Helping an Injured Person During the long December holidays, Shawn went to the shopping mall with his mother. Shawns mother wanted to buy some makeup. She went to the cosmetics shop and became busy as there were many items that she wanted to buy. Mummy, this is too expensive. You must buy the cheapest item,Shawn whispered to his mother. She nodded in agreement with Shawn. After paying for her purchases, Shawns mother wanted to do some window shopping and look at ladiesshoes. They went into a shop, then travelled down the escalator to proceed to Level Two as there were nicer shoes that suited her taste. Just as they were at its doorstep, she paused to to think, “Humm…. There is discount from the ninth of June to the twentieth of June. Today is the seventeenth.She gave up and turned to walk away from the shop. Shawns mother took out her mobile phone to check and realised that it was already the twenty-second of June. She had intended to go back to the shop but she did not realise that she was going down the escalator. When she looked over her back, someone gave her a push down the escalator. The snatch thief ran up the escalator to Level Three as she fell over and rolled to the first level landing. She was groaned in pain from the fall. Shawn saw the snatch thief run away with his mothers handbag but he decided to go to his mothers aid. He ran down the escalator towards his mother. As he stood next to her, he whipped out his mobile phone and punched 995for an ambulance. The ambulance arrived within five minutes. The paramedics pulled out a stretcher and carried Shawns mother onto it. At the nearest hospital, Shawns hands were still shivering as he was very worried about his mother. She was pushed into a room for an X-Ray by the radiologist. After fifteen minutes, the doctor came out with the x-ray report and explained to Shawn about his mothers condition. When Shawns mother saw that his eyes were brimming with tears, she was touched. Shawn hugged his mother, and as she reassured him that she was alright, she hugged him in return. From this incident, Shawns mother paid the painful price of losing her handbag while she was distracted with her mobile phone. She also had to stay at home for a week until her injured leg had recovered. Daphne Lee Xin Yin 4 Responsibility

Helping an Injured Person · Shawn ¶s mother wanted to buy some makeup. She went to the cosmetics shop and became busy as there were many items that she wanted t o buy. ³Mummy,

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Page 1: Helping an Injured Person · Shawn ¶s mother wanted to buy some makeup. She went to the cosmetics shop and became busy as there were many items that she wanted t o buy. ³Mummy,

Helping an Injured Person

During the long December holidays, Shawn went to the shopping mall with his

mother. Shawn’s mother wanted to buy some makeup. She went to the cosmetics shop and became busy as there were many items that she wanted to buy. “Mummy, this is too expensive. You must buy the cheapest item,” Shawn whispered to his mother. She nodded in agreement with Shawn.

After paying for her purchases, Shawn’s mother wanted to do some window shopping and look at ladies’ shoes. They went into a shop, then travelled down the escalator to proceed to Level Two as there were nicer shoes that suited her taste. Just as they were at its doorstep, she paused to to think, “Humm…. There is discount from the ninth of June to the twentieth of June. Today is the seventeenth.” She gave up and turned to walk away from the shop. Shawn’s mother took out her mobile phone to check and realised that it was already the twenty-second of June. She had intended to go back to the shop but she did not realise that she was going down the escalator. When she looked over her back, someone gave her a push down the escalator. The snatch thief ran up the escalator to Level Three as she fell over and rolled to the first level landing. She was groaned in pain from the fall. Shawn saw the snatch thief run away with his mother’s handbag but he decided to go to his mother’s aid. He ran down the escalator towards his mother. As he stood next to her, he whipped out his mobile phone and punched “995” for an ambulance.

The ambulance arrived within five minutes. The paramedics pulled out a stretcher and carried Shawn’s mother onto it. At the nearest hospital, Shawn’s hands were still shivering as he was very worried about his mother. She was pushed into a room for an X-Ray by the radiologist. After fifteen minutes, the doctor came out with the x-ray report and explained to Shawn about his mother’s condition.

When Shawn’s mother saw that his eyes were brimming with tears, she was touched. Shawn hugged his mother, and as she reassured him that she was alright, she hugged him in return. From this incident, Shawn’s mother paid the painful price of losing her handbag while she was distracted with her mobile phone. She also had to stay at home for a week until her injured leg had recovered. Daphne Lee Xin Yin 4 Responsibility

Page 2: Helping an Injured Person · Shawn ¶s mother wanted to buy some makeup. She went to the cosmetics shop and became busy as there were many items that she wanted t o buy. ³Mummy,

Helping An Injured Person Miss Tan was watching the news on the television. The newscaster read the headline, ”Woman injured on escalator…...” The news brought to Miss Tan’s mind a horrifying experience that happened many years ago…

One fine afternoon, Miss Tan was at Sembawang Shopping Centre shopping

for groceries at the Giant supermarket. After she had paid for the groceries, she went to the escalator to check if there were any other things that she had to buy. Suddenly, she heard someone screaming very loudly. Without hesitation, she traced the source of the screaming. To her horror, she saw a woman’s hand full of cuts and bruises. Miss Tan asked the woman, “What happened to you?” The woman replied, “I dropped my mobile phone when I was coming down the escalator. I bent down to retrieve it, but my hands were cut and I also had lots of bruises as I scrambled to pick it up before arriving at the ground level.”

Miss Tan replied, “Okay, I will make a phone call for an ambulance.” Next, she

whipped out her mobile phone from her pocket and dialled ”995”. After a few minutes, the paramedics came and attended to the woman. She was sent to the hospital for treatment. After receiving helping the woman through the whole time at the hospital, Miss Tan was glad that she had helped an injured person who was in need. A few days later, she saw an envelope in her mailbox. She opened the envelope, and read the letter. It said, “Thank you for calling 995.” When she had read it, she was happy as a lark because she had done a good deed.

She was suddenly brought back to reality as her pet dog was barking at her

and licking her legs. She would never forget this terrifying incident. Kwong Yean Hung 4 Responsibility

Page 3: Helping an Injured Person · Shawn ¶s mother wanted to buy some makeup. She went to the cosmetics shop and became busy as there were many items that she wanted t o buy. ³Mummy,

Caught In A Storm

It was late at night, Tom was at his house looking at his handphone. Tom saw a video on YouTube about a storm. This reminded him about what had happened two year ago…

It was a normal Sunday. Tom was playing a game on his handphone. Then his

parents said that they were going to Malaysia for the June Holidays and that caught him by surprise. Tom asked, “Is tomorrow the beginning of the June Holidays?’’ Tom’s parents nodded their heads. Tom had no choice but to join them and hopped into their family car and headed for the airport.

Soon Tom and his family reached the airport, and checked in and wait for the

boarding time. After an hour, Tom and his family boarded the plane and found their seats. Tom fell asleep immediately. He woke up as the plane landed at the Malaysian airport and they checked into their hotel. After settling their luggage bags, they went sightseeing. About half an hour into their journey, it started to drizzle. Soon the drizzle became a raging storm. Tom’s family decided to head back to the hotel. The howling wind blew Tom’s mother umbrella away. Soon Tom’s family was drenched from head to toe. Worse, the street was partially submerged as the drainage was bad. The flood was getting higher and higher, until the water level reached the level of Tom’s father chest. They had to call for help from the rescue team. Not long after, the rescue team arrived in boats and helicopters with the wailing of siren. Then, the rescue team saw Tom and his family and told them to climb up the boat and the boat sailed off.

Tom and his parents could not enjoy the rest of their trip, so they flew back to Singapore. They have a terrible experience. They were glad that they were back in their home, safely and comfortably.

