Hell in Their Hearts: American Terror in the 20 th Century Part One By Gregory Hopkins

Hell in Their Hearts · 2020. 8. 14. · the end of the Civil War and the passage of the 13th Amendment.2 Our modern police departments have a different mission than the Slave Patrols:

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Page 1: Hell in Their Hearts · 2020. 8. 14. · the end of the Civil War and the passage of the 13th Amendment.2 Our modern police departments have a different mission than the Slave Patrols:

Hell in Their Hearts: American Terror in the 20th Century Part One

By Gregory Hopkins

Page 2: Hell in Their Hearts · 2020. 8. 14. · the end of the Civil War and the passage of the 13th Amendment.2 Our modern police departments have a different mission than the Slave Patrols:


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“It's painful fighting for freedom. Freedom has demands.

To begin, we must admit we're slaves.”

― Darnell Lamont Walker

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Slave Patrol or Peacekeepers?

“If a soul is left in the darkness, sins will be committed. The guilty one is not he

who commits the sin, but he who causes the darkness.”

—Victor Hugo, Les Miserables1

What’s happening in the world today is like a Fire Sale—everything must go—courtesy

of our wanna-be dictator. But there’s a silver lining in all things, as we say. When

you’re dealing with truth, the lining can be pure gold. As a society, we-of-white-society,

have been slapped in the face with the understanding that structural racism is both

inherent and ubiquitous throughout all of our governmental systems. It’s about time.

What this will lead us to is what will be golden, but we have a lot of difficult work to do

before we get there. That and a whole lot to learn about ourselves and each other. But

make no mistake, white folks, this is on us.

If you believe that the United States of America is not a racist nation, then you have

your eyes and ears closed—especially after the last few months. Our president is a

white nationalist—a fascist coupled with mental illness. Another slap in the face. Racists

are sociopaths; and they operate in our names every day in every way they allow

themselves to do. They feel entitled to do as they wish—by right of having ever-so-

much-more-valuable white skin.

Our modern systems of law enforcement were born straight out of slavery itself. The

NAACP explains:

The origins of our modern-day police mentality can be traced back to the “Slave

Patrol.” The earliest formal slave patrol was created in the Carolinas in the early

1700s, with the following mission: to establish a system of terror in response to

slave uprisings with the capacity to pursue, apprehend, and return runaway slaves

to their owners, including the use of excessive force to control and produce

1 Source: https://www.newyorker.com/news/daily-comment/an-american-uprising-george-floyd-minneapolis-


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desired slave behavior. Slave Patrols allowed forcible entry into any home solely

based on suspicions of protecting runaway slaves. Slave Patrols continued until

the end of the Civil War and the passage of the 13th Amendment.2

Our modern police departments have a different mission than the Slave Patrols: to

protect and to serve. In this sense, they are Peacekeepers. But they are organized

like—and have the same powers as—Slave Patrols: to pursue, apprehend, and jail; to use

excessive force and violence to control suspects; to enter your home with or without

your permission, at any time, with or without you being home.3 Nothing stands in the

way of them doing these things, not in our current civilization. And when things go

wrong, no one is ever held responsible. In this sense, the police are still Slave Patrols.

Just like our wanna-be dictator denies any responsibility for his own failed pandemic

response, police departments deny any responsibility for their own actions. That’s one

of the things their union works so hard to protect. But if you allow rotten things to be

done freely, people will do rotten things freely.

Here’s how we got here:

Following the Civil War, during the Reconstruction Period, slave patrols were

replaced by militia-style groups who were empowered to control and deny access

to equal rights to freed slaves that looked to join the workforce and integrate

with society.

By the 1900s, local municipalities began to construct police departments to

enforce local laws in areas of the East Coast and Mid-West, including Jim Crow

Laws. Local municipalities leaned on police to enforce and exert excessive

brutality on African Americans who violated any Jim Crow law. Jim Crow Laws

continued through the end of the 1960s.

2 https://www.naacp.org/criminal-justice-fact-sheet/

3 I’m familiar with this practice personally.

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Since then, African American communities have continued to be under

surveillance and targeted by police, including, but not limited to, the era of War

on Drugs and mass incarceration.4

So, Police Departments became the new Slave Patrols; and their missions were

corrupted into something more akin to the mission of the KKK—enforcing and exerting

excessive brutality on African Americans who violated any Jim Crow law. Then these

corruptions were written into law, institutionalizing racism and unjust punishment

throughout our governmental cults.

Today the United States government is a continuation of the confederate slave-state

cult, having carefully woven itself into the structure of our society. Innocents who

weren’t sacrificed by the cause were coercively controlled by confederate terrorists with

a convoluted maze of heavily-restrictive laws—and cold-blooded terror.

We have no idea, really, what our government is doing in our own names. We assume

the people we hire to administer public programs for us are playing nice and being good

to people because that’s what they claim they’re up to. That’s an iffy assumption at

best, as the state of our world reveals.

Our leaders have all been conmen all along, it turns out. Watch what they do, because

you can’t trust a word that comes out of their mouths. First, everything they say is a lie;

and it has been in America since the 13th Century. Second, they intentionally poison

everything they touch. So in this age of the inescapable Con-Man, to continue to

believe and trust them is insanity.

I must admit, it does feel sometimes that it’s almost too late to fix.

White folks seem to believe that being racist is something like taking the wrong turn—

an accident or mistake—so no one’s responsible. We didn’t take a wrong turn; and

everyone’s responsible. We were placed on this particular road intentionally with the

very founding of our nation. Racism is one of our founding institutions. It was with us

even before we were a nation; the Constitution gave racism a wink-and-nod; state laws

subsequently codified it nationwide; and the enslavement system still responds to every

criticism by putting another knee on another black man’s neck.

4 https://www.naacp.org/criminal-justice-fact-sheet/

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Our constitution was poisoned at the time of its adoption. We see this phenomenon

happening with legislation all the time today. Take the Republican’s pettiest peeve—

Obamacare. Anyone who watched the Obamacare negotiations between the President

and Congressional Republicans know that the modern Republican Party does not

negotiate in good faith.

Obamacare is sadly a mess; the Republican Party made it so, lie-by-lie as if they were

laying bricks. We don’t need insurance products, we need health care services. It is one

of our fundamental human rights, in fact. The first option serves insurance companies;

the second option serves the People whom all governments and companies are

supposed to serve. Republican leaders deliberately poisoned Obamacare in every way

they could. They were anything but subtle about it; and like the wanna-be dictator and

police departments, they accept no responsibility.

In the same way, our Constitution was poisoned from the outset with its tacit approval

of slavery. When the Constitution was enacted, only two of the colonies were slave

states; the rest were free. But 15 of the 22 Founding Fathers personally owned—or had

owned—slaves. Seven Founding Fathers did not own slaves, they were outvoted by the

15 who had owned slaves.

