Hey, you awesome dancer! You’re on our short list. Yours truly, BFan CONGRATS! You’re getting this because we think you could be perfect for us. BUT Like most of our BFan dancers, your hometown is kind of (or really!) far away. SO Before you spend a lot of money to come out to visit us, this questionnaire will help us know a little more about you, and help you to know a little more about us. This process is part science and part gut feelings. Our goal is to look for people who have a complementary vision, work ethic, and personality. PS Please just be YOU—honesty is what we’re looking for, and there are no “right” answers! Don’t overthink it. Imagine this is an informal conversation over fro-yo or like that Vogue 73 questions thing —just tell us what comes to mind first. This questionnaire also helps us match potential roommates with each other— so seriously, just be you. AND Thanks for taking the time to do this, because we are very (very!) interested in you.

Hey, you awesome dancer! You’re on our short list. Yours truly, BFan · 2019. 2. 27. · Hey, you awesome dancer! You’re on our short list. Yours truly, BFan CONGRATS! You’re

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  • Hey, you awesome dancer!

    You’re on our short list.

    Yours truly, BFan

    CONGRATS! You’re getting this because we think you could be perfect for us.


    Like most of our BFan dancers, your hometown is kind of (or really!) far away.

    SO Before you spend a lot of money to come out to visit us, this questionnaire will help us know a little

    more about you, and help you to know a little more about us. This process is part science and part gut feelings. Our goal is to look for people who have a

    complementary vision, work ethic, and personality.


    Please just be YOU—honesty is what we’re looking for, and there are no “right” answers! Don’t overthink it. Imagine this is an informal conversation over fro-yo

    or like that Vogue 73 questions thing—just tell us what comes to mind first. This questionnaire also helps us match potential roommates with each other— so seriously, just be you.

    AND Thanks for taking the time to do this, because we are very (very!) interested in you.




    GO. SECTION ONE: DANCER YOU short answers are sweet, but take as much space as you need

    1. EITHER/OR (CIRCLE 1): Pirouette Jumps Adagio

    2. EITHER/OR (CIRCLE 1): Barre Center When class is over

    3. EITHER/OR (CIRCLE 1): Plie Stretch Releve

    4. EITHER/OR (CIRCLE 1): Class Performance Rehearsal

    5. FRAPPE (CIRCLE 1): Flexed Pointed a Starbucks drink

    6. POINTE IN CENTER (CIRCLE 1) Yes No Director’s choice N/A (I’m a dude)

    7. What sizes of companies HAVE you danced with (# of dancers): _________________________________ Pros/cons: ______________________________________________________________________________________________

    8. How do you feel about dancing with a small company? What are the pros/cons? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

    9. How comfortable do you feel with acting and getting pushed, theatrically? (NOTE: yes, we do realize this sounds like a joke) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    10. What company class means to you: (rate on a scale of 1-5 in importance to you—1 is least important; 5 is most important) _____ different every day _____ fast-paced _____ whatever I need _____ whatever the director thinks I need _____ with people I like _____ about perfecting details/artistic/technical growth _____ a chance to warm up more than a chance to work on stuff _____ a chance to work on stuff more than a chance to warm up

    BFan Company Dancer Finalists Questionnaire | 1 

  • _____ eclectic _____ Vaganova _____ Oh lord, anything but Vaganova _____ artistic more than straightforward (no boring for me) _____ straightforward more than artistic (let’s just get it done) _____ formal _____ informal _____ Other: ________________________________________________

    11. Your learning style (please rate 1, 2, 3—1 is your primary learning style):

    _____ visual _____ tactile/kinesthetic _____ oral/audial

    12. Your philosophy: cleaning choreography for absolute technical perfection/spacing/timing: _____ love it and so should everyone else _____ is super rewarding and not that bad_____ sucks, but has to be done; I can handle it _____ is just part of the process; no opinion _____ drives me nuts, I struggle with it _____ Other: _______________________________________

    13. What’s the most important thing to you about company class?


    14. What’s your greatest personality STRENGTH about taking class? _________________________________

    15. What’s your greatest personality WEAKNESS about taking class? ________________________________

    16. In the rehearsal space: (please check all that apply) ____ I am used to having a pretty strong choreographic voice ____ I’m used to doing what I’m asked to do and it doesn’t hurt my ego ____ I have opinions about everything ____ Having opinions about everything stresses me out, I don’t feel the need _____ Other: _________________________________________________

