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Where and how to live in Melbourne Australia

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JUNE 15-21, 2011





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Re v ie w \ mou t hing off

how much of the national outrage over slaughtering techniques in Indonesia is actually our own shock at and inability to accept the manner in which food

comes to our plates? Remove the most appalling aspects of the video played by Four Corners – beasts kicked in the head, slipping and falling, crying out in distress – and how much of the slaughter yard would still be acceptable to Australians? I’m pretty sure that even footage of the captive bolt stunner – that pneumatic gun that actually does effectively kill the cattle – would have many in tears. And that’s considered humane.

We don’t know where our food comes from and we don’t know how it gets to us. We don’t want to know and when we find out, we are squeamish and anxious and don’t cope well with the reality. We eschew battery-chicken eggs, but remain ignorant of the massive industrial food pens in which the majority of our food is bred, raised and fattened and then mechanically killed.

Do an internet search of videos of a large-scale chicken processing plant, and then see if you want to email your local member about the horrors of that. It won’t be illegal and it won’t be casually cruel – but it will be much rougher than you will want the story of your food to be.

I suspect what gets in the way of a sensible comprehension of a carnivore’s choice is an

over-empathising with the animal, and by that I do not mean to suggest that animals don’t deserve our compassion. But we can infantilise our reactions to moo-cows and baa-lambs to such an extent that we refuse to make the conscious connection between those dumb animals and the polystyrene trays of meat we buy for our family. And because we refuse to look that reality in the soft, brown eyes of a fattened calf, we absolve ourselves of the responsibility to ensure that animal-rearing and production is as good and fair as we can make it. Let me explain.

A friend of mine who works with cattle farmers in Japan recently took some of them to visit one of the best beef producers in Tasmania. There, the Japanese were full of delight and praise for the “beautiful-looking animals” they saw, their praise incorporating that endearing element of kawaii – “cuteness” – that often informs such exclamations. That same night,

they expressed the same delight and pleasure at the top-quality steaks that sat on their plates.

Now, in Australia many of us would not want to see the baa-lambs or the pretty cows just hours before we were to eat them; we’d cover our eyes, and possibly even distract the attention of our children. We’d certainly lie our heads off when the doe-eyed eight-year-old asked us if this steak was the same cow we were patting the other day.

If we are to sensibly make that enormous moral leap and decide that animals must lie down in their blood to feed us, then I believe we are morally obliged to directly acknowledge that sacrifice and own the process of their slaughter. That includes taking responsibility for the way we do it here in Australia – and those ways might be broadly classified as “humane” but they are not all good.

Mass-reared and processed food is cheaper, and the political mantra now seems to be invariably one about the pressure of the cost of living, but if this national distress is to have greater meaning beyond a self-satisfied wail, we must be prepared to pay higher prices for better-quality food produced in conditions that are easy on the conscience as meat-eating will ever be, and will still allow us to sleep well at night. \

» we welcome your feedback @ www.theweeklyreview.com.au/mouthing-off

Virginia trioli\ SilEnCE oF tHE laMBS

Virginia Trioli is the presenter of abc News Breakfast on abc1 and abc News 24, 6-9am weekdays.

follow Virginia on Twitter @latrioli

We don’t knoW Where our food comes from and We don’t knoW hoW it gets to us

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June 15, 2011 \ The weekly review 3


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“ Sweet succulent lamb, infused with rosemary and roasted with pumpkin and sweet potato, finished with a red currant jelly.”

For your chance to win any of these freebies go to www.theweeklyreview.com.au/competitions and answer the questions before midnight on Sunday, June 19.Entrants must be 18 years +.

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WIN Want German quality in your kitchen? Since 1920, Silit

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 Q. What is Melbourne fashion label Elk's winter 2011 collection called?

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 Q. Who is the Ethiopian Circus Queen?

Published by Metro Media Publishing Pty Ltd (ACN 141 396 741). All material is

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COVER \Ethiopian Circus Queen Sosina Wogayehu photographed byAngela McConnell

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WIN The new MINI Ray has arrived at Bib Stillwell MINI Garage. One lucky TWR reader has the chance to experience the

MINI Ray by winning the use of one for a weekend, valued at $750. * Winner of this prize must be 25 years and over with a valid driver's licence www.bibstillwell.minigarage.com.au

Q. How old was Natasha Stott Despoja when she was elected to Federal Parliament?

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 Q. What does Dhav Naidu believe that clicks will not dismantle?


june 15, 2011 \ The weekly review 5

When we decided to return to our home town of Melbourne, the place � e Burlesque Hour premiered seven years ago, we knew it was the city that had embraced us and bought every ticket the night we � rst opened our doors in

2004. � e city that gave us six theatre awards and sent us o� , triumphant, to tour the world, with three seasons at the Sydney Opera House and critical acclaim in 10 languages.

We had wild memories of snow falling on us at 2am in Sweden, Hungarians sitting at our feet calling me “red-hot mama” on an island in the Danube, Tokyo hipsters crowding the Yokohama waterfront and yelling “subarashii (superb)”, and we were the subject of full-page articles in Edinburgh as controversy raged around us. So when we decided to return to this city we love so much for its extraordinary artists, di� erent cultures, amazing theatre, appalling weather, beautiful parks and unremarkable beaches, we had to write a love letter called Burlesque Hour LOVES Melbourne. Melbourne icons unzipped, unveiled and unleashed. We approached Melburnians we love to love, such as Rhonda Burchmore, Pamela Rabe, Meow Meow, Die Roten Punkte, Constantina Bush and the Bushettes, Phillip Adams BalletLab. � en there are those institutions we love for their contribution to Melbourne’s Culture with a capital C: � e NGV, So� tel Melbourne on Collins and, of course, Marios. And we open at

forty� vedownstairs this Friday with Rhonda herself. What a dream.

Since we wanted to celebrate our love a� air with Melbourne over a damn � ne co� ee, I asked Marios to host an exhibition of 35 images from seven wild years. Not only did they o� er us their walls, but they are shouting each of our guest stars a meal at Marios, and So� tel Melbourne on Collins is putting them up for a weekend in luxury. Cutting-edge art, iconic cafés, and sensational so� beds. I tell you, Melbourne is unique in all the world.

Looking back through the images from more than 30 seasons in so many di� erent countries, I was struck by the hard work, courage, brilliance, foolishness and sheer joy of those years and the artists with whom we have worked. Each of them is a genius, and each of them loves audiences with a passion you can feel from the foyer. \

[email protected]


SHOWING OFF“this beats the f**k out of Friday-night footy”.

� e Burlesque Hour cast has sent a love letter to Melbourne, the birthplace of the show, writes MOIRA FINUCANE.

6 The weekly review \ june 15, 2011

Azaria Universe as Butter� y

Azaria Universe (le� ) was a legend of the underground Sydney club scene when I met her. Wild, sexy, talented and very ambitious, she went o� and trained with the Moscow Circus School in the middle of winter and honed her circus skills with Rock ’n’ Roll Circus and Circus Oz. I remember sitting on the hotel’s chenille bedspread in London’s Hyde Park one spring day in 1996, with Azaria and � e Burlesque Hour co-creator Jackie Smith, drinking wine out of tin cups and dreaming of a show of our own, one that everyone would come and see. Years later � e Burlesque Hour became that show and Azaria undoubtedly one of its stars. � is Butter� y is based on both an ancient dance and an old-time circus solo. When Azaria balances on that ball surrounded by a cloud of butter� ies, the gasp from the audience is always magical. (HEIDRUN LOHR)

Moira Finucane, Queen of � e Burlesque Hour

� is is me (below) as the Carnival Queen. My career has been typi� ed by strange, exciting titles – Queen of Cabaret Bizarre (my very � rst, bestowed by a Melbourne critic when I won my � rst Cabaret Award); Mistress of Grand Guignol (by the Europeans a� er the Parisian � eatre that was wildly popular, making audiences faint and gasp); � e Beauty Queen of the Damned (Chris Boyd called me that a� er � rst seeing � e Burlesque Hour), and – one of my favourites – Red Hot Mama (by thousands of people in a festival in Budapest a� er they found out I had twins). But last year I became the Carnival Queen, a combination of the gothic, the angelic, the burlesque and the sideshow. I like the crown.

Maude Davey

Maude Davey (le� ), what a woman she is. She is an international awarding-winning actress, she is a � lm star, a fantastic character actress and an elegant iconoclast who just keeps getting better. And she can sing. � is is Showgirl, a combination of Moulin Rouge feathers and � oor-thumping, air guitar-thrashing, lighter-waving Aussie rock’n’roll. She does a rock’n’roll stage dive in gold diamanté heels. It was at this moment in Geelong that a punter turned to his mate and said “this beats the f--- out of Friday-night footy”. (ANGELA McCONNELL)


� e Taxi Shot!

Burlesque Hour LOVES Melbourne is our love letter to Burlesque Hour LOVES Melbourne is our love letter to Burlesque Hour LOVES MelbourneMelbourne, and we wanted to capture what’s iconic about our show and about our home town. So lunchtime sees us out the front of So� tel, with a huge crowd gathering, bursting out of the back of a yellow taxi (how Melbourne!) driven by a friend of one of our stars (how Melbourne!) with umbrellas for the rain (how Melbourne!). As I tripped across their velvet foyer at noon in heels, � shnets and a very short fur, the legendary general manager, Clive Scott, popped out and said: “Madam, thank goodness your legs are up to our � ve-star standard.” It was a hilarious day. And the shots were gold. Star quality: Maude Davey (above, from left), Harriet Ritchie, Moira Finucane and Sosina Wogayehu. (JODIE HUTCHINSON & REBECCA HAYES)

Ethiopian Circus Queen Sosina Wogayehu

Sosina Wogayehu got the phone call from me asking her to join � e Burlesque Hour the day she decided to go back to work, a year a� er having Burlesque Hour the day she decided to go back to work, a year a� er having Burlesque Hourher baby daughter. She couldn’t believe it and neither could I; she said “yes” immediately. Sosina is a star, as a person and as an artist. She was Ethiopian gymnastics champion at the ages of 9 and 11, and a star of Circus Ethiopia by 15. She sold cigarettes on the streets of Addis Ababa for four years to pay for her training, and she came to Australia as a refugee at the age of 18. Sosina has been nominated for Young Australian and Australian of the Year, and she has starred in Circus Oz. We � ew in a stockwhip-cracking expert from western Queensland to work with Sosina, and when you see Ethiopianwhip-hair dancing combined with whip-cracking set to the Ramones, you will know it was worth every penny. But Sosina is world famous for her ball-bounce juggling, and here she is holding one of her balls (le� ). She says every one of them has a personality, and when you see them in � e Burlesque Hour, you will believe her.


» The photographs are on display at Marios Café, 303 Brunswick Street, Fitzroy, until July 4.

» The Burlesque Hour Loves Melbourne season: June 17-August 14 (Thursdays-Sundays), at fortyfivedownstairs, 45 Flinders Lane, Melbourne.

» Bookings www.fortyfivedownstairs.com; 9662 9966.

june 15, 2011 \ The weekly review 7

P eople tend to focus on the negative side of mixing business with pleasure, but Melbourne couple Adam Koniaras and Marnie Goding from Elk have found only the positive since

their worlds collided.It’s been seven years since they established Elk,

originally an accessories label that saw Koniaras (who had a fine-jewellery background) start a life in contemporary jewellery, later joined by his partner and now wife (with her design nuance) to assist with the growing demands of the business.

“We are so lucky we work well together,” says Goding, who seems rather chuffed that the couple’s blurring of professional and private is working a treat.

“Adam needed a hand from an administrative perspective, and while we had always talked about one day working together, this gave us an opportunity to give it a go,” she says.

These days there’s little time to think of those early days spent dreaming of merging lives. Instead, their days are filled with designing seasonal ranges, overseas buying trips, considering retail placement in Australia, marketing and strategy planning and a desire to take the brand to an overseas market, not to mention launching a men’s accessories arm to the business for summer 2011-12. Add to this the fact that Goding had a baby in January this year and you could forgive the busy couple if they chose to slow down just a little.

Timing is everything, but in the case of Elk, the time is now. The fairies of good luck are certainly on their side, but clearly it’s their crafty touch, ability to home in on what urban women want and an on-the-money appeal for everyone in their 20s to 60s is clearly the winning combination when it comes to their accessories and clothing line.

When word started to spread about their accessories a few years ago, Goding knew it was a sign to expand the business and make more items. It’s what she refers to as the time the brand was “really humming and gaining notoriety”.

“With our sights now set on increasing our export market it feels like we are starting all over again,” she says, referring to the brand’s expansion in the US market. “We are the new kid on the block again fighting for recognition, but this time though we are a little more savvy and streetwise.”

While Koniaras focuses on the technical side of the business, it’s Goding who dreams up the themes and collections.

“Our aim is to create pieces that transform an outfit, whether it is through colour or a bold design,” she says. “We always consider that our pieces need to be wearable and we always ask ourselves where and how would you wear this?”

The winter 2011 campaign is titled To The Sea and references all things sea-shanty and sailor-like – there are anchors aplenty in many of their garments, such as fisherman tights and knits. There are also octopus brooches and environmentally friendly

Re v ie w \ Fa s hioN

JANE ROCCA speaks to the founders of Elk about conquering Australia and the US – via the ocean.

Nautical but nice: Elk’s winter 2011 collection uses the ocean as its theme.(SUPPLIED)

“We are

the new kid on the block


wooden necklaces in ocean blue, sandy yellows and sunset reds.

“Both Adam and I have always been drawn to the ocean,” says Goding of her decision to chose the ocean as a theme this winter. “I have always had a need to have water in my life. The open space, the smell, sound and feeling of being near the ocean give me total sense of peace.”

From a knitwear point of view, Elk’s winter is all about plain angora and cashmere cardigans, woollen tights, vests and ponchos in soft, chunky yarns.

“After years of getting to know our customers we now feel comfortable that we know the Elk woman,” says Goding. “Feedback from customers made us realise there was a demand for us to provide an entire look. Our customers were always asking where they could get the jacket or T-shirt to wear with the jewellery that was in the shot.

“Introducing new product lines is a huge undertaking which has to be done slowly … our coming summer collection has more apparel, as well as our first men’s leather collection – it’s looking great and is aimed at rounding out our offering.” \

[email protected]

» www.elkaccessories.com.au


8 The weekly review \ june 15, 2011

JUST AS the advent of radio did not bring about the demise of newspapers, and television

did not kill the radio star, internet shopping is not going to vapourise bricks-and-mortar shops.

Nothing beats shopping in a shop; it is social, interactive and engaging. � e staying power of retail shops is that they’re ever-changing. � ey have evolved over time and will continue to do so no matter what is thrown at them.

� e internet, though, cannot be ignored. More and more companies are spending big money to develop sophisticated websites so things will change whether we like it or not.

Websites are open around the clock, and they are just a click away from search engines that can � nd an answer to just about any question. For many people they’re relatively new, so there’s a novelty attraction too.

Some of the high tra� c now being generated is because our Aussie dollar is strong but when things settle down, who knows what will happen? � ere may be some job losses in retail, but surely it is up to shops to ensure their service is the reason for repeat business.

As far I am concerned, I don’t think clicks will dismantle bricks. I have been shopping on the net for the best part of 10 years – the consensus in my household is that I need help.

In my experience, when it comes to beauty shopping, nothing beats going to a shop to try the product before buying. However, if you are hell-bent on web shopping, belt up because, beauty connoisseurs, I am going to give you the where and how. \

[email protected]

» To read more reviews visit www.theweeklyreview.com.au/beauty


Shopping online just clicks, if you follow some basic rules, writes DHAV NAIDU.


A Discount Beauty If hair products are what you need, this is the website for you – hard-to-� nd and cult favourites sit beside popular brands. The site also carries niche beauty brands such as Egyptian Magic. My favourites are DevaCurl (excellent for curly hair) and Philip B White Truf� e Ultra-Rich Moisturizing Shampoo.» www.adiscountbeauty.com

Adore BeautyThis home-grown success story, based in Melbourne but selling to the world, has about 120 brands and is still growing. The site is a hive of activity with tips, advice and debates. Favourite brands are Amatokin (a French favourite) and Love + Toast (love the hand creams).» www.adorebeauty.com.au

Kinetic Blue and Men’sBiz are two Melbourne websites that are doing men a world of service. Great brands, prompt service and excellent advice.» www.kineticblue.com.au » www.mensbiz.com.au

Sa� ron Rouge A great place for all things sustainable, organic and natural – easy to navigate, great service and some awesome samples. Pangea Organics Japanese Matcha mask is one of my favourites. » www.sa� ronrouge.com

Vasanti Cosmetics Behold, a make-up products site to suit various skin tones, make you glow and not make you look grey. Great formulations that will match Asian, Indian, South American and African women. » www.vasanticosmetics.com

B-Glowing A haven for niche brands – look out for T3 hairdryers, a favourite of Orlando Pita, Tokyo Milk, and Vapour Organic Beauty» www.b-glowing.com

Yes StyleA Korean site that now has an Australian web address. It does fashion, accessories and, of course, beauty. There are a multitude of brands from Japanese and Korean favourites such as Anna Sui, Cle De Peau, Jill Stuart, Canmake and Laneige.» www.yesstyle.com.au

Shopping tips● Only shop from reputable sites and agents – � nd those by

using the web to check online magazines, reputable blogs and the like for recommendations.

● If using web-based auctions, familiarise yourself with the rules and policies of the sites.

● Be certain that the web retailer has a valid street address and a local landline number.

● Always use a separate credit card with a low credit limit, say $500, so if anything happens your loss is not overwhelming.

● Check total amounts including shipping and freight charges at currency exchange websites such as www.xe.com so you’ll know exactly how much you will be paying.

● Keep in mind that most credit cards will charge a fee for exchange rates.

● On the web page where you enter your credit card or other personal information, look for an “s” after http in the web address – that means your information is encrypted as an extra security precaution.

● Check before paying that the site has a lock symbol in the address bar so you know that it is a secure site.

● It is crucial to read the shipping and handling terms and conditions page. This details your rights as a consumer, exchange and refund policies, etc.

● If you need to exchange, sometimes you’ll need to pay the cost of sending the products back. This, at times, can be expensive.

● You will not be able to return products if you change your mind or are allergic to a product.

● Type your information in capitals clearly. ● Where there is no space for state or post code (zip code in

the US), type information with your suburb.● Print, date and save a copy of the purchase order and

the terms. ● If a product price is too good to be true, trust

your instincts. ● Once products are received, inspect carefully and get

in touch with the seller immediately if there are any faults, etc.

sustainable, organic and natural – easy to navigate, great service and

Organics Japanese Matcha mask is

and Vapour Organic Beauty» www.b-glowing.com

Yes StyleA Korean site that now has an Australian web address. It does fashion, accessories and, of course, beauty. There are a multitude of

B-Glowing brands – look out for T3 hairdryers, a favourite of Orlando Pita, Tokyo Milk, and Vapour Organic Beauty

faults, etc.

favourite of Orlando Pita, Tokyo Milk, and Vapour Organic Beauty

Shop till you drop


SE /





june 15, 2011 \ The weekly review 9

It’s easy to be frozen in time when you’re dead – JFK, Princess Diana, Jim Morrison, Jimi Hendrix – we will never know them except as young, hot and full of promise. But when you’re very much alive and

you’re only 41 years old and you’re only mid-career, being frozen in time seems a little harsh.

So here’s a test: what two words do you think of when I mention Natasha Stott Despoja? That’s right, Doc Martens. Stott Despoja will forever be the young (at the time she was the youngest woman to be elected to parliament), blonde, coolly intelligent woman from Adelaide who wore Doc Marten shoes and – well – dressed like the 26-year-old she was.

The media, sniffing new talent, scrambled to write stories about this poster child for Generation X. And, 16 years later, Stott Despoja still can’t shake that image.

“I do find it funny when I get into a cab or I meet someone in a shopping centre and they say, ‘I remember you’ and hoping they’re going to say, ‘Your genetic privacy legislation or paid parental leave’ and they say ‘Doc Martens’,” she says.

“For a while there I was a little coy about that imagery, partly because parts of the media thought it was this cleverly contrived Generation X image when in fact it was just very me and my reality.”

What was the result, though, of all that media attention? “I think it was mixed,” she says. “I have to look back and think it was a good thing in that it was me being honest and revealing my personality … I look back and think I was painfully, sometimes, honest. The Docs? Well, what’s not to love about a sensible shoe? Seriously.

“And I sort of delight in the fact that where some maybe traditional elements of media or politics were a bit surprised by it all there were so many younger people out there who went, ‘We may not agree with everything she stands for but, you know what, it’s really good to see difference and diversity represented’.”

She’s arrived in a cab from the airport. Later she has a board meeting for beyondblue, the national depression initiative. She’s delightfully down-to-earth and slightly surprised at the attention (she laughs about former foreign minister Gareth Evans’ line about relevance deprivation syndrome). After so much attention – and then so little since she left parliament three years ago – I wanted to know what’s she’s been up to.

She’s on several boards – Jeff Kennett invited her to become a director of beyondblue – she writes a

column for the website Business Spectator along with Alan Kohler and Steven Bartholomeusz

(“great bunch of guys. I think I’m kind of their ‘From left field’.”) and the Adelaide

Re v Ie w \ In t eRv Ie w

Forever young

She was the youngest woman to have been elected to Federal Parliament and the media made her a star. Sixteen years later PeTer WILMoTH catches up with one-time “baby senator” natasha Stott Despoja.

