Hematological Changes

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  • 8/16/2019 Hematological Changes



    ■ Blood Volume

    The well-known hypervolemia associated with normal pregnancy averages 40 to 45 percent

    above the nonpregnant blood volume after 32 to 34 weeks !ritchard" #$%5& 'eeman" 200$()

    *n individual women" e+pansion varies considerably) *n some there is only a modest increase"

    whereas in others the blood volume nearly doubles) , fetus is not essential for this because

    increased blood volume develops in some women with hydatidiformmole)

    !regnancy-induced hypervolemia has several important functions) irst" it meets the

    metabolic demands of the enlarged uterus and its greatly hypertrophied vascular system)

    .econd" it provides abundant nutrients and elements to support the rapidly growing placenta

    and fetus) *ncreased intravascular volume also protects the mother" and in turn the fetus"

    against the deleterious effects of impaired venous return in the supine and erect positions)

    /ast" it safeguards the mother against the adverse effects of parturition-associated blood loss)

    aternal blood volume begins to increase during the first trimester) 1y #2 menstrual weeks"

     plasma volume e+pands by appro+imately #5 percent compared with that of prepregnancy

    1ernstein" 200#() ,s shown in Figure 4-6" maternal blood volume e+pands most rapidly

    during the second trimester) *t then rises at a much slower rate during the third trimester to

     plateau during the last several weeks of pregnancy) 1lood volume e+pansion results from an

    increase in both plasma and erythrocytes) ,lthough more plasma than erythrocytes is usually

    added to the maternal circulation" the increase in erythrocyte volume is considerable and

    averages 450 m/ !ritchard" #$%0() oderate erythroid hyperplasia is present in the bone

    marrow" and the reticulocyte count is elevated slightly during normal pregnancy) ,s discussed

    in hapter 5% p) ##0#(" these changes are almost certainly related to an elevated maternal

     plasma erythropoietin level) This peaks early during the third trimester and corresponds to

    ma+imal erythrocyte production lapp" 2003& arstad"


    emoglobin oncentration and ematocrit

    1ecause of great plasma augmentation" hemoglobin concentration and hematocrit decrease

    slightly during pregnancy ,ppendi+" p) #2() ,s a result" whole blood viscosity decreases

    uisman" #$() emoglobin concentration at term averages #2)5 g6d/" and in

    appro+imately 5 percent of women" it is below ##)0 g6d/ ig) 5%-#" p) ##02() Thus" a

    hemoglobin concentration below ##)0 g6d/" especially late in pregnancy" should be

    considered abnormal and usually due to iron deficiency rather than pregnancy hypervolemia)

    ■ Iron Metaoli!m

  • 8/16/2019 Hematological Changes


    .torage *ron

    The total iron content of normal adult women ranges from 2)0 to 2)5 g" or appro+imately half 

    that found normally in men) ost of this is incorporated in hemoglobin or myoglobin" and

    thus" iron stores of normal young women are only appro+imately 300 mg !ritchard" #$%4()

    *ron 7e8uirements

    9f the appro+imate #000 mg of iron re8uired for normal pregnancy" about 300 mg are

    actively transferred to the fetus and placenta" and another 200 mg are lost through various

    normal e+cretion routes" primarily the gastrointestinal tract) These are obligatory losses and

    accrue even when the mother is iron deficient) The average increase in the total circulating

    erythrocyte volume:about 450 m/:re8uires another 500 mg) 7ecall that each # m/ of 

    erythrocytes contains #)# mg of iron) 1ecause most iron is used during the latter half of 

     pregnancy" the iron re8uirement becomes large after midpregnancy and averages % to

    mg6day !ritchard" #$0() *n most

    women" this amount is usually not available from iron stores) Thus" without supplemental

    iron" the optimal increase in maternal erythrocyte volume will not develop" and the

    hemoglobin concentration and hematocrit will fall appreciably as plasma volume increases)

