Harry Potter and the Christmas Tree

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  • 8/14/2019 Harry Potter and the Christmas Tree


    Harry Potter and the Christmas TreeBy Adrian Campbell

    Act One Father Christmas. The Weasleys House

    Narrator A fire roared in the big fireplace and the Weasleys lounge smelled of

    fir and pine cones.

    There was laughter and happy voices, yet somehow Harry couldnt

    relax and enjoy it.

    Something was bothering him.

    When the Weasleys stared to sing Silent Sprite and God Rest ye

    Merry Hippogryphs an unbearable ache welled up inside of him.

    He quietly went and grabbed his coat.

    Fred Harry, where are you going?

    Harry I have to go outsideIll come back later

    Narrator Harry grabbed his coat and went out of the door and into the dark,

    snowy night.

    Narrator The snow was piling up high around the house early at this year.

    Everyone was enjoying the Christmas holidays except Harry.

    Narrator Harry stumbled out into the deep snow and walked through the

    gardens.He didnt belong here, souring everyone elses Christmas.

    He didnt even want to think of Christmas let alone celebrate it.

    How could he, without any father and mother or his godfather Sirius

    Black to celebrate it with.

    He only had Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia, and they had made it

    very clear that he couldnt stay with them this Christmas.

    Harry sat in the cold sparkling snow trying to stop any tears.

    Warmth slowly enveloped him and a light shone past his closed


    Harry opened his eyes to watch a snowman quickly turning into

    Albus Dumbledore sitting in the snow across from him.

    Harry What are you doing here?

    I thought you were dead?

    Narrator But, the man wasnt Dumbledore.

    He was much shorter and rounder than Dumbledore and he wore

    robes of red and white instead of purple and had a big fluffy white

    beard instead of a silver one.

    Father Christmas Im always around at this time of year

    Harry Who are you?

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    Father Christmas Youre a smart boy.

    Cant you guess?

    Harry No ?

    Father Christmas Im Father Christmas

    Harry No, seriously, who are you really?

    Father Christmas Yes, seriously, I am Father Christmas

    Harry Theres no such thing!

    Father Christmas Why would you think that?

    Harry Because if Father Christmas brings gifts to all the children everyChristmas eve

    How come while I was growing up at the Dursleys, I never received

    a single Christmas present ?

    Father Christmas Ah yes, that is true.

    But tell me, Harry, if I had brought you a gift would your Uncle

    Vernon have let you keep it?

    He doesnt believe in me and he would have known that the gift

    didnt come from himself or your Aunt Petunia, therefore it must

    have been magic and would have to be destroyed

    Harry Yes.

    Father Christmas Besides Harry, I couldnt give you what you most desired: the gift of

    love and friends and a family.

    Those are the most important things and you have those now.

    Harry My family is dead.

    Father Christmas But you have people right now who love you, but you are too

    wrapped up in yourself to see that

    Harry Even Sirius and Dumbledore are dead now.

    Father Christmas Christmas is about love and hope, not sadness and pain.

    Go back now and let the Weasleys give you the Christmas youve

    been longing for all these years.

    Narrator Harry turned around and saw Mrs Weasley waiting for him at the

    porch with a smile.

    When he looked back he found himself alone and no sign that Father

    Christmas had ever been there.

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    Mrs Weasley Oh Harry, there you are

    Harry Sorry I ran off like that.

    I just wanted to be by myself for a bit

    Mrs Weasley It will be all right, dont you worry.Everything will work itself out.

    Were all here for you

    Harry Thanks

    Mrs Weasley Come inside now and straight to bed.

    Tomorrow is Christmas Eve and it will be a full day of family fun,

    all right Harry?

    Harry Yes, goodnight.

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    Act Two The Death Eaters. Harrys bedroom in the Weasleys House.

    Narrator Harry couldnt sleep.

    Eventually he had just dosed off and started to dream about chains

    wrapped around a gigantic Christmas tree, clanking in the windwhistling down the Chimney.

    His sock hung limply at the end of the bed.

