February 19, 2019 Volume 63, Issue 4 Rev. Dr. John W. Wurster Pastor, Head of Staff Rev. Keatan King Associate Pastor Rev. Omar Rouchon Associate Pastor Rev. Dr. Samuel Lanham III Pastor Emeritus Dr. Randall Swanson Director of Music Dr. Matthew Dirst Organist Cecy Duarte Children’s Music Associate Micah Meyers Art Director Denise Ferrell Bookkeeper Wilbert Parada Facilities Supervisor Dimas Parada Custodian Lorrie Castle Office Manager Newsletter Editor Susan Estill Editor Emerita The Presbyterian Women’s retreat will be March 22-24 in Conroe with accommodations at Homewood Suites Hilton Hotel. We are pleased to announce Rev. Kristin Huffman will serve as our 2019 Retreat Leader. Rev. Huffman grew up mostly in Oklahoma and Texas, and has served as a pastor in the Presbyterian Church (USA) since 1983 in churches in California, Louisiana, San Antonio and, most recently, at Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church in Houston. She currently has two ½ time jobs, one as an Associate Director for Frontier Fellowship, a mission agency that seeks to bring the gospel to unreached people on the frontier. She also teaches for Fuller Seminary as an Affiliate Professor in Practical Theology, classes online and face-to-face at Fuller Seminary. You may register on the St. Philip website: saintphilip.net look for Presbyterian Women’s Retreat Sign Up. Registration forms will also be available in the Gathering Area after the 11:00 worship service through March 3. Registration Deadline is March 5. "Healing Justice" Join the PW from Presbytery of New Covenant on March 30 from 9:30 a.m. to 2:15 p.m. at Brenham Presbyterian Church. The day will begin with a worship service including Holy Communion led by Rev. Dr. Rose E. Niles, Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary’s Development Officer, in the Houston area. A Love Offering will be collected. Educational Opportunities: Rev. Emilee Whitehurst, President and Chief Executive Officer, Houston Area Women’s Center will speak to healing and gender justice as it relates to her work with HAWC. Phoebe Lake, New Leaf Nursery, will guide us in God’s plan for eco- justice and healing of the earth. She will provide a fascinating look at the many plants mentioned in the Bible. This talk will explore their history, connection with the themes and lessons in scripture and relevance to plants found in our own gardens. (Continued on page 2)

Healing Justice · 2019-02-19 · Volume 63, Issue 4 Rev. Dr. John W. Wurster Pastor, Head of Staff Rev. Keatan King Associate Pastor Rev. Omar Rouchon Associate PastorCalifornia,

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February 19, 2019

Volume 63, Issue 4

Rev. Dr. John W. Wurster

Pastor, Head of Staff

Rev. Keatan King

Associate Pastor

Rev. Omar Rouchon

Associate Pastor

Rev. Dr. Samuel Lanham III

Pastor Emeritus

Dr. Randall Swanson

Director of Music

Dr. Matthew Dirst


Cecy Duarte

Children’s Music Associate

Micah Meyers

Art Director

Denise Ferrell


Wilbert Parada

Facilities Supervisor

Dimas Parada


Lorrie Castle

Office Manager

Newsletter Editor

Susan Estill

Editor Emerita

The Presbyterian Women’s retreat will be March 22-24 in Conroe with accommodations at Homewood Suites Hilton Hotel. We are pleased to announce Rev. Kristin Huffman will serve as our 2019 Retreat Leader. Rev. Huffman grew up mostly in Oklahoma and Texas, and has served as

a pastor in the Presbyterian Church (USA) since 1983 in churches in California, Louisiana, San Antonio and, most recently, at Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church in Houston. She currently has two ½ time jobs, one as an Associate Director for Frontier Fellowship, a mission agency that seeks to bring the gospel to unreached people on the frontier. She also teaches for Fuller Seminary as an Affiliate Professor in Practical Theology, classes online and face-to-face at Fuller Seminary. You may register on

the St. Philip website: saintphilip.net look for Presbyterian Women’s Retreat Sign Up. Registration forms will also be available in the Gathering Area after the 11:00 worship service through March 3. Registration Deadline is March 5.