Mum’s the word:Natasha Stott Despoja with her children, Conrad and Cordelia, at

Henley Beach, Adelaide.


10 The weekly review \ june 15, 2011

She iS heartbroken that the DemocratS, the party She once leD, ceaSeD to exiSt

make the most of my time left in Parliament. I had a lot of unfinished legislative policy work.

“I was looking after, travelling with, breastfeeding a small child, wrapping up an office … It was certainly more unusual for mothers with young children to be a feature of parliamentary life, and that’s one of the most exciting things I’ve seen change in recent years. It’s not as uncommon to have female politicians who are mothers who have access to childcare facilities. I think I managed my work and family life particularly well.

“When I catch up with former colleagues they seem to miss my children more than they miss me. When they did come in, it was quite a humanising impact on the place. Sometimes it was quite awkward to have people with whom you’d had quite a big argument with in the Senate. Then, when they were faced by my three-year-old son saying, ‘Hello senator’, they were sort of obliged to engage.

She notes the importance of her work with beyondblue. “Everybody in society has a friend, family member or knows someone who experiences some form of mental illness, be it depression, anxiety or related substance use disorders.

“I’ve had dear friends who’ve lived with depression or killed themselves. I have a brother-in-law who’s bipolar, and seriously so. There but for the grace of God … One in five Australians will experience some form of depression in their lifetime. A million Australians are living with depression right now. One hundred thousand young people. Beyondblue was interesting and important to me because there was a lot of learning involved, too.”

She’s gone back to study at the University of Adelaide, doing a PhD on women and politics. “I love learning again; I love being back on campus when I can be.” She’s also teaching an introduction to Australian politics at the university with, “of all people”, former Howard minister Alexander Downer. Downer, former Labor minister Nick Bolkus and Stott Despoja’s husband, Ian Smith, are partners in a corporate advisory firm The Bespoke Approach.

She says she and Downer have a healthy, robust relationship. “We have some obvious political differences,” she says, “and some of those we still argue about, be it the treatment of detainees at Guantanamo Bay, for example. Or (going to war in Iraq). And he has a go at me …”

W ith the children at school and pre-school, Stott Despoja works from home, filing columns and travelling interstate for meetings. “Becoming a

parent sharpened my focus on a lot of things I believed in and talked about – work and family balance, parental leave, breastfeeding, the right to return to work on flexible hours and health and education issues.”

She and her husband share the school pick-ups and sometimes car pool with another family. “My life has gone from one juggle to a very different one,” she says.

Stott Despoja and her husband, who once worked as a CEO of a company with offices in Sydney, Melbourne and Canberra, have made professional sacrifices for the sake of family. “When I made the decision to leave the Senate, (Ian and I) talked it over. He said, ‘Well, if you’re making that kind of sacrifice then I should make some similar changes so we can both achieve what we both want, which is more quality time with the kids’. And so he started a business based in Adelaide.”

She was heartbroken that the Democrats, the party she once led, ceased to exist. “I see a lot of my work and the work of the Democrats coming to the fore through parties like the Greens … even the major parties have adopted some of our ideas.”

Later she emailed me this: “I am proud of the legacy, particularly the policy and legislative work of the Democrats over more than 30 years. In many ways we paved the way for the so-called new paradigm in which voters expect a check on executive power and are more open to multiparty democracy.”

Stott Despoja seems to be transitioning well. She’s energetic, self-deprecating, not bitter and in possession of a robust sense of humor. Thirteen years of federal politics don’t seem to have crushed the life out of her.

Maybe we’ll get used to seeing her as a woman in her 40s, in sensible shoes. But there might be a little of the 26-year-old still in there. “I’m still working out what I’m going to do when I grow up,” she says. \

[email protected]

» we welcome your feedback @ www.theweeklyreview.com.au/interview

» www.beyondblue.org.au www.businessspectator.com.au

Advertiser, she’s begun a PhD, is teaching a course on politics at the University of Adelaide with former Liberal Alexander Downer and she has two small children, Conrad, 6, and Cordelia, 3. That’s busy enough for anyone.

Stott Despoja left politics three years ago after 13 years as a senator. “I was going to take the advice of people close to me and former politicians with whom I’d spoken, including former prime ministers and others who were very kind, and that was to say no to everything until I’d had a break,” she says. “Unfortunately I didn’t take (that) advice.”

Soon after leaving politics she got the call from Kennett and beyondblue. She accepted quickly. “When Jeff Kennett phones, it’s very hard to say no. He was very persuasive. You would anticipate that Jeff and I would have quite diametrically opposed politics on occasion, but we certainly have comparable views on the issue of mental illness.”

She is impressed by Kennett’s passion for the issue. “I think most people have been bowled over by it. Perhaps for some people, and I’m wearing a political hat, it was hard to reconcile the image of a tough former premier from Victoria with this image of someone who is passionate about a subject that has a lot of stigma attached to it … He’s done an extraordinary job and I’m very proud to work with him on the board … I think beyondblue has gone a big way to reducing the stigma associated with mental illness, and Jeff Kennett … deserves a great deal of credit for that.”

Stott Despoja has recently returned from a trip to Nigeria, having accepted an invitation from former US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright to act as a monitor for the April Nigerian election at which the excellently named Goodluck Jonathan was elected president.

“It was an extraordinary, wonderful experience,” she says. “We get complacent in Australia about democracy and for sure we should take it for granted because it’s a right, but also such a privilege when you go to a country and the people have walked from 6am to get to a polling booth at 8. Then they wait to 12.30pm to line up to vote, which may take hours, and then they stay after the vote has finished to witness the counting process. There was a nine-month pregnant woman (there). I kept saying to her, ‘Can I get you a chair, can you sit down?’. In this relentless Nigerian heat.”

She left politics for several reasons. “There’s a special weight that the crossbench carries, as I’m sure current independents are experiencing, and I was

ready to have a break from that intensity,” she says.“My kids influenced my decision in the sense that I

was excited about the opportunity of having time in the one place, at home, with my children. It didn’t mean I wasn’t going to work in some way or another, but not having to travel all the time while my son was beginning school and my daughter was at such a young age.”

Her son’s first day of school was the same day the Senate started in 2009. “And as I took Conrad to school I thought, ‘Wow, I’m missing the Senate … but this is an amazing opportunity that I’m so glad I didn’t miss.”

She emailed me a few days after our talk and said this: “The decision to leave was a tough one (especially as I was confident I could win my seat) but it enabled me to spend more time with my young family. It’s been a fascinating transition and I am now enjoying a balance between my not-for-profit work and family.”

It was a huge effort with young kids, especially travelling on planes with them. When little Conrad threw up on finance minister Lindsay Tanner, he took it well. “Lindsay was incredible – really understanding,” she says.

“The last few months of my Senate life was quite an extraordinary juggle. I went back to work almost immediately after having Cordelia because I wanted to

“You might think some of the more conservative, traditional people were more difficult … On one hand Senator Bob Brown was always fantastic with my kids … but on the other hand former prime minister John Howard was equally kind to my children.

“When I was travelling to and from Parliament – you know how hard it is when you’re on an aeroplane with children – I’d catch the 6am flight in Adelaide, get to Canberra, go straight to my office, work through, the Senate till 10.20 Monday nights and I’d stay in the building ’til midnight. Someone like the prime minister was always happy to acknowledge Conrad … Some of the most unlikely people would say, ‘Can I have a cuddle?’, ‘Maybe I’ll do a feed’, give them a banana, or whatever. Partly because some of them, particularly the guys, missed their own kids.

“Federal Parliament is a really difficult life for those people who want to be an important part of the child rearing. I always say about working families – it was my choice to take Conrad to Canberra so that I could always be in the same place as my child … whether it’s the choice of other working MPs to leave their children in their home state for the week we’ve got to respect each other’s choices because you do what works best for you. My role was never compromised, my job was never affected negatively and I like to think my kids have turned out OK so far.”

Did she miss the adrenaline or the attention? “The attention’s not an issue … It was time to take a break from that. After so many years of being a relatively high-profile politician … what I do miss is the nitty gritty of legislating. I miss my friends in the Parliament.

“It’s a very different world being at home, very much being part of my local community, as well as doing occasional board work. It’s very different from the kind of camaraderie that you do develop, even across political barriers.

“One of the most enjoyable things in the past few years has been catch-ups, when people drop in – you’d be surprised, some of the ministers, backbenchers who pop by, at home or come down to the beach for coffee.

“The most recent one was (21-year-old Queenslander) Wyatt Roy. He came and had a coffee at the beach. I’d never met him before. He’s a very personable and impressively confident young man. It was quite exciting to see this new generation of younger people.”

june 15, 2011 \ The weekly review 11


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Yoga maY still be a symphony of female limbs ‒ 85.5 per cent of students and

82.6 per cent of teachers, according to a Yoga Australia survey (3830 responses) ‒ but once enticed, men are now more often glad they stayed. While the physical benefits are the initial drawcard, anecdotally it’s the ability to relax and release that convinces them.

David Burke, 31, is typical of the younger crew: “If I’m going to spend an hour doing something, I like to get the endorphin kick … It helps me recover from tough training and is very effective in reducing muscle tightness. Without yoga, I’d have more soft-tissue tears.”

His ultimate class is online, currently in the Netherlands and Wyoming. Beats traffic, he says, and helikes the convenience with a bub at home and when he is away on business. And yes, the “mental release” counts, too.

And 55-year-old social worker Greg Smith is typical of the men: yoga “reminds” him that he can relax and clear his head, which are “big challenges” for him. “I would like to think it has helped me be more ‘present’ with people (at work).”

Constantly building muscle mass without stretching concretises blokes in the shoulders, hamstrings and hips so it must take a little courage to enter such bendy female territory. For those who are worried about floundering, relax, women are generally too focused on getting mat-happy.

Tony Rothberg, footy’s favourite yoga teacher (currently with Hawthorn, formerly with Richmond, St Kilda, Collingwood and North Melbourne),

Re v ie w \ w e L L-BeiNg




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Men are discovering a well-kept secret, writes LISA MITCHELL.

remembers sorely “feeling foolish” at gym aerobics – “they were all going one way, I was going the other” – and reckons men are “a bit nervous about how they’re going to appear in a yoga class”.

The other repellent may be a man’s natural competitiveness, says Rothberg, and the tendency to use gym workouts for stress release rather than yoga for work-ins. A passive-style class would be a turn-off for plenty of blokes, he says.

“But you don’t just go to one place and judge all yoga on that.”

Smith says it wasn’t easy, at first, seeing “female body parts stuck in the air” or “feeling pretty hopeless at it”.

“I recently noticed that my downward-facing dog looked more like an imitation of a coffee table. But our teacher keeps reminding us that it’s not about competition. Maybe that’s a harder lesson to learn for males, but I have learnt it … I always finish the session in a better place than I started.”

Lance Coughlin, who started the Middle Park Agama Centre’s successful Yoga for Blokes class, suspects that a strong grounding in sports culture from an early age doesn’t endear the discipline to Aussie males. For men in India, yoga is an entirely different beast.

At 61, swimmer and walker Keith Badger was the first to enrol in Coughlin’s class, and later took private classes with him to train for a walk across Britain.

Badger credits the classes with saving him from a disastrous fall, thanks to better balance and flexibility. They also gives him excellent core and general strength.

12 The weekly review \ june 15, 2011


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“Before the walk I also went to the doctor, who did a battery of tests … she said I was a centimetre taller. Clearly an error, I thought, but she’d seen it before in others (who practised yoga),” Badger says.

He has successfully introduced a few friends to the discipline, but there have also been a few discouraged by their lack of flexibility.

“I think it’s a great shame. They haven’t really understood that it’s OK to do yoga wherever you start, and your flexibility grows as you go, rather than having to reach a certain level at day one,” Badger says.

Long-time devotee David Collett says one of his greatest yoga moments was “realising that fear of breaking was preventing me from moving into certain postures … I like the exploration … finding out that if I stretch in a certain way, or hinge a certain joint, or change an aspect of my posture, I can get an extra flexibility, or lift, or strength or balance.”

What about the spiritual side … are blokes into it?

I can’t forget the 30-something triathlete in his prime who turned up at my community centre class of all sorts. He had that Bikram look about him – hard-bodied, up for a challenge, determinedly focused. At the end of our “gently progressive spiritual class”, he hissed vehemently, “This is not what I came for!”, and whooshed away in a fireball.

Burke isn’t convinced that the average male gives a toss, but his mother has evidence.

Belinda Burke teaches in the bullish dominion of stockbroking at E.L. & C. Baillieu, which has run a yoga class for 13 years.

Her men are fine with “peace breathing” and the

odd spiritual poem and move swiftly into mindfulness. “They move into it quickly now (mindful state) because they’re practised at it and their breathing changes. You can see the change from start to finish.”

Rothberg introduces yogic philosophy in a safe, “jokey” way. Badger describes Coughlin’s teaching style as comfortably irreverent: “He knows he has a bunch of blokes who tend to be a bit that way in normal life and he lets that be OK.”

But come end-of-class relaxation, it’s lovely to watch them drift into their solitary space, that shed in the head where no one can touch them. The men who persevere seem to break through initial misconceptions or dud

classes to find their treasure. “Fairly sedentary” Brian Barry, an executive

recruitment consultant in his 40s, tried his first class this year, hoping “to mitigate against the pitfalls of an ageing frame”, and re-enrolled for a second term.

“The combination of relaxation and stretching has meant I can tap into energy I

didn’t think I had,” he saysSmith says, “Maybe emphasising the links to

meditation and relaxation would help collect more men. I suspect men are generally thinking more about stress and ways of reducing it.” \

[email protected]

» www.yogapractice.com.au Join blog chat at www.yogamewell.com.au

Lisa Mitchell is a hatha yoga teacher, relaxation instructor and freelance writer/editor specialising in holistic well-being.

“Without yoga, I’d

have more soft-tissue


june 15, 2011 \ The weekly review 13




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Polaris 3083

Address \ 1056-1140 Plenty Road, Bundoora

Developer \ Deal Corporation

Building design \ Clarke Hopkins Clarke

Sales \ Aaron Silluzio, 0414 422 299

Display suite \ Cnr Main Drive & Plenty Road, Bundoora

Open \ Wednesday, Saturday & Sunday noon to 4pm

» www.polaris3083.com.au

Pricing guideApartments

One-bedroom From $295,000

Two-bedrooms From $420,000

Standard features

l Stainless steel kitchen appliances l CaesarStone benchtops l Bathrooms with floor-to-ceiling ceramic tiles l Carpets in living space l Tiles in kitchen Facilities

l Secure parking spaces available for an extra $30,000 l Secure lobbies to all four buildings

Low-rise: The new

Polaris 3083 community will

have its own town centre.


The firsT stage of Bundoora’s Polaris 3083 development is now selling

with 64 apartments spread across four buildings, being offered off the plan.

Polaris 3083 is a mixed-use village being developed by Deal Corporation on the site of the former Larundel psychiatric hospital.

The development’s point of difference is that all four buildings are low-rise with just two floors of apartments set over ground-floor retail. All three-bedroom apartments have been sold. However, one- and two-bedroom apartments are still available.

This is the second such project for the area. The former Mont Park Psychiatric and Macleod Repatriation Hospital sites in nearby Macleod have been redeveloped as the Springthorpe residential estate, complete with its own country club.

Deal Corporation has spent about four years purchasing, planning and obtaining the necessary approvals and the Darebin Council gave the project the green light in December.

The 12-hectare site, previously occupied by derelict, crumbling buildings, will be transformed into a real community. It will have a retail town centre with apartments, townhouses, offices, retirement living and a state-of-the art community centre being developed by the City of Darebin.

The community centre will include meeting and office

de v e l oPing our ci T y \ Bundoor A

A new town within a town

locATion While Polaris 3083 will be a community in its own right, residents will enjoy the benefit of an already established broader residential community and the nearby educational facilities. la Trobe university’s Bundoora campus is

within walking distance and RMiT is a short tram ride away. The area has many schools nearby including Parade College, Northside Christian College, St Damian’s Catholic Primary, Bundoora Secondary College, loyola College, Macleod College, Our lady of The Way Catholic Primary, Kingsbury Primary and Watsonia Primary. Trams run along Plenty Road, which is a two-minute walk from the development. Directly opposite Polaris 3083 is Bundoora Park, one of Melbourne’s most diverse parks, with a children’s farm, wildlife reserve, wetlands, picnics and playgrounds, community gardens, a historic homestead and a public golf course.


3083spaces for local organisations and services.

The full development will take five to six years to complete with more apartments and townhouses planned, eventually providing 500 homes.

Retailer Woolworths and its subsidiary Dan Murphy’s will be the retail anchor for the first stage of the development, with cafés, restaurants, fashion retail and speciality shops to follow.

All buildings will have secure lobbies and many of the apartments will have views over

the nature reserve, parks and community oval. Apartments have been designed with floor-to-ceiling windows to maximise natural light and living spaces open onto balconies.

Aaron Silluzio, principal of Barry Plant Real Estate in Ivanhoe and Rosanna, said there had

already been an overwhelming response in the short time they had been marketing the development.

“Polaris 3083 offers everything you need; beautifully designed accommodation in an upmarket retail precinct. And from a practical point of view it’s hard to beat – just 14 kilometres from the CBD, adjoining La Trobe University, RMIT and lots of primary and secondary schools,” he said.

Civil works have already begun on the site, with a completion date for the first stage expected to be late next year. \

MARY [email protected]


3083 offers everything you need.”

june 15, 2011 \ The weekly review 15

The real-estate cover story (right) and We Love It property reviews on the following pages have been visited by TWR journalists. Agent’s Choice and Out of Town are real-estate promotions provided by the agents unless tagged as written by a TWR journalist.



















WHERE TO LIVE TEAM\EDITORIAL SUBMISSIONSPROPERTY EDITOR \ MARIA [email protected]: 0409 009 766 BIANCA [email protected]: 0431 116 667

LIAM [email protected]: 0419 013 314 ADVERTISING INQUIRIESGENERAL MANAGER, SALES \ JASON [email protected]: 0422 145 390

DISTRIBUTION \ 1800 032 [email protected]



 R osehill Road is home to some of the most expensive real estate in Lower Plenty. � e houses at this premier address are o� en very

large and occupy massive blocks of land. Many have a rustic � avour. Sales

in the road are usually in the seven-� gure range.� is single-storey, mud-brick house is an absolute

gem. It may be modest, but it looks and feels at one with the environment. Hidden from the street, the house is set in wonderfully landscaped gardens, which have taken years to mature and add to the property’s atmosphere.

Although neither new nor big and bold, it has a charm that o� en eludes many grander and more elaborate properties. � e house, which comes into view at the end of a sweeping gravel drive, is set on the high point of its 4004-square metre block with an apron of lawn in front of the verandah.

You would never get lost here, but the house still works well for a family and has had just three owners since it was built 27 years ago.

Its architect and builder are unknown, but its design owes much to the legendary Alistair Knox, the builder/designer, who pioneered the mud-brick houses associated with neighbouring Eltham.

Brick-paved verandahs supported by heavy timber posts extend the length of the front and back of the house.

Two rooms at each end of the front of the building feature second-hand leadlight bay windows, probably from a 1920s house.

� e interiors recall many traditional mud-brick houses. A row of clerestory windows lets the light � lter into the living and dining rooms. Both these spaces are separated by a central, two-way open � replace – the sort that needs real wood, not a remote control, to get it going.

Skylights are also a feature, as are several

second-hand doors with brightly coloured leadlight panels. Second-hand materials are common in mud-brick houses.

Handmade second-hand bricks – in their hundreds – are used for the � oors. Some even have the tell-tale thumbprints of the brick makers, caused as the bricks were pushed out of their moulds by thumb pressure in diagonally opposed corners.

Timber in many of its manifestations is used extensively. It is there in the ceilings and oregon beams and lines many walls.

� e kitchen, modernised and updated, includes a spectacular, solid red-gum benchtop, along with a 900-millimetre-wide Ilve cooker. But the original beaten-copper rangehood is pure 1970s Eltham.

Another feature drawn from the Alistair Knox style of building was for the living and kitchen/dining areas to occupy the centre of the house and be only one room wide. � is meant that you got a view of the front and back gardens from the living zones and the kitchen. Here it works a treat, and the front and back verandahs are gorgeous spots to sit and appreciate the gardens.

A wide, brick-paved entertainment area spreads out from the back verandah and overlooks the densely planted garden beyond the back lawn.

� ere is also a studio or possible o� ce in the back garden.

� e phrase “zoned living” had not been coined when this house was built. But its architect or builder still employed that principle.

� e main bedroom with en suite and study occupies one side of the living hub. � e newly renovated en suite has walls tiled to the midpoint, with timber above. Sha� s of light come through the clerestory windows.

Two children’s bedrooms, a family bathroom – with colourful handmade Mexican tiles – and the laundry are zoned together o� a hall at the other end of the building. \

[email protected]

� e in� uence of Eltham pioneer Alistair Knox sings loud and long in this super family house in Lower Plenty, writes MARIA HARRIS.




