U.S. Department of Transportation Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration H A Z A R D O U S MATERIALS

HAZARDOUS MATERIALS HA ZARDOUS INFO-CENTER MATERIALS · W ithin the Department of Transportation (DOT), the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) is responsible

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Page 1: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS HA ZARDOUS INFO-CENTER MATERIALS · W ithin the Department of Transportation (DOT), the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) is responsible

By using our toll-free telephonenumber, you can obtain hazardousmaterials transportation information,

copies of rulemakings and trainingmaterials, or report alleged violationsof the HMR. INFO-CENTER specialistsare on duty Monday through Friday from9 AM to 5 PM Eastern Standard Time.However, you may call anytime,24 hours a day, seven days a week,and leave a message. A specialist willreturn your call before the end of thenext business day.

U.S. Department of TransportationPipeline and Hazardous MaterialsSafety Administration

HAZMAT PUBLICATIONSVideos, training CDs, publications, and other safetyrelated information are available from PHMSA.To obtain these materials visit our web site:

http://hazmat.dot.govE-Mail: [email protected]

or Write:UUUUU.S. Department of T.S. Department of T.S. Department of T.S. Department of T.S. Department of TransportationransportationransportationransportationransportationPipeline and Hazardous MaterialsPipeline and Hazardous MaterialsPipeline and Hazardous MaterialsPipeline and Hazardous MaterialsPipeline and Hazardous Materials

Safety AdministrationSafety AdministrationSafety AdministrationSafety AdministrationSafety AdministrationEast Building, PHH-50East Building, PHH-50East Building, PHH-50East Building, PHH-50East Building, PHH-50

1200 New Jersey A1200 New Jersey A1200 New Jersey A1200 New Jersey A1200 New Jersey Avenue, SEvenue, SEvenue, SEvenue, SEvenue, SEWWWWWashington, DC 20590-0001ashington, DC 20590-0001ashington, DC 20590-0001ashington, DC 20590-0001ashington, DC 20590-0001

(202) 366-4900





(202) 366-4488



(202) 366-4488

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Page 2: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS HA ZARDOUS INFO-CENTER MATERIALS · W ithin the Department of Transportation (DOT), the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) is responsible

Within the Department

of Transportation

(DOT), the Pipeline and

Hazardous Materials Safety

Administration (PHMSA) is

responsible for coordinating a

national safety program for the

transportation of hazardous

materials by air, rail, highway, and

water. Included in this program

is the responsibility for developing

and issuing the Hazardous

Materials Regulations (HMR) which

are contained in Title 49, Code of

Federal Regulations (49 CFR).

Within the Department

of Transportation

(DOT), the Pipeline and

Hazardous Materials Safety

Administration (PHMSA) is

responsible for coordinating a

national safety program for the

transportation of hazardous

materials by air, rail, highway, and

water. Included in this program

is the responsibility for developing

and issuing the Hazardous

Materials Regulations (HMR) which

are contained in Title 49, Code of

Federal Regulations (49 CFR).

HMS Brochure Cover PHMSA Update 09.pmd 2/12/2009, 2:02 PM2

Page 3: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS HA ZARDOUS INFO-CENTER MATERIALS · W ithin the Department of Transportation (DOT), the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) is responsible

Under the direction of the AssociateAdministrator, the Pipeline and HazardousMaterials Safety Administration’s (PHMSA)

Office of Hazardous Materials Safety (HMS) isresponsible for formulating, issuing, andrevising hazardous materials regulations (HMR)and exemptions under the Federal hazardousmaterials transportation law. The HMR coverhazardous materials definitions andclassifications, hazard communications,shipper and carrier operations, and packagingand container specifications. With responsibilityfor enforcement of regulations, other than thoseapplicable to a single mode of transportation,

PHMSA places emphasis onpackaging manufacturers,retesters andreconditioners, andmultimodal shippers ofhazardous materials.PHMSA uses riskmanagement principles tounderstand, communicate,and reduce dangersinherent in hazardousmaterials transportation.


The Office of Hazardous Materials Standards(OHMS) develops and issues amendments tothe HMR based on requests received from thegeneral public, industry and other governmentagencies; congressional mandates; rulemakingproposals from the modal administrations; andPHMSA initiatives. These proposals areevaluated to determine the need for new oramended regulations and to identify andeliminate unnecessary or burdensomeregulations. Public participation is essential andis encouraged through the solicitation ofcomments on rulemaking proposals.


