 h sisstasfsoWu. will------- ------smws. ■ssUss tsrviaf as taste afihs tagrassMsotItai sad totsWlfsossi. with whisk Ihs sskf-

llsttaaadsfslsadiaf W iaihs gsassalhy of rsi M tsassOsu wlh sm^


A oeitaia gen-or

fdr ten ler-Hall, with

ity, 4 id his visi- ij an ’ such sum

ly defrauded him that

r id a tolera- I ind that be

to loo t aAer bis . pres led hia of* s ^ , hat if there

in the^way of his

; lhraachaina,Uiirty*lhraa and ca t third ka, thsace aurth ssvonty sight dagrsss t ana ehaia aad fifty five linhs to the

tpdng the proposals, the bm^ buaiaeaa like character of the trabaoctio u the bare naked form ia which pMuniai y remuoe* ration was inixed up w|th it, 1 rould form an objection ouite inabparabl i; that it would render the compt^itioo i usupportn- ble, and transform an loccupitioo whichought to be spootaoeoiba, anc thereforedelightAil. into i n lo t e n ^ dudgery .— “ A thousand guineas, 4^-” • ^ Robert

■ gin i£

here’s another ono. l^U take this, and if I don’t pawn ’em I shall bare hats enough to h s t me as long as 1 live. They may get out ’o Tsshion to be sore ; but wl cares for fashion now-a-days t Cbesp-nesa U the only thing looked at, and I’m sure 1 get ’em cheap ooough. Now 1 may as well walk oo---but s ^ { here’s a wagon what haint nobody in M ly a box, and 1 guess that’s got batter in i t I’m a- mazin fond of butter. I wonder whether this is good. Every ono ^ught to be a judge of butter them d ^ s . Tor taint all so good aa it might be. There is nothing I hate like rancid butter, aod but­ter that has lard and hairs in it, and aich kind of truck. It is a loog time since I tried any butter, cause ye see, these hard times, when tbe banks don’t discount, a feller must live cheap, and 1 baa txdien to livia on gingerbread, and drinking a great deal of water to swell it. I guess, ss loog es Christmas is cotmn. I’ll take this box of butter along, for fear somebody might steal it.”

Off trudged the loafer with his butter under one arm, and his two tats under the other. *’Now,” said he, **1 might aall this here butler, and it is not uopoeei- bla it would bring five or six doUare,— that would pay for giogorbread a long time, and perbape a pint o’ whiskey ortwoi.” Where t ta loafer went to is un- certaia, but be made hia appearance at t ta alderman’s elBce, butter, bate and all, nnder t ta charge of aa officer. He waa eoannittod, and last week sent by the eowt to the paoileotiary.

Femr fommf PkitmM Theodore Cih- har, ia company with three otbera, made aa azeorsioa. Theodora had a false sot o f teeth ; a second a glaaa eye ; a third a eork lag I bat tka fourth had nothing in

azoapt a funny way of shifting

They travelled ia a poet eoaoh, aad wlula on tta fiiat stage, aAar each had BMda aterry with kis aeighbor’s infirmity, ttay agreed at e ra ry baiting piaoe, to af- foc* tka same wngularity. w h ea they came to breakfast, they wereall to aquinl - and iaoguaga cannot axpreaa how ad- m inkly t W suinled>->for they went a do­gma b « 7 ^ tta suparlalive. At diaoer m ar aO appeared to have aoork leg, and t ta b sftanpmg about made more di- taariM thaa tta y tad dona at breakfaaL Jtaksathey teeie all deaf i bu tat supper, tiU eli 'tm aai the •Ship’ at Dover, each SMB r i e wnsfi bis aWametar, the hefter. to play his part In a fares they had niwiBStt- ad aoMM Itaot. When they v e r t ready to go to tad , C ibtar cried out to t ta waft* e r,—*Baie, yen fellow, take oat my tosth.* ^ ae th ,* said t ta man. *Ay, toadh air. Uoacrew that wire, aad ttaynl nB aoan out togsttar.’ AfWr soma kae* tedop , the n s u dU aa t a waa ordered.— Thia WM BO sooaer porfon sed thaa n ao>

ibqse w huarc '«, some of

id alm nk tell what ;h stre ko o f a pen

gu'Hall, “ I should soon how much it was for I should got down to a gea to paragraphs aod last to wordv aod sylb every word clear gaic patient to erasure aod IS impossible that I coal a more minate cnlculal entered into, except techoicaily called peat whom, wc believe, fraction of a farthins < brings them .— EkeUe