16 The weekly review \ june 15, 2011


45 Rosehill Road, Lower Plenty

Price: $960,000 +

Private sale

Fast facts: Mud-brick and timber house, land of 4004 square metres, renovated en suite, study, two open � replaces, under� oor heating, clerestory windows, reclaimed timber, verandahs front and back, 900-millimetre Ilve cooker, handmade bricks, leadlight windows, separate studio/of� ce, landscaped and private block. LOWER PLENTY \ 16 kms from the CBD


3 2 2

june 15, 2011 \ The weekly review 17

Driving along Maltravers Road is a bit like � icking through the pages of a high-end, glossy magazine. House after house along this undulating boulevard is a picture of style and elegance.

The residence at No.48 is no exception. The columns on the clinker-brick portico are mimicked by the white trunks of established silver birches. Topiary-trimmed box hedges line the base of two large multipane bay windows. This property is not just about the house, it is all about the house and garden. The backyard of this 920-square metre block is a garden lover’s paradise.

It has been designed to ensure there is year-round colour. In early winter, the remaining golden leaves of a magni� cent Canadian maple contrast with blues and purples in the maze of garden beds. Paved paths lead to quiet nooks and there are separate rose and vegie gardens – tank-water fed, of course. Take it all in from the back terrace crowned by an ornamental grape. The interiors are just as pretty.

The previous owner, a successful interior designer, beauti� ed the front lounge with a marble � replace, chandeliers and lavish swags-and-tails drapes. She attached a mirror to the dining room wall to enhance the sense of space. The kitchen with its large island bench occupies the centre of the � oor plan. Although built in 1937, the property has an expansive family hub that was added on in the 1980s. \ LIAM CARTER

Working for a master builder can have its bene� ts when it is time to build your dream home. Twelve years ago, the vendor of this 709-square metre property in Eltham’s Riverside Estate drew on the expertise of

her employer, the De Felice Brothers, to create a house that is high on style and liveability. A wide entrance hall lined in ceramic tiles makes a stunning � rst impression. It stretches past the sunken lounge and dining area with 2.65-metre ceilings to the large family hub. An oversized kitchen with stainless steel appliances, butler’s pantry and island bench is ideal for preparing family meals. The � ve-car garage has internal stairwell access. The accommodation is zoned in two areas, reserving the tree-top views for the guest bedroom and the main bedroom with walk-in wardrobe and en suite. This property is practically next door to Eltham High School and strolling distance from Eltham Lower Park. \ LIAM CARTER

What a decade ago was rolling farmland is now home to some of Diamond Creek’s most sought-after properties. Houses in the King� sher Estate are large and unashamedly luxurious, but only a few

have the sort of views you get here. Positioned atop a quiet cul-de-sac, this triple-storey eight-year-old residence looks across rooftops to the Kinglake Ranges. Large windows and a balcony up top have been added to this L.P. Warren design. Tasmanian oak � oors extend from the double-height entrance hall through the lounge and into the family hub. The country-style kitchen includes an island bench topped with Kashmir gold granite, rich timber cabinets and a double La Germania oven with a warmer. The 1004-square metre block extends up the hill. Accommodation includes a parents’ retreat and main suite hidden away upstairs. There is also a large rumpus/ gym/ workshop off the double garage below. \ LIAM CARTER

JELLIS CRAIG, 9490 2900

48 Maltravers Road

Price: $1.4 million +

Auction: June 18 at noon

4 2 2

FLETCHERS, 9430 1111

12 Valley Park Road

Price: $830,000 +

Expressions of Interest: Closing June 21

4 2 5

BARRY PLANT, 9438 1133

7 Fantail Rise

Price: $790,000 – $870,000

Sale by negotiation

4 2 2









18 The weekly review \ june 15, 2011

Moments ago you were going past the familiar sights of Eltham South, the sign to Montsalvat and side roads named after the area’s founding fathers. Mount Pleasant Road twists and turns until you

arrive at Beauty Point Road. Here the blocks are larger, the atmosphere more rural and the feeling of being in the country deepens. Yet you are only 10 minutes from Eltham’s main street and 35 minutes from the city.

This house sits towards the front of its block of slightly more than two hectares. Protected by a wide front verandah, it is a house for all seasons. In winter, it is easy to imagine being warm and cosy, relaxing with friends over a glass of wine in front of the open � re. In warmer weather,


20 Beauty Point Road

Price: $1.3 million – $1.5 million

Expressions of Interest: Closing June 28 at 5pm

4 3 2


3095it’s all about outdoor living and entertaining on the deck and being close to the barbecue area and swimming pool.

The central hub is the huge informal living zone with vaulted ceilings and a wall of glass allowing the most wonderful view of the trees and even a glimpse of the Dandenongs. The kitchen, with granite benches, overlooks this vast area, which is warmed by a traditional wood-� red heater.

Bedrooms are zoned in two wings – the parents’ wing with study, bedroom, en suite and walk-in wardrobe, and the children’s wing with two bedrooms, bathroom and retreat that opens to the deck and pool.

A rumpus room, fourth bedroom and third bathroom are on the ground level. \ MARIA HARRIS

It arrives every winter in Melbourne, when the favourite weekend sport that is the public auction quietens down and

a version of the Melbourne Club opens for the $1 million-plus house-buying business.

For four months between a certain royal’s birthday and grand � nal day, auctions diminish as the favoured way to do business at the top end and private sales, o� -markets and expressions of interest take over.

For unwary buyers, private sales can present some issues. In fact, several potential buyers start on the back foot with private-sale negotiations because they think that they are easier than auction bidding.

We are not sure why anyone would think private sales are necessarily easier to negotiate than auctions. Sure, some private sales are straightforward enough; it’s simply a matter of paying the asking price. But it’s worth realising that private sales have no rules, such as the ones they have to read out at the start of an auction. � ere is no start and stop time and no bells to say the property is “on the market”. For casual buyers, there is no public con� rmation of the right price level in the form of other bidders as in an auction.

Over the past few years the curious practice of not stating a price has crept in on some private sales. So when you ask the price, the response can vary from “make us

an o� er” to “buyer interest is at $3 million and the vendor wants about $3.35 million (we think)” to “price range is between $1.8 million and $1.92 million”.

Even the inexperienced buyer should be able to see the dangers in being asked to “make us an o� er”. � ere are solutions for a buyer involved in this process but you as a buyer would be best served by getting professional representation in this instance.

In the case of the other two price types, which are a version of the range, it’s just as confusing. Could you buy the property simply by paying the top end of the range? � at depends on the process and on the agent with whom you’re dealing.

Which leads us to the second tra� c

stopper in private-sale negotiations: process. Even if you o� er top dollar, your o� er may still be referred to others, and that involves a 24-hour feedback process, during which time you may be asked if you have any more (even if there is no other o� er). Or you could be asked to participate in a boardroom auction, which involves a new set of rules. Or you could be told nothing – which could mean it is sold to someone else, maybe because as a negotiation tactic, your o� er had a clause stating that this was your � nal o� er and they believed you.

Even if your o� er of the top price in the range is accepted on the spot, you may wonder whether you did the right thing.

Each and every agency you deal with has

a di� erent private-sale process and in fact several agents within the di� erent agencies use di� erent private-sale practices.

Which brings us to the � nal issue of agents – whom do you actually speak to? In some companies, you could be involved with several agents during the buying process – but only two of them can actually help you. In private sales in Melbourne’s top end, it is a club. It works well for buyers and sellers and a lot of real estate is exchanged, but, you need to know who’s who within the club to get the result you want.

When you go to your next open for inspection, for instance, does that well-dressed agent you spoke to actually know what is going on? Are they the listing agent, who has the ear and trust of the vendor – or are they someone so far removed from the process that you probably know more about the house and what it takes to buy it?

So welcome Melbourne, to the winter of wonderment and the intensely interesting private-sale process. \

Winter’s mine� eld of private-sale negotiations

MAL JAMESPrincipal Buyer Advocate

0408 107 988 \ 9804 3133WE ONLY BUY HOMES


SOLD FOR $980,00032 Alfreda Avenue, Rosanna

PASSED IN FOR $1.125 MILLION4 Mandall Avenue, Ivanhoe

june 15, 2011 \ The weekly review 19


Miles Real Estate9497 3222

Extensive family accommodation of more than 57sq is superbly complemented by the superior quality construction of this five-bedroom, three-bathroom residence. Includes five living areas, two kitchens, DLUG with rear garden and outdoor spa.

5 3 2

Let's eat lunch @Miss Marie, 45 Beetham ParadeLet's eat dinner @ Byzantine, 76 Turnham AvenueLet's drink coffee @Scooters, 133 Lower Plenty Road


35 Falcon Road, Macleod

Price: $870,000 - $950,000

For sale By tender Tuesday July 12 at 5pm




Fletchers Eltham9430 1111

This quality family house delivers perfectly on space, location and features. With expansive zoned living areas and fabulous outdoor entertainment area complete with spa, it provides effortless family living.

4 3 2

Let's eat lunch @A.D. Ryan's, 69 Main StreetLet's eat dinner @ Narai Thai, 8a/72 Main Hurstbridge RoadLet's drink coffee @Piccolo Meccanico, 57 Chute Street


10 Wayland Court, Diamond Creek

Price: $540,000 - $615,000

Expressions of Interest by Tuesday July 12




Darren Jones9432 2544

Offering large living, three bedrooms, bathroom and two outdoor areas, this comfortable house only 700 metres from the centre of Eltham provides an exceptional opportunity for first home buyers and investors.

3 1 2

Let's eat lunch @Degani, 6 Luck StreetLet's eat dinner @ La Pesh, 81 Main RoadLet's drink coffee @Volumes, 70 Commercial Place


1/1125 Main Road, Eltham

Price: $370,000 - $410,000

Sale by Set Date: Monday June 20 at 7pm




Morrison Kleeman Eltham9431 2444

Reached by a long, private driveway with spectacular views, this impressive residence offers a way of life unique to Greensborough and an inspired lifestyle blending the attractions of country life with the benefits of city living.

5 2 4

Let's eat lunch @Urban Grooves, 99 Grimshaw StreetLet's eat dinner @ Peppercorn Thai, 81 Grimshaw StreetLet's drink coffee @Gloria Jeans Coffee, 25 Main Street


237 Nepean Street, Greensborough

Price: $730,000 +

Auction Saturday July 2 at 3pm




Barry Plant Bundoora9467 5444

One of Watsonia's finest three-bedroom properties, offering low-maintenance living for all your modern desires. Only a short walk to everything Watsonia has to offer, with train and shops at your fingertips.

3 1 1

Let's eat lunch @Watsonia Seafood Bar, 39 Watsonia RoadLet's eat dinner @ Watsonia RSL, 6 Morwell AvenueLet's drink coffee @Citrus Tart Cafe, 2d Lambourn Road


3/59 Elder Street, Watsonia

Price: $380,000 +

Sale by Set Date: Tuesday July 5 at 6pm




Hocking Stuart Ivanhoe9499 5611

Stunning penthouse with panoramic views over Ivanhoe and the distant ranges. Ultra-sleek Miele/stone kitchen. Intercom security and two car parks on title. Everything is at your door.

3 2 2

Let's eat lunch @Toyama, 201 Upper Heidelberg RdLet's eat dinner @ Condotti, 233 Lower Heidelberg RdLet's drink coffee @Café Georgia, 167 Upper Heidelberg Rd


403/3 Kiernan Avenue, Ivanhoe

Price: Price on Application

Auction Saturday June 18 at 1pm




Complete with a white picket fence, this weatherboard house offers an open-plan design that the whole family can enjoy. The entrance continues into the formal dining room, which is near the tan-coloured

kitchen. The formal dining room extends into the oversized living area, which where all the action happens. The living area features a wet bar and glass sliding doors that open onto decking. A sauna and shower can also be reached from the decking. If you delve a little further into the back garden, you will � nd a paved area and plenty of lawn space. Palm trees line the garden and lend a tropical feel. All three bedrooms have built-in wardrobes and share the central family bathroom with white bathtub and separate toilet. Other features include air-conditioning, gas wall heaters and ample off-street parking. This residence is across the road from Loyola College and within walking distance to Watsonia Primary School, Watsonia station and Watsonia shopping village. \ BIANCA VILLAROSA

BUCKINGHAM, 9435 0999

31 Bungay Street

Price: $400,000 +

Auction: June 18 at 1pm

3 1 2



20 The weekly review \ june 15, 2011

This elevated two-storey property is a delight, with several outdoor entertainment spaces and multiple living areas. It has a renovated exterior and landscaped gardens. The lounge is at the entrance and steps

out onto a balcony that has views of the Dandenongs. It is near the timber kitchen and meals area. Two bedrooms nearby share a bathroom. The hall, with its polished � oors, continues to a second kitchen and another living area. The outdoor dining areas and tiered backyard can be reached from a sliding door near the second kitchen. One outdoor entertainment area is undercover, while the other is in the garden. Back inside, a third bedroom, second bathroom and separate toilet are close to the living area. Upstairs are two more bedrooms, both with built-in wardrobes. They share the third bathroom. There is also a lounge area. Other features include hydronic heating, a utility room and ample storage space. It is near Montmorency shopping village and Montmorency station. \ BIANCA VILLAROSA

BARRY PLANT, 9431 1222

20 Kirwana Grove

Price: $550,000 – $590,000

Auction: June 18 at 11am

5 3 2



Miles Real Estate9497 3222

A high-quality three-bedroom, two-bathroom freestanding unit secluded to the rear of an exclusive garden block. Secure and serene near Eaglemont Village, with Smeg-equipped granite kitchen, north-facing courtyard and double garage.

3 2 2

Let's eat lunch @Eaglemont Dish, 72 Silverdale Rd Let's eat dinner @ Va Tutto, 226 Upper Heidelberg Rd Let's drink coffee @Brown Bag, 9/149 Upper Heidelberg Rd


4/27 Sherwood Road, Ivanhoe

Price: $660,000 - $720,000

Auction Saturday July 9 at 11am




Barry Plant Rosanna9459 8111

This spacious and immaculate house sits on a 650sqm (approx) block and features polished floorboards, sun-drenched lounge and dining, bright kitchen with meals area, four generous bedrooms, ducted heating, cooling, pool (not in use) and garaging.

4 1 2

Let's eat lunch @Mangiamo, 121 Lower Plenty RoadLet's eat dinner @ Baan Thai, 137 Lower Plenty RoadLet's drink coffee @Scooters, 133 Lower Plenty Road


11 Kuranga Road, Viewbank

Price: $630,000

For sale




David McFarlane Real Estate9439 4022

Four bedrooms, main with en suite, formal living dining, family meals and a huge rumpus/teen retreat. This house will appeal to a range of buyers wanting a superb addition to an investment portfolio.

4 2 2

Let's eat lunch @Urban Grooves, 99 Grimshaw StreetLet's eat dinner @ EOS Greek, 83 Grimshaw StreetLet's drink coffee @Cafe Giancarlo, 25 Main Street


241 St Helena Road, Greensborough

Price: $550,000 +

For sale




Morrison Kleeman Greensborough9435 7666

This four-bedroom-plus-rumpus/study house is built with a tangible focus on style and quality. It has a flexible floor plan and exceptional outdoor living precinct with decked entertainment area.

4 2 2

Let's eat lunch @Bean About Café, Laurimar Town CentreLet's eat dinner @ Uday Indian, 95 Hazel Glen DriveLet's drink coffee @Eliza Billie Café, Laurimar Town Centre


19 Timbertop Drive, Doreen

Price: $580,000 - $630,000

Private sale




Jellis Craig9490 2900

English attic-style clinker brick c1946 on large allotment. Excellent potential to extend (STCA) in delightful village setting close to shops, schools, transport and parks. Three bedrooms, living, formal dining and updated bathroom.

3 1 1

Let's eat lunch @Zanetti, 132 Upper Heidelberg RoadLet's eat dinner @ Barrio, 77 Upper Heidelberg RoadLet's drink coffee @Rocket, 144 Upper Heidelberg Road


12 Ravenswood Avenue, Ivanhoe East

Price: $950,000 +

Auction Saturday July 2 at 3pm




Barry Plant Diamond Creek9438 1133

This comfortable house offers plenty of room. Generous living areas include family room, lounge/dining, rumpus, six bedrooms and three bathrooms. Ducted heating, evaporative cooling, carport, undercover al fresco area and a large backyard.

6 3 2

Let's eat lunch @Platters Cafe, 1/67 Main Hurstbridge RdLet's eat dinner @ Nari Thai, 8/72 Main Hurstbridge RdLet's drink coffee @Creeks Cafe, 29-35 Chute St


2 Lotus Court, Diamond Creek

Price: $490,000 - $540,000

Sale by Negotiation




june 15, 2011 \ The weekly review 21

Tucked away in a quiet court, this three-bedroom, two-bathroom house offers plenty of safe spaces for the kids to play. It is instantly appealing because of its polished presentation with gleaming � oorboards and

windows letting natural light � ood the interiors. A study is at the entrance, and the hallway continues into the kitchen and meals area. The kitchen has stainless steel appliances and a skylight above the breakfast bench. It overlooks the casual meals space, which steps down into the carpeted living/formal dining areas. The living area has sliding doors and views of the backyard and entertainment area. The large paved area is covered by Perspex and would be great for outdoor dining. The main bedroom is at the front of the house and has a renovated en suite and walk-in wardrobe. Two other bedrooms have built-in wardrobes and share a bathroom and separate toilet. Other features include ducted heating and a large workshop. It is close to the Apollo Parkways School and shops. \ BIANCA VILLAROSA

DARREN JONES, 9432 2544

7 Nandaly Court

Price: $450,000 +

Auction: June 18 at 12.30pm

3 2 2




This double-fronted residence is set away from the tree-lined street and offers a brightly lit and neutral interior. Since 1977, this property has offered the utmost comfort and convenience to the current (and only

the second) owners of this house. The large entrance is a great place to greet guests. The hallway continues into the main hub of the house. Through the bi-fold doors is the cream kitchen that has a tiled splashback and Lofra stove. It is conveniently near the dining area and the lounge. The lounge overlooks the garden and paved outdoor dining area. There is ample lawn space for the kids. Two bedrooms are at the front of the house, and both have built-in wardrobes. A third bedroom is near the study. All bedrooms share the stark-white family bathroom with frameless glass shower and separate toilet. Other features include double-glazed windows, gas heating, evaporative cooling and room to park a caravan. It is close to Ivanhoe shopping village and the Darebin Creek parklands. \ BIANCA VILLAROSA


10 Mabel Street

Price: $700,000 – $770,000

Auction: June 25 at 1pm

3 1 1




HAIR 4 KIDS21 Watsonia Road, 9432 8130

Hair 4 Kids deals with kids from their very � rst haircut. When your little one has his or her � rst haircut, be sure to bring your camera along and take home a framed certi� cate of their achievement. Children sit on novelty cars and horses while getting their hair cut. This helps to make it an enjoyable experience for both mums and bubs. If the kids prefer, they can sit at a workstation and play PlayStation. There is also an indoor playground where they can play and mums can get a quick trim. Open Monday to Saturday. \

MANHATTAN SKIN & LASER CLINIC25 Watsonia Road, 9432 7400www.manhattan.com.au

Manhattan Skin & Laser Clinic has provided Watsonia with highly skilled dermal therapy for more than 15 years. Manhattan is committed to providing personalised treatments and employs high-quality brands such as Osmosis and Skeyndor. It specialises in paramedical skin treatments including facial peels and facial treatments. Manhattan also offers IPL (intense pulsed light) treatments, anti-wrinkle injections and laser hair reduction. All the therapists constantly refresh their knowledge so they are always up to speed with the latest information. Open Monday to Saturday. \

WATSONIA FLORIST79 Watsonia Road, 9435 0862www.watsonia� orist.com.au

For more than 30 years, Watsonia Florist has provided seasonal, fresh and colourful cut � owers to suit any occasion. Arrangements range from traditional bouquets to the more modern and unexpected. It diligently prepares beautiful bunches suitable for all occasions. It can also cater for your corporate of� ce events. Watsonia Florist provides an online service where you can place an order and have it delivered anywhere in Australia. Plants and giftware are also available. Drop in any day of the week and be spoilt for choice. \

TT WATSONIA GIFTWARE77 Watsonia Road, 9435 8638

For � ve years, TT Watsonia Giftware has been your perfect one-stop shop to pick up gorgeous home decorations, giftwares and odd bits and pieces. This family business takes pride in its display window, which is revamped regularly. It has loved serving the community and provides a huge range of items including jewellery, candles, cards, clocks, toys and books. TT also offers a key-cutting service and will happily change your watch battery and offer a one-year guarantee on this service. Pet accessories and quality bric-a-brac are also available. Open Monday to Saturday. \

ORANGE GROVE BOUTIQUE2f Lambourn Road, 9435 2924

Orange Grove Boutique is your fabulous and funky fashion boutique that will have you strutting your stuff in style. It caters for women from size eight to size 26 and stocks designer clothing. Brands include Australian-made Vigorella, New Zealand brand Redhead and many more. It also has a vast range of leather accessories including the premium Junior Drake handbags. Lotions, creams and Savon Rouge soaps are on offer as well as European and locally handmade jewellery. Orange Grove also sells Bella Bodies and Spanx. Gift vouchers are available. Open Monday to Saturday. \

Do you want your business featured? Contact Bianca Villarosa: [email protected]