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Page 4: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS HA ZARDOUS INFO-CENTER MATERIALS · W ithin the Department of Transportation (DOT), the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) is responsible

The Office of Hazardous Materials Enforcement(OHME) has six operational units: oneheadquarters unit and five regional offices. TheOHME conducts inspections of packagingmanufacturers, certifiers, retesters, andreconditioners to determine compliance withmanufacturing and testing requirements. It testspackagings for compliance. The OHME alsoconducts inspections of shippers to determinecompliance with packaging,marking, labeling, anddocumentationrequirements. The OHMEprovides assistance to, andconducts joint inspectionswith, other DOT modaladministrations, otherFederal agencies, and stateenforcement agencies.Additionally, the OHME alsoconducts outreach regard-ing compliance with theregulations.



The Office of Hazardous Materials SpecialPermits and Approvals (OHMSPA) has theprimary responsibility for issuing DOT SpecialPermits and Approvals to the HMR. A SpecialPermit or Approval is a document whichauthorizes a person to perform a function that isnot currently authorized under the authority ofthe HMR. In many instances, the Regulationsrequire approvals and/or registrations prior totransportation in commerce.

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Page 5: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS HA ZARDOUS INFO-CENTER MATERIALS · W ithin the Department of Transportation (DOT), the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) is responsible

Training, outreach, and informationdissemination are important responsibilities ofthe Office of Hazardous Materials Initiatives andTraining (OHMIT). To promote compliance withthe HMR, OHMIT distributes training andinformation materials to private sector andgovernment personnel. Brochures, charts,publications, training CD-ROMs, videotapes,and other safety-related information areavailable to the public.

Hazardous materials training is provided to Federal,State, and local enforcement agencies, industry,and emergency response personnel. The majorfocus is on hazardous materials compliance,enforcement, and emergency response. Newemphasis is being placed on PC-based self-studyprograms through a browser-based modular trainingseries.


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Page 6: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS HA ZARDOUS INFO-CENTER MATERIALS · W ithin the Department of Transportation (DOT), the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) is responsible

The Office of Hazardous Materials Safetysponsors Multimodals Seminars. Theseoutreach efforts encourage partnerships amongagencies, industry, associations, public interestgroups, and Native American tribes. Eachsupports national uniformity of regulations,education, enforcement activities, and the safetransportation of hazardous materials by air,rail, highway, and water. For information callOHMIT at (202) 366-4900.

PHMSA’s Office of Hazardous Materials Safetyand its counterparts in Canada and Mexico publishthe ERG which addresses all hazardous materialsregulated by DOT along with suggested initialresponse actions in the event of a hazardousmaterials incident (spill, explosion, fire, etc.). TheERG is updated periodically to accommodatenew technology. It is available from the DOT tofirst responders—police, fire, and other publicsafety personnel. The goal is to have an ERG inevery emergency response vehicle nationwide.To date, more than seven million copies havebeen distributed to the emergency responsecommunity. The ERG is available in English,Spanish, and French.



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Page 7: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS HA ZARDOUS INFO-CENTER MATERIALS · W ithin the Department of Transportation (DOT), the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) is responsible

PHMSA’s Hazardous Materials Safety website(http://hazmat.dot.gov) is designed todisseminate information about the agency’sprograms and activities and to assist thehazmat community in complying with the HMR.The website is updated monthly to reflectcurrent HMS activities and includes: 49 CFRParts 100-185, recent rulemakings, specialpermits, letters of clarification on the HMR,upcoming public meetings and conferences,international activities, frequently requesteddocuments and files, the ERG, Incident ReportForm DOT F 5800.1 and instructions, andRegistration Program Form DOT F 5800.2.


The Hazardous Materials Safety Assistance Teamis available to help businesses find the resourcesneeded to comply with the HMR and to providetechnical assistance to Federal, state, and localgovernments and the private sector. A teammember is located at each of PHMSA’s Office ofHazardous Materials Safety regional offices. Forinformation call OHMIT at (202) 366-4900.


The Office of Hazardous Materials Planningand Analysis (OHMPA) supports PHMSA’smission activities and identifies emerging,broad-based safety issues with emphasis on astrategic perspective. OHMPA coordinates thedevelopment of programmatic plans andaccompanying budget documents. The officeconducts economic, operational, and benefit-cost analyses to yield defensible regulatory andother responses to hazardous materialstransportation issues.


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Page 8: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS HA ZARDOUS INFO-CENTER MATERIALS · W ithin the Department of Transportation (DOT), the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) is responsible

The Hazardous Materials Registration Programwas established in 1992, as a result of a mandateby the Federal hazardous materials transportationlaw. Individuals who transport or offer fortransportation certain types or quantities ofhazardous materials must register annually andpay a fee to DOT. These fees fund emergencyplanning and training grants to states, territories,and Native American tribes. Emergency planningand training helps communities prepare forhazardous materials emergencies. Forregistration information call (202) 366-4109. Forgrants information call (202) 366-0001.


The Office of Hazardous Materials Technology(OHMT) provides the scientific, engineering, andrisk management support for the hazardousmaterials transportation safety program and thedevelopment of domestic and internationalregulations. OHMT also serves as the focal pointfor domestic and international radioactivematerials transportation operations and standards.