(T7*Soni« very of the whig party bav< aued a proapeciua for ny a weekly pap< ' ^•‘T ta Jefiersonian” w ^ h Uv y propose to furoisb to the public w the 1 mre coal of tbe paper 00 which it is to le printed, and to thoao who d oo l feet < i s p o ^ to pay oven that much, tncj will rumish the paper “ free gratis for pothing ” and for aught we know will be| willing to pay the p o ^ g e to boot I Thejl motive 1 of these philanthropic gentlemei^ are no doubt very good : They desire to <|irculatfl uooag the people “correct inforirBitioo” 1

M ^ N the tbirty-first day of October, om ^ ibouaand eight kuoidred aod thirty

:re of said crom read, ilieaoe akmg the ee^re ofsaki cross rood thrsa ehaius and th ^ y (brea and ono third linha to the piaoe a f Iwginniof. cuoiaioiBg aae half of ao sem a f Ufld i which ss»d inJsoiaro o fm o rtfap wt|s recorded ia the oSaa af t ta Clark af the eoonty of Liviogoses ou the 84th d ^ of Augtwt A. D. IS8«, at 4 o’clock P. M. ia Iihor 8 of mortgages at pxge 8ft, aad which said iodeature of amrtaaga waa a^ tetwarda (to w it te the tSd tay ofSrpteai*tag IBH iduly a ta f ta d by i ta MidChMiMW . Kmc le John Terry by hie smic"wss< btaring data of Saptsmtar fifid 1617 and recorded io tta said Clerks office oa ita 89ih day ofBeptemtar 1887 at • o’elook P. M. in libtr 8 of m ortfigat hi page l i t .

And whereas dcfoult has beea made ia t ta payowot of i ta prineipnl aod into secured by said mortgage according to t ta CQoditiOQ ttareoi; oa wtwch there iaolaimad to be due and unpaid at the tisM of the fi«s( publioatioa of this nouee the aum of gl8T. 7fi.

Now therelbre the subacriher hereby givae notice that by virtue of a power of aaU cooUioad io the asid indenture of ffi gege, the above deaeribed premiers with the eppurtenancee will ta sold at Public aacboQ to tta bighasl bidder at tha hriok Tavern m the viMege oTMouet Morris in ttaeoonly ofLivingsloo oa t ta aeaoad .Monday in June next at IS o ’clork eoen of that day aod the aaid mortgage then sod there Ibrecl.wed by said sale eocordiag the form of tbe statute in such eaaj m sod provtded. — r>sted the 16(h day of No> yember A. D. 1887.

JOHN TER RY . Aas^nce.Isaac N. Stoodabd, Auorory. [10.34w

M o r tg a g e S a l e .

people “correct inforntetiofi” 1 nd correct political principles,” a ta to ai me extent (in counties where them are oc local whig paper) they nmy be abk to do 1 o. But in moat parts of tta statel“ corre41 political prioaples” can more ^BsetoaJ y be mulaaled amoni

calculalo :h seinivm; tben Igo, ai td from

1 ^i^InTiiiil i •”« ihoueend dolUr; a'ta the m,rrecti .n. Sir. it executed to the maJ Jootmdo iL ’ This w > Wadsworth a mortgage bearing dale las