The call from Tom’s mother brought him back to the present. Although it had been two years from the incident, he still remembered it clearly in his mind. That harrowing experience would be forever etched in his mind. Oh Kok Xin 4 Responsibility

Page 4: Helping an Injured Person · Shawn ¶s mother wanted to buy some makeup. She went to the cosmetics shop and became busy as there were many items that she wanted t o buy. ³Mummy,

Caught in A Storm

It was Sarah's birthday. She said to her parents that she wanted to go rock climbing in the climbing park. Her parents consented because it was her birthday and she could go anywhere she liked. Sarah was excited as it was going to be fun but it started to drizzle in the morning. Sarah was a little upset when she knew the wet weather meant that the rock wall would be slippery making it difficult to climb.

To Sarah's surprise, she could still climb on the rock wall, because the rain did not make the wall slippery after all. She started putting on her gears and preparing for the climb. Sarah started by climbing slowly, taking one step at a time. While she was on the wall, the rain got heavier and heavier. Sarah who was almost right at the top of the wall, could feel the raindrops getting bigger and heavier.

Suddenly, as Sarah was climbing down the wall, her parents shouted to her, ''Sarah, don't come down! There is a flood here!'' Sarah then looked down realising that her parents were standing on the roof of their car. She clung onto the rock trying not to be blown off by the strong wind. She was terrified by the sight of what was happening.

At that moment, Sarah let go because she could not hold onto the wall any longer. She swung on the safety rope. However, she was swinging towards the wall and, "BANG!" She crashed into the wall and her head began to bleed profusely.

She woke up and found that she was at the hospital receiving treatment. Her parents were there to support her. She was injured and could not do anything for a month. Sarah wished that she had taken a safer way and did something else instead of rock climbing during a storm. Zeng Yuanying 4 Responsibility

Page 5: Helping an Injured Person · Shawn ¶s mother wanted to buy some makeup. She went to the cosmetics shop and became busy as there were many items that she wanted t o buy. ³Mummy,

An Irresponsible Act

“Good job, Alice!” said Mum. It was finally after the end of year examinations. I

was able to get good results as I had done very well in my examinations. My mum

brought me to the pet shop to get a pet and I had always wanted a cute puppy.

When we reached the pet shop, I saw a huge range of animals. I found my favourite

animal which was a puppy. By coincidence, I saw this irresponsible act by the

shopkeeper, Bryan. He did not give enough of food to the animals.

It was an irresponsible thing to do as animals are living things like us and

should be treated with care and passion. Animals have feelings and they would also

feel hungry like humans. They would not be well if they do not have enough food and

water. The action of the shopkeeper caused everyone in the shop to become angry.

Each of us were thinking that the shopkeeper did not have compassion for the

animals. A man could not stand the irresponsible action of the shopkeeper anymore

and confronted the shopkeeper and told him, “This isn’t the right way to be treating

animals even if the animals aren’t yours. We should treat them with care and

compassion, just like how we treat our family and friends.” Caught red-handed, the

shopkeeper was ashamed of his own action and he apologise to the man who stood

up in compassion for the pets. The shopkeeper also said that he would not repeat

his irresponsible action again.

The shopkeeper then gave his customers a ten percent discount. Everyone

was still quite disappointed and had not agreed to buy anything, but they could see

his determination to change. We were pleased with the way he rendered service to


Daphne Lee Xin Yin

4 Responsibility

Page 6: Helping an Injured Person · Shawn ¶s mother wanted to buy some makeup. She went to the cosmetics shop and became busy as there were many items that she wanted t o buy. ³Mummy,

An Irresponsible Act

It was a bright and sunny Sunday afternoon and Mary wanted to buy a pet for herself. She wanted to have a companion and playmate, so she went to the pet store and she bought a pet dog which cost her two thousand dollars.

After becoming a pet owner, Mary usually did not feed her dog because she was always busy working. One day, her dog suddenly fell ill as it did not have enough food and water. When Mary realised that her pet dog was unwell, she was very shocked, and she quickly carried her dog to the veterinary clinic.

After the doctor had given an intravenous drip to it, Mary’s dog was able to stand up and walk again. The veterinarian told Mary that her dog needed more food and water, so that it would not have a fever. The veterinarian gave Mary some fever medicine for her dog. Before Mary and her dog left, Mary had to pay the veterinarian a very high medical fee that cost her an arm and a leg.

Mary had learnt a valuable and expensive lesson for being an irresponsibility

owner to her dog. She had learnt that she must feed her dog on time even though she was very busy working. Jaden Ku Wen Wei 4 Responsibility

Page 7: Helping an Injured Person · Shawn ¶s mother wanted to buy some makeup. She went to the cosmetics shop and became busy as there were many items that she wanted t o buy. ³Mummy,

An Irresponsible Act

It was Tim’s birthday and it was the worst birthday he had ever had….

Tim’s birthday was on 26 June. He had always wanted a dog for a long time. He asked his mom if he could have a dog for his birthday present. He promised that he would take care of the dog. His mother agreed to buy him a dog, but he needed to do everything with regards to caring for it by himself. His mother drove him to the nearest pet shop she could find. Tim was on cloud nine that he could finally have a dog. Tim chose a dog and it cost his mother just a little less than two thousand dollars. He chose a poodle that was called Cookie and paid the money to the pet shop owner. He cleaned all Cookie’s waste for only two days. Then he began to feel annoyed about cleaning and so his mother started nagging him to do everything about caring for Cookie.

After three days, he did not feed Cookie nor clean Cookie’s waste. On another day, his mother asked him to feed Cookie. He poured a whole packet of food so that he did not have to feed him every day. He kicked Cookie whenever Cookie gave him trouble. After one week, he kicked Cookie out of his house and put her into the elevator. A policeman saw Cookie inside the elevator from the CCTV, so came to save the poor dog. The policeman brought Cookie to a vet and scanned the microchip to find out who had abandoned Cookie. Cookie was badly bruised and malnourished. The vet gave it an intravenous drip but Cookie still required further care and had to stay there.

When Tim’s mother returned home from work, she did not see Cookie running to welcome her, so she asked him, “Where is Cookie?’’ He replied, “I don’t know. I hate dog!” He left the task of searching for Cookie to his mother who went everywhere to search for Cookie. It was a futile search.

Two hours later, three policemen went to knock on the pet owner’s door. “Ding

Dong!’’ the doorbell rang. Tim’s mother opened the door and saw a total of three policemen. They asked her, “May we speak to Mrs. Goh? She replied, “I am Mrs. Goh.’’ The policemen asked if she had abandoned her dog in an elevator. After she had heard what happened to Cookie that day, she called Tim from his bedroom. Tim admitted that he had thrown out his pet. Tim was in hot soup and was sent to learn about responsibility and compassion to pets.

After learning about pet care, he had learnt his lesson well and promised his mother that he would not repeat the irresponsible act again. Keane Tan Wei Lun 4Responsibility

Page 8: Helping an Injured Person · Shawn ¶s mother wanted to buy some makeup. She went to the cosmetics shop and became busy as there were many items that she wanted t o buy. ³Mummy,

An Irresponsible Act

“Bam!” There goes the newspaper boy. Knowing that I wiould get punished if I did not collect the newspaper, I opened the door and took the newspaper in. In the headlines, I saw the words, “Cat Died Because of Irresponsible Owner”. Memories of my own pet being abused flooded in my head...

It was a beautiful Sunday morning, Mum was going to bring me to the pet shop

to shop for a pet as I had passed with flying colours for my year-end examinations. I was as happy as a lark as Mum agreed to buy me a dog which was what I had been longing for.