22 The weekly review \ june 15, 2011

w here T O l i v e \ GreeN Be lT PrOPer T Y l iS T iNG S

Address AGeNT PAGe

AlPhiNGTON114 Grange rd Hocking Stuart 68

BellFielD3 Lime Crt Miles 94

BriAr hill6 Porter st David McFarlane 3136 railway rd Barry Plant 48

BuNDOOrA10 donach Cres Darren Jones 301056-1140 Plenty rd Barry Plant 4215 The Concord Buckingham & Co 6615 Monagle Ave Barry Plant 785 rae Crt Barry Plant 792 Boylan Walk Barry Plant 81

DiAmOND Creek10 Wayland Crt Fletchers 3364 Hillingdon dve Fletchers 36

DOreeN2 rollinghill Way Fletchers 3417 rural Plc Barry Plant 4363 Bedervale Loop Barry Plant 4336 Carome Way Morrison Kleeman 75

eAGlemONT48 Maltravers rd Jellis Craig 5488 The eyrie Jellis Craig 5640 Alandale rd Jellis Craig 6210/10 Ashby Gve Miles 90

elThAm1/1125 Main rd Darren Jones 2994 Park rd Fletchers 3211 Ashdale Gve Fletchers 356 Kerby st Fletchers 3546 Beard st Fletchers 36160 scenic Cres Barry Plant 40

66 Leane dve Barry Plant 41136 scenic Cres Barry Plant 47133 Mt Pleasant rd Morrison Kleeman 733/1333 Main rd Morrison Kleeman 774/91 Bible st Morrison Kleeman 77

elThAm NOrTh33 Orchard Ave Barry Plant 462 Manning rd Morrison Kleeman 75

GreeNSBOrOuGh23 Liat Way Darren Jones 249 Warralong Ave Darren Jones 257 Palpera Tce Darren Jones 268/7 echuca rd Darren Jones 267 Nandaly Crt Darren Jones 271/132 Henry st Darren Jones 2911a Willis st Darren Jones 292/152 Nell st Darren Jones 29241 st Helena rd David McFarlane 3110 Gilmour Crt Fletchers 3415 somerleigh Cres Barry Plant 481 Viewgrand Way Jellis Craig 588 Hopkins st Buckingham & Co 6425 Wanbanna Cres Buckingham & Co 6513 delfin Cres Buckingham & Co 664 eliza Close Morrison Kleeman 72237 Nepean st Morrison Kleeman 7418 Goonyah Crt Morrison Kleeman 7658 Hume st Miles 93

heiDelBerG101 darebin st Miles 904/162 Hawdon st Miles 91

heiDelBerG heiGhTS14a Terry st Barry Plant 4565 Bonar st Barry Plant 4530 Law st Miles 94

heiDelBerG weST133 Outhwaite rd Barry Plant 47

191 Oriel rd Hocking Stuart 69208 Liberty Pde Miles 9412 Kolora rd Miles 95

ivANhOe12 dudley st Haughton Stotts 301 Corporate Ad Woodards 5134 Bond st Jellis Craig 5512 Kingsley st Jellis Craig 5715 Ford st Jellis Craig 591/30 Livingstone st Jellis Craig 633/43 Marshall st Jellis Craig 6474 Jellicoe st Jellis Craig 63403/3 Kiernan Ave Hocking Stuart 676-8 scotts Pde Miles 827 rosedale Gve Miles 841/12 Thoresby Gve Miles 881/127 Ford st Miles 883/26 Belmont rd Miles 894/27 sherwood rd Miles 8910 Mabel st Miles 934/59-61 Green st Miles 93

ivANhOe eAST9-11 robinhood rd Jellis Craig 5236 McArthur rd Jellis Craig 6012 ravenswood Ave Jellis Craig 6122 Wallis Ave Miles 83221 Lower Heidelberg rd Miles 95

mACleOD8 Bella Vista Close Barry Plant 3912 May st Barry Plant 4486 somers Ave Woodards 51116-130 Main rd Barry Plant 8135 Falcon rd Miles 86

mONTmOreNCY53 Cressy st Darren Jones 2820 Kirwana Gve Barry Plant 4841 Cressy st Barry Plant 48

17/2 Grand Blvd Buckingham & Co 661/14 Adam Cres Hocking Stuart 67

PleNTY12 Plenty Heights Crt Barry Plant 4641 Mackelroy rd Morrison Kleeman 7399-111 Browns Ln Morrison Kleeman 76

reSeArCh20 Beauty Point rd Morrison Kleeman 703 Marconi Crt Morrison Kleeman 7130 Maroong dve Morrison Kleeman 765/1587 Main rd Morrison Kleeman 76116 Thompson Cres Morrison Kleeman 77

rOSANNA94a Hodgson st Woodards 512/10 Greville rd Jellis Craig 6213 ruthven st Jellis Craig 648/54 Beetham Pde Hocking Stuart 6850 Brassey Ave Miles 858 rhonda st Miles 9115/77 st James rd Miles 94

SmiThS GullY287 smiths Gully rd Barry Plant 38

SOuTh mOrANG47 McGlynn Ave Morrison Kleeman 77

ST ANDrewS40 school rd Barry Plant 49

SurreY hillS160 Union rd Fletchers 33

ThOrNBurY780-782 High st Miles 95

viewBANk15 rodney Crt Darren Jones 2722 Country Ln David McFarlane 314/367 Lower Plenty rd Barry Plant 4477 rosemar Circuit Barry Plant 4723/86 Graham rd Jellis Craig 6311 Walker Crt Miles 8717 duff Pde Miles 925 Peakview dve Miles 92

wATSONiA31 Bungay st Buckingham & Co 653/59 elder st Barry Plant 8016 Nepean st Barry Plant 79

wATSONiA NOrTh96 edmund rice Pde Barry Plant 80

YAllAmBie16 silverwattle st Darren Jones 28*listings provided by campaigntrack




169 LOWER HEIDELBERG ROAD EAST IVANHOE Luxuriously appointed and architecturally designed, these three bedroom (plus study) townhomes are perfectly positioned opposite Ivanhoe Park and walking distance from local shopping, trains and bus. Spacious and light-filled, these boutique townhouses offer low maintenance living with all the inclusions you’ve come to expect from Comdain.

Price on application.

For further information and individual floorplans please contact:



HIA Victorian Professional Small/MediumBuilder of the Year 2008 & 2010

june 15, 2011 \ The weekly review 23

darrenjones.com.au 9432 254494 Grimshaw Street, Greensborough


Substantial Spaces for Living and EntertainingThree expansive living rooms, four bedrooms, two bathrooms, study and paved north facing outdoor entertaining area combine to give the entire family space to spread out in this substantial home. Close to all amenities

including the centre of Greensborough it offers great value for astute home buyers. • Double garage with workshop space • Extra parking for caravan/boat• Four double bedrooms main with spa ensuite • Three generously proportioned living areas

• Ducted heating and cooling • Kitchen over looking child friendly rear yard

Offers Close Monday July 11 at 7.00pmPrice Guide $580,000 - $630,000Land 580 sqm Approx

Inspect Wednesday 4.00 - 4.30pmSaturday 2.00 - 2.30pm

Contact Gordon Armit 0407 801 979Steve Thomson 0402 445 414

24 The weekly review \ june 15, 2011

darrenjones.com.au 9432 254494 Grimshaw Street, Greensborough

GREENSBOROUGH 9 Warralong Avenue

Elegant Living with Huge Garage and WorkshopA short walk from Elder St Reserve and within easy reach of Diamond Village, Greensborough College and the city centre this wonderful home offering four bedrooms, two living areas, two bathrooms, covered out door

entertaining, area garage and huge workshop is perfect for the growing family. • Ducted heating and vacuum • Reverse cycle spilt system units• Shower over bath, second shower, separate toilet • Large covered outdoor entertainment area

• Abundant underhouse storage • Walk to Greensborough College

Auction Saturday July 2 at 2.00pmLand 630 sqm ApproxInspect Thursday 5.00 - 5.30pm

Saturday 12.00 - 12.30pmContact Steve Thomson 0402 445 414

Darren Jones 0425 717 111

june 15, 2011 \ The weekly review 25

darrenjones.com.au 9432 254494 Grimshaw Street, Greensborough

GREENSBOROUGH 7 Palpera Terrace

Great Family Living in a Court of AppealAn elevated court setting, low maintenance native gardens and tree top views provide a sense of seclusion in this home within easy reach of Apollo Parkways and Greensborough Plaza. Four bedrooms, two bathrooms, two living

areas and a covered alfresco zone combine to provide a well-located family haven.• Timber kitchen with stainless steel appliances • Four bedrooms, main with ensuite• Ducted heating and two reverse cycle split system units • Double carport with roller door

• Underhouse storage • Polished timber floors to casual living

Auction Saturday July 9 at 12.30pmLand 690 sqm approxInspect Thursday 5.00 - 5.30pm

Saturday 11.00 - 11.30amContact Ashley Croall 0417 522 941

Jen Crawford 0411 801 635


Prized Setting, Relaxed LivingThis two bedroom town house, just a few minutes walk from the centre of Greensborough, presents a spacious living room complemented by an equally generous enclosed out door area to deliver relaxed low maintenance living inside

and out. With garage, abundant storage and new carpets it is sure to impress. • New carpets throughout • Gas heating, split system cooling• Garage with storage and workshop space • Ideal for investors, couples or young families

• Modern kitchen and large laundry • Quiet, well maintained boutique block

Offers Close Monday July 4 at 7.00pmPrice Guide $380,000 - $420,000Inspect Wednesday 5.00 - 5.30pm

Saturday 1.00 - 1.30pmContact James Park 0407 155 541

Darren Jones 0425 717 111

26 The weekly review \ june 15, 2011

darrenjones.com.au 9432 254494 Grimshaw Street, Greensborough

VIEWBANK 15 Rodney Court

Relaxed Living That´s Perfect for EntertainingA magnificent landscaped garden with a resort like rear yard offering pool, spa paved area and pond is the ideal setting for this home. Located in a quiet court just a short walk from schools, shops and Viewbank College it offers

three bedrooms and three living areas for relaxed family living.• Double carport • Living dining with gas log fire• Solid timber kitchen overlooking rear yard • Huge family living

• Rumpus with wet bar and powder room • Polished timber floors

Offers Close Monday June 27 at 7.00pmLand 620 sqm ApproxInspect Wednesday 5.00 - 5.30pm

Saturday 1.00 - 1.30pmContact Gordon Armit 0407 801 979

Darren Jones 0425 717 111


Superbly Comfortable, Surprisingly SpaciousAn inviting interior offering three bedrooms, two bathrooms, study and two spacious living areas complements a huge covered outdoor precinct in this comfortable home. Close to shops and school and with a massive garage; ideal for

home based tradesman or collector, it offers a fantastic entry point into the market.• Easy walk to Apollo Parkways school and shops • Air conditioning and ducted heating• Ensuite to main bedroom • Timber kitchen with European cookware

• Double garage plus off street parking • Abundant built in storage

Auction This Saturday June 18 at 12.30pmLand 670 sqm ApproxInspect Thursday 5.00 - 5.30pm

Saturday from 12.00pmContact Ashley Croall 0417 522 941

Jen Crawford 0411 801 635

june 15, 2011 \ The weekly review 27

darrenjones.com.au 9432 254494 Grimshaw Street, Greensborough

MONTMORENCY 53 Cressy Street

Huge Allotment, Huge PossibilitiesIs this four bedroom home the ideal first home buyers opportunity, a fabulous new home-site, or the ideal spot for redevelopment? (stca) Whatever you´re seeking this partially renovated home on a huge allotment only a short walk

from Bolton Road shops combines proportions, position and potential. • Timber floors • Stainless steel range to kitchen• Four bedrooms • Two living areas

• Deep, wide allotment • Ideal opportunity to renovate, rebuild or redevelop (stca)

Auction Saturday July 2 at 12.30pmLand 1350 sqm ApproxInspect Wednesday 5.00 - 5.30pm

Saturday 11.00 - 11.30amContact Ashley Croall 0417 522 941

Jen Crawford 0411 801 635

YALLAMBIE 16 Silverwattle Street

Stylish, Easy Care, Single Level LivingThis charming home in a family-oriented pocket, delivers indoor outdoor spaces perfect for living and entertaining. The centrally heated interior introduces three bedrooms, two bathrooms and formal lounge complementing family

living overlooked by modern kitchen and flowing out to a private rear yard. • Central heating • Garage with workshop space and internal access• Short walk to parks • Suit investors or first home buyers

• Large kitchen with dishwasher • Robes to all bedrooms, walk in to main

Auction This Saturday June 18 at 2.00pmInspect Thursday 4.00 - 4.30pm

Saturday from 1.30pm

Contact Ashley Croall 0417 522 941Jen Crawford 0411 801 635

28 The weekly review \ june 15, 2011

darrenjones.com.au 9432 254494 Grimshaw Street, Greensborough

ELTHAM 1/1125 Main Road

Offering large formal living, three robed bedrooms, family bathroom, modern kitchen and two outdoor entertainment areas, this single level home only 700 meters from the retail, transport and lifestyle benefits of Eltham provides an exceptional opportunity for first home buyers and investors alike.

Offers Close Monday June 20 at 7.00pm

Price Guide $370,000 - $410,000

Inspect Saturday 2.00 - 2.30pm

Contact Steve Thomson 0402 445 414

GREENSBOROUGH 2/152 Nell Street

Private, peaceful and with a paved courtyard leading to generous covered deck, this three bedroom home is positioned for a convenient lifestyle. An easy walk from Diamond Village, War Memorial Park and Greensborough Plaza it is perfect for those seeking to enter the market as owner occupiers or investors.

Auction Saturday July 2 at 12.30pm

Price Guide $360,000 - $390,000

Inspect Thursday 5.00 - 5.30pm

Saturday 2.00 - 2.30pm

Contact Daniel Leibowitz 0428 812 636

GREENSBOROUGH 1/132 Henry Street

Within walking distance of Greensborough, shops, parks and College, this comfortable home offers three bedrooms, updated kitchen, bathroom and living dining. With a private rear yard offering access to underhouse storage and a workshop it presents an exciting opportunity for first home-buyers and investors.

Offers Close Monday July 4 at 7.00pm

Price Guide $370,000 - $410,000

Inspect Thursday 5.00 - 5.30pm

Saturday 11.00 - 11.30am

Contact James Park 0407 155 541

GREENSBOROUGH 11a Willis Street

This exceptional allotment just a short walk from schools, bus and shops and within easy reach of central Greensborough and station will be sold with approved plans and permits for a substantial, architect designed home. With everything in place for an immediate start it delivers a rare opportunity to purchase vacant land in a highly regarded locale.

Offers Close Monday June 20 at 7.00pm

Land 1235 sqm

Contact Steve Thomson 0402 445 414

june 15, 2011 \ The weekly review 29

darrenjones.com.au 9432 2544

BUNDOORA 10 Donach Crescent

Conveniently positioned in a quiet street, just a short walk from Watsonia North primary school, shops and park, this bright 3 bedroom home offers enormous potential at an entry level price. The home boasts a lounge room, dining area and a separate kitchen/meals. Other features include a double garage with workshop and covered entertaining area.

Auction Saturday July 2 at 11.00am

Land 550 sqm Approx

Price Guide $420,000 - $460,000

Inspect Thursday 6.00 - 6.30pm

Saturday 12.00 - 12.30pm

Contact Brett Sparks 0411 131 938


Get Saturday’s auction results before they’re yesterday’s news.


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Conveniently located within a short stroll to shops, transport and extensive walking and cycling tracks to Darebin parklands.

Comprising 2 main bedrooms, spacious lounge, modern new kitchen, new bathroom, separate laundry, air conditioning/heating and carport, complete this spacious and oustanding apartment.

AUCTION: 25th June at 11:00 amINSPECT: Thursday 6:00-6:30pm and Saturday 11:00-11:30amCONTACT: Chris Dzanovski 0418589911 [email protected]: 130 Upper Heidelberg Road, Ivanhoe 9497-1990

30 The weekly review \ june 15, 2011


Stretching across the wide fronted allotment this immaculate home enjoys a wonderful position around the corner from local shops and the bus and just a few steps from a playground that will please kids andgrandkids alike. Centrally heated, with an air-conditioner and double garage with internal access for easy entry with the groceries on those wet days, it offers three double bedrooms including main with directaccess to the main bathroom and two generous living areas, one overlooked by kitchen featuring Omega appliances. Large enough to spread out in, easy enough to manage, with room to get out in the garden orjust relax on the deck it presents a fabulous opportunity for those starting up or winding down.OPEN: THURSDAY 4.00-4.30PM & SATURDAY 1.00-1.30PMCONTACT: BRENDA THORNEYCROFT 0418 396 495 EMAIL: [email protected]

3 1 1 2

GREENSBOROUGH 241 St Helena Road $550,000 plus“WHAT A START?”

In a coveted position in the St Helena College zone and with four bedrooms, two bathrooms, formal livingdining, family meals and a huge rumpus, this could be Greensborough’s best buy! On an allotment of672m2 (approx), offering scope to add value with cosmetic enhancement and within easy reach ofschools, St Helena Market Square and Greensborough it provides the bonus of over size double garage,complemented by a large workshop and underhouse storage. Double gates provide access off PalingaStreet for boats and caravans. OPEN: THURSDAY 5.00-5.30PM & SATURDAY 1.00-1.30PMCONTACT: DAVID McFARLANE 0418 319 831EMAIL: [email protected] 4 2 2 2


Seconds from a park and tennis courts, an easy walk to the Yarra and surrounds and within the ViewbankCollege Zone, this stylish home offers decked entertainment areas to the north and south, perfect forrelaxed outdoor living and entertaining. Ducted heating and air-conditioning, plantation shutters andelectrically controlled awnings ensure year round comfort throughout contemporary spaces comprisingthree bedrooms including main with luxurious spa ensuite and fitted WIR, updated family bathroom, newkitchen with stainless steel appliances set in acres of benches, refined living dining with open fire in brickfeature wall and a huge fitted laundry.OPEN: THURSDAY 5.00-5.30PM & SATURDAY 11.00-11.30AMCONTACT: DAVID McFARLANE 0418 319 831EMAIL: [email protected]

3 2 2 1

june 15, 2011 \ The weekly review 31

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36 The weekly review \ june 15, 2011

Eltham 9431 12221022 Main Road

Ivanhoe 9499 7992115 Upper Heidelberg Road

Rosanna 9459 8111131 Lower Plenty Road


june 15, 2011 \ The weekly review 37

Eltham 9431 12221022 Main Road barryplant.com.au

Ivanhoe 9499 7992115 Upper Heidelberg Road

Rosanna 9459 8111131 Lower Plenty Road

Perfectly positioned high on the hill overlooking 5 glorious acres of rolling pasture, this lifestyle property, with

commanding views over the gully and distant ranges, is a knock-out! A long meandering driveway welcomes you

to this modern 4 bedroom home. The expansive entry foyer introduces a floor plan offering multiple formal and

informal spaces including an enormous sunken entertaining area with open fireplace, plus modern kitchen and

bathrooms. Architecturally designed with the focus on relaxation, enjoyment and entertaining on a grand scale, it

is the perfect peaceful retreat from city life. This beautiful home is abundant in natural light and tranquil environs.

For Sale by Negotiation____________________________________PRICE GUIDE $790,000 - $890,000____________________________________INSPECT Sat 12:15 - 12:45pm____________________________________CONTACT Pina Kara 0415 911 437

To view video of this home visit

www.barryplant.com.au/smiths gully ____________________________________





Smiths Gully 287 Smiths Gully Road

“Amaroo” An Idyllic Retreat on 5 Glorious Acres

38 The weekly review \ june 15, 2011

Eltham 9431 12221022 Main Road

Ivanhoe 9499 7992115 Upper Heidelberg Road

Rosanna 9459 8111131 Lower Plenty Road


Doreen 9717 8801Shop 2, 101 Hazel Glen Drive

Alluring One of a Kind Springthorpe Home!Nestled in the esteemed ‘Springthorpe’ estate, this rare prospect offers the epitome of divine modern living.

Effortlessly displaying a sense of elegance, this residence features plenty of natural light and breathtaking

uninterrupted 180 degree views over the Ranges. Enjoying generous land size of 680m2 (approx), features include

two bedrooms upstairs, open third bedroom downstairs, central bathroom, rear open plan living and dining room

with outdoor terrace access, lounge room, kitchen with island bench and stainless steel appliances, theatre /

rumpus room, laundry plus huge double garage with workshop / storage and additional off street parking. All this

within short walking distance to the popular Springthorpe Country Club´s facilities including pool and gym.

Tue 12th July at 6pm (unless sold prior) ____________________________________PRICE GUIDE $850,000 - $920,000____________________________________INSPECT Thur 5:30 - 6pm

Sat 12:15 - 12:45pm____________________________________CONTACT Kieran Whaley 0410 587 072

Davide Lettieri 0414 018 707____________________________________

Macleod 8 Bella Vista Close 3 2 2 2

june 15, 2011 \ The weekly review 39

Eltham 9431 12221022 Main Road

Ivanhoe 9499 7992115 Upper Heidelberg Road

Rosanna 9459 8111131 Lower Plenty Road


Views, Location and Endless Charm! Here is an opportunity to purchase your very own character-filled, mud brick retreat that encapsulates everything

Eltham has to offer - stunning views over the Diamond Creek, a tranquil position just a short stroll from the Eltham

township, and the beautiful architecture of a mud brick home. Open the front door to full length windows capturing

the river views, and spectacular open fireplaces will lure you in further. You will be well accommodated with 4

bedrooms (main with WIR & en-suite), lounge (OFP), and a family/meals area that provides direct access to the

outdoor entertaining deck. Features include an extensive use of recycled timbers and hawthorn bricks, plus

beautiful landscaped gardens. Located in a sought after street, an easy walk to schools and public transport.

