HEAL ESTATE. ??ß????ß AT THE EXCHANGE. Beatile» ti·· sale of Mr. Morgan'» hou»e, in Malison Rqnaro, St the Real I state Exchange yesterday, which reported In tho new» oolninns, »nothet Important »ale woo twelve loto »t «Broodwij .'»I'd Eifty-slxMi-et, which »old to William Klatt for S"262,00(\ Th·· «»un property wa» sold ïn«t October tinder (oreeleaure for «>2'-'6,8u0. L J. ? I. Phillip» »old, under order Ot tlie a·Inn :. s-1 ii ·¦. ten lota in Uueliun.lr.il and twelfth -»t., 150 feet en t ot »-nth uve (ol it'll.(»oo. ¡in,? five lot» for 09,H75. to.I. Donovan 0. Teaevck Beokaiaa. tog«taor with .Bohuyler A Oil··, bov» nul·! fur s. 11 «her man to charle· (I, Pub!»·, ¡?? S6-¿,000. Ihe norihwi-st Corner of Ninety-elohth »t aud Tenth sve., lit» feet on the tire lue by ?PO feri on the Street, 8. M. Rlokely ho· »old for O. A. Klooom, No. ltd \Veot Klxtv-iiiuth-»'., a threo »toty , mwnstone, 17X66x100, for fili.ttt»·. !.. J. * I. Phlll.pi hove »old thirteen lut», BSxloo t·»» h, on thuooiith »bo .if Mevontletbrtt, 1*23 feeteait OtNliih aw· Terence Fork-v« »oli», foi 611 0'>0 each, or 11Ä2 000. als«, the northwest corner of Ninth »ve. »nd Eighty- Stitli-*t, oui the Miuthweot corner of Eight* »·¦·. tnih »t., being aparliuetit-houtot, thirty leet front, tor SISO.OOO. There was a uaii »t intnrakera* meeitBgfcrtare·ortear .moll prit aU Inn»«», between .»¡nielli »nd On*.hundred nuil» twenty-tilth »is. »loo for a throe or tour si..ry house Mom Twenty-first lo Furty-eecond e to. end seventh ti» Eighth »ve·., to co·! about 020,000, «ini lo: a earner plot, 60x100, In First or Booeod eve·., betweea ?? rty-foarth aad Fifty-aiau »t·.. not to exceed Í4" ?*)'». Ru»iuo«« property below Maldi-n-lai.o wae offered iui ??,???. »lso a lot la seventy-s·· ontVeE, in»r Madlson-uvc for s'fj.ooo. aud a three story hruwnitoue liouot-, m Wool Tiveuiy-ttrit-ot., lor »21,000. «? BBsTTOSS. Thursday. Fob. 2?, 18S7. The following «ale» were held ol tlie Exouxiigo oml Auction Ruoli. to-ilav: Bu ?. ?. Mulleras.'». 2 lot«. No» ?'.'and ,'.44 W «Unti· »t, · I. ITS- ft e of llthave. ..'.-.vi.s.ti; FBcBaeany. $10,2"0 1 iBtoty h-mse ti Uh lot, s · West dUth-ot, 326 ft e of loiti-ave. lot «t6sB4.li t ? Fere«.···¦¦- ß»·? 1 plot ut l.m! v. , »? Nichol.isave. 170 ft w ol lOlli- ove, lot» i»li*,7..-ixJlxl07.*»xl05.11; (J W tergu- »oQ . ??,(.?? HvL.J.a ?. /'/.?//.,.?. ß lot« » » Vest (ITih-et. 160 II w of «lb-ore. 26x100.8 oaeh V'*·· HO 6 J Douotsn.4'I,ÚV75 1 lot, U · Vicst 112th »t, lot» ft ? of Olli inc. '¿..X 100.1E M Vnleullne. fl MX» 7 lolsailjats.i... each 25\l00.11¡ C Minn». Itti.lX"!» 2 lot. 50 ft nei of above. 26x100.11 cachi .mue buyer....!. 10.900 ??» John F. t. Smt/th. ldlstorv ilw.lllt.ii. with lot. Bo 4!» t Hst5'.lth»t, ? a, «. «.i re, lot 10 BxlOO 6; c ? rotip .... 22.P00 1 ? alcaj Oat, «Itti lot. Be MB Boat 68th si. it, 73 it WOf l«tave. lot 27x100.6; Mr« Elsas». 20,500 By Hichard y.liururli a Co. 1 4 itorv divi Hing aud 0-story »table, with lot. No o7 1 nsl '.'Ulli »t. ? », 100.0 ft nif Ath-av«. lo! ??? 98.!·. ami 1 lo! No il Beat V71 ti st, » ». 100 ft e of AUi-ave. IK» G???.?. »tei. iisi.n. ??,?.??? 1 8 etui}· »lin-lutin, «Uh Int. Bo867 Weal Blattet, s. 400 ft w 0' Mb uve. :,·? in. »ti'* tl ? Corse . ?,??? 1 4-eturv dwelling with lease of lot No 0 We»t r.Otli. et. li s. 22 l fl w of .'»th ave, 2i»x H>(»¡ W II Webb... 'I'J.OOO 1 plot of land on wsv. ?w cor of ó»Sth-»l, Kü.fixOOx 100.1?d»·?71: W'l'ratl. IS 1.000 6 lots ? · ?? Ml MtB »t. 130 ll ft « of Broadway, 20 xloo.l enei»: same buyer. 71.000 1 a-olorv list, with lot. No 204 Esst 7d St. ß s, 110 It ? Ot Sé-ave. lot -.-5x102.2; J ? Riyiiohl«. , 1?.2.-.0 1 similar MiiMlng. with lot. No 900, a.1.1 above, lot '.'.". ? 102,2·. I. St.rn». 10.050 1 S-»!orv dwelling, with lot No 820 Fnat 121»tst, 0 0, ¿(Mitt e of 2.1-Ove, lot 25x100.10; A 1 Mail. Liu Mer. e.'iOO By Seuil a Mi/erg. Sal· of lot No 408 (stilate, olso lot on BaajQTOt, Brooklyn, and Iota Rnffaiid Oarttoa »to, Bdgewatef, «taten Island. was withdrawn. RECORi>Kl»RKA.L MTATI ntWSFIÎIH.N. Y. CTTY The Mlo-v!'util rafii-tv'. SStot· ir.mt lotion· recordedla th· Register'-u ace to-Oar: Terrete store, a s eer ol Braaea st. 51.9xS3.3x50x. M McM ibouond wife J MtolNer. 61.200 SVtlist, · ». ITA ft · of 2il-ave, 25x100.8; Fred bchuuk aud wile t·. Eluobeth Hau.k . 18,650 Stilb si. e ». 160 fi eoi 'Al-ave, 86x100 f. lame to Otto Kooeou uno wile. lS.llAO Tine »t. No A4. 97xns27xOB.6j M E Nile», also J A Bariow .mi! wl!« to D D L .rd . 60.000 ltlvingion «?, ? s, 44.2 ft w ·· Alien »t, 83x76; Chas nettasi sad wife te F KrieaeansBii. 11,750 4th il, » w ». lot No 127, Min.« J Hirringtou to M J Murphv.*. ] Waehtrii/Wiii ai »·. · h. 244 fl 11 of lsotlist. 60x60x60.8 ???.?.? F U Palmer and wife to i rabil. 1,000 17'J«1-»t. 11 ». 1011 ft w of 1 lth-avr. AOxl'l.bi s Rartow toTiii'uiev. «aiatercei. 500 BtoeosBavavo.ee« ut Urovo-01 t.» Waltos-ove, ISOx 20oxl»ii\J"S H Ci Ba.Uliy »??? s iti-lu Mary E Kiug. 88.600 ?ß,???.??. --. l'I > lt»i.l l'cluii.lilis» l'Iaco, ll)s.4x 120.0: I.«« ll<-rtoii to'! ? AH»..ga«t. 1 «Lexington ¡.'.. Nu068. 18.0x80; executors, ite, L ? M Vi.ii Wyek tatO Mee·. 10,000 Villen st. Nu 07, .?.; C ? »udii aud wife to A unie Apiilebauiii. 24,1. 114Di-»!, n ». »2d ft w of Alh-ave. 25x100.11, J S l'os- sett ami «ne toC H hell. 4,750 87th-st,*i· I"·» n ( o! 10ih-ave, 2.'>x!ts.!i. p McCoy to W McCoy . 86,000 SOth-st, » s, ; .'.(> Itoof lltti ave. 2.*,vi>» i», aaint- lo »aine.. ; 211,000 Piue-st. No .··.. 22.10x60.10x82x6*1 4. ? 0 í-?» n toJMi.ui.il . 14.."iiM» 74th st. n », Ici tie of 1st avo, 28x02 8x88.0x07.1; ? Rauiii anil rife t.- J Wi laadanotliei. I COth »t. » s. ?!*"."· tt w of loth av.. 261 IO" i. WUltolB Allüvell p??! «¡le lo J J Mascl-r. 21.bin! 2d-».e. ». ». ;4» 1 II s 11I 42d »t. 24.7x7(»; J Eüinkol ouilwif. to M EaUonborg . 20,600 East iiioo woy.no, loOttoot BeetoetBery-ei 90.6 ?»',.»; I \. J \'. A L .1111! 1 C, McMuiiu« to J ? McMiini- 46iDtereot . 1 13th ?, No ? West, Jii.t'.vlo.; lili".'!. .. Joliu A Mu- Mir.-i« ei .r. te E BeMaaao, 4-6 totereat, 1 Van Ne»t 1 .1«, ?.. :;;. 2c?·.·;.. E B( Mauu» ctal to E l Mclnuiis I·:, Inter, st . 1 Olli »t, U ». 2 is .loft e of tittü.v». 22.2x02.8; Ed Me- Manns etal toa ?. ?? ? sou«. 1 5 iiitirest. 1 2Ut-si. 11 s. 616 fi s e of 4thive. 2t;·!»» ?». U C Coep. r toc W Cooper . . 1 lltb-st. Bo 6*4, 25x04.0; E Jacobs and wife to Joliu Fuchs. 21,3»iO Molilo- .-t. - 196 6 fi w of Jackson »t. 26.1x87.0x28 X88.4; !" '»n leldonk tu J C Hal. ... 0,600 8ath-st, » ». 125 ft e of 2·?··??·. 90x100 ?; rrod schnck .nú wilt toj fireile and wife . 17,i«si 89tti ß!, ß ». .0" it u o! 2d ave, -{SxlOO.Hj »ame ^.lohn Kuhle ??.d?? 61th st. u «; 22S ft e of r.th-ave, 2al0xl0Q,6¡ Max .'¦ a- thon .iii·' wlf. to Jo» Ounl.l ?.:· ... 49,000 Christoph··! m. n ». loi No 18 .m. Ward). 22tiii.:i. I. F Retil lu M P.eo-I and siiollicr._ 1 Heuryit. » s. iot Nu 2(M7tli Ward). 23x108; Win J Tin iti.; s ?. .id «¦:!·¦ Fisher I/ewliie. 12,250 2d-»vc. n W M »! 127tl» »1. 2".?1?»0: E H D Shaw and wife t.. M ill' s, Wiit!nT»i.i».ii. 1'<,5?>0 ílthore, ? cor of !»7tli»t, 25..'.?10(·; L Roch and wile to J Mat well. 10,00»! 127th »U ? s. 855 It w of 2»1-ore, 45x9!».l 1; Kalpb D ? Brown t>. A >sbow. 11.500 Borne propel tv; E S D Shaw end wife to Ralph D? Brown . . 11.600 77th st. s s. 2 0 fl w of 2d ave, 60x102.2- J Weil and ? Muter ,??? wives t<i ? Kaucii . 45,000 ÇOtli »t. n s. -00 ft » of 10th ave. 96x100 Il ».iig- geriheliiiei .il-o S Marx, ami «¡u s to M (Jault 1 BSStSC »t. Ni. »il 25X 10. eiecutora. etc, of Nell Ml)· Colgati t.. ? Cohen. ? .000 |th «re, e ·. 7.'. ft ? of 101»t »t. 2" 111!«: E Daly to Marlon ¡ite. ."»"lot No H:i (2lth Word), &.6xlS7xM xl84; F Hitslatn to W M' 'dahoii . W»0 88th.»t, ? e ». 147 ft ? w of Av. a. Ji.xIOO.ö; A V Da¬ vidson. Bbertf*. toC Rick.rsun et ni. 900 I-eoxl-et. Nu vis. ?.?168.10??a8?82.10?77.6??.8? J D Eldredge and wile to ( H-rrnan. 87,000 Vital tSstüic ATTENTION ir called to tlioee alconal íiret- rlssa l.iuies, Noo. 4, b ?. ? ? ? a t tl »L A ip.j ou pi quii·«» loo «ruer«, ?. ?. A N. A. WILulAMà. 1JM.F.GAST HOÜStö, tully deooratcd. freH- J ?.«·.· ?. :.i,g», inlaid floor», ass fixture«, electric bell·; 819.000 lu -..; OOa Weil u7lh al.. bti.r cuiiia; Paik. I G???-S'iOKY und baaaannt lionne of first- . class ouiiruitiuB thruuiibout, 01 to b7 Welt l'7lh st., Hear Central Park . unce», »22.0 er ..ml 623.000. JhuíUii un Vrwuassta. li. 1 ROMAIN E. Jr., owner, 20 Nassau »l. _ VALUAHLfc: ???G???? POM HALE, 09 feel ?.·, ...?··, by J. F. li »sii vtlu. a|(eiit, 111 liuwiua)·, or owuer, on tlie »remise*. A2S WaaraurtoB-ai This prop erty half block from Hudson Kiver. and one nlmkanove tonal at Is ,i.|uii:.,i.ly «ulted for maniitacturluc and »toruge. It la tbreo »lorie«, briok, with hlrh noaeiueiil. Semi lu either oOdrooa lor lull descriptive cm ular. Pusintoo proptnrlQ «for Sale ap? <£o lei ALAHiiK CORNER STOKK, basemont and lub-ccllar, William it.. to let BU LAB D 1 » II? INO. 6 Beeknion-it. BÒULLL 15UIL0IN0, 115 BROADWAY, ? wo very Oeoiiablo «uite» uf uutaiilo of!ic»·» to let from Marl WILLIAM A. WHITE A SONS. _ _ llooui 110._ ÖFTS TO LET..Thrñ. largo corni-r Itifts, J 44112-. K.iivei.icutljr situated on C'ausi·!., near Bioad- Way.alto »mailer uea. T. J. MCCORMICE, 24s ('aual si. K08E and VANDE WATER SI'S., a^otning Bridgi. -Loll» with «lesili heat, »team vowi-rond eh.vo- toro._MACLA ? ? DAVlEtS, ll»7 l'.niadway.^ rPO LET..In L'4."i l.niadwuy, fiontiiiir City X Hun Park, two orneo· a.ij·· siu säet sshori rent 6500 a year from Ma) 1; elersta.i ami nil improvement· in tlie Dili! ???.?. Apply to OKOKOl. Ml.Nllb, 17 27 Vallile- Water «t._ IX/ AVERLÌ* BUILDING, southwest «irner V V Bmailway aud 4tl..L l.iuhl loom», with »team heat Otid ? levatoi. MACLVV <& DA V i K-s, mi ilei,use». 6>(|7 uiul 200 H A · LK-S G."," between HeèìT- s»V I lu.tn aud 1 nltoi» st«.. two 5 story bulldlilK* tu leale, lie LAND A WiUTINO. 5 Beekmah at. ? Äuition Salce of Real (Salite. ICHAIiT) V. HARNETT eY CO« ADC- T10NEER& Will »ell ot onction W ? ONE »DA Y. March 2. AT KEAi. EHTATE l.X lIANi'E. W LIB RTY-ST. 22 L'niveisity Ploce, thi.e-simy bru k buildlug. Kioculoi·' fso e. 66 Ili···. i,. ? s!. May. ol Au· l.um ? « 7.. Liberty. CitQ l)roperili do tei NO. 1 WEST SOTH-ST.-Tliitidesinihleand Cl.li.ll.i.i' oli- le ,ilei, e. ,1 ..!¦:,!. with ».·.· WltllloW» gild eilei.s ..o, to lei uufut nlsho.1 for o turro of two tu Avo yoare. Aoply or odJr··· Room 60. 79 edai »L, 2 until 4 o'clock. ? AaJaÒUaJNT of ?*ß???t?? May I. ina Proti· doni ì-»viuk« Life A.suiance »society delire to rent Ilio nicioiia .ti., ? uiiw ?? m·.»·! lit ¡he society un the Unni floor Of ¡? Bryoul Building, corner of I.lhertr and Noo.au ato. Apply te_WM. ?. BIEV'ENM. (««.¡.eliiry, TWO MAGNIFICENT liOUSta TO LET X ou 6th ovo..One n> or 67th M. ami one near 1.2.1 »i. E A. CHL'IEsliANE A CO., 17U Broadway. «Titrj {Jronenn for ßale. EXAMINE THE ORtlUP OF HOUSES at West End are. iod 7-tlh»t.: only threo uuoold ; price· porto rale. 1 me OuaranUo cuoiuouy policy. _ \0.10 EAST 50G?-8G..Nearly new ; beuu- .kv tlful, uiedlum i-xod bouoo for «ale cheap also, 20 Woot 6Sd-aa H vt est 66.1-ot.. 1 East and 10 ond 2H Weil .'.7th »t-, 6. 7 and ß SUot b7Ui ou. It East SUti.-st 17 Eoal 72-d at.. 114 and 40 Boot fStlsL. 83 Kost 7'.lb -t 14 East 7Hth »t ; alsusu fia evo. W. P. bEVMOUR. 171 Broadway. T . gag Prorerig CÜanieö. ANTED..Down-town ryropertr for enob ee/era, RULAWD A WHITIÍ/u. 6 Beekman.»t ff t jtajjttj Proncrtfl /or Bai* anb «gg tel AGENCY FOR M0NTC*LAIR nnd ricini.y. linn«»» tc let, Bargain· In dwellitig·, bol'iMt,«. ettesaad farms, ? LARI Ni ? a. ? ÜB BU, b Beekftiaa-eU, ????? 7t, AGRK AT IU ROA I N.-Farm 42 acres near Vlemlngton, N. J.i good truck land: barn, oarriage and omr-hotise. Act plenty nf different kind· of fruiti 4 cowa, ß borica. tannin* liiiplinueute, An. All for «G?,???. A. ti. IloPIi, l'Jl Liberty st. _ ? LL C()UÑ"ñtY~I^OPERTY"nur sponnltr · XV I'.'imilii» In c,,!!.,··», residence», fumi» BVBIf ?????? culalo^ue free, no «·1?»G»·ß for Gß?!»'ß???». imi ti.l.ii's ? WEI i.·», TrTbens Bnilding. A RETTER CHANCE than offen occurs is I\ ofTered t<i »n aiiproved tenant, in a |»i|<nlsr findcUs» buanllug li'.'iae finely lo· »teil, to rent f. >r n.i inaueut BBBUBa· lien. Addire* " W.r' Hoi 60, Mont. lair. S.J._ "L'ARM FÖS BALE..Two ntilea from LUnga· G ton l.'lsier County. N. V.; 31 »cíes, bimse with | r.»>i"s, att'c Hin! cemented cellar b ·G?. fin« »hade tieea, good or¬ chard. Apply to w. ? « BLT1NO, 48n Hudson si ?. Y. (OR SALE..At Croton-on-Hiiiison. ? lot nf ? acr··». Im »ted on tin» bauk» of the Ilnd»on Riverì ha« j.·,., <1 wooden bouse ant! burn: house lia» 11 rooms and is sur- rounded ?·? » broad platea; tern» liberal. Address KlnlAliU Cl.ARKK. Tnl'iiiii· <o'"·. Nm-1 er». ___ IIÓTEL TO LEASE or F«.r Bale, at Lynns 1 Conn., n. »r tin· »oui.d accoiiiino !»le» almul HO pne«t» 10a· re» grnuud. garden, »tallies. Ac. atlracllve 1er »Bramer nsott. Apply to A MAMA It. \ N'OBLI* !íO Xaaaafl «t., ?. Y. tTÁRRISON-fiT., ORANGE, X. J.-FoTOule, I I ltnti.1-i.iiie resa!, nee of Mi. l-.ilw. Window every con- vc'iieiice^, ji.'if. a ? or'··· CIlj .ti ?. bum. cosirplete syalera Warum-drama·.'·· i.ioiinds. »Vont toar acres caparti· of sub¬ division); beautlfnllj ahadatl Large stalling imoiimiuda· lions greeiiliou».·. l'luto«! apb »in! particular» of ? ii ward p, n am ? ..m.? <t cu..'.»; Broadway, .t. ? ii ari.rs MACHA ?. M3 ora-ave. rrf mises can be luspectedon spultest ion to gardener. \|oN Kl. A IK, N.J.. ami V¡craitr.--R©ridene« i" I tirai.·· tus, every variety; l>eat locaUoBBt aero· bargalMi s.i!e and rent. HOW ? A PA RHO MO. 70 Codai st. New-York. ORANGE COUNTY FARM FOR SALE.. One of the best m the county, eeeatatlaa ol 180 aere· la Meli »lute of ? ulti«, nilón con«, cnleiitiv situ»!· d OB main Ito» of Pile Railway: well watered m·« bim«« »ml mu lumi, with Stabllag for tortv bead of calf le alni »turan«' for all ? rope. Price low und term» libeial. Address l!l \ Nili \l;|i. GAY £ I'll IT l'S, Tribune Hull.ling fill, (loon, Haw.York. SUMMIT, N. .l.-Ri-al l.sl:it·· iSponaìty· lur- lilclnd ant! uii'uni'il.i'i! lion«·-» In lei ????????? "G year. K. U. I'i'TI ?!, e; |...site station. Coualrn Dropcrtrt CCiintcb. WAXIKD ??? ???? ?G,????... Ilv^ìiÙTl privat· family, fiirnislied lii.nse eofltatulág ? or ? room»: with shade irec» no! far from depot- Kind <1. «cup Ilo· BB I pnce. ?? ItAWI.K, BO Liberty st. W'AXTF.D TO RKNT.-A liotc-1 ~Hiiit:i1>li* fur ? um luv u- ?!. If allupici! to vearlr biisl'u»»* no objection. Adttrcee <". Ilei'Ji'Irniiiiic (.«?·.·. Vila terms. Bourb ap? ïïoomt. East Side. A SQUARE Room, newly furniahetl, 110 Ka»t V7lli«t. near I.eiiiiKtoli uve.; «yiillcineii only, referenoe: aleo a hall room._ ????μ??-???., NEAR 40TH-8T..Spa¬ ivi « ion» parlor Boor Urree roo-i.s : private iiath and uiilei moderate price; be«l i.fu.i...-. At KVKBETT iniiii. TOBY. 74 Weal Sola at, ·>»>·> LEXINGTON-AVE..In refined French ? j)«w·» Ian; ?. I !c« nice 1.a With or without hoiii .1; advalitai;·' of i ici.e!. ISIBVIaathlM rd« Ieuco» t-xcbaiigt'd. West Sid«. A NEATLY furnit-hc'i 1>:hU parlor , privato bath ; 1.1 iraflciraari oair. tJ4 *Ve*l 31th »t. G?.??.??? APARiWIKSTS FOR BACH- I J ll..!:~. Pilli, .·. cuor l-.'.t «t, In fire proof build- lug of AMI RI' AN BAaTB JitPOhl'l 'iiMl'A.NV. Inaisi it.. .ill. III til·' city. OD FLOOR, hnndnomoly furnUbed ninni.'«, «<w near Windsor Hotel, parlor dlning-raoaa »iinerl o references .->.. balia·-d. ??????.?? ni ???· TORY, 74 We·. Join at. _ CECOND AND THIRD FLOOR, oniteo onrl tO Miiii.·. ne ir '??? ;«··.:·'o'· Hth: eseelleBt hoard Ibt.r n.