Higher Education Solution Brief Adobe® Digital Publishing Suite for higher education Deliver engaging campus communications and learning experiences with a complete solution for publishing interactive magazines, newspapers, brochures, books, and learning materials to tablet devices. Adobe Digital Publishing Suite integrates with Adobe InDesign® software to give higher education institutions everything they need to create, distribute, and optimize digital publications for a range of tablets. Increase communication impact and reach From campus brochures to scholarly publications to student magazines, your institution’s communications play a significant role in promoting your brand and helping you recruit, retain, and educate the best students. Now you can further enhance your communications—and ensure that you reach the widest possible audience—by creating digital publications for tablets such as Apple iPad, Samsung Galaxy, and Amazon Kindle Fire. Consisting of hosted services and viewer technology, Digital Publishing Suite works with InDesign to help you transform your print publications into rich digital experiences. Reach students, faculty, and staff more easily—and use interactive content to immerse them more deeply—in key publications including: Marketing and campus communications—Boost student recruitment efforts, learning, and your institutional brand by using Digital Publishing Suite to create high-impact tablet newspapers, magazines, brochures, and more. • Give prospective students a feel for campus life by allowing them to take 360° video tours of your facilities and dormitories as they browse through your campus brochure. • Enable alumni to send news, make donations, or purchase branded merchandise right from the pages of your digital campus publications. • Let students enhance campus newspapers and magazines with interactive galleries of high-resolution images and video. • Help campus community members efficiently publish academic, athletic, and other school event calendars. Scholarly publications and research—Showcase faculty work in a more accessible and wide-reaching format that makes it easier to attract attention, win awards, and secure grants. With Digital Publishing Suite, faculty members can: • Easily publish and distribute essays, criticism, opinion pieces, academic papers, and creative writing • Enhance research publications with animations and illustrations that help readers beer visualize complex data • Create engaging academic materials that educate students with a combination of text, illustration, video, animation, and interactivity Adobe® Digital Publishing Suite With Adobe Digital Publishing Suite, faculty, staff, and students can: • Deliver engaging publications on an array of tablets—including iPad, Samsung, and BlackBerry tablets • Efficiently distribute publications, documents, and learning materials they’ve created using Adobe InDesign • Optimize teaching, research, and community engagement outcomes with robust analytics based on the Adobe SiteCatalyst® solution* *Requires the Professional Edition or Enterprise Edition of Digital Publishing Suite.

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Higher Education Solution Brief

Adobe® Digital Publishing Suite for higher educationDeliver engaging campus communications and learning experiences with a complete solution for publishing interactive magazines, newspapers, brochures, books, and learning materials to tablet devices.

Adobe Digital Publishing Suite integrates with Adobe InDesign® software to give higher education institutions everything they need to create, distribute, and optimize digital publications for a range of tablets.

Increase communication impact and reachFrom campus brochures to scholarly publications to student magazines, your institution’s communications play a significant role in promoting your brand and helping you recruit, retain, and educate the best students. Now you can further enhance your communications—and ensure that you reach the widest possible audience—by creating digital publications for tablets such as Apple iPad, Samsung Galaxy, and Amazon Kindle Fire.

Consisting of hosted services and viewer technology, Digital Publishing Suite works with InDesign to help you transform your print publications into rich digital experiences. Reach students, faculty, and staff more easily—and use interactive content to immerse them more deeply—in key publications including:

Marketing and campus communications—Boost student recruitment efforts, learning, and your institutional brand by using Digital Publishing Suite to create high-impact tablet newspapers, magazines, brochures, and more.

• Giveprospectivestudentsafeelforcampuslifebyallowingthemtotake360°videotoursofyourfacilities and dormitories as they browse through your campus brochure.

• Enablealumnitosendnews,makedonations,orpurchasebrandedmerchandiserightfromthepagesof your digital campus publications.

• Letstudentsenhancecampusnewspapersandmagazineswithinteractivegalleriesofhigh-resolutionimages and video.

• Helpcampuscommunitymembersefficientlypublishacademic,athletic,andotherschooleventcalendars.

Scholarly publications and research—Showcase faculty work in a more accessible and wide-reaching format that makes it easier to attract attention, win awards, and secure grants. With Digital Publishing Suite, faculty members can:

• Easilypublishanddistributeessays,criticism,opinionpieces,academicpapers,andcreativewriting

• Enhanceresearchpublicationswithanimationsandillustrationsthathelpreadersbettervisualizecomplex data

• Createengagingacademicmaterialsthateducatestudentswithacombinationoftext,illustration,video, animation, and interactivity

Adobe® Digital Publishing Suite

With Adobe Digital Publishing Suite, faculty, staff, and students can:•Deliverengagingpublicationson anarrayoftablets—includingiPad,Samsung,andBlackBerrytablets



*RequirestheProfessionalEdition orEnterpriseEditionofDigital Publishing Suite.