In the pet shop, I saw a very cute dog. I was sure that it would be the apple of

my eye. Mum thought it was cute too, so she bought it for me. Mum also bought some food, a dog toy, a food tray and some other essentials for the dog.

The next day, Mum told me that I had to be responsible for feeding the dog, its

health and exercise. I agreed right away, thinking that it would be as easy as ABC. I named it Di Di.

One day, I took Di Di out to the park for a walk. I saw my friend Anna and her

pet cat, Mi Mi. We began chatting with each other. Some moments later, I looked down at our pets, and that was when I realized they were gone.

After a few minutes, I heard a soft mewing. It sounded like Mi Mi and it was at

the path which headed towards the road. We quickly ran there. I prayed with great sincerity that they would be safe.

When we reached the road, both Di Di and Mi Mi were lying in a pool of blood. I

cried, “Di Di!” Anna immediately whipped out her phone and punched”995”as I cradled Di Di and MI Mi.

The ambulance came and brought us to the veterinary hospital. Di Di and MI MI

were brought to an examination room. After an hour, the doctor told us that both Di Di and MI MI had died from the loss of too much blood.

“Can you let me have the newspapers?” Mum asked. I wiped away my tears

and passed her the newspapers. I would never forgive the person who killed Di Di. I also knew that I should bear some responsibility for not keeping Di Di under my hand and the leash. Regine Tan Xin Jie 4 Responsibility

Page 9: Helping an Injured Person · Shawn ¶s mother wanted to buy some makeup. She went to the cosmetics shop and became busy as there were many items that she wanted t o buy. ³Mummy,

An Irresponsible Act Today my father allowed me to have a pet because the result of my test

showed that I had passed with flying colours. At the pet shop, I found twelve cute dogs and I was so attracted to them that I

could not may a choice. Finally, it has been decided. I chose the dog with dark and light brown spots.

Every day, I walked him, fed him and decided to name him “Spot”. But one day,

when I was walking Spot at the park, I felt sleepy and dozed off on the bench at the park without caring about Spot. Suddenly, when I woke up, Spot was gone! I was going to be in hot water when mum and dad knew that Spot was gone.

After a while, I heard Spot’s barking. I rushed to the area that Spot went. I

thought that Spot would be fine but alas, how wrong could I get. Spot’s paw was injured by sharp glass shards. Suddenly, my phone rang, I picked up my phone and answered, “Hello Dad, Spot is fine, and I took care of him well, goodbye.” I resorted to a lie to cover for myself. My lie did not last longer than a few minutes. I was found out when dad came to the park to check that everything was okay.

I was feeling relieved until suddenly, he appeared and was shocked that Spot’s

paw was bleeding profusely. In no time, he brought Spot to the veterinary clinic to have him examine Spot.

After everything was done, the vet said, “Your dog is okay now. Keep his

bandage on for two weeks and the wound will be healed.” When we reached home, I thought that dad was going to reprimand me, but he smiled at me and said, “John, if something is wrong, you should alert me rather than tell a lie to me.” I hung my head low and muttered, “I’m sorry, dad.”

From that day onwards, I would not forget that accident and would not lie about

anything concerning Spot. Edlyn Quah Tze Teng 4 Responsibility

Page 10: Helping an Injured Person · Shawn ¶s mother wanted to buy some makeup. She went to the cosmetics shop and became busy as there were many items that she wanted t o buy. ³Mummy,

An Irresponsible Act

It was a sunny morning and it was Tom’s birthday. His father brought out the birthday cake and Tom blew out the candles. He said in his heart, “My wish is to have a dog.” After that his father said,” Hurry up now, Tom. After this, we are going to the pet shop. Just like you said, you wanted to go there last week.

Tom and his father went out of the house and headed for the pet shop. After a

while, he and his father reached the pet shop. Tom peered through the door and saw so many cute pets. He could not decide which to choose. After an hour, Tom found the dog he wanted. He said to his father,” Dad, I want that dog over there. Can I have it?” His father told him that he had to take good care of it. Tom nodded his head and his father bought the dog.

The next day, Tom brought a chocolate bar to his room to feed his dog. He did

not know that dogs cannot eat chocolates. After his dog had eaten the chocolate bar, his dog suddenly fainted. Tom was shocked that he could not even move its body. Just then, his father returned from work, Tom quickly hid his dog under his duvet. His father went to Tom’s room to check on his pet. Tom lied, “The dog is sleeping under my duvet.” His father went to his duvet to look at the cute dog sleeping. Suddenly, Tom’s father noted that the dog had fainted. He quickly sent the dog to the veterinary clinic.

At the veterinary clinic, the vet explained to Tom’s father that because the dog

had eaten chocolates and it had fainted. Tom’s father thanked the vet. It cost Tom’s father an arm and a leg for its treatment at the vet’s. Tom’s father paid the cost and talked to Tom,” Tom, next time, if you buy a pet, please ask the owner what the dog could or could not eat, ok?” Tom nodded his head sadly. He was sorry that his favourite pet had to suffer because of his irresponsible act. Tan Jun Yan 4Responsibility

Page 11: Helping an Injured Person · Shawn ¶s mother wanted to buy some makeup. She went to the cosmetics shop and became busy as there were many items that she wanted t o buy. ³Mummy,

An Irresponsible Act

It was raining cats and dogs on Tom's birthday. Tom decided that he would ask his parents for a puppy as his birthday gift. As Tom was the apple of his father's eye, his father agreed to let him have his wishes.

At the pet shop, Tom looked carefully at all the different types of animals, then he chose a perfect puppy. Tom named his puppy Bob. Tom's father told Tom that it was his responsibility to take care of Bob as he would not buy another puppy. Tom was as proud as a peacock and did not hear a thing from his father's lips.

The next day, Tom's father had to go to work. So he put a bowl of dog food in Bob's kennel and ran off as he was late. Later, Tom woke up followed by Bob. They had their breakfast, then, they went for a walk along the pavement. When they returned, Tom was hungry so he opened a box of chocolates. He did not know that Bob must not eat chocolates so he fed Bob a little of it. In the next second, Bob fell with a loud thud. Tom became anxious and hid Bob under his blanket.

At that time, his father came home shouting, ''Tom, I have a new toy for Bob!'' Tom anxiously told a tall tale to his dad, but his dad did not believe it. He found out about the matter and was very crossed. Tom learned not to be irresponsible from then on. Luckily, Bob was all right after all. Zeng Yuanying 4 Responsibility

Page 12: Helping an Injured Person · Shawn ¶s mother wanted to buy some makeup. She went to the cosmetics shop and became busy as there were many items that she wanted t o buy. ³Mummy,

Helping a Lost Child

It was a bright and sunny June Holiday morning. Suzy and her mother went to Star Plaza shopping mall. Her mother queued up to buy food from a famous stall where a long queue had already formed. When Suzy’s mother was still in the queue, Suzy got distracted by a soft toy displayed in the soft toy shop next to the queue, so she went in to view it. After getting the food, Suzy’s mother looked all around frantically for her. She went to every shop in the mall asking if they had seen a child who was all alone.

In the meanwhile, Suzy walked around to look for her mother but she could not

find her. Suzy sat on a bench sobbing quietly. After crying for several minutes, she went to ask a few strangers for help but to no avail. All of a sudden, a man wearing a white shirt and a pair of black coloured pants, came up to her and said, “I saw your mother. Come, come with me.” After hearing that, Suzy went with the stranger and brought her to her mother.