' tract or parcel of land stiuale and being in tho town of Avon in tbe county of Livn^- ston, bemg parts of lote nambers one boo. dred aod eighty-five, one huodrad and seveoiy-au, aod o « hundred aod mveoty. asvso, sod boundsd aad deaeribed as foi. lows, to w it: oe the north by lot nuaibcr ooe hundred aod seveoijr five; on the east, partly bv lot oumbar oas hundred and aigb- ty, and partly by land leased to Reuben Waldo and Ueo. S. Babcock ; 00 t ta south partly by the north Ime of let oumber One hnndrsd and sifhty «ix, aod partly by tha FowlerviJls roa^ and on tha wast bv a liod parallel with the east line oflot number hundred and eighty five, coouioing hundred seres, including the roads ruaoiof througli the sente, ar>d no m ore; which ere the aaroe praroiaas which the said Hall Qul- bv bolds under a lease from tbe said Jaroas Wadsworth for the temi oflweotyooeyears

On I

geotlemenI p«

bblishii g at Alba<

mulgaied among ttaageacT of prudently o pars t M through the ilasouglW agency any new Albany R e g e ^ . 1 f our well meaning friends at heaq quarto e doaire to see the whig cause p r o ^ r o o a they will at once put a stop to anh meas irea which are celcuUted to diroin4h the p itronege—limitod enough now io ill cooi ;ieoco--«fthe whig papers in the 4»verml pounrioe.— Beth ComstitotiommUtL I!

TansscsT R svoaT.-|-T ta < boner andEnquirer makes t ta roUoeris | ramarks upon the Report o f l 4 o f theTreaaury.

“ It is aa long aa ed, and as lucid aspaoled. T tabury only sa r v k i ^ of his »»Atee Mr. Woodbury the pre-omptioo law |ps alret dy passed;

t ta I xecative mfm Afal, a ^ ■gieaa, *rta

grai oalad oa a ahos 1888,000,-

t la t Ita

from the dele of said learn. On the said mortfagu there is claimed to be due at tbe

____S S .I .--A ■■■.AbieLt t a Sf u T tT S irie U lp ta s U ^ ^ a ta M -teeaae eftsa test wltht la tMs J,fia4 «ta F l ^

bdtae levelvad whaataMtlBf wpas

beak. The law esaaw ta bf taeM shw M iha

A H , l , - » w r A i . .

a a m m.mim. vsoa.A lS ta Oatag ianfes

h is ta gas, ss sej o thsst I taK f I f l a U s , t v M e ^ a e i ^ ^

tWemmtey hanha, bm lass isaalvedin ^ affisM a8M 4

taetb tesaJM y^se isr ta elwi^JI

lateUlgMe ar ■BliiiiesHa g -----------.tlaely » Sy tog»«tog • hahft mauta*igalisHfoa sad veasl tesaateay. fhsrtA— Tharela amre thaa erdhmry asr*(f M th s ^ tosUeea. Thte la iagar4a4 as a pteatefmash

" U Is sprefisisas laths art ef I the ahility le read well all the

_____ ______ aamperttise. thass amrt s f ee-aesaity. ha a mrtasgaadant vartely la the ebar. aelar ef Ihs readieg laaaaas. Heuaa the tapre- prtely ef eaiaf far that sargaaa, hMertes, Uea* uaaa epea say atofta aebjaet, er — a—. i—.ef any see aatW . It ie atmaa a heavy, aaaeetaeeea atyU ef hard to he eerraetad Oflhie hahU tha beat ear. reeUva ie, gleeee marked with aamimeet, aad auresuee by tolereat. wbleh. seltatlu| IMIef. aed aaeeeieg atteettee. eaa aeatealy AM eCbe*

lead eetH/afty ata liBgraad^y. fVkA—

heaad ia gseaafSs sf a s l ^ eaaaaa. iSieira>ry adapted le Uw gergeea ef tea* pnasannt im aleeattea. In whet la aelled rher. ertsa/dtetaea, Bsisftieaa aaa aa w tassstahs fcead at all aeaaparaUa.

