THE SAN : FRANCISCO GALL, .SUNDAY^APRIL 15/; 190«; 56 AGJBNTjJ JWANTEJ^.^Wj^ J 1 LADIES wanted to canvass for the Edwards Skirt Supporter; one supporter fastens every shirt waist to skirt for eeven Inches across back without pins, points or teeth to. tear garments; free terms. Edwards Skirt Sup- ; porter Co.. 61« Main st.. Buffalo. N. Y. AGENTS—IOc .will bring, you. postpaid, our Illustrated catalogue of novelties and cample set of latest collar and cuff buttons; red-hot sellers Western Supply Co.. Freno. Cal. WANTED Two good installment agents; good pay to good men; commission advanced every Saturday. C. F. ADAMS CO.. 318 Magon st. AGENT; AND SOLICITORS " "WANTED. REAL estate and financial solicitors. For par- ticulars room 410, First Natl. Bank bldg., Berkeley. - ' \u25a0 SALESMEN WANTED. WANTED Ladles, gentlemen, students to do special pleasant work for a few hours a day or a full day; can w"ork in San Francisco, Oakland, Alameda. Berkeley. Haywards. San Leandro or San Rafael. Apply between 2 and 4 p. m., Monday. Tuesday and Wednes- day. GREAT AMERICAN IMPORTING TEA CO.. 52 Market et. . GREAT side line (or exclusive); art fans for advertising-; our low prices sell the goods; liberal commission?: samples by return. SOUTHERN ADVERTISING CO.. Chicago. HORSES AND WAGONS. FOR sale Fine bay mare; good driver, gentle and perfectly reliable; suitable for .woman or man to drive; price $90. Apply HUTTON'S STABLE, 3545 Sacramento St.; must be seen today. s_ FOR tale A good business horse; gentle; 8 years old: good driver; suitable for any pur- pose. 151 Douglass et. AUCTION sale ol horses, wagons and harness \u2666very Wednesday at 11 a. m. 327 Sixth at. ALMOST new wagon: suitable any business: email wagon, cheap; must sell. 2725 Howard THE remaining stock of buggies, wagons and harness for sale below cost at 426 Valencia. SHETLAND for children: cheap: also 17 head of all kinds from ?25 up. 176 Valencia st. LARGE bay horse for sale. Box 831, Call of- fice. \ \u25a0 ___ IX)R sale Fine paddle horse, 6 years old; gentle and stylleh. Box 708. Call of!lce. A GENTLE saddle or buggy horse for sale. Apply 24 Sixth Et. WAGONS, buggies and phaetons; cheap. 823 Fulton st. ; STABLE for four hourses and wagons. 138 South Park. ' FOR eale—3 trucks, one light beer_ wagon; suitable country; 3 express wagons. 233 Beale. HOUSES TO LET. ' A PRINTED list of houses to let: send for cir- cular. G. H. UMBSEN fc CO.. 20 Montgmry. COMPLETE list of houses and flats In our renting department; service free; furniture for 4 room*. $150; $3 a week. Cordes Furni- ture Co.. on the square. 245-259 Geary gt. CLAY, 2503. near Fillmore— House of 8> rooms and bath; rent 535. YON RHEIN^REAL ESTATE CO.. 513 California st. HOUSE. 8 rooms; lot 50x80; rent $15. 1769 Alabama «t.: key grocery. Twenty-eighth and Alabama. ELEGANT house. 9 rooms, cor. Page and Scott sts. (No. 253 ScotO ; yard, basement: rent $15. OAK, 236 5 Bunny rooms, bath, $22.50. 551 Howard st.. 10 rooms. $15; water free. A WEEK'S news for 5 cents— The Weekly Call, 16 pagee. In wrapper, for mailing. $1 per year. HOUSES TO LET—^•UR^SH^D^^ FURNISHED house. 8 rooms; all conveniences; May 1 to Sept. 30; no children. 3323 17th st. MODERN house, 9 sunny rooms; open from 10 a. m. to 1 p. m. Apply 1315 Hyde st. SECOND aye.. 441. near Point Lobos— Modern cottage, furnished; gas; bath; tubs. HOUSES PUR SALE FURNISHED. OAK. 1103. cor. Devisadero 7 rooms, bath, piano; 6unny. nicely furnished; sacrifice; make offer, or will rent furnished. 14 LIGHT, pnnny rooms, well rented; fine view; death, going Eagt: cheap. 214 Halght st. COTTAGES TO LET. TO loan— s2ooo or $3000; two or three thou- sand dollars to loan on S. F. real estate Ist mortgage", 6 per cent. Address BAY CITY PHARMACY, Seventh and Howard sts. COTTAGE to let: mod.. 5 rms. 6 Merrltt st., ' near Elghteenth-6t. cars; key at 462 Castro. $25 COTTAGE, 6 rooms and bath. 5 CongreES Bt., near Buena Vista aye. / COTTAGE of four rooms and bath; rent $13. Arply,3so Preclta five. \u25a0 5 RMS. base., attic, Mlseion-st. cars to Cres- cent ay.. down l«t to right. Apply 17; $11.50. $18 5-ROOM cottage on Cottage row. nr. Web. rter. bet. Sutter and Bush. Inquire No. 7. HOUSES FURNISHED SUBURBAN. FOR rent for the summer months Nicely fur- nished new 4-room cottage at Del-Mar sta- tion, between Santa Cruz and Capitola; elec- tric cars direct. Apply MRS. MCCARTHY, 318 Fremont st., San Francisco. HOUSES TO LET SUBURBAN. ESCALLES Ark 5 large rms. ;fur. or unfur. CHAS. GLEAVES. Escalles. or 610 Com'l. COTTAGES TO LET—MARINCOUNTY. FOR rent At Millbrae, Cal., a 10-room house; 1 block of ground, windmill, barn, chicken houses, etc: rent $25 per month. Apply to THE J. NOONAN FURNITURE CO.. 1017 Mission st.. San Francisco. MILL VALLEY COTTAGES TO LET. SANS SOUCI cottace, on the Cascade drive, to rent; also camping ground. Apply on premises or ICO4 Polk gt. . - i HOUSES "WANTED 3IILLVALLEY. WANTED—To rent in Mill Valley. Blythdale or San Aneelmo, a furnished house for July. August and September; would prefer with board if possible; two grown persons and two children; house modern and pleasantly situated. Box 424, Call office. HOTELS. * HOTEL SEQUOIA. 808 GEARY ST.. CORNER HYDE. Telephones; steam "heat; hot and cold water in every room; European plan; grill;no ho- tel more modern or convenient; most elegant- ly furnished; absolutely fireproof. R. H. WARFIELD. Proprietor. HOTEL St. Nicholas. Market. Larkln. Hayes ets.— Heart of S. F. : modern; American and European plans; electric lights and phone in every room; hot and cold water; quiet. HOTELS TO LET. COMPLETELY furnished, hotel of 35 rooms; running water; .electric Uzhts; baths; eleva- tor and steam heating; large grounds; finest location in State for sanitarium. Apply ' MADISON & BURKE. 30 Montgomery st. ' .. ---- I - :^^^S3^s^ T J^.r,-nrrr,nnn l - l rr lf CALIFORNIA corporation with over a mil- lion assets will sell a limited amount of first mortgage 6 per cent net gold bonds, with stock bonus for short time only. Box 400, Call. ' - FIVE and ffen cent stores -on syndicate p:an pay enormous dividends; investigate the busl- i.et% and opportunity. Call or address 5 and 10 cent Syndicate.- 1095 Market St., San Francisco. * ... I HAVE 20.000 shares of gold mining com- pany, 5c per share; would exchange for rub- ber or oil stocks or unimproved lots. Box 45». Call. "-'"..- $lOOO to promote valuable invention: profits big, assured; Investigate; no agents. Box 436.Ca11. INVALID "CHAIRS. SOLD, rented., exchanged: manufacturer of the Eames tricycle chair. 2CIB Mkt.: tel.Park 775. JAPANESE LAUNDRIES. LADIES, work and lace curtains a specialty. 43S Hayes St.; tel. Page, 33o. '...•\u25a0 LOST AND FOUND. \u25a0 LOST Some time Saturday, a iady;« watch; blue, enameled, with 3 fleur-de-lis - in- -tiny diamonds on back; valued as keepsake. Upon return of same to box-office Grand ; Opera- house finder, will ; receive $25 reward.'- \u25a0\u25a0•.- \u25a0: LOST April 14, a Jade pin*surrounded by dia- monds. Return' to office Hotel St. Francis - and receive liberal reward. . ; WANTED Special agent for \u25a0 a surety com- pany; must have had experience. in. the busi- ness and furnish good: references; a salaried position. Address Box -439. .Call. ;\ii : > :. LOST Parrot from 810 Pacific st., with large yellow spot on - beck \u25a0 of » head ; return ' and racalv* reward. DANIEL GIOVANNINL ; : - PHYSICIANS AND^SURGEONS. REMOVED—DR. I WONO HIM, "• herb doctor. . treats all diseases of 1 the :human ' body :' tor past four years at 667 Geary st., now located V s-t 414 Hyde st..: bet. OTarreil and Ellis. TONG "PO CHY. successor to Dr. LI Po Tal. the famous herb doctor;' all diseases cured by Chinese herbs. 727 -Washington st. WONG WOO," : the famous herb doctor; all dls- \u25a0 eases cured, by Chinese herbs. 746-8 Clay st. ; PHOTO SUPPLIES. . ' FREE KODAK DEVELOPINQ If you buy your films of me or have Be do ... your photo printing. I carry a full line -of Yji NON-CURLING FILMS. My prices for films In rolls of six exposures are as follows: 2Kx2Vi. 15°: 2Vix3H. 20c; 2Hx4%, 25c: 3Hx3^. 30c; 3%x4%. 35c; Utt. 5x4 and 3%x5% 45c: 6x7. SOc. For rolls of twelve exposures: 2 "4x3%. 40o; 2Hx*U. 60c; 3ttx3ft. 60c; 3Vix4%. 70c; Sftx 6V. (10 exposures), 70c; 5x7. $I 60. THAT MAN PITTS. 1003 Market -»t.. San Francisco. V ' T pboTO PRINTINO. I give a discount of 10 per cent on orders of more than 6 prints each from 6 negatives. Here are some of my prices: 2&x3U. 4o each; 2%x4%. BHx3^ and 3)4x4)4. 6c; 4x3 and 3%x 6%. 6c; 6x7. 10c v j >;\u25a0 THAT MAN PITTS. \u25a0 . . tnpg Market it.. Ban Francisco. CYKO PHOTO PRINTING PAPER. A developing paper and prints by artificial light. Sample dosen of any size up to and Including 4x3 ISO A full assortment of Kodak Mounts and Albums. PHOTO PLATE 3. \ tHxiUt «0c box; 4x9. Ssc; 6x7, $1. ALL. THE LATEST MAGAZINES AND PERIODICALS. THAT MAN PITTS, "- 1008 Market st.. San Francisco. \u25a0.-\u25a0'. BELVEDERE. 189, near G. O. Park— 3 front rooms and bath;' partly turn.: reasonable. BROADWAY, j 934—S sunny furnished rooms: piano; bath; marine view. -\u25a0 . BRYANT. 421 Two or three \u25a0 sunny rooms, .nicely f urnlshed * for housekeeping, with gas. BRYANT. .421—Two or three sunny rooms, ntcely furnished for housekeeping, with gas. BUCHANAN, . 1205— Corner flat; beautiful. . sunny. '. furnished housekeeping , rooms to let. BUSH, 931 Nicely furnished rooms; sunny; •convenient; running water; bath; private house; location select. BUSH, 1028 Housekeeping rooms; all modern conveniences ; gas range. ' - . BUSH. 702— Neat up-to-date housekeeping rooms in choice local'ty; moderate rent. BUCHANAN. 120&—Corner fiat; beautiful sunny J furnished housekeeping rooms to let. CALIFORNIA. 3012— Completely furnished nice eunny rooms, single or en suite; terms reasonable. ' CALIFORNIA. 1423%— Housekeeping rooms to let; furnished. -,• . CALIFORNIA. 1510. near Polk—Beautiful sun- ny furnished rooms to let. DEVISADERO, 1830 Housekeeping rooms in - fine locality; cars pass the door. EDDY, 333— Nicely 'furnlsned front rooms: also others; very convenient; hot and cold water; reasonable. EDDY, 443 2 sunny furnished housekeeping rooms; gas range; yard (rear). v EDDY, 769r-Newly furnished, sunny rooms: etngle or suites ; bath; phone; also housekeep- ing rooms; rent very reasonable. EDDY. 1616 Nice eunny housekeeping rooms .to let. >;;.; ELLIS, 700— Housekeeping rooms to let; charges reasonable.* ' ... ELLIS. 434A Nicely - furnished rooms | for housekeeping; gas or coal stove; sinks; run- ning water. \u25a0--. \u25a0 " \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0•.. .. EIGHTH. 36. near Market Sunny room; gas, bath tubs. . yard; gas to cook; all $9 month. EDDY.- 632 Neatly furnished rooms, with or without . housekeeping privileges; gas, bath, phone. FOURTEENTH. . 154^ 1or 2 rooms with kltcbV en attached; also 2 parlors with, kitchen at- tached, to let; .reasonable. .- FULTON, 310^ Furnished or partly furnished "for housekeeping; no children; very sunny. FULTON, 227 Nice housekeeping rooms ". to . let: rea<«onable. - - FELL, 700^ Fine furnished eunny housekeep- ing rooms; rent reasonable. - . FRANKLIN. 1450, near Sutter Elegantly fur- nished sunny corner; bath, phone, gas; single V or en suite. -.':'\u25a0' FOLSOM. 