Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT) www.rondebosch.com

Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT ... · Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT) Although seemingly a short term, as I looked back through my

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Page 1: Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT ... · Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT) Although seemingly a short term, as I looked back through my

Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT)


Page 2: Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT ... · Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT) Although seemingly a short term, as I looked back through my

Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT)


Message from the Headmaster

Towards the end of August, I spent a few days in Komani / Queenstown at the Heads of Public Boys’ Schools Conference. As ever the most valuable moments were those spent in conversation with peers about commonalities and concerns but, as is the nature of conferences, interspersing these interactions were some very good speakers. I recently forwarded on Twitter an article by one of these speakers, Paddy Upton, in which he writes the following beautiful piece about his interaction with the boys of Queen’s College during an assembly: As staff members left the hall, the head boy asked me to wait behind as the boys would like to thank me. I stood on the stage beside the headmaster, Mr van der Ryst, as a solo baritone voice rose from somewhere in the middle of the hall. This was followed by a chorus of 500-plus mainly black African voices. With each reprise of baritone then chorus, the volume increased. A single whistle joined the chorus, then there were five whistles, then 20, then 50. Orderly rows of schoolboys dissolved as they moved to surround the solo baritone and 500 bodies melted into rhythm and dance. I got goose-flesh, pride of Africa swelled in my chest and I don’t know how I stemmed the emotion that threatened to erupt like a burst fire-hydrant. The energy and song of young African men reached a frenzied crescendo and then quietened to dead silence. I walked off a school stage, entranced, with my lower lip quivering. Moments later, when I found a quiet place to process the experience, the hydrant burst. Composure regained, I reflected on a decision I’d taken on where to live. I’d decided on the country where I believed I would have the best quality and experience of life. What I had just witnessed was confirmation that I’d made the right choice – South Africa. (https://www.dailymaverick.co.za/opinionista/2019-09-13-cry-the-beloved-country/)

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Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT)


A second speaker who made an impact was one I had had the privilege to hear speak before, Rachel Adams, a young lady who had given up a bright career at Yale university to return to Zimbabwe because she was frustrated by the constant criticism of poor leadership in Africa. She proceeded to merge her frustration with her expertise in leadership development to help leaders transform themselves and, in doing so, to be part of the change desperately required to lead the continent into the future. It should be clear from these two that one of the emerging themes at the conference was one of agency. We have two options to offer our boys who matriculate from these great schools: to give up on their country and leave for greener pastures or to step up and become part of a solution. It was truly inspiring to see how many of our young men readily jumped into the spotlight during the recent heightened awareness and protests around violence towards women. At a school where our vision is to create civically-minded good men, it is encouraging to see our boys step up at a moment of crisis but what is even more crucial is to find the tools to sustain this momentum; to embed these lessons into the fabric of the school.

In her presentation, Rachel Adams offered a model for personal leadership, which draws metaphorically on the fact that we are all three-dimensional people who are made up of breadth, height, depth. Being aware of our constituent parts enables us to make the courageous decisions required to lead. Depth is front and back; understanding who is behind you and who supports you is as important as knowing what values and what purpose compel you forward. Understanding your height means understanding what you are aspiring to whilst acknowledging your roots; what are you grounded in. Arms outspread indicate your breadth; who you reach out to; your community. This metaphor fits neatly with the motto of the school, higher and wider, and, if we believe that personal leadership is a consciousness of how we act in the world, offers a model for how we attain our vison through helping our boys to know themselves. Social tensions in our country threaten cohesion and more than ever before, if this country is to succeed, there is a call for schools to be not only places of academic, cultural and sporting pursuits, but also to be theatres where civic, emotional and social skills and values education are part of the daily curriculum. I have therefore committed Rondebosch to being part of a national study into how boys’ schools can consciously build character. This is part of a larger international study run by the Circle group. For more information go to: https://circle.education/circles-global-network-of-schools/

Page 4: Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT ... · Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT) Although seemingly a short term, as I looked back through my

Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT)