When her mother saw Suzy, they were both relieved. They thanked the

stranger for helping her find her mother. From this experience, Suzy learnt never to move away from her mother without informing her especially in a crowded place. She regretted what she had done. Elise Lim En Zi 4 Responsibility

Page 13: Helping an Injured Person · Shawn ¶s mother wanted to buy some makeup. She went to the cosmetics shop and became busy as there were many items that she wanted t o buy. ³Mummy,

Helping a Lost Child

Whenever there was an announcement for a lost child, I would always remember what happened to me five years ago. I was lost in a shopping mall and this was what had happened…

I was shopping with my mother at Sembawang Shopping Centre during the

December school holidays. She was looking at some dresses when I wandered away looking at a plush toy. I was lured into the shop by the beautiful attraction of the toys. I was in the shop for a long time and finally decided to buy the Pokemon ball.

When I looked up and shouted for my mother, there was no response. I turned

around and I did not see my mother. I became very scared and went out of the shop to walk around the shopping mall to look for my mother. I could not remember my parents’ mobile phone numbers as I was only five years old, so I started wailing.

A shopper came up and asked me what had happened. I told him that I had lost

my mother. He told me that he saw a woman who was also trying to find her child and wanted to bring me there. I was afraid and did not believe him. I asked him to describe the clothing that the woman was wearing and how she looked like. He did not reply me and just laughed. I sensed that something was not right and started to run as fast as my legs could carry me. I was crying and praying that he could not catch up with me.

I saw a policeman and he brought me to the customer service counter to make

an announcement that I am looking for my mother. My mother came to the customer service counter and was so happy to see me. I ran to my mother and promised her not to wander off again. Kylie Foo Rui En 4 Responsibility

Page 14: Helping an Injured Person · Shawn ¶s mother wanted to buy some makeup. She went to the cosmetics shop and became busy as there were many items that she wanted t o buy. ³Mummy,

Helping A Lost Child

Susie was at a shopping mall with her mother. When her mother was at the handbag shop queuing to buy a handbag, Susie looked at the opposite shop and saw her favourite Winnie the Pooh soft toys.

She wandered to the shop without her mother knowing. Susie played with the soft toys for a while. She did not know that her mother had gone over to another store. Only when Susie wanted her mother to buy her a soft toy, she realized that her mother was not with her. So, she went back to the handbag shop but could not find her mother. Susie cried and shouted for help. She went to ask a stranger for help, but he pushed her away and rejected her rudely. Then, a kind stranger took Susie to the counter. A lady made an announcement and gave her a sweet to comfort her.

After a few minutes, a young woman came running frantically towards Susie and shouted her name. Susie ran towards the lady and said, “Mum, I thought I could never see you again." The lady at the counter smiled happily that she brought a lost daughter back to her mother together. Her mother thanked the lady profusely and bought her some light snacks. Susie learnt a valuable lesson that she should not stray away from her mother. Athena Huang Huixin 4 Responsibility

Page 15: Helping an Injured Person · Shawn ¶s mother wanted to buy some makeup. She went to the cosmetics shop and became busy as there were many items that she wanted t o buy. ³Mummy,

Helping A Lost Child

During the June holidays, Suzy and her mother went to a brand-new shopping mall. While her mother was shopping around, Suzy was attracted to a newly-made toy car. She had forgotten about what time it was. She did not even know that her mother went to the next shop!

When she realized that her mother was missing, Suzy panicked. She shouted

for help. Someone came up to her to help but he looked suspicious. Suzy asked him a few questions and he answered them all wrongly. The person tried to pull her away but a kind lady helped to pull Suzy back from the kidnapper.

Very soon later, the security guard came and arrested the kidnapper and comforted her. The security guard accompanied her to the customer service to make an announcement as a lost girl looking for her mother. While waiting for Suzy’s mother to come to pick her up, they talked to her and kept her company. Eventually her mother came. Suzy ran towards her frantic mother. “Where were you!” exclaimed Suzy’s mother. Suzy told her that she had learned her lesson for wandering away without giving any notice to her parents. Tai Zhan Feng 4 Responsibility

Page 16: Helping an Injured Person · Shawn ¶s mother wanted to buy some makeup. She went to the cosmetics shop and became busy as there were many items that she wanted t o buy. ³Mummy,

Helping A Lost Child It was a nice and breezy day. The birds were chirping and the leaves in the

trees were rustling. Nora was woken up by the sound of her alarm clock. She got out of bed and tidied it. She showered and hopped down the stairs. When she was at the dining table, her mother made her a delicious breakfast. When Nora was eating like a horse, her mother suggested that they would go to the shopping mall to check out the new stores.

Nora agreed and took a bus to the bus to the mall with her mother. When they arrived, Nora was eager to check out the shops. She could not wait another moment. She was at the tail of her mother. Nora became bored as she passed through the shops.

She started to be mischievous. While her mother was searching for some stationery, Nora went to the Kids’ Section. She was so attracted to the toys that she forgot about her mother. It was until she was looking around for her mother that she realised that her mother was nowhere to be found. When she realised that she was lost, she became anxious and worried.

Suddenly, a man approached her and told her that he saw her mother looking for her. However, she felt that he was like a wolf in sheep’s skin. So, Nora made a run for it, but the man forcefully grabbed her arm and pulled her. As the man was pulling her, two men saw it. So, they ran towards him to stop him. Knowing that he was outnumbered, the man ran away. The two men took Nora to the customer service desk for help. The customer service officer made a public announcement that she was looking for a lost child’s mother. While waiting for her mother to arrive, Nora took a cat nap in the guest room.

After an hour, Nora’s mother appeared smiling happily. Nora ran towards her mother and hugged her. They thanked the customer service officer and went to the food court for a late lunch. From that day on, Nora learned a valuable lesson that she was to stay closely to her parents especially in crowded place. Nicole Siah Ke Lin 4 Responsibility

Page 17: Helping an Injured Person · Shawn ¶s mother wanted to buy some makeup. She went to the cosmetics shop and became busy as there were many items that she wanted t o buy. ³Mummy,

Helping A Lost Child

During the December holidays, Nike and his mother went the shopping mall. While Nike’s mother was at Challenger waiting in a queue to get her mobile phone repaired. Nick browsed around when he saw a toy gun that caught his attention. He really wanted to play with it, so he secretly went to the toy shop.

Meanwhile, Nike’s mother realised that Nike was gone, so she left Challenger’s

and searched for Nike. When Nike was done playing with the toy, he went back to Challenger’s and realised that his mother was not there. So, he went out again to search for his mother everywhere. Suddenly, a stranger wearing a white jacket and wearing black and red ear phones said that he knew what his mother looked like. Nike did not believe him as he was a stranger, so he stepped on the stranger’s foot and ran to the lower level. He went to the policemen who were patrolling around the mall and asked for help to look for his mother. So, the kind policemen brought him to the customer service counter.

The customer service officer saw the Nike crying and she gave him a sweet to

comfort him, the policeman and the customer service personnel went to search for Nike’s mother. After making a public announcement for her, Nike’s mother came and she found Nike. She said, “I thought I would never see you again.”

Nike learnt a valuable lesson never to let go of her mother’s hand again. Nike’s

mother said, “After all of that, I think you deserve a treat! So, Nike’s mother and Nike went to the toy shop and bought a toy gun for Nike and then went to the food court for a meal before going home.

Zenon Choi Zhi Xian 4 Responsibility

Page 18: Helping an Injured Person · Shawn ¶s mother wanted to buy some makeup. She went to the cosmetics shop and became busy as there were many items that she wanted t o buy. ³Mummy,

AN ENCOUNTER WITH A SNATCH THIEF One day, Mdm Noraini was shopping at the department store, when she felt

something tugging her bag. She turned her head around, but it was too late. To her dismay, the snatch thief ran away with her handbag to the nearest exit.

