Harvard-Yale War Policy at Variance Witti Otlier Colleges tylore Athletics, thc Cry At Big College Meeting VrjeUrie* Bak« '-"^ Dfcnidl aiid ('olonel i'almcr E. IVrte loin in Call ¦('r Continuancc of IntercoUegiate CompetK -jofia and 1 urthei Devcloprocnt of IntramuraJ Sports . *lian i .. ¦-. r .'¦ ¦-. S«c Btarj of War Baki ad tlie ¦¦* tltig Stll.ir ' ¦vho pnrti *... W .*it ion ti \ . H.'.¦: \ tor ycst.T- 0 \ i" \. M. until itft. r t, ««. -..ry. I- rraebed iti ptfld late ... . _-a recOl . ad ' and bfl made, rail- I ''!ti'' Jump m Meaahflrahip P pointed out. upon Min, that ll New.Haaap- vouio ra* could "i . ^-arti i memben t thi r'itf, flf 1 J* propai .ful. The phyaie.1 fit- of the men aai for conin. "»ne«" . were unfit ior mii- ,1 m- ¦* throughout |y, 80 thflt '.ved. " j ra than the co: from DaaMa onel 1'irrr. u tl bm and 11 cr.lv trained for mii- from - .-1 n'a<i-' |y bc |] an- ¦. -. and oouragerl." i op- itaent ar.d refll* age "i W. II. P. ... eloqueni a San ol the Na« g oi V Mln viar ' front. The ytudent who r-taya kl iply bb No "Hu*.inea« aa i'aual" "We i.-.i.riot Bt thlfl national ¦ aa oaufll,' nor arill BUSpfladfld.' *" ni «boli*hed. Bflt Wl ail sport. all work Bfld if auperfluity and ei 'mn in the lateil with | tha llbrary a-id the eaa ti inemen fit to be citizena of America." rion. mem- Um Dvparttnent'i cam.ntta- Bt i H. referred to thi tietd tha men at II aa in the can .. ho** athlel al been aasigned i" .¦Bntei.. How -.port* had taken hold *holeaak- acale was .ndica'ed Btl lUynof' .led. Jn one training camp 1,,'lSf' a 'croaa-country ru-i, ihlag within At another <-amp 400 banketball flV*l hav,- bflflfl or- laaiaed, und at utill another he aaw ¦'.000 -flfB mming at once. football gfll .'u.yed H'tenioon by tlv boya of a weatflfffl rantonment. and another af- 'err.oon every member af I0"> rom- -. 21,t*N*N) men in all, participated n boxing bout* According to Dr P.ayerof'. the eamps xlh of ihe athletic equipmeii' r.eided. A tota! flf $ISI 000 .oie ji required to carry out eatab- plana. . value as b developer hand-to-hand combat, th" ..eeommendi ap- '."'."' flf a cflflflBalttfle tfl forniu- **** adeejiia .,,. wreeUiag *"* ioUrcollegiatfl r-port, which was ***Ft«d juat before the noon adjourn- laent. Harvard and Yale Left All Alone B. H. BOTSFORD, u.th a distri't committee re- port for thr New Eng land section, at thr meeting ol fhe National Collegiate Ath- letu Association Bl the flotel Astor yesterday, presented the attitude of Harvard. Yale and Phillips-Andover Acad* emy as opposed to intercol- legiate eventa in favor of intramural sports and miiitary tiaining. FTiese inslitntions were the only prominrnt ones mrn- tioned during thr day that 4vere. to all intents and pur- poses. wholly opposed to big games at this timr*. Thr gen¬ eral policy of the others w.is lor n.ore sport of every kind. intramural and intercollegiate, it being felt that the flamoui of the big contests added in¬ eentive for the smaller. Aviators Need Rea! Tramers, Camp Declares i.'re ta* im Hi ..> aervc ra 4vill traiaer to .' meetiflg ": ciation In t Wai' md B. Ko Board »l delegatet ent. honld !". . traiaer U - the a41(4- iaid Mi. a I 10 hav* .. train*t 4\ho will about the il condition of thi id wi ending up 1 ely fit oi M- Will confide in thi BOt der. In both eaaea th sy avoid telliiiK' the 'coaeh' they are .n bad ar* afrald of baiag con- ¦-..-. lo* An aviator' p ,>10r(' nial' Mr. fl amp ,.,, to thi -; aa ". r thafl .."M .'' a lever. D I. E. Bay- , hc eed, If ii"t "ii" afl th* iloi, fuad*, through tion. -j!,,. v.- |o ;;. iin-.li' r. I want .. ptmiflaion to approach raen Hae ¦. w*on l. .-.:.,. i.i' Harvard; t Maak, of b!.\ aad w Ul 4i.u 1*1 aa 4, .'¦¦'. :m. ,.- ..¦.*(! tO .;..,: ¦ h(- rU- W kahingtofl to »,".' bfl th* adi Hendrickson Surprises Tennis Fans By His Easy Victory Over Richards Winner Will Fnce Tayloi Thia Afternoon in tlir Final Round By h ra-d I bwtfaorne ¦i ipling fro\i Vi terdaj iu*i ;l1*" ikill trongtk of Edward H !,(' of th* .'¦'*> R«| ».<' \ ,lp" im by I. and * .'.1 face ,i l Ti ylor, of Brook (...] ,. ten oon afl o'alack. igh to the eham p roond bj defeatiag Garald Oraage, ia «nc of the | b history al i. Osgoad M<«t- lu-frai '-' .. Rorough Park. ,i .1 of onauer* t, T. Oagood 81 , :. Harti '"*"¦' i¦.¦ r,- .,, aad Ri< hard defeated Dor, I aeflai-naal pi doublea by a i id la ;. Monday morning at 10 o'i with Erai r*on and Harry F. Doral aa then- op|.ita, Tas ¦¦ ng thi down* fall < court fl reare, In thi op< ., | -,¦:..- Bll .-!"'"' Bl -1 ***d '¦'' eep " Brooklyn lad oir the court He k." ... returni frona Spread Athletics, Baker's Slogan To College Men i *. ..- onal Ath- ¦« ... lafl ioB. (Jentlen "XI held by the goVerr.ment were Bttoadad by the laand ol j oung n en Ind i had bei trail .ol of the ci apleadid athletic con- giate an" ¦tena of athle;;, -. They lable e, and the eollegiate atbli mind the poaaibllity .,- ti.:- kind "f emergeney la the future. .i- i, eoraea more ob- laortaat to .-.prcad tha bi ae* college athlefl ¦:. aa o ighoufl th" atndeafl body to pr*4 i-i.t th*ii i" iag raoaopo- B*l*Ctod repre«onta- tivflfl. ln Training and Spirit Both 'he training an.l tha p rlfl of Id U '..l tbenaaelvea readilj to militarj aen lea, aad, aa eondary ael tha i aaatry theii activitiei oa tboaa of the college*, both th* practice aad aa .-ni p raportant .Tiie War Departmenfl will »*k . :' Te" .: :. id other qualifled rnili- tary men for tfoe eatobllakmenfl ot' re- Beera1 training corp -. and honea bortly to b* able to aaafily bl* inatruetor and arm to eol* leKes willing to aatabliah miiitary Bg. li.:-. anppleraentedbywide* Bthli bc( eol- will k«*p eonataatly in traia- nf n body ef officers adequat* ior any aational eatergeaey. ¦¦ he Bconragemeat ot eollege ata« by Intercollegiati ¦.