Although seemingly a short term, as I looked back through my calendar it struck me just how full the third term has been. During the holiday break Rondebosch boys participated in various inter-provincial sports tournaments and also performed at the National Jazz Festival in Makhanda / Grahamstown. Six Rondebosch boys were subsequently selected for the national hockey teams and a further six for the National Schools’ Big Band. Over the same period, a group of Rondebosch boys and Old Boys, and girls from several schools, travelled to a rural school in the Transkei with Rowan Harmuth and Marion Wasdell for the seventh year to tutor boys and girls in preparation for their year-end exams. The winter sports season ended with some very good results in Squash, Rugby, Football and Hockey. Particularly notable has been the 1st team hockey’s wins against all of the Southern Suburbs rivals in the third term games, as well as the very close games in the return rugby match against Bishops; the close scores by the first teams in all three sports played on the day emphasised the character and competitiveness of both schools. Without taking away from these excellent wins, I enjoyed watching teams at all levels across the sporting codes and have been encouraged by the growth over the season of many of our junior teams. A number of boys in various age groups attended WP trials in several winter codes and we had provincial and national selections in both Rugby and Hockey. In addition to this RBHS squash players were the winners at the SA Top Schools’ Tournament and went on to represent the province at the South African Top Schools U19 Championship in Pietermaritzburg where they placed second, losing narrowly to Selborne in the final. Our football season in the local league has gone well with our U19A side having a successful season. The Rondebosch First Golf team was undefeated and accordingly won the WP Schools’ Golf South League.

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Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT)


We have had SA selections at the U18 level in the major winter sporting codes with the addition of Squash and Chess. In this regard, the following boys are to be congratulated: in Hockey: Jordan New, Liam Sorensen and Cole Walbrugh; in rugby: Bryan le Roux and Lukhanyo ‘Boepa’ Vokozela received U18 selections while Dalvon Blood made the U18 SA sevens side. Giyan Sulcas and Jacques Duminy were both called up to the South African Schools’ Squash squad and for the first time in many years we had a national Chess selection where Nico Martin (Grade 11) was selected to represent South Africa at the World Youth Chess Championships in India.

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Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT)


Cultural events have abounded during this term. Our junior and senior debating teams went to the final rounds of their respective competitions only to be knocked out at the last hurdle. There were a number of music concerts, including the Prestige Concert on the 15th of August which showcased some of the top talent in the school vying for the Andrew Ford Best Jazz Artist trophy and the Emilio Farella Classical Music Trophy. The classical trophy was won by Luke Borain (Grade 12) and the Jazz trophy by Dante Webber (Grade 11). Rondebosch Old Boy Alexander Fokkens (E1991) conducted the Rondebosch, Rustenburg and SACS choirs and orchestras in this year’s Choral Collaboration of 'The Armed Man: A Mass for Peace' by Karl Jenkins. The 2019 major combined drama production by the two schools (RBHS and RGHS) was ‘12 Angry Jurors’ which was staged in the Memorial Hall to full houses and excellent reviews from 31 July to 3 August. We congratulate all those involved in these events – parents, staff and boys – who put in many hours of hard work to achieve performances of a very high standard.

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Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT)


Civic Engagement and Social Responsibility - Over the past months, our young men have made an incredible impact in various initiatives, many in collaboration with neighbouring schools. There have been colloquiums held speaking of Mental Health issues and, more recently, interactions with Rustenburg girls around gender, ways of dealing with gender related abuse and violence. Also noteworthy are the Transkei School Outreach Project, the Langa Community Project, class initiatives, Habitat for Humanity and hundreds of hours of community service. The school has also launched the ‘Bridges of Hope’ initiative which provides volunteers with the opportunity to mentor young people from

disadvantaged communities. Click below to play videos.

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Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT)


Oil painting by Angus Duncan, Grade 11

Page 9: Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT ... · Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT) Although seemingly a short term, as I looked back through my

Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT)


Nineteen Grade 10 and 11 boys took part in the Cape Town Science Expo on 28 and 29 August 2019. All 19 boys won medals: 8 gold, 6 silver and 5 bronze. In addition, Rondebosch won 10 special awards, 6 age-group category prizes and 6 boys were invited to represent the region at the International Science Fair in Johannesburg in September. They are Oliver Faure, Zuhayr Halday, Joel Hunt, André Toerien, Sean Veldboer and Alex White. This is an exceptional achievement as only thirty learners are selected every year from the Expo to attend this prestigious competition.

Veren Naidoo (Grade 11) and Christopher Dean (Grade 12) are in the top three in this year’s SAIPA National Accounting Olympiad in their respective categories. They have been invited to a presentation ceremony in Johannesburg in mid-October where presumably their actual positions will be announced. In the region of 7000 students participate in this competition.