The issue was not that the two slave states demanded slave ownership be written into

the Constitution—it’s that the 15 men who owned slaves didn’t want to give them up.

The Founding Fathers acted in their own selfish interests on the matter of slavery; not

the interests and rights of The People. Our representatives act in the same selfish ways

today for the same selfish reasons.

Today, the wanna-be dictator and the Republican Party are negligent at best in their

pandemic and recession response; criminally deadly at its worst. They refuse to act;

they have through the whole thing. They’ve stood to the side, watching nearly 200,000

die without comment. That’s criminal.

Now, because they’ve painted themselves into a corner with a Fascist nut, Republicans

seem to be willing to let millions of Americans lose their homes—further damaging the

economy, rather than providing the assistance Americans need to pay their rents or

mortgages—thereby stimulating the economy. Their defenders have long argued that

both parties are equally dirty—they all do it, we are told. And they do. But the

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Republican Party takes it to a very extreme level—the realm of rottenness, heartless

uncaring and criminally-unnecessary death.

By the way, the desire to own another human being is psychopathic. Psychopathology is

a serious mental health issue and people suffering from psychopathy need mental

health care—not manufactured riots, secret private armies and weapons of war at their


Because the Constitution allowed two slave states, eventually the U.S. had to allow

other new slave states wanting to join the Union. By the middle of the 19th century,

another five slave states had joined; and the nation’s balance of power shifted

dramatically in their favor. Then they got busy. These states knowingly and freely

joined a nation that was officially anti-slavery; then conspired with the other slave states

to force slavery nationwide by waging a war of treason against the Union. This is what

the wanna-be dictator and Republican Party are doing today.

Eventually having lost the Civil War, the traitorous Confederates never surrendered.

They just went underground, vowing revenge; and they never shut up, just hid their

faces. Underground in the South meant wearing robes and hoods in groups like the

KKK. This is their revenge.

Today, the wanna-be dictator’s secret private army is unconstitutionally harassing

peaceful citizens by also masking their identities, hiding their faces, instigating violence

where non is warranted, and kidnapping people in unmarked cars. That’s what cowards

and Slave Patrols do—and also the Russians and Chinese who are in their mix.5 We know

many of these people formerly as Blackwater; now Academi.

Academi is a privately-owned military which provides mercenary training to law

enforcement. They are mercenaries, who wrap themselves in the lie that they are “loyal

Americans.”6 As mercenaries, they are only loyal to each other.

Academi provides security services to the United States federal government on a

contractual basis. Since 2003, the group has provided services to the Central

Intelligence Agency. In 2013, Academi subsidiary International Development

5 It should be noted that among the soldiers are private mercenaries and Russians.

6 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Academi

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Solutions received an approximately $92 million contract for State Department

security guards. Although hired by the U.S. government, the company refuses to

answer to the governments requests for records, saying "we're a private

company, and there's a key word there – private." Blackwater employees were

accused of many atrocities in Iraq, and paid no price for any of them. Does that

surprise? Clearly, they think they are above the law. Our government appears to

accept that assertion with no question.7

The secret mercenary army against American citizens reveals it to be the source of the

current unrest itself; the goal is a private-military coup championed by Russia. The use

of the Attorney General to give their orders reveals him to be a traitor to the American

People. Bob Barr has no constitutional authority to be ordering armies, much less using

them against us—his bosses. This is treason, per 18 U.S. Code § 2381:

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or

adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or

elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not

less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall

be incapable of holding any office under the United States.8

The actions of the Confederates after the war during Reconstruction were to legislate-

away black people’s newfound freedoms through a labyrinth of Jim Crow laws. The

South’s rationale seems to have been if we can’t own slaves, we’ll just keep all their

rights locked-down and see how free they are then. Fraternal groups like the KKK were

more than happy to do the policing, judging, and punishing themselves; they spent their

nights and weekends doing just that. Thus began a program of terror that led us to

being governed by a terror president today.

The best we can say about the Constitution and slavery is that it put-off and casually

ignored the problem, starting a game of kick-the-can that has now landed back in our

own laps, where it belongs. It is up to us to make things right.

7 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Academi

8 https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/2381

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Being governed by the lowest common denominator doesn’t help. We are South

Africa—an apartheid state—way past due understanding that not only are we not a free

nation; but we peddle “democracy” throughout the world in the forms of violence,

police actions and war, courtesy of the CIA—which never equates to democracy. We

are certainly as violent as South Africa ever was. Our governments from the local level

to the federal government are as corrupt as South Africa ever was. Americans who

perpetuate enslavement policies and violence are the same racist lot as South Africa

has. Racism was intentionally institutionalized here just as it was in South Africa.

Sadly, today the lowest common denominator is the man occupying the White House;

and when he opens his mouth we hear the rotten soul of a slave state speaking.

Part of it is ignorance; part is pure evil; all of it is colossally selfish and cruel. But that

message doesn’t get through the wall of hatred. Racists are bullies, and always the

people with the loudest-nonstop mouths in any given room. They lord over us like

entitled kings; we allow them to do it in fearful complicity without really even knowing

we’re are. This is how our wanna-be dictator came about, and he has gotten away with

it because he has been continually deconstructing everything along the way.

As white folks, when we think of race riots, we think immediately about black violence

on white people or institutions. And we immediately think a culturally-engrained

thought by blaming the victims themselves for all the trouble. Police officers are never

at fault, only the young black men they shoot or kneel on. And white citizens are still

free today to hunt young black men with shotguns—out in the open, in broad daylight,

with video camera running for a good souvenir. Blacks are blamed for their own

murders even to this day; and this was certainly true of the “Tulsa race riots” in 1921.

Until just a few years ago, I had never heard of a race riot in Tulsa, even though I grew

up in Oklahoma. I recall reading one article on the subject several years back, but I was

left with the impression from it that the incident was a black riot against whites. The

story of the “Tulsa race riots”—the official one that is repeated over-and-over online—is

exactly backwards in this regards. It should be called what it was: a Massacre; an ethnic

cleansing. It was well-planned and militarily executed.

This was not a riot; it was a pogrom.

* * *

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Pogrom: 1880–85; (< Yiddish) < Russian pogróm literally, destruction, devastation

(of a town, country, etc., as in war).

Related Words: butchery, extermination, annihilation, bloodbath, genocide,

carnage, bloodletting, slaughter, murder, bloodshed, decimation, assassination;

an organized ethnic cleansing, as in "the Nazis began a pogrom against Jewish

people in Germany."