Tha Aarremvie ie deeigeed fhr the meet ad. vaassd paptls b sasdsaita aad n b a sa tsk sa lr.It Sees net attempt te aamteee meetel artthme tte with the aae ef the aUte. aer te eiUte le omm werk a tieaUeefor ekildreeefateuead foryeeths • f alAteae yeem eld. le ■aati l arUkaartia. ev­ery thlag that eeeM he dsatred, hae kasa dans ky Cabero. wkasa admlrakte Httle work Is new^M heullstedetetel^ '

The aether has slswd si Isigrsvb f sa tbs aatehmetlee eeW ia aae, hy the as alaaiea efaae- >aaa ■attar hy greeter brerity, alteraaaa aad preeialaa ia tha dsdaitieas, rata, sad esplaas*

C r M U A w T 'i •i.’ S K i i4 I - .

tienat aad by ^ha iatradeetieu ef aavrral aew aaetheda ef aperatlaaa, aei le ha faaad ta ether aystems. ievaral new aad aaavaqlsat eeaSrae- tieaa ara lattadaaad; aad aeteug tham, the Praaalaa aaathed ef eaaceUiag ead balaaelag aamhsra. as teaght la aar aiteas ky asrtsia Oar.

prapaKiau. very ■ etirytag tha etatemeat, aad famlitolbigUea ef (leeteleee, eeaeeielly la the Daahia Rale ef rWee. will ks foaad U this I deee aet allew a eyMiSeeUee ef pelBte, is whisk this tiealias dORics fiats sther

* Mkeag toaahws. sad ether ■swslifie aihide a meat gfatHyiag aarMat.

teed late the tier efthat they will■uadaid seheel heeks. aisle wW ihew tkaeatlmaUea. la

which they ara heM bv gaallamae meet «■»a« wat U jadba ef their amrtte t—Freai tU lev. I. 8. Speaeer. Praleaser af Bihi*

eal Rislary ia tha flaw York Thaalagieal Bamiaary. Braehlya. M«y It. IkJc.Mr. bleraa Sir. 1 hava vary aaraSmy aaam-

iaed “Tha Aamneaa Clam Readar,” by Gaergs WUIsoa. aad hava ao kesiutwa ia axprsmiag my epietea of its •zeefteaee. I eawidrr it the beet work, for tho parpoeo C»r wbioh it U do. aigaed, Ihst 1 hare erar rasa. 1 am aanfidaat it will be Caaad hrerSciaJ both te tMihrra ead ^f*l#i aad caaarH bel daeire iu immedtale a- deptrea ia ear aeedsmim aad mheele.

I. 8. 8PENCBR.Trey Feamle nawlairy. Mareh SS. 18X7.

Uaviag aiaaaaed. aad Sar the two paet leramasad, WUIoea's Praetieal sad Thssrsticsl Anbh* ■eue ia ilimea. I roeemMoaS k. aa daesrviag a hirti rteadlag ameag beeka af adaratiaa. 1 hare fheed H, as a gnida aad aaatetaat te teaehera, te werb areU ia pcarUee. betb they aad the leara- ora hatag belter pleeaad with it ae a werk le aae. osed Celtarn’s nrat I wwet, than say ether a ■sag ssveral which we kava asad. It w net a p a t^ work, amde ap ef ether ama** Uhere. bet

edeel ef aa erigi- with inmarka*ael eomprakeateve miaA jadglnf *

ble aeeeraey ef ebat theyeeagla a ef their pregreee ia a eielhemalieel ceataa, aaa aad whet they uaaot eewprahead; thee wastiag ae edhru ie amleaa eadeererr te tsplaia what, after all. meet ba aaiaSeUifible; aad aalag eftbe. tael meeaa by apt werda aad ptoia drawiaga,na

__ ______ _ rirw eiear idaae where esplaealiaae are gtvee.—

otto thouenod nod eerwly-oioe dollnre ^ ..Beteer it an eieallenl sekeM keek, aad weN adapted le ite ehaoet.