647 Two housekeeping rooms; com- plete; bath. . ; . FRANKLIN, Co&—Swell neighborhood; nice ' sunny well furnished housekeeping rooms to i let. \u25a0" . . GROVE, 202. cor. .Van Ness Sunny front .suite with kitchen. $20 per month. GOLDEN GATE aye., 120©— Nice sunny parlor suites; use of piano; other rooms for house- . keeping. : ...... GEARY, * 1225 Nice sunny suite rooms for housekeeping; very convenient: cheap. -\u25a0\u25a0 GEARY, 823—Neatly furnished rooms for light housekeeping; all conveniences. . GOLDEN GATE aye.. 530^ Sunny housekeeping rooms; gas. : running water;: rent reasonable. GOLDEN GATE aye.. * 632. near Park— Good locality; furnished rooms 'for housekeeping. GOUGH. 663 Rooms for housekeeping: pri- vate family; gas range, running \u25a0 water. GEARY, 1418 Nicely furnished \u25a0 1-2 and 3 ' room eultes for housekeeping; also'slngle rm. GOUGH. 708 Neat.- sunny,, well . furnished rooms to let. HAVES.- 481— Bay window front room; also \u25a0 . single room ; - bath. gaa«, phone. HYDE. 200—Nothing like it in city; large. \u25a0 sunny: massive - windows; gas stoves: big . yard : $15 to $22. See this place before you : select home. . - HOUSEKEEPING, rooms (2); private famll>. 447 Bartlett st., near. 26th. \u0084.: V HAIGHT. 214— Very pleasant side rooms; gas .-, \u25a0 range: large yard; fine .view. : HAIGHT, 1787 Front suite and kitchen; near Golden Gate Park; , all Improvements. ' HYDEk 818—Nice front rooms for housekeep- :- ing; quiet.treasonable." HAVES. 4S1 Housekeeping rooms to let; all ;modern; Reasonable. . HOWARD. 23S1 Housekeeping rooms to let; . well furnished. v .-*-"' HYDE.' 412 Housekeeping rooms to let, fur- nished '\u25a0 complete. --• , ' HAIGHT, 716 Nicely furnished , rooms, com- r plete for housekeeping; all conveniences; rea- sonable rent. .;.\u25a0\u25a0• \u25a0''- '\u25a0': -\u0084 . "'. - HYDE, -1412, 5upper floor Four ~. unfurnished V rooms; ; separate- bath;: gas range;'. $17. JESSIE, 323 Large ; rooms. - furnished house- keeptng. gas range/' sink;: s3 to $3.50 week. JERSEY. 341, between 24th and 25th. nr. Cas- e. tro— One 'or-. 2 furnished or unfurnished rrooms for, housekeeping; igaa." '.'-\u25a0-'- JESSIE, 433—Newly furnished iiousekeeplng n rooms for rent.' \u25a0' ' . \u25a0\u25a0'-.'\u25a0 :•>"•:\u25a0 JONES, 317-^-Housekeeplng rooms; private fam- \u25a0 ".'• lly : rent reasonable •to suitable tenant. LARKIN, . 819M —Two . sunny " front rooms; : housekeeping; $16 per month. LEAVEN WORTH. . 1117— Select \u25a0 rooms for a housekeeping: \u25a0 running water, -closets, gas. LAGUNA. 740 Nice private. rooms ; for house- ', keeping;. in-good locality; moderate. •-..'. LARKIN, 1015%— Desirable furnished ' house- , keeping rooms to let. \u25a0\u25a0- MISSION 2647—We1l furnished front and back ,;_ parlors, with: or without kitchen: annny. MCALLISTER,- 405. corner > Polk—Neatly fur- nished sunny rooms,' single or en suite.. com- ! : plete for housekeeping ; nice location.- .. y ; MASON. 602— Furnished housekeeping rooms ; . to lef.cloge An: no car fare.. ..-..-. . - MCALLISTER. 978—Housekeeping rooms, sult- : able ; for i couple; I all ,conveniences. \u25a0.-.. -i MCALLISTER,-; 11V0—Neatly furnished hpuse- £ keeping rooms; bath, -gas. running water." . ;. MISSION.* 1917— Nice rooms for housekeeping; £ ; ; private -z family. X;:"\u25a0\u25a0" :\u25a0.:.\u25a0\u25a0>_\u25a0 . , MCALLISTER/ i 802—Nice st. furnished rooms, rcompete tor, housekeeping ; all conveniences ; ! > kcuxJ Bal«bbarbaod: : ratasj r«a»nnat>-»- ' --'•_\u25a0/\u25a0_ j ; MUSICAIi STKUMEJfTS. . \u25a0 A> BARGAIN; list \u25a0 In ! standard > uprights ; ; Steln- . way.v $105 ; > Heine"?- $215 ; Chlckt ring. $ISS; Emerson. 1 $145; iFlsherr $130; Schiller, $205; \u25a0 rents . f 2 -< up.- Installments ' $3 up. HEli\'£J PIANO . CO. ;< 237 Geary st. " \u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0•.'' \u25a0 ; . \u25a0 AN UPRIGHT PIANO FOR $50. , A ,- SQUARE I PIANO . FOR " $10. BENJ. CURTAZ & SON.; ,16 O'FARRELL jSTr ; : Y'-Yi^ SPECIAL BARGAIN. $187—Hlgh-srrade - piano, i nearly new. GOOD MAN'S. -1132 -Valencia st. ' -.".,' BEST rental :\u25a0\u25a0 pianos in - the ; city for $3 p«r month; -some at $'J.sO;'' one. years-rentals -rental al- SCOTT-CURTAZ, 560 Hayes st. - SAVE dealers' profits; buy direct from factory. DEITEMEIER PIANOS, 839 ; Valencia st.. bet. Nineteenth, and. Twentieth. -.•' . STEINWAY piano In good condition. *$80. : Call from 8 a. m.f to 9 p.m. .584 Valencia st. LADY wanting piano \u25a0 would I like to i buy 1 due -..- bill If she can buy reasonable. Box 290. Call. SUPERIOR -violins; new and old. H. MUL- LER,. maker and repairer. 2 Latham place. ALMOST given away; storage pianos and fur- nlture. Whltehead's Storage, 1636 Market st. PIANOS extraordinary, stock East'n mfgr.-sao-" rlflced;- terms to suit. Statham.UO McAllister. SOHMEIt, Byron Mauzy pianos. Cecil lan piano player. BYRON MAUZY. 308-312 Post . st. . NEW I upright pianos sold on $5 monthly pay- ments. SCHMITZ A CO.. 16 McAllister st. 3-PEDAL Steinway up; Chickerlng baby grand; Shonlnger little used. Keeffe's. 285 O FarrtlL * * AN attractively furnished office in James . Flood building to let. For particulars see . Manager of -building.- - , .i/ - . "~~~~~"~ - DESK room for rent in the office of a promi- nent attorney, in Mills building;tenant must give references. Box 449, Call office. ' FOR sale or rent Nicely furnished office. In- qulre 605 Grant bldg., cor. 7th and Market. STORE and rooms, suitable i for I merchandise, grocery or drugs. Apply3033 San Bruno aye. j MAJESTIC bldg.. 1281 Market st.—Nice mod- ! crn offices to let, $10 per month and up. LARGE, sunny corner room for studio, dress- maker, or tailor shop. 602 Powell Bt. SUNNY front offices; suitable for doctor or dentlat. 10 Turk.Bt. V \u25a0'. : " ' ' - LOFTS TO LET. PART of loft to let: 21 Spear St.. Y. PERSONALS. •—"REXRADIO'S C-L-I-M-A-X!" •— "CITY P-H-Y-S-I-C-I-A-N HELPED!"—One of our oldest, moat respected M-E-D-I-C-A-L DOCTORS, many years had EXTREME dis- abling P-A-R-A-L-Y-S-I-S Of ; BOTH LEGS, totally UNABLE with his utmost exertions to R-I-S-E from a chair,* always had to be L-I-F-T-E-D UP.by the main force of TWO persons, but after only a FEW SECONDS of Rexradlo's DRUGLESS treatment he R-O-S-E and STOOD (U-N-A-I-D-E-D). He sought Rexradlo through the STRONG REC- . OMMENDATION of his . friend, C. ENG-. LEKE of 221 Steiner St.," who wae present and WITNESSED all the abo\-e; he can give YOU all details. ALLinvalids who get such great INSTANT benefit usually need" only a few further treatments to make the improve- ment complete and lasting. - Mr. Engleke, who was SUDDENLY ; CURED of many years' severest chronic RHEUMATISM, "re- mains" (after many months) QUITE WELL. He has S-E-E-N numerous' cases of TOTAL \u25a0 DEAFNESS. PARALYSIS. H DEAF-MUTE- ISM, RHEUMATISM, LOCOMOTOR ATAXIA, &C. marvelouely and INSTANTLY helped: For yeans owner of the CAL. JOUR- NAL, now connected with the CAL. DEMO- KRAT, and 40 years a foremost, honored citizen, none will DOUBT HIS WORD; be ewe you S-E-E him. HUNDREDS of- other WITNESSES' names at offices. The BED- RIDDEN VISITED. Consultation FREE. 2 to 0 p. m. sCtf Kearny. . * AH up-to-date engraving done " at popular prices. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0•:'. : . y In lots of 1C0; in newest styles Ko Engraved cards from plate .....sloo' . VISITINO CARDS. THAT MAN PITTS. 1008 Market sc \ " SOUVENIR POST j . All that have been issued to date in art, ' souvenir or comic varieties. Souvenir view books of California, 25c up. All the guides and maps. Violin strings—including CCC Make. THAT. MAN PITTS, fi 1008 Market st., San Francisco. THE LATEST TOAST \: BOOKS. ' Witty and sparkling. Prices. 10c. 15c, 23a. THAT MAN PITTS, v'.i'.YY 1008 Market et., San Francisco.. THE MARVELOUS VIBRATOR. "For the s}.ck and. drug weary, every one suf- fering from disease or exhaustion; all aches and pains instantly relieved; it has cured thousands and willcure you; free demonstra- tion; price $3 and $5. American Vibrator Co., 303 Jones st.. near Eddy. •': THE Star Hair Remedy restores gray hair to I natural color,' stops falling, cures dandruff; not a dye; our formula is secret; do not be deceived by any one offering It for sale. The Star. Remedy Company. S2l Polk st. . FREE— Your. -fortune told; future' and past 1 g revealed; surprising; by . America's * eminent philosopher, S astrologist, '. » clairvoyant. St. John, 12 Sheldon st./ Chicago. Send birth \u25a0y date and stamp.' Know thyself. SAVE "YOUR OLD CARPETS ;Vwe will convert them into beautiful handmade rugs of anj t desired else. l ' The Oakland Fluff Rug Fac- tory 862 Market St.," Oakland. Cal.; phone Oakland 3508; mall orders our specialty. RAG carpets wove to order and for sale; also \u25a0 chenllle-wove rugs, silk: portieres; .dealer in carpet twine, in hank or chain.- at lowest rates. Geo. Matthewe. 709 Fifth St.. Oakland. WANTED—You to try Hammond's sweet apple cider; cures constipation; prevents sickness; keeps ; children healthy; saves doctor's bills; recommended: by physicians; sale at grocers. ADVERTISING WORLD, Columbus, Ohio, a \u25a0 monthly Journal",of information. , plans, sug- gestions and ideas for advertising. " Bend to- day for free sample, or 10c for 4 months' trial/ DR.' LEXER'S tape worm specific; lnfal.;rmvs. \u25a0 tape worms over ngt.: $1. ptgeprpd; pleas, to take. Add. LEXER MED. CO.. 1101 Pierce. MORPHINE, opium, laudanum, cocaine habit -* myself cured; will inform you of permanent homo cure.- Mary Baldwln.^box 1212. Chicago. WANTED—Lost | persons to trace; they I can be I * found ; no charge unless successful. Address •f GEO. B. OTIS CO.. 1421 Irving st.. Berkeley. AT less than cost Uncalled for - suits, over- coats and trousers at CHARLES LYONS'." /the London Tailor. 715 Market st. MME. GILLINGHAM. I II4-Geary et., . removes wrinkles and blemishes from your face; work :\u25a0"\u25a0 guaranteed: consultation" and -booklet free. Mrs.T Holshouser/. magnetic \ masseuse; l treat- ments. 512 Emma Spreckels bid.. 927 Market. LADIES' . and gents' tailor-made suits, $1 per > .week: ;* Peerless Co.. 231 Post. L. WEINER.. SUITS to order on Installments of $1 per week. ;".NEUHAUS&.CO., the tailors." 729 Market st. HAVE perfect form corsets made' to order from \u25a0-\u25a0•.' $3 up.. 1047 Post st.'. - near Larkln. ., -:y \u25a0..\u25a0-. .DRUMMERS' samples -of house \u0084 i cloaks, sulta. : skirts. 310 Market st.v .„ 8 BRAND' new, tailor-made .'men's suits, cost $25. for $9.75.- 440 Bush, nr. California Hotel. MASQUERADE i costumes, 1 > playw books, " wigs; I g country orders/ GOLDSTEIN & CO.. 733 Mkt. A BRANCH office of The Call for the recep- tion'of -advertisements and subscriptions has been.opened at 1008 Market st.. ODDOslte \u25a0'' Fifth."- : Open untll'll p. m.".-:= . .. .. '"\u25a0\u25a0 '•.Y''V'-Y 'Y.-. PATENTS/- '""\u25a0'\u25a0.-•\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0• J ;;-.;.' ; A— PATENTS SHEPHERD %& PARKER. a; homo office. Washington,- D.^C.;: Pacific Coast 7) office. inS San; Francisco;: all -patent business V- skillfully i and ) promptly, executed. •\u25a0 Inventors ' call 927 Market 1st., room 210. or write P. O. 1 :~ box 662.^ San '- Francisco. \u25a0."\u25a0;•>' .:-. ' ;; INVENTIONS '^patented: '? U. : « S-'"- and foreign patent laws. :> F. j P. '= MEDINA;- 532 Market st. " PATENTS I guaranteed ; I handsome 4 guide book \u0084 . I , E.E.VROOMAN.box 40.Wa9hlngtog.D.C- SCIPLE ' A i RIVES, ' 1011 : James Flood bldg., :-obtaln. ; : buy and' sell: patents."