Tue 5th July at 6pm (unless sold prior) ____________________________________PRICE GUIDE $580,000 - $640,000____________________________________INSPECT Sat 1:30 - 2pm____________________________________CONTACT Aaron Yeats 0400 067 024

John Haley 0417 352 312____________________________________

Eltham 160 Scenic Crescent 4 2 2 2

40 The weekly review \ june 15, 2011

Eltham 9431 12221022 Main Road

Ivanhoe 9499 7992115 Upper Heidelberg Road

Rosanna 9459 8111131 Lower Plenty Road


A Modern MasterpieceThe consummate contemporary family home awaits! A practical, open floor plan, multiple bright and light living

areas, enormous bedrooms including a huge parents retreat, a magnificent in-ground pool, and a sought after

location in a prestigious pocket of Eltham all combine here to make this property a compelling choice! Set on over

1000m2, the residence comprises 5 bedrooms (2 with en-suites), open plan kitchen meals area with separate

lounge, rumpus and upstairs living rooms, double garage with internal and rear access, plus extensive decking

area surrounding the pool and spa, ideal for entertaining. Features include split system heating/cooling, ducted

heating, ducted vacuum, evaporative cooling, alarm, storage areas, plus a superb location, close to all facilities.

Tue 12th July at 6pm (unless sold prior) ____________________________________INSPECT Sat 2:15 - 2:45pm____________________________________CONTACT John Haley 0417 352 312

Aaron Yeats 0400 067 024____________________________________

Eltham 66 Leane Drive 5 3 4 2

june 15, 2011 \ The weekly review 41

Eltham 9431 12221022 Main Road

Ivanhoe 9499 7992115 Upper Heidelberg Road

Rosanna 9459 8111131 Lower Plenty Road


Polaris 3083 - A Blissful Lifestyle Awaits! Polaris 3083´s exciting new Town Centre and 64 modern apartments are receiving an incredible amount of

interest and support from the community. This new retail hub and modern living domain is appearing to be a

much anticipated lifestyle option in Melbourne´s North. As the area steadily grows and expands, this fresh and

urban style development looks set to create a new standard of living.

To secure a stylish apartment, please visit our display suite located on the corner of Main Drive and Plenty Road,

Bundoora. Display open Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday 12 - 4pm. Visit: www.polaris3083.com.au

FOR SALE____________________________________PRICE GUIDE From $295,000____________________________________INSPECT Display open Wed,

Sat & Sun 12 - 4pm____________________________________CONTACT Kieran Whaley 0410 587 072

Alex Morgan 0401 524 119____________________________________

Bundoora 1056-1140 Plenty Road 3 2 2 1


42 The weekly review \ june 15, 2011

Eltham 9431 12221022 Main Road

Ivanhoe 9499 7992115 Upper Heidelberg Road

Rosanna 9459 8111131 Lower Plenty Road


Doreen 9717 8801Shop 2, 101 Hazel Glen Drive

Doreen 17 Rural Place

A dress circle location, surrounded by quality homes,

superb north-facing alfresco precinct with glass

enclosed sunken spa and the gracious proportions of

a bygone era come together in this quality built family

residence. A host of features include ducted heating,

air-cond, granite kitchen with De Longhi appliances

and fitted walk in pantry, plus free flowing floorplan.

For Sale by Negotiation____________________________________PRICE GUIDE $670,000 - $730,000____________________________________INSPECT Thur 5 - 5:30pm

Sat 12:15 - 12:45pm____________________________________CONTACT Leigh Pridham 0412 470 040

Kim Jarvie-Pridham 0412 237 123____________________________________






Timeless Classic, Two Garages and 1050sqms (approx)

Don´t Wait Because You´ll Be Too Late!If you´re entering the market, looking for an investment or

it´s time to downsize, this contemporary home is going to

be hard to pass. With remote double garage, ducted

heating, split system cooling, fiber optic technology and

positioned within an easy stroll of central Laurimar´s

shopping and school precinct make this too good to miss.

Doreen 63 Bedervale Loop

For Sale by Negotiation____________________________________PRICE GUIDE $340,000 - $380,000____________________________________INSPECT Sat 1:45 - 2:15pm____________________________________CONTACT Leigh Pridham 0412 470 040

Kim Jarvie-Pridham 0412 237 123____________________________________

3 2 2 2

june 15, 2011 \ The weekly review 43

Eltham 9431 12221022 Main Road

Ivanhoe 9499 7992115 Upper Heidelberg Road

Rosanna 9459 8111131 Lower Plenty Road


Big on Style and Space, Low on MaintenanceSpace, style and affordability underscore the immediate

appeal of this delightfully presented low maintenance

home with parkland outlook. It features a welcoming entry

hall, bright lounge, renovated kitchen and bathroom,

meals area, huge rear courtyard with entertainer´s deck,

GDH, evap cooling, wine cellar, garage & extra car space.

Viewbank 4/367 Lower Plenty Road

Tue 5th July at 6pm (unless sold prior) ____________________________________PRICE GUIDE $430,000 - $475,000____________________________________INSPECT Thur 4 - 4:30pm

Sat 11 - 11:30am____________________________________CONTACT David Kelly 0410 426 311

Zenya Wertheim 0421 964 366____________________________________

3 1 1 1

Pretty Outside, Stunning Transformation Inside!Charming, fully renovated masterpiece, set on a 673m2

(approx) allotment possibly lending itself to further

development (STCA). Features include separate living

areas, two fully renovated bathrooms, stunning kitchen

(stainless steel appliances), split system heating/cooling,

established gardens, deck, cubby, carport plus garage.

Macleod 12 May Street

Tue 21st June at 6pm (unless sold prior) ____________________________________PRICE GUIDE $640,000 - $670,000____________________________________INSPECT Thur 4 - 4:30pm

Sat 12 - 12:30pm____________________________________CONTACT Thomas Bechelli 0413 181 461 ____________________________________

3 2 2 2

44 The weekly review \ june 15, 2011

Eltham 9431 12221022 Main Road

Ivanhoe 9499 7992115 Upper Heidelberg Road

Rosanna 9459 8111131 Lower Plenty Road


Ultimate Sleek & Chic New Town Living!Architecturally designed, just-built residence featuring

state-of-the-art inclusions such as elegant Italian ´Abey´

fittings throughout to create a luxurious home. It provides 3

zoned bedrooms (master with en-suite and WIR), bright

lounge, stunning kitchen (SS appliances and stone tops),

open dining area, north-facing courtyard & double garage.

Heidelberg Heights 14A Terry Street

Tue 28th June at 6pm (unless sold prior) ____________________________________PRICE GUIDE $550,000 - $600,000____________________________________INSPECT Wed 4:30 - 5pm

Sat 11:30 - 12pm____________________________________CONTACT Kieran Whaley 0410 587 072

Davide Lettieri 0414 018 707____________________________________

3 2 3 2

Prime Potential, Clinker Home (590m2 approx)Situated on a level allotment of 590m2 (approx) is this

much loved clinker brick home lending itself to renovation/

extension or potential multi-unit development site (STCA).

The honest existing home features warm lounge, large

kitchen with meals area, 3 generous bedrooms, bathroom,

separate toilet, heating, and location close to all amenities.

Heidelberg Heights 65 Bonar Street

Tue 21st June at 6pm (unless sold prior) ____________________________________PRICE GUIDE $460,000 - $510,000____________________________________INSPECT Thur 4:45 - 5:15pm

Sat 10:45 - 11:15am____________________________________CONTACT Kieran Whaley 0410 587 072

Davide Lettieri 0414 018 707____________________________________

3 1 1

june 15, 2011 \ The weekly review 45

Eltham 9431 12221022 Main Road

Ivanhoe 9499 7992115 Upper Heidelberg Road

Rosanna 9459 8111131 Lower Plenty Road


Doreen 9717 8801Shop 2, 101 Hazel Glen Drive

Brand New, But Established!Simply move in, add your own window furnishings, and

enjoy! Absolute quality throughout with a relaxed easy

living ambience, features include lounge / theatre room,

open plan dining and family / rumpus, stunning kitchen

(SS appliances and granite tops), GDH, ducted cooling,

ducted vacuum, intercom, alarm, plus an alfresco area.

Plenty 12 Plenty Heights Court

Tue 12th July at 5pm (unless sold prior) ____________________________________PRICE GUIDE $830,000 - $870,000____________________________________INSPECT Sat 2:30 - 3pm____________________________________CONTACT John Gilbert 0418 365 954____________________________________

4 2 3 2 1

Deceased Estate Unique opportunity to secure almost 1/2 acre (approx

1963m²) with a 3 bedroom home providing a great option

to those open to renovating and it even has potential for

further development (STCA). The existing residence

features 2 living areas, updated timber kitchen, GDH, OFP,

A/C, Coonara heater, in-ground pool, plus double carport.

Eltham North 33 Orchard Avenue

Saturday 25th June at 11am ____________________________________PRICE GUIDE $490,000 - $570,000____________________________________INSPECT Sat 10 - 10:30am____________________________________CONTACT John Heath 0404 003 194____________________________________

3 1 1 2

46 The weekly review \ june 15, 2011

Eltham 9431 12221022 Main Road

Ivanhoe 9499 7992115 Upper Heidelberg Road

Rosanna 9459 8111131 Lower Plenty Road


Doreen 9717 8801Shop 2, 101 Hazel Glen Drive

Simply Breathtaking!Here´s the very reason you move to Eltham! A character-

filled home, magnificent views, tranquil treed environment,

and all facilities nearby! Set on nearly half an acre, features

include 3 bedrooms (master opening to a courtyard

retreat), modern kitchen, large lounge and dining area, a

separate stand-alone home office/studio and much more!

Eltham 136 Scenic Crescent

Tue 5th July at 6pm (unless sold prior) ____________________________________INSPECT Thur 4:30 - 5pm

Sat 1 - 1:30pm____________________________________CONTACT John Haley 0417 352 312

Aaron Yeats 0400 067 024____________________________________

3 2 2 2 1

Spacious 4 Bedroom HomeOn a north-facing 670m2 (approx) allotment is this immaculate home bursting with natural light throughout. Features include lounge & dining room with French doors onto the front verandah, spacious kitchen and meals area, four good size bedrooms (master with walk-in-robe and en-suite), family bathroom, gas fireplace, ducted heating, refrigerated cooling, double garage plus workshop.

Viewbank77 Rosemar Circuit 4 2 2 2

Tue 28th June at 6pm (unless sold prior) __________________________PRICE GUIDE $560,000 - $630,000__________________________INSPECT Thur 1 - 1:30pm

Sat 1 - 1:30pm__________________________CONTACT Vince Saunders 0425 764 881

Sam Kocuk 0419 311 222__________________________

House + Plans & Permits for 2BR TownhouseAttention builders, developers, investors, first and second home buyers! A renovated 2 bedroom plus study home, set on a level block. The house is typical of the area with sheltered portico entrance, flowing open plan design, large living room and family meals kitchen area. The modern kitchen has a new oven, and the bathroom has been updated. The Permit and Plan offers a superbly designed two bedroom townhouse to the rear of the property.

Heidelberg West133 Outhwaite Road 2 1 1 1

For Sale by Negotiation__________________________PRICE GUIDE $490,000 - $530,000__________________________INSPECT Sat 11 - 11:30am__________________________CONTACT Leon Clark 0411 045 281__________________________

june 15, 2011 \ The weekly review 47

Eltham 9431 12221022 Main Road

Ivanhoe 9499 7992115 Upper Heidelberg Road

Rosanna 9459 8111131 Lower Plenty Road


Doreen 9717 8801Shop 2, 101 Hazel Glen Drive

Hidden Gem - Outstanding Value!This deceptively spacious home boasts multiple living areas, and is located within a quiet cul-de-sac in sought after Montmorency, all for a great price! Features include kitchen and meals area, large family room, elevated outdoor entertaining area, huge rumpus with wet bar and cosy log fire, a perfect mixture of beautiful Brazilian Jatoba and slate floors, ducted heating, evaporative cooling, alarm system, in-ground pool, plus double carport.

Montmorency41 Cressy Street 3 2 2 2

FOR SALE__________________________PRICE GUIDE $549,000__________________________INSPECT Thur 5 - 5:30pm

Sat 12:30 - 1pm__________________________CONTACT Tom Kurtschenko 0417 502 944

Aaron Yeats 0400 067 024__________________________

Prime Development (STCA) or InvestmentWith a prime Briar Hill location offering great access to shops, schools and transport, this rare land parcel of approx. 1038m² lends very well to future development (STCA). The benefit of being a corner block creates the opportunity of developing separate titles and street frontages (STCA), and also makes for great investment with two existing dwellings including a solid 3 bedroom brick home plus a 3 bedroom weatherboard residence.

Briar Hill36 Railway Road 6 2 2 2

Saturday 9th July at 11am __________________________INSPECT Sat 12:45 - 1:15pm__________________________CONTACT John Heath 0404 003 194__________________________

Size, Location and Possibilities Galore! Great views, a tranquil location, stunning landscaped gardens, and a large home combine here to offer endless opportunities. In a quiet no-through road, this substantial residence comprises 5 bedrooms, multiple living areas, 2 kitchens, 3 bathrooms, study/utility room, double garage, plus a second entry for separate S/C accommodation for family or home business. Features include polished floorboards, hydronic heating, cooling and more!

Montmorency20 Kirwana Grove



5 3 3 2 1

THIS SATURDAY AT 11AM __________________________PRICE GUIDE $550,000 - $590,000__________________________INSPECT Sat 1/2 hour prior to Auction__________________________CONTACT John Haley 0417 352 312

Aaron Yeats 0400 067 024__________________________

Instant Attraction, Prime LocationSet on a tranquil 880m2 (approx) private allotment is this light-filled contemporary tri-level residence, designed to take full advantage of the fantastic outlook. The home boasts generous sized formal lounge and dining, fabulous kitchen and meals area all opening to spanning decking and fantastic rear yard, 4 large bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, GDH, alarm, cathedral ceiling, timber floorboards, slate features, plenty of under-house storage, plus double carport.

Greensborough15 Somerleigh Crescent 4 2 3 2

Saturday 2nd July at 11am __________________________PRICE GUIDE $530,000 - $590,000__________________________INSPECT Thur 4 - 4:30pm

Sat 11:30 - 12pm__________________________CONTACT Romeo Rigoni 0412 126 646

Tom Kurtschenko 0417 502 944__________________________

48 The weekly review \ june 15, 2011

Diamond Creek 9438 113362c Main Hurstbridge Road


Diamond Creek

Magnificent Mudbrick on 8 AcresEnjoy life. The bush, peace, space, privacy and convenient location make this a beautiful relaxing setting. The

home is impressive, not just in size, but for its ambience, atmosphere and feeling. Soaring ceilings, large timbers,

stonework and leadlight are a few of the classic features that demonstrate the work of craftsmen and highlight the

timeless appeal of mudbrick. Ideal for the family that loves space, it offers 3 living areas, separate rumpus,

generous kitchen and big bedrooms. Wide verandahs, delightful gardens and a pool with swim jets make outdoor

living a real delight; extra shedding, chook pens, dams and natural bushland appeal. Just a stroll to the primary

school, bus stop and market; train and major shopping a short drive.

Tuesday 19th July at 5pm (unless sold prior)____________________________________PRICE GUIDE $720,000 - $780,000____________________________________INSPECT Saturday 2.00 - 2.30pm

Photo ID Required____________________________________CONTACT Robyn Johnson 0417 387 890

Bri McIntyre 0433 634 594____________________________________

St Andrews 40 School Road 4 2 2 4

june 15, 2011 \ The weekly review 49

Eltham 9431 12221022 Main Road

Ivanhoe 9499 7992115 Upper Heidelberg Road

Rosanna 9459 8111131 Lower Plenty Road


Meaghan Fennell0401 019 859

Sarah Craigie0409 945 774 Tania Ismail

Joshua Franzi0413 720 244

Di Bryan 0400 911 005

Bill Sismanis 0401 241 070

Bill Diamantopoulos0431 401 720

1/82 Brougham St, Eltham Avail Jun 18 $260PWThis very cozy 2 bedroom unit includes a lounge room, living room, gas heating, kitchen, bathroom and single carport. Contact Bill.D6/123 Main Rd, Lower Plenty Avail NOW $300PWResort style apartment 1 bedroom, BIR, bathroom, kitchen with D/W, laundry, comm gym and outdoor area with BBQ. Contact Sarah2/37 Millicent St, Rosanna Avail NOW $300PWSplit level 2 bedroom unit with robes, lounge, air-conditioning, bathroom, single garage and outdoor court yard. Contact Jaclyn9 Shakespeare Grv, H’Berg Hgts Avail NOW $320PWSpacious 3 bedroom home with robes, bathroom, lounge with gas heating, kitchen/dining, large backyard and shed. Contact Joshua2/61 Green St, Ivanhoe Avail NOW $330PWGround floor, 2 bedroom apartment with lounge, renovated kitchen/meals area, bathroom and 2 car spaces. Contact Joshua63 Outhwaite Rd, H’Berg Htgs Avail NOW $340PWRenovated 3 bedroom home with robes, PFBs, lounge, gas heating, kitchen/meals with D/W and double car garage. Contact Meaghan 54 Martins Lane, Viewbank Avail NOW $350PWRenovated 3 bedroom home with robes, kitchen/meals area, lounge, bathroom, ducted heating and single garage. Contact Bill.S14 Meyrick Crs, Viewbank Avail NOW $350PW3 bedroom home with lounge, open plan kitchen/meals/family, rumpus, bathroom, ducted heating and cooling. Contact Bill.S1/24 Edward St, Macleod Avail Jul 14 $350PW2 bedroom home with robes, PFBs, living, kitchen with S/S appliances, dishwasher, laundry, D/H & double garage. Contact Di59 Orana Drv, Watsonia Avail NOW $360PWConveniently located 3 BR home, BIRs, kitchen, lounge, D/H, living, laundry, decking, secure yard and single car garage. Contact Sarah

89 Valentine St, Ivanhoe Avail NOW $360PW3 bedroom home with robes, lounge, gas heating, kitchen/meals, polished boards. single carport and off street parking. Contact Bill.S1/71 Lloyd St, H’Berg Hgts Avail NOW $375PWNew double storey, 2 bedroom town-house with BIRs, living, kitchen with S/S appliances and D/W, D/H & single garage. Contact Joshua23 Rushworth St, Watsonia Avail NOW $380PW 3 bedroom home with PFBs, robes, D/D, open floor plan family/meals, lounge, D/H, A,C double carport & garage. Contact Jaclyn1/49 Norman St, Ivanhoe Avail NOW $380PW2 bedroom apartment with robes, 2 bathrooms, kitchen with S/S appl & D/W, PFBs, D/H, washing machine and dryer. Contact Bill.S2 Aminmya Crs, Yallambie Avail NOW $390PW3 bedroom home with robes, living, new kitchen with D/W, D/H, evaporative cooling, 2 court yards and double garage. Contact Di30 Kirwana Gve, Montmorency Avail NOW $400PWRenovated 2 bedroom home with BIRs, kitchen with D/W, rumpus, study/third bed, D/H, outdoor spa and double carport. Contact Di6 Shalbury Ave, ELtham Avail Jun 13 $410PWSpacious 4 bedroom home, robes, kitchen with dishwasher, ducted cooling, dining, single car garage & in ground pool. Contact Bill.D173 Waterdale Rd, Ivanhoe Avail NOW $500PW3 bedroom home with lounge, kitchen/meals area, 2 bathrooms, ducted heating, double garage and off street parking. Contact Bill.S305 The Boulevard, Ivanhoe Eats Avail NOW $650PWArt Deco 3 bedroom home with BIRs, large living, formal dining, study, powder room, dbl garage, deck & balcony. Contact Joshua39 Progress Rd, Eltham Nth Avail Jul 1 $680PWLarge 5 BR home, ensuite, robes, living, lounge, dining, rumpus, D/W, D/H, evap cooling, ducted vac & double garage. Contact Sarah


262 Lower Plenty Rd, Rosanna Avail NOW $14,000PAShop front approx 96sqm floor space including a toilet and sink. Rental figure does not include GST and outgoings. Contact Joshua 13 Highviw Drv, Doncaster Avail NOW $14,000PA55sqm office, kitchenette, 2 car parks and business 1 zoning. Rental figure does not include GST and outgoings. Contact Joshua 2H Lambourne Rd, Watsonia Avail Aug $14,000PAOpen plan 45sqm (approx) office, lunchroom, parking. Rental figure does not include GST and outgoings. Contact Joshua5/10-18 Arthur St, Eltham Avail NOW $16,000PARetail shop 63sqm approx. Kitchenette and lunchroom area, ample parking. Rental figure excludes GST and outgoings. Contact Joshua2/31 Peel St, Eltham Avail NOW $26,000PAFactory 220sq,(approx), 7 potential offices, kitchenette, heating/cooling & OSP. Figure excludes GST and outgoings. Contact Joshua1/25 Peel St, Eltham Avail June $28,000PAFactory 200sqm (approx), mezzanine floor space, 4 car spaces, and roller door. Figure excludes GST and outgoings. Contact Joshua 8/23 Susan St, Eltham Avail NOW $30,000PA245sqm (approx), roller door, toilets, parking. Suitable for warhouse or distribution. Figure excludes GST and outgoings. Contact Joshua1/256 Bolton St, Eltham Avail NOW $32,000PAShowroom/office space 195sqm, boardroom, kitchenette, toilets and intercom. Figure excludes GST and outgoings. Contact Joshua725 Heidelberg Rd, Alphington Avail NOW $50,000PACar yard/office space 1161 sqm (approx), recp, car wash bay. Rental figure does not include GST and outgoings. Contact Joshua101-107 Palmer St, Richmond NOW $355,000PA1st floor, 772 sqm (approx) reception, board rm, open plan areas, 8 car spaces. Figure excludes GST and outgoings. Contact Joshua







NORTHCOTE 406 HIGH STREET 9489 1030*Photo ID required


A Spacious Single Level Surprise...Blissful privacy, relaxed entertaining & maximum enjoyment inside or out is just the start of what this 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom perfect low maintenance haven features. Advantaged by its street facing sun filled and leafy orientation, you will love the entrance that welcomes you to a landscaped garden perfect for alfresco downtime. Perfectly presented interiors reveal light filled open plan living, a superb kitchen well appointed confirms the entertaining focus, stand out master bedroom offers a peaceful garden outlook, ensuite & walk in robe, separate laundry and bathtub in main bathroom. Other Attributes: Undercover parking, ducted heating, split system heating/cooling, 2 entrances & splendidly situated in the sought after convenient Ivanhoe lifestyle where shops, transport, parklands and fine dining is all just an easy walk away. Looking For Style? Looking For Seclusion? Look No Further...


