At a Glance... Headmaster’s Newsletter Tuesday, 12 November 2019 Headmaster Careers Adviser Library School Counsellor Head of Junior School Head of Senior School Deputy Headmaster Director of Sport & Activities Director of Performance Cadets TGS Boarder Parents’ Support Group School Notices Uniform Shop Established 1875 Director of Studies End-of-Year Events Parent Resources - School TV Year 11, QCE Units 1 and 2 GPS Track & Field Championships Cadets March Out Parade Take Note Concert and TiGAA New Head of Library and Information Services

Headmaster’s Newsletter - Toowoomba Grammar School · 2019-11-12 · Headmaster’s Newsletter Tuesday, 12 November 2019 Headmaster Careers Adviser Library School Counsellor

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Page 1: Headmaster’s Newsletter - Toowoomba Grammar School · 2019-11-12 · Headmaster’s Newsletter Tuesday, 12 November 2019 Headmaster Careers Adviser Library School Counsellor

At a Glance...


Tuesday, 12 November 2019


Careers Adviser


School Counsellor

Head of Junior School

Head of Senior School

Deputy Headmaster

Director of Sport & Activities

Director of Performance


TGS Boarder Parents’ Support Group

School Notices

Uniform Shop

Established 1875Director of Studies

End-of-Year Events

Parent Resources - School TV

Year 11, QCE Units 1 and 2

GPS Track & Field Championships

Cadets March Out Parade

Take Note Concert and TiGAA

New Head of Library and Information Services

Page 2: Headmaster’s Newsletter - Toowoomba Grammar School · 2019-11-12 · Headmaster’s Newsletter Tuesday, 12 November 2019 Headmaster Careers Adviser Library School Counsellor


Head of Senior School

Deputy Headmaster

Head of Junior School

Director of Studies

Director of Sport & Activities

Director of Performance


Careers Adviser


School Counsellor

TGS Boarder Parents’ Support Group

School Notices

Uniform Shop

From the Headmaster

I was the Guest Speaker at the Rotary Club of Toowoomba North on Wednesday, 30 October. Whilst not a Rotarian, I do value the simplicity of what is known as Rotary’s Four Way Test – an ethical guide for Rotarians to use for their personal and professional relationships. The test asks the following questions in relation to the things we think, say or do: Is it the TRUTH? Is it FAIR to all concerned? Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS? Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

At the Rotary meeting I had the pleasure of renewing my acquaintance with a number of TGS Old Boys and past parents of boys who had attended the School during my Headmastership. These included Mr Les Weis (TGS 1945-1948), the founder of the Weis company and its iconic fruit-based ice cream bars; Richard Agar (TGS 1978-1981); father of three boys (Sam, 2011-2015, Harry 2013-2017, and Hugh currently in Year 12); and fathers of TGS Old Boys: President of the Toowoomba

North Rotary Club, Chris Seydel (Connor 2004-2011); Allan Rother (Daniel 2007-2011); Malcolm Heading (Thomas 1997-2004); and Mike Derbyshire (Jason 2001-2005; Christopher 2002-2006; and William 2006-2010).

My talk focussed on two major concerns I have regarding today’s youth, including our boys and young men at Toowoomba Grammar School. These concerns relate to some negative aspects associated with the use of social media and, secondly, the incidence of anxiety and stress and its impact on mental health.

Relevant to social media, I referred to my annoyance observing pedestrians walking along crowded streets with their heads looking down at phone screens rather than paying attention to the whereabouts of others. The risk to health is compounded when we see people crossing roads whilst still looking at their screens rather than looking out for oncoming cars. The American state of Hawaii has now passed


Dear Parents,

Summer Holiday Camp

Boys & Girls15-17 JAN, 2020

Bookings by 20 DEC

Register at twgs.qld.edu.au

Page 3: Headmaster’s Newsletter - Toowoomba Grammar School · 2019-11-12 · Headmaster’s Newsletter Tuesday, 12 November 2019 Headmaster Careers Adviser Library School Counsellor


Head of Senior School

Deputy Headmaster

Head of Junior School

Director of Studies

Director of Sport & Activities

Director of Performance


Careers Adviser


School Counsellor

TGS Boarder Parents’ Support Group

School Notices

Uniform Shop

its ‘Distracted Walking Law’ and Chongquing in China had made a ‘cell phone pedestrian lane’. An area in London has now installed padded lamp posts to assist distracted phone users when not looking where they are going.

I also worry about the quality of communication in the future when I observe people at restaurants, coffee shops, or at various functions when there is no conversation but rather their faces are buried in phone screens. I will elaborate further about this topic at the Speech Day and Prize Giving Ceremony.

I am very much looking forward to spending more time with the Year 12s when we meet together for a number of functions in the next few weeks, including their Valedictory Dinner, the final Year 12 Assembly, the Speech Night and Prize Giving Ceremony, and the Year 12 Formal. By the time you read this Newsletter our Year 12s will be sitting their final examinations and we wish them all the best in this regard.

Currently the members of the School Executive are operating under two time zones – the current end-of-year arrangements but also increasingly spending more time on next year’s calendar. This includes revised timings for Year 12 examinations and major events such as the annual Speech Day and Prize Giving Ceremony. It is certainly a very busy time for all.

Over the next few weeks I look forward to meeting many of you at various functions – the Speech Day and Prize Giving Ceremony (Wednesday, 13 November), Year 12 Final Assembly (Friday, 15 November), Year 12 Formal (Saturday, 16 November), Junior School Twilight Concert (Friday, 22 November), Parents and Friends (P&F) Drinks on the Lawn (Wednesday, 27 November) and Junior School Speech Day (Friday, 29 November).

With best wishes,

Yours sincerely,Peter B. HauserHeadmaster


Summer Holiday Camp

Boys & Girls15-17 JAN, 2020

Bookings by 20 DEC

Register at twgs.qld.edu.au

Page 4: Headmaster’s Newsletter - Toowoomba Grammar School · 2019-11-12 · Headmaster’s Newsletter Tuesday, 12 November 2019 Headmaster Careers Adviser Library School Counsellor


Head of Senior School

Deputy Headmaster

Head of Junior School

Director of Studies

Director of Sport & Activities

Director of Performance


Careers Adviser


School Counsellor

TGS Boarder Parents’ Support Group

School Notices

Uniform Shop

Deputy Headmaster

From the Deputy HeadmasterYear 12 FarewellThis term has rushed by, as has the year, and it is now only a week before the Year 12s depart. The boys, on the completion of their final examinations, conclude with a week of activities and a number of Year 12 functions, including their Valedictory Dinner and Senior Formal.

I do hope that the academic, pastoral and co-curricular programs offered by Toowoomba Grammar School provide a springboard for each and every one of our school-leavers as they strive to attain their dreams. At this stage of the year, the majority of boys are eager to move into the next exciting phase of their lives – wherever that may be. However, I would like to think that in the not too distant future they do take the time to reflect on their schooling experience at TGS and fully appreciate the opportunities they have been offered by their parents and teachers.

This year’s seniors have led their School well and should be proud of what they have achieved. Each of them has made an impression on the School in his own way. Whilst their relationship with the School as a student is soon over, a new one commences as our youngest group of Old Boys. I look forward to hearing of their many successes and seeing our young Old Boys again as they visit the School in the future.

Clubs and ActivitiesCentral to our mission as a school is the preparation of our boys to participate to their full potential in all facets of society throughout their lives. We achieve this through our commitment to delivering quality academic, co-curricular and pastoral programs that are specifically tailored to educate boys. These programs are implemented in formal situations, such as in the classroom and in pastoral care groups, as well as in less formal environments, such as sports training and school camps.

There are several clubs and activities that help achieve this school mission. Many boys take part in year-long activities, such as the Tech Club, Writers Club, Photography Club, Debating, Mooting, Latin Club, Page Turners Club and Interact. Through our offerings we seek to develop in boys the personal attributes to allow them to reach their potential and to prepare them to make a positive contribution to the communities in which they will live in the years ahead.

TGS Army Cadet Unit March Out Parade

Mr Michael Cocks takes the Latin Club

Summer Holiday Camp

Boys & Girls15-17 JAN, 2020

Bookings by 20 DEC

Register at twgs.qld.edu.au

Page 5: Headmaster’s Newsletter - Toowoomba Grammar School · 2019-11-12 · Headmaster’s Newsletter Tuesday, 12 November 2019 Headmaster Careers Adviser Library School Counsellor


Head of Senior School

Deputy Headmaster

Head of Junior School

Director of Studies

Director of Sport & Activities

Director of Performance


Careers Adviser


School Counsellor

TGS Boarder Parents’ Support Group

School Notices

Uniform Shop

With the Interact Changeover Dinner to be held late November, the 2020 committee has been elected. Congratulations to the following Year 11 boys who will lead the Interact Club in Year 12 in 2020:

President Matthew WilsonVice President Andrew CrothersSecretary Harry MacleanTreasurer Thomas MaherSergeant-At-Arms Cooper Bridgeman

The 2019 Interact executive has led the club particularly well. I thank the following executive members and all of the departing Year 12 Interact members for their significant contributions, leadership and service to the School and to our local, national and international communities:

President Dewald GeldenhuysVice President Paul StarkSecretary Xavier SchubertTreasurer Cameron LumsdenSergeant-At-Arms Rory Ilic

End of YearTerm Four is filled with school events that showcase the year-long efforts and talents of our boys. Recently, we have enjoyed the Take Note Concert, the TiGAA Showcase, the Cadets March Out Parade and Dining Out Night and the GPS Track and Field Championships. I would like to congratulate all boys, staff and parents involved in these events; the commitment, hard work and tremendous performances on show lead to proud and joyous occasions for all.

