Heartbeat • 3 Heartbeat INDIAN HILLS COMMUNITY CHURCH August 30, 2015 Bible Resources The church website (www. ihcc.org) has many resources for the Bible student. We cur- rently have 1,750 of Gil’s messages available as well as messages from other speakers and classes. These messages can be listened to, watched or downloaded at your convenience. If you would like to get Bible teaching on your mobile device, download the Sound Words app to your iphone or Android device. You will have access to a multi- tude of resources for your personal Bible study. Greetings and a warm wel- come to each one this last Sunday of August. Evangelism Training As believers in the risen Sav- ior, we have been commissioned to “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations” (Matt. 28:19). While the gospel may be sim- ple, sharing it is rarely easy! Even the Apostle Paul asked for prayer “in the opening of my mouth, to make known with boldness the mystery of the gospel” (Eph. 6:19). Sharing God’s plan of salva- tion clearly takes practice, and a lot of prayer! but Jesus promised “I am with you always, even to the end of the age” (Matt. 28:20). In preparation for Fall Kickoff, Adam Flaugh will be presenting an evangelism training class on Tuesday, September 8 at 7 p.m. in the Bible Learning Center. Adam will share insights and methods to use when communi- cating the good news. Be sure to attend this class to help develop your skills as an evangelist. Sound Words app

Heartbeat - Amazon S3 8-30-15.pdfresume Wednesday, September 16. Orchestra will rehearse from 6:00 p.m.–7:30 p.m. Choir will rehearse from 7:00–8:30 p.m. Choir will . Heartbeat

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Page 1: Heartbeat - Amazon S3 8-30-15.pdfresume Wednesday, September 16. Orchestra will rehearse from 6:00 p.m.–7:30 p.m. Choir will rehearse from 7:00–8:30 p.m. Choir will . Heartbeat

Heartbeat • 3


Bible ResourcesThe church website (www.

ihcc.org) has many resources for the Bible student. We cur-rently have 1,750 of Gil’s messages available as well as messages from other speakers and classes. These messages can be listened to, watched or downloaded at your convenience.

If you would like to get Bible teaching on your mobile device, download the Sound Words app to your iphone or Android device. You will have access to a multi-tude of resources for your personal Bible study.

Greetings and a warm wel-come to each one this last Sunday of August.

Evangelism Training

As believers in the risen Sav-ior, we have been commissioned to “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations” (Matt. 28:19).

While the gospel may be sim-ple, sharing it is rarely easy! Even the Apostle Paul asked for prayer “in the opening of my mouth, to make known with boldness the mystery of the gospel” (Eph. 6:19).

Sharing God’s plan of salva-tion clearly takes practice, and a lot of prayer! but Jesus promised “I am with you always, even to the end of the age” (Matt. 28:20).

In preparation for Fall Kickoff, Adam Flaugh will be presenting an evangelism training class on Tuesday, September 8 at 7 p.m. in the Bible Learning Center.

Adam will share insights and methods to use when communi-cating the good news. Be sure to attend this class to help develop your skills as an evangelist.

Sound Words app

Page 2: Heartbeat - Amazon S3 8-30-15.pdfresume Wednesday, September 16. Orchestra will rehearse from 6:00 p.m.–7:30 p.m. Choir will rehearse from 7:00–8:30 p.m. Choir will . Heartbeat

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Introducing the New Awana Director

Galen Pfeiffer by Gale Engle

Galen Pfeiffer has agreed to take on the responsibility of lead-ing Awana and said, “Awana is a great ministry because it gives us another opportunity to build the Word of God into our kids’ hearts and minds.”

Galen has taught Awana the last two years and said, “One of the main objectives of Awana is Bible verse memorization. The more verses the kids learn, the more awards they get. Along with that, they have fun with games, songs that praise and glorify the Lord, and lesson time, where we get to plant the Word in their hearts again.”

Raised in Kearney, Galen grew up in a Lutheran church. Al-though the pastor preached regu-

Galen and Kellie Pfeiffer and family

larly concerning the consequences of sin, Galen didn’t see the need for a personal Savior in his life. In-stead, Galen believed that he could make his own way to heaven by doing good deeds. Galen thought he would be good enough for God because he did more good things than bad things.

During the high school and college years, Galen’s path took him farther away from God, pursu-ing the things of the world, chasing things that he liked, and not being concerned about how the sin in his life was separating Him from God. After high school, Galen took classes at UNK for two years and UNL for three years to obtain an electrical engineering degree.