    17. The dressing room should be a:

    (please check all that apply) ____ Party ____ Sanctuary ____ Sauna ____ Organized haven ____ Beautiful chaos ____ Therapy area ____ Other: _________________________________________________

    18. What do you do on your weeks off?


    19. Describe your WORST dance day (real or imagined): ________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    20. Describe your BEST dance day (real or imagined): _______________________________________________________________________________________

    BFan Company Dancer Finalists Questionnaire | 2 

  • ____________________

    21. What makes you happy in your work environment? _________________________________________________

    22. What stresses you out in a work environment? ______________________________________________________

    23. What do you do to inspire yourself when you’re feelin’ down?


    24. What do you tend to do when things get stressful or you feel overwhelmed? (please check all that apply) _____ instant blow-up _____ calm at the time and then freak out later _____ bottle up for weeks, then snap _____ have a snack _____ look at pictures of cute animals _____ listen to music _____ take a walk _____ Other:


    25. What do you do when someone you work with is stressed out or overwhelmed? (please check all that apply) _____ I give them a hug _____ I leave them alone _____ I talk through all possible dirt with them _____ I give them a gift _____ I give them my advice, which IS a gift _____ I act as cheerful as possible and hope it rubs off _____ I tell them to suck it up, buttercup ‘cuz life is hard and tomorrow will be better _____ Other: _________________________________________________

    26. What other jobs have you done/do you do to make your dream of dancing work?


    27. How long is your typical day?


    28. How long is your typical theater day? ________________________________________________________________

    29. What inspires you to perform?


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  • Our home/work space: Ballet Fantastique City Center for Dance exterior + “big” studio

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    1. Nickname/name by which you prefer to be addressed: ___________________________________________

    2. Hometown: _____________________________ City where your family lives: _____________________________

    3. How your friends describe you (three words): ______________________________ ______________________________


    4. How you WISH your friends described you (three words):

    ______________________________ ____________________________________________________________

    5. Where you’ll be in ten years: __________________________________________________________________________

    6. If your life were a song, the title would be: __________________________________________________________

    7. Last hobby you picked up: Next skill you’ll master: Geekiest thing about you:

    ______________________________ ____________________________________________________________

    8. YOUR greatest superhero: YOUR monster: YOUR kryptonite:

    ______________________________ ____________________________________________________________

    9. Biggest pet peeve: Biggest indulgence: ______________________________ ______________________________

    10. If you weren’t a dancer, you’d be a…


    11. Life motto or mantra: __________________________________________________________________________________

    BFan Company Dancer Finalists Questionnaire | 5 

  • Our theater: the Hult Center for the Performing Arts (Arts & Theater District)


    1. What classes you HAVE taught: _______________________________________________________________________

    2. What classes you COULD teach:


    3. What classes you WANT to teach (please circle any/all): Creative Movement (ages 3-5) Pre-Ballet (ages 5-7) Ballet Brilliante (Intro to Dance; ages 6-8) Kids’ Conditioning (Gym/Jazz/Jumps) Beg. Ballet; Vaganova IA (ages 8-11) Beg. Ballet; Vaganova IB (ages 9-12) Beg.-Int. Ballet; Vaganova IIA & IIB (ages 12 & up)Int. Ballet; Vaganova IIIA & IIIB Adv. Ballet; Vaganova IVA & IVB Adv. Ballet; Vaganova V & VI Int./Adv. Conditioning Classical Ballet Variations Int. Adv. Contemporary Ballet Int./Adv. Pas de Deux In-School Outreach Programs OTHER: _________________________________________

    4. Have you ever taught to a syllabus before? Y N If yes, which one(s)?


    5. What’s your greatest STRENGTH as a teacher? _____________________________________________________

    6. What’s your greatest WEAKNESS as a teacher? _____________________________________________________

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  • 7. How you feel about teacher training/feedback on how to grow as a teacher: (please check all that apply) ______ I love it and need it and want it and crave it _____ It’s my job to take it ______ I smile, nod, then do my own thing _____ Indifferent ______ It’s the start of a meaningful conversation with my boss and a chance to nerd out on technique

    and pedagogical philosophy ______ It kind of offends me; I am already a professional teacher and I should be trusted to do what I think is best