    ,t the same time" fetal red cell production is not impaired because

    the placenta transfers iron even if the mother has severe iron deficiency anemia) *n severe

    cases" we

    have documented maternal hemoglobin values of 3 g6d/" and at the same time" fetuses had


    concentrations of #% g6d/) The comple+ mechanisms of placental iron transport and


    have recently been reviewed by ;ambling 20##( and /ipi

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    ;enerally" not all the maternal iron added in the form of hemoglobin is lost with normal

    delivery) ?uring vaginal delivery and the first postpartum days" only appro+imately half of 

    the added

    erythrocytes are lost from most women) These normal losses are from the placental

    implantation site" episiotomy or lacerations" and lochia) 9n average" maternal erythrocytes

    corresponding to appro+imately 500 to %00 m/ of predelivery whole blood are lost with

    vaginal delivery of a single fetus !ritchard" #$%5& @eland" #$%() The average blood loss

    associated with cesarean delivery or with the vaginal delivery of twins is appro+imately #000

    m/ ig) 4#-#" p) #()

    ■ Immunologi"al Fun"tion!

    !regnancy is thought to be associated with suppression of various humoral and cell-mediated

    immunological functions to accommodate the AforeignB semiallogeneic fetal graft 7edman"

    20#4& Thellin" 2003() This is discussed further in hapter 5 p) $() *n reality" pregnancy is

     both a proinflammatory and antiinflammatory condition" depending upon the stage of 

    gestation) *ndeed" or and colleagues 20#0" 20##( have proposed that pregnancy can be

    divided into three distinct immunological phases) irst" early pregnancy is proinflammatory)

    ?uring implantation and placentation" the blastocyst must break through the uterine cavity


    lining to invade endometrial tissue) Trophoblast must then replace the endothelium and

    vascular smooth muscle of the maternal blood vessels to secure an ade8uate blood supply for 

    the placenta hap) 5" p) $0() ,ll these activities create a veritable AbattlegroundB of invading

    cells" dying cells" and repairing cells) ,nd" an inflammatory environment is re8uired to secure

    cellular debris removal and ade8uate repair of the uterine epithelium) *n contrast"

    midpregnancy is antiinflammatory) ?uring this period of rapid fetal growth and development"

    the predominant immunological feature is induction of an antiinflammatory state) /ast"

     parturition is characteri=ed byan influ+ of immune cells into the myometrium to promote

    recrudescence of an inflammatory process) ,n important antiinflammatory component of 

     pregnancy appears to involve suppression of T-helper Th( # and T-cytoto+ic Tc( # cells"

    which decreases secretion of interleukin-2 */- 2(" interferon- " and tumor necrosis factor-

      CTD- () There is also evidence that a suppressed Th# response is re8uisite for pregnancy

    continuation) *t also may e+plain pregnancy-related remission of some autoimmune disorders

    such as rheumatoid arthritis" multiple sclerosis" and ashimoto thyroiditis:which are Th#-

    mediated diseases >umru" 2005() ,s discussed in hapter 40 p) 33(" failure of Th#

    immune suppression may be related to preeclampsia development Eonsson" 200%() *n

  • 8/16/2019 Hematological Changes


    contrast to suppression of Th# cells" there is upregulation of Th2 cells to increase secretion of 

    */-4" */-%" and */-#3 ichimata" 2003() *n cervical mucus" peak levels of immunoglobulins

    , and ; *g, and *g;( are significantly higher during pregnancy) .imilarly" the amount of 

    interleukin-# found in cervical and vaginal mucus during the first trimester is

    appro+imately tenfold greater than that in nonpregnant women ,nderson" 20#3()


    1eginning in the second trimester and continuing throughout pregnancy" some

     polymorphonuclear leukocyte chemota+is and adherence functions are depressed >rause"

    #$() ,lthough incompletely understood" this activity suppression may be partly related to

    the finding that rela+in impairs neutrophil activation asini" 2004() *t is possible that these

    depressed leukocyte functions also account in part for the improvement

    of some autoimmune disorders) ,s shown in the ,ppendi+ p) #2(" leukocyte count ranges

    during pregnancy are higher than nonpregnant values" and the upper values approach