Galen and his high school sweetheart, Kellie, were married shortly after graduation.

Being newly married and living in Lincoln, they wanted to attend church together. There was friction over where to go because Galen came from a Lutheran back-ground and Kellie came from a Baptist Church. As a compromise, they decided to find a church that was neither Lutheran nor Baptist, but centered on the Bible. They came to Indian Hills and liked it,

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Page 3: Heartbeat - Amazon S3 8-30-15.pdfresume Wednesday, September 16. Orchestra will rehearse from 6:00 p.m.–7:30 p.m. Choir will rehearse from 7:00–8:30 p.m. Choir will . Heartbeat

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but didn’t get into the pattern of coming to church regularly.

In January, 1998, Galen and Kellie moved to the Highlands. “I tried to make myself happy with things,” Galen said. “Kellie and I had a lot going on in our lives. We built a house, and I was enjoying my work, but nothing brought true contentment or joy.”

Providentially, Rick and Julie Valenta moved in next door. “They invited us to attend a Bible study in their home and Kellie and I enjoyed getting to know them and the others in the study, and study-ing the Bible,” Galen said.

Around the same time, Galen was working as an electrical engi-neer and often worked late at the office. By divine providence, Dan McGerr had a custodial contract with the engineering company and came in after hours to clean the of-fice, while Galen was working late.

According to Galen, he started to think Dan was a little strange, because every time he saw him, he would talk about God. “One eve-ning Dan asked me, ‘If you died tonight, would you go to heaven?’ I didn’t answer straight away, but it definitely got me thinking.”

God was drawing Galen to Himself. “One night after Bible study the gospel was suddenly clear,” Galen said. “I knew I was

a sinner and that my sin separated me from God. I also knew He would never let me into His heaven because of my sin.”

Bill and Carolyn Mize went to the Pfeiffer’s home and presented the gospel to them. The veil over Galen’s eyes fell away. “It was clear that my previous belief that I could work my way to heaven by doing good deeds was purely a lie, and a terrible insult to God, who had sent His only beloved Son to suffer and die to pay the penalty for my sin.” Galen turned from his sin and believed in Jesus’ com-plete work on the cross and His resurrection. It was October, 1999, and Galen was a new creature in Christ.

Kellie also became a believer in Jesus Christ and the Pfeiffers began attending Indian Hills regu-larly. “We loved being involved in the study of the Bible. We were surrounded by mature believers and it was a joy to get to know each one. They helped us with our daily walk with the Lord and with learning the Scriptures.”

Galen and Kellie’s first child, Blake, was born in 2001. “We got plugged into ministries for parents with children,” Galen said, “and loved it.” The Pfeiffers now have five children and can’t imagine life without any of them.

“As a church, we have been blessed with a great opportunity

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Galen Pfeiffer

Page 4: Heartbeat - Amazon S3 8-30-15.pdfresume Wednesday, September 16. Orchestra will rehearse from 6:00 p.m.–7:30 p.m. Choir will rehearse from 7:00–8:30 p.m. Choir will . Heartbeat

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to share the gospel with kids that would not hear the gospel if we didn’t bring them to church. We never know how God will use the gospel seed we are privileged to plant,” Galen said.

“We want to share the Word with our community. With Awana and the Van Ministry, we have been given another opportunity to do that. The additional kids can be challenging, and it has stretched us a bit, but it is a true blessing.”

The work is rewarding. “We are blessed to have fantastic lead-ers in Awana,” Galen said. “The

workers are dedicated to the Lord and to teaching the children. Sometimes Awana can be a chal-lenge, as the kids have a lot more energy than we do, but the leaders truly love these kids and have fun with them. When it’s song and les-son time, their compassion toward the children and their desire for them to learn the things of God is an amazing thing to see.”

If you are willing to serve where the work is not always easy, and would like to help children learn about Jesus, Galen would like you to come help with Awana. For more information, contact Galen at 402-613-6896 (leave mes-sage), or [email protected]

Continued from page 5

Galen Pfeiffer

Where do babies who die go? Does Scripture address this issue? In his booklet, What Is the Destiny of Babies Who Die? Pastor Gil Rugh searches the Bible to see what conclusions Christians can come to on this important but often emotional issue.

Using a balanced approach, Pastor Rugh closely examines what the Bible does and does not say about babies and salvation. This resource will be a help to all who have wondered about the eternal destiny of infants and the destiny of others who have passed away without having the ability to ac-cept or reject Christ.