    Narrator Suddenly with a flurry of fresh snow, a jolly Father Christmas

    appeared down the chimney.

    Harry woke with a start.

    Harry Whos there?

    Is that you Mr Weasley?

    Father Christmas Ho Ho, Ho Hic.

    No its only me Santa.


    Harry Father Christmas are you drunk?

    Father Christmas No,

    Hic, Burp.

    Its just that Ive been delivering presents to the Malfoys, and I think

    the mince pies had a curse or spell on them.

    Narrator Father Christmas staggered and fell onto Harrys bed

    Harry Oh no! We have to get you better.

    Have you more presents to deliver?

    Father Christmas Ive still got half my bags left to deliver.

    Ill need many trips back to the North Pole to get it all done.

    Narrator A magic map of chimneys fell out of Father Christmass hand as he

    fell back onto Harrys pillow.

    Harry Whos going to deliver them all?

    Father Christmas My brother, Dumbledore, said I could trust you to do it for me just

    this once.

    Harry Dumbledore ! Is he alive?

    Father Christmas I saw his ghost.

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    Narrator Father Christmas started to snore and spoke no more.

    Harry rushed down stairs to wake the Weasleys.

    Mrs Weasley came up and checked on Father Christmas.

    Mrs Weasley My, he does look a bit like Dumbledore doesnt he.

    Harry Is he alright?

    Mrs Weasley I think its the Stupefacto curse.

    Narrator She waved her wand

    Mrs Weasley Ennervatus!

    Harry Its not working.

    Let me try something.

    Reparo Intoxico!

    Narrator A green mist swirled round Father Christmass head and he woke


    Father Christmas Oh I say, the hair of a big hairy dog

    I hope it doesnt bite.

    Harry Did it work?

    How do you feel now?

    Mrs Weasley That seemed to do the trick.

    Youd better get going and continue your delivery round.

    Father Christmas I feel wonderful and energetic.

    Ill need to get back to work, sorry to have troubled you.

    Now whered I park the sleigh?

    Up on the roof probably.

    Ill just step into the fireplace and pop back up.

    Ho , Ho , HOOOO

    Narrator Father Christmas sprinkled some dust and vanished.

    Harry Hey, hes forgotten his map.

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    Mrs Weasley I dont expect he really needs it.

    Hes been doing this same run every year for centuries, and

    probably just reads the back of his hand.

    Harry Hes forgotten to fill my sock.

    Mrs Weasley Ah, but it never gets filled if your looking at it, dont you know that


    Narrator Harry and Mrs Weasley go back to bed.

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    Act Three The Emergency Owl. Nightime in Harrys bedroom in the

    Weasleys House.

    Narrator Later that Christmas night Hedwig, Harrys pet Snowy Owl, flies

    down the chimney in Harrys bedroom with news of Santas

    accident and a sleigh crash.

    Harry Oh no, I must have used the wrong spell, and mixed it all up like

    meta fours.

    Father Christmas must have been going too fast round the chimneys.

    Mirror on the


    Are YOU talking to me?

    I said ARE you talking to me?

    Harry No, not really, but you can help though.

    Can you show me where the accident was?

    I need to go there and help.

    Mirror on the


    Ok, here we go then.

    Narrator The two-way mirror, given to Harry by Sirius, changed its


    Adverts for Shops in Diagonal Alley appears on the right hand side

    of the mirror as the WizardSoft picture formed.

    It showed a moving image of a serpent cloud seen glowing in the

    sky and Voldemort attacking Santas sleigh.

    The Reindeers are hurt and the presents are all burnt up.

    Presents for wizards of course!

    Stealth brooms, Chocolate frogs, Magical Socks, Tribbles,

    Portable Pentacle all fell from the sky.

    Bags of Reindeer moss were burning.

    Narrator A flashing Owl appeared on the Mirror on the Wall and whistled

    Jingle Bells.

    Hermiones face appeared in the Mirror, with a concerned looking

    Ron behind her.