¦¦ ia la itaelf atimulatiflg nnd baaeneial whaa :i does boI laafl t.i aueh Bpoeialiaa< tion a- roatiieta the value ei eollagi athletiee to a few Bpocialiat* nnd de* t* th* atadaat bodj afl la pjri The Primary I'urpnae "lt OUghfl Bevar to be foigotten ihni tiie primary paraos* of eollagi- .lhlet.es il « laig* nurnber flf aound bediaa, rather thaa a bbbbII number of athletic apeelaliatB. -Tlu- miiitary nsefulaeaa of this principla ia obvioaa, but it i*. further fortif)ed by all th*a* eoaaldaratioaa ubicli loon to our national Rtrenjfth i based upon vigoroua niin.hond. "XEWTON D. BAKER, H8*cr*tary af War." Ertle Bout Postponed i.i.vi.LANH. Doe. >. Tha toa* round boalag eontoal here to-night be* tweon JohaBy Ertla, of St. Paul, and Jack Wolfe, af Clovalaaal, flraa called off BB Bg tfl Ertle sufferinj- from n lame back. The men will BBBOt at a later dato, probablj Ib I ebraary. Boxing News and Notes _Bv FRED HAWTHORNE- Thflt fe'.icr, Fred. FflTflfliflflfl Fulton, ii. bflfliflflfll BflBt, tiot a wire from Nt-4v OrlflflBfl lant night. announc¬ ing that DflBaialcli Tortorich, of the CrflflCflal ' !'y. had iMtflhfld Fred to (frank "Mary Ann" Moran for BBafl time next month. ro an- only two -teps to .Jer\« Wil Ibrd'ti ehaaaplaaahip threaa Frank li the Blflt and lower s'l-p, Bfld 1 >roci*u« Fred fhould be flhlfl tfl "§¦ BTflf thfl flf that one without murii troublfl. .. coaaei tiie hi-*h one, aad ll b»i alrefldy provfld .. Wl ilippery f«r Pflflbli \v. refer ti. Csrelflfll < ail Mflrrla, q hfll met Fulton thrflfl time- -st time he ii er-edited I icky i inl hop ant »f thfl i ' nn»- Pierce n fonled <'arl in thin « ity an.l wa- dll ed, an.l th* third time Frentlc Y re,! Wl Q Ofl ft fflUl It WBI I aftfll Morri-4 hfld tl -"I tfl a nflfll out of tha Plafltfltflr'fl flflr, r a r;pe mushroom. Jim < offay hamrnered BJOlt of the uit-fuine-.* oul of Frank Moran ln their ,. igfl, and Fult'.n ihflflld be tfl do tne same thing in leaa time, ar« complflUly. He am! wa ajrl- thfl Bflflie whv ahout :t, *!«e F. F. make the flafltfll far, so good. Now aa to littie Carlox. |ht iha' Ebyeak** threw I tl Lewia, at thr LflxiflB-tflfl The- ¦ week ajro. \4 e wi'r liorri- lad lo Bflfl Morna Binong the cpertator4>. Cfll flfflre " Bfll 1 hiB facial *s though tu ltitimate that either Lewis or Wladek would be aoft I ickinjj for hi:n. Ai.d Brhf Bflt? The Kapulpa giant probabiy thought the two ira* mflmmothi wott RgBtiag a ..round bout, :-,nce thfly were Uaiflg about the nanii methndi that lie UBed auainat 1-ulton, «,r.ly not so dflftly, 1 .11 « BOflfllfl of minutea Wa thooghl 4arl had decided to enter the wreatllng nn*i but the man or. our left al- layed eur fear* by tellittg u.« that Morril ja being inariBged by Jack I'ur- d ia tryina; to get another inutch Fulton ar Willard, whieh hii bi Iba in ThflFflfflVfl, ll Wfliild at all lurvrlalng to hcar that Fulton an- tfi battle after tl Pgltfls thing at Knr OrteflBB. H'e undoratand thal Fairmiaded Pred 11 »g an<J that I'nrl i- mor.. Ifl Ring -he bell, bo\-. and let Vm .. each ..the:! \f Fulton diflflflflfll flf Moran and Mor- rii in a cieati-rut manner thflra ducs not seem to bfl BBything that can hflOp m and Willflrd apart, unleia it la \\ a.-j Ji s hlmafllf. bflfl-**rWfltfhl liiampion dodgev, l.y thfl Wfly, let out a wild blttlfl in (*hi- .iK" the other day tfl the effect that he waa in tieadly and dire earne.'t about lichtinir. Biid that Fulton and tha other frllera had betttr >«top bo«stinK or bfl would punch them on the noae . nd nihke |( blced, r.r words to that effect. W'e have ju-t regiatere.i a aolemn oath not to mention the name of J \v bflaeywfllfhl ehflmplfla of the world, in thia colunm agan thi-< rr.oir. ing. So, there! Wfl defj ffl, flflflf fllfll uf Jack Johnaon Do your worat, curae you! Tennis Results w ri «oa n sMrioMnur a n '-»-f .nATI.i ' CUAMTla 1, | tioa a g the I couii. bi ya here er* bj le n I.. much ipeed ia the 1: araa then . loureefl i < Hr- bi.l.-.l hifl * infl i rg ..-. -iii.; opponi "'¦. aj lor un boa tifully Judged loba, ob ir ovei Bmei ¦'¦ >, lach* of i it Oraag* n«.4 naiiieii ).;¦ Orange ichoolboy anklj di concerti d 1 ictii 'l * own r -1. a ¦.'' ..'.lack ..>...- brokei p, .- began t». rm n drivea, for* ami back hand, down th* .-i.le linea. 11.. n> onall] c with deii- rate I. to the net, ball il ool ing Bi roea ;ie aar- > angli ng the nt fl |, Taylor i tood tven witl daahing young pponent onee more. ;. ,-.:¦ bitti rly fought in 'he thild and de< Both were »*t*4*- .-,|{ hai 'I and bci the ^.une alternated rap to 11. In t i*. ?. nlnth game, with Emeraon acrving, he led afl 10 S oi !..¦ and Taylor aeemed *fl the verga.of defeat, bnt the Brooklyn bo) rallTed iperblv. Two acrfect loaa oa l-.im-i on ."Ka- for ii a aai quarely on thi baai e, an rel Three timea fl n Taylor won the Donalcbon Too Mucli for O.spnotj ,iiul Mcets B«iss tord Thia Morniiig and Ifld at .. I. Ill I IflBt | iwflpt Emeraofl i.ei'..rr him, winning at love, tl raugh plendid pa thiil eaughl Ihe New Ji ;i1-' l< avinfl ba ni ll ..'in ing match. ... 11 i. ,; .... ur |... i diatlncl diaap) I he i .i i. hai .!,.,:,!. \*. -: .. erplayed., ; ¦. icking in all hia fi ha found himaelfj et, at- tempted to hold HendrlekBon bflflkfrom th.. poaition by lobbing. Bflt avan thii dflflflrtmenl hi art pltlfollj" iv.ii',. and Iflhbed ie liorl that hii op . "kill" flftflf -kill*' aa be craahed thi ball back into. I Inelj Koiinili-d GflflM ,, i|... ,,, »rt, it mi be taid here played i.r, rflunded Bl I at all UaaMfl '" take tha fulleal advantag* of Rl«h arda'i arrora, and Ihaae were mflay. Th Arahi er fi qu< ntly trieked hii nvui at tion by vflllaylng ¦harpl-f .."" .'.|' aad by deep drivei that ieked th - Bfl may giv« Ta-. lor plenl ol tre ib ternoon. Little Ceeil Donaldaon fulnlled *.¦, the eomplimentary things thaf Bid of him in def«atlBB Oagood. HA ¦.,¦,, .ri.1 a ffltflhaad ariv« th»t tmaeki ol ie fflmooi ataphflBret shown (Caal by Bllly JflhflfltflB, and al eloae -...'.-'. .i.7' 1'¦ arfll an ama-ting aight on thfl couit. Oigflfld, who li only thirteflB year** old imafllf, did waII to ,.¦' aa mflny jramefl ai di.l. Hii backhaad ..-,,. point, however, and it w»i hai DflflflldaflB hammered moati relentle PORT LIGHT ry Grantlcmd /?/ce l-'ani k tbe yaai tha eraat, tha twa major Iragnaa ara np agaiasl I ty tboy ha-<¦ avar knowa. the draft 4vill have on their talent an.l Just whal sfect the firafl arill l-a-.e bb public latereal a<«¦ thiaga aot to ba Ognred until toal ia aiaaV. Ii-,: Irly evidenl thal ia, tha itreai iga in tl c eoa Ihe Outlook ln the two major leaguoa thara ara now thraa club* that atoad aat above the mn--. They ara 'he Chicago 4«/blta Box, ia the aiaaeiricaa Uagae, and the .- arith the Narw York (iiants, ia the Katioaal. Aa tha evideae* .-inr.df to-day than ii bb greafl ahaaee that tha White Soa arill be aupplaatod, bo far a- eapy pap< t Bgariag goes. They retain moat Bf tlie.r 1917 aqnad, and thia "quail 44-.,--' robust BBOUgh to 4vin a WOtld'a title. !