Reviewing its uses in scholarly literature, historian Werner Bergmann proposes

that pogroms should be "defined as a unilateral, nongovernmental form of

collective violence that is initiated by the majority population against a largely

defenseless ethnic group.9

So what we’re talking about is ethnic cleansing in America. Such terror was unleashed

throughout the South during what was intended to be Reconstruction, and it has never

ended. The Summer of 1919 was so violent with acts of terror against blacks that it

came to be known as the Red Summer; the NAACP wrote to President Harding for help

with the violence—help it did not receive:

“The shame put upon the country by the mobs, including United States soldiers,

sailors, and marines, which have assaulted innocent and unoffending negroes in

the national capital. Men in uniform have attacked negroes on the streets and

pulled them from streetcars to beat them. Crowds are reported … to have

directed attacks against any passing negro … The effect of such riots in the

national capital upon race antagonism will be to increase bitterness and danger

of outbreaks elsewhere. National Association for the Advancement of Colored

People calls upon you as President and Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces

of the nation to make statement condemning mob violence and to enforce such

military law as situation demands …”10

Sounds awfully familiar, doesn’t it?

9 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pogrom

10 The New York Times (July 22, 1919). "Protest Sent to Wilson". The New York Times. New York, NY: Adolph Ochs.

ISSN 1553-8095. OCLC 1645522. Retrieved July 23, 2019. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Summer

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In the case of the Tulsa Massacre, the ethnic cleansing had the assistance and

participation of every governmental law enforcement agency from the city level to the

state. The same is true of every mass shooting we’ve lived through in the modern era.

The Tulsa Massacre was not about black violence against peaceful white citizens; it was

about white nationalist violence against a peaceful—and prosperous—black community

and neighborhood in Tulsa’s Greenwood district—armed and assisted by police and the

National Guard. The KKK had wheedled its way into every level of state and federal

government, and this has ever-since been their modus operandi: create chaos, sew

suspicion, and commit acts of terror, like the wanna-be.

But white racists kept blacks held-down with their racist laws. Even on a good day, the

city of Tulsa was not much help:

“Greenwood sat in a poorly-drained valley with mostly unpaved streets, no

sanitary sewers, and little or no running water.” Three months before the

massacre, Greenwood’s residents requested the city to correct these problems,

but the city refused.11

Inhabitants were extremely proud of their decidedly segregated district; their

pride was deserved. Mechelle Brown, of the Greenwood Cultural Center

explains, “They had created the most successful Black-owned business district in

the country … Booker T. Washington, when he visited initially referred to it as the

‘Negro Wall Street of America,’ and it later took on the moniker ‘Black Wall



Tulsa 1921: Reporting a Massacre” University of Oklahoma Press, Norman. 2019

12 Archeologists Have Located a Possible Mass Grave Associated With The 1921 Tulsa Race Riots. Here's What To

Know. Time magazine, Jacqueline Aguiilera. 12/17/19

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But white moneyed forces were hungry, and they meant to have the Greenwood district

for themselves. “A local real estate publication and The Tulsa Tribune were trumpeting

a proposal to clear out ‘Deep Greenwood’ for a new railroad depot and industrial

district. These plans were so well-known, even before the riot, that speculators started

trying to buy up lots practically before the embers were cool. Adjutant Gen. Charles

Barrett stopped them by ordering a moratorium on title transfers.”14

The rioters themselves reveal their driving motivation in their own words:

Name Withheld by Request: After they had the homes vacated one bunch of

whites would come in, open drawers, take every kind of finery from clothing to

silverware and jewelry. Men were carrying out the furniture, cursing as they did

so, saying “These d**** Negroes have better things than lots of white people.” I

stayed until my home was caught on fire, then I ran to the hillside where there

were throngs of White people: women, men and children, even babies, watching

and taking snap shots of the proceedings of the mob. Some remarked that “The

city ought to be sued for selling d*** n*****s property so close to the city.”


Source: Rev. Soloman Jones

14 Post-riot lawsuits reveal clues, mysteries Tulsa World RANDY KREHBIEL World Staff Writer Feb 6, 2000

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Jealousy—resentment—hate—fear these were the rioters’ driving motivations—caused

by narcissistic inferiority. I’ve heard right-wing terror inciters voice these same

complaints at demonstrations today.

* * *

The KKK as Masked Police

“Before COVID-19, America’s virus was racism. We are sick and tired of

this disease. We demand a vaccine. Social distancing can’t kill racism. A

face mask can’t kill racism. Nothing but the truth can cure it.”15

—Rev. Robert Turner

In the 1920s, the Ku Klux Klan was in the “Golden Era” of secret societies, and was

embedded in local governments around the state. At the height of its power “it was

suggested that as much as 40% of the adult male population held membership in at

least one fraternal order,” including the KKK.16 Seriously. These folks included city

officials, real-estate moguls, and law enforcement officers.

The Greenwood operation was planned and organized by the city in partnership with

members of the KKK. “Its principles were largely political as it supported an anti-

Catholic, anti-Semitic, white nationalist and anti-immigrant platform ...17 The overt




16 By comparison, East Germany after World War II used paid citizens to spy on their neighbors and report on

them. One out of every 63 (or 2% of total) adults were spies for the Stasi. They had nothing on us—the “freest”

nation on earth. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mass_surveillance_in_East_Germany.

17 Sound familiar? Not coincidentally, on June 1, 2020 Washington National Cathedral was nearly burned to the

ground. Unnamed soldiers invaded the capitol; and once again our government turned the systems that are

supposed to keep us safe, against us to clear a park for a photo op. Current governmental policies are also based

on white supremacist issues and anti-immigration.

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venality of its leaders and their scandals caused widespread revulsion.”18


In other words, the KKK was politically power-hungry; because the Confederacy never

ended, it just went underground and into hood and public office. In his book

Christianity, and the Past and Present, Randall J. Stephens states:

The Ku Klux Klan “drew deep from the well of white Protestantism and

nationalism. The organization’s fierce religious bigotry and xenophobia appealed

to millions of Americans in the 1920s. The era marked by social experimentation,

prohibition, a new morality, nativism, and drastic social change witnessed the rise

of America’s most notorious homegrown brand of fascism. Klansmen and

women, Baker notes, celebrated hearth and home, white America and patriotic

nationalism, or ‘one hundred percent Americanism,’ as they put it.”20



19 Source: https://world.wng.org/content/christian_complicity_with_racism

20 https://voices.uchicago.edu/religionculture/2017/06/26/the-klan-white-christianity-and-the-past-and-present-


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Sounds like the Republican Party today, doesn’t it?

White nationalists raise their sons in the religiously-political cult as if it were a family

heirloom, generation after generation. Racism didn’t end after the civil war—it

evolved—as I’ve heard several people say lately. Instead of reconstructing, white

supremacist groups made it their business to deconstruct everything in a scorched-earth

policy. They lynched and murdered the African Americans who had been elected to

office during Reconstruction; and the panicked banks participated in the rewriting of

laws to steal back every new-found freedom from African-Americans.