    Harry Hermione, what on earth?

    Hermione Oh, Harry!

    Its awful, I just saw what happened myself.Ron come and look!

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    Ron Theres something else there, a talking journal or something.

    Narrator Harrys letter to Santa starts to talk back to Harry

    Letter to Santa Harry, This is Santa, Im going down fast.

    Get help.

    My map is in your room.

    Arrgh, Ive crashed.

    You must repair the sleigh and deliver the rest of the presents for me

    before xmas eve finishes.

    Xmas is in your hands.

    Harry Hermione, Ron, its good to see you.

    You heard the letter, I need to get out there and rescue Santa

    Narrator Harry clutches at the fake Horcux locket he carries around his neck,

    a reminder of Dumbledores death.

    Hermione Not without our help you wont.

    Well be there in a twitch of a nose, and then we can all rescue Santa


    Ron Well be there in a second

    Narrator Herminone scattered the chestnuts roasting on the flames as she

    arrives in a puff of smoke in the fireplace. Ron arrived next to her a

    second later.

    Ron OUCH

    Hermione Harry, we need to get to the crashed sleigh and help Santa.

    Narrator Harry, Herminone and Ron go the crash site to find Santa.

    Herminone takes command of the situation.

    Hermione Harry we have to work out how to repair the sleigh, find some

    reindeers, make new presents and deliver them all before dawn.

    Well need some potions and to look up some good spells, so lets

    go to Hogwarts.

    Ron you take Santa back to Mrs Weasley to rest and recover and

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    then meet us at Hogwarts.

    We have no time to lose.

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    Act Four The Mission. Hogwarts School, Spell Lab.

    Herminone So you see Professor McGonagall, we had to get back to Hogwarts

    quickly to prepare the right potions and spells.


    I suppose youre right my dear.

    Just make sure that it is all put back in the morning.

    It wont do to disappoint anyone on Christmas Day would it now?

    Harry I'd worked that out for myself, funnily enough.

    Narrator Professor McGonagal walks off.

    Harry and chums huddle together to make their plans.

    Hermione So Harry, we first need to get some new Reindeers.Harry I dont think that there are any around here.

    Theyre all at the north pole.

    I think its too late to catch any.

    Ron Cant we transform someone into a reindeer for the night, like

    Professor McGonagall used to make herself into a cat.

    Harry That a great idea.

    Who should we use?

    Hermione Lets use that little ferret Draco Malfoy, Thomas Foolery, Wormtail,

    Frodo Baggins and some other Slitherins as the reindeers.

    I know a good spell or two that should work.

    Harry Thats a cunning plan alright.

    Ill send a fake owl with a message inviting them to meet Santa at


    I bet they wont be able to resist and when they get here

    Ron Ka-blam Reindeeriforius..

    Herminone No Ron.

    I think that Melofors Verto should work best combined with a drink

    of Polyjuice Potion.

    We would need to get some reindeer hair for the Polyjuice to work.

    Harry OK, so then how do we get the reindeer and sleigh to fly.I dont thing theyll go anywhere at the moment.

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    Ron I could use the Alarte Ascendare spell.

    Do you remember, its the one that Lockhart used on the snake to

    make it shoot up into the air at the Duelling Club Spell.

    Lockhart tries this on the snake during the Duelling Club.

    It only throws it up into the air and makes it even more angry.

    Hermione Yes, but didnt it make the snake angry ?

    We dont want angry Reindeers, even if they are Slitherins.

    Harry Well how about Alarte Ascendio then?

    That should work as well.

    Ron We could always tie some broomsticks to the sleigh.

    Harry Perhaps we could use a flying carpet.

    Hermione Theyre illegal according to the wizarding law.

    Ron Yes, and it was my Dad who did that too.

    Hermione My suggestion is Locomotor Locomotor.

    Harry OK then.

    Id better pop to the crash site and collect some Reindeer hairs.

    Ron Ill come too.