." '• '\u25a0/. -'\u0084. ' ",:'// \': % PILES H AND FISTULA^' : v FREE I Illustrated' book' on \ above ? diseases sent - on n request;.^, permanent " cures > without i : the : knife : * book > contains : valuable % information. 1 ; DR. * FRANK . R.: WESTON. 'i Specialist, ; suite \u25a0Vr6oOA,"iDonohoe, bldg.. 8 Taylor st.,' B. F. .-.*• rl V- .J.'^,v-.;'.;\;riilNTlNGY;[",.".'\u25a0. J.'^,v-.;'. ; \;riilNTINGY; [",.".'\u25a0 '\u25a0 : '~V?£*. B. C. HUGHES ,COMPANY;,printers, . engrav- \u25a0 X ers and '.binders/ 511'Sansome »t^ 8L F. -. V"' v Pipe: DEPARTMENT, . , . ; .; H. :S." WHITE MACHINERY,CO., ,: MAIN* OFFICE. -130 BEALE: ST. .: Screw pipe. slightly used; large ; stock ready for -immediate .shipment:-.- . >-;.-- "'\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0=.\u25a0: : \u25a0<.-''\u25a0 2-in. with new.threadB & new couplings.se ft. 2%-in. with-new threads and: new.- couplings. 9c-. 2&-In. with new threads and new couplings.lOc 3-in..wlth "new threads & new couplings. l2V4c 3%-in: with new threads and new, couplmgs.lsc , 4-in. with new threads and new couplings. 19c ALSOLARGER SIZES UP TO 12 INCHES. BRAND NEW LOT JUST RECEIVED. %-lnch- pipe.' :..... $5.25 per 100. feet; new 54-inch pipe..... ... 3.95 per 100, feet; new 2-inch pipe..:. .'...: 11 95 per 100 feet; new 1%-inch'plpe.r ' 760 per 100 ' feet; .new 1%-lnch pipe.:. \u25a0 870 per ; 100 feet;' new 1-inch pipe........' ,5.70 per 100 feet; 1 - new - Send check or money order to ": ' 7 \u25a0\u25a0 ; v,.'H. S --.WHITE MACHINERY CO., . \ . 130 Beale st., San Francisco. .--..\u25a0 , 2D-HAND' machinery, engines, boilers^ pumps, pulleys,': "shafting, etc. etc., bought, .sold, rented and exchanged; see Sunday papers.. H. S.. WHITE MACHY.CO.. 130-32 Beale at. FOR sale— A beautiful,' genuine Mandarin coat; lined ermine; cheap for cash. Box 6369, Call . office, Oakland. \u25a0 . :; . "Y'^.'-V WHITE Plymouth Rock Eggs; show* and utll- ' lty> Btock; pigeons Glenmore Pigeon Lofts, Elmhurst.' *< \u0084V ; ... ."-t, \u25a0.";-\u25a0.'\u25a0 •\u25a0 ELEGANT bathtub. $11.50; 20x36, $3.50; . patent closet. $10.50; 30-gallon boiler,' $4. 213 Fourth st. ;. -\u25a0.-\u25a0•-'. YACHT for sale—3o- foot sloop yacht Halcyon; at California Yacht Club : price $500. Box C354. Call office. ' Oakland. . \u25a0 OFFICE fixtures desk, typewriter. - typewriter desk., filing cabinet, chairs, tables, etc. FLORODORA TAG CO., 27 New Montg., st. MACHINERY, boilers and engines . bought, sold and exchanged; power plants In their entirety bought. Western Mhy. Co., 230 Main. CASH, registers; new and slightly used; easy - payments;, fully guaranteed by reliable com- pany. -Call- 14 Turk at.; phone East 355. REFRIGERATORS for butchers, grocers. . ho- tels, pub. Inst'ns, family use, direct to con- sumers. Ft. Smith Ref rig. "Wks., 482 O'Farrell. FOR sale Ark and two boats at Belvedere, or will rent to responsible party. F. D. SHA- FER, 31at and Folsom;- tel. Mission 350. A GENTS' full-dress sulta "to -rent. J. CQOPER, 21 Stockton St.. second" floor. GENUINE Veeuvlan lava and other, curios for sale, jj 11 Hampton place, off Folsom st. . FINE old .violin. Room 2, third floor, V.* M. C. A. building, between 10 and 12 a. m. FOR. sale Bargain; Goertz lens, series 111, and dlaplane. II shutter,. 1422 Polk st. LAUNCH— 22V4 feet long, 5 foot 10 inch beam. 1835 Green at. *:' COFFEE-grlndlng outfit for sale cheap. KIN- NEY.'6I2 Clay st. '.'" *•\u25a0\u25a0• . A PANORAMA;accommodates 25 people; 'can . be put up In a few hours. Box 1210 Call. WELL drills, for oil. gas and water wells; latest; LOOMIS DRILL CO.. TIFFIN. OHIO. A PERFECT white 6%-karat diamond at a bargain. 10 Sixth st. -' FOR sale An BxB new air compressor. W". Mc- DERMOTT. 318 Bush st. ' " " - SECOND-HAND cafe, $75. RICHARDSON BROS.. 123 New Montgomery St., city. DESKS and office furniture bought, sold and . exchanged. T. D. MCCARTHY. 807 Mission. SAFES— New and second-hand. , The HER- MANN-SAFE CO., 417-27 Sacramento st MOVING pictures, magic lantfcrna, sale, rental: bargains. BULLARD &BRECK. 131 Post at. MISCELLAX EOUS WANTS. Y^ WANTED One 10 or two 5 horsepower second- hand motors; 2 phase alternating current; 220 volts. DIECKMAN & CO.. 421 Market et. AA Highest prices paid for ladles', gents' cast- off clothing. Tel. Davis 825. 650 Sacramento. AA POSTAGE stamps and collections bought and loaned on. Address box 402, Call. HIGHEST prices paid for ladles' &gents' cloth- Ing. Anderson, 154 Bth St.; tel. Howard 1187. WANTED— Gas engine, 2 or 3 h.-p Call to- day (Sunday), or write 66^ Tehama Bt. ' ICE plant, POO or 1000 lbs. ice capacity and gasoline engine. McCORMICK, 70 Short st. DIAMONDS, etc., bought for cash. Karl Ebcr & Co.. 400-401 Adams bldg.. 206 Kearny st. CONFIDENTIAL. . V- j Loans of all kinds and of every description made on pianos, - furniture, warehouse receipts livestock, andr to 'people on their individual notes at banking-house rates;, in case of sick- ness or ;lc>6s.. of . employment we \u25a0 extend your loans; so you ; take no chance of losing your goods; your business is strictly confidential, as we make no inquiries of your, neighbors; .goods remain In your possession and you have the [loan as lone as you desire; If you have any I outstanding bills or. owe any loan company we will -pay them for you. and give you more money; it is easier. to pay one than a, number; to ladies of prominence we make loans .without ' any security whatever; we can refer; you to i any bank or newspaper in the city; don't fall to call and see us and we will cheerfully ex- plain to you our up-to-date method of doing business; you meet no one at our separate ana private offices. ILLINOIS TRUST COMPANY. room 16, Phelan building; phone Main 7(U. AN EASY WAY . V To «ret ready cash without red tape; come to us- we loan money on such security aa house- hold goods, pianos, horses, vehicles, salary, . etc.. at a very reasonable cost; we've been a big he In to many, and may b e to you; easy Installments; liberal discount: come In, phone in, or postal sent brings our man to you with full free information. ' "RELIABLE MONEY LENDERS." HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO.. Market and ' McAllister. Tel. South 022. 202-203 Callaghan Bldg. OAKLAND OFFICE. Room 3, Macdonouch Bldg." Tel. Oak 6080. WILL LOAN Reasonable Amount on ' '. t Mortgages on real estate - ! , In city, town or country. . i Low rate of -interest. /, .", , V J_. Give full particular* ;\u25a0 - Location, etc. Box 223. Call office. MONEY loaned salaried people and - others ' upon 'their own - names without aecurlty; cheapest rates, easiest payments; offices in 63 principal cities; save yourself money by getting our terms first. TOLMAN. room 053. Parrott building. ' * \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 . \u25a0 ;-, - EALARYLOANS— V " ; Money loaned salaried people without ' securi- ty or Indoraetnent, knowledge of employer or any one; confidential and courteous treatment.. Call and get terms. .Drake, 453 Parrott bldg. HIGHLY respectable private place ':. to '". obtain liberal advances on diamonds, :\u25a0' Jewelry, at 1 per cent interest/Baldwin's Jewelry .. Store, 978 Market St.; tel. Main 1644. Branch 1192 Market st. and 27 Third st. : : ' --. ' A— ON f urnlture or pianos at lowest I rates ; no removal, no publicity; also on real estate; Ist 'or \u25a02d - mortgagee .:or on any \u25a0 security; \u25a0 any amount. O. W. BECKER. 36 Geary, room 30. ANY amount . quickly on furniture "or t piano : , without removal ' or ;. other ; security; : lowest rates; no commissions;' confidential. •- 506-7 Donohoe .bldg., ; 8 ; Taylor St.", corner \u25a0 Market. ....FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGES.:.. ESTATES. LEGACIES, TRUSTS..;.... | \u25a0'-'•:. .. .FINANCIAL PR08LEM5. ..... : . ... HERMAN MURPHY. 601-3 EXAMINER BD. ON real estate, first and second mortgages; any amount; money advanced to prevent foreclos- ure; furniture ; pianos ; estates ; | any; security, i W. J. WHITE CO./ 26 Montgomery St.;,-rm. 8 ! I 1 PER cent on furniture or piano; no. removal; ' 'no commission;'' no publicity: $25; up; ; quick, quiet, confidential. 26 Montgomery st.. rm. 21 BALARIED people.' without security; ' also '• on furn.. estates In probate,' life ins. policies,- eto. Empire Loan &Invest. -C0..' ©12 Parrott bldg. LOANS to salaried people' without- Indorser; prompt attention and liberal terms. ;-.The , City Loan C0. ,. 211- Crossleys bldg. .; ; - : MONEY to loan at a low rate "of, interest; gold, : silver. ' diamonds, pearls 1 and» precious stones bought at W. J. HESTHAL'S.^IO Sixth st. t LOAN on low interest : I build '\u25a0 cottages ! for low Drices; economic ;'builder.'. ; 408 Parrott bldg/ ACCOMMODATIONloans to salaried people; no security. PIONEER CO.. 819 Market, suite 31 3% ON furniture & pianos; $15.up; P no'remayal:' : -no com. V. TREMAIN. .room 107. 6 Eddy, at. - DON'T borrow money on Isalary until >you I see ' ug-IHutton Credit Co.. 912 Mutual tßank bldg CASH loaned salaried people. on '\u25a0 notes, without indorser. y Federal 1 Loan Co..\ 609 ; Exam, bldg. ALLloans on diamonds & jewelry at 2 per cent mo. S. F. Collateral Loan Bank. 838 Kearny. VMM - :; 3IIWES<*.Np"?MINING.U,/->'J.Y'; WE have some; good developed mining" property -', for- sale, i quartz. \or^ placer; ? also " grood_>' listed '. and unlisted copper, and. gold mining"stocks * for tale.' v "r' Y-v. :*' ' :-\u25a0:\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0;\u25a0 -" r . J> W.'.TAQUITH«&VCO.. . - 87S" JAMES t FLOOD BUILDING." . ASSAYING S SOc;V*c'ash for ? gold. ; r rich^oreT^ "etc. , t Pioneer Assaying Co.'.", 157> New Montg^my \u25a0 at. ! ___-_[* __-.'•'-'\u25a0 ''\u25a0 museums.:;. f '';'' : - •.•-.\u25a0-".\u25a0 DR. , LIEBIG- STAFF; Free-- . ; Museum of Anatomy moved to 1023 Market at-, near Bth.*; nooars [fob Hoy_sEKgggSlSr-£S!bu MONTGOMERY. 109—Sunny front suite of housekeeping rooms, to let. ' MARKET. 2C9»— Two large front sunny rooms; furnished complete for housekeeping. r-» OAK. 117. or 14 Page— Complete for hfrose- keeplng; $5 to $12; hot bath; laundry; adults. OAK. 523 Three connecting rooms to rentl suitable for light housekeeping. ; O'FARRELL. 916^ Nicely furnished front room, with alcove, sun all day; also a larg» back room Joining: housekeeping It necea- sary; private family. \u25a0 . O'FARRELL. 725 - (Alcalde) Nice new sunny apartments; furnished wltli modern improva. ments; rent reduced. ~ \u25a0" \u25a0_ O'FARRELL, 367 Neatly furnished hotwekeep- " ing rooms; bath, gas, glosets. etc. O'FARRELL. 1254 Elegant rooms for house- keeping; in very desirable locality. O'FARRELZs 834^ Sunny housekeeping rooms for couple; reasonable. OAK, 870— Two neatly desirable room* In CatJ housekeeping If desired. OCTAVIA* 411—Sunny well furntahed ho«s«- keeping rooms to let. t OCTAVIA. 1232 Nicely furnished rooms tot housekeeping; en suite or single. POTRERO aye.. »6»— Three «unny f_mUhe<S rooms for housekeeping. POST. 962^ Two large sunny front rooms; »att» able for 3 persons; reasonable. - POWELL, 1220—2 furnished room* for house* keeping; also stnjtle room; $1 weelc up. SACRAMENTO. 1960, cor. Polk—Nicely tnf nished sunny housekeeping rooms. SUTTER. 2302—EleganUy furnished sunn* suite* for housekeeping; regular Wtohent phone; piano; reasonable. STEVENSON. 