#, th« \. ioaal Laague ihe Cab*, with tb* additioa af Grover Clavalaad Alaxaader, hav* rlaen uji to challenge Ihe (iianta. Owner .Voeghman and his aids aie quite evideatly out to * it\ at every aad any COat. They have adJBBtod their i-f-hts on the pennant pole and are bow in ahapa to ghre McflSraar'fl trmn a bealthy dabate, oalaaa Alexander ii i.ippcd in the draffl BBd removed to tlc preater gan.e. There seenis to be very litta thai'ce to Bgnr* a* y one el«c ir. a!thouj-h '.'ircinnati and BoBtOfl tnay yet surprise the talent bv a rebo-ir.d. The l9l7Harvest Kiaetoen hundred r.nd seventeen. in ita bij* harvoat, eolloctod aaaay « Bgkfl ing man. Hut in t.-.kinr* Bob Fitzsinimon*. and Frank Gotch tha rlosinp year llftod t-vo ot tha ireateel cr.titie««, tha boxing r.d 4vrcstling gBBBfl haa ever kl 044 n. PiU waa far ami away ihe best fighting maa, pouad far aouad, the j-an-.e ever produeed. Pound for pound he never had his er|ua'. He WBI the ;irst to hear the BByatiC trumpctrr. Gotch pa .-id out only a f*W days BgO. The lowa 4vonder WflJ probably tha prcate't WTOatlrr ever de-.. loned i-ci'ainlv the best that America ever kiuifl Whethor be could have ever throwa the be^t of ihe big Tarha wha need to lafaat tkaae ,-horcs l* a aaattaf af debat*. Bal bb Turk 4va<« ever big eaottgh ot terribl* c*iou**h to thraw Gotob. Gotch hr.d amaaiag apaad, crra* ataaaia**, ¦.mur-uui atraagth and .. COUraga ihrre ia. II.* i.mw cvrrv angle ef kil gBBM aini hc had 110 compunc- tiona agair.ft ciuilty whefl the tiir.e arrived to apply the torture. (iotch togatbar fotmod B combination that 4v.II hardly be beaten. Ni, BfljCade '"ill BV44T produce BBy tWO i-uch men af the same time. With their phyaique* they might have lived for ninety yeara. Yet both "went Wi ." al eomparatively early agea. It's b quoer thin**. this arrangement called existencc. It ia far b.-yond the n.ncre af BBy d"pc._l Norman Maxwell Wins Medal at Pinehurst I'IN'FHI IIST, Nf. <'-. Uec. tb. Nor¬ man II. Ifaxwflll, flf I'hi!ad*elphia, won the medal in the quolit'ying round of IBBttal mid-win'er golf tourna- ... ti, da.'. I ith a »'ard of tb, ii.ii.ty--:- af thfl IM itarten Qoalify- !:. C. ShHiiiion. 2il, ot Urockport. acflfld v.-.tii M, ff. H. ''r.i*«dell. third With *ri an.l Jflhfl o* Robb, af Phllfldfllphlfl, bfl The ii- altfl! MbsmU'i . ' . The sumniar;. i mn sr K 1 »,'.l I..-:' 41 \V I Tr- If .' » . ir 11 44 1 !! . I i. a . ; >l I V I 1 I . ¦.. . 4 i New Orleana Entriei ,' . i.. i ' r . .1 .- ..- I ... . '. '. -. . i ai '.r U lAetti. fl 4- i.a ra, III UU . W. A a -..-.., a , , ¦ ...:«.»¦ H .i» « n- fll . Ha, . * fflfld , 'tUAa* r . aa- H..1 ilaialai J .'. _. ai- Pa» 'i '.' I . ., fu. ... «,,. , - alnb.f. ti.raa >rar . . . Man ilnip lo.. Bnai B .lmfular lal M -4 lia tleaett Bialain. Mv; Hr .AppucUi aflflflflBBI Uaimid English Soccer League Plays Final Games LONDOX, Dec. **8 delayed'. The tini.l I-'ngliah I.ear-tip soccer games i.f thfl Chrlfltaui hfllidflyi ararfl played flfl on Hiixiiip Pay. The contest:, tflflffl return nxtflTfll tfl thflflB played on :..: | Da- ,r.d in man;. <¦« Bfl Ifl- ad ifl a eompleti rflVflraal <>f form. \i.;.i- \ ,-.:.' p .!.--. I- i | <. , a .I.'I'H- Ham, li . Vi l'« I ¦.','' ¦ ... IVfd 1 il .... 1 i. i i \m ( II if r Towa, 1 .MHIVATH'N i ¦4 0.. Kai flaniaei i[.'»p.i- - , , - I Wflat lUm illfld u a Baltusrol Ciubhouse Closed to Save Coal i bflflrd *' director- af tba Bal Golf Club joined '-he nov. jflB af eflfll reafc . di .li-.i to eloea its elahhflflai I tfl Api However, any of tha TSO feembetn eflflrflfl dut- i4 period will rind it ava bflt tbfl big .'.ub.iou-e locked. flfl, but the gfllf. ri will bo unable to warm their numb r.ngera on the rold rad.ators. Crescent A. C. to Hold Bouts on New Year's Eve Members of tiie Cfflflflflflt Athletic i *,ub, BraflkJ weicome thfl flflW year'b- aratehing the amateur .¦, . - perfenB In three claaaefl at lubhouee on next Monday even ng. Nine bouta are flfl the programme. A special trip tfl eempfltfl Ifl a tflflr- r.atnent for the beneiit of the a.. in Boaton next week awaita the winncrn of the 11H and 135 pound divijions. I A.A. U.Gives Equ'pmenl for Soldier Camp Profil oi $420 Irom Boxing To Bfl Spent on Ball*. Bntt, Etc. Hy A ( ( av.4gnuro Irom rioai Keaerve atatioi layi by tbe Ai.im-. ui '-. hlefl c 1 .¦.¦ I * contril . | X.-. V.,i".. gtatfl hox'tig 11 him' rlaahattan Caalaa on laafl W n n -" ¦' ing, According to Pr*d*rick «. I the re . '.. the nafl pro enable thfl diapatehlng of a total ol ievent< et, "bo " to the :; iat the diff. r«i atatiOa*. i' ited that eloao to Bva v at- tanded .¦¦¦ two-night carnival, and tha .|. ob bath oi-. aggrega ..'..;'.u. However, the na< ri larger than aatieipated, ihe lugKe.' item being |200 foi I a haira, etc. on at th* ring aad i little hi p VI itn tha - penditurei d< ducti d the aaao, atio ro* alineii ii net ] M20 hiefa il » lll pead equipmenfl isted ii'-n to whili a ¦. ay me in reei and play. llern,a;i Obortubeaaing, tr*aaur*r et :he local diatrict, cooperafl hk Hr. Uubien Ib looking aft* much needed atblotic wanta of tb* aol¬ dier*, announced thafl 'he Rrafl aiai ¦-. ould be to take care af the aoldiera iu ing at local atatioaa. Afl "box** WOBld then he sent to Camp Morritt, Tenafly, X. J.; Camp Wada* worth, Spartanburg, 8. .'.. and Camp Meiul, Mn l. ,ii rn i- Camp l ptoti will rci-eive :'ue major- .-. of t! a athletic goods, aa the com* eema il aecasaary to hav,. auf* baakatballfl aad ethi r ¦¦ _ Laong laland anfl 'i - Chi ii package 'hut will br different (ampa :' entain . eol ball, on* usBctball, ene aoccor foot¬ ball, one indoor baaeball and bat, and BB* set Of four BOXiag glovea. The bution of th* "boxca, :* waa *.aid. probably 44ould begin rext Monday. > ¦¦ Colonels and Officers Play; Privatea Look On 1,1 illusfl rate nlversal participation in atrenaoua athletic sporta, Colonel Palnaer E, Pi< rea, deal of the National Collegial l Aaaoeiation, told tha .I'leprate*. te the ia meeting ia tbe Aator yaatoraay B field hockey irame he BBW n eenl ly ln Canada. "The eolonel of one remment and all of Iii- offiCOri made BB BBC team." -aid Colonel Pieree, "nnd 'he oth.".