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Gavel to Gavel Alaska provides coverage of all three branches of state government on a full-time statewide public affairs television channel and online. The service reaches almost every Alaskan on broadcast TV channels in Anchorage (KAKM), Juneau (KTOO) and Bethel (KYUK) and most of the cable television systems in Alaska, including every GCI Cable market in the state. Gavel Alaska is also seen on Dish Network and DirecTV, and streamed live on the web.

Gavel to Gavel Alaska has been televising the meetings of the Alaska Legislature since 1995.

Both the House and Senate were reluctant to grant permission – the leaders were worried that live TV coverage would lead to grandstanding and disrupt the Legislative process. But ultimately, with strong editorial support from all of the state’s major newspapers, Gavel to Gavel Alaska went on the air from 9:30 a.m. on April 3, 1995.

And as soon as it started, the Legislature promptly called for a 5-day recess.

Undaunted, and with great response from the viewing public, we laid plans for full session coverage starting in January 1996. The model we developed in 1996 is still in place today: we provide live, unedited, start-to-finish coverage of House and Senate floor sessions, committee meetings and major public policy events.

In 2001 we started live web streaming of the Gavel to Gavel television channel and began offering live audio streams of committee meetings. The online service has expanded to include live video streams and on demand video of almost every Legislative meeting.

In 2007, we expanded from session-only coverage to a year-round public affairs channel, called 360 North. When the Legislature isn’t in session, the channel airs Alaska public affairs programs.

Gavel Alaska is a project of KTOO, the public media organization in Juneau. KTOO as an institu-tion dates back to January of 1974, when KTOO-FM signed on the air at 10 watts from a small room in the local high school. As public broadcasting started to grow in Alaska in the 1970s, the organiza-tion expanded into television in 1978, with the launch of daily Legislative coverage and KTOO-TV.

Since 2012, Gavel Alaska has received a grant of $98,800 from the Alaska Public Broadcasting Com-mission, a State of Alaska board appointed by the Governor to administer state funding for Alaska’s public radio and television stations. KTOO also receives other state grants from the APBC to sup-port Juneau’s local public broadcasting services.

About Gavel to Gavel Alaska

Gavel to Gavel Alaska has been televising the meetings of the

Alaska Legislature since 1995.


Look forward to new events and produc-tions in our new multmedia space: @360.

We’ve created this unique, high tech studio space for the community, for civic events, arts, cultural and music performances, town hall meetings, training classes, conferences, screenings, exhibitions, special events and more.

We’ve named the space @360 to connect with our statewide public affairs channel, 360 North, and our Juneau street address, 360 Egan Drive.

The venue is a fully-equipped digital audio and high definition television studio, with state-of-the-art video equipment, live web streaming capabilities and a high-end digital audio system, so it is ideal for video shoots, audio recordings and photo shoots. We expect that @360 will be home to a variety of public media projects which you will hear on KTOO, KRNN and KXLL and see on 360 North and online.

We welcome creative ideas for @360. The venue is available for rent, with special discounts for Juneau’s non-profit organizations.

Find out more about @360 at www.360north.org

In addition to live TV broadcasts of legislative events, you can also find multiple live video streams of meetings as they happen on the hill on the 360 North website.

The schedule of Gavel coverage is available on the site in addition to access to allarchived session content.

Archived video is viewable online and is also embeddable for use on your website.

How to use Gavel to Gavel Alaska

You can find live webcasts, archived video, news updates and more at



Here’s an example of the interface of archived video.

If you want to weigh in on legislation, there are several ways to get your opinion and comments directly to lawmakers and recorded for posterity.

First, identify the specific legislation. Then find out where it is in the legislative process. You can look up bills, schedules, committee information and more on the web through BASIS, the leg-islature’s Bill Action Status Inquiry System, or through the Legislative Affairs Agency’s free iOS and Android apps for smartphones and tab-lets. Email and text alerts for custom bill lists are available via the legislature’s Bill Tracking Man-agement Facility.

The House Speaker and Senate President refer each bill to one or more committees, where public comment can be made. Committee schedules and bill details on BASIS usually note hearings for public testimony at least a few days in advance.

Once you know where and when to testify, you can participate in three ways:



continued >


1. Testify in person.Just show up, sign in and wait for your name to be called. You may need to wait several hours, de-pending on the agenda and how many people are signed up to testify.

Specific practices for testimony vary from committee to committee and chair to chair. Time limits are common. Dialogue is usually discouraged.

Legislators listen especially for whether a speaker is for or against the bill at hand, and for suggested changes.

2. Testify remotely.If you can’t physically get to a committee hearing but want to testify live, go to your nearest Legisla-tive Information Office. If you can’t get to one, call your local LIO and join a live teleconference.

3. Testify in writing.It’s important to address your written testimony to the committee as well as individual legislators, be-cause the legislature’s records policy makes a distinction between what’s public and private.

Individual legislators’ records are private according to the policy, and may be excluded from official public records. Written testimony submitted to a committee is public. Further, under Uniform Rule 23, committees must deliver written testimony to the legislative reference library for recordkeeping.

Written testimony can be submitted via email, LIO, or the Public Opinion Message system. Commit-tee rosters, email addresses and other contact information are available on the legislature’s website.

In all forms of testimony, identify yourself and who you are representing, such as a business, other organization or yourself.

Live testimony is recorded and archived in official meeting minutes and state audio archives. Live testimony may also likely be in unofficial archives through Gavel Alaska and the Legislative Affairs Agency’s web-streams.

3 ways to put in your 2 cents


Legislative Information Offices

There are 23 Legislative Information Offices spread around the state. To testify or participate in conference calls, contact your nearest LIO for more information.


What School House Rock Didn’t Teach Us

The public education system and mass media have covered the constitutional basics of the legislative process for decades.

But they rarely delve into the legislature’s long-standing political power structure and internal rules that profoundly shape the lawmaking process. Take our five question quiz to see if you’re a layman or a wonk when it comes to Alaska’s legislative process, then read on for an explanation on each point.

Legislators are required to hold all meetings in public.

Legislators are required to hold all meetings in public. False.

Only official legislative actions must happen in public meetings. Holding substantive debate in public is optional. It often happens behind closed doors.

Alaska lawmakers routinely violate the Legislature’s Uniform Rule 22, which states, “All meetings of a legislative body are open to all legislators … and to the general public” except for executive sessions. Sometimes the violation is blatant, like during this 2011 Senate Finance Committee meeting on the state budget.

In 1986, the League of Women Voters, Anchorage Daily News, and others sued the Legislature over its use of closed door meetings to privately debate the state budget.

The case was appealed to the Alaska Supreme Court and decided in 1987. The case boiled down to two questions. First, is the case justiciable? That is, does the court even have the authority to rule on these violations?

Then-Chief Justice Warren Matthews wrote the court’s opinion.

“…To hold that these claims are justiciable places the judiciary in direct conflict with the legislature’s constitutionally authorized rulemaking prerogative. … It is the legislature’s prerogative to make, inter-pret and enforce its own procedural rules and the judiciary cannot compel the legislature to exercise a purely legislative prerogative.”Abood v. League of Women Voters of Alaska, 743 P. 2d 333 (Alaska 1987)

Or, as Matthews wrote in a 1982 opinion related to rules violations in the legislature, “…It is not the function of the judiciary to require that the legislature follow its own rules.” Malone v. Meekins, 650 P. 2d 351 (Alaska 1982)

Thus, state laws concerning legislative procedure, such as the Open Meetings Act, cannot apply to the Legislature without usurping the Legislature’s constitutional authority to make and break its own rules. Matthews concludes that breaking legislative rules is only justiciable when a third party’s consti-tutional rights have been violated.

In 1994, the 18th Legislature passed HB254, a rewrite of the Open Meetings Act that included an explicit exemption for the Legislature. The Legislature holds itself to a lower standard of transparency than it requires of hundreds of state, borough and municipal government bodies covered by the act, such as the state Board of Barbers and Hairdressers, the Anchorage Animal Control Advisory Board and the Pelican City Council.

The legislature and its committees are required to give advance public notice of official meetings.

The Legislature has a rule that requires advance notice of committee meetings. Some committee chairs frequently break it with impunity. Again, it’s only a legislative rule and not a constitutional mandate (see No. 1 for more about this distinction).

During regular legislative sessions, committees are supposed to announce where, when and what they’ll be considering by the Friday before meeting. For several weeks of the session, the minimum notice drops to 24 hours.

Legislators can also skirt noticing requirements without technically breaking the rules, such as by “recessing” overnight. House Finance Committee Co-Chairmain Bill Stoltze has repeatedly used this practice to fast track certain legislation.

Committee agendas don’t have to be precise, and frequently include the vague line “bills previously heard/scheduled.” Toward the end of the session, meetings are often delayed by hours, delayed indefi-nitely, or altogether cancelled without advance notice.

For an interested citizen or professional observers like members of the capitol press corps, following public meetings on specific legislation often turns into hours and days of waiting that culminates in perfunctory committee action that legitimizes a deal struck behind closed doors.

The legislature and its committees are required to give advance public notice of official meetings. False.