In fact by 1923, the Klan would dominate courts statewide, and take extra-judicial action

freely. They threatened the governor’s life; and in 1923 the KKK actually invaded

Oklahoma City, storming downtown, with a machine gun trained on City Hall. Estimates

were made that 90% of state troops were Klansmen.21 Governor Robertson, who

referred to the Klan as “an invisible empire” called out the National Guard. The Masked

Klansmen—er—Soldiers on our streets today are behaving in exactly the same way.

White supremacist groups like the KKK terrorized the country into fear and systemically-

inescapable racism. This makes them, quite simply, terrorist organizations themselves:

“White lynch mobs in America murdered at least 4,467 people between 1883 and

1941, hanging, burning, dismembering, garroting and blowtorching their


At George Floyd’s funeral his niece, Brooke Williams referenced the wanna-be dictator’s

sales pitch of Make America Great Again, and courageously asked the bitter question,

“When has America ever been great?”

It’s a heart-breaking question, with an equally heart-breaking answer.

* * *


The New York Times Index. July-Sept 1923.p 365

22 https://getpocket.com/explore/item/lynching-preachers-how-black-pastors-resisted-jim-crow-and-white-


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Hunting Negroes

It was reported in Tulsa on May 30, 1921 that a 19-year-old black criminal, who went by

the nickname “Diamond Dick” Roland, assaulted a 17-year-old white girl named Sarah

Page. When she shrieked, they were witnessed by an unnamed person who worked in

the Renberg Department Store; the man called the police, stating the culprit ran away.

The following day, “Dick Rowland” was arrested, as proclaimed loudly by the Tulsa




Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Nab_Negro_for_Attacking_Girl_in_an_Elevator.png

This article appeared in the Tulsa Tribune on

the afternoon of May 31, 1921. It is a dog

whistle—a call to action. The headline of the

article is an instructive statement addressed

to the organized white rioters, telling them

openly what to do, when, and why.

At 4:00 pm on May 31, 1921, Police

Commissioner J.M. Adkison received an

anonymous call: “We are going to lynch that

negro, that black devil who assaulted that


Whites were drawn to the city jail by the

throngs; but Dick Roland was moved by the

sheriff to the county courthouse for security.

That evening, the crowd had swollen to about

1000 people, and they were deputized.

Deputy Cleaver informed a group of armed

Black citizens that Sheriff Mccullough

requested they come to the courthouse to

help protect the suspect.

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This was a lie on the deputy’s part. He promised to deliver black men with their arms

drawn to the large gathering of armed white men; and he thought he could get armed

black men riled up enough to go in half-cocked and start shooting. That evening, the

crowd had swollen to about 1000 people, and they were all deputized.

The trouble reportedly began with a white man attempting to disarm one of the black

men, and the weapon discharged. In an instant, a firefight erupted, and men fell dead.

Greenwood residents retreated into the neighborhood, barricading the city streets, and

standing guard. Gun skirmishes sounded throughout the night; the neighborhood did

not sleep. People were torn from their homes, and taken to one of three internment

camps—just like minority populations in Nazi Germany.

In the morning, white folks numbered in the thousands; and the planned and violent

assault on the neighborhood began. Excerpts from witness interviews of the Events of

the Tulsa Disaster by Mrs. Mary E. Jones Parrish tell the story:

Mary Jones Parrish: It then dawned upon us that the enemy had organized in the

night and was invading our district, the same as the Germans invaded France and


Sheriff Willard Mccullough: When I went down to the police station about nine

o’clock the whole place was full; there was a big crowd (the Sheriff was told by

the white men in the crowd that “We’re hunting Negroes” and that they were

working with police). That was about the time the soldiers came and they were

loading Negroes into trucks and everyway and making them come out with their

hands up, including some old women who couldn’t hurt anyone, and marched

them into the police station, all the time with their hands up. Everyone was

armed—even young boys—and the police seemed to be engineering it.24


Encyclopedia of American Race Riots, Volume 2 N-Z and Primary Documents, Edited by Walter Rucker and James

Nathaniel Upton. P 653

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Officer Van B. Hurley: They gave instructions for every man to be ready and on

the alert and if the n*****s wanted to start anything to be ready for them. They

never put forth any efforts at all to prevent it whatever, and said if they started

anything to kill every bastard son-of-a-bitch they could find.26

A.H.: I saw people of all descriptions going up and down the street, and most of

them were armed. Early in the morning, between 5 and 6 a.m., a “Riot Call” was

given; that is, the City whistle gave one long blow and then looking through the

windows I could see the Whites, armed with high-powered rifles coming from the

hill and surrounding the Colored District.

At the signal of the whistle, more than a dozen aeroplanes went up and began to

drop turpentine balls (fire bombs) upon the Negro residences, while the 5,000

Whites, with machine guns and other deadly weapons, began making hast to flee

to safety…Negro men, women and children were killed in great numbers as they



The Tulsa World. Public domain.

26 Same

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Mrs. Carrie Kinlaw: About six squads of rioters overtook us, asked for men and

guns, made us hold up our hands. There were boys in the bunch from about 10

years upward, all armed with guns. They would go into the houses, take what

they wanted and then burn the house.

A.J. Newman: Then I was marched to the top of the brick yard hill and there I was

called all kinds of names by boys from 10 years to men of 60. Then I was loaded

on a truck and carried to the corner of Boulder and Brady Streets and here I was

taken off the truck and searched again; cursed, called all kinds of names in the

language of “Take your hats off,” “Throw up your hands,” “Be submissive and

obey to the letter.” Even boys of 10. I obeyed.


Creator: Oklahoma Historical Society | Credit: Getty Images

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Dr. R.T. Bridgewater: Shots rang from a machine gun located on the Stand Pipe

Hill near my residence and aeroplanes began to fly over us, in some instances

very low to the ground. A cry was heard from the women saying, "Look out for

the aeroplanes, they are shooting upon us." The shots continued to be fired in

rapid succession from high powered guns from the vicinity of the hill … The fire

grew rapidly; we saw it spreading over our entire district south of the hill.

On reaching the house I saw my piano and all of my elegant furniture piled in the

street. My safe had been broken open, all of the money stolen, also my

silverware, cut glass, all of the family clothing, and everything of value had been

removed, even my family Bible. My electric light fixtures were broken, all the

window lights and glass in the doors were broken, the dishes that were not

stolen were broken, the floors were covered (literally speaking) with glass, even

the phone was torn from the wall... My car was stolen and most of my large rugs

were taken. I lost 17 houses that paid me an average of over $425.00 per



5 reasons the Tulsa Race Riot should always be remembered by Richard Hall. Daily Oklahoman. February 20,

2015 Source: Greenwood Cultural Center

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After they had cleared more than five hundred homes of occupants, then the

dirty work of firing and looting of homes began.