As we come to the end of another school year, I wish to acknowledge and thank all of our young men for their contribution to the life of the School. It has without doubt been a very positive and successful year. As with all GPS schools, Toowoomba Grammar School is a very busy place and it is impossible for the boys to do much of what they do without the input, support and dedication of academic, administrative and ancillary staff. I wish to thank all staff for their fine work.

To all in the Toowoomba Grammar School community, I hope that you have a relaxing and enjoyable Christmas break and have the opportunity to spend quality time with family and friends.

John AndersonDeputy Headmaster

Deputy Headmaster

The cast of TiGAA Showcase, “Who’s The Man” and Assistant Director, TGS Old Boy Matthew Hansen

Entertainment at the Take Note Concert

2019 Interact Club Executive Cameron Lumsden (Treasurer), Paul Stark (Vice-President), Dewald Geldenhuys (President), Rory Ilic (Sergeant-At-Arms), Xavier Schubert (Secretary).Summer

Holiday Camp

Boys & Girls15-17 JAN, 2020

Bookings by 20 DEC

Register at twgs.qld.edu.au

Page 6: Headmaster’s Newsletter - Toowoomba Grammar School · 2019-11-12 · Headmaster’s Newsletter Tuesday, 12 November 2019 Headmaster Careers Adviser Library School Counsellor

Year 12 students mentor Preps in the ‘Buddy Run’ for the Alannah & Madeline Foundation


Head of Senior School

Deputy Headmaster

Head of Junior School

Director of Studies

Director of Sport & Activities

Director of Performance


Careers Adviser


School Counsellor

TGS Boarder Parents’ Support Group

School Notices

Uniform Shop From the Head of Senior SchoolAs I write this the Year 12 students are preparing to sit their final examinations. I wish to thank and congratulate the class of 2019 for the way they have approached their final year at the School. They have worked hard on their studies throughout the year and I hope they are pleased with, and proud of, their results. I have enjoyed their sense of humour and honesty throughout the year. Following their final examinations, the boys will enjoy a program of activities and special events in their last week of school, culminating with the Year 12 Final Assembly and Formal. I sincerely wish all Year 12 graduates the best for their future.

For boys in Years 7 to 11, their focus now turns to end-of-semester examinations and assessment and I hope all boys complete the 2019 school year by maintaining their very best efforts and standards. Following the completion of examinations on Tuesday, 26 November, classes will resume for the final two days of school and the House Touch Football competition will be conducted on Wednesday and Thursday afternoon. School will conclude at 3:10pm on Thursday with the travel day for boarders scheduled for Friday, 29 November.

As the end of the school year nears, we look forward to many key events, such as the Co-Curricular Awards Assembly, Year 12 Final Assembly and Speech Day, to celebrate the many individual achievements and

group highlights for the year. I would like to congratulate all boys who have been committed and have contributed to the extensive academic, co-curricular, House and service activities on offer throughout the year. Thank you also to all parents who have supported their sons’ endeavours and promoted the respective School programs.

House Competition - DiligenceNot only do boys work hard for their own benefit, but the House Competition also includes rewarding the House with the best diligence overall. When awarding points for the Headmaster’s Shield, data is considered from Terms One, Two and Three. The final House Diligence results for 2019 are as follows:

HOUSE WORK ETHIC GPA RANKStephens 3.579 1Groom 3.565 2Boyce 3.547 3Taylor 3.541 4Mackintosh 3.540 5

Congratulations again go to Stephens House for an impressive display, having won the Diligence points for five years in a row.

Head of Senior School

Summer Holiday Camp

Boys & Girls15-17 JAN, 2020

Bookings by 20 DEC

Register at twgs.qld.edu.au

Page 7: Headmaster’s Newsletter - Toowoomba Grammar School · 2019-11-12 · Headmaster’s Newsletter Tuesday, 12 November 2019 Headmaster Careers Adviser Library School Counsellor


Head of Senior School

Deputy Headmaster

Head of Junior School

Director of Studies

Director of Sport & Activities

Director of Performance


Careers Adviser


School Counsellor

TGS Boarder Parents’ Support Group

School Notices

Uniform Shop

House Singing CompetitionThe House Singing competition took place in Week Three and was the final event in the Headmaster’s Shield for 2019. The theme for this year’s competition was “The Movies” and the Houses selected the following songs:

• Taylor – Sweet Caroline by Neil Diamond• Boyce – Pretty Woman by Roy Orbison• Mackintosh – We Will Rock You by Queen• Groom - Born to be Wild by Easy Rider• Stephens – Hooked on a Feeling by Blue Swede

Congratulations to Groom House who won the 2019 event.

Headmaster’s ShieldBoyce has won the Headmaster’s Shield for the fourth year in a row. Congratulations to all boys for the spirited way they competed in the various inter-House competitions throughout the year. The final points tally is shown below.

PLACE HOUSE POINTS1st Boyce 632nd Mackintosh 553rd Groom 53.54th Stephens 525th Taylor 46.5

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Housemasters and Assistant Housemasters for showing tremendous dedication in their roles and for their tireless efforts this year.

Boyce House wins the Headmaster’s Shield. Boyce Housemasters Mrs Gabrielle Battersby & Mr Tony Wallis with House Captains Lachlan Smith and Callum Murray

Head of Senior School

‘Born to be Wild’ Groom wins House Singing Mackintosh House performs ‘We Will Rock You’ at House Singing

Summer Holiday Camp

Boys & Girls15-17 JAN, 2020

Bookings by 20 DEC

Register at twgs.qld.edu.au

Page 8: Headmaster’s Newsletter - Toowoomba Grammar School · 2019-11-12 · Headmaster’s Newsletter Tuesday, 12 November 2019 Headmaster Careers Adviser Library School Counsellor


Head of Senior School

Deputy Headmaster

Head of Junior School

Director of Studies

Director of Sport & Activities

Director of Performance


Careers Adviser


School Counsellor

TGS Boarder Parents’ Support Group

School Notices

Uniform Shop

Head of Senior School

Parent ResourcesToowoomba Grammar School is working towards its e-Smart accreditation with the Alannah and Madeline Foundation. The eSmart program is helping Toowoomba Grammar School review our policies and practices to improve the online safety of our boys. For more information please visit: https://www.esmart.org.au/

SchoolTV“Resilience is key to addressing mental health issues. We need to allow our kids to experience adversity. There is a tendency to shield our kids because parents have become a bit over-protective.” Dr Michael Carr-Gregg

For more information please visit: https://twgs.qld.schooltv.me/newsletter/resilience

Student Financial Life SkillsOur School is committed to helping students to prepare for life after school. As part of this preparation we access the resources of The Wealth Academy for the benefit of students in our School.

One of the resources made available to our School is a youth-oriented financial life skills electronic magazine titled Teenfinca, which is an acronym for teenage financial capability. The latest issue of Teenfinca is now available for students and families to read and share here. We encourage parents to discuss the articles within the Ezine with their children. Such discussions will help to build their future financial capability and wellbeing.

Glen GerreynOur Year 11 boys recently enjoyed a presentation from Glen Gerreyn from the Hopeful Institute. Glen’s engaging speech covers a range of topics for boys; parents may be interested in his book, Men of Honour. http://glengerreyn.com/#writing

Start of School – 2020

Uniform and AppearanceWhen the new school year approaches in January, I would expect all boys to consider their appearance and be prepared for the first day back at school.

HatsSome boys will need either to spend time reshaping their school Akubra or consider purchasing a new one. The brim of the Akubra is expected to be flat. School Akubras with holes or with the trim of the brim missing will need replacing.

HairHair should be cut to the one length and the fringe not below the eyebrows; no extremes of hairstyles are acceptable.

Blazer DressBoys must secure the top button of their white shirt and the buttons on the cuffs when wearing Blazer Dress. Please check the size of shirts and ensure they can be comfortably worn with these buttons secured.

School Commencement Dates, 2020Tuesday, 28 January 2020 – New Boys’ Orientation and return of boarders.

Wednesday, 29 January 2020 – School commences with a School Assembly for all boys at 8:30am. Dress is Blues uniform.