At the doorway, he tossed the handbag to his accomplice, who then hopped onto a motorcycle. After passing the handbag, the thief ran off towards a black van, while his accomplice sped off in the same direction. Immediately, she called loudly for someone to help call the police. In the meantime, as she waited for the police to arrive, she also noted their license plates numbers.

The police finally arrived and asked Mdm Noraini for details about the snatch

theft. After they got the details, they chased after the thieves and finally caught them. Mdm Noraini was so happy that her tears rolled down her wrinkly cheeks. She thought to herself that she had learnt that she had to take more care of her belongings. Tai Zhan Feng 4 Responsibility

Page 19: Helping an Injured Person · Shawn ¶s mother wanted to buy some makeup. She went to the cosmetics shop and became busy as there were many items that she wanted t o buy. ³Mummy,

An Encounter with a Snatch Thief

It was a bright and sunny afternoon, and my friend, Tom, and I went to Sembawang Shopping Centre.

At the departmental store, I was looking at some cool and best sport shoes,

when I felt a tug at my rock and roll bag. I turned to see what was going on, but it was too late. The snatch thief took my rock and roll bag away from me. I told my friend, Tom, to take out his mobile phone to call the police, but he said that he had left his mobile phone at his house. My face turned as red as an apple as I shouted loudly for someone to call the police. Luckily, someone heard my call and took out his mobile phone and punch ”999”.

After twenty minutes, two police cars came to the shopping Centre. I went to

the police and I told them the appearance, attire, license plate numbers of the van and the motorcycle. Luckily, I had picked up a piece of paper that led us to the thieves’ base. The policemen were shocked and told me that I had encountered the four worst snatch thieves in the neighbourhood. The policemen called back to the police station to request for backup to arrest the notorious thieves. Two hours later we arrived at the thieves’ base. The policemen went in, and saw that in the thieves’ den, there was a stash of cash to the amount of sixty-one thousand, four hundred and ninety-nine dollars. Besides the money, they saw my bag on the sofa. A thief came out of the room beside us and was stunned. He tried to flee but there were policemen who were waiting in ambush. They blocked the thief’s way and arrested the other three of them who were hiding in the room.

The police thanked us and I got my bag back. My friend and I were happy

because the police had who arrested the thief. Tan Jun Yan 4 Responsibility

Page 20: Helping an Injured Person · Shawn ¶s mother wanted to buy some makeup. She went to the cosmetics shop and became busy as there were many items that she wanted t o buy. ³Mummy,

An Encounter With A Snatch Thief

It was a windy day in the neighbourhood. The leaves in the trees were rustling and the birds chirped happily. Sofia woke up from her deep slumber. She stretched out her hand and legs to awake her body. She thought that it was going to be a very fine and enjoyable day. She did her morning routine and asked for permission to go to the mall.

After Sofia’s parents had given their permission, she walked to the nearest mall. As she stepped into the mall, she noted that the mall was packed with people. The shops offered clothing, jewellery and lots more merchandise for shoppers to purchase. She was stunned out of her revelry as she was looking for dresses. Someone tugged at her handbag and she turned her head to see the thief running to the nearest staircase. Sofia immediately took action and ran as fast as a cheetah to the security guard. She explained everything to him in a gush. The guard decided to make a public announcement at the mall to advise shoppers to hold on to their belongings safely as the snatch thief might steal more things.

Some people called the police, and others started panicking. The thief hopped onto a black van and drove away before the police could arrive. When the police came. a policeman asked Sofia some questions, while the others moved to track down the thief and his accomplices. When the police had caught up with the thieves, they were arrested immediately, and the police managed to retrieve Sofia’s stolen handbag.

After the police had led away the thieves, Sofia walked home and got ready to sleep after explaining to her parents. She went into her room and laid on her bed. She mumbled sleepily to herself, “What an eventful day!” Nicole Siah Ke Lin 4 Responsibility

Page 21: Helping an Injured Person · Shawn ¶s mother wanted to buy some makeup. She went to the cosmetics shop and became busy as there were many items that she wanted t o buy. ³Mummy,

An Encounter with a Snatch Thief “Wow! It looks beautiful,” exclaimed Mrs Tan admiring the new purse she

bought from the department store. It was a scorching hot day, perfect for shopping. Mrs Tan was about to deposit some money, when, suddenly, “Whip!” Two thieves snatched her purse. She chased the thieves till they reached the car park where she tripped over an uneven ground, twisting her ankle and she buckled over. She sat there crying out for help a long while.

Luckily, a young man approached her and asked her what had happened to her.

She told the man everything, he quickly whipped out his phone and punched in ’999’ and hoped for the best. Finally, someone answered.

“Hello, who called for emergency?” The police officer asked. The man explained everything to the officer. “Thank you, we will investigate

right away,” and he hung up the phone. The next day, there was a knock on the door. Mrs Tan opened the door. To her surprise, it was the police officers. They informed her that they had caught the thieves and were about to send them to jail.

One day, Mrs Tan visited the young man. She gave him a card. On it was

written, “Thank You”. Mrs Tan said that after that incident, she would be more careful in watching over her property. Edlyn Quah Tze Teng 4 Responsibility

Page 22: Helping an Injured Person · Shawn ¶s mother wanted to buy some makeup. She went to the cosmetics shop and became busy as there were many items that she wanted t o buy. ³Mummy,

An Encounter With a Snatch Thief

During the school holidays, my parents had to work. So, my mother told me to stay at home to do my homework. I felt terrible.

I decided to sneak out without my parents’ permission. I took out my handbag and went shopping at Sembawang Shopping Centre.

At the departmental store, as I was looking at some T- shirts and dresses, a man tugged at my handbag. When I felt someone’s hand tugging at my handbag, I turned to look, but it was too late.

To my dismay, the snatch thief ran to the nearest exit. As I ran after him, I shouted for help. A few men joined me in chasing after the snatch thief. I stopped to inform the security guard. The security guard made a public announcement that shoppers should pay attention and to keep their property safely whilst in the shopping mall.

At the exit, the thief tossed my handbag to his accomplice. Then, he hopped onto a motorcycle. His accomplice ran away towards a white van. Clutching my handbag in his hand, his accomplice climbed into the van and they sped off in the same direction.

Soon, the police arrived. I wrote down the snatch thieves’ attire and appearances and gave it to the police officers.

The policemen also asked for the motorcycle’s and van’s license plate numbers. The policemen went back to the police station to match the information I had provided with their records for matches. When the police found matches for the thieves, they arrested the thief and his accomplice in no time, and recovered my handbag. Then, the police took my handbag from the thieves and brought it to my home to return to me.

That evening, I noted that my parents were furious. I told them what had happened and apologized to them for sneaking out. Even though everything turned out well in the end, I learned that I should not have sneaked off without my parents’ permission again.

Page 23: Helping an Injured Person · Shawn ¶s mother wanted to buy some makeup. She went to the cosmetics shop and became busy as there were many items that she wanted t o buy. ³Mummy,

Foo Wen Qi 4 Responsibility

An Encounter With A Snatch Thief

During the school holidays, I went shopping at Sembawang Shopping Centre. While I was walking around the departmental store, something caught my eye. I saw some beautiful and sparkly dresses while I was looking at some dresses. It was just then that I felt someone tugged at my handbag.