    Hermione Well all go

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    Act Five At the crash site

    Ron Thanks for the coat, its bitter cold here now with this snow

    Hermione It means we must hurry to find the injured reindeer and get some

    hair from them.

    Harry I think I see them over there.

    Ron I can see nothing.

    Harry Over there by the rocks.

    Hermione Theyre all hiding in the overhang.

    Harry Wed better watch the shadows in case Voldermorts apparition

    comes again.

    Hermione Those arent rocks, theyre Santas presents.

    Harry The air is shimmering and hot. There is a spell on the presents thats

    burning them up!

    Hermione Its a black charm.

    We cant break the spell in time.

    Harry So well have to get some new presents from somewhere.

    Ron Why not get them from the North pole like Santa does?

    Hes bound to keep spares up there ?

    Hermione I dont know, but

    Harry To the North Pole then

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    Act Six Santas Ski Lodge

    Ron How does Santas house elves manage to make all the presents?

    Harry And how does Santa manage to deliver them all in one night ?

    Hermione Yes, tonight in fact, since its Christmas eve in case youve

    forgotten !

    Santas Little


    We make the presents all through the year.

    Four thousand days each year.

    Harry But thats more days than there are?

    Hermione Its obvious Santa must use a Time Clock to slow down time.

    Harry Where is your Time Turner Hermione ?

    Hermione You mean my Chronotronic Retrogradometer?

    Ive got it in my handbag.

    Dont forget that it can only be used for two nights.

    That might not be enough to finish the delivery rounds.

    Santas Little


    Santa was almost finished.

    Two nights worth of time will be plenty.

    Ill get back to duty now and let you know when the new presents

    are ready.

    Harry Lets whiz back and get the new reindeer.

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    Act Seven At Hogwarts The Slitherins Common room 2 nights ago

    Draco Malfoy Im missing my turkey for this.

    Where is that fat old Santa Claws?

    Thomas Foolery Maybe hes lost in the snow?

    Wormtail Hes probably eaten to many pies and got stuck up a chimney.

    Frodo Baggins My precious ... My precious My precious mince pie

    Narrator Ron enters, dressed up as Santa

    Ron (Dressed as


    Ho Ho Ho

    Wormtail Wheres my stocking then?

    Why is your fake beard so grizzled?

    Draco Malfoy Its frostbitten

    Jack Frost bit it.

    Ron (dressed as


    Have you all been naughty or nice?

    Heres your figgy pies guys.

    Narrator The Slitherins scoff down all the pies.

    And suddenly froze.

    Slowly they started to grow antlers and fur all over their bodies.

    Their hands became hoofs.

    Their new tails swished around.

    Somehow their faces stayed the same, but with a new shocked and

    murderous expression on them.

    Ron (dressed as


    Lucky they cant speak

    I dread to think what sort of spells theyd say now.

    Harry Hermione said the spell would also make them forget this.

    Ron Ill just take a quick photograph for collection Ho Ho Ho

    Harry Lets get our new reindeer hocked up to the sleigh first.

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    Act Eight At Hogwarts Outside in the courtyard

    Hermione Already now?

    Harry Ive tied the extra broomsticks to the side.

    All aboard, next stop, North Pole on the Slitherin Express.

    Hermione Lets go the Rivendell first, I asked Santas Elves to make some

    special presents for me.

    We can pick them up on the way to the North Pole.

    Ron (Still

    dressed as Santa)

    Whats that about Hermi?

    Hermione A girls got to have her secrets.

    Harry Ive got the reins.

    Which way to Rivendell anyway?

    I thought Rivendell is impossible to find except for those who

    already know where it is.

    Hermione I think its a bit north-north-west when the wind is southerly and a

    hawk looks like a handsaw.

    Ron Youre seriously weird you are

    Harry Up, up and away Wingardium Leviosa

    Hermione That only works for brooms

    Ron How about Locomotorus Sleigh

    Narrator The Reindeers and Sleigh rose straight up into the air just like a fast


    Harry Advanco Momentum

    Narrator The fake Reindeers suddenly jumped forwards and started to fly

    much faster.