Torch lights were used with gasoline to burn up the Negro settlement, and in the

meantime, they used large trucks loading up pianos.

Brigadier General Charles F. Barrett: 25,000 whites, armed to the teeth were

ranging the city in utter and ruthless defiance of every concept of law and

righteousness. Motorcars bristling with guns swept through your city, their

occupants firing at will.29

B.F. Johnson: They burned all the negro settlement half mile wide and more than

a mile long. Probably 200 Negroes were killed or crippled for life-at one time the

fireing (sic) line was within two blocks of our hotel and one negre [sic] defending

himself was shot down across the street from our main entrance. The white

people were largely to blame--there seemed [to] be on the part [of] many white

people a sort of joy in having unrestrained priveleges [sic] in shooting the

negroes. I think tho in the end the whites will suffer far more than the blacks.

After the negroes had been driven to cover in the warehouses the soldiers U.S.

came in car loads from Fort Sill and took the negroes thru town to the ball

park...It was indeed the most heartless brutal piece of business I ever saw. We

have nothing on Germany after this--what they did was often on act of orders-

what these boys and men did was because they had hell in their harts [sic].30

AH: Tulsa, to which many Negroes had accumulated much wealth and fine

homes; Greenwood Street, the Negroes “Broadway” of Tulsa, and one of the best

Negro business streets in the whole USA, now lies in a heap of ashes.



30 Same.

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As the debris was being cleared away, bodies were found buried, burned to a crisp. They

had no means of escape…

AH: Several Negroes were tied to the backs of automobiles, and dragged through

the streets while bullets were being fired into their bodies.

Women were being chased from their homes naked, with clothes in their hands

and volleys of shots fired at them as they were fleeing; some with babies in their


These things, and many others, which I will not be able to mention, were done in

America, which makes its boast of true democracy.

Oh, America! Cruel America! Thou art weighed in the balance.32



32 Excerpts from Events of the Tulsa Disaster by Mrs. Mary E. Jones Parrish

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At least 300 perished, 1200 homes were destroyed, 11,000 were rendered homeless,

and 35 city blocks were reduced to ash. All of their belongings were ransacked or

stolen. All their homes and shops—the entirety of the district—were burned down.

All the bodies were retrieved by the White rioters and buried in three mass graves, just

as the German Nazis did in their exterminations in World War II:

C.J. EDDY: A cousin of mine, we passed down by the old Oaklawn Cemetery. We

saw a bunch of men working, digging a pit and we saw a bunch of wooden crates

lying around. We went and took a look we walked up to the first crate and there

were bodies of three blacks. The next crate it was much larger and there were at

least four bodies in it.33

The total destruction of Greenwood was not the result of a riot; but a planned ethnic

cleansing to serve the purposes of a jealous, self-entitled white few; it was a real-life

Purge. It was also, quite literally, ritual sacrifice for the occult leaders of the KKK and

Oklahoma’s governmental and fraternal cults.

“Chief of Police John A. Gustafson was the subject of a vice investigation. Official

proceedings began on June 6, 1921. He was prosecuted on multiple counts:

refusing to enforce prohibition, refusing to enforce anti-prostitution laws,

operating a stolen automobile laundering racket and allowing known automobile

thieves to escape justice for the purpose of extorting the citizens of Tulsa for

rewards relating to their return, repurposing vehicles for their own use or sale,

operating a fake detective agency for the purpose of billing the city of Tulsa for

investigative duties he was already being paid for as chief of police, failing to

enforce gun laws, and failure to take any action at all during the riots.34

Sounds like Gustafson would fit right into today’s police departments. No charges were

filed against the white terrorists. Charges were filed against 18 blacks, but they were

eventually dropped.35


Excerpts from Events of the Tulsa Disaster by Mrs. Mary E. Jones Parrish

34 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tulsa_race_massacre

35 Tulsa 1921: Reporting a Massacre. Randy Krehbiel. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman. 2019.

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The grand jury in fixing the blame for the riot, declared:

“We find that the recent riot was the direct result of an effort on the part of a

certain group of colored men who appeared at the court house on the night of

May 31, 1921, for the purpose of protecting one Dick Rowland then and now in

the custody of the sheriff of Tulsa county for an alleged assault upon a young

white woman.”36

* * *

Un-American Un-Exceptionalism

“What happened in the South was in the early 1930s more overt and more

bestial than anything taking place in Germany, where state-sanctioned

murder was treated as an unpleasant necessity rather than a public

festival.” 37

We know police officers file false reports to cover their asses every day, in every city in

the nation. It’s not a new practice by any stretch. There are problems with the official

version of events in Greenwood from the start. First of all, the inciting incident—the

assault of the young white woman by a young black man—did not happen. The story is

a wholesale fabrication, written to cover tracks and confuse—and justify mass murder.

Sarah Page, the victim, was reported to be 17 years old, but was actually 15. She was an

orphan who worked as an elevator girl in the Drexel building to afford business college.

She was being bullied by Chief Gustafson to participate in his prostitution ring. Sarah

fled the city on June 1. She was almost 3 months pregnant at the time. A few days after



37 https://www.ozy.com/true-and-stories/when-the-nazis-courted-the-kkk/60067/ Cambridge University political

scientist David Runciman London Review of Books

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the massacre, she refuted the newspaper stories about being assaulted by “Diamond

Dick” Roland on the elevator. She stated flatly that Roland was not capable of the

accusations; and that she had not made a complaint in the first place.38

The cover story on Sarah Page’s assault was Chief Gustafson’s way of covering his own

cowardly tracks.39


Does this young man look like a “Diamond Dick” to you?

His name was not Dick Roland at all. He had been adopted; and his real name was

Jimmie Jones. He was not 19 years old, but 17.41 He did not go by the name “Diamond

Dick”—a ham-fisted moniker Gustafson made up to make the boy appear like a well-

heeled criminal. At the time of the alleged assault, Jimmie Jones had already been

deceased for exactly two months to the day. Jimmie and Page were rumored to have


The Black Dispatch, 9 29 1921

39 https://www.tulsaworld.com/app/race-riot/timeline.html

40 Source: https://thislandpress.com/2013/05/09/is-this-the-face-of-the-man-at-the-center-of-the-tulsa-race-riot/

41 According to the 1920 Census which listed him as James Jones, he was 16 at the time.

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been romantically involved, and they were; that’s what got them in trouble. Jimmie was

lynched; and Sarah was used to justify a massacre.