- aide was cotnpoaed of tha eolonel and offieara of another regiment at tha BBBM vamp. On the aldelinea were the privatea and noa-eommisaioned efficera of both ragl- ment*. nrging Ofl their rei-pec'ivc m- j.eriora." X. L. N. C. Again Wins In Ice Yacht Race LONG B1ANCH, N. .'.. D**. -"-.-The \ L N C. 4va.< n*fl «»nly able to-day to repeat her victory of yesterday iti r.ce for the l.ong llrar.ch Ice BOBl and Yacht Club cup. but BBilOd the ten-milc course in tne ia»t time oi The .lack PrOBt'a time WBI ZtltS and the PrinCBtOB'fl M.isf. afl a meotiag of the clab to-mgnt W. A. W airner v.-a«, elected commodore, A A. BtoveBB, vice-comtiiodore; T. P. Price. (Inaneial secretary; J. W. Pattar, recordiag aecretory, and J. I- ' noe, .leiMuror. Tipster Ruled Off Turf For Life and Arrested \i;\v ni'LFAXS. Dec tt -lamci B. Colton, of ('ale^buig. 111., arrested her* by poatoaaee Inepoctor**, cnarge 1 with uaiag tha ma'l* to deftHud 111 an ti horae raoa tippmic scheme. 44R0 eld to-day u»<i-,r *"-u00 bon'* by nlted Btotoa Coaamlaaloaar Piownc .,,1 trial ii' Federal Court. !>,,-.«' ofti.ials charged Colton rorgad th<* BBiaea of G. w. Irlnfrey and ¦' B. Goodman, horse o.vnera BOW racing afl tbe BhlBWBbBrp track here. .o Icttora sent to pcrsons in varioua ,,,rtM of tlu* country. offering to MU tiaa OB horses raemg here. The st«4varila of the Shrewaburv track to-day ralad CaltoB off the turf ior life Federal Railway Control Worries Western Magnates Big League Schedtil- Makers Will Have to Wrrstle With Possibilitv That FWsengcr Train Servirr May Rr Curtailed.Tentr Not Pcrturbed by Problem By W. J. Madwth line of se-.er.il rflgfof pgoMtfM whirh BUajflg IfltfM ba-ebflll club pwntn arlil riiRi-us*- at the arr.ual DMOtiag of thr N'ationHl < ommiMion in t inciimati next January 7 hai been prSfltntad -Aithin th<- pasl ffl a reault of the governn.ertt takini* OflOT eontrol ti tiio railv a; k*, Local 4'1'ih owner-- J*flfltat*4ai 'ii<l f»©; anpear unrluly agitHterl on thi** .oint. Bflt 11 appear-* that nofttkl of thfl Midiilo West are very mu<-h nisturbed. aml are airoait-. BOggOSta-f tO the higher powers the ar|vi«a bility of ilelayinK ach4Kl*ala drafta antil i doflnite umlerstanding ha- been harj Bl tO v.'luit tran--|.oriation fac*iliti*>« -.il! Ii< arallablfl in the r^jrular movomotlta of the sixtec-n bivr, luague etobfl. .-..-b --'i prapa ..¦¦. ¦¦ read City College Beaten; Chess Cup Is Penn's ¦Pflnaayrffsaia hy defeating i Iti lage, by a eflu of 3 kbbmi to I, ia the ..n.il rouad oi' tha fllflataanth annua tflurn«ment of thc Tviangular College ih. I.enrzue, ar the I.eague of V»r- aign Korr. Cttiaena, ini«r the auapiee« .f thc NflW Vork lt** I bflflfl <:iub, Bflfl- terday obtained perm-anenl oemee*alo*i Ricfl .rophy. which *.-a-4 von foi thfl third year ui luceflflflifln. The aehlevement of tho plflyera frot- Philadelphia waa a nurprise. for tha reaaon that City College had beaten < omell by tH to '-j. irhfla-flflfl 4'orr.ell lad made a _*-_' tifl with I-Vntnylvania. 4")n the atrength af thflfla Bfuree. City College ahould have had r.o trouble in winniBf out, hut the V. ot ?. aaartflt to the emeigencjr, and a weli aaraed ti liuflpl" '<>;. odd point M. Schimaelewita, the PflanflylvaBlfl .-., proved hlmaalf a player of *.¦ captional ablllty by woratlni Bam Borochow, o:' City Collagfl, n .1 DanUn I'ambi-, thfl anding af \iiuiii ha played ln maatarl; atyta. Th« game laated thirty-thrflfl move-. It. Kohen wa flrat ta wia tot PflnmylvflnU, dflfaating Fiakeleteln, af City Collagfl, Ib aScotch (iambil n'ter thirty Bflflflflfl. s. Beplflwin vu the only ol..; score f*r the NflW York team, hi* op- poncnt being S. Gfltrflflfl, whose King'i .mie attack p<>ere.i ou-. m'te: v h loat ground gradflfllly and- rflaigned after thirty-one BMVfla. C. Bm< rflfllly -i.-ed the ilay for Pennsylvania bv playing a Ifllflndid ophill gam<> airaii it C. D. Frana, pawn u: thc opening, but later ga,-e un a pieee. Smfllenfl scored ia thirty-t',-. e Mflvei At t'.-.e aniuial iiieet.ic. Whiea :ol- lowefl the laat round. 'he following ot- t'xeis were elected: B. M. Phllllpfl, I'. C N". Y.. "M, preaident; C. D. Ftbbb, C, C. X. Y.. 'ix, ibbb praaidaal; II. Balma, N'ew York. secretary: II. 'fleafll, N'ew Vork, tiiuinarr.en- diractflr and treai- urer oi" trophy l'uiui. II Wflfl Vfltfld to BCCept the »uiru»ation ot" I'olumbia. Har- ai-.l. Yale and Prineeton to play a matel "*'¦ len boardi in January or Kebruary in New York. An invitation will be aent to N'ew York Ufliflflratty to join the league ond play BflXl year. ... ¦ » ¦.¦ New Orleana Reaultc i t al .'i 4 ,; | p)~! apprr, III 1-' Rota i ,!,.;,' - -ii -, flflid 4 .fi !. Ma.* B. i - |», 11 I* I. 1 t IM -' o maa, 1:111-3 Qstate OTUIflai OaWIn n. Nrfrie, Oda't* Bia Bv BBd !<«<. RJat-H a.-.- -.- raoa 'pur-a. MO; . i iraa-reej ol.la-afid upararrl: i'.i rurlonaa Sl'.'-.. I. i> ,.,:.,!.'... J...I taa i, araa Brlfl riauaa. Ill i*. lal 7 t* .1 «w ¦a,.1: <..-. . '.4. IU M ll » lo 10 . thlttt. Iline. I:I8 I'"-' Ja . ilaa r. U , it i, ... -. Third rac* pi-o t'.on. elalml.if: rae-rear- fiMi and iipward: »'.i rurlana Bil | Qu IM IJ. llow.a ,.:,.. «: i>... . l), .-¦ 4 ., .. i.. . i. .i n<* -, |a :. i. Tiaflfl, .' -: Jfiaowti Ran li l. Tli.. laaa, lnnl I. u.a UeOee. lifii'n BT*t_~, Ar.ireia II. I - ¦¦, .1 II ar..l l/ilalol a i.w ran , , . mllal l-i-'-t. .-. l'l ¦" wai - and l to I, **a; Kr>r. Bawli. Ip i*«. ,,,- ;l . 10. 1 I* ali'l r>u'. ..-^Oi .1 , ... V .. 1", lo 1. 4 to 1 a.'..l » to TiBM 41 W.rra.f. FflBI UMfl 4 »f a!s.) ran. n-i-. raca laoraa, Wfll rtalmInj: Hiwa raai .nd iaf>aad; ¦¦.¦- aalafll Bhaa TWaUa, 114 IW. ,,j0r. .. .- -. -. ar.l 1 I* >., won; Caatvnar, "1 It **aU|), .0 I* 1. *. "> a-..! J "> la-wi'1. ToOIB, li-' 1 KcofllL. 20 to I, I to 1 aiid 1 V> '. .-.r, Tlri.e l-.441 Cora 1.41.-. Sia.-i!. «., If Krno--. C. WaWl BBd 'IUi TUnreaei.-. a!..o rail. , ., I ..-a (enne. ISM; rtali i ittMB-mr _tli ,:.i ma mtla)- Bam BIU*. 114 'I !-.»¦* . 1 to .'. .i.'ii; |i..|Ula»a. BBfflOll; Kli.f lfl - us ill. LMflet). 4 1*1 la .»_ ^ "ri Tlm*, 1 4;. BtMt |],»rt. Kn-il T>i. !>:. 1^4; ar.d 1 oifBI a:»o rm. ' ^nurr^rijr-M-¦*¦¦*¦¦ ¦* .*- ¦ .**"¦¦ ~**~~***-~^* ¦ .*.«»¦**¦»*-¦ - -- ^ Snappi/ Doui/e P/ay By Loui« L«-e Arma Pj_ji . ttter Itt*a1 te aaeeaaa gnaiaa* iteowi « thaa am etaae ,.. ,,f m*n rr* INKBR to Btotra to Ch*mca, t Writtsn I'l hiatoty, -*¦ ria tha rippin'est felding bBMCB r/Ulf -*>r Aathed (t pe.nr.ant bee; 11V a BOIP rfo«6/«? flaatf over here. Down in the bvllet-poeked pits, ll> as* a fTSntti* for I sphere. Front i.'ntey tb me lo Fritzl I. 7VKMS tS Tinker to Chance, Smorith, I will prant you that, I aal evtryone knew at a glance Th* Cuba ivQuld noon bt rt' th* bat; But for rhtjthffm <-'!