,I i l t i 'J 1 1 '1111 ' ,Ii J '111 Of Walt Malon , 1,1 Jill IMemories - Rettt from , IUnkqOWn Relati lin, J:;aat , , I I - Allainsl PhY'j' al Disci. --tIeR D -Y' UN pline. I I I I '. , II I '" , I Death of Walt Maso " humonst t lA. e s Start I a.nd poet. at IllS hqme Ill) La 1 oua, ersons"- , I Calli, lemmds us M Ullt- .I. F II Ali I I anbe with him in Beij >tee over l I ( 'I ' I I a' , r I I II thiJ.ty yeals "go A b,dllaut WHt, W' T- I I I I H, but with little pla'!I','l Judge en I Ire I, S 'I Th" ' I' I I I 'I' I lit IS btl of Ispeci<ll genJuff. jwlIl negr t. I \.1 A I I I . I -,-- , T lect the olle thong he e'jn do well r u Omaha IPairt!es re InJure Ma,?a 8 Are Now pOck S III II Secrlces i to ventud: mto t1eldsllf!0r whIch r' I A"I 'd I ¢It r enof'Precn t I ,I he," not III the leR,t ql'Obf,ed' He Mornmg'In Auto eCI ent IF' I 0 Start Sunty once cqnljdt'd to us t at he was I S 'th J! W ,j I' I or II' I, r gutng 111to the photog aph bUS1- I OU Olj aJ'] net I Plan If r e hi its at •• I IWSS Ht.' hdd OIf'mnS o[ olller . Wayhe nt·, fall' thlJ f 11 Dre Ministerial AS8.0ClatIon 11 '[ I 'I I A wout on he car dnven by l ' ISM' . I. \lngs 01 W )lC 1 lC wa III no way t t MODER well u, e way, accord n to 1M. ponsor eebngs to tltted We Ulgpd cash In . C. iennmgse 0\ Yutan, wa TRAV c at I h b l h B\ C I all hiS talent, [lnd q It foohng . lIes outh of Wayne about 7 m"ana; J; ;1 I eat ampus. I RrOUll.d wIth e lies Y ffiOlmn ill an TO C and Agent Ches- Union evenmg services v.ti.1 be \\'Olk I "(cld II whICh IhlUled Mr. and d t d f k t VIa *** I ImmJhgse. then' dal1ghter. TWO cartflllY planned Fourt tel' WaIte 5, con uc e or SIX ;wee sa yne I I I 1\.1 0 of July c lebratIons-o Ie a slstaht mp.nager college outdoor under laus. It wasn't long <tftCI i.... e became IS, L Ogd n, and Mrp g- Hosklhs al d another at pm de have viSIted plCesof ;Wayne Mllllstenal assocla- acquamtecl \vlth WeIll tfclh'll gal s sons: John Howard, 3, -'will attr c man eo Ie a lOUS parts of the tion, tfie first to be next Sund?-y, Hlto hIs buggy: ,md I adc fOI fUld t InS, Leon I'd and Lawrence, W n coun P hb hn county thIS week July 2, at 7 o'clock:. K.lllStlS CIt" Fll)m J ChlS£ll we m nths, of maha. The SIX aye y g , and alread have Rev. C: G Bader has the 1 ser _ had Cclld ilom he rought to a Wayne hOspItal. se .1 Ii/ mon ahd Rev vi C HeidenreIch h;!ld Just LnlSllPd pa I bng that l III be ab e to be dismissed this Sunday. to'wn n,unll1g I ed as loff to a y ot two t tl Ib ft d' Th w k D The unron serVIces contmue un- }{cm:><l" ( tty to n a :O;lITIlldl I 'fh palty wa emoute to Ran· 0 1C I' Ion gIOun s or.. ave tIl Au ust 6 I S€i'l .... tIedtll1g bothltowns to \dSlt. {'s. Elnest Bler- lumbel wag n was fust mlean mel IS planru g IrtlPEll't ally In the la ler :CIty he chen dauglitel of the of e. and It made Ion fol' Wilbur . HI ---- hild tole good fOJ to' meet Henn ;gsens n the lull about fully e had been b,vel display II T P. Robe ts a ge F th f July: \Vilham All('n WhltP 1 <lge df Em- Itwo d a qUal mIles south of Ihg even ugh the dlstanc of 8\1d ?y ge 0 0 POflR, aud tl1<1t ·mel.? mg .*81 ted Way the left lj!ar tire blew out. were not Buggies late for -Deelr reek. b. "rvJ<lsnn all !lIS IOdd ,mct I The 1" swayed trom one Side of fl 1 'nI r sh e dm re and some contacted and Will bel nounged I d Is To I PI(lfJtdble ,md nnpel'l hablel fame I Id to the other whIle gomg W s eed'lAttendmg a n.. 'R as S they declde 1 1 ay \Vlllte cngllwclcd th nld*cr of !dOWI lull to t\C Fmally. earl day ce ebratIan aHeI Jolt VIOl gl on lladF1r., . 1'1 I C'I b 'd M,lson'" sY\l(hcaled, after assmg tl e \wo-ml1e mter- over reqUIre I L st J a1' s fall', Itt ljnch N,ir.\ Ie' e e rate ahd 111 th,lt \\ ely the;f1. sold seclI I Mr He rrungsen lost con- a gl eat deRltof thoug Blos an I I II t? publIcation.., {'\ elY IvhC'1 01 Soon I trot ( 'the 'mac I llle WhICh turned everybody a, tend t 111 order t eO ture me precinct dIS tYS. __ pl oflts IdC'\ clopt'd dn 111 a short over nel went into the dItch on supply one t tilt';'! ew brealts Itl. : BIos. certain that t s ye81r' ances Nearby IWill r-.i l:>on lTW\ E'd tl Cl pleas<mt til t d th d til the year'Sl m notany Now com+ I o' d' I- dlsplay$ Will be even t gel' an I orne Ow PclClfl at < s 0 f UXUllOUS automot'j I IDg bette! of get,\. r I fro: !-II:' \\lre \\110 dlCd. I rowl years h N't f Th biles tnsU elcomfort and IItt! r I "hown.) I I I lI Thl&_VIClody. I ,. hom t e ti on arm. e car travelmg In1ie One may gJ fa L I... J d .f i \\ <IS <111 Cllt ow 11' bum 'd along n Its and slde and Iget b cl early and fee! re"'j btate Normal Boar Is Ind enctenq, day Will bel cele. ilt IS IS I nwe for' distHnt'C the p.ltch, Nune freshed rat r than worn out Le COhtra t Soon on I era tho an h e t brate ext Tu sday, 4, when Jy an d up "1( l dUg} I. of th occupan' were hrown out. . I I ave 'U1o re orne, ,JJun e the p lIc Will om III observances ,. ...... I ,I Ml. Kay and . L. I eland rush- So)ne ork. I \'dth 0 tSlcte acU the ja at va 1 us POll1ts or seek the'qUlet In BentrJr'l? what Vel . C1 t he to help the IllJlired C f I The -ew Iim10 loom, wilCh tures of speCial mer s.I I of c groups or resorts. tUIned to failed He hIS at d J H PIle on a lence I 11 b dd t t th 1 The date? for the 'f r are •H k th It' bIg taleni 411t ga e !'l'mPhaSlSj ,r-' b 1 I "" IWl 10 all n 0 Ef 1co ege under consIderation il!i-t .lviS (j ns IS e on y own ill wlwre em Jl1C1"lS 10\ d futIle He al d e Becke 1ihfluer am u ance I t cafetel a now h used 111 (Co)ntmued on PttfFi g wo) II Way e county lDlannmg a celebra¥ :ld t' n i cQunsel1 1M Hennms4n. sustained l HI bPI L. hall,Illhaveacapacltyofc1ose r f l tIon, b{pender< Just over thelme ,ehdl h j got [(on;1 bLlok nbs o,t1the left Side and' ea anne l Ito 300 pelSons hen the, ullt;hng i I In Ttlu ston e?hnty, '8 also ar- Edltol \Vlnlt> \\ lthouf- the cOUlage cJts r the hea She also suffered _'__ I IS com. leted, Jt as le- W G '[FS1 ranglp. a program for the day. ,Vhlte wd." able to t, Mason fJ om M, lilenmngse?, v;.hO J rom Departf.;ent !vealed ,.l omen 1 1 Strle t parade, bal{ games, lP'eas- Jjrught hA\ e been rust J:inotherl stru the ste Img whee, as () .' The dmmg 1'0 itt WIll e ljlsed I I I ed pI!g ontest, horseshoe flO\\E'1 fldg anel' on thel dJ,es nJUlles lIttle LaWience Og- f Will Gl e fOJ gathcll1.g", In Nellg ee greased pole chmbmg, waterlfIght, desert au den 1 d Ins [a 'e cut conslderably Ins Here. , the It e and w. 1 off the,. I I] free races and dance are * * *,]1 I and e woun s reqUIred several I Icafete Ia lutchen The neJ u t to I __ f I among the attractIons at Hoskins. t stltc s MlSfgden,s face was Wayne ta e Teachers eel 1 11 'I 11 11 Exbe tehce. ,. wtll h ld )th "d t h 6 ann 1a a '1 0 WI leu e a Miss Clara ers I 8 Pe cler's celebratIOn mcludes , I, I. brIo d and eu . John and Leonard a ea ilea 10 cI small unch roan WIth bo ths The I I I '" e ha\ e hdd an a d expellence d d had llli Or cuts and brwses ference he el ThUlsday Fr --9 rese t cafetend ca aelt w;lJl be in rne free cts, parade, parachute Jump, that lUC}.Ily tUined ut well In T ca was reeked. day, July 14. The speak r s P.b. I P Y: T Held This W k. fire arks dIsplay, 1:Ia11 games and Ap\ll .... t e lecerved i1ett-er I Will proba I be Dr J R - retaml"'d. rtl ) I I[ I' dane. Pender boosters whe m a. 111 New Y rl( ClfY \vh son, Dr l' OSC' r boa dn of edU'c b.on has Clara Smothe won j e Wayne Tuesday when a Gbrmtln said "'-he wa::, dlStcll1. y reI fed t d 11° f WlbeIg, Dr. .A Rogers D. not y t let the cililtract fOr'h arr oon- fhght q e ti i-band played. lts. dnd \\ ho \\as m reat 0 IDg 0 E G. ZI all of the stt e IdItIon ng, pamt g, kItche e3 mp - east rjfebraska olf t ti' A community picnic lor all peedu:>c her Gelman!hllsb.a d J th ment,and wI be nameut at Neligh day ad WIsh ng to attend is planned!on the $trunded II1 Hnll c ll1d n an h 0 Sh'ould The lectwled n takenfon these Items m the n€ar Tues41y MISS Smoth defe 1 d Four 11. at the C H. farm mg "" end hel ell> ,ren w""e tll ,0 , are p nbstry by ID, futur If the ormal [Mrs, $nid Npe of Npi: k, m Ie CarrolL The WllI a boardmg schdol micot1l:11tllit She! !l' D1 Ii> F 11 THompson, ance of favor bly on th suggestI no. the. 'iast -Qight Tuesday 0 e mel de: Horseshoe pitehm j n:30 d Us to net f a1 e oy a Justments school chiUd I y °:-0 had ,on from Mrs FIC II g a. m; baseball, 10:30; spons01s 0 1.ei 1.lls,/-,an < Dr Sandntl ial problems e _ ' 'tv of Plamvlew, I dmn r, 12; program of She lihad dl"C'overed III a hlstOlY countered Is by Dr. ZII jOf J. Lowell Henney, the tlJ. r and music, 1 p. m; men's b sebaIl, of fmlll1y We (If as ing of Concrete Walls merer sch health weslt has su a one ftlom Wayne tou 2' kittenball spo sand r New l Addition Will by Dr' Rog I• the teacher arid co - ment,l was medahst a 0 g 29 - r;ce f 4. . '.' I anDthu planet We wele suspil Start ext Week. taglOus ds se control by rJ eqUlpt/nent and f sons Man Yj mar In. A speCIal train WIll go through elQUS bul'vvHllted to IhfilP If genu,. ! se a1 samtatIOn by r. Her score w s 46 T e last e Way e Tuesday mormng, !taklllg C strucho IS bemg mam ained the tournament was he'd 111 N- Wau a people to Oakland fJr therr me meitt could bel pi oved woman mentioned letllfld na\' on hedule hIS week on the ann4al Swedish get-togeth r. offlcel 1Il \Velshmgt n as 13nothe Wa t e Clty s hool proJect, and Wayne city 'council has forbid- plf'Vhmgly .ela11ve Oeo· e'Stanle , superintendent for den 'the shooUng of fIreworks hllln lefelencC' wa invlted Hie ingery Construction eom- within the city· limits, ai$ng to * , ' contractor, said he So we UTlmedl WI ate Con dlW n reason why the remotleling greSSll1an Kall com olr told bu lding would rtot be, munlcdted With avy offIce mentioned The lat h fuil y veil fled the story and lIe can gressman goL busy vf1th prop Washmgton authori t speep. reunion of the famil in th s counl- try \vlthout lI1\"o\'vi spoln 0:- olh(,l· !'f>c! tapf', A last week fami was happil[y togdhel· in ork, pressed pl afound gr for t e SUCCl?"Sflll effort of the Nebras ,a eongres:'mao. It seJ'1 s strange, in- deed, thelt ,t mld- able to accompll:,h, is tI e record. onceJ"t

newspapers.cityofwayne.orgnewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1931-1940... · ,I i l t i 'J 1 1 '1111 ' ,Ii J De~th" '111 Of Walt Malon ~evive. , 1,1 Jill IMemories

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,I il t i 'J 1

1'1111' ,Ii J

De~th" '111

Of Walt Malon ~evive. , 1,1 JillIMemories - Rettt from

, IUnkqOWn Relati lin, J:;aat , , I I- Allainsl PhY'j' al Disci. --tIeR D -Y' UNpline. I I I I '. ~l

, II I '" , '~ IDeath of Walt Maso " humonst t lA. e s Start ~ I ~a.nd poet. at IllS hqme Ill) La

1oua, ersons"- , I

Calli, lemmds us M arj~'aeqU Ullt- .I. ~ F II Ali I Ianbe with him in Beij >tee over l I ( 'I ' I I a' , r I I IIthiJ.ty yeals "go A b,dllaut WHt, W' T- I ~ I I IH, but with little pla'!I','l Judge en I Ire I, S 'I Th" ' I'

~;r~v~~~\~elU';'~:bl~,L:~I,d'8~~~~Ur I I I 'I' I lit IS € UJn~y btlp~~'S9-n of Ispeci<ll genJuff. jwlIl negr t. I \.1 A I I I . I ~ -,-- , ~ • T •lect the olle thong he e'jn do well r u Omaha IPairt!es re InJure Ma,?a 8 Are Now pOck S III II Secrlces i

to ventud: mto t1eldsllf!0r whIch • • r' I A"I 'd I ¢It r enof'Precn n~\l- t I ,Ihe," not III the leR,t ql'Obf,ed' He Mornmg'In Auto eCI ent IF' I 0 Start Suntyonce cqnljdt'd to us t at he was I S 'th J! W ,j I ' I or e~b'lila II' I, rgutng 111to the photog aph bUS1- I OU Olj aJ'] net I Plan If r preci~ct e hi its at •• I • ~.. •IWSS Ht.' hdd OIf'mnS o[ olller . ~ Wayhe ~o nt·, fall' thlJ f 11 Dre Ministerial AS8.0ClatIon dlIJ==~::;::=;::j:~:[::::::::I:=::i:+'11 ' [ I 'I I A wout on he car dnven by l ' ISM' . I.\lngs 01 W )lC 1 lC wa III no way t t MODER well u, e way, accord n to 1M. ponsor eebngs totltted We Ulgpd him~lto cash In . C. iennmgse 0\ Yutan, wa TRAV c at I h b l h ~ B\ C Iall hiS talent, [lnd q It foohng . lIes outh of Wayne about 7 m"ana; ~I J; ~~e ::st~v~l~1 ~ ;1 es~ I eat ampus. IRrOUll.d wIth ~l'hemes e co~ldnft lies Y ffiOlmn lesulted~ ill an TO C and Agent Ches- Union evenmg services v.ti.1 be\\'Olk I "(cld II whICh IhlUled Mr. and d t d f k t VIa* * * I ~11S ImmJhgse. then' dal1ghter. TWO cartflllY planned Fourt tel' WaIte 5, as~ con uc e or SIX ;wee sa yne

I I I 1\.1 ~ 0 of July c lebratIons-o Ie a slstaht mp.nager college outdoor th~atre under laus.It wasn't long <tftCI i....e became IS, L Ogd n, and Mrp g- Hosklhs al d another at pmde have viSIted var~ plCesof ;Wayne Mllllstenal assocla-

acquamtecl \vlth WeIll tfclh'll ~e gal ~en s hrc~ sons: John Howard, 3, -'will attr c man eo Ie a lOUS parts of the tion, tfie first to be next Sund?-y,Hlto hIs buggy: ,md I adc fOI fUld t InS, Leon I'd and Lawrence, W n coun an~ ~el Phb hn county thIS week July 2, at 7 o'clock:.K.lllStlS CIt" Fll)m J ChlS£ll we ~8 m nths, of maha. The SIX aye y g ~ , and alread have Rev. C: G Bader has the 1ser_had ~l Cclld ilom hll~ ~<lYlrlg he ~vel'e rought to a Wayne hOspItal. at~fSb A~P ~rJa~e IPr~g a~ se . 1 Ii/ ~ mon ahd Rev vi C HeidenreIchh;!ld Just LnlSllPd pa I bng thatl ~hey III be ab e to be dismissed ~~YS l~ ~a~l,a h~~ri ta~ll: ~~ ~c c;~I~rm~~Cmat, pre~;td1s this Sunday.to'wn n,unll1g I ed 'In~l as loff to ~n a y ot two t tl I b ft d' Th w k D The unron serVIces contmue un-}{cm:><l" ( tty to p('tfo~ n a :O;lITIlldl I 'fh palty wa emoute to Ran· 0 1C ~c ~ I' Ion gIOun s or.. ave tIl Au ust 6 IS€i'l .... ll.:c~thu<;, tIedtll1g bothltowns ~otPl to \dSlt. {'s. Elnest Bler- lumbel wag n was fust mlean mel IS planru g ~IrtlPEll't ally In the la ler :CIty he chen ~nother dauglitel of the of co~vey~n e. and It made Ion fol' th~ Wilbur ~ . HI ----hild tole good fOJ tult~ to' meet Henn ;gsens n the lull about fully rea1r~e e had been b,vel display II T P. Robe ts a ch~ ge F th f July:\Vilham All('n WhltP

1<lge df Em- Itwo d a qUal ~r mIles south of Ihg even t~ ugh the dlstanc of cthaPII~eXhlblt,8\1d ?y ge 0 0

POflR, aud tl1<1t ·mel.? mg .*81 ted Way the left lj!ar tire blew out. were not g~at. Buggies late for -Deelr reek. Ot~ers r~ve b~enl b."rvJ<lsnn all !lIS IOdd tb~l(,fOim ,mct IThe 1" swayed trom one Side of fl1'nI

rshed m re ea~e and some contacted and Will bel ~~ nounged I d Is ToI

PI(lfJtdble ,md nnpel'l hablel fame Ith~ I Id to the other whIle gomg W a~/.more s eed'lAttendmg a n.. 'R as 500~ S they declde

1efmlt~lY 1 ay

\Vlllte cngllwclcd th nld*cr of !dOWI lull to t\C ~orth Fmally. earl day ce ebratIan aHeI Jolt VIOl gl on lladF1r., . 1'1 I C'I b 'dh~nilllg M,lson'" poem~ sY\l(hcaled, after assmg tl e \wo-ml1e mter- ~ng over rO~lgh ,r~ads reqUIre I L st J a1' s fall', Itt ljnch N,ir.\ Ie' e e rateahd 111 th,lt \\ ely h,l\'ll~g: the;f1. sold seclI I Mr He rrungsen lost con- a gl eat deRltof c~~rage. thoug A~d~.J Blos ~a an Importh~t~pal't, f~~1 I I I It? publIcation.., {'\ elY IvhC'1 01 Soon Itrot ( 'the 'mac Illle WhICh turned everybody a, tendt 111 order t eO ture me precinct dIS tYS. ~r __pl oflts IdC'\ clopt'd dn 111 a short over nel went into the dItch on supply one ttilt';'! ew brealts Itl. : BIos. i~ certain that t s ye81r' Ob~* ances Nearby IWillt~m(> r-.i l:>on lTW\ E'd tl Cl pleas<mt til t d th d til the year'Slm notany Now com+ I o'd' I- dlsplay$ Will be even t gel' anI orne q~cll Ow PclClfl at LlaJ~lia h(~lo < s s~~l~I 0 f t~e I~a;l;nKa~ paratl~ely UXUllOUS automot'j I IDg bette! ~ecause of get,\. r I mt1~s trac~ qr?~~& fro:!-II:' \\lre \\110 dlCd. I rowl years h N't f Th biles tnsU elcomfort and IItt! r I "hown.) I I I l I Thl&_VIClody.I ,. hom ~n t e ti on arm. e car travelmg In1ie One may gJ fa L I... J d .f ~ i

H~O, \\ <IS <111 Cllt ow 11' ~hClpe~ bum 'd along n Its ~p and slde and Iget b cl early and fee! re"'j btate Normal Boar ~tll Jhel)Iogiad\~ Is ~er I~~ Ind enctenq, day Will bel cele.~jllo11ghdth1;.J~I'c~rs ilt IS IS Inwe for' distHnt'C ~tl the p.ltch, Nune freshed rat r than worn out Le COhtra t Soon on I ~ era tho anh e ope;~, t brate ext Tu sday, Jul~ 4, whenJy an d up "1( l dUg} I. of th occupan' were hrown out. . I I ave 'U1ore orne, ,JJun e the p lIc Will om III observances

,. ...... I ,I Ml. Kay and . L. I eland rush- ~ So)ne ork. I \'dth 0 tSlcte acU t~ It~el the ja at va 1 us POll1ts or seek the'qUletIn BentrJr'l? what Vel . MA~o.n C1 t he ~eene to help the IllJlired C f I The -ew Iim10 loom, wilCh tures of speCial mer s . I I of Pl~n c groups or resorts.

tUIned to failed He mlr;ru~ed hIS at d mmoned~~herlff J H PIle on a lence I 11 b dd t t th 1 The date? for the 'f r are ~lill • H k th It'bIg taleni 411t ga e !'l'mPhaSlSj ,r-' b 1 I "" IWl 10 all n 0 Ef1 co ege under consIderation il!i-t ~ueSd .lviS (j ns IS e on y own illwlwre em Jl1C1"lS 10\ d futIle He al d e Becke 1ihfluer am u ance I tcafetel a now h used 111 ~onrrell (Co)ntmued on PttfFig wo) I I Way e county lDlannmg a celebra¥

:ld t' n i ~I(,Cll1g: cQunsel1 1M Hennms4n. sustainedl H IbPI L. hall,Illhaveacapacltyofc1ose r f

ltIon, b{pender< Just over thelme

::~~' ~h"r ~~ ,ehdl h j got [(on;1 bLlok nbs o,t1the left Side and' ea annel

Ito 300 pelSons hen the, ullt;hng ~ i I In Ttlu ston e?hnty, '8 also ar-Edltol \Vlnlt> \\ lthouf- the cOUlage cJts r the hea She also suffered _'__ I addltI~ IS com. leted, Jt as le- W G '[FS1 ~ ranglp. a program for the day.,Vhlte wd." able to u~pat t, Mason fJ om ~hock M , lilenmngse?, v;.hO Me~ber.1 Jrom Departf.;ent !vealed YesteldaY~ ,.l omen 1 1 Strle t parade, bal{ games, lP'eas-Jjrught hA\ e been rust J:inotherl stru the ste Img whee, as () ;~ • .' The dmmg 1'0 itt WIll e ljlsed • I I I ed pI!g ontest, horseshoe plt~hlllg,flO\\E'1 \\d~tll\j~ fldg anel' on thel dJ,es nJUlles lIttle LaWience Og- f 'H~a,th. Will Gl e fOJ la~e gathcll1.g", banqll1et~and In Nellg ee greased pole chmbmg, waterlfIght,desert au den 1 d Ins [a 'e cut conslderably Ins r~chon Here. , the It e and w. 1 operat~1 off the,. I I] free ~ttraetlon, races and dance are* * *,]1 I and e woun s reqUIred several I Icafete Ia lutchen The neJ u t to I __ f I among the attractIons at Hoskins.

