Head to Toe Note Card

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  • 7/28/2019 Head to Toe Note Card


    Wash hands, introduction, Orientation X3, VS; Gloves: 1)eyes-

    position, alignment, lids, conjunctiva, cornea, sclera, lacrimal

    apparatus, lashes, maybe PERRLA, 2)mouth-pharynx, soft

    palate, tongue movement, swallowing, teeth, mucosa; 3)scalp,

    head symmetry; Eyes:PERRLA if not done above (verbalize

    dim light) 6 cardinal fields of vision, peripheral vision, Snellen

    chart, EARS: Inspect, Whisper test; NOSE: Inspect (can do

    above); NECK: ROM, Vein distention, Muscle strength, Lymph

    nodes (name areas as palpate); CV: apical pulse, Auscultate w/

    bell & diaphragm; RESP: Rhythm, rate, Palpate-

  • 7/28/2019 Head to Toe Note Card


    anterior/posterior thorax & spine, Auscultate-

    anterior/posterior/lateral lung sounds; ABDOMEN: Inspect,

    listen, palpate, Ask about urine; BREAST: Palpate models,

    Teach self breast exam; UPPER EXTREMITIES: Palpate-

    temp, moisture, turgor, edema, also joints, Skin-color, lesions,

    ROM, Sensation-hot, cold, soft, hard, Strength, Muscle tone,

    Cap refill, Radial pulses, Vibration, Coordination; LOWER

    EXTREMETIES: Same as upper except popliteal and pedal

    pulses, Patellar reflex, Babinski, ROMBERG

    GAIT-observe as go to Snellen chart