405, oor. Bth. nr. Market—Co»_/ plete housekeeping roorts: runnlns; wateri rent ' cheap. " BUTTER. BTl —^Ntoely furnished rooms com* plete for housekeeping; either single or a> oove suites; sun all day. t SIXTEENTH. 3094. near Valencia,— Two hou**i keeping rooms; quiet locality; rent moderate, SEVENTEENTH. 3643—R00ms to let. tar^ niahed for housekeeping. SACRAMENTO. 1314— Parlor floor; 3 nicely- furnished sunny housekeeping rooms; piano. SIXTH' 421— Big furnished room for 2; $1 ea<_» per week; free coffee «ach morning. SHOTWELL, 105—New flat: housekeeping rooms to let. j ' . TURK 282—2 or 3 housekeeping rooms ohaapi yard; bath; no objection to children; 3 daya. TURK. 282—2 or 8 housekeeping room^ yard, bath; cheap. * t TWENTY-FOURTH. 3308, near Mission—Large housekeeping room In rear: water: ymrd: 91. TENTH. 102^ Two connecting rooms, nicely furnished: hot and cold water; sunny yard. TURK. 191 V —Lower flat; neat . sunny fur- niahed rooms for housekeeping. TURK 1295 Rooms for housekeeping; con- venlent to cars; very reasonable. * TWENTIETH. 539S Double parlors; suitable for light housekeeping; convenient to ca* line. " " TAYLOR. 911 One sunny furn. housekeeping rm; gaa range. $S; 1 suny rm.. gas range. $7. TWENTY-FIRST. 3265 Parlor: 3 rooms lor howekaeplng; bath. 371 Lexington st. TWENTY-FOURTH. 3305. nr. Mission Neatly furnished room for housekeeping: rent very low. VALENCIA. 564 Furnished housekeeping rooms; , convenient to Market: good car service. ' \u25a0 VALENCIA. 900 Sunny alcove suite, with large eunny kitchen: gas range: running water; large closets; bath. No children. - VAN NESS aye., £15 Two or three furnished rooms for housekeeping: private. \u25a0•*'-" VAN NESS aye.. 316 Neatly furnished rooms; suitable for housekeeping; in good locality; walkingdistance. VALENCIA. 09©—Suite of rooms for house- keeplng in Mission warm belt; reasonable. TWENTY-FIRST. 3263^ Two furnished house- keeping rooms. Apply371 Lexington aye. VALENCIA. .CC4 Furnished housekeeping rooms; convenient to market; j good car service. -- \u25a0 " .\u25a0 \u25a0 VAN NESS aye.. 712 Rooms to let; furnished for housekeeping; reasonable. VAN NESS aye., 406 Housekeeping rooms to - let furnished. -\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 WALLER 1625, near Golden Gate Park— Two or five rooms for housekeeping. - --. WEBSTER. 1400- Housekeeping rooms to let furnished;, reasonable. . WEBSTER. 2927. nr. Union 3 furnished rooms and bath for housekeeping. $16. A BRANCH office of The Call for the recep- tion of advertisementa and subscriptions has been -opened at lOCS Market St.. opposite Fifth. Open until 11 P. m. ADVERTISEMENTS, subscriptions received at Call Branch office, cor. Duncan & Church sta. APAItT3IEVT HqtTSES. CALIFORNIA Apartments. 2124 California st. Just completed: tha only residence apart- ment without exception; best lighted and most sunny in the city; all modern Improve- ments: free hall lights and Janitor service; references: open all day and evenings for in- spection. Sunday included. - THE Loraine, 730 O'Farrell Room and kitch- en. $20 month: electric light and hot wat*r. WHITEFIELD. 1223 McAUlster^ Choice un- f urnlshed apartments; see them. ROSSW'ELL Apartments. 1360 Pine, near Hyd» 2. 3 and 4 rooms, with bath: steam heat.' ROOMS TO LET Furn. and Unfnrn. A— ROYAL House. 120 Ellis, bet. Powell an<» Mason; rooms 50c. $1.50 per day; week. $3> $2.50. $3 to' $8; hot. cold water: office and ele- vator on ground floor; reading-room, parlor. A—BRUNSWICK House, 143 Sixth St.—Rooms 25c to $1 per night. $1.25 to $5 per week and light housekeeping rooms; open all night. ASH aye.. 237. near Van Ness Newly fur« nished front room. ... A FURNISHED alcove sun. front room. run. water, nr. 4 car lines; ref. Box 473. Call. EELMOND House, over Owl Drugstore: 2 en- trances, 1126 Market and 21 Turk Electrio lights, running water in every rctim: 200 rocms: 25c to SOc per night. $1.25 to $4 week. BUCHANAN. 1310— Comfortable furnished rooms to let; rent very reasonable. BUCHANAN*. .1630. near Geary Nicely fur- nished rooms to let: reasonable. - BUSH. 1531 Elegantly furnished rooms; mod-. . em. sunny. \u25a0 - . BUCHANAX. 1214—Neatly furnished rooms to let in a very desirable neighborhood. f. BUSH. 1024-^-Sunny. well furnished rooms te» - jet: reasonable. - -\u25a0 THE Clarence. 653 Geary Furnished rooms; single and suites; rent reasonable. CALIFORNIA. 810—Neatly- furnished rooms: suitable for 2; good locality. - CALIFORNIA. 141.1. near Polk—Nice sunny furnished rooms to let. . DEVISADERO. 1610 Elegantly furnished room in private family; quiet neighborhood; rta- sonable : good car service. , DEVISADERO. 2017—Nicely furnished room; all conveniences; rent reasonable. DEVISADERO. 744 Elegantly furnished rooms / In a new top flat; everything modern. ELLlS.* 9o7— Nice, front room for 2 gentlemen; with or without board. EDDY. 613—Sunny .furnished rooms to let; -.near business, center; good car service.' EDDY, 621—Sunny furnished room in pri- - .vate family; rent reasonable; running water. EDDY, 1539 % Nicely - furnished rooms In nice neighborhood; rent reasonable. ELEVENTH. 21— Sunny furnished rooms « to let: no housekeeping. EIGHTH;aye.. 530, Richmond . District Ele- gantly furnished room la private family; new flat.' ' \u25a0 ELLIS. 711%— Newly furnished rooms, suites or single." with nae of bathr light housekpg. , EJLLIS. 310 Rooms, to- let in private house; - reasonable.'. ~ ELLIS, : 1463— Small front room for a gentle- man :• low, rent. . .- .-..-.<• FELL, 101 Attractive rooms to let; very sun- s ny: = well furnished. ; r ,f FRANKLIN, 19— Comfortable rooms to let. , furnished: very reasonable. . FULTONY 2002. opposMe Golden Gate Park- Sunny furnished room; private.. - \u25a0• _• FULTON. 323 Furnished rooms to let: very - desirable neighborhood. . FELL.T3O— Neat, well lighted furnished rooms to let. - .:. . . FILLMORE. v 934— Sunny furnished rooms 't* -\u25a0"\u25a0 let in. a .modern, top, f1at. ,... \u0084 .. , . . ' FOLSOM., 961 Front sunny "room; bath; rent " :. $6/* " ' . ' : " \u25a0 . - \u25a0 ' - •• FRANKLIN ICS— Nice eunny furnished roomj > >> to ( lat.T* ?\u25a0• * I,QST. AXP \u25a0 FOUND-— Oowftnne^ LOST— Lady's gold watch, initials i F."; S. : . G.. and \u25a0 Jananese fob. , Return . to 2297 Laguna H et.; liberal reward; ' «\u25a0\u25a0'. . ' . .'-"\u25a0' '\u25a0\u25a0 ' LOST— Mink boa. April 12. =." Greek Theater. Reward at 838 Jones st. ; - ' .' . -" FOUND— Black water spaniel; white breast. Apply 1170 Mission st. \u25a0 . : _ Y;^.^^ . _ A SNAP 18-foot launch, -with hood; ! launched one year; Just painted: in perfect- condition; $350.. CAU LAUNCH WORKS, Alameda. LAUNCHES—New and slightly used ; some good snaps. Cal. Launch : Works. Alameda. MATRIMONIAL. FRENCH gentleman,' about 45: r high financial standing-, desires ; acquaintance with very pretty und well educated young lady; state references, age and particulars; no P. O. ad- crf-as noticed; object, mat. : Box 548. Call. ! KIND-HEARTED gentleman, age 38, ;has a good business In city near San Francisco and some cash, wants to correspond with 1 lady who would make him a good wife; ob- Ject. matrimony. Box 707. Call office. I A , GENTLEMAN (worklngman) . aged 37. re- spectable and Intelligent, desires to corre«- pond with a lady of similar standing with a .view to matrimony; no trifling. Address "8.." Corning, Cal. " '•'\u25a0•\u25a0-\u25a0. GENTLEMAN has $5000 cash to buy a home, would like to correspond with a lady who would be satisfied with a moderate way of dresalnj? and living; -object, matrimony.. Box h&5. Cell ttflce. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0----,".-- \u25a0' \u25a0 \u25a0 YOUNG business man wishes to meet young lady or widow: blonde preferred; mcd. stout; one that could make home pleasant; object, matrimony; under SO. Box 542. Call. GENTLEMAN, 80 years old, has a nice home across the bay. wishes to correspond with a lady about saror ace; object; matrimon/. Ecx IIP 7 . Call office. BACHELOR girl, 28, cultured, fine fPP**,"^*' will wed phyeician widower; established prac- tice: honorable;- good home. Box 437, Call. GENTLEMAN would like to correspond with young lady matrimonially inclined; give de- ecrlptlon. Box 160. Call office. \u25a0 \u25a0 - --'\u25a0\u25a0-- MRS. BROOKS, confidential and reliable mar- rlage bureau. 17258 Market, nr. Valencia. MEDICAL. nR~~a W CDONNELL—LadIes/ air who are sick 'or in trouble. 'consult this specialist on female complaints: positively corrected; the unfortunate helped; the most difficult case* treated' every case taken; immediate relief; no poisoning .drugs; low fees; my methods will cure alt*- cases of irregularity;' consult , me- save tlmtwind money; advice free. 1007 Market st.; hours, 0 a. m. to 4. 5.30 to 8:30. MRS DR. WYETH. specialist for all female complaints and irregularities; instant rellet guaranteed: 30 years' experience. 044 Post st. MRS. DR. KOHL, reliable ladies* specialist; Instant relief guaranteed. Removed to »44 Post at., between Hyde and Larkln. VALPEAU'S female pills: best regulating pills sold- price $2.50 by express. Pasteur's syr- wholesale druggists. Seventh and Broadway, Oakland. ' - \u25a0 DR SYLVESTER'S office, 1206 Market sL , Leading SpecialWt for Women. Irregularities cured In 24 hours or no charge; advice free; strictly private; hours 9 to 9. DRS. GOODWIN'S herb treatment, well- known, reliable, safe, sure cure for female troubles; instant relief guaranteed: $10. 850 Market St.. opposite Fourth, suite 38. - DR C. C. O' DON NELL Office and residence 162114 Market st. ;. phone South 622; particu- lar attention paid to diseases of women. A—MRS. DR. GWYER. 611A Leayenworth St.. b«t. Geary and O'Farrell. Phone. East 69 1. DR. and MRS. DA VIES and Hindoo Herbe:, original method of treatment. 1128 Market. DR ROSEN, residence 2995 Folsom st.. corner Twenty-slxtV. ladies, relief or no fee: $10. MISCELLANEOUS— FOR SALE. POCKET KNIVES. Any man enjoys a good pocket knife. See mt extensive line in all the best makes. My line is top-notch and embraces all the best brands of the world. Am offering a specially good pocket knife, with three excellent blades, fortified ends, stag handle, suitable for lady or. gentleman at \u25a0 ...#1 W Another fine' value, with three razor steel blades and pearl handle; fashionable shape and size. Special at .- *l00 THAT MAN PITTS. 1008 Market st.. San FrancUco. STATIONERY. ,, My lines of society stationery are exclusive in design and colorings. Fine Writing Paper in beautiful carton boxes, in all latest tints and textures. _ < per box 60 ° , = '. A epecial line of fine correspondence paper in pretty, decorated boxes, per box Z3C OFFICE STATIONERY \ \u25a0 - And Supplies In very large lines and very choice assortment, including letter files, bill files, pads, legal blanks typewriter paper, carbon paper, mem- orandum books and blank books of all kinds; all at small profit pricea THAT MAN PITTS, 1008 Market s t-. San Francisco. » SHAVING MUGS. Very select line, many styles ,25c up Fine line of Lather Brushes at V" Good Razor Hones from .25c up COMBS AND BRUSHES. For Men and Women. - Also Pocket Combs, Hand Mirrors. Pocket Mirrors, Tooth and Nail Brushes at little prices. '' > \u25a0 THAT MAN PITTS. ' 1008 Market et.. San Francisco. ' FOUNTAIN PENS. Conklln's Self-Filling Pens. fr0m...... 53 00 up Vaterman's Ideal Fountain Pens, from.s2 50 up /k/ k specially good Fountain Pen for $100 THAT MAN PITTS, V 1008 Market gt.. San Francisco. SCISSORS. A full and excellent line, including all kinds tnd shapes of Shears, Buttonhole Scissors, at USe up; Guaranteed Manicure Scissors, at SOo up; Embroidery Scissors, at 25c up. \u25a0 THAT MAN PITTS. 