Each representative has equal power, and each senator has equal power.

The legislature’s internal rules are built around a two-caucus, majority/minority system that distorts the power structure. Minority caucus members are nearly powerless, while majority members are dis-proportionately powerful. Here’s why:

When a bill is introduced, its title is read on the House or Senate floor and the House Speaker or Senate President refers it to one or more committees. Committee chairs act as gatekeepers who can effectively kill any bill that comes to them without a vote or discussion.

The majority assigns its own members leadership roles. The makeup of committees is proportionate to the overall majority/minority split. Unless majority members defect, a committee chair has the discre-tion to hear or ignore any bill referred to the committee.

Finance committee chairmen are particularly powerful, because all bills with a financial impact on the state are referred to their committee. The finance committee is typically a bill’s last public stop before reaching the House or Senate floor.

The majority/minority caucuses of the 28th Alaska Legislature are split 30-10 in the House, and 15-5 in the Senate. The caucuses don’t quite follow party lines. Most urban Democrats are in the minority caucuses. A few Democrats off the road system, aka “bush Democrats,” caucus with the Republican majorities.

Each representative has equal power, and each senator has equal power. False.

The House and Senate use floor sessions to vote bills up or down.

The House and Senate use floor sessions to vote bills up or down. False.

If you follow municipal government or school board meetings, you’ve probably seen measures get vot-ed down. In the state legislature, it’s an anomaly if a bill publicly fails.

Of the 235 unpassed bills in the current legislature as of Jan. 6, not one has failed outright in a floor vote.

In the 27th Alaska Legislature, 596 bills were introduced and 481 ultimately failed. Of the failing bills, only two died outright in floor votes.

In the 26th Legislature, 737 bills were introduced, 554 bills failed and only one died outright in a floor vote.

Figures were drawn from the legislature’s bill tracking system and an exhaustive search of the last five years of House and Senate journal records.

A bill that clears the committee process and reaches the floor for its third reading is almost destined to pass; bills are almost never voted down during floor sessions for a number of reasons.

First, the majority caucus in each respective house controls the agenda for floor sessions, also known as the calendar. The majority can selectively choose which bills to hear and which to ignore.

Second, since open meeting laws don’t apply to the legislature, the majority caucus can and does meet behind closed doors. There, leaders can privately poll their members and determine whether or not a bill has the minimum votes to pass. They can privately debate and strike deals to build consensus within the majority caucus to ensure a bill will pass.

By definition, the majority caucus controls the requisite floor votes to pass a bill – they don’t need mi-nority members’ support or input to pass legislation.

Procedural motions can be used on the floor to force agenda changes or to overrule the leadership. But majority caucus members would have to defect for those motions to pass.

Without consensus, the majority has little to gain from formally voting on a bill they know will fail. Salvageable legislation can be delayed so there’s more time for amendments and deal-making.

Doomed legislation gets killed quietly – for example, by sending it to a committee whose chair has no intention of hearing it. Hundreds of bills die in committee at the end of the each two-year legislative cycle, when the slate is cleared and elections shuffle in new members.

Legislators can trade votes with each other on separate pieces of legislation.

Legislators can trade votes with each other on separate pieces of legislation. True.

The governing documents of the legislature push the House, the Senate, and individual committees to consider bills one at a time and without external influence. But deals struck behind closed doors can weave unrelated bills together and be influenced by the governor.

A bill’s individual merit or shortcomings may be only one of many factors contributing to its advance-ment or failure.

As a legislator, if your bill isn’t earning the requisite votes on its merits, there’s basically two ways to compromise: Amend your bill to more legislators’ liking, or amend your position on an opponent’s bill. That is, trade votes. Committee chairs have a lot of leverage in this respect because they can hold oth-er legislators’ bills hostage.

Legislators rarely discuss vote trading openly. It’s often euphemized as “compromise” and “consensus building.”

One notable exception was a page one story in the May 19, 1991, Anchorage Daily News that laid bare a complicated back room deal tying confirmation votes on multiple unrelated board and commis-sion appointees together. The deal fell apart in open session.

Reporters George Frost and David Postman detailed the deal’s inception from multiple legislators’ accounts of closed door caucus meetings.

They reference how Sen. Jay Kerttula “extracted” Gov. Wally Hickel’s cooperation on an appointment in exchange for the senator’s support on another.

They spell out how Senate President Dick Eliason laid out a “road map” of the carefully crafted deal for his members in a closed door meeting that included sinking two appointees for political reasons. Eliason encouraged members who couldn’t stomach the deal to deliberately avoid voting by not show-ing up.

And, the reporters note that during the floor session, Rep. David Finkelstein attacked the governor’s motives, accused him of arranging vote trades, and consequently endured “catcalls, mumbles from the body, a counter-attack” by a veteran legislator and the presiding officer’s gavel.

Private vote trading is a consequence of being exempt from the Open Meetings Act. State law doesn’t explicitly forbid vote trading in other state, borough and municipal government bodies, it’s just im-practical because meeting privately and unannounced to discuss substantive policy matters is illegal if at least three members or a majority of the body are together.

Legislators rarely discuss vote trading openly. It’s often euphemized as “compromise” and “consensus building.”

One notable exception was a page one story in the May 19, 1991, Anchorage Daily News that laid bare a complicated back room deal tying confirmation votes on multiple unrelated board and commission appointees together. The deal fell apart in open session.

Reporters George Frost and David Postman detailed the deal’s inception from multiple legislators’ accounts of closed door caucus meetings.

Deal Falls Apart As Some Lawmakers Depart From ScriptAnchorage Daily NewsGeorge Frost and David PostmanOriginal Publish Date: May 19, 1991

This article from the Anchorage Daily News encapsulates the

process that happens in the closed door leg-islative caucus and illustrates the practice of

vote trading.

What is vote trading?

The deal cut Saturday to get a few of Gov. Wally Hickel’s commission appointments confirmed was so transparent that lawmakers might as well have been wearing buttons that said, “We’ve cut a deal.”

It was supposed to work like this: Rural Democrats would vote with Republicans so the Bush would get its way on the Board of Fisheries, and the GOP and Hickel would get who they wanted on the Alaska Public Utilities Commission and the state Personnel Board.

When the voting began in joint session, the lights lit up just that way.

But then the deal collapsed hard. Amid the political rubble was a furious Senate President Dick Elia-son and charges of lies, back-stabbing, double- and triple-dealing, racism and a play for rookie of the year from freshman Rep. Bettye Davis, D-Anchorage.

In the end, Hickel got most of what he wanted but failed to keep Eleanor Andrews off the state Per-sonnel Board, which is soon to hear an ethics complaint against him.

And that made Eliason mad. He was confident he had the votes to dump Andrews.

“Three senators broke their word,” said Eliason, red-faced with anger, as he barreled through a crowd of reporters.

This article may not be reproduced without the express written permission of the Anchorage Daily News.

A little later, calmer but still grim, Eliason said, “The legislature has changed in the last 22 years. We used to be honorable.”

According to Eliason, the commitments came Saturday morning when the entire Senate minus the ill Fairbanks Democrat, Bettye Fahrenkamp met behind closed doors.

It was there that Eliason laid out the deal that had been carefully put together the past two days. He didn’t order anyone to follow the road map. He couldn’t do that if he wanted to.

But Eliason said he asked senators “in a nice way” to go along with him and Majority Leader Rick Halford, R-Chugiak.

If they didn’t think they could swallow the deal, Eliason asked the senators to leave the chambers and miss the vote.

“That was one of the options,” he said. “Just don’t show up.”

Eliason made it clear that he and the governor wanted to make sure that Andrews, a former Demo-cratic administration official, would not be confirmed to the personnel board.

“He said he hoped people would find it in their power to tube Eleanor Andrews,” said Sen. Drue Pearce, R-Anchorage.

Eliason asked the senators to raise their hands if they planned to vote for Andrews, according to Sen. Virginia Collins, R-Anchorage, who said she raised her hand and then voted for Andrews on the floor.

The legislature is not allowed to take votes in closed session, and senators said what they did was only an informal poll.

The House seemed less worried about any specific deal. The Democrats who control the lower cham-ber were most concerned about the process that would be followed. They wanted to make sure they would at least get the chance to vote for some appointments that had been made by former Gov. Steve Cowper, but which had not yet been confirmed.

The first of those was a slate of nominees to the Professional Teaching Practices Commission. Hickel had said he didn’t want the Cowper appointees confirmed.

But in the deal with the Senate and the Bush, Hickel agreed to having the Cowper appointees ap-proved. That’s the price Sen. Jay Kerttula said he extracted in exchange for supporting Don Schroer, Hickel’s nominee for the utilities commission, and the legislature approved them unanimously.

Then came a move to confirm Peter Sokolov, the Cowper appointee to the APUC. According to plan he was rejected, with the Bush and the Republicans voting against the urban Democrats.

Then Schroer, who had been rejected in joint session Thursday, came up for reconsideration.

The deal, as outlined by Eliason and Sen. Al Adams, D-Kotzebue, called for Schroer to be approved. And he was.