What Is the Destiny of Babies Who Die? is free and available in the lobby book racks. It is also available for free online at www.ihcc.org. Click on Re-sources/Booklets.

Page 5: Heartbeat - Amazon S3 8-30-15.pdfresume Wednesday, September 16. Orchestra will rehearse from 6:00 p.m.–7:30 p.m. Choir will rehearse from 7:00–8:30 p.m. Choir will . Heartbeat

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Fall Classes BeginTuesday, September 8

9:30–11:00 a.m.

All Ladies Invited

“Unity of the Spirit”

“Therefore I, the prisoner of the Lord, implore you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling with which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with

patience, showing tolerance for one another in love, being diligent to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of

peace” (Ephesians 4:1-3).

Be sure to put this on your calendar!

Page 6: Heartbeat - Amazon S3 8-30-15.pdfresume Wednesday, September 16. Orchestra will rehearse from 6:00 p.m.–7:30 p.m. Choir will rehearse from 7:00–8:30 p.m. Choir will . Heartbeat

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Make plans to attend the 2015 Fall Kickoff Picnic & Concert on Sunday, September 13. Bring the whole family and invite your friends and neighbors. Interpreted for the Deaf. Everyone is welcome.

Interpreted for the Deaf

Page 7: Heartbeat - Amazon S3 8-30-15.pdfresume Wednesday, September 16. Orchestra will rehearse from 6:00 p.m.–7:30 p.m. Choir will rehearse from 7:00–8:30 p.m. Choir will . Heartbeat

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Phil Boehr Announces

Music & Arts Camp ScheduleThe first–eighth graders

involved in Music & Arts Camp have the following schedule:

Sunday, August 30• All practice in the Family Cen-

ter from 10:30–11:35 a.m.• All have pizza lunch in Family

Center from 11:45 a.m.–12:10 p.m. (bring $3.00 if you can)

• All practice in the auditorium from 12:15–1:30 p.m.

• Speaking parts continue prac-tice until 2:15 p.m.

• All meet together in audi-torium at 5:15 p.m. for final instructions and sound checks

• Present program from 6:00–6:45 p.m.

• Refreshments, devotional and games from 6:45–7:30 p.m.

• Please wear bright colored tops and shorts for the program.

• Keep listening to your CDs, especially the last few songs.

• Keep praying that God will keep teaching us about His amazing grace!

Page 8: Heartbeat - Amazon S3 8-30-15.pdfresume Wednesday, September 16. Orchestra will rehearse from 6:00 p.m.–7:30 p.m. Choir will rehearse from 7:00–8:30 p.m. Choir will . Heartbeat

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Family News. Hospitalized. Don Buhr was a patient at St. ElizabethHospitalized. Norma Buhr was a patient at St. ElizabethThere are no words . . . “thank you” seems so inadequate to express our gratitude to our church family at Quentin’s home going. Your outpouring of love and sup-port has been overwhelming. What an awesome testimony to our unsaved family and friends to see what it means to be a follower of Jesus, our Lord and Savior. We ap-preciate all the meals, cards, kind words of sympathy and encourage-ment, and your prayers. We are blessed beyond measure because of you. Also thank you to the ladies who prepared the memorial service luncheon and to those who served it. Again, to the watching eyes of the unsaved, to see the Body of Christ serve with such unconditional love is truly a “love in action” testimony of His Grace. In His Love and Service—Perry & Lori Beard and family

Children’s StudiesSunday School studied Luke 12:35–48 and learned about the watching servants and the faithful steward.Children’s Church. The children rehearsed for tonight’s mini-con-cert, Amazing Grace.

InformationAWANA leaders meeting will be held Sunday, September 13 in the high school room (1430) im-mediately following the morning worship service. The meeting will conclude in 15 minutes or less.Awana Workers Needed for Awa-na on Wednesday nights beginning September 16. If you would like to teach, assist, listen to verses, work with crafts, treats, or recreation, please contact Galen Pfeiffer. Call 402-613-6896––leave message––or e-mail: [email protected] and Orchestra. Rehearsals resume Wednesday, September 16. Orchestra will rehearse from 6:00 p.m.–7:30 p.m. Choir will rehearse from 7:00–8:30 p.m. Choir will meet in the EDGE Room (Choir Room). Talk to Aaron Nicholson about joining orchestra ([email protected]). Come join us and, “Sing to Him a new song; play skillfully with a shout of joy” (Ps 33:3).Cookies/Fruit. Volunteers are needed to provide cookies and fruit for the Fall Kickoff meal on Sunday, September 13. If you would be willing to bring three dozen cookies or some fruit, call the church at (402)483-4541 and talk to Kathleen, or email her at [email protected]. Sign-up sheets will also be in Sunday School classes.