1008 Market st.. , San Francisco. . t . r ) BOILERS, engines. 2d-hand machinery. McIN- TOSH &WOLPMAN. 195-197 Fremont st. A. GOLDEN, LEATHER AND SHOE FINDINGS. " . 467 SIXTH ST.. BET. WASHINGTON AND BROADWAY, l'v.\: Oakland, cal. FOR sale New and second-hand billiardi and pool tables; easy payments; we rent tables with privilege of buying; modern .bar- fix- tures; cheap price*. BRUNSWICK-BALKE- COLLENDER. 652 Mission st., S. F. . : PARTY having bought fine, standard-make up- right piano on Installments and hiving same half paid for, is unable to keep up payments, and will sell equity for, nominal sum to any one .wishing to continue .to make payments. i Box 500. Call. ---..\u25a0 ,>\u25a0-\u25a0,?-.\u25a0\u25a0' CASH REGISTER , BARGAINS. " Don't \u25a0 buy until you call ; and look at our line; prices lowest in the city; cash or easy monthly payments. American ,- Second-Hand Cash Register. Company, 27 Fifth st. \u25a0:\u25a0\u25a0.' ('*\u25a0?\u25a0< DOGS for salo at the College Kennels; fox ter- r iers and cockers $2.50 up; also others,' such as Japanese pugs, Maltese poodles and a few others left; must sell at once on account of removal. Call at 115 Halght st. V.:--. : BLUE Ribbon, Black Mlnorcas, Rose and Sin- gle combs, Campbell strain; Northrup strain won first at late San Francisco. show; eggs for sale.- MRS. J. H. JONES," Glen ' Ellen, Cal. : , . '\u25a0 " --.• . --,:.-•\u25a0'. •-'\u25a0•,-.. AAAA— THOROUGHBRED fowls and eggs, all varieties; stock: always: for sale; send 2c for ' large catalogue. OAKLAND POULTRY YARDS, dept. 2, box 2602, S. F.; est." 30 yrs. HART-PARR gasoline traction* engines; -oil cooled plowing and. threehing: engines; "water, or oil cooled 'stationary engines. J. E. SLOAN, Palo Alto. Cal. . ; ySH'c;, SECOND-HAND lumber, doors, sashes, all kinds ; of eecond-hand -building material for sale. ' FORTIN & COLE, Hawthorne and Webster - : ets;, Oakland. : \u25a0 .. ; v J \u25a0'".". '" \ :"•i ' \u25a0'\u25a0} -\u25a0 VC \u25a0-\u25a0&- •\u25a0•\u25a0 . : , ; - .-.-':\u25a0 ANOTHER rebuilt No. 'l Smith' Premier Type- writer, $35; a bargain.'. L. - & M." ALEXAN- DER," 110 . Montgomery ;. St., . ' agents "L. C. , .Smith &. Bros.', visible:typewriter. - r .-; A AA— CHICKS, . every ; day.' 10c ; *25: varieties thoroughbred chicken eggs. , Ingleslde Poultry V Yards. 807 Mt. Vernon aye.; Ocean View car. A—BUYS, sells and rents; gear machinery, en-, \u25a0 glnes, -boilers, water pipes, shafting,- pulleys, etc. WHITELAW, 336 Mains st.V; : LINEMEN, -LOOK 1—1: belt s with , safety; otrap, 1 pair Kelln's climbers,, 2 pair, connectors, $7.' Call at 52t Golden Gate aye.. Sunday. 10-12. - 1000 2-YEAR-OLD Burbank's Santa' Roaa«oft- shell«d walnut trees. y Address S.] A. : MEEK- '•';• ER. Sebastopol," Cal. ".\u25a0'\u25a0'\u25a0'\u25a0" Y, : . ;s"i' T jv ; ' ' '.'. EDISON. . ; -Victor, 3 Columbia' talking ' machines , *and records, at f LEVY'S. 415 Kearny^st.; : machines exchanged. ; HETP^ Continued, j LOOK HERE. 12 laborers, rreat mine CO., $CO. 10 laborers.- wrt eking buildings, city, $2 day. ti laborer*, pull down buildings, $2.25 day. LOOK. Gardener and choreman, Mendocino Co., $30 \u25a0 found. « camp waiters, r. r.. free fare, $30 fd.VJ-.j-s <^ami> cook, lore 3<»c, »40 fd. >^"< ' Marker, country laundry, $18 week. * * ' - LOOlv. _ 4 -carpenters, housework, etc.. fare $L $3 to 53. 50 <i«>. „, A ' Laihe Hand, machine shop, mine town, fJ.ov day. LOOK. Bookkeeper for mine co.. $100. iiookkeeper. understand Elliott Fi*er e.ii- ing machine, $100. Bleadbaker. fsre *2.«t), ?12 w«*ek Id. SPECIALLY GOOD— LOOK. . 15 track laborers, tpikers. trackmen, etc.. \u25a0^ tM^^yT-Rt M^^yT-Rg A gV C g34^g_^ HALLY & CO.. WE OFFER YOU FOR $400_Lot on Haiiroad aye.. Vk est tna. «55(M-Lot on High st.; Kood size. SUM—Let 50x140. Buena Msta a% «- _ $I4CO-4-room house and lot on Panta Clara aye. with a monthly rental of 51». $l«»CV-5-room house on Haight a*e.. $2ir>o^s-rccm house on Grand street. S2T.OO—lf>o feet of Park street Pro P«'v'- 1 ,. t *>2£o—Corner residence. 6 rooms; large t »«. $.V.<XWLarge residence. 9 rooms on £»£";•*• $3000— Business property on Santa ciara »"•# near Park st. $SOOO— Large house, large grounds. f:200— Elegant business property bringing in fi IMANY*MORE GOOD BARGAINS- Call and see us. HALLY & CO., 2315 Santa Clara Aye. Phone Ala. 103. OPEN SUNDAYS. CIGAR store, with fixture?: cheap rent; ad- jacent to O. T. Co." s car barns. Apply40T3 I>l<xr»Ph aye.. Oakland. _____ 300-ACRE ranch on Russian River .. r 'f*f Cloverdale- excellent health resort and tne finest vin»yard land lw the State; oranges, lemons and other fruits as well as all kinds of vegetable*; for sale $SOOO cash. Inquire of J P HALE, 19(50 Shattuck aye.. Berke- ley. Cal. GROVE 1429. North Berkeley Furnished mont; modern Improvements: cheap. WANTED— A first-class yard manager for a country lumber yard; Western references re- guiol. Adrtregg P. O. box D. Mill Valley. Cal. W \.NTFD Good live wa^ron man and solicitor for dye works. 1631 Grove gt.. Oakland. PLI'MRER'S helper wanted. 1505 Market et. WANTED—Pifhwasber: $S a week. Capital restaurant. ?"0 McAllister «t. \u25a0 APPRENTICE ea?T* n ter wanted. Call Sunday evening. —SI Filbert st. BOY v.-amed abiut 15 years old; wages $5 per ueek. Apply COS Clay ft. FXBST-CLA6S saloon lunch porter at 2" Sev- <-rth t-t. : v> ap-f-g ?4". WANTED— A boy to learn Bailmaking. 46 yor.VG man. 17 to 19 jtf.. for shipping de- part men t EOY .ab^iit 17 years old for office of leading wholesale house: Intelligent, clean appear- ance residing with parents; the boy t*riect«d \u25a0will 'be given thorough commercial training pnd pushed ahead on merits; starting salary. $2u pt-r month. Address, with references, box 443. this office. FIVE MORE MEN. IS TO 35. WANTED AT ONCE TO PREPARE FOR U. S. RAILWAY MAJL CLERKS; GREAT SHORTAGE OF MEN CONTINUES: POSITIONS OPEN: HOOD SALARIES. SEE IMMEDIATELY N\ H OLIVER. 43 PHELAN BUILDING. 9 A. M. TO C P. M.: EVENINGS 7 TO 9. ATTENTION— MEN AND WOMEN WANTED Only eight weeks required to learn barber trade and secure profitable positions; the only up-to-date college with proper instruc- tions snd practice, where students become professional barbers: wages earned while learning: don't fail to Investigate method. GILLMANBARBER COLLEGE. 627 Clay st. WIRELESS telegraphers wanted— We have m- eialled the only wireless telegraph school in the U. 6.; under supervision the De Forest instructors: any one can learn in brief time: we have more calls for wireless operators than we can fill;call or write for catalogue. Morse S. cf Tel.. 26 O'Farrell. : FIREMEN and brakemen on California and ether railroads: experience unnecessary; fire- men $KO become engineers and earn $200 monthly: brakeman $75. become conductors «nd earn $150; state age; b*nd stamp; name position preferred. Railway Association. r<*)m 2<T3B. »27 Market st.. San Francisco, Ca!. WANTED First-class man with horses, must " be etror.g, for truck driver; also young man to drive city delivery wagon. Apply Henry Ccwell Lime and Cement Company, 211 Wells-Fargo building. WANTED At once, good, live canvassers to represent us throughout California: large com- missions paid: complete outfits furnished free; pood prospects for right party. Full partlcu- .iars addrrss Oregon Nursery Co.. Salem. Or. .WANTED Three tinsmiths for washbollers end general assortment work; to right men a Eteady job and good wages. Apply Fed- eral Can Co., Bay and Powell ets., bet. 10 a. m." and 1 p. m. Sunday. WANTED Laborers and mechanics to know that Ed Rolkln, Reno House proprietor, has added 100 new rooms to the Denver House, 217 Third St.: 200 rooms, 25c to 50c per night. A— MEN wanted to learn the barber trade: ppecial cfter to next five applicants. MOLER SYSTEM OF COLLEGES. ?44 Clay St. TV ANTED Everywhere, hustlers to tack signs, distribute circulars, samples, etc. ; no canva«- fi'ng; good pay. Sun. Adv. Bureau. Chicago. WANTED Experienced salesmen in men's hat department. Apply S. N. WOOD & CO., Market- Powell and Ellis. WANTED— Bushelman. Apply S. N. WOOD & CO.. 740 Market street— Market. Powell \u25a0 and Ellis. WANTED— Young men about 18 years of age experienced in bundle wrapping. Apply superintendent's office, the Emporium. WANTED First-class ellk salesman; only those thoroughly experienced need apply. Superintendent'^ office. The Emporium. WANTED Finst-clase machinists; also black- smith. The J. A. GRAY COMPANY, 209 Mission st. WANTED A young man about 20 years of age as city collector for wholesale house; etate ealary and refencee. Box 5C6, Call. WANTED A good coatmaker; 6teady work for yt-ars If satisfactory; very best of pay. OTTO HANSON. 520 J st.. Sacramento. WASTED To correspond with a first-class spotter and cleaner. CSty Dye Works, 130 Fifth aye., N. Seattle, Wash. : . r - JuKN wanted everywhere; $5 per day sure; 6*nd 25c for complete working instructlJfis. Address 317 Stockton et.. room 8. ANY Intelligent person may earn good Income corresponding for newspaper: no experience. 'Address Press Syndicate, Lockport, N. Y. HOTELS and restaurants looking for reliable help phene to Main 3251 or call at 318 James ' riood bulldlnr. . .. YOUNG men to learn the detective business; money made while learning. 604 Montgomery st.. room 204. '' •w* HEN and women to learn the barber trade; wages while learning; epecial inducements. Pan Francisco Barber College. 741 Howard st. WANTED— Men to fill 300 rooms at 20c pe^ tigtit: clothes closets, hair mattresses, elec- tric lights in every room. 681 Howard, nr. 3d. A FIRST-CLASS bafber. 1792 Halght mv FIRST-CLASS pants and vest makers wanted P.OSENBLI'M & ABRAHAM. 1111 Market st. DAUTEL wants SOO men to buy inspected Gov- ernment shoes at C3l Sacramento Bt. MAN to learn cicarmaking; good pay while learning: $10 security required. CIS Merchant. WANTED Seamen, green hands and codflsh- ermen. THOMAS MURRAY. 510 Davis st. SAILORS and young men (green hands) for ships- HAI.LBERT. 517 Jackson st. LABOR debts collected; suits, attachments. Law and Adjustment Co.. 49 2d St.. rm. 522. PENSION atty.. E. A. Bullls, rm. 40. Phelan bldg. Past Ccm. Geo. H. Thomas Post. O.A.R. MEN wanted to buy Inspected army shoes, new and second-hand. 105 Third st. ; WINCHESTER Hotel. 44 Third St.. near Mar- l ket 7uo rooms; 35c night: reading-rooms; - free -bus and baggage to and from ferry. i*-P.EE'. RUBBER HEELS at 11 THIRD ST. We will put on. free of charge, a pair of the best CCc rubber heels to every pair of men or women's $3.50 shoes sold by us; shoes «old at regular cash prices: union stamp on pvery Ymlr of Orthopedic shoes in our store. Bring this «rt to get rubber heels free. ORTHOPEDIC SHOE STORE.' 11 Third rt.*. Examiner building. SOLICITORS WA.VTED. SOLICITORS FTret-class solicitors to repre- ; eefct targe concern on liberal commission ar- rangement. The proposition Is gilt-edge, legitimate and high class. All applicants must be well dressed, have good command of language and accustomed to associate with eentleir.en. ' This " is no 'insurance •cheme, book agency nor graft of any kind, hut distinctly honorable, hierh-class employ- reent Address box *m. Call. SOLICITORS furnished with bonds and guar- «jil£* i cr all lines of work. 1379 ValUla st.