At the recent South African Mathematics Olympiad Rondebosch received the accolade of being the best performing Quintile 5 school in the Western Cape and in South Africa. This is the fifth time our Mathematicians have been recognised by SAMO at this level. This, in conjunction with our winning of the UCT Mathematics competition and a good showing in the Australian Maths competition, underlines the very good Mathematics grounding our boys receive. I congratulate the following Grade 11 boys who have been elected by their peers and the staff to be the next generation of prefect leaders: Sam Bovim, Steffan Brundyn, Kian Davis, Angus Duncan, Guy Ellis-Brown, David Frost, Alex Hillman, Cameron Jansen van Rensburg, Shami Kagaba, Neill Marais, Mark McLagan, Veren Naidoo, James Prowse, Jonathan Sands, Reese Scheepers, Sam Schlesinger, Gavin Smith and Thando Tshapela. I am satisfied that the voting process has been both free of interference and fair. If you have any questions about how the votes are weighted or the process followed, please chat to Dr Teubes, Mr Ebrahim or me. Shaun Simpson Headmaster | Rondebosch Boys’ High School

Page 10: Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT ... · Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT) Although seemingly a short term, as I looked back through my

Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT)


Head Boy’s News

Our Bish-Bosch derby marked the last time the

Matrics of 2019 played the brothers down the road.

We couldn’t have asked for a better ending to our

five years at Rondebosch, with none of our 1st

teams suffering a defeat. Seeing the pride and the

passion our school displayed this weekend brought

tears to my eyes at the end of the 1st team rugby

game on Saturday. Every derby day against a boys’

school is special, but when many generations come

together it can truly only be described by seeing the

joy on the players’ faces after the final whistle has

been blown. I would like to thank all of the boys, the

Old Boys and the staff for making this weekend

extremely special for every Rondebosch boy, especially the Matric class of 2019.

Page 11: Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT ... · Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT) Although seemingly a short term, as I looked back through my

Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT)


Page 12: Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT ... · Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT) Although seemingly a short term, as I looked back through my

Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT)


Page 13: Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT ... · Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT) Although seemingly a short term, as I looked back through my

Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT)


An exceptional feature of Rondebosch is the loyal and passionate support of our many Old Boys – from the recent Matriculants to those who first wore their Old Boys’ Union ties decades ago. A large contingent of Old Boys supported the Rondebosch teams during the recent derby weekend versus our neighbours, Bishops. Among these was Zain Davids (E2015 and SA Sevens player) pictured here in his 2015 Cheerleader’s kit. A man can win a World Sevens Rugby Series Championship, but bring him back to a Bish-Bosch derby and he just cannot contain his excitement! A week later on 23 August, Old Boys and school boys played in the traditional Past versus Present matches – the 112th year of these fixtures. This year, the day featured hockey, squash and, for the first time, football followed by a convivial social gathering.

Page 14: Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT ... · Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT) Although seemingly a short term, as I looked back through my

Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT)


Proud sponsor of Rondebosch Boys’ High School Rugby

South African Schools Rugby: Our 1st

XV prop Bryan le Roux was selected

for the South African Schools squad

for the international series in August

versus France, England, Wales and

Argentina. He is the fifth Rondebosch

player in the SA Schools squad in as

many years: 2015 Ashwin Adams and

Zain Davids, 2016 Mike Mavovana,

2018 Mihlali Mgolodela.

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Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT)


50th cap for the 1st XV

The 1st XV lock and vice-captain, Matthew Gray, played his 50th match for the

team on 27 July, all of them as a starter. Depending on the criteria used, the last

time that this was achieved was in 1983, 1999 or 2000.

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Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT)



With the end of the football season, we say goodbye to our Matric learners who

represented the school with great sportsmanship, on and off the pitch,

throughout their time at Rondebosch. But with these players leaving, it provides

an opportunity for new players to join and create memories that will last a

lifetime. The first team went through the 2019 season with only one defeat in

the league, which is a great achievement and one of which the players must be

proud. Throughout the season, our players showed great Bosch spirit and didn’t

give up, regardless of who they faced on the day. The boys played an entertaining

brand of football, showed good tactical understanding and discipline and were

not afraid to take on an opponent. Our coach, Ruan, would like to wish the Matric

students all of the best in their upcoming exams and to thank the managers and

the school. He is also excited to see what 2020 will bring for Bosch football, which

he feels will be a great year.

This term was really a tough one for the U19B side as they struggled to keep the

momentum from last term, which they had ended off with a win. Unfortunately,

they took a knock in their first match against a strong Windsor side. This was a

real wake-up call for the team and they only grew stronger from there. They

trained harder and planned more strategically, and this was seen in the team’s

performances. However, their momentum was halted a bit due to a few cancelled

matches. Despite this, they continued to strive for excellence in every aspect of

their game and kept working hard until the very end. Proof of their efforts was

seen in the 5-1 win over the Old Boys. According to their coach, Yaseen, the boys

were excellent and always gave their best, both on the field and off the field. He

said that the most pleasing thing was that they were always willing to learn.