"Healing Justice"

Join the PW from Presbytery of New Covenant on March 30 from 9:30 a.m. to 2:15 p.m. at Brenham Presbyterian Church. The day will begin with a worship service including Holy Communion led by Rev. Dr. Rose E. Niles, Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary’s Development Officer, in the Houston area. A Love Offering will be collected.

Educational Opportunities: Rev. Emilee Whitehurst, President and Chief Executive Officer, Houston Area Women’s Center will speak to healing and gender justice as it relates to her work with HAWC. Phoebe Lake, New Leaf Nursery, will guide us in God’s plan for eco-

justice and healing of the earth. She will provide a fascinating look at the

many plants mentioned in the Bible. This talk will explore their history,

connection with the themes and lessons in scripture and relevance to

plants found in our own gardens.

(Continued on page 2)


Join us for a long weekend of Christian fellowship in the beautiful surroundings of Mo-Ranch in the Texas Hill Country to study, play, and relax as a church family. This year's event begins after supper on Thursday and continues through worship on Sunday morning. Registration continues for this weekend with Rev. Dr. David Gambrell. Read on to find out more about David and our topic for this year.

David Gambrell is associate for worship in the PC(USA) Office of Theology

and Worship, where he has contributed to the 2013 hymnal Glory to God, the 2017 Directory for Worship, and the 2018 Book of Common Worship. He is a

graduate of Austin Seminary (MDiv) and Garrett-Evangelical (PhD) and is a Presbyterian minister. David enjoys teaching and writing about worship and composing hymn texts.

Why Worship? At this retreat we will explore nothing less than the meaning

of human existence and the purpose of Christian worship, asking what difference worship makes in our lives and in the world. Session One, “Gathering,” will consider how worship forms our communal and personal identity as people of God. Session Two, “Sending,” will examine how worship shapes us for mission and service to others. At closing worship we will renew and celebrate our commitment to this “chief end”—to glorify and enjoy God

forever (Westminster Catechism, Q1). David will lead an interest group title Why Hymns? In this presentation we will focus on the purpose and practice of congregational song in Christian worship.

Registration is online and must be completed by March 1. Visit the St. Philip

website, www.saintphilip.net and click on the Mo-Ranch picture at the top right of the screen.

VOLUNTEER TO HELP AT MO-RANCH If you are interested in volunteering to serve on the Mo-Ranch committee, please email Melissa Aldrich at [email protected]. Assistance needed in

planning activities for all ages, coordinating prayer leaders, scheduling, and promotions.

Mission Opportunities:

Faith Mission and Help Center is a multi-campus, faith-based community working to help people become self-sufficient through emergency assistance and paths to long-term improvement in Washington County. faithmission.us Please consider bringing full sized toiletries for distribution to their clients:

shampoo, deodorant, toothbrushes and toothpaste, soap, or canned meat, tuna, peanut butter, jelly, canned vegetables, and fruit for the pantry.

All Presbyterian Women are welcome. Complete information and registration

form can be found at www.pbynewcovenant.org (under Ministries tab.)

(Continued from page 1)



SERVICES On March 6, Ash Wednesday, we will have worship services at 12 noon and 6:30 p.m. Both services will include the imposition of ashes. Join us for worship as we begin the season of Lent!

YA DINNER Young adults are invited to have

d inner wi th Dr. C l i f ton Kirkpatrick, Sunday, February 24, 6:00 - 6:45 p.m. in the Dining Room. Young Adults, come and enjoy dinner and

conversation with the speaker for the 22nd Annual Duerr

Lecture Series. Find out everything you ever wanted to know about Presbyterian Polity, the World Church, General Assembly, or other questions you might have, all in just 45 minutes! Dinner will be Tex-

Mex, and is free, including free child care. The Sunday evening lecture follows at 7:00 in the Fellowship Hall. Send your

questions and responses to : [email protected]

or to Joyce Fox at [email protected].