The Multimodal HazMatIntelligence Portal (HIP)initiative integrates hazmatinspection, incident,regulation, and penalty datafrom over 20 disparateFederal data systems tocreate an intelligence fusioncenter serving those who

protect the U.S. infrastructure from accidentalor terrorist-related hazmat releases. OHMPAhas operational responsibility for both theHazardous Materials Registration andEmergency Preparedness Grants Programs.

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Page 9: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS HA ZARDOUS INFO-CENTER MATERIALS · W ithin the Department of Transportation (DOT), the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) is responsible

To facilitatehazardous materialstransportation riskmanagement, OHMTapplies rigorous andsystematic approaches to understanding thecharacteristics of hazardous materials, the healthproblems caused by exposure, and thetechnology and management practices that canreduce the probability and consequences ofincidents. The office conducts keyinvestigations and research in the areas ofclassification, packaging, operational controls,testing, quality, risk analysis, and riskmanagement, to provide a sound basis forprogram operation and regulatory andnon-regulatory actions.

The Office of International Standards (OIS)represents the United States in internationalorganizations involved in the safe transportationof hazardous materials (dangerous goods) toharmonize domestic and internationalrequirements.


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Page 10: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS HA ZARDOUS INFO-CENTER MATERIALS · W ithin the Department of Transportation (DOT), the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) is responsible

Office of HazardousOffice of HazardousOffice of HazardousOffice of HazardousOffice of HazardousMaterials InitiativesMaterials InitiativesMaterials InitiativesMaterials InitiativesMaterials Initiatives

and Tand Tand Tand Tand Trainingrainingrainingrainingraining (OHMIT) (OHMIT) (OHMIT) (OHMIT) (OHMIT)

(202) 366-4900(202) 366-4900(202) 366-4900(202) 366-4900(202) 366-4900

CentralCentralCentralCentralCentral(847) 294-8580(847) 294-8580(847) 294-8580(847) 294-8580(847) 294-8580

Office of HazardousOffice of HazardousOffice of HazardousOffice of HazardousOffice of HazardousMaterials Special PMaterials Special PMaterials Special PMaterials Special PMaterials Special Permitsermitsermitsermitsermits

and Approvalsand Approvalsand Approvalsand Approvalsand Approvals(OHMSP(OHMSP(OHMSP(OHMSP(OHMSPA)A)A)A)A)

(202) 366-4511(202) 366-4511(202) 366-4511(202) 366-4511(202) 366-4511

Office of HazardousOffice of HazardousOffice of HazardousOffice of HazardousOffice of HazardousMaterials StandardsMaterials StandardsMaterials StandardsMaterials StandardsMaterials Standards

(OHMS) (OHMS) (OHMS) (OHMS) (OHMS)(202) 366-8553(202) 366-8553(202) 366-8553(202) 366-8553(202) 366-8553

Office of HazardousOffice of HazardousOffice of HazardousOffice of HazardousOffice of HazardousMaterials TMaterials TMaterials TMaterials TMaterials Technologyechnologyechnologyechnologyechnology

(OHMT) (OHMT) (OHMT) (OHMT) (OHMT)(202) 366-4545(202) 366-4545(202) 366-4545(202) 366-4545(202) 366-4545

Office of HazardousOffice of HazardousOffice of HazardousOffice of HazardousOffice of HazardousMaterialsMaterialsMaterialsMaterialsMaterials

EnforcementEnforcementEnforcementEnforcementEnforcement (OHME) (OHME) (OHME) (OHME) (OHME)

(202) 366-4700(202) 366-4700(202) 366-4700(202) 366-4700(202) 366-4700

EasternEasternEasternEasternEastern(609) 989-2181(609) 989-2181(609) 989-2181(609) 989-2181(609) 989-2181

WWWWWesternesternesternesternestern(909) 937-3279(909) 937-3279(909) 937-3279(909) 937-3279(909) 937-3279

CentralCentralCentralCentralCentral(847) 294-8589(847) 294-8589(847) 294-8589(847) 294-8589(847) 294-8589

SouthwestSouthwestSouthwestSouthwestSouthwest(713) 272-2822(713) 272-2822(713) 272-2822(713) 272-2822(713) 272-2822

EasternEasternEasternEasternEastern(609) 989-2256(609) 989-2256(609) 989-2256(609) 989-2256(609) 989-2256

Office of HazardousOffice of HazardousOffice of HazardousOffice of HazardousOffice of HazardousMaterials PlanningMaterials PlanningMaterials PlanningMaterials PlanningMaterials Planning

and Analysisand Analysisand Analysisand Analysisand Analysis(OHMP(OHMP(OHMP(OHMP(OHMPA)A)A)A)A)