The 2019 season ended with the U17A team having lost only one match against

Wynberg in the first half of the season. They turned that around with a draw

against them at home and wins, home and away, in the BishBosch derby. Other

highlights of the season were debuts for a few players in the 1st team. Well done

to Josh Fourie, Jordan Valensky, Yaseen Parker, Nkosinathi Volmink, Joel

Olarogan and Maahier Bassadien. All being said and done, the Bosch football

future is looking good.

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Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT)


Page 18: Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT ... · Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT) Although seemingly a short term, as I looked back through my

Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT)


Proud sponsor of Rondebosch Boys’ High School Soccer

Having started off the term so brightly, with good results against Muizenberg and

Windsor High School, the U17B team were eager to impress and continue their

good form. According to coach Adeeb, good preparation enhances good

performance and that’s what the U17B team emphasised. But, with a few injuries,

illness and study obligations, the U17B team crumbled. Picking up a 2-0 loss

against Bergvliet and a 16-0 massacre against Rylands High School saw the U17B

side ending the season on a low note.

The U15A squad had a very successful football season. Success was not just in the

results, but also in the improvement in each and every player. Their coach,

Shamieg, gave credit to the players’ huge commitment towards training. They

ended off the season with a victory against St. Joseph’s Marist College and their

recent maiden tour to Port Elizabeth went off extremely well. They arrived at

the St Andrew’s College Soccer Tournament in Makhanda (Grahamstown) 20

minutes before their first match, tired after their early morning flight and long

drive to the field. So they started off with a defeat against a very stubborn and

well organised Sports Academy outfit. Thereafter, everything went well… the

boys were ready to tackle each and every team and they ended up as overall

winners. They scored an outstanding 46 goals over nine games, winning seven,

drawing one and losing one. Coach Shamieg made sure that each boy played as

many games as possible and encouraged them to express themselves on the field.

This is how they can learn – through opportunities, learning from previous

mistakes and scoring goals to boost team morale and confidence.

Page 19: Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT ... · Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT) Although seemingly a short term, as I looked back through my

Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT)


Proud sponsor of Rondebosch Boys’ High School Soccer

For the U15B side, the second half of the season got underway with an away game

against Windsor, which ended in a difficult loss in very windy conditions. The

following games, against Star College and Bergvliet, saw massive improvements

in performance from all of the boys. They looked a lot more fluid when going

forward, creating many good goal-scoring opportunities. They also showed good

resolve at the back and defended well as a unit, with the goalkeepers putting in

notable performances. However, according to their coach, Ronnie, it was the fine

margins that decided the games and, despite their losses, the boys could walk off

the pitch with their heads held high knowing they had given their best effort. As

with the first half of the season, their big win came against rivals, Bishops. A well-

rounded performance saw them win the game 3-1. Their final game was a 12 goal

thriller against Groote Schuur which ended 6-6. According to the coach, the boys

showed lots of character to fight their way back into the game after going behind

on more than one occasion. It was a fitting end to a season which saw lots of

growth and development take place.

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Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT)


Proud sponsor of Rondebosch Boys’ High School Golf

Golf: Our 1st team golfers won the Southern league and then won the big match

against TGSE to be overall winners of Western Province Schools’ Golf League for

the first time ever. The team is undefeated this year.

Cross Country: Patric McKeown, in

Grade 12, is in the Western Province

U19 cross country team. He was also

selected for the Western Province

Cape Metro U20 team to compete at

the Western Province Championships

at Hottentots Holland High School on

31 August. He completed the 8km

race in 24min40s. Congratulations to

Patric for a phenomenal season of


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Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT)


Water Polo

The weekend of 13-15 September saw the Rondebosch U14A and U15A teams

compete in two tournaments. The U14A team won the Rondebosch tournament

beating SACS in the final, 8-4. This is the same team that has been extremely

successful throughout the year, winning the Reddam Dave Pitcairn Cup, the Jeppe

Ken Short Trophy and then the local Phillips Cup to cap off a very successful year.

The U15A team had mixed fortunes at the Wynberg Melliar Cup. They played

some really great water polo but eventually had to settle for fourth place after

losing to St John’s in a penalty shoot-out, after an enthralling match where the

boys did extremely well to come back from behind.