BROWN BAG LUNCH Men and women are invited to meet with Dr. Clifton Kirkpatrick

on Monday, February 25, from noon to 1:00, in the Dining Room. Please bring a brown bag lunch and enjoy informal

conversation with the speaker for the Duerr Lecture Series. Drinks are provided. Bring a

friend, all are welcome, no reservations necessary. Note that there is only one lunch meeting and both men and women are invited.

“The Great Ends

of the Church”

For the Fullness

of Life

Schedule of Events

Sunday, February 24 8:30 a.m. & 11:00 a.m.





MATTHEW 28:16-20

7:00 p.m. Lecture in

Fellowship Hall



Monday, February 25

7:00 p.m.





Lecture held in Room 209—

choir rehearsal room

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

7:00 p.m.



Lecture held in Room 209—

choir rehearsal room

Lectures are free & open to everyone

The Beacon: Clockwise—Wendy Stewart; Judith Hiott;

Jacquie Colton; Brandon Brown and Dan Boston.

Lord of the Streets: Linda Bevill; John Hartman; Susan Estill; Bill & Ginny Camfield; Suzanne & David Kerr; Governor Frazier; Gabe Grewal; Orlean Anderson; Janet Davis; Angelina Fonseca; Skip Britton; Paul Pennington; Robert Estill and Judy Hartman.



CHURCH & SOCIETY Room 201 – Mickey Meyers and C.J. Miller, leaders. February 24 - Enemies of the State - Hitler’s Euthanasia Program - The eugenic thinking of the

world in the 1920s and 1930s was harnessed by the Nazi regime, framing the treatment of individuals with disabilities. The Nazi euthanasia program targeted, for systematic killing, patients with mental and

physical disabilities living in institutional settings in Germany

and German-annexed territories. In the Nazi view, this would help solve a problem, cleansing the “Aryan” race of people considered genetically defective

and a financial burden to society. Presented by Dr. Mary Lee Webeck, Holocaust Museum Houston. March 3 - Bioethics After the Holocaust - The implications of bioethics after

the Holocaust for human subjects research, clinical practice, and healthcare policy. Presented by Sheldon Rubenfeld, MD, Clinical Professor of Medicine, Baylor College of

Medicine; and Execut ive

Director, Center for Medicine after the Holocaust.

BIBLE STUDY Room 204 – Al Waldrop, leader. We will continue our study of The Psalms, primarily from the NRSV and Dr. Robert Alter’s The Book of Psalms: A Translation with Commentary.

SPa Room 200 - We are studying

What's the Least I Can Believe and Still Be a Christian? by Martin Thielen. A contemporary

look at essential - and non-essential Christian belief, this introductory book takes a look at common assumptions and

important questions of faith. The St. Philip Adults class is a fellowship of adults from all walks of life who gather for learning and community. It is a conversation/dialogue-based/

interactive class. Sharing

leadership is easy and fun and asking questions is what it is all about. Contact:

[email protected].

CHILDREN'S CHAPEL Children in pre-K through first grade are invited to attend Children's Chapel with Rev. Omar Rouchon and a parent helper following the conversation with children during the 11 o’clock service on the second

and fourth Sundays. In the Children's Chapel, our young disciples learn the whos, whats, wheres, whens and whys of

worship, while praying, singing and hearing God's word at an age-appropriate level. Children

return to join the congregation in the first few pews on the lectern side of the church for the last hymn.

MIDWEEK BIBLE STUDY John Wurster’s Wednesday

morning bible study meets at 10:30 a.m. in the Dining Room.