When I turned my head, it was too late. The snatch thief ran away with my expensive handbag to the nearest exit. I tried to run after him but he was too fast. So, I thought of an idea. I took off my left shoe off and threw it at him. He fell after being hit by it, but it was too late. He had already passed my one-hundred thousand dollar handbag to his accomplice who then hopped into a sports car and sped off. After passing the loot to his accomplice, he ran off towards a black van. His accomplice had stolen the sports car and sped off in the same direction.

Immediately, I called loudly for someone to help call the police. While I was waiting for the police to arrive, I noted their appearance and attire. I also wrote down the license plate number of the van and the stolen sports car. When the police arrived, I gave them the vehicles’ license plate numbers and the thieves’ appearances.

I waited in hope for good news as the police went chasing after the thieves. I

learnt a valuable lesson that I should take care of my belongings more vigilantly, especially expensive items. Zenon Choi Zhi Xian 4 Responsibility

Page 24: Helping an Injured Person · Shawn ¶s mother wanted to buy some makeup. She went to the cosmetics shop and became busy as there were many items that she wanted t o buy. ³Mummy,

An Encounter With A Snatch Thief

Thump! The newspaper landed on my door step. I woke up with my droopy face and went to the bathroom to wash it. I went downstairs to the kitchen, prepared a scrumptious breakfast, collected the newspaper at the door, sat on the sofa and started reading. As I read the newspaper, I said repeatedly, “Boring, Boring and Boring.” There was nothing very cool to read about in the news. Suddenly, something caught my eye. “A snatch thief stole a woman’s bag?” I questioned myself. I remembered an incident that happened two days ago...

I was a teenager hanging out with my two best friends, Mia and Cindy, at the mall. We kept talking about my handbag which I got a few days before. I was holding it up to show off to my friends. I had no choice because it costed a bomb! While we were talking, I saw a suspicious looking man leaning against a wall but he moved away quickly. I did not pay attention to him since I got distracted with some dresses. Suddenly, I felt a tug on my hand bag. I turned around, but it was too late. The suspicious looking man I saw was running off with my new handbag. We tried to chase after him but he got to his friend’s scooter. Mia whipped out her mobile phone and called the police. The police arrived but the robbers had sped off. I described what the man looked like.

When the police drove off, I burst into tears. “What am I going to tell my mom?” I asked myself sadly. Mia called a taxi to send me home while Cindy was patting my shoulders, “Don’t worry, they’ll find him!” She said.

At home, my mom noted my crestfallen face.” What’s wrong?” She asked. After I had told her my story, she advised me to take better care of my belongings next time. I smiled sheepishly and thanked her.

Knock! The sound switched me back to reality. It was the police. They told me they had found the robber and my handbag. They said they caught the robber as he was trying to break into a house. I thanked the policeman and took my handbag. Once they left, I jumped for joy. I learned a lesson about keeping my belongings safe and tightly under my arm. Esther Wong

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4 Responsibility

An Encounter with A Snatch Thief

During the school holiday, I went to Sembawang Shopping Centre. At the departmental store, I was looking for a handbag. I went shopping alone because my mother said I could go alone to the shopping centre. I wanted to buy the latest handbag so much and that was the reason I went shopping.

After I had bought the handbag, I set off for home. As I was leaving, I felt

someone tugging at my handbag. I turned to look but it was too late. The snatch thief had snatched away my handbag and run away to the nearest exit. At the exit, he met his accomplice. He tossed the handbag to his accomplice. His accomplice dashed to his motorbike but I was too fat and slow to chase after him.

My friend was at the shopping mall at that time. He witnessed the thief

snatching my handbag away. So, my friend copied down the motorcycle’s license plate number. We called the police and told the police about the snatch theft and gave them the motorcycle’s license plate number.

Two days later, the police found the snatch thieves and they surrendered their

loot, including my handbag. The police returned the handbag to me. I learned a lesson that I must not be fat so that I could chase after snatch

thieves next time. I also learnt that I must take care of my handbag well. Lew Yu Kang 4 Responsibility

Page 26: Helping an Injured Person · Shawn ¶s mother wanted to buy some makeup. She went to the cosmetics shop and became busy as there were many items that she wanted t o buy. ³Mummy,

An Encounter With Snatch Thief

One day Cherylnn and her mother went to the Esplanade as it was the school holidays.

June the twenty-sixth was Cherylnn's birthday so she wanted a Prada bag for her birthday. She went to the Prada shop and saw a beautiful bag and it was the cheapest item in the shop. Her mother agreed that it was lovely and she bought it for Cherylnn.

As they were about to walk out of the Esplanade, they encountered a rude shock. Suddenly, a thief snatched the Prada bag and ran to the nearest exit. Cherylnn turned around and saw what had happened. Then, she told her mother to call the police. She noted the appearance of the snatch thief. He had a big mole on his face and a tattoo on his left arm. While waiting for the police to arrive, Cherylnn's mother informed the security guard that there was a snatch thief in the mall.

The police arrived and took down Cherylnn’s report. Then they went off to chase after the snatch thief who rode off on a motorbike. The snatch thief was too tired because he had been trying to shake off the police in a chase on the road. Finally, the police trapped him, he fell and was handcuffed.

The police brought him back to the police station. Cherylnn was glad she got back her handbag. She learnt that she had to protect her belongings at all times. Keane Tan Wei Lun 4 responsibility

Page 27: Helping an Injured Person · Shawn ¶s mother wanted to buy some makeup. She went to the cosmetics shop and became busy as there were many items that she wanted t o buy. ³Mummy,

A Traffic Accident

It was a sunny morning. Tom was waiting for his father at the nearby car bay. Soon after, his father came to fetch him home. Since his house was very far away from Tom’s school, his father fetched him home daily.

On the way home, it suddenly rained. It became very foggy. Tom thought that it

must be very hot at first but now it had become very cold. “I hope it will stop raining,” he thought. Just as though his father had heard his thoughts, his father said, “Put on your jacket if you are cold.”

Without warning, the cars in front suddenly slowed down but Tom’s father did

not follow the suit. Tom saw that his father had not slowed his car, so he told his father to stop the car. However, he said, “Don’t worry, son. The car in front will not stop as we are on the highway.”

“But…” Tom protested.

Tom’s father answered, “No bu…” He could not finish that word as at that moment, his car hit the car in front.

“Bang!” The cars crashed. Tom flew out of his seat as he did not buckle his

seat belt. The onlookers called for the ambulance which brought them to the hospital. Tom was lucky as he was not killed in the accident. He and his father sustained some minor injuries only.

The next day, Tom’s mother came to visit them. She said that she was relieved

that they had survived the accident with only minor injuries. Tom learnt an important lesson that he had to buckle his seat belt whenever he was in the car. His father also learnt a lesson to be alert always, especially when driving. Regine Tan 4 Responsibility

Page 28: Helping an Injured Person · Shawn ¶s mother wanted to buy some makeup. She went to the cosmetics shop and became busy as there were many items that she wanted t o buy. ³Mummy,

A Traffic Accident

Miss Tan was watching the news on the television. The headlines flashed, “Car accident at Causeway Point”. She suddenly remembered the horrifying experience she had a few months ago…

It was a rainy day, as Miss Tan was going back home from work. She was very tired as she kept closing her eyes and yawning. Out of the blue, a car came out from a side road and collided into another car which was passing by in front of her. Miss Tan opened her eyes as there was a sudden loud “Bang!”. She saw the whole aftermath in front of her. She immediately fished out her mobile phone from her pocket and punched “999”. Then she waited. After a few minutes, she saw red and blue lights flashing from afar. She immediately heaved a sigh of relief and drove off. She hoped that the drivers would not be seriously injured, and there would not be too much damage to the vehicles involved.