But not without dissent by Rep. David Finkelstein, D-Anchorage, who held his own Saturday despite catcalls, mumbles from the body, a counter-attack by veteran Anchorage Republican Rep. Ramona Barnes, and the fast gavel of Eliason, who ran the session.

Finkelstein said the Hickel administration had been trying to trade votes for the Schroer confirma-tion.

“I think something really insidious is going on here,” he said. “I get very suspicious as to what this ad-ministration’s motive is.”

That brought Barnes to her feet. She said House rules barred Finkelstein from impugning the motives of the administration.

Finkelstein kept on.

“Regardless of whether this administration is or is not doing that, it raises the question of why they might be doing that, if they were doing that,” he said, the chamber breaking into laughter at his at-tempt to skirt a direct attack on Hickel.

But Finkelstein wasn’t done. He said he thought Hickel was trying so hard to get his guy in as APUC commissioner because the commission will have authority over the gas pipeline that Hickel wants to build, and in which he has a financial interest.

The legislature then agreed to move Schroer to a consumer position and put a sitting APUC member in the engineering slot that Schroer had originally been nominated for. That took care of the concerns of Finkelstein and others, and Schroer was approved.

Retired Judge Seaborn Buckalew, as planned, was confirmed unanimously to the Personnel Board.

But the deal also called for Andrews to be rejected, and that fell apart after a passionate floor speech by Rep. Bettye Davis, a freshman Democrat from Anchorage. She said that Andrews is qualified for the job and that state law prohibits the removal of Personnel Board members unless they have done something wrong.

“This lady is quite qualified,” Davis told her colleagues. “And all the time that we are trying to get mi-norities on these boards, the answers that I get when I ask why you didn’t put somebody on the board, is because they’re not qualified . . . And if you do not confirm her to the board, it leads me to believe that there are people here with hidden agendas, and I don’t like that. So I encourage all of you to vote for Eleanor Andrews, a black woman who has proven herself and should be on this board.”

After many legislators stopped pounding their desks in approval, Rep. Terry Martin stood to protest to he didn’t know that Andrews who served in the administration while Martin was in the House was black, and that his no-vote would have nothing to do with race. Later, Martin said he didn’t even know who he was voting for and thought the nominee was Judge Elaine Andrews.

Eleanor Andrews won 34-25, three votes more than the 31 needed to confirm an appointment.

Lawmakers congratulated Davis, with Rep. Tom Moyer, D-Fairbanks, patting her on the back and saying, “Bettye, you made the difference.”

Eliason, though, accused Davis of injecting the spectre of racism in the debate “just to change a few votes.”

Davis said she only speculated that the other side might have a hidden agenda, not that the agenda was necessarily racism. “If they have a guilty conscience, they’ll have to deal with that,” she said.

In the end, Hickel’s people declared victory.

“We were after Schroer,” said Don Tanner, Hickel’s director of boards and commissions.

Hickel press secretary Eric Rehmann said it was Lt. Gov. Jack Coghill, not Hickel, who really wanted to get rid of Andrews.

House Speaker Ben Grussendorf said he thought everything turned out pretty well.

Adams said he got what he wanted.

And, after a cooling-off period in the private legislative lounge, even Eliason was able to be a little philosophical about the day.

“We got our ass kicked,” he said, walking down the stairs with his arm around Attorney General Charlie Cole.This article may not be reproduced without the express written permission of the Anchorage Daily News.

LegislatorAlaska House of Representatives


There are 40 members of the Alaska House of Representatives.

Here’s a rundown of each legislator’s duties and professional background.

Doug IsaacsonTammie WilsonSteve ThompsonScott KawasakiPete Higgins

Eric FeigeWes Keller

Shelley HughesLynn Gattis

Mark NeumanBill Stoltze

Dan SaddlerGabrielle LeDouxMax GruenbergAndy Josephson

Harriet DrummondGeran TarrLes Gara

Lindsey HolmesMia Costello

Craig JohnsonChris TuckBob Lynn

Charisse MillettLance Pruitt

Lora ReinboldMike Hawker

Mike ChenaultKurt OlsenPaul Seaton

Cathy MunozBeth KerttulaPeggy Wilson

Jonathan Kreiss-TomkinsAlan AustermanBryce Edgmon

Bob HerronDavid Guttenberg

Neal FosterBenjamin Nageak

Alaska House of Representatives

Select a name to view the profile or swipe to flip through all of them.

Legislative DutiesHouse Energy Committee, co-chairHouse Transportation Committee, vice chairHouse State Affairs Committee, memberJoint Armed Services Committee, memberHouse Finance: Corrections Subcommittee, memberHouse Finance: Transportation & Public Facilities Subcommittee, memberHouse Finance: Military and Veterans’ Affairs Subcommittee, member

Professional Background: Municipal government, mortgage financeHouse member since 2013Mayor of North Pole, 2006-2012North Pole City Councilman, 2000-2006Former President of the Alaska Association of Mortgage BrokersFormer Director-at-Large of the Alaska Municipal League

Legislative DutiesHouse Finance: Education & Early Development Subcommittee, chairHouse Finance: Labor & Workforce Development Subcommittee, chairHouse Task Force on Sustainable Education, co-chairHouse Finance Committee, memberHouse Finance: Health & Social Services Subcommittee, member

Professional Background: Municipal government, volunteer work House member since 2009Fairbanks North Star Borough Assembly Member, 2008-2009Love In the Name of Christ of the Tanana Valley, former board member

and manager

Rep. Doug Isaacson

Rep. Tammie Wilson

[email protected]@repisaacson

State Capitol Room 13

907-465-4527 | Juneau907-451-2818 | North Pole

RepublicanDistrict 1North Pole

RepublicanDistrict 2North Pole

[email protected]@RepTammie

State Capitol Room 412

907-465-4797 | Juneau907-451-2723 | Fairbanks


Legislative DutiesHouse Finance Committee, memberHouse Finance: Military & Veterans’ Affairs Subcommittee, chairHouse Finance: Revenue Subcommittee, chairHouse Finance: Health & Social Services Subcommittee, memberHouse Finance: Fiscal Policy Subcommittee, member

Professional Background: Municipal government, business House member since 2011Mayor of Fairbanks, 2001-2007M&O Auto Parts employee/partner, 1967-2000Retired U.S. Army sergeant, 1965-1967

Legislative DutiesHouse Resources Committee, memberLegislative Budget & Audit Committee, alternateHouse Finance Committee, alternateHouse Finance: Public Safety Subcommittee, memberHouse Finance: Health & Social Services Subcommittee, memberHouse Finance: Environmental Conservation Subcommittee, memberHouse Finance: Corrections Subcommittee, memberHouse Finance: Military & Veterans’ Affairs Subcommittee, member

Professional Background: Municipal government, hospital patient relationsHouse member since 2007Fairbanks Memorial Hospital patient representativeFairbanks City Council, 1999-2005

Rep. Steve Thompson

Rep. Scott Kawasaki

[email protected]

State Capitol Room 500

907-465-3004 | Juneau 907-452-1088 | Fairbanks

RepublicanDistrict 3Fairbanks

DemocratDistrict 4Fairbanks

[email protected]


State Capitol Room 405

907-465-3466 | Juneau907-456-7423 | Fairbanks


Legislative DutiesHouse Health & Social Services Committee, chairHouse Economic Development, Trade & Tourism Committee, memberHouse Energy Committee, memberHouse Finance: Environmental Conservation Subcommittee, memberHouse Finance: Revenue Subcommittee, memberHouse Finance: Court System Subcommittee, memberHouse Military & Veterans’ Affairs Committee, member

Professional Background: Dentistry, Alaska Republican Party, drywallHouse member since 2013Four Corners Dental Group, owner2012 Romney campaign Alaska Steering Committee, memberAlaska Republican Party, former district chairman

Legislative DutiesHouse Resources Committee, co-chairHouse Fisheries Committee, memberHouse Transportation Committee, memberJoint Armed Services Committee, memberHouse Finance: Natural Resources Subcommittee, memberHouse Finance: Public Safety Subcommittee, memberHouse Finance: University of Alaska Subcommittee, member

Professional Background: Aviation, small business House member since 2011The Castle Mountain Group, Inc., co-ownerChickaloon Fire Service, chiefNorthwest Technical Services, Inc., pilotAlaska Trophy Hunting and Fishing LLC, pilotNorthern Air Cargo pilot and flight engineer, 2000-2002Inland Aviation Services owner, 1997-2000Retired U.S. Army captain, 1983-1992

Rep. Pete Higgins

Rep. Eric Feige

[email protected]

State Capitol Room 424

907-465-4976 | Juneau907-452-6084 | Fairbanks

RepublicanDistrict 5Fairbanks

RepublicanDistrict 6Chickaloon

[email protected]

State Capitol Room 126

907-465-4859 | Juneau


Legislative DutiesHouse Judiciary Committee, chairHouse State Affairs Committee, chairHouse Health & Social Committee, vice-chairHouse Rules Committee, memberHouse Finance: Court System Subcommittee, memberHouse Finance: Law Subcommittee, memberHouse Finance: Revenue Subcommittee, member