·» aad tenu» ut BVBKI ? DI BUI lüBV, Ti tVaal ;?,-.??? st. fiato ano (loóme '?? Lei. i lOTEL FA1RFIELD..37 and 3S Orntnercr II G r: »n c'ei ani ».ni.-o' llii.a- ??«?:? s. <-.ii-isiiiiii; of nar¬ ici '1....1II1L· part ..ni: t«. ?..· :.-, MBeetrag. Cuákero ino Droria,. V/ermilve & Co., BANKERS AND BROKERS, Hi AMI 1·*» XAoftAI --T.. m:\v- ì ilKK III«.. Dealers in Invastment Securities, nrv AM» aUX o\ tXMM|«-81tVl mih i-isii on ON «l\IH.I\ 41.1. «-PCI III III.·« UavTBB AT Mr.W· Mill K »TOI R IM II IM. ?. ????-??- Uli PI» BO IM) IN Tl It l>T M I IIW ! O ON Itll.tMK« M iJlilTKI DU \P¡ IT KlIIIIT. P. W. GÂLLAUDET & CO., UliHIIIS, COMMKIlCIAf. l'Vl'r.ll. Si ? ??0 V«.'t> il > 4.11. INI 11.?· ?.??? ?.G 1.111 N I m- vii-1., ? onwnn en »adw it, ?. FITCH, in. M.WVOKK. Mcrnlxr N. V. stock r.trhanvA Pii'ijcnù Polices. u n i: "F hi' m il H i:s I'u tin fourSKI / '. Bl ai. «I. .Mm» ll: It i'l'-'-i SK» ? ?. .it 21, 1*4417, S C0ÜP0N8 »ine Mnreta l. 1887, G??p? ihn ?·.?- lewlaa toada aUl baaaklBai aa4añ»v teat data al thai Offll'l»: ?. i»« nnd Ne»-Otleau» ll. R- la (Sabine MvtaaaUl 1st M.ri. ß ?·· ? em. Muxuaii Iiiiiiii.i'.iiuuil R "'" I st Mort. 0 per eeat ?? M D'I li . HOPKINS. Iii.i.il.r tuna NowrOBl Niwi ??μ Iflsaueirn \'ai:iv ¡ US BBOAll ·?. 'lll.l.s Iti li l'IV' NBW-YUBK. !i bunny '¿A, lain !) COUPONS dne ?.?p?? 1, 1887, from Ul« ?<?- loWliiK I or.!.« will be paid on »u. ¡liter lb» l ilute at ll..» BBBB·! UlUatothto«a. Lexlnittoii an.i Hie s.m.'v R R. ? o lai inouï;»«·.· ß pet Beat bou-.s. ?. ? OATJcU. Treasurer. l.llll.K R.'tK IMi i'l.UI SMI ? m ìtali,war. I pu-:" ,Pel raorr .8. ?·»ß7. ) IN ¡trronliiitcl' with tin* ' nn« ol uu- Bcrip l.nad tlT til« Uttlr iKick BBd F >rt sniiili Hall« t Bond coupon», notioe herehj aivcn ?·?»1 oen tu ile« »sii ri for coupon T Un·· ni ? ? 1?7?, will be paid ai t'.·· ul.ot the company on April 1, is-m". alici «??.? .,.«t<. auaraat on u.u Issue of »· lib »» ??· ·» ·· '' jus ???????-. Tre:i«nrer._ CUII A'.ij AN ? too It A11.in All COUPABT. I ? uu a..... in., Fctowary v. i»«7 1 NOTICE..? quiirlfilv dividend ni IW0 I'fil.I.AllH per »l.src lis» Di's liav n it· lined on 1?.· preferred aad reasraoa aiorj oi thlai oespani, payable on ine FI BUT HAY OF ? ? lt< H m»! IO «to· «lii.libis uf record »I liiecioaeui toalaria· toara oa UmTWBLFI ? ?.????.? ?. The dividen·! ou sl.ai«·» ?··??»?« .1 m .Neu ? ..? k n ili m paid at tlie otticc ut ibe ? nii.l.Hiiv·» apeilla M l.sslts. Jnll N 1?? ON A CO« ?a 62 Wllliaii. »t.. -Ni w Volk, uud <m »baies .»!· ml in « lin »so at Ibe «Iti· ·¦ ni ttie trresniei «f Ibi-ton. jiany. l\ U. !..sii it. 11. usui i-r. omoaorTaa aμßß??aμcoai r<.*tiM.\y, T~ Un. ì Broad wer, ?:..?-?, g. ) NI « VüBB, Feb. 14. ]-*7. S F?? Board of Direetornof the AMFKICAN 1 ? liAI.cuMPANV of AllMBBf <Oiinty. Maryland, liar. Ulla day declared a divtdead ..! '.' pM «·nt Byaa ito eapital Stock ol l!i<coiii|.iiiiy. Payable ul toi» BUBBB M TfeWaflB·/, tini, h 1". 1087. I lie traiisfei book» will toCMNHMOB pebinary 30, »t J o'clock i>. in. aud uo|xmi on tho morning m Marcii 11. iMr7. V\. XML· WAi.llRlHOI,. ____^_______ sci iniary. THK WAiril WOHKS COMrSN, IU SAS am·.nmi, Ikaas. ???? COUPONS DUtUXing Manli 1. 1»N7. ?·?? 1 tlii» bollii« of tin» G????????? t.. paid in .New York at Nalional ( Hy liank. or In S»n Antoaln al Bin .Anioni.? .Nu Uou»l It.iiik. OKI). «?. BBA< Kl.M'.llo.l.. l'i.·.., | I.KNM4K AXIi Itio OBABtrO U'BBTK0a BAILWAT CO.,I NkW-ViiKK, FebliMIV 3t, IHM;. 1 ???? ronjroiio matiiiiiK llareta 1. lHs?, on UltB Company'» First .Morlftser lion ?????? < ci liticai. . «ill la, paid on »nd after ii...' ant· on un »enialiou at ih·· i ui.illi .N'hIioii»1 Hunk, X.s-Vofli. _< II ? Itl.l -. W. I. l'A KP., Tre. sin. Tua Ilutan ??.? nun 11.1.1 minati.su ouia.m ? <>? UBW-YOBA. > orillea 3i llaiwa ¿> μ.? kast. S THE REODLAKOUAKTEiilTìf DIVIDEND of ? wu ??? ???? ??.?? set «f ??.« pro« »of ta· Beat Uli·-·· moulu», will b.· paid at tbe ittico of Ibe Ciinipn, ? BB ami »ftrr Marcb 1. Ixs7. ? be book· for tbe iranstcr of sto<:k will be closed Gß?????? Vf.. ut .; ? lirf-u p. m., auil i.-in.ilii ? les· d until ih» n,ornili·/ of hlurcli 16. HAM7. _J. > ?1.1.?..?, i««xi«tiuiy. onction ònice. MORTGAGE 8ALK..John O. Lvut. Anetten· eer. will »oll Ibi« day at IU, fomnoon, ?a Miti -ni, ht« til« lunature »od llituree ni »uloou. Inclielln» b.Illuni »mi pool tublu. LOI/1H I.K.NRl H 11 KR, Any ??: ????4,»??·. \| INK-LINED CIRCULA ?.S, MINK SIIOUL. ivi HKRcapna, ? rlcea niuiked down. C. »;. 811A V ?? rumer. HM Pilliiest ÇtLp OJaiiuò 1>HO'IO-KNUKAVr;KS Wim ted..Good pay Slid p<«!limm-III ellll-loTliieiit. PliOIO-K.N'HKA VINI» OD., «7 Pnrk Pl.ice. UMJOI) fc.NGKAVtKH waiittd.-(i<»od pay and eleady «oik. PHOTO K.NtüiA VINO p? 1)7 G-ti. l'Un r. CDERFECT flttiiit/ stiainkin Hawaii alo ftH to l rX) BUahaO loug lelubie uiiods pu. .-.» iii.ilkc-l ilo »? C. C HllA«. N P., ron ibi. luí Punce«« Ceclnrta ano HUetinge. ¡nÔOPÎR UNION FICEEHATIJKIJAY ??0GGG V-* I.Kl'TI'ItKh. in UieOre..l IlalL BIH u'olnok. Pebmsiy 8«. lb« lecture, will d.oiv-r.ii by Prolesaor li. W. Pl.V ? ? «?»; ou ·· ROCK öTUUi t????,·* Illustrated. Mo tlukois rcuiiiiotl. boor» npeu at 7:16 ; clMon al H o'clock. ABRAM ri IIKWITT, buorela/y Coai uno «founò. ?ß?.-Oa Fob. 22 a bar pin with ono dia- J loond. A liber.·'reward will be ¡aid for it» rulurn to Mr». E. P. W., Munay AI ill Hol. i. .fonando BALTIMORE AND OHIO TUE AOOBBOATB OE THIH IBB17B OF HOMI» IH l'AsVOO.OUO, HEiItlNM INTEIIKST ?????? HATE 01 KM ? ANI) ONE-1IALK FEU CENT PEU ANNI M, AMI PAYARLE üEHI-ANMALLY DI aîABtJABl AMIJILY, AM) MEt ? ? Eli Bf ? ????ß?ßß OF NEW 11(11.1.IMI.-STOCK OB TH! HAI.TI1IOUE AND OHIO It WI.HOAD ( 'IMIIMX'.". HADE TO TIIK III· CANTILE ? ? G HT ANI) ???????? OOBtPABI OK BALTIMORE AS TU! -.TRE. THE HONDS IIATK FROM lAM'AUY 1, 1 BBT, AND .»VILI. HE ???G??) IN MBlBfl ?G?????4 FIIOM ONETO TEN ???·». HO THAT ONE-TENTII OK TIIK H A.ME. OK TWO HINDHED AM) FIKTY TUOI HANI) DOLIxlt-v I-i PAIO TO THE TBUPTBB EACH ???? 11. THE RAM.UOVO f?????? THE .????'?.?. HOWEVER. ???? IWO TUB ENTIRE PHOPEHTY I NTILTIIE LABT PAYMENT IH COU¬ PLET E I). THEY ABB HTIMCTI.Y A FIIIHT-t I.AH«· BBCI H- ITY. AM) WE HECOMMEND THEM AH AM.IE AND BOUT DBMIBABLB INVESTMENT. AM) NOW OCFEHTOTin; Pi'iiLic A LIBTTBDBUBBBB OB BBBIBB 0 ABO 10, WHICH HIVE NINE ANOTEN TBABBTO HI ? PBOB JAM ABB I. ????, AT loa ABB Aft HIED INTEHEHT, Hl H.IECT TO HALE ANI) ADVANCE Ol PIMI E WITIIOIT VOTI.IB PIMM II'AL AND INTI.ItE-sT PAYADLE ATTIIE OFFICE OF THE .11 LIMANTI LK Till 101 AND DEPOHIT COMPANY OF HAITI HOUE. CRISWOLD & GILLETT, 11 _3 VI ALL-hT., KBW.YOBK, OW TO MAKE MONEY* b] ?'· ¡????? in BTOOBB, OBAIB, PBOVMIOSB, OIL, Ac. EXPI.ANAiDllV FAU I'lM.ET MAILED FREE, ?.? G 111 ?. ? ( Ok. HANK ehm and anoKEBa, h.*..; Ilroadwoy (.mil branche·», NEW Y>>. K. REW-IOMb, CHICAGO Am ST. LOUS RAILWAY (O'.IPAM. NOTICE. MwYiiu, TY*tY 4. 1H87. G???? »e «creenii tit ei ten .1 int.. this Sat« bSlBSSB irrtalli »euiiitv hiiii.·!» of il,.· Bea Tors, Cfctos*· sad ? Leal· BaUwap Cearaeay, Ik· Lsks Btoore an Michigan BeelBers Laiiw»v( ? ? »m aad Mastra, laaaes a. i..·· «ev.it. fen ? Kennedy, Ailnan lac! in. it I·. VA lilis Jen.· « BBi 04 ter llar. un-n. · ? «wo salili a ? ninfei.· sswetoleOSj tisi sieilgs·» li.iulholdir· indir mi ;.in m. i-I dated Non mis r 21. 1«-.'., end Indirle I' Otrott, \t 11!., in K. \ 'nudi rhilt. Jim.· « V lecaetrlt imi Jel.n B. hum· ? ti» tiiider»lrtird have bei appointed · " l'un hBotog ( omnitttee " with power tu lurforin.j UM diitiea tinti in si t Loth imi tu organile the ahoXi Isil way un IAO nOSWtof ?»?.?\. new Hi:c ? anus TO in. is-i un ? ??? utuit- OABIZATIOla OP MW (fl.MPANY. Kirat moringa 60 yrera ! aareeal s:nking Fund i-i.iil Ima :- .|?r»(Wl.rwm Plrot pngorred otonk . heron«! preferred atoek. u.iast.oixi Couiiiiuii Slovk. 14,01/0,000 PBB8EXT BECCBITIBBa Flra' tm-Unri .,,<i vr« tr> n.ev« tr.r »1 <-'r 1·??·1· ··.·' co?? u . ¡? pel '·?? li uro ili h·, tri.i··· m..!« »Od lalereel .? ? poi eont pei annua In ¦<· Dax ettibel ?, 1 »¦·. t·· eu alase .? «por eoi bollii«. Ierra! ol I per reel per si-inn. Dm.. I ¦»·<. ml. ? .. of atro « ( nt» t.. ?..-: atnrk to par aa mm * IO por (riera l'rr'. · por ««nt of iiew »· ..ml prefrsn ..? ¡, ? » ? ? .? ? ? ( mnn ? ato. . di - I. ·.. ?. :,?? ? 11 ni of ne ? ? .??????..·? fci.i ?! .m ..ni ·.'..--. it la ne« Irai prefrl < ¡p hIm.ii referred ton.aj ?- ol the Lenirai ? rn»t l'oasi any ol n. * Vera. All I ··,.',·· ? ·-. ti. t ? le « ? ¡111 Un .< ? M- ·.0] V · ? « v il ami ret-i le»for Ibei !¦· i··· »· i¡! tl il ?.» li Ibero tobt -is ??« kl.< ?·'· baiti reeii .?, »?! ?? |·?..| »?ß ti.,ii.si. d ?,, ? r... » »?. ,? ,.···. ..... r, .r .lomnmc ami le Pai their »»- ¡its un .tI. li.iu ?? I- ?! ? Vi ?! ? \M ? VANI·! HilM.T. \ '. I 11. JnliN ». ??- NNEDY, (??.? O. fi. ELLIS. *iirrrt»rr. li >ii»»uu »t New York. HKËEPSIE 0GË CO. EIIIST Vt(v ?··?»;? BOKDH NET IN.F-TOlf li PBB ? ? NT. P. W. CALLAUDET & CO., MA 1. BT .(-»unii: BIIO IDWAY, '.' B/.YOHK NOTICE.-The UNION NATIONAL HANK, ... ..?.·.! st ',? r ?-, il ni Ih·· sinir ..! .hin. I- loolBI u| II- .»".Ills Ali l'Ole I...Idi |. ,1,1 .·'!.. r·. ci ci Ini« ..! -.,. ! Asa· te tl.cu-'..?. > M li..Il li·.'. IO prroeBl t:.c noi. -, ami otiti ? latoii sgsinei ibi Aoeoi lotion u t pavn.i di Datad i »toasry io. IsBT. n f. I payment U. il. TI BOB, ('a»hler. The »!>.>ve-n«ried Itnnk h«t-1nr con»nllrt-,trd with the OHIO VALLEY NATIONAL li ? N h of «I..»INNATI Olli'·. reap«» nulli ? in. sis a cuutliiuai.ee ni II» furine ? p.ttuii · w .11. 11,1 ousolldOlld l'.allk. li W 111 i.lll ». l'ut O. II. TU DOB, ( .uh. TIIK ???? VALLI:.' \ATI0\AL IÎA.VK. ( inciiiiiali, Ohio. CAPITAL .S 1.000.(MIO »im. ->. -s .,? ?: ?·-,·, p? u BAI ?? 6 >'".. Baelaora ami uf tho 1 SION NATIONAL BABE, (IN ( 1 ? ? ? I I. (»UK» We nfler luat term« In but in" und »Olili e »II kind«..' Cui l'imi.? nt. in» minili, nnd luesI lui. «???.-??? ».cuntí·-», il:-? "M 1.1 n r POP** '""' akilo/ .iilectlona. l'.ut aad Mil ?-..ielrn Iti liante, luiving ourown rorre-por.rt eut· in »Il lia.mu· rille· ol Knropo, AeraWJBt· uf Back·, Boafora < nriM.ratiou· »ml 1 mil vidual« ¦oitetled Weinvite coi |. epondeui ». JANBB KBPY, l'ri «ulenL II W II I·.11 » Ijt. In .i.leiii mm, .Nalion.il li.iiik SOUTHERN PACIFIC R. R CO. .io'i'¡( i; oi' a:t i>5 ·??· 11')>. All person» M il.ng »ny of the bond» of the Houthern I·» ».Mi. Itoiirood » ??aa? aro bei t»v notine.t 11...r iborei· bob li. Ih.· l.aiels ol ll.. uiiilcisiKu, ,? lru«»»ea, under the Mori KSK' I.V ubiditile |>». lot u of aunt Loi. I- ·.·. nr»··!. I lie »urn Of ON ? IH ? 11 I. 11 II'»I MAM» III 11.1. ? It-, gol I. » h. lindel Ilio t. nu« ol aatd Moilir.iee, ?. aiiplleabl« lo the re d. million ?? pul .lo··· of «nul II..ml«, sud thai ihe umicrslviu·.! win rrerivi -?. prupua il« al Ilio Load oOVeo of oabl ( um· p.?.y. connu Emirlli sud I ..aa ti-· in! »lo., San Ki»m .-..». foi II.e -un· ltd.»olii Homi«, asili BOB DA Ilio (went) tliat .luv u: ?.?'?. I--»T. ..I »Tel, tu, e |i.'|s.osio will be OpOOed. ami »lieh lloiiil» »» »re oiler..! a! the low· »t prie« will be re m ..in · ,1 or pin. board ¦·· II.·· s un.un »lorieoM Prupoool· to oedoraed l-ioi...« .1« lor surrender nf the Pn»t MorlgaKe Loml» Knitiei ? l'acillc Itjilr·.»·! ( Oii.pany. I». O. .VI ILLS, (.. L. I.ANSI NO, Kan fraaelarak i»b. 1*. i«87. Tiustee». LuLleMU.K, Mw AlllST asji>( un A-." It ah.w a r ) ( ·.Ml AMI .11 H »««AI M. > Nkw ?.,???, ?ß?p?ß?? V4, 1MK7. ) ??? ANNUAL MKKTINf. OF ? HE8TOCK I Hnl.Dl H*« <»f il»·' L »I ISVILLr, BKW-ALBANT «ml I'll A(IO ItAII.M tV C MI'ANY will be I.I "" Wedoeoday, Match nth. Iss.'. at l'i e'eleck aoee »? the »fît· ·* o' Ih» ? unii.mu ·? Vns.iii »I («icoml Hour), tot the elei tin Of huleen Inns n.i « le «· rve for the ensuin» reír, and the IfSBMI ?:--? "f ·<>' h ether bSOUK M os may be piuperlv tirniiulit he ole lb»· iiice.lnir. l'oli» open Iron. 19 ? cluck ill., lo 1 o'clock p. m. Thetraaeferbeeka win ka obseed nom Mumbiy, February .J-tlc IssT. al .1 oilii. k p. m., nulli Tbut«.l.iy. Mirili 10, lShY, al 10 ».Tlie klu in. ? li.· A Minai M «et Ini'« of lb.. Htnek holders of Ih- SEDEI HID AND 11 Li). »? I ELI It ? 11. IH ? A D C< »? PA ? . And of the OHLEANH. l'Adii ANI» JASPSB BAIÌ.WA1 ( OMPABY. Will be held at the a.me lime and place. WILLIAB DOWO, G? ai·lent. WILLIAM DILLES, Ir Asslalmil s-ccieiaiy. _ DKl'Ain.Mh.M nf' PI NANCE. (JIT U ? nr rug COBITBOtASB. j M-W1KK. N. J, Eel». 14. II4S7. I Kealert |>roi»is»l» will lie re·, lied at till« ?.!!!·« nulli SA ?' DAY. I.I. 90. |SB7| al 4 p. m., lur the pur. ??·«?·"? any purl of one hiiii.li. .1 und «itti tliouaaud do.Ui» uf bund. (.' tin» Ily uf New ai k. »If nominated »»? ? ? ? BOBDa," rteliier»!»!» Murili 1, 1«H7, si which dui« Interest liegin». Ttira« bund» ore aiilhuru.Ml fiy oil ol L.iilsi.ilui ß nf the en·!« ?·? tow-Jeraey, pBosod Bare! ·-'.(. ism., »mi ai· rasasi· ut h ? ie»r» (61.000 imihi regtota »o·, eeesee, beai nig iiil.i.atal Ih» iole of I r c. nt n. r «nuiiiii, p¡tj alile aetuPoanually by Hi» hulking Fund ? in.iiui,»i,,iier». ? Fur lb»· payment ol ¡he is.ml» the credit and »hol·· propffty of the city ..re iili.ilued Ihn liileic«! ?·??·| m sink in« Eiiml e-l li'isliisl by law uruvidliw tlie im mi uf lli|iildaliuu at m Tinny The righi II reserved to re|ec any or all hnl» nut deemed !»'¦* tic .ni. lesi ni II.··· It) eiimh gusraiili. of gissi failli will lie requires! trulli bu dur· »· I ho Dopai Imeni uf Finan· e mar »le ?. in in.· 1??,«.a»?· muat be iii.iuisol " pMSeSBSI f»»r»e«er l'end« " (? |.? nt ol the amouiil lu a41culnp.iuy lb« bull, sul .ddr.snesl to tbe uudeisiguod. P. T. UDINI». Comptroller. I..LIMOM OaaBsAt. RaiLKOAI' OBBTABT ???? annual niocnnj· of HtockLoli:i*rs ol UM 1 Illln.»il Central :»ili...ul loiopouy. lor Uie olocliuii of Director, »ml the ti in.», lion ol ol Imr bualne·*, will be held ft the nflioe uf Ihe Coiiinaiiy. lu lb«. L'Ky ul ('bicui;'», un Wedjieaday. March 0, l»h7. al 19o'clock noon E. T. H. OIB0OB, ., »? You», February 94, loo7. Bctir.ury. _Ifflol Notiti·. BÜPRFMR COURT. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR APPRAISAL. PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN A that It is tin· Intention of the Counsel to tlie Corp.ration of tlie city pf New.Ynrk to make application bitíie dupreni* I mirt forthe appointment of ( ntnnilssiontjrs of Appraisal, under chapter 4!.f il,., Uvl .)! 1888, Modi application will M bunio at a i-pcil«! Term of «aid Court, lobe held In tbe ß??'???! Judicial li.strict, at tlipCourt flouae Iu I «luiihkecpsle, Lui. his» oiiiilr, on t!... .'.'tl, day of February. G-??. at II Oil.« k, in tl.« forenoon. Tlie object of such npnlii stloli la to d'.iain an order of t .nrt appointing threeduintoraatedaad remp, tent freeholder», of whon two anali reeld« ig the Count. of « Mtrheeter, and one m tbe city and -miihj of .New. York, ? Omini».«'..,,.·?» of Appraisal lo us. ertsiu and appraise tbe c..in|..-i,»»iioii to li» nude to tbe owners »nd nil persons In. teicsi.il In tbe r-al estate hereinafter described, as ??«|·?».·<1 to Ih» taken «u .atlt-cted f.r ine purposes Indicitfil In chaîner 400 of tbe laws of 1Hm¡}. Tbe re»l tslnte «oiiirlit to b·· ta ?? or (jfte. teil«» aforesaid |.? ??.·.| In part In the town of Mount I'l.-is.uii, Weal·heater County.aiid hi part in ti:·· town nf (Ir. eniiiii;:!,, U>»tebeati . int;, .ml Isl.ild out ami indicated nn «hups 111,.I in tl.in,.· of tip Keftster ot .»'. »l, h. sler ' .unity. In Whit· Plains, Westminster ( «uiilv. ns billows: KlrM ?».? a map filed in said Realst, r's oiiiro on ll.·· _.l day of 1.1 ember, 1--mi. and bcarln«· III.· following certificate, to wit \\ .