t stltc s MlSfgden,s face was Wayne ta e Teachers ~olle eel 1 11 'I 11 11 '~'Stran~ Exbe tehce. ,. wtll h ld )th "d t h 6 ann 1a a '10WI leu e a Miss Clara Sl~ ers I 8 Pe cler's celebratIOn mcludes

, I, I.brIo d and eu . John and Leonard a ea ilea 10 c I small unch roan WIth bo ths The I I I'" e ha\ e hdd an a d expellence d d had llli Or cuts and brwses ference he el ThUlsday an~ Fr --9 rese t cafetend ca aelt w;lJl be C~ampion in rne free cts, parade, parachute Jump,

that lUC}.Ily tUined ut well In T ca was reeked. day, July 3~\aIj1d 14. The speakr s P.b. I P Y: T Held This W k. fire arks dIsplay, 1:Ia11 games andAp\ll ....t e lecerved i1ett-er fro~ ~ IWill proba I be Dr J R Tho~ - retaml"'d. rtl ) I I[ I' dane. Pender boosters whe ma. \\'om~n 111 New Y rl( ClfY \vh son, Dr l' S~d;ltter, OSC' r Th~state boadn of edU'c b.on has Mis~ Clara Smothe won j e Wayne Tuesday when a Gbrmtlnsaid "'-he wa::, dlStcll1. y reI fed t d 11° f WlbeIg, Dr. . A Rogers ap.~ D. not y t let the cililtract fOr'harr oon- cham~lOnshlp fhght q e ti i-band played.lts. dnd \\ ho \\as m reat l"tJe~ 0 IDg 0 E G. ZI all of the stt e IdItIon ng, pamt g, kItche e3mp- east rjfebraska wom~~ olf t ti' A ~I community picnic lor allpeedu:>c her Gelman!hllsb.a d \Va~ J d~part th ment,and furn~ure. Bld~ wI be nameut at Neligh day ad WIsh ng to attend is planned!on the$trunded II1 Hnllcll1d n an ~plr1 h 0 Sh'ould The b~ lectwled n takenfon these Items m the n€ar Tues41y MISS Smoth defe 1d Four 11. at the C H. Morrl~ farmmg "" end hel ell> ,ren w""e tll ,0 , are p nbstry by ID, futur If the ormal b~rd~aets[Mrs, $nid Npe of Npi: k, m Ie weS~Of CarrolL The p~ogra~ WllIa boardmg schdol micot1l:11tllit She! !l' D1 Ii> F 11 THompson, ance of mal~ favor bly on th suggestI no. the. 'iast -Qight Tuesday 0 nmg~ e mel de: Horseshoe pitehm j n:30~Yan:1E'dd Us to net

fa 1 on~ o~ t~d e ~e oy a Justments school chiUd I y ~reah~t ci~la:?ct°r °:-0 ~~:o ~~ .h~; had ,on from Mrs ~It FIC II g a. m; boys~ baseball, 10:30; bas~et

J.e~~le spons01s 0 1.ei 1.lls,/-,an < Dr Sandntl ial problems e _ ' 'tv of Plamvlew, I dmn r, 12; program of S~akingShe lihad dl"C'overed III a hlstOlY countered ~ Is by Dr. ZII sl1per~ntendent jOf constr~etloln' J. Mrs~ Lowell Henney, the tlJ. r and music, 1 p. m; men's b sebaIl,of tH~ fmlll1y We (If as 19nOra~J ing of Concrete Walls merer sch health msp~'ctlO weslt Noaeek~r, has su mIt~d a one ftlom Wayne in~ tou ~- 2' g~rls' kittenball 3· spo sand:~~~(' ~la:t:~~ui)fleon~:~l~l~~t~h~t r Newl Addition Will by Dr' Rog I • the teacher arid co - ~~~~a.t~~n~l~:lp.~~ng~h:n b~~~d~; ment,lwas medahst a 0 g 29 ~ - r;ce

f4. . ' . ' I

anDthu planet We wele suspil Start ext Week. taglOus d s se control by rJ eqUlpt/nent and f mture!ne~ds sons ~ualifYI~g Man Yj mar In. A speCIal train WIll go throughelQUS bul'vvHllted to IhfilP If genu,. ! se a 1 samtatIOn by r. Her score w s 46 T e last e Way e Tuesday mormng, !taklllg

C strucho IS bemg mam ained the tournament was he'd 111 N - Wau a people to Oakland fJr therrme meitt could bel pi oved Th~woman mentioned ~ letllfld na\' on hedule hIS week on the ann4al Swedish get-togeth r.offlcel 1Il \Velshmgt n as 13nothe Wa t e Clty s hool proJect, and Wayne city 'council has forbid-plf'Vhmgly ~lnkllowq .ela11ve ~ Oeo· e'Stanle , superintendent for den 'the shooUng of fIreworks\~ hllln lefelencC' wa invlted Hie ingery Construction eom- within the city· limits, ai$ng to* p~n , prin~ipa ' contractor, said he

So we UTlmedl WI ate Con dlW n reason why the remotlelinggreSSll1an Kall w~b com olr told bu lding would rtot be,munlcdted With avy offIcementioned The lat h fuil y veilfled the story and h~n lIe cangressman goL busy vf1th propWashmgton authori c~ t speep.reunion of the famil in th s counl­try \vlthout lI1\"o\'vi spoln orshi~s

0:- olh(,l· !'f>c! tapf', A le~ter lastweek ~;:lid l!H~ fami was happil[ytogdhel· in N~W, ork, ~~d e~­pressed pl afound gr 'titud~ for t eSUCCl?"Sflll effort of the Nebras ,aeongres:'mao. It seJ'1 s strange, in­deed, thelt ,t mld- e"ter~ hOU~

~l~~I~l~.~rO~()I\\I~~u~~ct1I~~l~~t le~~st~r_able to accompll:,h, ~)l]t Sl.~h is tI erecord. onceJ"t

, C3.r - off Grade. I

o A Minnesota car slid offtsoftgrade on the Winside hi hway~,bout four - ,~tles southw st 6f

I Wayne Monda evehing. Nonewas' hurt and nly ilittle d mageqone. ~;'







Qnart Jar

Quart Jar

LemonsFresh & Juicy








Kitty clover I

'Reg. 25c Sizel



Large- Sb:e

',lkUilszzl Ail Flavors !

\fax Kqol Aid PER . .4c, ' , '~'\CKAGE'

pa.e~ ]Uak('~ 40 GI~SScS

Fl. N 2 ISc125-1'1. roll rUIt e~ ar BOUle~only

15c I P~~:T:Pa~ 3 ~~lt~~~s 2ScPaper Cups,

Plates, Hantly racf{uge .


~~I?~a~~~~G Ut

PackageBqttles r

9c Cdta.Cola Gl23c

'I :bottles-

Limes 6r"oR

Fresh FRUITS land V~GETABLESOranges ,19c, 2~c, Z9c p __'~'

nqzEN Sunltist i'

IUn1;um Si7:p Ripp

Olives ~!:~'FF.T

Jelly 2-Lh..li\R

ranpy or Plain Oven F1'f'!Sh

Cookies 2 LBS,

Novplly Paekagcs

Cra~kerjack !':.<\(:U

" lUust:u-d or Tomatl'o

Sardines ~X~L IOcJ9c

~_'_-I-13'llottedMdt2 ~~N~~'ISc"iment" Stnrred: . "~liI'-----1fiIIOlives 1,~h~[E ,23c IPickles


IsChosenCa tain IAt Sum er Camp

CalToll Petersen f W:lyne.~lisone of the 36 uIlive sHy stude~tsnttencl,ing the six-w ek summ~rsurvc'ying camp At AShland a Idhe 1135 been chosen aptain of isdivision. Sunday wa visitors' d yand Mr. and Mrs. . C. ~cters nand SOilS und Mr. ,nd Mrs. E~rlGodard went from Clyne to j in­the ])jcnic group a~d attend t 1eprogram. The camp which clo esthe last of next wee ,is conduct dto give students an pportunity Itobecome more prdfici nt in the Jseof survC'ying instl'Ul 'ents. -1 ,


I. U. P. N

Rele,asill!l M ,,:ey ',lOgton Jun

Th~~e~/!~rlrefs~s~~t! I ~~IIiIIl!iiiii1i1~1jii1ili~~liIiiiiiimimimimim~imimim~liIiiflili~e-y from sales of gov¢rl1mentLmo~t­gaged ,rrl'nin is bobb~ng up 'all 0trNebl'<Jsku now that the 1939 h 1'­

vest i:{ getting- ttnderWay a dWayne nnd Pierce aunties are 0exception, Ray L. I erzal, countyfC'lTIl1 security adml~istratiOn sJp­ervisor, said toda. Like mhstcounties :1 considel~' ble numberl-~fits fal'mcrs are harlvesting' a Cltopthis year soIdy bec:msc'they Jo­oppr~t('d in the Fs4 reh3hi.litnd~nloan program. Government 1<~ancollection policies Ihnve been qP­proved by State F$A Dil'ector I L.A, White alnd the regional Offf,ce,and were (I"s~ussecll by Mr. Vel' at·

The FSA WIll follow sound ht Sl-

ness metho s to ::Lture cantin a­lion of the )rdgram s effectiven ~s,

Costs will e held t the minimfmand every Hm't m' de for the 1 39harvest to 'mprove borrowers' 11'-('umstances. '

"Rpl1l1bilitation qorrowers h vebeen able~' put in ~l crop and sltayon their f' rms be¢ause of fdrmplans finnn ed by tSA loans," ivYI'.Verzal sni . "Cutt ng costs ~nd

paying, deb s are e\ idences of gr'ndplannililg, a ld will show up in hisharvest." i ,

The FS~will I relel:lse iu dsrealized fro sale pf crqps fortheborrower t pa.y n~cessary cur enthnrvesting ,'xpens£1s. Those iu ds,together wHh increase$ from 1 ve­stock' and t·vestOCk products, ,areconsidered m;m i~1ome SUbjeC~!toTE'lea~ to p ly debt, the superv Sal'explained, The SA cannot ap­prove expe slve Harvesting p ac­tice"s, and i the family can dOt'thework itself, cash 6utlays for ut..side l:Jbor~~ill ndt be appro ~d.Tl'ac1ing, w rlc among neigh orswhen possi :le is cohsidel'ed much"more elesir hIe than hiring cr1"'S'

No reeD mendations will bemade <IS tbfhcre or to whom thecrop" shall e sold; however, theFSA W:~ll in~Ol'm ? bOrrOWe},:Ofwhat hIS operatIVe marke mgbenefits wa I'd be If a sound co~

operative a ency I is operatin inhis territory J;3orrmvers' ~ain" aybe sold wh~rl threShed ,01' st redfor a reason

j:able time in a p bUc

elevator Ibn 1ded as a wareho se,but it can~oi be stored: for to­longed perimds for the 1,jurpos I of

I speculation.1As a special service to aln

buyers the FSA will furnish istsof borrowers ~s a safeguard ag instunauthorizea ~ s~les ioi mortg ged:property. M:1-. Verzal warned, hIow­:ever, that the ~~~ts Imight ho becomplete addJ urged buye-l'S tOJ: m­:v~stigate ifl they ,think the ~ain

\might be, mtrtgaged, As fu~tlhe'iprotection to buye~'S they Wil beasked to ll]a te cheqks pa ablejqintly to the "borrower and t the

FSA. The i ?ge,ncy can II) no~"ayguarantee paymeh~ of borrb ers'debts. Cre~iitors or prospe t~vecreditors are welcom~ to co tact,the local'office if they wish 'de­termine any point riot already le~r

to:::;; ~~r::d fl~·. Of'

*t~ and co,ls 0/ $*.45 Monda aft-

• ~HONE 333 :~u~;i~~ f;:a~~e~~l~a~~~gCI~nt~d at ~~30 1:30 IJ. DL truck a load in excess of ,000

~~=::;=:::====;=='==~'===I='=~ll]Piound$allowed a'bi:)ve tha.t ~••ij-nated on the license. r~~Ii#iJ#i#~

jl"lht,r~~':.J.]ilf1fj,it" 'C:i Jlll)~I~jJ\1 I" ,jiji-ll, If ~"Jl;jtL';'~l')i4~,;:'';;'~",,~,,I~ l1~aMlf~ii1j~!~~~.klft~(~~~lk1A~H1Jil1~~Jlllllj i!;il ~<l]f,il~l'r)\' JlhlJ;l\' A '(' f) :;j;fii.1d:!;;,k, ":, A~')!' ~:':

, SUbscriptioh, ljl2.M P'1r Y

rubll&l1ed Eve~y 'l'b l'5da •

a~ ~~tg~dcf:s~~aflo~;:;ftg;:,1 ftl e'd~e~~'l:~of I March 3, 1879. Known oft ce 0 pUblication.<Wayne, Nebraska.,I I I ,


'High IN NATION'S B SIN SS, Mr.,\e, Cost Thorpe'observes J ily ourthiIn-

depenqence d'ay by ontrasti!/gthe cost of modern goMern ent in AmeNcawith that of ear!y y~ws. e ays 65 del'ce!!t of tIle earlllngs I" '1n .co m.trs is re­qUIred for food a'.ld. otll.er· lC~ SSlticS; aJ)4that of' tpe remauungl ,315 cen s of evel'ydollar in the 'United stat ,5 cents tookcare of the expenses of gov rn ent aroundthe tum of the century, ',hel' ,as no~ $0cents are absorbed for that pur ose. Extrabllreaus and extra polic ng of privateaCtivities are said largely to ccoun! f~i'the in~reased cost. Writ l' T orpe cd~+

·,e1udes:· . ,

~Ljttle gover~~ent. ,\ri~h 1i tle, xPJense and i ilittle policing, brought tife U ited States the l

highest standard of livin€f. th WOlld has eve(seen. I Perhaps th.e foun~ers we::r wl:on inbuilding t~lat way~ indignant a' d a 19rYlas~h.eywere agamst ~ rtder cleman illg 11)orc taxes Iand more power, wht'l, as a fa Oll Declaration'set forth, had lerected a m tltit de of NewlOffices, and sent hither swar 0 Officers toharass our people and -eat ou the-r substance.. 1

"The na'tJon's future liqs in the lOpe'that thelsons of those sturdy sires hav _ no yet lost ell­tirely the capacity to become nee sed with in-'c!lgnation and roused to actio .'" •

1','1 II ", I," I '",:)' ",.,,'1 ;,'• '-J;H snl. niNE 29.al39.

0, ., , :~n;Jl~ ~\r~':t~~.fe~~:"I~:1 ~eading Clini~ . 'L C' ;="'f=";"'F=";"'~=="""'S~"""=P:t=f=F=;==!==""";#"'=;;:::=':=:#':9;=#~~~~~,I elm~dlat lI/a~hville. Tenn,.llh-', Bemg Fe~l Mr, and M " H, W, BoI ethel. II I II I I i a~d Mr. and rs. dam M:I t1* * II' I -- Tan spent Sa rdaYI at pJll

: 'I " ' e,;"or I S "Vice. Dr. W. 1;1. Townsen iving the celebratlo I 'I I.sOCIBf Fqrec lnf. on a tnp tQ th EoUo In~ ~gular' meetm,s'of I S ii..I I t to- t I MISS Rober an 1.\1h.sSi rna

St Paul AIr '" 111 nQt mCQt un.. I 'r le ~ e ts set vfd. ebeka k }<'r ~r.y ~vemng, ~e- pe~ naCr~c J n a I Baker and !vI1S Lea I wetIl August. ~ I .X- * I eltah hd Odd ~enow lodges ~Yne ~ leg • I spent SOltmda I l:1.n lih

1\1 B.C me 1s next r M.6nday .M af i se, Host is ad J01 t me~orlCH services 101' Inr. w. I • 'I.'awnsend 10f But~er Nhss Itma Ja. es 11 SIOUX C y.WJth MI S Geo. Borllhlft. I I G Q Cl clUb In'et Tu sday af - ecea.se met ed. Mrs. B~ss urbvelslty Indlana,(Johs, s con." Mr. and !VIr . L Cil,auw and

~ . {)JlllOOI 1th Mrs. h rles Hre e eWlS c ndu d tllese RefreJ~- d~ctmg a Ireadmg CQufeJ;e ce a:pd lIv!rs. Joe Bake an IFI'ances p~nttl ~I~~u J~ ~ I, F~~tel' f nte~~{ns I £61' a 0\ eled dISh thday pa - e~ts ere ~'ve~ by Mrs. Ma- chmc at t e Wayne Stat~T acpel's Sunda~ WIth et I' CallU ! at

1e I C II fll.loY ,l ~rn 0.1; tty Ml s Gereqln AI 'I Will e el Jon son~MrS'1 Mmme Pltjr- cQ~lege thl week. Abou IBO: 5tU- Norfolk Mr. ;: au e has b " 111.~hs AlVIn Rennick nte,tmns jerta, uly 1/, son, M s, M ryllves and Ml's, dlmt, are 'm the clai$es b t_olIly Dr, and Mr

J, G" ]-, Hodgs of

EO F tlll::; Ff~day at he home oX x ...: I I hnna uhh. ~4bekahs mEtet 1'(0 are 1 the course 1 t C~dlt. Ster1jing, Colo. a~lved M ~dayuf 1\11s 1\11 10 .l~lempke, .1. anter n FridaYl~ I 1 *gam J ll~ 1,'1 . Dr. 'l.ownJ~end lecfUJ;js or two ~~enmg to VIS t D . and Mlis. f.~.

Royal NCIghbors \VJqIPoS!tpone _I Dl'. at d Mrs J, 11 Ander/> f n I • t * ~ I hpurs 1n t e mornmg 1 h a ra- a ~lr thIS wefl. rs. Bl~l ;wJ11ttlCU meeting d week \jecal'sc,of entert Ulfct Dt and IS Wal b l1

Jhomp 0 eun:ioh. b t1ry work done In fh i,f e oon ccompany th~ Ihome lO ltwo

th.e l<oulth The leg1,lllur lodge I !Benth cl, De~n a~d ts. Al n lVlem er, 0:1 ttle Thomps n from '3 to • ~ I weeks'vacabo . I !sesston wlll be July 11! lCook ill Mr and s John ~ amlly nJ yid la l~eunJon SUh- I Two lOS uments a~e e in the Mr. and M s. lii.l W. Bdn Mrltz

I\It:-; Gl,H:e Keyser \vl11 pI e-I ~ Bt ess I, J1'I t 'It dId e~' Fn a; 13Y at- th ~kgebOf' M1SS NlIl,al clInIC. One IS a tele~l.qoc la which ~ndh E~Z;bCtl~:h 1 Mr. fa~ t rs.«E'nt PUPI~S In ~ pldno rec~tal at lc\cnlI ~l I I1d MI nn h mpson. Thqse discovers hys1Calld~fe ts m the IC ar uge, ast 0 ~I lde..ht'l 1e'lct<'~l1Cl' ·~tlldlO 'fhJ,u"soay 1 b' .il- 7<. * I resent ir mjo t of tbwn wdre eyes WhiC would Ihu1de eadmg spent last 'Ycidn diiY at l'J,foll{

<,July (I, Jlll1HlI S at 7 30 jand sell~ lSirth a Picnic. ~ r r. an M s. Ffr~~ Th7t?pson of ahd the otter IS a opht 1 graph ~IIt~l ~I~Sh~~s~l~a\ tIl man, 1p IS Iriiiiiiiiiii_iiiii..iiiii.iiiiiliii~~iIii;iii~_~~iiiiii ~iiiiii~ ,.~.i!!~~~~,Ji'lOlS. elt 8 I . ~ ...r. ouncil Iu [S,I COUSlt,S, who whICh phD graphs the e e move- ,R I \1

rh~ bttihdLlyS 0' 1S ~Jlltta pont H 0 weeU-~nd ~t ~ohnl tis d f t d MJ. and MJs. I rVllle T~ lFmd F'.-- f'.l.:" j SHno s f Luurel, oct T lla ay's ~nd Ml' land M's VeIn ~~n( rev allng e ec IV ea mg and Kmmeth ~'eaj next Slllday '-116 11 11'

SOCIEr-1! ~ Ib\ CI:; of SIOlh Clty,r lednc ~y aU;O;lll)f "mc~~on, wh . l[:amel h~D: s.'!' b d " hi fOI a VacatiOn t11l of abou ;tlwo 0 r 1VI..e ' 'till::; \\ 'e!, wtle Cc1eblHted~un- vel f01 th d::ly I I ow sen says. I I pUl- wceks They ~'llig to W I~mg,

Bible Study Circlei• d,ly w til P1C~llC dllm~ cit BI ~s;,;- I *',*)1.. \ I pese of lh~COUlse is to ,h p teach- lnd, to VISIt tS uskmd's l~ter, " I· • I

BIble cllcle I"flct Tue*da:¥ WIth lei p,lh. Others Jl1 the giO*P P easa~t I e I Clt1b~ I. er~ becomp farolhar w~t t e lat- MIS. Alfred C es~r, a few d;ays. .....e'''''k 'l'f",e'se .ll,'I·a'lul es!'1\11~s Ch,plutte Zlcglct Miss h- wete 1 tlJ~d Mrs lyde aVIS a

lYI 1 e~ develo ments In reatln . The They then go to!M11l1eapoll and ......... &11 ",

nta 1\IdthcIIl .... \\ d~ IcJl.et'. MIS tmd 1\ <II OJ Ie Btl d til d Mt and Ple:'l~< n1 a J~y meil\belS were t a mmn I objects a~l t help dJ.'hlef Rlvel F<l.lls\ M nn The r tll kI

ll'lll \- llu\\c\; th l:nttuta1l1::; next MIS OJ Y iBogd~lIlO\r' <lIt lof ~Iests~ f ~11SJ Mary Elle~n ard tetuchers tollearn to te f-" I' aldmg Iatel VISIt Mr~us md's P r~nts I, ITUL'sddV. I SIOUX Clly, MI. and Mrs. r~d ISS I flC j W Hace Wed esday s that there WIll be f 1 ures at Walhallp , p, 0: d Mr. 'l1'us- "

. ,;\:'. E\els dn ;:lmJ1y ,m MI <~d l::,t w~(k IS Mae YOl.ln I and a d to help plan a dIagfOSIS and krnd's folks <:It aven art, N ill, 0'r":':, "Ii""Hc;lve Picnic at Park. 1\IIS'41n >s~ Schultii md f< m ly fl::lSl1-; re~ edQ~:~I~~ a:~~ed.1 °b- t~~t:d~iI PfOgJ('ffi for t oSf ~tu~ C E, and IE em L. C GIl..

ILllmollY club Illcmbers .and I 01 L,l llC. 1\-,1Is Elfiqst Ek 1 til 1Cliislf!'l , eSl tent; Ml~. ~il ~ d" 0 lave faIled. ~ I del slce\' c, MI S IIHelen and MISStlll'li cluldten 110 guests md ut I dnd ell! " ~h,)Ilottc bnd Milton i l~ f P d \ About -one-thud of Ithe cHII- Wlhpa GJIdeltlQOVC aI Ivcd hQmeE1'-t p,lIk \V("d~nc"ct}y lUI socwl j

l u1 W'I\.CljClld'l\h <ln1J,\tI1s.~'J..IS 1\ ~~llR!i:l; ~np~.e~tl~~, ~:~~~ta\;~ chen ate not able to feu well Wednesday la tlweel{ f om 'l"lSlt .\' I I".