Professional Background: Building maintenance and construction, legislative stafferHouse member since 2007Chief of Staff to Sen. Fred Dyson, 1999-2007Self-employed homebuilder,1992-1999Schlumberger Oilfield Services, oilfield hand, 1991-1992Alaska Teamsters Training Center, administrator, 1987-1990Alaska Air National Guard, 1971-1975

Legislative DutiesHouse Economic Development, Trade & Tourism Committee, chairUnmanned Aircraft Systems Task Force, co-chairHouse Energy Committee, memberHouse State Affairs Committee, memberHouse Military & Veterans’ Affairs Committee, memberHouse Finance: Fish & Game Subcommittee, memberHouse Finance: University of Alaska Subcommittee, member

Professional Background: Government relations, volunteer work, educationHouse member since 2012Alaska Primary Care Association, government affairs director, 2005-2011Legislative aide to Rep. Carl Gatto, 2003-2005Matanuska-Susitna Borough School District, substitute teacher, 1995-

1997Stay-at-home mom, 1980-2003

Rep. Wes Keller

Rep. ShelleyHughes

[email protected]

State Capitol Room 118

907-465-2186 | Juneau907-373-1842 | Wasilla

RepublicanDistrict 7Wasilla

RepublicanDistrict 8Palmer

[email protected]@AKShelleyHughes

State Capitol Room 409

907-465-3743 | Juneau907-376-3725 | Wasilla


Legislative DutiesHouse Education Committee, chairHouse Task Force on Sustainable Education Committee, co-chairHouse Transportation Committee, memberHouse Fisheries Committee, memberHouse Economic Development, Trade & Tourism Committee, memberHouse State Affairs Committee, memberHouse Finance: Revenue Subcommittee, memberHouse Finance: Labor & Workforce Development Subcommittee, memberHouse Finance: Education & Early Development Subcommittee, member

Professional Background: Aircraft sales and leasing, real estate, farmingHouse member since 2013Gattis Aircraft, owner, 1983-presentRental propertiesGattis Farms (hay sales)Matanuska-Susitna Borough School Board, 2001-2013Northern Air Cargo sales manager, 1987-1992Flying Tiger Lines sales manager, 1983-1987Kodiak Western Alaska Airlines area manager, 1979-1983

Legislative DutiesHouse Finance Committee, vice-chairHouse Finance: Health & Social Services Subcommittee, chairHouse Finance: Transportation & Public Facilities Subcommittee, chairAlaska Arctic Policy Commission, alternate

Professional Background: Small business, woodworkingHouse member since 2005Heirloom Wood Crafters, ownerConference of Alaskans delegate, 2004

Rep. Lynn Gattis

Rep. Mark Neuman

[email protected]

State Capitol Room 513

907-465-2679 | Juneau907-376-2679 | Wasilla

RepublicanDistrict 9Wasilla

RepublicanDistrict 10Big Lake

[email protected]


State Capitol Room 420

907-465-4833 | Juneau907-373-6285 | Wasilla


Legislative DutiesHouse Finance Committee, co-chairLegislative Budget & Audit Committee, alternateLegislative Council, memberHouse Committee on Committees, memberHouse Finance: Court System Subcommittee, chairHouse Finance: Fish & Game Subcommittee, chairHouse Finance: Health & Social Services Subcommittee, memberHouse Finance: Fiscal Policy Subcommittee, memberHouse Finance: Governor Subcommittee, memberHouse Finance: Law Subcommittee, memberHouse Finance: Legislature Subcommittee, member

Professional Background: Legislative staffer House member since 2003Legislative aide, 1982-2002Former Chugiak Senior Housing, Inc., secretary/director

Legislative DutiesJoint Armed Services Committee, co-chairAutism Early Diagnosis and Treatment Task Force, co-chairHouse Education Committee, memberHouse Labor & Workforce Development Committee, memberHouse Military & Veterans’ Affairs Committee, memberHouse Finance: Commerce, Community & Economic Development Sub-

committee, memberHouse Finance: Natural Resources Subcommittee, memberHouse Finance: Military & Veterans’ Affairs Subcommittee, member

Professional Background: State government, journalismHouse member since 2011Former legislative aideFormer House Majority press secretaryFormer deputy press secretary to the governorFormer Department of Natural Resources special assistantFormer deputy director of the Governor’s Office of Boards and Commis-


Rep. Bill Stoltze

Rep. Dan Saddler

[email protected]

State Capitol Room 515

907-465-4958 | Juneau907-376-4958 | Wasilla

RepublicanDistrict 11Chugiak

RepublicanDistrict 12Eagle River

[email protected]

State Capitol Room 104

907-465-3783 | Juneau907-622-3783 | Eagle River


Legislative DutiesHouse Community & Regional Affairs Committee, co-chairHouse Military & Veterans’ Affairs Committee, co-chairHouse Education Committee, memberHouse Judiciary Committee, memberHouse Finance: Commerce, Community & Economic Development Sub-

committee, memberHouse Finance: Law Subcommittee, memberHouse Finance: Military & Veterans’ Affairs Subcommittee, member

Professional Background: Maritime law, municipal government, real estateHouse member (representing Anchorage) since 2013House member (representing Kodiak), 2005-2008Mayor of Kodiak, 2001-2004Residential rentalsFormer private practice lawyer

Legislative DutiesHouse Minority whipHouse Judiciary Committee, memberHouse Rules Committee, memberLegislative Council, memberHouse Military & Veterans’ Affairs Committee, memberHouse Finance: Military & Veterans’ Afffairs Subcommittee, memberHouse Finance: Law Subcommittee, memberHouse Finance: Court System Subcommittee, member

Professional Background: Family law, state governmentHouse member since 2003House member, 1985-1992Former partner in Gruenberg, Clover & Holland law firmRetired U.S. Navy lieutenant, Vietnam veteranRental properties

Rep. Gabrielle LeDoux

Rep. Max Gruenberg

[email protected]@RepLedoux1

State Capitol Room 416

907-465-4998 | Juneau

RepublicanDistrict 13Anchorage

DemocratDistrict 14Anchorage

[email protected]

State Capitol Room 110

907-465-4940 | Juneau907-269-0123 | Anchorage


Legislative DutiesLegislative Budget & Audit Committee, alternateHouse Energy Committee, memberHouse Labor & Commerce Committee, memberHouse Finance: Commerce, Community & Economic Development Sub-

committee, memberSelect Committee on Legislative Ethics, memberHouse Finance: Education & Early Development Subcommittee, mem-

berHouse Finance: Law Subcommittee, memberHouse Finance: University of Alaska Subcommittee, member

Professional Background: Criminal and family law, educationHouse member since 2013Associate Attorney, Law Offices of G.R. Eschbacher, 2008-2012Anchorage Planning and Zoning Commission, 2006-2008Associate Attorney, Law Offices of Dan Allan & Associates, 2003-2008UAA Constitutional law adjunct instructor, 2003-2008Assistant District Attorney, 1999-2001Kuspuk School District teacher

Legislative DutiesHouse Education Committee, memberHouse Community & Regional Affairs Committee, memberHouse Economic Development, Trade & Tourism Committee, memberHouse Finance: Administration Subcommittee, memberHouse Finance: Commerce, Community & Economic Development Sub-

committee, memberHouse Finance: Transportation & Public Facilities Subcommittee, memberHouse Finance: Education & Early Development Subcommittee, member

Professional Background: Graphic design, municipal governmentHouse member since 2013Anchorage Assembly, 2008-2012Anchorage School Board, 1994-2003Drummond Design, self-employed graphic designer

Rep. Andy Josephson

Rep. Harriet Drummond

[email protected]


State Capitol Room 430

907-465-4939 | Juneau907-269-0265 | Anchorage

DemocratDistrict 15Anchorage

DemocratDistrict 16Anchorage

[email protected]

State Capitol Room 112

907-465-3875 | Juneau907-269-0190 | Anchorage


Legislative DutiesHouse Resources Committee, memberHouse Health & Social Services Committee, memberHouse Economic Development, Trade & Tourism Committee, memberAdministrative Regulation Review Committee, memberJoint Armed Services Committee, memberHouse Finance: Environmental Conservation Subcommittee, memberHouse Finance: Public Safety Subcommittee, memberHouse Finance: Labor & Workforce Development Subcommittee, memberSelect Committee on Legislative Ethics, alternate

Professional Background: Biology, education, nonprofits, volunteer workHouse member since 2013UAA Biology Department adjunct, 1999-presentAnchorage Park Foundation, accounting and grants managementDirector of Alliance for Reproductive JusticeFormer Chief of Staff to Sen. Johnny Ellis

Legislative DutiesHouse Finance Committee, memberHouse Finance: Health & Social Services Subcommittee, memberHouse Finance: Fiscal Policy Subcommittee, member

Professional Background: Consumer protection law, freelance writingHouse member since 2003Snow City Cafe part-owner Freelance fishing writerFormer private practice lawyerFormer Assistant Attorney GeneralFormer AkPIRG board member

Rep. Geran Tarr

Rep. Les Gara

[email protected]@RepGeranTarr

State Capitol Room 114

907-465-3424 | Juneau907-269-0144 | Anchorage

DemocratDistrict 17Anchorage

DemocratDistrict 18Anchorage

[email protected]