RMMA WILLARD, Arhwpel.From the Prieeipei aad Aeatataala of the Ca

HARD-WARKySit.S . F . M O M TM ,

A F F B B B a U iga aad g a m n l amortV m sa tn f

U«r& Wavs ft CatlevT,A U o ,t Aill MWrtaMM orX cw ia »U ta d

new nftWa Iron,Swndesflat ftodsqoftra 8oEogfisklftLrotMMl ftftdsfOftfw t aAmnrtftftft flntftod rotwfi , t aBand, ncrol1,Wif fix koras shon t aNail, epfkft and W as. Rota.Cast, ^ l i e h bUsInr, Swndea, Garmam aad

• r v n t o m rm m i.Real Mousn hole aod common AavUn, Suporler Sledfue and kmmd UnSMMlft, Hitl’a key’d end common Vieoa^Bollowi hftaCftM M dftl A tafiC row ta ra , Ondgoota nnd hoMS, R a f Inms aad 8 ftf- nmofts. Cast aad wroaghtMiU « raa li^ D rt. ash hettina.cu( and w roafU ftoils. Bfftds.

m :

s s cMeehtaR. BavaaMMdIatawBIferwichNew HevcaNew UndeaPhtenixitooiaftea

Pkwtaetat hanks M BCetaamraial

bank K o t y t t Baahaage, Newpi Uaiea da

A X I aK T A B B A B U S , Ctroalnr aawa,plangk ■wftMs.wagi aa, Aftwg* taopsta ftaiipfttaaraM ftnro aad ta p Cscfca. (komn rogm, Asm 11* l i kwk) BaOnw waro,k(aafc i t a W i t a r e e d e lw e tload, load p ipsfitasi | lo R ia.}

R o s i iR t E i ^ l t a k m ud A a M r ic a n • b e e t i r o n , tim p l a t e , i r o n , b r a s a n n d c o p p e r w i r e , a l i e c t dk a h e e t - i o f c o p p e r , c o p p e r b o l t , a b e e t , b r a a a , a te e l , p l a t e d a n d e a s t f i l e if b f b o e s , f i m e r e ’ jo iR e ra * A c o o p e r * to o la ,’ m il l , X c a t a n d t e n o n a a w a .r i f le a a n d g u n s , b r a a a a n d ir o n * , b ra * * j o i n t to n g ^ a n d a b o v e In , f i r e f e n d e r s , d k c . d k c . T ogstta r with to txtamiv* aroortnest ol o o s ^ v a n . x n r ANi> b b k k t xm oH

'W ARSA l w a j * OB b o n d .

^ ^ R A i«a,a|rroat variatj ofClteteliiiay, IPm m hiem , U ctH ,10 plate, Oreo, Box, and

7 plate STOVES, of supcrioi^ castings and mounting.

C O O K J j y C S T O V E SFarniahed with furwihHa in the hast and nsoel estenm've manner. Russian aadEog. lisb fitoT* Pipe, and av arj tbmg eiae Um I appertaios to the buaiaam. mairafhetured A aimoat always on band, (exoapt Sttlln aod Worms, which are not mnda or repaired) and ae cheep ea the eheepeot ia the litate.

Q sa mes, Sept. 2887. a l y r

Naatnatat haahs Warshamhank Metttamptoa hankNew RadCmd

^ 0 |M p corrsat 1

£ t im f M A 1 t J P s t a ^ t e a k ”

l i W iitanM ^O lh m c a m a ii^

I 14 susvxmne A la ll to e ro h a ta if i

Paramsir - -

de MiaerdI hank dsRknrM dBehtaam ,A Ottaf snn snt nsta 81

Newport haak A , nataos.^ ■ M t a e t a . i B kT itf AA m s


laJ V ba oro- •«* fiAy.lhree coote. SasJ morlgsga ia

rh eeMi^v of W. And whoraas defoult m Uw ean*tM .w o c jro r • « o x ^ m d , k ,

which Ita p o i ^ to aetl has baeoiaa tipera. live - Notiea ia barahy given thal, hy vir* tfe of the power oootaioed ia said mort. gage, the said Jamm WaAworth will, pur- soaol to the provision of tta sutute ia sock case made aad provided oa Ita fiAeeatk dayof Juoe next at taro o’clock in the aAerwoenat the O w rt Hoosa io Qsnaseo, in mid eouoty. Sell Uw pretaiaea above dcaoribad mt public auetioo, subject lo Uw lease above

e q u ^ the eatiro “ extrmvagaat, prodiga, nunistrabon of Mr. A a ataal military ezpeaffil* * fiar 1 w m a ea t year am owtiag to OH 1,488,11 9 88 eaom -m x e s a ta i lk y iA y p iro a a ll Bo Back for tta Haaainfsof e ta ip aMsg rsirnnsatTW e have ta pay sov-a-days, than w * * ^ t o n Mr. Wendhiury wmdd t nR o f t ta w tata a f a*r Wo aommnad t ta san to ta iw

r m i^va.”