<lltl'lllODll und I.:o\'fi'red dISh II Mano~y f Wayne I 1/ q'el~ul.e' lans wele made or ~nOUgh to <10 work ~iPeced \n With the menS/SIster,' rs Dl E. Th'<"at', A",'r~"lund1cun . II :< » » ~ a f:I~1111 p cnrq at Blessler park Igh school, ~n the colleg~s ~t lea~t Mc4,nmch, at ~watara, Il1n They

. 't " \ ]1 With Be SlY VonSe ger . Jiuly 9 he hostesses I:\.et v~d o,ne-foUi th ot the studenlts Ie not <dso went to IHilll CIty, ll1n, toAt. J. T. Anderson'ls. I MiSS B tky vunScg reln~nt 1- t\VO-COll '::;e IUIlchccon. alble to do ~atlsfactOlY 1WQ k duel VISit the J. W IGliderslee 'es for I' I I

MI s Lydia F tUn!: l\fll S Carne ~ tamed atla!lunchco}l uesd y for ·*1 *" * \ tp poor readfmg habits. t I metly of Wa~llie, and oth' r rela I': \ ,',I \ ,Pelkms, ;\,Il s. ~PlUdchce'i Theo- r lMl~S. Edl h Morrow I( f W yncs- F~r lIw irthdays. \ "All ~eadlhg faIlure b1q ori- bye.s They stJ~ped to see h 1ro ~U 11d. l\-11 I ,Jl~l In Millet <llld j bOlO, Te n, MISS, Be tie III of Mi.1<II d IS Fled Dehkmgel'\ !:{mated In the fnst grahe/ nd If m,~es <:it HI 1mg. The ayn T I" E I-n,Il" Aim 1 I~Jl:k :-;Ullj~ lscd l\'h~. W,nd\ 1111 ()Ua ,lYlm M,l~Y MI.:- cntC'1 ~dlfled Tuesday evenIng ldst \ children dIe stal ted llg t1 n the ~otJ{s founp UrI weather co an t-I.. •J T AllCltl"OI1 '{'llCOIdlY elfiCI-11 KE'tlnlOf$IUUXClt),M1S

tEliza- \wek f I he 7th blltlday of\ fllstgradethcrewillber~allmc lld~nYll1Mll1ntfotawIththe a,ISOl I I I'

f 'll bi'~Ole lea~ beth lid IeniOn of I anc ester, t.\1 d 1 t V bl f 1h othel grades. At leastto ~ chIld b~ckward. IIl1uon <1S,l dll\\l I _1_ ~~ __ ~ ~ _ ~ _ ~ -+ UEelI a g er'l lrgrnm, !'p or lh every four IS doomed f fr II be.. \ ----+~---- I I I I

1iIl.IIl!!l,ll{i:.N:a.I1Il.l.1l15~~.IBII~. ~••••••"11 ~ •• •••• G~~:~1~d~:;I~l>: ~~~'s D~d~:~~:; I'ore he eVer starts. I ,\st.raight f.·rrmt the Shoul . ~ I. 'IIIRiI••• IliI.IlBliillillilll II 1iI••q.. .. ..•• MISS 11'.1< lle and MISS Mlt1me \ "The~causes of fallur~tnlmbe:r 1\ (Nebra~ka Farmer.) Try to wear the out! ~tFRthe test Bro~-McDonaJd88U

~" " tl h f t t~ I d -"\" Id ~ t you to give wor;;: clothes. at·s the test dur work cIothM,,,:

D('nklnCl,MI.landM,sWa]la"e wee e us Isemo nan ITleo qusJOnofprodcln t ,


k ,\] d ge every day b fannel'S, chanics a.,nd op.,bers. ,HundredsHughe~ an SOil, LOletta ~nd" ~lCIa ImmatUl'lty. ThIS sause arid\pllCe Cft~:OI qy md s l' ,

, III LOllal11t Chllstcnsen of WlIlsltle, b~ too much babymg an s ollmg whl1~ agncult le'labors unde St '_ ~~I:~n~:~d';:: :on':rdl de nd upOn us f1r work ~clothe80III 1'.11 <mdl M s Al t Rc-wl1nkel and at\ home The c111ld ejec s the pluse~ find 10 pllces, got a go d I", ,:: Alvin, ~I and MIS Leonard te<J:~her to contmue the re tment allmg\at the Icnmcr-rrpnufa tUl r M'E' N'S M'" N:m:' iYrB AK" Dcnkll1 CIlSandWiches, cake and when It 15 not donellhe wlth- confCl'ence Ill

iLmcoln on M y .iCt I iII:o= dud eof ee wel.e sClved a~tel a dlaws to himself and g~V~s U The' and 26. AlthoU/gh no solutJOnslwc I '

: soclal tl C ~ecomd IS phYSIcaL Qn~ ut of ailived at, thbre was a greaU d al ,I J :! I

R :< * * clver~ four children is n~t . ature of satisfaction{ to farmer~ in .t~lling '\'i e r' Q" 'I' I..- Have B1rt day Dinner. enough so that he tan .ge~ hi" eyes the "brass ll~ltS" of big bU~iness ' I ~I . S--= to fUs~ at a teading distal!CC,. ther their frank .jnd straightfo~al'dII Bll th byIoi Rudolph Plahn ·ld I I d J• and Ra~1m nd Langemeier were dIu ren ani! S ow at wa on an opll1ion qn c nditions and f c~ors.. Il'l: talking and] so are tot,) 'm) ature that worl~ agamst the we-Ha 'e', of cJ '= i II!Il" celebt'a ed Sunday at a family to learn to Iread . The th I'd s the Clgricultur'~. 45 one farmer~.ex- I9PI -I---- : dUlllel' t he RaymOlid Lange- lack of ",exp~rience. Children must pressed it'l r' was "going lome SANF iZED: One As:.ortment of' II meIer nom. In the group were ljJe familiar~With the every day \'I'itl1 the sa c headachel I arne Better work clothJs ~ear 10 1i!'er!II All Leather Shoes' ' = Rudolpl P~'l1l1l' and daughter, 'ivorld and 'ave a large III or 1 vo- with,", ~ Men who buy Money~BakS iiow C'" Josephl \(~, Miss Louise and Miss cabulary) b;ore t1~ey canl be intro- Neverthelets, only by bett~ u~- this. An overall made of 8~Oz~: 98c Helen Pi1ah of Avoca, 10WD, Mr. cluced to,th readmg prrlcess del'st::lnd· g ill prog ss be bd Sanforized Shruut;;: deoim'~1 s riped: and Mit MOll Peters and fam- "The Hnportant thin~ i. that in RolJ.i~~ a y probl~~, a~ ~h: or plain blue. Triple stitc~e , bar!If il,Y of \r,tl ItliU t, Iowa, Mrs, JJ!tlJa li'eading failure cannot bel pr vent- conference c .rtainly provide kx- tacked! Plenty of roomy po kets,: One Assortment of ;~I~~eM~r~ <~~.~i~l~~~~ ~~~ef~~ tbd as long las reading is, tau ht in haustive res!lal'ch, into farm zmd ::::d~l n~':t~. ~t 0;::;:1 ':~~~ I ,I rR Su!tMtog Shoes ~he first g'~lade. TeacherStm st be induttri,a1 o?¢ratio~s. and rpb-= 8 ily, Mr. $nd Mrs. Langemeier and . tIt I d I 'lh tt tIt I t Bo'ysr l.·oney-Bak9 ... fmnily, ~u.s Langemeier baked gIven a e sane seme l' a e- ems, e 1 us 1'Ia IS s ca e 0 *VI

, ~ U- yelop readfrress for t,h~ sk Chil- l,earn, !~nd th fa~'l'l1er spo.kes ,en, OV_RALL'Sf! the cak which centered the ,hen are rot emohonaOC y ecure to thClr evellastmg credit, ~ere . '~ tuble. 1'1 and Mrs. Henry ~md depenient, not able Ito s e and not a bit bacl wat'd in telIing !lese Ia i~ha~,tZt l~ ~qS~ab%f a~~t~~~a~~gr. those who have a lack ~ e peri- bigw(gs of f.?usiness. Amon :the Same cOlls:truction as in'" .J, ence are dioomed to [aill. nee a farmer :;;pOk~.meljl wer~ se tral men's I Money-Baks. A= were aft moon callers, , child has failed in the fiist grade, young farm l'$ whose mteillgent 1 : honeylof a 69cI!I . j * ·x· * they will II continue all t rough statements a d I?ointed que1tons value'l

: One A5sorlmertt of' Wi~~.S~~'~l~~~~::;ntertained' ~~~~f;g bBa~~~t~om~S~njtfi' l:~:: :~~i~:;'~:es~~bnrtl;:t~~~~;",~~}:~;~= Co tto·n Prints 'I Wedlnes ay afternoon at a sur- the secon part the fi st year." culture IS gOI~g -to be ill the llajIlds: pose fa ijrs. WalteL' Miller, it Miss EI Haas is r. own- of pretty capable advocates tpenfll Regllla~' $1.95,and ' being h rJbirthday; Pink fl.nct send's ss stant. H. G. Gjill or of some of the old guard retire{l'om~ green w rei carried Qut [in table the Amertcan Optical co~p ny of active service.PI $2,n5 Value's decorutlQnland placeca'rds. A Omaha, i~ also assisting :wi h the Far~ing isn't the 0I}1;V ind ~try: 1.04i\ large c<lk~ en tered the table and instrume ts, stl'ugglmg with perplexmg ~~ob-I!I U strcamerf 1 d fro the lights to l~ms. The Imanufacturers r~ave

: the cornrrtof the table, Green Nor :beast Way",e theirs, too;ar,0ng them being~igh: \ candles Iw re lig 1ted. Guests 'and fixed la or costs and blu qen-a5lgllll.III!1I1~•••Il!Dfli1•••~.. pl'€scntc

xMrs. iller with a Sam N ~es spent Thursda eve- some taxes. fis well as a shru !,ken..lI.n.IiI•.. lIllliIllllgll ..m..... handker hilef sho er. Mrs. En- ning at M rvin Vietor's. market, whiCh prevent their IGlw-

-- - - - ------ ·---r':"·-~ body sen ~d lun hean.I'IL Those Mrs, B ron Ruth speth riday ering prices las fast" as farm ar­present Jrefe Mrs. :'E, J, lruesler, afternoon with Mrs. Kermi Fork ket-s slump 'Mhen depressiol1$ b~e.Mr~. Eff~' Ll1nd, r5., IGeorge near Carr H. qne gained the thought that rog­Burke, 1". Wm. BeckJhhauer, Verna arlsqn spent Th rsday r~ss might b~ made iif farmer andMrs, H, ,'Bonaw tz, MHs. J, H. ~fternooh at Ray Rohinson' . Mr. rpanufactul'Cjrs wou,ld work moreFoster, l1S. L. ~. Suqd, Mrs. and Mrs, Albin Carlson called qlo~elY toge(her in a joint <ftack

~~,~~ ~~~ ~':e~~i~r]OM~~e~r~: ' there, tdn some 9f their common (Ob-

Franzen, Mrs. Maurice Grunt, Mr. ailitMI'S' H. J. F~'lb'r and 1 ~s. :~:Mise peal'] Sewell, Mise 'Har-, 1 t 'I Log, n ValleyMISS Bar ara p an to 1 v nexdett Walthen. Wednesda by car for t east to I

visit Mrs. , H. Eckerma 0 New t(By Mrs! Albert Anderso; ) i \York, pnd\ Mrs. John G m ill of lVIi's. Gust Wenstrand ret' rnedFairmqnt, W. Va.; other dau hters orne from I'th~ Coe hospi\al Sun-

of the Fel~ers. . I aKilk"an~ ~rs: Paul Bengt Jnd

1..--- are'n were Sunday gues Iatete lOberg'"MI.'. and' Mrs. Reuben J nson'

"I wef~ Monday a~t~rnoon i itrsat H rbert Johnsonts.

A drew ·Pearson of Hom~ '{as

a Thursday dinner and af1j'npon

Vi~~?~ :~d~~ ~~:~~~r sierand children, Viola Test a Mr.and Mrs. Martin Thomse~ anddau tel's spent Friday v ningvisit"ng at Emil MuHer's. I'

M , and Mrs. Russel We s JandretuL'ned home Saturday v,hingfk'O~ a short wedding tri~. I.i Wecong 'atulate them and ' e~lomeMrs, Wehstrand into our n ·igh-borh od. ' ,

Sqnday dinber guests a~ ,irgilEl{bljlTg's were: Marie C~r I andKenpeth Wen!3:trand. Eveningjvisi­tors Iwere: Mr. a~d Mrs.: LeoScht[tltz, Mr. and 1\41'5. LouiSl EbyandiMr. an!irMrs. EmillEkberk andfamily. I I

Fvrmer neighbors and membersof their threshing icrew w

1J t to

the IArthur HOlmal"home F idayevehing and spent a social ev "~ing.Th~Y :We're present d ,wi,th ~ gift

. from the glfOUp.~ u ch ortl Wasser.J.ed 'later in the e, Mrs. John Beng son ved'W~d that, h,er sist r. I hnRy en am~ ,"dal.lght 1',,1 ·Li i. y .ofM: neapolis flnd, for er of

,~~a~~f;~I~~:;~W~]~ir~~~tf ;~of months with. r '11a t i v i~.

Sw den." _r. ~and Mrs.. V atpr 1

an Mr, and MIS. H l'~~It J

~i~;~~c~e~o~~:ut~~~ ~i~e;e,r 11:el' at me Harty '~I:e d~~1 hohll~I~ll~;,ulin';-';j:~&~~A'~K~~~~~~~~;

\ > ! I J, :,\.::


1 The ill III bIDe, learmng emly new bill sets folitl1, d fInlteljy the- I that ~ rf 3tiempt to iPc1t,ase the Ipurpm:es fl)r£'J!Ch the money

The apPlopllahons to:rnmiU1tee am,ou It would f d, bled dn ~hall be pen he new bql cutswas B"'ked the (lthel day to rept~rt r dmel1 ment to Dldh.!t1re 'SAmon- 1 out the u poJyl 1" thebtJe prroJE.'ctsout fa\OI:Jbh a bll1 lor S:HU qOD I (V W tell I p:ucl batk h art of I€'-: mvch to he (pst~'ess <ilf New YOlkto be a\ 31lnble to Sec\ et31:i- lcl,res I \ 01\ n lund to 10< n Imut to other ~ Clty pea le.U sets upla three-mandepartment t) ,end c Adm]18] B:yl d I 11ff'(ly ~f<ll nWl s It 9\\~1S ~elt that board In lieu of ,m mdnndual ,ld­dO\\l1 to the Sbuth Pole <lno I~t I thele 11s'n01 enougl, ney 111 the mlmstrat r 1j s~s UI1 a 130 homsup an AmeI ICHn (olany The «(1111- , FSA t.ake care ofIa I ttle fanners per mon h 11 nIt bon for peT sonsrruttee tUl'tlro down the lril1 )e-!,\ho ?uld be reW bl'titpted "and ..working on:wP It ]edHCeS ad­C:lUS0 most of the I members felt helpe to stay on tl~ anin But the- mmlstrattve Ido~ts Iconslderablythe ~o 000 \\ mlid ~6111Y b{' the Ibe- I mn 100Ity opposed It! e IlreVOIVmggmnin~ and N·I;>l1tuhlly the ~ax- I fund idp.~. They "{veh<e jOined In

paYPl's \\·(~uld be asked for 1l1'1llY i the OJpOsl1ion by im~$t, membersmore mil,hoIle; of d()lhll'''', The cnm- : from 'Ity districts ~~ bqth repub­m,ttee \~<~IS 1019. that otlWY (oun- i llcans and demOC1:rb shouted~~le~ m:lY take ~he An.tuITti~ region! dowl1 the mnendl1l~n~.ls the FSAQlscoyerf'd by Amelleuns. , I. hallS to~aJ remains at $ 23,000,000

The-y were tiDld that there is n I ~ll1d t I{' arm bloc, is ]1\ w c£Onte1'­lot of ('oal down the'·e aIld alsp HIipg OJ tl e senate. 'h r they hopelot of whales and fish, The ~em- somE" 1 crease or s amend~




PEACHES.PRUNES h!le Tag. I ban .

lS bemg Idesigned f.'O r'rn beneath ed when nearly dry. I\1 A gelatm solution may ~el used

the ~utface. loqsem g tl1e SOlI and to renew the CrISp ap.flear4rlce ofkJihng weeds but ot turnmg the some VOIles, wash SIlks al fm~SOil oved The l sPfake~ adVIsed lmens. ThIS IS made by diS olv1l1g<lgamst I9'aOwlng t1'~5h a,tId stubble 3 tablespoons of gelatm In 0 e pm!tundel, !~r these '¢onse1've mOlS- of water. Then use one part of thlft-ture. ' . I 1 : • solutIon for eIght to fIftee parts, Dr. F.~. K~im listedl' bindw,eed of water.as public enemy No, 1 on the White wool WhiCh has y lowedfarm. CI an CiJ1tiV~tion~was rec,- may be bleached by usmg ydro­ommendeld for~ largb ae eages and gen peroxide In the folloWl g tlro­sodium e~lora e' fori's~ Her areas: portion-one pmt of pero Ide t9

D. L. pross, tspe,aki~ on soy~ one sallon of water With one teatbeam:, ga!ve a~ :dig~dvariiages: N9 I, spoon of concentrated am~oma.

markets 11 patts 0t the; ",state; alT Do not use a metal contamer WIthfalia is . uper or t6 so~J\,eans for thi~\ solution. Leave the article i~hay; ~ab~lts rthsh Isoybeims, soyJ. the ~olution for a short ,time\, the,·beansl aH~1 corduc~ve tp ~TeroslOn expose it to the air. , I,and r!lodltce soft 'por~. .pe ex- P: Itr 8hi t Co'urseplamed that lin other sta~es soy- Anno~~ce~ thi~ week, ~as abeans arEt n~t used td ~ompete poultry culling and judging IshortWith cord and! whe~t. but ~o com- course scheduled for the Neb1'asldlplete rotation. Th~y enabl~e the college of agriculture from jJun~farm€1r ~o grow. ~ hiph protein 28 ~o June 20. ~'!feed. IThe~ are resl~tant to drouth F~ock owners and 4-H cluband cincli bU~s.,:! I mFmbers w:.no desire int ~sive

New Fa;lmm~ SyStem. : tr~ihing i~ culling, judging and, A ~ew Is~stem of rry-~and farm-\ breeding flO~k select.io~ are wel~mg In W~lC~ It~e. ~and !wo~ld..a~-, come to attend these sessiops. 4­ways remarry. ngbt side I up IS n4mber of active pouItrymel anI!pictured las a defipite' po~sibility: protl~ce dealers have been ske~for the futurt as a! result 'of pre- to discuss the improvemen of~imin.ary !~.Oil nd ~oisthre."exper- mar~et quality Nebraslca po~ltrY.1mental wo~k now un.derway at All sessions are open to the p~blic.the Universitr of Nebraska. I C)ultivate 'l'rees. I 1

The change; in farming tnethods Tl} success or failure of the milL.would involvle sllQ-surface Wage lion~ of young trees planted irt Ne;o'\to klill weed!~, wit~out idisturbi:qg b(aS~a the ipast spring de~endFthe IprotrctiV.e coverin~ of tras~, fatg iyon the CUltiYa.~ion and c~restraw, stubbl~ or o~her~ crtop reSl- gire the trees durmg the firstdu~.! !iowev.et, the I wo~ki. is still growing se~son,; says AgricuI~ura'ldefn'lltely IJ the exiPehrhental Agent Greth M. Dunn. Trees arestage an~, on~y a ful,ure !possibility. ju:st like Gorn or any other row

D'".' J. It. ,~ussel" wh9 with Dr. crop; they must be cultivated ifF. !If. DUley I is cpn;pucting the satisfactory stands are expec;ted.wor!c, r~port~d upon the plan at IT'he success of the'2,500 miIes ofcror}s-soils fieldjday ~t the Ne- nJld shelterbelt which have beenbra~lca eolle~e 0 agriqulture last pl~1ted in Nebraska ,by the Foresrweek Wednesday. The idea for S~rvice since 1935 bas been ,pas...."sub-surface: cultuie" 1s the new Si%l~ because of the fine' jqp oftype of farm~ng wo~ld ~robablY be c~tivation done by coo~er~ting

known, has ~own lout of experi- lahdowners, says John L. E~er­

ments conducted ltJ.y, tUSSel and so~', state director of the prairi~Duley in a plloject spon ored joint- st tes forestry project. 'ly by th,~ Nebraska gricultural i Dung trees do not have sUffilexperi~r.,ot station an.lti the. soil ci¢nt roots to compete fO.r. mOistur~.conservation !se1'vice. w~th weeds which may be allowed

Last ~ear.l~orn plant din stub- to.lgrow among.them. Clean culti~ble witqout plowing, isking', or va;tion of the trees destroys; th~

listing 1ielded 25 per ent more WfdS which consume the all-im"jfodder lpy c~red weig t than did po ta.nt moisture during the tree:'~corn altJmgSlje it plan;t~d in the gr wmg season. Frequent- culh­usual n1ann r. Fallow: land" pro- ,:a i0.n~ ,also keep the soi~ in p.rope~tect.ed bt a 5 raw mu.,lch at the rate co .dIhon to absorb the m.~I~.tureof ~wo t~ns p r acre) ret~ined near- wljuch falls and Itends to reducely r)ine ~nd tree-quarter inches of surface evaporation from tli~ ,soil.molstur~, "as 'ompa~ed 0 less than ~:Ro'lfghing the', foil with a shpvelthr~e aJ~ t ree-qpart 1's inches c~~ti.v~tor af,te~ each. rain w~l1 as~sto*ed ~rt. ad50inin~ ba.e fallow. ~I~ 1~ p1'ev~.ntm~ wm~ 'er?~lO,n orWheat ~ots icomparin the two 01 wmg 'whIch may. occur m ,newsystems f farminglare now being pl,nting,~, thus ~educing the da~­ha~veste a~ conSide able dif- agF' to the trees fr0!U sand-bla,stmgfer~nce is e ident! alt ough data on plaqt.ings in extremely U~~ht,arel not et a ailable. sa~dY SOIL

, JL ~ I 1 ,ILES ' I wlib were on theIr way home ffomI,: DetrOll, havmg' purchased a new

I (Bt !Mrs, Grac~ B skirk) ca~, I.... :eorn,1 ~un~ 24. aj 9 -lb. son to ¥r. and Mrs. IGeo. Dawe&. pnd.

Mr. and Mrs.1 John Gre e. Mr:. and Mrs. Jesse Da,,:,es ~reJ A herJy rain an~ so e hail fell Saturday dmner visitors at... eo.in Lesl~~·f\aturqaY eve mg. BuskIrk's frop:1 Springfield, S. .

l\4erlin Bre~sler vJ.~s ~nd Mr. and MIt's. John Sievers ereviSItor Ie Mi~to% G st fso '5. WJdnesday callers at F~d Jah e's.