State Capitol Room 400

907-465-2647 | Juneau907-269-0106 | Anchorage


Legislative DutiesHouse Finance Committee, memberHouse Finance: Administration Subcommittee, chairHouse Finance: Law Subcommittee, chairHouse Finance: Health & Social Services, memberHouse Finance: Fiscal Policy Subcommittee, member

Professional Background: Corporate law, real estate lawHouse member since 2007Corporate and regulatory lawyer for GCI, 2008-presentRISE Alaska project manager, 2004-2006Heller Ehrman White & McAuliffe lawyer, 2003-2004

Legislative DutiesHouse Finance Committee, memberHouse Finance: Commerce, Community & Economic Development Sub-

committee, chairHouse Finance: Natural Resources Subcommittee, chairHouse Finance: Fiscal Policy Subcommittee, chairHouse Finance: Health & Social Services Subcommittee, member

Professional Background: State government, educationHouse member since 2011Former tutor with Nine Star Education & Employment ServicesRental propertiesFormer deputy director of communications for Gov. Frank MurkowskiFormer legislative aide to Rep. Norm RokebergFormer public information officer to Gov. Wally HickelFormer high school teacher in Juneau and Anchorage

Rep. Lindsey Holmes

Rep. Mia Costello

[email protected]


State Capitol Room 415

907-465-4919 | Juneau907-269-0130 | Anchorage

RepublicanDistrict 19Anchorage

RepublicanDistrict 20Anchorage

[email protected]


State Capitol Room 501

907-465-4968 | Juneau907-269-0117 | Anchorage


Legislative DutiesHouse Rules Committee, chairHouse Committee on Committees, memberLegislative Council, memberHouse Resources Committee, memberHouse Fisheries Committee, memberHouse Economic Development, Trade & Tourism Committee, memberHouse Transportation Committee, memberSelect Committee on Legislative Ethics, alternateHouse Finance: Legislature Subcommittee, memberHouse Finance: Governor Subcommittee, memberHouse Finance: Administration Subcommittee, memberHouse Finance: Court System Subcommittee, member

Professional Background: Business management, legislative stafferHouse member since 2007Former legislative aide to Rep. Lesil McGuireFormer chief of staff to Sen. Jerry WardFormer general manager of Alaska Publications Former general manager of the Alaska Journal of Commerce, Alaska

Military Weekly

Legislative DutiesHouse Majority leaderHouse Committee on Committees, memberHouse Finance: Administration Subcommittee, memberHouse Finance: Fish & Game Subcommittee, memberHouse Finance: Governor Subcommittee, memberHouse Finance: Legislature, memberHouse Finance: Revenue Subcommittee, member

Professional Background: Electrician, union business, municipal governmentHouse member since 2010Organizer/business representative with International Brotherhood of

Electrical Workers Local 1547 since 2001Anchorage School Board, 2007-2009

Rep. Craig Johnson

Rep. Chris Tuck

[email protected]

State Capitol Room 216

907-465-4933 | Juneau907-269-0200 | Anchorage

RepublicanDistrict 21Anchorage

DemocratDistrict 22Anchorage

[email protected]


State Capitol Room 422

907-465-2095 | Juneau907-269-0240 | Anchorage


Legislative DutiesHouse State Affairs Committee, chairHouse Judiciary Committee, vice-chairHouse Transportation Committee, memberJoint Armed Services Committee, memberHouse Finance: Administration Subcommittee, memberHouse Finance: Corrections Subcommittee, memberHouse Finance: Military & Veterans’ Affairs Subcommittee, member

Professional Background: Military, education, municipal government, real estateHouse member since 2003Former president of Alaska Right to LifeAssociate real estate broker with Prudential Vista/Century 21 in Anchor-

age, 1996-2002Moreno Valley (Calif.) City Council, 1984-1986Teacher in California schools, 1978-1996Retired U.S. Air Force major, Vietnam veteran

Legislative DutiesHouse Energy Committee, co-chairSelect Committee on Legislative Ethics, memberHouse State Affairs Committee, memberHouse Judiciary Committee, memberHouse Labor & Commerce Committee, memberHouse Task Force on Sustainable Education, memberHouse Finance: Administration Subcommittee, memberHouse Finance: Commerce, Community & Economic Development Sub-

committee, memberHouse Finance: Labor & Workforce Development Subcommittee, member

Professional Background: Small airlines, state government, commercial fishing House member since 2009Legislative staff to Reps. Vic Kohring and John HarrisLegislative liaison to Gov. Frank MurkowskiCommercial fishingReeve Aleutian Airlines and Era Aviation, 1981-2005

Rep. Bob Lynn

Rep. Charisse Millet

[email protected]

State Capitol Room 108

907-465-4931 | Juneau907-269-0205 | Anchorage

RepublicanDistrict 23Anchorage

RepublicanDistrict 24Anchorage

[email protected]


State Capitol Room 403

907-465-3879 | Juneau907-269-0222 | Anchorage


Legislative DutiesHouse Majority leaderLegislative Council, memberHouse Committee on Committees, memberHouse Health & Social Services Committee, memberHouse Judiciary Committee, memberHouse Economic Development, Trade & Tourism Committee, memberHouse Finance: Subcommittee on Environmental Conservation, memberHouse Finance: Subcommittee on Natural Resources, memberHouse Finance: Governor Subcommittee, memberHouse Finance: Law Subcommittee, memberHouse Finance: Legislature Subcommittee, member

Professional Background: Logistics, business management, small business House member since 2011Sears Logistics general managerPartner in Pruitt International Enterprises (snack and beverage sales)Former FedEx Ground service managerFormer North Slope oilfield worker for NANA

Legislative DutiesAdministrative Regulation Review, chairHouse Education Committee, vice-chairHouse Labor & Commerce, vice-chairHouse Community & Regional Affairs Committee, memberHouse Health & Social Services Committee, memberHouse Military & Veterans’ Affairs Committee, memberHouse Finance: Education & Early Development Subcommittee, memberHouse Finance: Labor & Workforce Development Subcommittee, memberHouse Finance: University of Alaska Subcommittee, member

Professional Background: Health care marketing, business management, educationHouse member since 2013Substitute teacher for Anchorage School District, 2002-2004, 2006-2012Alaska district manager for Bristol-Meyers Squibb, 1992-2000

Rep. Lance Pruitt

Rep. Lora Reinbold

[email protected]


State Capitol Room 204

907-465-3438 | Juneau907-269-0100 | Anchorage

RepublicanDistrict 25Anchorage

RepublicanDistrict 26Eagle River

[email protected]


State Capitol Room 432

907-465-3822 | Juneau907-622-8950 | Eagle River


Legislative DutiesLegislative Council, chairLegislative Budget & Audit Committee, vice-chairAdministrative Regulation Review Committee, memberHouse Finance Committee, alternateHouse Rules Committee, memberHouse Resources Committee, memberHouse Finance: Corrections Subcommittee, memberHouse Finance: Health & Social Services Subcommittee, memberHouse Finance: Public Safety Subcommittee, memberHouse Finance: Revenue Subcommittee, member

Professional Background: AccountingHouse member since 2003Self-employed business and accounting consultant, 1997-2002Partner in Hawker and Raleigh accounting firm, 1991-1995Financial accounting and reporting consultant for Price Waterhouse,

1979-1991Former president of Alaska Gun Collectors Association, Alaska Machine

Gun Association

Legislative DutiesSpeaker of the HouseHouse Committee on Committees, chairHouse Rules Committee, memberLegislative Council, memberHouse Labor & Commerce CommitteeHouse Finance: Governor Subcommittee, memberHouse Finance: Legislature Subcommittee, member

Professional Background: Oilfield construction, school boardHouse member since 2001Kenai Peninsula Borough School Board, 1999-2000Partner in Qwick Construction Company, Inc.