    Ron Whats that white cloud following us?

    Hermione It just old Hedge Wig

    Harry I sent my message Owl to the North Pole to let them know were on

    the way, but this sleigh is too fast for Hegwig to keep up.

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    Hermione Theres Rivendell just below.

    See if you can land on the grass.

    Narrator They landed safely and picked up a package from an old elf.

    Soon they were back on course for the North Pole.

    Hermione Theres your Owl landing over there.

    That must be Santas Grotto.

    Ron The fir trees are lying down sideways and it looks like a runway in

    the snow.

    Harry Your right.

    That must be where we land.

    Hermione Look, a secret door is opening.

    Narrator The reindeers flew the sleigh into the side of a snow covered

    mountain and soon Santas little House Elves were loading up the


    Other House Elves gave the Slitherin Reindeer a rub down to keep

    them warm, and a nose bag of moss, while Harry and Ron drank

    some Glue Wine.

    Ron Why is it called Glue Wine ?

    Harry Because it keeps your skates glued to the ice when youre skating

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    Act Nine Delivery Round

    Hermione Now, if you two don't mind, weve got to get a move on.

    Get on the sleigh, weve the rounds to do.

    We cant disappoint Santa.

    Ron Hick

    Harry A little more Christmas Spirit Hermione ?

    Hermione No thanks !

    If you dont watch out Ill turn you into reindeers as well.

    You already have the red noses

    Harry Wingardium Sleigh.


    Leviosa Locomotorus


    Ron Hick

    Hermione Locomotorus Sleigh

    Advanco Momentum

    Harry Heres Santas route map

    Head South

    Ron Careful on those bends Harry, I dont feel so good

    Hermione Serves you right.

    Eating all those Egg Nog Pies.

    Ron I thought they were Custard Pies.

    They are my favourites.

    Harry Not to mention the Brandy Butter.

    Hermione Look where you are driving Harry, you almost hit that Hippogriff.

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    Harry Theres no need for that, its only Witherwings.

    We must be flying over the Forbidden Forest.

    Ron (singing) God rest ye merry Hippogryphs,

    Let nothing you dismay,

    For on the feast of Hog..Warts,

    The puddings lasts all day

    The elves have worked all through the night

    To pile the plates up high..


    Harry Hang on, were landing.

    This is our first chimney stop.

    Ill hold the sleigh.

    Ron, since youre in the Santa suit, you can deliver the presents

    down the chimney.

    Hermione Hes had too many mince pies to fit.

    Ill go.

    Ron You cant do that. Youve got to look like Santa.

    What if someone sees you?

    Harry Yes, Rons right, Itll confuse everyone if Santa is seen as a girl.

    Hermione, you hold the reins and Ill go.

    Ron, give me the Santa suit.

    Narrator Harry puts on the Santa suit and starts to deliver the Christmas

    presents down the chimneys

    Ron According to Santas map and delivery notes we have to deliver

    presents to the Death Eaters as well as you know who.

    Harry (dressed as


    That cant be right surely, theyre evil and inhuman.

    Surely Santa wouldnt give them anything!

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    Hermione Everyone gets a present from Santa, Harry, didnt you know that?

    Ron Probably just a bag of salt then

    Harry I worry that Voldemort and his Death Eaters would kill everyone weall care about, and get rid of Christmas.

    Hermione You cant stop what may happen Harry, none of us can.

    All we can do is unite against the dark side as best as we can.

    But its our duty to deliver presents to the Death Eaters and

    Voldermort just as Santa does each year.

    Ron I have a bad feeling about this.

    I might turn my wand into a light sabre, I think well need it.

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    Act Ten At the Death Eaters Lair

    Hermione According to Santas map, Tom Riddles parents lived in that old

    and crumbly castle with the large chunks of stone rolling away down

    the mountain.

    Thats probably where Voldermort lives now.

    Ron I dont see any chimneys.

    Are you sure we should be here Hermione?

    Hermione Yes, Santa always does it, so we should also.