·. ib.· ( omnilaatom appointed t<icarrro.itthemoris- lonauf chapter 40·) of the LaWegf «-3 .f »l.. Siale of New. York, do hereby ·> m'y that this Is i.ii.-iif »ixsimilar maps pre¬ pared In n.a ordalie, wifli f ho provHuii» of »ahi act for amend¬ ing proceeding· nnd Includiti»; olii, r i.rooerly In the manner Shown snd deerrlbed ? pod the pian adopted l.v in on the l.tti ayof NoveiniH?!, lM-iii. m follows: FINAL PLAN Oil F. ET NO. tl A. Ill ? AQtJ_Dl i, T ÇOMMI08ION. Por the moro efllcleiit carrying out of the provisions of chapter 4*i0 of the lavi of l-»;l ..f l!...f»t.vo .r New York. we. (be C..iiiiiil«»|.,ncisiip|aiinled to carry Bat tho provisions of »ahi rliikpierol »alii laws, do hereby approre nn.I adopt this plan for th.· coisti union uf anew ai(tn «in. nii.oii the line adopted and Mi-I hi neon the 7Ui day ol May i«*i. and as shown i'| nil lb·· |ii operi y maps ailopl.·«'. by us on Ilici.Mi dav nf Julv 1>-«1, nini lilei in tl.fflceof tho llciiislerof Ih· Cmititv of U -tcli.st. r upon the .«ti, ,!,iy .f August IM4| tbla plan Ins¬ ili»; for a in.siili«-.ilion ot the plana huhertuudoptist. bv inclini. ii'K «'He r ? .ny to be lain n in f. e M allow ? upon this ?.Ian an.Id· »I»mated her. on pare, |a nos. 713 A, H. C, D, ? f, (I, II. I. .1 and ? and Noe. 7 I..1·/. 7lb»»and 7l8%| and wedlicel this plan to b<· II led as " Final I'laiiMiect No. W A." Ami -redo fu. 'lier ci r!ifv Huit »aid six «imi.,ir maps li'«».· been adoptad bv In t lit» loaiiiicr ureseilbed In »Hid act this l'ini il iv of Noe,, ,,-?, ????, JA M Kit BPF.NCER, WILLIAM I'"»VI ?, if. BALDWIN, ni IVKIt UT. l:\LN ?, K L. Itllu»- WAY, John NEWTON, CoeirnlMloner ol PubUe Work·, HAMILTON FISH, Jr., Ceromlaelontwa Andof «.» lih-ti the fol iowm« is aatateroeatof theextomal bonndarie·, bycearaea and diafano··, within will, h are included all real aatat· and <ii«<'iiieiit» to i.e tak· ? or a in« t.»i in th.· acquirement ill lee of additional landa at fhaft nitefl.lt) the town ol Mount P!»aasnt. Weetcheater County. Ail Ihnee piece· or parcel» of land situate m the lown of Mount Pb'a«aiit. Weeti heeler 'eaatv, willed ate Included within Hin following boiiiiitarics: Ii.«· allunili,' ut a point li;,oli ti,.· lau.:» of i.em.i. Halt on tlio w.sierly lliie of th.. present hi-hf.»r, known asth« "sieepr Hollow Kotd." whiiii |a. nt distant Upon a ...nr«e of »mull Vi a: ?·· «? ;·.??; f.,i i,... ,i.. ?,?,?,??,. .f* u,,, pocaBtlco River. ami now mark· d t.v a »la's.· bearla« the h tt n a. c -, ami running thence tl, north93°ST eaal acro·« the land· <>f Bald Hart ann the landa ot Ui· «ataU ol William il. Aapln· » ill. ii.·.-.'.isni, ?.??7·'. t,ofi'.'t toa pomi m tin atoreaaid Bl. epy lloiiiiw Head, wiiti'ii point la dlatanl apon sail, loraeieteet f ohi ilo· westerly line of »aid Bleep/ Hollo« Road ? th.nee CJ) n ? th 7.r· .'·'.: eaal n. r..<» »aid ro id and across the land· of Au¬ sali ff. ? earxeti;«.»_ ie. tot m westerly line of Hi" land· bars· tofors taken by th·Cltr of New-York, and ileeUrnated l'arci 71dnpolithe cip Ilici in the i.ffl, e of the 11eat»Ur Of tb· rmnitr of Weatehaater on tho .«th «lay of a urtisi. IH84j the.(31 along said w.sterlv Imeof s.iid hinds smith M '¦'¦· west M'l'i f^ct tluiice ( north 41-il* west across the lam!· of Wiliiam W. l '.ii nmi 18*» '"? to 'ho easterly line of the ¦aid Mleepr Holbie Road: thence 5)alon . ..t.rly line ol .».nd road the following cooraea and diatene«·, «ria. r-mith ;, S* west 72 feet ? wrath 47° It SO weal V.i\0 feet ? etmth 46° IT "*·> west h7»,e fceti south :iiP 41'west 171"io .t ¡ thciicc («ii umili ;.?? 14 w. »t ai ros» said load 84 feet tilths place of beailin "?. tin tadln· u IthlO said outi¬ llai:.» Parcela Nos. 71: \. ?, ?, 11, ? G. <?. II. I. J ami ?. and ·?..? aerea, more nr lee· Be. piiiiiiii:' at ,? pomi opoa the easterly lineol the landa Bere. i.i.'oic taken lor Um aaid New roton AqueilucLaBM lau.'a I-.· <b »iiiii iT.s.1 "fa.-.1 No 71'J OB M BWB filed In tho ; ¦.·¦ lUtriater·! \s eatcbeatel County on trie 28lh .:a\ of Augtiat, 1-Mi.iiui! w!i b potati.«* marked iva slake -ar t ii ir the li tt· " ?. ?. * aad rumi Iheuce 11 al. na »aid ? Ime norlli·»': ;l7 rtaat aud alona th- tamis of William · W. ?..,--.p met of floss -it l.'.'.-i t··?. thence ??? alón»·.? »ton.· wall nero«» Ihe lands of said Hasan V Lenett sonili ?.: ..? ,-t l.'.'.icci: ih< nía-cu aci..»» the landa of »aid .-usui ? ?. ell »ni William w. Carton, parallel m the ne, and diatanl ISO feel therefrom, aoath .«.j:i7' w.«t '.u-' leeti thence (41 :·· r..»» the land· of eald ? arson anuth 54 IH' 44" we·! UI7't»(Bi t ?·??· place oi b> l- ii- n mi. m n* «> ululi »aid boun< lai ice tun parcel» numbered 715*b> "lb sand 7 l8«a,andcootaUBB ?*^1!.»». acna, more or lesa Allo! whichlawtserelo lie Brlrn Ini nd ? ?,.? ß map Bled in the office of the said Iterlater ob the ï9th uavof ixaremlNsr, Iflflti.aiul bsarina th· following ceri wit We, the Co imi·* .ti.-r» aiipolnledlo carry out the pro. » i-,..n« ot chapter ? m, <>f ii..· aw « m HM:« Do hereby ?. 1.1 y l'i»« tin» .s one of 11.<? sit »:.,n!.ir map» prep ired In »CCOTd mee ·. ,?« Ires |i ,t .es ol » .11 «. r..r «rnsaitlp« pio · <-?..·. « and lucili.im« ..tin r property in Ihemannai »nowaauddeecflljed ·,.·.? ibe plan ·· t·» us ..n t!¦<¦ l J;I. d..y ..f November, UNA!. PLAN Milli' M' d ?. l'or the mor.· ":· -it. iiTTinroutof the pr » 1.1 f ibe oi l- of New Ì ork, We. t ? -, --loii-r» »'.munio.1 to earry ,,:lt the provi »ad·:. law», do hereby approve and adopt tlie plan :..·.· err, ? srai icndin« Hi pi ..: the easement heretofore acquired ?pon Parcel No, I pan ot Parcel.I la to« of .li« non ??. County 'li, IpS till il 111 f the I:.·. ·'. r ot -, County on th· '.'-?? dej ol 1--11 Bad te acqntrw Um ? certain ad- .hown I ·. y, ,. ?lliat »m lai m .·,« i"t bi us :n ii,o. lannei pn m-i il> .1 ,,, -, l.l la V«l Li.V. ll, IM. I*. \! I.W N. IlLIVF.H \X'. I; ·, 11. »I IMI« AY, l"l' · · .? Works, It \ HILTON Flail, Ir. Ni »s ?,???..r 1- ¦'.1 which th" to' '.«Ulf isa statemi lance·, h are in. ,??.?. I« ·! in ..· <|oll II» Ihr In ? Khan All* IBS« I..« ? of <·?· .h ?' ?. Wee«, -'. r Coiiuly. All II.····· 11- es or pan el» ol u I »inr.i.· In the Town ol 11 ree p. V. ?- ¦·· r loti »» '·? are ni. iu.te.l Wllhlll the lollOWlOR iHUint»'·» lied Mi ni; »t ? ?·· ?.', ? w marked lu a stake boarithe Iettar· -?. ?." ???? Um Bortherlr im. ..( tue hm'.viaT known Hi. ?. r Jai* linei» ?., li... .,? Ute »um ? "f Ipillill I. :iit|.,'!',-.;liiili!'IM,l.ll « front the centre III.f»»l«l survey satheaat ·-' vnnpoa ll.r ??«,, I.I..I ,n II.Ilneoftii.· l'eK..i.i.f W«. .. of ???,?? -I. 1 ·?. and ? ninni.»- lio-. | lo, III 27 !_·..·' I. out h li ?- aal ." ,nf· et, ?. .»nu: t' ut.·" s.ii.i ?. oír· In·«· .itari.-iit »iii'l'.r.«"?··?' eiitiv laut ?, · from Momia.Mit Nu 7 »? «m - «. ut ·· Lue. II.(.1. south ·." ;.:.' '.'ll' «a«t.'.««,0 fe< t. th. .,· ·· l)«o.l!b. : '.'east'.'7G> feel ? thence ??> aoulhH7 ? »? ·-'· :< ? i; 11,. ,..-.- ?., ???,,?', ·: ·" 4-s' «? .1 1- ? -,,, f.-. I to f.. c.-IcllV lin« .»fthe.. ? hence (7) alona sud r»«t.riv ime »..iiili 7 ' 1 ¦¦ w. «t reti fi· me«·»'i.oilli 4"e al w. -? ?.«' ,n l< e ? ?.? the placo ol beffbiBlBBi con la in ini; ¦l**i,in., ». ». li.· ¦:. .? ·«. Ailof »?....? lai..? al* to lo I.A.Il la I·«· Dated ? w-York, lanuarv la, Uiafl K. IIKNKV LA· nM l.l.. UBavaaal lo UM < ..rum«lion. |>hl»l ??? ION OP RONDS OP ? UK BRUSH It F.LKCTRir liti ??????,?,. s \ 1 hi» is ?.11 it» Ihai ·? ·'1rsWin« tielil Ulta ibi dav of ?-··!. entrai I'mst «a ... » I male·, al I- o · .«rk p. m. 11··« fo.h.winir tlnr .-? III ?·.·? en' «ioli ?.??.?» ..' ti.· limi ¦· ni ti itili·.f N. Y..1 ?/ -"·..» IH. -U. tfi, 71», *0 ? I 1.1. I I'.'. I.*.'.' '.'·». "1. "U· e '- », n- .'.-»lidutrd fol r.alM. |.I. 1.1 the otti. .·' »Il ???ß? lo 11. UM 111» of Itbil i] oi turasi, |«w7, al in. per ceni apoa ti..· pai ? «lue .imi a. inet! n ?. ?. «I Ini· ?.- «I on »ad llonds .-¦ oli the ti») lisilictl lei G d. 'I.11.,? IH ill h IH W. AII'il'.N. ? ?. '.?·.??< i l'.r.ish I·.:··, tu· lllamlaaltn· Cu ofN. Y. < ??. ? ?? IP nib. HtreUTT tvatral rrnai c·. of M w icet;tfv th.t ta· abova i,.uni,.-?.·.! ??,?,.?» «.r.· drawn elated. U'ltaCBB my band ami »cil this .1.1 dav of id) m .·». 1 s-7. ? ^ ^ ? HKRHKHT M in Pi'. 1. M. Noi»lv ?'11'?..', I»*««».) Ni.» Vmk l.l y .null o. CITPRKME COURT. NEW YORK COUNTY, »? i;|i ?-, ???^?? I'lalntlf?, »- lame· Bloom ¦iaj "i Rdwiu M··. sTarloi »Bd rant W u » -·» eiecu tors Of tb« 1.·»: Will BBfl I,«tan,.it of ?..».·· II. Iavlnr.de i.."t.| \nnaMu» li«.«· I, Jame· li...?in at a.r Aun-· I.ni.u his vu.· and Hulney Taylor am! Huaao Taylor, hla ? lii.Inn. HBdil fiii»e \\ Uli an.« and I liima Ad, WllllBBM, i.lilyebl ?.?, oi .i ii. I ., .i-.-ih «A ilii.nu«. ilei .-a··«! flu. a Kacketl only cblldof lami·· Tar lor Hackell.d.»«···! I (twin ???,-?? 'latini Bud .1 · tin ·¦ U. 'l.yloi. hi« « le I liarle« ¦··: imi» rarwr? Umtly franc·· haade, am! ciiUor¦) H. I »»1·· tiltil l'Uyle and Mudili.? Uaale, h. r .hil.lreii, and Ai ?icIllii,iv lailm. Ii.-fcmlaiit». Summon». Io Ihe abete named 11, ten. lai. I s ou ai.- ?,m. I,\ limolimi. ,1 lo ansvter tlie complaint In this »iloii, aad to sei»,· ? top)' o! vmu suswer mi ll..· l.l iintiff's »iloili.-v, Wlllllll Iwentv .i.n s .i.'tci the .».?»;, c ol Ih.» SOI .n«, cu il-ive ol tin. ,lav of sei » Ice end III cue <it y.,ur failure lo appeal .ir Hlnwei. )????»??· ul tt 111 be taken BUBlBBl I...I tiv .Irl.iuii, for tlie relief ilamandeO :u lb· »mplaint. Dated New Vork. Jan. ·-'·.'. M«; lllr.lil-.IUCK O i.KHN I.V. PbUiitUT« Ittori ev. Ofllce and l'ost-i itili o »<blress.il Naseau »I.. .New York. To rilarles Auirustu» Taylor. Bl Paul It..In. It.«:··, Bberblaa tonni» Kama». >.i.ue ?.????-? Williams. Denver. Colorólo liona ».i.-ie William», ?'. in. r. Colorado krank \\ III nu», as dr.altor of the last will and testament of Mo-.·» li. Taylor, decea«eu. Denver, ..ima,in, defeadBBta ahova iiam.-f an·t. a!«... to Frank William». »» father »! aald Saille u.-·· W illiain« anil I mina Adele W illlaiiis. Inlaut détend· sal«, Deuvrr, Colorada ih.· fore«oiua »nnun.» served Bpnn »ou t.v pablkralion, pnisiaiit tu an or 1er ol Roa ? III I,,,ni It. I.1HMM1. ··, .liisiu of Hie supreme ..nit of Hi" sisie ol ?.« Vorh. datad ta· lai dar af iei.ruary 1«)»7, »ml Hied v. Ili tie complain) In tlie ollh e ol Ibe tb Ik «if tbe I Ity and Con. tv ol New Yolk, Bl Ilio CulllltV l olili House IU Ilio iiy of Sri« York. Datad N«w ? ork. Pe* | ihh7. HtKiU'.iin ? ·:. ??????, A Homey for plauitlT. ii and I·.·») oftlce adrtre«», iti n,-,s,,u -t New-York. Cituuiione UOuntcù.???a?tß. Mies. L BKELY lion ill} I' Its I. t an,? In ?) IW IU BsaVsV·, G???????? >M IfV|f-1|t y M F AND TMMAlM, ? ? ? ? .N ? : 1 1.11 -I Al. IBwfareatiBBitrtatlf lariiMist»! »ii ·? ?? lu in- Spo.'lloll. »tei vaut» BBBkyBBtattUg famille» Will eioluldl from my oillco. N. Il.-Ni>f CONNKOl'Kll WITH ANY ??????? Or nuli. ß« Wüst MD-tTE / VJilK.-lly ;i ii'sju'cliilili' Kiiirlisli l'iolt'utiiiil ; V> μ ?, in « ?? -is! with cual »ß ash ??« k'.I relurent itj ·. ..unti v. .·..', Wed '.'4th si. KJBj bel' twice. /100K (??? M lti:U.vi Al I liiiiil iVaI IIHKS.S.. \> llv iw.. »isims. tuKuih.r, s.1 cook ? bolo «irl» tlior- oiictiiy couipniiut io do -urk amallpnvat« femilr cui ..r ixiunliv. C»|| il r Brtrtr.· ??.. W.»t J-uli si inouï J_ POOK, litri ,Si.V\oi.K, He..?? ?«»"'. ??>»>«?1 V·» Oeriiiau beli, for city or. oiiniiy ir.io.1 ....k. wash, Iron, .bau.b.rwork, «te. Head) al la« tilUavo.. sii"»» ?ß?? »*- / M »OK..IH comix'lciit, Kiiirlisfi l'iotüsuiit in \J privato family, Ul»l. hi»», un. islands all bram h.·- «.«ni city iifiiciKe. M, u.. TrlbuUB llBteWB o Une, ?.-·» Liuail s »y._. G????..Uv u culorttd lady an order ßß k ? «U b.si rcloiouixa C. Tribuno I plow n Ullice. l.-do |lr,.«ilt»ay_. /MIA.MIIKKVVOKK, WAlTINli, &c-<î<>hiI \y l'io.eiiant holy f.r city orca .try cojk nul hoii«c»oik. ,i, ..?·1 references. Al insilili »ve iibovo lUtli st._, CMJoK..??????????» ?"*>? iiKik <(.innati ; / .m,.! laiiiily calk, wash, irou for.ily or oiiniry ha« ollyroloi.ii... AI l.lHiilh aie, «bove nun »t._ /ÏÏÏÂMÎiKKMAli), VVAllKKSS ami SdlWK. V-' liv a ne»U cápame eirl | city M oui,H y loml Ol «diU- urcu ..... tu« sober, hones'. M. at tH bili ave., uoai 17lU- ai._ ? |??;>?·;\???;? or COOK äHd LAUNOBESS. II -?· \Sel.n «irli city « .oiiii.iy,?.G.··"?? si oil··». .lo, »laud, every thins in caikin*. Call '¿7- Ulli-ave.. nuar ITiii·»!·. upslaira . I lolJ.Sr.VNOKK,- Ate.Hj » iiiitlillc-aift'il J 1 Welsh I'lolesiant woiiiiili to do ll_bt hou»«*urll «r «· UU.·· -U'J 1-aal J'jUi «L Stmseiiiuntf. ???«»%?0%??ß??1 atW«r»a««a«»»*»«B 0 · ¦ 1 ??» 0. , . , G??^ .esaaasTO-aosa«»-.-« ^MERÍCAN ART QALLERÌTS. ON EXHIBITION DAY AXD KVEBIBO, 0 A. M. TO 6 AND 7¡30 TO 10 P. af, TUE A. T. STEWART ART COLLECTION. Aitui'li'.on '.0 rent· 19 coupon »limi·· odiulMloo tlokot·, 06. CATA LOOT Eh. 61 BY MAIL. 01 12. NOTICE.- During tin» exhibition noitor· must loare gallerie· by eilt Nu. 7 Eoat BBAata CÄdLNä ï.roadwiy nod 39th-et. Evening« at R. M »titee Saturday at 3. .AMERICA'*« OBEaTEBT COMIC OPEKA SCCCESSI*· ÌÌ47TII TO JMTU Hl.KHiliMAMX-i. bTANTi.'NTt .olf (J.N'LY. ? ? ? ? ? I E Hentld-The rreoteait of all (asino »neceas»«. "RECEIVED WITH ROAH8 OP LACOIITER" OltEAT CAST. MAOMPIfENTcosTFMES, SCENERY. Admission 50c. Heat» «ecured two week· In advance. DALY'S ????????, Broadwsv and90th-t%. Under the mansgement of Mr. AUOCHTIM DALY Oroheotro01 So. DreM Circle 61. second lulcony ß??, BVBBJBOa begin at 8:13. MATINEE« begin at a, J'-ery N-'ght, O-18, eilAKEs-l-KAKE's hrllllAnt comedr, THE TAM1JÍO OP TUE SII HEW. with nm A «e R»h«n. Mm Ot'berí, ?»· Dreher. Ml·· Ht. Quinten. ??»« (.union. Mr. Drew. Mr. I-etrl», Mr. FHher, Mr. Clarke. Mr. Pkiuner, Mr. Lederci, Mr. Oilbcrt, Mr. Hol¬ land. Mr. Ho ml. Ac. "A tierforwioneenf poetic comedy so beanti- fnl. »o gracefnh and »o merry that t.'io eie » daxitod, the ear raptlvoleo, ami the sèna«:« chinned.".iTlmes. "A POPULAR ????.*?G?.'·-G??ßG»?·1. ???INO OF Tim 6UKEVV. MATINEE TOEÜUKOW "A» careful, tasteful, sod opulent o prudu»«. tlon of (¦hiike.pearo oor »tigo bos over knnwu.".I 1 riliune. M-indor n-xt, Feliruarv '.l«th. Both uerformonoo. *.» Coime tickets iStuddaM Lecture» now un »ole._ Vll'Tll AVENUE THEATRE. ~üpoia. A Every evSBtDg un 1 Saturday mitinee O--_-i-? 111. DOYLY CABTB-a OPERA OOMPABTI from the 8AVOY THEATRE. LONDON. IN (¡ÎLIJLUT AND SELLI VAN». LATB8T I'ilODUCTION, ! KLDDYOOP.E. ! C»»t excellent. Mn«le elormlnr. Dla'ogii« eparkllng. -celici y Limn itili. A »ulule sud iimnialiiled »inxeiO. Heofo ooeorod tw» wookl in advance. OKA'KiRh G ICIETY OF NEW-YORK. METROPOLITAN OPERA Hot »I! WALTER dvmi'.okch . .Musical Director ? EDNEfsDAY ?????????, M.nch ·.·. '.:. public n-lieii!»al; TUCBBDAY EVKN1NO, March J, at 8, concert, l'ur the Bist lune In th » country. "(HIM .sirs."· Oratorio for ioli, churn», organ, and grand orcheitra by FRA «42 l.Ds/T. Frati RBRBERT-POKRMTBB.Foprano Miss MATTI E CLAPPEB.(»titrait« Herr MAX ??? \i:v . Tenor Mr MAX Hl IM RICH .Raillon« lt> »»p«! s.nt» for rehear»»!. #1 60, *l '¿d, 61 on»l otic, sud for concert 03 JO, .+'.', +1 SO, 61 36 ami .Mio._ UTA?DARÒ THEATRE. EMMET. O CNDERTIIE DIRECTION OF Mr. J. C DO PB. Every Evening of 8-16. Botanloy M »linee at ? 'lllL· i'OPL LAR COMEDIAN J K. RKBfl MM MM MM MM KLEE 1 I TIT | M M VI M M M Vt M V T T. M M M M M M M M F. T fFR M MMM M M VI M FER T E M M MM MM Vf MR t ¦ M ??? M M MM ME f LICEI" M M M M M M ?'?'.??? T Ig 1,1a New V.t«??? uf _"FRITZ. " (»111 COU-IN O EBBAN. wr.