    #5"0006 /) ?uring labor and the early puerperium" values may become markedly elevated"

    attaining levels of 25"0006 / or even more) owever"values

    average #4"000 to #%"0006 / Taylor" #$#() The cause for this marked increase is not

    known" but the same response occurs during and after strenuous e+ercise) *t probably

    represents the reappearance of leukocytes previously shunted out of active circulation) *n

    addition to normal variations in the leukocyte count" the distribution of cell types is altered

    significantly during pregnancy) .pecifically" during the third trimester" the percentages of 

    granulocytes and ? T lymphocytes are significantly increased" along with a concomitant

    reduction in the percentages of ?4 T lymphocytes and monocytes) oreover" circulating

    leukocytes undergo significant phenotypic changes including" for e+ample" the upregulation

    of certain adhesion molecules /uppi" 2002()

    *nflammatory arkers

    any tests performed to diagnose inflammation cannot be used reliably during pregnancy)

    or e+ample" leukocyte alkaline  phosphatase levels are used to evaluate myeloproliferative

    disorders and are increased beginning early in pregnancy) The concentration of C-reactive

     protein, an acute-phase serum reactant" rises rapidly in response to tissue trauma or 

    inflammation) ,nderson 20#3(" Fatts #$$#(" and all their associates measured -reactive

     protein levels across pregnancy and found that median values were higher than for 

    nonpregnant women) *n the latter study" levels were also found to be elevated further during

    labor) 9f nonlaboring women" $5 percent had levels of #)5 mg6d/ or less" and gestational age

    did not affect serum levels) ,nother marker of inflammation" the erythrocyte sedimentation

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    rate (ESR), is increased in normal pregnancy because of elevated plasma globulins and

    fibrinogen ytten" #$#()

    Complement factors C3 and C4 also are significantly elevated during the second and third

    trimesters ;allery" #$#& 7ichani" 2005() /ast" levels of procalcitonin" a normal precursor of 

    calcitonin" increase at the end of the third trimester and through the first few postpartum days

    p) 0() !rocalcitonin levels are elevated in severe bacterial infections but remain low in viral

    infections and nonspecific inflammatory disease) 1ased on their longitudinal study" !accolat

    and colleagues 20##( concluded that a threshold of 0)25 g6/ can be used during the third

    trimester and peripartum to e+clude infection)

    ■ Coagulation and Firinol#!i!

    ?uring normal pregnancy" both coagulation and fibrinolysis are augmented but remain

     balanced to maintain hemostasis ,ppendi+" p) #2() They are even more enhanced in

    multifetal gestation orikawa" 200%() Gvidence of activation includes increased

    concentrations of all clotting factors e+cept factors H* and H*** Tale 4-$() The clotting time

    of whole blood" however" does not differ significantly in normal pregnant women)

    onsidering the substantive physiological increase in plasma volume in normal pregnancy"

    such increased concentrations represent a markedly augmented production of these

     procoagulants >enny" 20#4() *n a longitudinal study of 20 healthy nulligravid women" for 

    e+ample" c/ean and coworkers 20#2( demonstrated progressive increases in the level and

    rate of thrombin generation throughout gestation) These returned to preconceptional levels by

    # year after pregnancy) *n normal nonpregnant women" plasma fibrinogen factor *( averages

    300 mg6d/ and ranges from 200 to 400 mg6d/) ?uring normal pregnancy" fibrinogen

    concentration increases appro+imately 50 percent) *n late pregnancy" it averages 450 mg6d/"

    with a range from 300 to %00 mg6d/) The percentage of highmolecular- weight fibrinogen is

    unchanged anten" 2004() This contributes greatly to the striking increase in the erythrocyte

     sedimentation rate as discussed previously) .ome of the pregnancy-induced changes in the

    levels of coagulation factors can be duplicated by the administration of estrogen plus

     progestin contraceptive tablets to nonpregnant women) The end product of the coagulation

    cascade is fibrin formation" and the main function of the fibrinolytic system is toremove

    e+cess fibrin) Tissue plasminogen activator t!,( converts plasminogen into plasmin" which

    causes fibrinolysis and produces fibrin-degradation products such as d-dimers) .tudies of the

    fibrinolytic system in pregnancy have produced conflicting results" but most evidence

    suggests that fibrinolytic activity is actually reduced in normal pregnancy >enny" 20#4() or 

    e+ample" t!, activity gradually decreases during normal pregnancy) oreover" plasminogen