(/ ron.'jwmmf.fe ajajfl .Ind a iniddliity perceatage oi hitS, Just give ><i the "<,/«'.*." \f you wi" FroiiC-Catey to IM lo Fri>:! CORPORAI. CASMY and I -.../..' otj the double play. And he BbBMB, mitk a 'augh in his eye. An he shoott tt grenade n>y way: >hure, way t*V g-r-r-ate tai.nlt b' kind And guidc o>er this bomb 'tt'.l H hi'i>. I'm truating thin: tH.vils v:on't mind, Mc by, tott it oier to Fritz'." rISKFR to F.ven to Chance. Mtistcal m.emocies, Of rally and fighting rhance. Of ,.'-...¦ 8*1 a mnmer'n bree e; Yot we hsv* B play o.ev loTi OotVA iv the bulle'-poeked pi''. We ute g grenade for a tphtre. Frotn Caeey to me to Fritt! Hy adj kat Tener flf thfl Nfl .' ::al I.eaa*U". " V. Ieai>t. I I ,.' flfl ihfl will iflaflfl Bfl I i-'.a.l.a it' it ifl Kablfl -.. raaafl-i * pflaaaacai tr»ln.-.. Ti irv, ha-.» quite enough iatflraat ia tkflir protv- iger whfltever irxflaveflleacflfl n-.ay Bl Uilling to Saerif.ee " kl a niatrer of fact." I'r< siaen: Tener cflntinueeL "basebail has been and i ling to lacriuee tflWflrd th1 con nion <ause. If »tar hasebail p!a:.er» cannot alw»>s hflVfl i.ertii.. ne-.- . ummer triey will .till be Moeh rnoie comfortably lodgeu tha maa m the tronehei. I think I ean -ay fflr the .National I.eague thal -uiniit no.-t humbly to whfltflVfli tha f,'04»inment think" 14 bejt for the '. wfllfflre. riiT.. i> r.o uae of crossnjj bridge* before wi ..¦. ?.. th«M " ha concluded. Bfleaaity dentaadi it Wflflld be \ery I icbfldalei from prea IBI plflm. nti! that neces'tt;, flriflfli fl hv .".nticin; -itrol of railways ra- "i. Ilj raii .. -an-. poiat thfli ile maki 11 -.:i i. well to aflUb< eaaflfl'fl draft of dat*4 aflfl aaaauaeed. It wi praetiea!!)- Bl ihe joint rni-nr \*egu** g ifl » incago some timfl af. t.. '.-i' 'i1u!h, .fi. .l0 a -.-orlei- tlian ordinai Berfltflfora n, aeheajfllea have 'ong ilr^.vn out than abaolutcly neeeaflflry. Thc aeaaon arai iprinkled generflflaljr wi'h "ot*"' dfltea, -. aflfld by clubs either foi ion purpoBM or for playing off onementi ut ¦ way to avoid rlflra, i,-r'»' !*eway of "off" daya or upeti dates aai r.iade poaaible princi ecauae .1' the fiae hedula of rflea ixtrema Kastern e,ter:i wlflga of the major cir- Dflubtlflfll it will .itill be po?- condanflfl thfl lur.g ai-hedule . leriaualy affectins- the uaua! .. of dflily jrames. If neceB»ary, doubli'-iieader* may very casily be boeked. Bo many of these bargain .ttrflfltiflni hav*fl to ba played anyhow ciidi year. Gflrerament control of railways. how- ever. likely to effect one reform 11 radical element of tne National eagufl bai Hiivocated iflflit t>piritedlv .ln,- 4 a n.inimum ro-ter liniit. No Kfllj '0 ad.l to* ili.scomforts by carryiag .< Int of bench warmera if II ia to feel tiie pinch of traffic eong-» Joint Si hedule Meetinf The Joint achedule committee ot the National and American leaguea will meet soon after the annual conference of tiie National Commiaaion. Ban Johnaofl will iLpreyent tha American \.*ag\\*; Prflsldenl John K. Tener, Sjec- rflter** John A. Hr-ydler and Barney DiflyfUflfl will act for the National Leajru". It ia not helieved that John son will reopen his tight for a schedulfl of I'.t gamea at thia late datf in spite of thfl new turn taken in transportation problems. Afl to a minimum roster limit, that i^ a matter which will take ample care .>.' itflfllf. Both !eai*iie< reU.ned laat ..¦.¦ar's numbors.the American twenty- tive and thfl Natiot-;.! tWflBtT-tWO. 4 lllb" huve the option of flinplflyutg less tal ent. Thc piflflflfll limitl Wflfl tived ¦imply aa a means of preventir.g the rich club* from cornerina the market In all probability. mont of th* major leairue clubs flfill hold to twenty men or less this year, as a means of econ oniy. The fate of the scheme of Presider- John K. Tener of tlie National I,e««;ue to have thc world sori.-s pla\ ers' pool in future shared by all of the major league talent. save the two tailender*. is to bc decided at a conference in ieflflfl on Monday between Ban John- sfin nnd August Hernnann, chnirman of the National ('ommission. That new world series rulea in ref- erence to division of the spoiU will he rstified there seems no doubt. Mr Teiittr's selieme found fcreat favor with American Leaa-ue elub owner4. But th* latter beliflVfld enly firflt division clubs ahfluld cut iti on the melon. Thia dif- ference of opinion can very casily be straddled. if neceasary. Aa a matter of fact, each league might have ita play¬ ers split the pool to which it waa en- titled at wa> deemed beat. Thip is n* question that efltflilfl mutual conaent. President Tener of the National League has just received a congretu- latory ietter from the secretary of the Mtlitflry Hoapital Baaeball I,<ague. of L'ngland. Thia ia an eight-club circuit. compoaed of American. Canadian and Krifrlish soldiera. For two years past thc organixation has conteated a pre- tentious achedule, 111 which each elub mat overy other on« in home-and-hom* games. Through the efTorts of Mr. Tener. th* National League has continued from the first to patroni-e handaomely thia military league, and has kept it bounti- fully aupplied in ball* and equipment. I~at i-'eptember the National Leaflue forwarded to London a handaome ailver and gold trophy. . ha N«tlon«l l.ea,,. . 4'up. to he »ire»ented to thfl pennant winner of the Military Iloa p;tal Baaeball I.eague. The letter cf acknowledgment hai iu>t rome to hand a - Meet Proceedi for Army BOSTON, Dfle II. Tiie procaadi of the annual indoor track rne*t of tbe Iloiton Athletic Aaaoclation. to be hold ..ti Kebruary ".'. will be t.urn«d ov»r t* the military and naval athletifl *quip- -und. Revaral nov«l *v«nta fer .Tifln iti the service. incluiing rop* rlirrba and tflgl of war, will be added 'o the proglB -:re. HSS.KHErYrl -'-H.V'- tW' a 14 WANDERERS of N. Y. ADM :.. va. QUEENS UNIV. l-'iafl * .. a ¦ . k 1-0*1 Tat>m M?r, ru aV . ..te. Buts»;iaa. Ilar, 4] BaflflM S8 l..iu4» a*iiu* %t8> Al T0M0B1IKS I OR SAt.K 4. k 4i,:. \i..|i>.i. 11 111 n -1 ni'iiioi i.n .Thaalril. .la*ai-liat.t «...lfr vaai. i^# »¦» raaa^abi* offai nala. iv BAI 41 .':. r\uft . v-ari Boad. 8 I ,