Rep. Mike Hawker

Rep. Mike Chenault

[email protected]

State Capitol Room 502

907-465-4949 | Juneau907-269-0244 | Anchorage

RepublicanDistrict 27Anchorage

RepublicanDistrict 28Nikiski

[email protected]

State Capitol Room 208

907-465-3779 | Juneau907-283-7223 | Kenai


Legislative DutiesHouse Labor & Commerce Committee, chairHouse Rules Committee, vice-chairLegislative Budget & Audit Committee, memberHouse Resources Committee, memberHouse Fisheries Committee, memberHouse Community & Regional Affairs Committee, memberHouse Economic Development, Trade & Tourism Committee, memberHouse Finance: Administration Subcommittee, memberHouse Finance: Fish & Game Subcommittee, memberHouse Finance: Labor & Workforce Development Subcommittee, member

Professional Background: Legislative staffer, commercial insurance, municipal governmentHouse member since 2005Legislative staff to Sen. Tom Wagoner, 2003-2004Legislative staff to Sen. John Torgerson, 2002Soldotna City Council, 1999-2001

Legislative DutiesHouse Fisheries Committee, chairHouse Resources Committee, memberHouse Education Committee, memberHouse Health & Social Services Committee, memberHouse Finance: Environmental Conservation Subcommittee, memberHouse Finance: Fish & Game Subcommittee, memberHouse Finance: Transportation & Public Facilities, member

Professional Background: Commercial fishing, real estate, education, marine biologyHouse member since 2003Commercial fisherman, 1966-present Owner of KNS MarineRental propertiesFounding member of the Alaska Marine Conservation Council

Rep. Kurt Olsen

Rep. Paul Seaton

[email protected]

State Capitol Room 24

907-465-2693 | Juneau907-283-2690 | Kenai

RepublicanDistrict 29Soldotna

RepublicanDistrict 30Homer

[email protected]

State Capitol Room 102

907-465-2689 | Juneau907-235-2921 | Homer


Legislative DutiesHouse Finance Committee, memberHouse Finance: Environmental Conservation Subcommittee, chairHouse Finance: University of Alaska Subcommittee, chairHouse Finance: Health & Social Services Subcommittee, chair

Professional Background: Municipal government, small businessHouse member since 2009Rental propertiesJuneau Assembly, 1995-2001Owner of Ad Lib gallery and gift shop, 1988-2008

Legislative DutiesHouse Minority leaderAlaska Arctic Policy Commission, memberHouse Committee on Committees, memberHouse Finance: Governor Subcommittee, memberHouse Finance: Legislature Subcommittee, memberHouse Finance: Revenue Subcommittee, memberHouse Finance: Fish & Game Subcommittee, memberHouse Finance: Corrections Subcommittee, member

Professional Background: Natural resource and environmental lawHouse member since 1999?Kerttula Law Office, 1998-2004Assistant attorney general, 1990-1997Private practice lawyer, 1987-1988Assistant public defender, 1982-1986

Rep. Cathy Munoz

Rep. Beth Kerttula

[email protected]


State Capitol Room 421

907-465-3744 | Juneau

RepublicanDistrict 31Juneau

DemocratDistrict 32Juneau

[email protected]

State Capitol Room 404

907-465-4766 | Juneau

Resigning effective Jan. 24, 2014 Full Story Here!


Legislative DutiesHouse Majority whipHouse Transportation Committee, chairHouse Resources Committee, vice-chairHouse Committee on Committees, memberLegislative Council, memberHouse Education Committee, memberHouse Finance: Education & Early Development Subcommittee, memberHouse Finance: Commerce, Community & Economic Development Sub-

committee, memberHouse Finance: Environmental Conservation Subcommittee, member

Professional Background: Emergency medical care, nursing, real estateHouse member since 2001North Carolina House of Representatives, 1989-1993Rental propertiesFormer emergency room nurseFormer school nurseFormer emergency medical technician

Legislative DutiesHouse Transportation Committee, memberHouse Fisheries Committee, memberHouse State Affairs Committee, memberHouse Finance: Transportation & Public Facilities Subcommittee, memberHouse Finance: Natural Resources Subcommittee, memberHouse Finance: Court System Subcommittee, memberHouse Finance: Labor & Workforce Development Subcommittee, member

Professional Background: Student, mountaineering, community projectsHouse member since 2013Founder and coordinator of TEDx SitkaFounder and coordinator of Sitka Fellows program2004 Howard Dean presidential campaign volunteer

Rep. Peggy Wilson

Rep. Jonathan Kreiss-Tompkins

[email protected]


State Capitol Room 406

907-465-3824 | Juneau907-874-3088 | Wrangell

RepublicanDistrict 33Wrangell

DemocratDistrict 34Sitka

Representative.Jonathan [email protected]

State Capitol Room 426

907-465-3732 | Juneau907-747-4665 | Sitka


Legislative DutiesHouse Finance Committee, co-chairHouse Committee on Committees, memberLegislative Budget & Audit Committee, memberLegislative Council, alternateAlaska Arctic Policy Commission, memberHouse Finance: Governor Subcommittee, chairHouse Finance: Legislature Subcommittee, chairHouse Finance: Fish & Game Subcommittee, memberHouse Finance: Health & Social Services Subcommittee, memberHouse Finance: Fiscal Policy Subcommittee, member

Professional Background: State government, business management, commercial fishing, municipal

governmentHouse member since 2009Fisheries policy advisor to Gov. Frank Murkowski, 2003-2008Senator, 2001-2003House member, 1995-2000Kodiak Island Convention & Visitors Bureau executive director, 1993-

1994Kodiak Island Borough Assembly, 1985-1990, 1992-1994Austerman’s Office Supply owner, 1979-1994Commercial fishermanKadiak Times owner, 1976-1983Alaska National Guard sergeant, 1964-1971

Legislative DutiesHouse Finance: Corrections Subcommittee, chairHouse Finance: Public Safety Subcommittee, chairAlaska Arctic Policy Commission, alternateHouse Finance Committee, memberHouse Finance: Health & Social Services Subcommittee, member

Professional Background: State government, commercial fishingHouse member since 2007Choggiung Limited village corporation board presidentRental properties Commercial fishermanFormer chief operating officer of Bristol Bay Economic Development

Corp.Former legislative aide to Rep. Carl MosesLegislative aide to Sen. George Jacko, 1990s

Rep. Alan Austerman

Rep. Bryce Edgmon

[email protected]


State Capitol Room 505

907-465-2487 | Juneau907-486-8872 | Kodiak

RepublicanDistrict 35Kodiak

DemocratDistrict 36Dillingham

[email protected]

State Capitol Room 410

907-465-4451 | Juneau907-269-0275 | Anchorage


Legislative DutiesAlaska Arctic Policy Commission, co-chairHouse Rules Committee, memberLegislative Budget & Audit Committee, memberHouse Fisheries Committee, memberHouse Economic Development, Trade & Tourism Committee, memberHouse Community & Regional Affairs Committee, memberHouse Labor & Commerce Committee, memberHouse Finance: Corrections Subcommittee, memberHouse Finance: Transportation & Public Facilities Subcommittee, memberHouse Finance: Public Safety Subcommittee, member

Professional Background: State government, business management, municipal governmentHouse member since 2009VFW Post managerGolden Eagle Unlimited, Inc. (bus company) Alaska Congressional Delegation, Bethel office, 2005-2007Bethel city manager, 1998-2005Lower Kuskokwim School Board, 1992-2002Legislative aide, 1987-1994Former owner/general manager of Bethel CablevisionFormer owner of North Star GasRetired U.S. Marine Corps sergeant, 1973-1977

Legislative DutiesHouse Finance Committee, memberHouse Finance: Health & Social Services Subcommittee, memberHouse Finance: Natural Resources Subcommittee, memberHouse Finance: University of Alaska Subcommittee, member

Professional Background: Union business, construction, Alaska Democratic PartyHouse member since 2003Owner of Murphy Dome Gardens (peony farming)Alaska Civil Air Patrol majorLegislative staff to Rep. John Davies, 1999-2002Former chairman of the Alaska Democratic PartyLegislative staff to Rep. Tom Moyer, 1992

Rep. Bob Herron

Rep. David Guttenberg

[email protected]

State Capitol Room 411

907-465-4942 | Juneau907-543-5898 | Bethel

DemocratDistrict 37Bethel

DemocratDistrict 38Fairbanks

[email protected]


State Capitol Room 418

907-465-4457 | Juneau907-456-8172 | Fairbanks


Legislative DutiesHouse Military & Veterans’ Affairs Committee, co-chairHouse Community & Regional Affairs Committee, memberHouse Energy Committee, memberHouse Judiciary Committee, memberHouse Finance: Natural Resources Subcommittee, memberHouse Finance: Transportation & Public Facilities Subcommittee, memberHouse Finance: Public Safety Subcommittee, member

Professional Background: Real estate, corporate boards, municipal governmentHouse member since 2009Nome City Council, 2008-2009Rental propertiesSiu Alaska Corp. board member since 2008Bering Straits Regional Native Corp. board member since 2006Sitnasuak Native Corp. board member since 2003

Legislative DutiesHouse Community & Regional Affairs Committee, co-chairHouse Energy Committee, memberHouse Health & Social Services Committee, memberHouse Finance: University of Alaska Subcommittee, memberHouse Finance: Court System Subcommittee, memberHouse Finance: Education & Early Development Subcommittee

Professional Background: Municipal government, wildlife managementHouse member since 2013Assistant to North Slope Borough Planning DepartmentSpecial assistant to North Slope Borough mayorFormer natural resources program coordinator for Bureau of Land Man-

agement, Arctic Field OfficeNorth Slope Borough mayor, 1996-1999Former North Slope Borough wildlife management directorFormer executive vice president of Ilisagvik College Former Alaska Board of Game memberFormer chairman of the Eskimo Walrus CommissionU.S. Army

Rep. Neal Foster

Rep. Benjamin Nageak

[email protected]

State Capitol Room 434

907-465-3789 | Juneau907-443-5036 | Nome

DemocratDistrict 39Nome

DemocratDistrict 40Barrow

[email protected]

State Capitol Room 428

907-465-3473 | Juneau


Alaska Senate


There are 20 members of the Alaska Senate.

Here’s a rundown of each legislator’s duties and professional background.