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    activator inhibitor type # !,*-#( and type 2 !,*-2(" which inhibit t!, and regulate fibrin

    degradation by plasmin" increase during normal pregnancy ui" 20#2& 7obb" 200$() ,s

    reviewed by olmes and Fallace 2005(" these changes:which may indicate that the

    fibrinolytic system is impaired:are countered by increased levels of plasminogen and

    decreased levels of another plasmin inhibitor" 2 antiplasmin) .uch changes serve to ensure

    hemostatic balance during normal pregnancy)


     Dormal pregnancy also involves platelet changes) *n a study ofalmost 000 healthy women at

    term" 1oehlen and colleagues 2000( found that the average platelet count was decreased

    slightly during pregnancy to 2#3"0006 / compared with 250"0006 / in nonpregnant control

    women) Thrombocytopenia defined as below the 2)5th percentile corresponded to a platelet

    count of ##%"0006 /) ?ecreased platelet concentrations are partially due

    to hemodilutional effects) There likely also is increased platelet consumption" leading to a

    greater proportion of younger and therefore larger platelets Ialera" 20#0() urther supporting

    this concept" ayashi and associates 2002( found that beginning in midpregnancy"

     production of thrombo+ane ,2" which induces platelet aggregation" progressively increases)

    1ecause of splenicenlargement" there may also be an element of AhypersplenismB >enny"


    7egulatory !roteins

    There are several natural inhibitors of coagulation" including   proteins and . and

    antithrombin) *nherited or ac8uired deficiencies of these and other natural regulatory proteins

     :   collectively referred to as thrombophilias :account for many  thromboembolic episodes

    during pregnancy) They are discussed in detail in hapter 52 p) #02$() ctivated protein C,

    along with the cofactors protein . and factor I" functions as an anticoagulant by neutrali=ing

    the procoagulants factor Ia and factor I***a ig) 52J#" p) #030()  ?uring pregnancy"

    resistance to activated protein increases  progressively and is related to a concomitant

    decrease in free  protein . and increase in factor I*** levels) 1etween the first  and third

    trimesters" activated protein levels decrease from  2)4 to #)$ @6m/" and free protein .

    concentrations decline  from 0)4 to 0)#% @6m/ Falker" #$$() 9ral contraceptivesalso

    decrease free protein . levels) /evels of antithrombin remain relatively constant throughout

    gestation and the early puerpe200() oreover" in a study of recently delivered gravidas"

    ;ayer and coworkers 20#2( found that splenic si=e was %-percent larger compared with that

    of nonpregnant controls)

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    The cause of this splenomegaly is unknown" but it might follow the increased blood volume

    and6or the hemodynamic changes of pregnancy" which are subse8uently discussed)

    .onographically" the echogenic appearance of the spleen remains homogeneous throughout



    ?uring pregnancy and the puerperium" the heart and circulation  undergo remarkable

     physiological adaptations) hanges  in cardiac function become apparent during the first

    weeks of pregnancy ibbard" 20#4() ardiac output is increased as early as the fifth week 

    and reflects a reduced systemic vascular   resistance and an increased heart rate) ompared

    with  prepregnancy measurements" brachial systolic blood pressure" diastolic blood pressure"

    and central systolic blood pressure  are all significantly lower % to weeks from the last

    menstrual  period ahendru" 20#2() The resting pulse rate increases  appro+imately #0

     beats6min during pregnancy) 1etween  weeks #0 and 20" plasma volume e+pansion begins"

    and preload is increased) Ientricular performance during pregnancy is influenced by   both the

    decrease in systemic vascular resistance and changes in

     pulsatile arterial flow) ultiple factors contribute to this overall altered hemodynamic

    function" which allows the physiologicaldemands of the fetus to be met while maintaining

    maternal cardiovascular integrity ibbard" 20#4() These changes during the last half of 

     pregnancy are graphically summari=ed in Figure 4-)) The important effects of maternal

     posture on hemodynamics are also illustrated)