\K UKATI.K. (¡roadway snd t3th-st O l'naiiiveiy l»«t "t Performance· BEWSOMI8, NEW Wir, NEW FIN*. rilli SALMI'.! UY'> ''RUCHADO L'US. Ili'MMIVfi NELLI! HENRY. lUKLl. , NVTE SAI.SHCItY. ...BOBDAT, Februarv 68, M. Al¦l.LOl'ERACOMIyL'ECO. I'»Ri'. VINT. LORRAINE. ¦my comprise· mi»«.» (nitr. iv, (lrlsweM, Voroea, H »pp. ».gnor l'empiii!, Beau·. Hopper, Olmi, Mur· f..muro. »ALE DP HEATS NOW PBOORE88INO._ ITNI()N SQUARE THEATRE. «U Mr. J. M. till!.Matilirer hvryl.e. Ml:. RICHARD kl ANBEI ELD »..???»·?..? » .·» IN' PKINl ? KARL. MotlBoo, ¦··-. witii dellgbtful riroi hv."- · tlllaai Wiiiur. ** It lo woudorlully tiboriuliig.' VYoiuL WAloLACK'S. Broad war and SOth-at 11.1' ??-11?? I ? \ ?: ?-.? r». l'Ai BOR I.l'ili I «. ? · tVnrhl ? fie kinl yet »?ßa I.eie.. V. I'M.»HAY ? ? ??? KB. II·ml. l-'.ll bCANDAL. S. II'".!. 1'· .11 BC IND M. M 11. W.M.LACK ANNOUNCES THE FMfsT I EN I EN Al I'KAltANCE OF MIL \\ A»III.Ni.l ·? MlVlN'i I'.l-iIIOl', HI ? DAÌ ?? 1 ????. FI· Il 27. 1 ? I MINI Ni MIMI REA UER w'ii ptruonl itortlina axotopliOcotloo· of in· marveloti· power«. ;-· it« now Dg booked. Citmiiiono «tìnnlfo ffanlft. 1IOI si:\\'(iiiiv..Bp aeas. atrann EnplJsh 1 airi, willloc lo OMialwiUi children or rnoiaberwork ? i.iv BiillBa ami olii.?.u.· goBat icf. reuce. ? oli at 5.*. tVeM ¦ioti si., ring tsn e. 1AL) ? DRESS.. By ârat-clau laundi-eñ in j privalo fami r enunliy urei« rr.sl l^st city rvft-reuo«. K M li mune I ptBWB OfSca, I.23H llio.idway. I .M>V> M.MD ami 8fcAM8TKK38.-By a li N..uh cumin irirl or loie .,ir·· ot invalid ladv beot ritj i.lil.i. et C. ?. ??.l-iiiie CplOWB Oflke. LBI8 Llo.id w ay._ L ? G ? IHM·', ss.. By flntflan n4ored laun¬ dress Wltb un«!!! |i.i.«sed faciliti.» geiìlleinen'» nnd fain Ur woabiag by the week or docou: lorn family w»»l»lug a ··. referouee* A-lillti» M.UiV E. UOBDOB, Us Vte»l 3«'lh sL_ 1 AUN DRESS.- Washing to t;iko hume, or J will un out waolilBg, ironingasd eieaoiug. Mr» (. ? ?. -11 loom I, r.ui 166 \\>»t ?Tth »t. IAUNURÊSS.B» ii first-clan laundrnaj à ?., no um hv ti..· day ut week, beot retenaos mrs. I.I 11 »... lotli ¡He._ NURSE..By Engltan doc renof lai-mexpo" nenie In »?· ~?>·.» would care tor Invalid or} ouui; bahy refei.. 4"» H est TJd »t., bell lj. ? l'Usi·;, èie..?, ¡in American irirl as nnrso ur to wan un o lady »an do all kindnof plain aewlagi willing ODtl obliging ? city ur cuiiulry, city loieicme lìti .? ? si gSlb st List iluur. ? ORSE. SEAMSTRESS, etc..By an ß?? ri· em e 1. m »t Bag N'orili ?.?t in un piTsoii »peak« s. une l'ioBOBi dis» noi »peak BgllOB. OS nurse te giowfng etili.Iron: . leali··! «e.iiusli, ss, ime n. e.lle ami halli wuiker, le.o he· pi .un »ml willing lu ..»si»t lu llgbt tbomberwork ? Un! I..«· re ieieu.es given. Apply ai mi», ni ?, 71 adate., uiur 11 Ül »i-, A. is._ Vl.'KsK, SEAMSTRESS, etc..By a rolli¬ li p.Teni. seal roana KertSflmaias gtri, »peaks English. .is nuise lo glow teg «i., ? ? e ? X. e i.e IH ne Un si le-· 411.1 W 111· mg te aosiil la riunii.orwnrk une year city relereme Iroin last plaie. Applyat .'l...laie.. uuai lllli-.l.. p.iriur tl.sjr ·' 1- NURSÈRY GOVERNESS..By n thorouBOIy· ¦.dt...?. m ii. North Ueraua gui. '-1 yean >.f «ge.«· nursery gnu-ine-·, »peaks Fienili tea. he.« in all branche· of Instruí ion good -ewi-r ant tl ·· me.ll.· .ml handworker, .t. lira! eia»« |.. Il tomi ret«»· Bi giveu. Apply at "1 ad¬ án·., near 1th si. pai l,»r lloor II. M ______^____^ NL'ltíjE..? neat Eoarlisn Protntaat airi aa nur»e lo growing children gi»od plain »ewer willing to travel wlih ladv city te trence. A. 11. (.., 1 iiuuhe L'plowu O6I0O, 1.'.'a·* I'.ruailway. _ _____^..^_^ VURSE anil SKA.MSI WKSS..1U· a wt-il-t'du- ll cale.!, coiiip· lent, young »lenii in giri, nur».· to grow. Im- up »hil.llilii. «·..·.' k t Ei euch lliieiiili also rspiiniMll, hut does nut .«peak Raglisbi sxcsIIobi aWkvuetwa·, tin« sen· vi.irker and Willing to ut si t In light cluiini.ei sork, ? rat la«. refeieiice» it V or »Imi t di stain e ni i-iiuiilry. Apply at 71 SibaWO., parioi ftts.r. near Ulli »t. A. D. SEAMSTRESS..By a nanstrasa, nwingby the -lav or monili terina 7f> » enta a day. MB STSSt lUlb- »t., grot Boor. _ SKAMS'l HKSs, tVc. -Hv a scnm-»trc88 ¡ wil¬ ling to du light chain!.»'! wni 1 or wait un lady ; under- .«und« ilres«iiiaking. A.lilri»«· (;. T., 1,'J.lf! Uioadway. WAITRESS..By a «xnt-elan naitrna In privato lamily b.et retiren, t·. Aihlree» M. D., Tnb* nue l'pluwii olii, e, .'.It I.i o.d way. WA>lllXiì.. To take home (»r will go out itaaluiig, ironing and cieaniu^ by theihiy. Mia. OAU-jIDE. ??? Wt-4l27tb.it., rear. WASHING! By ß thontuthly firsf-cla-t« laillitltes!.. Wim want» genii.man» washliii; r.'H-renee frota Ihe gentlemen she is waihliig f»r lueiuiing »lone in tbo li.aie.l inonuer. call ul a.hliea» .Mrs. ( (>X, lli.i E.SI 3.HI »L GiluulLoiiO Ü)anlcí)--íUaUe. «.» .***"** ...,..-¦. .¦¦ . MANAOBR, tVc.Wanted, |M>sit¡on man¬ ager ami buyer oi silk», wbulesale or retail. referen, tie umjuestiouab e. Allure·· .»1 i.K.·», 1 nhiine Olllte. \???·;μ)?? G, ¿ve.?? ß well ncommended yiiiiug mau SltTBlton* valet or lo lake cai e of an inva¬ lid geiitleiii.m. a^e Jti good masaagu operator cau abovaC Addr.«»J. IL. imi etti ave., 3d fluor._ _ / miACIÌMAN.-Bv-it competent Troteslaiit V man luori'lod age 30 under»!»»··!· hi» biiaiue»» tlior numbly willing aud ohlLlng nr»t el»»» ell? refer·· ucsv » alt m address RoBi-'RI. tare Julin Wngbl. IL.rue·· Mauufactr ?? ai. a 11 4 lb avo._ CM) M'Hai A.N..A irt'iitli'iiiaii who is uromi· to / ???? ope wishes lo Itud situation for hi· roacbiuan wlioni h. will hniiily coiuiiieiid. »in le age '.'ß >ear«: »tr.ctly [. inper.ite reauecllul ami nlilia-lng good driver ami cma· coiiuliy ruler Address.!. I., .. am! .' bast M:¡ il. Xe« ? ork »lub-stable. _ CH)ACUMAM ami (»ROOM..Ily a man who / ? hnr..uglily lindel stau.is Un· care uf he? ses. ¡?: ringe» and haine»», guul lty .!:... lut ulani tu w.rki nTst rlsSS riti reference. Addio»» J. W., llux77, Tribune UptowuOQlce, l/ja« llroodway._ C<(JA()II.MAN..By a yoiiiiir man; ia sii)?:le / ondsolier: fintola·· re.¿renne fruui Philadelphia ami alsu troni late employer in lilla city. Ad.lreai 11. MACKEU 441 EaatoHth »L _ _ g MIAC11.VJAN..My a vouiiir colored mans V> tiiuioiigtily uinler-î.iu It lilt lui- ¡?. ?», »ermi y.-ars'gnml cilv refereiiue», willing au.I obliging. Call or addrt··· i. H., IM'aj lid ave., »eennd belL _ pOACHMAN and (¡AKDKNER. -By a yonn« " «Ingle insu. »¦;»· VH undoriUud» tli» are of due hot».» i.ii'i tag··» ami li.iu···.» gou.lai.il uareiul ilriv.-r. »la·» a good gardener, «ml a bandy man ari.iiu.l o guullounu'» place, best ol relciajiiee·. Addrea» V. H.. 67V Aocli ot, .tUUon T. Oity:_ C>0A(J11MAN.-Hy a singln man who thor- J oug'ily uml'Tsland» tlu.Cire of hntmee. earnage»; gixsi uily iirir.r. «an cuoie higbl.» reemuaraud«! fruu» !a»V and luriner employer» m> ui.iouliuii« lo go lo cuuulry. Coll or ailtlio.· H., 6'i Eaol BBS »t» %.nm*smtnta. * «a A 8 IP ONE WERE TRANSPORTED BODI **·-*¦ LT set ose the eceea »nd into tao middle of the «tar* toont-n eontory.-S »w-York World. OPENISO DAT OP THE OLD LONDON STREET. 738 ond 760 Broadway, SATCBDA.Y Fobrnary 36,10 a. m. te 10 p. or. Music morning, afternoon, and evening. Everywhere the visitor tura» li* confronted by the eoass teipart of mm historic building of old Loudon.-Xow-Tork Timeo. In every Instane« tbo marks ot time bars been very elevar· ly ctninterfettod.-New.York Herald. TmÊRICAN WATER-COLOR SOCIETY? _- TWENTIETH ??????. EXHIBITION So« open »t tno NATIONAL ACADEMY OF DESION, Cor. 4th-ave. and'/:?.? »f. From «a. m. to tip. m.,7 SotulOo .- ADMirrAME a·» centh. ¦**-···»¦» __Will oh.oo ? »-»lay. February US,_ ASSOCIATION HALL, ' 33D-ST. AND 4TII-AVE. IrMsr Erenlng. Feb. 36. at S o-clock. Miss JKtsBlE COUTHOM (Fir»t appearance on this platform 1. IN MlisCELI.ANKOr« READINGS. ___Aihnission with referred »eot 60 cts. BIJOU OPERA HOIISr!, nrondvv-a7Är30th-6t L»»t I MR NAT C. OOODWIN I Po«ltlvuIjr ß .·»·¦*.*}, l1''*., AB Fill Ml-E LOREN/O. IN Ia_t . SATURDAY. THE MAbCOT. Week! *.· BOBBAT. ???????? Eg, "TILE 8KATINO RINK.· pfllCRERlNQ HALL,-' VV Next HC?DAY ??.???G, Febroorv 37, Mr. Frank B. Ulpplo a »noun.I illustri!«.! lect.ire a.. ... '???: r*4*0 OP THE CESARS. suc ·,."" r ° *U"1 pronounced by ilio pro·» a deckle»! Ai!ml»ilon.;>5c. Reaerred Sene. 50e. toíur'd'iTeii « " ,. l0 commence " ¦ *-*6Ba furrnan BBB |)OCK>TAI.»EEN MTN8TREU" ~8:30 *J. ????????G??? RILL or THE YEAR» .OUR-'-HAKUOU LIGHIS-'OUR" ELABORATE SCENIC EFFECT» BY FRANK KIN'» TCXEDOTOHOOOANINO: TA MINO OPTBB0BBSBÌ DOCKSTADER'S IIILARIOCB MINI) READING ! BONQMOF DER VADEKLAND! OBSnOB Pi huherf» "Serenado" üoodNiaht. E.irewell HERMAN bleep Well, Sweet Anitol, Enea· cm SONO OB1LDREN'S HaTIBBE an TO-MOBOOW. IT OÊN M DnEE7_3d^.7ber7fith añd tituTve? J Open from 11 to 11. Mind.ir» 1 to IL EXTEN g I V ? A ITERA r IONS. THE«HEAT BUSIClAEWOPTBB WORLD. EMINENT AMERICAN ANI» El'RuFEAN ARTISTA MEN; ZI LA IOS Hid PRINCE PALL EsTERHA/.Y'S ORCHESTRA. Concert» from 3 to ft and ? to IL ? «?:. »«oh 50 rent« children 25 cent» .A.fEEB.Tbo Mystifying Ches« Antonnton-AJEKfl. ? arrío aVs park. ????G?? EDWARD HARRfOAN.Proprietw M.W. BABI.BT..solo Mia »< if Crowded Houses and Huo<ees Supreme. McNOONEY'B VIHIT "THE TALK OK NEW-YORK.»· EDWARD HARRIDAN aa MARTIN McNOONEV. Admired hv »II l..ver« of natural ictintr. DAVE ? RAH AM aud hi» popula; urcheatra, _Iteirnlar Matinees Wednesday and Saturday. YCEUM THEATRE. lf.i-SY.t_ 23il-st. 8:15. I J FEO WOI FfNilToN; OB MASKS AND FACES ITIf WEEK. O'lE.lT SI'Ci K-S. HELEN DACVHAYi. oMEDY CO. In Die brnllanf rerir»L M itine« »alurday at 'i._ METBOPOUTAN OPEBA HOUSE. Tu-MiillT, FRIDAY, FEBRCAI'.Y ¿j, LAST NK.IIT'iE THE OPERA. LAHT XIHHT (»V THE OPERA. Last Kioai or the opera. Wapiiei'· «land Optra, DIE BE1STKB8IN0BB. (LOSE OF THE OPERA »SEASON. TO-MORROW. tsATIRDAY. FEIIRCARY ¡M, LAS.T UIIAND GALA MATINEE. Wagner*» ojietis RlEN/.l. It! EN/I. RI ENZI. Frl. I ill! illuni u Iren<\ CLOSE OP THE OPERA SEASON. CLOUE OF THE OPERA SEASON*. Cúmplete Corps »te Ballet. Seat» can 1* secured for tho »buvc performance» »'.ally from '.· ?. in l.l: '. y. Ill ????0?0????? OPEBA B0U8E. AMERICAN OPERA. BY THE NATIONAL OPEBA COMPANY. TfTEODORK I'HOMAH . Ma.teal rce'e» CHA- Li-sE. I.U'KK .»?.?.??? Bavnegoff BOBDAY, j iHKFLTÍÑO Dt'lCHMA.Yj Wagner V^-^y»)»HEHUOUEMOI»j . _eybeet rBRaV?BAI· iFA,'sr,.O..B0t ?,,:;,,:·?;?,??!?11>-?. venu Monday, Mo.!. 7. first p..rfunuauco In Auicri a ul Rui luiU'iiinOraudopen, NERO. SCRSCRIPTIONS NDH* RECEIVED »t the ..file· ettoBf, ThoTiias ( oiueil.. cornar uf KJlh-st. «ml Tlh-ave., In lb M<t- rOpolll 111 O;,. I., lloll-e. BALE Of 6EATB FOR SINOLB PERFORMA itBB »t the Broadway i.ot .»lin. of th« Metropolitan. Prosneítusoe now re.i'.v. .·«. .il» nu the I.i »t iluiiuauto ul ? Ello" ready un ToeodOT umrn.nx, M .iti. :. AD. MY Ol Ml .-K . BROOKLYN. Tilt«R8DA V EYENINO. Man h 3.????? A. ?'???? Ya. Hinatra GßG Mr ?. o. (MEMORE..Proprietär »? 1 Mam«·-*. dl» tu ? ? »?·. \ ? ß.Oreaeecra Cireio au ? Biioiv.in ou» THATCHER, PRIMROSE AND WESTS THATCHER, PRIMRomE AND WEa»l"B M IN si I P. EL». MINSTRELS. Every Ersntn,? at «\ Matinee« WeL »ni »it at 3. V! Mt'DAY, EEll.'¿«.One Week only ALONE IN LOB DON and COBA TANNER. ?,G??????? O HALL. Second I 'oncert, \vi.i».Ni:»i.AY. ORCHESTRA MARCH ? atv ? .ni. (7S »*»_0«ßß??__, MR. WILHELM OERICKE, CONDUCTOR. Sulullt FRI. LII.I.l LEHMANN. Tickets now on sale at Stelmvay Hall. BOsTON SYMPHONY CECOND YEAR MERRIMAC and MONITO! IO PANORAMA. 6i> New Features aud Optic ll Illiitlona. Mkdisuuatve »nd 5uth.su U|niu .lay and evonlng. THOMAS POPULAR& A METROPOLI IAN OPERA nOCSE. THEODORE TUOMA88 I ? RI \ \ LI.ED ORCHESTRA. ?I N ET Y ?I RI¦'< ' R M E RM. EVERY TV EBDA Y EVENINU AT 8 l.V EVERY UM'llSDAi MATINEE AT 'J O'CLOCK. Bui olili t upen dully fro:u 9 a. in lo ft ? in. -TWFNTY-THIRI) STREET TABEKNACLal A WEST OP «IH-AVE. ONLY A HUOBT T1BB l.oNOER. OPEN WEEK DAYS FROM 11 A. M. To 11 P. B, Nt» LONGER OPEN ON »I'NUAY» M. Dt: BOBEACST-a PAB008 fAlBTIBO. CHRIST Hi KOi:E PILATE ADMISSIOM, .'»0 CENTS._ THALIA THEATRE..Every evoniotr, Siitur« day Matiiicu, tin latest n<u«icnl ?·????·»???ß, THE TROMPETER. 14 Tri-ST. THEATRE. Cor. Üth-aro. Every Evening. Saturday Matinee. MEN Man IHOMPm'N lu in» ui untaoont production of THE OLD HOMEBTEAD. Pnpular puce«. Set lire »<al» in BStoSBkWa ßilniitiono iDantcò.inalfe. i-ioach.man.iìroom.iTaiìdener-cook, VV Ac Ily S iii.iri.-i coupe, mana li.tnuu .'li co.icnuiaii «»otigar-taaori »im on et. .·..· m ..«?·. ..? ?*.??··???·«« ?-....? coil clout, »..'..¦?. ....'..¡-??! oui oMIgiegj Bad »füll of ».··. ». ?."···! rcteieticcs. AdiUc·· O. I., Tribune Cptowa OtUce. UBÌ llru»..w..y._ ^ CXIACllMAN..A (renflenan »riviiitr up lue J hor.se« »¡.tu·» · pisce fur hi« coachman, wlioinliii cae tiiuroiiK'uy r·« uiuuiend in every leiuecl. U a lirst claa» driver, Ac wiiiiin: and nb.iaiii« ? clir ur iuiuli>. Ca.1 or aUUrcse H. Á. Hill 1 ruB. ^s New »U_% CXIACUMAÑa.ByaasBcta man who ?p???t- J stands ihoruinhiy tiie piupercareatnl »tteut on of imnesj barn.·» ami carriaires ba· luur year· beet it) recoii.m. o- d.itiuui tur lion.·».,, suhriety and industry ? lately .iivnaa««.·, la», eiupluyer c.iu be seeu » u.I ulu.itluu lu couulry pre» torrad. Addles· RESPONSIBLE', I'nuuue L y-towu Oluco, LiUB Broadway._m CtoA»'HMAX 'nul OROOM.-Ry a very cap- y able uiaui uan Kite entire .aiiafaitiuu. inno imo en/ 1. leieocu truui one family uuderautud· tore u! noe lioraea, ? an lanes »ml hai ne««, tal .fui. ali l.sL driver, city ur cuuutry. Addreoo M. li-, M 4lli «ve., barilo»^ .Une. / »OACHMAN mid OARDENER.-By a mar V> ? le.Iman nu iiiruuibrauc«. Wile «...si rool or houao lAiirnei guod cuy sud cuuuiry reference. Call ur »iln.ss (.UAL'HMA.N, Mra SbaUer, Ul Wesl lytA »L. cliy._i CiOAl'HMAN..A peiitleinan ilisiiosnip of hia J bur»e.s. wish··· to procure » »ilualiuu fur In· coachman, wnuiu be mu highly rcct.uiiueiid, BWdiBai SiHSI Will bt» fonu.i irusiwurihy oud respectful. CoR ol preaott eauyloyoro, ?? Wui i.lil«L_ . G/'ARMER..Hy an ex|M>nenceil niarru-tl man; SaeBSyeara wife tocare ford.nry. »mail family, b. 4| r. ...iuinriid.il.ui.». Apply ot ( Alll'_N i _ll n, lue U'.l.-ot e., ueortllh-sl.__________________ Ii'-ARMER..By a tliorouiilily competent man ; ? :t|.alile uf t.ik ng .-iitlr« cborae ; wile uudetsioiido caie ul dairy guod lefeluucea. Addle«· FAIlUEK, 44J Ulcka »t, Biouklyu. huuiu U. _____________ 10A KM MANAGER and ÖAKDENER.-B» ? I iborouglily cuiupeteul inau under» aud» all kiutl» vt . lock, aliali», piiuili ? «'si irardeiiei tau bandle uieu to frjA advaiitaae and uola.rani o »oik biniseli beat of le.ereuwt. Addle.» I'Alt.uEK, ln.,une Lplowu OtUce, 1.SEM Bj~av0wajr· lOAR.MWORK.Ac.-hy nan and wife, on a G tarin ihe husband iiiid.rsioud. c«,n of hor*jo. eottle ^rSSL· ??*^___ _3 "-.-it.uR^Ä CN ARl)ENER.-By s einifle matt, expenenced Ac, rotoreute». a.i.lre·a W. N.. Boi 0. iribuntt orneo._ /NARDFNER..By one experienced in all "t I Manches, uicluil.ug muoliioom »rruwlug . also -ortuin« ? ^Fn«"unul«n. uisrri.d. ouo chi.d; boot ret.reucoa Ap. Jly ai CARPE» TE If ~. ll«Ibth-ave.______ / t ARDEN ER.. Hy a «îugïo man; profession- VJ oily and pi»ciically »killed »u Ino proper ireainieut ut aiais-ne«. tieacli liuusea, glecubou··· aud winter toruna ol reatrtvble· »in »uitiug niuslirooiBO, wltb O.C.ont kiiuw.eda.eOl roa*->_rowiun, oud ai. ouuluor doporuneni·.- uaaurpoooou oro« duoli».- l. J, 37 Ea.1 ljib ·'-_- /.ARDENEK-By compétent, steady^^Bar« 0 licuor IIBStoj Uioíuaajhly si.^JB ^.."»¡¡SSStos! 01 oieeuhouso·. grapt-noa. iruit. «^·ßtß o*/' rS^OTW would I·«· chai of ·??_1 t*J» ^^L^^A^ìSl winch 1 thurougblr uudenuuid good .BBJa»*^^*^"B>a j. b_ Boi o-u. iribuu· uiitowu uiUeo, L28H Breaawavy.

