Healthy lifestyle vs. Modern Lifestyle – Bacon the Difference Author: Darina Poljak

Healthy lifestyle vs. Modern Lifestyle – Bacon the Difference Author: Darina Poljak

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Healthy lifestyle vs. Modern Lifestyle –

Bacon the Difference

Author: Darina Poljak

Introduction – food we love...Conversation among seventh-class students, about their favorite food, healthy and unhealthy habits, is in progress…

Students remember of video from „Flipped Classsroom“ they watched at biology class, about

Digestive system

- …and workshops…

Healthy lifestyle vs. Modern Lifestyle

– Bacon the Difference 2

IDEAS: Making the survey about health of their families


explore relationship between food we eat and development of certain diseases

3Healthy lifestyle vs. Modern

Lifestyle – Bacon the Difference

Expanding the survey to other citizens& visiting the health food store

Students went to the health center to survey people

They were interested in health food store whose owner is mother of their friend

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Lifestyle – Bacon the Difference

Biology class – circulatory system

Teacher is talking about blood and blood vessels

A film from „Flipped Classroom“

(Circulatory system)

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Lifestyle – Bacon the Difference

Lecture on Nutrition and Disease in Healthcare Kovačica

IDEA: going to the health center and a short lecture on nutrition and disease (link to lecture )

Visiting a specialist-internist, Dr. Predrag Vitomirov

(link to visit a doctor)

6Healthy lifestyle vs. Modern

Lifestyle – Bacon the Difference

Biology class: Analysis of visiting Health center

What have we learnt, discovered and experienced

What should we do now

Division into four groups

Division of tasks within the group

7Healthy lifestyle vs. Modern

Lifestyle – Bacon the Difference

Video conference via SKYPE

Idea of the survey – healthy food habits in Belgrade school?

(link on video conference )

A new experience for both schoolsExchange of knowledge

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Lifestyle – Bacon the Difference

Conversation with Physical Education Teacher

The importance of stretching and warming up for the human body

The importance of diet and intake of quality food

Athletes and exercise

Water and its importance

(link on P.E. teacher conversation )

9Healthy lifestyle vs. Modern

Lifestyle – Bacon the Difference

Windows Movie Maker

Students in the digital cabinet were editing:

materials captured by the camera,


tracks recorded by mobile phones

  Learn new things about Windows Movie Maker

10Healthy lifestyle vs. Modern

Lifestyle – Bacon the Difference

Group work at biology class in the computer lab

1st group - Pyramid of healthy nutrition

2nd group - Pyramid of our (unhealthy) nutrition

3rd group - Measuring the energy value of our food

4th group - Healthy food recipes

The "mild chaos" in the classroom arise wonderful works of students ...

As part of the planned activity, one group of students goes to the school kitchen and measure the food cooked that day

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Lifestyle – Bacon the Difference


Healthy lifestyle vs. Modern Lifestyle

– Bacon the Difference


Healthy lifestyle vs. Modern Lifestyle

– Bacon the Difference

Analysis of the survey

The data obtained from the survey provided informations about connections between (im)proper nutrition and diseases among our fellow citizens


Healthy lifestyle vs. Modern Lifestyle

– Bacon the Difference

Further research with teacher of civic society education


Healthy lifestyle vs. Modern Lifestyle

– Bacon the Difference


Da li je zdravo jesti slaninu?


Presentation of students’ research - Press conference

TV OK Kovačica journalists and broadcasters were invited for Press conference

After presentation of the film, they made interview with the students

Next day, TV OK broadcasted this interview on news in three languages: Serbian, Slovak and Hungarian

( link to video in Serbian language )

( link to video in Slovak language )

( link to video in Hungarian language )


Healthy lifestyle vs. Modern Lifestyle

– Bacon the Difference

Parents meeting

Presentation and screening of „Healthy lifestyle vs. Modern lifestyle – Bacon the Difference" for parents

Parents were surprised by students who prepared variety of delicacies made from specially selected ingredients for them


Healthy lifestyle vs. Modern Lifestyle

– Bacon the Difference

Evaluation of parents about this way of learning


Healthy lifestyle vs. Modern Lifestyle

– Bacon the Difference

Students were active on Facebook, YouTube, WordPress, Twitter,



WordPress blog

Healthy lifestyle vs. Modern Lifestyle

– Bacon the Difference

Conclusion It is important to take care about food we eat

We raise awareness about the impact of food on diseases of the heart and blood vessels

Physical activity is very important in every age

We are interested in certain occupations

We learnt a lot of biology, connected knowledge and gained new skills in computer science

Optimism - and a smile on your face!


Healthy lifestyle vs. Modern Lifestyle

– Bacon the Difference


Links :

„ Healthy lifestyle vs. Modern lifestyle – Bacon the difference (Da li je zdravo jesti slaninu?) – FILM

Skype video conference (thanks to Irina Damnjanovic)

Listening to the lecture by a doctor

Teaching nutrition

Conversation with P.E. teacher

Press-conference news

Presentation on OneNote

Healthy lifestyle vs. Modern Lifestyle

– Bacon the Difference