1. Do you feel the descriptors (Needs, Strengths, Values, Challenges, Behaviours, Work, Communication, etc.) represent your personality? Why or why not? Please give specific examples. Yes I really feel that colour descriptors represent my personality. In Temperament Colour Rating Quiz I get the highest score in orange colour and there is almost tie with green colour. Why I feel that descriptors represent my personality because as like orange I am adventurous person I like bungee jumping, skydiving, and etc. as well as I am action oriented I do not like to wait. I have very similarity with Green colour like I am very curious person and I like to analyze things to understand how they work. 2. Based on the Personality Dimensions what strengths and weaknesses would you bring to a team? How could you overcome your weaknesses? Orange have many strengths.one of greatest strength of orange is Effective problem solvers and trouble-shooters as well as they are working excellent in crisis situation so if there is any problem in team about work or job they can easily and effectively solve that problem. There are weakness in orange like one of their biggest weakens is they take higher risks and they take any decision in rush some time because of that they can end up getting themselves and their organizations into trouble. To overcome my weakness before taking any decision or perusing any risk I think twice and then after I will take my decision. 3. Which personality type would you have the most difficulty working with? How could you overcome any potential conflict? For the orange work with gold is little bit difficult because they are working stereotype they just follow the path whereas doing same thing that other do is boring and stress full. Gold believe in follow the rule however orange are the biggest rule brokers. Oranges are flexible as well as they are good negotiator so any situation come where they have conflict they can solve that by their negotiation and problem solving skill.

Hemal Final Assignment

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1. Do you feel the descriptors (Needs, Strengths, Values, Challenges, Behaviours, Work, Communication, etc.) represent your personality? Why or why not? Please give specific examples.

Yes I really feel that colour descriptors represent my personality. In Temperament Colour Rating Quiz I get the highest score in orange colour and there is almost tie with green colour. Why I feel that descriptors represent my personality because as like orange I am adventurous person I like bungee jumping, skydiving, and etc. as well as I am action oriented I do not like to wait. I have very similarity with Green colour like I am very curious person and I like to analyze things to understand how they work.

2. Based on the Personality Dimensions what strengths and weaknesses would you bring to a team? How could you overcome your weaknesses?

Orange have many strengths.one of greatest strength of orange is Effective problem solvers and trouble-shooters as well as they are working excellent in crisis situation so if there is any problem in team about work or job they can easily and effectively solve that problem. There are weakness in orange like one of their biggest weakens is they take higher risks and they take any decision in rush some time because of that they can end up getting themselves and their organizations into trouble.To overcome my weakness before taking any decision or perusing any risk I think twice and then after I will take my decision.

3. Which personality type would you have the most difficulty working with? How could you overcome any potential conflict?

For the orange work with gold is little bit difficult because they are working stereotype they just follow the path whereas doing same thing that other do is boring and stress full. Gold believe in follow the rule however orange are the biggest rule brokers.Oranges are flexible as well as they are good negotiator so any situation come where they have conflict they can solve that by their negotiation and problem solving skill.

4. Do you believe these types of quizzes/assessments are useful for students/teachers and/or employees/employers? Why or why not?

According to me these type of quizzes is useful for students/teachers and/or employees/employers. Because due to these type of assessment teachers know their students personality type and depending on that personality they can design teaching style and they also know who to take work from student.For employers they know what is strengths and weakness of their employee depending on that they divide the work Due to this assessment employee know what color employer have and what color colleague have by these knowing they can easily and efficiently work with them