HEAL ESTATE. AGENCY BALTIMORE AND OHIO ^MERÍCAN ...HEAL ESTATE.??ß????ß ATTHE EXCHANGE. Beatile» ti·· sale of Mr. Morgan'»hou»e, in Malison Rqnaro, Stthe Real I state Exchange

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Page 1: HEAL ESTATE. AGENCY BALTIMORE AND OHIO ^MERÍCAN ...HEAL ESTATE.??ß????ß ATTHE EXCHANGE. Beatile» ti·· sale of Mr. Morgan'»hou»e, in Malison Rqnaro, Stthe Real I state Exchange


Beatile» ti·· sale of Mr. Morgan'» hou»e, in Malison Rqnaro,St the Real I state Exchange yesterday, which 1· reported Intho new» oolninns, »nothet Important »ale woo twelve loto »t

«Broodwij .'»I'd Eifty-slxMi-et, which »old to William Klattfor S"262,00(\ Th·· «»un property wa» sold ïn«t October tinder

(oreeleaure for «>2'-'6,8u0. L J. ? I. Phillip» »old, under orderOt tlie a·Inn :. s-1 ii ·¦. ten lota in Uueliun.lr.il and twelfth -»t.,150 feet en t ot »-nth uve (ol it'll.(»oo. ¡in,? five lot» for09,H75. to.I. Donovan 0. Teaevck Beokaiaa. tog«taor with.Bohuyler A Oil··, bov» nul·! fur s. 11 «herman to charle· (I,Pub!»·, ¡?? S6-¿,000. Ihe norihwi-st Corner of Ninety-elohth »taud Tenth sve., lit» feet on the tire lue by ?PO feri on theStreet, 8. M. Rlokely ho· »old for O. A. Klooom, No. ltd\Veot Klxtv-iiiuth-»'., a threo »toty ,mwnstone, 17X66x100,for fili.ttt»·. !.. J. * I. Phlll.pi hove »old thirteen lut»,BSxloo t·»» h, on thuooiith »bo .if Mevontletbrtt, 1*23 feeteaitOtNliih aw· Terence Fork-v« »oli», foi 611 0'>0 each, or11Ä2 000. als«, the northwest corner of Ninth »ve. »nd Eighty-Stitli-*t, oui the Miuthweot corner of Eight* »·¦·. tnih »t.,being aparliuetit-houtot, thirty leet front, tor SISO.OOO.There was a uaii »t intnrakera* meeitBgfcrtare·ortear

.moll prit aU Inn»«», between .»¡nielli »nd On*.hundred nuil»twenty-tilth »is. »loo for a throe or tour si..ry house MomTwenty-first lo Furty-eecond e to. end seventh ti» Eighth »ve·.,to co·! about 020,000, «ini lo: a earner plot, 60x100, In Firstor Booeod eve·., betweea ?? rty-foarth aad Fifty-aiau »t·..not to exceed Í4" ?*)'». Ru»iuo«« property below Maldi-n-lai.owae offered iui ??,???. »lso a lot la seventy-s··ontVeE, in»r

Madlson-uvc for s'fj.ooo. aud a three story hruwnitoueliouot-, m Wool Tiveuiy-ttrit-ot., lor »21,000.


BBsTTOSS. Thursday. Fob. 2?, 18S7.The following «ale» were held ol tlie Exouxiigo oml Auction

Ruoli. to-ilav:Bu ?. ?. Mulleras.'».

2 lot«. No» ?'.'and ,'.44 W «Unti· »t, · I. ITS- ft e ofllthave. ..'.-.vi.s.ti; FBcBaeany. $10,2"0

1 iBtoty h-mse ti Uh lot, s · West dUth-ot, 326 ft e ofloiti-ave. lot «t6sB4.li t ? Fere«.···¦¦- ß»·?

1 plot ut l.m! v. , »? Nichol.isave. 170 ft w ol lOlli-

ove, lot» i»li*,7..-ixJlxl07.*»xl05.11; (J W tergu-»oQ . ??,(.??

HvL.J.a ?. /'/.?//.,.?.ß lot« » » Vest (ITih-et. 160 II w of «lb-ore. 26x100.8

oaeh V'*·· HO 6 J Douotsn.4'I,ÚV751 lot, U · Vicst 112th »t, lot» ft ? of Olli inc. '¿..X

100.1E M Vnleullne. fl MX»7 lolsailjats.i... each 25\l00.11¡ C Minn». Itti.lX"!»2 lot. 50 ft nei of above. 26x100.11 cachi .mue

buyer....!. 10.900??» John F. t. Smt/th.

ldlstorv ilw.lllt.ii. with lot. Bo 4!» t Hst5'.lth»t, ? a,«. «.i ^· re, lot 10 BxlOO 6; c ? rotip .... 22.P00

1 ? alcaj Oat, «Itti lot. Be MB Boat 68th si. it, 73 itWOf l«tave. lot 27x100.6; Mr« Elsas». 20,500

By Hichard y.liururli a Co.1 4 itorv divi Hing aud 0-story »table, with lot. No

o7 1 nsl '.'Ulli »t. ? », 100.0 ft nif Ath-av«. lo! ???98.!·. ami 1 lo! No il Beat V71 ti st, » ». 100 ft e ofAUi-ave. IK» G???.?. 1» »tei. iisi.n. ??,?.???

1 8 etui}· »lin-lutin, «Uh Int. Bo867 Weal Blattet, s.400 ft w 0' Mb uve. :,·? in. »ti'* tl ? Corse. ?,???

1 4-eturv dwelling with lease of lot No 0 We»t r.Otli.et. li s. 22 l fl w of .'»th ave, 2i»x H>(»¡ W II Webb... 'I'J.OOO

1 plot of land on wsv. ?w cor of ó»Sth-»l, Kü.fixOOx100.1?d»·?71: W'l'ratl. IS 1.000

6 lots ? · ?? Ml MtB »t. 130 ll ft « of Broadway, 20xloo.l enei»: same buyer. 71.000

1 a-olorv list, with lot. No 204 Esst 7d St. ß s, 110 It? Ot Sé-ave. lot -.-5x102.2; J ? Riyiiohl«. , 1?.2.-.0

1 similar MiiMlng. with lot. No 900, a.1.1 above, lot '.'.".? 102,2·. I. St.rn». 10.050

1 S-»!orv dwelling, with lot No 820 Fnat 121»tst,0 0, ¿(Mitt e of 2.1-Ove, lot 25x100.10; A 1 Mail.Liu Mer. e.'iOO

By Seuil a Mi/erg.Sal· of lot No 408 (stilate, olso lot on BaajQTOt,Brooklyn, and Iota Rnffaiid Oarttoa »to, Bdgewatef,«taten Island. was withdrawn.

RECORi>Kl»RKA.L MTATI ntWSFIÎIH.N. Y. CTTYThe Mlo-v!'util rafii-tv'. SStot· ir.mt lotion· recordedla

th· Register'-u ace to-Oar:Terrete store, a s eer ol Braaea st. 51.9xS3.3x50x.M McM ibouond wife t« J MtolNer. 61.200

SVtlist, · ». ITA ft · of 2il-ave, 25x100.8; Fred bchuukaud wile t·. Eluobeth Hau.k . 18,650

Stilb si. e ». 160 fi eoi 'Al-ave, 86x100 f. lame to OttoKooeou uno wile. lS.llAO

Tine »t. No A4. 97xns27xOB.6j M E Nile», also J ABariow .mi! wl!« to D D L .rd . 60.000

ltlvingion «?, ? s, 44.2 ft w ·· Alien »t, 83x76; Chasnettasi sad wife te F KrieaeansBii. 11,750

4th il, » w ». lot No 127, Min.« J Hirringtou to MJ Murphv.*.]

Waehtrii/Wiii ai »·. · h. 244 fl 11 of lsotlist. 60x60x60.8???.?.? F U Palmer and wife to i rabil. 1,000

17'J«1-»t. 11 ». 1011 ft w of 1 lth-avr. AOxl'l.bi s RartowtoTiii'uiev. «aiatercei. 500

BtoeosBavavo.ee« ut Urovo-01 t.» Waltos-ove, ISOx20oxl»ii\J"S H Ci Ba.Uliy »??? s iti-lu Mary EKiug. 88.600

?ß,???.??. --. l'I > lt»i.l l'cluii.lilis» l'Iaco, ll)s.4x120.0: I.«« ll<-rtoii to'! ? AH»..ga«t. 1

«Lexington ¡.'.. Nu068. 18.0x80; executors, ite, L ?M Vi.ii Wyek tatO Mee·. 10,000

Villen st. Nu 07, .?.; C ? »udii aud wife to A unie

Apiilebauiii. 24,1.114Di-»!, n ». »2d ft w of Alh-ave. 25x100.11, J S l'os-

sett ami «ne toC H hell. 4,75087th-st,*i· I"·» n ( o! 10ih-ave, 2.'>x!ts.!i. p McCoy toW McCoy . 86,000

SOth-st, » s, ; .'.(> Itoof lltti ave. 2.*,vi>» i», aaint- lo»aine.. ; 211,000

Piue-st. No .··.. 22.10x60.10x82x6*1 4. ? 0 í-?» ntoJMi.ui.il . 14.."iiM»

74th st. n », Ici tie of 1st avo, 28x02 8x88.0x07.1; ?Rauiii anil rife t.- J Wi laadanotliei. I

COth »t. » s. ?!*"."· tt w of loth av.. 261 IO" i. WUltolBAllüvell p??! «¡le lo J J Mascl-r. 21.bin!

2d-».e. ». ». ;4» 1 II s 11I 42d »t. 24.7x7(»; J Eüinkolouilwif. to M EaUonborg . 20,600

East iiioo woy.no, loOttoot BeetoetBery-ei 90.6?»',.»; I \. J \'. A L .1111! 1 C, McMuiiu« to J ?McMiini- 46iDtereot . 1

13th ?, No ? West, Jii.t'.vlo.; lili".'!. .. Joliu A Mu-Mir.-i« ei .r. te E BeMaaao, 4-6 totereat, 1

Van Ne»t 1 .1«, ?.. :;;. 2c?·.·;.. E B( Mauu» ctal to El Mclnuiis I·:, Inter, st . 1

Olli »t, U ». 2 is .loft e of tittü.v». 22.2x02.8; Ed Me-Manns etal toa ?. ?? ? sou«. 1 5 iiitirest.1

2Ut-si. 11 s. 616 fi s e of 4thive. 2t;·!»» ?». U C Coep. rtoc W Cooper . . 1

lltb-st. Bo 6*4, 25x04.0; E Jacobs and wife to JoliuFuchs. 21,3»iO

Molilo- .-t. - 196 6 fi w of Jackson »t. 26.1x87.0x28X88.4; !" '»n leldonk tu J C Hal. ... 0,600

8ath-st, » ». 125 ft e of 2·?··??·. 90x100 ?; rrod schnck.nú wilt toj fireile and wife . 17,i«si

89tti ß!, ß ». .0" it u o! 2d ave, -{SxlOO.Hj »ame ^.lohnKuhle ??.d??

61th st. u «; 22S ft e of r.th-ave, 2al0xl0Q,6¡ Max .'¦ a-thon .iii·' wlf. to Jo» Ounl.l ?.:· ... 49,000

Christoph··! m. n ». loi No 18 .m. Ward). 22tiii.:i. I.F Retil lu M P.eo-I and siiollicr._ 1

Heuryit. » s. iot Nu 2(M7tli Ward). 23x108; Win JTin iti.; s ?. .id «¦:!·¦ Fisher I/ewliie. 12,250

2d-»vc. n W M »! 127tl» »1. 2".?1?»0: E H D Shaw andwife t.. M ill' s, Wiit!nT»i.i».ii. 1'<,5?>0

ílthore, ? cor of !»7tli»t, 25..'.?10(·; L Roch and wileto J Mat well. 10,00»!

127th »U ? s. 855 It w of 2»1-ore, 45x9!».l 1; Kalpb D ?Brown t>. A >sbow. 11.500

Borne propel tv; E S D Shaw end wife to Ralph D ?Brown . . 11.600

77th st. s s. 2 0 fl w of 2d ave, 60x102.2- J Weil and? Muter ,??? wives t<i ? Kaucii . 45,000

ÇOtli »t. n s. -00 ft » of 10th ave. 96x100 5¡ Il ».iig-geriheliiiei .il-o S Marx, ami «¡u s to M (Jault 1

BSStSC »t. Ni. »il 25X 10. eiecutora. etc, of Nell Ml)·Colgati t.. ? Cohen. ? .000

|th «re, e ·. 7.'. ft ? of 101»t »t. 2" 111!«: E Daly to

Marlon ¡ite. ."»"lot No H:i (2lth Word), &.6xlS7xMxl84; F Hitslatn to W M' 'dahoii . W»0

88th.»t, ? e ». 147 ft ? w of Av. a. Ji.xIOO.ö; A V Da¬vidson. Bbertf*. toC Rick.rsun et ni. 900

I-eoxl-et. Nu vis. ?.?168.10??a8?82.10?77.6??.8?J D Eldredge and wile to ( H-rrnan. 87,000

Vital tSstüic

ATTENTION ir called to tlioee alconal íiret-rlssa l.iuies, Noo. 4, b ?. ? ? ? a t tl »L A ip.j ou

pi quii·«» loo «ruer«, ?. ?. A N. A. WILulAMà.

1JM.F.GAST HOÜStö, tully deooratcd. freH-J ?.«·.· ?. :.i,g», inlaid floor», ass fixture«, electric bell·;

819.000 lu -..; OOa Weil u7lh al.. bti.r cuiiia; Paik.

IG???-S'iOKY und baaaannt lionne of first-. class ouiiruitiuB thruuiibout, 01 to b7 Welt l'7lh st.,

Hear Central Park . unce», »22.0 er ..ml 623.000. JhuíUii un

Vrwuassta. li. 1 ROMAIN E. Jr., owner, 20 Nassau »l._

VALUAHLfc: ???G???? POM HALE, 09feel ?.·, ...?··, by J. F. li »sii vtlu. a|(eiit, 111 liuwiua)·,

or owuer, on tlie »remise*. A2S WaaraurtoB-ai This property 1» half block from Hudson Kiver. and one nlmkanovetonal at Is ,i.|uii:.,i.ly «ulted for maniitacturluc and »toruge.It la tbreo »lorie«, briok, with hlrh noaeiueiil. Semi lu eitheroOdrooa lor lull descriptive cm ular.

Pusintoo proptnrlQ «for Sale ap? <£o lei

ALAHiiK CORNER STOKK, basemont andlub-ccllar, William it.. to let

BULAB D 1 » II? INO. 6 Beeknion-it.


? wo very Oeoiiablo «uite» uf uutaiilo of!ic»·» to let from


_ _llooui 110._

ÖFTS TO LET..Thrñ. largo corni-r Itifts,J 44112-. K.iivei.icutljr situated on C'ausi·!., near Bioad-

Way.alto »mailer uea. T. J. MCCORMICE, 24s ('aual si.

K08E and VANDEWATER SI'S., a^otningBridgi. -Loll» with «lesili heat, »team vowi-rond eh.vo-

toro._MACLA ? ? DAVlEtS, ll»7 l'.niadway.^rPO LET..In L'4."i l.niadwuy, fiontiiiir CityX Hun Park, two orneo· a.ij·· siu säet sshori rent 6500a year from Ma) 1; elersta.i ami nil improvement· in tlieDili! ???.?. Apply to OKOKOl. Ml.Nllb, 17 U» 27 Vallile-Water «t._IX/ AVERLÌ* BUILDING, southwest «irnerV V Bmailway aud 4tl..L l.iuhl loom», with »team heat

Otid ? levatoi. MACLVV <& DA V i K-s, mi ilei,use».

6>(|7 uiul 200 H A · LK-S G."," between HeèìT-s»V I lu.tn aud 1 nltoi» st«.. two 5 story bulldlilK* tu leale,

lie LAND A WiUTINO. 5 Beekmah at.

?Äuition Salce of Real (Salite.


Will »ell ot onction W ? ONE »DA Y. March 2.AT KEAi. EHTATE l.X lIANi'E. W LIB RTY-ST.

22 L'niveisity Ploce, thi.e-simy bru k buildlug.Kioculoi·' fso e. 66 Ili···. i,. ? s!.

May. ol Au· l.um ? « 7.. Liberty.

CitQ l)roperili do tei

NO. 1 WEST SOTH-ST.-TliitidesinihleandCl.li.ll.i.i' oli- le ,ilei, e. ,1 ..!¦:,!. with ».·.· WltllloW»

gild eilei.s ..o, to lei uufut nlsho.1 for o turro of two tu Avoyoare. Aoply or odJr··· Room 60. 79 edai »L, 2 until 4o'clock.

? AaJaÒUaJNT of ?*ß???t?? May I. ina Proti·doni ì-»viuk« Life A.suiance »society delire to rent Ilio

?· nicioiia .ti., ? uiiw ?? m·.»·! lit ¡he society un the Unni floorOf ¡? Bryoul Building, corner of I.lhertr and Noo.au ato.

Apply te_WM. ?. BIEV'ENM. (««.¡.eliiry,

TWO MAGNIFICENT liOUSta TO LETX ou 6th ovo..One n> or 67th M. ami one near 1.2.1 »i.

E A. CHL'IEsliANE A CO., 17U Broadway.

«Titrj {Jronenn for ßale.

EXAMINE THE ORtlUP OF HOUSES atWest End are. iod 7-tlh»t.: only threo uuoold ; price·

portorale. 1 me OuaranUo cuoiuouy policy. _

\0.10 EAST 50G?-8G..Nearly new ; beuu-.kv tlful, uiedlum i-xod bouoo for «ale cheap also, 20 Woot6Sd-aa H vt est 66.1-ot.. 1 East and 10 ond 2H Weil .'.7th »t-, 6.7 and ß SUot b7Ui ou. It East SUti.-st 17 Eoal 72-d at.. 114 and40 Boot fStlsL. 83 Kost 7'.lb -t 14 East 7Hth »t ; alsusufia evo. W. P. bEVMOUR. 171 Broadway.T .

gag Prorerig CÜanieö.ANTED..Down-town ryropertr for enobee/era, RULAWD A WHITIÍ/u. 6 Beekman.»tff t

jtajjttj Proncrtfl /or Bai* anb «gg tel

AGENCY FOR M0NTC*LAIR nnd ricini.y.linn«»» tc let, Bargain· In dwellitig·, bol'iMt,«. ettesaad

farms, ? LARI Ni ? a. ?ÜBBU, b Beekftiaa-eU, ????? 7t,

AGRKAT IUROA IN.-Farm 42 acres nearVlemlngton, N. J.i good truck land: barn, oarriage and

omr-hotise. Act plenty nf different kind· of fruiti 4 cowa, ßborica. tannin* liiiplinueute, An. All for «G?,???. A. ti. IloPIi,l'Jl Liberty st.


? LL C()UÑ"ñtY~I^OPERTY"nur sponnltr ·

XV I'.'imilii» In c,,!!.,··», residence», fumi» BVBIf ??????culalo^ue free, no «·1?»G»·ß for Gß?!»'ß???».

imi ti.l.ii's ? WEI i.·», TrTbens Bnilding.

A RETTER CHANCE than offen occurs isI\ ofTered t<i »n aiiproved tenant, in a |»i|<nlsr findcUs»buanllug li'.'iae finely lo· »teil, to rent f. >r n.i inaueut BBBUBa·lien. Addire* " W.r' Hoi 60, Mont. lair. S.J._"L'ARM FÖS BALE..Two ntilea from LUnga·G ton l.'lsier County. N. V.; 31 »cíes, bimse with | r.»>i"s,att'c Hin! cemented cellar b ·G?. fin« »hade tieea, good or¬

chard. Apply to w. ? « BLT1NO, 48n Hudson si ?. Y.

(OR SALE..At Croton-on-Hiiiison. ? lot nf? acr··». Im »ted on tin» bauk» of the Ilnd»on Riverì ha«

j.·,., <1 wooden bouse ant! burn: house lia» 11 rooms and is sur-

rounded ?·? » broad platea; tern» liberal. Address KlnlAliUCl.ARKK. Tnl'iiiii· <o'"·. Nm-1 er».