The U19A team will be playing in the prestigious SACS tournament this weekend

where the team will attempt to replicate the results of the teams of the last three

years. Good luck to all involved.

Proud sponsor of Rondebosch Boys’ High School Water Polo

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Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT)


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Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT)


Special mentions:

The squash 1st team won all of the matches that they played in the Western Province League this year.

U19B and U15B hockey teams were undefeated.

Grand Slams of beating Bishops, SACS and Wynberg twice: U19A squash U15A rugby U14C rugby U19D hockey

Cape Town Science Expo 2019

Nineteen Grade 10 and 11 boys took part in the Cape Town Science Expo on 28 and 29 August 2019. All 19 of our Rondebosch boys won medals: eight gold, six silver and five bronze. In addition, Rondebosch won 10 special awards, six age group category prizes and six boys were invited to represent the region at the International Science Fair in Johannesburg in September. Huge congratulations to all of our boys and wonderful teaching staff!

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Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT)


Outreach Education Programme 2019

During the June / July holidays our boys continued with the Outreach Education Programme in the Transkei. In 2018, this programme received accolades in the Western Cape and National Lead SA awards. This year our Grade 11s and 12s were joined by girls from Rustenburg, Rhenish, Springfield, Herschel and Parel Vallei. They tutored learners in Mathematics, Maths Literacy, Biology and Accounting to help improve pass rates at Tyali Senior Secondary School.

Rondebosch Boys’ High School takes a stand against women abuse

In the past month our community has seen a rise in several incidents of violence against women in the form of abductions, rape, sex trafficking and murder. It has now reached an alarming level where the women in our lives feel afraid and vulnerable. As a community of men, we feel that it’s time for us to take a stand. Whilst we recognise that the solution is complex, we feel that a show of solidarity is important. We want to make our support visible and give a voice for our collective outrage. As an institution which sets the development of good men, the entire school stood together to line Campground Road in silent protest.

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Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT)


Mandela Day Assembly

During a special Assembly this morning we reflected upon how our student body strives to follow the great example of Madiba. Over the past month, our young men have made an incredible impact by investing themselves in the Transkei School Project, the Langa Community Project, Class initiatives, Habitat for Humanity and hundreds of hours of community service. We launched the ‘Bridges of Hope’ initiative which provides volunteers the opportunity to mentor young people from disadvantaged communities. Our involvement in community building and social cohesion was further highlighted when Western Cape Blood Services awarded our School a trophy for donating the most blood in the schools’ challenge. In remembrance of Nelson Mandela and his incredible example of compassion, forgiveness and spirit of nation building, we paid tribute to Madiba’s great friend, Johnny Clegg, whose life work was to cross racial and cultural divides through his music.

Wrekin – Rondebosch Exchange 2019

This last term, RBHS has hosted two young men from Wrekin college on our annual exchange programme. Cameron Mundell: An experience of a lifetime. Unforgettable memories and friendships have been made during my exchange at RBHS. Representing the blue and gold for rugby was amazing; I gained valuable experience and developed into a better player. The rivalry between Bosch and Bishops was an incredible sight – memories that will remain with me forever. The Nel family and the Muggletons welcomed and supported us during our entire stay in Cape Town, a very special gesture. I would encourage anyone to take an opportunity such as this, you will not regret it. Bosch will always be in my heart – ‘let’s go Boschy Boys’.

Ross Corbett: Getting to spend five weeks in South Africa was an experience that I will cherish forever. We got to do and see so many things that you can only experience in South Africa and I am thankful that I got this fantastic opportunity. A standout for me was watching the 1st team rugby and the camaraderie between all the boys was incredible to see. We do not get anything near to that in the UK. Being able to walk up Table Mountain is something you can only do in Cape Town, it was an amazing experience, and I am glad I was able to do so. I would like to thank everyone at Rondebosch for being so welcoming and kind throughout my stay and hope that I will be able to come back one day to visit. Thank you all so much for an amazing time!

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Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT)


Tickets on Sale from Wed, 2 Oct 2019

Page 27: Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT ... · Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT) Although seemingly a short term, as I looked back through my

Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT)


Bosch Has Talent

The school is very grateful to the following parents and supporters for

contributing towards prizes for the 2019 Talent Show: Rebecca Lamprecht, Deli

Spices (Robert and Linda Walsh), Ground Up Coffee, Fabiani (Rennee New),

Pauline Sayers, Debonairs Pizza – Blue Route (Malcome Stone) The Old Boys

Union, Connie Choi, Hire a JukeBox (Neil Dallas), The Cricket Academy, The Club

Restaurant, WPCC, Nudimenxions, RunWalkForLife, Adventure Boot Camp, The

All-Rounder Cricket Academy, U ‘n I Hair, Dean Nortier Squash and Sorbet. Thank

you for your generosity and for helping make the Bosch has Talent Show 2019

most memorable.