Harvard-Yale War Witti Athletics, Cry Hendrickson Over Fans ......Harvard-Yale War Policy at Variance Witti Otlier Colleges tylore Athletics, thc Cry At Big College Meeting VrjeUrie*

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  • Harvard-Yale War Policy at Variance Witti Otlier Collegestylore Athletics, thc Cry

    At Big College MeetingVrjeUrie* Bak« '-"^ Dfcnidl aiid ('olonel i'almcr E. IVrteloin in Call ¦('r Continuancc of IntercoUegiate CompetK-jofia and 1 urthei Devcloprocnt of IntramuraJ Sports

    . *liani ..

    ¦-. r .'¦ ¦-. S«c Btarj of War Baki ad tlie¦¦* tltig Stll.ir '

    ¦vho pnrti *... W .*it ionti \ . H.'.¦: \ tor ycst.T-

    0\i" \. M. until itft. r t, ««.-..ry. I- rraebed iti

    ptfld late .... _-a recOl



    and bfl made,rail-

    I ''!ti''

    Jump m MeaahflrahipP

    pointed out. uponMin, that ll


    vouio ra*


    "i . ^-artii membent thir'itf, flf 1 J*

    propai.ful. The phyaie.1 fit-

    of the men aai

    for conin. "»ne«"

    . were unfit ior mii-

    ,1 m-


    throughout|y, 80 thflt

    '.ved." j

    rathan the co:

    from DaaMa

    onel 1'irrr.

    u tlbm and 11

    cr.lv trained for mii-from

    - .-1 n'a rom-

    -. 21,t*N*N) men in all, participatedn boxing bout*According to Dr P.ayerof'. the eamps

    xlh of ihe athleticequipmeii' r.eided. A tota! flf $ISI 000.oie ji required to carry out eatab-

    plana. .value as b developer

    hand-to-hand combat, th"..eeommendi ap-

    '."'."' flf a cflflflBalttfle tfl forniu-**** adeejiia .,,. wreeUiag*"* ioUrcollegiatfl r-port, which was***Ft«d juat before the noon adjourn-laent.

