Health & Immunity Health is your valuable asset. When you are sick it is your Immune system which has gone down which allows other illness to enter your physical body. Plus not one you may attract more than one type of illness which sometime makes you spend your fortune to recover. Keeping your Immune system high is most essential in your day to day life. Avoid most of the medical expenses and stay Healthy throughout. Strong immune system is a guarding shield against illness and in turn guarding your extra expenses in today’s world. Metaphysical cause Metaphysics Exist but cannot be proved, it is all related to your deep rooted sub-conscious beliefs, fears which came from either past life or upbringing in your Social, Economic, or Religious conditioning. Underlying Metaphysical cause of not having good Health and strong Immune system is when you have self rejection, feeling that your life is not valuable, you carry lot of guilt, shame and blame from past which is destroying your self esteem, self respect and self worth. One has intense hatred for oneself. Spiritual Aspect Spiritually; We all are Souls Incarnated on Mother Earth to have a Spiritual Experience, Spirituality means we have to study our own soul our own nature, where We All are ONE!, there is no biasedness, and We all Believe in One-ness, Love, Forgiveness, Being Prosperous, and Working our Goals in Life for which we have been born as Human. This is just a mild insight on Spirituality. DOs and DONTs These type of therapies however can be used by anyone, but not for minor under the age of 18 years or people who are suffering through Epilepsy or Seizures problem or females who are pregnant or any person who has severe mental disorder. Using such products are to be advised to be listened only after consulting Medical Professional. Few people have their own comfort zone from which they don’t want to come out, though every individual person has right to evolve in all positive ways, still, leaving a choice on them is a must as they

Health & Immunity

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Health & Immunity

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Health & Immunity

Health is your valuable asset. When you are sick it is your Immune system which has gone down which allows other illness to enter your physical body. Plus not one you may attract more than one type of illness which sometime makes you spend your fortune to recover. Keeping your Immune system high is most essential in your day to day life. Avoid most of the medical expenses and stay Healthy throughout. Strong immune system is a guarding shield against illness and in turn guarding your extra expenses in today’s world.

Metaphysical cause

Metaphysics Exist but cannot be proved, it is all related to your deep rooted sub-conscious beliefs, fears which came from either past life or upbringing in your Social, Economic, or Religious conditioning. Underlying Metaphysical cause of not having good Health and strong Immune system is when you have self rejection, feeling that your life is not valuable, you carry lot of guilt, shame and blame from past which is destroying your self esteem, self respect and self worth. One has intense hatred for oneself.

Spiritual Aspect

Spiritually; We all are Souls Incarnated on Mother Earth to have a Spiritual Experience, Spirituality means we have to study our own soul our own nature, where We All are ONE!, there is no biasedness, and We all Believe in One-ness, Love, Forgiveness, Being Prosperous, and Working our Goals in Life for which we have been born as Human. This is just a mild insight on Spirituality.

DOs and DONTs

These type of therapies however can be used by anyone, but not for minor under the age of 18 years or people who are suffering through Epilepsy or Seizures problem or females who are pregnant or any person who has severe mental disorder. Using such products are to be advised to be listened only after consulting Medical Professional.

Few people have their own comfort zone from which they don’t want to come out, though every individual person has right to evolve in all positive ways, still, leaving a choice on them is a must as they have their own life and own rights; so these therapies of evolvement may not be forced or played on anyone who is not willing to go through or who has been dwelling in the fear of unknown or is not ready to face the inner-self.

The product is not at all made or advise to replace any running medical treatment or taken as even on alternative therapy, but is solely designed for helping one’s evolving/growth purpose to be more happy in life in desired area like Job, Relationships or something else.

The Product includes Brainwave Entertainment Therapy Modules which may alter the state of consciousness for each individual in a different manner, though Brainwave Entertainment is widely accepted and has gone through medical practitioners in USA and Germany to Help people overcome their Fears of Phobias and to achieve any target specific results.

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Brainwave type and its description ( how many layers of subliminal )

Our brain mostly runs on Beta, Gamma, Alpha, Theta, & Delta Waves.

Beta:- Mental alertness and high level concentration

Gamma:- High Focus

Alpha:- Relaxed State

Theta:- Deep Sleep,

Delta:- Dreamless State, Meditative

This particular program alters and help an Individual for long term mind programming Theta Brainwaves are used in this Audio which helps in deep unlearning, learning and retaining Information for a longer period of time. Theta waves also help one in Changing Behavior and attitude unusual problem solving if person remains awake in Theta State.

In this particular product Weight Loss, one is advised to listen to this Audio Track with stereo headphones keeping ear phones (Left side in Left Ear and Right Side in Right Ear) as when taking a nap or while meditating in a room.

With Theta waves or Delta Waves one is not advised to listen to Audio Programs while driving or doing kitchen or any machinery work as the music will put you automatically in sleeping mode.

Foundation Affirmation

Each Individual has the right to love him/herself and forgiveness is must in order to heal or evolve for his/her personal growth, Affirmations written here are marked a Mandatory foundation affirmations used in each individual program offered by us, they are as follows:-

1. I fully and freely forgive myself and others across all time and space, I release myself and others mentally and spiritually, I completely forgive everything connected with the matter in question, I forgive myself and others across time and space, as I forgive myself and others, they also forgive me across time and space, I am free, they are free, It is a marvelous feeling SO BE IT NOW!.

2. This is my day of general amnesty, I release anybody and everybody who has ever hurt me, and I wish for each and everyone’s health, happiness, peace and all the blessings of life, I do this freely and joyously and lovingly, Whenever I think of the person or persons who hurt me in past, I say, "I have released you, forgiven you, and all the blessings of life are yours," I am free and they are free, The more good I give to others more it comes in multiplied to me, It is wonderful!.

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3. I easily forgive others and I am easily forgiven, I choose to forgive as I take responsibility for my creations and attractions.

4. I love and approve of myself, I believe in myself, All my relationships are harmonious.

5. My feminine energy and masculine energy are in perfect balance with each other

Targeted product Affirmation for Health & Immunity

I am full of energy Nutrition flows freely in and around my body

I am having healthy physique

I am perfectly restored to full health in body mind and spirit

I am allowing feelings of love to move freely through me

I am 100 percent healthy throughout my body

I am deeply relaxed and at ease

I am full of energy and vitality

I am grateful for my healthy body and I bless every part of my body

I am healthy

I am always healthy

I am always having healthy quantity of sperms

I am starting to feel healthier and stronger

Being healthy and staying strong is normal for me

Continual protection is offered by the specialized cells patrolling my body

Circulation of oxygen in blood is always normal

My blood is always purified

Every cell in my body is healthy and radiates health

Every cell of my body is radiant with vitality

Every day in every way I am are getting healthier and healthier

Every day my eyesight is better than the previous day

Every organ and system in my body functions exactly as it was intended

Every organ in my body is healthy and functions at its optimum scale

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All the organs and systems in my body are perfectly working

All scars in my body are healed and my skin is returned to normal

My skin receives plenty of nutrition and energy

My body is full of energy

Nutrition is abundant in and all around my body

Duration - 30 Min to be listened twice a day or at time of sleeping using headphones to listen

Personality output of the product

Results may vary from person to person, but regular use will start loving himself and release himself from the past guilt. Gradually you build up strong physical health by gaining your immune strength to protect you well against any adverse illness. Ultimately making you more vibrant radiating with positive energy Health and Happiness.