I wish all from our School community a safe and enjoyable holiday period. I look forward to the boys returning for another busy and productive year in 2020.

Mark OliphantHead of Senior School

Year 12 student, Harry Hanly presents Prep student, Emrys Rogers with his ‘Buddy Run’ certificate

Summer Holiday Camp

Boys & Girls15-17 JAN, 2020

Bookings by 20 DEC

Register at twgs.qld.edu.au

Page 9: Headmaster’s Newsletter - Toowoomba Grammar School · 2019-11-12 · Headmaster’s Newsletter Tuesday, 12 November 2019 Headmaster Careers Adviser Library School Counsellor


Head of Senior School

Deputy Headmaster

Head of Junior School

Director of Studies

Director of Sport & Activities

Director of Performance


Careers Adviser


School Counsellor

TGS Boarder Parents’ Support Group

School Notices

Uniform Shop

From the Head of Junior SchoolDear Parents

Head of Junior School

The final few days of the school year are upon us, which involves various celebrations and excitement for staff and students. Our Year 6 boys and their parents will attend a celebratory dinner on Friday 15 November to mark the conclusion of primary school. Our annual Twilight Concert will occur on Friday 22 November. This concert is held outdoors on Old Boys’ Memorial Oval and attracts an audience of between 1200 to 1500 people. These and other significant events mark the conclusion of yet another wonderful year in the Junior School.

Musicians’ CupMusicians’ Cup was held recently. This is an adjudicated instrumental competition for Junior School boys who are proficient musicians. A record number of boys entered this year’s event, with nearly 30 individual performances on the evening. Without exception, every boy performed well with a diverse range of instruments being played across a broad repertoire. The evening was thoroughly enjoyable and I acknowledge all boys who entered the competition, along with their families for valuing music as one of the many opportunities available at our School.

Musicians’ Cup participants. They all played very well on the evening.

Summer Holiday Camp

Boys & Girls15-17 JAN, 2020

Bookings by 20 DEC

Register at twgs.qld.edu.au

Page 10: Headmaster’s Newsletter - Toowoomba Grammar School · 2019-11-12 · Headmaster’s Newsletter Tuesday, 12 November 2019 Headmaster Careers Adviser Library School Counsellor


Head of Senior School

Deputy Headmaster

Head of Junior School

Director of Studies

Director of Sport & Activities

Director of Performance


Careers Adviser


School Counsellor

TGS Boarder Parents’ Support Group

School Notices

Uniform Shop

Head of Junior School

I thank Mrs Kellie Dixon, our music teacher, for organising this competition and running it so well on the evening. Finally, I congratulate the following prize recipients:

First place Hammond Briggs (saxophone)Second place James Nicholls (piano)Third place Kurt Seckler (piano)Highly commended Charlie Lachmund (double bass)Highly commended Hayden Fellenberg (euphonium)Highly commended Jude Greenhalgh (alto saxophone)Highly commended Singyuan Xue (violin)

Hammond Briggs (centre) was awarded first place with his piece on the saxophone, with James Nicholls (left) being awarded second place with a piece on the piano and Kurt Seckler (right) was awarded third place also for a piece on the piano. Congratulations boys!

Mayoral School Achievement Awards The annual Mayoral School Achievement Awards ceremony was held recently. These annual awards recognise children who have persevered in times of adversity in primary and secondary schools across the Darling Downs. Congratulations to Angus Dann (6J) who was the Junior School recipient this year.

ConclusionI thank all members of the Junior School staff for their fine work and many contributions in 2019. The School is well supported by the parent body and I wish to express my appreciation for the support shown by parents on a daily basis. This certainly contributes to the strong sense of community that exists within the School. Finally, I thank the boys for their hard work and achievements, along with the energy and optimism they bring to school during the year.

I wish all families an enjoyable, safe and relaxing holiday period, a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Kind regardsScott CampbellHead of Junior School

Angus Dann with his teacher, Mr Rob Jeffries, before receiving his Mayoral School Achievement Award.

Summer Holiday Camp

Boys & Girls15-17 JAN, 2020

Bookings by 20 DEC

Register at twgs.qld.edu.au

Page 11: Headmaster’s Newsletter - Toowoomba Grammar School · 2019-11-12 · Headmaster’s Newsletter Tuesday, 12 November 2019 Headmaster Careers Adviser Library School Counsellor


Head of Senior School

Deputy Headmaster

Head of Junior School

Director of Studies

Director of Sport & Activities

Director of Performance


Careers Adviser


School Counsellor

TGS Boarder Parents’ Support Group

School Notices

Uniform Shop

From the Director of Studies

Director of Studies

At a recent meeting, Mr Chris Rider, the CEO of the the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA) openly acknowledged what a big year 2019 has been for schools with the final year of the OP system and the transition to the new QCE. At Toowoomba Grammar School we have not been alone in finding the management of two systems to be a huge undertaking and I commend our staff on the job they have done this year. The current cohort of Year 12 students can be confident that their teachers have done everything in their power to ensure best outcomes. We have been very impressed with the approach of the boys and are hopeful that when boys log in to their student accounts on 14 December, they will see an OP result that will enable them to achieve their post-school tertiary goals. Even if they do not quite get the OP to achieve their first preference, I know the Careers staff have been working closely with the boys to provide them with strategies to enable them to arrive at the preferred destination.

It is timely to look back on some of the lessons learned by both teachers and boys who have undertaken their senior studies within the new QCE. Firstly, and most importantly what has not changed is the expertise of the teachers within their discipline area. Maths teachers are still maths teachers, whether they are teaching Mathematical Methods under the ATAR system or Mathematics B under the OP system. Have confidence in our teachers to know what needs to be taught and the best way to support the students in achieving outcomes. There are fewer assessment items in each subject and the resources provided by the QCAA have been an invaluable tool to guide the students through the new styles of assessment. The rigorous training provided by the QCAA and the endorsement process ensure that all assessment items are reliable and valid and designed to ensure equity across all schools in the state.

The jump in academic rigour has always been quite large as students have moved from Year 10 to Year 11, but this has increased far more dramatically this year. Boys need to enter Year 11 with a very clear mindset that things start “counting” now. While the results from Units 1 and 2 do not contribute to their ATAR, the credits do start contributing towards their QCE. There certainly has been a big increase in the expectations upon the boys to take responsibility for their learning from the time they enter the classroom on day one of Year 11. Since all learning contributes credit towards their QCE, boys cannot afford to enter Year 11 unprepared to work hard. If they fail any Units, this starts to reduce the number of potential QCE credits. Boys need to take charge of their learning; being organised, revising regularly and using the Course objectives as outlined in the syllabus will support their learning.

Students enjoying a change of environment for their lesson

Summer Holiday Camp

Boys & Girls15-17 JAN, 2020

Bookings by 20 DEC

Register at twgs.qld.edu.au

Page 12: Headmaster’s Newsletter - Toowoomba Grammar School · 2019-11-12 · Headmaster’s Newsletter Tuesday, 12 November 2019 Headmaster Careers Adviser Library School Counsellor


Head of Senior School

Deputy Headmaster

Head of Junior School

Director of Studies

Director of Sport & Activities

Director of Performance


Careers Adviser


School Counsellor

TGS Boarder Parents’ Support Group

School Notices

Uniform Shop

Director of Studies

If your son is finding the course difficult, he can of course change subjects. There are two ideal times for a boy to change a subject in Year 11; in the first week or two of the year, when he might have realised that he has made a mistake. He can then easily transition into a more appropriate subject without having missed much content. The next optimal time to make a change is at the end of Unit 1. This date is synchronised across all subjects and so transitioning into a new subject is easy. While technically a student can make changes at the end of Unit 2, there are some issues around this. Most importantly, there is the issue that if he has missed the learning in Units 1 and 2, he may not be able to manage picking up a subject. There are only about four General Subjects which a boy is likely to be able to pick up at the end of Unit 2 and expect to experience success with, and this is if it will fit his timetable! The other issue about changing subjects at the end of Unit 2 is that this date is not synchronised with some subjects starting Unit 3 at the start of Year 12 and others throughout Term 4, Year 11.

But the biggest lesson that we have learned as a school is that students who regularly get As are still getting As, students who usually get Bs are still getting Bs. The same applies for students who regularly get Cs, but we are concerned for those students who might be struggling to pass. If a student struggles academically or may have selected a subject unwisely he many be at risk of failing a unit and there may be ramifications in terms of QCE points.

Recognised studies is another area we have learned more about as the year has progressed. Recognised studies are courses that students can do outside of school that contribute credit towards the QCE. The best part of this is that some boys are already doing some of the programs listed under recognised studies, such as AMEB Music exams. Another example is that if a boy gets his PADI Open Water Diver course, this will contribute one point towards his QCE. Similarly, if he has independently attained a Certificate II in any program, this will contribute four QCE points.