HETP^ AGJBNTjJ Hoy sEKgggSlSr-£S!bu · 2017. 12. 18. · THE SAN:FRANCISCO GALL,.SUNDAY^APRIL 15/;190«; 56 AGJBNTjJ JWANTEJ^.^Wj^ J1 LADIES wanted to canvass for the Edwards Skirt

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    AGJBNTjJ JWANTEJ^.^Wj^ J1LADIES wanted to canvass for the Edwards

    Skirt Supporter; one supporter fastens everyshirt waist to skirt for eeven Inches acrossback without pins, points or teeth to. teargarments; free terms. Edwards Skirt Sup- ;porter Co.. 61« Main st.. Buffalo. N. Y.

    AGENTS—IOc .will bring, you. postpaid, ourIllustrated catalogue of novelties and campleset of latest collar and cuff buttons; red-hotsellers Western Supply Co.. Freno. Cal.


    Two good installment agents; goodpay to good men; commission advanced everySaturday. C. F. ADAMS CO.. 318 Magon st.


    REAL estate and financial solicitors. For par-ticulars room 410, First Natl. Bank bldg.,Berkeley.

    - '\u25a0



    Ladles, gentlemen, students to dospecial pleasant work for a few hours a dayor a full day; can w"ork in San Francisco,Oakland, Alameda. Berkeley. Haywards. SanLeandro or San Rafael. Apply between 2and 4 p. m., Monday. Tuesday and Wednes-day. GREAT AMERICAN IMPORTINGTEA CO.. 52 Market et. .

    GREAT side line (or exclusive); art fans foradvertising-; our low prices sell the goods;liberal commission?: samples by return.SOUTHERN ADVERTISINGCO.. Chicago.


    FOR sale—

    Fine bay mare; good driver, gentleand perfectly reliable; suitable for .woman orman to drive; price $90. Apply HUTTON'SSTABLE, 3545 Sacramento St.; must be seentoday. s_

    FOR tale—

    A good business horse; gentle; 8years old: good driver; suitable for any pur-pose. 151 Douglass et.

    AUCTION sale ol horses, wagons and harness\u2666very Wednesday at 11 a. m. 327 Sixth at.

    ALMOST new wagon: suitable any business:email wagon, cheap; must sell. 2725 Howard

    THE remaining stock of buggies, wagons andharness for sale below cost at 426 Valencia.

    SHETLAND for children: cheap: also 17 headof all kinds from ?25 up. 176 Valencia st.

    LARGE bay horse for sale. Box 831, Call of-fice. \ \u25a0

    ___IX)R sale

    —Fine paddle horse, 6 years old;

    gentle and stylleh. Box 708. Call of!lce.

    A GENTLE saddle or buggy horse for sale.Apply 24 Sixth Et.

    WAGONS, buggies and phaetons; cheap. 823Fulton st. ;

    STABLE for four hourses and wagons. 138South Park. •


    FOR eale—3 trucks, one light beer_ wagon;suitable country; 3 express wagons. 233 Beale.


    A PRINTED list of houses to let: send for cir-cular. G. H. UMBSEN fc CO.. 20 Montgmry.

    COMPLETE list of houses and flats In ourrenting department; service free; furniturefor 4 room*. $150; $3 a week. Cordes Furni-ture Co.. on the square. 245-259 Geary gt.

    CLAY,2503. near Fillmore— House of 8> roomsand bath; rent 535. YON RHEIN^REALESTATE CO.. 513 California st.

    HOUSE. 8 rooms; lot 50x80; rent $15. 1769Alabama «t.: key grocery. Twenty-eighthand Alabama.

    ELEGANT house. 9 rooms, cor. Page and Scottsts. (No. 253 ScotO ;yard, basement: rent $15.

    OAK, 236—

    5 Bunny rooms, bath, $22.50. 551Howard st.. 10 rooms. $15; water free.

    A WEEK'S news for 5 cents— The Weekly Call,16 pagee. In wrapper, for mailing. $1 per year.

    HOUSES TO LET—^•UR^SH^D^^FURNISHED house. 8 rooms; all conveniences;

    May 1 to Sept. 30; no children. 3323 17th st.

    MODERN house, 9 sunny rooms; open from 10a. m. to 1p. m. Apply 1315 Hyde st.

    SECOND aye.. 441. near Point Lobos— Moderncottage, furnished; gas; bath; tubs.



    OAK. 1103. cor. Devisadero—

    7 rooms, bath,piano; 6unny. nicely furnished; sacrifice;make offer, or will rent furnished.

    14 LIGHT,pnnny rooms, well rented; fine view;death, going Eagt: cheap. 214 Halght st.


    TO loan— s2ooo or $3000; two or three thou-sand dollars to loan on S. F. real estate Istmortgage", 6 per cent. Address BAY CITYPHARMACY,Seventh and Howard sts.

    COTTAGE to let: mod.. 5 rms. 6 Merrltt st.,'near Elghteenth-6t. cars; key at 462 Castro.


    COTTAGE, 6 rooms and bath. 5 CongreESBt., near Buena Vista aye. /

    COTTAGE of four rooms and bath; rent $13.Arply,3so Preclta five. \u25a0

    5 RMS. base., attic, Mlseion-st. cars to Cres-cent ay.. down l«t to right. Apply17; $11.50.


    5-ROOM cottage on Cottage row. nr. Web.rter. bet. Sutter and Bush. Inquire No. 7.



    FOR rent for the summer months—

    Nicely fur-nished new 4-room cottage at Del-Mar •sta-tion, between Santa Cruz and Capitola; elec-tric cars direct. Apply MRS. MCCARTHY,318 Fremont st., San Francisco.




    Ark• 5 large rms.;fur. or unfur.CHAS. GLEAVES. Escalles. or 610 Com'l.


    FOR rent—

    At Millbrae, Cal., a 10-room house;1 block of ground, windmill, barn, chickenhouses, etc: rent $25 per month. Apply toTHE J. NOONAN FURNITURE CO.. 1017Mission st.. San Francisco.

    MILL VALLEY COTTAGES TO LET.SANS SOUCI cottace, on the Cascade drive,

    to rent; also camping ground. Apply onpremises or ICO4 Polk gt. . - i



    WANTED—To rent in Mill Valley. Blythdaleor San Aneelmo, a furnished house for July.August and September; would prefer withboard if possible; two grown persons andtwo children; house modern and pleasantlysituated. Box 424, Call office.



    Telephones; steam "heat; hot and cold waterin every room; European plan; grill;no ho-tel more modern or convenient; most elegant-ly furnished; absolutely fireproof.

