Harwood English

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Theme A - Life/Death/Age/Growth/Youth/Destruction/TimeThe Violets frail melancholy flowers is symbol of the fragility of life and the transience of youth ashes / loam is a juxtaposition of the symbols of death and life, showing the interconnectedness of the two states of being Wheres morning gone? is a rhetorical question, questioning the passage of time, and with morning being a metaphor of youth, referencing the inevitability of aging, and ultimately death The repetition of the motif of violets demonstrates the textual integrity and implies that despite the inevitable passage of time, there remains a constancy in life The cyclic structure of the poem reflects the structure of life and the inherent connection between birth and deathAt Mornington We have one day, only one is an expression of the transience of life and the inevitability of death using the metaphor of the day to represent an ultimately finite lifespan To flourish the fruits of earth / I laughed at a hollowed pumpkin is a juxtaposition of the symbols of life and death, with the contrast between the growing pumpkin flush with life, and the hollowed pumpkin which has reached the end of its useful life. hollowed pumpkin is a metaphor of old age, being a reflection of the persona The repetition of the motif of water demonstrates the textual integrity and implies that despite the inevitable passage of time, there remains a constancy in life The cyclic structure of the poem reflects the structure of life and the inherent connection between birth and death

Theme B Intensity of human emotion, dichotomy of fear and desireThe Glass Jar Pincer and claw, trident and vampire fang, envenomed utilizes imagery to illustrate the intensity of the fear the child experiences Gross violence done to her / Loves proud executants juxtaposes the horror displayed by the boy and the desire displayed by his father; expressing the dichotomy between the two emotions using emotive language This dichotomy is further shown through the depiction of the father as a rival, illustrating the Freudian overtones present throughout the poem; in respect to the childs relationship with his father and mother The motif of the light adds a constancy to the poem, demonstrating the textual integrity From his passion fled, this host, this pulse of light the personification of the jar of light and hopeful tone illustrate the intensity of his desire to trap the light in the jar The contrast between light and dark, further emphasizes the dichotomy of the two emotions that the poem focuses on, being fear and desire The use of euphemism of dance illustrates the boys naivety and his inability to understand the events occurring; which then leads to his fearThe Prize Giving The girls whirred with an insect nervousness uses zoomorphism in order to emphasize the fear generated by Eisenbarts presence fling his hold from his calm age and power utilizes personification to illustrate the fear generated by the girls touch The juxtaposition of the two; Eisenbart generating then experiencing fear demonstrates the satirizes his age and experience The juxtaposition of the masculine academic Eisenbart and the all-female crowd draws a dichotomy between the two The contrast present throughout the poem, of masculinity and femininity, of art and reason and representative of the overarching emotions Harwood attempts to convey; Desire and Fear. It shows textual integrity in the constancy of the contrast. forged his rose-hot dream utilizes emotive language in order to illustrate Eisenbarts desire, in sharp contrast to his previous fear fullness of all passion and despair shows the juxtaposition between desire and fear experienced by Eisenbart and the inherent connection between the two

Structure of EssayTheme A Intro My response/interpretation/lens and why it does this Body 1 - Juxtaposition Ashes/loam To flourish the fruits of earth / I laughed at a hollowed pumpkin cyclic structure Body 2 Transience frail melancholy flowers We have one day, only one hollowed pumpkin Body 3 Passage of time Wheres morning gone? Violets/water Conclusion Judgement through response/interpretation/lens

Theme B Intro My response/interpretation/lens and why it does this Body 1 Intensity of fear The girls whirred with an insect nervousness Pincer and claw, trident and vampire fang, envenomed fling his hold from his calm age and power Body 2 Intensity of desire forged his rose-hot dream From his passion fled, this host, this pulse of light Body 3 Juxtaposition Gross violence done to her / Loves proud executants light and dark Freudian overtones fullness of all passion and despair Masculine/feminine Contrast textual integrity Conclusion Judgement through response/interpretation/lens