She was brought back to reality by her dog barking at her. After that incident, she would be highly alert on rainy day, and especially where the roads are foggy. Kwong Yean Hung 4 Responsibility

Page 29: Helping an Injured Person · Shawn ¶s mother wanted to buy some makeup. She went to the cosmetics shop and became busy as there were many items that she wanted t o buy. ³Mummy,

A Traffic Accident

"The news is about a traffic accident" said the report. I was watching the news about a traffic accident, in which 2 cars had crashed into each other. It reminded me of a frightful memory…

It was a fine morning, I was walking back from the shopping mall after I had finished shopping for my mum's birthday present. When I was about to reach home, I heard a loud bang. I was surprised to see a yellow car and red car had crashed into each other. I stood rooted to the ground. When I suddenly remembered my mom telling me if I witnessed an traffic accident such as this one, I should call for an ambulance immediately. I whipped out my mobile phone and punched "995".

After a few minutes, the wailing siren of the ambulance could be heard

approaching. The paramedics put the victims onto stretchers and pushed them into the ambulance. The 2 men were unconscious and bleeding profusely. I hope they would recover quickly.

A pat roused me out of my thoughts. I looked around and realized that it was my pet dog. Deep in my heart, I wished I would not experience that again. Athena Huang Huixin 4 Responsibility

Page 30: Helping an Injured Person · Shawn ¶s mother wanted to buy some makeup. She went to the cosmetics shop and became busy as there were many items that she wanted t o buy. ³Mummy,

A Traffic Accident

“Oh no,” I shouted. I am supposed to be practicing football with my friends. I immediately jumped out of my bed. I quickly put on my clothes and rushed to the venue where we were supposed to meet.

My friends were already practicing their kicks. I apologized to them and proceeded to do kicking with my friends. Suddenly, Zak kicked the ball so high that it fell to the main road. He saw that there were no cars on the road and he dashed forward to pick up the ball.

It was suddenly that a drunk driver careened down the road and crashed into him. Immediately Zak passed out. Most of the pedestrians rushed over to see what had happened.

Some pedestrians called the police and the ambulance. After a while, the ambulance and the police came. Zak was sent to the nearest hospital and the police called Zak’s parents.

The police arrested the drunk driver and would be sentencing him to jail for drunk driving. After this accident, I had learned to be more careful and always looked before I cross the road. I also learned that it was dangerous to pick up things that were lying on the road. Foo Wen Qi 4 Responsibility

Page 31: Helping an Injured Person · Shawn ¶s mother wanted to buy some makeup. She went to the cosmetics shop and became busy as there were many items that she wanted t o buy. ³Mummy,

A Traffic Accident

After a hearty meal at the restaurant, Joshua and his family decided to go to a faraway place so they hailed a taxi. They were almost dozing off when a three-car collision accident happened. The driver in front of their taxi stopped suddenly without signaling and both cars crashed.

Next, a speeding car crashed into the taxi and the car in front of it too. The

driver pulled on his brakes but it was too late. I witnessed everything and saw Joshua’s father being flung out a few metres away. When I saw blood oozing out rapidly from his head, I whipped out my mobile phone and dialed for the ambulance.

In a few minutes, the paramedics were already sending Joshua’s father to the

hospital. At the hospital, doctors said it was not fatal but the injury was very serious. I heaved a sigh of relief when I heard it. The driver of the speeding car would be fined for speeding and the paramedics praised me for being alert. That was an unforgettable day for me. Bian Siyao 4 Responsibility

Page 32: Helping an Injured Person · Shawn ¶s mother wanted to buy some makeup. She went to the cosmetics shop and became busy as there were many items that she wanted t o buy. ³Mummy,

A Traffic Accident

One busy morning, the traffic was very crowded. The driver in an orange car was drunk as he had drunk beer early that morning.

The driver from a blue car tried to avoid the orange car. Suddenly, the orange

car swerved from left to right, and it crashed into the blue car. A passer-by saw the whole accident and called the police and ambulance. After

five minutes, the police and an ambulance arrived. The passer-by told the police what had happened. The police took out a notebook and wrote down the details that the eye-witness gave. After they realized that the driver of the orange car was drunk, they decided to put him in jail.

After a week, the drunk driver was released and admitted his mistake. He

promised his family that he would not drink and drive again. Kylie Foo Rui En 4 Responsibility

Page 33: Helping an Injured Person · Shawn ¶s mother wanted to buy some makeup. She went to the cosmetics shop and became busy as there were many items that she wanted t o buy. ³Mummy,

A Traffic Accident

It was a fine day when John was crossing the road under a canopy of leaves which covered the sky. He remembered something in the past …

John was driving off to Woodlands Causeway Point Shopping Centre. Suddenly, the weather changed. “Pitter-patter”. The screen of the car became blurry and John could not see clearly. The fast speed of the wind-screen wipers did not help make the view clear.

John tried to wipe the screen but it was no use as it was raining cats and dogs. He could not see a speeding car across the road junction. “Boom!” The two cars collided into each other. The two drivers were minimally injured but shaken.

Some passers-by came and saw what had happened. Someone whipped out his mobile phone and punched in 995. When the ambulance came and paramedics carried the two drivers onto their stretchers.

The two drivers did not stay in hospital for long and recovered quickly. They were fortunate to have got off with little injuries. The drivers had learnt to drive cautiously especially in wet weather condition. Valerie Lim Jia Ying 4 Responsibility

Page 34: Helping an Injured Person · Shawn ¶s mother wanted to buy some makeup. She went to the cosmetics shop and became busy as there were many items that she wanted t o buy. ³Mummy,

An Adventure Trip

“Ring, ring,” I was awaken by my alarm clock. I quickly packed my bag as it was my camping trip. After I was done, I got into my parents’ car and we headed towards the campsite.

When we reached the campsite, my parents and I began pitching the tent.

Once the tent was up, I unpacked my belongings. I was a little disappointed as I was not able to bring my tablet PC. That night, we started a campfire, and we ate some barbecued marshmallows. As midnight was approaching, we got into the tent to sleep.

In the early morning hours, we were awakened by some noise outside. I

spotted the shadow of a wolf just outside the tent. I was so frightened that I shouted and woke my parents up. Then, I heard a gunshot. The wolf howled in pain. Next, I heard another gunshot, and the wolf was killed.

The sighting of the wolf frightened us and we decided to head back home. We

told ourselves that we would never ever go camping again. Oih Kok Xin 4 Responsibility

Page 35: Helping an Injured Person · Shawn ¶s mother wanted to buy some makeup. She went to the cosmetics shop and became busy as there were many items that she wanted t o buy. ³Mummy,

An Adventure Trip “Ring, ring…” John’s alarm clock rang and he woke up with a start. He had never heard his alarm ring so loudly before. He looked at his alarm clock and noted that it was Sunday. He got dressed quickly and went to eat breakfast. His father told him he would bring them to the forest for a camping trip. They packed their things and got into the car. John’s heart was beating fast, as he could not wait to explore the forest. The ride soon ended and they got out of the car. John’s mother pitched up the tent while John rushed up to see the forest. He had soon explored half of the forest when his mother called out, “Dinner time, John!” John groaned. He decided he would leave the other half of the forest to be explored in the next trip. After a hearty dinner, they went back to their tents for some interesting ghost stories. John shivered at the description of the carpet monster his father made up. In the middle of the night, John heard a mysterious sound like leaves crunching. He wondered if it was a bear and kept his eyes tightly shut. The sound kept coming. The next day, John and his family went home. He was still wondering about that mysterious sound when he saw what had made the sound- his brother’s potato chips bag! John laughed when he realised that. His brother confessed that he had scrunched the chips bag in the middle of the night. What an adventure John had! Bian Siyao 4 Responsibility

Page 36: Helping an Injured Person · Shawn ¶s mother wanted to buy some makeup. She went to the cosmetics shop and became busy as there were many items that she wanted t o buy. ³Mummy,

An Adventure Trip

It was a bright and sunny Monday morning. My two cousins, my sister and my parents and I went to a camping trip at Mount Kinabalu, in Malaysia.