seSaigus Asadsmy. Csaaadslges Asadsmy. May 8, ItM .

Mr. C. Mwrm ; Sir—Havhig <Mwrm ; Sir—Hasi psrtisee af Mr. Willaea's Arkhawtis is

rithmstia is hsrs trsatad

aasAiary So aiedee. A-

bsrs trsatad ass ■swass,and aet asmrti an smlsw meUAr n WM steds:

yr tMbaw. sad mrrvpassim, assmIj sreidsdi sad ealy s das are wf prscUesI vi us mMsisaUy diRsalt M

Dated Dacamhar 18.1887.JAM PS W ADSW ORTH. Mortgagee. O. M. W m a r , Atterogy. g4wI4

» |S > ^ y forwtat • 8 T ^

N O TICE.M N parsoaneaoraa order of Ssqiasiia JB. E. AageL, Sorrofala of tke county of Livmgrtoo, all pamoaa having claims a. ggiM t ta Estate of Qnoa** figirosTT late ofKalamasoo, Michigao,daosasad. arora- qoirod to axkiba t ta maw with t ta vo*ak- oro io support UwraoC loS raraaji B. Ban- n*TT. MW of t ta sahseribon,ni his dwallwg hoosa ia tha town a f QrovMaad aod eonaly of Liviapton, oa or hafore Ute foot Moo* d g k i Bay aaxU -D ated N oag ti^ r 88th,

BA RTH A B E N N E TT, ItafotefrafiuL ST E P H E N B. BEN N ETT,

8 m ll

NOTICB.^ PPLICATfON wai ta mata la dm

/ m . Lagitataraof tkiartatealite goat •4tae*,tera1aw aatboristeg tta beasd af soparvaero efLiviftgmee eooafy lo rata ta taaaaddiifanolaam o f five t a a ^ f iM -^ t e w ^ tta axpM of h*ad-l y a Fire g ro t/ CLrta (jfba Ae aaid

DHwinaromhirll,l887 . e«i4

saUv diRmlt M eati d u Ihs i vsativs powers ef Uw staAaL Msay sparalisai f.neorly tedlses. srs amch ■tetdpd ■el Ihs Doehte Beta ef TVee, la elhsr bmhs the meet


Cabo Rests srs mors iagsnieosly s a f telly U. lastrtted, la this werk, Utaa la say arkkwstis with whlak «e ate seqoalated—aad tksir prek*I ^ I — - ^ — s..-— ^ * — — - A - ^ s —. .e

■It ef all rulm teI msA clear aad

The anther has eieUiaod Urn rates eZertAam tte ia sskilseepkiesi msaaar, sad grsally alAd ths teaAat ia w amshsadlag tha rsmea ef am.

aet aieetrated te ether werks iaass. We very ehesrtetly

thewerfc le Iha aettee sad srsmiaeltea af tea- ihers, aader the ten eeerletien that thsy will

llavenvsteahtesddM eotethekoakde- w the loeUaeUee ef yeeth to ear eeheete

ReAer^midelr T h s ‘

highly pteaaed Wkh the work.-

ly clear maaaer, tke sriaatelm e f goad leadteg. Tke mteettens e f Ike werh we Ihlak very kapny. The peeeUaillim e f this raedinf keek, vis. tesssns willwal ■naotealtea,

pamsgm mlmtedfiniB vatteas wvliws,

vsteakle m ms cims, caassed ^aw iureT ^ta litess i. eataam Ms votes. Ws vary ehesrlUly leeammend the wash m dsaldOdly one efUw hsal medtef keeks arapasod ter o A mhaafaw

B IM R T ^ W R , Priaalpsl.H. ROBINSON. Tmeher e f Medkatato THOMAS M. LANA PRANKLUf A H O in ,Oaterte fhmete I smiaaty, Aag. 1888.