    ■ Heart

    ,s the diaphragm becomes progressively elevated" the heart is displaced to the left and

    upward and is rotated on its long a+is) ,s a result" the ape+ is moved somewhat laterally from

    its usual position and produces a larger cardiac silhouette in chest radiographs Fig* 4-+()

    urthermore" pregnant women normally have some degree of benign pericardial effusion"

    which may increase the cardiac silhouette Gnein" #$() Iariability of these factors makes it

    difficult to precisely identify moderate degrees of cardiomegaly by simple radiographic

    studies) Dormal pregnancy induces no characteristic electrocardiographic changes other than

    slight left-a+is deviation due to the altered heart position) any of the normal cardiac sounds

    are modified during pregnancy) utforth and ac?onald #$%%( used phonocardiography and

    documentedK #( an e+aggerated splitting of the first heart sound and increased loudness of 

     both components" 2( no definite changes in the aortic and pulmonary elements of the second

    sound" and 3( a loud" easily heard third sound ig) 4$-2" p) $5() *n $0 percent of pregnant

    women" they also heard a systolic murmur that was intensified during inspiration in some or 

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    e+piration in others and that disappeared shortly after delivery) , soft diastolic murmur was

    noted transiently in 20 percent" and continuous murmurs arising from the breast vasculature

    in #0 percent) .tructurally" the increasing plasma volume seen during normal pregnancy is

    reflected by enlarging cardiac end-systolic and end-diastolic dimensions) ,t the same time"

    however" there is no change in septal thickness or in eLection fraction) This is because the

    dimensional changes are accompanied by substantive ventricular remodeling" which is

    characteri=ed by eccentric left-ventricular mass e+pansion averaging 30 to 35 percent near 

    term) *n the nonpregnant state" the heart is capable of remodeling in response to stimuli such

    as hypertension and e+ercise) .uch cardiac plasticity likely is a continuum that encompasses

     physiological growth" such as that in e+ercise" as well as pathological hypertrophy:such as

    with hypertension ill" 200() ,nd although it is widely held that there is physiological

    hypertrophy of cardiac myocytes as a result of pregnancy" this has never been absolutely

     proven) ibbard and colleagues 20#4( concluded that any increased mass does not meet

    criteria for hypertrophy) ertainly for clinical purposes" ventricular function during

     pregnancy is normal" as estimated by the  !raun"ald ventricular   function graph depicted in

    Figure 4-,) or the given filling pressures" there is appropriate cardiac output so that cardiac

    function during pregnancy is eudynamic) ?espite these findings" it remains controversial

    whether myocardial function per se is normal" enhanced" or depressed) *n nonpregnant

    subLects with a normal heart who sustain a high-output state" the left ventricle undergoes

    lon#itudinal remodelin#,and echocardiographic functional indices of its deformation provide

    normal values) *n pregnancy" there instead appears to be  spherical remodelin# " and these

    calculated indices that measure longitudinal deformation are depressed .avu" 20#2() Thus"

    these normal indices are likely inaccurate when used to assess function in pregnant women

     because they do not account for the spherical eccentric hypertrophy characteristic of normal


    ■ Cardia" Outut

    ?uring normal pregnancy" mean arterial pressure and vascular resistance decrease" while

     blood volume and basal metabolic rate increase) ,s a result" cardiac output at rest, when

    measured in the lateral recumbent position" increases significantly beginning in early

     pregnancy ?uvekot" #$$3& abie" #$$4() *t continues to increase and remains elevated

    during the remainder of pregnancy Fig* 4-./() ?uring late pregnancy in a supine woman" the

    large uterus rather consistently compresses venous return from the lower body) *t also may

    compress the aorta 1ieniar=" #$%() *n response" cardiac filling may be reduced and cardiac

    output diminished) .pecifically" 1amber and ?resner 2003( found cardiac output at term to

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    increase #)2 /6min:almost 20 percent:when a woman was moved from her back onto her 

    left side) oreover" in the supine pregnant woman" uterine blood flow estimated by ?oppler 

    velocimetry decreases by a third Eeffreys" 200%() 9f note" .impson and Eames 2005( found

    that fetal o+ygen saturation is appro+imately #0 percent higher if a laboring woman is in a

    lateral recumbent position compared with supine) @pon standing" cardiac output falls to the

    same degree as

    in the nonpregnant woman Gasterling" #$()

    *n multifetal pregnancies" compared with singletons" maternal cardiac output is augmented

    further by almost another 20 percent because of a greater stroke volume #5 percent( and

    heart rate 3)5 percent() /eft atrial diameter and left ventricular end-diastolic diameter are

    also increased due to augmented preload >ametas" 2003b() The increased heart rate and

    inotropic contractility imply that cardiovascular reserve is reduced in multifetal gestations)