AUCTION: Saturday June 25 at 11.30amINSPECT: Thurs 7-7.30pm & Sat 2.15-3pm

2 2 1

2/141 Maltravers Road

JOHN BISIGNANO: 0413 067 916OFFICE: 406 High Street, Northcote 9489 1030

50 The weekly review \ june 15, 2011

Bentleigh DBlackburn DCamberwell DCarlton DCarnegie DCaulfield DElsternwick DHawthorn D Ivanhoe DMt Waverley DOakleigh DToorak


IVANHOE 26 Seddon Street 9499 1276THINK RESULTS

Auction Saturday 2 July at 12.00View Sat 11 - 11:30amCall Leigh Maher 0400 663 599

Office Ivanhoe 9499 1276


A huge rear yard with expansive entertainers deck and child friendly lawn for summer and winter play adds another enticing element to this superb five

bedroom home just a few moments walk from the station, College and eclectic mix of shops and eateries at Macleod. On an allotment of 740m2

(approx) and recently refurbished to provide stunning living and accommodation spaces, it offers a huge open plan living area overlooked by

granite and timber kitchen showcasing the latest stainless steel Technika appliances, updated bathroom and second living area. Polished timber

floors add warmth and charm and reduce vacuum time on weekends, while ducted heating and split system cooling ensure year round comfort. With

garage with workshop space and plenty of car parking it is the home you and your family deserve today, and into the future.

86 Somers Avenue

5 2 1


Auction Saturday 25 June at 11.30View Thu 4.30 - 5pm

Sat 12 - 12.30pmCall Prue Jones 0419 352 439Office Ivanhoe 9499 1276

Perfectly & privately positioned with superb easterly views, this low maintenance allotment of 428m2 approx comes with permitted plans for a 32.5 sq two storey home of three beds, two baths & powder room, study, two living areas & two car garage. Ready to commence building upon settlement & would perfectly suit a buyer who is looking to reside in this rapidly appreciating & tightly held precinct situated only a stone´s throw to Greville Rd shops, Banyule Primary school & extensive Yarra parklands. The Austin hospital & Latrobe Uni are also close by.

june 15, 2011 \ The weekly review 51

An elite Ivanhoe East address reflects the remarkable level of luxury afforded by

this magnificent 2-level residence merging cutting edge aesthetics, state-of-the-

art quality and divine family spaces overlooking 5-Star resort style facilities

including floodlit tennis court and tiled heated pool/spa. This breathtaking

rendered brick domain is a stunning lifestyle sanctuary that´s secluded, secure and

superbly zoned for family living and entertaining excellence near schools, village

9-11 Robinhood Road - IVANHOE EAST

shops, parkland and transport. Attention to detail is of the utmost importance in

this cleverly conceived home incorporating the latest in interior lifestyle fashion

and features including steam room, water window and stone flooring, while

outdoor areas are designed to indulge with retractable alfresco terrace awning,

auto child-friendly pool cover, cubby house and rooms with bifold doors that open

to the Mod-Grass tennis court.

52 The weekly review \ june 15, 2011

Auction Saturday 25th June at 3.00pm

Inspect Wednesday 11.30am-12noon & 6-6.30pm, Saturday 1-1.45pm

Land 1,762 sqm (18,965 sq ft) approx

Contact Liz Walker 0412 659 140

Bev Adam 0422 396 477

Office 9490 2900

Visit jelliscraig.com.au

• 4 BRs (master with his/hers WIRs, ensuites, powder rm & steam rm), Stone flooring

• 2 fitted Studies, elegant formal Lounge (marble gas fireplace), CCTV, heat/cool

• Dining area with water window and mirror wall, Familyroom, Rumpusroom

• Fitted Living/Home Cinema (huge pebble heater), Gym, 3 further bathrms, alarm

• Premium Gaggenau and Neff Kitchen, bifold doors to huge terrace (auto awnings)

• 1400 capacity cellar, rainwater tanks, remote-control DLUG

june 15, 2011 \ The weekly review 53

Charming lattice bay windows and ornate ceiling panels accentuate the heritage appeal of this

clinker brick residence (c1937) while updated accommodation delivers modern family

convenience. Comprises: lounge (OFP) and dining rooms, 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, laundry

and spacious kitchen/meals/family with gas log fire opening onto glorious north-facing garden

milieu with columned pergola and meandering green spaces beyond. Features gas ducted

heating, evaporative cooling, water tanks/irrigation, alarm and tandem auto garage in highly

sought position.

Auction Saturday 18th June at 12noon

Inspect Thursday 12-12.30pm & Saturday from 11.30am

Land 920 sqm (9,900 sq ft) approx

Contact Liz Walker 0412 659 140

Rod Watson 0407 848 599

Office 9490 2900

Visit jelliscraig.com.au

48 Maltravers Road - EAGLEMONT

54 The weekly review \ june 15, 2011

Charming 1920s Californian Bungalow is an idyllic family haven enjoying extended living areas,

zoned accommodation and north-facing entertaining deck and garden. Comprises formal

sitting room, 3 bedrooms (main with ensuite plus upper level children´s wing), study/4th

bedroom, large open plan kitchen/meals/living.

Features modern bathrooms, laundry/powder, ample storage, polished timber floors, gas

ducted heating, split system, dishwasher, Ilve cooking, water tank, carport/garage. Easy walk

to schools, shops, parks, pool, public transport.

Auction Saturday 25th June at 10am

Inspect Thursday 11.15-11.45am & Saturday 10-10.45am

Land 562 sqm (6,049 sq ft) approx

Contact Liz Walker 0412 659 140

Rod Watson 0407 848 599

Office 9490 2900

Visit jelliscraig.com.au

34 Bond Street - IVANHOE

june 15, 2011 \ The weekly review 55

Elegant period home c1940 blends warm nostalgia with pristine modern amenities to provide

an inviting family environment in the coveted Mount Eagle Estate. Comprises 4 bedrooms

(BIRs), heritage bathroom with clawfoot bath, laundry/powder, living room with OFP and

bright open plan granite kitchen/dining with high decorative ceilings. Features ducted heating/

cooling, SMEG and Miele appliances, alarm, polished timber floors, leadlight windows,

generous north-facing outdoor entertaining pavilion with covered rotunda, plumbed built-in

BBQ, lawn and auto carport. City views.

Auction Saturday 25th June at 10am

Inspect Thursday 2-2.30pm & Saturday 1-1.45pm

Land 696 sqm (7,491 sq ft) approx

Contact Anthony Lapadula 0401 655 005

Liz Walker 0412 659 140

Office 9490 2900

Visit jelliscraig.com.au

88 The Eyrie - EAGLEMONT

56 The weekly review \ june 15, 2011

Fine imported fittings accentuate sumptuous appeal of this ultra-modern 3 level home in a

prime court position near Darebin parklands, train and Grammar schools. Comprises vast open

plan living with slick euro kitchen, coffee bar and meals area opening to north-facing deck with

built-in BBQ kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 2 marble bathrooms, 2 powder rooms, huge family room,

storage/cellar, laundry, kitchen scullery and auto garage. Features porcelain tiles, black Galaxy

benchtops, Miele appliances, hydronic heating, split system cooling, video surveillance and

monitored alarm.

Auction Saturday 25th June at 11am

Inspect Thursday 12.45-1.15pm & Saturday 3-3.45pm

Contact Liz Walker 0412 659 140

Gordon Hope 0403 613 577

Office 9490 2900

Visit jelliscraig.com.au

12 Kingsley Street - IVANHOE

june 15, 2011 \ The weekly review 57

Superb family domain with stunning views from enormous corner allotment offers brilliant

generous spaces over 3 levels. Discover formal living and dining, 2 studies, open plan kitchen/

meals, 2nd kitchen/scullery, family room, rumpus, upstairs retreat, laundry, 2 powder rms, 4

bathrms, 6 bedrooms, gymnasium with wet bar & sauna, heated pool/spa atrium opening to

patio and garden. Features ducted heat/cool/vacuum, s/steel appliances, vast storage, video

intercom, dumb waiter, double garage, peaceful location close to shops, schools, Ring Road.

Auction Saturday 25th June at 12noon

Inspect Thursday 6-6.30pm & Saturday 2-2.45pm

Land 1,032 sqm (11,108 sq ft) approx

Contact Nick Smith 0425 755 238

Anthony Lapadula 0401 655 005

Office 9490 2900

Visit jelliscraig.com.au

1 Viewgrand Way - GREENSBOROUGH

58 The weekly review \ june 15, 2011

Extended Californian Bungalow provides a convenient family lifestyle with vast indoor/outdoor

spaces reflecting elegant tones throughout. Comprises 3 bedrooms (main with ensuite), central

bathroom, laundry, upstairs office/rumpus/4th bedroom retreat with rooftop terrace and city

views, huge open plan kitchen/meals/living (OFP) overlooking north entertaining deck and

meandering private gardens. Features gas ducted heating, split system, polished timber floors,

dishwasher, alarm, water tank, ROW access, close to shops, schools, park and transport.

Auction Saturday 25th June at 2pm

Inspect Thursday 5-5.30pm & Saturday 3-3.45pm

Land 648 sqm (6,975 sq ft) approx

Contact Rod Watson 0407 848 599

Annalise Newell 0402 937 607

Office 9490 2900

Visit jelliscraig.com.au

15 Ford Street - IVANHOE

june 15, 2011 \ The weekly review 59

Positively glowing with natural light and pristine presentation, this endearing 1950s home on

generous elevated allotment offers wonderful views and potential to further extend if desired

(STCA). Comprises 3 bedrooms (BIRs), central bathroom, living room, open plan modern

kitchen/dining/family overlooking entertaining deck and Kate Ashton designed gardens.

Features gas ducted heating, evaporative cooling, polished hardwood floors, high ceilings,

dishwasher, sep laundry, 2nd toilet, auto garage/workshop. Close to village shops, schools,

bus, parkland, freeway.

Auction Saturday 2nd July at 1pm

Inspect Thursday 1.30-2pm & Saturday 11-11.45am

Land 696 sqm (7,500 sq ft) approx

Contact Liz Walker 0412 659 140

Rod Watson 0407 848 599

Office 9490 2900

Visit jelliscraig.com.au

36 McArthur Road - IVANHOE EAST

60 The weekly review \ june 15, 2011

Elegant English attic-style clinker brick residence c1946 on substantial allotment poses

excellent potential to extend (STCA) already comfortable accommodation in an historic

precinct with delightful village ambience. Comprises secure entry portico, 3 bedrooms (main

BIR), updated bathroom with spa bath, bright lounge, formal dining, kitchen overlooking deep

lawn. Features alarm, gas heater, polished timber floors, high decorative-panelled ceilings,

vestibule with 2nd toilet, laundry, side drive to garage. Walk to shops, bus, train, schools and


Auction Saturday 2nd July at 3pm

Inspect Thursday 1.30-2pm & Saturday 4-4.45pm

Land 592 sqm (6,372 sq ft) approx

Contact Rod Watson 0407 848 599

Annalise Newell 0402 937 607

Office 9490 2900

Visit jelliscraig.com.au

12 Ravenswood Avenue - IVANHOE EAST

june 15, 2011 \ The weekly review 61

Charismatic Art Deco influence is evident throughout this immaculate 1940 semi-detached

residence in a highly convenient location close to Eaglemont village shops, cafes & train

station. Polished hardwood floors & high ceilings with classic fan-motifs accentuate the unique

period charm of this low maintenance home comprising 2 bedrooms (BIRs), light-filled living,

sunny open plan dining & modern kitchen, French doors to paved BBQ patio. Features central

bathroom, laundry, gas ducted heating, dishwasher, stainless steel cooking, lockup garage.

Auction Saturday 18th June at 11am

Inspect Thursday 4-4.30pm & Saturday from 10.30am

Land 442 sqm (4,757 sq ft) approx

Contact Rod Watson 0407 848 599

Annalise Newell 0402 937 607

Office 9490 2900

Visit jelliscraig.com.au

40 Alandale Road - EAGLEMONT

Immaculate modern residence enjoys tranquil rear position with large private garden in a

brilliant location close to village shops, schools & easy city transport. Tastefully decorated

accommodation includes 2 excellent BRs (BIRs), sparkling central bathroom, separate laundry,

spacious open plan living area adjoining kitchen/meals zone opening to charming garden with

entertaining patio and storage shed. Features panel heating, split system/AC, s/steel

appliances, Caesarstone benchtops, downlights, high ceilings, water tank and auto garage.

Auction Saturday 25th June at 2pm

Estimate $500,000 - $550,000

Inspect Thursday 1-1.30pm & Saturday 10-10.30am

Contact Gordon Hope 0403 613 577

Anthony Lapadula 0401 655 005

Office 9490 2900

Visit jelliscraig.com.au

2/10 Greville Road - ROSANNA

62 The weekly review \ june 15, 2011

Sparkling new town residence epitomises cutting edge style using highest quality fittings &

décor over 2 levels close to Darebin parkland. Striking architectural features accentuate

modern spaces including lofty entry foyer, 2 BRs, 3rd BR/study, 3 stunning bathrooms, full

width kitchen/dining/living opening to sunny entertaining deck. Features hideaway laundry,

ducted heating, Euro appliances, ceasarstone benches, polished concrete floors, excellent

storage and auto garage with internal access. Walk to shops, bus, schools. 6 star energy rating.

Private Sale

Price $779,000

Inspect Saturday 3-3.45pm

Contact Anthony Lapadula 0401 655 005

Liz Walker 0412 659 140

Office 9490 2900

Visit jelliscraig.com.au

74 Jellicoe Street - IVANHOE

Superbly renovated, low maintenance home unit offers indoor/outdoor living. Comprises 2

bedrooms (BIRs), bathroom, separate toilet, laundry, living/dining area, modern kitchen

opening to entertaining deck area. Auto double garage & storage. Ideal investment!

Private Sale

Estimate $435,000

Inspect Saturday 3-3.30pm

Contact Nick Smith 0425 755 238

Liz Walker 0412 659 140

Office 9490 2900

Visit jelliscraig.com.au

23/86 Graham Road - VIEWBANK

Original 1970s 2 bedroom townhouse, superb opportunity to completely refurbish and

reap the capital gain and rental return benefits of a highly convenient location close to

shops, transport. Features garage and courtyard

Auction Saturday 18th June at 10am

Inspect Thursday 12.30-1pm & Saturday from 9.30am

Contact Rod Watson 0407 848 599

Liz Walker 0412 659 140

Office 9490 2900

Visit jelliscraig.com.au

1/30 Livingstone Street - IVANHOE

june 15, 2011 \ The weekly review 63


GREENSBOROUGH I 8 Hopkins Street

What a great investment opportunity, with a dual income. The property comprises, a shop of 50m2 (approx) operating as a fi nance company and a 2 bedroom dwelling with its own access. Combined rent of $19,500pa with solid long term tenants. Could also suit owner occupier.



Auction Friday 24th June at 1.00pmQuote $300,000 plus buyersMelway 21:B7 Contact Terry Gazelle 0438 196 480 Offi ce Cnr Were & Rattray Rd, MontmorencyPhone 9434 6666



“EXPERIENCE THE DIFFERENCE”“At Buckingham and Company we have an enviable reputation

for quality service, attention to detail and achievingthe best outcomes for our clients.”

Call now for your free Market Appraisal.

9434 6666Corner Rattray Road & Were Street, Montmorency

and98 Grimshaw Street, Greensborough

Terry Gazelle0438 196 480

Nicole Buckingham0402 268 886


Terry Gazelle


Nicole Buckingham

Immaculate brick villa in a small complex close to shops, bus, train & park. Gleaming living

with nth sunshine, bright kitch/meals, 2BRs (BIRs), huge bath, laundry fac, sep WC, large L-

shaped cyard. Polished hardwood flrs, gas heater, split system cool, undercover OSP.

Auction Saturday 18th June at 11am

Estimate $520,000 - $570,000

Inspect Thursday 3-3.30pm & Saturday from 10.30am

Contact Anthony Lapadula 0401 655 005

Annalise Newell 0402 937 607

Office 9490 2900

Visit jelliscraig.com.au

3/43 Marshall Street - IVANHOE

A multitude of exciting options accompany this 3 BR family home, enjoyed by one family

since construction, 1954. Tremendous possibilities exist for investment, contemp reno, new

home site or redevelopment for 3-unit site on its substantial corner allotment, STCA.

Private Sale

Price $880,000

Inspect By Appointment

Land 988 sq. metres (10,635 sq ft) approx.

Contact Michael Hingston 0412 922 488

Monica Rezk 0413 596 342

Office 9810 5000

Visit jelliscraig.com.au

13 Ruthven Street - ROSANNA

64 The weekly review \ june 15, 2011


WATSONIA I 31 Bungay Street

Quote $400,000 plus buyersMelway 20:C2 Land size 675m2 approxContact Scott Anderson 0412 855 775 Stuart Buckingham 0411 743 336Offi ce 98 Grimshaw St, GreensboroughPhone 9435 0999


5.00 - 5.30pmSATURDAY

12.30 - 1.00pm

Yes it’s tired and outdated, but once you see the potential this character weatherboard possesses, your creative juices will immediately kick in and you won’t be able to wait before putting them into action to give this gem the makeover it truly deserves. Defi nitely a bonus is the massive family room with wet bar at the rear, opening to the generous backyard with decking and swaying palm trees providing the right ambience to create alfresco entertaining with a Port Douglas theme. Must be Sold! Features: Three large bedrooms, Dining room, Original kitchen/meals, Neat family-sized bathroom, Gas wall heater, 2 air-conditioners, Tandem carport, big workshop, Metres to schools, Easy walk to shops & station.

AUCTION Saturday 18th June at 1.00pm

Auction this Saturday

GREENSBOROUGH I 25 Wanbanna Avenue

Quote $460,000 plus buyersMelway 10:H10 Land size 588m2 approxContact Sue Stone 0416 055 159 Stuart Buckingham 0411 743 336Offi ce 98 Grimshaw St, GreensboroughPhone 9435 0999


5.00 - 5.30pmSATURDAY

11.00 - 11.30am

For family living this elevated home is a fantastic choice, backing onto a reserve that’s a natural extension of the beautifully landscaped rear garden with alfresco area and gazebo which is certain to be a huge hit with anyone who loves to spend time & entertain outdoors. And there’s even a large wine cellar/billiards room under the house reserved for entertaining the family. Renovated for modern living (except for one bathroom), this home has something for everyone. Features: Glossy Polished fl oorboards, Split-level lounge/dining, Updated Blanco stainless steel kitchen, Family area/breakfast bar, Master bedroom with WIR stylish ensuite, 3 more bedrooms, GDH, air-conditioner, Wide drive for off street parking, Handy to Shopping Centre, River side bike trails, Eateries, station & schools.

AUCTION Saturday 2nd July at 12.00noon

june 15, 2011 \ The weekly review 65

GREENSBOROUGH I 13 Delfi n Crescent

Quote $620,000 plus buyersMelway 11:A12 Land size 930m2 approxContact Adam McWatters 0404 489 266 Simon McEvoy 0412 319 046Offi ce Cnr Were & Rattray Rd, MontmorencyPhone 9434 6666


4.00 - 4.30pmSATURDAY

1.00 - 1.30pmPhoto ID Required

With all the original appeal of the contemporary 1970’s era, this architecturally designed home boasts an original fl oor-plan with breathtaking views, feature stone work, a private garden outlook from most rooms and exquisite living spaces that will delight. Not only will it do your family proud, but entertaining here would be absolutely essential! Features: 3 robed bedrooms with built in study desks in 2, Master suite with dressing room, updated ensuite & private courtyard, Large family bathroom, split level fl oor plan, Formal lounge & dining room, Family room & meals area with access to the private alfresco area, Sensational kitchen, Ducted heating / split system cooling, Huge laundry with loads of storage throughout Remote double garage / rain water tank, close to Greensborough Plaza , Local Schools.