IIÓTEL TO LEASE or F«.r Bale, at Lynns1 Conn., n. »r tin· »oui.d accoiiiino !»le» almul HO pne«t»

10a· re» grnuud. garden, »tallies. Ac. atlracllve 1er »Bramernsott. Apply to AMAMA It. \ N'OBLI* !íO Xaaaafl «t., ?. Y.

tTÁRRISON-fiT., ORANGE, X. J.-FoTOule,I I ltnti.1-i.iiie resa!, nee of Mi. l-.ilw. Window every con-

vc'iieiice^, ji.'if. a ? or'··· CIlj t» .ti ?. bum. cosirplete syaleraWarum-drama·.'·· i.ioiinds. »Vont toar acres caparti· of sub¬division); beautlfnllj ahadatl Large stalling imoiimiuda·lions greeiiliou».·. l'luto«! apb »in! particular» of

? iiward p, n am ? ..m.? <t cu..'.»; Broadway,.t. ? ii ari.rs MACHA ?. M3 ora-ave.

rrfmises can be luspectedon spultestion to gardener.\|oNKl.A IK, N.J.. ami V¡craitr.--R©ridene«i" I tirai.·· tus, every variety; l>eat locaUoBBt aero· bargalMis.i!e and rent. HOW ? A PA RHOMO. 70 Codai st. New-York.

ORANGE COUNTY FARM FOR SALE..One of the best m the county, eeeatatlaa ol 180 aere· la

Meli »lute of ? ulti«, nilón con«, cnleiitiv situ»!· d OB main Ito»of Pile Railway: well watered m·« bim«« »ml mu lumi,with Stabllag for tortv bead of calf le alni »turan«' for all ? rope.Price low und term» libeial. Address

l!l \ Nili \l;|i. GAY £ I'll IT l'S,Tribune Hull.ling fill, (loon, Haw.York.

SUMMIT, N. .l.-Ri-al l.sl:it·· iSponaìty· lur-lilclnd ant! uii'uni'il.i'i! lion«·-» In lei ????????? "G year.

K. U. I'i'TI ?!, e; |...site station.

Coualrn Dropcrtrt CCiintcb.

WAXIKD ??? ???? ?G,????... Ilv^ìiÙTlprivat· family, fiirnislied lii.nse eofltatulág ? or ?

room»: with shade irec» no! far from depot- Kind <1. «cupIlo· BB I pnce. ?? ItAWI.K, BO Liberty st.

W'AXTF.D TO RKNT.-A liotc-1 ~Hiiit:i1>li* fur? um luv u- ?!. If allupici! to vearlr biisl'u»»* no

objection. Adttrcee 1« <". Ilei'Ji'Irniiiiic (.«?·.·. Vila terms.

Bourb ap? ïïoomt.East Side.

A SQUARE Room, newly furniahetl, 110Ka»t V7lli«t. near I.eiiiiKtoli uve.; «yiillcineii only,

referenoe: aleo a hall room._????µ??-???., NEAR 40TH-8T..Spa¬ivi « ion» parlor Boor Urree roo-i.s : private iiath and uiileimoderate price; be«l i.fu.i...-. At KVKBETT iniiii.TOBY. 74 Weal Sola at,

·>»>·> LEXINGTON-AVE..In refined French? j)«w·» Ian; ?. I !c« nice 1.a With or without hoiii .1;advalitai;·' of i ici.e!. ISIBVIaathlM rd« Ieuco» t-xcbaiigt'd.

West Sid«.

A NEATLY furnit-hc'i 1>:hU parlor , privatobath ; 1.1 iraflciraari oair. tJ4 *Ve*l 31th »t.

G?.??.??? APARiWIKSTS FOR BACH-I J ll..!:~. Pilli, ?« .·. cuor l-.'.t «t, In fire proof build-lug of AMI RI' AN BAaTB JitPOhl'l 'iiMl'A.NV. Inaisiit.. .ill. 'Ü III til·' city.

OD FLOOR, hnndnomoly furnUbed ninni.'«,«<w near Windsor Hotel, parlor dlning-raoaa »iinerl o

references .->.. balia·-d. ??????.?? ni ???· TORY, 74 We·.Join at. _

CECOND AND THIRD FLOOR, oniteo onrltO Miiii.·. ne ir '??? ;«··.:·'o'· Hth: eseelleBt hoard Ibt.rn.·» aad tenu» ut BVBKI ? DIBUI lüBV, Ti tVaal

;?,-.??? st.

fiato ano (loóme '?? Lei.i lOTEL FA1RFIELD..37 and 3S OrntnercrII G r: »n c'ei ani ».ni.-o' llii.a- ??«?:? s. <-.ii-isiiiiii; of nar¬ici '1....1II1L· part ..ni: t«. ?..· :.-, MBeetrag.

Cuákero ino Droria,.


Hi AMI 1·*» XAoftAI --T.. m:\v- ì ilKK III«..

Dealers in Invastment Securities,nrv AM» aUX o\ tXMM|«-81tVl mih i-isii onON «l\IH.I\ 41.1. «-PCI III III.·« UavTBB AT Mr.W·Mill K »TOI R IM II IM. ?.????-??- Uli PI» BO IM) IN Tl It l>T M I IIW ! O

ON Itll.tMK« M iJlilTKI DU \P¡ IT KlIIIIT.


COMMKIlCIAf. l'Vl'r.ll. Si ? ??0 V«.'t> il > 4.11.

INI 11.?· ?.??? ?.G 1.111 N I

m- vii-1., ? onwnn en »adw it,?. FITCH, in. M.WVOKK.

Mcrnlxr N. V. stock r.trhanvA

Pii'ijcnù Polices.u n i: "F hi' m il H i:s I'u tin fourSKI /

'. Bl ai. «I. .Mm» ll: It i'l'-'-iSK» ? ?. .it 21, 1*4417, S

C0ÜP0N8 »ine Mnreta l. 1887, G??p? ihn ?·.?-lewlaa toada aUl baaaklBai aa4añ»v teat data al thai

Offll'l»:?. i»« nnd Ne»-Otleau» ll. R- la (Sabine MvtaaaUl 1st

M.ri. ß ?·· ? em.Muxuaii Iiiiiiii.i'.iiuuil "¦ R "'" I st Mort. 0 per eeat

? ? M D'I li . HOPKINS. Iii.i.il.r

tuna NowrOBl Niwi ??µ Iflsaueirn \'ai:iv C· ¡US BBOAll ·?. 'lll.l.s Iti li l'IV'NBW-YUBK. !i bunny '¿A, lain !)

COUPONS dne ?.?p?? 1, 1887, from Ul« ?<?-loWliiK I or.!.« will be paid on »u. ¡liter lb» l ilute at ll..»

BBBB·!UlUatothto«a. Lexlnittoii an.i Hie s.m.'v R R. ? o lai

inouï;»«·.· ß pet Beat bou-.s. ?. ? OATJcU. Treasurer.l.llll.K R.'tK IMi i'l.UI SMI ? m ìtali,war. I

pu-:" ,Pel raorr .8. ?·»ß7. )

IN ¡trronliiitcl' with tin* ' nn« ol uu- Bcripl.nad tlT til« Uttlr iKick BBd F >rt sniiili Hall« t

Bond coupon», notioe ?» herehj aivcn ?·?»1 oen tu ile« »sii rifor coupon T Un·· ni ? ? 1?7?, will be paid ai t'.·· ul.ot thecompany on April 1, is-m". alici «??.? .,.«t<. auaraat on u.uIssue of »· lib »» ??· ·» ·· ''

jus ???????-. Tre:i«nrer._CUII A'.ij AN ?· ? too It A11.in All COUPABT. I

? uu a..... in., Fctowary v. i»«7 1

NOTICE..? quiirlfilv dividend ni IW0I'fil.I.AllH per »l.src lis» Di's liav n it· lined on 1?.·

preferred aad reasraoa aiorj oi thlai oespani, payable on ineFIBUT HAY OF ? ? lt< H m»! IO «to· «lii.libis uf record »Iliiecioaeui toalaria· toara oa UmTWBLFI ? ?.????.? ?.The dividen·! ou sl.ai«·» ?··??»?« ?· .1 m .Neu ? ..? k n ili m paid

at tlie otticc ut ibe ? nii.l.Hiiv·» apeilla M l.sslts. Jnll N1?? ON A CO« ?a 62 Wllliaii. »t.. -Ni w Volk, uud <m »baiesn» .»!· ml in « lin »so at Ibe «Iti· ·¦ ni ttie trresniei «f Ibi-ton.

jiany.l\ U. !..sii it. 11. usui i-r.

omoaorTaa aµßß??aµcoai r<.*tiM.\y, T~Un. ì Broadwer, ?:..?-?, g. )

NI « VüBB, Feb. 14. ]-*7. SF?? Board of Direetornof the AMFKICAN1 ? liAI.cuMPANV of AllMBBf <Oiinty. Maryland, liar.Ulla day declared a divtdead ..! '.' pM «·nt Byaa ito eapitalStock ol l!i<coiii|.iiiiy. Payable ul toi» BUBBB M TfeWaflB·/,tini, h 1". 1087.

I lie traiisfei book» will toCMNHMOB pebinary 30, »t Jo'clock i>. in. aud uo|xmi on tho morning m Marcii 11. iMr7.

V\. XML· WAi.llRlHOI,.____^_______

sci iniary.THK WAiril WOHKS COMrSN, IU SAS am·.nmi, Ikaas.

???? COUPONS DUtUXing Manli 1. 1»N7. ?·??1 tlii» bollii« of tin» G????????? ,· t.. paid in .New York atNalional ( Hy liank. or In S»n Antoaln al Bin .Anioni.? .NuUou»l It.iiik. OKI). «?. BBA< Kl.M'.llo.l.. l'i.·.., |


???? ronjroiio matiiiiiK llareta 1. lHs?, onUltB Company'» First .Morlftser lion ?????? < ci liticai. .

«ill la, paid on »nd after ii...' ant· on un »enialiou at ih··i ui.illi .N'hIioii»1 Hunk, X.s-Vofli.

_< II ? Itl.l -. W. I. l'A KP., Tre. sin.

Tua Ilutan ??.? nun 11.1.1 minati.su ouia.m ?

<>? UBW-YOBA. >orillea 3i llaiwa ¿> µ.? kast. S

THE REODLAKOUAKTEiilTìf DIVIDENDof ? wu ??? ???? ??.?? set «f ??.« pro« »of ta· Beat

Uli·-·· moulu», will b.· paid at tbe ittico of Ibe Ciinipn, ? BBami »ftrr Marcb 1. Ixs7.? be book· for tbe iranstcr of sto<:k will be closed Gß??????

Vf.. ut .; ? lirf-u p. m., auil i.-in.ilii ? les· d until ih» n,ornili·/ ofhlurcli 16. HAM7. _J. > ?1.1.?..?, i««xi«tiuiy.

onction ònice.

MORTGAGE 8ALK..John O. Lvut. Anetten·eer. will »oll Ibi« day at IU, fomnoon, ?a Miti -ni, ht«

til« lunature »od llituree ni »uloou. Inclielln» b.Illuni »mipool tublu. LOI/1H I.K.NRl H 11 KR, Any ??: ????4,»??·.

\| INK-LINED CIRCULA ?.S, MINK SIIOUL.ivi HKRcapna, ? rlcea niuiked down. C. »;. 811A V ? ?rumer. HM Pilliiest

ÇtLp OJaiiuò

1>HO'IO-KNUKAVr;KS Wim ted..Good paySlid p<«!limm-III ellll-loTliieiit.

PliOIO-K.N'HKA VINI» OD., «7 Pnrk Pl.ice.

UMJOI) fc.NGKAVtKH waiittd.-(i<»od payand eleady «oik. PHOTO K.NtüiA VINO p?

1)7 G-ti. l'Un r.

CDERFECT flttiiit/ stiainkin Hawaii alo ftH tol rX) BUahaO loug lelubie uiiods pu. .-.» iii.ilkc-l ilo »?

C. C HllA«. N P., ron ibi. luí Punce««

Ceclnrta ano HUetinge.¡nÔOPÎR UNION FICEEHATIJKIJAY ??0GGGV-* I.Kl'TI'ItKh. in UieOre..l IlalL BIH u'olnok. Pebmsiy8«. lb« lecture, will u» d.oiv-r.ii by Prolesaor li. W. Pl.V ? ?«?»; ou ·· ROCK öTUUi t????,·* Illustrated. Mo tlukoisrcuiiiiotl.boor» npeu at 7:16 ; clMon al H o'clock.

ABRAM ri IIKWITT, buorela/y

Coai uno «founò.?ß?.-Oa Fob. 22 a bar pin with ono dia-J loond. A liber.·'reward will be ¡aid for it» rulurn to

Mr». E. P. W., Munay AI ill Hol. i.










b] ?'· ¡????? in



?.? G 111 ?. ? ( Ok.HANK ehm and anoKEBa,h.*..; Ilroadwoy (.mil branche·»,

NEW Y>>. K.



NOTICE.MwYiiu, TY*tY 4. 1H87.

G???? »e «creenii tit ei ten .1 int.. this Sat« bSlBSSB irrtalli»euiiitv hiiii.·!» of il,.· Bea Tors, Cfctos*· sad ? Leal·BaUwap Cearaeay, Ik· Lsks Btoore an Michigan BeelBersLaiiw»v( ? ? »m aad Mastra, laaaes a. i..·· «ev.it. fen ?Kennedy, Ailnan lac! in. it I·. VA lilis Jen.· « BBi 04 ter llar.un-n. · ? «wo salili a ? ninfei.· sswetoleOSj tisi sieilgs·»li.iulholdir· indir mi ;.in m. i-I dated Non mis r 21. 1«-.'.,end Indirle I' Otrott, \t 11!., in K. \'nudi rhilt. Jim.· « V

lecaetrlt imi Jel.n B. hum· ? ti» tiiider»lrtird have bei

appointed · " l'un hBotog ( omnitttee " with power tu lurforin.jUM diitiea tinti in si t Loth imi tu r· organile the ahoXi Isil

way un IAO nOSWtof

?»?.?\.new Hi:c ? anus TO in. is-i un ? ??? utuit-


Kirat moringa 60 yrera ! aareeal s:nking Fundi-i.iil Ima :- .|?r»(Wl.rwm

Plrot pngorred otonk .heron«! preferred atoek. u.iast.oixiCouiiiiuii Slovk. 14,01/0,000

PBB8EXT BECCBITIBBaFlra' tm-Unri .,,<i vr« tr> n.ev« tr.r »1 <-'r 1·??·1· ··.·'

co?? ?» u . ¡? pel '·?? li uro ili h·, tri.i··· m..!« »Od lalereel.? ? poi eont pei annua In ¦<· Dax ettibel ?, 1 »¦·. t·· eu alase.? «por eoibollii«.

Ierra! ol I per reel per si-inn. Dm.. I ¦»·<. ml. ? ..

of atro ?· «

( nt» t.. ?..-: .· atnrk to par aa mm* IO por (riera

l'rr'. · por ««nt of iiew »· ..mlprefrsn ..? ¡, ? » ? ? .? ? ?

( mnn ? ato. . di - I. ·.. ?. :,?? j« ? 11 ni of ne ? ? .??????..·?fci.i ?! .m ..ni ·.'..--. it la ne« Irai prefrl

< ¡p' ¦

hIm.ii referred ton.aj ?- ol the Lenirai? rn»t l'oasi any ol n. * Vera.All I ··,.',·· ? ·-.

ti. t ? le « ? ¡111 Un .< ? M- ·.0] V ·

? « v il ami ret-i le»for Ibei!¦· i··· »· i¡! tl il ?.» li Ibero tobt -is

??« kl.< ?·'· ?· baiti reeii .?, »?! ?? |·?..| »?ß ti.,ii.si. d ?,,

? r... » »?. ,? ,.···. ..... r, .r .lomnmc ami le Pai their »»-¡its un .tI. li.iu ??

I- ?! ? ?·

Vi ?! ? \M ? VANI·! HilM.T.\ '. I 11.

JnliN ». ??- NNEDY,(??.?

O. fi. ELLIS. *iirrrt»rr.li >ii»»uu »t New York.


EIIIST Vt(v ?··?»;? BOKDHNET IN.F-TOlf li PBB ? ? NT.

P. W. CALLAUDET & CO.,MA 1. BT .(-»unii: BIIO IDWAY, '.' B/.YOHK

NOTICE.-The UNION NATIONAL HANK,... ..?.·.! st ',? r ?-, il ni Ih·· sinir ..! .hin. I- loolBI u|

II- .»".Ills Ali l'Ole I...Idi |. ,1,1 .·'!.. r·. ci ci Ini« ..! -.,. ! Asa·te tl.cu-'..?. > M li..Il li·.'. IO prroeBl t:.c noi. -, ami

otiti ? latoii sgsinei ibi Aoeoi lotion u t pavn.i di

Datad i »toasry io. IsBT.n f. I paymentU. il. TI BOB, ('a»hler.

The »!>.>ve-n«ried Itnnk h«t-1nr con»nllrt-,trd with the OHIOVALLEY NATIONAL li ? N h of «I..»INNATI Olli'·.reap«» nulli ? in. sis a cuutliiuai.ee ni II» furine ? p.ttuii · w .11.11,1 ousolldOlld l'.allk.

li W 111 i.lll ». l'utO. II. TUDOB, ( .uh.

TIIK ???? VALLI:.' \ATI0\AL IÎA.VK.( inciiiiiali, Ohio.

CAPITAL .S 1.000.(MIO»im. ->. -s .,? ?: ?·-,·, p? u BAI ?? 6 >'".. Baelaora ami

uf tho 1 SION NATIONAL BABE, (IN( 1 ? ? ? I I. (»UK»

We nfler luat term« In but in" und »Olili e »II kind«..'Cui l'imi.? nt. in» minili, nnd lues I lui. «???.-??? ».cuntí·-»,il:-? "M 1.1 n r POP** '""' '¦ akilo/ .iilectlona.

l'.ut aad Mil ?-..ielrn Iti liante, luiving ourown rorre-por.rteut· in »Il lia.mu· rille· ol Knropo, AeraWJBt· uf Back·,Boafora < nriM.ratiou· »ml 1 mil vidual« ¦oitetled Weinvitecoi |. epondeui ». JANBB KBPY,

l'ri «ulenLII W II I·.11 »

Ijt. In .i.leiii mm, .Nalion.il li.iiik

SOUTHERN PACIFIC R. R CO..io'i'¡( i; oi' a:t i>5 ·??· 11')>.

All person» M il.ng »ny of the bond» of the Houthern I·»».Mi. Itoiirood » ??aa? aro bei t»v notine.t 11...r iborei· bobli. Ih.· l.aiels ol ll.. uiiilcisiKu, ,? lru«»»ea, under the MoriKSK' I.V ubiditile |>». lot u of aunt Loi. ,» I- ·.·. nr»··!. I lie »urn

Of ON ? IH ? I» 11 I. 11 II'»I MAM» III 11.1. ? It-, gol I. » h.lindel Ilio t. nu« ol aatd Moilir.iee, ?. aiiplleabl« lo the red.million ?? pul .lo··· of «nul II..ml«, sud thai ihe umicrslviu·.!win rrerivi -?. prupua il« al Ilio Load oOVeo of oabl ( um·

p.?.y. connu Emirlli sud I ..aa ti-· in! »lo., San Ki»m .-..». foiII.e-un· ltd.»olii Homi«, asili BOB DA Ilio (went) tliat

.luv u: ?.?'?. I--»T. ..I »Tel, tu, e |i.'|s.osio will be OpOOed.ami »lieh lloiiil» »» »re oiler..! a! the low· »t prie« will be rem ..in · ,1 or pin. board ¦·· II.·· s un.un »lorieoM

Prupoool· to I» oedoraed -¦ l-ioi...« .1« lor surrender nf thePn»t MorlgaKe Loml» Knitiei ? l'acillc Itjilr·.»·! ( Oii.pany.

I». O. .VI ILLS,(.. L. I.ANSI NO,

Kan fraaelarak i»b. 1*. i«87. Tiustee».

LuLleMU.K,Mw AlllST asji>( un A-." It ah.w a r )( ·.Ml AMI .11 H »««AI M. >

Nkw ?.,???, ?ß?p?ß?? V4, 1MK7. )??? ANNUAL MKKTINf. OF ? HE8TOCKI Hnl.Dl H*« <»f il»·' L »I ISVILLr, BKW-ALBANT

«ml I'll I· A(IO ItAII.M tV C MI'ANY will be I.I ""

Wedoeoday, Match nth. Iss.'. at l'i e'eleck aoee »? the »fît· ·*

o' Ih» ? unii.mu ·? Vns.iii »I («icoml Hour), tot the elei tinOf huleen Inns n.i « le «· rve for the ensuin» reír, and theIfSBMI ?:--? "f ·<>' h ether bSOUK M os may be piuperlv tirniiulithe ole lb»· iiice.lnir.

l'oli» open Iron. 19 ? cluck ill., lo 1 o'clock p. m.Thetraaeferbeeka win ka obseed nom Mumbiy, February

.J-tlc IssT. al .1 oilii. k p. m., nulli Tbut«.l.iy. Mirili 10,lShY, al 10 ».Tlie klu in.

? li.· A Minai M «et Ini'« of lb.. Htnek holders of Ih-SEDEI HID AND 11 Li). »? I ELI It ? 11. IH ? A D C< »? PA ? .


( OMPABY.Will be held at the a.me lime and place.

WILLIAB DOWO,G? ai·lent.

WILLIAM DILLES, IrAsslalmil s-ccieiaiy.


DKl'Ain.Mh.M nf' PINANCE.(JIT U ? nr rug COBITBOtASB. jM-W1KK. N. J, Eel». 14. II4S7. I

Kealert |>roi»is»l» will lie re·, lied at till« ?.!!!·« nulli SA G¬?' DAY. I.I. 90. |SB7| al 4 p. m., lur the pur. ??·«?·"? anypurl of one hiiii.li. .1 und «itti tliouaaud do.Ui» uf bund. (.'tin» Ily uf New ai k. »Ifnominated

»»? ? ? ? BOBDa,"rteliier»!»!» Murili 1, 1«H7, si which dui« Interest liegin».Ttira« bund» ore aiilhuru.Ml fiy oil ol L.iilsi.ilui ß nf the en·!«?·? tow-Jeraey, pBosod Bare! ·-'.(. ism., »mi ai· rasasi· ut h ?

ie»r» (61.000 imihi regtota »o·, eeesee, beai nig iiil.i.atal Ih»iole of I u· r c. nt n. r «nuiiiii, p¡tj alile aetuPoanually by Hi»hulking Fund ? in.iiui,»i,,iier». ?Fur lb»· payment ol ¡he is.ml» the credit and »hol·· propfftyof the city ..re iili.ilued Ihn liileic«! ?·??·| m sink in« Eiiml ?»e-l li'isliisl by law uruvidliw tlie im mi uf lli|iildaliuu atm TinnyThe righi II reserved to re|ec any or all hnl» nut deemed !»'¦*

tic .ni. lesi ni II.··· It) eiimh gusraiili. of gissi failli will lie

requires! trulli bu dur· »· I ho Dopai Imeni uf Finan· e mar »le?. in in.· 1??,«.a»?· muat be iii.iuisol " pMSeSBSI f»»r»e«erl'end« " (? |.? nt ol the amouiil lu a41culnp.iuy lb« bull, sul.ddr.snesl to tbe uudeisiguod.