An older white male was also involved with the 15-year-old girl; and he found out she

was pregnant. This man was Gustafson; it was he who had the encounter with Page in

the elevator to press her about prostitution. The mention of the unnamed clerk from

Renberg Department Store was to back up Gustafson’s version of events.

The two newspaper article—“Nab Negro”—had its intended effect, which was to blow a

dog-whistle to its waiting audience—white supremacists—calling them to action in the

hunt, right under the noses of the reading public.

It should come as no surprise to anyone that the recent violence at otherwise peaceful

protests is organized; and it does indeed come from outside the community as

protestors testify. In fact, witnesses described arsonists as “white supremacists,” not

demonstrators. So, it’s not a big leap to understand that all the protests we’ve seen

recently, beginning with the pandemic-reopen protests (which the wanna-be dictator

championed and encouraged to gun violence), are reelection campaign events—bought

and paid for (in some cases with blood) by the American People.

The president is so thin-skinned when being called out for his failures, he prefers human

beings being shot down in the middle of the street, rather than bearing responsibility for

his own actions. He is stoking violence against the very people he is sworn to defend,

and in Washington and Oregon he used an unidentified group of Federal soldiers to turn

on We the People—in the same way the Greenwood rioters used State troopers

Like earlier protests—Ferguson, for example—the locations of the recent fires are also

telling in several ways: where do the fires first start? In which direction do they move?

More often than not, they begin near the police, and move toward the protesters; not

the other way around. There’s a very simple explanation for that, and it is exactly what

you think it is. Someone is starting fires and encouraging looters with the complete

cooperation of the law enforcement agencies involved. In other words, today’s fires

were started by police or by people working for them, just like in Greenwood 99 years


Not much of anything has changed since 1921 with regards to racial and social injustices

in this country. Today, we hear white supremacists at demonstrations saying exactly the

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same words white supremacists used in 1921. Indeed, our police forces have been

militarized, and our prison populations of largely brown and black people have


The American criminal justice system holds almost 2.3 million people in 1,833

state prisons, 110 federal prisons, 1,772 juvenile correctional facilities, 3,134 local

jails, 218 immigration detention facilities, and 80 Indian Country jails as well as in

military prisons, civil commitment centers, state psychiatric hospitals, and prisons

in the U.S. territories42...

America has more people incarcerated than any other nation on Earth. For African-

Americans, that translates to:

One out of every three Black boys born today can expect to be sentenced to

prison, compared 1 out 6 Latino boys; one out of 17 white boys.

Hundreds of corporations benefit from penal labor, including some of our largest

major corporations. 7% of state prisoners and 18% of federal prisoners are

employed by for-profit companies.

Wages are equivalent to less than $1 per hour in most penal labor programs with

up to 12-hour workdays. The pay scale for federal prisoners is $.12 to $.40 per


Nearly 50,000 legal restrictions against people with arrest and conviction records

routinely block access to jobs, housing, and educational opportunities, which

significantly contributes towards high rates of increased interactions with the

criminal justice system and re-incarceration of people who have been released

from prison.

The 13th amendment protects against cruel and unusual punishment, yet most of

our prisons are at max capacity and have inhumane conditions, exploitation of

labor, and absence of proper measures in place to respond adequately during

states of emergency and national pandemics.


Mass Incarceration: The Whole Pie 2020. By Wendy Sawyer and Peter Wagner March 24, 2020. Prison Policy

Initiative. https://www.prisonpolicy.org/reports/pie2020.html

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In 2014, African Americans constituted 2.3 million, or 34%, of the total 6.8 million

correctional populations.43

We think the Constitution establishes our God-given rights because it begins with the

words “We the People.” We are not the people to whom the Constitution is referring.

The People to whom the Constitution is referring are quite specifically property owners.

The Founding Fathers—more than half of whom owned slaves—were The People, not

us. You and I are owned property—livestock—just like cows and land.

Property owners have the right to bear arms. Property owners have the right to own

human beings because women, children and slaves are property. Property owners have

the right to freely assembly. Property owners have the right to vote. Property owners

have the rights to do whatever they want. And if you’re a confederate, property owners

have the right to enslave other human beings. It is something to which the bullies and

narcissists of the world feel especially entitled.

The clown-with-no-clothes who is currently driving the racial divide in this country

himself, expresses this view to us every day—that he alone can do whatever he wants,

as the Constitution guarantees for him, alone. We know he intends to create this kind

of chaos because he happily admits to it every time he opens his mouth.

This is why slavery survives structurally imbedded in our society to this day. We are not

the “We the People” to whom the Constitution guarantees any rights. We are the


Just as the initial police report of George Floyd’s murder—which sparked peaceful

protests—was false; so too was the reported incident which sparked the white-driven

Tulsa massacre.

For America, our sought-after exceptionalism is written into a Constitution that has not

lived up to its lofty claims. America’s weakest link—and original Achilles heel—is the

toleration of slavery by the Constitution itself. It was well known at the time that once



44 This statement became literally true in the early 20th Century with the establishment of the Federal Reserve

Bank, which took the vast and abundant wealth of We-the-People and handed it over to the control of the

wealthiest-of-the-wealthy—literally, three individuals.

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included, slavery could never be gotten rid of through any process outlined in the

document, except by war (something to which James Madison attested). We were set

up to fail.

This is the moment in time at which we stand—the moment we realize our founding

fathers knowingly sacrificed our human rights to maintain their personal property, all

the while extolling our national exceptionalism. This is the moment when we realize we

have utterly failed in our responsibilities to all our black and brown brothers and sisters.

I would like to say that the brown and black people of the world are among the Lost

Tribes; they are among God’s very favorites, so the racists are playing with fire. This is

the moment we discover America—and the world—are not what we think they are.

With 4743 lynchings in Oklahoma in 76 years—or 62 every year—the black-man-rapes-

white-woman meme was one of the Klan’s favorite excuses. Murder, robbery, theft

were good excuses too. But rape was their favorite excuse because it was the most

visceral. And in all these cases, the reasons that were used to justify lynching were all

made up. The circumstances of the trouble are always false.

Every detail of the Greenwood story—up to the first shots being fired—is purely fiction.

No rape. No complaint filed with the police. No jailed young man. No justification. But

the terror that white nationalists unleashed against peaceful citizens was all too real, as

the eyewitness testimony attests.

This illustrates the tactics being used in each instance of terror in the partnership

between the Klan and Police: premeditation and planning, a false premise, real terror,

destruction and death. All of these shootings are ritual sacrifices; and all the deaths are

real. It seems unthinkable, but it’s simply true. The violent events which play out across

the country are all CIA operations in coordination with local law enforcement and

criminal elements. The KKK is founded on this specific behavior; participation in such

group murder is one of their selling points, and a driving motivation for the men who


* * *

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Fascists, Fascists, Everywhere

“Right-wing Americans don't recognize fascism, even when it's right in

front of their face, because they have been brainwashed by fascists their

entire lives.”