AUCTION Saturday 25th June at 12.00noon


Closing Tuesday 5th July at 6.00pm(unless sold prior)Quote $370,000 plus buyersMelway 21:D8Contact Vince Masci 0423 691 622 Stuart Buckingham 0411 743 336Offi ce 98 Grimshaw St, GreensboroughPhone 9435 0999

MONTMORENCY I 17/2 Grand Boulevard

An exceptional opportunity for fi rst home buyers, investors and executives to enjoy the ease and convenience of apartment style living. Features: 2 generous bedrooms, large bathroom, stylishly appointed kitchen, spacious living/dining, 2 car spaces & balcony with breathtaking views.

INSPECTIONTHURS 5.00 - 5.30pm SAT 11.00 - 11.30am


Auction Friday 17th June at 1.00pm Quote $470,000 plus buyers Melway 20:B2Land size 594m2 approx Contact Terry Gazelle 0438 196 480 Offi ce Cnr Were & Rattray Rd, MontmorencyPhone 9434 6666

BUNDOORA I 15 The Concord

What an opportunity this is? The property is located only a short drive from the Western Ring Road and will ideally suit an owner occupier or the astute investor due to the possibility of receiving a dual income.

INSPECTION(Half hour prior) FRIDAY 12.30 - 1.00pm


Auction this Friday

66 The weekly review \ june 15, 2011

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68 The weekly review \ june 15, 2011

Heidelberg West191 Oriel Road


Set on a great parcel of land measuring 650m2 approx is thisgreat family home site, multi-unit development site (STCA) or a project for someone looking to complete a renovation. Existing home is a blank canvas for the potential purchaser with lounge, kitchen and meals, 2 bedrooms, centralbathroom and separate laundry. Located close to all localamenities including The Mall Shopping, Transport, Parklands, Northland Shopping Centre. La Trobe University and Austin Mercy Hospital.

> VIEW Thurs 2.00 - 2.30pm Sat 12.00 - 12.30pm> AUCTION Sat 25th June - 11.00am> MEL REF 31 / E1> EPR POA> OFFICE Ivanhoe 171 Upper Heidelberg Rd > TEL 9499 5611

Greensborough 106 Grimshaw St > TEL 9432 1988> CONTACT Christopher Macey 0411 330 311 or Mark Dixon 0423 395 699



hockingstuart is proud to support Kids Under Cover, helping to provide homes and scholarships for young people in need. This year’s award winning Umbrella Ball is inspired by the Circus theme ‘Under the Big Top’. Get ready for a three-ring night of fun, entertainment and thrills! Dance to the tunes of Joe Camilleri and the Black Sorrows and gasp at the roving circus performers.

When: 6:30pm – 1am, Saturday 16 July 2011Where: The Palladium Ballroom at CrownDress: Black tie (circus attire optional)

Visit www.kuc.org.au or call 9429 7444 for tickets and details. Corporate tables are also available.

Ivanhoe Offi ce 171 Upper Heidelberg Road Ivanhoe VIC 3079T 9499 5611 E [email protected]

Greensborough Offi ce 106 Grimshaw Street Greensborough VIC 3088T 9432 1988 E [email protected]

hockingStuart presents



Featuring hockingstuart employees: Matthew Hills (Sales Consultant - Ballarat), Rebecca Berry (Property Manager - St Kilda), Anna Perry (Sales Assistant - Armadale), Amie Parker (Assistant Property Manager - Brighton)

and the dazzling Nigel O’Neil (CEO) as The Ringmaster!


june 15, 2011 \ The weekly review 69

Research 20 Beauty Point Road Stunning Statement Of Design And Luxury Living

In a privileged position on some 5 acres the substantial spaces of this contemporary home, designed and built by the

owners to their exacting standards, respond brilliantly to every modern day lifestyle requirement. Three living areas

including vast open plan living, granite kitchen, formal dining, four bedrooms, three bathrooms and study are

complemented by a huge alfresco area sweeping around to an in ground pool to deliver exceptional living with a definite

commitment to quality.

Expressions Of Interest: Offers Closing Tuesday 28th June at 5:00pm (Unless Sold Prior)

Inspect Saturday 12:30 - 1:00pm

Contact Mark Baker 0410 331 156

Contact Rocco Montanaro 0412 379 171

Office 968 Main Road, Eltham 9431 2444

Web propertyinprofile.com.au/20beautypoint

Expressions of Interest

4 13 2

70 The weekly review \ june 15, 2011

Research 3 Marconi Court Stunning Home Delivering Sophisticated Living

A driveway lined with clipped Diosma snaking along the edge of verdant lawn is your first introduction to this absolutely

exquisite residence delivering a sensational blend of style and elegance. Set above an exclusive cul-de-sac on an

allotment of some 4013m2, the intelligent floor plan provides four bedrooms, two bathrooms, granite kitchen and four

living areas. Along with spa, pool, tennis court and paved precinct with vergola in the vast, private rear yard, it perfectly

meets the demands of modern living.

Inspect Thursday 5:00 - 5:30pm

Saturday 11:30am - 12:00pm

Contact Rocco Montanaro 0412 379 171

Office 968 Main Road, Eltham 9431 2444

Web propertyinprofile.com.au/3marconi

Auction Saturday 18th June at 12:00pm

4 12 2






june 15, 2011 \ The weekly review 71

Greensborough 4 Eliza Close Exceptional Family Home

This stunning home, renovated to the highest possible standard, is defined by sensational proportions and state-of-the-art

finishes. Balancing style, sophistication and intelligent design the ground floor introduces four double bedrooms, tiled

luxury bathroom, teen retreat and formal dining blending seamlessly to an open plan living room. Featuring gourmet

kitchen boasting stone benches and stainless steel appliances this vast room opens to a private rear yard with pool, spa

and alfresco boasting integrated combustion heater for those cooler nights. Features of ducted-heating, numerous split

system air-conditioning units, double-garage and a quiet court location complement an exceptional family home.

Inspect Thursday 3:30 - 4:00pm

Saturday 11:30am - 12:00pm

Contact Lucas Peressini 0408 323 960

Contact Graham Morrison 0417 101 997

Office 968 Main Road, Eltham 9431 2444

Web propertyinprofile.com.au/4eliza

Auction Saturday 2nd July at 12:00pm

5 13 2

72 The weekly review \ june 15, 2011

Plenty 41 Mackelroy Road Elegance And Space In A Sought After Location

This substantial contemporary home constructed by one of Melbourne´s leading builders combines a flexible floorplan

showcasing elegantly stylish interior spaces with two outdoor areas and a deep child friendly rear yard entertaining for

exceptional family living. Spacious formal living opposite generous study, expansive open plan living flowing easily to vast

rumpus and a bedroom, or possible second study for the kids make up the lower level. The upper level introduces large

living room central to four bedrooms including main with ensuite and walk in robe and a family bathroom. New carpets,

fresh paint, an inclusions list starting with ducted heating, cooling and vacuum.

Inspect Saturday 11:30am - 12:00pm

ESR $870,000 - $950,000

Contact Dave Farrell 0416 914 848

Contact Tristan Messerle 0438 176 416

Office 968 Main Road, Eltham 9431 2444

Web propertyinprofile.com.au/41mackelroy

Private Sale

5 12 3

Eltham South 133 Mt Pleasant Road Potential, Position And Perfect Views

On the high side of the street and enjoying magical views to the Dandenong´s this classic home in a sought after Eltham

South location is a hidden gem. Set on an allotment of some1850 m2 featuring established trees and sweeping lawn it

offers a fabulous, expansive outdoor entertainers terrace stepping down to a pool set in brick surrounds, four bedrooms,

three bathrooms and three living areas. Comfortable now it would shine with a contemporary make over.

Inspect Saturday 1:30 - 2:00pm

Contact Tony Petselas 0434 006 235

Contact Graham Morrison 0417 101 997

Office 968 Main Road, Eltham 9431 2444

Web propertyinprofile.com.au/133mtpleasant

Auction Saturday 9th July at 2:00pm

4 3 2

june 15, 2011 \ The weekly review 73

Greensborough 237 Nepean Street Over Half An Acre

Boasting spectacular views across Sims Reserve and overlooking the Plenty River this five bedroom home offers a way of

life that is unique to Greensborough and offers an inspired lifestyle blending the attractions of a country life with the

benefits of city living. Set on an irreplaceable allotment of 2426m2 (approx) and surrounded by established plants and

soaring gums teeming with birdlife it delivers three outside entertainment areas and an inground pool. In a location

minutes from Greensborough Centre this serene retreat will enchant all that inspect.

Inspect Saturday 2:30 - 3:00pm

Contact Dayne Kleeman 0419 504 576

Contact Tony Duckworth 0417 564 787

Office 968 Main Road, Eltham 9431 2444

Web propertyinprofile.com.au/237nepean

Auction Saturday 25th June at 3:00pm

5 12 4

We have a new offi ce opening in Doreen in the coming weeks, and

we require sales staff. But, not just anyone. We need someone special...

A staff member that fi ts in with the Morrison Kleeman team and philosophy.

Friendly. Real estate savvy. Driven by client requirements and with a desire

to work to achieve optimum results for them.

In our 20th year in the Diamond Valley region, we are expanding and we need

quality people to service our clients in our reliable manner. Our new offi ce will be

a state-of-the-art, effi cient, yet warm and welcoming place in the heart of Doreen.

The offi ce and the area will be vibrant places in which to establish yourself.

Does this sound like you?

If so, please call Shane Leete or Peter Kleeman on 9431 2444.

Is your future in sales with Morrison Kleeman?



74 The weekly review \ june 15, 2011

Eltham North 2 Manning Road Enviable Lifestyle Inside And Out

An enticing conservatory, reached from the casual living area of this immaculate three bedroom, two bathroom home with

formal lounge and dining plus study adds to an already accommodating floorplan. Offering a soaring glass roofline and

opening to a paved entertainment area and a broad expanse of lawn, it doubles the interior living spaces and allows

indoor outdoor entertainment all year round. With two relaxing water features in the yard, double garage with in roof

storage, side gates provide access for boat or caravan storage, ducted heated and ducted refrigerated cooling, it´s at the

forefront of family living and within close proximity to schools and parks.

Inspect Saturday 12:30 - 1:00pm

ESR $545,000 - $590,000

Contact Scott Rawlings 0409 675 408

Contact Graham Morrison 0417 101 997

Office 968 Main Road, Eltham 9431 2444

Web propertyinprofile.co.au/2manning

Expressions of Interest

3 12 2

Expressions of Interest Close Tuesday 12th July at 6:00pm

Doreen 36 Carome Way Perfect Entertainer With A Flawless Finish

This spacious, four bedroom, two bathroom home delivers easy living for the entire family. Wrapping around a timber

decked al fresco area, stepping easily into a generous rumpus room and anchored by a stone kitchen with huge Blanco

range, the entire living precinct will easily cope with the largest of functions. Ducted heating and cooling, auto double

garage and close proximity to shops, school, bus and all the lifestyle benefits for which this area is sought deliver classy

living on Carome.

Inspect Saturday 12:30 - 1:00pm

ESR $470,000 - $510,000

Contact Dave Farrell 0416 914 848

Contact Shane Leete 0419 118 302

Office 2/86 Grimshaw Street, Greensborough 9435 7666

Web propertyinprofile.com.au/36carome

Private Sale

4 12 2

june 15, 2011 \ The weekly review 75

Research 30 Maroong Drive

This exceptionally appealing, impressively

appointed four bedroom plus study home

offers, four living rooms, three bathrooms

and a sparkling pool. Close to parks, shops

and schools, it delivers modern comforts

inside and resort style living outside to paint

the perfect family picture.

Inspect Saturday 1:30 - 2:00pm

ESR $770,000 - $850,000

Contact Lucas Peressini 0458 016 868

Contact Graham Morrison 0417 101 997

Office 968 Main Road

Eltham 9431 2444

Private Sale

4 13 2 PLENTY Lot 3/99-111 Browns Lane

An unparalleled quality acre of land in this

highly prestigious estate presenting the

perfect canvas to create a special lifestyle.

Ample room for a large home, tennis court,

pool, shedding etc (STCA). Fully serviced

with sealed road access from River Avenue.

Prior offers considered.

Inspect Saturday 10:30 - 11:00am

Contact Graham Morrison 0417 101 997

Contact Lucas Peressini 0458 016 868

Office 968 Main Road

Eltham 9431 2444

Web morrisonkleeman.com.au

Auction Saturday 18th June at 11:00am





Research 5/1587 Main Road

The stylish interior spaces of this 3 year old 3

bedroom town house, a short walk from the

local village, Research Park & Eltham College

is matched by an equally generous outdoor

area ensuring an outstanding lifestyle in a

location of desirable convenience.

EOI: Offers Closing 25th June at 6:00pm

Inspect Saturday 11:30am - 12:00pm

Contact Tony Duckworth 0417 564 787

Contact Chris Miller 0406 421 252

Office 2/86 Grimshaw Street

Greensborough 9435 7666

Web morrisonkleeman.com.au

Expressions of Interest

3 2 2 Greensborough 18 Goonyah Court

This substantial home in need of cosmetic

enhancement offers a sensational

opportunity to secure a genuine family home

boasting four bedrooms, three bathrooms

and three living areas at a very affordable


Inspect Saturday 11:30am - 12:00pm

ESR $480,000- $520,000

Contact Tony Petselas 0434 006 235

Contact Graham Morrison 0417 101 997

Office 2/86 Grimshaw Street

Greensborough 9435 7666

Private Sale

4 3 1

76 The weekly review \ june 15, 2011

Eltham 3/1333 Main Road

Inspect Saturday 12:30 - 1:00pm

Contact Ciaran Brannigan 0410 544 478

Contact Michael Major 0412 471 775

Office 2/86 Grimshaw Street

Greensborough 9435 7666

Web morrisonkleeman.com.au

Auction Saturday 25th June at 1:00pm

3 2.5 2

Nestled behind parklands for

peace and privacy, this townhouse in a

boutique block delivers everything you need for

modern living. With formal and informal living,

kitchen with Franke appliances, two separate

outdoor areas, ducted heating and cooling it

provides relaxed living at a lifestyle address.

Research 116 Thompson Crescent


This extremely comfortable 3 bedroom brick

home on an allotment of around 925m2, just

600 metres from Research Village, offers the

perfect opportunity for a wide range of

buyers to explore all possibilities and

capitalize on its enormous potential.

Inspect Saturday 1:30 - 2:00pm

Contact Lucas Peressini 0458 016 868

Contact Graham Morrison 0417 101 997

Office 968 Main Road

Eltham 9431 2444

Web morrisonkleeman.com.au

Auction Saturday 2nd July at 11:00am

3 1 1

Eltham 4/91 Bible Street

Situated in a great location this townhouse

comprising light filled open plan lounge

room, dining, kitchen and a laundry. Features

include gas heating, split system cooling,

single lock up garage and paved courtyard.

Ideally located just moments from Eltham

Village shops and public transport.

Inspect Saturday 10:30 - 11:00am

ESR $380,000 - $420,000

Contact Dayne Kleeman 0419 504 576

Office 968 Main Road

Eltham 9431 2444

Web morrisonkleeman.com.au

Private Sale

2 1 1 South Morang 47 McGlynn Avenue

With a formal lounge complementing an

expansive casual living flowing effortlessly

out to a superb alfresco area, this offers

plenty of room for relaxed family living. An

easy walk from the primary school, shops,

cafes and parks it features gas heating and

split system cooling for year round comfort.

Inspect Saturday 10:30 - 11:00am

ESR $380,000 - $420,000

Contact Tristan Messerle 0438 176 416

Contact Sarah Pattison 0433 034 828

Office 968 Main Road, Eltham

9431 2444

Private Sale

3 2 3

june 15, 2011 \ The weekly review 77

Bundoora 9467 54444 / 1177 Plenty Road barryplant.com.au

Ideally set in the highly sought College View Estate, with captivating views out to the Dandenongs, this impressive

home will appeal greatly to the entertainer in you. Every living option is thought of here all taking advantage of

natural light with formal lounge, open plan kitchen/family/meals looking out to huge alfresco with decking amongst

large rear yard, theatre room for 8+ & kids retreat upstairs. Home office upon entry + large BR’s upstairs. All your

needs are catered for with quality kitchen, DH, Evap Cooling, split system, high ceilings, alarm, intercom, water

tank, shed & double garage. An impressive home on over 760m2 you really need to see to appreciate.

Tuesday 21st June at 6pm (unless sold prior)____________________________________PRICE GUIDE $870,000 - $910,000____________________________________INSPECT Saturday 2:00 - 2:30pm____________________________________CONTACT Michael Egan 0409 416 546____________________________________






Bundoora 15 Monagle Avenue www.15monagleavenuebundoora.com

The Ultimate Entertainer

78 The weekly review \ june 15, 2011

Bundoora 9467 54444 / 1177 Plenty Road



Huge Block - Prime Location!Perfect for 1st home buyers, developers of investors this superb property represents great value boasting land

size over 800m2. Well built and established home with 3 large bedrooms, large formal lounge, fully equipped

kitchen, hardwood floors and lock up garage. Perfectly located with easy access to it all - Watsonia Station,

shops, schools and parks; perfect for development (STCA) - improve existing home and further develop on large

rear yard - reap the rewards with great potential on offer here. Impressive!

Saturday 2nd July at 11am ____________________________________INSPECT Thursday 5:00 - 5:30pm

Saturday 11:00 - 11:30am

Sunday 2:00 - 2:30pm____________________________________CONTACT Michael Egan 0409 416 546

Micheal Traikopoulos 0413657314____________________________________

Watsonia 16 Nepean Street 3 1 1 1

Sure to impress!This inviting home offers impressive street appeal in perfect bowl of court location. Ideal for 1st home buyers,

retirees and investors this stylish home boasts large formal lounge, bright fully equipped kitchen, large extended

family/meals, superb rear pergola ideal for entertaining and alfresco dining overlooking picturesque landscaped

gardens. 3 great size bedrooms, polished boards, ducted heating, A-con, two-way bathroom with spa, long drive

to double carport, sheds, abundance of natural light, quality fixtures and fittings, immaculate presentation and

walking distance to it all. Truly great home and sure to impress!

Saturday 2nd July at 12 noon ____________________________________INSPECT Thursday 6:00 - 6:30pm

Sat & Sun 12:00 - 12:30pm____________________________________CONTACT Michael Traikopoulos 0413657314

David Moxon 0413 673 636____________________________________

Bundoora 5 Rae Court 3 1 1 2

june 15, 2011 \ The weekly review 79

Bundoora 9467 54444 / 1177 Plenty Road



Quality Lifestyle on offer!This impressive inviting home with attractive street appeal ticks all the boxes. Boasting 5 large bedrooms, stunning

parquetry floors to large formal lounge/dining and well appointed rear rumpus; large timber kitchen with modern

(SS) appliances, dual sliding doors lead to grand pergola over looking ´picture perfect´ garden setting creating

the perfect ambiance. Further games room or parents retreat upstairs and extended family meals adjacent to

kitchen complete the abundance of living area on offer. Complimented with ducted heating, evaporative cooling,

superb views of the ´Dandenong Ranges´, large double garage, quality fixtures and fittings and prime location.

Loved and cherished by original owners this home is sure to impress. See it!

Tuesday 5th July at 6pm (unless sold prior)____________________________________INSPECT Thursday 7:00 - 7:30pm

Saturday 1:00 - 1:30pm

Sunday 1:00 - 1:30pm____________________________________CONTACT Michael Traikopoulos 0413657314

David Moxon 0413 673 636____________________________________

Watsonia North 96 Edmund Rice Parade 5 2 3 2

Paging all First Home buyers & Investors!!!Proudly presenting your opportunity to get into Watsonia with one of the area´s finest 3 bedroom properties,

offering low maintenance living yet still with all your modern desires. Only 6 years young, boasting tiled & carpeted

flooring, great sized central kitchen with modern appliances, open plan lounge & second living upstairs offering

that extra comfort all year round. Step through sliding glass doors out to stunning alfresco area with extensive

decking with lighting, BBQ & stack-stone garden beds offering that third living option we all crave perfectly

presented amongst meticulously landscaped gardens. Added features inc heating & cooling & remote garage. All

set only a short walk to everything Watsonia has to offer with train station & shops at your fingertips!!

Tuesday 5th July at 6pm (unless sold prior)____________________________________INSPECT Wednesday 6:00 - 6:30pm

Saturday 2:00 - 2:30pm____________________________________CONTACT Michael Traikopoulos 0413657314____________________________________

Watonia 3/59 Elder Street 3 1 1 1

80 The weekly review \ june 15, 2011

Bundoora 9467 54444 / 1177 Plenty Road



“Top Shelf - Sheer Quality!”This simply stunning home offers extraordinary lifestyle with quality at every glance. Only 16 months old & nestled

in ´College Views estate´ this majestic home boasts high ceilings, large separate living areas with large formal

lounge & huge rear rumpus. Stylish large hostess kitchen with caeser stone tops & European (SS) appliances -

adjoining open family/meals create sought after open plan living, superb pergola ideal for alfresco dining,

entertaining & over looking landscaped gardens. Further features inc 4 large bedrooms inc huge master with

contemporary full ensuite, large study, D/H & cooling, great size double garage with remote doors & internal

access, quality fixtures & fittings & easy access to trams & Ring Rd. Top shelf & sheer quality throughout!!