P. T. UDINI». Comptroller.I..LIMOM OaaBsAt. RaiLKOAI' OBBTABT

???? annual niocnnj· of HtockLoli:i*rs ol UM1 Illln.»il Central :»ili...ul loiopouy. lor Uie olocliuii ofDirector, »ml the ti in.», lion ol ol Imr bualne·*, will be heldft the nflioe uf Ihe Coiiinaiiy. lu lb«. L'Ky ul ('bicui;'», un

Wedjieaday. March 0, l»h7. al 19o'clock noonE. T. H. OIB0OB,

., »? You», February 94, loo7. Bctir.ury.

_Ifflol Notiti·.BÜPRFMR COURT.


PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVENA that It is tin· Intention of the Counsel to tlie Corp.rationof tlie city pf New.Ynrk to make application bitíie dupreni*I mirt forthe appointment of ( ntnnilssiontjrs of Appraisal,under chapter 4!.f il,., Uvl .)! 1888, Modi application willM bunio at a i-pcil«! Term of «aid Court, lobe held In tbeß??'???! Judicial li.strict, at tlipCourt flouae Iu I «luiihkecpsle,Lui. his» oiiiilr, on t!... .'.'tl, day of February. G-??. at IIOil.« k, in tl.« forenoon. Tlie object of such npnlii stloli la tod'.iain an order of t .nrt appointing threeduintoraatedaadremp, tent freeholder», ofwhon two anali reeld« ig the Count.of « Mtrheeter, and one m tbe city and -miihj of .New. York,? Omini».«'..,,.·?» of Appraisal lo us. ertsiu and appraise tbec..in|..-i,»»iioii to li» nude to tbe owners »nd nil persons In.teicsi.il In tbe r-al estate hereinafter described, as ??«|·?».·<1to Ih» taken «u .atlt-cted f.r ine purposes Indicitfil In chaîner400 of tbe laws of 1Hm¡}. Tbe re»l tslnte «oiiirlit to b·· ta?? or(jfte. teil«» aforesaid |» |.? ??.·.| In part In the town of MountI'l.-is.uii, Weal·heater County.aiid hi part in ti:·· town nf(Ir. eniiiii;:!,, U>»tebeati . int;, .ml Isl.ild out ami indicatednn «hups 111,.I in tl.in,.· of tip Keftster ot .»'. »l, h. sler' .unity. In Whit· Plains, Westminster ( «uiilv. ns billows:KlrM ?».? a map filed in said Realst, r's oiiiro on ll.·· _.l dayof 1.1 ember, 1--mi. and bcarln«· III.· following certificate, towit \\ .·. ib.· ( omnilaatom i« appointed t<icarrro.itthemoris-lonauf chapter 40·) of the LaWegf «-3 .f »l.. Siale of New.York, do hereby ·> m'y that this Is i.ii.-iif »ixsimilar maps pre¬pared In n.a ordalie, wifli f ho provHuii» of »ahi act for amend¬ing proceeding· nnd Includiti»; olii, r i.rooerly In the manner

Shown snd deerrlbed ?pod the pian adopted l.v in on the l.ttiayof NoveiniH?!, lM-iii. m follows: FINAL PLAN Oil F.ETNO. tl A. Ill ? AQtJ_Dl i, T ÇOMMI08ION. Por themoro efllcleiit carrying out of the provisions of chapter4*i0 of the lavi of l-»;l ..f l!...f»t.vo .r New York. we. (beC..iiiiiil«»|.,ncisiip|aiinled to carry Bat tho provisions of »ahirliikpierol »alii laws, do hereby approre nn.I adopt this planfor th.· coisti union uf anew ai(tn «in. nii.oii the line adoptedand Mi-I hi neon the 7Ui day ol May i«*i. and as showni'| nil lb·· |ii operi y maps ailopl.·«'. by us on Ilici.Mi dav nf Julv1>-«1, nini lilei in tl.fflceof tho llciiislerof Ih· Cmititv ofU -tcli.st. r upon the .«ti, ,!,iy .f August IM4| tbla plan Ins¬ili»; for a in.siili«-.ilion ot the plana huhertuudoptist. bv inclini.ii'K «'He r ? .ny to be lain n in f. e M allow? upon this ?.Ianan.Id· »I»mated her. on H» pare, |a nos. 713 A, H. C, D, ? f, (I,II. I. .1 and ? and Noe. 7 I..1·/. 7lb»»and 7l8%| and wedlicelthis plan to b<· II led as " Final I'laiiMiect No. W A." Ami -redofu. 'lier ci r!ifv Huit »aid six «imi.,ir maps li'«».· been adoptadbv u» In t lit» loaiiiicr ureseilbed In »Hid act this l'ini il iv ofNoe,, ,,-?, ????, JA M Kit BPF.NCER, WILLIAM I'"»VI ?,if. BALDWIN, ni IVKIt UT. l:\LN ?, K L. Itllu»-WAY, John NEWTON, CoeirnlMloner ol PubUe Work·,HAMILTON FISH, Jr., Ceromlaelontwa Andof «.» lih-ti thefol iowm« is aatateroeatoftheextomal bonndarie·, bycearaeaand diafano··, within will, h are included all real aatat· and<ii«<'iiieiit» to i.e tak· ? or a in« t.»i in th.· acquirement ill lee ofadditional landa at fhaft nitefl.lt) the town ol Mount P!»aasnt.Weetcheater County. Ail Ihnee piece· or parcel» of landsituate m the lown of Mount Pb'a«aiit. Weeti heeler 'eaatv,willed ate Included within Hin following boiiiiitarics: Ii.«·allunili,' ut a point li;,oli ti,.· lau.:» of i.em.i. Halt on tliow.sierly lliie of th.. present hi-hf.»r, known asth« "sieeprHollow Kotd." whiiii |a. nt ?» distant Upon a ...nr«e of »mullVi a: ?·· «? ;·.??; f.,i i,... ,i.. ?,?,?,??,. .f* u,,, pocaBtlco River.ami 1« now mark· d t.v a »la's.· bearla« the h tt n a. c -, amirunning thence tl, north93°ST eaal acro·« the land· <>fBald Hart ann the landa ot Ui· «ataU ol William il. Aapln·» ill. ii.·.-.'.isni, ?.??7·'. t,ofi'.'t toa pomi m tin atoreaaid Bl. epylloiiiiw Head, wiiti'ii point la dlatanl apon sail, loraeieteetf ohi ilo· westerly line of »aid Bleep/ Hollo« Road ? th.nee CJ)n ? th 7.r· .'·'.: eaal n. r..<» »aid ro id and across the land· of Au¬sali ff. ? earxeti;«.»_ ie. tot m westerly line of Hi" land· bars·tofors taken by th·Cltr of New-York, and ileeUrnated l'arci71dnpolithe cip Ilici in the i.ffl, e of the 11eat»Ur Of tb·rmnitr of Weatehaater on tho .«th «lay of a urtisi. IH84jthe.(31 along said w.sterlv Imeof s.iid hinds smith M '¦'¦·west M'l'i f^ct tluiice ( ?· north 41-il* west across the lam!·of Wiliiam W. l '.ii nmi 18*» '"? to 'ho easterly line of the¦aid Mleepr Holbie Road: thence 5)alon . ..t.rlyline ol .».nd road the following cooraea and diatene«·, «ria.r-mith ;, S* west 72 feet ? wrath 47° It SO weal V.i\0feet ? etmth 46° IT "*·> west h7»,e fceti south :iiP 41'west171"io I· .t ¡ thciicc («ii umili ;.?? 14 w. »t ai ros» said load84 feet tilths place of beailin "?. tin tadln· u IthlO said outi¬llai:.» Parcela Nos. 71: \. ?, ?, 11, ? G. <?. II. I. Jami ?. and ·?..? aerea, more nr lee· Be.piiiiiiii:' at ,? pomi opoa the easterly lineol the landa Bere.i.i.'oic taken lor Um aaid New roton AqueilucLaBM lau.'aI-.· n« <b »iiiii iT.s.1 "fa.-.1 No 71'J OB M BWB filed In tho

; ¦.·¦ lUtriater·! \s eatcbeatel County on trie 28lh .:a\ ofAugtiat, 1-Mi.iiui! w!i b potati.«* marked iva slake -art ii ir the li tt· t» " ?. ?. * aad rumi n« Iheuce 11 al. na »aid

? Ime norlli·»': ;l7 rtaat aud alona th- tamis of William ·

W. ?..,--.p met of floss -it l.'.'.-i t··?. thence ???alón»·.? »ton.· wall nero«» Ihe lands of said Hasan V Lenettsonili ?.: ..? ,-t l.'.'.icci: ih< nía-cu aci..»» the landa of »aid.-usui ? ?. :· ell »ni William w. Carton, parallel m the

ne, and diatanl ISO feel therefrom, aoath.«.j:i7' w.«t '.u-' leeti thence (41 :·· r..»» the land· of eald? arson anuth 54 IH' 44" we·! UI7't»(Bi t ?·??· place oi b> l- ii-n mi. m· m n* «> ululi »aid boun< lai ice tun parcel» numbered715*b> "lb sand 7 l8«a,andcootaUBB ?*^1!.»». acna, more orlesa Allo! whichlawtserelo lie Brlrn Ini -· nd? ?,.? ß map Bled in the office of the said Iterlater ob the ï9thuavof ixaremlNsr, Iflflti.aiul bsarina th· following ceriU» wit We, the Co imi·* .ti.-r» aiipolnledlo carry out the pro.» i-,..n« ot chapter ? m, <>f ii..· aw « m HM:« Do hereby ?. 1.1 yl'i»« tin» .s one of 11.<? sit »:.,n!.ir map» prep ired In »CCOTdmee·. ,?« Ires |i ,t ?« .es ol » .11 «. r..r «rnsaitlp« pio · <-?..·. « andlucili.im« ..tin r property in Ihemannai »nowaauddeecflljed·,.·.? ibe plan ·· t·» us ..n t!¦<¦ l J;I. d..y ..f November,

UNA!. PLAN Milli' M' d ?.l'or the mor.· ":· -it. iiTTinroutof the pr »

1.1 f ibe m» oi l- of New Ì ork, We.t ? -, --loii-r» »'.munio.1 to earry ,,:lt the provi»ad·:. law», do hereby approve and adopt tlie plan

:..·.· err, ? srai icndin«Hi pi

..: the easement heretofore acquired ?pon Parcel No,I pan ot Parcel.I la U« to« of .li« non ??. County

'li, IpS till il 111.· f the I:.·. ·'. r ot -, County on th· '.'-?? dej ol1--11 Bad te acqntrw Um ? certain ad-


I ·. y, ,. ?lliat»m lai m.·,« i"t bi us :n ii,o. lannei pn m-i il> .1

,,, -, l.l laV«l Li.V. ll, IM. I*. \! I.W N. IlLIVF.H

\X'. I; ·, 11. »I IMI« AY, l"l' · · .?

Works, It \ HILTON Flail, Ir. Ni »s

?,???..r 1- ¦'.1 which th" to' '.«Ulfisa

statemi lance·,h are in. ,??.?.

I« ·! in ..· <|oll II» Ihr In? Khan All* IBS« I..« ? of <·?· .h ?' ?. Wee«,

-'. r Coiiuly. All II.····· 11- es or pan el» ol u I »inr.i.·In the Town ol 11reep. V. .· ?- ¦·· r loti »» '·?are ni. iu.te.l Wllhlll the lollOWlOR iHUint»'·» lied Mi ni;

»t ? ?·· ?.', ? w marked lu a stake boarin« the Iettar·-?. ?." ???? Um Bortherlr im. ..( tue hm'.viaT known

a»Hi.?. r Jai* linei»?., li... .,? Ute »um ? "f

Ipillill I. :iit|.,'!',-.;liiili!'IM,l.ll «

front the centre III.f»»l«l survey satheaat ·-' vnnpoall.r ??«,, I.I..I ,n II.Ilneoftii.· l'eK..i.i.f W«.

.. of ???,?? -I. 1 ·?. and ? ninni.»- lio-. | lo, III27 !_·..·' I. out h li ?- aal ." ,nf· et,

?. .»nu: t' ut.·" s.ii.i ?. oír· In·«· .itari.-iit »iii'l'.r.«"?··?' eiitivlaut ?,· from Momia.Mit Nu 7 »? «m - «. ut ·· Lue.II.(.1. south ·." ;.:.' '.'ll' «a«t.'.««,0 fe< t. th. .,· ·· l)«o.l!b.: '.'east'.'7G> feel ? thence ??> aoulhH7 ? w· »? ·-'· :< ? t· i;11,. ,..-.- ?., ???,,?', ·: ·" 4-s' «? .1 1- ? -,,, f.-. I to f.. c.-IcllV lin«.»fthe.. ?hence (7) alona sud r»«t.riv ime»..iiili 7 ' 1 ¦¦ w. «t reti fi· me«·»'i.oilli 4"e alw. -? ?.«' ,n l< e ? ?.? the placo ol beffbiBlBBi con la in ini; ¦l**i,in.,». r· ». li.· ¦:. .? :¦ ·«. Ailof »?....? lai..? al* to lo I.A.Il la I·«·

Dated ? w-York, lanuarv la, Uiafl K. IIKNKVLA· nM l.l.. UBavaaal lo UM < ..rum«lion.

|>hl»l??? ION OP RONDS OP ? UK BRUSHIt F.LKCTRir liti ??????,?,. s \1 hi» is ?.11 it» Ihai ·? ·'1rsWin« tielil Ulta ibi dav of ?-··!.

entrai I'mst«a ... » Imale·, al I- o · .«rk p. m. 11··« fo.h.winir tlnr?· .-? III ?·.·? en' «ioli ?.??.?» ..' ti.· limi ¦·

ni ti itili·.f N. Y..1 ?/ -"·..» IH. -U. tfi, 71», *0 ?I 1.1. I I'.'. I.*.'.' '.'·». "1. "U· e '- », n- .'.-»lidutrdfol r.alM. |.I. 1.1 the otti. .· .·' »Il ???ß? lo 11. UM 111» of

Itbil i] oi turasi, |«w7, al in. per ceni apoati..· pai ? «lue .imi a. inet! n ?. ?. «I Ini· ?.- «I on »ad llonds

.-¦ oli the ti») lisilictl lei G d. 'I.11.,?IH ill h IH W. AII'il'.N.

? ?. '.?·.??< i oí l'.r.ish I·.:··, tu· lllamlaaltn· Cu ofN. Y.< ??. ? ?? IP nib.

HtreUTT tvatral rrnai c·. of M wicet;tfv th.t ta· abova i,.uni,.-?.·.! ??,?,.?» «.r.· drawn a«

elated. U'ltaCBB my band ami »cil this .1.1 dav of id)m .·». 1 s-7.

? ^ ^ ? HKRHKHT M in Pi'.1. M. Noi»lv ?'11'?..',

I»*««».) Ni.» Vmk l.l y .null o.

CITPRKME COURT. NEW YORK COUNTY,»? i;|i ?-, ???^?? I'lalntlf?, »- lame· Bloom¦iaj "i Rdwiu M··. sTarloi »Bd rant W u » -·» eiecutors Of tb« 1.·»: Will BBfl I,«tan,.it of ?..».·· II. Iavlnr.dei.."t.| \nnaMu» li«.«· I, Jame· li...?in at a.r Aun-·I.ni.u his vu.· and Hulney Taylor am! Huaao Taylor, hla? lii.Inn. HBdil fiii»e \\ Uli an.« and I liima Ad, I« WllllBBM,i.lilyebl ?.?, oi .i ii. I ., .i-.-ih «A ilii.nu«. ilei .-a··«! flu.

a Kacketl only cblldof lami·· Tar lor Hackell.d.»«···!I (twin ???,-?? 'latini Bud .1 · tin ·¦ U. 'l.yloi. hi« « le I liarle«¦··: imi» rarwr? Umtly franc·· haade, am! ciiUor¦) H.I »»1·· tiltil l'Uyle and Mudili.? Uaale, h. r .hil.lreii, and Ai?icIllii,iv lailm. Ii.-fcmlaiit». Summon».Io Ihe abete named 11, ten. lai. I s

ou ai.- ?,m. I,\ limolimi. ,1 lo ansvter tlie complaint In this»iloii, aad to sei»,· ? top)' o! vmu suswer mi ll..· l.l iintiff's»iloili.-v, Wlllllll Iwentv .i.n s .i.'tci the .».?»;, c ol Ih.» SOI.n«, cu il-ive ol tin. ,lav of sei » Ice end III cue <it y.,urfailure lo appeal .ir Hlnwei. )????»??· ul tt 111 be taken BUBlBBlI...I tiv .Irl.iuii, for tlie relief ilamandeO :u lb· »mplaint.Dated New Vork. Jan. ·-'·.'. M«;

lllr.lil-.IUCK O i.KHN I.V.PbUiitUT« Ittori ev.

Ofllce and l'ost-i itili o »<blress.il Naseau »I.. .New York.

To rilarles Auirustu» Taylor. Bl Paul It..In. It.«:··,Bberblaa tonni» Kama». >.i.ue ?.????-? Williams. Denver.Colorólo liona ».i.-ie William», ?'. in. r. Colorado krank\\ III nu», as dr.altor of the last will and testament of Mo-.·»li. Taylor, decea«eu. Denver, ..ima,in, defeadBBta ahovaiiam.-f an·t. a!«... to Frank William». »» father »! aald Saille

u.-·· W illiain« anil I mina Adele W illlaiiis. Inlaut détend·sal«, Deuvrr, Colorada ih.· fore«oiua »nnun.» servedBpnn »ou t.v pablkralion, pnisiaiit tu an or 1er ol Roa ? IIII,,,ni It. I.1HMM1. ··, .liisiu .· of Hie supreme ..nit of Hi" sisieol ?.« Vorh. datad ta· lai dar af iei.ruary 1«)»7, »ml Hiedv. Ili tie complain) In tlie ollh e ol Ibe tb Ik «if tbe I Ity andCon. tv ol New Yolk, Bl Ilio CulllltV l olili House IU Ilio iiyof Sri« York.Datad N«w ? ork. Pe* | ihh7.

HtKiU'.iin ? ·:. ??????,A Homey for plauitlT.

ii .· and I·.·») oftlce adrtre«», iti n,-,s,,u -t New-York.

Cituuiione UOuntcù.???a?tß.

Mies. L BKELYlion ill} I' Its I. t an,? In ?)

IW V« IU BsaVsV·,G???????? >M IfV|f-1|t yM F AND TMMAlM,

? ? ? ?· ? .N ? : 1 1.11 -I Al.

IBwfareatiBBitrtatlf lariiMist»! »ii ·? ?? lu in-Spo.'lloll.

»tei vaut» BBBkyBBtattUg famille» Will b» eioluldl frommy oillco.

N. Il.-Ni>f CONNKOl'Kll WITH ANY ???????Or nuli.

ß« Wüst MD-tTE

/ VJilK.-lly ;i ii'sju'cliilili' Kiiirlisli l'iolt'utiiiil ;V> µ ?, in « ?? a» -is! with cual »ß ?» ash ??« k'.I relurent e»itj oí·. ..unti v. .·..', Wed '.'4th si. KJBj bel' twice.

/100K (??? M lti:U.vi Al I liiiiil iVaI IIHKS.S..\> llv iw.. »isims. tuKuih.r, s.1 cook ? bolo «irl» tlior-oiictiiy couipniiut io do -urk amallpnvat« femilr cui ..r

ixiunliv. C»|| il r Brtrtr.· ??.. W.»t J-uli si inouï J_POOK, litri ,Si.V\oi.K, He..?? ?«»"'. ??>»>«?1V·» Oeriiiau beli, for city or. oiiniiy ir.io.1 ....k. wash, Iron,.bau.b.rwork, «te. Head) al la« tilUavo.. sii"»» ?ß?? »*-

/ M »OK..IH comix'lciit, Kiiirlisfi l'iotüsuiit in\J privato family, Ul»l. hi»», un. I· islands all bram h.·-«.«ni city iifiiciKe. M, u.. TrlbuUB llBteWB o Une, ?.-·»Liuail s »y._.G????..Uv u culorttd lady an order ßß k ?«U b.si rcloiouixa C. Tribuno I plown Ullice. l.-do

|lr,.«ilt»ay_./MIA.MIIKKVVOKK, WAlTINli, &c-<î<>hiI\y l'io.eiiant holy f.r city orca .try cojk nul hoii«c»oik.,i, ..?·1 references. Al insilili »ve iibovo lUtli st._,

CMJoK..??????????» ?"*>? iiKik <(.innati ;/ .m,.! laiiiily calk, wash, irou for.ily or oiiniry ha«

ollyroloi.ii... AI l.lHiilh aie, «bove nun »t._/ÏÏÏÂMÎiKKMAli), VVAllKKSS ami SdlWK.V-' liv a ne»U cápame eirl | city M oui,H y loml Ol «diU-urcu ..... tu« sober, hones'. M. at tH bili ave., uoai 17lU-

ai._? |??;>?·;\???;? or COOK äHd LAUNOBESS.II -?· \Sel.n «irli city « .oiiii.iy,?.G.··"?? si oil··».

.lo, »laud, every thins in caikin*. Call '¿7- Ulli-ave.. nuar

ITiii·»!·. upslaira .

I lolJ.Sr.VNOKK,- Ate.Hj » iiiitlillc-aift'ilJ 1 Welsh I'lolesiant woiiiiili to do ll_bt hou»«*urll «r «·

UU.·· -U'J 1-aal J'jUi «L

Stmseiiiuntf.???«»%?0%??ß??1atW«r»a««a«»»*»«B 0 · ¦ 1 ??» 0. , . , G??^ .esaaasTO-aosa«»-.-«


0 A. M. TO 6 AND 7¡30 TO 10 P. af,TUE A. T. STEWART


Aitui'li'.on '.0 rent· 19 coupon »limi·· odiulMloo tlokot·, 06.CATA LOOT Eh. 61 BY MAIL. 01 12.

NOTICE.- During tin» exhibition noitor· must loaregallerie· by eilt Nu. 7 Eoat BBAata

CÄdLNä ï.roadwiy nod 39th-et.Evening« at R. M »titee Saturday at 3.


bTANTi.'NTt K· .olf (J.N'LY.? ? ? ? ? I E

Hentld-The rreoteait of all (asino »neceas»«."RECEIVED WITH ROAH8 OP LACOIITER"

OltEAT CAST. MAOMPIfENTcosTFMES, SCENERY.Admission 50c. Heat» «ecured two week· In advance.

DALY'S ????????, Broadwsv and90th-t%.Under the mansgement of Mr. AUOCHTIM DALY

Oroheotro01 So. DreM Circle 61. second lulcony ß??,BVBBJBOa begin at 8:13. MATINEE« begin at a,

J'-ery N-'ght, O-18,eilAKEs-l-KAKE's hrllllAnt comedr,THE TAM1JÍO OP TUE SII HEW.

with nm A «e R»h«n. Mm Ot'berí, ?»·Dreher. Ml·· Ht. Quinten. ??»« (.union. Mr.Drew. Mr. I-etrl», Mr. FHher, Mr. Clarke. Mr.Pkiuner, Mr. Lederci, Mr. Oilbcrt, Mr. Hol¬land. Mr. Ho ml. Ac.