Please follow the link below if you are interested in learning more about recognised studies.https://www.qcaa.qld.edu.au/senior/certificates-qualifications/qce/recognised-studies/lists-recognised-studies

Year 12 students prepare to sit the QCS for the last time

QCS Exams Current Year 10 students will need to consider ATAR next year

Summer Holiday Camp

Boys & Girls15-17 JAN, 2020

Bookings by 20 DEC

Register at twgs.qld.edu.au

Page 13: Headmaster’s Newsletter - Toowoomba Grammar School · 2019-11-12 · Headmaster’s Newsletter Tuesday, 12 November 2019 Headmaster Careers Adviser Library School Counsellor


Head of Senior School

Deputy Headmaster

Head of Junior School

Director of Studies

Director of Sport & Activities

Director of Performance


Careers Adviser


School Counsellor

TGS Boarder Parents’ Support Group

School Notices

Uniform Shop

Director of Studies

Diligence AwardIn addition to the previous Newsletter Lachlan Milton Year 9 has been awarded a Pro Diligentia award.

Special Commendations

Congratulations to the following students who received Special Commendations recently:

Special Commendations – Academic Effort

Year 7Marcus Anderson History – Ancient China ExaminationMark Armstrong History – Ancient China ExaminationRobert Bradshaw History – Ancient China ExaminationOscar Burey History – Ancient China ExaminationJake Cameron History – Ancient China ExaminationCurtis Cameron History – Ancient China ExaminationAlexander Gentry History – Ancient China Examination

Lachlan Hawkins History – Ancient China ExaminationMack McPherson History – Ancient China ExaminationRobert Mansfield History – Ancient China ExaminationAlistair McKay History – Ancient China ExaminationThomas Nicholls History – Ancient China ExaminationAngus Thompson History – Ancient China ExaminationConnor Walker History – Ancient China Examination

Year 8 Tom Charles History – Feudal Japan ExaminationHarry Graham History – Feudal Japan ExaminationBenjamin Silvester History – Feudal Japan ExaminationJames White History – Feudal Japan Examination

Year 10Charlie Bradley Workshop Practice – Significant

Improvement in Practical Tasks

Alison Young Director of Studies

Students relax on Old Boys’ Memorial Oval during lunch

Summer Holiday Camp

Boys & Girls15-17 JAN, 2020

Bookings by 20 DEC

Register at twgs.qld.edu.au

Page 14: Headmaster’s Newsletter - Toowoomba Grammar School · 2019-11-12 · Headmaster’s Newsletter Tuesday, 12 November 2019 Headmaster Careers Adviser Library School Counsellor


Head of Senior School

Deputy Headmaster

Head of Junior School

Director of Studies

Director of Sport & Activities

Director of Performance


Careers Adviser


School Counsellor

TGS Boarder Parents’ Support Group

School Notices

Uniform Shop

From the Director of Sport & ActivitiesThis past week saw the culmination of the official GPS season sporting year as our students were immersing themselves in the 2019 GPS Track and Field Championships. For some of the young men involved, it was the beginning of their journey with the sport but for our Year 12 athletes, this was the pinnacle of their athletic endeavours for the School. These athletes have added their own story to the rich traditions and history of Toowoomba Grammar School as they embraced the values of sportsmanship and camaraderie so pivotal in a sporting environment. Their contributions to the School in the various disciplines constituting the sport of track and field will not soon be forgotten and we are deeply grateful for their commitment delete and servitude over the years.

Congratulations are extended to each and every athlete who participated in the highlight event of the GPS calendar regardless of whether they were victorious in their pursuits. Special commendations are extended to those who were meritorious in their event as the depth and calibre of the competition showcases exceptional athletic ability on display throughout the day. Of particular note were the first placings in eight events, four of those being in the Open division.

As we transition into the final stanza of Term Four, there is certainly a great deal of co-curricular activity the students are undertaking. The recent House Swimming Championship that contributes towards the 2020 Headmaster’s Shield was held at Milne Bay and involved all students from Years 7-11. It was an opportunity for Year 11 students in each House to stand tall and espouse the principles of task and people-oriented leadership with their encouragement of all students to ‘have a go’ for the House. We congratulate Stephens House on securing first place and as the first event in the plethora of activities within this competition, we look forward to seeing if Stephens, or indeed any House can loosen the stranglehold that Boyce House has had on the coveted Headmaster’s Shield over the past few years.

Sport as a co-curricular activity at this School can quite often dominate the consciousness of the wider community. However, it is important to look at the other pivotal area of the School’s extensive co-curricular domain such as the TGS Cadet Unit. Under the stewardship of Captain John Wells and his team of dedicated staff, this complex organisation continues to build men (and women) of character, leadership, and integrity steeped in tradition and history. The recent March Out Parade was the highlight of their calendar and one in which the School community took great pride in seeing the cadets stand shoulder to shoulder with one another in a show of accomplishment and dignity. We look forward to the Unit continuing its fine traditions in forging our future leaders and congratulate those Year 12 students who had their final March Out.

Wes DunneDirector of Sport and Activities

Director of Sport & Activities

Open 4x100m relay winners - Michael Evans, Patrick McKay, Kai Rahui and Harry Callow

The TGS Track & Field State Championships representatives

Summer Holiday Camp

Boys & Girls15-17 JAN, 2020

Bookings by 20 DEC

Register at twgs.qld.edu.au

Page 15: Headmaster’s Newsletter - Toowoomba Grammar School · 2019-11-12 · Headmaster’s Newsletter Tuesday, 12 November 2019 Headmaster Careers Adviser Library School Counsellor


Head of Senior School

Deputy Headmaster

Head of Junior School

Director of Studies

Director of Sport & Activities

Director of Performance


Careers Adviser


School Counsellor

TGS Boarder Parents’ Support Group

School Notices

Uniform Shop

Director of Sport & Activities

QLD Secondary Schools 13-19yrs State Championship Results

Name Event Medal

Paul Draheim U15 200m Hurdles GoldHarrison Callow U17 100m GoldWihan Kruger U14 Javelin GoldPatrick Mc Kay Jai GordonHarrison Callow

17 – 19 4 x 100m Relay Gold

Jai GordonU16 100m GoldU17 200m Gold

Charlie Bragg U15 Shot Put MC Gold

Ewald KrugerU13 Discus Gold

U13 Hammer GoldU13 Shot Put Silver

Nicholas Coonan U16 800m BronzeJoseph Currie U13-15 4 x 100m Relay BronzeArchie Steele U16 110m Hurdles Bronze

GPS Track and Field Championship Results

Event Athlete 2019 Result 2019 Placing100m

13 Flegler, Will 12.72 8th14 Bailey, George 11.98 6th15 Currie, Joe 11.84 7th16 Gordon, Jai 10.78 1st

Open Callow, Harry 10.71 1st200m

13 Flegler, Will 25.67 7th14 Bailey, George 24.03 5th15 Flegler, Mac 23.8 7th16 Gordon, Jai 21.94 1st

Open Callow, Harry 21.81 3rd400m

13 Anderson, Will 61.21 7th14 Bailey, George 60.14 8th15 Roach, Josh 54.84 6th16 Coonan, Nick 51.99 4th

Open Weir, Harry 53.78 8th800m

13 Barac, Isaac 2:24.13 7th14 Clews, Angus 2:28.20 9th

15 Roach, Josh 2:08.65 6th16 Coonan, Nick 1:57.81 1st

Open Purcell, Will 2:03.26 7th1500m

13 Randall, Charlie 4:46.37 6th14 Gladwin, Sam 4:44.09 7th15 Farrington, Byron 5:00.04 9th16 Cass, Oscar 4:51.70 9th

Open McNamara, Matt 4:33.67 8thSprint Hurdles

13 Anderson, Will 14.89 4th14 Bailey, George 15.45 5th15 Draheim, Paul 15.65 6th16 Steele, Archie 15.28 3rd

Open McKay, Pat 15.82 8th400 Hurdles

Open Draheim, Paul 58.73 4th3000m

Open Wood, Joe 10:56.99 9th4x400m

Open 8th 3:42.26 7thAll Age 7th 4:00.92 7th

Long Jump


Sewmith5.08 4th

14 Vaughan, Lachlan 4.64 9th15 Carr, Chad 5.93 3rd16 Schutt, Max 5.76 8th

Open McKay, Pat 6.49 4thTriple Jump

13 McCosker, Clancy 10.52 6th14 Clews, Angus 8.92 9th15 Carr, Chad 11.1 7th16 Green, Jack 12.66 4th

Open McKay, Pat 13.44 1stHigh Jump

13 Elms, James 1.45 6th14 Mansfield, Bertie 1.4 8th15 Byrnes, Andrew 1.6 7th16 Steele, Archie 1.81 3rd

Open Weir, Harry 1.8 5th

Summer Holiday Camp

Boys & Girls15-17 JAN, 2020

Bookings by 20 DEC

Register at twgs.qld.edu.au

Page 16: Headmaster’s Newsletter - Toowoomba Grammar School · 2019-11-12 · Headmaster’s Newsletter Tuesday, 12 November 2019 Headmaster Careers Adviser Library School Counsellor