Mr. an Mns. L. J., Br s er were Ml~s L1llian Sievers spent! astSunlday anelrs at pr dIe Puck- w~~k In pender. with thoe. Sie~.e.rlett'S. J ,I j S~momns. I I:· 1

Mr. n Ddrs. H~nr Tarnow .,11,\11'. and Mrs. A. W. DoIPP. ¥r.were .p sday.evenln callers at Brt& Mrs. C. W. ~cGUire. M~. andWill K4rth'S~ ~.' '. M~s.~rankParkerwere.amqrgthe

Mrs..Wm.. MCQu*\I n enjoyed 'gUfsts at the W. G. Ring .sHiveri;f visit ~1'om er ~st1r rom Belle- we,dding Saturday. 'II~ue laSt wee." l Rin of Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Bressler ~Jitl, Mr. I~~d rs. Ever tt g farhily, Mrs. Mary ,Bressler ~ndSiO~lX ql~. ere Saru day call~rs Mrs.' Fisher were in Sioux- qityal.. Arl nonge1s. '. 1, TJ;(ursday and dinner, guests i. at. MI'. a d M~" Enul, ~ rnow,:were: Lottie and Elmer Child's. ,Plet).tya~' Mr~.. Marr. RO.~sqn. .,near Pen,. Of~ain has fa.nen there. ,Ide'r, siu day venlr'1~. , . ':~r. ~nd' M S': Htnrr' T~~0w:. :. r. and ~rs. Henry, ~arnov.r.~

FInd, No ,ris, . eenonj w:.er~. F! ay, M~s. Le.na :ral-~Ow and f~m.llY, :M.. r.callers t'.L.,". Br~sfler'S;:', , an~'~rS~<H~nS';Horst w~r~ Sun~ay

• ' ':ris~eli. vis' d.' at ev U1ng..'Y~lt.ors at Ge?. J;j~n.~clagf.'sLela '8' 'e : Brice' ne r WIsner. He!nr~,. J"1'., , a~d ~~.1-,Ni,ch , .the ~iS er l;lO~e:_. ~r, d·Tarnow rerba,me4. f~r ~ Vl~I~.

~~~~~E~i~~~i~~~~i~_~S~i~~~Ei$$~$~~~i~~~~i~~i~iii ,~·~,Ms.·E. ~~~L -" I- "'1have, eIljjo~d. r~c:en ifiiits from !!'ather .r~ Bra<!.y ~as been 1i"aut>':'" , , ,

..".',...,•... I.:~.>,.o.....:,.~,s.~.:,:..D.:,.~~~.~tl'e1.:.. , ..~.. ".I,.. l.H,~"..,~.,....~~...I.,,~.:.'.'•.~,.:.,.~.,.;..~."~.,o...~.M.•,...e...".~... "~...~..t"~.e..~.~;~.ff~Il1.E,2,:~..~':.,(W...,,.,,:.;...:',I...,.0...,.:,;.,;.:.',r"?,:,;.:,:,.,.,.E,•. jl:'~.:<-.',,.~.,.:..'."" ....,",..""".,..,",.,....,.,.. "...,.. : ..J\":""..,~..i.:.,.S,,,..,.~..,..'I"'!"';V.,..•,...:~E.".. ,..•,•. ~.•~.E.~....•..,;~.;·....·~~-'-·~~-.~f~~~!~~-~~··-,)~I.+:':! ",r;i:;';:'~,:,; ~.,',.!:i'..n) :~~':ij);~,:~' '""<I~'/":'·~ :"\)";:'~L"",,,·'\ 'r'<~i:!("";- ':'~\r: ;·1.,(" I:; ." l I,;. n\(:~k': ::, '" ~,,,:",I .,' ,

With Purchase of Any


Every American home should ,have a flag, Ge~

your, !low dt NO EXTRA CHARGJ<: duriI)g thiS;sale-Friday-Sa~urday or Monday: at Gamble'sJo American Made 0 Sewed Stripes 1o Big 3x5 ft. Size lI:l Printed Starso Genuine Cotton Bunting $ Fast Color

Complete with 6-foot harpwood pole and mount..,lng bracket for house or :sill.(Limited quantities ... first come, first served.)



You Cannot: Buy a Safer Fitst Lin~Tire at Any! Price!J Compar~ Crest with the best tirst'line tire you

can buy-compar~ its feature sLits, constry-ctioq-quality of materials-guBIallltee i ang appelU'1anee. You'H find that crest'T~es *acl!.ul1 Witll:the best of them, You 'can travel at high "peM~,on Crests v:ith complete safety.

It's the unbeatable combination of fine qualifymaterials, expert workmanship all;d up-t<r-dated€sign that makes Crests tj:le fine tIres they are.Written GUARANTEE, the strongest ever "iritten-positively' assw;es you of the service ICr~stTires will render.

.- 'I' :J' II ~", I' I' I:: IPo,ncaC~l'f3brq~ef I:, T1 I, Nili "

Birthday Tl~o Da 8 E y' ' E'.PQnc.:l obSt-'n"f'd its 8~rd bu-t - I ' , .' jdIp' l'nd~\y J.md Satnrd,ay in It'S ! I I . , I

.. ]Jlavs ~ll Jlt celt'l..n dtlOtl. WaYI elban~i furrushed mUS1!=1 Facta. I\Vakefwld Allen and P~hca ban s ~ _.

f :~,';,:;:Y:~d ~~~~,r;\,e:edl:~~; FI~ ~lEIG.!i~.~_ NE, NEBRASKA,.TIjlU~AiY. J

J features At a public weddmg Fr - I' mA 1Herson Former t1ilete . Engli,h .Gir~ . .l\iarried $ullday I, ' Many Species of ' Iday MIS, D<I",tlJ~ Roe, Emcl> n rv 1 g. n'f ' : I "TW"ld F IF d iteachcl, 'H,dnle the Ollde of w" ldesl to VIctor ,At W yue,IIurt A XIOCUI'tS,.~teon, e. e,'e . At CijY Chmt,c', . '~'Inl >'''eOsWte'rn °RUenfuge . I' .11 I'Bernard PUlll.'a gluCel) cl~l k ~1'\ 1 ~ Ande onj of HOskin~. IT"', "r '• The Pdl~de Fllda~ f~~:t~led ~el so.l s J.l JOCke~. Ifode anoth r ---t-. . .'. ': 1.· astresources and nautral beau- T '

'Yankton ;:-;Plflt 01 It, dl~I~L "InIn , Vcdne"~ y 1:>,;t week \\he1 Ervin Retzlaf~Suffers Injury Eileen. Colli~r, 15,.of Wayne, MI8s MarJe DlenkID,ger: Bhd~ ty of the Ma.lheur refuge in ore-. ourn yI', S d Ie "tUI ed "I "''''. .,., T H d" G is proba ly 'the ;yolmgest I college 0 IV 'I bCOIPS. ~ H' one d.let! d\ < he c< 1 ed D€.'tet 01 horn~ by fnc 1 0 ea In ame at ~~ f Dr. F. . Hlb s o~ I gqn mountams appe$.l to Harold I' ' ,SlOUX L.lt.\ Slllllll'IS. . ' ie rUsl in a 'sil', furlong r.lCe Jil Sioux!F,ails. SOPl.lomor in N~br ska., then iIi CarroflOW:. I I Preston who is now with the<bu- J . ' "

. WhIsker and stlnbonn:t ch~b cl~L~ d. The h~rse paidl $4.40 tp , . I" ,Omaha I t week 'Ieen as in- , ' j J. l'e u of biological $urvey near. • -- r ". . [' .membel"~ '\\"en,' llluch Hl e\,ldencej, : :' I Ervm 'Retzlaff of PIerce, former terview ~'by a Worllcl He aid re- Miss Marie D nkinger. daU~~hte~ B!rns. SIOUX tty Player Tak & Carl Wrllplt won a ISPf.clalIPfJ"Ztl

f'oncd I" the '[Ilt!rth qlde~t'to"lfl \~'l" -i i ! WaY~le colle~e athl~,te WhO. is !10W ·pqrter to' 'hom she explai ed her of George Den' gel' df Wpyne A drive to Ule south end of the I Ti~IIFormerlY Held fort~offllng closest ,to" pm qn I~in"N€'l.H,,,~,l"\"j. ie'I"'''' uF', n_H_ ~' playmg. oUlfI~ld ynth the SIOUX am,?ition. 0 attend Vassar and. to became the bri e of Drl Frpd V ill d't th W F dOt tun. green. I ~

... 6.J £.lI1_-. b 11 .d become Ani.ericah cit· en and . 'T re ge prove 0 e ayne young re G. a e. The ntber of lspectato W'i:lll'~- --~, I City base a i,Le~m, suffered head, Hibbs' of Carro 1, Iowa'i, S~nda man that a lot of work has been I I , I f .,'.':rE.l"ct "rayne Lady I Ab u 100 horr

es,_ manr of the. ' injuries Tuescpayllast week 'when teacher Ilanguagesl' morning, June 25, at 10 b'clacl{ a done there in the building of drain- WIth 4 golfers entered in t$e nfottas gr atht as.1t WdIOtuldl~hav bee


n.<' "". . ., fro-rn e Omah.a. {\,k ..Sar Ben, "'''J:l', he wa- -true'" bock of the 10 ft ear "Until he was 13 Eile n lived th' F' P b . j'h 'h '-' 27 hId I 1 If 1 .ne wea er con lOIlS a emL d Off

~~~. '" " r;.; -:1 ~ .e Irs: res tterIan urf, 1111 age ditches, dam~, le~ees, canals, - 0 e e a pay go tourn - more favorable I. I ITo 0 ,ge. l e ('nter le Madls~l\l,rae~i' ,~uly 11 °1 with Cl ball while Pla.Yillg at Sioux in Engla ,where $e ha plan- SlOUX .Clty, Rev. Edwar r St~so~ etc. Some Wheat is being grown by tnent he at Wayne Country cl b I' j

Wn'\'nf, Dl"un and Ddkpta Rov 1 115

, nft of the; ~lghl1g1l~s of t ei FaU". Retzl~ff'9 eardrum was t:ed t,o st dy f-of thel civil ervice. performing the iugle rin~ service irrigation but the -real purpose of pundp.y. r. Bard of SIOUX Cit, • .1 • I I. Neighbor Glillp~. Inectlpg- III E" _ll,?eN Ils.year.~ bl!! the,mtrodu - broJ,-en '9-nd he may have a' brain But even then :;ihe- dream dof a Following ~ dinr:r for the. ?ridal the dams is ,the creation, of small Won the hamplOnsAlp flIght. F:* Offl~lalB F,inzsherson. \Y.ednt,,,ti.l,Y b,;! we,,-,k. cho .eJ' I,.on cf!the d~IIY,: (:lo:~ble. The dOtH injury. He,,""'ill ~e un.del' qb~erva~ college e cation. In 1936- 7 Mar- party at,the Wal1'rlOr hotel. D:t. and lakes where the' wild fowl ,can b Dale f Wayne, was defendi g ! Audlt. ofl BWaterb\lry de- Iwxl ::-:pring's tnee - bl~IW ~i close lmtrl~d~ateIYafter ttl1t1" bon thl'ee Dr foJr weeks an~ will garet Semel, Wayne Ifaculty Mrs. Hibbs left for YeJ1o~stone nest. Over 200 species of water CQamP10~H. E, Hem of Lincol ,ina: plan: anc( ,:dt't'tl'd Ii WatE'~'- !flr.ill,ClIce each 1"y, I probabJ~' b:e una1lble to "play any member, as teachm~ on an ex- park to spend mbout 10 IdaY

Rbe- fowl are l'ecorded as being on this won the I eond flight, Don Wngh;t,

. blUry WO!ll;!!l tn-cuunty oraclj." i I"! .. I more Ull11 geason. change p ofessOislup In an Eng- fore returning1make therr ome refuge writes Mr Preston and the Way'ne~ Ird flight; Dr. A. !D.' L~H'I"t'CI;t of Wayne; \\"IS i Salls ur Hawau. i Retzlaff" duckep away fl'om a 11sh h1gh school, Whhre slhe

lha~ at Carroll, low, whele:IDr IbbSI numb~r IS lllCl'e;smg ev~ry year. ILeWIs, yne. fourth fl1ght; anp.

eleekd . ,l\!ILs ~athryn! Kemp of Stoc ~ pitcb ip i1he 8th inning qf the Eileen as a pupIl Tin; two Ike I IS assocIated \ Ith the II ctrroll All kmds- of ducks and geese, peh"I M1 Kh~ er, Sioux CIty, fiftp: _._- -,..-~~-- ton, 'Itf., fbrm~dy of Wayne. Ie t gamE' but the baljl struck .hith. and each othe', a\ld \vhen ~".L1SS Scheme cllmc. cans, terns, craIlES and herons are flight I II WF,Elkt'"t in F~.ll. l~~t Ur~d~y..nr,~n on fI ...aeatio ~ he was {~alTied \lnconsc.iotls

lt.o a Ietumed, 0 the Umted States she 1 The brl~WO e na\'Y blue ~heer among the vahehes, Bard

l, $ oux City, wmner of the offIces ofl county

Elkli(ll"ll \',illt-,y 1(':-;('I"V(' army a - till) 0 Ha\\all.: JI h~spI~al. He .soop regamedi con- brought ~Ueen wlth her street-len dress WIth $hO~ flt- A cold damp spell has been ex- fIrst fhg*, came wlthm one POlrlt tlcaSUlericlefk Of

fiC€rf; )~l'!d nll',r la, t mcetmg )f I : sClOusneg~,-b~t ,\~~ll, have t~ b~ un- 'EIlee~nnow the ward pf Miss ted Jacket f the same: mat!enal. penenced crt Burns where t~ ele- of tYlIl!g~he course record Hts sherIff dU{lty Judge andthe ;;t'd"llll 1.1",( Thursday t i Hooor Pe~dpr DoCtor. I del' a dodtor s. care f?r a t~Jnr· He SC~1~mel, modestly dlsclal~ any Her access nes: were n*vyl blue \'atlOn IS 4,000 feet A few ·flaltes score wa 33 for mne holes, anti superdtte dent J-S on fi~e mthoevVa.Ylle \\"llh, UffICE.'J'S p.r.esent fr?n I Dr. J.()lln Buit lOf, P~nder, "':" ~ \Va~ l:epMted Imp~'o\'mg ~hlS week. parhcula .brlillIan~C~'em.phaslZes and her corsagl.'! was of gm~ ros-e 0:11 snow were seen June 15, and the reco for the Wayn'O' course county c1 rk a~d may pe' h. ti~'Hartingt(lil . .:\1"du,Dll. ,"VisneI'. WlI - hOTjored last 'D)l~rsday eve~ll=tj ThiS was the src-on~ hD\e Retz- th.at she III be. 16 In: u~st. buds and blue IdelphmlU~ ~ 1\1r IPreston IS told that some snow 1S 32. anlY 'who care to- examme i.


side, CI t'lghlob, Stanton, Nodo IJ wheh ,file FiverColtnty Medlcf laU had been st*uc~ In the head ppy m Mr and Mrs! J E Vhls n of fdUs there every month of the year. Desplt~ the muddy course an? . I Iand W,lyne It, W,lS deCided to tHe·t associa'tlon met ~lt!Pender. I i this season. The other time was in ."Altho gh sl,1e haS! ~oth~r, Lanesboro, Iowa, fnend~ f the] T~e Steen mountam range IS Just 1amy We ther, the gene! HI scorm~ Blat RandbEnh 1oHic('r~ wlll'II.m('ctlngs are resu -II .': ! I Siqux City Mar~" 29, but Retzlaff b,10ther a, d, ~-year-ol s~ster. m bIldal couple, I were attendants 1.d the soutq of the refuge and snow was feutl good Due 1.0 tne weatht pY if' I I.,' li'.ed _in qctobeq.. H. D. 'Addlson f, ya1l1~tion of Ij)i:xon county peh \vas able' to resume play the next England, she lSI happy in. ;1menca, Mrs WIlson wore a street-Ifngth Ican be seen there t~le yero around. el, the atch play. \\ hiCh had! Loses Left 1/;y 1Ki,lWayne, 15 prdtdent. sonal property t tijls $2,347,745. 1 day. doesr't think of .returning 1

0 Eng- dress of dusty ~ ose WIth! ~at to I The meltJn~ snow forms the Dol'l- been pIa ned, was changed tw Marlin, 6, son' of Mt~ aiI l 1Mrstla~,d for pome tlI~e. " match and na\'~ blue acqesSones del and Slltzen nver whIch IS a medal PIt' Some delay m startt Kenneth Le\\l,f, of Ra:rtdolp , had

I " If sUc~es:'l,ful. m- ,iber ,~ollege She also wore a cblsage lof Iroses flpherman's paradIse Inasmuch as Irng also fluenced the change In to ha\:e 1us left eyeb~ll t moved1\ b,6ard exkmipa~lOns. she f'll1 at- a9d delphlnlUm The mlfn !wore mIS rIver IS rather U1-accesslble It plans. . 1Wednesday evenmg la;::t ,irl.

tend Vas~ar Ithls fall, ns 1, £r~sh- gIiay busmess swts 1 IS not frequented vety much by In the Irst flIght, the placmg a NOlfoll~ bo".pILal When th 1Chll4,man-\~hlch Jwould put h r In a IMISS MInnIe Denkmget of fu;hermert and as a result the fiSh-j and fIna res were' First, Mr \' as pla~lflg III a grain bi~ t ~t dayclass wltl, gIrls more nearly her iayne-. sister of the bnde,lw$s the mg IS gOOd" Batd.51 City. 109; second. Mr. somcth1I1!j p"'netrated the ebcUl~own. age. . J 0 ly other onel at the serlvl~e IHagen, S City, 112; thIrd. Mr causmg the lUJury. I

MI~S C lher returned thfj! last of Mrs. Hibbs, is a gradua~ of T f '. A Rasm, ioux City, 115; fow:th~ '--+-:~_~_~'-'-Ithe "eek from Omaha. v.[aync college.;She ta~ght!af Bel-' rans l!~IOIlS re 'ld I Wm. Bee enhauer, Wayne, andi.,· Certificates Sent '

dtn and Lyons' ~nd, has!>.ee\' tjeach-. ,GIven to Che Carl Wri ~t. Wayne, tied, 117, ,! T IT l' A'dd"t' I ,l'FOII' indweed Eradica.tion. ilW in Carroll, IIowa, the'pas! four San d r a Sue 16-month-o 1 d ,Second !flIght, FIrst, H. E. Hem,! 0 I. u ~ , ,l.l, .."",

Dear E itor: Last Saturday aft- y~ars. , ! l daughter cif Mr. ;nd Mrs. H.arvey Llllc,oln, ~22; s~cond., Allen Lan-I The Uruvers~~ of 'Ntbra~, a-lia~ernoon t1 'ough the courtesy of PI'. Hibbs receivE;q ~is d¢gte~ at Haas. was ~ble to be brought home clers, Nor plk, 1.:.3; thIrd. Judge A., na,med a~ adc,libona~ grouPr ~ .~1-

I Prof. eha ncey Smith of the Col- thr 'university in Ibwa CJ,tY, and F[riday from a 'Sioux Cit;y hospital E. W~nk 'i.Stanto? 125. . \ telnat~s :~OF. r~gent:;. sph~~~ hips.' lege of gric,ulture, Department hals been prac~icing medi~ill-e at ""here she;had received care for a Thn'd 19~t: FirM.. Don Wrlg~t,1 accord,m~l to

of Engin ering. I attended a de- C~rroll fo~ several years. r J week, Sbe seems much ~proved Waa~nnee' !;: ~~~~dndLf~ ~. G~~~:~~' ~~nB~;~t~~~tmonstratI n i,on bindweed eradica- i , , . I j, after three blood transfuslOns, twa W y , ~,' ,y I.', IHnn ,and 60htrol twelvE" miles east grbund unculrhvated whF~e. t~e being given by Herman Klaner of sleeve, !~e, 137: . .\ week to:" M~of LlllCCJI: Several ~ethods of hills of corn st,1lnd. Thes.e W,lP call wake~ield~ndone by Pete Peter- FOurth., Ight; FIrst, Dr. Le:~ls, J~~nne Brcler, '.dealing Ith the wee'd were ex- for se\"eral treatments 'WIth !ajsha~p #w i Mr Haa had been Wayne, J3 ; second, Mr. Alexan- gJ Ciduatesl At coplained a d illustrated on the hand hoe. Howrver, this j~ not as s~'~hoh a. ne. h'~d wi~ be taken cler, SinH City, 137; third, Henry ercl"e~ Brtty Ha ... ifarm of lbert Retzlaff', near Wal- bad as it may seem. It is o~lv fai~, :~t.:k in

e: ~o~t~ :oi- checkup. .Shultz, S ~ton~ 138. sented th~ SChOI~t,hlPlll TI.,y,dsa'

ton, NebI' , to suppose tha~ some of the ~quares Fifth f 'ght: First, Mr. Kliener. ne~h :et€1~~enJ I 'i an~ ~t~ t YF'or s all i',Solated patches of will lack their WJssible q~$ta of Going to New York,' Sioux Ci' 152' second, Carl an , a~4\ 1 hO 11l~on.' . derlnauh,?indweedi the' consensus, of opin- binldweed. Thli"n, ,I too: the !prk is Miss Celia Rennick, dau~hter of Wrfight'l~e, 153. . :~~fe ~c~:n~er aso~ec~::o .~{)~:

IOn seeme~ to favo~ either the dorte reall~' vdry!rapIdly. It 08 re- Mrs. James Rennick of Wayne, <j)ther Wayne scorers were: speaki~ \'eli for the SCh~s~p.Chlorate~eatTlilent,<10 dry, form). cen~, co\'erm~ of a 15-acre f:.,fl.,d by writes that she and two other James. orrison, 119; Fred Dale; 'The Uni\;,:;rsity, gr"a,n,ts ~,50 Sch.,1Ola!i~,'•.the. sum er faU~wrng method. or two men WIth ~and hoes, ft took teachers from William~, Ariz.• are 12~; R'ussell Larson, .124; W. C, 'hips and! if those named' :d.o qo~;'CI,~aps t e b~lcbw-torch method o~ only three anIone, half hotUliS ,and enroute to New York to condu~t Cory-ell, 1129; Fritz Mlldner, 123; kccePt, them by July ~5 cij.Qice li~ __",earmg t e \';E"!€ds above the sur only 100 spe Lrn]enp of th ; ",,::ed an information bureau at the faIT HQward urlong, 125. made from the alternates'lface of t~ ground, This last named were. found, . he corn 100" fme thIs summer. half b lis were awarded as ,': " I ::

method 1 volVE1s the use qf a pres- and IS exceedi gly clean. m :iz d th umber of balls ClubM~ 'l'Ollay•.! ' I'sure tank either on the handle of ,-4ll of the ar~er cultiva on is .-- . P,I, ~. a .' d; dn J:)y the s·core- in: The HapW~bllil_Luel£y-4 1H ~th,1;'- torch pJ' ~olllOe.eted tt? the tGr~ \~orte with eruc., -£oot shovel~,l.These {~I.t:oo-'W~ -f~~e~e;: ai'u f~ght~.. In the' first will meet today, JU~~ ~9~'.' w~by a, hoseiTI~ctOI fuel IS used fm are skeleto~, \t-shaped sho\, ; s and I. flight, si ~alls were given the Mary 'in the Frank Hicks home.' ,the ~lame ThIS weed bur~er may almost ellhrelr :fil~t. Expenifenta- ".'/" winner, d in the remaining : . I;possibly rove of valu~ m small ~ion is going on With longer!.shear- Misnionary Mee~ing. ' flights fo II balls were given.. Th9S€ Bilse 1 Robinson" ne;w' h~daH~as or along fence lOWS. The mg blades. TIle ~uck-foot 4hpvels Baptist Missionary society- met placing s cqnd, third and fourth Pender schqol, has mov;ed I?maller a~paratus looks as though do not greatly! dIsturb ,.the ~r~ace Thursday with Mrs. Wallace were als given golf..ball prizes. ily ther~ from Albion. ,il,t should not cost more than $15 of the ground' o!r turn the ~.ol(md Johnson and Mrs, Erhil Lueders Ior $20, an the rger around $40. over. When t~e: corn 1S to]: large at the former's home. ·Mrs. R. E.The flam do. not affect the to cultivate -.plt\tt tractor a p. c\ul- Miller of Council Bluffs, Si&t.er1'001$ of t e mdweed. tivators that ~ttaddle ~e lOW, a I of Mrs. W. S, Bressler, was a

An phase of control and one-horse, duc~tfooted fIve ~hovel guest. Mrs. O. B. Haas had de-eve~tual ~radkati~n which looked cultivator is ~$ed be,twee~ the votions and Mrs. Carlos Martinfeaslule, ~t least Il1 some cases, rows. 1 ' Ii '. led the lesson. The hostesseswas the ~heep pasture method.' Several ~iell:1¥ on the ftlm .m. served. Mrs. James Rennick andThiS could be ,done by summer question, whic~! was very "avily Mrs J K, Johnson entertain at[ctllOWingf'the ground. then seed..!, infested up to. fl,ve years ag r have the fo~mer's home July 20.ing to' ry in the fall. After th~ been reclaimed) twenty or jthirty * * * -sheep ha ~ pastured th~ ~rea acr~s a season, lin one way Yl' an- Breakf,Bst for Guest.thoroughly m the f.all ~nd sprmg. othe~. I !; Mrs. C. L. Pickett entertainedthe summer fallowmg IS- repeated It is conced~d by all th~t the t B kfast Friday morning atand rye sJwn ,again. It is ~eliev~d ~raclicationof lp~ndweed Wi~1mean :" h:~~ring hbr sist~-in'-law,that repe~ing the proc:S!S Will much hard wdr~ and extr~ ..ecau- Mrs. L dia Pickett o~ New York.eventuall destroy the brndweed. tions such as f~e':lU~nt dea! g. of Other Yguests were Mrs. V. A.The shee aI:e more fond of the threshing rna~ s, pre, pnting Senter, Mrs. E. S. Blair, Mrs.weed tha of the rye., The sheep stock from goi ~ fro~ I, ested Wm, Beckenhauer, .Mrs. J. T.of course I may consbtute a val- fields to otlilers, lDslpechon 0 seed, And M T B Heckertuable IbY~rOdQet qf the process. co-operation 0 ~e~ghbo : with Mrs.er~~%.'J:~obs~ Mrs. L~ A:

How-eve, of all the methods th~ ~tate and local O~~lals' con- I Fansl;te, Mrs. N. J. PiCkett ofone that ppealed most, to me fot tinuous, systematic watc. ess. ,. Norfolk, and Mrs. Willard Wiltse.larger areas \vas the \ clean cul- It seems to me. that R and other flowers wereture" met od' whereby· checked in the clean ICt;tltiV tio:p P the, OS~S n the table and about thecorn is rai ed ~m th: in,fest,~d area: extra amount?£ ark ov! th~t ~~me~The women· visited after Iand freq , nt ,cultIvafron IS re- needed to rais~ co n prop ly, 15 breakfast. .sorted to.' I I not so great as ~t m y seem' Then,'

This mtlthodl has the advantage too, the land ~s roducin, earnof giving a crl!lp while the eradi~ and~yieldinga I1eve ue whiqh maycation pr~ceed!3, The ground may properly be s~t P,~f ~~ainst the costor may npt b~ summer fallowed of bindweed eradicaltlOn. Th~ cleanbefore thell ('or~ is planted. For ex- tillage method WOulp.. have 10 con­a.mPle, on

1,the 'farm un,de~: obser- tinue probably ~href years.t-J. G.'