John CoghillPete Kelly

Click BishopMike DunleavyCharlie Huggins

Fred DysonBill Wielechowski

Berta GardnerJohnny Ellis

Hollis French

Lesil McGuireKevin Meyer

Anna FaircloughCathy GiesselPeter MiccicheDennis EganBert StedmanGary Stevens

Lyman HoffmanDonny Olson

Alaska Senate

Select a name to view the profile or swipe vertically to flip through all of them.

Legislative DutiesSenate Majority LeaderSenate Judiciary Committee, chairSenate Special Committee on In-State Energy, co-chairSenate Rules Committee, vice-chairLegislative Council, memberSenate Committee on Committees, memberSenate State Affairs, memberJoint Armed Services Committee, memberSenate Finance: Administration Subcommittee, memberSenate Finance: Health & Social Services Subcommittee, memberSenate Finance: Public Safety Subcommittee, member

Professional Background: Small business, church work, Republican PartySenator since 2009House member, 1998-2009U.S. Air Force staff sergeant, 1969-1974

Legislative DutiesSenate Finance Committee, co-chairJoint Armed Services Committee, co-chairSenate Finance: Governor Subcommittee, co-chairSenate Finance: Legislature Subcommittee, co-chairSenate Finance: Court System Subcommittee, chairSenate Finance: Law Subcommittee, chairSenate Finance: University of Alaska Subcommittee, memberSenate Health & Social Services, member

Professional Background: State government, University of AlaskaSenator since 2013Senator, 1999-2003 House member, 1995-1999University of Alaska, director of state relations

Sen. John Coghill

Sen. Pete Kelly

[email protected]@SenatorCoghill

State Capitol Room 119

907-465-3719 | Juneau907-451-2963 | North Pole

[email protected]

State Capitol Room 516

907-465-3709 | Juneau907-451-4347 | Fairbanks

RepublicanDistrict ANorth Pole

RepublicanDistrict BFairbanks


Legislative DutiesSenate Finance Committee, memberSenate Resources Committee, memberLegislative Budget & Audit Committee, memberSenate Committee on In-State Energy, co-chairSenate Finance: Corrections Subcommittee, chairSenate Finance: Natural Resources Subcommittee, chairSenate Finance: Labor & Workforce Development Subcommittee,

chairSenate Finance: Military & Veterans’ Affairs Subcommittee, chairSenate Transportation Committee, memberSenate Community & Regional Affairs Committee, member

Professional Background: State government, union business, operating engineer, placer miningSenator since 2013Rampart Exploration LLC placer miningDepartment of Labor & Workforce Development commissioner,

2007-2012International Union of Operating Engineers Local 302 administra-

tor, 1991-2006Operating engineer, 1974-1991

Legislative DutiesSenate Labor & Commerce Committee, chairSenate Special Committee on TAPS Throughput, co-chairSenate Finance: Environmental Conservation Subcommittee, chairSenate Finance: Fish & Game, chairSenate Education Committee, vice-chairSenate Finance: Education & Early Development Subcommittee, chairLegislative Budget & Audit Committee, alternateSenate Finance Committee, memberLegislative Council, memberSenate World Trade Committee, member

Professional Background: EducationSenator since 2013Mat-Su Borough School Board, 2011-2013UAF director of K-12 outreach, 2011Dunleavy Educational Services (education consulting)Former teacher, principal and superintendent

Sen. Click Bishop

Sen. Mike Dunleavy

[email protected]@CLICK_BISHOP

State Capitol Room 115

907-465-2327 | Juneau907-456-8161 | Fairbanks

[email protected]@SenDunleavy

State Capitol Room 510

907-465-6600 | Juneau907-376-3370 | Wasilla

RepublicanDistrict CFairbanks

RepublicanDistrict DWasilla


Legislative DutiesSenate PresidentSenate Committee on Committees, chairLegislative Council, memberSenate Education Committee, memberSenate Finance: Governor Subcommittee, memberSenate Finance: Legislature Subcommittee, memberSenate Rules Committee, memberSenate World Trade Committee, member

Professional Background: MilitarySenator since 2004Retired U.S. Army colonel, 1970-1995

Legislative DutiesSenate State Affairs Committee, chairSenate Resources Committee, vice-chairSenate Transportation Committee, vice-chairSenate Judiciary Committee, memberJoint Armed Services Committee, memberSenate Finance: Corrections Subcommittee, memberSenate Finance: Transportation & Public Facilities Subcommittee, memberSenate Finance: Public Safety Subcommittee, member

Professional Background: Commercial fishing, municipal government, oil industrySenator since 2003House member, 1997-2002Owner/captain of marine charter service, 2001-2008Commercial fisherman, 1976–1999Anchorage Municipal Assembly 1985 – 1991Maintenance engineer for British Petroleum, 1972-1984

Sen. Charlie Huggins

Sen. Fred Dyson

[email protected]

State Capitol Room 111

907-465-3878 | Juneau907-376-4866 | Wasilla

[email protected]

State Capitol Room 121

907-465-2199 | Juneau907-694-6683 | Eagle River

RepublicanDistrict EWasilla

RepublicanDistrict FEagle River


Legislative DutiesJoint Armed Services Committee, memberSenate Special Committee on In-State Energy, memberSenate Judiciary Committee, memberSenate State Affairs Committee, memberSenate Finance: Natural Resources Subcommittee, memberSenate Finance: Military & Veterans’ Affairs Subcommittee, memberSenate Finance: Revenue Subcommittee, member

Professional Background: Labor law, state and municipal boardsSenator since 2007IBEW 1547 lawyerAnchorage Planning and Zoning Commission, 2004-2006Alaska Workers’ Compensation Board, 1999-2004 Department of Labor & Workforce Development hearing officer, 1999-


Legislative DutiesSenate Education Committee, memberSelect Committee on Legislative Ethics, memberSenate World Trade Committee, memberSenate Special Committee on TAPS Throughput, memberSenate Finance: Health & Social Services Subcommittee, memberSenate Finance: Education & Early Development Subcommittee,

memberSenate Finance: Labor & Workforce Development Subcommittee,

memberSenate Finance: University of Alaska Subcommittee, member

Professional Background: Small business, community councilsSenator since 2013House member, 2005-2012Owner/Manager of Brown Bear Software, Inc.

Sen. Bill Wielechowski

Sen. Berta Gardner

[email protected]@RepBerta

State Capitol Room 417

907-465-4930 | Juneau907-269-0174 | Anchorage

DemocratDistrict GAnchorage

DemocratDistrict HAnchorage

[email protected]@wielechowski

State Capitol Room 419

907-465-2435 | Juneau907-269-0120 | Anchorage


Legislative DutiesAutism Early Diagnosis and Treatment Task Force, co-chairSenate Committee on Committees, memberSenate Rules Committee, memberSenate Labor & Commerce Committee, memberSenate Health & Social Services Committee, memberSenate Finance: Administration Subcommittee, memberSenate Finance: Corrections Subcommittee, memberSenate Finance: Environmental Conservation Subcommittee, member

Professional Background: State government, real estate, small businessSenator since 1993House member, 1987-1992Rental propertiesAlaska Political Insights (consulting)Partner in Ellis Brothers (properties and investments)Former partner of Macuir Company, 1992-2006Former owner of Alaska Natural (wholesale gifts), 1990-2002Legislative aide to Rep. Don Clocksin, 1980s

Legislative DutiesSenate minority leaderAdministrative Regulation Review Committee, memberSenate Resources Committee, memberSenate Transportation Committee, memberSenate Finance: Court System Subcommittee, memberSenate Finance: Public Safety Subcommittee, memberSenate Finance: Law Subcommittee, memberSelect Committee on Legislative Ethics, alternate

Professional Background: Criminal law, real estate, oil industrySenator since 2003Co-owner of French Apartments, 1989-presentAssistant District Attorney, 1996-2002Production operator for ARCO, 1984-1992Production operator for Shell Oil Co., 1980-1984U.S. Marine Corps Reserve, 1977-1978

Sen. Johnny Ellis

Sen. Hollis French

[email protected]@SenHollisFrench

State Capitol Room 504

DemocratDistrict IAnchorage

DemocratDistrict JAnchorage

[email protected]@SenJohnnyEllis

State Capitol Room 7

907-465-3704 | Juneau907-269-0169 | Anchorage


Legislative DutiesAlaska Arctic Policy Commission, co-chairSenate Rules Committee, chairSenate Judiciary Committee, vice-chairSenate World Trade Committee, vice-chairSenate Committee on Committees, memberSenate Resources Committee, memberSenate Special Committee on TAPS Throughput, memberSenate Finance: Commerce, Community & Economic Development

Subcommittee, memberSenate Finance: Health & Social Services Subcommittee, memberSenate Finance: Revenue Subcommittee, member

Professional Background: PoliticsSenator since 2007House member, 2001-2006House Judiciary Committee aide, 2000Oregon Department of Justice law clerk, 1996-1998Legislative intern for U.S. Sen. Ted Stevens, 1993-1995

Legislative DutiesSenate Finance Committee, co-chairSenate Finance: Commerce, Community & Economic Development