    ?uring the first stage of labor" cardiac output increases moderately) ?uring the second stage"

    with vigorous e+pulsive efforts" it is appreciably greater see ig) 4-#0() The

     pregnancyinduced increase is lost after delivery" at times dependent on blood loss)

    ■ Hemod#nami" Fun"tion in Late 0regnan"#

    To further elucidate the net changes of normal pregnancyinduced cardiovascular changes"

    lark and associates #$$( conducted invasive studies to measure hemodynamic functionlate in pregnancy Tale 4-4() 7ight heart catheteri=ation was performed in #0 healthy

    nulliparous women at 35 to 3 weeks" and again at ## to #3 weeks postpartum) /ate

     pregnancy was associated with the e+pected increases in heart rate" stroke volume" and

    cardiac output) .ystemic vascular and pulmonary vascular resistance both decreased

    significantly" as did colloid osmotic pressure) !ulmonary capillary wedge pressure and central

    venous pressure did not change appreciably between late pregnancy and the puerperium)

    Thus" as shown earlier in igure 4-$" although cardiac output is increased" left ventricular 

    function as measured bystroke work inde+ remains similar to the nonpregnant normal range)

    !ut another way" normal pregnancy is not a continuous Ahigh-outputB state)

    ■ Cir"ulation and Blood 0re!!ure

    hanges in posture affect arterial blood pressure) 1rachial artery pressure when sitting is

    lower than that when in the lateral recumbent supine position 1amber" 2003() ,rterial

     pressure usually decreases to a nadir at 24 to 2% weeks and rises thereafter) ?iastolic pressure

    decreases more than systolic Fig* 4-..() ,ntecubital venous pressure remains unchanged

    during pregnancy) *n the supine position" however" femoral venous pressure rises steadily"

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    from appro+imately mm g early in pregnancy to 24 mm g at term) Fright and

    coworkers #$50( demonstrated that venous blood flow in the legs is retarded during

     pregnancy e+cept when the lateral recumbent position is assumed) This tendency toward

     blood stagnation in the lower e+tremities during latter pregnancy is attributable to occlusion

    of the pelvic veins and inferior vena cava by the enlarged uterus) The elevated venous

     pressure returns to normal when the pregnant woman lies on her side and immediately after 

    delivery c/ennan" #$43() These alterations contribute to the dependent edema fre8uently

    e+perienced and to the development of varicose veins in the legs and vulva" as well as

    hemorrhoids) These changes also predispose to deep-vei thrombosis hap) 52" p) #035()

    .upine ypotension 

    *n appro+imately #0 percent of women" supine compression of the great vessels by the uterus

    causes significant arteria hypotension" sometimes referred to as the  supine hypotensive

     syndrome >insella" #$$4() ,lso when supine" uterine arterial pressure:and thus blood flow

     :is significantly lower than that in the brachial artery) ,s discussed in hapter 24 p)

    4$4("this may directly affect fetal heart rate patterns TamMs" 200() These changes are also

    seen with hemorrhage or with spinal analgesia hap) 25" p) 5##()

    ■ %enin1 Angioten!in II1 and 0la!ma Volume

    The renin-angiotensin-aldosterone a+is is intimately involved in blood pressure control via

    sodium and water balance) ,ll components of this system are increased in normal pregnancy

    1entley-/ewis" 2005() 7enin is produced by both the maternal kidney and the placenta" and

    increased renin substrate angiotensinogen( is produced by both maternal and fetal liver)

    Glevated angiotensinogen levels result" in part" from increased estrogen production during

    normal pregnancy and are important in firsttrimester blood pressure maintenance ,ugust"

    #$$5() ;ant and associates #$3( studied vascular reactivity to angiotensin ** throughout

     pregnancy) Dulliparas who remained normotensive became and stayed refractory to the

     pressor effects of infused angiotensin **) onversely" those who ultimately became

    hypertensive developed" but then lost" this refractoriness) ollow-up studies by ;ant #$4(

    and unningham #$5( and their colleagues indicated that increased refractoriness to

    angiotensin ** stemmed from individual vessel refractoriness) .aid another way" the

    abnormally increased sensitivity was an alteration in vessel wall refractoriness rather than the

    conse8uence of altered blood volume or renin-angiotensin secretion) The vascular 

    responsiveness to angiotensin ** may be progesterone related) Dormally" pregnant women

    lose their ac8uired vascular refractoriness to angiotensin ** within #5 to 30 minutes after the

     placenta is delivered) oreover" large amounts of intramuscular progesterone given during