"aUon th wheat field ·IS now W. Lewis.: 1.heavily in estefi. Mr, R~tzlaff willplow up is !Wheat stubble assoon as the wltreat is h,arV!~ed. ~twill be k

1'Pt l;lean th~ res of the

season. N xt year it will b plant­ed in corn and pultivated freque~t-

ly both w ys. 1 'In the lean cultivation system

there will: be IsmaIl squares of

Ann; MIs. Ivan C13llt ~ d Junmy :md Jimmy Bl'njl:lman l'njvyed aBran~msn Were ib: l'elgl1ton Pic,llie- (1i1~I1~l Tu ~'Sd:1Y at the G. .Thur d3Y. I Cl:uk homer

Mr and J\rhs. RUd011?1 fiOI'bel ThlH'.';idaYi,~veping supper gue, tsand 11lda and C::I.rl Kuclner spent in the G. D'lC1al'k! horne were: .M 's.Sunday evenmg fn ~he d Kll'ch- Georg I~or lhoftl and Beulah a Idner home. I Izetta Bn¢t "I! or: Wayne, and M s.

~~~~~~~~~~~~II Kel~h and Kellne~h lcson and D. A. ")au} bnd flazeJ. .I , Haze} Nygren Iwe~'e SatUlday <lVIrs Wnij F. Sneider a'l1d AUI a,

1". D. Salmon anq L€'ona~ were mQrning VlSltOlS In Ilhe 0 An- Mrs. It iAeve~'n1ann a.nd l~eJ e,it\. Creighton Monday, L I dersop home. IVfi"s m~131 K8C~ I:llld Mlss M1I1 a

1'0'11', .a~l:l Mrs. J\.llius Kirchner Mr~'. C T, Carlsool

heodora, Sm'id r Iwere 'l'p~sday oftern on. ,vere in Ponca 'Frid~y., Judlth knd Pllll~lP ~"er~ Tuesday visitor 10 the tVll·S. Annie R ce .

L. H. Aevermanp.,is ta'king 'treat- evelllfg vlSltors 1m, It'he 1yor An- home. i " .

:m.~nts at crofton j Neb: derso pome. I Mrs. Wm. F. S~1eider and An a,',Thomas Erwin and C. H. Tuttle Mr lijnd Mrs LaVernl Peterson Mrs: 1-,/. 1-!.iAeV€pl1Hnu·<Jlld Ir~ e,',:e:e in Ornaha TlllFsd3).- and ~ri1 nnd il.1:i~S LmneJ Ericson weie were r~~hudday dinner and, sup er

~'%;'nest Peterson ]~. Sund~l.Y It011'.'~~~~t~:::~;~:..gli.lests mthe .Joseph g~l::~~j~l ~Ir~~~~~~~mI;.l~~\~~:.(:n.~~

n~'Ka1b, Ill. He will be gone UDau· MrJ and Mrs. Thomas Erwin and Sneide' .,vere f'\'t~nlng callers.U \\'E'ek. 1 fan'lilv Hnd Wal~o Juhnson were Sun ay j dinnfl' and, supp.1",Ern.il S\.vanson called in Ithe Sund~y dinner guests in the Glenn guests in the I Floyd [Reynol s

Cedric Swanson home Thursoay MUgnjuson home.! home lei' :Mr. and Mrs. Walt I'

sfternoon. Mrl3nd Mrs. He.nry Weseloh and Reynol s -,:~nd Dem.l of Sioux Cit ,I\!l'. and rvlrs, E. J. Hughes and . IVI L R ld "

daugl tel'S were v,*itors in the Ru~ Mr. an 1'S. oUle eyno s ai" ;Gail ~pent SW1d3Y with relath'es dolpl~ Swanson l~ome Monday and f3mily o~ N..wca~tle, ,md Mr. ~I dat Albion. Fridays evenings:, 11\111'5. 1" ·anlt IReynolds and fa mIl .

'Mi:'s Gerthy Swanson was a ('all~ Miss Margareti Vollers of Pen- l\1fis5 Vera! I~nyin spent Sund y('I' in the- Fred Matthies home 8at- del', came Saturday for a visit in Iiii. the.! oinT of h~k parents; Mr, a9durclayafternoon. , 'the l1bme of her:parents, lVIr. and Mrs. VI. A,- ErwI!l. I

1MI'. ~md Mrs. Arthur D~~!>cher Mrs. IJohn VollerI'. I -:- Ipent Wednesday 'gJfternool"l fit the Ml~. and Mrs. (i)scar l{,arde~l and IFot Gerenll AUl'in, ~

{)bf Nelson home~;, famny 311d Mrs~. Lena, Ho'gelen Mr. 4nd,iIvIrs. N. O. Anders nL1\ll and l\i!Js.'ErfJ:ii Cal1son tvele wel.e. SUnday. dir1ner guhts in the and [a~lil}t !"..P~llt. M~:md.aY e\'eni Ig


,und 1Y dmner gdests III the Con- Frank Kardell hf'me. I . in the cjerfon Allvin home in h,o _"d CallhJI1 hornell MI'. and Mrs. . H. evermann, or of IV r.IAllvi~'s birthday .an i ..

N01l1i,an Carlson was a Tuesday Clarence and 11' I ne we e S~nday versary, I ,h fternobn luncheQh guest m the dinm;r and ~upp~r gue ts In the f~j ~IF'rank Carlson hohi~. Henry Strelo home at akland. ,e ebrate Birtlllda:r.I, Wlls :i1\'Iary Wlll~ams and Verle :Mi~s Famy and Rub Fredrick- Abou Wfriends gathered in t ebf omaha, are sptmdm'g thIS week son and Norma~ Car son were Fred K'rJll.1Pf hGll.1le Sunda.y t e e­~n the WS H'art{ome. Thursday dinn~r an supper ning in,lEnaI' of Fred's blr1h d yI Edna1 ArdIS an ~est Swan.. guests in the G4st Car son home. anniver l,y. Luncheon was s~rv d~on weIr' Thursday evemng visItors Mr. and Mrs. .l}dolph 100m. and at the c ate of the evening.

1lin the Olaf NelSO~home. 1 famIly and Mr, and M s Andrew TMIS Ernest Pet rson attdlWarii Johnson were Sunday mner and B.rthday SlI'rpriE,e.

tE'le Sunday eVE! ng VISltors th supper guests I,n the Ene Linn Mrs..I /-'fn Clark was plea~;an lyhe Rq-Yi E. JohnsO home. home. surprise" eaturday afternoon w enl

MiS Lyle Cleve and, Mrsf.p H, Mt. and Mrs. John aberts of a group~ ladies came to remi-dlittle and Mrs. lenn Magnuson Alleh, and Mr and rs A P her of 1 r birtl/.day anniversa Y'I

("ere m Sio\,lx Cit Monday~ Bor~ and fa.mily of D on, were The tim 1 was s~.nt socially af er!

Mr. and Mrs, R dolph Swanson sun~ay dmner guests 1 the W. S. ~\'hich re reshmTts were serve.\€'le \'ls~tors III th AUgu~~ IDang- Hart home. I

! ~erg hie MondaI mornihig. \ ~iss MIldred pwans n returned ~O/r Joye. Petersofll.. ~ I'I I 'Mr "d M' F M Re·Li.. ' pent ho~~ MO"nd~Y' mor ing after In honpr of oyce Peterscjn's, ;1 "t T·h~ d lS. '. g' ·n fh'e,sVe spel~ding t.he p~st weel wi1h her birthday jannive :sary, the follQw."",

I as ,s ay eve In 1 l ' 1'- , ~~ i tm.... M' J, I b t ~hV h t ~akefield' sist s, Mrs. Emil IJ. HIEfS an! I5S ing guesti! 1 ce e ra e_ L: e:~rp:Mr.s~t. ~~eS:ltf10n and. :MarY! Edrl Swanson. j,' ", . occa~ion ~ fternoon: l\f!~S.

"1'~1~j,"'~' '" . M.l-s Harold . qunnarson ' and C. J, .. G. O. John~on,.~", - Verlje' Mae, Mr6. ~eodore Gun~ IMrs. G~orge AI: derson and ~'Irs,

narslo.n and J~l<or:a~1 Mrs. Clar- (Roy E. J ..phnson. ~ IencE! Dahlquist and aRue spent i I JFri.~.ay in the Ca.rl Gunnarson "Infanttptbed,hQ~e. ' : Leon :Qale, inf lit san of Mr. and

l\~ L H A erm '~n Clarence Mrs. ~~,thur J hnspn, w~ ap-'f·"r:' . M.r:~ wm~ F'. Sneider, tized SUfda

y jfternoon Il1 the~n 'In~~n:~d Al na ~ere Friday h.orne. T ose pr Isent for the 0 ca­di

oe ests' 'In · the I John Koch Ston wer Rev. : Pearson, Nor nan

~ r gu D.' 1 ICadson land M~'. and Mrs. . J.~o~.;.n:~~ :rqt~'Iva Clark and MagnUs~~ and ia,milY. I

farpily, ·~r. an, Mrs. D. A. Paul tOI' Vir il Carrlson.

an~ family, lV~ . and Mrs. G. D; 'I Mrs,.~hn Car son and Mrs. on­Clark ~nd faml y, an Isaac. sam. ;ad Car ~OI~ ent.,i~a!ned 14. fri nd~••Iiii.lii.OiiIMiiilj//j·jililI~....... lIIl ....~."".... in the pm ad qFlllson home e.dI I : nesday Mternoon in honor of Vlr-: Hard to Ma e • gil's b,,'lhday :anniversary. The

: B th E d eet?: Chlldr~'Iplayed games after hlchlOS III refres 11ents w*e selved

• I •: I: irthday IrcJllb Meets.: iii I: The rIdge c~Ub met wlth Mrs: : F R estersonll FrIday after oonI • Thl ee t bles of blldge were ade: : up WI~ Mrs. G, D Clark WI mngI : hIgh s Qre and IPall Hughes sec-: • ond h~ hoste~s served IUn h~on: ' : at the' close of the afternoon,

; i Moder" ~epai : I Plenlcf&mrthdayo• arid All Su plies '· t : Mr.s. m W

111 and Roger, MIS; ELE Tie. · E J. H ghes a d Gall, MISS Gen-

: : : eva Tt ompson Mary Jane and• I II! Bllly iJ an! Clatk, Vrrgtnla and: II SHOt':S OP I: Charlfj! Clark, Mlss Dona laIk,II ~ • and C rIElS, Rwger and Ray ond• ....~5lii1_•• I.,p• ........ .: Hanso I dr.ove to CI;ystal lake

, .

I ' ~t our n~ip location faJ l . . .S~TURD~Y" JU,U, 1st ..

We wet'ome old anid new dust mel'S to Vi~lt ~s il~ om: n t:locatio two doors nOrth tit. ur former la e of l busllleI'll the· ew, larger, I air-con~itli ned quarte'8 e a~'e ables~rve Yfueven bet~r.; i!. . I



PI' and ~rs H IW we~manand MaXIne of MIlford, \~,ere~sat­ur~' lind Sunday guests 1 theJ J Ahern home

G G Haller spent se\'er al daysth ast week a1 R W Ha ler'snea WlOw'e Mrs R Wallercalled here Monday mornIng I

Miss Margaret Ahern I andn€'phew, J. J. Ahern, plan t~ re­turn to Chicago next Sattirda:tafter spending a month in th~ J. J.Ahern· home. - .

ME'redith Renick ot Pilger,· hadSunday dinner with! Mrs.. JamesRennick. Mr. and. }\;~rs. E~. :aen­nie!: and ,M.argl:lente, of Ptlger,were aftern"don and e"ening guests.

Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hanks andchildren of Blair, were Friday toMonday guests in the Pro£' A. 'F. aga·Gulllver home. Mr. Hank had He i~~-


I, I' ", ';, ,: I' ,:,1\ I ', " I ","

:! , ' 'I' "I 'SDAY,',JUNE' 9, 1 ;9, \' ,- .. ,-


f ·' C k 'in. ! I.l.k J 'dme rae ,ers - I'lreW,# :s - Ilorpe oes

kI, ", '

• h~ ignitilag, E'¥plodililg or use of fire-cr ckhs, firewol'k:l., 'R6mln candles" torpe­do s, ,~'ockets 01' ant kind ~f fir~woI'kswhat­ev r '~ithin the city limitsi'pf Wayne are pro­hi itil'd by city ol'~inande'I,at all times, theFo r ,'h lof July in61uded. 'IViol~tion of this, 1 Ior in[/1nc: ~s pU~isl.abl: l;>Y!I:ine land commit-m ntlto JRII untIl me IS trnpd. •

i !i ' , I III' i

, I ,

-L (Thi8 Ordinance Willi ,e £1nfoTced-I' 'I ~I

I ! ,i: ,I I'

I,WM. A. s~~~ln,II' \ Chief of Poltce I!I ,I I ,/ I,II' ' Ii

.:'1 I I I' 'I

I ,No, "


.~mk pri e:.~r ;he '~~~fit a~-t- i ~,j~~~,- -~- ~; ;~~~'~~~]~~~-a~:-f---t~~:ijnio~~~~ ~n line·~ie ~nter ;all~ment they 'hope to II fiilils near Bl i~geport thiQ dny in magazine. i A sheet of fl es

rec~ve," staHe~ the \'.rrriter, "<j d II 1934 ..'1

' D ting thIs month in leaped front the waterline. l' enth~l,: ~ur ~e III bUY[n~"':the ~:e- . I 1~~5 tllf U iOll Pacific laid_.its. L~e!1>last. T~e tr:'lpped men w re~eH m~ s ~d subs nbmg tlhe I first ralis at Omaha. . I l.>lo\.....n eIther UP' into th~ l'jg'l!"ng

I ee wa;~ c rtamly not a desirel to I !Jutr ~-B l<e raqers gathered or into 'Ole' cold Atlantic. S~ 'g_, hear gov€: mnent pro aganda.{O'" I in! 'Om..aha t1is dDy in 189"1 for I gering" und~+r the blow that t 're" put go¥e~h~ent pleal1ihg int a: t th!e 3nn*::)1 'stnte r~\Ce.,. In her: slue, Ule Uni6n' \'~sscl 'k

,front pl.a e'm *r03iasting i n I Ij32 Cal~tai' '13onneyiUe led an quickly. 'us~rpat\(!l l1?t .to b justifie. e neditidn a '1'05:'; Nebraska and '1~J-ie Hunley, whose cre,~ ga n-

, • On.o caSlons th . king \.;:m ft.rbished m!5l.ter1.~1 for 'Wash- 'crI 'new supply of air only by~roa~c3st t? ,~h¢?ffi Ire; but ,or i~gt~m IIJ\'in 's "Ad"enmres of commg to the surf3ce, IU::ide 0 h-

':~ ~rI.me . mlskr s g ncral dr-c- CflPtain Bon ev'ille," , er attacks, Finally m 18G·! on• ~,:l~ 3tlOn ~ polIty, a Ih~k-u.pl, of .Tuh~ 4",:--lntlep.endence day ... ' one ~tf its \.Ten~urcs the Hun cy

.,tatnms an haJrdly beIJLL"tlf~Cd -nhls da~ m 1 54 the first formal dis,appeare4. Just what cau.,edunle$sl ls, opponcljlts" reF€!ve c~lebratlOns of Independence this sUbmaJ:ine to sink ifr-shn aequal eh nec. Ever;y hour' of dhy were h ld in Nebraska my<'tery I.

~~~~~~;~~~~~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=U~~~~l!!!~!!!!!~!!!rad~~.said~~'thepU~iC' t*ese~~glncllevu~~ah~ ~~~riMS~layedan,~-, ~O~ltl al propaganda s.hould Ibe apd Nebrask Clty ... The first tant part in the Wurld war, <tnd·, - _ -, _ I ' tl :,gldl b r~ed out. 'fhe .appe~ite qrcll~ pb~'e in Nebra~ka this . TIe\\' deve~opments in un l~r-

Districts Picl-! I' • , KI'llger; ~L John ~~~nl1a~I, L. IS an ms tiable one., Bemg opee day m !I8~9 at Bro\\'nvdle , .. water erattl continue to be m 'de.~ 1 Gr3mber~, .Jnmes Gri~~. ' I gIven th national radio to f~ed 'Iihe telegJ'ap to the \vest coast +-~'--=-=-=-7C-::----I+--1

: Schoo,lOfr:'''''ers DH:lriL't 63, Otto l'4a~", ~E'W. ' on, it will.become, ffiore ljind \~as complet.d this day in 1862.l"-' Maurice ~Hansen. M,r enOl .ffi?re vOlacious while eaeh,riew . i· . First Furth of July cele-

, ~ ,go,vernm nt succeelcts the last bl'ation in orthtvest Nebrask,a! Jones; 6. Henry Sel ~·er r

R"porls of Annual ,1M I 'Harry W rt, new, ·Au~s hun',' and, th name '~roadcasting "Vas at Cha ron ill 1886 ...I H eti.ng~ 69. Dale t"£'sc·ott. Ejni tte, Comrrfiss on' will b4come m~re- Fiirst nationa convention of the: e.ld in Wayne Co ty i Adolph Cl~ussen; 71, WIll. Knoll, ly a n~ti n.al jest under a propa- ~oPulistpart: was held in @ma..!

Middle of June John Grllh-, Herman!ThtJnI; 72 g~ndall ruster." , ' t~a this day ip 1892 ... This day


' Au mobiles AJ'!Few. I iJII 1927 Chie~ Eiltins. Unh'ersitylRE'-'por~~ Hf annual n eetings Albert S~s, John Finln'ine'\', J, The s all number f automo- qf Nebraska IIndi:m, set a new

han~ b L. Bush: ~3' Rudolph K,ra,i, Ches- bile, ads 'is, notable, i the Syd- A,merican dj",cathlon reco"d at.-l f'l'll re(,~l\'ed by ounty tel' H:ms€' 1. Emil TaI1

fW: 74, ""

;jUpt F' B. Deck€'r.' eS'ides End And rsol1. Antoni dersen, ney pap 1', Only thr or fbUr the natlona A.A.U. track and't.... osp ("('Ol'd"" 1_ t I tl I _.I "Bre fb d in the ~aI:e edition, ...iield meet ,'n Lincoln, I'~,. < ~lI, '-'~ wel';;:, le re- new. Lu.u er Ander~oll; 5, Ern- t"

SllltS. \\'lth dirf'L'tors, m eratoI'': est Schlt~~lS, Wolter: :n thtYisch, a~d ~ 'e e are Arne i?an makes ! July ~-Li colp was visited bY!,nd tre:lsurers na~e~ i order. IHan::. R.d.thwisch; 7fJ Glenn of ca s. A.n exami at~on of ;,>ie- ~ flood this day in 1908 when;,rf;' tiS follo"vs' 'Burnham~:, J. L, Dnv,'.<l, I.ador tures in booklets a the nef's- ~alt creek r n out of its banks~

I I' "[ paper how very few cars. ~ine were ead and hundredDistrir't I, Fred HarT('SO~, John .Kuhl: iiI: i Ed, Scnpllenberg, T' 'r, I

"- Tl rains, nterurbans and sbips omeless . , '. This day in .190eCorkilldale. Waltex tte; 3" LoUiS Rend in, 'Lloyd: "Bel).mer, appe~r, ost ofte~, ) I I "m. Ho\\'ardrTa~t, candidate fo

red BnmllTI€'ls. tIew, Awalt ne,\v: 81, has. Baird; Alonzo PI'lces quoted In the~YdneY bresident, sI;l ke in Lincoln. I

!~aus:er. Paul SChetlltICh;~' F:r;ed Soden, He 'man Reeg; 82, Gllbert r,apel: a in Ehglish oneY-I' $revert. Ernest Gn:"enW3 d, new. John~on" ei' S€jllon, d. R. Wat- p,--:unl:is: :hilPingl an~ pen, e, The· ,Ubmal'lfes Are 'lhert Gl'et?owald; Ed. IcQuis." ,tipI': 33,ILewis John1on, Mrs. l'()untI l- nf'arly $5 In ArPerican , ~

~n, P. E. MC'Glure, J. . M("~ .3ay H"ll;etler, A,xel ,~rfuth; 84, n'r-:1qy. adios' range ip priceI i I,· Old orm of 80 tul::';tan~ 11, Gus Df'~I\., AUguS~ Alex Eddit: Ern;est La~~en. John 1;00"\,3- ounds. 10 8hillings up. I. '- ..pe~glef' Henry Deck; 2, J3e Ottf"; 86, JAlbert Behmer, Fred Set.:; 'of furniture vary{ some I 'Plsas~ers He past month 11)re l'lckson. Frank NQvl' alp Ro) Jochens, Carl 3ichens~ 88, L, W. betn$ 1 to 24 pounds, ! Isubrnarmes b~longing to tl"le urum

' he nelfson; 16. Otto l Ulrl£-hj

Pov.-el"s, Itarol Quinh, Ralph gy;dn seems to h~ve Ii num- j ted State;;, Engl:md and Franclien lan KolL Aug. Bl'or~zynskll aeckehhnuer, .Ilj€'w. :,~ bel' lof ?tion picture t'heaJ~es i haye led the tbl~C to lnvestiga~(J. Henry Rethwisch' Eml~ <;inq. the pictures present mamly i more about ~lll.:> under~waBacbtt?Jn. n!"\.... ArnoI~ Vahl": DID YO(J KNq ,1 Americ n actors. "Three Srhart ,i craft. Subma mes ar~ ,mdeeq.

rkamp; ~l, Ro:y Near:,>[, Fred NcbraskOo's l'egi::;;la~\)i-e Iwa s Girls G w Up" features Deanna I \'e1';; old as ~ type of ShlP, b~tSchruedt'l". new, Aug. Meler- prond€'d ~or by': Oldt 0 .May 30. Durbin, u'tdan's Heri~ager' Jars. the~r use has Ideveloped only ~

x h~I1lY: ~2. II D. Lienem~nn, Ed- 1854. Thid designate' that a Jackie t@per and FreddIe, ar,7 mOle recent y~~rs, Iwin Ihulf'f J8me- B'I'g'! dt ('oun ....n oil 13., m b h Id tholome" "H'nolulu'" has' lea- ,The subm~nne dates fronjL

t ne\\I~: 2;, M~lrtlU L~~;(': J C ns ~~Ik~ be el'fldC'di ~o~·. t::ye~~ Slt;~s hal' Po ~11 a~d Robert YOl-mg .~620 '\:ith a ~·ess('l designed bykeLtn. n(>\\', C3rl pfe· fer: 27 <Jnd a hodse 10.( reprt,sentlatives ,"Dawn atl'ol" features· Eno ornelms va~ Drebel. supposed'IAdnlph I-Ien,;dlkf". Hpn·y Ttlr~ el(>C'tccI .f0l", OTW ye;Jl" 5~.OUld h<J\'e FIYnn,~sweethearts" ~tars'J~an to.hG\'e be€'n olv'rated by 1~'I nnw, Em!! Grf'\.p; 28j O~cal 26 memlwl"s. Annua ~ sessions ep€' MOl Donald and Nelson Ed rm~'ers at Ll ~C'?th of 15 feet forMallin. Fl,llf'!1Z Nwmann, ..'\.n- we're fot" 4~ d~ys, Me 'bers were dy. "E bassy" is advertised as a s:"eral hou~s In the Thame,s


dre1\. P Andel::en. I: pmd £3 a IdrlY and $3 :for f'w'ry film made ,in' France an rJ\'er. The first W3r \.Ise of sub'"20 I l( .Jf t a I·" tt' t "Pr,'nce Ed,,'a,-d" and othe'rc lea' marines "vas in 1776 when David