    Hermione Here, Harry, this package is the present for Voldermort.

    Harry Is that the one you got from Rivendell Hermione?

    Hermione Yes, its a portable Mirror of Erised but with extra uumph.

    Ron Ah the one that shows us nothing more or less than the deepest,

    most desperate desire of our hearts.

    Hermione Make sure that you dont look in it yourself, Harry

    Ron Harry, youd better use this Put-Outer, to make it dark down there.

    You dont want old Mouldy-Mort to see you.

    Harry Thanks, Ron.

    Hermione And use your invisibility cloak

    Ron May the Force be with you, Harry

    Narrator Harry climbs down Voldermorts chimney, only to find Lord

    Voldermort sitting in a large chair waiting for him.

    Voldemort Mr Potter I presume.

    Fancy seeing you come down that chimney?

    Have you forgotten how to Apparate?

    Harry (in Santa


    Tom Riddle, you've caused me enough trouble in my life, but this

    time Im not here to fight you but to deliver your Christmas present.

    Voldermort Oh, a present, what is it now, A Horcrux?

    Harry No such luck.

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    Here it is.

    Why dont you open your present?

    Voldemort Harry, I know what you are getting for Christmas.

    I have felt your presence.

    Harry Ho, Ho, Ho, very funny.

    Voldermort Why not come and join me Harry?

    Give yourself to the Dark Side.

    It is the only way you can save your friends.

    Yes, your thoughts betray you.

    Your feelings for them are strong.

    Harry Why dont you open your Christmas present.

    Voldermort Why its just a mirror.

    Do you think that Im vain then?

    Well youre right, I am.

    Let me see what I look like,

    because Im worth it.

    Harry Maybe youll see your true self.

    Voldermort Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the most horrible one of all?

    Mirror Thou, O Lord, art the horriblest of all

    Voldermort I bet you say that to all the boys!

    Mirror, mirror upon the wall, who is the most scary one of all?

    Mirror Thou, O Lord, are the scariest of all

    Voldermort Mirror, mirror upon the wall, who is the best wizard of all?

    Mirror Thou, O Lord, are the best wizard of all

    Voldermort I bet you say that to all the boys!

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    Harry Well, if you dont want the mirror, then I can always take it back.

    Voldermort How touching ...I always like gifts

    Narrator Voldermort cannot look away from the mirror and remains staring at

    his own reflection.

    Harry Tom Riddle, I know there is good in you.

    The mirror is special and it wont let you stop looking at yourself

    until you see some good in yourself.

    Voldemort My precious Mirror . Its mine my precious.my precious

    Harry Bye Tom Riddle Merry Christmas

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    Act Eleven Christmas Morning

    Ron Thats the last of the presents delivered, lets get back home.

    Theres a mince pie with my name on it just waiting to be eaten.

    Hermione Ill just push this button on my Chronotronic Time Turner

    Retrogradometer to get back to Christmas Eve.

    Harry There now, right back in the courtyard at Hogwarts.

    I could get very used to this way of travelling.

    Ron Too right Harry, its even better than my old car.

    Hermione Its not fair to keep the Slitherins as reindeers.

    We must put them back to normal.

    Ron Must we ?

    Harry Sadly, I agree with Hermione, they need to get back to open their

    presents as well.

    Hermione Deletrius Spellus

    Narrator This spell makes all the reindeers turn back into Slitherins as if

    nothing had ever happened to them.

    They would forget everything.

    Everything except their aching muscles

    .. and a strange desire to eat moss.

    Harry, Hermione and Ron stay out of sight as the Slitherins slowly

    come back to normal and look around in confusion.

    Harry Weve forgotten to deliver presents for ourselves

    Hermione It is better to give than receive you know.

    Ron But who filled our stockings then

    Santas little


    Ah Hah!

    It was I, Santas house elf.

    Santa told me from his sick bed, that I must fill your stockings, so Idid.

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    He also said to give you the best Christmas tree ever.