Head of Senior School

Deputy Headmaster

Head of Junior School

Director of Studies

Director of Sport & Activities

Director of Performance


Careers Adviser


School Counsellor

TGS Boarder Parents’ Support Group

School Notices

Uniform Shop

Director of Sport & Activities

Discus13 Kruger, Ewald 39.94 3rd14 Kruger, Wihan 47.95 2nd15 Price, Matt 40.76 7th16 Storie, Angus 46.17 2nd

Open Dolzan, Lachlan 35.61 8thShot put

13 Kruger, Ewald 14.44 6th14 Kruger, Wihan 12.75 2nd15 Currie, Joe 14 4th16 Steele, Archie 13.68 2nd

Open Davey, Angus 13.06 8thJavelin

13 Kruger, Ewald 33.5 2nd14 Kruger, Wihan 50.56 1st15 Green, Tom 33.06 9th16 Steele, Archie 56.32 2nd

Open Davey, Angus 54.38 1st4x100m


Anderson, Creighton, Flegler

54.42 9th

14Vaughan, Kruger,

Oats, Bailey49.63 9th

15Johnston, Flegler,

Carr, Currie46.1 5th

16Johnston, Palmer, Newton, Gordon

44.95 4th

OpenEvans, Callow, Rahui, McKay

42.9 1st

House Swimming Championship Results

Age ChampionAge Group Name House Points

13 Jackson Smiddy Stephens 40814 Juert Eerkens Boyce 42015 Jude Youens Groom 42016 Isaac Cooper Mackintosh 408

Open Charles Schoorl Boyce 360

Runner UpAge Group Name House Points

13 Dom Black Boyce 38814 Alex Huie Stephens 37715 Ryan Thornton Groom 38016 Will Salmond Taylor 398

Open George Tighe Stephens 328

House TotalsPlace House Points

1 Stephens 6312.52 Boyce 5936.53 Groom 52304 Taylor 47725 Mackintosh 4624

New Records

Age Group Event Previous



RecordNew Time

16 50m Butterfly

Charles Schoorl 26.73 William

Salmond 26.57

Stephens House wins the wins the House Swimming Carnival for 2020 House points

Summer Holiday Camp

Boys & Girls15-17 JAN, 2020

Bookings by 20 DEC

Register at twgs.qld.edu.au

Page 17: Headmaster’s Newsletter - Toowoomba Grammar School · 2019-11-12 · Headmaster’s Newsletter Tuesday, 12 November 2019 Headmaster Careers Adviser Library School Counsellor


Head of Senior School

Deputy Headmaster

Head of Junior School

Director of Studies

Director of Sport & Activities

Director of Performance


Careers Adviser


School Counsellor

TGS Boarder Parents’ Support Group

School Notices

Uniform Shop

Take Note ConcertThe Take Note Concert on Friday, 25 October was a wonderful celebration of the Performing Arts for our actors and musicians. The performances were exceptional, the staging, sound and lighting were outstanding, and the evening was thoroughly enjoyed by all. Many compliments were received regarding the high quality of the event. All performers reported that they had an exciting evening by enjoying their own performance experiences on stage as well as sharing in the joy of watching other students perform. It is wonderful for the boys in the Co-curricular Arts Department to be so supportive of each other. The dedication of the boys in this department is so appreciated, as is the wonderful work by all the Music Tutors and Co-curricular directors. It is obvious how much excellent teaching has taken place this year by witnessing the outstanding quality of the performances. Thank you very much to all students, staff and parents who assisted with this wonderful event.

From the Director of Performance

Director of Performance

R’n’B Band

R’n’B TooString Orchestra

Summer Holiday Camp

Boys & Girls15-17 JAN, 2020

Bookings by 20 DEC

Register at twgs.qld.edu.au

Page 18: Headmaster’s Newsletter - Toowoomba Grammar School · 2019-11-12 · Headmaster’s Newsletter Tuesday, 12 November 2019 Headmaster Careers Adviser Library School Counsellor


Head of Senior School

Deputy Headmaster

Head of Junior School

Director of Studies

Director of Sport & Activities

Director of Performance


Careers Adviser


School Counsellor

TGS Boarder Parents’ Support Group

School Notices

Uniform Shop

Director of Performance

Grammarphones Clarinet Ensemble

Combined Voices Choir Brass Ensemble

Guitar Ensemble Big Band

Summer Holiday Camp

Boys & Girls15-17 JAN, 2020

Bookings by 20 DEC

Register at twgs.qld.edu.au

Page 19: Headmaster’s Newsletter - Toowoomba Grammar School · 2019-11-12 · Headmaster’s Newsletter Tuesday, 12 November 2019 Headmaster Careers Adviser Library School Counsellor


Head of Senior School

Deputy Headmaster

Head of Junior School

Director of Studies

Director of Sport & Activities

Director of Performance


Careers Adviser


School Counsellor

TGS Boarder Parents’ Support Group

School Notices

Uniform Shop

Who’s The Man and Macbeth Re-imaginedCongratulations to all students who performed in the Toowoomba Grammar Acting Academy (TiGAA) Showcase on Thursday, 31 October at the Armitage Centre. The actors received rave reviews from all audience members. Special thanks go to Mrs Eylece Blaikie, Mrs Lucy Andreas and Mr Mitch Burey for their excellent dramatic work with the students and their dedication to the many hours of preparation for the evening.

Junior TiGAA ShowcaseWell done to all Junior TiGAA members for a thoroughly entertaining performance at the Junior TiGAA Showcase on Monday, 4 November. The evening provided many laughs for the very appreciative audience.

Student and Staff Achievements

Gondwana National Choral SchoolYear 10 student, Lachlan Hammond has been selected for the prestigious Gondwana National Choral School in Sydney next January. More than 1,000 singers aged 12 to 17 from across Australia auditioned for a place in this prestigious program, with Lachlan being one of only 300 who were selected. The panel was so impressed with Lachlan’s voice that he was also invited to join the Sydney Children’s Choir to perform at their annual ‘Voices of Angels’ concert in December.

Junior School Music Teacher, Mrs Kellie Dixon, has been selected to participate in the Gondwana Conductors Academy, held in Sydney at the same time as the Gondwana National Choral School. We congratulate Mrs Dixon on this fine achievement and we wish her well for her time in this prestigious academy.

Director of Performance

Senior TiGAA performers in Who’s The Man

Intermediate TiGAA performers in Macbeth Re-imagined

Lachlan Hammond. Photo courtesy Kevin Farmer.

Summer Holiday Camp

Boys & Girls15-17 JAN, 2020

Bookings by 20 DEC

Register at twgs.qld.edu.au

Page 20: Headmaster’s Newsletter - Toowoomba Grammar School · 2019-11-12 · Headmaster’s Newsletter Tuesday, 12 November 2019 Headmaster Careers Adviser Library School Counsellor


Head of Senior School

Deputy Headmaster

Head of Junior School

Director of Studies

Director of Sport & Activities

Director of Performance


Careers Adviser


School Counsellor

TGS Boarder Parents’ Support Group

School Notices

Uniform Shop

Empire Theatre Youth Arts BursariesCongratulations to Ryan Murphy, Darcy Meagher and Ruben Fitton for being awarded a 2019 Empire Theatre Youth Arts Bursary.

Ryan will be attending a Music Theatre Summer School at the Queensland Conservatorium. Darcy will be attending the ED5 International Performing Arts Institute in Sydney in July 2020. Ruben will attend a residency week with Queensland Theatre. Thank you to the Empire Theatres Foundation for providing such wonderful experiences to the boys.

Opera Gala - AmoreCongratulations to Darcy Meagher, Ms Mary Lou Fraser, Ms Teresa Brix and Mrs Melissa Buchholz for their involvement in the Opera Gala – Amore concert series in the Armitage Centre hosted by the Toowoomba Philharmonic Society.

Nancy Weir ScholarshipYear 7 student, Sam Lawrence, is congratulated on receiving a Highly Commended award from the Nancy Weir Scholarship fund. This fund, established by the Queensland Music Teachers’ Association in 1979, recognises the contribution by Dr Nancy Weir to music and in particular, her work as a performer and teacher. The purpose of the fund is to assist young children, aged 12 years or under, residing outside the Brisbane Metropolitan area and exhibiting outstanding musical talent, to pursue their musical studies. Well done to Sam for being recognised for his outstanding dedication to his music studies.

Rockschool ExamsToowoomba Grammar School was excited to welcome Senior International Examiner for Rockschool, Ms Alyson Locke for two days of Rockschool exams on the weekend of Saturday, 2 and Sunday, 3 November for students from all across the region. We are grateful to the Australian Music Examinations Board for their support in bringing a Rockschool examiner to Toowoomba for the very first time. We hope that this arrangement can continue on a yearly basis to provide our budding rockstars an exam opportunity in Toowoomba.

