Helical Compressing Spring Calculation.pdf

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  • 7/27/2019 Helical Compressing Spring Calculation.pdf


    Hel i cal Compr ess i ng Spr i ng Cal cul at i on

    Vi kt or Kovt un, mechani cal engi neerBr azi l

    vi kt or . kovt un@gmai l . com

    I ni t i al Dat a

    N100F1 N250F2 mm20_working

    610N_r es Spr i ng Resour ce i n Cycl es of Loadi ng

    Mechani cal Pr oper t i es of Spr i ng Mat er i al

    GPa207E Modul us of El ast i ci t y

    0, 30 Poi ss ons Rat i o

    MPa1700_ut Ul t i mat e Tensi l e St r engt h


    kg7850 Densi t y


    EG Shear Modul us

    GPa79, 6154G


  • 7/27/2019 Helical Compressing Spring Calculation.pdf


    Cal cul at i on

    _adm Admi s si bl e Shear St r ess;_adm = (0.250.3)*_ut f or 10 5 < N < 10 7;_adm = (0.450.5)*_ut f or 2*10 3 < N

  • 7/27/2019 Helical Compressing Spring Calculation.pdf





    dk k= F/ Spr i ng Rat e


    N7, 559k

    1, 5N_ squar ed Number of Squar ed Coi l s

    1, 5N_ gr ound Number of Gr ound Coi l s

    N_ s quar edNaN_t ot al Tot al Number of Coi l s

    10, 5N_t ot al



    DF18_F1 mm13, 23_F1



    DF28_F2 mm33, 07_F2

    _F1_F2_working mm19, 844_working



    DF38_F3 mm38, 91_F3

    N_ gr ound1N_t ot aldL3 mm35L3

    _F3L3L0 mm73, 91L0

    _F1L0L1 mm60, 68L1

    _F2L0L2 mm40, 84L2


    dp0 mm7, 823p0


    _workingdp1 mm5, 705p1

    The condi t i on f or absol ut e st abi l i t y: L0 < L_ cr i t .

    Do2, 62L_cri t


    mm82, 53L_cri t




    6, 8511L00, 813_buckling

    I f t he spr i ng i s absol ut el y st abl e,t he r esul t i s compl ex number .

    mmi29, 696960, 0886_buckling


  • 7/27/2019 Helical Compressing Spring Calculation.pdf


    at anD

    p0 Pi t ch Angl e

    deg5, 0823

    N_ squar edcos

    NaDL_ spr i ng_devel opment

    mm926, 75L_ spr i ng_devel opment

    L_ s pr i ng_devel opment1, 07L _ s t ock

    mm991, 63L _ s t ock

    L i t er at ur e

    1. Rober t L. Nor t on. Machi ne Desi gn, 3d Edi t i on. ;2. .. , .. . .

    ( V. V. Shel of ast , T. B. Chugunova. Basi cs of Machi ne Desi gn) ;

    3. . ( L. Andr eeva. El ast i c el ement s of mechani sms) .

    SMat h St udi o i s a ver y usef ul appl i cat i on dedi cat ed t o user s who want t o cr eat et hei r own sheet s of mat hemat i cal cal cul us usi ng a wi de var i et y of symbol s andf unct i ons.

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