He Knew he Made a True Friend

He Knew he Made a True Friend. One day Nick moved from Franklinville school to Buffalo school. He had no friends whatsoever. Even when he went to his

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He Knew he Made a True Friend

One day Nick moved from Franklinville school to Buffalo school. He had no friends whatsoever. Even when he went

to his new school he had no friends. He asked himself, “Why can't I make any friends?”

After school he went and cried to his mom. “Why don't you ask the neighbor to come ad play?”

“He will just say no because I am new,” Nick answered.

The next day Nick went back to school and still he had no luck. But he found out a kid named Ethan moved in next door. Ethan had no friends either. Ethan and Nick were in the same class. They did

not talk to anyone but each other.

A week passed by and Nick and Ethan still had no friends. They went home and cried some more.

“Mom, it has been a whole week and still no luck,” they each told their mothers. Their moms both answered, “Why don't you ask the new kid that

just arrived last week?”

“Well,” Nick said to his mom, “sure! Let's go!” So Nick and his mom got dressed and went on

their way.

Nick went to Ethan's house to ask if he would be his friend. Ethan said, “Yes!”

Every day since then they always went to each other’s houses to play, share secrets, laugh, and just hang out. After graduating high school they even went to the same college! Nick and Ethan were hired at the same job and never left each

other’s side. They were true friends.