    Harvard and YaleLeft All Alone

    B. H. BOTSFORD, u.th adistri't committee re-port for thr New Eng

    land section, at thr meeting olfhe National Collegiate Ath-letu Association Bl the flotelAstor yesterday, presentedthe attitude of Harvard. Yaleand Phillips-Andover Acad*emy as opposed to intercol-legiate eventa in favor ofintramural sports and miiitarytiaining.

    FTiese inslitntions were theonly prominrnt ones mrn-tioned during thr day that4vere. to all intents and pur-poses. wholly opposed to biggames at this timr*. Thr gen¬eral policy of the others w.islor n.ore sport of every kind.intramural and intercollegiate,it being felt that the flamouiof the big contests added in¬eentive for the smaller.

    Aviators NeedRea! Tramers,Camp Declares

    i.'re ta* imHi ..> aervc ra 4vill

    traiaer to.'

    meetiflg ":ciation In t

    Wai'md B. Ko

    Board »l


    honld !". . traiaerU - the a41(4-

    iaid Mi. aI 10 hav* .. train*t 4\ho willabout the

    il condition of thi id wiending up 1

    ely fit oi M-

    Will confide in thi BOtder. In both eaaea th sy

    avoid telliiiK' the 'coaeh' they are .n badar* afrald of baiag con-

    ¦-..-. lo*An aviator' p ,>10r('

    nial'Mr. fl amp

    ,.,, to thi -; aa ". r thafl.."M

    .'' a lever.D I. E. Bay-

    , hceed, If ii"t "ii" afl th*iloi, fuad*, throughtion.

    -j!,,. v.- |o ;;. iin-.li' r. I want

    .. ptmiflaion to approachraen Hae ¦. w*on l.

    .-.:.,. i.i' Harvard; tMaak, of b!.\ aad

    w Ul 4i.u 1*1 aa

    4, .'¦¦'. :m.,.- ..¦.*(! tO

    .;..,: ¦ h(- rU-W kahingtofl to »,".' bfl

    th* adi

    Hendrickson Surprises Tennis FansBy His Easy Victory Over Richards

    Winner Will Fnce TayloiThia Afternoon in tlir

    Final Round

    By h ra-d I bwtfaorne¦i ipling fro\i Vi

    terdaj iu*i '¦ ;l1*"ikill trongtk of Edward H !,('

    of th* .'¦'*> R«| ».. Tha toa*

    round boalag eontoal here to-night be*tweon JohaBy Ertla, of St. Paul, andJack Wolfe, af Clovalaaal, flraa calledoff BB Bg tfl Ertle sufferinj- from nlame back. The men will BBBOt at alater dato, probablj Ib I ebraary.

    Boxing News and Notes_Bv FRED HAWTHORNE-

    Thflt fe'.icr, Fred. FflTflfliflflfl Fulton,ii. bflfliflflfll BflBt, tiot a wire

    from Nt-4v OrlflflBfl lant night. announc¬ing that DflBaialcli Tortorich, of theCrflflCflal ' !'y. had iMtflhfld Fred to

    (frank "Mary Ann" Moran forBBafl time next month.

    ro an- only two -teps to .Jer\« WilIbrd'ti ehaaaplaaahip threaa Frank lithe Blflt and lower s'l-p, Bfld 1 >roci*u«Fred fhould be flhlfl tfl "§¦ BTflf thfl

    flf that one without murii troublfl... coaaei tiie hi-*h one, aad ll b»i

    alrefldy provfld .. Wl ilippery f«r Pflflbli\v. refer ti. Csrelflfll < ail Mflrrla,

    q hfll met Fulton thrflfl time--st time he ii er-edited

    I icky i inl hop ant »fthfl i ' nn»- Pierce n

    fonled «top bo«stinKor bfl would punch them on the noae. nd nihke |( blced, r.r words to thateffect.

    W'e have ju-t regiatere.i a aolemnoath not to mention the name of J\v bflaeywfllfhl ehflmplfla of theworld, in thia colunm agan thi-< rr.oir.ing. So, there! Wfl defj ffl, flflflffllflluf Jack Johnaon Do your worat, curaeyou!

    Tennis Resultsw ri «oa n sMrioMnur

    a n


    .nATI.i ' CUAMTla


    | tioa ag the I

    couii. bi ya here er* bj len I..

    much ipeed ia the1: araa then

    . loureefl i< Hr- bi.l.-.l hifl * infl

    i rg..-. -iii.;

    opponi "'¦. aj lorun boa tifully Judged loba, ob

    ir ovei Bmei¦'¦ >, lach* of

    i it Oraag* n«.4 naiiieii).;¦ Orange ichoolboy

    anklj di concerti d 1ictii 'l * own

    r -1. a ¦.'' ..'.lack ..>...-brokei p, .- began t». rm n

    drivea, for*ami back hand, down th* .-i.le linea.11.. n> onall] c with deii-rate I. to the net,

    ball il ool ing Bi roea ;ie aar-> angli ng the

    nt fl |, Taylor i tood tven witldaahing young pponent onee more.

    ;. ,-.:¦ bitti rly fought in 'hethild and de< Both were »*t*4*-.-,|{ hai 'I and bci the ^.unealternated rap to 11. In t i*. ?. nlnthgame, with Emeraon acrving, he led afl10 S oi !..¦ -¦ and Taylor aeemed *flthe verga.of defeat, bnt the Brooklynbo) rallTed iperblv. Two acrfect loaaoa l-.im-i on ."Ka- for ii a aai

    quarely on thi baai e, anrel

    Three timea fl nTaylor won the

    Donalcbon Too Mucli forO.spnotj ,iiul Mcets B«iss

    tord Thia Morniiig

    and Ifld at .. I. Ill I IflBt |iwflpt Emeraofl i.ei'..rr him, winning atlove, tl raugh plendid pathiil eaughl Ihe New Ji ;i1-'l< avinfl ba ni ll

    ..'in ing match.... 11 i. ,; ....

    ur |... i diatlncl diaap)I he i

    .i i. hai.!,.,:,!. \*. -:

    .. erplayed.,; ¦. icking in all hiafi ha found himaelfjet, h« at-

    tempted to hold HendrlekBon bflflkfromth.. poaition by lobbing. Bflt avan

    thii dflflflrtmenl hi art pltlfollj"iv.ii',. and Iflhbed ie liorl that hii op

    . "kill" flftflf-kill*' aa be craahed thi ball back into.