'., D1i:-tnd 31. R. H. T~ompson" nl 'S q r ve lnl:ge mg 0 .,.Nel~ Andt~n,en, new, Roy Y. and fmm the C'C'lpital ; , turing stars unfamiliar her ~ushnell's Tu~tle endea:'ored to!Da\llo,. 3:::!. \\',. .T. Bi.ll'elm n, Fred TCrl'ltorjaI gO\'f'rnots welre ap- Show Pre8e~ted must have been made in En smk the Enghsh wars.tup Eagle

bland. off New York. A gunpowder

ITarU1()\\ "IV F'. BiNman: 33, p"intNl by the IH'esid '~t. Francis FOJ. lTO'11lY Folks charge exploded m the \vaterpW), Te't. \V. L. Bnk r. Loui.s BUlt, fJr"ti telTltona governor, withoult damnr,e after the Turtle'I' t '" ~I[' I 13' 'f N an lvcod in I,Nebraska, ctober 16, CI lId ,I' h" t lh

Ires. ,)'t.:~ rf'( '!ler. en ~ b- . "I ren,,' 10 g;l prell a e had tried uns l{'cE'ssfully to at-4en. W L Wlf'l:md: 3,), Ibn'y 1854:. D';:-j\'id Eut1er,1 -first g,)\'- college auditorium Saturday aft- tach ~e ch:ngf> to the E3g1e'sSuehl Tom ]\.Illllg:m. Bf'rnard ernor of t~l(, state. Ibegan hLs 'ernoon enjoyed an €jntertai~ment bottom~with aJ sere\\'.SiJ1Jttgl'1!WI 3D. Murgaln Jane::;. dutIeS F'etiruary :::!O, I ~867, The ! presented by Miss q3~hr~'nTroy, ' ThE" story of the submarine ¥Rees RlcJL1His. George Johnston, s~1l3.ry of the territ~r~al gover- specUlli~:t \vith marilon€'ttes, from 'a deadly machine of war really

Ine\\': 38, J, L. Wilham!:, H. W, nors. "W3S $2.000 and ~hat of tht>- Chicago. , ' I ' began on the s~ill, moonless nigl~t

j' ~It~~1~l~;.. A~~.:~ P~~i~~l;~~~· ~r:r~ ,~~3~:tlf~~~;~~n~~s ~~7~O~ f~~~ ;~: Illsta-u~tor Chosen. ~~u~~b:~~dbt~ie;~~~il;~ q~~~ ,

Hornl1Y, 4~, John Ka~'. Em,} salary Elt $2.500. II' 1920 the I Miss Opal Granqlilist has been b d t h h t h r edi Eul'd, :\\Ig"U:;t Bl'udlgam: H. amount WllS raised t S7j500. elected to teach di~tnct 32. ~~i:f:s~~y ~~r~~s at~e ~~~p inI U;>m.,:ll d L Link., Mj's. Ge.:l. BegmnH).g ill 1889 thle state CharlestOi N C harbor It waS

OWf'l1 Llu.... d Murn·· ,Hi !\ug paid tlll' IT'l1t of a re ,idenee for '1 Teacher Elected.. , the Confelcterdte·' torped~ boat,, u."t F~ze~. ChffO;:d I Pa~ke7~ the goven}or. In 189 i the legis- MiJss Bernadine Meyer v..j.a.s' I Hunley, probiblY the only sub':'

Chn' \L,IS, nt'w; 49'1' Robert btur€' aPf)orilOnpd 25J)OO for eleded to teach distnct 26 n~xt marine in th world at thatM<Jr ,ll,d! Adolph PPl". kf'. Tpd Ow pUl·chasp and fu tmshLng of Yelir. time. It was about to attempt"\rendt. 50. Wm,.J. LobpR·g, Oro\"- ~Ul executivemanSJO~Th~'house,' what had bce~ tried only twicef'l ELI'~'" F"1:ll1k LUbeI;~;152. 1'. G. IS ,-;tJll tIl .. residencC' of the- gO\- Is Chosen 'I'eaclher. ~ before in all b,istory but never~tPpllt'lh. Dr A. Tt'""ley. \Vill ernor Llnd appropri'tlOns are Miss DOJlothy Lutt has b en yet accomplis?ted-thesinking,ofRE't:,. l~t'\\; :'i~. FrE'cl DrtmlTIP, made tft repatr and nnam'tam It. elected to teach dmtrict 4B 'or an enemy ship by underwaterGu~ H'lilfman. John Asmus, nev;; ThE' Npbraska sup~eme COUl·t next year. II attack.~-l. Ht'rlmfln Knp~tf'r. LlIlu\s Gub- had its origm m 18#4. It was ' A huge hullloorned up ~crossbeb, RoUi.'rt J:: ,hllH''': 55. Ah'i!1 prO\ Idt-d th"lt a chiefl':iustice and To New Sc!hool. II the Hunlev's bow. It was one ofJiJlllhPI1. \\'. J. Kken:<t1g, Ht'r;:try t\\"u J~~odate jUStlq~'s should Mis:;:; Bernlce Me~'er teac~e1j the Union' ships that had beenAndn"dn: 51, RaY'tia ble, .'\1-' compnse the court. q:i1se~ before, distnct 1;1 next year, She ~ad so stubborn, in blockadmg'"In G \\'ert. Han.... ranqltist; I tl1[' ('ourt became sp~ numerous been m No.2. I' Charleston halibor. "Full speed5!!, l.dl,l~ K8hl. Ch~rl '" D F:ll- that tilt' If'gi:o:lature q'f:1901 8uth- ahe3d," the captain otdered.nln. ]\11·". \\'m. R.f.lbe; 59, Mr,;. Ol"jU'd tll€' supreme F,?urt to ap- Elected for Term. i Comm:mder of' the Union "esselNlabel B~l.t'.d. Lee St~fer:,n~w, point nirw comm~sfioners to Miss Rachel Hansen has Heen saw the stromge craft movwg

~~l;~' :.ar.~: ~~{r~~~' ne ~,tt~~;; *~et~~:~1~~/,le~'~~~1r~du~:~ket., ~~~~:e:e~~~~~:h~dd~:~~e~n5~;~r ~~~a~:o ~:t~~~a~e~re~==-~-I'----- . .. ---~~~-~~


D:lethodi't Church. ,(Rev. Gerald R senbergel', pastot>

Sunday schoo~ at 10 a, m.Morning Worship at ll.l

1jAn offlcml bpard meeting Wtll~:gh:'~r;h~~ 2 frllowing the mor 1 -

The upper l'doms for the thirdquarter are ~lVai1able at thecHurch. I I

Trinity LUfhcran Church.(Rev, H. G'I Knaub, pastor)

Church sel'vi~es at 11 a. m, Sun-

,1both English and Ger an s rvices avnelast Siunday. . ..

I ' ~' I~' The Lad,es' Aid soci ty , ill bel (By $taf~corresp ndent)I· • '#'\, a I postponed a week, mee 'ng uly 12 Donna'I Gra quist senti FridayInSI 'e ~' ,lllsteacl of July 5, Mrs ace Mlll- and Sah~day at Nels Granquist's.

er WIll be hostess. Lois, .Bobbi a.nd darol Simoni~

~ . I th I • 'called on Mrs J. A. Uwi$ Friday" Miriam H' se LOese . BRENN afternoon.'

C 1 DIm. from t,w~ 0 coun ry will bi I Mrs. Walfr Carlson spent last' I I.'! I i I I II ~I~ (By Sta!:t: CorresD ndent) Wednesday e cuing in the Donald

, ~.~:7~1=1'1:!:O::;==lc:::=;:::i=1=[1'7""~"*"f'H:':'u=g:f:e"'s"'a"'n"'d9:J"'IPsff'j',I:+,bn"'a=lT-l,',f"'h"'e"'s"'otl ;;:;:='T~=F==f;'====7'ls"'id~e=:j:~~n~ti~1~J~9f.35~w=ten they w~nt Tl~:~daa~da~~;e~g~~~Koch spent ca~l:l~~l l~~r:t~IIatOld Corzine sPQIlt, " ' I - '" Carrpll ~~ , , to Herlnan, Neb. . ' Mr. and Mrs. Gilber Mau spent Friday aUern n in the, Walter

, ; I '"'- I M.ts.~Jun~ Idonger ,of Wayne, : Ml'S. Hov.cndICI{'~vas organIst at Sun.qay last "'(eek at H nry Mauls. Simonin hom., , spenlt TueSdd~Of last w-Jk with the St. PaL!1 Lutlleran chu'rch ,vhen J'oan and Fatty W rt spent q Bonnell Mil 'ke:n. spent last Wed-

f ., er M ~A H C!' t:'tf Rev. lIilpel"t first clme lq Winside, few days last week in the George nesday and T ursday in the Albertr.rr. _and IMrs. ~ick HaJllSeJl w

1e 1's. , . ~ et· and Mrs, H. H. Social, De~eased is sur wed by" her Wert home. Milliken hom.

'In Norfqlk! Satur ay. i Huf aker, : I " Benefit Card Party. htrsb nd, .Qne daughter, Frances Mrs, Henry Koch' spent last Gladys I Gra Quist and MildredMrs. vinson Miller 1J35 b n " M', and ~r . ~HenrY Carstens ,.nuite ill the pas~ week. and amily an rs. Wm. Koepke Artl~rican Le~on, AitxiUary Marla~, hfr nlot~e, ' Mn;, Pa~line week at Royal, Neb., with Mrs, Soehrler spent Thursday' afternoon.."'f Mr. and Mrs, G. A~rfittelstlldt weI' in, Blai~ 0 Friday to Mob.~ enteJ't~ined a" a 'benefIt card party nehmus of W InsIde, one sIster, Aage Nielsen. I with .i;'\lice Grone. . S t:were in 'Wayne ,*hl,:trsd~ • day ,:Vlth relqt ~s, , Monday even ng, Mrs.- !:ftrenry Loebsack of Wmside, Joan Wert spent fr m Monday 1 Mrs, MGry Hart spent trom a-

. Mrs, Julia overm~ rema os Wj.lter Ga~ e, II, accompanied and two broth~rs, Frank and Louis to Wednesday eve~ing aFt week at W'day un i1 Thursday last week in'~bout th~ same a~ J:l-er pme. his ather, I ~' 'Gaebler, ,to Lm- 1\1. E.ILadies Aid, Rehmus of WIlJ,sldf' Her father Adolph Baier's. I I the J; A. iLewis home. c

Mrs. H. c. H/ sen ~d Gur ey coIn Monda. alter will visit M, t, Ladi s' Aid had an all-day dil;d albout 10 ~e~l'~ ago, , Mrs. Charles Goebb rt visited Mrs, KermIt 'Corzine and Mrs.were i~ Wayne 1 s~we nesday, Merle GarrisQ nW Fnday, 'quilh~g Tue"day at the church, Thpse att~n:dIng the funeral Mrs, Susan Oliver Tu sday after- Ray l,Philtiin visited at Walter Sim~

Larry Pavenp j't,left Friday for , D~. and ro:J'S. ,L, Dltman \vere No h06t luncl eon was served. Iscrvicrs brslde$ th~:relut1Ves were noon last \~eek. -. on1O'$ Ff!day~eVenmg.I I C I b -' I d 1 ,f - Mr. and .Mrs. Ru y Thompson, Mr, ond Mrs, Mv'n ogel spent Mr. and Is Hal vey ReiboldChicago to visit' e IE\tiYE1s-a, wee Ii:. In 0 urn sl I mrs ay or a _ ., ~

Mr. and Mrs. ~y 'McMillan of veterinarIan tcliUiC. Dr. L, Collins, FOi' Adolph ohlff. Mrs. John Loellsac ! Mr. and Mrs Sunday evening last eek in the s'pent Thursd y I evening in theL f ' i J ,Wm. Loebs;lck,j lVJq and Mrs, Otto C 'I '1'1' , 1 Charles Fran),en home.Randolph, were nIWin~;ide,SatUr.. jI'" ~f Stantol~ ccomp:mied·them About 50 'elatlves and £pends G' f M' d Mt' Ott B' ' at lt~S lome. MJ 11 Pr d

day. ' Mir. and Mr;t'" Fl'~d Erickson and hdpe~ Adolpl Rohia cele?rate his m~~~l Mrl.'a~l~ 'iI\1l"s.\~rm. ~ls~~l~~~ ~rs. James Bair:I spent from Mr, and ~s. Russe yor anMrs. Olaf SW3 si=ln s¢E!nt Frida:y Bett~ Milli,k~ ;ve~e in Norfolk blrthdlay T csda~' evemng last M' jd M' A C C' bl . , la:,t Wednesday to Sat rday m the

' lOS it! "" d '''I TI I "M 1. a 1 IS.., Ta cr. 1.' tdl

B ' d hand Saturday in tle W. . m 1 ~IIU 'S ay a[ rpoon. ley a so wcck, After :1 soci~l tlmt'l, 1'5, I......J..- .L·r (ur orne.

, home. I visi~ed Wm. J~n,ke ~t the hospibl. Rohlf serve. I S 1\ • l R . I/', a~ Mrs. F, 1. Moses andThe lterdina d VtPss famil

1l\!lIr. and Mrtr·IR. Dorrallce of --:;U llistallt~a i alllS _ Bob ~isit a at Ernest S littgcrber;s

spent Sunday etening,' at Gen Fail/mont. carrie SUl1day to vlsit 111 Peg-away Clu l\ICels. Fall q't Winside Thul~sda eveniJp:g'. '

Carr's. I the~,HermauM, odo~ ron~e. 1'111". Peg~I\\'3Y clu~l inet 'fuesday Wi I slde recelve~.g7 of an inch t MI:~ ~n Mrs., L. G. Kocl~ wereMrs. Fr'ank: bangberg an Dol' 'anee is r. Po!'::. l'othe-r, nfterllooll WI h iVlI'S. Herman Po- ~ J .., d 12 J ThuIsddY evenmg ca leI'S 111 the

daughters moved 'into town last 'I'. and M~s, Gotthllf Jaeger dull for guc it day. Music and ~; I:lnc~r~~eg (0'1 1~lJ.e g'aug~nat l~~~ I"r~d Heier, sr., home.Thursday. I ' anti famIly £\fi~r. llnd M.rs. Chns g::lln('s \\'ere di\"erSlon. The club oJ. 1 1.'1 21\1 Mt·. and Mrs. Henr Reeg and

Mr. and ,I\'Jrs, W, 0'1 Smitq and Wei Ie and fa 11y ,vere guests at member', served luncheon. Gaeb~m & Nec~y sore, .Tu'll.e I 11e famIly were Thursd Iy eveningson! visited at H~l~ry Nelson's 'Sun- Her nan Ja lfr's Sunday dfter-, amo]nt \\ras. (,0 Ram was 19 lt gucst~ at Adam Bceg' .day evenihg, ~ f noo 'l 'l'1'inlty Aid tllntin~. abou foul' mJieiS s uth of Wll1slde, Bob Witte of Wmsld spent from

Bonnie Kello of Norfolk, is rs. Jen~I'e,S1fhrUl!nPfof Wayne, Tl'ltuty Ai( mC't last Wednesday aislo in a'~lnll1<l1l ~crntory about four Wednesday to 5:-1tut' 'ay in 'thespend'n'g tb,s ,'v ek in the Roland and', MISS a\fChr,~~mPf of Lm- 1111 c 11U, . , H G ' t I

' "llc""0011 ",t, the church for a, I <lny ranqUls 10m,Jotnson 110me. ' COi' spent nd~v With Mrs. "'. ~ ~ T dr. and Mrs. "+'eter,Jensen visit,- Ett Perrin' an, MISS c;.cltJude (]lltltl11g, The'g:rOll}) had an all day Ai 1 • S' [net Djclores Baird was a ues ay

.II" qUlllmg ag<lln yesterday. Each' lUI nl ,e ~ ove 'night guesl laft eek in theed ,in the Chester: Wylie homt.: at Bay s. ,l.. Off'· j., F"d 1\1 II ry B d 1 omPonca Sunday. rb Gorge rlIle1s!n dlf New "i'ork mcmbcl' brought a gucioL Covered' leerS ~,.l ay l]-"I'c','b"e',:t ~claeJrrs, No'm'an, Bid

M H 'I t C' I ~ I ~ 11 dIsh luncheon \\ as served. _L .r 1JJRev. and Mr, H. . I per lt~, na I na u31 { exammer, Winside hi~h school alumni and Delores were'ITh

rsday eve-called on Mr. aqd Mrs. 'Lowe Sat- sp,ent ~ron1 Fb ay Ito \tVednesday l\Irs, Bdght'flostess. ,1"so~iatlOn had\ a picn'c and busi- lling callers at Wid TEjst's.urday evei1ing. \Vltijl hiS pa e~t, :Nil'. and 1\lrs, I ~cssl mcctlnL~ l:~st ;rtd(iJy e~',enm~ Mrs. Hel1lY Schmitz. jr" and

Allen :Koch w$s at Fordyce Sun- J,ur~ell Nfelser.. ~ Mrs, !Fred rlght enterlained the 111 me Cll,Y P, ",'I' ,l,h~ OfflCnl.:1 s fm K,a",en called Friday ~orenoon inday on bu~mess" He is working R'C\", H. J'1. Iper was called to 1\1. B clu },"rtday afternoon. next, yea I ate, Vllg nta Tr ,utm~n, the Everett Lindsa.

vh me I

'th th REA Omaha orntng to see (j.ucsts \Vcre~ Mrs. J!"rank Bright. I I l\. d "'WI... E'. R 'I ' E ' I h '1\11'" l\llldred Witte and Eett~, Mrs, preSident: \'<1 'I I;, crson, <' ~'~ce }\uth Kqch and El, anal' ¥ae

lvIr"and Mrs, Rasmus asmus- Hr<:t, C{'l'\' owa3very J presldcllt, Gllbcltl Lr)..,elt. ,eclc,- Wtemersspentias~wekin theL.se~ spent l'~nday evenmg at Thor- Ill. ~e ..r to !Herman., Neb, b\\c",:~. MC,I,:"Y'I'" oCdsi~~~cl~hs~n t~~:mn~~lmgl~ Luy-treaSlirpr, DOT"',::"lj WRckel, G and Henry Ko~h h me.vald Jacobsen's. Friaay eveBlI~gt 1 .~ I"" hi,IQrJan: tktty Witte. tt,.l Je {,Onl- "'''60n,'. Moe ~,ornh"f,dt of O~a-

Mr. and Mrs Fred Siphley were Mr, and IMrs. Aa·t Ui'u111mond "cure (Jnze Tile hostess served a mlt\ee ~halrman: Ll,oyd ~allslrom, 1l"I~spent th; \\::;;k~e~ before la-l'tguests in the Nels Skovsende hom~ and family an~ IH. C, Hans~n spent Ullc-('ourse Ipncheon, Mrs, Cora pntqrtall1menl I' chaIrman, E~hpl Jl1 the Adolph Baier lome. '~unday evenmg. Tuesday ev~n!ilig l"a.'ft week 111 th~ Bl'odd cnteqalIls m two weeks. LevJis, ~tecoPitl,lon chalrlma,n. . Mr. and Mrs. Mar~i Lage and>.~iss Margaret Scribner ~pent Ma~rice,Han4e~ home for Larryis I - A~out 80 att~llded the PICnJC A , .TIlu d y' the W R SCrIbner fou~·th bIrthday' Busy Ifomerpalters ·Club. d81 ~e was held at Hoskins later daJgllter nSIted Su a,y, evenmghO'~~s a~ c~~roll. . , l\fr. and IVir·. M~Jrfce Hanset1 Busy' Hom makers club met Fri- in tj~e evening, IdsU week at, Ray Gam Ie s.

Mr. and lVII'S, Will Cary and andl sons, LaF and l1Jenms, and day aftcrllO n in the A. H, Traut- TI~e officers last year were Qeol'ge Nielsen of 1 New, YorkMrs. 1\1. Stiefvat¢r spent Sunday .Pete Hansen j\ ent to Nclligh 5at- \\€1l1 home \\ith Mrs. Trautwein NOrItis \Velble, preSIdent; Miss CI'y, spent the week,-end In theevening lilt Pilgerl., urdky to vIsi~ l ntll .sunda:y in the and MIS, E Bahe as hostesses. Bon-liie Anderson, \ice president: L. G. and Henry KOC1hhome. ,

Ella ,Koehlmoos of Pilger. and N, H. Hansen: orne, 1 M P<,'I I \. d 'sen Mrs Howard MiSS Dorothea LeWIS, secretary- Mrs Alvm ,:,"ogel ~ ent 1V!0ndayDarlene Graef spent the week-end :rv±iss Ethel. !LeWIS and J\lIiss Vil'- K~~ler'~n~ M~~, 'V, ~"'l "Mosl of trdsurer, of last week m the ~red Thunwith Etta Siphley.' gin~a Troutm~cl were in Wayne Wayne,l W('l e guesls, Pnzes m I' ,_~ hOll,1-e canng for the hI1dreh.

Mrs. Leb Jordan ~nd ·mfant son 'tho/sday afte~noon MISS Trout- bndge WE'n to Mrs. Kahler and 1 Quart~~t~ Sing. Hugo Splittgerber a d Bud',stilesreturned home last Thursday from malfl was an r,vernight guest In Mrs Otto raef, The hostesses lj"lrich-Strate q~lartette will sing returned to Van T sset ;Wyo.,a Norfolk hospital. tltelBen LewI~ orne, sl'l'\ed, Mrs Ben Benshoof euter- ovelr station WJAG, Norfolk, Sun-. Thursday after spen ing' al week

1\'11', andi Mrs, Laverh Lewis and Mr. and M'f· Ed, Damme of tams 111 Jul '. da~ afternoon from 4:15 to 4,45. heMrer" a / Mrs, Ernest S'PI"ttl~erberfafOl-ily were Sunday evening cal1- Siopx CIty~ ~p nt Sundar 1I1 lhe rfcI

ers at I!ouis Kahl's. Mr~. Mary Re[ and H. 5, MO!'les A I I p.. Brealts Arm Sunday. anq daughter were las Wed esdayM!'. and Mrs. ,Jam-fts :ij"els~n a~d hotpe. Ricliat.d Moses of Lmcoln, nnu~ ICDIC Mrs H. C. Hartsen fell Sunday afternoon callers at erett~Lind-

Eddie spent Thu"tsday evemng 111 wa~ a week.-en gue:...t. while picking cherries and broke say's. I!the WIll <;ary home. If.r. L. 12. I ittelstadt ,returned I PI S t d her right arm. She '.vas stariding lVIr. and Mrs, Carl Ttoutm~ and

,Mr. and Mrs. Rasmus Rasmus- Frifiay fro'm I Leavenworth, Kan, OS tar e on ,about a foot-high box. f'il-rpil,Y were this SU}d8Y ~nners~n visited at Da~'e Nelsen's last! He , stoppe<jl ml th€l G. A. Mittel- guests in the Cal Sh reI' h&me at

"\ :'-Vt;dned4cw evening. stadt hom~ f.1jd went to John I I, Has Opention. Hoskins.' N,1 Mrs. H{irry BaIrd and family Dn;lVsen's ~011 l1S family. ComthitteLs Meet Tueaday ,Wm, Janke came home Monday Mr, and lVII's, Joh B~rns ofr sp.ent Sunday ~t Carroll WIth *1'. and Mt's,·H,' E Siman, Miss To FixFAllowances for of ~ast week from a Norfolk 11os- SIOUX Clty, spent fron TUt$day to

fn~~s ~~ar~:~~~~cht returned ~~'~~~e ~~~r~ ~~d ~~~JM~~~C;;~~ A~~gu&t Event. pital and the ned morning Rev.It' '1 H 1M Eline took him back Thathome Thursday.t~'~mPIerce W lere wa ka, ne~r G!nwood, !\1111n" last Annual '~ayne county old set- same day undE!'l"went an opera-

she had b;en v~lt~ng. f W' 'd We nesday: ap returned ~unday, tlers~ picnic will be held at \W~n- tiom f' all blaJdder trouble, He'Laura ane dUlru; ~ ~ns~ e, ev. H. M.I ilpert attended the slde l'hur5<1lay, August 17. W. H. i covering 'nItcly, Rev, Hilpertsp.ent from Sun ay 0 e es ay co ference! o~ the North~ast dIS- Brune IS president; Fred Wittler, cal ed on Mr. Janke Thursday andWIth Beverly Benshoof.. k d tn t at L,-Uih\!me, Neb.,' Tuesday Ylce preSident: E. T. Warnemunde, SU~day evenmg.