    Narrator Harry, Hermione and Ron fond themselves suddenly back at the

    Weasleys Burrow, standing in front of a huge 12 foot tree in middle

    of the living room.

    The rest of the Weasleys welcomed them back.

    Ron Wheres the egg nog?

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    Final Act Around the Fire on Christmas day

    Ron Happy Christmas, mate!

    Wake up Harry!

    Harry Ok! I'm up. Calm down , Ron

    Ron But it's Christmas!

    And there's a bunch of presents downstairs calling our names.

    Harry Ok, let's go

    Hermione Oh! I was just coming to wake you lot.

    Morning sleepy heads.

    Merry Christmas.

    Ron I'm starving!

    Maybe we should eat first before we open presents?

    Hermione Oh, Ron!

    You're always hungry

    Harry Lets just open presents now, shall we?

    Mrs Weasley Yes, of course

    Hermione This present is for you Ron

    Ron Its a knitted jumper. Thats what I always get each year.

    Harry It was knitted sock last year.

    Ron I hope you like yours Hermione.

    Hermione A box of Weasley Wizard Wheezes?

    Oh. Ron, you really shouldn't have

    Harry Here, Ron this is from me.

    Ron Wizarding Chess.

    Yes, Yes.

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    Ive needed one of these since the last ones pummelled themselves

    to bits.

    Hermione Ill give you a game Ron after lunch.

    Ron Good idea... maybe youll let me win this time ?

    This is for you Harry, Merry Christmas.

    Harry one can never have enough socks, I suppose

    Hermione Harry here is your Christmas present from me.

    Harry A picture of my parents, Wow.

    How did you find that ?

    Hermione I got it from Sirius Black and had it cleaned and framed.

    Harry Thats really great Hermione.

    I was never allowed pictures of them before at the Dursleys house.

    Heres you present Hermione.

    Hermione A sparkly necklace.

    What stones are these Harry?

    Harry Its a Lunisolar Calender Divination Necklace from Diagonal Alley.

    Each stone is a magic crystal like a miniature crystal ball, one for

    each moon of the year.

    Hermione Oh I know, I read about these in the libar it can be used for

    divination every full moon.

    Ron Howling, good fun

    Hermione Ron !

    Harry I used to be a werewolf, but Im al right naooooooh, aoooooh,


    Hermione Not you too Harry!

    Really !

    Mrs Weasley Hi everyone, here are some lovely mince pies.

  • 8/14/2019 Harry Potter and the Christmas Tree


    Harry Ready for some holiday cheer Hermione?

    Narrator Harry waved his wand at the fireplace and a big warm fire roared

    into existence complete with a pan of chestnuts nearby.

    Hermione Show off.

    I bet Hagrid taught you that trick.

    Ron Wheres my Chocolate Frogs?

    Narrator Hermione smiled with happiness and satisfaction as she waved her

    wand at the Christmas lights in the tree.

    The little white lights sparkled like stars on the tall evergreen.

    Tiny little figures started moving around on the branches with tinylanterns, singing and dancing on the pine needles.

    Hermione That tree is a great a present from Santa.

    Its the best Christmas tree ever.

    Harry It makes me rather sad that my parents are not around to see this.

    Mr Weasley Christmas is about love and hope, not sadness and pain.

    If Professor Dumbledore hadnt insisted on giving you to those

    horrid muggles, we would have been happy to raise you as our son.

    You are a very important loved member of this family now Harry.

    Believe me all those who you have lost will take great joy in seeing

    you happy.

    Harry (smiling) Yes, youre right.

    Mr Weasley Harry, heres a special gift from Father Christmas to you Harry

    Harry Its a Quick Quotes Quill, just like Rita Skeeter uses!

    This will make taking notes in lessons easier.


    Ron Cor, I could do with one of those.

    Will you lend it to me sometimes Harry?

    Mrs Weasley Have you forgotten something Hermione?

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    Ron Wheres my gingerbread cookies?

    Hermione Harry. is that mistletoe I see over your head?

    Harry Err

    Narrator The End

    well at least until next year.