    8. What you are looking for in your BFan experience (three words):

    ______________________________ ____________________________________________________________

    9. How you feel about coming here (please circle top three):

    Excited Terrified Curious Open Apprehensive Wary Ecstatic OTHER: _________________________________

    10. See BFan as (please circle one):

    Company to settle down with Company to grow with Company to launch from The Inevitable Days of Murphy’s Law (alternately titled: ALL THINGS THAT MAY HAPPEN)

    11. If the makeup artist is running late—what do you do? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    12. If a leading dancer quits four hours before opening night and there is no understudy—what

    do you do? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    13. If the one-man sets/props master/ load-out crew ends up in the ER, and it’s time to pack up

    sets to leave the theater—what do you do? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________


    Tell us something funny (story, joke, or both)!

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  • What’s your Myers-Briggs personality type?

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  • City/living sitch {more about where we are} BLOG POST TO CHECK OUT: 31 Things to Consider Before Moving to Eugene, OR About us: Eugene is a hippie/artsy/nature/college/sports/music town boasting:

    ● ART: A symphony orchestra, three chamber orchestras, an opera and concert choir, two professional ballet companies (BFan + the more traditional classical long-established Eugene Ballet Company), multiple theater companies, theaters, and an outdoor amphitheater/concert happ. Eugene is famous for its arts offerings + appetite.

    ● FOOD: Internationally-known wines (the Southern Willamette valley = a climate similar to France), sustainable agricultural practices, farmers’ markets, organic grocers, fantastic food carts, a huge farm-to-table movement, and a wealth of organic restaurants.

    ● SPORTS: We’re home of the national championship-bound college football team the UO Ducks, birthplace of Nike and multi-year host of the US Olympic track and field trials—among lots of other stuff. We have almost as many roads with bike paths as we have roads. Beware the bikers (and beware the drivers if you bike)!

    ● NATURE: Pretty much within a fifteen minute drive, you can find a hike up a (real) mountain, a waterfall, or a tree so big you could never hug it. It’s green for days—which also means we get rain for days. The summer and fall are the most gorgeous you’ll ever encounter, with hot days, cool nights, and almost zero humidity. We don’t have many mosquitoes, but we also are low on thunderstorms, snow, and fireflies (fair warning to some of our East Coast peeps—you’ll miss them).

    ● AFFORDABILITY: Studio/single bedroom apartments in Eugene go for $450/month and up (including utilities). We like to help match dancers with roommates and we help our new dancers get set up (e.g., connecting you to people who are parting with toasters/dishes/couches).

    Eugene skyline/mountain line Downtown (5th Street Market District)

    University of Oregon/Autzen Stadium Oregon Coast (Ecola Point) Proxy Falls

    BFan Company Dancer Finalists Questionnaire | 9 



    1. Please check all that apply:

    ____ Big city person ____ Nature person ____ Small town person ____ Medium city person ____ The best of both worlds ____ Quiet space/non-campus is important ____ Having my own space, being comfortable in my surroundings is important ____ I can live anywhere for a short period of time ____ Cooking/kitchen space is important ____ Dietary options (vegetarian/vegan/gluten free, etc.) are important ____ Walkability is important ____ Campus atmosphere could be fun

    ____ Other stuff that’s important to me:


    Living sitch:

    2. Sleeping habits ____ Get up early ____ Stay up late ____ A little of both ____ Other: ________________________________

    3. Organization habits

    ____ I’m neat ____ Don’t mind clutter/can’t stand dirt ____ Only clean in emergencies ____ Can’t see the floor and I don’t care ____ Other: _________________________________________

    4. My ideal roommate is (traits like “quiet,” “neat,” “fun,” “party animal,” etc):


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  • 5. Smoker? Y N

    6. Pets? Y N If yes, please tell us more :)


    7. If I had my way, I’d live (please check all that apply): ____ Alone ____ With a friend ____ Any roommate to keep rent affordable ____ Other:


    8. Transportation (please check all that apply): _____ I plan to travel by bike/foot _____ I plan to travel by public transportation _____ I’ll have a car

    9. Pet peeves/worst roommate I can ever imagine would be:


    12. Are you in love?

    ________________________________________________________________________________________ IF YES & YOU FEEL COMFORTABLE TELLING US, where does your person live and what do they do? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Why we ask: 1) In case you are looking for a place for you + your partner + another roommate; and 2) in case you need support for a long distance relationship/time off for visiting your person (a lot of us have been there)

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