12 Angry Jurors

Once again, we collaborated with Rustenburg Girls’ High School to produce a

highly entertaining, well produced and acted play, ‘12 Angry Jurors’. The play was

a huge success, performing to almost a full house each night.

This year marks the 50th anniversary of the 1969 Rondebosch production ‘12

Angry Men’. Three of the original cast members, Derek Gibberd (E1971 Head

Prefect), Brian Plimsoll (E1971) and Chris Weeden (E1971), attended the

performance and, after the show, met their 2019 counterparts on the stage.

Page 28: Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT ... · Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT) Although seemingly a short term, as I looked back through my

Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT)


National Youth Jazz Festival

Six Rondebosch Boys were chosen for the 2019 National Schools Big Band during the National Youth Jazz Festival in Makhanda (Grahamstown). The band comprises 17 of the top school jazz musicians in South Africa and having six Bosch musicians selected reflects their great talent and the excellence of our Music Department. Congratulations to the Music Department staff Terrence Scarr, Marc de Kock (E1996), Kingsley Buitendag and to:

Jason le Roux (third consecutive year in the National Schools Band)

Alto Sax: Dante Webber

Bass: Nicholas Ford (second consecutive year in the National Schools Band)

Tenor Sax: Luke Borain (second time in the National Schools Band)

Baritone Sax: Neill Marais

Trombone: Thomas Borain The National Schools Big Band performed in Makhanda (Grahamstown) on Monday 1 July. They will take to the stage again in September at the Standard Bank Joy of Jazz Festival in Kliptown. Not only is this an exciting opportunity to perform at a major Jazz Festival alongside numerous SA and international Jazz luminaries, but the Band will also be treated to a workshop session with the world-renowned trumpeter, teacher, mentor, lecturer and Director of Jazz at the Lincoln in New York, Wynton Marsalis. The boys fly to Johannesburg on Sunday 22 September. After intense rehearsals on Monday, the band will perform on Tuesday with the Jazz at the Lincoln Orchestra, led by Marsalis. We wish saxophonists Dante Webber, Jason le Roux, Luke Borain and Neill Marais, trombonist Thomas Borain and bass player Nicholas Ford a great trip and a stellar performance – it’s one for the memory banks!

Page 29: Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT ... · Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT) Although seemingly a short term, as I looked back through my

Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT)


Outdoor Society

During the upcoming holidays, the Outdoor Society, along with some Rustenburg

girls, will be attempting to complete the 13 Peaks Challenge over six days. This

challenge, designed by Ryan Sandes, covers 106 kilometres along the greater

Table Mountain area and involves climbing the equivalent of a Table Mountain

every day. The Outdoor Society, rather fittingly, would like to raise some funds

for the Volunteer Wildfire Services while completing the challenge and would

very much appreciate any support you can offer. For more information or to

pledge a donation, please visit bit.ly/13Peaks.

Page 30: Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT ... · Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT) Although seemingly a short term, as I looked back through my

Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT)


Student App Development Grade 8 Technology Chromebook classroom deployment This term has seen the completion of our first fully developed App building project, which involved all of the Grade 8 learners and Technology teachers. The Technology workroom was transformed into a ‘Start-Up App Developer Hub’, with all groups taking their designs and developing them into functional prototype-model apps. The most popular apps that were developed included e-commerce style tuckshop/foodie software; location based tracking for school classrooms and teachers; ‘Lost and Found’ styled apps, as well as fitness- based health and wellness incentive software. The final ‘elevator pitch’ oral presentations were delivered to an interested evaluation panel. They were delighted to hear the potential that these start-up companies could bring to the app economy of the school and local community.

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Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT)


Drawings by David Choi and Amaan Haffejee (Grade 11)

Self-portraits in oil by Daniel Kalell and James Hawkins (Grade 10)

Page 32: Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT ... · Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT) Although seemingly a short term, as I looked back through my

Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT)


Self portraits in oil by Taariq Majal and Thomas Rynkiewicz (Grade 10)

Self-portraits in oil by Joshua Daniels and Finlay Colquhoun (Grade 10)