WEEKLY FELLOWSHIP Men of all ages are welcome to participate in this self-led group. The Men’s Weekly Fellowship meets each Friday in the

Conference Room at noon. They will not meet on February 22 and men are encouraged to attend the Duerr Lecture Series Brown Bag Lunch on Monday, February 25. They will resume regular meetings on March 1.

We are reviewing The Answer to Bad Religion is Not No Religion by Martin Thielen. Men who wish to participate should bring a bag lunch; refreshments will be provided. The group wraps up

promptly at 1:00 p.m. Please

contact Gary Gardner at [email protected] if you have any questions.


Mission of Christian Education Committee: Empowered by the

Holy Spirit, to guide us as we engage and inspire as to build

faith and discipleship within the children of God.





8:30 a.m.—12:30 p.m. Infants and children through 4 years old are invited to our Nursery which is staffed by professional childcare providers. Please find our Nursery in Room 106 of the Education Building along the Sunday School Classroom hallway on the first floor. An usher or a greeter will be happy to direct you there.


All classes begin at 9:30.

Godly Play (Age 3 to K) Room 104

Omi Ford, Joyce Fox, and Ruthie Waldrop

Children’s Music

Room 105 Cecy Duarte

Grades 1—5 Room 105

Paul Arlinghaus, Linda Bevill, Kara D’Agostino,

and Paul D’Agostino

Grades 6—8 Room 206

Judith Hiott and Jack Lippincott

Grades 9—12 Room 205

Keatan King and John Lemen


STUDY GROUP On Monday, February 25, at

5:30 p.m., we continue our discussion of Cynthia Rigby’s book Holding Faith: A Practical Introduction to Christian Doctrine, with chapter 8, “What does it mean to be

God’s children? (The doctrine of the Christian life),” in part 4, “God blesses us.” Those staying for the Duerr lecture at 7:00 may wish to bring a light supper. We meet for

fellowship, a brief devotional, and study each second and fourth Monday, from 5:30 to 7 p.m., in the Dining Room (in the Administration Building, at

the south end of campus).

THEOLOGY ON TAP Join a community of people in their 20s and 30s for compassionate conversation

regarding all matters of the life of faith. We meet monthly at different restaurants in Houston and pose questions for group reflection and discussion. Bring a friend or

your partner, your questions and ideas, and your thirst for knowledge! Next meeting is March 12 at 6:30 p.m. at Saint Arnold’s Brewing

Company, 2200 Lyons Ave., 77020.


BOOK GROUP A monthly interest group for women who like to read books, socialize, and have a night out usually meets the second Thursday of each month at 7:00 p.m. but in

February we will meet on February 21 at the home of Jacqueline Hamilton Taylor and we will discuss The Goldfinch by Donna Tart. This self-led, interactive group

produces lively discussions

and wonderful fellowship. For more information contact S a r a h O ’ D e l l a t [email protected].

PUB CLUB Pub Club is a group for men in the church who like to enjoy

fellowship, stories and spirited discussion once a month at a local pub. Pub Club meets the

fourth Tuesday of each month

at 7:00 p.m. Our next gather ing is Tuesday, February 26, Hay Merchant, 1100 Westheimer Rd., 77006. Men interested in attending may eat beforehand or order food from the pub. For more

information or questions, please contact Tim Burgess at:

[email protected].


SERIES St. Philip will be hosting a new program in late March into

early Apri l . On three consecutive Sunday evenings, we will gather at the church to learn about spiritual practices for faith formation as a family. Each evening's program will

begin with a time of fellowship, when a child-friendly meal will be served; followed by story time, before children are led to the childcare part of the building. Afterwards, parents will

gather to learn, discuss and share.