Battle of the BandsAt the time of writing this article the Battle of the Bands had not yet occurred, but it is hoped that all the rock bands greatly enjoyed their performance in this competition. We were thrilled to welcome the Glennie Jazz Band to perform alongside the TGS bands, and we were very grateful to Mountain Tracks Studio for their generous donation of a two-hour recording session for the first-place winner. Thank you to Bandland for sponsoring a 2nd place prize voucher. Special thanks go to

Jonathan Willis, Luke Haase and Rob Sidor for their work with Sound and Lighting for the event. It is hoped that everyone involved enjoyed the night.

End of Year CelebrationsTerm 4 is traditionally a whirlwind of activity for students in the Arts, and this term has been no exception. Not only have there been many School performances and concerts for our soloists, groups and ensembles, many students have completed, or will soon complete, their end of year AMEB or Trinity College Examinations. There are also a number of students and staff who will be performing in community events and concerts. Well done to all students and staff in the Co-curricular Arts Department for their amazing dedication to their love of Music and Drama both at School and in the community.Thank you sincerely to all students, staff and parents for a hectic but incredibly rewarding year in the Co-curricular Arts Department. I represent a very dedicated team of Music and Drama staff who have thoroughly enjoyed working with your sons in 2019. Have a restful break with friends and family, and I look forward to another exciting year in 2020.

Alyson Locke, pictured with AMEB Grade 7 Vocal Performance candidate, Hamish Wells.

Director of Performance

Summer Holiday Camp

Boys & Girls15-17 JAN, 2020

Bookings by 20 DEC

Register at twgs.qld.edu.au

Page 21: Headmaster’s Newsletter - Toowoomba Grammar School · 2019-11-12 · Headmaster’s Newsletter Tuesday, 12 November 2019 Headmaster Careers Adviser Library School Counsellor


Head of Senior School

Deputy Headmaster

Head of Junior School

Director of Studies

Director of Sport & Activities

Director of Performance


Careers Adviser


School Counsellor

TGS Boarder Parents’ Support Group

School Notices

Uniform Shop

From the Drama DepartmentIt has been a busy time of year for the Drama Department, with all TiGAA troupes performing their end of year shows over the last few weeks.

On 31 October it was the debut of our Intermediate TiGAA group at the Armitage Centre, Empire Theatre, as they performed their own 30-minute adaption of Macbeth titled “Macbeth Reimagined”. The quirky recap was a regurgitated, fast-paced and highly comic rendition of the Shakespearean classic with some contemporary highlights. The comic-drama was the opening to our TiGAA Senior group, in association with students from St Ursula’s College and The Glennie School, who performed “Who’s the Man”, a scripted piece of work from one of our very own Old Boys, Christopher Thomson. The play saw the joining together of many short scenes focussing on masculinity in the 21st century, interwoven and re-morphed through the retelling of familiar, classic fairy-tales. The opening scene, for example, saw us introduced to Snow White, sleeping soundly and ready to be awoken by true love’s kiss. But why a kiss? Surely first aid and a dose of adrenaline are all that may be needed to wake this woman from her slumber? The play aimed to challenge the stereotypes and stock characters we know so well, twisting them into contemporary narratives that align perfectly with how we view our society today. Both Intermediate and Senior TiGAA were met with applause and standing ovations, with many audience members claiming that TiGAA “…just keeps getting better and better”.

Soon after, on Monday 4 November, the Junior TiGAA troupe performed the three mini plays “Bungle in the Jungle”, “The Dane” and “Rinse the Blood off my Toga” to a live audience in the JWP Henderson Art and Drama Centre at TGS. All three pieces were highly comical, focussing on melodramatic characters, slapstick comedy and witty dialogue.

All boys (and girls) from these three groups be should extremely proud of their talents and efforts that have been showcased over the last week.

Natalie OttoDirector of Performance

Director of Performance

Senior TiGAA performing in ‘Who’s The Man...’

The Snow White scene from ‘Who’s The Man...’

Summer Holiday Camp

Boys & Girls15-17 JAN, 2020

Bookings by 20 DEC

Register at twgs.qld.edu.au

Page 22: Headmaster’s Newsletter - Toowoomba Grammar School · 2019-11-12 · Headmaster’s Newsletter Tuesday, 12 November 2019 Headmaster Careers Adviser Library School Counsellor


Head of Senior School

Deputy Headmaster

Head of Junior School

Director of Studies

Director of Sport & Activities

Director of Performance


Careers Adviser


School Counsellor

TGS Boarder Parents’ Support Group

School Notices

Uniform Shop

Term 4 is always a busy time for the cadets with commitments to the Unit, assignments and pending exams. On the weekend of 19-20 October the Unit held its final bivouac, Exercise Beersheba at Emu Gully Education Centre, Helidon Spa. This is a bivouac that both staff and cadets thoroughly enjoy. Under the command of the Emu Gully Staff the cadets were put through a series of mental and physical challenges all with a different military theme. The cadets were split into two groups combining all age levels and dismantling the rank structure. This gave the cadets an opportunity to improve their interpersonal skills and help each other when challenged with an activity that put them out of their comfort zone. All involved had an amazing weekend.

The following weekend a small number of cadets attended the Battalion Lance Corporal Course, a compulsory course before they can attend Junior Leaders Course next year. The reports back were positive and the knowledge gained helpful for their future leadership roles.

This term’s Home Training has been solely focused on our Annual March Out Parade which was held on Thursday 31 October on Old Boys’ Memorial Oval. The Parade was a great success and the cadets are to be commended for their excellent presentation, dress and bearing on the day. The Reviewing Officer was Colonel Eamon Barton, Commandant of Australian Army Aviation Training Centre (AAvTC) who gave an excellent speech.

On Saturday 2 November we farewelled our senior Year 12 cadets with our Annual Dining Out Night held in the Jacaranda Room. The guest speaker was Major Andy Baker, a long-time parent helper and ex cadet parent. Mr John Anderson, Deputy Headmaster of TGS, Major (AAC) Kym Donoghue, CO 11 Battalion and Dr Linda Evans, Principal of Fairholme College were amongst the guests who attended together with the parents of the Year 12 cadets. We wish our Year 12 cadets the best for their future.

Next was the Tri-Service Parade which was held on Sunday 3 November on Old Boys’ Memorial Oval. Ninety cadets from Army, Navy and Air Force Cadet Units participated. The Reviewing Officer was Major (AAC) Kym Donoghue, Commanding Officer 11 Battalion Australian Army Cadets. This is always a spectacular sight with a sea of green, white and blue on the oval.

Training will now focus on those cadets going on leadership courses in December. In the office we start programming for next year, together with preparing paperwork for all the activities together with a stocktake. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all staff and volunteers for their support this year. Without their help the Unit could not function but more importantly we publicly wish to thank Headmaster Mr Peter Hauser, the Patron of the Unit, for his support this year.

We wish everyone a safe holiday and a Merry Christmas and look forward to seeing you all back next year.

Lauren TrevisaniCadet Unit Administrator

From the CadetsCadets

TGS Army Cadet Unit on parade during March Out

Year 12 Cadets after the Kokoda Challenge at Emu Gully. CUO Harry Rogan, CDTCPL Fergus Beeton, CUO Alannah Munn and CUO Thomas Wallis

Summer Holiday Camp

Boys & Girls15-17 JAN, 2020

Bookings by 20 DEC

Register at twgs.qld.edu.au

Page 23: Headmaster’s Newsletter - Toowoomba Grammar School · 2019-11-12 · Headmaster’s Newsletter Tuesday, 12 November 2019 Headmaster Careers Adviser Library School Counsellor


Head of Senior School

Deputy Headmaster

Head of Junior School

Director of Studies

Director of Sport & Activities

Director of Performance


Careers Adviser


School Counsellor

TGS Boarder Parents’ Support Group

School Notices

Uniform Shop

Careers Adviser

Careers – Key DatesYou can view all upcoming events on our School Careers Website under “Important Information” and you can elect to have some, or all, calendar reminders emailed to you weekly. This information has been gathered from a range of sources including publicly available websites, and institutional and organisational newsletters. Every effort has been made to ensure the information provided is accurate and up to date. http://www.twgscareers.com/?page=calendar-of-events

Year 9 – Work Experience for 2020All Year 10 boys in 2020 are required to undertake work experience during Activities Week at the end of Term One—Monday 30 March to Thursday 2 April. Our Work Experience Program is aimed at providing the boys with an improved understanding of the world of work, increased self-awareness, improved self-confidence and workplace experience.

All Year 9 boys have been provided with a Work Experience Handbook during pastoral care last week. Mrs Nottle and Mrs Rathie have also met with Year 9 boarders during evening sessions to discuss this upcoming activity in further detail. Parents of Year 9 boys will receive an email from me at the end of this term giving further information about the program and the process for completing the online placement form.