Page 9: Heartbeat - Amazon S3 8-30-15.pdfresume Wednesday, September 16. Orchestra will rehearse from 6:00 p.m.–7:30 p.m. Choir will rehearse from 7:00–8:30 p.m. Choir will . Heartbeat

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Home School Class. Each Titus Tuesday morning, a homeschool-ing class will be offered for children whose mother is attend-ing Titus Tuesday. This class is for students, Kindergarten–sixth grade. We will begin our orga-nized mornings in the gym, south side. Please plan on sending 15-20 minutes of independent work and needed supplies (some direction reading and help will be available) for your child, each time.If you are planning on your K–sixth grader joining our class, or if you have any questions, please contact Shannon O’Neal at 402-420-9986. Also, any ladies (homeschooling or not), who have a special desire/heart to help in our homeschool room, please call Shannon. We need rotational help-ers each week, and women who might be interested in teaching a lesson (art, science, etc.) to our students on occasion.Girls of Grace registration for the coming year will be held Sunday, September 6 and 13 in the Family Center. Boys of Faith registration for the coming year will be held Sunday, September 6 and 13 in the Family Center. Cleaners are needed to vacuum and wipe down surfaces of a sec-tion of the church once every five weeks. If you’d like to serve the Lord in this capacity, please call Tami Coffin, 402-366-3490.

Fall Kickoff will be held Sunday, September 13. Be thinking of who to invite to the picnic at 4:30 p.m. and concert at 6:00 p.m. The con-cert is interpreted for the Deaf.Deaf Conference. Many volun-teers will be needed for the Friday-Saturday, October 2, 3 conference. If you would like to help, contact Perry or Lori Beard at 402-475-5657.Door to Door evangelism meets Mondays at the church’s north entrance at 6:15 p.m. Sunday Night Nursery. An adult helper is needed for the first and fifth Sunday of the month in the two-year-old room. If interested, call Joanna Andrews, 402-465-0301 or Lynette Wiens, 402-570-9044.Gardening. Please meet in the south parking lot on Wednesday at 9:00 a.m. Information Desk workers are needed for Sunday mornings and evenings. If you would like to help, contact Kathleen Anderson at 402-483-4541 or [email protected].

Last Week’s MessageAugust 23 AM. MW 15. Mike Wing. Following Christ In the World As It Is. Matthew 16:24August 23 PM. MW 16. Mike Wing. Attitudes Towards Leaders In the Church. 1 Thessalonians 5:12-13

Page 10: Heartbeat - Amazon S3 8-30-15.pdfresume Wednesday, September 16. Orchestra will rehearse from 6:00 p.m.–7:30 p.m. Choir will rehearse from 7:00–8:30 p.m. Choir will . Heartbeat

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This Week’s EventsSunday

Music & Arts Finale Amazing Grace 6 p.m.

Sonshine Kids

MondayDoor to Door Evangelism


WednesdayGardening 9:00 a.m.

ThursdayAlpha Omega Study 7 -8 p.m.

Future EventsSeptember 6

Girls of Grace, Boys of Faith Registration

September 7Labor Day (Offices Closed)

September 8Titus Tuesday Begins 9:30 a.m.

Pre Fall Kickoff Activities Begin

September 12Tract Give-a-way at Football Game

September 13Awana Meeting 11:30 a.m.

Fall Kickoff Girls of Grace, Boys of Faith Registration in Family Center

September 16Awana 6:45 p.m.

Junior HighIssues in our Contemporary World

September 20Girls of Grace, Boys of Faith


September 23Wednesday Night Study

October 2, 3Deaf Conference

Alpha Omega Fall Retreat

October 4Baptism

October 6Cleaning Morning

November 3–6Branson Trip

HeartbeatAugust 30, 2015 • Vol. 23, No. 36

Editor: Gale EnglePublisher: John Scholle

Heartbeat is published each week by Indian Hills Community Church for distribution on Sunday morning.

Guest SpeakersWhile Gil is taking a break, we will be well-fed by the following men.

August 30: Peter BarberSeptember 6: Mike Hulinsky