    R. H. WARFIELD. Proprietor.

    HOTEL St. Nicholas. Market. Larkln. Hayesets.— Heart of S. F.:modern; American andEuropean plans; electric lights and phone inevery room; hot and cold water; quiet.


    COMPLETELY furnished, hotel of 35 rooms;running water; .electric Uzhts; baths; eleva-tor and steam heating; large grounds; finestlocation in State for sanitarium. Apply'MADISON & BURKE. 30 Montgomery st.

    '.. ----I-:^^^S3^s^TJ^.r,-nrrr,nnn l-lrrlf

    CALIFORNIA corporation with over a mil-lion assets will sell a limited amount of firstmortgage 6 per cent net gold bonds, withstock bonus for short time only. Box 400,Call.

    ' -FIVE and ffen cent stores -on syndicate p:anpay enormous dividends; investigate the busl-

    i.et% and opportunity. Call or address 5 and10 cent Syndicate.- 1095 Market St., SanFrancisco.

    * ...IHAVE 20.000 shares of gold mining com-

    pany, 5c per share; would exchange for rub-ber or oil stocks or unimproved lots. Box45». Call. "-'"..-

    $lOOO to promote valuable invention: profits big,assured; Investigate; no agents. Box 436.Ca11.

    INVALID"CHAIRS.SOLD, rented., exchanged: manufacturer of the

    Eames tricycle chair. 2CIB Mkt.: tel.Park 775.

    JAPANESE LAUNDRIES.LADIES, work and lace curtains a specialty.

    43S Hayes St.; tel. Page, 33o. '...•\u25a0

    LOST AND FOUND. \u25a0


    Some time Saturday, a iady;« watch;blue, enameled, with 3 fleur-de-lis

    -in- -tinydiamonds on back; valued as keepsake. Uponreturn of same to box-office Grand ;Opera-house finder, will;receive $25 reward.'- \u25a0\u25a0•.- \u25a0:


    April 14, a Jade pin*surrounded by dia-monds. Return' to office Hotel St. Francis-and receive liberal reward. .;


    Special agent for \u25a0 a surety com-pany; must have had experience. in.the busi-ness and furnish good: references; a salariedposition. Address Box -439. .Call. ;\ii:> :.


    Parrot from 810 Pacific st., with largeyellow spot on -beck \u25a0 of» head ; return' andracalv* reward. DANIEL GIOVANNINL;:

    - PHYSICIANS AND^SURGEONS.REMOVED—DR.IWONO HIM,"•herb doctor.. treats all diseases of 1 the:human 'body :' tor• past four years at 667 Geary st., now locatedV s-t 414 Hyde st..: bet. OTarreil and Ellis.TONG "PO CHY. successor to Dr. LIPo Tal.

    the famous herb doctor;' all diseases cured byChinese herbs. • 727 -Washington st. •

    WONG WOO,":the famous herb doctor; all dls-\u25a0 eases cured, by Chinese herbs. 746-8 Clay st.



    If you buy your films of me or have Be do... your photo printing.Icarry a full line -of Yji


    My prices for films In rolls of six exposuresare as follows: 2Kx2Vi. 15°: 2Vix3H. 20c;2Hx4%, 25c: 3Hx3^. 30c; 3%x4%. 35c; Utt.5x4 and 3%x5% 45c: 6x7. SOc.

    For rolls of twelve exposures: 2"4x3%. 40o;2Hx*U. 60c; 3ttx3ft. 60c; 3Vix4%. 70c; Sftx6V. (10 exposures), 70c; 5x7. $I60.

    THAT MAN PITTS.1003 Market -»t.. San Francisco.


    Igive a discount of 10 per cent on orders ofmore than 6 prints each from 6 negatives.Here are some of my prices: 2&x3U. 4o each;2%x4%. BHx3^ and 3)4x4)4. 6c; 4x3 and 3%x6%. 6c; 6x7. 10c v j >;\u25a0

    THAT MAN PITTS. \u25a0 .. tnpg Market it.. Ban Francisco.CYKO PHOTO

    PRINTING PAPER.A developing paper and prints by artificial

    light. Sample dosen of any size up toand Including 4x3 ISOA full assortment of Kodak Mounts and


    PHOTO PLATE3. \tHxiUt «0c box; 4x9. Ssc; 6x7, $1.


    THAT MAN PITTS,"- 1008 Market st.. San Francisco. \u25a0.-\u25a0'.

    BELVEDERE. 189, near G. O. Park— 3 frontrooms and bath;' partly turn.: reasonable.

    BROADWAY,j934— S sunny furnished rooms:piano; bath; marine view. -\u25a0 .

    BRYANT. 421—

    Two or three \u25a0 sunny rooms,.nicely furnlshed

    *for housekeeping, with gas.

    BRYANT. .421—Two or three sunny rooms,ntcely furnished for housekeeping, with gas.

    BUCHANAN,. 1205— Corner flat; beautiful.. sunny. '. furnished housekeeping ,rooms to let.BUSH, 931

    —Nicely furnished rooms; sunny;

    •convenient; running water; bath; privatehouse; location select.

    BUSH, 1028—

    Housekeeping rooms; all modernconveniences ; gas range. '

    - .BUSH. 702—Neat up-to-date housekeeping

    rooms in choice local'ty; moderate rent.BUCHANAN. 120&—Corner fiat; beautiful

    sunny J furnished housekeeping rooms to let.CALIFORNIA. 3012— Completely furnished

    nice eunny rooms, single or en suite; termsreasonable.


    CALIFORNIA. 1423%— Housekeeping rooms to• let; furnished. -,• .CALIFORNIA. 1510. near Polk—Beautiful sun-ny furnished rooms to let.DEVISADERO, 1830

    —Housekeeping rooms in-

    fine locality; cars pass the door.EDDY, 333—Nicely'furnlsned front rooms: also

    others; very convenient; hot and cold water;reasonable.

    EDDY, 443—

    2 sunny furnished housekeepingrooms; gas range; yard (rear). v

    EDDY, 769r-Newly furnished, sunny rooms:etngle or suites ;bath; phone; also housekeep-ing rooms; rent very reasonable.

    EDDY. 1616—

    Nice eunny housekeeping rooms.to let. >;;.;

    ELLIS, 700— Housekeeping rooms to let;charges reasonable.*

    ' ...ELLIS. 434A


    -furnished rooms |for

    housekeeping; gas or coal stove; sinks; run-ning water. \u25a0--. \u25a0 " \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0•.. • . .

    EIGHTH. 36. near Market—

    Sunny room; gas,bath tubs. . yard; gas to cook; all $9 month.

    EDDY.- 632—

    Neatly furnished rooms, with or• without.housekeeping privileges; gas, bath,phone.

    FOURTEENTH..154^ —1or 2 rooms withkltcbVen attached; also 2 parlors with,kitchen at-tached, to let; .reasonable. .-

    FULTON, 310^—

    Furnished or partly furnished"for housekeeping; no children; very sunny.

    FULTON, 227—

    Nice housekeeping rooms ". to. let: rea F.jP. '= MEDINA;-532 Market st."

    PATENTS Iguaranteed ;Ihandsome 4guide book\u0084.I,E.E.VROOMAN.box 40.Wa9hlngtog.D.C-SCIPLE


    '1011 :James Flood bldg.,

    :-obtaln.;:buy and' sell: patents."." '• '\u25a0/. -'\u0084.

    '",:'// \':% PILESH AND FISTULA^': vFREE IIllustrated' book' on \above ?diseases sent-onn request;.^, permanent "cures > without i:the :

    knife:*book > contains :valuable %information. 1; DR.*FRANK.R.:WESTON. 'iSpecialist, ;suite

    \u25a0Vr6oOA,"iDonohoe, bldg.. 8 Taylor st.,' B. F..-.*• rl


    J.'^,v-.;'.;\;riilNTINGY;[",.".'\u25a0 '\u25a0:'~V?£*.B. C. HUGHES ,COMPANY;,printers, .engrav- \u25a0X ers and '.binders/ 511'Sansome »t^ 8L F. -.

    V"'v Pipe:DEPARTMENT, . ,. ; .; H. :S." WHITE MACHINERY,CO., ,:MAIN*OFFICE. -130 BEALE:ST. .:Screw pipe. slightly used; large ;stock ready •

    for -immediate .shipment:-.- . >-;.--"'\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0=.\u25a0: :\u25a06s.. of . employment we \u25a0 extend yourloans; so you ;take no chance of losing yourgoods; your business is strictly confidential, aswe make no inquiries of your, neighbors; .goodsremain In your possession and you have the

    [loan as lone as you desire; If you have anyIoutstanding bills or. owe any loan company wewill-pay them for you.and give you moremoney; itis easier. to pay one than a, number;to ladies of prominence we make loans .without'any security whatever; we can refer; you toiany bank or newspaper in the city; don't fallto call and see us and we will cheerfully ex-plain to you our up-to-date method of doingbusiness; you meet no one at our separate anaprivate offices. ILLINOISTRUST COMPANY.room 16, Phelan building;phone Main 7(U.

    AN EASY WAY . VTo «ret ready cash without red tape; come to

    us- we loan money on such security aa house-hold goods, pianos, horses, vehicles, salary,. etc.. at a very reasonable cost; we've beena big he In to many, and may b e to you;easy Installments; liberal discount: come In,phone in, or postal sent brings our man toyou with full free information. '


    Tel. South 022. 202-203 Callaghan Bldg.OAKLAND OFFICE.

    Room 3, Macdonouch Bldg."Tel. Oak 6080.

    WILL LOANReasonable Amount on ''.

    t Mortgages on real estate-

    ! ,Incity, town or country. . i

    Low rate of -interest. /, .", ,VJ_. Give full particular* ;\u25a0

    - Location, etc.Box 223. Call office.

    MONEY loaned salaried people and-

    others'upon 'their own

    -names without aecurlty;

    cheapest rates, easiest payments; offices in63 principal cities; save yourself money bygetting our terms first. TOLMAN. room 053.Parrott building.

    ' *\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 . \u25a0 ;-, -


    Money loaned salaried people without 'securi-ty or Indoraetnent, knowledge of employer orany one; confidential and courteous treatment..Call and get terms. .Drake, 453 Parrott bldg.

    HIGHLY respectable private place ':.to '".obtainliberal advances on diamonds, :\u25a0' Jewelry, at 1per cent interest/Baldwin's Jewelry .. Store,978 Market St.; tel. Main 1644. Branch 1192Market st. and 27 Third st. : :' --. '

    A—ON furnlture or pianos at lowest Irates ;noremoval, no publicity;also on real estate; Ist

    'or \u25a02d-mortgagee .:or on any \u25a0 security; \u25a0 any

    amount. O. W. BECKER. 36 Geary, room 30.ANY amount .quickly on furniture "or t piano:,without removal 'or ;.other ;security; :lowest

    rates; no commissions;' confidential. •- 506-7Donohoe .bldg.,;8;Taylor St.", • corner \u25a0Market.


    \u25a0'-'•:. ...FINANCIAL PR08LEM5...... :....HERMAN MURPHY. 601-3 EXAMINER BD.

    ON real estate, first and second mortgages; anyamount; money advanced to prevent foreclos-ure; furniture;pianos ;estates ;| any;security, iW. J. WHITE CO./ 26 Montgomery St.;,-rm. 8!I1PER cent on furniture or piano; no.removal;''no commission;'' no publicity: $25; up;;quick,quiet, confidential. 26 Montgomery st.. rm. 21

    BALARIED people.' without security;'also '• on

    furn.. estates In probate,' life ins. policies,- eto.Empire Loan &Invest. -C0..' ©12 Parrott bldg.

    LOANS to salaried people' without- Indorser;prompt attention and liberal • terms. ;-.The,City Loan C0. ,. 211- Crossleys bldg. .; ; - :MONEY to loan at a low rate "of,interest; gold,: silver.

    'diamonds, pearls 1 and» precious stonesbought at W. J. HESTHAL'S.^IO Sixth st. t

    LOAN on low interest :Ibuild '\u25a0 cottages !for lowDrices; economic ;'builder.'.;408 Parrott bldg/

    ACCOMMODATIONloans to salaried people; nosecurity. PIONEER CO.. 819 Market, suite 31

    3% ON furniture & pianos; $15.up;Pno'remayal:' :

    -no com. V. TREMAIN..room 107. 6 Eddy, at.-

    DON'T borrow money onIsalary until>youIsee' ug-IHutton Credit Co.. 912 Mutual tßank bldgCASH loaned salaried people. on '\u25a0 notes, without

    indorser. y Federal 1Loan Co..\ 609 ;Exam, bldg.ALLloans on diamonds & jewelryat 2 per cent

    mo. S. F. Collateral Loan Bank. 838 Kearny.