A primary goal of this series is

connecting - connecting families at St. Philip with y o u n g c h i l d r e n , a n d connecting faith practices and child development. For the learning and sharing portion, topics will include: faith practices for families at

home daily rituals

spiritual development


We will also share books and other resources that have been successful with these practices and disciplines. We will utilize some resources

from Jenna Campbell, who serves as Director for Children

and Youth Ministry at First Presbyterian Church of Stillwater, Oklahoma. Jenna also serves as President of the South Central Region of the Association of Presbyterian

(Continued on page 6)


Church Educators (or SCRAPCE for SHORT :-)

There is much more to come, but for now we invite you to save the dates of March 31,

April 7 and April 14. We will gather from 5-7 p.m.; dinner

and chi ld care wi l l be provided. Details to follow.

Please let Omar Rouchon, Associate Pastor know if you have any questions. He can be reached at the church office—713-622-4807 or by email at

[email protected]. We look forward to seeing you soon!

(Continued from page 5)


The Fellowship Committee would like to thank everyone who came out and joined in the Mardi Gras Celebration on February 10.

The purpose of the Fellowship

Committee is to plan and

arrange social activities and

celebrations for the

congregation throughout the

year, for the congregation’s

enjoyment, and to welcome new

members and visitors. The

Fellowship Committee

welcomes all as part of God’s

family. In recognition of our

common faith, the Fellowship

Committee brings together the

church’s immediate and

extended family in joy and

thanksgiving to build bonds in



The January 2019 communion offering benefitting The Beacon raised $ 1,216. The Beacon is a

non-profit organization that serves the Houston homeless community through daily services, civil legal aid, counseling and mentoring and access to housing.

Thank you to everyone who joined us on February 17 to

learn more and to help our mission partners. Over 154

people signed up in advance and even more showed up that day. Kids Against Hunger numbers: 9:00 session we had 30 volunteers and packed 8,856

meals. In the 1:00 session we had 28 volunteers and packed 7,992 meals. All in all, a very productive day where we made 16,848 meals available for the

hungry. The Elementary Class

made approximately 90 blessing bags for the homeless and Liberty High School students.

After lunch, the Sunday PW Circle and other St. Philippians packed 70 sack lunches for the Lord of the Streets. Twenty-one people got up before dawn to help at Lord of the Streets and The Beacon. At The Beacon they

helped with intake, folding laundry and preparing meals. The Stitchers and interested guests worked on quilts for Tiny Treasures. So if your time on Mission Day was enlightening,

any of these organizations would appreciate any and all time that you can give them. Please enjoy some of the many pictures from the day.

Purpose. The purpose of

the Mission Committee is to

develop and nurture the

congregation as it reaches

out to support Christ’s

mission locally and around

the world as well as

through the PCUSA. The

Committee works to make

mission an integral part of

the life of the congregation.

Kids Against Hunger

The Stitchers


Above: Hat’s off to Selena Brinegar, Elder who did a great

job leading Mission Day.

Welcome to Jacquie Colton, who joined St. Philip on February 17 and has been volunteering with

the Mission Committee as secretary for the last three


If you have any comments

or suggestions for the

Philip-Eye please send

them to:

[email protected]

Or call 713-622-4807 and

ask for Lorrie.

4807 San Felipe

Houston, TX 77056

Phone: 713.622.4807

Fax: 713.622.5405

[email protected]



Sharon Coufal and family upon the death of her husband, Alan

on February 13. The memorial service will be Saturday,

February 23 at 2:00 p.m.

St. Philippians and their families—Arlette Keene; Betty Knepper; Betty Golemon; Joe Harwood; Joyce Fox; Jim Bratton; Jo Helland; Russell Bahruth; Bill Taylor; Jean Miksch—daughter of Mary

Benson, sister of Amye Webster; Elizabeth Carlton Lithio—granddaughter of Jeanie Flowers; Ralph Arlinghaus—father of Paul Arlinghaus; T.E. “Joe” Keever; Ian Pearce; Rusty Howard; Phillip McDaniel; Carol Paine Kendrick; and Hollie Bailey—niece of Peg Palisin.

Always in our prayers are the homebound members of St. Philip.

Friends of St. Philippians—Bennett Williams—friend of Curt and Sharon Webb; Grady Reed-friend of Stephen Paine.