After three hours, we were halfway up mountain. Feeling a sense of achievement, I looked down at the side of the mountain. My heart was beating fast as I looked down. It was like my heart was falling out of my body. When we reached the top of the mountain, all of us were so exhausted that everyone needed to sit down and rest. My mother brought out some food that she had packed for us to eat. She had made us many delicious snacks such as fried chicken, nuggets, noodles and some sprite. We ate, and chatted. The scenery was breath-taking, and the air very fresh. After everyone had rested and filled our stomachs, we began the climb down the mountain.

It took us another 3 hours to descend the mountain. We reached home, after all the adventure and exciting fun. I would always remember it. And this was one of my best day ever in my life and I would always never forget it. Jaden Ku Wen Wei 4 Responsibility

Page 37: Helping an Injured Person · Shawn ¶s mother wanted to buy some makeup. She went to the cosmetics shop and became busy as there were many items that she wanted t o buy. ³Mummy,

An Adventure Trip

I always wanted to go on an adventure trip but finally, my class would go to the “Treetop Walk”. It was an adventure trip that lasted for seven days.

At home, I told my mother to help me pack my bag for the trip on the next day.

That night, I slept early, at nine-twenty because I was so excited about going on this trip.

When we were at “The Treetop”, I pitched my tent quickly. My mother had

helped to prepare the tent the previous night. My teacher scolded me because she said that as we were sleeping in the tent, and we should pitch our own tents.

On the second afternoon, we played lots of games prepared by the teachers in

charge on this trip, but when the sky darkened, our teachers told us to return to our tents quickly, and that we could go to sleep.

The sixth morning, we went to the toy shop to buy some souvenirs that we

would like to give to our friends and family. Then on the seventh day, a message came from our school that a landslide was coming on our way the next day.

Our teachers told us about the message they had received, “A Landslide Is

Coming on Our Way”. We quickly packed our bags and headed for home. When we were at the school, we called our parents to fetch us home. This would be a trip that I would never forget. Lew Yu Kang 4 Responsibility

Page 38: Helping an Injured Person · Shawn ¶s mother wanted to buy some makeup. She went to the cosmetics shop and became busy as there were many items that she wanted t o buy. ³Mummy,

An Adventure Trip “Yeah!” we jumped for joy. The whole class cheered as our class could finally

go on our camping trip to Pasir Pungjong. Our teacher, Ms Choh, gave us a pre-trip briefing. She said that we reached our destination, that we would be grouped into threes to build our tents. The best team would win an additional dish in our dinner that day. Next, we would gather wood for making a campfire and for cooking. Lastly, before going home, we would need to pack our stuff and return to school.

Finally, the day had come when all of us carried big and small bags around our bodies. Shortly after reporting in the hall, all of us boarded the bus and the bus moved off. So we had begun on our camping trip to Pasir Pungjong. As the bus moved closer to the site, my heart beat faster and faster. It was my first camping trip- without my parents.

We arrived at the campsite just as the setting sun had turned the horizon into

blazing streaks of crimson. Our teacher brought us to explore the area of the Pasir Pungjong campsite. We found many interesting places where rare animals could be found. The sky darkened, signalling the end of yet another day. Without wasting time, Jenny, Winnie and I sprang into action to build our tents. Three of us decided to spread out the jobs assigned. Jenny and Winnie would build the tent while I gathered sticks to start the fire for cooking.

As quick as lightning, I ran into the bushes to look for sticks. Near the bushes, I

met a baby orang utan. The baby orang utan was frantic with terror, so I guessed that it had just been chased by a predator. I looked around the bushes but there was no sight of the baby orang utan’s parents. Suddenly, I heard a rustling among the bushes. When I turned around, it was the baby orang utan’s mother. She had come to for her child, that was the moment I had to say goodbye to the baby orang utan.

Page 39: Helping an Injured Person · Shawn ¶s mother wanted to buy some makeup. She went to the cosmetics shop and became busy as there were many items that she wanted t o buy. ³Mummy,

I mustered all my energy and ran in the fastest speed to gather all the sticks we needed and returned to the base where we had pitched our tents. The aroma of our dinner made us salivate and our stomachs growl loudly. The food tasted scrumptious like it was served from the best restaurant in town. We went to bed as the moon shone in tandem with the twinkling stars against the dark sky.

On the next day, the morning sky was a delightful expanse of blue, dotted with

magnolia white clouds as we boarded the bus. We set off for our return to school, with a tinge of regret.

This camping trip had let us learn a valuable lesson to be independent and not

to over-rely on our parents all the time. For me, this camping trip was also an enjoyable and memorable one, because of my encounter with the baby orang utan.

Valerie Lim Jia Ying 4 Responsibility

An Adventure Trip

“Yawn,” I woke up and stretched like a cat loosening its muscles. I went to have a shower to get in the morning mood. After the shower, I went to the kitchen to make my breakfast. When I had finished eating, I heard the mailbox open and close. I went outside without waking my family up. I collected the mail and went inside the house.

I was reading and getting bored of looking at pizzas and new doors. Suddenly, a mysterious letter caught my eye. I opened it, read it, and my eyes widened with surprise. I happily thought, “We’re getting a new dog! Oops, I meant we’re offered a free and easy camping trip!” I ran to my parents’ room and gave them the letter. My father and I had the same expression but my mother was unsure. My mother was overprotective of me and my elder brother, John. The three of us begged my mother until she agreed. We packed our things and went in the car.

While we were in the car, my brother and I sang a song. “How many days will we be there?” My mother asked. I answered her saying, “Two nights.” When we had arrived, we got off the car, took our belongings and set down the stuff at a nice spot. My mother sprayed insect repellent on my brother and me. We both covered our noses because of the repellent. My father and my brother pitched the tent while my mother and I were taking the rest of the stuff out. “Phew! We’re finally done with everything.” My father said. It was sunset. My father made a fire where we could roast hot dogs and marshmallows. After we had eaten, we went into the tents to sleep. Past midnight, I heard noise outside the tent and was scared when I saw a shadow. I squeezed my eyes tightly shut, and pretended to sleep.

In the morning, I forgot what had happened the night before. “Alright everyone! Let’s go hiking!” My father announced. We went over the hills happily and my father told us about the camps he attended when he was young. When we came back to the campsite, everything was fine. It was sunset again. We did the same thing but

Page 40: Helping an Injured Person · Shawn ¶s mother wanted to buy some makeup. She went to the cosmetics shop and became busy as there were many items that she wanted t o buy. ³Mummy,

my father took out his guitar and we sang songs. When we went to sleep, my family and I heard the same noise that I had heard the previous night. The next morning, we were shocked to see outside everything our tents gone! We knew someone or something like a bear had taken our food! We rushed to the car and sped off.

When we were home I was starving, so my mother ordered pizza and we ate happily. It was quite an adventure for all of us. Esther Wong Jia Xuan 4 Responsibility