    I Inelj Koiinili-d GflflM,, i|... ,,, »rt, it mi be taid here

    played i.r, rflundedBl I at all UaaMfl '"

    take tha fulleal advantag* of Rl«harda'i arrora, and Ihaae were mflay.Th Arahi er fi qu< ntly triekedhii nvui at tion by vflllaylng¦harpl-f .."" .'.|' aad by deepdrivei that ieked th - Bfl maygiv« Ta-. lor plenl ol tre ibternoon.

    Little Ceeil Donaldaon fulnlled *.¦,the eomplimentary things thafBid of him in def«atlBB Oagood.HA ¦.,¦,, .ri.1 a ffltflhaad ariv« th»ttmaeki ol ie fflmooi ataphflBret shown

    (Caal by Bllly JflhflfltflB, and aleloae -...'.-'. .i.7' 1'¦ arfll an ama-tingaight on thfl couit.

    Oigflfld, who li only thirteflB year**old imafllf, did waII to ,.¦' aa mflnyjramefl ai h« di.l. Hii backhaad

    ..-,,. point, however, and it w»ihai DflflflldaflB hammered moati



    ry Grantlcmd /?/cel-'ani k tbe yaai tha eraat, tha twa major Iragnaa ara

    np agaiaslI ty tboy ha-,,-.«' ofti.ials charged Colton

    rorgad th« -.il! Ii< arallablfl in the r^jrularmovomotlta of the sixtec-n bivr, luague etobfl.

    .-..-b --'i prapa ..¦¦. ¦¦ read

    City CollegeBeaten; ChessCup Is Penn's

    ¦Pflnaayrffsaia hy defeating i Itilage, by a eflu of 3 kbbmi to I, ia the..n.il rouad oi' tha fllflataanth annuatflurn«ment of thc Tviangular Collegeih. I.enrzue, ar the I.eague of V»r-aign Korr. Cttiaena, ini«r the auapiee«.f thc NflW Vork lt** I bflflfl ... . l), .-¦ 4., .. i.. . i. .i ner this bomb 'tt'.l H hi'i>.

    I'm truating thin: tH.vils v:on't mind,Mc by, tott it oier to Fritz'."

    rISKFR to F.ven to Chance.Mtistcal m.emocies,Of rally and fighting rhance.Of ,.'-...¦ 8*1 a mnmer'n bree e;

    Yot we hsv* B play o.ev loTiOotVA iv the bulle'-poeked pi''.We ute g grenade for a tphtre.

    Frotn Caeey to me to Fritt!

    Hyadj kat Tenerflf thfl Nfl .' ::al I.eaa*U". " V. Ieai>t. I

    I ,.' flfl ihfl williflaflfl Bfl I i-'.a.l.a it' it ifl

    Kablfl -.. raaafl-i * pflaaaacaitr»ln.-.. Ti .¦ irv, ha-.»quite enough iatflraat ia tkflir protv-

    iger whfltever irxflaveflleacflfln-.ay Bl

    Uilling to Saerif.ee" kl a niatrer of fact." I'r< siaen:

    Tener cflntinueeL "basebail has beenand i ling to lacriueetflWflrd th1 con nion s hflVfl

    i.ertii.. ne-.- . ummer triey will.till be Moeh rnoie comfortably lodgeutha maa m the tronehei. I think

    I ean -ay fflr the .National I.eague thal-uiniit no.-t humbly to whfltflVflitha f,'04»inment think" 14 bejt for the'. wfllfflre.

    riiT.. i> r.o uae of crossnjj bridge*before wi ..¦. ?.. th«M " ha concluded.Bfleaaity dentaadi it Wflflld be \ery

    I icbfldalei from preaIBI plflm. nti! that neces'tt;, flriflflifl hv .".nticin;

    '¦ -itrol of railways ra-"i. Ilj raii .. -an-. poiat thfliile maki 11 -.:i i. well to aflUb<

    eaaflfl'fl draft of dat*4aflfl aaaauaeed. It wi praetiea!!)-

    Bl ihe joint rni-nr \*egu**g ifl » incago some timfl af. t..'.-i' 'i1u!h, .fi. .l0 a

    -.-orlei- tlian ordinaiBerfltflfora n, aeheajfllea have

    'ong ilr^.vn out thanabaolutcly neeeaflflry. Thc aeaaon araiiprinkled generflflaljr wi'h "ot*"' dfltea,

    -. aflfld by clubs either foiion purpoBM or for playing off

    onementi ut ¦ way to avoidrlflra,

    i,-r'»' !*eway of "off" daya orupeti dates aai r.iade poaaible princi

    ecauae .1' the fiae hedula ofrflea ixtrema Kastern

    e,ter:i wlflga of the major cir-Dflubtlflfll it will .itill be po?-condanflfl thfl lur.g ai-hedule. leriaualy affectins- the uaua!

    .. of dflily jrames. If neceB»ary,doubli'-iieader* may very casily beboeked. Bo many of these bargain.ttrflfltiflni hav*fl to ba played anyhowciidi year.Gflrerament control of railways. how-

    ever. i« likely to effect one reform11 radical element of tne National

    eagufl bai Hiivocated iflflit t>piritedlv.ln,- 4 a n.inimum ro-ter liniit. No

    Kfllj '0 ad.l to* ili.scomforts bycarryiag .< Int of bench warmera if

    II ia to feel tiie pinch of trafficeong-»

    Joint Si hedule MeetinfThe Joint achedule committee ot the

    National and American leaguea willmeet soon after the annual conferenceof tiie National Commiaaion. BanJohnaofl will iLpreyent tha American\.*ag\\*; Prflsldenl John K. Tener, Sjec-rflter** John A. Hr-ydler and BarneyDiflyfUflfl will act for the NationalLeajru". It ia not helieved that Johnson will reopen his tight for a schedulflof I'.t gamea at thia late datf in spiteof thfl new turn taken in transportationproblems.

    Afl to a minimum roster limit, thati^ a matter which will take ample care.>.' itflfllf. Both !eai*iie< reU.ned laat..¦.¦ar's numbors.the American twenty-tive and thfl Natiot-;.! tWflBtT-tWO. 4 lllb"huve the option of flinplflyutg less talent. Thc piflflflfll limitl Wflfl tived¦imply aa a means of preventir.g therich club* from cornerina the marketIn all probability. mont of th* majorleairue clubs flfill hold to twenty menor less this year, as a means of econoniy.

    The fate of the scheme of Presider-John K. Tener of tlie National I,e««;ueto have thc world sori.-s pla\ ers' poolin future shared by all of the majorleague talent. save the two tailender*.is to bc decided at a conference in

    ieflflfl on Monday between Ban John-sfin nnd August Hernnann, chnirman ofthe National ('ommission.

    That new world series rulea in ref-erence to division of the spoiU will herstified there seems no doubt. MrTeiittr's selieme found fcreat favor withAmerican Leaa-ue elub owner4. But th*latter beliflVfld enly firflt division clubsahfluld cut iti on the melon. Thia dif-ference of opinion can very casily bestraddled. if neceasary. Aa a matter offact, each league might have ita play¬ers split the pool to which it waa en-titled at wa> deemed beat. Thip is n*question that efltflilfl mutual conaent.

    President Tener of the NationalLeague has just received a congretu-latory ietter from the secretary of theMtlitflry Hoapital Baaeball I,