HAVE YOU BEEN HURT IN A CAR ACCIDENT? HAVE YOU BEEN HURT IN ANY KIND OF ACCIDENT? Hiring the Best Lawyer will make the Difference in How You are Treated Avoid the Average Car Accident Attorney if you’ve been in a Collision. James Pacitti, considered one of Los Angeles’s Top Personal Injury Attorneys is known as the Citizens’ Attorney. This is because, after nearly 20 years in practice, he’s built a reputation within the Van Nuys and Los Angeles legal communities as a personal injury and car accident attorney who gets the job done for his car accident and personal injury clients. If you’ve been injured, only one thing matters: bringing your case to a successful conclusion. In the greater Los Angeles area, hundreds of people are involved in vehicle collisions every day. The worst mistake many of these people make is to neglect to seek prompt medical attention and to contact a car accident attorney. Why are these Two Steps so Important? Medical evaluation following a car, truck or motorcycle accident Experienced lawyers like James Pacitti will tell you that just because you don’t immediately feel injured or look injured, it doesn’t mean you’re not injured. Many very serious neck and spine injuries aren’t apparent in the minutes and hours following a car accident. Accident Attorneys see it all the time: a victim of a traffic accident comes to the office days or weeks after their accident occurred, complaining of back pain, joint pain or neck pain. They say it’s because of the accident but by, that time, how can that be proven in a court of law? For these reasons, it’s imperative you be evaluated by a physician following any kind of vehicle accident. Contact a car accident attorney with a successful track record after any collision Getting in touch with a Van Nuys or Los Angeles attorney specializing in car accidents should be the next step after a medical exam. When you call the Citizens’ Attorney, we’ll get moving immediately on your case and get you the compensation you deserve. The faster you schedule a consultation with an experienced car accident attorney, the faster we can help you. Never put off seeking legal counsel when you’ve been in a car accident in Los Angeles or its surrounding communities. James Pacitti has devoted his practice to making sure your accident claim is handled with care and


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HAVE YOU BEEN HURT IN ANY KIND OF ACCIDENT? Hiring the Best Lawyer will make the Difference in How You are Treated

Avoid the Average Car Accident Attorney if you’ve been in a Collision. James Pacitti, considered one of Los Angeles’s Top Personal Injury Attorneys is known as the Citizens’ Attorney. This is because, after nearly 20 years in practice, he’s built a reputation within the Van Nuys and Los Angeles legal communities as a personal injury and car accident attorney who gets the job done for his car accident and personal injury clients. If you’ve been injured, only one thing matters: bringing your case to a successful conclusion. In the greater Los Angeles area, hundreds of people are involved in vehicle collisions every day. The worst mistake many of these people make is to neglect to seek prompt medical attention and to contact a car accident attorney.

Why are these Two Steps so Important?

Medical evaluation following a car, truck or motorcycle accident Experienced lawyers like James Pacitti will tell you that just because you don’t immediately feel injured or look injured, it doesn’t mean you’re not injured. Many very serious neck and spine injuries aren’t apparent in the minutes and hours following a car accident. Accident Attorneys see it all the time: a victim of a traffic accident comes to the office days or weeks after their accident occurred, complaining of back pain, joint pain or neck pain. They say it’s because of the accident but by, that time, how can that be proven in a court of law? For these reasons, it’s imperative you be evaluated by a physician following any kind of vehicle accident.

Contact a car accident attorney with a successful track record after any collision

Getting in touch with a Van Nuys or Los Angeles attorney specializing in car accidents should be the next step after a medical exam. When you call the Citizens’ Attorney, we’ll get moving immediately on your case and get you the compensation you deserve. The faster you schedule a consultation with an experienced car accident attorney, the faster we can help you. Never put off seeking legal counsel when you’ve been in a car accident in Los Angeles or its surrounding communities. James Pacitti has devoted his practice to making sure your accident claim is handled with care and


consideration so that you do not suffer unnecessary physical suffering as receive the financial compensation that is your due. At the Law Office of James D. Pacitti, your pain matters, your loss matters, and you can be assured that your case matters and will be given the full attention it deserves by a Los Angeles car accident attorney who cares about what happens to you now and in the future. The Citizens’ Attorney, James Pacitti. If you’ve been in a car, truck or motorcycle accident, be sure to seek immediate medical attention, then call 800-555-2989 and ask for the