Year 12It has been a great pleasure working with Year 12 this year and I wish them every success. Please feel free to send me updates and feedback on their post school lives as this information is a great way for me to stay current and effectively guide the younger boys; and also because I love to hear what they are up to.

My email address is [email protected]. I will be available from Monday 16 December to assist any Year 12 boys needing assistance with their applications for tertiary study. Initial contact should be made via email.

Checklist for Year 12 students applying for Tertiary Study

• I have checked my learning account on the Student Connect website. • I have up-to-date contact information registered with QTAC and

other tertiary admission centres (not using my school email address).• If I think I might be on holidays and not able to access the QTAC

website when offers come out, I have authorised a responsible adult to be able to access my application.

• I meet the pre-requisites for the courses I have listed.• Courses are listed in order of offer-rounds, with December offer

courses listed first. • I have at least two preferences which I know are “safe” for entry, given

my rank/OP prediction.• If there are application requirements, such as organisation of a folio, I

have followed all procedures by due dates given in the QTAC guide. • If I have applied for special consideration via EAS, I am aware of all the

supporting documentation needed and will submit by 13 December. • I will submit outstanding documents such as a personal statement

for Education courses or documents for the UQ Rural Access Scheme (for selected health courses) by 13 December.

• I have applied to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) for a tax file number as I need this to enrol with my tertiary institution. https://www.ato.gov.au/Forms/TFN---application-for-individuals/

From the Careers Advisers

Summer Holiday Camp

Boys & Girls15-17 JAN, 2020

Bookings by 20 DEC

Register at twgs.qld.edu.au

Page 24: Headmaster’s Newsletter - Toowoomba Grammar School · 2019-11-12 · Headmaster’s Newsletter Tuesday, 12 November 2019 Headmaster Careers Adviser Library School Counsellor


Head of Senior School

Deputy Headmaster

Head of Junior School

Director of Studies

Director of Sport & Activities

Director of Performance


Careers Adviser


School Counsellor

TGS Boarder Parents’ Support Group

School Notices

Uniform Shop

Careers Adviser

Key Dates for Year 12Queensland Year 12 results and OPs are available online at QCAA’s Student Connect website on 14 December 2019. Once they have their OP, the boys should check their QTAC preferences and make changes if necessary.

QTAC Key dateshttps://www.qtac.edu.au/key-dates-fees

Universities may make offers prior to 16 January. For this reason, the boys should be checking their personal email accounts regularly from the time their OP’s are released. Typically, they will have four days to respond to their offer.

UAC Key dateshttps://www.uac.edu.au/key-dates

VTAC Key dateshttp://www.vtac.edu.au/dates.html

SATAC Key dateshttp://www.satac.edu.au/undergraduate-clarify-key-dates-2019

UQ OP Results Advice NightCoinciding with the release of OP results, this event is an opportunity for Year 12 students to gain valuable advice on how they can study their desired program at UQ and QUT. School leavers can speak to staff about entry requirements and pathways, attend a seminar in their desired study area and take a tour of the campus.

Time: Sunday 15 December 2019, 10:00am – 1:00pm

Location: Great Court Marquee, St Lucia campus

Find out more: https://future-students.uq.edu.au/op-results-advice

QUT Real decisionsReal Decisions is an opportunity for you to talk face-to-face with QUT academic and admissions staff about study choices after you know your OP.

Time: Tuesday 17 December 2019, 9:00am – 1:00pm

QUT Location: P Block, Gardens Point campus

Find out more: https://www.qut.edu.au/study/events/real-decisions

Griffith University Explore your optionsOpportunity to chat online, by phone or in personFind out more: https://www.griffith.edu.au/options

USQ | QTAC Change of Preference Webinar

Time: Sunday 15 December 2019, 10:00am - 11:00am


Find out more: https://www.usq.edu.au/events/2019/10/virtual-events/virtual-open-evening-december

Next StepNext Step is a statewide post-school destination survey of all students who complete Year 12 in Queensland. Insights gained from Next Step assist schools to review and plan their services for students, and school system personnel to evaluate education policies as they affect the transition from school to further study and employment. This year’s students will be invited to complete the Next Step survey in March 2020.

Further information about Next Step is available at www.qld.gov.au/nextstep

Stacy NottleCareers Adviser

TGS Old Boy, Iam Dumigan takes Year 7 students on an historic tour of the School. This is first floor balcony of School House.

Summer Holiday Camp

Boys & Girls15-17 JAN, 2020

Bookings by 20 DEC

Register at twgs.qld.edu.au

Page 25: Headmaster’s Newsletter - Toowoomba Grammar School · 2019-11-12 · Headmaster’s Newsletter Tuesday, 12 November 2019 Headmaster Careers Adviser Library School Counsellor


Head of Senior School

Deputy Headmaster

Head of Junior School

Director of Studies

Director of Sport & Activities

Director of Performance


Careers Adviser


School Counsellor

TGS Boarder Parents’ Support Group

School Notices

Uniform ShopIntroducing the new Head of Library and Information Services, Mr Daniel CrookIt is with great excitement that I have come to join the School in the role of Head of Library and Information Services. I look forward to continuing to build upon the foundations Mrs Derouet has built over the past four years, and working alongside the amazing team who work in the library to provide a space that goes above and beyond in helping our boys discover a love of reading and the skills to become lifelong learners.

I have come to Toowoomba by way of Adelaide, New Zealand, Brisbane and the UK; each school and experience has given me inspiration and skills that I look forward to sharing with the library. I am a creative librarian, and enjoy creating learning programs and spaces that encourage exploration of academic ideas in an environment where inquiries can take participants to new and exciting knowledge, fulfilling the educational criteria while also fulfilling the students’ desire to expand their individual knowledge and interests.

I have a great love of the potential for learning embedded within our access to digital technologies and can see the future potential for the library to be involved in programs that incorporate technologies like robotics, coding, Lego and maker/breaker spaces. These are all exciting and readily accessible avenues for the students to engage with IT and STEM in a supported learning environment.

I am excited to play a part in supporting the creation of a learning environment that caters to our students, and journeying with the boys as they grow as readers and lifelong learners.

Farewell to Liz DerouetThe staff and students would like wish Mrs Liz Derouet all the best for the future. Mrs Derouet was Head of Library and Information Services at Toowoomba Grammar School for four years and in a fitting farewell, she was named Queensland School Library Association’s Teacher-Librarian of the Year at the end of Term 3.

We wish Mrs Derouet all the best for the future as she takes up a position as a lecturer in Teacher-Librarian Studies at Charles Sturt University.

From the LibraryLibrary Library Staff, back - Ann Peacock, Dan Crook, front - Lynette Garsden and Andrew Wilson

Liz Derouet with her Teacher-Librarian of the Year Award

Summer Holiday Camp

Boys & Girls15-17 JAN, 2020

Bookings by 20 DEC

Register at twgs.qld.edu.au

Page 26: Headmaster’s Newsletter - Toowoomba Grammar School · 2019-11-12 · Headmaster’s Newsletter Tuesday, 12 November 2019 Headmaster Careers Adviser Library School Counsellor


Head of Senior School

Deputy Headmaster

Head of Junior School

Director of Studies

Director of Sport & Activities

Director of Performance


Careers Adviser


School Counsellor

TGS Boarder Parents’ Support Group

School Notices

Uniform Shop

School Counsellor

Something to Consider: Young People and Alcohol UseThis time last year I was prompted to direct my newsletter towards some concerns for TGS students and their use of alcohol. As we head into the festive season, I again feel it is important to raise some considerations regarding our boys and their consumption of alcohol. Whilst I won’t speak in detail regarding the impacts of alcohol on developing brains and bodies, I will refer you to my previous article on the topic from November 2018 for further details. What I would like to speak to is the ongoing influence alcohol has on our students and suggest something to consider as parents.

Adolescence is a time for individuating and solidifying our place in the world. During this time there is a natural drive for many young people to engage in increased risk-taking and sensation-seeking behaviours. These behaviours, and their experiences, are significant and can play an important role in shaping and preparing the brain for adulthood. Often, there is a natural pull towards searching for novelty and excitement which can be expressed in many ways, including experimentation with alcohol. That being said, not all young people will experiment with alcohol during their adolescence. However, with drinking being such

a strong part of Australia’s culture, some young people may seek out access to alcohol as a badge of adulthood.

So why as a School should we have a focus on alcohol? Apart from the impact alcohol has on the brain, alcohol is the most common drug (legal for those over 18 years old) in Australia and is the most commonly used drug across the age cohort. As such, schools have an important role in educating young people about the impacts of use. The current evidence also tells us that alcohol contributes to all the leading causes of death for young people. This includes suicide, land transport accidents, accidental poisoning, and assault (source: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare).