Mr. and fvJrs. Fr~ .Enc son an of ast \ye~k. iRe called on Mr. and secretary-tI1easurel".iBetty MIlhken vI.sIted Sunday Mrs. JohnlRo.l1' at the old people's devemng at Har,ry Lindsay's " CtlmmlUees appointed T~ ayl' Mr. and MrS. Allen S-tolt~nberg hOl~e. f,: C\Tcnmfr of last week are: Fmance,~nd family of Carrolll spent Sun- *1':. fr n~t~leer and two .chil- C, B, Mi.3feidt and A, II. Tra\!lt-day in the Wm Mills home. drer and IS, arle HePllmel, the wein; dance. Fred Trampe, Frank

Miss Carrie Hansen, of m,tfolk, las~ of iN ,rf911 , went i Cedar WeIble, Roy Witte. Dr. R. E.and Emil Synovec of Pierce-, visit- R,apids, IIa!, Sa ~rday aft rnoon t,o Gorinley, 'I'11orvald Jacobsen;ed Sunday at/H. C. Hansen'~, VISit a weeki lth Mrs. ,eppnel' S pan'lde, Norris Weible, Mrs, VaHah

Miss Bessi~ and Delbert I Foote daughter. I WiUe, Fred: Wittler. Lavern Lewls;were SUrj.day;' afternoon and sup- Dr. a~lctl Mr~George ~' Moore b~n1il. Jea~ Boyd. G. A. Mlttel-per guests at

lW, B, Werner's. of St, I4o~is, la d Arlingt n PrInce stad1t. C. E. Needham; w<lter fight,

. Mrs. Chal~es .,oberts of Qmahal of Chiqagb, je Iled on WmsId~ EtscI Wil,'son, Hel}ry Nelson;spent from FrIday evening to Sun- friends IS~tUf'd Y afterndl n. They honieshoe, Ben Fenske. Samday in the Dave Leary home. " we~re 0* t~lelr ay to heyenne Reichert; speake~.. Walter Gaebler,

The Carl Ritze family spent auO! Demver.! ~I Dr. D. O. Craig, C" E. Benshoof;Sunday afternoon in the Walter IV,I:r. $'nci 11"$' Glenn ade and bac,eball, Dr, N. Ditman, NorrisHa.nsen horp~ ~t Martmsburg. daJgbt r jar'hJed last W dnesday We-ible, Ben Fen.ske, C. B. Mis-

e Mr. and' Mrs. Waldon Brugger from itist n1Saleml . C" to feldt: free ~,ttraetions, A. H. Traut­~d famlly: spent Sunday evening VIS~t Tiflabv sEarl W de, who 'NeIll, Roy Witte, Len Norling,In the Wo~ley Benshoof home. had beftn I th r II a week'i accom- Henry Fleer, S, Eo Porter; adver-, ,eMr. an1Mrs. Ferdmand Voss partied Ith~ 1 n Wadesl here. tisi!:tg, Wmf Mey.er and F. J. Dim~a. d f ·'1 isited in the George ,.j, I me~; mint sports, H., L. Neely,"l'l. a~ v '.. l'fTiss in.,.roth IBaird Wifl accom':- Lavern Le is. Dr. Ditman, Supt.~oll hom Thursday evenmg, pany'ru:w\ and IMrs. J. E., Wylie of

Mr, "'If. M:s. Ehlers and ~ B;'welt to west COftst. They 6'r::f;w~~g~~S;i~~:,1~~.~~tN~i~~find Mrs. w~~e Thompson ~ane lea. e nex~ Mo day" MISS Dorothy ligljtmg, Lloyd Hallstrom and Ottoat-G. A-, ewlS Sunday evemng. Wi~ remain U 'iI fall and return

Mr, and Mr5. John Rohlf"f! and wi h Mr. and rs. Haro1d Ander- Graef. IfamilY] Altona, spent SlJ-nd~y so who ~re CI ning for la visit. r ThiS Tuesday evening the com-afternoo in the T. J. Pryor llome, ' 1 ~ ~Iu;ees met and made financial

Mr, a d Mrs, Hubert Fleer and *rs Gt A WlS WIll leave thIS allowances for each c<!lmmittee,Charles f Laurel, were Sunday Fr~day ~ Sat rday fo~ Denvel, ~ i __,dinner uests at Herman FIEkr's, Frc!lm th rf S and her slstel go ~~ k f H~

Mr. a Id Mrs. ;ErVIn Hageman to Califo tha'.1 pregon and Wash- ·C'O rseand sof were, Sunday dinner mgtop to "'S>1~'eJolives ~rs Hm· ' Iguests i the Fretl Wittler hbme. ol~ Th~ pson f Zumbr ta, Mmn , pi F I

Mr, a ld Mrs,c'Burt Lewis and W't stO$1at "ewls' wille M1S : roves ataMrs. G raId Hicks spent 'Sumday Le IS Js one.afternodn in the 0-. A. Lewis \lome, r an MJs. Glenn vrade, Earl

Wade ~l Mil'S Wm Wade wentto J=tocre ter,I'Mmn, FrrJay Glenn




ForRestRe.sults Use •..•

• Treated to insure

greater strength and

protection against



rCity ~OSPi~llll receiving carel~ for Carroll, is ~~siting in Ohio. • . ~abboons and ~.nakes. ~f course i\'~'

C II D hi' 1fTh W ~ ~ IdiJlung mfectlO~. His case is sai~ "to Mrs. James.lf.ar~onwen~t tp Se~t- ~~es ~ot glaa~ .o~en at the b,e-arro ePart I ~ , be only the Isecond of its ~ind tle for· a l/ls~t • ~ • W. E. Behm,er ~vlldermg e tbttion of female~In 0 e I ay a eral I treated there~ Mrs. Bruggerna!h is of Hoskins, and Miss Wilhelrniha !beauties in pi k tight~ and he seiL

- ~ ~ I I I with h¢1. ,I ~ Kruger of Pilger, wery married dam ,peeks ill! forbidden ten~..; I I I I I I- I I' 1-_. Ij June 30,'1903 .. '. Dr. B'IMcln~yre lYe", a bob-ta'led, elephant will

Dorothy HUfe ~ybe!,lr of the Herald Staf i. editor 01 this depa~tmen : she will Vilft Carroll every Monday. Team' Ranks High. 1 has started to practice medieme, serve a, an a' tidote for the ,in 'fAny news contrlbubon~ to these columna, will ~e gladly received by er. 5he isl al 0 authori~ed to receive I Th.e T~e1l4 softoall teaJ at his.' o~fice being l.n the State ban~;. :~?ing to see t ese wicked circu _new or renewal aubacrlptona. I I. r I' Leavenworth,i Kan., organize~ by bU~ldmg ... Mr. and Ml:S, ~. l!:. hders.

~L , 411 - I, I " (f. Trella Mrrris·i Winegar with IJ1iem-1 M~son of Stanton, .and MISS Mary '--'- _~ - • .bers Df her dallcing school, tool~ the M~so.n a:e attendmg a. teachers'

'liJ10C~"'A 'cr' assistirng

in 'care Q~ Mr. Paulsen, . aCETY Buc~ travel, by house-truck] and lead Jh the eity girls' tournagIcnt m~tlng In Boston ... TheOdore,. left Ytedne~~a~ last week. will go to Minnesota lakes p.tter last week. TI·hlIa·s team ha§ si'x Mitdner and wife arriVed from

. The famlhe, of . S. :"1t1itney, Igoing to Valentine and Elk F!oin.t. victories and ~me defeat: ,; Germany for ~ visit with the for-

Ed. Kenny has ,8 new caIj. ~~~s~nL=h~~~6t r?fmwmheltl' ~ A·hHd· sociJl~' t i', He ,Plans to go to -Texas .fo~ the' -- ~. ~:~'~a~fyth.e~,.T~:r:~~tyM~~~nge~~Don Bnnk has a new C!iiI·.·' 13 e 1 nl'Y a . I

WIner, . i ICH YRCH E~JpiCfilC supper ~Uild ly at thr parle. Delta ~ek ~leets July 7 \ itp. ,_ I' a new flag which will sOl?n float edited by the ¥-. W. Murray fa _

.W~~~e s~~~~~a'y~l1ers w~re in R(j'v. C..K Flredri 'ksen al[ld Rev. Mrs .. LeVI ~ob,grts.. ; ICathoUc Aid1Meets. I ,'I from the newly palllted staff on iIy for 50 years.1<'. C. Doctor, the lattqr M near Ce,ntral SOCial cllcle m~ets uly I CatholIc 'd met Thursday with , I. the court house ... Rev. and Mrs. Miss canda~e Bowman of Wis-The Bf'n FiemiJ1gs were in \" " [I 'I C I U I j' ,~ayne, retur~ed 110m Lo~'isville, u WI 1 n rs, eCl .......ens e,l',.. Ml·S. M. W, !Ahern and Mrs',Ps.ul Peter Birrell, the former pastor ner, and Warr f,' Scherer of Pilger,\Yaync Saturday. 't" M M k,[; Ia M .~ ••ist Oh-_L I

Neb., Wh!:'TC t ey a1tended confer_ erry a. ,..1'8 p n a plem . at IBroeker at the former's ,orne. ewl/UU ,u:l'CU. II of the Presbyterian church, have were married, ne 16.Th~' Ed. Kenny family "',vent to cnee, Thursda . the ~lolm Gner home the eve mg IGuests werelMrs. DoweLoyej Mrs. (RE:v. Ailen Magill, pasto~) gone to Canada for a va~,9.tion.,.' !\'Irs. Julia ute, 83, resident of

Norfolk Thursday. The Hermaf. Br~ckr'min$ spent of the Fourthr I Grace Jones! Mrs. Max BrUlili~am SUhday sch!ool at 10. ~, ~xplosion of a l,.eg of pO~der used WIsner many ears, died in' LonghO~:lPf~)l~~ll:~ll~f~~':'of Waype, was Sunday in the mil btte hOIhe near Goldenrod ~lub members ~nd and Mrs, D. J. Davis. Luncheon Worship at: 11. '~for some blasting caused the death Beach, CaliL. June 15.

,Wa~'ne,l'he B'ockJatlianli W.o.' thei: fami.lies plan a picnic ,I at I,closed ~ business and 'socia~ ses· -- r, of Henry Laymen of ~.ratford, Dixon county budget for theGeo. Lmn was a Sunday guest ISmlths "\.....cre a Har~Y,~lsd1YS that WaJ'ne pa~k ne:ct Sunday. I sion. Mrs. Harry Denesia and Mrs, ~ng:regjMionaJ. Ch'Unrh,~ Wash., formerly of Wayne county, coming year has been estimated at

in the Le\'l Roberts home, evening, I ~ , Methodist Aid :r:neets JUly 5 Ed. Kenny entertain in two weelt:s ServIces SUlnday at 9:30. iS~day June 25, 1903 ... Robert Mellor $75,284 which is $487 less thanThl.:' Perry Johnsons were at M1'. and M~s. C ris Maas were \Vh.en ~rs .. Jay Drake an,d Mrs. at Denesia's. school afterw~rd. ,~ bought a home ill Colorado Sprlllgs last year'¥. I

Gus' Paulsen·s Sunday evening. at Clifford Patker' Sunday afterN DaISy IPIPPltt are host(jsses. I _ r \ ~. Ladies' Aidlmeelts this Thuli.sday, where hiS fanuly WIll spend the Miss Dorothy Blllerbeck of Os-The Le\VlS Johnson~ were at ,noon. Mt. anq.: Mrs Arthur Glass' ,I - Friendly Neighbor Club. t' Jun~ 29, at ttl church parlc'lr~. Pot sununers. mond, arld Leo Iw!ldhalm of Plerce~

A!<.el 'Smith':; Thursday e ....ening. were at Parke'r's onday evening Wr ,Social, ' 'Ph Frien~lY 'Neighbor' cllilb was luck luncheo will be servedJ From the Ponca Journal for were m~lrned June 21 and willllve!\It'. and I\lr~ Dale BrugSF' were last 'week.. With l1i. Do!' Brink. 'II organized at the home ~ oir' Mrs. I ,--,_: ~ July 4 IB'JB The Missoun flver at Wlsn~r. I

at Han;y Denesla'~ ~llnday ffVElning. Dr, J. Guy ITuck I' of Milligan. .Co tf.act club m~t TU~day ~'Ve_1 .yvorley ,Ben hoofl'June 8.'QIticen; - 'St. Paul •.ildJ1Jtiran CIt". IS s10~lY falling, though It IS still Dr. ar)d Mrs~ D. M. DeWalt an II;<.k,;.; Vt'l"vnct Fcur.son, smenl and the McrlJ' Ma;ee family of nmg WIth Mrs. Don Brmk. ,I elected' are/1Iprdidcnt, Mrs. Otto fRey. c. E. IFre~.cksenl:p~stor} high and IS domg great damage son of WIsner, escaped InJury Sun

TJl\lr~lii1Y t:\TIHng at "\1m. Swanr Wayne, wen! Sund~y gUC:rtB at El- .. - , 'Koch; leaderllA, Mrs. Worley Ben. , Ladles' Ai~ me wednes~y at If the MISSOUrJ, cortbnues to cut as day last weekll when a blowollson·s. gin Tucker's. pro T~c~er ,al:lo VIS- Kn.l'tt~ Club... I sho.of; leade~ B, Mrs. Wesl~y Ru. the' chul'ch p~rlo s. Mr$.; 4}lbert It has lately, the government will ;eaused theu' c~1- to tUln over nea

MoIlle l\IJ.e Lage spent Saturdny itcd Joy Tucklrs. I Kmttmg dpb met Tuesday Ilas~ .beck; sec~tary_treasurer; Mrs. Hmt~ served~ I g have to hunt for Nebrjaska and Scotia Ini~hti and Sunday \.vith Margaret Mr. and Mr . Ed. 'Bokemper and week WIth M~s, J.oiY Tucker. Mrs. Dale Brugge~; reading leader, Mrs, Church COll cil nd finanjce eom- 'Iowa in the Gulf of Mexico. .. Curb and gutter on north anEddi~. family of ~a efll~.JJ~ M1". aJ'ld Mrs. A. Texlcy entertams July 18. ,'Cliff SmIth; Inews reporteli, Mrs. mittee'meE1t riday evening ~t 8. VermillOn has suffered gre~tly ,south ~tceets !west of the co~r

He\' Allen !\Iagill, had Sunday Perry Johnson. and101\ were Sun- . J' - Harry Kind r. The next meeting Sunday; 'Su day school I a~ 9:45;· from the encroachments of, old 'house In Pender ~re prog~essmdirm1r \\ lth thE' Truman DDyks at day dmner guests of Mr. and Mrs, Entertams ~~1l1U11'Sda3" will be In ugust with Mrs. Dale German I' serv~ce at 9:45; Elnglish muddy during the high water. The well an~graVTl will be added tWay$e, . Clarence Jqhl·on, il Mrs. ~erry Johns~n entertain~.d Brugger., . service at 10 ~O. ~ I railroad has been moved pack ;the ~tre ts. I. •

The W. R. Scribnrrs had Sun- _Mrs. Geo. 'askil and 1\11'. and 30 relatlvc:Jand fnends conrpl1- J _ Walther League meets Ju!y 6. three times and will have to he '! MlSS na ¥ane stanton, forda:v dmner at Hotel Stratton 'in Mrs. Jolm Sh nnonl we~e i!n Nor- mentary to lv~rs. Clarence Joh~son. Celebrate Bfthday. ~ ~ , moved again ... An Omaha paper 1i'11er W~yne s~udent, and Luth,}\Vayne. ' folk. Sa~urda . Dart oifuannon re- I - In a group going to the George Presbyterian Obur()lh~ says: "A Cr:1W attacks a womah- ,oUenhurg of ~~ke, Iowa, for

Mr. and 1\11'::::. Henry Bush were turned there ffer spending a week PJeaswnt H()u~ Club. H. Reuter hom~ &unday' evening (Rev. R L IWllhams. pa~tor) tosses her into' the air-and is ifl1erly of BlooFleld, . weFe martin tt(' A. C. Sah~ home SU~day at John Shan on's. I ' The Pleas1nt Hour club m~t for Neal's &e,cond birthday were Preachmg. at 10 a. m Nttlte th~ picked up in an insensible condi- ined June 1~. , _evening. 1\11'. and M s. Jess }-}:enrickson With Mrs. Elsie Rieland l~$t Mr. and Mnsl Gust Johnson and ch~n,ge of h~e. Sunday f;iCro01 at, tion." Tough on the cow. She'll :. Pender faIr m-ounds have bee' M s .Tnhn Gettman called on and daug-hterbf Os~ge, id,y..·a, spent Tl~ursday. M s. J. P. Timlin enlr Ruth, Mr. a~d Mrs. Art Campbell, 11.45.. '. I ~ : 1 know better next time ... An au- Improved by rWPA h~IP. ThMrs. Wilson MIller <.1t WInside, a few days l~st w~ek ~·ith Mro'). teitall1S July 6, , I Mr. and Mrs ' Irvin Vahlkamp and Evenmg &,eJivl~e at 7;~0~ BI~lel burn-haired gentleman r'epresent_!igrandstand haj:; been raIsed aO

JSaturday. HenrIckson's parent~, Mr.land Mrs. ' - ~ family, Mr. ~nd Mrs. Fred Vahl- schoPl e~e~c~se, In .chargf1 ~f Missl ing a newspaper was sashaying Isome .new seats added. Th

Miss Hannah Mills of Winside, Claude Baile)j, herd II Aid un. n'~n/esdaY1 kamp, Mr. alljd Mrs. Frank Bru- Mary Wlll1al~S, WIll be g~veo at d t wn like death on a pale Ib:,tll dlamond I has been movesp~nt FI-icla;r night in the IDowe I Mr. and M~S' H. \H. Honey and Bap.hst AId post~on_ed last wee digam, Mr. and Mrs. AdQlph that tim~. I , & .' ~&~~; H~ reared and pranced and doser to the glandstand.Lo....e home. I family were eXije~e~ h[lme th1s by ram. wasl held I'Wednesday a ClausS€n and family, Mr. and Mrs. ~estml~ste.GUl.ld me~t~ thIS r~pped and' tore and pawed and Mrs. Roland Vinckel died in Ar

The Ed Rl}th\\lSch famIly had week from C lifornia, '!1hey had the church palrlors. Mrs. Floyd An-I Geo. Reuter t 'lr., of Wayne, Mrs. Fn~a~ WIth Whss Mary. ~llw.ms. bellowed for several days and then lmgton June 20 at the age of 3"SunqdY dHm(,l III the Harold Stol- shortened thtO\ll triJ beca~se Mrs drews \vas hOlstess. , , Tom Lute and; Lela, and Ward Assllstmg her ~re ~~s. Evan B:a~-c folded up his flapping auricles Mr. Vinckel, Wayne graduate alitenbeIg hume ~ Honey \\.'8S nqt welll -~ I Lyons of Laur'el, M1'. and Mrs, er, Mr~, GutnFY Pl"1nc~ aid MISS and. disappeared from mortal furmer resident .of Randolph, ha\ ,The Roy Lande-ngers were In the Ml and Mrs JoHn Ga~.I11. Mr. Ha~ Wedding Da • Herbert Reuter

lMr. and Mrs. John Elva ~lS~~r,. . ~ view. And now several still, small headed the AI1hngton school f

Carll Paulsen home Tuesday eve- and M1S Johh R J~nes a d D1Ck, Mr. and Mrs, Nor an Clark, whol Kay and Johnnie Eugene of Ladles AId met Wedn,erday at voices are asking for the gent with 11 years. I I ~mdi, 18",t \\eek and Mr and -l\'1ls.l$d Imstead were marrIed recently, gave a Wayne. Prizles'in cards went to the :.church ~arlors. :tyItt.~ E..J .. the.lric~-red hair. Hi~ ~as .bill Mrs, L, J. Si~rk of Jacks~n, v:

l\.[~ and I.\.Ir<: \V;:tlt€'l Bredemeyer \'iere Sund<lYI guestsl ~n the Henry dane: at the hall :pere Thursdayl Herbert Reuteq Miss Lute, Frank DaVIS, Mr~. Ellz~~eth Wllh~ms and criet to heaven for lIqUIdation, elected chainnan of the executlvsp€:'nlt Sundav \\ Ith Lester Brede- SchmitZ", JI , home a~ Way1ne evemng for fnends: I Brudigam and Mrs, Kay. Mrs. 11'- Mrs. Edwm 'DavIs served:! . _ I

bute red-headed man answer- board of.' the Iint,?rstate Conte

meyer Elt Ponca I Mr and Mts Madrin VIctor and .. I vin Vahlkamp l)aked the bitthday I, ; jeth not. He is the lost sheep, and ence of Farm IWomen at Siou I;::;:==::~Re\ R ,L WIlham" and farruly son of Wayn1 c:pent mhUls~ay aft- Far Jaroce .Jenkins. . \ cake ~erved :with luncheon.' Early I])ays In ,1 if he should return and se~.tl~ .up City Wednesda)f 1aft week, 400 w~

\.\ E;;l e <"It \\ m PIltchard s Mphday elnoon at yeo Wacker s The The LeWIS J?hnson fa!Inlly spent I ,'i Ithere would be more reJOlcmg men attending, Mr~. John Plante _e\ enmg ld~t week, IWacker", \ ISlted thalt, evJIllng at Monday e\·enmg last week at C I W"ll Make Waylle CO!UJlty ,than over ninetYI. and n~ne re.gular berg of Emerson, is, a ne~ memb r

I\Ir5 Wm. Swanson and daugh- John Rosackfr's ndr 1Waltefield. Louis .JenkInS' for Janice's 5th OUp e' t Early. Days from the ~ Wayne patrons ... Th: slbux CIty TrIbune of the board. , Iters. called W€'Clnesday"last week Rev. C. E. Fredric~han and fam- birthday. Ice crcam and cake were Home I in Norfolk H Id f i 28 19?3" j remarks that 111 thes~ degen:rate Damage actions growmglout f

at V>ctOl Johnson's, ' ill' went to B!oomli1d Sunday served, Miss Grace Tlmm, daughter 01 e{;.~nsido: I~~~ wakeilJld are daY',a mighty I/,w a01mal, WIll go an accident last FebrUarYI .w~ e

01 ~~~~:t~~,~~':ie~~;;;; e:;~~:'i'~ ;:~~~alh;.~:r~~e:~Jues~;':::ls~~ovn For Jmte Whitney_ ~~i,::~ ~~S'G~~~rga~~rr;,r;';~rio~~~ ~~u~~~~gWi~:il~~r\~;~~n~avJ~~e~~ :~a~';;;~~:~;:;~YSa'::d anhi~~cu';;',O~~~ ~:::\ ~~ ~~:~retCO~~:~n~:~S~I t\\'arne thk "lrmmE'r. Geo. PuJJrnar's at W~usa, m the Mrs. Chas. Whitney entertained were married Tulesday, June 20. in mond 'band playing and~provide people, gOlllg to the ~Ircus. Of Walter Lorenzen agamst Hie De p

I'.lr flI1d 1\11"50. Wayne Imel of evening. " , . Saturday for June's 12th birthday C 1 bu Th 'will live in Nor a parade 01 Iloals, dance,:~.aseba'II, course the de~cpn doesn t go to the. Rock oil corporation, Leon ;nou _WIl1~ld{'. v,'ere S\lnday guests in /roleo Mae bavis sp'"gt last ,week (If Sunday., Miss Wilma Gemmell 10oIkum"'h'e'r·e MerY, \Car,·g operates a- - It' h tl'ie tre for anv rea I J b L

...., I;; 'v wrestling and fireworks. ic cC!:nvas amp I, a - erty, Roskop gar~ge, aco, a _thl.:' Lmm Jenkms home. with her aUht, Mrsr rifflth Ed- helped provide games for 20 girls truck transfer. II d 'n b f t d son except tlQistudy the wonders rance and FrancIs Roskopf. M .1\Ir. and J\lr::. Dm:e Nelson ~nd -wards. She acco~Pfmied Mrs. and luncheon was served. , ~ f.a~~ e .~~ e e~ ure t of nature and'the animals. It's not Lorenzen asks $10,423 and .