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    late labor delay this diminishing refractoriness) ,nd although e+ogenous progesterone does

    not restore angiotensin ** refractoriness to women with gestational hypertension" this can be

    done with infusion of its maLor metabolite" 5N-dihydroprogesterone)

    ■ Cardia" Natriureti" 0etide!

    ,t least two species of these: atrial natriuretic peptide ($%) and !-type natriuretic peptide

    (!$%) :are secreted by cardiomyocytes  in response to chamber-wall stretching) These

     peptides  regulate blood volume by provoking natriuresis" diuresis"   and vascular smooth-

    muscle rela+ation lerico" 2004() *n nonpregnant and pregnant patients" levels of 1D! and

    of  amino-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide Dt pro-1D!( may be useful in screening for 

    depressed left ventricular systolic  function and determining chronic heart failure prognosis

    Earolim" 200%& Tanous" 20#0()

    ?uring normal pregnancy" plasma ,D! and 1D! levels are maintained in the nonpregnant

    range despite increased plasma volume /owe" #$$2& Ourteri->aplan" 20#2() *n one study"

    7esnik and coworkers 2005( found median 1D! levels to be stable across pregnancy with

    values P 20 pg6m/) 1D! levels are increased in severe preeclampsia" and Tihtonen and

    colleagues 200( concluded that this was caused by cardiac strain from increased afterload)

    *t would appear that ,D!induced physiological adaptations participate in e+tracellular fluid

    volume e+pansion and in the increased plasma aldosterone concentrations characteristic of 

    normal pregnancy) , third species" C-type natriuretic peptide (C$%), is predominantly

    secreted by noncardiac tissues) ,mong its diverse biological functions" this peptide appears to

     be a maLor regulatorof fetal bone growth) Falther and .tepan 2004( have provided a detailed

    review of its function during pregnancy)

    ■ 0ro!taglandin!

    *ncreased prostaglandin production during pregnancy is thought to have a central role in

    control of vascular tone" blood pressure" and sodium balance) 7enal medullary prostaglandin

    G2 synthesis is increased markedly during late pregnancy and is presumed to be natriuretic)

    !rostacyclin !;*2(" the principal prostaglandin of endothelium" also is increased during late

     pregnancy and regulates blood pressure and platelet function) *t also has been implicated in

    the angiotensin resistance characteristic of normal pregnancy riedman" #$() The ratio of 

    !;*2 to thrombo+ane in maternal urine and blood has been considered important in

     preeclampsia pathogenesis hap) 40" p) 35() The molecular mechanisms regulating

     prostacyclin pathways during pregnancy have recently been reviewed by aLed and >halil


    ■ Endot2elin

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    There are several endothelins generated in pregnancy) Gndothelin-# is a potent

    vasoconstrictor produced in endothelial and vascular smooth muscle cells and regulates local

    vasomotor tone eletou" 200%& ;eorge" 20##() *ts production is stimulated by angiotensin **"

    arginine vasopressin" and thrombin) Gndothelins" in turn" stimulate secretion of ,D!"

    aldosterone" and catecholamines) ,s discussed in hapter 2# p) 42(" there are endothelin

    receptors in pregnant and nonpregnant myometrium) Gndothelins also have been identified in

    the amnion" amnionic fluid" decidua" and placenta >ubota" #$$2& argarit" 2005() Iascular 

    sensitivity to endothelin-# is not altered during normal pregnancy) ,Lne and associates 2005(

     postulated that vasodilating factors counterbalance

    the endothelin-# vasoconstrictor effects and reduce peripheral vascular resistance)

    ■ Nitri" O3ide

    This potent vasodilator is released by endothelial cells and may have important implications

    for modifying vascular resistance during pregnancy) oreover" nitric o+ide is one of the most

    important mediators of placental vascular tone and development >rause" 20##& >ulandavelu"