― Oliver Markus Malloy, What Fox News Doesn't Want You To Know

The state of our world is chaos. Our nation, in distress.

In three-and-a-half years, we’ve descended almost overnight into a fully-fascist state;

and we’re fast becoming a failed fascist state. We couldn’t have been bigger fools. We

thought we had a well-intentioned government that would stand up to autocrats like

our wanna-be dictator. But no one stood up.

The Republican Party has us right where they want us. They have told us all along that

they are against “Big Government,” so they gave us Big Brother instead. Ronald Reagan

began this trend in 1980. Every Republican Congressperson or President since then has

made government the big-bad boogeyman. This is supposed to mean they’re deficit

hawks, debt hawks, budget hawks, tax hawks, anything-financial hawks. But like

everything they say, this too is a lie; they’re the ones who always tank the economy and

blow up the deficit when they have a president in office. Every. Single. Time. And now

they’re committing treason.

Republicans run the biggest, most expensive, most invasive, most unconstitutional,

most debt— and deficit— busting programs and administrations. As much as they lie,

they’re even more avid cheaters. They can’t win an election honestly because they’re

not honest people, who honestly have nothing to offer. So, like the 15 founders who so

wanted to keep their human property, everything the Republican leadership does is

intentionally harmful to our Republic. These people are serious about hating our

government, so why do they pretend to serve? And why people still vote for them?

They have spent entire careers manipulating the minds of masses of people through CIA

programs. After World War II, the Republican Party moved extremely to the right by

partnering with special immigrants to the States—specifically Germans—outlining

growth of the Party for the next 75 years. Some of us have been warning since 1980

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about what was coming should we take the Republican track; and hocus-pocus, here we

are. The election of 1980 was actually a silent coup—a merger of CIA mass

manipulation and evangelical culture wars. Nazis and religious extremists make good

bedfellows, apparently.45

At that time, Iran was holding a group of 52 American’s hostage for 444 days during the

Iranian Revolution46. Now, some progress was being made at the time in official

negotiations for the hostage’s release. But for some reason, the Iranians surprisingly

proclaimed they would hold the hostages until Ronald Reagan was sworn in if he were

to win the presidential election.

What were the Iranians gaining by holding the hostages longer? Iran’s declaration

amounted to extortion—vote for Reagan or we keep the hostages. Why would anyone

fall for the con? Why would Americans vote for a candidate our alleged enemy was

going to reward?

The reason the kidnappers made their decision to call off official negotiations, is that

someone interfered by starting their own private, off-the-books hostage talks. These

negotiations were steered by George H.W. Bush and William Casey when they met

secretly with the hostage-takers in Iran in summer and October 1979. Promises were

made for $7 million dollars to be delivered by Chase Manhattan Bank and Citibank—

Bush banks—on January 15, 1980; weapons were part of the deal.

Now, what kinds of Americans make a deal with an enemy to hold American hostages

for three more months? The CIA kind.

At the same time, something terrible happened to the minds of otherwise good,

intelligent people who bought into the magical thinking the Reagan/Bush people were

peddling. Honestly, practically overnight, everyone had bought into a false patriotic

Nationalist frenzy; seeing America as the victim of our adversaries in the world;

justifying blatantly racist and fascist actions. America became Exceptional; and

exceptionally stupid. That’s not entirely the People’s fault. We were lulled into an


It’s true, the Democratic and Republican parties are two sides of the same coin. But Democrats are real human

beings with real human hearts that actually pulse living blood. What the Republican Party has done is betray our

country to a foreign adversary with poker faces and smirks; the party has committed suicide.

46 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/October_Surprise_conspiracy_theory

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unthinking, brainwashed state, through the manipulation of our food supplies, our

entertainments, sources of information—and perhaps most importantly, our collective


The primal motivating emotion for everyone seemed to be Fear. As exceptional and

free as we supposedly were, Americans were afraid of the world; and our government

was behaving in cowardly and secretive ways—still, people trusted them unflinchingly.

Now, today—this moment in time—is the moment toward which the quiet fascist

movement of the 20th Century was building. We have been herded to this moment;

and the now-different herds are being cornered together, about to be run off the cliff.

The Secret government the right-wing fascists have built with law enforcement, state

national guards, and secret police and intelligence agencies— just like the SS— is openly

rearing its head. We can know from its past behavior what the future holds, and from

here-on-out, they will be giddily dangerous.

Thanks to Reagan/Bush, America began to dismantle its very foundations—beginning

with education—and now the slow decades-long collapse has become an avalanche.

The Republican Party, which gave us a wanna-be dictator, thank you very much, has

remained obscenely silent and impotent in the face of his actions. The reason for that

is, beginning with the CIA/Evangelical coup in 1980; the Republican Party moved

further-and-further right, while the Democratic Party remained relatively centrist. From

the New York Times:47



What Happened to America’s Political Center of Gravity? Sahil Chinoy JUNE 26, 2019 New York Times

48 Source: The New York Times

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“The Republican Party leans much farther right than most traditional conservative

parties in Western Europe and Canada, according to an analysis of their election

manifestos. It is more extreme than Britain’s Independence Party and France’s National

Rally (formerly the National Front), which some consider far-right populist parties. The

Democratic Party, in contrast, is positioned closer to mainstream liberal parties.”49

On social issues, the party is even further right—aligning it with the Alternative for

Germany party on issues like immigration, gender and gay rights and nationalist

extremism. Frankly, I would place the party to the farthest right on this graph because

they are unquestionably “committed to Western, Christian Culture:” 50


The Republican Party is blaming anarchists, a terror group called Antifa, and peaceful

protestors for all the violence and destruction. First of all, there is no such thing as

Antifa; just like there’s no such organization as Al Qaeda. The word is an abbreviation of

“anti-fascist.” Anti-fascism is a philosophy against Nazi-Germany-like tyrants; so since

when has being anti-fascist been a bad thing?


New York Times

50 New York Times

51 Source: The New York Times

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The moniker was made up by the CIA to discredit real patriots, the same way they

dreamt up “conspiracy theorist” to discredit people who talk about their programs. I’m

bemused by the president’s defenders using a non-existent Anti-Nazi group as the

boogeyman. It seems to me that the only people who would be afraid of anti-fascists

are fascists themselves.

Like the German Nazi’s—what does our government do in response to peaceful protest?

Send in the Secret Police.