Noreta of Wayne, .sp:ht Sun ay Griffith Edwards. J'l.iir~. Dave Ed- 'Good Rain~ Come : ~e eb~: ~onl?er:~r~a the jokes of the Flown he. laughs Lorenzen $29,590. Plaintiffs claie\'f'nlng at .John Gncr s. wards and Miss Sar;lli, Edwards to Entertains ClUb. a~ c:mpaa~gn ,i~~tarted at but the antics +bf the r~l~?SCer- that their car, being towed'in. w s

1\1r. and NIl'S. H.~. Neely and Norfolk Tue$day. i W~~~ ~~~ T~~'~~~Y ~~t~:t:si~~~ To Th·s Vicinity endowment fund of $2 ous. Who, would dare msmuatei ,allowed to break .loose Ifrom a~~~~~ ,:~'I~E'12~ien~~~~~ Sunday at ~~'.' J~l~g~::·~~ar~,~:Ul~~n:~*;e~bridge. Prizes went, t6 Mrs. Don Rains SaturdaYI~night and 'Sun- imcome of which will that he goes for any other purpose, wrecker and c*ash mto a tonere e

],~Ir. ~nd :vrl'<; ... ~ Ben Lueken and and at Ro/ Landa~ger·s Sunday BI'ink, Mrs. Nolan Holekamp and' day brought 1.2 i ches of rain to decorate grav~s of ve than to see the parrots, the cunning I culvert, injur~g them.daughter of MCldu::on. "pent Sun- aftel'nDon aJd evenl'ng. Tl-'e Paul- Mrs. Walter Bredemeyer. Mrs. Carroll. The Satur ay rain was 1.1 foreign soiL Nebraska's ••••••••1111••••••••••••••••••••••••

" ", d S nd 1 TI;e amount was $4,975, ".............. ,Iday \\"1t11 tlw Ed MurnlIs. st'ns took home Wilva J"enklms who Hplekarnp entertains July 14. an u I ay .. ib<ti\lr 1' .•lane LEdwards. Miss Eleanor had been at ~heir home two weeks. For Tw{) BirthdayS. ~~~~;~;,~eu~~~~l~~ av~~~:~~~~c~~~ ba~~:: ~~~~h~~S ~: ~~irt~gt~e:: 5

~:~~~ ~11l~~~ ~~ll~~l.:~a~h:\~~~~~.Jen- G{)~~~~ ~~:.: ~'~~~~:dW~~tt~~:~ ~~ BrMUdrISg'aMm. We.nAhte:[~i:endd 1\1;:- ~~~ ~it~h.~~e~;:~~ m S~::~~Oeg:t::~ ~~~:~~l: ~~~. J. F, Jeffrie~_.' readY-I =..SuPt. r,:\ H, .Jensen and .familY spend the su~mer lin tlhe John

called 0n Mr:-< Allen Mag111 and Davis home. She wm teach in Ahern homE1 Saturday: afternoon' ~his Mo ,ave featly improv- A son was born to Mr.' ~nd Mrs.•infant son ('It Wayne Sunday., Goble again ne~t yeilr:~md plans to for the birtI!ldays of Billie Ahern ed crop prospects. Henry Hachmeier June 21J1923. I:

1\lr and Mrs. A R. VanFossen stop at San Francisco enroute and Donald Brudlgarn. Women of --- A daughter was bdr~ to~Mr. and I:and! two !~ons were Sunday dinner tbere.' the neigh bot-hood ahd their chil- Rain Baits p<moort. Mrs. Charles Meyer, ]1'., une 5, l' "

gu,psts in the O. L. Black horne. . Mr. and Mrs. Olaf,S1.vansbn, Mrs. dren were gUests. Rain Saturday night halted the 1923. :MrO' Ellls .Tones and the Wm, Lars Larsen, Erne1 and Arthur band concert. A daughter was born, ne 26, I •. h d t . U- Alb t " H H~' D . I ---........... 1923. to Mr, ,and ~rs. RobertI.Pntc ar s \\"el"e a Ie er were Sunday dinne guests in the 'OMTIOr.r all~d,.,.·'rs."".GuS,Ita.J,ohnson and Lions Club IM-...ets. . Prince of southw.est of.,Jef'UnS home Thursday evening. Wm, Swanson hom! pscar Swan- ~ ~.~

11 and Mrs. M. W. Ahern and sons were afternooh caUhs and Ruth, Mr. a d Mrs. D'flle Brugger, . Lions club held alregular meet- a Rmoelmliebe~·oLlel'thl]easS~:e i:~1Bi, lie \"'C'rE' 10 the Paul Broeker Edgar Swansons w~re evenmg Chester Rei \;e5, Eunice and La-y.r- I mg Tuesday.~

home Monday e\'cning last week. guests. raenndcel'amMlrl,y' awnden~rtso' Ctah:l ~;~ny , , Town Boa.rd~, Meet. cO~f:~~~O~'vans, 16, dal ter of IMr. and Mrs. D.: Hall of W~ync, Mrs. J. C. Woods ,Bjnd ~argaret I'

,n're Thursd8Y evcnJt'J.g d1l1n~r went to Wayne Monlq~ymorning to Denesia hOlpe Thursday evening I. TCJwn board has iregular meet- Henry Evans of Bloo5field and,guests of M1'. and .Mrs. M, 1. 8WI- takc Lavern Rae Garwoqd that to help Mr. Denesia celebrate hi~ Img next week.: i~~r;erIY of Wayne, die, rune :3, i

hart *' d B I I I far on her Ifeturn t~ ]WaltJj'llll. ,La- birthday. I _ Orews Leave:1Can'oll. Frank Noelle and faffi1,~ly have IMr and Mrs r re ar e s 0 ve~. had spen~ l~st' week here,' l I r

"Vayne. n,:;ited Mq. Margaret Pet- co ing with Mrs. G-lenn $nrwoc'ld BirthdIay Dinner. I Railroad crews ra,sing the grade arrived from Germany Where Mr.,er~ and Mr. nnd Mrs. H. C. Bartels and other dhildr'en ~~.Lo wI,ere here NIl'. and n'rs. Wm. Sundahl and,i rwe.st of Carroll, left!the last of the Noelle had been Since~19l1. ,Mr. He

'1"11 ek Noelle came to this c ~ntry inl DEMAND GENUINE ISll~~.;~~ Lmn is 'trcnoeling for a fro 's~u~~;':ht~o':ftct~:~9~' Mis- famIly, Hal' y Ohler and Leonardi we. -----+ 1890 and became natu aiized. Hel B~NDER REPAIRS

~ ~ti" Sundahl of adlson, Mr. and Mrs!' Pig Club to Meet went back to marry t e girl ofschool supply company t.his sum- sou i Valle, Iowa,!, iaJnd d,aurl-hter, Eric Cook rnd 'Bud, 'Norma and 'tl' tK

• , The 4 H pIg clu meets nex ~:·S~~~I·~~ :;:inlobuenc~~he "'~, tGoerdmoaSno'l '~'EYER f:1 BieBELmer. Yl~ltlDg plFlces In nox Mr~. Herb~rt FttZ!, ~ridlJ of Nor- Duane Qtte were Sunday dinner - ~:coun1y. fol , spent Thur~da ' Iwit~ the for- guests at A~'red Cookl's at Laure;'1 Tubsctar at the ~ohn Gettman I~

Mrs. Ed. Tr;lut\vein, Mrs. A. H. me's sister, Mr. ::Rbbeh Eddie. for the birt1days of Mrs. Sundahl home. , citiz,n. He did and-theln!the wal'l I . \ 'J('nsen anti famlly land June Whit- Oth r guests th re Cj:'ert!- Mr. and and AlII'ed oak. <-~, brok~ out. He and hiS~ lVife and I, " ••••••••

I W d d t Undergoes ~'tion. five chIldren have com ltere andl, ••••••1 ••••••••••••••••• 11;••••••••••••Dey were In \Vayne e nes ay Mrs. Hans!' Re. w', h, ' .Mr. and •

last \v('ck. _ Mr . Alex jEddl ampl ratllY, Mrs. For Bridal loouPl'e. Tom Littleton un erwent an op- Mr. Noene will have hi, ~erican ••••••••••B••••II.III!1•••••••••••••••••••••••~••G '" Y" t d * eration for appendieitis Sunday at citizenship restored. I;, ' •Mrs. . ~~. qryan , re urne Art ur La~e anq. c~~~dre. I j Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Jones ente~- _

Thursday after Ispendmg two uests ih the iWm Subdahl tamed at dmner Thursday eveninf. a Wayne hospital. !I J. M. Mohr, residentj dJ Wayne.1 lh R Y h e ',1, " 25 years, died June 23, .03, at the •\,,ree_{;; In e oss aryan am hOI.eSundfyevenim~lfollicecreamfor their~aUghter and husban, , age of 51- !'ft I :

at~orfol~. d' I f W arr~ cake were M~r·.4ndIMrs. Eric Mr. and rs. Donald Roman M q:;usp~~::~~~~w~~Omaha Albert Trl!.lUtman larid


ame re I'll' {son 0 ayne, Codk and Bud, ~P1a aJnd Duane Norfolk, w 0 were married 18f t last week Wednesday lor cheek D th P I I l' II.t th eek Bnd \vlth her!' oro y au sen 0 n a11i arro,.spe,new.- . '. O~t, Gilbert 8,m ,a~ll, ~ens IJOI'- ~veek, Mem ers of ~he Jone~ fam- over. pleased doctors with his . d J 18 1Qf.)3 •

grand~arents. Ml, and MIS. Chns ge sen, Mi.$s LoIS ier~tz 9f Nor- Ily and MISS Dons Madsen lilt were marne une , ~"'r' . •Frednckson., fol , Harr~ 'd Leonard Wayne, yve* guests. progress. John Asmu~ of Wayn ,lj8.nd MISS •_ Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nelson spent SUI dahl 0 Pelte Nelson, .1 _ shows ImproVen1leBt. ElSIe Sydowbf Stanton,jwere marN :

Sunday afternoon at Gust John- Mi~S Helga M 'ed, Clarence For Mrsl ~r·fJ.h Reed. Miss Loi~ Jenlci~, who under- rled June 20!. lii3. 1£ 'Uf S:~~l;;~, r~~~,!;~lhn a~d Ellen Hansen an Verm nd . 1 I.e Mrs. Ott .Sahs and Mrr, J01111 went an <:pperation in Lin~oln D ~~~dM;:di1a s~~fhlfol ~~;nl; =

B It \'" l ,-t" 'h' d- orner J nes of J$r1dgeport C. C. Bush enter amed at the Irv Reed Tuesday last week, is improvmg, were marned JunD 20 1923. _.e y '\ In el", em. '\\ 0 IS spen M i M" C t: J' I h F 'd ft \" "-1 1. th t H W Winter- calpp, 1:'". and ri(o . . llrane { orne n ~y a ernoon pmp 1- Mrs. L. E. Jenkins planned to re- A daughter was borrt0 Mr and •Jng e swnmer a . h' and famil > of Mit~hell, Iwere here mentary to Mrs. Keith Ree~, After turn home Sunday; Mr!i AlVIn Fredenckso of Wake- =stem s 11:01 Wayne, was orne over Fr~day nig t. The linen are In Lin- games an visiting, two course __ fIeld, June 25, 1923. ,I :

the wee~-endf il f FIll t co~n thIS reek f~ Ia Iheetmg of luncheon was served. Mr. Tolm Card of '-Ihanks. .. A daughter was bor t~ Mr. and •~p~~~e Sa~~~~a:~rt~ ~und~Ye~v~~ camp ms~uctors. ~ ~ones went Roberts, ~S. Llo:yd Morr ,M1js I wish to expresp smcere thanks Mrs. f.Jenry Greve ,bf

l"Yakefielq, :

Mr Greer's. slo:ter, MIS Ed Sehra- th~e Sat rdaYI It IWill Rees. W H Wag er and Mrs. Ot Wag~ to all who sent c~rds, letters and June 211, 1923. ' t I •

del' and fdmlly T e latte rettl1rn ld S~day, ac- ner went 'om Carroll I flowers whIle I was m the hos- Mrs.1 John Davids n~ died atL te Bredemeyer who has co paUle by Mr~. ees who had • . I - I pItal. Mrs. Joe Allar. Dixon June 22, 1923. c

Ibee~s a~ Ponca, IS asslstmg 10 sp nt a W~k 111- tne1clty

. Tile JIr- AUXdra.ry~lects. t ----t- A daughter was bot}'t~ Mr. and :\Va 'ne Councll Oak store whIle the ani ks Visr ed a~ B~l en WIth rela- Legltm uXlliary, beeh g WI h Suffers Broken Ann. Mrs. Geo. Reibold 0 ~ Winside;,ma~ager 1;:, away h\jes. [I : Mrs. Geo olekamI;> F.I1da , el c- Mrs Chrrs Ha sen fell ftom a June 21, 1928

1, ::1 '

Tbe Leo Jensen and Chfis Pet- !\!Irs H rbel t L"!gqw, Mrs Ron- ted Mrs. J C. Woods pr SIde t, box while IHckin cherrIes Sun- Interest iQ.la comm ity hall atersen famIlies werle Sunda after- ala. Glbs n an }1:ary Jane and Mrs H. L. Bredemeyer VIC!;.\ pre i- da;}" evening at er ho~e north- Winside is: gjIjOwing. [ ,!to n and luncheon guestr m the DJnald 0 Los ~ntel~S' VISIted dent, MfSJN A. ;Vatth se~retar - west of Wmslde td b oke both A daughte" was bar t~ Mr: andFr~d Jensen home. f1tm (5e nesd. y to ~rIdaY last treasurer . ~d Mr~. IEvan Jo S bones in er ri wris: Mrs. .Julius ':$inneriChi 9f Carroll,

M L W L09mIs anti MISS w ek 111 t e W. R S n ner home, chaplam. tpers WIll be ap omt d. June 22, 192~. ,~~ IHeler~ Loomis came from ~ekamah th worn n bein~ nlec s ().f Mrs. The next I;meetIng will be t e Son Born I ursdiay•. I. Mrs; Edwktd Phipp~, ~other o~Saturday to ViSit a week m the Sdnbner. ,The Sc bgers met them fourth Thfrsday In Augq.st Wl A son. Harold &!l~ard,weIghmg Mrs. J. E, Hanco'Ck of Cafroll, diedHerman Thun home. at Columbus ~d oak herfl. there Mrs. Gust I,,"ohnsoh. I I about 6:l4 PDlll?ds'lfas born Thurs- June 21, 19

J5' ,at Plaiqvi~\y.

M and Mrs Geo Wacker and agam Fi"l ay. 15S M

faret Scnb- _Wi. -t I I day, June 22. m a Wayne- hospital .' Fred IPul li$ in'j:;ta ga~

Mar~an were at Be~ard Dalton's In~r of WI SIde, M. n Mr~ ~. L Ha:v.e F'a"'1ry 1teUnl~ I !o Rev. and Mrs ~len Magill. This la~nHeO~;kalt~~n. i.n,., hi~- h .st~~~, _.',~ Sunday afternoon and at Henry BIfune a d De s f Plamvlew, George ~UCk or West slide, tk., 'is the first child-jIh the famUy. I .~ ., ..;> •

Wacker's ihat evening: .. "yhe her Thurs a t VISIt the who came Thursday to VlSh a~w ----4- From th~ 'I Wayne 'for =MIS, Ruth Morris ,pe!')l n tew relatives, dIS belo e going to Valehtine to ImProve FarJl, Bulldings. ;!4Jly 2, 19o'~, Mr. Lov tm, II

days laSiwcek Iw;tth her sistex', I] I I se I a sist 'r, was Iwest . of.h or Workmen startJd Monday hn- t?eO ;hotel. . Hosl'lin new •Hrs,!'\, ,Andcqen, at Bancroft, Sh ws <lVejmmt. , ~ ndal' ait'a farruf l;euqIOn lD he proYing Ihe house nnd barns on fire lila ; •• I ports; •She also enl to Qmaha, , I Victor Joh",on If improving H C Ba" e!S ho e, The fropl es Ihe Billite, farm free anp a half s~ow,[.~r ns, ~"Ig<>od,••• ;

Mr, an Mrs, Will. Ptitctittrd,1 from the op~ratlo lie had on one lof :30hil" ettman ~etlj, Roo nd mile~ nOI% at arroU. Walter A'I ()Ida age'i\jll\'6rgllllt •MIS Leo

lard Pntchard and Mrs. of his ey s. Ml"'S Ian he Johnsan [Blame G~tlliian IW re ih~re jRethWISCh row h e.s on the place. ized at Cl;lITClll ... j W'\... M,urphy \:

I~llb .10" ~ were at Lewis John- took h11nl to N070* the last of Bu(;lc 15 a blother of M,s. Hi:C' , ~_ suffered frac ured nbs w~en k1Ck- •son's Mo day last Iweek. the weeklfor ex-a:qun,a ion He WIll BartelS, lIS. Gettman and J:"S. !In S.,~ ~ H~ etJI: by.a h'o~ ••• C V bam~.. =:MI s Chas. Kold5 15 helPlh~ qt have ap.1peratid'ril 01 e other eye Roe. Hel had bee~ a;t ~ Excel u~r ,.. Aif'i..ed Brug~e~n of I Belden, ;~~rt;~a::.a: ~~ ~ t~ i.m,. 1>"uL'"n·~zrt':;~tI~~i:~:~:\~~i:;i~i:lI!(,i~jJ:I\:;.I:;j:~".!. SIn.~n~,::i, I~~'~ ,:D


7::1::t'7 i~ :~i,;;;~r~<>l :-"r:t,~~ I.. ~~~;?":ii",i!,ilJvj!} .• ':i:J,.

Dal~ Ziegle1rI

I, ,I I

, I I

Weletmles You tJ Hoskins for ~he~ FOllrth-

A DaYY~ll'U Really, E1jOY!I I·I

I I,: I I

specia~ ~~irewor~s and

Picnic ~a~ketsAllReady

to Make Your Holiday at

Hoskit~a Happy One!

I .--l at ----'-I



, , 'tlFllD for the\.IFourth~'I' ': ,.

Fun for ALLiilWho Coline'I' ,.,~,

r 1)1



I ~

g~'~~~1 -'I-'I'-~I I J I I I ,II~' I- ~ --'"1'--·"· - ~-_.~ ~,W,·. W' will '". ,~'"' W". W·." ",," M. '".",~ ""W" t"",••, OM Mi ~'"'w" ,.".in, the lllion hdn~ land also visit family. Mr. and l'S. Ernest Strate met', Mr. and Mr . Harvey Larsen11-elativecsi in l Rauh , Wyo. '~md fum.ily, 'Ml' Iand Ml'~. Ed

Mrs: Umu: Kl'U~~ 'l'ettlrned S~t~ Maus, Mr. and M 'S. ErnMt nebel [email protected]'tI3Y ::lIter spel'~ f~ Ithe past and family, M . Sophi~ nebel .1. O. Webb, ho suffered

\ seve131 days in tJ~ ~ Mb Mary and da6ghtel:;', ,E ther, Wand slight strok~, rttUlned fromI AJron home ill. Si7 City Mrs Albert Mei r~enry n fam- Wayne hospit(ll i'aturdtly.

~ ~. - ...- Iver Anderson rl d<ru~hter, By, Miss lime .'1;0 .1~end q ayne. r. II Iva, M~S' Lloyd j~ er and Dale Minister Is Ordained.

Mr. and Mrs. ,no G. ROhrke

1~t- Z~egle Otttende<h" I e Alt-Sar-Bcn lVIrs Fred MiHer left Saturday

':., )tended the mission feast at H dar laces t Omaha I ~rsday. for C~lome, S ,where she .nt-Sunday. MI. and Mrs.,:' l '1rbert Behmer tendeCl inst~ll<lti In services for her

M.r. and Mrs: Hans 'l:'imus ",;,cre .tln.ct f~dn.lIY and ~]. and Mrs. Hans. SOil. Rev. Fred Iller, Jl' l who wa.,o::Sun<:\.\lY. guests In ~.h.e Hrnry L:Ji.ng- .AsmU~'lslted in tl-ie L.eo Jordan brdamed as a m lllster thel eenberg hqme. ~ J.:r home m~ Wh~i ~ 1Tuesday eve-

Walter Gulzm.n leftWedn""!".y ning. i II IfOr o.ma~ and, pomts SOtrrh to Fre Hnd Antla~ 1..undquist. of~dNst hall loss~s. Norfo*, ,and l\'hs!-,: ,~.ols Love of

Mr. ~u:d Mrs...'Herb.ert N~itz~~ 'WhitiriSl Itnn.1 ~iS.~ cd !.riends herewere .vIsito'l'S Ih the Herm:lm Tucsd~Y beford I a~'ing for C;lU-,Neitzke h0tt:1e Suhds~. ! fornia. I , ~ ,

,Mr. and Mrs. tew:is Tiec;itk~ O;f Mr. and Mrs. IR.~ q. Rohrlie, Mr.Wakefield,.spent the, weelt-en~ in and 1\'1rs. Her

1'3 muss anq Mr.

the Dale ZIegler home. 1 • and Mrs. Herl 01) Neitzke wereLouis <?aines ?t E.lk ,City, :v.~as visitofs· in the ,~k Schmidt home

~n overmght guest In the E:. E. SUnd~Y e\'enin~.. 'f\. ,Potter home Thttrsd.y. Mr: "1d Mrs~ ~ou;s Head ofMr.~.nnd Mr~.. ! AI~ert. Beh1mer Mid\~ny ',City',. al r., spent from

and daughter vl~ited ll;t. t~e He.nry T.hurt~.ti¥. until onday in theAsm~s home Frl4ay ~yenmg. '. Gus ~chroe.der li me. Mrs. He"ad

. MISS Margaret, st~nim qf Wll~- is a Isister of ill late Mrs. Gus

~~eW~:::r a~l~~~r~~~~#~~~y.In SChr~.eder. ,.J 'I1 Mr. and Mrs..E:rnest Mul1s, and ,~n and Ml'~l ,it. E. Potter and

f.amilY of Pilger, ~l'e \.'iSi~'rs. in thmr Iguests. Mlr~~ ~&ca.r Lun~eck'the Harry Buss nome Satur ij.y. and daughter, ~?r1S, 8a:d little

. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Behm r and gr~nq:daught~r,IO~ Council Bluffs,son, Merle, visited in the Harry enJoYled a pient.Ci,1 at Ta-Ha-ZoukaBehmer home at Norfolk S ~day. park near Norf tk Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Mitte ~teadt Mrs\..Anna J1. erson apd grand­and family and !dl,lriC?n D~e plotter daugl~ters, M~ 1 iel a~d Jerrinewere visitors in, Sioux City I Tues- RUhIo)\', dall~tters o~ Leo and Mrs HiC Bar lman aday., . _" Lloyq RUh.10\" ,pi Chicago" ca!D.e ters of akeflel. Miss din Beh­-: ,Mr. and Mrs. l;I. C. Mit~eISlte3~it S~~U*~Y fo~· II~! few week~ ViSit mer of mahn ~ss E,ll n Brum..~Ul~ t~~1y were, visi~fir~ it .t!l(!! here WIth fnenl.,s and relatIVes. me~s of ftandol'p ,MIss etbe and~ansi.Asmus, home Mo~da j eve-· "<. Ml~S Dolnna Fa Bellm r of Hos-nmg. " Strate R llnwn kn,/, M~ And rs. He~berl Beh-, Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinal\dl (Jutz-' H t" t Iv 'ff k mer and famll~Mr. and Mrs. AI-

, tP.a~ an? family of Had!1r~ Iwere· , e; a. 01 0 bell~ Bel~mer a Charttte Faye"VISItorS In the Wlm. Gutztn~.:p, sr., .' Mem..... bers of: the IStrate fllmily Mr .and Mr~. ,~.OYd B hin.el' and:home Sunday. . 'I I held their an a1 reunion at theIda 19hter, Mr. tid l\II s. Henry

Pau~ Killion of MillerIINeb., Ernest Kn {'e nem' Nol'- As I us and fa By Of~ Hoskins.. spent .1.hursday and F1

lfiday in the folk 'Sunda esent were,: l'y Frevert ,as ele ted presi-

E. E. Potter home. He,was ¥com- Mr.' and Strate, Mr. next ear. On the com-, matter beforepanied home by Marion D Pot- and Mrs. Edw.:ib 'Std,te ~nd daugh- re Mr. d d. Ed. Kol- for deCIsion.

J'~_'- . " ~~.._.~:. ',,,


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1 78 15161479 15 7

1~80 1518

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26.92 14B4

1446 80.00 ~4B51447 19.95 1~B61446 ' 4B7


146B2.80 50.00I 488 44.00

1439 8&.70 \489 '48.001450 '1490 .65

20.00 1491 30.4010.00 1492 .60.63

15:00 '1467 57.97.'1468 32.00

30.00 J493 34.561494 20.20

2B.OO 1495 45.051496 3.00

24.00 I 1497 49.6016.00 1498 4B.00

)499 33.6010.00

1455 I


t500 5.70

3.21 501 24.~010.0015.00

'502 20.7030.00

1441 5.6030.0012.00 1£440 7.50

:1503 .............. .......

1504 ·········f··15051506

1436 2.66

1439 L. !.C. 53.05 1436 . 4.0B