B sviaf asad Mr. WRIsoo^ Clros 1 ^ . sad ArMhmstls. te this lastitntte*mw term, nutel- treonaar wMb Ow akavatasamoaiolsla fkrtr' iv a r . HANNAH U fHA M . I

4RARCLLA tH ITH , |F H t-» P ^

¥HsliioDHb\R TaWfnriiigB S T A B u s a a a s v T >

/m tie ViBag* q f Meant Morris.

______ A .K S T 1 F B U I,W jljE^OULD reapsetfullj give notice to

w w kis former eustomero aod tbe pub­lic gaiwrally, that taeooliauoeat hk old eland near Thoomoo’e tavern, w tara t a will he reedy at ell tinwe to exeeote ell or- dero io t ta t m l a e ^ Bnefasos ia a fiwhioo. ebie and sobetaotiarmenoer.

Perticular ettoolioa paid lo Cuttiag. M tM o rria .S < ^ 1887. U f

L O O K H E R E ! ! . ! ! !'M UST received and for eele at t ta Oen-

eeeo Bookalore. Coopefc Virgil, Otm slad’s Phikmophy, (new editieft,) Livy.

Nov. 14th, 1887.

IM PO R TA N TT s th o $ e w k 9 k m te h u i u u f io

t r e m s a e f aoU hU te

S A V IIN N S T O S C a ,F T k llB eabeeriber taviag roeeoUy he*X eome on ageat fer I ta Potent Ofifoe,

hostakeo poioe loproew ueopw apf opeei. fieatioasA it a e r iptioae a fa ll ’— MrtiTwe vkieh were pateatad ia t ta Uaited Statee prior to t ta aoaflagtatiea of Deoemhei *88; aad alee of tbon emoa Ita t period up to the preeani tiow, and will mntione to m . oeive retaros from Urn Offiee evmy awnth, which wUl enable him to give nich iefor* mehea totkoea teiakieg le ohieia Leltero Poteot. as v a i enable ttam la proeead with leas t ta a half the et pease e f t ta ueeel way.

T ta law DOW reqeiree that aU opplwa- tiooeetall eadvrgea tk o ro i^ esommatioo aod Umi ae each exoawmiiea taell ta m e ta oBtfl t ta a e m n te f OMney nseasm ry te o taainaPateettaaN hove taeo -d e p o M m tta T ra n a e f j . Bheeld I t a ^ w a ^ t a rg eted, t ta apptaaA w eeld loae one t ^ e f t t a money Ap eta s d tegrther v MIta espaeee e f t ta eeeeroery drowiagte feer It h t t a r ^ e f f i e t ta p e r tw n lo itaee ^ e r o i s te rm m e f e e e n r i i^ ie themeelvm I ta b e M it e f Ita ir kwetaioae le kaew wkactar L e tlen Pkteet eon t a gnurtad be. feet I ta y ridt fee lem e f i ta e eSd meipy.

Ip ee iinelieiM a r detaiipfeac e fe a y ma-

I ta f appear oa t ta ro eo td eJitaO fifo n fera rearonabis eotaiieBNiliDa, hv ■itdroiiia| feeeebeerltar a t lloaBC M o i^ Ltvismrooa a e a A y ,N .T . •

* •7 ] L W .W B B B .

r M estaata d e k e ta i ;__________________ J Otkws isl L t Adems ee ksnk AO ttaream ataelM feCrew febroM fim

•tale kkAhrsm'retth taheeka *SenthRemtekhk AAagates beak A dtole kk A lysaalim * Other eam nl eotae A Clwrtesten keahs

Other eaneatPsrtsmsntk ksahs AOrsAea Wak A Mstekk AWaaebm 7 Gena. River hank A BkmfAogmmn 7 Ceamrdfcaak A Plaatsnhmk I Merrimeek ee ksak d,. 8aok efOsrien T Other earteot aetes di e«w.