* * *

White Man’s World

The original Slave Patrols are still alive and kicking in America. Police departments still

partner today with crime rings, trafficking guns, drugs, and humans. They are trained by

the CIA; that’s why they’re so militarized and prone to enjoy inflicting pain. Today,

these forces are being used unconstitutionally, all for the political and financial profit of

one malignantly-selfish man-child as his own personal mercenaries.

Sadly, almost every police department in the nation is corrupt to its core. Yes, many

good police do exist; unfortunately they seem to mostly remain silent; and if they make

noise they are closed down by their department and union. But Police departments

secretly run the gangs, they run the drugs, they run all crime with federal and state

authorities; they molest people in their homes at night; they coerce; they frame

innocent people for the crimes they are committing. They start all the fires, they are the

instigators—the real agitators, hiding behind a mask of nationalism and cowardice

disguised as intelligence and patriotism.

The CIA, and its partners like the KGB and Moussad, exports this behavior around the

world, creating chaos where there otherwise is none. In fact, our racism is so tightly

legislated, Adolf Hitler himself used our racist laws—and our racist law enforcement and

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penal systems—as models for the systems he established in Nazi Germany.52 Our laws

led directly to Hitler’s gas chambers.53 Yay us. The Bush family gas companies supplied

the gas to the chambers.

Just as George Bush and William Casey held secret meetings with the Iranian hostage-

takers, our wanna-be dictator met with Vladimir Putin when he first took office, the

content of which has also been kept secret. This is the meeting at which he came firmly

under Putin’s control. From that moment on, our wanna-be dictator has acted under

Putin’s specific direction.

One thing they discussed was the new alliance between the two countries under which

they are now operating. Both men wish to return their countries to previous times.

Another thing they discussed was the war they intend to unleash in the coming months;

they intend it to be nuclear. This is why when wanna-be dictator met with real dictator

Kim Jong Un who walked away from the meeting with everything he wanted. Drumpf

negotiated nothing at all in return because he had already secretly achieved Putin’s

goal—an alliance of three nuclear powers. Together they form a wall against China—

which is being touted as our new enemy.

Wanna-be and Putin have spoken on the phone eight times since the beginning of the

year. Both the frequency and number of phone calls has increased quickly as the two

men have had seven phone conversations since March; the latest just prior to one of

Drumpf’s recent pandemic briefings.

Just as the 1980 election in the United States was a coup, Russia is busy staging a coup

here this year with the help of the CIA. With wanna-be under his control, Russians are

already here—as part of the president’s personal private army. What China did to Hong

Kong, a Russian partner will now do to America. It has already begun with the

placement of Russians—and Chinese—in the unconstitutional armies loose on our



Pankaj Mishra London Review of Books 7-16*20 https://www.lrb.co.uk/the-paper/v42/n14/pankaj-


53 The Bush family businesses sold gas for the gas chambers directly to the Nazis themselves.

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Putin has our wanna-be dictator by his tiny cojones; and he takes his marching orders

straight from the dictator. He really is a Russian Manchurian Candidate. The Con Man is

being outconned.

Last week, he announced the withdrawal of 12,000 US troops from their NATO posts in

Germany. Considering Russia’s recent hostile territorial annexations, the move weakens

NATO greatly and reduces Germany’s security net; which begs the question: why?

Today, wanna-be is clearly setting-up China as a false excuse to go to war. He was

quoted recently on MSNBC as saying:

“China brought in this pandemic. China brought in this plague. It’s China’s fault.

You wanna know the truth? China should pay for it. Maybe they will. Maybe

they will. You’ll watch. You’ll watch.”

Now, he’s rattling sabers with Iran. Donald Trump is a traitor to us all; and he is a

disgrace. He has transformed the United States completely into a Fascist state. He and

the Republican Party are responsible for the deaths of nearly 200,000 people. They are

the cause of the greatest economic collapse since the Great Depression. They are the

cause of the poisoned policies that keep black Americans enslaved, even in the 21st

Century. They’re fascists—Nazis—in word and deed.

And all this was made possible by the founding fathers 244 years ago.

Nazis have existed in America for the entirety of the 20th Century, and their numbers

increased after both World Wars—many of them immigrating in under special

consideration through Project Paperclip, placed in homes and jobs like Baptist

Universities by our very own government. One of these men ended up in my home

town, but that’s a story for another day.

I will say this, our wanna-be dictator is not the first Nazi to become President of the

United States. He’s not even the second. He is, however, the first Antichrist elected.

To be continued...

* * *

Early one morning, Jimmie Jones presented himself to me. He didn’t enter the house,

but sat on a bench under the tree out front. The sun was just rising, so the light was

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golden and dappled in the trees. He was dressed in overalls and shirt, and looked freshly

bathed. He appeared to be about 16 years old; and was a big guy.

He has the most infectious smile which never fades and a twinkle of real happiness in his

eyes. He looks like he is perpetually bemused by life. He is peaceful and content and

knowing—a calmingly-centered young man. I asked a few factual questions, and he mostly

responded with a gentle “Yes sir” or “No sir,” never losing his smile.

We sat together for a while, quietly enjoying each other’s company. Two men from

different times and experiences—otherwise strangers—but with the same goals: equality

and peace. But we weren’t strangers at all. We were brothers sitting together. I felt like I

had known him all his life. In this state, not saying a word, we discovered we are family.

* * *

One last thought, courtesy of the classic 1979 comedy, Hal Ashby’s Being There. Peter

Sellars plays a white fool-of-a-gardener named Chaunce. Born into servitude to “the Old

Man,” not once in his life had he ever left the Old Man’s house. He wore the Old Man’s

suits and shoes and hats. All he knew of the outside world was what he saw on TV. He had

no idea how to interact with other people.

When the Old Man died, he was forced out into a world. He was a simpleton who saw life as

a television show happening with him at its center. The Exceptionally Wealthy mistook him

to be a Very Stable Genius. His name became Chancy Gardner, and the Exceptionally Wise

decide to run him as a candidate for president.

Upon hearing this, the Black woman who raised him had this to say:

“It’s for sure a white man’s world in America. Look here: I raised that boy since he

was the size of a piss-ant. And I’ll say right now, he never learned to read and write.

No, sir. Had no brains at all. Was stuffed with rice pudding between the’ears.

Shortchanged by the Lord, and dumb as a jackass. Look at him now! Yes, sir, all

you’ve gotta be is white in America to get whatever you want.” 54


Ruth Attaway – Louise. Being There by Jerzy Kosinski. https://www.moviequotes.com/quote/its-for-sure-a-



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Black Wall Street in Tulsa Oklahoma Pt 2 - Black History Moment of the Week


56 Curriculum Counts, The Importance of Teaching About the 1921 Tulsa Race Riot By Hannibal B. Johnson. The

Black Wall Street Times. 5/31/18