(202) 366-4484(202) 366-4484(202) 366-4484(202) 366-4484(202) 366-4484

Associate AdministratorAssociate AdministratorAssociate AdministratorAssociate AdministratorAssociate Administrator(202) 366-0656(202) 366-0656(202) 366-0656(202) 366-0656(202) 366-0656

SouthernSouthernSouthernSouthernSouthern(404) 832-1145(404) 832-1145(404) 832-1145(404) 832-1145(404) 832-1145

SouthwestSouthwestSouthwestSouthwestSouthwest(713) 272-2820(713) 272-2820(713) 272-2820(713) 272-2820(713) 272-2820

WWWWWesternesternesternesternestern(909) 937-3279(909) 937-3279(909) 937-3279(909) 937-3279(909) 937-3279

Office of Hazardous Materials SafetyOffice of Hazardous Materials SafetyOffice of Hazardous Materials SafetyOffice of Hazardous Materials SafetyOffice of Hazardous Materials Safety

Office of InternationalOffice of InternationalOffice of InternationalOffice of InternationalOffice of InternationalStandards (OIS)Standards (OIS)Standards (OIS)Standards (OIS)Standards (OIS)(202) 366-0656(202) 366-0656(202) 366-0656(202) 366-0656(202) 366-0656

SouthernSouthernSouthernSouthernSouthern(404) 832-1140(404) 832-1140(404) 832-1140(404) 832-1140(404) 832-1140

National Capital AreaNational Capital AreaNational Capital AreaNational Capital AreaNational Capital Area(202) 366-8858(202) 366-8858(202) 366-8858(202) 366-8858(202) 366-8858

Office of SpecialOffice of SpecialOffice of SpecialOffice of SpecialOffice of Special Investigations Investigations Investigations Investigations Investigations(202) 366-4700(202) 366-4700(202) 366-4700(202) 366-4700(202) 366-4700

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Page 11: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS HA ZARDOUS INFO-CENTER MATERIALS · W ithin the Department of Transportation (DOT), the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) is responsible

Within the Department

of Transportation

(DOT), the Pipeline and

Hazardous Materials Safety

Administration (PHMSA) is

responsible for coordinating a

national safety program for the

transportation of hazardous

materials by air, rail, highway, and

water. Included in this program

is the responsibility for developing

and issuing the Hazardous

Materials Regulations (HMR) which

are contained in Title 49, Code of

Federal Regulations (49 CFR).

Within the Department

of Transportation

(DOT), the Pipeline and

Hazardous Materials Safety

Administration (PHMSA) is

responsible for coordinating a

national safety program for the

transportation of hazardous

materials by air, rail, highway, and

water. Included in this program

is the responsibility for developing

and issuing the Hazardous

Materials Regulations (HMR) which

are contained in Title 49, Code of

Federal Regulations (49 CFR).

HMS Brochure Cover PHMSA Update 09.pmd 2/12/2009, 2:02 PM2

Page 12: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS HA ZARDOUS INFO-CENTER MATERIALS · W ithin the Department of Transportation (DOT), the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) is responsible

By using our toll-free telephonenumber, you can obtain hazardousmaterials transportation information,

copies of rulemakings and trainingmaterials, or report alleged violationsof the HMR. INFO-CENTER specialistsare on duty Monday through Friday from9 AM to 5 PM Eastern Standard Time.However, you may call anytime,24 hours a day, seven days a week,and leave a message. A specialist willreturn your call before the end of thenext business day.

U.S. Department of TransportationPipeline and Hazardous MaterialsSafety Administration

HAZMAT PUBLICATIONSVideos, training CDs, publications, and other safetyrelated information are available from PHMSA.To obtain these materials visit our web site:

http://hazmat.dot.govE-Mail: [email protected]

or Write:UUUUU.S. Department of T.S. Department of T.S. Department of T.S. Department of T.S. Department of TransportationransportationransportationransportationransportationPipeline and Hazardous MaterialsPipeline and Hazardous MaterialsPipeline and Hazardous MaterialsPipeline and Hazardous MaterialsPipeline and Hazardous Materials

Safety AdministrationSafety AdministrationSafety AdministrationSafety AdministrationSafety AdministrationEast Building, PHH-50East Building, PHH-50East Building, PHH-50East Building, PHH-50East Building, PHH-50

1200 New Jersey A1200 New Jersey A1200 New Jersey A1200 New Jersey A1200 New Jersey Avenue, SEvenue, SEvenue, SEvenue, SEvenue, SEWWWWWashington, DC 20590-0001ashington, DC 20590-0001ashington, DC 20590-0001ashington, DC 20590-0001ashington, DC 20590-0001

(202) 366-4900





(202) 366-4488



(202) 366-4488

HMS Brochure Cover PHMSA Update 09.pmd 2/12/2009, 2:02 PM1