8kefChdieo(he 8 hsak 4 8k ef Cebnakas

____ . I kk I l .t 8k of MmiettsWladmrkaak d. Beak of Measytea Bntttekereafh hk dc 8k ef Ctevalead 8 Eseescebeek dc Bkef Hssdusky *

sUsad bsak A Uiatea beak feeelagtee beak A Com bk of Lake Cite 8

Other eem at aotey IsS West’s Rmorvefe § ] new MssBV. tto fH saiilten 8 f

State kks aader f i 3-4 , LOnackkeak Ara rm A M oobsnios 1 l.S N ew ark le s a r s s e e An Broaswick beak 1 Wkshtee tw aa n lsPriemtoe bssk 8 1-S Bk ef Pontiso IS Uaiea bk M Dover A4 Bk of Miebigsn '8 —N Hope A Del Br Ce 1 Bk of Meome ae ode • >m rsw rma bsaft 84 Sum ksak 1* ' W

C oJL isisIbsak S-4

r iWsahuigteB Ce krokeaSesesx seA r f 10 J.9 dBslom ksak broken Mt Holley Beak 1 ^ kteKiagslea Relvidsra bsak I ff ? C sa ^ T e r e a to per Other eerreat aetee kk ta 18

FancyC O V E R L E T W E A V IN G .

wliBcriber would lolbnn the pob«J L lie Uwt be contiDoee ttie above buti«

nets at Tuscarora, in the souUi part o f Mt Morris, Nhere he will at all tiroes be ready to execute lo order alt kindt of Fancy oov- erict wearing, ia a style diet will give saL isloction to thoae who may fero r biai witb work.

Persons from a distanoe are infomwd that they ean aara tbe troublo o f twa jetfroire / i by sending their namca,aiid the kied ufwotk t b ^ wish done.

For all kinda o f coverlet work it rrquiroa > eottoo varn no. 7 two threaded o r no. f - C bm Uireoded. For doublu carpet it rc- qniree 7 raiw o f cotton end wollcn each.- F or single e a ^ 7 rana o f cotton and 8 ®f Mten, wotghiiig oiw pound to t ta ran,

N . B. All perooaa wiabiiig to porcliaao rights lor Mtaot weaving io tbe towns of York, Calodooia, Avon, Lima, Livonia and Sprintwatar.areioform ed that the rights for those towns are fer aale, d r ttaaobacri- bor will Airoiab t ta mackinee and aqt them op aad give a fiur proportioo o f the profits acentiof from tbeir aaa.

^ JO SIA H SH ERM A N .Tnacarora, Jn ly A 1887. 8m l

•“S?*2 £ S3 ^

3 1 ^

f f l


S V « V ] 1 8 «ARB AoansBAL sa*ORniis,r o r

B A R D W A r t E ,For aaie on t t a north side o f tho canal,

Bxehaiig* HraeLeily df Roebeater.75 Parlor Stoves,

^*Wmoe^ Unloa oeok stoves, OOQrai^r'keoaieal do do *8 Of*Qger*s elevated rotary, do •10 Qraugar*a unproved do do 40 Parker’s propbecy cook do fiffParker’dpremhim d* do 80 Wnaofi’s do do50 Dr. Nott^a patent'wood do

Prouktln, Oven. Hell aftd Box do 4000 Ibi. old Sabi* Buaria iroo,

40.000 •• fiat and souare Swedes do10.000 •• fiat P . « ^ iron,

p V r te ^ * ‘ ■•ovtod bond in » and noil

4000 lbs. borsanailand apik* rado, ' 40M « rauod Iron, from fm R ^ b ,

100 aette fiiUSta axlelo M i o e ^ .

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I u l a arm s, (n m Ifi

^OOoaakaofTroyoatoaitafrom 8d.to50 boxss tin plate. '„ iOaiAHSHBLOOff. R*ebsaler,Jaa*, 1887. 4ml