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Coursework across disciplines—Enablestudentstoaddgreaterdepthanddimensiontoclassprojects, reports, theses, and dissertations. Digital Publishing Suite helps students:

• Bringscientificconceptstolifebyenrichingpapersandpresentationswith3Dimagery and motion graphics

• Includedetaileddigitaldrawingsandplansinengineeringandarchitecturecoursework

• Enlivenstatisticsanddatawithrichillustrations,games,andanimations

• Createcutting-edgedigitalpublicationstoenhancelearninginbusiness,marketing, and communications

In addition to enabling campus community members to deliver richly designed, visually engaging experiences on tablets, Digital Publishing Suite delivers analytics tools that help you optimize editorial decisions. With insight into readers’ viewing habits and levels of engagement with your content, you can easily fine-tune your publications for the greatest degree of impact. And because digital publications are dynamic, you can quickly push changes out to all editions and formats.

Promote sustainability and reduce costsNot only does digital distribution of campus publications and learning content help you reach more people—often more effectively—on their favorite tablet devices, but it can also help your institution reduce its impact on the environment and boost its bottom line. The move to digital publishing supports your sustainability goals as you strive to go as paperless as possible. It also enables you to avoid the high costs associated with traditional paper-based publishing. With Digital Publishing Suite, your institution can:

• Eliminatethevastamountsofpaperandinkusedintraditionalprintingprocesses,whilesavingsignificantamountsofmoneyonprintingfees

• Reducetheenvironmentalimpactsandpostagecostsofdistributingmagazines,newspapers,recruitment packets, brochures, and other printed materials

• Simplifythelogisticsofpublishingworkflows,creatingefficienciesthatallowyoutoconsume—and pay for—less paper and electricity

• Accelerateadoptionofdigitaldocumenttechnologiesthroughoutcampus—suchaspaperlessadministrativeformworkflows—thatcanalsohelpeliminatewasteandcosts

Prepare students for career successEnterprisesaroundtheworldarelookingtohiregraduateswithdigitalcontent-creationandcommunication skills. In particular, they need graduates who know how to create and deliver digital content for the tablets their customers are adopting at an ever-increasing rate.

With InDesign and Digital Publishing Suite in your classrooms and student newsrooms, your institution can help students in all disciplines develop these in-demand skills. Whether students want careers in science, engineering, publishing, the arts, or marketing and advertising—or they simply want the digital skills necessary to support their entrepreneurial ventures—teaching them to design, distribute, and optimize innovative tablet publications gives them an enormous competitive edge. With these real-world communication, business, and critical-thinking skills, your students will be well prepared for the global workforce.

University of DaytonTheschoolintroducesprospectivestudentstocampuslifethroughitsinteractiveViewbookappforiPad, apowerfulrecruitingtoolcreatedanddistributedusingDigitalPublishing Suite.

Indiana UniversityWithIULibrisforiPad,theuniversitywasthefirsthighereducationinstitutiontouseDigitalPublishingSuitetomakeitscampuspublicationsavailableforviewingontabletdevices.

University of OregonTheuniversity’sSchoolofJournalismandCommunicationincorporatedDigital Publishing Suite into its MobileMediaProductioncourse,givingstudentsinjournalism,publicrelations,advertising,design,andphotographymajorstheopportunitytoworktogethertocreateadigitalmagazineforiPad.

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Adobe Systems Incorporated 345 Park Avenue San Jose, CA 95110-2704 USA www.adobe.com

Adobe, the Adobe logo, InDesign, and SiteCatalyst are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.



Adobe eBook publishing solutionsYourinstitutioncanalsocreateeBooksusingInDesignsoftware.InDesignsupportstheEPUB2eBookformat,andAdobeplanstosupportnewversionsoftheformatastheybecomeavailable.Formoreinformation,visitwww.adobe.com/support/indesign/gettingstarted.

Create, distribute, and optimize tablet publicationsBuild digital publishing workflows on campus with these innovative authoring, production, and viewing technologies:

Partnering with Adobe across campusAdobe has a long history of forging strong partnerships with higher education institutions. With industry-leading software, integrated workflows, and instructional resources as well as licensing programs tailored to higher education, institutions of all sizes can meet student demand for a technology-enriched education and give students the digital communication skills they need to succeed in the workforce.

For more informationLeverageAdobesolutionsforhighereducation.Adobeoffersintegratedsoftware,resources, and affordable purchasing options to benefit your entire campus community. Find out more at www.adobe.com/education/hed.


Digital Publishing Suite workflow


Adobe InDesign AdobeContentViewer CustomViewer


Folio Builder


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