From the School Counsellor

Year 12 students learn about the impact of alcohol through the PARTY Program

Year 12 students are shown how alcohol affects mobility

Summer Holiday Camp

Boys & Girls15-17 JAN, 2020

Bookings by 20 DEC

Register at twgs.qld.edu.au

Page 27: Headmaster’s Newsletter - Toowoomba Grammar School · 2019-11-12 · Headmaster’s Newsletter Tuesday, 12 November 2019 Headmaster Careers Adviser Library School Counsellor


Head of Senior School

Deputy Headmaster

Head of Junior School

Director of Studies

Director of Sport & Activities

Director of Performance


Careers Adviser


School Counsellor

TGS Boarder Parents’ Support Group

School Notices

Uniform Shop

School Counsellor

Year 12 students practise first-aid during the PARTY Program

With alcohol consumption being such a huge part of our Australian culture, it can be difficult to know where to start in educating your son about alcohol use. We cannot begin to consider education for young people without acknowledging the social and peer pressure that can coincide with decision-making around alcohol consumption. Whilst schools play an important role in the education around alcohol, schools do not operate in a vacuum and we cannot begin to consider educating our boys without acknowledging our own role as adults in influencing the behaviour of students.

Parents and other important adults, including teachers and coaches, play a significant role in shaping beliefs and attitudes about alcohol. As adults we have an opportunity to educate young people through appropriate role-modelling of alcohol-related behaviours. Observing and hearing about adults engaging socially without alcohol; demonstrating that adults can refuse a drink and still have fun; and not having alcohol as the central focus of all gatherings can positively shape a young person’s understanding of the role alcohol may, or may not, play in their life.

In an effort to keep my article brief, I would like to encourage you to consider your role in supporting your son as he navigates his interactions with alcohol. As always, I am happy to provide further information or advice to anyone who might find this helpful.

As we head into a busy and exciting time of the year, I wish all the students and families of TGS a happy, healthy and safe holiday period. I look forward to working alongside you all in 2020.

Jennifer Johnson-SaulSchool [email protected]

Summer Holiday Camp

Boys & Girls15-17 JAN, 2020

Bookings by 20 DEC

Register at twgs.qld.edu.au

Page 28: Headmaster’s Newsletter - Toowoomba Grammar School · 2019-11-12 · Headmaster’s Newsletter Tuesday, 12 November 2019 Headmaster Careers Adviser Library School Counsellor


Head of Senior School

Deputy Headmaster

Head of Junior School

Director of Studies

Director of Sport & Activities

Director of Performance


Careers Adviser


School Counsellor

TGS Boarder Parents’ Support Group

School Notices

Uniform Shop

The last leg of the journey!Hello Boarder Parents, As I write the last newsletter article for the year I sit here and wonder where the year has gone. With this being the final week for our graduating Year 12s I wish them all the very best for the future. I hope you take many happy memories from your time at TGS and that you are successful, happy and stay safe as you embark on your new adventures in the next chapter of your lives. To those families finishing at the School this year, we thank you for your support and hope that you will remember your years here fondly.

To all our Boarders returning next year, make the most of your last couple of weeks at school. Enjoy the holidays - I know I am looking forward to having my children home!

Was it wrong of me, when I dropped my son off at the start of Term 4 to know exactly how many days it was until the holidays? Is that making time go way too quickly or a Mother just wishing to have her son home as soon as possible? It was 52 days by the way and when reading this newsletter, it will only be 17 days. I’m sure there will be moments over the holidays I will be uncertain if I will survive the Tiktok craze, struggle to keep up in the kitchen feeding the troops and be constantly reminded of Shrek’s “Are we there yet?” moment in his trip to the Kingdom of Far Far Away with donkey when the constant noise making all becomes too much. But on the whole everything just seems to be ‘normal’ when the kids are home on holidays and I love it.

On behalf of the BPSG I would like to express their thanks to all those who have worked so hard to ensure our boys are as happy and well educated as they can possibly be. There are too many to name however, please know that the boarding group appreciates the hard work and dedication by all within the Toowoomba Grammar School community.

If you have any queries or suggestions in regards to boarding please don’t hesitate to contact me at any time via phone 0438 489 170 or email [email protected]

Finally, I would like to extend to you all a very Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and hope you enjoy the holiday break with your families. I sincerely hope some summer storms come your way and deliver some rain. I look forward to seeing you back in 2020!

Kind regards,Kym WrightPresident, Boarder Parents’ Support Group

TGS Boarder Parents’ Support GroupTGS Boarder Parents’ Support Group

Special bonds are forged by boarders

Where our boarders come from

Summer Holiday Camp

Boys & Girls15-17 JAN, 2020

Bookings by 20 DEC

Register at twgs.qld.edu.au

Page 29: Headmaster’s Newsletter - Toowoomba Grammar School · 2019-11-12 · Headmaster’s Newsletter Tuesday, 12 November 2019 Headmaster Careers Adviser Library School Counsellor


Head of Senior School

Deputy Headmaster

Head of Junior School

Director of Studies

Director of Sport & Activities

Director of Performance


Careers Adviser


School Counsellor

TGS Boarder Parents’ Support Group

School Notices

Uniform Shop

Attention – Year 12 ParentsThe Seniors will complete their official time at the School with a final Assembly on Friday, 15 November. This is held in the Assembly Hall at 9:00am and all Year 12 parents have been invited to attend this final Assembly. Year 12 will then host their 2019 Senior Formal at Rumours International, Toowoomba, on Saturday, 16 November. All Seniors are encouraged to attend this special occasion to celebrate their final year at the School. The evening commences at 7:00pm and continues until midnight. Invitations have been extended to parents if their son has advised he will be attending the Formal.

Congratulations to our School’s Careers Adviser, Stacy Nottle, on publishing her first book. ‘After the Flood’ is a contemporary Australian drama about an unlikely friendship between a small, grieving boy and a lonely teenage girl. When the storm breaks at Moonbroch Station, in Western Queensland, both their lives are changed in ways more profound than they could ever have imagined. ‘After the Flood’ explores loyalty and the tensions and complexities of abiding relationships. A gripping portrayal of how we cope with trauma, ‘After the Flood’ is as uplifting as it is thought-provoking. ‘After the Flood’ is published by Black Phoenix Publishing Collective in 2019. http://www.blackphoenixpublishing.com

School Notices

The Headmaster and the President of the Toowoomba Grammar School Parents and Friends’ Association

request the pleasure of your company for


Pavilion, Toowoomba Grammar Schoolon

Wednesday, 27 November 2019from

5:30pm to 7:30pm



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From the awe-inspiring to the gut-wrenching, these are the destinations that shaped the

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Zagreb, Sarajevo, Budapest, Krakow, Berlin, Nuremberg and MunichFor more information see Mr. Smiddy or Mr. Michael.

School Notices

Summer Holiday Camp

Boys & Girls15-17 JAN, 2020

Bookings by 20 DEC

Register at twgs.qld.edu.au

Page 30: Headmaster’s Newsletter - Toowoomba Grammar School · 2019-11-12 · Headmaster’s Newsletter Tuesday, 12 November 2019 Headmaster Careers Adviser Library School Counsellor


Head of Senior School

Deputy Headmaster

Head of Junior School

Director of Studies

Director of Sport & Activities

Director of Performance


Careers Adviser


School Counsellor

TGS Boarder Parents’ Support Group

School Notices

Uniform Shop

Uniform Shop

We suggest you shop early to avoid the January rush if possible. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions.

Name tapes are available from the Uniform Shop. These can be sent direct to you once they are ordered.

We accept second hand clothes all year round. The best time for selling is over the back to school period.

To have the clothes processed for sale the ideal time to bring them in is from October to December.

Please remember to bring your own bags.


Booklist supplies can be purchased through Browns Office Choice. Booklists will be available on their website www.brownsstationery.com.au. Order by 13 December 2019. Please ensure your online order has been accepted by receiving an order confirmation and that you have your son’s correct year level for 2020.

If you choose to collect the book packs from the school they will be available from Monday, 13 January 2020 9:00am – 5:00pm from the Uniform Shop.

We will be looking for some helpers in the New Year. If you have some spare time and would like to volunteer please let us know.

RegardsColleen & KirstenPhone: 07 4687 2528Email: [email protected]

Uniform Shop End of Year Dates for the Uniform ShopNormal term hours until Monday, 11 November 2019

Tuesday, 12 November to Friday, 6 December 2019 10:00am - 5:00pm

In the New Year, 2020Wednesday, 8 January until Friday, 24 January 2020

9:00am – 5:00pm


Tuesday, 28 January 2020 (Interview Day/Boarders return)

8:00am – 5:00pm

Wednesday, 29 January 2020 Classes begin

8:00am – 5:00pm

Thursday, 30 January 2020 Normal term times 1:00pm – 5:00pm

BOOK COLLECTION Booklist orders are available for collection from the school Monday, 13 January 2020. Please check with the Uniform Shop for collection point.

Summer Holiday Camp

Boys & Girls15-17 JAN, 2020

Bookings by 20 DEC

Register at twgs.qld.edu.au