    VMM -:; 3IIWES W.'.TAQUITH«&VCO.. .-


    ASSAYINGS SOc;V*c'ash for ? gold.;rrich^oreT^ "etc.,t Pioneer Assaying Co.'.", 157> New Montg^my \u25a0 at.!

    ___-_[* __-.'•'-'\u25a0 ''\u25a0 museums.:;.f'';'':-•.•-.\u25a0-".\u25a0

    DR. , LIEBIG-STAFF; Free--.;Museum ofAnatomy moved to 1023 Market at-, near Bth.*;

    nooars [fob Hoy_sEKgggSlSr-£S!buMONTGOMERY. 109—Sunny front suite of

    housekeeping rooms, to let.'

    MARKET. 2C9»— Two large front sunnyrooms;

    furnished complete for housekeeping. r-»OAK. 117. or 14 Page— Complete for hfrose-keeplng; $5 to $12; hot bath; laundry; adults.OAK. 523

    —Three connecting rooms to rentl

    suitable for light housekeeping.• ;

    O'FARRELL. 916^—

    Nicely furnished frontroom, with alcove, sun all day; also a larg»back room Joining: housekeeping It necea-sary; private family. \u25a0 .

    O'FARRELL. 725-(Alcalde)

    —Nice new sunny

    apartments; furnished wltlimodern improva.ments; rent reduced.

    ~\u25a0" \u25a0_

    O'FARRELL, 367—

    Neatly furnished hotwekeep-"

    ing rooms; bath, gas, glosets. etc.

    O'FARRELL. 1254—

    Elegant rooms for house-keeping; in very desirable locality.

    O'FARRELZs 834^—

    Sunny housekeeping roomsfor couple; reasonable.

    OAK, 870— Two neatly desirable room* InCatJhousekeeping Ifdesired. •

    OCTAVIA* 411—Sunny well furntahed ho«s«-keeping rooms to let. t

    OCTAVIA. 1232—

    Nicely furnished rooms tothousekeeping; en suite or single.

    POTRERO aye.. »6»— Three «unny f_mUhe >> to ( lat.T* ?\u25a0• *

    I,QST.AXP \u25a0FOUND-—Oowftnne^LOST—Lady's gold watch, initialsiF."; S.:.G..

    and \u25a0 Jananese fob. ,Return . to 2297 LagunaH et.; liberal reward; ' «\u25a0\u25a0'.. '. .'-"\u25a0' '\u25a0\u25a0 'LOST—Mink boa. April 12. =." Greek Theater.

    Reward at 838 Jones st. ;- '

    .' . -"FOUND—Black water spaniel; white breast.

    Apply 1170 Mission st. \u25a0 .: _ Y;^.^ .̂ _

    A SNAP—

    18-foot launch, -with hood;!launched

    one year; Just painted: in perfect- condition;$350.. CAU LAUNCH WORKS, Alameda.

    LAUNCHES—New and slightly used ;somegood snaps. Cal. Launch :Works. Alameda.


    FRENCH gentleman,' about 45: r high financialstanding-, desires ;acquaintance with verypretty und well educated young lady; statereferences, age and particulars; no P. O. ad-crf-as noticed; object, mat. :Box 548. Call.

    !KIND-HEARTED gentleman, • age 38, ;has agood business In city near San Franciscoand some cash, wants to correspond with 1lady who would make him a good wife; ob-Ject. matrimony. Box 707. Call office.

    IA,GENTLEMAN (worklngman).aged 37. re-spectable and Intelligent, desires to corre«-pond with a lady of similar standing witha .view to matrimony; no trifling. Address"8.." Corning, Cal. " '•'\u25a0•\u25a0-\u25a0.

    GENTLEMAN has $5000 cash to buy a home,would like to correspond with a lady whowould be satisfied with a moderate way

    • ofdresalnj? and living;-object, matrimony.. Boxh&5. Cell ttflce. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0----,".-- \u25a0' \u25a0


    YOUNG business man wishes to meet younglady or widow: blonde preferred; mcd. stout;one that could make home pleasant; object,matrimony; under SO. Box 542. Call.

    GENTLEMAN, 80 years old, has a nice homeacross the bay. wishes to correspond with alady about saror ace; object; matrimon/.Ecx IIP7. Call office.

    BACHELOR girl, 28, cultured, fine fPP**,"^*'will wed phyeician widower; established prac-tice: honorable;- good home. Box 437, Call.

    GENTLEMAN would like to correspond withyoung lady matrimonially inclined; give de-ecrlptlon. Box 160. Call office. \u25a0 \u25a0


    MRS. BROOKS, confidential and reliable mar-rlage bureau. 17258 Market, nr. Valencia.


    nR~~a W CDONNELL—LadIes/ air who aresick 'or in trouble. 'consult this specialist onfemale complaints: positively corrected; theunfortunate helped; the most difficult case*treated' every case taken; immediate relief;no poisoning .drugs; low fees; my methodswill cure alt*-cases of irregularity;' consult

    ,me- save tlmtwind money; advice free. 1007Market st.; hours, 0 a. m. to 4. 5.30 to 8:30.

    MRS DR. WYETH. specialist for all femalecomplaints and irregularities; instant relletguaranteed: 30 years' experience. 044 Post st.

    MRS. DR. KOHL, reliable ladies* specialist;Instant relief guaranteed. Removed to »44Post at., between Hyde and Larkln.

    VALPEAU'S female pills: best regulating pillssold- price $2.50 by express. Pasteur's syr-

    wholesale druggists. Seventh and Broadway,Oakland.

    ' -\u25a0

    DR SYLVESTER'S office, 1206 Market sL,Leading SpecialWt for Women.Irregularities cured In24 hours or no charge;advice free; strictly private; hours 9 to 9.

    DRS. GOODWIN'S herb treatment, well-known, reliable, safe, sure cure for femaletroubles; instant relief guaranteed: $10. 850Market St.. opposite Fourth, suite 38.


    —Office and residence

    162114 Market st.;.phone South 622; particu-lar attention paid to diseases of women.

    A—MRS. DR. GWYER. 611ALeayenworth St..b«t. Geary and O'Farrell. Phone. East 69 1.

    DR. and MRS. DAVIES and Hindoo Herbe:,original method of treatment. 1128 Market.

    DR ROSEN, residence 2995 Folsom st.. cornerTwenty-slxtV. ladies, relief or no fee: $10.


    POCKET KNIVES.Any man enjoys a good pocket knife. See

    mt extensive line in all the best makes. Myline is top-notch and embraces all the bestbrands of the world.Am offering a specially good pocket knife,

    with three excellent blades, fortifiedends, stag handle, suitable for lady or.gentleman at \u25a0 ...#1 W

    Another fine' value, with three razor steelblades and pearl handle; fashionableshape and size. Special at .- *l00

    THAT MAN PITTS.1008 Market st.. San FrancUco.

    STATIONERY. , ,My lines of society stationery are exclusivein design and colorings.Fine Writing Paper in beautiful carton

    boxes, in all latest tints and textures. _ <per box 60

    °, = '.

    A epecial line of fine correspondence paperin pretty, decorated boxes, per box Z3C


    -And Supplies

    In very large lines and very choice assortment,including letter files, bill files, pads, legalblanks typewriter paper, carbon paper, mem-orandum books and blank books of all kinds;all at small profit pricea

    THAT MAN PITTS,1008 Market st-. San Francisco.

    » SHAVING MUGS.Very select line, many styles ,25c upFine line of Lather Brushes at V"Good Razor Hones from .25c up

    COMBS AND BRUSHES.For Men and Women. -

    Also Pocket Combs, Hand Mirrors. PocketMirrors, Tooth and Nail Brushes at littleprices. ''> \u25a0


    1008 Market et.. San Francisco.'

    FOUNTAIN PENS.Conklln's Self-Filling Pens. fr0m...... 53 00 upVaterman's Ideal Fountain Pens, from.s2 50 up/k/k specially good Fountain Pen for $100

    THAT MAN PITTS,V1008 Market gt.. San Francisco.

    SCISSORS.A full and excellent line, including all kinds

    tnd shapes of Shears, Buttonhole Scissors, atUSe up; Guaranteed Manicure Scissors, at SOoup; Embroidery Scissors, at 25c up. \u25a0

    THAT MAN PITTS.1008 Market st..,San Francisco. . t. r)

    BOILERS, engines. 2d-hand machinery. McIN-TOSH &WOLPMAN. 195-197 Fremont st.


    BET. WASHINGTON AND BROADWAY,l'v.\: Oakland, cal.FOR sale

    —New and second-hand billiardiand

    pool tables; easy payments; we rent tableswith privilege of buying; modern .bar- fix-tures; cheap price*. BRUNSWICK-BALKE-COLLENDER. 652 Mission st., S. F. . :

    PARTY having bought fine, standard-make up-right piano on Installments and hiving samehalf paid for, is unable to keep up payments,and will sell equity for,nominal sum to anyone .wishing to continue .to make payments.

    i Box 500. Call. ---..\u25a0 ,> \u25a0-\u25a0,?-.\u25a0\u25a0'


    Don't \u25a0 buy until •you call ;and look at ourline; prices lowest in the city; cash or easymonthly payments. American ,- Second-HandCash Register. Company, 27 Fifthst. \u25a0:\u25a0\u25a0.' ('*\u25a0?\u25a0<

    DOGS for salo at the College Kennels; fox ter-r iers and cockers $2.50 up; also others,' such

    as Japanese pugs, Maltese poodles and a fewothers left; must sell at once on account ofremoval. Call at 115 Halght st. V.:--.:

    BLUE Ribbon, Black Mlnorcas, Rose and Sin-gle combs, Campbell strain; Northrup strainwon first at late San Francisco. show; eggsfor sale.- MRS. J. H. JONES," Glen

    'Ellen,Cal. : , . '\u25a0 " --.• • . --,:.-•\u25a0'. • •-'\u25a0•,-..

    AAAA—THOROUGHBRED fowls and eggs,all varieties; stock: always: for sale; send 2cfor

    'large catalogue. OAKLAND POULTRY

    YARDS, dept. 2, box 2602, S. F.; est." 30 yrs.HART-PARR gasoline traction* engines; -oil

    cooled plowing and. threehing: engines; "water,or oil cooled 'stationary engines. J. E.SLOAN, Palo Alto. Cal. . ;ySH'c;,

    SECOND-HAND lumber, doors, sashes, all kinds;of eecond-hand -building material for sale.' FORTIN & COLE, Hawthorne and Webster-:ets;, Oakland. :\u25a0 .. ;v J \u25a0'".". '"\ :"•i' •\u25a0'\u25a0} -\u25a0VC \u25a0-\u25a0&- •\u25a0•\u25a0 . :,;-.-.-':\u25a0ANOTHER rebuilt No.'lSmith' Premier Type-

    writer, $35;• a bargain.'. L.-& M." ALEXAN-

    DER," 110.Montgomery ;.St.,.'agents "L. C. ,.Smith &. Bros.', visible:typewriter. - r • .-;AAA—CHICKS,. every;day.' 10c;*25:varieties

    thoroughbred chicken eggs. ,Ingleslde PoultryV Yards. 807 Mt. Vernon aye.; Ocean View car.A—BUYS, sells and rents; gear machinery, en-,

    \u25a0 glnes, -boilers, water pipes, shafting,- pulleys,etc. WHITELAW, 336 Mains st.V;:

    LINEMEN, -LOOK1—1:belt s with,safety; otrap,1pair Kelln's climbers,, 2 pair,connectors, $7.'Call at 52t Golden Gate aye.. Sunday. 10-12.

    -1000 2-YEAR-OLD Burbank's Santa' Roaa«oft-

    shell«d walnut trees.y Address S.]A.:MEEK-'•';• ER. Sebastopol," Cal. ".\u25a0'\u25a0'\u25a0'\u25a0" Y,:.;s"i' Tjv;' ' '.'.EDISON..;-Victor, 3 Columbia' talking'machines ,*and records, at f LEVY'S. 415 Kearny^st.; :

    machines exchanged. ;

    HETP^ Continued, jLOOK HERE.

    12 laborers, rreat mine CO., $CO.10 laborers.- wrteking buildings, city,$2 day.ti laborer*, pulldown buildings, $2.25 day.

    LOOK.Gardener and choreman, Mendocino Co., $30

    \u25a0 found. •« camp waiters, r. r.. free fare, $30 fd.VJ-.j-s cook, lore 3^"