"A tierforwioneenf poetic comedy so beanti-fnl. »o gracefnh and »o merry that t.'io eie »daxitod, the ear raptlvoleo, ami the sèna«:«chinned.".iTlmes."A POPULAR ????.*?G?.'·-G??ßG»?·1.





"A» careful, tasteful, sod opulent o prudu»«.tlon of (¦hiike.pearo a· oor »tigo bos overknnwu.".I 1 riliune.

M-indor n-xt, Feliruarv '.l«th. Both uerformonoo.*.» Coime tickets iStuddaM Lecture» now un »ole._

Vll'Tll AVENUE THEATRE. ~üpoia.A Every evSBtDg un 1 Saturday mitineeO--_-i-?




C»»t excellent. Mn«le elormlnr. Dla'ogii« eparkllng.-celici y Limn itili. A »ulule sud iimnialiiled »inxeiO.

Heofo ooeorod tw» wookl in advance.


WALTER dvmi'.okch . .Musical Director? EDNEfsDAY ?????????, M.nch ·.·. a· '.:.

public n-lieii!»al; TUCBBDAY EVKN1NO, March J, at 8,concert,

l'ur the Bist lune In th » country."(HIM.sirs."·

Oratorio for ioli, churn», organ, and grand orcheitra byFRA «42 l.Ds/T.

Frati RBRBERT-POKRMTBB.FopranoMiss MATTIE CLAPPEB.(»titrait«Herr MAX ??? \i:v . TenorMr MAX Hl IM RICH .Raillon«

lt> »»p«! s.nt» for rehear»»!. #1 60, *l '¿d, 61 on»l otic, sudfor concert 03 JO, .+'.', +1 SO, 61 36 ami .Mio._UTA?DARÒ THEATRE. EMMET.O CNDERTIIE DIRECTION OF Mr. J. C DOPB.

Every Evening of 8-16. Botanloy M »linee at ?'lllL· i'OPL LAR COMEDIAN


Ig 1,1a New V.t«??? uf

_"FRITZ. " (»111 COU-IN OEBBAN.wr.\K UKATI.K. (¡roadway snd t3th-st

O l'naiiiveiy l»«t "t Performance·BEWSOMI8, NEW Wir, NEW FIN*.


lUKLl. , NVTE SAI.SHCItY....BOBDAT, Februarv 68,


¦my comprise· mi»«.» (nitr. iv, (lrlsweM, Voroea,H »pp. ».gnor l'empiii!, Beau·. Hopper, Olmi, Mur·


ITNI()N SQUARE THEATRE.«U Mr. J. M. till!.Matilirerhvryl.e. Ml:. RICHARD kl ANBEIELD »..???»·?..?

» .·» IN' PKINl ? KARL. MotlBoo,¦··-. witii dellgbtful riroi hv."- · tlllaai Wiiiur.

** It lo woudorlully tiboriuliig.' VYoiuL

WAloLACK'S. Broadwar and SOth-at11.1' ??-11?? I

? \ .· ?: ?-.? r».l'Ai BOR I.l'ili I «.

? · tVnrhl? fie kinl yet »?ßa

I.eie..V. I'M.»HAY ? ? ??? KB.e» II·ml. l-'.ll bCANDAL.S. II'".!. 1'· .11 BC IND M.


HI ? DAÌ ?? 1 ????. FI· Il 27.1 ? I MINI Ni MIMI REA UER

w'ii ptruonl itortlina axotopliOcotloo· of in· marveloti·power«.

;-· it« now b· Dg booked.

Citmiiiono «tìnnlfo ffanlft.1IOI si:\\'(iiiiv..Bp aeas. atrann EnplJsh1 airi, willloc lo OMialwiUi children or rnoiaberwork ?

i.iv BiillBa ami olii.?.u.· goBat icf. reuce. ? oli at 5.*. tVeM¦ioti si., ring tsn e.

1AL)? DRESS.. By ârat-clau laundi-eñ inj privalo fami r enunliy urei« rr.sl l^st city rvft-reuo«.

K M li mune I ptBWB OfSca, I.23H llio.idway.

I .M>V> M.MD ami 8fcAM8TKK38.-By ali N..uh cumin irirl or loie .,ir·· ot invalid ladv beotritj i.lil.i. et C. ?. ??.l-iiiie CplOWB Oflke. LBI8 Llo.idw ay._

L? G ? IHM·', ss..By flntflan n4ored laun¬dress Wltb un«!!! |i.i.«sed faciliti.» geiìlleinen'» nnd fain

Ur woabiag by the week or docou: lorn family w»»l»lug a··. referouee* A-lillti» M.UiV E. UOBDOB, Us

Vte»l 3«'lh sL_1 AUNDRESS.- Washing to t;iko hume, orJ will un out waolilBg, ironingasd eieaoiug.

Mr» (. ? ?. -11 loom I, r.ui 166 \\>»t ?Tth »t.

IAUNURÊSS.B» ii first-clan laundrnajà ?., no um hv ti..· day ut week, beot retenaos mrs.

I.I 11 »... lotli ¡He._

NURSE..By Engltan doc renof lai-mexpo"nenie In »?· ~?>·.» would care tor Invalid or} ouui;

bahy refei.. 4"» H est TJd »t., bell lj.

? l'Usi·;, èie..?, ¡in American irirl as nnrsour to wan un o lady »an do all kindnof plain aewlagi

willing ODtl obliging ? city ur cuiiulry, city loieicme lìti.? ? si gSlb st List iluur.

? ORSE. SEAMSTRESS, etc..By an ß?? ri·em e 1. m »t ?· Bag N'orili ?.?t in un piTsoii »peak« s. une

l'ioBOBi dis» noi »peak BgllOB. OS nurse te giowfng etili.Iron:.leali··! «e.iiusli, ss, ime n. e.lle ami halli wuiker, le.o he·

pi .un »ml willing lu ..»si»t lu llgbt tbomberwork ? Un! I..«·

re ieieu.es given. Apply ai mi», dì ni ?, 71 adate., uiur11 Ül »i-, A. is._Vl.'KsK, SEAMSTRESS, etc..By a rolli¬li p.Teni. seal roana KertSflmaias gtri, »peaks English..is nuise lo glow teg «i., ? ? e ? X. e i.e IH ne Un si le-· 411.1 W 111·mg te aosiil la riunii.orwnrk une year city relereme Iroinlast plaie. Applyat .'l...laie.. uuai lllli-.l.. p.iriur tl.sjr·' 1-

NURSÈRY GOVERNESS..By n thorouBOIy·¦.dt...?. m ii. North Ueraua gui. '-1 yean >.f «ge.«·

nursery gnu-ine-·, »peaks Fienili tea. he.« in all branche· ofInstruí ion good -ewi-r ant tl ·· me.ll.· .ml handworker,.t. lira! eia»« |.. Il tomi ret«»· Bi e« giveu. Apply at "1 ad¬án·., near 1th si. pai l,»r lloor II. M


NL'ltíjE..? neat Eoarlisn Protntaat airi aanur»e lo growing children gi»od plain »ewer willing to

travel wlih ladv city te trence. A. 11. (.., 1 iiuuhe L'plowuO6I0O, 1.'.'a·* I'.ruailway.

_ _____^..^_^

VURSE anil SKA.MSI WKSS..1U· a wt-il-t'du-ll cale.!, coiiip· lent, young »lenii in giri, a» nur».· to grow.Im- up »hil.llilii. «·..·.' k t Ei euch lliieiiili also rspiiniMll, hutdoes nut .«peak Raglisbi sxcsIIobi aWkvuetwa·, tin« sen·vi.irker and Willing to ut si t In light cluiini.ei sork, ? rat la«.

refeieiice» it V or »Imi t di stain e ni i-iiuiilry. Apply at 71SibaWO., parioi ftts.r. near Ulli »t. A. D.

SEAMSTRESS..By a nanstrasa, nwingbythe -lav or monili terina 7f> » enta a day. MB STSSt lUlb-

»t., grot Boor. _

SKAMS'l HKSs, tVc. -Hv a scnm-»trc88 ¡ wil¬ling to du light chain!.»'! wni 1 or wait un lady ; under-

.«und« ilres«iiiaking. A.lilri»«· (;. T., 1,'J.lf! Uioadway.

WAITRESS..By a «xnt-elan naitrna Inprivato lamily b.et retiren, t·. Aihlree» M. D., Tnb*

nue l'pluwii olii, e, .'.It I.i o.d way.

WA>lllXiì..To take home (»r will go outitaaluiig, ironing and cieaniu^ by theihiy.

Mia. OAU-jIDE. ??? Wt-4l27tb.it., rear.

WASHING! By ß thontuthly firsf-cla-t«laillitltes!.. Wim want» genii.man» washliii; r.'H-renee

frota Ihe gentlemen she is waihliig f»r lueiuiing »lone in tbo

li.aie.l inonuer. call ul a.hliea» .Mrs. ( (>X, lli.i E.SI 3.HI »L

GiluulLoiiO Ü)anlcí)--íUaUe.«.» .***"** ...,..-¦. .¦¦ .

MANAOBR, tVc.Wanted, |M>sit¡on a« man¬ager ami buyer oi silk», wbulesale or retail. referen, tie

umjuestiouab e. Allure·· .»1 i.K.·», 1 nhiine Olllte.

\???·;µ)?? G, ¿ve.?? ß well ncommendedyiiiiug mau a· SltTBlton* valet or lo lake cai e of an inva¬

lid geiitleiii.m. a^e Jti good masaagu operator cau abovaCAddr.«»J. IL. imi etti ave., 3d fluor._ _

/ miACIÌMAN.-Bv-it competent TroteslaiitV man luori'lod age 30 under»!»»··!· hi» biiaiue»» tlior

numbly willing aud ohlLlng nr»t el»»» ell? refer·· ucsv » altm address RoBi-'RI. tare Julin Wngbl. IL.rue·· Mauufactr?? ai. a 11 4 lb avo._

CM) M'Hai A.N..A irt'iitli'iiiaii who is uromi· to/ ???? ope wishes lo Itud situation for hi· roacbiuan wlioni

h. will hniiily r· coiuiiieiid. »in le age '.'ß >ear«: »tr.ctly[. inper.ite reauecllul ami nlilia-lng good driver ami cma·coiiuliy ruler Address.!. I., .. am! .' bast M:¡ il. Xe«? ork »lub-stable.


CH)ACUMAM ami (»ROOM..Ily a man who/ ? hnr..uglily lindel stau.is Un· care uf he? ses. ¡?: ringe» and

haine»», guul lty .!:... lut ulani tu w.rki nTst rlsSSriti reference. Addio»» J. W., llux77, Tribune UptowuOQlce,l/ja« llroodway._C<(JA()II.MAN..By a yoiiiiir man; ia sii)?:le

/ ondsolier: fintola·· re.¿renne fruui Philadelphia amialsu troni late employer in lilla city. Ad.lreai 11. MACKEU441 EaatoHth »L

_ _

g MIAC11.VJAN..My a vouiiir colored mansV> tiiuioiigtily uinler-î.iu It lilt lui- ¡?. ?», »ermi y.-ars'gnmlcilv refereiiue», willing au.I obliging. Call or addrt··· i. H.,IM'aj lid ave., »eennd belL


pOACHMAN and (¡AKDKNER. -By a yonn«"

«Ingle insu. »¦;»· VH undoriUud» tli» are of due hot».»i.ii'i tag··» ami li.iu···.» gou.lai.il uareiul ilriv.-r. »la·» a goodgardener, «ml a bandy man ari.iiu.l o guullounu'» place, bestol relciajiiee·. Addrea» V. H.. 67V Aocli ot, .tUUon T. Oity:_

C>0A(J11MAN.-Hy a singln man who thor-J oug'ily uml'Tsland» tlu.Cire of hntmee. earnage»; gixsi

uily iirir.r. «an cuoie higbl.» reemuaraud«! fruu» !a»V and

luriner employer» m> ui.iouliuii« lo go lo cuuulry. Coll orailtlio.· H., 6'i Eaol BBS »t»

%.nm*smtnta.* «a

A 8 IP ONE WERE TRANSPORTED BODI**·-*¦ LT set ose the eceea »nd into tao middle of the «tar*toont-n eontory.-S »w-York World.


738 ond 760 Broadway,SATCBDA.Y Fobrnary 36,10 a. m. te 10 p. or.

Music morning, afternoon, and evening.Everywhere the visitor tura» li* l· confronted by the eoass

teipart ofmm historic building of old Loudon.-Xow-TorkTimeo.In every Instane« tbo marks ot time bars been very elevar·

ly ctninterfettod.-New.York Herald.



Cor. 4th-ave. and'/:?.? »f. From «a. m. to tip. m.,7 SotulOo .-

ADMirrAME a·» centh. ¦**-···»¦»

__Will oh.oo ? »-»lay. February US,_ASSOCIATION HALL,


33D-ST. AND 4TII-AVE.IrMsr Erenlng. Feb. 36. at S o-clock.Miss JKtsBlE COUTHOM

(Fir»t appearance on this platform 1.IN MlisCELI.ANKOr« READINGS.___Aihnission with referred »eot 60 cts.

BIJOU OPERA HOIISr!, nrondvv-a7Är30th-6tL»»t I MR NAT C. OOODWIN I Po«ltlvuIjr

ß .·»·¦*.*}, l1''*., AB Fill Ml-E LOREN/O. IN Ia_t.SATURDAY. THE MAbCOT. Week!*.· BOBBAT. ???????? Eg, "TILE 8KATINO RINK.·

pfllCRERlNQ HALL,-'VV Next HC?DAY ??.???G, Febroorv 37, Mr. Frank B.Ulpplo a »noun.I illustri!«.! lect.ire

a.. ...'???: r*4*0 OP THE CESARS.

suc ·,."" r ° *U"1 pronounced by ilio pro·» a deckle»!Ai!ml»ilon.;>5c. Reaerred Sene. 50e.

toíur'd'iTeii «" ,.l0 commence " ¦ *-*6Ba furrnan BBB

|)OCK>TAI.»EEN MTN8TREU" ~8:30*J. ????????G??? RILL or THE YEAR»



Pi huherf» "Serenado" üoodNiaht. E.irewell HERMANbleep Well, Sweet Anitol, Enea· cm SONO


ITOÊN MDnEE7_3d^.7ber7fith añd tituTve?J Open from 11 to 11. Mind.ir» 1 to IL



Hid PRINCE PALL EsTERHA/.Y'S ORCHESTRA.Concert» from 3 to ft and ? to IL

? «?:. »«oh 50 rent« children 25 cent».A.fEEB.Tbo Mystifying Ches« Antonnton-AJEKfl.

? arríoaVs park. ????G??EDWARD HARRfOAN.Proprietw

M.W. BABI.BT..solo Mia »< ifCrowded Houses and Huo<ees Supreme.


Admired hv »II l..ver« of natural ictintr.DAVE ? RAH AM aud hi» popula; urcheatra,

_Iteirnlar Matinees Wednesday and Saturday.

YCEUM THEATRE. lf.i-SY.t_ 23il-st. 8:15.I JFEO WOI FfNilToN;


ITIf WEEK. O'lE.lT SI'Ci K-S.HELEN DACVHAYi. oMEDYCO. In Die brnllanf rerir»LM itine« »alurday at 'i._



Wapiiei'· «land Optra,DIE BE1STKB8IN0BB.



Wagner*» ojietisRlEN/.l.It! EN/I.RI ENZI.


Cúmplete Corps »te Ballet.

Seat» can 1* secured for tho »buvc performance» »'.ally from'.· ?. in l.l: '. y. Ill


BY THE NATIONAL OPEBA COMPANY.TfTEODORK I'HOMAH . Ma.teal !» rce'e»CHA- Li-sE. I.U'KK .»?.?.??? BavnegoffBOBDAY, j iHKFLTÍÑO Dt'lCHMA.Yj Wagner

V^-^y»)»HEHUOUEMOI»j. _eybeet

rBRaV?BAI· iFA,'sr,.O..B0t?,,:;,,:·?;?,??!?11>-?. venuMonday, Mo.!. 7. first p..rfunuauco In Auicri a ul

Rui luiU'iiinOraudopen,NERO.

SCRSCRIPTIONS NDH* RECEIVED »t the ..file· ettoBf,ThoTiias ( oiueil.. cornar uf KJlh-st. «ml Tlh-ave., In lb M<t-rOpolll 111 O;,. I., lloll-e.BALE Of 6EATB FOR SINOLB PERFORMA itBB

»t the Broadway i.ot .»lin. of th« Metropolitan. Prosneítusoenow re.i'.v. .·«. .il» nu the I.i »t p· iluiiuauto ul ? Ello"ready un ToeodOT umrn.nx, M .iti. :.

A« AD. MY Ol Ml .-K . BROOKLYN.Tilt«R8DA V EYENINO. Man h3.?????A.

?'????Ya. Hinatra GßGMr ?. o. (MEMORE..Proprietär »? 1 Mam«·-*.

dl»tu? ? ?» »?·. \ ? ß.Oreaeecra Cireio au ? Biioiv.in ou»THATCHER, PRIMROSE AND WESTSTHATCHER, PRIMRomE AND WEa»l"B


Every Ersntn,? at «\ Matinee« WeL »ni »it at 3.V! Mt'DAY, EEll.'¿«.One Week only


?,G???????O HALL.Second I 'oncert,\vi.i».Ni:»i.AY. ORCHESTRAMARCH ?atv ? .ni. (7S »*»_0«ßß??__,



Tickets now on sale at Stelmvay Hall.



6i> New Features aud Optic ll Illiitlona.Mkdisuuatve »nd 5uth.su U|niu .lay and evonlng.



EVERY UM'llSDAi MATINEE AT 'J O'CLOCK.Bui olili t upen dully fro:u 9 a. in lo ft ? in.




ADMISSIOM, .'»0 CENTS._THALIA THEATRE..Every evoniotr, Siitur«

day Matiiicu, tin latest n<u«icnl ?·????·»???ß,THE TROMPETER.

14Tri-ST. THEATRE. Cor. Üth-aro.Every Evening. Saturday Matinee.

MEN Man IHOMPm'Nlu in» ui untaoont production ofTHE OLD HOMEBTEAD.

Pnpular puce«. Set lire »<al» in BStoSBkWa

ßilniitiono iDantcò.inalfe.i-ioach.man.iìroom.iTaiìdener-cook,VV Ac Ily S iii.iri.-i coupe, mana li.tnuu .'li co.icnuiaii

«»otigar-taaori »im on et. .·..· m ..«?·. ..? ?*.??··???·«« ?-....?coil clout, »..'..¦?. ....'..¡-??! u· oui oMIgiegj Bad »füll of».··. ». ?."···! rcteieticcs. AdiUc·· O. I., Tribune CptowaOtUce. UBÌ llru»..w..y._ ^

CXIACllMAN..A (renflenan »riviiitr up lueJ hor.se« »¡.tu·» · pisce fur hi« coachman, wlioinliii cae

tiiuroiiK'uy r·« uiuuiend in every leiuecl. U a lirst claa» driver,Ac wiiiiin: and nb.iaiii« ? clir ur iuiuli>. Ca.1 or aUUrcseH. Á. Hill 1 ruB. ^s New »U_%

CXIACUMAÑa.ByaasBcta man who ?p???t-J stands ihoruinhiy tiie piupercareatnl »tteut on of imnesj

barn.·» ami carriaires ba· luur year· beet it) recoii.m. o-

d.itiuui tur lion.·».,, suhriety and industry ? lately .iivnaa««.·,la», eiupluyer c.iu be seeu » u.I ulu.itluu lu couulry pre»torrad. Addles· RESPONSIBLE', I'nuuue L y-towu Oluco,LiUB Broadway._m

CtoA»'HMAX 'nul OROOM.-Ry a very cap-y able uiaui uan Kite entire .aiiafaitiuu. inno imo en/

1. leieocu truui one family uuderautud· tore u! noe lioraea,?an lanes»ml hai ne««, tal .fui. ali l.sL driver, city ur cuuutry.Addreoo M. li-, M 4lli «ve., barilo»^ .Une.

/ »OACHMAN mid OARDENER.-By a marV> ? le.Iman nu iiiruuibrauc«. Wile «...si rool or houaolAiirnei guod cuy sud cuuuiry reference. Call ur »iln.ss(.UAL'HMA.N, Mra SbaUer, Ul Wesl lytA »L. cliy._i

CiOAl'HMAN..A peiitleinan ilisiiosnip of hiaJ bur»e.s. wish··· to procure » »ilualiuu fur In· coachman,

wnuiu be mu highly rcct.uiiueiid, BWdiBai SiHSI Will bt»

fonu.i irusiwurihy oud respectful. CoR ol preaott eauyloyoro,?? Wui i.lil«L_ .

G/'ARMER..Hy an ex|M>nenceil niarru-tl man;SaeBSyeara wife tocare ford.nry. »mail family, b. 4|

r. ...iuinriid.il.ui.». Apply ot ( Alll'_N i _ll n, lue U'.l.-ot e.,

ueortllh-sl.__________________Ii'-ARMER..By a tliorouiilily competent man ;

? :t|.alile uf t.ik ng .-iitlr« cborae ; wile uudetsioiido caieul dairy guod lefeluucea. Addle«· FAIlUEK, 44J Ulcka »t,Biouklyu. huuiuU. _____________

10AKM MANAGER and ÖAKDENER.-B» ?I iborouglily cuiupeteul inau under» aud» all kiutl» vt. lock, aliali», piiuili ? «'si irardeiiei tau bandle uieu to frjAadvaiitaae and uola.rani o »oik biniseli beat of le.ereuwt.

Addle.» I'Alt.uEK, ln.,une Lplowu OtUce, 1.SEM Bj~av0wajr·lOAR.MWORK.Ac.-hy nan and wife, on aG tarin ihe husband iiiid.rsioud. c«,n of hor*jo. eottle

^rSSL· ??*^____3 "-.-it.uR^ÄCN ARl)ENER.-By s einifle matt, expenencedAc, rotoreute». a.i.lre·a W. N.. Boi 0. iribuntt orneo._/NARDFNER..By one experienced in all"t I Manches, uicluil.ug muoliioom »rruwlug . also -ortuin« ?

^Fn«"unul«n. uisrri.d. ouo chi.d; boot ret.reucoa Ap.

Jly ai CARPE» TE If ~. ll«Ibth-ave.______/ t ARDEN ER..Hy a «îugïo man; profession-VJ oily and pi»ciically »killed »u Ino proper ireainieut utaiais-ne«. tieacli liuusea, glecubou··· aud winter toruna ol

reatrtvble· »in »uitiug niuslirooiBO, wltb O.C.ont kiiuw.eda.eOlroa*->_rowiun, oud ai. ouuluor doporuneni·.- uaaurpoooou oro«

duoli».- l. J, 37 Ea.1 ljib ·'-_-/.ARDENEK-By compétent, steady^^Bar«0 licuor IIBStoj Uioíuaajhly si.^JB ^.."»¡¡SSStos!01 oieeuhouso·. grapt-noa. iruit. «^·ßtß o*/' rS^OTWwould I·«· chai a« of ·??_1 t*J» ^^L^^A^ìSlwinch 1 thurougblr uudenuuid good .BBJa»*^^*^"B>aj. b_ Boi o-u. iribuu· uiitowu uiUeo, L28H Breaawavy.