Subcommittee, chairSenate Finance: Transportation & Public Facilities Subcommittee, chairSenate Finance: Governor Subcommittee, co-chairSenate Finance: Legislature Subcommittee, co-chairSenate Rules Committee, memberSenate Committee on Committees, memberLegislative Council, memberLegislative Budget & Audit Committee, memberSenate Health & Social Services Committee, member

Professional Background: Business administration, oil industry, municipal governmentSenator since 2009House member, 2001-2008Anchorage Assembly, 1993-2000Investment recovery coordinator for ConocoPhillips Alaska, 2008-presentPurchasing representative for ConocoPhillips Alaska, 2000-2007Director of administration services for ARCO Alaska, 1983-2000Rental properties

Sen. Lesil McGuire

Sen. Kevin Meyer

[email protected]@SenKevinMeyer

State Capitol Room 518

907-465-4945 | Juneau907-269-0199 | Anchorage

RepublicanDistrict KAnchorage

RepublicanDistrict LAnchorage

[email protected]@lesilmcguire

State Capitol Room 103

907-465-2995 | Juneau907-269-0250 | Anchorage


Legislative DutiesSenate Finance: Administration Subcommittee, chairLegislative Budget & Audit Committee, chairSenate Finance Committee, vice-chairSenate Finance: Revenue Subcommittee, chairSenate Finance: University of Alaska Subcommittee, chairSenate Resources Committee, memberSenate Special Committee on TAPS Throughput, memberSenate Transportation Committee, memberJoint Armed Services Committee, memberSenate Finance: Governor Subcommittee, memberSenate Finance: Legislature Subcommittee, memberSelect Committee on Legislative Ethics, alternate

Professional Background: Nonprofit administration, municipal government, union businessSenator since 2013House member, 2007-2012Anchorage Assembly, 1999-2006Hospice of Anchorage development director, 2007-presentFormer executive director of Standing Together Against RapeMembership services, United Food & Commercial Workers Local


Legislative DutiesAdministrative Regulation Review, vice-chairSenate Community & Regional Affairs, vice-chairSenate Resources Committee, chairSenate State Affairs Committee, vice-chairAlaska Arctic Policy Commission, memberLegislative Budget & Audit Committee, memberSelect Committee on Legislative Ethics, memberSenate Finance: Environmental Conservation Subcommittee, memberSenate Finance: Natural Resources Subcommittee, memberSenate Finance: Labor & Workforce Development Subcommittee, mem-


Professional Background: Nursing, health care boards and commissions, Republican PartySenator since 2011Registered nurse, advanced nurse practitionerAlaska Board of Nursing, 2003-2010Anchorage Health and Human Services Commission, 2002-2008Former president of the Anchorage Republican Women’s ClubFormer vice-chair of the Alaska Republican Party

Sen. Anna Fairclough

Sen. Cathy Giessel

[email protected]@GiesselAkSenate

State Capitol Room 427

907-465-4843 | Juneau907-269-0181 | Anchorage

RepublicanDistrict MEagle River

RepublicanDistrict NAnchorage

[email protected]

907-465-3777 | Juneau907-694-8944 | Eagle River


Legislative DutiesSenate Community & Regional Affairs Committee, chairSenate Health & Social Services Committee, vice-chairSenate Labor & Commerce Committee, vice-chairLegislative Council, vice-chairSenate Special Committee on TAPS Throughput, co-chairSenate Finance: Natural Resources Subcommittee, memberSenate Finance: Transportation & Public Facilities Subcommittee, memberSenate Special Committee on In-State Energy, memberSenate Finance: Military & Veterans’ Affairs Subcommittee, memberSenate Resources Committee, memberSenate World Trade Committee, member

Professional Background: Natural gas industry, municipal government, commercial fishing, real es-

tateSenator since 2013Mayor of Soldotna, 2008-2013Soldotna City Council, 2007-2008Kenai LNG facility superintendent for ConocoPhillips Alaska,

2002-presentVarious natural gas positions with Phillips Petroleum and ConocoPhillips,

1985-2002Commercial fisherman, 1994-presentRental properties

Legislative DutiesSenate Transportation Committee, chairLegislative Council, memberSenate Community & Regional Affairs Committee, memberSenate Special Committee on In-State Energy, memberSenate Finance: Commerce, Community & Economic Development

Subcommittee, memberSenate Finance: Court System Subcommittee, memberSenate Finance: Fish & Game Subcommittee, member

Professional Background: Radio broadcasting, municipal governmentSenator since 2009Host of KINY-AM’s “Problem Corner” since 1986President and general manager of Alaska-Juneau Communications, Inc.,

1986-2009Mayor of Juneau, 1995-2000Juneau Assembly, 1989-1995Alaska Army National Guard, 1967-1974

Sen. Peter Micciche

Sen. Dennis Egan

[email protected]

State Capitol Room 9

907-465-4947 | Juneau

RepublicanDistrict OSoldotna

DemocratDistrict PJuneau

[email protected]

State Capitol Room 125

907-465-2828 | Juneau907-283-7996 | Kenai


Legislative DutiesSenate Health & Social Services Committee, chairSenate Education Committee, memberSenate State Affairs Committee, memberSenate Labor & Commerce Committee, memberSenate Finance: Administration Subcommittee, memberSenate Finance: Law Subcommittee, memberSenate Finance: Revenue Subcommittee, member

Professional Background: Finance, commercial fishing, municipal governmentSenator since 2003Self-employed as Pioneer Capital Management since 1986Rental propertiesFormer Sitka Assembly memberFormer commercial fishermanFormer heavy construction tradesman

Legislative DutiesSenate Education Committee, chairSenate World Trade Committee, chairAlaska Arctic Policy Commission, alternateLegislative Council, memberAdministrative Regulation Review Committee, memberSenate Finance: Fish & Game Subcommittee, memberSenate Finance: Education & Early Development Subcommittee, memberSenate Finance: University of Alaska Subcommittee, member

Professional Background: Higher education, history, municipal governmentSenator since 2003House member, 2001-2003Former mayor of Kodiak Island BoroughFormer mayor of the City of Kodiak University of Alaska, Kodiak College professor, 1975-1996General manager of Northern Processors, 1970-1975Retired U.S. Army 1st Lieutenant, 1967-1970

Sen. Bert Stedman

Sen. Gary Stevens

[email protected]

State Capitol Room 429

907-465-4925 | Juneau907-486-4925 | Kodiak

RepublicanDistrict QSitka

RepublicanDistrict RKodiak

[email protected]@SenStedman

State Capitol Room 30

907-465-3873 | Juneau907-225-8088 | Ketchikan


Legislative DutiesSenate Finance Committee, memberAlaska Arctic Policy Commission, memberSenate World Trade Committee, memberSenate Community & Regional Affairs Committee, memberSenate Finance: Commerce, Community, & Economic Development

Subcommittee, memberSenate Finance: Fish & Game Subcommittee, memberSenate Finance: Transportation & Public Facilities, memberSenate Finance: Governor Subcommittee, memberSenate Finance: Legislature Subcommittee, memberLegislative Council, alternate

Professional Background: Business management, municipal government, real estate, commercial

fishingSenator since 1995, 1991-1992House member, 1987-1990, 1993-1994Bethel Native Corp. board chairmanBethel city manager, 1977-1985Owner of Hoffman Rentals, Blue Sky Estates, Kisarelik Unlimited (resi-

dential leases), Golden Eagle Unlimited (school buses), Bethel Drilling & Welding, New York Creek and Associates (mining)

Former owner of North Star Gas

Legislative DutiesSenate Finance: Health & Social Services Subcommittee, chairSenate Finance: Public Safety Subcommittee, chairUnmanned Aircraft Systems Task Force, co-chairSenate Finance Committee, memberSenate Judiciary Committee, memberSenate Labor & Commerce Committee, memberLegislative Budget & Audit Committee, memberAlaska Arctic Policy Commission, alternate

Professional Background: Aviation, real estate, medicine, international & maritime lawSenator since 2001Pilot for North Slope Borough Search and RescueOwner/operator of Donald Olson Enterprises, Olson Ventures and Polar

Express Airways, Inc. (airport facilities and aviation)Alaska State Medical Board, 1995-2001Medical doctor, 1980s-1990sFormer president/CEO of Olson Air Service, Inc.

Sen. Lyman Hoffman

Sen. Donny Olson

[email protected]

State Capitol Room 508

907-465-3707 | Juneau907-269-0254 | Anchorage

DemocratDistrict SBethel

DemocratDistrict TGolvin

[email protected]

State Capitol Room 11

907-465-4453 | Juneau


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Gavel Alaska CreditsProducers

Jeremy HsiehLisa Phu

Capitol Crew

Skip GrayBruck Bruckman

Erin BurkertDarryl Tseu

Kyle Schmitz

Control RoomDavid Waters

John KellyTifany NelsonAaron RussellDian Martin

Technical SupportJim Mahan

Mikko WilsonKevin HurtleyDavid JacksonLance Hankins

Management & Underwriting

Bill LegereTim OlsonJohn Beiler

Christy Ciambor

2014 Gavel Alaska GuideJeremy Hsieh

Sarah YuHeather Bryant

eBook Published: Jan. 23, 2014