Tuesday 28th June at 6pm (unless sold prior)____________________________________PRICE GUIDE $685,000 - $755,000 ____________________________________INSPECT Saturday 12:00 - 12:30pm____________________________________CONTACT Cathy Liu 0402 529 753

David Moxon 0413 673 636____________________________________

Bundoora 2 Boylan Walk 4 2 2 2 1

High 6.7% return net of all costs• Self-contained student apartment investments • Close to La Trobe University

• Almost new - strong student appeal • Air-con & fully furnished

• Full tax depreciation benefits • Rents from $215 per week

• Located approximately 13 km NE of Melbourne CBD • Small selection available for sale

• Potential for regular income stream with low vacancies • Affordable prices

FOR SALE____________________________________PRICE GUIDE From only $110,000____________________________________INSPECT Saturday 3:00 - 3:30pm____________________________________CONTACT Shui Guan 0425 378 536____________________________________

Kingsbury Gardens, 116 - 130 Main Drive, Macleod 1 1 1

june 15, 2011 \ The weekly review 81

IVANHOE 9497 3222143 Upper Heidelberg Roadmilesre.com.au

ROSANNA 9459 5666118 Lower Plenty Road


An imposing presence and sweeping panorama precede the stylish family spaces of this outstanding residence superbly

oriented to capture views and abundant northerly sunshine. Sited on a large 921m² allotment (approx), this high-quality home is

sure to impress with an excellent blend of zoned indoor living and sublime outdoor entertainment areas. Stroll to Ivanhoe

Grammar School from this spacious home with double auto garage that also includes five robed bedrooms (downstairs main

with ensuite), fitted study, lounge and dining area, family room (OFP), home cinema/rumpus, Smeg-equipped granite kitchen/

meals, spa bathroom, powder room, ducted heating, cooling and tiled gas/solar heated pool/spa.

Auction: Saturday 25th June at 2.00pm

Inspect Thu 6.00pm-6.30pm, Sat 1.00pm-1.30pm

Land 921m2 approx.

Contact Stewart Oldmeadow 0412 119 277

Damien Carter 0438 850 166

IVANHOE 6-8 Scotts Parade

82 The weekly review \ june 15, 2011

IVANHOE 9497 3222143 Upper Heidelberg Roadmilesre.com.au

ROSANNA 9459 5666118 Lower Plenty Road


The ultimate lifestyle getaway for the family to enjoy every day, this exceptional Art Deco residence showcases the best of

1930s and contemporary living completed by a resort-style alfresco oasis. This 5 Star Ivanhoe East retreat exudes quality with

its commitment to preserving fine period features that merge with superior modern additions to deliver zoned family excellence

on a lush landscaped 617m² approx. allotment. Boasts north-facing entertainers´ sanctuary, four bedrooms plus study, two

bathrooms, powder room, exquisite sitting and dining rooms, family meals area, living room to covered deck, superb granite

kitchen, upstairs lounge, evaporative cooling, ducted heating, alarm, sauna, heated IG pool/spa and carport.

Auction: Saturday 9th July at 1.00pm

ESR $1,450,000-$1,550,000

Inspect Thu 6.00pm-6.30pm, Sat 2.00pm-2.30pm

Land 617m2 approx.

Contact Sue Lacey 0412 898 202

Damien Carter 0438 850 166

IVANHOE EAST 22 Wallis Avenue

june 15, 2011 \ The weekly review 83

IVANHOE 9497 3222143 Upper Heidelberg Roadmilesre.com.au

ROSANNA 9459 5666118 Lower Plenty Road


The future looks rosy in one of Ivanhoe´s most central parkland precincts as this charming period home represents a very

appealing opening that promises to bloom and grow. Completely comfortable and in need of the right attention, this classic

home is nestled on a 611m² allotment (approx) affording immediate living and enviable potential to craft a wonderful family

environment or explore other exciting avenues. Just moments to Ivanhoe Village shopping, private schools and transport; this

budding beauty currently includes three double bedrooms, BIRs, generous living room, kitchen and family meals area, easy-

access bathroom, ducted heating, rear alfresco patio and deep backyard.

Auction: Saturday 9th July at 12.00pm

ESR $790,000-$870,000

Inspect Sat 1.00pm-1.30pm

Land 611m2 approx.

Contact James Davis 0405 687 817

Damien Carter 0438 850 166

IVANHOE 7 Rosedale Grove

84 The weekly review \ june 15, 2011

IVANHOE 9497 3222143 Upper Heidelberg Roadmilesre.com.au

ROSANNA 9459 5666118 Lower Plenty Road


Perfection proved possible in the highly-coveted Golf Links Estate precinct, this stunning family home is fully renovated

delivering superior builder´s-own quality with its attention to the finest detail. Secluded and secure behind auto gates, this

breathtaking home is presented as if it were brand new in a beautiful landscaped setting with bird-attracting garden and

covered entertainment deck (auto awning). Boasts four bedrooms (main with ensuite and WIR), two bathrooms (freestanding

bath), formal lounge with OFP, open-plan living and dining area, granite kitchen (European appliances, soft-close drawers),

laundry, zoned heating/cooling, ComfortPlus glazing, polished floorboards, plumbed raintank and double carport.

Auction: Saturday 2nd July at 11.00am

ESR $800,000-$850,000

Inspect Thu 5.15pm-5.45pm, Sat 1.00pm-1.30pm

Contact Greg Taylor 0409 090 611

Brad Pearce 0409 679 414

ROSANNA 50 Brassey Avenue

june 15, 2011 \ The weekly review 85

IVANHOE 9497 3222143 Upper Heidelberg Roadmilesre.com.au

ROSANNA 9459 5666118 Lower Plenty Road


Extensive family accommodation extending over 57 squares is superbly complemented by the superior quality construction of

this huge residence boasting sweeping views. Featuring five bedrooms, three bathrooms and five living areas; no matter how

you do the sums, this spacious one owner home adds up to an outstanding opportunity to establish a family lifestyle with the

flexibility you need to succeed now and into the future. Meticulously maintained and presented with ducted vacuum, evaporative

air-conditioning and central heating; the versatile layout also includes two kitchens, two bars, store rooms, laundry, intercom

and double garage. Set on a 694m² allotment (approx.) offering delightful garden, alfresco area and spa.

For Sale: Now or by 12th July at 5:00pm

ESR $870,000-$950,000

Inspect Sat 3.00pm-3.30pm

Contact John Levingston 0410 978 144

Greg Taylor 0409 090 611

James Davis 0405 687 817

MACLEOD 35 Falcon Road

86 The weekly review \ june 15, 2011

IVANHOE 9497 3222143 Upper Heidelberg Roadmilesre.com.au

ROSANNA 9459 5666118 Lower Plenty Road


First impressions of fabulous family living are immediately confirmed by the attractive spaces, quality appointments and alfresco

entertainment oasis of this excellent residence. Metres to the tranquil Banyule Wetlands, this beautifully presented home is a

lifestyle prize for a growing family that appreciates the great outdoors, indoor creature comforts and an enviable cul-de-sac

position. Features central heating, evaporative cooling, alarm, polished timber floors, four bedrooms, stunning spa bathroom

(ensuite access), powder room, lovely living room (OFP), dining room, brilliant kitchen/meals, superb storage, covered rear patio

overlooking gorgeous night-lit garden and solar-heated IG pool, rainwater tank, large shed and double auto garage.

Auction: Saturday 2nd July at 12.00pm

ESR $670,000-$740,000

Inspect Thu 5.15pm-5.45pm, Sat 2.00pm-2.30pm

Contact Brad Pearce 0409 679 414

Greg Taylor 0409 090 611

VIEWBANK 11 Walker Court

june 15, 2011 \ The weekly review 87

IVANHOE 9497 3222143 Upper Heidelberg Roadmilesre.com.au

ROSANNA 9459 5666118 Lower Plenty Road


Magnificent street frontage with beautiful leafy garden in a highly-coveted Ivanhoe locale sets this superb 3BR, 2 bathroom freestanding villa unit

apart from the rest. More like a low-maintenance house enjoying private driveway and lock-up garage, this elegant single-level home is perfectly

presented in a quiet pocket just moments to Eaglemont and Ivanhoe Villages, parklands, train station and schools.

Auction: Saturday 2nd July at 11.00am

ESR $730,000-$790,000

Inspect Thu 4.30pm-5.00pm, Sat 1.00pm-1.30pm

Contact Peter Scott 0459 223 994

Stewart Oldmeadow 0412 119 277

IVANHOE 1/12 Thoresby Grove


A fresh, freestanding approach to quality low-maintenance living, this stylish 3BR, 2 bathroom town residence presents perfectly with excellent

garden frontage, superb sense of space and fabulous north-facing rear entertainers´ courtyard garden. Tucked away in a coveted parkland

pocket; a vibrant contemporary interior sets an inspirational tone for a tranquil, relaxing lifestyle near local/village shopping, schools and


Auction: Saturday 2nd July at 2.00pm

Inspect Thu 4.30pm-5.00pm, Sat 10.00am-10.30am

Contact James Davis 0405 687 817

Damien Carter 0438 850 166

IVANHOE 1/127 Ford Street

88 The weekly review \ june 15, 2011

IVANHOE 9497 3222143 Upper Heidelberg Roadmilesre.com.au

ROSANNA 9459 5666118 Lower Plenty Road


A low-maintenance lifestyle oasis tucked securely away on a compact block, this beautiful 3BR and study villa unit is the dream discovery for

those seeking the best in a brilliant location. High ceilings, fine finishes, quality appointments and spacious interior with private garden aspects

complement 2 bathrooms, Jarrah and granite kitchen, ducted heating, air-conditioning, alarm, courtyard garden, auto gates/DLUG.

Auction: Saturday 18th June at 12.00pm

ESR $780,000-$830,000

Inspect Wed 2.30pm-3.00pm, Sat 11.30am-12.00pm

Contact Sue Lacey 0412 898 202

Damien Carter 0438 850 166

IVANHOE 3/26 Belmont Road






A successful low-maintenance lifestyle is at your fingertips with this high quality 3BR, 2 bathroom freestanding unit secluded to the rear of an

exclusive garden block. Secure and serene just moments to historic Eaglemont Village boasting alarm, central heating, air-conditioning,

outstanding Smeg-equipped granite kitchen, private north-facing courtyard garden and auto double garage.

Auction: Saturday 9th July at 11.00am

ESR $660,000-$720,000

Inspect Thu 2.30pm-3.00pm, Sat 1.00pm-1.30pm

Contact Sue Lacey 0412 898 202

Damien Carter 0438 850 166

IVANHOE 4/27 Sherwood Road

june 15, 2011 \ The weekly review 89

IVANHOE 9497 3222143 Upper Heidelberg Roadmilesre.com.au

ROSANNA 9459 5666118 Lower Plenty Road


High on Heidelberg Hill in the prized Burgundy Street-Hospitals precinct is this impressive 3BR townhouse distinguished by quality

conveniences, private courtyard garden and absolutely no body corporate! Features garden-set alfresco entertainment patio, luxury spa

bathroom, powder room, north-facing lounge room, fully-equipped kitchen, casual dining area, laundry, ducted heating, under-stairs storage,

remote control garage and off-street parking space.

Auction: Saturday 2nd July at 11.00am

ESR $530,000-$580,000

Inspect Thu 4.30pm-5.00pm, Sat 12.00pm-12.30pm

Contact Brad Pearce 0409 679 414

Greg Taylor 0409 090 611

HEIDELBERG 101 Darebin Street


A premier plane tree-lined locale provides the perfect setting for enviable Eaglemont living in this superbly renovated 2BR 1st floor apartment.

Fabulous older-style proportions have been given a stylish edge near village cafés, shops, train and parkland. Secure remote-control gate OSP,

intercom entry, light-filled living room, treetops balcony, stunning granite kitchen, bathroom with marble vanity and Nobo panel heating.

Auction: Saturday 9th July at 11.00am

ESR $480,000-$525,000

Inspect Thu 5.15pm-5.45pm, Sat 10.00am-10.30am

Contact Stewart Oldmeadow 0412 119 277

Peter Scott 0459 223 994

EAGLEMONT 10/10 Ashby Grove

90 The weekly review \ june 15, 2011

IVANHOE 9497 3222143 Upper Heidelberg Roadmilesre.com.au

ROSANNA 9459 5666118 Lower Plenty Road


A native garden setting provides a tranquil welcome to this fabulous 2BR villa unit that will excite buyers seeking seclusion, space and style.

Views to the distant hills and a surprisingly spacious courtyard garden complement flowing living and dining, excellent kitchen, vibrant bathroom,

trendy polished hardwood floors plus lock-up garage. Near Burgundy Street/Rosanna shopping, parklands, train station and hospitals.

Auction: Saturday 2nd July at 2.00pm

ESR $440,000-$470,000

Inspect Thu 4.30pm-5.00pm, Sat 1.00pm-1.30pm

Contact Peter Scott 0459 223 994

Damien Carter 0438 850 166

HEIDELBERG 4/162 Hawdon Street


Superbly presented exuding modern style and quality; a family will just love the fabulous village feel surrounding this outstanding 3/4BR and 2

bathroom residence where cafés, shops, schools, parkland and transport are all situated within a stone´s throw. Elevated on a 607m² allotment

(approx) including entertainment deck, BBQ, covered alfresco patio, generous garden and loads of secure OSP.

Auction: Saturday 2nd July at 11.00am

ESR $630,000-$670,000

Inspect Thu 5.15pm-5.45pm, Sat 11.00am-11.30am

Land 607m2 approx.

Contact Damien Carter 0438 850 166

Helen Witchell 0413 741 158

ROSANNA 8 Rhonda Street

Rear Aspect

june 15, 2011 \ The weekly review 91

IVANHOE 9497 3222143 Upper Heidelberg Roadmilesre.com.au

ROSANNA 9459 5666118 Lower Plenty Road


Marvellous 3BR and study executive townhouse delivering premier dress circle living and a spectacular vista across the northern ranges.

Nestled in an exclusive designer pocket close to schools, Plenty River Trail parklands, shops and transport. Affords formal lounge, living room,

dining, Smeg-equipped kitchen, 2 bathrooms, ducted heating, alarm, laundry, storage, solar hotwater, paved alfresco entertaining, fabulous

landscaped garden and remote-control double garage.

Auction: Saturday 9th July at 12.00pm

ESR $530,000-$570,000

Inspect Sat 1.00pm-1.30pm

Contact Paul Carbone 0418 541 169

Brad Pearce 0409 679 414

VIEWBANK 5 Peakview Drive


With up to 5 bedrooms, this substantial residence presents all a growing family could desire and plenty of pleasant surprises such as

sensational district views. Effortlessly adapting to your family´s changing needs with a spacious 4BR single-level layout and versatile lower level

including 3-room retreat, rumpus or office space. Also offers main bedroom ensuite, living room opening to entertaining balcony, lounge/dining,

immaculate timber kitchen, pristine family bathroom, central heating, DLUG. Close to schools, shops, Price Park and transport.

Auction: Saturday 18th June at 11.00am

ESR $650,000-$700,000

Inspect Thu 2.30pm-3.00pm, Sat 10.30am-11.00am

Land 695m2 approx.

Contact Greg Taylor 0409 090 611

Brad Pearce 0409 679 414

VIEWBANK 17 Duff Parade





92 The weekly review \ june 15, 2011

IVANHOE 9497 3222143 Upper Heidelberg Roadmilesre.com.au

ROSANNA 9459 5666118 Lower Plenty Road


A premier position commanding wonderful views over the Plenty River valley is the idyllic location for this outstanding 1786m² allotment (approx)

boasting rare potential. Currently including classic 4BR home, study, huge open rear garden basking in northern sunshine and close proximity to

shopping, train, buses, parklands and schools. Discover dream dimensions and design the ultimate multi-unit development (STCA).

Auction: Saturday 18th June at 11.00am

Inspect Thu 3.30pm-4.00pm, Sat 10.30am-11.00am

Land 1786m2 approx.

Contact Brad Pearce 0409 679 414

Greg Taylor 0409 090 611


* Measurements are approximate





The presentation of this excellent 1BR apartment is second to none in a popular complex that is highly-regarded by investors & first-time buyers within walking distance to parklands, transport, hospitals and shopping. Grab the opportunity and get in on the ground floor with this updated 60s retro apartment enjoying garden vistas and covered parking.

Auction: Saturday 18th June at 1.00pmESR: $310,000-$340,000Inspect: Thu 5.15-5.45pm, Sat 12.30-1.00pmContact: Peter Scott 0459 223 994

Brad Pearce 0409 679 414

IVANHOE 4/59-61 Green Street







The most picturesque profile on a short and sweet street ensures that the new owners of this engaging

3BR & study residence will be all smiles from the moment they lay eyes on their exciting future lifestyle.

Features evaporative cooling, gas heating, kitchen with Lofra stove, family room, LUG.

Auction: Saturday 25th June at 1.00pm

ESR: $700,000-$770,000

Inspect: Wed 5.15pm-5.45pm, Sat 3.00pm-3.30pm

Contact: Brad Pearce 0409 679 414

Helen Witchell 0413 741 158

IVANHOE 10 Mabel Street

june 15, 2011 \ The weekly review 93

IVANHOE 9497 3222143 Upper Heidelberg Roadmilesre.com.au

ROSANNA 9459 5666118 Lower Plenty Road


A 4 bedroom house on a big block in a convenient position can only mean one thing - success! Be the

winner and make your mark with this increasingly rare opportunity on 676m² (approx.) across from

parkland that promises an exciting future close to schools, shops, hospitals and transport.

Auction: Saturday 18th June at 11.00am

ESR: $530,000-$580,000

Inspect: Thu 3.30pm-4.00pm, Sat 10.30am-11.00am

Contact: James Davis 0405 687 817

Damien Carter 0438 850 166

BELLFIELD 3 Lime Court





Stylishly presented flowing brilliantly from indoor living to alfresco entertaining, this fabulous 2BR modern townhouse is set quietly towards the rear with convenient car space on title. This fabulous townhouse includes dining, living spilling out to deck and courtyard, well-appointed kitchen, bathroom, gas space heating and air-conditioning.

Auction: Saturday 25th June at 11.00amESR: $380,000-$410,000Inspect: Thu 4.30-5.00pm, Sat 10.00-10.30amContact: John Levingston 0410 978 144

Brad Pearce 0409 679 414



Quietly and conveniently located, the lifestyle appeal of this 3BR home is hard to match as the handy

position will put you very near parklands, schools, NMIT, shopping and transport. Ideal for first-home

buyers or investors to explore the options from straightforward refurbishment to thorough renovation.

Auction: Saturday 9th July at 11.00am

ESR: $380,000-$420,000

Inspect: Sat 12.00pm-12.30pm,

Contact: Paul Carbone 0418 541 169

Brad Pearce 0409 679 414



This charming 4BR residence is yours to discover in a great location near parklands, shopping, schools

and transport. Offering immediate comfort for first-home buyers and investors with alarm, gas heater, air-

conditioner, ceiling fans and polished floorboards or improve with scope to renovate or rebuild (STCA).

Auction: Saturday 25th June at 12.00pm

ESR: $440,000-$480,000

Inspect: Thu 3.30pm-4.00pm, Sat 10.00am-10.30am

Contact: John Levingston 0410 978 144

Brad Pearce 0409 679 414

HEIDELBERG WEST 208 Liberty Parade

94 The weekly review \ june 15, 2011

IVANHOE 9497 3222143 Upper Heidelberg Roadmilesre.com.au

ROSANNA 9459 5666118 Lower Plenty Road


Located in the heart of prime Ivanhoe East retail precinct, a tremendous opportunity exists to purchase a retail property of 95 sqm (approx),

surrounded by an excellent tenancy mix including IGA Supermarket and Bendigo Bank. The property offers a land area of 209 sqm (approx)

with lane-way access at the rear. Will suit investors, owner-occupiers (subject to short-term lease), plus developers to further enhance. Zoned

Business 1.

Auction: Friday 8th July at 1.00pm

Inspect By Appointment

Contact Dietmar Gregory 0422 402 545

Paul Evans 0408 144 181

IVANHOE EAST 221 Lower Heidelberg Road



Situated only metres from Dougharty Road, this well presented factory of 500 sqm (approx) with a flexible

floor plan, offers a terrific opportunity for an investor to enter the commercial property market. Currently

returning $27,000 per annum, plus GST with tenant paying all usual outgoings. Terms: 10% deposit,

balance 30/60 days.

Auction: Thursday 7th July at 3.00pm

Inspect: By Appointment

Contact: Tim Mitchell 0417 339 986

Paul Evans 0408 144 181




A truly unique opportunity is available with the offering of a double-fronted retail premises enjoying a

generous frontage to High Street. Situated on 2 titles with an overall land area of 411 sqm (approx), with

rear right-of-way. Total building area of 241 sqm (approx). Located in the thriving retail precinct directly

opposite the iconic Thornbury Theatre. Tremendous potential to re-develop or further enhance (STCA).

Auction: Thursday 7th July at 1.00pm

Inspect: By Appointment

Contact: Tim Mitchell 0417 339 986

Paul Evans 0408 144 181

THORNBURY 780-782 High Street




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